Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 1266 Records) |
Query Trace: West C[original query] |
Rural-urban disparities in state-level diabetes prevalence among US adults, 2021
Khavjou O , Tayebali Z , Cho P , Myers K , Zhang P . Prev Chronic Dis 2025 22 E05 ![]() INTRODUCTION: We assessed state-level disparities in diabetes prevalence among adults in rural and urban areas in the United States. METHODS: We estimated state-specific diabetes prevalence in rural and urban areas in 41 states with applicable data from the 2021 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Rural areas were defined based on the 2013 National Center for Health Statistics Urban-Rural Classification Scheme. We estimated diabetes odds ratios (ORs) in rural versus urban areas in each state by using logistic regressions adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics and obesity status. Analyses were conducted in 2023. RESULTS: In rural areas, diabetes prevalence was 14.3%, ranging from 8.4% in Colorado to 21.3% in North Carolina. In urban areas, the prevalence was 11.2%, ranging from 6.9% in Colorado to 15.5% in West Virginia. Unadjusted diabetes ORs in rural versus urban areas were significant (P < .05) and greater than 1 for 19 states. After adjusting for age, sex, race, and ethnicity, the ORs were significant and greater than 1 for 7 states (Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Oregon, and Virginia). With additional adjustment for education, income, and obesity status, diabetes ORs in rural versus urban areas remained significant and greater than 1 for 2 states (North Carolina and Oregon). CONCLUSION: Our findings reveal significant geographic disparities in diabetes prevalence between rural and urban areas in 19 states. The differences in most states may have been explained by rural-urban differences in sociodemographic characteristics and obesity rates. Our findings could inform decision makers to identify effective ways to reduce rural-urban disparities within states. |
Epidemiology and population-based incidence of influenza in two communities, Bandung district, West Java, Indonesia, 2008–2011
Agustian D , Mutyara K , Murad C , Uyeki TM , Kartasasmita CB , Simoes EAF . Narra J 2024 4 (3) Influenza surveillance is important for monitoring influenza virus circulation and disease burden to inform influenza prevention and control measures. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology and to estimate the incidence of influenza in two communities in West Java, Indonesia, before and after the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. A population-based surveillance study in the community health care setting was conducted to estimate the annual incidence of influenza. A real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay was used for influenza case ascertainment. A population census was implemented to calculate the population at risk and estimate community health care utilization rate. The mean annual incidence of influenza A and B, adjusted for healthcare utilization, was 1.6 (95%CI: 1.3–2.0) and 0.7 (95%CI: 0.5–1.0) per 1000 persons, respectively, with the most affected group being young and school-age children. The annual cumulative incidence of influenza A for children under five in 2009, 2010, and 2011 was 7.0 (95%CI: 4.4–11.2), 10.6 (95%CI: 7.3–15.4), and 6.3 (95%CI: 3.8– 10.2). For influenza B was 4.3 (95%CI: 2.4–7.8), 2.0 (95%CI: 0.8–4.7), and 0.4 (95%CI: 0.1–2.8), respectively. This study highlights that the incidence of influenza among young and school-age children is consistently higher compared to adults and the elderly throughout these periods. These populations are potential targets for influenza vaccination in Indonesia. © 2024, Narra Sains Indonesia. All rights reserved. |
Seasonal activity patterns of Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus in the United States
Eisen L . Ticks Tick Borne Dis 2025 16 (1) 102433 Knowledge of seasonal activity patterns of human-biting life stages of tick species serving as vectors of human disease agents provides basic information on when during the year humans are most at risk for tick bites and tick-borne diseases. Although there is a wealth of published information on seasonal activity patterns of Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus in the United States, a critical review of the literature for these important tick vectors is lacking. The aims of this paper were to: (i) review what is known about the seasonal activity patterns of I. scapularis and I. pacificus in different parts of their geographic ranges in the US, (ii) provide a synthesis of the main findings, and (iii) outline key knowledge gaps and methodological pitfalls that limit our understanding of variability in seasonal activity patterns. Based on ticks collected while questing or from wild animals, the seasonal activity patterns were found to be similar for I. pacificus in the Far West and I. scapularis in the Southeast, with synchronous activity of larvae and nymphs, peaking in spring (April to June) in the Far West and from spring to early summer (April to July) in the Southeast, and continuous activity of adults from fall through winter and spring with peak activity from fall through winter (November/December to March). In the colder climates of the Upper Midwest and Northeast, I. scapularis adults have a bimodal seasonal pattern, with activity peaks in fall (October to November) and spring (April to May). The seasonal activity patterns for immatures differ between the Upper Midwest, synchronous for larvae and nymphs with peak activity in spring and summer (May to August), and the Northeast, where the peak activity of nymphs in spring and early summer (May to July) precedes that of larvae in summer (July to September). Seasonality of human tick encounters also is influenced by changes over the year in the level of outdoor activities in tick habitat. Studies on the seasonality of ticks infesting humans have primarily focused on the coastal Northeast and the Pacific Coast states, with fewer studies in the Southeast, inland parts of the Northeast, and the Upper Midwest. Discrepancies between seasonal patterns for peak tick questing activity and peak human infestation appear to occur primarily for the adult stages of I. scapularis and I. pacificus. Study design and data presentation limitations of the published literature are discussed. Scarcity of data for seasonal activity patterns of I. pacificus outside of California and for I. scapularis from parts of the Southeast, Northeast, and Upper Midwest is a key knowledge gap. In addition to informing the public of when during the year the risk for tick bites is greatest, high-quality studies describing current seasonal activity patterns also will generate the data needed for robust model-based projections of future climate-driven change in the seasonal activity patterns and provide the baseline needed to empirically determine in the future if the projections were accurate. |
Uptake of HIV preexposure prophylaxis among Medicare beneficiaries - United States, 2014-2021
