Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 80 Records) |
Query Trace: Tinker SC[original query] |
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnosis, treatment, and telehealth use in adults - National Center for Health Statistics Rapid Surveys System, United States, October-November 2023
Staley BS , Robinson LR , Claussen AH , Katz SM , Danielson ML , Summers AD , Farr SL , Blumberg SJ , Tinker SC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (40) 890-895 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that develops during childhood and can last into adulthood. Data from the National Center for Health Statistics Rapid Surveys System collected during October-November 2023 were used to estimate the prevalence of ADHD diagnosis and treatment among U.S. adults. In 2023, an estimated 15.5 million U.S. adults (6.0%) had a current ADHD diagnosis based on self-report; approximately one half received the diagnosis at age ≥18 years. Approximately one third of adults with ADHD took a stimulant medication to treat their ADHD in the previous year, 71.5% of whom had difficulty getting their ADHD prescription filled because it was unavailable. Approximately one half of adults with ADHD have ever used telehealth for ADHD-related services. Telehealth might have benefits for persons with ADHD, including helping them access behavioral treatment or medication prescriptions for ADHD. This report provides national estimates of the prevalence and treatment of ADHD among U.S. adults to help guide clinical care and regulatory decision-making for ADHD among U.S. adults. |
Autism spectrum disorder diagnoses and congenital cytomegalovirus
Pesch MH , Leung J , Lanzieri TM , Tinker SC , Rose CE , Danielson ML , Yeargin-Allsopp M , Grosse SD . Pediatrics 2024 OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) administrative diagnoses in US children. METHODS: Cohort study using 2014 to 2020 Medicaid claims data. We used diagnosis codes to identify cCMV (exposure), ASD (outcome), and covariates among children enrolled from birth through ≥4 to <7 years. Covariates include central nervous system (CNS) anomaly or injury diagnosis codes, including brain anomaly, microcephaly within 45 days of birth, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or chorioretinitis. We used Cox proportional hazards regression models to estimate hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals, overall and stratified by sex, birth weight and gestational age outcome (low birth weight or preterm birth), and presence of CNS anomaly or injury. RESULTS: Among 2 989 659 children, we identified 1044 (3.5 per 10 000) children with cCMV and 74 872 (25.0 per 1000) children with ASD. Of those with cCMV, 49% also had CNS anomaly or injury diagnosis codes. Children with cCMV were more likely to have ASD diagnoses (hazard ratio: 2.5; 95% confidence interval: 2.0-3.2, adjusting for birth year, sex, and region). This association differed by sex and absence of CNS anomaly or injury but not birth outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Children with (versus without) cCMV diagnoses in Medicaid claims data, most of whom likely had symptomatic cCMV, were more likely to have ASD diagnoses. Future research investigating ASD risk among cohorts identified through universal cCMV screening may help elucidate these observed associations. |
Remote delivery of allied and behavioral healthcare during COVID-19 for children with developmental disabilities
Wiggins LD , Tian LH , Tinker SC , Yeargin-Allsopp M , DiGuiseppi CG , Nadler C , Powell PS , Moody EJ , Durkin MS , Fallin MD , Ryerson AB , Thierry JM , Robinson B , Pazol K . JAACAP Open 2024 2 (1) 36-44 OBJECTIVE: Many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities (DD) transitioned to telehealth services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our objectives were to describe reductions in allied and behavioral healthcare services and receipt of caregiver training to deliver services at home because of COVID-19 for children with ASD and other DD, and factors associated with worse response to remote delivery of services for children with ASD. METHOD: Prior to the pandemic, children 2 to 5 years of age were enrolled in a multi-site case-control study and completed a developmental assessment. Caregivers completed questionnaires on child behavior problems and ASD symptoms. Children were classified as having ASD vs another DD based on standardized diagnostic measures. Subsequently, caregivers completed a survey during January to June 2021 to assess how COVID-19 affected children and families. RESULTS: Caregivers reported that most children with ASD and other DD had a decrease in service hours (50.0%-76.9% by service type) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Children with ASD were significantly more likely to experience reduced speech/language therapy than children with other DD. Receipt of caregiver training to deliver services at home ranged from 38.1% to 57.4% by service type. Among children with ASD, pre-pandemic problems with internalizing behaviors and social communication/interaction were associated with worse response to behavioral telehealth but no other common therapies. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates the caregiver-reported impacts of COVID-19 on remote delivery of allied and behavioral healthcare services for children with ASD and other DD. Considerations for caregiver support and remote delivery of services are provided. |
