Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-22 (of 22 Records) |
Query Trace: Wadhwa A[original query] |
Comparing the genetic typing methods for effective surveillance and rabies control in Georgia
Condori RE , Kartskhia N , Avaliani L , Donduashvili M , Elbakidze T , Kapanadze A , Pieracci EG , Maghlakelidze G , Wadhwa A , Morgan CN , Reynolds M , Li Y , Ninidze L . Front Microbiol 2023 14 1243510 ![]() ![]() A full nucleoprotein gene sequencing of 68 isolates collected from passive rabies surveillance system in Georgia between 2015 and 2016 identified two distinct dog rabies phylogroups, GEO_V1 and GEO_V2, which both belonged to the cosmopolitan dog clade. GEO_V1 was found throughout the country and was further divided into four sub-phylogroups that overlapped geographically; GEO_V2 was found in the southeast region and was closely related to dog rabies in Azerbaijan. A sequence analysis of the full N gene, partial nucleoprotein gene of N-terminal and C-terminal, and the amplicon sequences of pan-lyssavirus RT-qPCR LN34 showed that all four sequencing approaches provided clear genetic typing results of canine rabies and could further differentiate GEO_V1 and GEO_V2. The phylogenetic analysis results vary and were affected by the length of the sequences used. Amplicon sequencing of the LN34 assay positive samples provided a rapid and cost-effective method for rabies genetic typing, which is important for improving rabies surveillance and canine rabies eradication globally. |
Rabies surveillance in the United States during 2014
Monroe BP , Yager P , Blanton J , Birhane MG , Wadhwa A , Orciari L , Petersen B , Wallace R . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2016 248 (7) 777-88 The present report provides a detailed update on rabies epidemiology and events in the United States during 2014 as well as a brief summary of rabies events in 2015. Updates are also provided for Canada and Mexico. | | Rabies is caused by neurotrophic viruses of the genus Lyssavirus. It is almost always fatal once clinical signs develop, but is preventable if appropriate postexposure prophylaxis is administered in a timely manner. The primary route of transmission is through the bite of an infected mammal, but rabies may also be transmitted when fresh saliva from an infected animal comes into contact with a wound or mucous membranes. | | For human patients who have never been vaccinated against rabies, postexposure prophylaxis consists of immediate cleansing of any bite wounds with soap and water, infiltration of the wounds with human rabies immune globulin, and administration of 4 doses of rabies vaccine over the next 14 days.1,2 |
Report of the Science Community Workshop on the proposed first sample depot for the Mars sample return campaign
Czaja AD , Zorzano MP , Kminek G , Meyer MA , Beaty DW , Sefton-Nash E , Carrier BL , Thiessen F , Haltigin T , Bouvier A , Dauphas N , French KL , Hallis LJ , Harris RL , Hauber E , Rodriguez LE , Schwenzer SP , Steele A , Tait KT , Thorpe MT , Usui T , Vanhomwegen J , Velbel MA , Edwin S , Farley KA , Glavin DP , Harrington AD , Hays LE , Hutzler A , Wadhwa M . Meteorit Planet Sci 2023 The Mars 2020/Mars Sample Return (MSR) Sample Depot Science Community Workshop was held on September 28 and 30, 2022, to assess the Scientifically-Return Worthy (SRW) value of the full collection of samples acquired by the rover Perseverance at Jezero Crater, and of a proposed subset of samples to be left as a First Depot at a location within Jezero Crater called Three Forks. The primary outcome of the workshop was that the community is in consensus on the following statement: The proposed set of ten sample tubes that includes seven rock samples, one regolith sample, one atmospheric sample, and one witness tube constitutes a SRW collection that: (1) represents the diversity of the explored region around the landing site, (2) covers partially or fully, in a balanced way, all of the International MSR Objectives and Samples Team scientific objectives that are applicable to Jezero Crater, and (3) the analyses of samples in this First Depot on Earth would be of fundamental importance, providing a substantial improvement in our understanding of Mars. At the conclusion of the meeting, there was overall community support for forming the First Depot as described at the workshop and placing it at the Three Forks site. The community also recognized that the diversity of the Rover Cache (the sample collection that remains on the rover after placing the First Depot) will significantly improve with the samples that are planned to be obtained in the future by the Perseverance rover and that the Rover Cache is the primary target for MSR to return to Earth. © 2023 His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Royal Ontario Museum, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology and The Authors. Government sponsorship acknowledged. Meteoritics & Planetary Science published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Meteoritical Society. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Canadian Space Agency. This article has been contributed to by U.S. Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA. |
