Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 149 Records) |
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Bisexuality among men who have sex with men in Sub-Saharan Africa: Findings from the HPTN 075 study
Ondeng'e K , Guo X , Mbeda C , Schnabel D , Panchia R , Dominguez K , Dadabhai S , Hamilton EL , Sandfort TGM . AIDS Behav 2024 Studies among men who have sex with men (MSM) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) focus mainly on HIV epidemiology, revealing little about the diversity within this population. We utilized data from the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 075 study, to explore demographic and psychosexual characteristics of MSM in SSA who also have sex with women. Persons included in the analyses were aged 18-44 years and assigned male sex at birth and identified as male, reported anal sex with a man in the past 3 months, and had enrolled at one of four study sites (Kisumu, Kenya; Blantyre, Malawi; Cape Town and Soweto, South Africa). Nearly a quarter of the participants had recently engaged in sex with both men and women (MSMW). These men differed in terms of demographic and psychosexual characteristics, and sexual behavior from men who only had had sex with men (MSME). Compared to the latter, MSMW were more likely to prefer the insertive sexual role, reported more sexual partners in the past three months, and had more instances of condomless insertive anal intercourse with a man. These findings suggest that men who have sex with both men and women have specific characteristics and need tailored interventions that take their specific needs into account. |
Social Determinants of Health and Health-Related Social Needs Among Adults With Chronic Diseases in the United States, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2022
Hacker K , Thomas CW , Zhao G , Claxton JS , Eke P , Town M . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E94 INTRODUCTION: The relationship between social determinants of health (SDOH) and health-related social needs (HRSN) and some chronic diseases at the population level is not well known. We sought to determine relationships between SDOH/HRSN and major chronic diseases among US adults by using data from the 2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). METHODS: We used data from the new Social Determinants and Health Equity (SD/HE) module, conducted in 39 states, the District of Columbia, and 2 territories as part of the 2022 BRFSS. These data yielded a sample of 324,631 adult participants (aged ≥18 y). We examined 12 indicators of SDOH/HRSN and 9 chronic diseases. We calculated weighted prevalence estimates for each SDOH/HRSN measure for each chronic disease and associations between each SDOH/HRSN and each chronic disease. RESULTS: Two-thirds of participants (66.3%) had 1 or more chronic diseases, and 59.4% reported 1 or more adverse SDOH/HRSN. Prevalence estimates for individual SDOH/HRSN measures were generally higher among participants with chronic diseases (except cancer). The more chronic diseases reported, the more likely participants were to have SDOH/HRSN (P < .05 for linear trend). The leading SDOH/HRSN measures associated with each chronic disease varied; however, the most common were mental stress, receiving food stamps or participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, cost as a barrier for needed medical care, and life dissatisfaction. CONCLUSION: From a treatment and prevention perspective, health care providers should consider the influence of SDOH/HRSN on people with or at risk for chronic diseases. Additionally, human service and public health systems in communities with high rates of chronic disease should consider these findings as they plan to mitigate adverse SDOH. |
Small area estimation of prostate-specific antigen testing in U.S. states and counties
Liu B , Pleis JR , Khan D , Parsons VL , Lee R , Cai B , Town M , Feuer EJ , He Y . Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2024 BACKGROUND: In 2012, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended against prostate cancer screening using the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for all age groups. In 2018 the USPSTF's recommendation shifted from a "D" (not recommended) to a "C" (selectively offering PSA-based screening based on professional judgment and patient preferences) in men ages 55-69. Limited reliable county-level prostate cancer screening data is available for cancer surveillance purposes. METHODS: Utilizing data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) collected in 2012-2019, state- and county-level small area models were developed for estimating PSA testing. Model diagnosis, internal validation, and external validation examining associations of PSA testing and prostate cancer incidence were conducted. RESULTS: Model-based estimates of PSA testing rate were produced for all U.S. states and 3,142 counties for two data periods: 2012-2016 and 2018-2019. Geographic variations across counties were demonstrated through maps. Moderate positive correlations between PSA-based screening and prostate cancer incidence were observed, for example, the state-level weighted Pearson's correlation coefficients were 0.5025 (p-value=0.0002) and 0.3691 (p-value=0.0077) for 2012-2016 and 2018-2019, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These modeled estimates showed improved precision and adjusted for the differences between BRFSS and NHIS. The approach of combining NHIS and BRFSS utilized strengths of the larger sample size of BRFSS and generally higher response rates and better household coverage from the NHIS. IMPACT: The resulting small area estimates offer a valuable resource for the cancer surveillance community, aiding in targeted interventions, decision-making, and further research endeavors. |
Are multiple coders needed for cause of death assignment: results from telephonic verbal autopsy interviews conducted in 2021 in South Africa
Neethling I , Morof D , Glass T , Kallis N , Rao C , Bradshaw D , Groenewald P . Digit Health 2024 10 20552076241282395 INTRODUCTION: Verbal autopsy (VA) methods have emerged to estimate causes of death in populations lacking robust civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems. Despite World Health Organization endorsement of routine VA use, cost and efficiency concerns persist. Telephonic verbal autopsies (teleVAs) can reduce cost. Physician coding offers a valuable approach, but the expertise required makes it resource-intensive, often involving multiple coders for consensus. OBJECTIVE: To assess inter-coder agreement for cause of death (CoD) in South African teleVAs using Kappa statistics, evaluating if agreement surpasses a 0.8 cut-off (very high) potentially allowing single coders. METHODS: A cross-sectional study employed telephonic VA interviews on non-facility deaths in Cape Town (December 2020-September 2021). Trained fieldworkers administered a standard VA questionnaire. Each case's VA responses were reviewed independently by two physicians, medically certifying the CoD. A panel was used to solve disagreements. Cohen's kappa-statistic (k-statistic) tested agreement levels. RESULTS: Decedents were aged between 18 and 98 years. In total, 228 teleVAs (16.6% response rate) were conducted. Physician coding agreement was good overall (k-statistic: 0.63). Diabetes mellitus (47%) and other non-communicable disease (42%) had initial agreement between physician coders in less than 50% of cases in comparison to consensus totals. COVID-19 (89%) and acute cardiac disease (83%) showed initial agreement in more than 80% of cases compared to consensus totals. A chi-square test revealed a significant difference in the number of causes listed on death notification forms for cases with and without agreement in Part 1 (χ(2) = 14.71, p < 0.01), but not in Part 2 (χ(2) = 4.97, p = 0.17). CONCLUSION: CoD agreement might not be high enough to infer that single coders can be used instead of multiple coders. Challenges with co-morbidities and specific CoDs with multiple sequelae highlight the need for further research and refinement of VA methodologies for reliable CoD determination in routine practice. |
