Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-17 (of 17 Records) |
Query Trace: Vogt TM[original query] |
School-based interventions to increase student COVID-19 vaccination coverage in public school populations with low coverage - Seattle, Washington, December 2021-June 2022
Fairlie T , Chu B , Thomas ES , Querns AK , Lyons A , Koziol M , Englund JA , Anderson EM , Graff K , Rigel S , Bell TR , Saydah S , Chatham-Stephens K , Vogt TM , Hoag S , Briggs-Hagen M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (11) 283-287 COVID-19 can lead to severe outcomes in children (1). Vaccination decreases risk for COVID-19 illness, severe disease, and death (2). On December 13, 2020, CDC recommended COVID-19 vaccination for persons aged ≥16 years, with expansion on May 12, 2021, to children and adolescents (children) aged 12-15 years, and on November 2, 2021, to children aged 5-11 years (3). As of March 8, 2023, COVID-19 vaccination coverage among school-aged children remained low nationwide, with 61.7% of children aged 12-17 years and approximately one third (32.7%) of those aged 5-11 years having completed the primary series (3). Intention to receive COVID-19 vaccine and vaccination coverage vary by demographic characteristics, including race and ethnicity and socioeconomic status (4-6). Seattle Public Schools (SPS) implemented a program to increase COVID-19 vaccination coverage during the 2021-22 school year, focusing on children aged 5-11 years during November 2021-June 2022, with an added focus on populations with low vaccine coverage during January 2022-June 2022.(†) The program included strategic messaging, school-located vaccination clinics, and school-led community engagement. Vaccination data from the Washington State Immunization Information System (WAIIS) were analyzed to examine disparities in COVID-19 vaccination by demographic and school characteristics and trends over time. In December 2021, 56.5% of all SPS students, 33.7% of children aged 5-11 years, and 81.3% of children aged 12-18 years had completed a COVID-19 primary vaccination series. By June 2022, overall series completion had increased to 80.3% and was 74.0% and 86.6% among children aged 5-11 years and 12-18 years, respectively. School-led vaccination programs can leverage community partnerships and relationships with families to improve COVID-19 vaccine access and coverage. |
Sociodemographic Variation in Early Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccine and Parental Intent and Attitudes Toward Vaccination of Children Aged 6 Months-4 Years - United States, July 1-29, 2022.
Santibanez TA , Zhou T , Black CL , Vogt TM , Murthy BP , Pineau V , Singleton JA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (46) 1479-1484 COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for infants and young children, and on June 18, 2022, CDC recommended COVID-19 vaccination for infants and children (children) aged 6 months-4 years (1,2). As of November 9, 2022, based on administrative data reported to CDC,* 5.9% of children aged <2 years and 8.8% of children aged 2-4 years had received ≥1 dose. To better understand reasons for low coverage among children aged <5 years, CDC analyzed data from 4,496 National Immunization Survey-Child COVID Module (NIS-CCM) interviews conducted during July 1-29, 2022, to examine variation in receipt of ≥1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine and parental intent to vaccinate children aged 6 months-4 years by sociodemographic characteristics and by parental beliefs about COVID-19; type of vaccination place was also reported. Among children aged 6 months-4 years, 3.5% were vaccinated; 59.3% were unvaccinated, but the parent was open to vaccination; and 37.2% were unvaccinated, and the parent was reluctant to vaccinate their child. Openness to vaccination was higher among parents of Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) (66.2%), non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) (61.1%), and non-Hispanic Asian (Asian) (83.1%) children than among parents of non-Hispanic White (White) (52.9%) children and lower among parents of children in rural areas (45.8%) than among parents of children in urban areas (64.1%). Parental confidence in COVID-19 vaccine safety and receipt of a provider recommendation for COVID-19 vaccination were lower among unvaccinated than vaccinated children. COVID-19 vaccine recommendations from a health care provider, along with dissemination of information about the safety of COVID-19 vaccine by trusted persons, could increase vaccination coverage among young children. |
Where are children ages 5-17 years receiving their COVID-19 vaccinations? Variations over time and by sociodemographic characteristics, United States.