Health and education services during the COVID-19 pandemic among young children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities
Pazol K , Tian LH , DiGuiseppi C , Durkin MS , Fallin MD , Moody EJ , Nadler C , Powell PS , Reyes N , Robinson B , Ryerson AB , Thierry JM , Tinker SC , Wiggins LD , Yeargin-Allsopp M . J Dev Behav Pediatr 2024 45 (1) e31-e38 OBJECTIVE: Understanding how the COVID-19 pandemic affected children with disabilities is essential for future public health emergencies. We compared children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with those with another developmental disability (DD) and from the general population (POP) regarding (1) missed or delayed appointments for regular health/dental services, immunizations, and specialty services; (2) reasons for difficulty accessing care; and (3) use of remote learning and school supports. METHOD: Caregivers of children previously enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development, a case-control study of children with ASD implemented during 2017 to 2020, were recontacted during January-June 2021 to learn about services during March-December 2020. Children were classified as ASD, DD, or POP during the initial study and were aged 3.4 to 7.5 years when their caregivers were recontacted during the pandemic. RESULTS: Over half of all children missed or delayed regular health/dental appointments (58.4%-65.2%). More children in the ASD versus DD and POP groups missed or delayed specialty services (75.7%, 58.3%, and 22.8%, respectively) and reported difficulties obtaining care of any type because of issues using telehealth and difficulty wearing a mask. During school closures, a smaller proportion of children with ASD versus another DD were offered live online classes (84.3% vs 91.1%), while a larger proportion had disrupted individualized education programs (50.0% vs 36.2%). CONCLUSION: Minimizing service disruptions for all children and ensuring continuity of specialty care for children with ASD is essential for future public health emergencies. Children may need additional services to compensate for disruptions during the pandemic. |
Variation in identifying children and adolescents with disability and developmental disability in population-based public health surveys
Russell LA , Tinker SC , Rice CE , Ryerson AB , Gonzalez MG . Disabil Health J 2023 101556 BACKGROUND: The term "developmental disability" (DD) is inconsistently defined and applied depending on purpose and across sources, including in legislation. OBJECTIVE: This project aimed to identify existing definitions of disability and DD and to determine the extent to which each definition could be operationalized to produce prevalence estimates using data from U.S. national surveys. METHODS: Using data among children <18 years from the 2016-2018 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH), we estimated the prevalence of two definitions of disability (Washington Group Short Set on Functioning, American Community Survey) and seven definitions of DD [Health and Human Services (ever/current), Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (1+, 2+, or 3+ components), and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed (ever/current)]. Complex sample design variables and weights were used to calculate nationally representative prevalence. RESULTS: Disability (NHIS: 5.2-6.3%; NSCH: 9.2-11.9%) and DD prevalence (NHIS: 0.6-18.0% and NSCH: 0.2-22.2%) varied depending on the definition and data source. For the same definition, NSCH prevalence estimates tended to be higher than NHIS estimates. CONCLUSIONS: The substantial variability in estimated prevalence of disability and DD among children in the United States may be in part due to the surveys not representing all components of each definition. Different or additional questions in national surveys may better capture existing definitions of disability and DD. Considering the data collection goals may help determine the optimal definition to provide useful information for public health action. |
Modifications to student quarantine policies in K-12 schools implementing multiple COVID-19 prevention strategies restores in-person education without increasing SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk, January-March 2021 (preprint)
Dawson P , Worrell MC , Malone S , Fritz SA , McLaughlin HP , Montgomery BK , Boyle M , Gomel A , Hayes S , Maricque B , Lai AM , Neidich JA , Tinker SC , Lee JS , Tong S , Orscheln RC , Charney R , Rebmann T , Mooney J , Rains C , Yoon N , Petit M , Towns K , Goddard C , Schmidt S , Barrios LC , Neatherlin JC , Salzer JS , Newland JG . medRxiv 2022 21 Objective: To determine whether modified K-12 student quarantine policies that allow some students to continue in-person education during their quarantine period increase schoolwide SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk following the increase in cases in winter 2020-2021. Method(s): We conducted a prospective cohort study of COVID-19 cases and exposures among students and staff (n=65,621) in 103 Missouri public schools. Participants were offered free, saliva-based RT-PCR testing. An adjusted Cox regression model compared hazard rates of school-based SARS-CoV-2 infections between schools with a modified versus standard quarantine policy. Result(s): From January-March 2021, a projected 23 (1%) school-based transmission events occurred among 1,636 school close contacts. There was no difference in the adjusted hazard rates of school-based SARS-CoV-2 infections between schools with a modified versus standard quarantine policy (hazard ratio=1.00; 95% confidence interval: 0.97-1.03). Discussion(s): School-based SARS-CoV-2 transmission was rare in 103 K-12 schools implementing multiple COVID-19 prevention strategies. Modified student quarantine policies were not associated with increased school incidence of COVID-19. Modifications to student quarantine policies may be a useful strategy for K-12 schools to safely reduce disruptions to in-person education during times of increased COVID-19 community incidence. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Prenatal ultrasound use and risk of autism spectrum disorder: Findings from the case-control Study to Explore Early Development
