Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Asian people reached by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HIV testing program in the United States: HIV testing, linkage to HIV medical care, and interview for partner services 2014-2020
Xu S , Wang G , Williams W , Marano Lee M , Wright C , Uhl G . AIDS Educ Prev 2024 36 (2) 103-112 The purpose of this analysis is to describe HIV tests and associated outcomes for Asian people reached by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) HIV testing program. We analyzed CDC-funded HIV tests among Asian individuals in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (2014-2020). Of the 415,560 tests, the positivity of new diagnoses was higher among males (0.49%, aPR = 7.64) than females (0.06%), and in the West (0.42%, aPR = 1.15) than in the South (0.25%). In non-health care settings, positivity was highest among men who have sex with men (MSM; 0.87%) and transgender people (0.46%). Linkage to HIV medical care among Asian people was 87.5%, and 70.7% were interviewed for partner services. Our findings suggest that improvements are crucial, particularly for Asian MSM, in linkage to care and interview for partner services. |
HIV diagnoses through partner services in the United States in 2019 and opportunities for improvement
Williams WO , Song W , Huang T , Mulatu MS , Uhl G , Rorie M . Sex Transm Dis 2023 50 (2) 74-78 HIV partner services (HIV PS) is an effective strategy for diagnosing HIV infection. Sex/needle-sharing partners of individuals diagnosed with HIV are notified about potential exposure and offered HIV testing and other services. We assessed the HIV PS contribution to HIV diagnoses in the United States and assessed priority areas for improvements. National HIV Monitoring and Evaluation Partner Services and case surveillance data reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2019 were used for this analysis. The percentage of all new diagnoses that HIV PS programs reported is described nationally and by state. Linkage to HIV medical care among newly diagnosed partners is described. Potential increases in diagnosing HIV infection are assessed by HIV PS step to identify priority areas for improvement. HIV PS contributed 1214 of 35,164 (3.5%) of all diagnoses nationally in 2019, and contributions ranged from 0% to 31.8% by state. Of partners tested with nonmissing data, 22.7% were newly diagnosed. An estimated 1692 new partner diagnoses were lost during HIV PS steps. Steps resulting in the highest losses included index patients not being interviewed, partners not being tested for HIV, and index patients not being located. Seventy-two percent of partners newly diagnosed with HIV were linked to HIV medical care. HIV PS is an effective strategy for diagnosing HIV, and a high percent of sex/needle-sharing partners was newly diagnosed with HIV. Expanded HIV PS in some states and targeted improvements in HIV PS steps can enhance the contribution of HIV PS toward achieving national goals. | eng |
CDC-Funded HIV testing and linkage to HIV medical care among American Indian and Alaska Native People in the United States, 2014-2020
Moore A , Williams W , Marano-Lee M , Williams N , Xu S , Uhl G . Public Health Rep 2022 333549221121672 OBJECTIVE: An estimated 1 in 5 American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) adults living with HIV are unaware of their status. We investigated HIV testing among AI/AN people receiving a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded test from 2014 through 2020. METHODS: We analyzed data on CDC-funded HIV tests reported by health departments and community-based organizations in the United States. We described the number of CDC-funded HIV tests, the percentage of people with newly and previously diagnosed HIV, and linkage to HIV medical care within 90 days of diagnosis. RESULTS: CDC-funded health departments and community-based organizations provided 99 227 HIV tests to AI/AN people during 2014-2020. Seven hundred thirty-five (0.7%) AI/AN people were diagnosed with HIV; 361 (0.4%) were newly diagnosed, 319 (0.3%) had a previous HIV diagnosis, and 55 (0.1%) had a previously unknown HIV status. Positivity for new diagnoses was highest among the following population groups tested in non-health care settings: men who had sex with men (MSM; n = 72, 1.2%), MSM who inject drugs (n = 12, 1.8%), and transgender people (n = 12, 1.5%). The percentage of linkage to HIV medical care was 80.6% for newly diagnosed people and 78.2% for previously diagnosed people. CONCLUSIONS: MSM AI/AN, including those who inject drugs, and transgender AI/AN may benefit from prioritized HIV testing. All AI/AN people with HIV, whether newly or previously diagnosed, should rapidly link to HIV medical care and receive support throughout the continuum of care. Our findings can inform which AI/AN population subgroups may benefit from enhanced HIV testing efforts and interventions. |