Santibanez TA , Black CL , Vogt TM , Chatham-Stephens K , Zhou T , Lendon JP , Singleton JA . Vaccine 2022 40 (48) 6917-6923 BACKGROUND: Knowing the settings where children ages 5-17 years received COVID-19 vaccination in the United States, and how settings changed over time and varied by socio-demographics, is of interest for planning and implementing vaccination programs. METHODS: Data from the National Immunization Survey-Child COVID-19 Module (NIS-CCM) were analyzed to assess place of COVID-19 vaccination among vaccinated children ages 5-17 years. Interviews from July 2021 thru May 2022 were included in the analyses for a total of n = 39,286 vaccinated children. The percentage of children receiving their COVID-19 vaccine at each type of setting was calculated overall, by sociodemographic characteristics, and by month of receipt of COVID-19 vaccine. RESULTS: Among vaccinated children ages 5-11 years, 46.9 % were vaccinated at a medical place, 37.1 % at a pharmacy, 8.1 % at a school, 4.7 % at a mass vaccination site, and 3.2 % at some other non-medical place. Among vaccinated children ages 12-17 years, 35.1 % were vaccinated at a medical place, 47.9 % at a pharmacy, 8.3 % at a mass vaccination site, 4.8 % at a school, and 4.0 % at some other non-medical place. The place varied by time among children ages 12-17 years but minimally for children ages 5-11 years. There was variability in the place of COVID-19 vaccination by age, race/ethnicity, health insurance, urbanicity, and region. CONCLUSION: Children ages 5-17 years predominantly received their COVID-19 vaccinations at pharmacies and medical places. The large proportion of vaccinated children receiving vaccination at pharmacies is indicative of the success in the United States of expanding the available settings where children could be vaccinated. Medical places continue to play a large role in vaccinating children, especially younger children, and should continue to stock COVID-19 vaccine to keep it available for those who are not yet vaccinated, including the newly recommended group of children < 5 years. |
COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Access and Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 5-11 Years - United States, November 2021-January 2022.
Kim C , Yee R , Bhatkoti R , Carranza D , Henderson D , Kuwabara SA , Trinidad JP , Radesky S , Cohen A , Vogt TM , Smith Z , Duggar C , Chatham-Stephens K , Ottis C , Rand K , Lim T , Jackson AF , Richardson D , Jaffe A , Lubitz R , Hayes R , Zouela A , Kotulich DL , Kelleher PN , Guo A , Pillai SK , Patel A . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (10) 378-383 On October 29, 2021, the Pfizer-BioNTech pediatric COVID-19 vaccine received Emergency Use Authorization for children aged 5-11 years in the United States.() For a successful immunization program, both access to and uptake of the vaccine are needed. Fifteen million doses were initially made available to pediatric providers to ensure the broadest possible access for the estimated 28 million eligible children aged 5-11 years, especially those in high social vulnerability index (SVI)() communities. Initial supply was strategically distributed to maximize vaccination opportunities for U.S. children aged 5-11 years. COVID-19 vaccination coverage among persons aged 12-17 years has lagged (1), and vaccine confidence has been identified as a concern among parents and caregivers (2). Therefore, COVID-19 provider access and early vaccination coverage among children aged 5-11 years in high and low SVI communities were examined during November 1, 2021-January 18, 2022. As of November 29, 2021 (4 weeks after program launch), 38,732 providers were enrolled, and 92% of U.S. children aged 5-11 years lived within 5 miles of an active provider. As of January 18, 2022 (11 weeks after program launch), 39,786 providers had administered 13.3 million doses. First dose coverage at 4 weeks after launch was 15.0% (10.5% and 17.5% in high and low SVI areas, respectively; rate ratio [RR]=0.68; 95% CI=0.60-0.78), and at 11 weeks was 27.7% (21.2% and 29.0% in high and low SVI areas, respectively; RR=0.76; 95% CI=0.68-0.84). Overall series completion at 11 weeks after launch was 19.1% (13.7% and 21.7% in high and low SVI areas, respectively; RR=0.67; 95% CI=0.58-0.77). Pharmacies administered 46.4% of doses to this age group, including 48.7% of doses in high SVI areas and 44.4% in low SVI areas. Although COVID-19 vaccination coverage rates were low, particularly in high SVI areas, first dose coverage improved over time. Additional outreach is critical, especially in high SVI areas, to improve vaccine confidence and increase coverage rates among children aged 5-11 years. |
Analysis of School-Day Disruption of Administering School-Located Vaccination to Children in Three Local Areas, 2012-2013 School Year.