In-hospital mortality risk stratification in children under 5 years old with pneumonia with or without pulse oximetry: A secondary analysis of the Pneumonia REsearch Partnership To Assess WHO REcommendations (PREPARE) dataset
Hooli S , King C , McCollum ED , Colbourn T , Lufesi N , Mwansambo C , Gregory CJ , Thamthitiwat S , Cutland C , Madhi SA , Nunes MC , Gessner BD , Hazir T , Mathew JL , Addo-Yobo E , Chisaka N , Hassan M , Hibberd PL , Jeena P , Lozano JM , MacLeod WB , Patel A , Thea DM , Nguyen NTV , Zaman SM , Ruvinsky RO , Lucero M , Kartasasmita CB , Turner C , Asghar R , Banajeh S , Iqbal I , Maulen-Radovan I , Mino-Leon G , Saha SK , Santosham M , Singhi S , Awasthi S , Bavdekar A , Chou M , Nymadawa P , Pape JW , Paranhos-Baccala G , Picot VS , Rakoto-Andrianarivelo M , Rouzier V , Russomando G , Sylla M , Vanhems P , Wang J , Basnet S , Strand TA , Neuman MI , Arroyo LM , Echavarria M , Bhatnagar S , Wadhwa N , Lodha R , Aneja S , Gentile A , Chadha M , Hirve S , O'Grady KF , Clara AW , Rees CA , Campbell H , Nair H , Falconer J , Williams LJ , Horne M , Qazi SA , Nisar YB . Int J Infect Dis 2023 129 240-250 OBJECTIVES: We determined pulse oximetry benefit in pediatric pneumonia mortality-risk stratification and chest indrawing pneumonia in-hospital mortality risk factors. METHODS: We report characteristics and in-hospital pneumonia-related mortality of children 2-59-months-old included in the Pneumonia Research Partnership to Assess WHO Recommendations dataset. We developed multivariable logistic regression models of chest indrawing pneumonia to identify mortality risk factors. RESULTS: Among 285,839 children, 164,244 (57·5%) from hospital-based studies were included. Pneumonia case fatality risk (CFR) without pulse oximetry measurement was higher than with measurement (5·8%, 95% CI 5·6-5·9% vs 2·1%, 95% CI 1·9-2·4%). One in five children with chest indrawing pneumonia was hypoxemic (19·7%, 95% CI 19·0-20·4%) and the hypoxemic CFR was 10·3% (95% CI 9·1%-11·5%). Other mortality risk factors were younger age (either 2-5 months (aOR 9·94, 95% CI 6·67-14·84) or 6-11 months (aOR 2·67, 95% CI 1·71-4·16)), moderate malnutrition (aOR 2·41, 95% CI 1·87-3·09), and female sex (aOR 1·82, 95% CI 1·43-2·32). CONCLUSIONS: Children with a pulse oximetry measurement had a lower CFR. Many children hospitalized with chest indrawing pneumonia were hypoxemic and one in ten died. Young age and moderate malnutrition were risk factors for in-hospital chest indrawing pneumonia-related mortality. Pulse oximetry should be integrated in under-five pneumonia hospital care. |
Assembling a global database of child pneumonia studies to inform WHO pneumonia management algorithm: Methodology and applications
Martin H , Falconer J , Addo-Yobo E , Aneja S , Arroyo LM , Asghar R , Awasthi S , Banajeh S , Bari A , Basnet S , Bavdekar A , Bhandari N , Bhatnagar S , Bhutta ZA , Brooks A , Chadha M , Chisaka N , Chou M , Clara AW , Colbourn T , Cutland C , D'Acremont V , Echavarria M , Gentile A , Gessner B , Gregory CJ , Hazir T , Hibberd PL , Hirve S , Hooli S , Iqbal I , Jeena P , Kartasasmita CB , King C , Libster R , Lodha R , Lozano JM , Lucero M , Lufesi N , MacLeod WB , Madhi SA , Mathew JL , Maulen-Radovan I , McCollum ED , Mino G , Mwansambo C , Neuman MI , Nguyen NTV , Nunes MC , Nymadawa P , O'Grady KF , Pape JW , Paranhos-Baccala G , Patel A , Picot VS , Rakoto-Andrianarivelo M , Rasmussen Z , Rouzier V , Russomando G , Ruvinsky RO , Sadruddin S , Saha SK , Santosham M , Singhi S , Soofi S , Strand TA , Sylla M , Thamthitiwat S , Thea DM , Turner C , Vanhems P , Wadhwa N , Wang J , Zaman SM , Campbell H , Nair H , Qazi SA , Nisar YB . J Glob Health 2022 12 04075 BACKGROUND: The existing World Health Organization (WHO) pneumonia case management guidelines rely on clinical symptoms and signs for identifying, classifying, and treating pneumonia in children up to 5 years old. We aimed to collate an individual patient-level data set from large, high-quality pre-existing studies on pneumonia in children to identify a set of signs and symptoms with greater validity in the diagnosis, prognosis, and possible treatment of childhood pneumonia for the improvement of current pneumonia case management guidelines. METHODS: Using data from a published systematic review and expert knowledge, we identified studies meeting our eligibility criteria and invited investigators to share individual-level patient data. We collected data on demographic information, general medical history, and current illness episode, including history, clinical presentation, chest radiograph findings when available, treatment, and outcome. Data