Campylobacteriosis outbreak linked to municipal water, Nebraska, USA, 2021(1)
Jansen L , Birn R , Koirala S , Oppegard S , Loeck B , Hamik J , Wyckoff E , Spindola D , Dempsey S , Bartling A , Roundtree A , Kahler A , Lane C , Hogan N , Strockbine N , McKeel H , Yoder J , Mattioli M , Donahue M , Buss B . Emerg Infect Dis 2024 30 (10) 1998-2005 ![]() In September 2021, eight campylobacteriosis cases were identified in a town in Nebraska, USA. We assessed potential exposures for a case-control analysis. We conducted whole-genome sequencing on Campylobacter isolates from patients' stool specimens. We collected large-volume dead-end ultrafiltration water samples for Campylobacter and microbial source tracking testing at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We identified 64 cases in 2 waves of illnesses. Untreated municipal tap water consumption was strongly associated with illness (wave 1 odds ratio 15.36; wave 2 odds ratio 16.11). Whole-genome sequencing of 12 isolates identified 2 distinct Campylobacter jejuni subtypes (1 subtype/wave). The town began water chlorination, after which water testing detected coliforms. One dead-end ultrafiltration sample yielded nonculturable Campylobacter and avian-specific fecal rRNA genomic material. Our investigation implicated contaminated, untreated, municipal water as the source. Results of microbial source tracking supported mitigation with continued water chlorination. No further campylobacteriosis cases attributable to water were reported. |
Vital Signs: Mammography use and association with social determinants of health and health-related social needs among women - United States, 2022
Miller JW , King JA , Trivers KF , Town M , Sabatino SA , Puckett M , Richardson LC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (15) 351-357 INTRODUCTION: Approximately 40,000 U.S. women die from breast cancer each year. Mammography is recommended to screen for breast cancer and reduce breast cancer mortality. Adverse social determinants of heath (SDOH) and health-related social needs (HRSNs) (e.g., lack of transportation and social isolation) can be barriers to getting mammograms. METHODS: Data from the 2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System were analyzed to estimate the prevalence of mammography use within the previous 2 years among women aged 40-74 years by jurisdiction, age group, and sociodemographic factors. The association between mammography use and measures of SDOH and HRSNs was assessed for jurisdictions that administered the Social Determinants and Health Equity module. RESULTS: Among women aged 50-74 years, state-level mammography use ranged from 64.0% to 85.5%. Having health insurance and a personal health care provider were associated with having had a mammogram within the previous 2 years. Among women aged 50-74 years, mammography prevalence was 83.2% for those with no adverse SDOH and HRSNs and 65.7% for those with three or more adverse SDOH and HRSNs. Life dissatisfaction, feeling socially isolated, experiencing lost or reduced hours of employment, receiving food stamps, lacking reliable transportation, and reporting cost as a barrier for access to care were all strongly associated with not having had a mammogram within the previous 2 years. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE: Identifying specific adverse SDOH and HRSNs that women experience and coordinating activities among health care providers, social services, community organizations, and public health programs to provide services that help address these needs might increase mammography use and ultimately decrease breast cancer deaths. |
Racial and ethnic differences in social determinants of health and health-related social needs among adults - Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2022
Town M , Eke P , Zhao G , Thomas CW , Hsia J , Pierannunzi C , Hacker K . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (9) 204-208 Social determinants of health (SDOH) are a broad array of social and contextual conditions where persons are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that influence their physical and mental wellbeing and quality of life. Using 2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data, this study assessed measures of adverse SDOH and health-related social needs (HRSN) among U.S. adult populations. Measures included life satisfaction, social and emotional support, social isolation or loneliness, employment stability, food stability/security, housing stability/security, utility stability/security, transportation access, mental well-being, and health care access. Prevalence ratios were adjusted for age, sex, education, marital status, income, and self-rated health. Social isolation or loneliness (31.9%) and lack of social and emotional support (24.8%) were the most commonly reported measures, both of which were more prevalent among non-Hispanic (NH) American Indian or Alaska Native, NH Black or African American, NH Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, NH multiracial, and Hispanic or Latino adults than among NH White adults. The majority of prevalence estimates for other adverse SDOH and HRSN were also higher across all other racial and ethnic groups (except for NH Asian) compared with NH White adults. SDOH and HRSN data can be used to monitor needed social and health resources in the U.S. population and help evaluate population-scale interventions. |
Wait and watch: A trachoma surveillance strategy from Amhara region, Ethiopia
Sata E . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2024 18 (2) e0011986 BACKGROUND: Trachoma recrudescence after elimination as a public health problem has been reached is a concern for control programs globally. Programs typically conduct district-level trachoma surveillance surveys (TSS) ≥ 2 years after the elimination threshold is achieved to determine whether the prevalence of trachomatous inflammation-follicular (TF) among children ages 1 to 9 years remains <5%. Many TSS are resulting in a TF prevalence ≥5%. Once a district returns to TF ≥5%, a program typically restarts costly mass drug administration (MDA) campaigns and surveys at least twice, for impact and another TSS. In Amhara, Ethiopia, most TSS which result in a TF ≥5% have a prevalence close to 5%, making it difficult to determine whether the result is due to true recrudescence or to statistical variability. This study's aim was to monitor recrudescence within Amhara by waiting to restart MDA within 2 districts with a TF prevalence ≥5% at TSS, Metema = 5.2% and Woreta Town = 5.1%. The districts were resurveyed 1 year later using traditional and alternative indicators, such as measures of infection and serology, a "wait and watch" approach. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: These post-surveillance surveys, conducted in 2021, were multi-stage cluster surveys whereby certified graders assessed trachoma signs. Children ages 1 to 9 years provided a dried blood spot and children ages 1 to 5 years provided a conjunctival swab. TF prevalence in Metema and Woreta Town were 3.6% (95% Confidence Interval [CI]:1.4-6.4) and 2.5% (95% CI:0.8-4.5) respectively. Infection prevalence was 1.2% in Woreta Town and 0% in Metema. Seroconversion rates to Pgp3 in Metema and Woreta Town were 0.4 (95% CI:0.2-0.7) seroconversions per 100 child-years and 0.9 (95% CI:0.6-1.5) respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Both study districts had a TF prevalence <5% with low levels of Chlamydia trachomatis infection and transmission, and thus MDA interventions are no longer warranted. The wait and watch approach represents a surveillance strategy which could lead to fewer MDA campaigns and surveys and thus cost savings with reduced antibiotic usage. |
Large community outbreak of legionnaires disease potentially associated with a cooling tower - Napa County, California, 2022