Huang YA , Chang MH , Zhu W , Hoover KW . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2024 BACKGROUND: Previous studies have estimated preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use among persons with commercial health insurance and Medicaid. However, data are lacking regarding PrEP use among those with Medicare. METHODS: Using a previously developed algorithm, we estimated the number of Medicare beneficiaries (MBs) with fee-for-service (FFS) claims who were prescribed PrEP from 2014 to 2021. The analysis was stratified by age, sex, and race/ethnicity. We also examined trends in PrEP prevalence by U.S. state and demographic characteristics during 2014-2021. RESULTS: The number of Medicare PrEP users increased 11-fold, from 388 in 2014 to 4,685 in 2021. MBs prescribed PrEP were predominantly younger men, White persons, residing in the South or West regions, living with a disability, and dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. The prevalence of PrEP prescriptions among MBs increased 12-fold, from 9.7 per million in 2014 to to 120.0 per million in 2021. Black/African American persons had the highest prevalence of PrEP use, followed by Hispanic/Latino and White persons in 2021. The District of Columbia had the highest prevalence of PrEP use compared with other U.S. states in 2021. Significant increasing trends in PrEP use were observed across sex, age groups, and race/ethnicity. CONCLUSIONS: Disparities in PrEP uptake existed across MB demographic subgroups from 2014 to 2021. Public health interventions are needed to increase PrEP access and utilization, particularly among women, younger MBs, Black persons, and Hispanic persons, including those with Medicare. Strategies and policies to expand PrEP use are essential for optimal HIV prevention in the United States. |
Trends in black-white disparities in HIV diagnosis by selected characteristics, 2017‒2021-United States
Dailey A , Sumner ZG , Morales J , Reynolds S , Lyons SJ , Johnson AS . J Racial Ethn Health Disparities 2024 OBJECTIVE(S): To identify trends in HIV diagnosis disparities among subpopulations of Black/African American and White persons by selected characteristics (i.e., sex assigned at birth, age group, and region of residence) in the United States during 2017‒2021. METHODS: Four-year estimated annual percent change (EAPC) during 2017‒2021, 2020 was excluded due to the impact of COVID-19 on HIV diagnoses, was used to assess temporal trends in diagnosis rates and disparities by selected characteristics for Black and White persons aged ≥ 13 years with a diagnosis of HIV infection. Data reported through December 2022 to the National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS) were used. RESULTS: Among 74,161 Black persons and 44,641 White persons with HIV diagnosed during 2017-2021, there was an overall increase in HIV diagnosis rates among White females (EAPC = 2.0; CI = 0.3, 3.8), White males aged 35‒44 years (EAPC = 1.8; CI = 0.2, 3.5) and whose infection was attributed to injection drug use (EAPC = 7.5; CI = 4.6, 10.4), White females aged 35‒44 years (EAPC = 5.3; CI = 1.9, 8.9) and residing in the Midwest (EAPC = 5.5; CI = 1.4, 9.7). Among both Black and White males, we observed increases in relative disparities in HIV diagnosis for males aged 13‒24 years (EAPC = 7.4; CI = 7.0, 7.7) and residing in the West (EAPC = 2.0; CI = 1.1, 2.9). CONCLUSIONS: Efforts should prioritize eliminating disparities in treatment and prevention services by taking a comprehensive approach and actively mitigating the social determinants contributing to HIV disparities. |
Trends in firearm injuries treated in emergency departments by individual- and county-level characteristics, 2019 to 2023
Zwald ML , Holland KM , Sumner SA , Sheppard M , Chen Y , Wallace A , Friar NW , Simon TR . Ann Emerg Med 2024 STUDY OBJECTIVE: To understand trends in nonfatal firearm injuries by examining rates of firearm injury emergency department (ED) visits stratified by individual- and county-level characteristics. METHODS: Data from participating EDs within 10 jurisdictions in the United States funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Firearm Injury Surveillance Through Emergency Rooms program, including the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia, were analyzed. We examined trends in firearm injury ED visits by sex, age group, jurisdiction, county-level urbanicity, and county-level social vulnerability from January 2019 to August 2023. Mean weekly rates of firearm injury ED visits and visit ratios (or the proportion of firearm injury-related ED visits of all visits during the surveillance periods with the same period in 2019) were calculated. RESULTS: Compared with 2019, the proportion of ED visits for firearm injury was elevated each year during 2020 to 2023 overall, with the largest observed increase in 2020 (visit ratio=1.59). All 10 Firearm Injury Surveillance Through Emergency Rooms jurisdictions experienced an increase in the proportion of firearm injury ED visits in 2020 (visit ratios ranging from 1.26 in West Virginia and 2.31 in Washington, DC) when compared with 2019. By county-level social vulnerability, the mean weekly rate of firearm injury ED visits was highest in counties with the highest social vulnerability over the entire study period. CONCLUSION: Results highlight the continued burden of firearm injuries in communities with higher social vulnerability. Timely ED data by community social vulnerability can inform public health interventions and resource allocation at local, state, and national levels. |
Detection of illegally manufactured fentanyls and carfentanil in drug overdose deaths - United States, 2021-2024
Tanz LJ , Stewart A , Gladden RM , Ko JY , Owens L , O'Donnell J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (48) 1099-1105 During 2023, approximately 72,000, or nearly seven in 10, drug overdose deaths in the United States were estimated to involve illegally manufactured fentanyls (IMFs). Carfentanil, a fentanyl analog 100 times more potent than fentanyl, has reemerged in the U.S. drug supply. Using CDC's State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System data, this report describes trends in overdose deaths during January 2021-June 2024, overall and with IMFs detected, by U.S. Census Bureau region, and in deaths with carfentanil detected, in 45 states and the District of Columbia (DC). Numbers of deaths with carfentanil detected by state during January 2023-June 2024 in 49 states and DC are also reported. The number of overdose deaths with IMFs detected declined from 2022 to 2023 in the Northeast (3.2% decline), Midwest (7.8%), and South (2.8%) regions; deaths in the West increased 33.9%. The percentage of deaths with IMFs detected was steady at approximately 70%-80% in the Northeast, Midwest, and South. In contrast, the percentage of deaths with IMFs detected in the West increased from 48.5% during January-March 2021 to 66.5% during April-June 2024. Overdose deaths with carfentanil detected increased approximately sevenfold, from 29 during January-June 2023 to 238 during January-June 2024; during January 2023-June 2024, overdose deaths with carfentanil detected were reported in 37 states. Overdose prevention efforts that address the widespread presence of IMFs, including carfentanil, and can rapidly adapt to other potent opioids in the drug supply might result in lasting reductions in overdose deaths across the entire United States. |
Operational and workforce capacity improvements for supporting public health emergency management: Lessons learned for preparing for and responding to 2014-2022 Ebola outbreaks in Africa