were gathered separately from hospital-based and community-based cases. We performed a narrative synthesis to describe the final data set. RESULTS: Forty-one separate data sets were included in the Pneumonia Research Partnership to Assess WHO Recommendations (PREPARE) database, 26 of which were hospital-based and 15 were community-based. The PREPARE database includes 285839 children with pneumonia (244323 in the hospital and 41516 in the community), with detailed descriptions of clinical presentation, clinical progression, and outcome. Of 9185 pneumonia-related deaths, 6836 (74%) occurred in children <1 year of age and 1317 (14%) in children aged 1-2 years. Of the 285839 episodes, 280998 occurred in children 0-59 months old, of which 129584 (46%) were 2-11 months of age and 152730 (54%) were males. CONCLUSIONS: This data set could identify an improved specific, sensitive set of criteria for diagnosing clinical pneumonia and help identify sick children in need of referral to a higher level of care or a change of therapy. Field studies could be designed based on insights from PREPARE analyses to validate a potential revised pneumonia algorithm. The PREPARE methodology can also act as a model for disease database assembly. |
Derivation and validation of a novel risk assessment tool to identify children aged 2-59 months at risk of hospitalised pneumonia-related mortality in 20 countries
Rees CA , Colbourn T , Hooli S , King C , Lufesi N , McCollum ED , Mwansambo C , Cutland C , Madhi SA , Nunes M , Matthew JL , Addo-Yobo E , Chisaka N , Hassan M , Hibberd PL , Jeena PM , Lozano JM , MacLeod WB , Patel A , Thea DM , Nguyen NTV , Kartasasmita CB , Lucero M , Awasthi S , Bavdekar A , Chou M , Nymadawa P , Pape JW , Paranhos-Baccala G , Picot VS , Rakoto-Andrianarivelo M , Rouzier V , Russomando G , Sylla M , Vanhems P , Wang J , Asghar R , Banajeh S , Iqbal I , Maulen-Radovan I , Mino-Leon G , Saha SK , Santosham M , Singhi S , Basnet S , Strand TA , Bhatnagar S , Wadhwa N , Lodha R , Aneja S , Clara AW , Campbell H , Nair H , Falconer J , Qazi SA , Nisar YB , Neuman MI . BMJ Glob Health 2022 7 (4) INTRODUCTION: Existing risk assessment tools to identify children at risk of hospitalised pneumonia-related mortality have shown suboptimal discriminatory value during external validation. Our objective was to derive and validate a novel risk assessment tool to identify children aged 2-59 months at risk of hospitalised pneumonia-related mortality across various settings. METHODS: We used primary, baseline, patient-level data from 11 studies, including children evaluated for pneumonia in 20 low-income and middle-income countries. Patients with complete data were included in a logistic regression model to assess the association of candidate variables with the outcome hospitalised pneumonia-related mortality. Adjusted log coefficients were calculated for each candidate variable and assigned weighted points to derive the Pneumonia Research Partnership to Assess WHO Recommendations (PREPARE) risk assessment tool. We used bootstrapped selection with 200 repetitions to internally validate the PREPARE risk assessment tool. RESULTS: A total of 27 388 children were included in the analysis (mean age 14.0 months, pneumonia-related case fatality ratio 3.1%). The PREPARE risk assessment tool included patient age, sex, weight-for-age z-score, body temperature, respiratory rate, unconsciousness or decreased level of consciousness, convulsions, cyanosis and hypoxaemia at baseline. The PREPARE risk assessment tool had good discriminatory value when internally validated (area under the curve 0.83, 95% CI 0.81 to 0.84). CONCLUSIONS: The PREPARE risk assessment tool had good discriminatory ability for identifying children at risk of hospitalised pneumonia-related mortality in a large, geographically diverse dataset. After external validation, this tool may be implemented in various settings to identify children at risk of hospitalised pneumonia-related mortality. |
Comparison of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein ELISA and the Abbott Architect SARS-CoV-2 IgG nucleocapsid protein assays for detection of antibodies.
Wadhwa A , Yin S , Freeman B , Hershow RB , Killerby M , Yousaf AR , Lester S , Mills L , Buono SA , Pomeroy M , Owusu D , Chu VT , Tate JE , Bhattacharyya S , Hall P , Thornburg NJ , Kirking HL . PLoS One 2021 16 (7) e0255208 Serologic assays developed for SARS-CoV-2 detect different antibody subtypes and are based on different target antigens. Comparison of the performance of a SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Protein ELISA and the nucleocapsid-based Abbott ArchitectTM SARS-CoV-2 IgG assay indicated that the assays had high concordance, with rare paired discordant tests results. |
Azithromycin and Ciprofloxacin Treatment Outcomes During an Outbreak of Multidrug-Resistant Shigella sonnei Infections in a Retirement Community-Vermont, 2018.