Grossmann NV , Milne C , Martinez MR , Relucio K , Sadeghi B , Wiley EN , Holland SN , Rutschmann S , Vugia DJ , Kimura A , Crain C , Akter F , Mukhopadhyay R , Crandall J , Shorrock M , Smith JC , Prasad N , Kahn R , Barskey AE , Lee S , Willby MJ , Kozak-Muiznieks NA , Lucas CE , Henderson KC , Hamlin JAP , Yang E , Clemmons NS , Ritter T , Henn J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (49) 1315-1320 ![]() Legionnaires disease is a serious infection acquired by inhalation of water droplets from human-made building water systems that contain Legionella bacteria. On July 11 and 12, 2022, Napa County Public Health (NCPH) in California received reports of three positive urinary antigen tests for Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 in the town of Napa. By July 21, six Legionnaires disease cases had been confirmed among Napa County residents, compared with a baseline of one or two cases per year. NCPH requested assistance from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and CDC to aid in the investigations. Close temporal and geospatial clustering permitted a focused environmental sampling strategy of high-risk facilities which, coupled with whole genome sequencing results from samples and investigation of water system maintenance, facilitated potential linking of the outbreak with an environmental source. NCPH, with technical support from CDC and CDPH, instructed and monitored remediation practices for all environmental locations that tested positive for Legionella. The investigation response to this community outbreak illustrates the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration by public health agencies, laboratory support, timely communication with the public, and cooperation of managers of potentially implicated water systems. Timely identification of possible sources, sampling, and remediation of any facility testing positive for Legionella is crucial to interrupting further transmission. |
Associations between PM(2.5) and O(3) exposures and new onset type 2 diabetes in regional and national samples in the United States
McAlexander TP , Ryan V , Uddin J , Kanchi R , Thorpe L , Schwartz BS , Carson A , Rolka DB , Adhikari S , Pollak J , Lopez P , Smith M , Meeker M , McClure LA . Environ Res 2023 239 117248 BACKGROUND: Exposure to particulate matter ≤2.5 μm in diameter (PM(2.5)) and ozone (O(3)) has been linked to numerous harmful health outcomes. While epidemiologic evidence has suggested a positive association with type 2 diabetes (T2D), there is heterogeneity in findings. We evaluated exposures to PM(2.5) and O(3) across three large samples in the US using a harmonized approach for exposure assignment and covariate adjustment. METHODS: Data were obtained from the Veterans Administration Diabetes Risk (VADR) cohort (electronic health records [EHRs]), the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Disparities in Stroke (REGARDS) cohort (primary data collection), and the Geisinger health system (EHRs), and reflect the years 2003-2016 (REGARDS) and 2008-2016 (VADR and Geisinger). New onset T2D was ascertained using EHR information on medication orders, laboratory results, and T2D diagnoses (VADR and Geisinger) or report of T2D medication or diagnosis and/or elevated blood glucose levels (REGARDS). Exposure was assigned using pollutant annual averages from the Downscaler model. Models stratified by community type (higher density urban, lower density urban, suburban/small town, or rural census tracts) evaluated likelihood of new onset T2D in each study sample in single- and two-pollutant models of PM(2.5) and O(3). RESULTS: In two pollutant models, associations of PM(2.5), and new onset T2D were null in the REGARDS cohort except for in suburban/small town community types in models that also adjusted for NSEE, with an odds ratio (95% CI) of 1.51 (1.01, 2.25) per 5 μg/m(3) of PM(2.5). Results in the Geisinger sample were null. VADR sample results evidenced nonlinear associations for both pollutants; the shape of the association was dependent on community type. CONCLUSIONS: Associations between PM(2.5), O(3) and new onset T2D differed across three large study samples in the US. None of the results from any of the three study populations found strong and clear positive associations. |
Analysis of interview breakoff in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2018 and 2019
Hsia J , Gilbert M , Zhao G , Town M , Inusah S , Garvin W . AJPM Focus 2023 2 (2) 100076 INTRODUCTION: Survey breakoff is an important source of total survey error. Most studies of breakoff have been of web surveys-less is known about telephone surveys. In the past decade, the breakoff rate has increased in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, the world's largest annual telephone survey. Analysis of breakoff in Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System can improve the quality of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. It will also provide evidence in research of total survey error on telephone surveys. METHODS: We used data recorded as breakoff in the 2018 and 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. We converted questions and modules to a time variable and applied Kaplan-Meier method and a proportional hazard model to estimate the conditional and cumulative probabilities of breakoff and study the potential risk factors associated with breakoff. RESULTS: Cumulative probability of breakoffs up to the end of the core questionnaire was 7.03% in 2018 and 9.56% in 2019. The highest conditional probability of breakoffs in the core was 2.85% for the physical activity section. Cumulative probability of breakoffs up to the end of the core was higher among those states that inserted their own questions or optional modules than among those that did not in both years. The median risk ratio of breakoff among all states was 5.70 in 2018 and 3.01 in 2019. Survey breakoff was associated with the length of the questionnaire, the extent of expected recollection, and the location of questions. CONCLUSIONS: Breakoff is not an ignorable component of total survey error and should be considered in Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data analyses when variables have higher breakoff rates. |
Outcomes of population surveillance data collection pilots and the behavioral risk factor surveillance system: What happens in Texas
Kirtland K , Garvin W , Yan T , Cavazos M , Berzofsky M , Freedner N , Muldavin B , Levine B , Gamble S , Town M . Surv Pract 2023 16 (1) 1-12 Declining response rates and rising costs have prompted the search for alternatives to traditional random-digit dialing (RDD) interviews. In 2021, three Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) pilots were conducted in Texas: data collection using an RDD short message service (RDD SMS) text-messaging push-to-web pilot, an address-based push-to-web pilot, and an internet panel pilot. We used data from the three pilots and from the concurrent Texas BRFSS Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI). We compared unweighted data from these four sources to demographic information from the American Community Survey (ACS) for Texas, comparing respondents' health information across the protocols as well as cost and response rates. Non-Hispanic White adults and college graduates disproportionately responded in all survey protocols. Comparing costs across protocols was difficult due to the differences in methods and overhead, but some cost comparisons could be made. The cost per complete for BRFSS/CATI ranged from $75 to $100, compared with costs per complete for address-based sampling ($31 to $39), RDD SMS ($12 to $20), and internet panel (approximately $25). There were notable differences among survey protocols and the ACS in age, race/ethnicity, education, and marital status. We found minimal differences in respondents' answers to heart disease-related questions; however, responses to flu vaccination questions differed by protocol. Comparable responses were encouraging. Properly weighted web-based data collection may help use data collected by new protocols as a supplement to future BRFSS efforts. |
Assessing the association between food environment and dietary inflammation by community type: a cross-sectional REGARDS study