Greiner AL , Brown CK , Kirschenman J , Singh T , Dopson S . Health Promot Pract 2024 15248399241294236 The first Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) cases in the 2021 Ebola outbreak were reported by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Ministry of Health in February. However, 1 week later, the Guinea Ministry of Health reported its first EVD outbreak since April 2016. U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in-country operational and workforce capacity were built during the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak response in West Africa and leveraged during the 2021 EVD outbreaks. During the 2014-2016 West Africa response and the 2021 EVD outbreaks, capacity and capability improvements in laboratory systems, risk communication, surveillance, epidemiology, infection prevention, and control were needed for a successful response. The overarching goal of CDC's operational and workforce capacity improvements was to strengthen countries' abilities to prevent, detect, and respond to outbreaks quickly. The Ebola outbreaks are examples of enhanced public health interventions where CDC has contributed as a partner with in-country ministries of health to save lives and control disease outbreaks. Lessons learned from the recent Ebola outbreaks indicate that a capacity-building approach has the potential application to other public health emergencies and contributes to strengthening global health security. |
The private well water climate impact index: Characterization of community-level climate-related hazards and vulnerability in the continental United States
Peer K , Hubbard B , Monti M , Kelen PV , Werner AK . Sci Total Environ 2024 177409 BACKGROUND: Private wells use groundwater as their source and their drinking water quality is unregulated in the United States at the federal level. Due to the lack of water quality regulations, those reliant on private wells have the responsibility of ensuring that the water is safe to drink. Where extreme weather is projected to increase with climate change, contamination due to climate-related hazards adds further layers of complexity for those relying on private wells. We sought to characterize community-level climate-related hazards and vulnerability for persons dependent on private wells in the continental United States (CONUS). Additional objectives of this work were to quantify the burden to private well water communities by climate regions and demographic groups. METHODS: Grounded in the latest climate change framework and private well water literature, we created the Private Well Water Climate Impact Index (PWWCII). We searched the literature and identified nationally consistent, publicly available, sub-county data to build Overall, Drought, Flood, and Wildfire PWWCIIs at the national and state scales. We adapted the technical construction of this relative index from the California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool (CalEnviroScreen 4.0). RESULTS: The distribution of climate-related impact census tracts varied across CONUS by nationally-normed PWWCII type. Compared to the Southeast where the majority of the 2010 estimated U.S. private well water population lived, the estimated persons dependent upon private well water living in the West had an increased odds of living in higher impact census tracts for the Overall, Drought, and Wildfire PWWCIIs across CONUS. Compared to non-Hispanic White persons, non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons had an increased odds of living in higher impact census tracts for all four PWWCII types across CONUS. CONCLUSIONS: The PWWCII fills a gap as it provides a baseline understanding of potential climate-related impacts to communities reliant on private well water. |
Patterns and differences in lung cancer treatment - United States, 2015-2020
Kava CM , Siegel DA , Qin J , Sabatino SA , Wilson R , Wu M . Chest 2024 BACKGROUND: Treatment for lung cancer can improve prognosis, but 5-year survival remains low at 26%. An examination of treatment using data with higher population coverage, and among a broader number of treatment modalities and individual characteristics, would provide greater insight into differences in lung cancer treatment. RESEARCH QUESTION: Among adults diagnosed with lung cancer, how does reported receipt of lung cancer treatment differ by sociodemographic characteristics? STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: We used 2015-2020 National Program of Cancer Registry data covering 89% of the US population to describe first-course treatment among persons ages ≥20 years diagnosed with lung and bronchus cancer. We performed multivariable logistic regression to examine associations between sociodemographic characteristics and treatment received. RESULTS: Among 1,068,155 people diagnosed with lung cancer, 22% received surgery, 41% received chemotherapy, 40% received radiation, 13% received immunotherapy, and 75% received at least one of the four treatments. People who were ages >45 years (odds ratio [OR] range=0.08-0.67); American Indian or Alaska Native (OR=0.82; 95% CI: 0.77-0.87), Black (OR=0.82; 95% CI: 0.81-0.84), or Hispanic (OR=0.80; 95% CI: 0.78-0.82); resided in a non-metropolitan county (OR=0.98; 0.96-0.99); resided in the bottom 25% (OR=0.80; 95% CI: 0.78-0.81) and middle 50% (OR=0.87; 95% CI: 0.86-0.88) of counties by economic status (considers unemployment rate, per capita market income, and poverty rate); and in the West US census region (OR=0.95; 95% CI: 0.94-0.97) had significantly lower odds of receiving at least one of the four treatments. INTERPRETATION: Chemotherapy and radiation were the most common types of first-course treatment reported. Receipt of at least one of the four treatments examined was lower among several groups, including certain racial and ethnic groups and those residing in counties with lower economic status. Future studies might further identify and intervene upon factors underlying differences. |
Burden of Lassa fever disease in pregnant women and children and options for prevention
Chaudhary M , Cutland CL , Bonet M , Gentile A , Jones CE , Marshall HS , Stergachis A , Voss G , Darko DM , Sevene E , Hyde T , Fairlie L , Kampmann B , Everett D , Munoz FM . Vaccine 2024 43 126479 Lassa fever is a serious epidemic viral disease in West Africa affecting an estimated 2 million people annually with about 5000-10,000 deaths, although supporting data is sparse. Lassa fever significantly affects neonates, children, and pregnant women, however, comprehensive data on its impact in these populations are lacking. We reviewed the available literature on Lassa fever to assess its prevalence and impact in these populations and implications for vaccine development. Clinical features in children were similar to those observed in adults, with complications such as bleeding. Altered mental status, anasarca (swollen baby syndrome), bleeding, and poor urine output were risk factors for death. The case fatality rate (CFR) in 16 paediatric studies ranged from 6 % to 63 % and was 66.7 % and 75.0 % in two neonatal studies. In a systematic review of studies on pregnant women the CFR was 33.73 %. The adverse foetal outcomes included miscarriage, stillbirth, and intrauterine death associated with maternal death. Since Lassa fever significantly affects neonates, children, and pregnant women, developing a safe and effective, single-dose vaccine for these high-risk populations is vital. Currently, there are four clinical trials assessing Lassa virus vaccines. Only one of these trials is enrolling children aged ≥18 months, and exclude pregnant and breast-feeding women. It is essential that pregnant and breast-feeding women and young children are included in clinical trials that incorporate robust safety surveillance and risk mitigation measures. In our review, potential approaches to address the specific gaps in the areas of diagnosis, management, and prevention of Lassa fever in these specific populations, such as disease surveillance systems and vaccine development, were identified. A comprehensive strategy with investment focused on addressing specific knowledge gaps will be essential in protecting the health of these specific populations in Lassa virus endemic regions. |