Adults aged 50 years reached by the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention's HIV testing programs in the United States and US dependent areas, 2019
Marano-Lee M , Williams W , Huang T , Uhl G . Public Health Rep 2022 333549221120239 OBJECTIVES: Older adults represent nearly half of people living with HIV in the United States. The objective of this analysis was to describe HIV testing, demographic characteristics, and risks of adults aged 50 years (older adults) reached in 2019 by HIV testing programs funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). METHODS: We collected data from 101 CDC-funded community-based organizations and 61 health departments. All funding recipients submitted deidentified program service data for 2019 through a secure online CDC-supported system. We used multivariable robust Poisson regression to assess the association between demographic and risk characteristics and the proportion of tests that resulted in a new diagnosis. We also assessed the proportion of people who received a positive test result, were linked to HIV medical care, and were interviewed for partner services. RESULTS: During 2019, among 2 452 507 CDC-funded HIV tests provided in the United States, 412 164 (16.8%) were provided to older adults. Among the 1059 (0.26% positivity) older adults with newly diagnosed HIV infection for whom we had data, 582 (68.4%) were linked to HIV medical care within 30 days of diagnosis and 494 (72.1%) were interviewed for partner services. Among the 2858 older adults with previously diagnosed HIV infection, 1321 (46.2%) reported not being in HIV medical care at the time of the test; of those with linkage data, 425 (49.9%) were linked to HIV medical care within 30 days of testing HIV positive. CONCLUSIONS: More rapid disease progression and higher morbidity and mortality rates among older adults suggest that services are needed to ensure early diagnosis, rapid linkage, and interview for partner services. |
Contributions of community-based organizations funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's HIV Testing Program
Marano-Lee M , Williams W , Uhl G , Eke A , Joshua T , Xu S , Carter J , Rakestraw A , Dunbar E . J Public Health Manag Pract 2021 28 (2) E461-E466 CONTEXT: HIV testing is a critically important first step in preventing and reducing HIV transmission. Community-based organizations (CBOs) are uniquely positioned to provide HIV testing and other prevention services to populations disproportionately affected by HIV infection. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this analysis was to assess CDC-funded health department (HD) and CBO testing programs during 2012-2017, including the number of tests and HIV positivity. DESIGN: This is an analysis of National HIV Prevention Program Monitoring and Evaluation HIV testing data submitted between 2012 and 2017 to CDC. SETTING: Sixty-one CDC-funded state and local HDs in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands and between 122 and 175 CDC-funded CBOs, depending on the year. PARTICIPANTS: Persons who received HIV testing at CDC-funded CBOs and HDs. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The number of HIV tests and positivity at CBOs were compared with HDs overall and to HDs in non-health care settings that, like CBOs, include HIV risk data and are in similar locations. RESULTS: CBOs accounted for 7625 (8%) new diagnoses but conducted only 3% of the almost 19 million CDC-funded HIV tests from 2012 to 2017. Newly diagnosed HIV positivity at CBOs (1.4%) was nearly 3 times the new positivity at HDs overall (0.5%) and twice that of new positivity at HDs in non-health care settings (0.7%). A higher proportion of tests at CBOs were conducted among groups at risk, and new HIV positivity was higher for most demographic and population groups than new HIV positivity at HDs in non-health care settings. CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate the essential role CDC-funded CBOs have in reaching, testing, and diagnosing groups at high risk for acquiring HIV infection. |
CDC's Community-Based Organization Behavioral Outcomes Project: Perspectives for researchers, implementers and funders
Williams WO , Uhl G , Eke A , Fisher H , Joshua T , Heitgerd J , Marano M , Moore A , Sapiano T , Shelley G , Stein R . AIDS Behav 2020 25 (1) 284-293 Behavioral interventions have been a crucial tool for the prevention of HIV transmission since early in the epidemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided funding for evidence-based behavioral interventions (EBIs) at health departments and community-based organizations (CBOs) since 2004. From 2006 to 2015, CDC funded 25 CBOs to evaluate one or more of seven EBIs designed to prevent HIV through the Community-based Organization Behavioral Outcomes Project (CBOP) as implemented outside of a research setting. For each EBI, CBOP showed that most HIV risk behaviors improved after the intervention, and improvements were similar to those observed in research studies. Our findings show that behavioral interventions can be successfully implemented in real-world settings. Although the focus of HIV prevention has largely shifted toward biomedical interventions in recent years, successful implementation often depends on behavioral components. Lessons from CBOP can inform future efforts to develop and implement behavioral interventions for HIV and other areas of public health. |