Algur Y , Rummo PE , McAlexander TP , De Silva SSA , Lovasi GS , Judd SE , Ryan V , Malla G , Koyama AK , Lee DC , Thorpe LE , McClure LA . Int J Health Geogr 2023 22 (1) 24 BACKGROUND: Communities in the United States (US) exist on a continuum of urbanicity, which may inform how individuals interact with their food environment, and thus modify the relationship between food access and dietary behaviors. OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional study aims to examine the modifying effect of community type in the association between the relative availability of food outlets and dietary inflammation across the US. METHODS: Using baseline data from the REasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke study (2003-2007), we calculated participants' dietary inflammation score (DIS). Higher DIS indicates greater pro-inflammatory exposure. We defined our exposures as the relative availability of supermarkets and fast-food restaurants (percentage of food outlet type out of all food stores or restaurants, respectively) using street-network buffers around the population-weighted centroid of each participant's census tract. We used 1-, 2-, 6-, and 10-mile (~ 2-, 3-, 10-, and 16 km) buffer sizes for higher density urban, lower density urban, suburban/small town, and rural community types, respectively. Using generalized estimating equations, we estimated the association between relative food outlet availability and DIS, controlling for individual and neighborhood socio-demographics and total food outlets. The percentage of supermarkets and fast-food restaurants were modeled together. RESULTS: Participants (n = 20,322) were distributed across all community types: higher density urban (16.7%), lower density urban (39.8%), suburban/small town (19.3%), and rural (24.2%). Across all community types, mean DIS was - 0.004 (SD = 2.5; min = - 14.2, max = 9.9). DIS was associated with relative availability of fast-food restaurants, but not supermarkets. Association between fast-food restaurants and DIS varied by community type (P for interaction = 0.02). Increases in the relative availability of fast-food restaurants were associated with higher DIS in suburban/small towns and lower density urban areas (p-values < 0.01); no significant associations were present in higher density urban or rural areas. CONCLUSIONS: The relative availability of fast-food restaurants was associated with higher DIS among participants residing in suburban/small town and lower density urban community types, suggesting that these communities might benefit most from interventions and policies that either promote restaurant diversity or expand healthier food options. |
Operational considerations for using deer-targeted 4-Poster tick control devices in a tick-borne disease endemic community
Hornbostel VL , Meek JI , Hansen AP , Niesobecki SA , Nawrocki CC , Hinckley AF , Connally NP . J Public Health Manag Pract 2023 30 (1) 111-121 CONTEXT: In the northeastern United States, recommendations to prevent diseases spread by black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) and lone star ticks (Amblyomma americanum) often rely on individuals to use personal protection or yard-based strategies. The 4-Poster deer treatment stations (4-Posters) suppress tick populations by treating deer hosts with acaricide, potentially offering a community-wide approach for reducing tick-borne diseases in endemic areas. The 4-Poster deployment logistics in mainland community settings are not well documented but are needed for future public health tick control efforts. PROGRAM: As part of a public health research effort to design a population-based 4-Poster effectiveness study aimed at reducing tick-borne disease incidence, TickNET researchers partnered with the Town of Ridgefield (Connecticut) to understand the feasibility and operational logistics of deploying 4-Posters on public land within a residential community to inform future public health interventions by municipalities or vector control agencies. IMPLEMENTATION: We deployed three 4-Posters on a municipal property from July to December 2020 and used motion-activated cameras to record wildlife activity nearby. We documented per-device operational details, costs, materials consumed, and animal activity. EVALUATION: Operation of 4-Posters was feasible, and device challenges were easily remedied. Deer visitation and heavy nontarget animal use were documented at all devices. Unexpectedly, monthly corn consumption was not correlated with monthly deer-view days. The monthly cost per device was US $1279 or US $305 per hectare with an average 21 minutes of weekly service time. DISCUSSION: Use of 4-Posters by communities, public health agencies, or vector control programs may be a practicable addition to tick management programs in tick-borne disease endemic areas in the Northeast. Such programs should carefully consider local and state regulations, follow manufacturer and pesticide label guidelines, and include wildlife monitoring. High labor costs incurred in this project could be mitigated by training vector control agency or municipality staff to service 4-Posters. |
Resistance of Anopheles stephensi to selected insecticides used for indoor residual spraying and long-lasting insecticidal nets in Ethiopia
Teshome A , Erko B , Golassa L , Yohannes G , Irish SR , Zohdy S , Yoshimizu M , Dugassa S . Malar J 2023 22 (1) 218 BACKGROUND: Malaria, transmitted by the bite of infective female Anopheles mosquitoes, remains a global public health problem. The presence of invasive Anopheles stephensi, capable of transmitting Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum, was first reported in Ethiopia in 2016. The ecology of this mosquito species differs from that of Anopheles arabiensis, the primary malaria vector in Ethiopia. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of selected insecticides, which are used in indoor residual spraying (IRS) and selected long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) for malaria vector control against adult An. stephensi. METHODS: Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes were collected as larvae and pupae from Awash Subah Kilo Town and Haro Adi village, Ethiopia. Adult female An. stephensi, reared from larvae and pupae collected from the field, aged 3-5 days were exposed to impregnated papers of IRS insecticides (propoxur 0.1%, bendiocarb 0.1%, pirimiphos-methyl 0.25%), and insecticides used in LLINs (alpha-cypermethrin 0.05%, deltamethrin 0.05% and permethrin 0.75%), using diagnostic doses and WHO test tubes in a bio-secure insectary at Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology, Addis Ababa University. For each test and control tube, batches of 25 female An. stephensi were used to test each insecticide used in IRS. Additionally, cone bioassay tests were conducted to expose An. stephensi from the reared population to four brands of LLINs, MAGNet™ (alpha-cypermethrin), PermaNet(®) 2.0 (deltamethrin), DuraNet(©) (alpha-cypermethrin) and SafeNet(®) (alpha-cypermethrin). A batch of ten sugar-fed female mosquitoes aged 2-5 days was exposed to samples taken from five positions/sides of a net. The data from all replicates were pooled and descriptive statistics were used to describe features of the data. RESULTS: All An. stephensi collected from Awash Subah Kilo Town and Haro Adi village (around Metehara) were resistant to all tested insecticides used in both IRS and LLINs. Of the tested LLINs, only MAGNet™ (alpha-cypermethrin active ingredient) caused 100% knockdown and mortality to An. stephensi at 60 min and 24 h post exposure, while all other net brands caused mortality below the WHO cut-off points (< 90%). All these nets, except SafeNet(®), were collected during LLIN distribution for community members through the National Malaria Programme, in December 2020. CONCLUSIONS: Anopheles stephensi is resistant to all tested insecticides used in IRS and in the tested LLIN brands did not cause mosquito mortality as expected, except MAGNet. This suggests that control of this invasive vector using existing adult malaria vector control methods will likely be inadequate and that alternative strategies may be necessary. |
Risk Factors for COVID-19-associated hospitalization: COVID-19-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (preprint)