Statewide outbreak of neisseria meningitidis serogroup Y, sequence type 1466 - Virginia, 2022-2024
Robinson M , Crain J , Kendall B , Alexander V , Diskin E , Saady D , Hicks C , Myrick-West A , Bordwine P , Sockwell D , Craig E , Rubis A , McNamara L , Sharma S , Howie R , Marasini D , Marjuki H , Colón A . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (43) 973-977 ![]() ![]() Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is a severe illness that can have devastating effects; outbreaks are uncommon in the United States. Vaccination is the preferred control measure for IMD outbreaks when a defined population at risk (e.g., college students or persons experiencing homelessness) can be identified. In August 2022, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) began investigating an IMD outbreak in Virginia's Eastern Health Planning Region, prompted by the detection of four confirmed cases within 8 weeks. Clinical isolates available from three cases were characterized as Neisseria meningitidis serogroup Y, sequence type 1466. A subsequent statewide investigation identified 36 genetically related cases, including seven deaths (case fatality rate = 19.4%) as of March 1, 2024. A majority of patients (63.9%) were in an age group (30-60 years) not generally considered at increased risk for IMD; 78.0% were non-Hispanic Black or African American. No common exposures, affiliations, or risk factors were identified, and a defined population could not be identified for vaccination. VDH recommended quadrivalent (serogroups A, C, W, and Y) meningococcal conjugate vaccination of a subset of close contacts of patients based on IMD risk factors and age range similar to that of patients with identified cases. IMD outbreaks might affect populations without established IMD risk factors. Lack of a well-defined population at risk might prompt exploration of novel control strategies, such as selective vaccination of close contacts. |
Long COVID and recovery from long COVID: quality of life impairments and subjective cognitive decline at a median of 2 years after initial infection
Szewczyk W , Fitzpatrick AL , Fossou H , Gentile NL , Sotoodehnia N , Vora SB , West TE , Bertolli J , Cope JR , Lin JS , Unger ER , Vu QM . BMC Infect Dis 2024 24 (1) 1241 BACKGROUND: Recovery from SARS CoV-2 infection is expected within 3 months. Long COVID occurs after SARS-CoV-2 when symptoms are present for more than 3 months that are continuous, relapsing and remitting, or progressive. Better understanding of Long COVID illness trajectories could strengthen patient care and support. METHODS: We characterized functional impairments, quality of life (QoL), and cognition among patients who recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection within 3 months (without Long COVID), after 3 months (Recovered Long COVID), or remained symptomatic (Long COVID). Among 7305 patients identified with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection between March 2020 and December 2021, confirmed in the medical record with laboratory test or physician diagnosis, 435 (6%) completed a single self-administered survey between March 2022 and September 2022. Multi-domain QoL and cognitive concerns were evaluated using PROMIS-29 and the Cognitive Change Index-12. RESULTS: Nearly half the participants (47.7%) were surveyed more than 2 years from initial infection (median = 23.3 months; IQR = 18.6, 26.7) and 86.7% were surveyed more than 1 year from infection. A significantly greater proportion of the Long COVID (n = 215) group, (Current and Recovered combined), had moderate-to-severe impairment in all health domains assessed compared to those Without Long COVID (n = 220; all p < 0.05). The Recovered Long COVID group (n = 34) had significantly lower prevalence of fatigue, pain, depression, and physical and social function impairment compared to those with Current Long COVID (n = 181; all p < 0.05). However, compared to patients Without Long COVID, the Recovered Long COVID group had greater prevalences of fatigue, pain (p ≤ 0.06) and subjective cognitive decline (61.8% vs 29.1%; p < 0.01). Multivariate relative risk (RR) regression indicated Long COVID risk was greater for older age groups (RR range 1.46-1.52; all p ≤ 0.05), those without a bachelor's degree (RR = 1.33; 95% CI = 1.03-1.71; p = 0.03), and those with 3 or more comorbidities prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection (RR = 1.45; 95% CI = 1.11-1.90; p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Long COVID is associated with long-term subjective cognitive decline and diminished quality of life. Clinically significant cognitive complaints, fatigue, and pain were present even in those who reported they had recovered from Long COVID. These findings have implications for the sustainability of participation in work, education, and social activities. |
The roles of habitat isolation, landscape connectivity and host community in tick-borne pathogen ecology
Shaw G , Lilly M , Mai V , Clark J , Summers S , Slater K , Karpathy S , Nakano A , Crews A , Lawrence A , Salomon J , Sambado SB , Swei A . R Soc Open Sci 2024 11 (11) 240837 Habitat loss and forest fragmentation are often linked to increased pathogen transmission, but the extent to which habitat isolation and landscape connectivity affect disease dynamics through movement of disease vectors and reservoir hosts has not been well examined. Tick-borne diseases are the most prevalent vector-borne diseases in the United States and on the West Coast, Ixodes pacificus is one of the most epidemiologically important vectors. We investigated the impacts of habitat fragmentation on pathogens transmitted by I. pacificus and sought to disentangle the effects of wildlife communities and landscape metrics predictive of pathogen diversity, prevalence and distribution. We collected pathogen data for four co-occurring bacteria transmitted by I. pacificus and measured wildlife parameters. We also used spatial data and cost-distance analysis integrating expert opinions to assess landscape metrics of habitat fragmentation. We found that landscape metrics were significant predictors of tick density and pathogen prevalence. However, wildlife variables were essential when predicting the prevalence and distribution of pathogens reliant on wildlife reservoir hosts for maintenance. We found that landscape structure was an informative predictor of tick-borne pathogen richness in an urban matrix. Our work highlights the implications of large-scale land management on human disease risk. |
Expanded geographic distribution for two Legionella pneumophila sequence types of clinical concern