Evaluation of an HIV prevention intervention for women living with HIV
Joshua TG , Williams WO , Benton S , Uhl G . AIDS Care 2019 32 (7) 1-8 It is estimated that 23% of the adults and adolescents living with HIV in the United States are female. The Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funds evidence-based interventions (EBIs) to reduce HIV risk behaviors, including HIV prevention programs for people living with HIV and their partners. While EBIs have been shown to be effective in controlled research environments, there are limited data on intervention implementation in real-world settings. Women Involved in Life Learning from Other Women (WILLOW) is a four-session small-group intervention that targets heterosexual women aged 18-50 who are living with HIV. This evaluation assessed changes in participants' HIV knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and risk behaviors. A repeated measures design was used to collect participant risk behaviors at baseline, and again at three and six months post-intervention. Changes in attitudes, beliefs, and risk behaviors were assessed using generalized estimating equations. After participation in WILLOW, participants reported increased HIV knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, being more supportive of condom use, and reduced prevalence of HIV risk behaviors. Findings suggest that the WILLOW intervention can be successfully delivered by community-based organizations to reduce HIV risk behaviors among members of this high-risk population. |
Community-based organization adaptations to the changing HIV prevention and care landscape in the southern United States
Shapatava E , Rios A , Shelley G , Milan J , Smith S , Uhl G . AIDS Educ Prev 2018 30 (6) 516-527 Community-based organizations (CBOs) provide HIV prevention services throughout the United States, including the South where HIV/AIDS burden is high. We assessed Southern CBO response to changes in the HIV prevention landscape, including the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) High Impact Prevention. Both strategies aim to improve outcomes for people living with or at high risk for HIV. Inductive qualitative analysis of interviews and consultations with CBOs, capacity building assistance providers, and CDC staff revealed CBOs are building clinical service capacity and cross-agency partnerships to adapt, but face inadequate or reduced funding. A holistic approach to HIV prevention and care in the South is critical, where stigma and other socio-structural factors limit health care options for persons affected by HIV. Health care organizations may benefit by partnering with CBOs because CBOs have the skillsets and community rapport to effectively improve health outcomes of persons living with HIV. |
Anti-retroviral status and HIV transmission risk behaviors are associated with age, time since diagnosis, and psychosocial factors among women living with HIV/AIDS enrolling in the WILLOW intervention at community-based organizations
Williams WO , Griffin T , Uhl G . AIDS Behav 2017 22 (1) 358-366 Safe sexual behaviors and anti-retroviral use help prevent HIV transmission. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed correlates of anti-retroviral (ART) status and transmission risk (a constructed variable) among a convenience sample of n = 1041 HIV-positive women (pre-intervention) enrolled in an evidence-based intervention at four CBOs. Multinomial logistic regression models were used. Younger women and those diagnosed with HIV in the last 5 years more often reported that they had not been prescribed ART. Self-reported non-adherence to ART was less frequently reported among women who were older, had a higher HIV knowledge, and those with attitudes/beliefs supportive of condom use. The highest-risk transmission group (condomless sex with HIV-negative/unknown partner and not prescribed or non-adherent to ART) was associated with younger age, attitudes/beliefs less supportive of condom use, and low self-efficacy discussing condom use. Our findings inform HIV prevention efforts among similar populations of HIV-positive women enrolled in interventions at CBOs. |
HIV testing in nonhealthcare facilities among adolescent MSM