Yarnoff B , Wagner LD , Honeycutt AA , Vogt TM . J Sch Nurs 2021 39 (6) 10598405211038598 The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of time elementary and middle-school students spend away from the classroom and clinic time required to administer vaccines in school-located vaccination (SLV) clinics. We conducted a time study and estimated average time away from class and time to administer vaccine by health department (HD), student grade level, vaccine type, and vaccination process for SLV clinics during the 2012-2013 school year. Average time away from classroom was 10 min (sample: 688 students, 15 schools, three participating HD districts). Overall, time to administer intranasally administered influenza vaccine was nearly half the time to administer injected vaccine (52.5 vs. 101.7 s) (sample: 330 students, two HDs). SLV administration requires minimal time outside of class for elementary and middle-school students. SLV clinics may be an efficient way to administer catch-up vaccines to children who missed routine vaccinations during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic. |
Patient Characteristics and Costs Associated With COVID-19-Related Medical Care Among Medicare Fee-for-Service Beneficiaries.
Tsai Y , Vogt TM , Zhou F . Ann Intern Med 2021 174 (8) 1101-1109 BACKGROUND: New cases of COVID-19 continue to occur daily in the United States, and the need for medical treatments continues to grow. Knowledge of the direct medical costs of COVID-19 treatments is limited. OBJECTIVE: To examine the characteristics of older adults with COVID-19 and their costs for COVID-19-related medical care. DESIGN: Retrospective observational study. SETTING: Medical claims for Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries. PATIENTS: Medicare FFS beneficiaries aged 65 years or older who had a COVID-19-related medical encounter during April through December 2020. MEASUREMENTS: Patient characteristics and direct medical costs of COVID-19-related hospitalizations and outpatient visits. RESULTS: Among 28.1 million Medicare FFS beneficiaries, 1 181 127 (4.2%) sought COVID-19-related medical care. Among these patients, 23.0% had an inpatient stay and 4.2% died during hospitalization. The majority of the patients were female (57.0%), non-Hispanic White (79.6%), and residents of an urban county (77.2%). Medicare FFS costs for COVID-19-related medical care were $6.3 billion; 92.6% of costs were for hospitalizations. The mean hospitalization cost was $21 752, and the mean length of stay was 9.2 days; hospitalization cost and length of stay were higher if the patient needed a ventilator ($49 441 and 17.1 days) or died ($32 015 and 11.3 days). The mean cost per outpatient visit was $164. Patients aged 75 years or older were more likely to be hospitalized, but their hospitalizations were associated with lower costs than for younger patients. Male sex and non-White race/ethnicity were associated with higher probability of being hospitalized and higher medical costs. LIMITATION: Results are based on Medicare FFS patients. CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in substantial disease and economic burden among older Americans, particularly those of non-White race/ethnicity. PRIMARY FUNDING SOURCE: None. |
Provision of Pediatric Immunization Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: an Assessment of Capacity Among Pediatric Immunization Providers Participating in the Vaccines for Children Program - United States, May 2020.