Hamlin JAP , Kozak-Muiznieks NA , Mercante JW , Rishishwar L , Norris ET , Gaines AB , Ishaq MK , Winchell JM , Willby MJ . mSphere 2024 e0075623 ![]() ![]() Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 sequence types (ST) 213 and 222, a single-locus variant of ST213, were first detected in the early 1990s in the Midwest United States (U.S.) and the late 1990s in the Northeast U.S. and Canada. Since 1992, these STs have increasingly been implicated in community-acquired sporadic and outbreak-associated Legionnaires' disease (LD) cases. We were interested in understanding the change in LD frequency due to these STs and identifying genetic features that differentiate these STs from one another. For the geographic area examined here (Mountain West to Northeast) and over the study period (1992-2020), ST213/222-associated LD cases identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention increased by 0.15 cases per year, with ST213/222-associated LD cases concentrated in four states: Michigan (26%), New York (18%), Minnesota (16%), and Ohio (10%). Additionally, between 2002 and 2021, ST222 caused at least five LD outbreaks in the U.S.; no known outbreaks due to ST213 occurred in the U.S. during this time. We compared the genomes of 230 ST213/222 isolates and found that the mean of the average nucleotide identity (ANI) within each ST was high (99.92% for ST222 and 99.92% for ST213), with a minimum between ST ANI of 99.50% and a maximum of 99.87%, indicating low genetic diversity within and between these STs. While genomic features were identified (e.g., plasmids and CRISPR-Cas systems), no association explained the increasing geographic distribution and prevalence of ST213 and ST222. Yet, we provide evidence of the expanded geographical distribution of ST213 and ST222 in the U.S.IMPORTANCESince the 1990s, cases of Legionnaires' disease (LD) attributed to a pair of closely related Legionella pneumophila variants, ST213 and ST222, have increased in the U.S. Furthermore, between 2002 and 2021, ST222 caused at least five outbreaks of LD in the U.S., while ST213 has not been linked to any U.S. outbreak. We wanted to understand how the rate of LD cases attributed to these variants has changed over time and compare the genetic features of the two variants. Between 1992 and 2020, we determined an increase of 0.15 LD cases ascribed to ST213/222 per year in the geographic region studied. Our research shows that these STs are spreading within the U.S., yet most of the cases occurred in four states: Michigan, New York, Minnesota, and Ohio. Additionally, we found little genetic diversity within and between these STs nor could specific genetic features explain their geographic spread. |
Prevalence of self-reported diagnosed diabetes among adults, by county metropolitan status and region, United States, 2019-2022
Onufrak S , Saelee R , Zaganjor I , Miyamoto Y , Koyama AK , Xu F , Pavkov ME , Bullard KM , Imperatore G . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E81 INTRODUCTION: Previous research suggests that rural-urban disparities in diabetes mortality, hospitalization, and incidence rates may manifest differently across US regions. However, no studies have examined disparities in diabetes prevalence by metropolitan residence and region. METHODS: We used data from the 2019-2022 National Health Interview Survey to compare diabetes status, socioeconomic characteristics, and weight status among adults in each census region (Northeast, Midwest, South, West) according to county metropolitan status of residence (large central metro, large fringe metro, small/medium metro, and nonmetro). We used χ(2) tests and logistic regression models to assess the association of metropolitan residence with diabetes prevalence in each region. RESULTS: Diabetes prevalence ranged from 7.0% in large fringe metro counties in the Northeast to 14.8% in nonmetro counties in the South. Compared with adults from large central metro counties, those from small/medium metro counties had significantly higher odds of diabetes in the Midwest (age-, sex-, and race and ethnicity-adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 1.24; 95% CI, 1.06-1.45) and South (OR = 1.15; 95% CI, 1.02-1.30). Nonmetro residence was also associated with diabetes in the South (OR = 1.62 vs large central metro; 95% CI, 1.43-1.84). After further adjustment for socioeconomic and body weight status, small/medium metro associations with diabetes became nonsignificant, but nonmetro residence in the South remained significantly associated with diabetes (OR = 1.22; 95% CI, 1.07-1.39). CONCLUSION: The association of metropolitan residence with diabetes prevalence differs across US regions. These findings can help to guide efforts in areas where diabetes prevention and care resources may be better directed. |
HIV retesting among people living with HIV in Lesotho in 2022
Pogue SD , Saito S , Tlhomola M , West CA , Asiimwe F , Ramphalla P , Poirot E , Steiner C , Greenleaf AR . Int J STD AIDS 2024 9564624241289984 ![]() BACKGROUND: Despite widespread HIV testing in sub-Saharan Africa, regular testing among at-risk populations is crucial for effective prevention. However, reports increasingly indicate retesting among people living with HIV (PLHIV), a group that would not require additional testing since they would already have received a confirmed diagnosis. We describe the demographic characteristics of PLHIV retesters in Lesotho, report the average number of HIV tests post-diagnosis among PLHIV, and share motivations for retesting. METHODS: In August 2022, a nationally representative cohort in Lesotho participated in a cell phone survey about their HIV status and testing history. Study participants were recruited from a face-to-face survey conducted in 2020, Lesotho Population Based HIV Impact Assessment survey. RESULTS: Of the 1523 participants called, 1111 participants responded (72.9%) and 266 reported living with HIV. We found 18.8% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) reported retesting at least once for HIV, and 58% of PLHIV who reported retesting were likely or very likely to retest for HIV in the coming year. The main reason PLHIV reported retesting was because a health care worker offered the test (61.7%) followed by self-initiated testing to confirm their status (29.1%). Among male PLHIV who had a history of retesting, 92.0% were very likely or likely to retest, compared to only 30.6% of female PLHIV. CONCLUSION: We found almost a fifth of PLHIV in Lesotho reported a history of retesting for HIV, and 58% of PLHIV were likely or very likely to retest for HIV in the coming year. Educating providers and men living with HIV could reduce retesting among PLHIV. |
Regional differences in autism and intellectual disability risk associated with cesarean section delivery
Bilder DA , Sullivan S , Hughes MM , Dalton S , Hall-Lande J , Nicholls C , Bakian AV . Autism Res 2024 Prior epidemiological studies investigating the association between delivery mode (i.e., vaginal birth and cesarean section [C-section]) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID) risk have reported mixed findings. This study examined ASD and ID risks associated with primary and repeat C-section within diverse US regions. During even years 2000-2016, 8-years-olds were identified with ASD and/or ID and matched to birth records [ASD only (N = 8566, 83.6% male), ASD + ID (N = 3445, 79.5% male), ID only (N = 6158, 60.8% male)] using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network methodology. The comparison birth cohort (N = 1,456,914, 51.1% male) comprised all births recorded in the National Center for Health Statistics corresponding to birth years and counties in which surveillance occurred. C-section rates in the birth cohort demonstrated significant regional variation with lowest rates in the West. Overall models demonstrate increased odds of disability associated with primary and repeat C-section. Adjusted models, stratified by region, identified significant variability in disability likelihood associated with repeat C-section: increased odds occurred for all case groups in the Southeast, for ASD only and ID only in the Mid-Atlantic, and no case groups in the West. Regional variability in disability risk associated with repeat C-section coincides with differences in birth cohorts' C-section rates. This suggests increased likelihood of disability is not incurred by the procedure itself, but rather C-section serves as a proxy for exposures with regional variability that influence fetal development and C-section rates. |