Gharpure R , Friedman CR , Fialkowski V , Collins JP , Strysko J , Marsh ZA , Chen JC , Meservey EH , Adediran AA , Schroeder MN , Wadhwa A , Fullerton KE , Watkins LF . Clin Infect Dis 2021 74 (3) 455-460 ![]() BACKGROUND: In 2018, CDC and the Vermont Department of Health investigated an outbreak of multidrug-resistant Shigella sonnei infections in a retirement community that offered a continuum of care from independent living through skilled nursing care. The investigation identified 24 culture-confirmed cases. Isolates were resistant to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, ampicillin, and ceftriaxone, and had decreased susceptibility to azithromycin and ciprofloxacin. METHODS: To evaluate clinical and microbiologic response, we reviewed inpatient and outpatient medical records for treatment outcomes among the 24 patients with culture-confirmed S. sonnei infection. We defined clinical failure as diarrhea (≥3 loose stools per day) for ≥1 day after treatment finished, and microbiologic failure as a stool culture that yielded S. sonnei after treatment finished. We used broth microdilution to perform antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and whole genome sequencing to identify resistance mechanisms. RESULTS: Isolates contained macrolide resistance genes mph(A) and erm(B) and had azithromycin minimum inhibitory concentrations above the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute epidemiological cutoff value of ≤16 µg/mL. Among 24 patients with culture-confirmed Shigella infection, four were treated with azithromycin; all had clinical treatment failure and two also had microbiologic treatment failure. Isolates were susceptible to ciprofloxacin but contained a gyrA mutation; two patients failed treatment with ciprofloxacin. CONCLUSIONS: These azithromycin treatment failures demonstrate the importance of clinical breakpoints to aid clinicians in identifying alternative treatment options for resistant strains. Additionally, these treatment failures highlight a need for comprehensive susceptibility testing and systematic outcome studies, particularly given the emergence of multidrug-resistant Shigella among an expanding range of patient populations. |
Persistent SARS-CoV-2 RNA Shedding without Evidence of Infectiousness: A Cohort Study of Individuals with COVID-19.
Owusu D , Pomeroy MA , Lewis NM , Wadhwa A , Yousaf AR , Whitaker B , Dietrich E , Hall AJ , Chu V , Thornburg N , Christensen K , Kiphibane T , Willardson S , Westergaard R , Dasu T , Pray IW , Bhattacharyya S , Dunn A , Tate JE , Kirking HL , Matanock A . J Infect Dis 2021 224 (8) 1362-1371 BACKGROUND: To better understand SARS-CoV-2 shedding duration and infectivity, we estimated SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding duration, described characteristics associated with viral RNA shedding resolution1, and determined if replication-competent viruses could be recovered ≥10 days after symptom onset among individuals with mild to moderate COVID-19. METHODS: We collected serial nasopharyngeal specimens at various time points from 109 individuals with rRT-PCR-confirmed COVID-19 in Utah and Wisconsin. We calculated probability of viral RNA shedding resolution using the Kaplan-Meier estimator and evaluated characteristics associated with shedding resolution using Cox proportional hazards regression. We attempted viral culture for 35 rRT-PCR-positive nasopharyngeal specimens collected ≥10 days after symptom onset. RESULTS: The likelihood of viral RNA shedding resolution at 10 days after symptom onset was approximately 3%. Time to shedding resolution was shorter among participants aged <18 years (adjusted hazards ratio [aHR]: 3.01; 95% CI: 1.6-5.6) and longer among those aged ≥50 years (aHR: 0.50; 95% CI: 0.3-0.9) compared to participants aged 18-49 years. No replication-competent viruses were recovered. CONCLUSIONS: Although most patients were positive for SARS-CoV-2 for ≥10 days after symptom onset, our findings suggest that individuals with mild to moderate COVID-19 are unlikely to be infectious ≥10 days after symptom onset. |
Identification of presymptomatic and asymptomatic cases using cohort-based testing approaches at a large correctional facility - Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 2020.
Wadhwa A , Fisher KA , Silver R , Koh M , Arons MM , Miller DA , McIntyre AF , Vuong JT , Kim K , Takamiya M , Binder AM , Tate JE , Armstrong PA , Black SR , Mennella CC , Levin R , Gubser J , Jones B , Welbel SF , Moonan PK , Curran K , Ghinai I , Doshi R , Zawitz CJ . Clin Infect Dis 2020 72 (5) e128-e135 BACKGROUND: COVID-19 continues to cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Correctional and detention facilities are at high risk of experiencing outbreaks. We aimed to evaluate cohort-based testing among detained persons exposed to laboratory-confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 in order to identify presymptomatic and asymptomatic cases. METHODS: During May 1-19, 2020, two testing strategies were implemented in 12 tiers or housing units of the Cook County Jail in Chicago, Illinois. Detained persons were approached to participate in serial testing (n=137) tests at 3 time points over 14 days (day 1, day 3-5, and day 13-14). The second group was offered a single test and interview at the end of a 14-day quarantine period (day 14 group) (n=87). RESULTS: A total of 224 detained persons were approached for participation and of these 194 (87%) participated in at least one interview, and 172 (77%) had at least one test. Of the 172 tested, 19 were positive for SARS-CoV-2. In the serial testing group, 17 (89%) new cases were detected, sixteen (84%) on day 1, one (5%) on days 3-5, and none on days 13-14; and, in day 14 group, two (11%) cases were identified. More than half (12/19; 63%) of the newly identified cases were pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic. CONCLUSION: Our findings highlight the utility of cohort-based testing promptly after initiating quarantine within a housing tier. Cohort-based testing efforts identified new SARS-CoV-2 asymptomatic and presymptomatic infections that may have been missed by symptom screening alone. |
Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States.