Vogt TM , Zhang F , Banks M , Black C , Arthur B , Kang Y , Lucas P , Lamont B . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (27) 859-863 Recent reports suggest that routine childhood immunization coverage might have decreased during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic (1,2). To assess the capacity of pediatric health care practices to provide immunization services to children during the pandemic, a survey of practices participating in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program was conducted during May 12-20, 2020. Data were weighted to account for the sampling design; thus, all percentages reported are weighted. Among 1,933 responding practices, 1,727 (89.8%) were currently open; 1,397 (81.1%) of these reported offering immunization services to all of their patients. When asked whether the practice would likely be able to accommodate new patients to assist with provision of immunization services through August, 1,135 (59.1%) respondents answered affirmatively. These results suggest that health care providers appear to have the capacity to deliver routinely recommended childhood vaccines, allowing children to catch up on vaccines that might have been delayed as a result of COVID-19-related effects on the provision of or demand for routine well child care. Health care providers and immunization programs should educate parents on the need to return for well-child and immunization visits or refer patients to other practices, if they are unable to provide services (3). |
Evaluation of educational interventions to enhance adolescent specific vaccination coverage
Underwood NL , Gargano LM , Sales J , Vogt TM , Seib K , Hughes JM . J Sch Health 2019 89 (8) 603-611 BACKGROUND: In this study, we assessed impact of two educational interventions designed to increase coverage of three vaccines recommended during adolescence among Georgia middle and high school students (tetanus diphtheria pertussis [Tdap], meningococcal [MenACWY], and human papillomavirus [HPV] vaccines). METHODS: We randomized 11 middle and high schools in one school district into one of three arms: (1) control; (2) educational intervention for parents only (P only); and (3) multicomponent educational intervention for parents and adolescents (P + A), which consisted of educational brochures for parents about vaccines recommended during adolescence and a vaccine-focused curriculum delivered to adolescents by science teachers. We obtained vaccination coverage data during intervention years from the state immunization registry. RESULTS: Odds of receiving at least one vaccine during the study were higher among adolescents in P + A arm compared to control (Odds Ratio [OR]: 1.4; 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.1-2.0). Adolescents in P + A arm had greater odds of receiving at least one vaccine compared with those in P only arm (OR: 1.4; 95% CI: 1.1-1.7). CONCLUSIONS: A multicomponent educational intervention for adolescents and parents increased adolescent vaccination uptake. Results suggest similar interventions can increase awareness and demand for vaccines among parents and adolescents. |
Understanding factors affecting University A students' decision to receive an unlicensed serogroup B meningococcal vaccine
Breakwell L , Vogt TM , Fleming D , Ferris M , Briere E , Cohn A , Liang JL . J Adolesc Health 2016 59 (4) 457-64 PURPOSE: During March-November 2013, five cases of serogroup B meningococcal disease occurred among University A undergraduates. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used the unlicensed MenB-4C (Bexsero, Novartis Vaccines), a serogroup B meningococcal vaccine, to control the outbreak. All undergraduates (n = 19,257) were offered two doses; 51% of undergraduates received ≥1 dose of MenB-4C. We conducted a knowledge, attitudes, and practice survey to understand which factors and sources of information impacted their decision on whether or not to receive vaccine. METHODS: An anonymous online survey was sent to University A undergraduates. The survey was implemented in June 2-30, 2014, and covered demographics, MenB-4C vaccination decision, and sources of information. Descriptive analyses were conducted. RESULTS: A total of 1,341 students completed the survey (response rate = 7.0%), of these 873 received ≥1 dose of MenB-4C. Among vaccinated respondents, the predominant reasons for receiving vaccine were knowledge of disease severity, parental recommendation, and believing that vaccination offered the best protection. Among unvaccinated respondents, the predominant reasons for not receiving vaccine were perception of low disease risk and concern over vaccine newness and safety. Respondents' top primary sources of information were e-mails from the university followed by their parents. CONCLUSIONS: Reasons behind respondents' decision to receive an unlicensed vaccine were similar to those reported for routinely recommended vaccines. Given the challenges around communicating the importance of receiving a vaccine that is not routinely recommended, respondents' primary sources of information, the university and their parents, could be targeted to improve coverage rates. |
Preexisting chronic health conditions and health insurance status associated with vaccine receipt among adolescents