Ko JY , Danielson ML , Town M , Derado G , Greenlund KJ , Daily Kirley P , Alden NB , Yousey-Hindes K , Anderson EJ , Ryan PA , Kim S , Lynfield R , Torres SM , Barney GR , Bennett NM , Sutton M , Talbot HK , Hill M , Hall AJ , Fry AM , Garg S , Kim L . medRxiv 2020 2020.07.27.20161810 Background Identification of risk factors for COVID-19-associated hospitalization is needed to guide prevention and clinical care.Objective To examine if age, sex, race/ethnicity, and underlying medical conditions is independently associated with COVID-19-associated hospitalizations.Design Cross-sectional.Setting 70 counties within 12 states participating in the Coronavirus Disease 2019-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network (COVID-NET) and a population-based sample of non-hospitalized adults residing in the COVID-NET catchment area from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.Participants U.S. community-dwelling adults (≥18 years) with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19-associated hospitalizations, March 1- June 23, 2020.Measurements Adjusted rate ratios (aRR) of hospitalization by age, sex, race/ethnicity and underlying medical conditions (hypertension, coronary artery disease, history of stroke, diabetes, obesity [BMI ≥30 kg/m2], severe obesity [BMI≥40 kg/m2], chronic kidney disease, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).Results Our sample included 5,416 adults with COVID-19-associated hospitalizations. Adults with (versus without) severe obesity (aRR:4.4; 95%CI: 3.4, 5.7), chronic kidney disease (aRR:4.0; 95%CI: 3.0, 5.2), diabetes (aRR:3.2; 95%CI: 2.5, 4.1), obesity (aRR:2.9; 95%CI: 2.3, 3.5), hypertension (aRR:2.8; 95%CI: 2.3, 3.4), and asthma (aRR:1.4; 95%CI: 1.1, 1.7) had higher rates of hospitalization, after adjusting for age, sex, and race/ethnicity. In models adjusting for the presence of an individual underlying medical condition, higher hospitalization rates were observed for adults ≥65 years, 45-64 years (versus 18-44 years), males (versus females), and non-Hispanic black and other race/ethnicities (versus non-Hispanic whites).Limitations Interim analysis limited to hospitalizations with underlying medical condition data.Conclusion Our findings elucidate groups with higher hospitalization risk that may benefit from targeted preventive and therapeutic interventions.Competing Interest StatementDr. Anderson reports personal fees from AbbVie, personal fees from Pfizer, grants from Pfizer, grants from Merck, grants from Micron, grants from Paxvax, grants from Sanofi Pasteur, grants from Novavax, grants from MedImmune, grants from Regeneron, grants from GSK, outside the submitted work. Mr. Henderson, Ms. Kim, Ms. George, and Ms. Hill report grants from Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), during the conduct of the study. Dr. Lynfield reports grants from CDC- Emerging Infections Program, during the conduct of the study; and Royalties from a book on infectious disease surveillance and compensation for AAP Red Book (Report from Committee on Infectious Disease) donated to Minnesota Dept of Health. Dr. Schaffner reports grants from CDC, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from VBI Vaccines, outside the submitted work. Dr. Talbot reports other from Seqirus, outside the submitted work.Funding StatementThis work was supported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention through an Emerging Infections Program cooperative agreement (grant CK17-1701) and through a Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists cooperative agreement (grant NU38OT000297-02-00).Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:This analysis was exempt from CDC's Institutional Review Board, as it was considered part of public health surveillance and emergency response. Participating sites obtained approval for the COVID-NET surveillance protocol from their respective state and local IRBs, as required.All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved regi try, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesData is not publically available at this time. |
Population analysis of Vibrio cholerae in aquatic reservoirs reveals a novel sister species (Vibrio paracholerae sp. nov.) with a history of association with human infections (preprint)
Islam MT , Nasreen T , Kirchberger P , Liang KYH , Orata FD , Johura FT , Im MS , Tarr CL , Alam M , Boucher YF . bioRxiv 2021 2021.05.05.442690 Most efforts to understand the biology of Vibrio cholerae have focused on a single group, the pandemic-generating lineage harbouring the strains responsible for all known cholera pandemics. Consequently, little is known about the diversity of this species in its native aquatic environment. To understand the differences in the V. cholerae populations inhabiting in regions with varying history of cholera cases and how that might influence the abundance of pandemic strains, a comparative analysis of population composition was performed. Little overlap was found in lineage compositions between those in Dhaka (cholera endemic) located in the Ganges delta, and of Falmouth (no known history of cholera), a small coastal town on the US East Coast. The most striking difference was the presence of a group of related lineages at high abundance in Dhaka which was completely absent from Falmouth. Phylogenomic analysis revealed that these lineages form a cluster at the base of the phylogeny of V. cholerae species, sufficiently differentiated genetically and phenotypically to form a novel species. Strains from this species have been anecdotally isolated from around the world and were isolated as early as 1916 from a British soldier in Egypt suffering from choleraic diarrhoea. In 1935 Gardner and Venkatraman unofficially referred to a member of this group as Vibrio paracholerae. In recognition of this earlier designation, we propose the name Vibrio paracholerae, sp. nov. for this bacterium. Genomic analysis suggests a link with human populations for this novel species and substantial interaction with its better-known sister species.Importance Cholera continues to remain a major public health threat around the globe. Understanding the ecology, evolution and environmental adaptation of the causative agent Vibrio cholerae and tracking the emergence of novel lineages with pathogenic potential are essential to combat the problem. In this study, we investigated the population dynamics of Vibrio cholerae in an inland locality which is known as endemic for cholera and compared with that of a cholera free coastal location. We found the consistent presence of the pandemic generating V. cholerae in cholera-endemic Dhaka and an exclusive presence of a lineage phylogenetically distinct from other V. cholerae. Our study suggests that this lineage represents a novel species having pathogenic potential and a human link to its environmental abundance. The possible association with human population, co-existence and interaction with toxigenic V. cholerae in the natural environment make this potential human pathogen an important subject for future studies.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest. |
Impact of close interpersonal contact on COVID-19 incidence: evidence from one year of mobile device data (preprint)
Crawford FW , Jones SA , Cartter M , Dean SG , Warren JL , Li ZR , Barbieri J , Campbell J , Kenney P , Valleau T , Morozova O . medRxiv 2021 Close contact between people is the primary route for transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We sought to quantify interpersonal contact at the population-level by using anonymized mobile device geolocation data. We computed the frequency of contact (within six feet) between people in Connecticut during February 2020 - January 2021. Then we aggregated counts of contact events by area of residence to obtain an estimate of the total intensity of interpersonal contact experienced by residents of each town for each day. When incorporated into a susceptible-exposed-infective-removed (SEIR) model of COVID-19 transmission, the contact rate accurately predicted COVID-19 cases in Connecticut towns during the timespan. The pattern of contact rate in Connecticut explains the large initial wave of infections during March-April, the subsequent drop in cases during June-August, local outbreaks during August-September, broad statewide resurgence during September-December, and decline in January 2021. Contact rate data can help guide public health messaging campaigns to encourage social distancing and in the allocation of testing resources to detect or prevent emerging local outbreaks more quickly than traditional case investigation. ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY: Close interpersonal contact measured using mobile device location data explains dynamics of COVID-19 transmission in Connecticut during the first year of the pandemic. |