Lewis NM , Chu VT , Ye D , Conners EE , Gharpure R , Laws RL , Reses HE , Freeman BD , Fajans M , Rabold EM , Dawson P , Buono S , Yin S , Owusu D , Wadhwa A , Pomeroy M , Yousaf A , Pevzner E , Njuguna H , Battey KA , Tran CH , Fields VL , Salvatore P , O'Hegarty M , Vuong J , Chancey R , Gregory C , Banks M , Rispens JR , Dietrich E , Marcenac P , Matanock AM , Duca L , Binder A , Fox G , Lester S , Mills L , Gerber SI , Watson J , Schumacher A , Pawloski L , Thornburg NJ , Hall AJ , Kiphibane T , Willardson S , Christensen K , Page L , Bhattacharyya S , Dasu T , Christiansen A , Pray IW , Westergaard RP , Dunn AC , Tate JE , Nabity SA , Kirking HL . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (7) 1805-1813 BACKGROUND: Although many viral respiratory illnesses are transmitted within households, the evidence base for SARS-CoV-2 is nascent. We sought to characterize SARS-CoV-2 transmission within US households and estimate the household secondary infection rate (SIR) to inform strategies to reduce transmission. METHODS: We recruited laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients and their household contacts in Utah and Wisconsin during March 22-April 25, 2020. We interviewed patients and all household contacts to obtain demographics and medical histories. At the initial household visit, 14 days later, and when a household contact became newly symptomatic, we collected respiratory swabs from patients and household contacts for testing by SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR and sera for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies testing by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We estimated SIR and odds ratios (OR) to assess risk factors for secondary infection, defined by a positive rRT-PCR or ELISA test. RESULTS: Thirty-two (55%) of 58 households had evidence of secondary infection among household contacts. The SIR was 29% (n = 55/188; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 23-36%) overall, 42% among children (<18 years) of the COVID-19 patient and 33% among spouses/partners. Household contacts to COVID-19 patients with immunocompromised conditions had increased odds of infection (OR: 15.9, 95% CI: 2.4-106.9). Household contacts who themselves had diabetes mellitus had increased odds of infection (OR: 7.1, 95% CI: 1.2-42.5). CONCLUSIONS: We found substantial evidence of secondary infections among household contacts. People with COVID-19, particularly those with immunocompromising conditions or those with household contacts with diabetes, should take care to promptly self-isolate to prevent household transmission. |
Symptoms and Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Among Children - Utah and Wisconsin, March-May 2020.
Laws RL , Chancey RJ , Rabold EM , Chu VT , Lewis NM , Fajans M , Reses HE , Duca LM , Dawson P , Conners EE , Gharpure R , Yin S , Buono S , Pomeroy M , Yousaf AR , Owusu D , Wadhwa A , Pevzner E , Battey KA , Njuguna H , Fields VL , Salvatore P , O'Hegarty M , Vuong J , Gregory CJ , Banks M , Rispens J , Dietrich E , Marcenac P , Matanock A , Pray I , Westergaard R , Dasu T , Bhattacharyya S , Christiansen A , Page L , Dunn A , Atkinson-Dunn R , Christensen K , Kiphibane T , Willardson S , Fox G , Ye D , Nabity SA , Binder A , Freeman BD , Lester S , Mills L , Thornburg N , Hall AJ , Fry AM , Tate JE , Tran CH , Kirking HL . Pediatrics 2020 147 (1) BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Limited data exist on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in children. We described infection rates and symptom profiles among pediatric household contacts of individuals with coronavirus disease 2019. METHODS: We enrolled individuals with coronavirus disease 2019 and their household contacts, assessed daily symptoms prospectively for 14 days, and obtained specimens for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and serology testing. Among pediatric contacts (<18 years), we described transmission, assessed the risk factors for infection, and calculated symptom positive and negative predictive values. We compared secondary infection rates and symptoms between pediatric and adult contacts using generalized estimating equations. RESULTS: Among 58 households, 188 contacts were enrolled (120 adults; 68 children). Secondary infection rates for adults (30%) and children (28%) were similar. Among households with potential for transmission from children, child-to-adult transmission may have occurred in 2 of 10 (20%), and child-to-child transmission may have occurred in 1 of 6 (17%). Pediatric case patients most commonly reported headache (79%), sore throat (68%), and rhinorrhea (68%); symptoms had low positive predictive values, except measured fever (100%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 44% to 100%). Compared with symptomatic adults, children were less likely to report cough (odds ratio [OR]: 0.15; 95% CI: 0.04 to 0.57), loss of taste (OR: 0.21; 95% CI: 0.06 to 0.74), and loss of smell (OR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.09 to 0.96) and more likely to report sore throat (OR: 3.4; 95% CI: 1.04 to 11.18). CONCLUSIONS: Children and adults had similar secondary infection rates, but children generally had less frequent and severe symptoms. In two states early in the pandemic, we observed possible transmission from children in approximately one-fifth of households with potential to observe such transmission patterns. |
Epidemiological Correlates of PCR Cycle Threshold Values in the Detection of SARS-CoV-2.