Tobacco product use among middle and high school students - National Youth Tobacco Survey, United States, 2024
Jamal A , Park-Lee E , Birdsey J , West A , Cornelius M , Cooper MR , Cowan H , Wang J , Sawdey MD , Cullen KA , Navon L . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (41) 917-924 Use of tobacco products in any form is unsafe, and nearly all tobacco product use begins during adolescence. CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) analyzed data from the 2024 National Youth Tobacco Survey to determine tobacco product use among U.S. middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students. In 2024, current (previous 30-day) use of any tobacco product was reported by 10.1% of high school students (representing 1.58 million students) and 5.4% of middle school students (representing 640,000 students). Among all students, e-cigarettes were the most commonly reported tobacco product currently used (5.9%), followed by nicotine pouches (1.8%), cigarettes (1.4%), cigars (1.2%), smokeless tobacco (1.2%), other oral nicotine products (1.2%), heated tobacco products (0.8%), hookahs (0.7%), and pipe tobacco (0.5%). During 2023-2024, among all students, the estimated number who reported current use of any tobacco product decreased from 2.80 to 2.25 million students; e-cigarette use decreased (from 2.13 to 1.63 million students); and hookah use decreased (from 290,000 to 190,000 students). Among high school students, current use of any tobacco product decreased from 12.6% to 10.1% of students, and e-cigarette use decreased from 10.0% to 7.8%. Among middle school students, no statistically significant changes occurred. Evidence-based strategies can help prevent initiation and promote cessation of tobacco product use among U.S. youths. |
Evidence of limited laboratory infection of Culex Tarsalis (Diptera: Culicidae) by Usutu Virus
Byers NM , Ledermann JP , Hughes HR , Powers AM . Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2024 Background: Usutu virus (USUV) is an emerging flavivirus, closely related to West Nile virus (WNV), that has spread into Europe from Africa. Since Culex tarsalis Coquillett is an important vector for WNV transmission in the United States, we tested the ability of USUV to replicate in and be transmitted by these mosquitoes. Materials and Methods: USUV was used to infect 3-4 day-old Cx. tarsalis with 5.6 to 7.5 log(10) pfu/ml in goose bloodmeals. Saliva, heads, and bodies were collected on day 13 or 14 and analyzed by RT-qPCR for detection for USUV vRNA. Blotting paper punches were also collected daily to assess viral transmissibility. Results: The low and high dose blood meal resulted in 0% and 19.6% of the mosquitoes having established infections, respectively. All of the high dose had a dissemination of USUV RNA to the heads and none of the filter papers had detectable USUV RNA, but five of the capillary saliva collections were positive, representing 45.5% of the infected mosquitoes. Conclusions: Limited infection of Cx. tarsalis was observed when exposed to bloodmeals with greater than 107 pfu/mL of USUV, indicating this vector is not likely to have a key role in transmission of the virus. |
Characterization of avian influenza viruses detected in Kenyan live bird markets and wild bird habitats reveal genetically diverse subtypes and high proportion of A(H9N2), 2018-2020
Munyua P , Osoro E , Jones J , Njogu G , Yang G , Hunsperger E , Szablewski CM , Njoroge R , Marwanga D , Oyas H , Andagalu B , Ndanyi R , Otieno N , Obanda V , Nasimiyu C , Njagi O , DaSilva J , Jang Y , Barnes J , Emukule GO , Onyango CO , Davis CT . Viruses 2024 16 (9) ![]() ![]() Following the detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus in countries bordering Kenya to the west, we conducted surveillance among domestic and wild birds along the shores of Lake Victoria. In addition, between 2018 and 2020, we conducted surveillance among poultry and poultry workers in live bird markets and among wild migratory birds in various lakes that are resting sites during migration to assess introduction and circulation of avian influenza viruses in these populations. We tested 7464 specimens (oropharyngeal (OP) and cloacal specimens) from poultry and 6531 fresh fecal specimens from wild birds for influenza A viruses by real-time RT-PCR. Influenza was detected in 3.9% (n = 292) of specimens collected from poultry and 0.2% (n = 10) of fecal specimens from wild birds. On hemagglutinin subtyping, most of the influenza A positives from poultry (274/292, 93.8%) were H9. Of 34 H9 specimens randomly selected for further subtyping, all were H9N2. On phylogenetic analysis, these viruses were genetically similar to other H9 viruses detected in East Africa. Only two of the ten influenza A-positive specimens from the wild bird fecal specimens were successfully subtyped; sequencing analysis of one specimen collected in 2018 was identified as a low-pathogenicity avian influenza H5N2 virus of the Eurasian lineage, and the second specimen, collected in 2020, was subtyped as H11. A total of 18 OP and nasal specimens from poultry workers with acute respiratory illness (12%) were collected; none were positive for influenza A virus. We observed significant circulation of H9N2 influenza viruses in poultry in live bird markets in Kenya. During the same period, low-pathogenic H5N2 virus was detected in a fecal specimen collected in a site hosting a variety of migratory and resident birds. Although HPAI H5N8 was not detected in this survey, these results highlight the potential for the introduction and establishment of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in poultry populations and the associated risk of spillover to human populations. |
Evidence of lineage 1 and 3 West Nile Virus in person with neuroinvasive disease, Nebraska, USA, 2023
Davis E , Velez J , Hamik J , Fitzpatrick K , Haley J , Eschliman J , Panella A , Staples JE , Lambert A , Donahue M , Brault AC , Hughes HR . Emerg Infect Dis 2024 30 (10) 2090-2098 West Nile virus (WNV) is the most common cause of human arboviral disease in the contiguous United States, where only lineage 1 (L1) WNV had been found. In 2023, an immunocompetent patient was hospitalized in Nebraska with West Nile neuroinvasive disease and multisystem organ failure. Testing at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated an unusually high viral load and acute antibody response. Upon sequencing of serum and cerebrospinal fluid, we detected lineage 3 (L3) and L1 WNV genomes. L3 WNV had previously only been found in Central Europe in mosquitoes. The identification of L3 WNV in the United States and the observed clinical and laboratory features raise questions about the potential effect of L3 WNV on the transmission dynamics and pathogenicity of WNV infections. Determining the distribution and prevalence of L3 WNV in the United States and any public health and clinical implications is critical. |
Notes from the field: E-cigarette and nicotine pouch use among middle and high school students - United States, 2024