Christensen D , Pazol K , Overwyk KJ , England LJ , Alexander AA , Croen LA , Dowling NF , Schieve LA , Tian LH , Tinker SC , Windham GC , Callaghan WM , Shapira SK . Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2023 37 (6) 527-535 BACKGROUND: Studies evaluating the association between prenatal ultrasounds and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have largely produced negative results. Concern remains due to the rising identification of children with ASD and ultrasound use. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between prenatal ultrasound use and ASD. METHODS: We used data from the Study to Explore Early Development, a multisite case-control study of preschool-aged children with ASD implemented during 2007-2012. We recruited cases from children receiving developmental disability services and randomly selected population controls from birth records. ASD case status was based on in-person standardised assessments. We stratified analyses by pre-existing maternal medical conditions and pregnancy complications associated with increased ultrasound use (ultrasound indications) and used logistic regression to model case status by increasing ultrasound counts. For pregnancies with medical record data on ultrasound timing, we conducted supplementary tests to model associations by trimester of exposure. RESULTS: Among 1524 singleton pregnancies, ultrasound indications were more common for ASD cases than controls; respectively, for each group, no indications were reported for 45.1% and 54.2% of pregnancies, while ≥2 indications were reported for 26.1% and 18.4% of pregnancies. The percentage of pregnancies with multiple ultrasounds varied by case status and the presence of ultrasound indications. However, stratified regression models showed no association between increasing ultrasound counts and case status, either for pregnancies without (aOR 1.01, 95% CI 0.92, 1.11) or with ultrasound indications (aOR 1.01, 95% CI 0.95, 1.08). Trimester-specific analyses using medical record data showed no association in any individual trimester. CONCLUSIONS: We found no evidence that prenatal ultrasound use increases ASD risk. Study strengths included gold-standard assessments for ASD case classification, comparison of cases with controls, and a stratified sample to account for conditions associated both with increased prenatal ultrasound use and ASD. |
Adherence to and experiences of K-12 students in modified and standard home quarantine during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Missouri
Worrell MC , Malone S , Dawson P , Fritz SA , Thomas E , Peeler B , Rains C , Tinker SC , Neatherlin JC , Barrios L , Mooney J , Towns K , Newland J , Salzer JS . PLoS One 2023 18 (1) e0275404 BACKGROUND: In November 2020, during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Missouri allowed local public health jurisdictions the option to implement a modified quarantine policy allowing kindergarten through 12 (K-12) students with low-risk exposures to continue in-person learning. We assessed adherence to quarantine among participants in modified quarantine and standard home quarantine and the psychosocial impacts of quarantine on students and families. METHODS: In January-March 2021, as part of an investigation of in-school transmission of SARS-CoV-2, parents of 586 participating K-12 students identified as a close contact with a person with SARS-CoV-2 were sent a survey to assess their activities and psychosocial impacts to the child and family. RESULTS: Among the 227 (39%) survey respondents, 26 (11%) participated in modified quarantine and 201 (89%) participated in standard home quarantine. Forty-six percent of students in modified quarantine and 72% of students in standard home quarantine reported abstaining from non-school activities during quarantine. Parents of 17 (65%) students in modified quarantine and 80 (40%) in standard home quarantine reported low or neutral levels of stress in their children. Parents of students in standard home quarantine described greater stress, negative impacts to family functioning, and interruptions to educational opportunities for students. CONCLUSIONS: Students in modified quarantine reported lower adherence to quarantine recommendations but lower daily impact and stressors than those in standard home quarantine. Because in-school transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to be low when layered prevention strategies are in place regardless of the use of modified or standard home quarantine, this modified quarantine approach provides a reasonable option for balancing the needs of students and families with SARS-CoV-2 prevention measures. |
Evaluation of self-administered antigen testing in a college setting.