Seib K , Underwood NL , Gargano LM , Sales JM , Morfaw C , Weiss P , Murray D , Vogt TM , DiClemente RJ , Hughes JM . J Adolesc Health 2015 58 (2) 148-53 PURPOSE: Four vaccines are routinely recommended for adolescents: tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap); human papillomavirus (HPV); meningococcal-conjugate (MCV4); and a yearly seasonal influenza vaccine. Vaccination promotion and outreach approaches may need to be tailored to certain populations, such as those with chronic health conditions or without health insurance. METHODS: In a controlled trial among middle and high school students in Georgia, 11 schools were randomized to one of three arms: no intervention, parent education brochure, or parent education brochure plus a student curriculum on the four recommended vaccines. Parents in all arms were surveyed regarding their adolescent's vaccine receipt, chronic health conditions, and health insurance status. RESULTS: Of the 686 parents, most (91%) reported their adolescent had received at least one of the four vaccines: Tdap (82%), MCV4 (59%), current influenza vaccine (53%) and HPV (48%). Twenty-three percent of parents reported that their adolescent had asthma. Most parents reported that their adolescent's insurance was Medicaid (60%) or private insurance (34%), and 6% reported no insurance. More adolescents with a chronic health condition received any adolescent vaccine than adolescents without a chronic health condition (p < .0001). Among those with no insurance, fewer had received any adolescent vaccine than those with Medicaid or private insurance (p < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: The federal Vaccines for Children program offers recommended vaccines free to eligible children (including those without health insurance). Our findings suggest that parents may not be aware of this program or eligibility for it, thus revealing a need for education or other fixes. |
Implementing a school-located vaccination program in Denver public schools
Shlay JC , Rodgers S , Lyons J , Romero S , Vogt TM , McCormick EV . J Sch Health 2015 85 (8) 536-43 BACKGROUND: School-located vaccination (SLV) offers an opportunity to deliver vaccines to students, particularly those without a primary care provider. METHODS: This SLV program offered 2 clinics at each of 20 elementary schools (influenza vaccine) and 3 clinics at each of 7 middle/preschool-eighth-grade schools (adolescent platform plus catch-up vaccines) during the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years. Established programmatic processes for immunization delivery in an outreach setting were used. Billing and vaccine inventory management processes were developed. Vaccines from the federal Vaccines for Children program were used for eligible students. Third-party payers were billed for insured students; parents were not billed for services. RESULTS: The proportion of enrolled students who received at least 1 dose of vaccine increased from year 1 to year 2 (elementary: 28% to 31%; middle: 12% to 19%). Issues identified and addressed included program planning with partners, development and implementation of billing processes, development of a solution to adhere to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act requirements, development and utilization of an easy-to-comprehend consent form, and implementation of standard work procedures. CONCLUSIONS: This SLV program offered an alternative approach for providing vaccinations to students outside of the primary care setting. To be successful, ongoing partnerships are needed. |
Measuring chronic liver disease mortality using an expanded cause of death definition and medical records in Connecticut, 2004
Ly KN , Speers S , Klevens RM , Barry V , Vogt TM . Hepatol Res 2014 45 (9) 960-968 AIM: Chronic liver disease (CLD) is a leading cause of death and is defined based on a specific set of underlying cause-of-death codes on death certificates. This conventional approach to measuring CLD mortality underestimates the true mortality burden because it does not consider certain CLD conditions like viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. We measured how much the conventional CLD mortality case definition will underestimate CLD mortality and described the distribution of CLD etiologies in Connecticut. METHODS: We used 2004 Connecticut death certificates to estimate CLD mortality two ways. One way used the conventional definition and the other used an expanded definition that included more conditions suggestive of CLD. We compared the number of deaths identified using this expanded definition to the number identified using the conventional definition. Medical records were reviewed to confirm CLD deaths. RESULTS: Connecticut had 29,314 registered deaths in 2004. Of these, 282 (1.0%) were CLD deaths identified by the conventional CLD definition while 616 (2.1%) were CLD deaths defined by the expanded definition. Medical record review confirmed that most deaths identified by the expanded definition were CLD-related (550 of 616); this suggested a 15.8 deaths/100,000 population mortality rate. Among deaths for which hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and alcoholic liver disease were identified during medical record review, only 8.6%, 45.4%, and 36.5%, respectively, had that specific cause-of-death code cited on the death certificate. CONCLUSION: An expanded CLD mortality case definition that incorporates multiple causes of death and additional CLD-related conditions will better estimate CLD mortality. |
School-located influenza vaccination with third-party billing: what do parents think?