Park-Lee E , Jamal A , Cowan H , Sawdey MD , Cooper MR , Birdsey J , West A , Cullen KA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (35) 774-778 Current e-cigarette use among U.S. youth has declined considerably since 2019*; however, approximately 2.13 million youths used e-cigarettes in 2023 (1). As sales of nicotine pouches (small, dissolvable, flavored pouches containing nicotine derived from tobacco that users place in the mouth between the lip and gum)(†) have continued to rise nationally since 2016, their use among U.S. youths has become concerning (2,3). All pouches and most e-cigarettes contain nicotine,(§) which is highly addictive and can harm the developing adolescent brain (4,5). |
Applying MALDI-TOF MS to resolve morphologic and genetic similarities between two Dermacentor tick species of public health importance
Galletti Mfbm , Hecht JA , McQuiston JR , Gartin J , Cochran J , Blocher BH , Ayres BN , Allerdice MEJ , Beati L , Nicholson WL , Snellgrove AN , Paddock CD . Sci Rep 2024 14 (1) 19834 ![]() ![]() Hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) have been historically identified by morphological methods which require highly specialized expertise and more recently by DNA-based molecular assays that involve high costs. Although both approaches provide complementary data for tick identification, each method has limitations which restrict their use on large-scale settings such as regional or national tick surveillance programs. To overcome those obstacles, the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has been introduced as a cost-efficient method for the identification of various organisms, as it balances performance, speed, and high data output. Here we describe the use of this technology to validate the distinction of two closely related Dermacentor tick species based on the development of the first nationwide MALDI-TOF MS reference database described to date. The dataset obtained from this protein-based approach confirms that tick specimens collected from United States regions west of the Rocky Mountains and identified previously as Dermacentor variabilis are the recently described species, Dermacentor similis. Therefore, we propose that this integrative taxonomic tool can facilitate vector and vector-borne pathogen surveillance programs in the United States and elsewhere. |
Regional differences in hepatitis C-related hospitalization rates, United States, 2012-2019
Hofmeister MG , Zhong Y , Moorman AC , Teshale EH , Samuel CR , Spradling PR . Public Health Rep 2024 333549241260252 OBJECTIVES: In the United States, hepatitis C is the most commonly reported bloodborne infection. It is a leading cause of liver cancer and death from liver disease and imposes a substantial burden of hospitalization. We sought to describe regional differences in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related hospitalizations during 2012 through 2019 to guide planning for hepatitis C elimination. METHODS: We analyzed discharge data from the National Inpatient Sample for 2012 through 2019. We considered hospitalizations to be HCV-related if (1) hepatitis C was the primary diagnosis or (2) hepatitis C was any secondary diagnosis and the primary diagnosis was a liver disease-related condition. We analyzed demographic and clinical characteristics of HCV-related hospitalizations and modeled the annual percentage change in HCV-related hospitalization rates, nationally and according to the 9 US Census Bureau geographic divisions. RESULTS: During 2012-2019, an estimated 553 900 HCV-related hospitalizations occurred in the United States. The highest hospitalization rate (34.7 per 100 000 population) was in the West South Central region, while the lowest (17.6 per 100 000 population) was in the West North Central region. During 2012-2019, annual hospitalization rates decreased in each region, with decreases ranging from 15.3% in the East South Central region to 48.8% in the Pacific region. By type of health insurance, Medicaid had the highest hospitalization rate nationally and in all but 1 geographic region. CONCLUSIONS: HCV-related hospitalization rates decreased nationally and in each geographic region during 2012-2019; however, decreases were not uniform. Expanded access to direct-acting antiviral treatment in early-stage hepatitis C would reduce future hospitalizations related to advanced liver disease and interrupt HCV transmission. |
Testing trends and co-testing patterns for HIV, hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Emergency departments
Symum H , Van Handel M , Sandul A , Hutchinson A , Tsang CA , Pearson WS , Delaney KP , Cooley LA , Gift TL , Hoover KW , Thompson WW . Preventive Med Reports 2024 44 Background: Many underserved populations use Emergency Department (EDs) as primary sources of care, representing an important opportunity to provide infectious disease testing and linkage to care. We explored national ED testing trends and co-testing patterns for HIV, hepatitis C, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Methods: We used 2010–2019 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, Nationwide Emergency Department Sample data to estimate ED visit testing rates for HIV, hepatitis C, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis infections, identified by Current Procedural Terminology codes. Trends and co-testing (visit with tests for > 1 infection) patterns were analyzed by sociodemographic, hospital, and visit characteristics. Trends were evaluated as the average annual percentage change (AAPC) using the Joinpoint Regression. Results: During 2010–2019, testing events per 1000 visits (AAPCs) increased for HIV from 1.3 to 4.2 (16.3 %), hepatitis C from 0.4 to 2.2 (25.1 %), chlamydia from 9.1 to 16.0 (6.6 %), gonorrhea from 8.4 to 15.7 (7.4 %), and syphilis from 0.7 to 2.0 (12.9 %). Rate increases varied by several characteristics across infections. The largest AAPC increases were among visits by groups with lower base rate testing in 2010, including persons aged ≥ 65 years (HIV: 36.4 %), with Medicaid (HIV: 43.8 %), in the lowest income quintile (hepatitis C: 36.9 %), living in the West (syphilis: 49.4 %) and with non-emergency diagnoses (hepatitis C: 44.1 %). Co-testing increased significantly for all infections except hepatitis C. Conclusions: HIV, hepatitis C, and STI testing increased in EDs during 2010–2019; however, co-testing patterns were inconsistent. Co-testing may improve diagnosis and linkage to care, especially in areas experiencing higher rates of infection. © 2024 |
Bilateral oophorectomy prevalence among U.S. women
Adam EE , White MC , Townsend JS , Stewart SL . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2024 Background: Bilateral oophorectomy has been linked to numerous health outcomes, some of which can have a long latency period. Limited data are available on bilateral oophorectomy prevalence among U.S. women. Methods: The National Health Interview Survey fielded measures of bilateral oophorectomy most recently in 2010 and 2015. We pooled these 2 data years to present bilateral oophorectomy prevalence estimates by age-group, race, ethnicity, geographic region, and hysterectomy status. Results: Our study found bilateral oophorectomy was common among older women. Among women aged 70-79 years, 29% reported a bilateral oophorectomy, compared with <1% for women aged 20-29 years. By geographic region, bilateral oophorectomy prevalence among women 20-84 years was 12.3% in the South, 10.8% in the Midwest, 9.4% in the West, and 8.0% in the Northeast. Small numbers limited our ability to generate age-specific estimates for American Indian and Alaska Native women and subgroups of Asian and Hispanic women. Nearly half of women who had a bilateral oophorectomy reported their procedure occurred more than 20 years ago. Among women aged 20-84 years who reported a hysterectomy, 57% reported they also had both of their ovaries removed. Conclusion: Standard measures of incidence rates for ovarian cancer are not adjusted for oophorectomy status. These findings suggest that ovarian cancer incidence rates may be underestimated among older women. Continued monitoring of bilateral oophorectomy prevalence will be needed to track its potential impact on ovarian cancer incidence and numerous other chronic health outcomes. |