Marano MR , Stein R , Williams WO , Wang G , Xu S , Uhl G , Cheng Q , Rasberry CN . AIDS 2017 31 Suppl 3 S261-s265 OBJECTIVES: To describe the extent to which Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded HIV testing in nonhealthcare facilities reaches adolescent MSM, identifies new HIV infections, and links those newly diagnosed to medical care. METHODS/DESIGN: We describe HIV testing, newly diagnosed positivity, and linkage to medical care for adolescent MSM who received a CDC-funded HIV test in a nonhealthcare facility in 2015. We assess outcomes by race/ethnicity, HIV-related risk behaviors, and US geographical region. RESULTS: Of the 703 890 CDC-funded HIV testing events conducted in nonhealthcare facilities in 2015, 6848 (0.9%) were provided to adolescent MSM aged 13-19 years. Among those tested, 1.8% were newly diagnosed with HIV, compared with 0.7% among total tests provided in nonhealthcare facilities regardless of age and sex. The odds of testing positive among black adolescent MSM were nearly four times that of white adolescent MSM in multivariable analysis (odds ratio = 3.97, P < 0.001). Among adolescent MSM newly diagnosed with HIV, 67% were linked to HIV medical care. Linkage was lower among black (59%) and Hispanic/Latino adolescent MSM (71%) compared with white adolescent MSM (88%). CONCLUSION: CDC-funded nonhealthcare facilities can reach and provide HIV tests to adolescent MSM and identify new HIV infections; however, given the low rate of HIV testing overall and high engagement in HIV-related risk behaviors, there are opportunities to increase access to HIV testing and linkage to care for HIV-positive adolescent MSM. Efforts are needed to identify and address the barriers that prevent black and Hispanic/Latino adolescent MSM from being linked to HIV medical care in a timely manner. |
An evaluation of Mpowerment on Individual-level HIV risk behavior, testing, and psychosocial factors among young MSM of color: The Monitoring and Evaluation of MP (MEM) Project
Shelley G , Williams W , Uhl G , Hoyte T , Eke A , Wright C , Rebchook G , Pollack L , Bell K , Wang Y , Cheng Q , Kegeles SM . AIDS Educ Prev 2017 29 (1) 24-37 Young men who have sex with men (MSM) of color are at increased risk for HIV infection. Mpowerment (MP) is an intervention designed to reduce risky sexual behavior and increase HIV testing among young MSM ages 18-29. From 2009 to 2012, three community-based organizations with support from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention evaluated MP among N = 298 participants. Following a repeated measures design, data from 3- and 6-month follow-ups were compared to baseline. HIV testing and self-efficacy for safer sex increased at both follow-up time points; self-acceptance as an MSM was higher at follow-up 2. Condomless anal/vaginal sex was lower at follow-up 1 only. Frequency of exchange of safer sex messages among gay/bisexual/transgender friends was lower at follow-up 1, but similar to baseline at follow-up 2. Exposure to MP was associated with improved perceived positive social norms about safer sex and safer sex messages among gay/bisexual/transgender friends. |
Reduced sexual risk behaviors among young men of color who have sex with men: findings from the Community-Based Organization Behavioral Outcomes of Many Men, Many Voices (CBOP-3MV) Project
Stein R , Shapatava E , Williams W , Griffin T , Bell K , Lyons B , Uhl G . Prev Sci 2015 16 (8) 1147-58 In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded community-based organizations (CBOs) to deliver Many Men, Many Voices (3MV) to young men of color who have sex with men. Although 3MV, a group-level behavioral intervention designed to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk behaviors of black men who have sex with men (MSM), has shown effectiveness when delivered in a controlled research environment, there is limited evidence that the intervention is associated with similar outcomes in "real world" settings. For the current project, CDC funded three CBOs to conduct outcome monitoring of the 3MV intervention to determine if young MSM of color report changes in HIV risk behaviors postintervention. Using a repeated measures design, risk behaviors were collected at baseline and again at 3 and 6 months postintervention. Changes in risk behaviors were assessed using generalized estimating equations. Participants (n = 337) reported decreases in sexual risk behaviors at both follow-up time points, such as sex without a condom, sex without a condom and multiple partners, and sex without a condom with serodiscordant or status unknown partners. Results suggest that 3MV may be an effective tool for reducing HIV risk behaviors in this critical target population. |
Evaluation of an HIV prevention intervention designed for African American women: results from the SISTA community-based organization behavioral outcomes project