Productivity costs associated with reactive school closures related to influenza or influenza-like illness in the United States from 2011 to 2019 (preprint)
Park J , Joo H , Maskery BA , Zviedrite N , Uzicanin A . medRxiv 2023 07 (6) e0286734 Introduction Schools close in reaction to seasonal influenza outbreaks and, on occasion, pandemic influenza. The unintended costs of reactive school closures associated with influenza or influenza-like illness (ILI) has not been studied previously. We estimated the costs of ILI-related reactive school closures in the United States over eight academic years. Methods We used prospectively collected data on ILI-related reactive school closures from August 1, 2011 to June 30, 2019 to estimate the costs of the closures, which included productivity costs for parents, teachers, and non-teaching school staff. Productivity cost estimates were evaluated by multiplying the number of days for each closure by the state- and year-specific average hourly or daily wage rates for parents, teachers, and school staff. We subdivided total cost and cost per student estimates by school year, state, and urbanicity of school location. Results The estimated productivity cost of the closures was $476 million in total during the eight years, with most (90%) of the costs occurring between 2016-2017 and 2018-2019, and in Tennessee (55%) and Kentucky (21%). Among all U.S. public schools, the annual cost per student was much higher in Tennessee ($33) and Kentucky ($19) than any other state ($2.4 in the third highest state) or the national average ($1.2). The cost per student was higher in rural areas ($2.9) or towns ($2.5) than cities ($0.6) or suburbs ($0.5). Locations with higher costs tended to have both more closures and closures with longer durations. Conclusions In recent years, we found significant heterogeneity in year-to-year costs of ILI-associated reactive school closures. These costs have been greatest in Tennessee and Kentucky and been elevated in rural or town areas relative to cities or suburbs. Our findings might provide evidence to support efforts to reduce the burden of seasonal influenza in these disproportionately impacted states or communities. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. |
National, state-level, and county-level prevalence estimates of adults aged 18 years self-reporting a lifetime diagnosis of depression - United States, 2020
Lee B , Wang Y , Carlson SA , Greenlund KJ , Lu H , Liu Y , Croft JB , Eke PI , Town M , Thomas CW . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (24) 644-650 Depression is a major contributor to mortality, morbidity, disability, and economic costs in the United States (1). Examining the geographic distribution of depression at the state and county levels can help guide state- and local-level efforts to prevent, treat, and manage depression. CDC analyzed 2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data to estimate the national, state-level, and county-level prevalence of U.S. adults aged ≥18 years self-reporting a lifetime diagnosis of depression (referred to as depression). During 2020, the age-standardized prevalence of depression among adults was 18.5%. Among states, the age-standardized prevalence of depression ranged from 12.7% to 27.5% (median = 19.9%); most of the states with the highest prevalence were in the Appalachian* and southern Mississippi Valley(†) regions. Among 3,143 counties, the model-based age-standardized prevalence of depression ranged from 10.7% to 31.9% (median = 21.8%); most of the counties with the highest prevalence were in the Appalachian region, the southern Mississippi Valley region, and Missouri, Oklahoma, and Washington. These data can help decision-makers prioritize health planning and interventions in areas with the largest gaps or inequities, which could include implementation of evidence-based interventions and practices such as those recommended by The Guide to Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). |
Disparities in the implementation of school-based mental health supports among K-12 public schools
Moore S , Timpe Z , Rasberry CN , Hertz M , Verlenden J , Spencer P , Murray C , Lee S , Barrios LC , Tripathi T , McConnell L , Iachan R , Pampati S . Psychiatr Serv 2023 75 (1) appips20220558 OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to explore the availability of mental health supports within public schools during the COVID-19 pandemic by using survey data from a nationally representative sample of U.S. K-12 public schools collected in October-November 2021. METHODS: The prevalence of 11 school-based mental health supports was examined within the sample (N=437 schools). Chi-square tests and adjusted logistic regression models were used to identify associations between school-level characteristics and mental health supports. School characteristics included level (elementary, middle, or high school), locale (city, town, suburb, or rural area), poverty level, having a full-time school nurse, and having a school-based health center. RESULTS: Universal mental health programs were more prevalent than more individualized and group-based supports (e.g., therapy groups); however, prevalence of certain mental health supports was low among schools (e.g., only 53% implemented schoolwide trauma-informed practices). Schools having middle to high levels of poverty or located in rural areas or towns and elementary schools and schools without a health infrastructure were less likely to implement mental health supports, even after analyses were adjusted for school-level characteristics. For example, compared with low-poverty schools, mid-poverty schools had lower odds of implementing prosocial skills training for students (adjusted OR [AOR]=0.49, 95% CI=0.27-0.88) and providing confidential mental health screening (AOR=0.42, 95% CI=0.22-0.79). CONCLUSIONS: Implementation levels of school-based mental health supports leave substantial room for improvement, and numerous disparities existed by school characteristics. Higher-poverty areas, schools in rural areas or towns, and elementary schools and schools without a health infrastructure may require assistance in ensuring equitable access to mental health supports. |
Productivity costs associated with reactive school closures related to influenza or influenza-like illness in the United States from 2011 to 2019
Park J , Joo H , Maskery BA , Zviedrite N , Uzicanin A . PLoS One 2023 18 (6) e0286734 INTRODUCTION: Schools close in reaction to seasonal influenza outbreaks and, on occasion, pandemic influenza. The unintended costs of reactive school closures associated with influenza or influenza-like illness (ILI) has not been studied previously. We estimated the costs of ILI-related reactive school closures in the United States over eight academic years. METHODS: We used prospectively collected data on ILI-related reactive school closures from August 1, 2011 to June 30, 2019 to estimate the costs of the closures, which included productivity costs for parents, teachers, and non-teaching school staff. Productivity cost estimates were evaluated by multiplying the number of days for each closure by the state- and year-specific average hourly or daily wage rates for parents, teachers, and school staff. We subdivided total cost and cost per student estimates by school year, state, and urbanicity of school location. RESULTS: The estimated productivity cost of the closures was $476 million in total during the eight years, with most (90%) of the costs occurring between 2016-2017 and 2018-2019, and in Tennessee (55%) and Kentucky (21%). Among all U.S. public schools, the annual cost per student was much higher in Tennessee ($33) and Kentucky ($19) than any other state ($2.4 in the third highest state) or the national average ($1.2). The cost per student was higher in rural areas ($2.9) or towns ($2.5) than cities ($0.6) or suburbs ($0.5). Locations with higher costs tended to have both more closures and closures with longer durations. CONCLUSIONS: In recent years, we found significant heterogeneity in year-to-year costs of ILI-associated reactive school closures. These costs have been greatest in Tennessee and Kentucky and been elevated in rural or town areas relative to cities or suburbs. Our findings might provide evidence to support efforts to reduce the burden of seasonal influenza in these disproportionately impacted states or communities. |