Salvatore PP , Dawson P , Wadhwa A , Rabold EM , Buono S , Dietrich EA , Reses HE , Vuong J , Pawloski L , Dasu T , Bhattacharyya S , Pevzner E , Hall AJ , Tate JE , Kirking HL . Clin Infect Dis 2020 72 (11) e761-e767 BACKGROUND: Detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection has principally been performed through the use of real-time reverse-transcription PCR (rRT-PCR) testing. Results of such tests can be reported as cycle threshold (Ct) values, which may provide semi-quantitative or indirect measurements of viral load. Previous reports have examined temporal trends in Ct values over the course of a SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: Using testing data collected during a prospective household transmission investigation of outpatient and mild COVID-19 cases, we examined the relationship between Ct values of the viral RNA N1 target and demographic, clinical, and epidemiological characteristics collected through participant interviews and daily symptom diaries. RESULTS: We found Ct values are lowest (corresponding to higher viral RNA concentration) soon after symptom onset and are significantly correlated with time elapsed since onset (p<0.001); within 7 days after symptom onset, the median Ct value was 26.5 compared with a median Ct value of 35.0 occurring 21 days after onset. Ct values were significantly lower among participants under 18 years of age (p=0.01) and those reporting upper respiratory symptoms at the time of sample collection (p=0.001) and were higher among participants reporting no symptoms (p=0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasize the importance of early testing for SARS-CoV-2 among individuals with symptoms of respiratory illness and allows cases to be identified and isolated when their viral shedding may be highest. |
A prospective cohort study in non-hospitalized household contacts with SARS-CoV-2 infection: symptom profiles and symptom change over time.
Yousaf AR , Duca LM , Chu V , Reses HE , Fajans M , Rabold EM , Laws RL , Gharpure R , Matanock A , Wadhwa A , Pomeroy M , Njuguna H , Fox G , Binder AM , Christiansen A , Freeman B , Gregory C , Tran CH , Owusu D , Ye D , Dietrich E , Pevzner E , Conners EE , Pray I , Rispens J , Vuong J , Christensen K , Banks M , O'Hegarty M , Mills L , Lester S , Thornburg NJ , Lewis N , Dawson P , Marcenac P , Salvatore P , Chancey RJ , Fields V , Buono S , Yin S , Gerber S , Kiphibane T , Dasu T , Bhattacharyya S , Westergaard R , Dunn A , Hall AJ , Fry AM , Tate JE , Kirking HL , Nabity S . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (7) e1841-e1849 BACKGROUND: Improved understanding of SARS-CoV-2 spectrum of disease is essential for clinical and public health interventions. There are limited data on mild or asymptomatic infections, but recognition of these individuals is key as they contribute to viral transmission. We describe the symptom profiles from individuals with mild or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: From March 22 to April 22, 2020 in Wisconsin and Utah, we enrolled and prospectively observed 198 household contacts exposed to SARS-CoV-2. We collected and tested nasopharyngeal (NP) specimens by RT-PCR two or more times during a 14-day period. Contacts completed daily symptom diaries. We characterized symptom profiles on the date of first positive RT-PCR test and described progression of symptoms over time. RESULTS: We identified 47 contacts, median age 24 (3-75) years, with detectable SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR. The most commonly reported symptoms on the day of first positive RT-PCR test were upper respiratory (n=32, 68%) and neurologic (n=30, 64%); fever was not commonly reported (n=9, 19%). Eight (17%) individuals were asymptomatic at the date of first positive RT-PCR collection; two (4%) had preceding symptoms that resolved and six (13%) subsequently developed symptoms. Children less frequently reported lower respiratory symptoms (age <18: 21%, age 18-49: 60%, age 50+ years: 69%; p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Household contacts with lab-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection reported mild symptoms. When assessed at a single time-point, several contacts appeared to have asymptomatic infection; however, over time all developed symptoms. These findings are important to inform infection control, contact tracing, and community mitigation strategies. |
Notes from the Field: Outbreak of Multidrug-Resistant Shigella sonnei Infections in a Retirement Community - Vermont, October-November 2018.
Strysko J , Fialkowski V , Marsh Z , Wadhwa A , Collins J , Gharpure R , Kelso P , Friedman CR , Fullerton KE . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (17) 405-406 ![]() ![]() On October 22, 2018, the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) notified CDC’s Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch of an outbreak of diarrhea caused by Shigella sonnei among residents, visitors, and staff members of a retirement community in Chittenden County, the state’s most populous county. High-quality single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis predicted initial isolates were multidrug resistant (MDR), and were closely related to a concurrent multistate cluster (differing by 0–11 SNPs). In the United States, rates of MDR shigellosis are increasing (1); outbreaks of MDR shigellosis are more common among men who have sex with men and are rare in retirement community settings (2). CDC collaborated with VDH to identify additional cases, determine transmission routes, and recommend prevention and control measures. |
Multi-site evaluation of the LN34 pan-lyssavirus real-time RT-PCR assay for post-mortem rabies diagnostics.