Sapiano TN , Moore A , Kalayil EJ , Zhang X , Chen B , Uhl G , Patel-Larson A , Williams W . AIDS Behav 2012 17 (3) 1052-67 One of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's strategies for addressing racial disparities within the HIV epidemic is to support the implementation of HIV prevention behavioral interventions designed for African Americans. One such intervention is Sisters Informing Sisters about Topics on AIDS (SISTA), a culturally relevant and gender-specific, five-session, group-level, HIV prevention intervention designed for African American women. In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded five community-based organizations to conduct outcome monitoring of SISTA to assess the outcomes associated with implementation in the field. Using a 90-day recall, demographic and sexual risk data were collected from participants at baseline and at 90 and 180 days post-intervention. Findings reveal that women participating in SISTA (n = 432) demonstrated a significant reduction in sexual risk between baseline and both follow-up time points for each of the six outcomes being measured (e.g., any unprotected sex, all protected sex). |
Provision of HIV counseling and testing services at five community-based organizations among young men of color who have sex with men
Stein R , Green K , Bell K , Toledo CA , Uhl G , Moore A , Shelley GA , Hardnett FP . AIDS Behav 2011 15 (4) 743-50 In the context of monitoring and improving CDC-funded HIV prevention programs, we describe HIV tests and infections, provision of results, previous HIV tests, and risk behaviors for young (aged 13-29) men of color who have sex with men who received HIV tests at five community-based organizations. Of 1,723 tests provided, 2.1% were positive and 75.7% of positives were previously unaware of their infection. The highest positivity rate was among men aged 25-29 (4.7%). Thirty-four percent of tests were provided to men who were tested for the first time. Over half the tests (53.2%) were provided to men who reported sex with a person of unknown HIV status, and 34% to men who reported sex with an anonymous partner. Continued and more focused prevention efforts are needed to reach and test young men of color who have sex with men and to identify previously undiagnosed HIV infections among this target population. |
Evaluation of an HIV prevention intervention for African Americans and Hispanics: findings from the VOICES/VOCES Community-based Organization Behavioral Outcomes Project
Fisher HH , Patel-Larson A , Green K , Shapatava E , Uhl G , Kalayil EJ , Moore A , Williams W , Chen B . AIDS Behav 2011 15 (8) 1691-706 There is limited knowledge about whether the delivery of evidence-based, HIV prevention interventions in 'real world' settings will produce outcomes similar to efficacy trial outcomes. In this study, we describe longitudinal changes in sexual risk outcomes among African American and Hispanic participants in the Video Opportunities for Innovative Condom Education and Safer Sex (VOICES/VOCES) program at four CDC-funded agencies. VOICES/VOCES was delivered to 922 high-risk individuals in a variety of community settings such as substance abuse treatment centers, housing complex centers, private residences, shelters, clinics, and colleges. Significant risk reductions were consistently observed at 30- and 120-days post-intervention for all outcome measures (e.g., unprotected sex, self-reported STD infection). Risk reductions were strongest for African American participants, although Hispanic participants also reported reducing their risky behaviors. These results suggest that, over a decade after the first diffusion of VOICES/VOCES across the U.S. by CDC, this intervention remains an effective tool for reducing HIV risk behaviors among high-risk African American and Hispanic individuals. |
Taxonomy for strengthening the identification of core elements for evidence-based behavioral interventions for HIV/AIDS prevention
Galbraith JS , Herbst JH , Whittier DK , Jones PL , Smith BD , Uhl G , Fisher HH . Health Educ Res 2011 26 (5) 872-85 The concept of core elements was developed to denote characteristics of an intervention, such as activities or delivery methods, presumed to be responsible for the efficacy of evidence-based behavioral interventions (EBIs) for HIV/AIDS prevention. This paper describes the development of a taxonomy of core elements based on a literature review of theoretical approaches and characteristics of EBIs. Sixty-one categories of core elements were identified from the literature and grouped into three distinct domains: implementation, content and pedagogy. The taxonomy was tested by categorizing core elements from 20 HIV prevention EBIs disseminated by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Results indicated that core elements represented all three domains but several were difficult to operationalize due to vague language or the inclusion of numerous activities or constructs. A process is proposed to describe core elements in a method that overcomes some of these challenges. The taxonomy of core elements can be used to identify core elements of EBIs, strengthen the translation of EBIs from research to practice and guide future research seeking to identify essential core elements in prevention interventions. |