Engaging transgender women in HIV research in South Africa
van der Merwe LLA , Cloete A , Savva H , Skinner D , November G , Fisher ZZ . BMC Public Health 2023 23 (1) 990 The Botshelo Ba Trans study was the first HIV bio-behavioral survey conducted with transgender women in South Africa. Engaging research with marginalized communities requires clear points of entry, reference points for understanding the internal culture, and establishing trust and understanding. The community-based participatory research approach guided the development and implementation of this study. We conducted a rapid qualitative and pre-surveillance formative assessment between August 2017 to January 2018 and a bio-behavioral survey between July 2018 and March 2019. At the start, a Steering Committee, comprising primarily of transgender women, was established and subsequently provided substantial input into the mixed methods study conducted in Buffalo City, Cape Town, and Johannesburg. Key to the study's success was building trust and establishing ownership of the survey by transgender women recognized as expert knowledge holders. Thus, a community-based participatory research-informed approach enhanced the validity of the data and ensured that we addressed relevant issues. |
Improving Social Norms and Actions to Prevent Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence: A Pilot Study of the Impact of Green Dot Community on Youth
Banyard VL , Edwards KM , Rizzo AJ , Rothman EF , Greenberg P , Kearns MC . J Prev Health Promot 2020 1 (2) 183-211 Sexual violence (SV) and intimate partner violence (IPV), which often co-occur with bullying, are serious public health issues underscoring the need for primary prevention. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a community-building SV and IPV prevention program, Green Dot Community, on adolescents' perceptions of community social norms and their propensity to intervene as helpful actionists using two independent data sources. Green Dot Community takes place in towns and aims to influence all town members to prevent SV and IPV by addressing protective factors (i.e., collective efficacy, positive prevention social norms, and bystander helping, or actionism). In the current study, one town received Green Dot Community (the prevention-enhanced town), and two towns received prevention as usual (i.e., awareness and fundraising events by local IPV and SV advocacy centers). The program was evaluated using a two-part method: (a) A cross-sectional sample of high school students from three rural communities provided assessment of protective factors at two time points (Time 1, N = 1,187; Time 2, N = 877) and (b) Youth Risk Behavior Survey data from the state Department of Health were gathered before and after program implementation (Time 1, N=2,034; Time 2, N=2,017) to assess victimization rates. Youth in the prevention-enhanced town reported higher collective efficacy and more positive social norms specific to helping in situations of SV and IPV over time but did not differ on bystander behaviors or on victimization rates. Community-based prevention initiatives may be helpful in changing community norms to prevent SV/IPV. |
Sample and Respondent Provided County Comparisons Among Cellular Respondents Using Rate Center Assignments
Pierannunzi C , Hyon A , Bareham J , Town M . Surv Pract 2019 12 (1) 1-8 The percentage of cell phones in telephone survey samples continues to grow in proportion to the percentage of potential respondents who rely on cell phones for personal communication. One problem with cell phone samples is that persons who move or who purchase cell phones in locations not close to their residence, may not be eligible for surveys with geographic parameters. This affects researchers' ability to sample and analyze from specific geographic jurisdictions. Because cell phone numbers do not accurately indicate respondent locations, rate centers have been used to ascertain respondent locations in recent years. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a state-based telephone survey administered to over 400,000 respondents annually. Approximately half of the sample is drawn from cell phone numbers. This research examines the county-level accuracy of the 2016 BRFSS sample. Results indicate that cell phone samples are accurate at the state and county level 58% of the time and at just the state level 93% of the time. However, accuracy rates vary by state, region, metropolitan status as well as by demographic characteristics and survey items. Specific examples of when county-level accuracy vary are provided. |
Differences in Efficiencies Between ABS and RDD Samples by Mode of Data Collection
Pierannunzi C , Gamble S , Locke R , Freedner N , Town M . Surv Pract 2019 12 (1) 1-12 Research on mode of administration of surveys increasingly appears in the literature. Little research includes comparisons by sample frame as well as by mode. This research examines differences in efficiency using two types of sample frames (address-based samples [ABS] or random digit dialing [RDD] samples) and multiple modes (web-based surveys, mailed questionnaire, and telephone interview) among adult respondents. Matching telephone numbers to addresses was conducted on both samples. A test of the effectiveness of making modifications to drop point locations in the ABS was also undertaken. A higher proportion of addresses were matched to telephone numbers in an ABS but with less accuracy than matching telephone numbers to addresses in an RDD sample. Costs per competed interview were lower using the RDD than when using the ABS. Efforts to specify apartment numbers in drop point locations in the ABS were not found to be cost effective. Overall, for both demographic and substantive question outcomes, survey frame has less of an impact than survey mode on measures of response rate and cost. |
The HIV care continuum for sexually active transgender women in three metropolitan municipalities in South Africa: findings from a biobehavioural survey 2018-19