Human Orthohantavirus disease prevalence and genotype distribution in the U.S., 2008–2020: a retrospective observational study
Whitmer SLM , Whitesell A , Mobley M , Talundzic E , Shedroff E , Cossaboom CM , Messenger S , Deldari M , Bhatnagar J , Estetter L , Zufan S , Cannon D , Chiang CF , Gibbons A , Krapiunaya I , Morales-Betoulle M , Choi M , Knust B , Amman B , Montgomery JM , Shoemaker T , Klena JD . Lancet Reg Health - Am 2024 37 ![]() ![]() Background: In the United States (U.S.), hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) and non-HPS hantavirus infection are nationally notifiable diseases. Criteria for identifying human cases are based on clinical symptoms (HPS or non-HPS) and acute diagnostic results (IgM+, rising IgG+ titers, RT-PCR+, or immunohistochemistry (IHC)+). Here we provide an overview of diagnostic testing and summarize human Hantavirus disease occurrence and genotype distribution in the U.S. from 2008 to 2020. Methods: Epidemiological data from the national hantavirus registry was merged with laboratory diagnostic testing results performed at the CDC. Residual hantavirus-positive specimens were sequenced, and the available epidemiological and genetic data sets were linked to conduct a genomic epidemiological study of hantavirus disease in the U.S. Findings: From 1993 to 2020, 833 human hantavirus cases have been identified, and from 2008 to 2020, 335 human cases have occurred. Among New World (NW) hantavirus cases detected at the CDC diagnostic laboratory (representing 29.2% of total cases), most (85.0%) were detected during acute disease, however, some convalescent cases were detected in states not traditionally associated with hantavirus infections (Connecticut, Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Vermont). From 1993 to 2020, 94.9% (745/785) of U.S. hantaviruses cases were detected west of the Mississippi with 45.7% (359/785) in the Four Corners region of the U.S. From 2008 to 2020, 67.7% of NW hantavirus cases were detected between the months of March and August. Sequencing of RT-PCR-positive cases demonstrates a geographic separation of Orthohantavirus sinnombreense species [Sin Nombre virus (SNV), New York virus, and Monongahela virus]; however, there is a large gap in viral sequence data from the Northwestern and Central U.S. Finally, these data indicate that commercial IgM assays are not concordant with CDC-developed assays, and that “concordant positive” (i.e., commercial IgM+ and CDC IgM+ results) specimens exhibit clinical characteristics of hantavirus disease. Interpretation: Hantaviral disease is broadly distributed in the contiguous U.S, viral variants are localised to specific geographic regions, and hantaviral disease infrequently detected in most Southeastern states. Discordant results between two diagnostic detection methods highlight the need for an improved standardised testing plan in the U.S. Hantavirus surveillance and detection will continue to improve with clearly defined, systematic reporting methods, as well as explicit guidelines for clinical characterization and diagnostic criteria. Funding: This work was funded by core funds provided to the Viral Special Pathogens Branch at CDC. © 2024 |
Genetic tracking of a rabid coyote (Canis latrans) detected beyond a rabies enzootic area in West Virginia, US
Hopken MW , Gigante C , Gilbert AT , Chipman RB , Kirby JD , Condori RE , Mills S , Hartley C , Forbes J , Dettinger L , Xia D , Li Y , vonHoldt B . J Wildl Dis 2024 60 (3) 745-752 ![]() ![]() Wildlife translocation and cross-species transmission can impede control and elimination of emerging zoonotic diseases. Tracking the geographic origin of both host and virus (i.e., translocation versus local infection) may help determine the most effective response when high-risk cases of emerging pathogens are identified in wildlife. In May 2022, a coyote (Canis latrans) infected with the raccoon (Procyon lotor) rabies virus variant (RRV) was collected in Lewis County, West Virginia, USA, an area free from RRV. We applied host population genomics and RRV phylogenetic analyses to determine the most likely geographic origin of the rabid coyote. Coyote genomic analyses included animals from multiple eastern states bordering West Virginia, with the probable origin of the rabid coyote being the county of collection. The RRV phylogenetic analyses included cases detected from West Virginia and neighboring states, with most similar RRV sequences collected in a county 80 km to the northeast, within the oral rabies vaccination zone. The combined results suggest that the coyote was infected in an RRV management area and carried the RRV to Lewis County, a pattern consistent with coyote local movement ecology. Distant cross-species transmission and subsequent host movement presents a low risk for onward transmission in raccoon populations. This information helped with emergency response decision-making, thereby saving time and resources. |
Effectiveness and implementation of an EnhanceFitness physical activity intervention specifically in adults with arthritis: A RE-AIM Evaluation
Jones DL , Eicher JL , Fang W , Hootman JM . Gerontologist 2024 64 (7) BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the effectiveness of the evidence-based, EnhanceFitness (EF) physical activity (PA) intervention in improving arthritis symptoms, physical and mental function, and PA in adults with arthritis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a community-based, randomized, controlled effectiveness trial that switched to a nonrandomized controlled trial. Participants were sedentary/low-active adults, aged ≥18 years, with self-reported physician-diagnosed arthritis, who were assigned to an immediate or delayed group (12-week, wait-list control group). Classes were held thrice weekly for 12 weeks at 17 community sites in 4 urban and 5 rural West Virginia counties. Data were collected at baseline, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks. The RE-AIM Framework evaluated EF's: (1) reach (enrollment); (2) effectiveness (outcomes); (3) adoption (proportion of sites/instructors that delivered EF); (4) implementation (attendance, fidelity, adverse events, and satisfaction); and (5) maintenance (EF continuation). Outcomes were analyzed using linear mixed-effects regression. RESULTS: There were 323 adults with a mean age of 68.3 years (range 27-95). Reach was 74%; site and instructor adoption rates were 100% and 55%, respectively; attendance (1.8 sessions per week) and fidelity were good; injury rate was low (3.8%); participants were highly satisfied and experienced improvements in arthritis symptoms and physical function; and 27% of instructors and 18% of sites continued EF. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: EnhanceFitness was safe and effective in improving arthritis symptoms and physical function in sedentary/low-active adults with arthritis, across the adult age spectrum, under real-world conditions, in both urban and rural communities.Clinical Trial Registration: NCT00526201. |
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