Reduced sexual risk behaviors among people living with HIV: results from the Healthy Relationships Outcome Monitoring Project
Heitgerd JL , Kalayil EJ , Patel-Larson A , Uhl G , Williams WO , Griffin T , Smith BD . AIDS Behav 2011 15 (8) 1677-90 In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded seven community-based organizations (CBOs) to conduct outcome monitoring of Healthy Relationships. Healthy Relationships is an evidence-based behavioral intervention for people living with HIV. Demographic and sexual risk behaviors recalled by participants with a time referent of the past 90 days were collected over a 17-month project period using a repeated measures design. Data were collected at baseline, and at 3 and 6 months after the intervention. Generalized estimating equations were used to assess the changes in sexual risk behaviors after participation in Healthy Relationships. Our findings show that participants (n = 474) in the outcome monitoring project reported decreased sexual risk behaviors over time, such as fewer number of partners (RR = 0.55; 95% CI 0.41-0.73, P < 0.001) and any unprotected sex events (OR = 0.44; 95% CI 0.36-0.54, P < 0.001) at 6 months after the intervention. Additionally, this project demonstrates that CBOs can successfully collect and report longitudinal outcome monitoring data. |
Effect of carbon dioxide on broth microdilution susceptibility testing of Brucella spp
Lonsway DR , Jevitt LA , Uhl JR , Cockerill FR 3rd , Anderson ME , Sullivan MM , De BK , Edwards JR , Patel JB . J Clin Microbiol 2009 48 (3) 952-6 Since some strains of Brucella species may require carbon dioxide for growth, a multilaboratory study was conducted to compare broth microdilution susceptibility results using ambient air (AA) and 5% CO2 incubation conditions. Six antimicrobial agents were tested against 39 Brucella isolates. Aminoglycoside MICs tended to be 1 log2 dilution higher in CO2 than in AA; tetracycline-class MICs to be 1 log2 dilution lower in CO2. |
Highly variable population-based prevalence rates of unilateral hearing loss after the application of common case definitions
Ross DS , Visser SN , Holstrum WJ , Qin T , Kenneson A . Ear Hear 2009 31 (1) 126-33 OBJECTIVES: This study shows how population-based estimates of the prevalence of unilateral hearing loss (UHL) in children aged 6 to 19 yrs can differ considerably with various applications of commonly accepted case definitions. It also examines demographic variables and risk factors related to UHL. DESIGN: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, conducted from 1988 to 1994, is a national population-based, cross-sectional survey. This study examined results of audiometric testing at 0.5 to 8 kHz and demographic data from in-person examination interviews. Three definitions of UHL were used: (1) 0.5, 1, and 2 kHz ≥15 dB pure-tone average (PTA); (2) 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz ≥15 dB PTA; and (3) 0.5, 1, and 2 kHz ≥20 dB or PTA >25 dB at two or more frequencies above 2 kHz (3, 4, 6, and 8 kHz). Case definitions 2 and 3 are not merely subsets of case definition 1. Some overlap exists between the groups, but each case definition classifies a proportion of children who fall uniquely under that case definition. Inclusion of participants based on tympanometry results (test of middle ear function) was also examined as were demographic characteristics and risk factors associated with UHL. RESULTS: Overall, the weighted proportion of children with UHL using case definition 1 was 6.3% (approximately 3,213,000 children nationally); using case definition 2, it was 5.8% (approximately 2,958,000 nationally); using case definition 3, it was 3.0% (approximately 1,530,000 nationally). For all three case definitions, children who failed tympanometry were at higher risk for UHL than children who passed. For case definition 2, children from rural areas were at higher risk for UHL than were children from urban areas. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that different applications of well-accepted case definitions of UHL can influence population-based prevalence estimates, in this study by as much as a factor of 2. These findings highlight the importance of controlling for tympanometry status as a risk factor in such estimates. Which demographic characteristics and risk factors are significantly associated with hearing loss seem to vary depending on the case definition. These findings have implications for the interpretation of prevalence rates and risk factors in the literature on hearing loss in general. Prevalence rate estimates require careful consideration of the case definition of hearing loss, tympanometry status, and demographic characteristics. |
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