Cloete A , Mabaso M , Savva H , van der Merwe LL , Naidoo D , Petersen Z , Kose Z , Mthembu J , Moyo S , Skinner D , Jooste S , Fellows IE , Shiraishi RW , Mwandingi SL , Simbayi LC . Lancet HIV 2023 10 (6) e375-e384 BACKGROUND: Despite high HIV prevalence in transgender women in sub-Saharan Africa, to our knowledge no study presents data across the HIV care continuum for this population in the region. The aim of this study was to estimate HIV prevalence and present data to develop the HIV care continuum indicators for transgender women in three South African metropolitan municipalities. METHODS: Biobehavioural survey data were collected among sexually active transgender women in the metropolitan municipalities of Johannesburg, Buffalo City, and Cape Town, South Africa. Transgender women (aged ≥18 years, self-reporting consensual sex with a man in the 6 months before the survey) were recruited using respondent-driven sampling (RDS). An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to determine awareness of HIV status; blood specimens were collected on dried blood spots to test for HIV antibodies, antiretroviral treatment (ART) exposure, and viral load suppression. Population-based estimates of HIV 95-95-95 cascade indicators were derived by use of individualised RDS weights with RDS Analyst software. Multivariate stepwise backward logistic regression modelling was used to determine factors associated with each cascade indicator. All eligible participants were included in the final analysis. FINDINGS: Between July 26, 2018, and March 15, 2019, we enrolled 887 sexually active transgender women: 323 in Johannesburg, 305 in Buffalo City, and 259 in Cape Town. HIV prevalence was highest in Johannesburg where 229 (74·1%) of 309 tests were positive (weighted prevalence estimate 63·3%, 95% CI 55·5-70·5), followed by Buffalo City where 121 (43·7%) of 277 were positive (46·1%, 38·7-53·6), and then Cape Town where 122 (48·4%) of 252 were positive (45·6%, 36·7-54·7). In Johannesburg, an estimated 54·2% (95% CI 45·8-62·4) of transgender women with HIV knew their positive status, in Cape Town this was 24·2% (15·4-35·8), and in Buffalo City this was 39·5% (27·1-53·4). Among those who knew their status, 82·1% (73·3-88·5) in Johannesburg, 78·2% (57·9-90·3) in Cape Town, and 64·7% (45·2-80·2) in Buffalo City were on ART. Of those on ART, 34·4% (27·2-42·4) in Johannesburg, 41·2% (30·7-52·6) in Cape Town, and 55·0% (40·7-68·4) in Buffalo City were virally suppressed. INTERPRETATION: Innovative strategies are needed to inform efforts to diagnose and to treat transgender women living with HIV promptly to achieve viral load suppression. Differentiated HIV services tailored to transgender women of race groups other than Black South African, and those with low education attainment and low outreach exposure, innovative testing, and adherence strategies should be developed to improve the HIV cascade for South African transgender women. FUNDING: The US President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |
Limited awareness of HIV status hinders uptake of treatment among female sex workers and sexually exploited adolescents in Wau and Yambio, South Sudan
Bolo A , Ochira P , Hakim AJ , Katoro J , Bunga S , Lako R , Anib V , Arkangelo GC , Lobojo BN , Okiria AG . BMC Public Health 2023 23 (1) 692 BACKGROUND: Several factors determine uptake of HIV testing services (HTS) by female sex workers (FSW), including their knowledge of HIV and their awareness of services supporting people who are HIV-positive. HTS provided entry into the UNAIDS 90-90-90 cascade of care. We conducted a cross-sectional biobehavioural survey (BBS) to determine HIV prevalence and progress towards UNAIDS 90-90-90 cascade targets among this population in South Sudan. METHODS: Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) was used to recruit women and sexually exploited girls aged 13-18 years who exchanged sex for goods or money in the past 6 months and resided in the town for at least 1 month. Consenting participants were interviewed and tested for HIV and, if positive, they were also tested for their viral load (VL). Data were weighted in RDS Analyst and analyzed with Stata 13. RESULTS: A total of 1,284 participants were recruited. The overall HIV cascade coverages were 64.8% aware of their HIV-positive status; 91.0% of those aware of their positive status were on ART; and VL suppression among those on ART was 93.0%. CONCLUSION: Being unaware of their HIV-positive status limits, the uptake of HIV treatment among FSW in South Sudan. This underscores the importance of optimized case-finding approaches to increase HTS among FSW and sexually exploited minors. |
High HIV and syphilis prevalence among female sex workers and sexually exploited adolescents in Nimule town at the border of South Sudan and Uganda
Okiria AG , Achut V , McKeever E , Bolo A , Katoro J , Arkangelo GC , Ismail Michael AT , Hakim AJ . PLoS One 2023 18 (1) e0266795 HIV prevalence among the general population in South Sudan, the world's newest country, is estimated at 2.9% and in Nimule, a town at the border with Uganda, it is estimated at 7.5%. However, there is limited data describing the HIV epidemic among female sex workers and sexually exploited adolescents (FSW/SEA) in the country. This study was conducted using a respondent-driven sampling (RDS) among FSW/SEA aged ≥15 years in January-February 2017 who sold or exchanged sex in the last six months in Nimule. Consenting participants were administered a questionnaire and tested for HIV according to the national algorithm. Syphilis testing was conducted using SD BIOLINE Syphilis 3.0 and Rapid Plasma Reagin for confirmation. Data were analyzed in SAS and RDS-Analyst and weighted results are presented. The 409 FSW/SEA participants with a median age of 28 years (IQR 23-35) and a median age of 23 years (IQR 18-28) when they entered the world of sex work, were enrolled in the Eagle survey. Nearly all (99.2%) FSW/SEA lacked comprehensive knowledge of HIV though almost half (48.5%) talked to a peer educator or outreach worker about HIV in the last 30 days. More than half (55.3%) were previously tested for HIV. Only 46.4% used a condom during their last vaginal or anal sexual act with a client. One in five (19.8%) FSW/SEA experienced a condom breaking during vaginal or anal sex in the last six months HIV prevalence was 24.0% (95% CI: 19.4-28.5) and 9.2% (95% CI: 6.5-11.9) had active syphilis. The multivariable analysis revealed the association between HIV and active syphilis (aOR: 6.99, 95% CI: 2.23-21.89). HIV and syphilis prevalence were higher among FSW/SEA in Nimule than the general population in the country and Nimule. Specifically, the HIV prevalence was eight times higher than the general population. Our findings underscore the importance of providing HIV and syphilis testing for FSW/SEA in conjunction with comprehensive combination prevention, including comprehensive HIV information, promotion of condom use, and availing treatment services for both HIV and syphilis. |
Challenges experienced by U.S. K-12 public schools in serving students with special education needs or underlying health conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic and strategies for improved accessibility
Spencer P , Timpe Z , Verlenden J , Rasberry CN , Moore S , Yeargin-Allsopp M , Claussen AH , Lee S , Murray C , Tripathi T , Conklin S , Iachan R , McConnell L , Deng X , Pampati S . Disabil Health J 2022 101428 BACKGROUND: Students with special education needs or underlying health conditions have been disproportionately impacted (e.g., by reduced access to services) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. OBJECTIVE: This study describes challenges reported by schools in providing services and supports to students with special education needs or underlying health conditions and describes schools' use of accessible communication strategies for COVID-19 prevention. METHODS: This study analyzes survey data from a nationally representative sample of U.S. K-12 public schools (n=420, February-March 2022). Weighted prevalence estimates of challenges in serving students with special education needs or underlying health conditions and use of accessible communication strategies are presented. Differences by school locale (city/suburb vs. town/rural) are examined using chi-square tests. RESULTS: The two most frequently reported school-based challenges were staff shortages (51.3%) and student compliance with prevention strategies (32.4%), and the two most frequently reported home-based challenges were the lack of learning partners at home (25.5%) and lack of digital literacy among students' families (21.4%). A minority of schools reported using accessible communications strategies for COVID-19 prevention efforts, such as low-literacy materials (7.3%) and transcripts that accompany podcasts or videos (6.7%). Town/rural schools were more likely to report non-existent or insufficient access to the internet at home and less likely to report use of certain accessible communication than city/suburb schools. CONCLUSION: Schools might need additional supports to address challenges in serving students with special education needs or with underlying health conditions and improve use of accessible communication strategies for COVID-19 and other infectious disease prevention. |
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