Kempe A , Daley MF , Pyrzanowski J , Vogt TM , Campagna EJ , Dickinson LM , Hambidge SJ , Shlay JC . Acad Pediatr 2014 14 (3) 241-8 OBJECTIVE: School-located influenza vaccination (SLIV) may be instrumental in achieving high vaccination rates among children. Sustainability of SLIV programs may require third-party billing. This study assessed, among parents of elementary school students, the attitudes about SLIV and billing at school, as well as factors associated with being supportive of SLIV. METHODS: We conducted a survey (April 2010 to June 2010) of parents of 1000 randomly selected primarily low-income children at 20 elementary schools at which SLIV with billing had occurred. RESULTS: Response rate was 70% (n = 699). Eighty-one percent agreed (61% strongly) they "would be okay" with SLIV for their child. Many agreed it was better to get vaccinated at their child's doctor's office because they could take care of other health issues (72%) and the doctor knows the child's medical history (65%). However, an equal percentage (47%) thought the best place for influenza vaccination was the child's doctor's office and the child's school. Twenty-five percent did not want to give health insurance information necessary for billing at school. Factors independently associated with strongly supporting SLIV included parental education of high school or less (relative risk 1.30; 95% confidence interval 1.09-1.58), Hispanic ethnicity (1.25; 1.08-1.45); believing the vaccine is efficacious (1.49; 1.23-1.84); and finding school delivery more convenient (2.37; 1.82-3.45). Having concerns about the safety of influenza vaccine (0.80; 0.72-0.88) and not wanting their child to be vaccinated without a parent (0.74; 0.64-0.83) were negatively associated. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of parents were supportive of SLIV, although parental concerns about not being present for vaccination and about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine will need to be addressed. |
School-located vaccination of adolescents with insurance billing: cost, reimbursement, and vaccination outcomes
Daley MF , Kempe A , Pyrzanowski J , Vogt TM , Dickinson LM , Kile D , Fang H , Rinehart DJ , Shlay JC . J Adolesc Health 2014 54 (3) 282-8 PURPOSE: To assess, in a school-located adolescent vaccination program that billed health insurance, the program costs, the proportion of costs reimbursed, and the likelihood of vaccination. METHODS: During the 2010-2011 school year, vaccination clinics were held for sixth- to eighth-grade students at seven Denver public schools. Vaccine administration and purchase costs were compared with reimbursement by insurers. Multivariate analyses were used to compare the likelihood of vaccination among students in intervention schools with students in control schools who did not participate in the program, with analyses stratified by grade (sixth grade vs. seventh-eighth grades). RESULTS: Fifteen percent (466 of 3,144) of students attending intervention schools were vaccinated at school-located vaccination clinics. Among students vaccinated at school, 41% were uninsured, 37% publicly insured, and 22% privately insured. Estimated vaccine administration costs were $23.98 per vaccine dose. Seventy-eight percent of vaccine purchase costs and 14% of vaccine administration costs were reimbursed by insurers; 41% of total program costs were reimbursed. Sixth-grade students in intervention schools were more likely than those in control schools to receive tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (risk ratio [RR], 1.30; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.08, 1.57), meningococcal conjugate (RR, 1.42; CI, 1.18, 1.70), and human papillomavirus (for females only, RR, 1.69; CI, 1.21, 2.36) vaccines during the 2010-2011 school year, with similar results for seventh- to eighth-grade students. CONCLUSIONS: Although school-located adolescent vaccination with billing appears feasible and likely to improve vaccination rates, improvements in insurance coverage and reimbursement rates may be needed for the long-term financial sustainability of such programs. |
Physician attitudes regarding school-located vaccinations