Gigante CM , Dettinger L , Powell JW , Seiders M , Condori REC , Griesser R , Okogi K , Carlos M , Pesko K , Breckenridge M , Simon EMM , Chu Myjv , Davis AD , Brunt SJ , Orciari L , Yager P , Carson WC , Hartloge C , Saliki JT , Sanchez S , Deldari M , Hsieh K , Wadhwa A , Wilkins K , Peredo VY , Rabideau P , Gruhn N , Cadet R , Isloor S , Nath SS , Joseph T , Gao J , Wallace R , Reynolds M , Olson VA , Li Y . PLoS One 2018 13 (5) e0197074 ![]() ![]() Rabies is a fatal zoonotic disease that requires fast, accurate diagnosis to prevent disease in an exposed individual. The current gold standard for post-mortem diagnosis of human and animal rabies is the direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test. While the DFA test has proven sensitive and reliable, it requires high quality antibody conjugates, a skilled technician, a fluorescence microscope and diagnostic specimen of sufficient quality. The LN34 pan-lyssavirus real-time RT-PCR assay represents a strong candidate for rabies post-mortem diagnostics due to its ability to detect RNA across the diverse Lyssavirus genus, its high sensitivity, its potential for use with deteriorated tissues, and its simple, easy to implement design. Here, we present data from a multi-site evaluation of the LN34 assay in 14 laboratories. A total of 2,978 samples (1,049 DFA positive) from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East were tested. The LN34 assay exhibited low variability in repeatability and reproducibility studies and was capable of detecting viral RNA in fresh, frozen, archived, deteriorated and formalin-fixed brain tissue. The LN34 assay displayed high diagnostic specificity (99.68%) and sensitivity (99.90%) when compared to the DFA test, and no DFA positive samples were negative by the LN34 assay. The LN34 assay produced definitive findings for 80 samples that were inconclusive or untestable by DFA; 29 were positive. Five samples were inconclusive by the LN34 assay, and only one sample was inconclusive by both tests. Furthermore, use of the LN34 assay led to the identification of one false negative and 11 false positive DFA results. Together, these results demonstrate the reliability and robustness of the LN34 assay and support a role for the LN34 assay in improving rabies diagnostics and surveillance. |
Assessment of the immunogenicity of rabies vaccine preserved by vaporization and delivered to the duodenal mucosa of gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
Smith TG , Wu X , Ellison JA , Wadhwa A , Franka R , Langham GL , Skinner BL , Hanlon CA , Bronshtein VL . Am J Vet Res 2017 78 (6) 752-756 OBJECTIVE To assess the immunogenicity of thermostable live-attenuated rabies virus (RABV) preserved by vaporization (PBV) and delivered to the duodenal mucosa of a wildlife species targeted for an oral vaccination program. ANIMALS 8 gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). PROCEDURES Endoscopy was used to place RABV PBV (n = 3 foxes), alginate-encapsulated RABV PBV (3 foxes), or nonpreserved RABV (2 foxes) vaccine into the duodenum of foxes. Blood samples were collected weekly to monitor the immune response. Saliva samples were collected weekly and tested for virus shedding by use of a conventional reverse-transcriptase PCR assay. Foxes were euthanized 28 days after vaccine administration, and relevant tissues were collected and tested for presence of RABV. RESULTS 2 of 3 foxes that received RABV PBV and 1 of 2 foxes that received nonpreserved RABV seroconverted by day 28. None of the 3 foxes receiving alginate-encapsulated RABV PBV seroconverted. No RABV RNA was detected in saliva at any of the time points, and RABV antigen or RNA was not detected in any of the tissues obtained on day 28. None of the foxes displayed any clinical signs of rabies. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results for this study indicated that a live-attenuated RABV vaccine delivered to the duodenal mucosa can induce an immune response in gray foxes. A safe, potent, thermostable RABV vaccine that could be delivered orally to wildlife or domestic animals would enhance current rabies control and prevention efforts. |
Rabies surveillance in the United States during 2015
Birhane MG , Cleaton JM , Monroe BP , Wadhwa A , Orciari LA , Yager P , Blanton J , Velasco-Villa A , Petersen BW , Wallace RM . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2017 250 (10) 1117-1130 OBJECTIVE To describe rabies and rabies-related events occurring during 2015 in the United States. DESIGN Observational study based on passive surveillance data. ANIMALS All animals submitted for rabies testing in the United States during 2015. PROCEDURES State and territorial public health programs provided data on animals submitted for rabies testing in 2015. Data were analyzed temporally and geographically to assess trends in domestic and sylvatic animal rabies cases. RESULTS During 2015, 50 states and Puerto Rico reported 5,508 rabid animals to the CDC, representing an 8.7% decrease from the 6,033 rabid animals reported in 2014. Of the 5,508 cases of animal rabies, 5,088 (92.4%) involved wildlife. Relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 1,704 (30.9%) bats, 1,619 (29.4%) raccoons, 1,365 (24.8%) skunks, 325 (5.9%) foxes, 244 (4.4%) cats, 85 (1.5%) cattle, and 67 (1.2%) dogs. There was a 4.1% decrease in the number of samples submitted for testing in 2015, compared with the number submitted in 2014. Three human rabies deaths were reported in 2015, compared with only 1 in 2014. A 65-year-old man in Massachusetts was bitten by a rabid dog while abroad. A 77-year-old woman in Wyoming had contact with a bat. A 54-year-old man in Puerto Rico was bitten by a mongoose. The only connection among these 3 cases was that none received postexposure prophylaxis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Laboratory testing of animals suspected to be rabid remains a critical public health function and continues to be a cost-effective method to directly influence human rabies postexposure prophylaxis recommendations. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2017;250:1117-1130). |
A Pan-Lyssavirus Taqman Real-Time RT-PCR Assay for the Detection of Highly Variable Rabies virus and Other Lyssaviruses.