McCormick EV , Durfee J , Vogt TM , Daley MF , Hambidge SJ , Shlay J . Pediatrics 2012 130 (5) 887-96 OBJECTIVE: To assess physician attitudes regarding school-located adolescent vaccination and influenza vaccination. METHODS: From July through September 2010, a 20-item survey was mailed to 1337 practicing Colorado family physicians and pediatricians. Standard statistical methods were used to examine unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios of factors associated with physician support for school-located vaccination programs. RESULTS: Overall, 943 physicians were survey-eligible, and 584 (62%) responded. More than half of physicians supported both school-located influenza and adolescent vaccination. However, fewer physicians supported school-located adolescent vaccination compared with influenza vaccination. More physicians supported school-located vaccination for their publicly insured patients compared with their privately insured patients. Some family physicians (32%) and pediatricians (39%) believed that school-located vaccination would make their patients less likely to attend well-child visits, and half of respondents believed that school-located vaccination would have a negative financial impact on their practice. In multivariate analyses, physicians concerned about the financial impact of school-located vaccination were less likely to support such programs. CONCLUSIONS: Although a majority of Colorado physicians supported influenza and adolescent vaccination at school, they expressed concerns regarding the implications on their practice. Lesser support for vaccination of their privately insured patients and concerns regarding attendance at well-child visits suggests the perceived financial impact from school-located vaccination is a barrier and merits additional examination. |
Epilogue: School-located influenza vaccination during the 2009-2010 pandemic and beyond
Vogt TM , Wortley PM . Pediatrics 2012 129 Suppl 2 S107-9 As the preceding articles indicate, school-located vaccination (SLV) shows great promise as a method to quickly and efficiently vaccinate large numbers of school-aged children against influenza. This approach can both relieve health care providers who lack sufficient capacity to effectively vaccinate their patients annually, in accordance with the 2008 recommendations of Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP),1 as well as provide a convenient option for parents and an opportunity for children without a medical home to be vaccinated. Importantly, SLV may be appropriate for routine vaccination against seasonal influenza, as well as during a public health emergency or pandemic. | The utility of SLV was demonstrated on a large scale in response to the 2009–2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic. In July 2009, intense efforts were underway to procure H1N1 vaccine and prepare for implementing a large-scale national vaccination program. At that time, the ACIP published recommendations that defined the highest-priority target groups to receive vaccine when it first became available, which included school-aged children.2 Accordingly, public health units, educational institutions, and others in local communities joined together to hold SLV clinics throughout the United States, with several states implementing SLV statewide. Based on a National Association of County and City Health Officials survey of local health department officials that was conducted in the summer of 2010, an estimated 85% of local health departments held at least 1 H1N1 influenza SLV clinic in their jurisdiction (National Association of County and City Health Officials, unpublished data). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey is a nationally representative telephone-based survey designed to collect vaccination coverage from US households.3 This survey indicated that 37% of school-aged children 5- to17-years-old received 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccination; approximately one-third of these children were vaccinated at school (CDC, unpublished data). |
Population-based surveillance for hepatitis C virus, United States, 2006-2007
Klevens RM , Miller J , Vonderwahl C , Speers S , Alelis K , Sweet K , Rocchio E , Poissant T , Vogt TM , Gallagher K . Emerg Infect Dis 2009 15 (9) 1499-502 Surveillance for hepatitis C virus infection in 6 US sites identified 20,285 newly reported cases in 12 months (report rate 69 cases/100,000 population, range 25-108/100,000). Staff reviewed 4 laboratory reports per new case. Local surveillance data can document the effects of disease, support linkage to care, and help prevent secondary transmission. |
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