Wadhwa A , Wilkins K , Gao J , Condori Condori RE , Gigante CM , Zhao H , Ma X , Ellison JA , Greenberg L , Velasco-Villa A , Orciari L , Li Y . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2017 11 (1) e0005258 ![]() Rabies, resulting from infection by Rabies virus (RABV) and related lyssaviruses, is one of the most deadly zoonotic diseases and is responsible for up to 70,000 estimated human deaths worldwide each year. Rapid and accurate laboratory diagnosis of rabies is essential for timely administration of post-exposure prophylaxis in humans and control of the disease in animals. Currently, only the direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test is recommended for routine rabies diagnosis. Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based diagnostic methods have been widely adapted for the diagnosis of other viral pathogens, but there is currently no widely accepted rapid real-time RT-PCR assay for the detection of all lyssaviruses. In this study, we demonstrate the validation of a newly developed multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay named LN34, which uses a combination of degenerate primers and probes along with probe modifications to achieve superior coverage of the Lyssavirus genus while maintaining sensitivity and specificity. The primers and probes of the LN34 assay target the highly conserved non-coding leader region and part of the nucleoprotein (N) coding sequence of the Lyssavirus genome to maintain assay robustness. The probes were further modified by locked nucleotides to increase their melting temperature to meet the requirements for an optimal real-time RT-PCR assay. The LN34 assay was able to detect all RABV variants and other lyssaviruses in a validation panel that included representative RABV isolates from most regions of the world as well as representatives of 13 additional Lyssavirus species. The LN34 assay was successfully used for both ante-mortem and post-mortem diagnosis of over 200 clinical samples as well as field derived surveillance samples. This assay represents a major improvement over previously published rabies specific RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR assays because of its ability to universally detect RABV and other lyssaviruses, its high throughput capability and its simplicity of use, which can be quickly adapted in a laboratory to enhance the capacity of rabies molecular diagnostics. The LN34 assay provides an alternative approach for rabies diagnostics, especially in rural areas and rabies endemic regions that lack the conditions and broad experience required to run the standard DFA assay. |
Human rabies - Wyoming and Utah, 2015
Harrist A , Styczynski A , Wynn D , Ansari S , Hopkin J , Rosado-Santos H , Baker J , Nakashima A , Atkinson A , Spencer M , Dean D , Teachout L , Mayer J , Condori RE , Orciari L , Wadhwa A , Ellison J , Niezgoda M , Petersen B , Wallace R , Musgrave K . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (21) 529-33 In September 2015, a Wyoming woman was admitted to a local hospital with a 5-day history of progressive weakness, ataxia, dysarthria, and dysphagia. Because of respiratory failure, she was transferred to a referral hospital in Utah, where she developed progressive encephalitis. On day 8 of hospitalization, the patient's family told clinicians they recalled that, 1 month before admission, the woman had found a bat on her neck upon waking, but had not sought medical care. The patient's husband subsequently had contacted county invasive species authorities about the incident, but he was not advised to seek health care for evaluation of his wife's risk for rabies. On October 2, CDC confirmed the patient was infected with a rabies virus variant that was enzootic to the silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans). The patient died on October 3. Public understanding of rabies risk from bat contact needs to be improved; cooperation among public health and other agencies can aid in referring persons with possible bat exposure for assessment of rabies risk. |
Human Rabies - Missouri, 2014.
Pratt PD , Henschel K , Turabelidze G , Grim A , Ellison JA , Orciari L , Yager P , Franka R , Wu X , Ma X , Wadhwa A , Smith TG , Petersen B , Shiferaw M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (10) 253-256 ![]() On September 18, 2014, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS) was notified of a suspected rabies case in a Missouri resident. The patient, a man aged 52 years, lived in a rural, deeply wooded area, and bat sightings in and around his home were anecdotally reported. Exposure to bats poses a risk for rabies. After two emergency department visits for severe neck pain, paresthesia in the left arm, upper body tremors, and anxiety, he was hospitalized on September 13 for encephalitis of unknown etiology. On September 24, he received a diagnosis of rabies and on September 26, he died. Genetic sequencing tests confirmed infection with a rabies virus variant associated with tricolored bats. Health care providers need to maintain a high index of clinical suspicion for rabies in patients who have unexplained, rapidly progressive encephalitis, and adhere to recommended infection control practices when examining and treating patients with suspected infectious diseases. |
Rabies death attributed to exposure in Central America with symptom onset in a U.S. Detention facility - Texas, 2013
Wallace RM , Bhavnani D , Russell J , Zaki S , Muehlenbachs A , Hayden-Pinneri K , Aplicano RM , Peruski L , Vora NM , Balter S , Elson D , Lederman E , Leeson B , McLaughlin T , Waterman S , Fonseca-Ford M , Blanton J , Franka R , Velasco-Villa A , Niezgoda M , Orciari L , Recuenco S , Damon I , Hanlon C , Jackson F , Dyer J , Wadhwa A , Robinson L . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2014 63 (20) 446-9 On June 7, 2013, a man was diagnosed in a Texas hospital with rabies. He had been detained in a U.S. detention facility during his infectious period. To identify persons exposed to rabies who might require rabies postexposure prophylaxis (PEP), CDC and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) conducted investigations at four detention facilities, one medical clinic, and two hospitals. In all, 25 of 742 persons assessed for rabies exposure were advised to receive PEP. Early diagnosis of rabies is essential for implementation of appropriate hospital infection control measures and for rapid assessment of potential contacts for PEP recommendations. |
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