Tinker SC , Prince-Guerra JL , Vermandere K , Gettings J , Drenzik C , Voccio G , Parrott T , Drobeniuc J , Hayden T , Briggs S , Heida D , Thornburg N , Barrios LC , Neatherlin JC , Madni S , Rasberry CN , Swanson KD , Tamin A , Harcourt JL , Lester S , Atherton L , Honein MA . Virol J 2022 19 (1) 202 BACKGROUND: The objective of our investigation was to better understand barriers to implementation of self-administered antigen screening testing for SARS-CoV-2 at institutions of higher education (IHE). METHODS: Using the Quidel QuickVue At-Home COVID-19 Test, 1347 IHE students and staff were asked to test twice weekly for seven weeks. We assessed seroconversion using baseline and endline serum specimens. Online surveys assessed acceptability. RESULTS: Participants reported 9971 self-administered antigen test results. Among participants who were not antibody positive at baseline, the median number of tests reported was eight. Among 324 participants seronegative at baseline, with endline antibody results and ≥ 1 self-administered antigen test results, there were five COVID-19 infections; only one was detected by self-administered antigen test (sensitivity = 20%). Acceptability of self-administered antigen tests was high. CONCLUSIONS: Twice-weekly serial self-administered antigen testing in a low prevalence period had low utility in this investigation. Issues of testing fatigue will be important to address in future testing strategies. |
Modifications to student quarantine policies in K-12 schools implementing multiple COVID-19 prevention strategies restores in-person education without increasing SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk, January-March 2021.
Dawson P , Worrell MC , Malone S , Fritz SA , McLaughlin HP , Montgomery BK , Boyle M , Gomel A , Hayes S , Maricque B , Lai AM , Neidich JA , Tinker SC , Lee JS , Tong S , Orscheln RC , Charney R , Rebmann T , Mooney J , Rains C , Yoon N , Petit M , Towns K , Goddard C , Schmidt S , Barrios LC , Neatherlin JC , Salzer JS , Newland JG . PLoS One 2022 17 (10) e0266292 OBJECTIVE: To determine whether modified K-12 student quarantine policies that allow some students to continue in-person education during their quarantine period increase schoolwide SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk following the increase in cases in winter 2020-2021. METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study of COVID-19 cases and close contacts among students and staff (n = 65,621) in 103 Missouri public schools. Participants were offered free, saliva-based RT-PCR testing. The projected number of school-based transmission events among untested close contacts was extrapolated from the percentage of events detected among tested asymptomatic close contacts and summed with the number of detected events for a projected total. An adjusted Cox regression model compared hazard rates of school-based SARS-CoV-2 infections between schools with a modified versus standard quarantine policy. RESULTS: From January-March 2021, a projected 23 (1%) school-based transmission events occurred among 1,636 school close contacts. There was no difference in the adjusted hazard rates of school-based SARS-CoV-2 infections between schools with a modified versus standard quarantine policy (hazard ratio = 1.00; 95% confidence interval: 0.97-1.03). DISCUSSION: School-based SARS-CoV-2 transmission was rare in 103 K-12 schools implementing multiple COVID-19 prevention strategies. Modified student quarantine policies were not associated with increased school incidence of COVID-19. Modifications to student quarantine policies may be a useful strategy for K-12 schools to safely reduce disruptions to in-person education during times of increased COVID-19 community incidence. |
Associations between maternal reports of periconceptional fever from miscellaneous causes and structural birth defects
MohanDass NL , Botto LD , Tinker SC , Canfield MA , Finnell RH , Gallaway MS , Hashmi SS , Hoyt AT , Nembhard WN , Waller DK . Birth Defects Res 2022 114 (15) 885-894 BACKGROUND: Associations between birth defects and fevers attributed to colds, influenza, and urinary tract infections (UTIs) have been observed in previous studies. Our aim was to study associations between birth defects and fevers attributed to other causes. METHODS: We analyzed data from 34,862 participants in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, a multistate case-control study of major structural birth defects. Using multivariable logistic regression, we assessed the association between maternal report of fever during early pregnancy due to causes other than colds, influenza, or UTI and 36 categories of birth defects. RESULTS: Maternal reports of fever due to other causes were associated with significantly elevated odds ratios ranging from 1.93 to 10.60 for 8 of 36 birth defects, primarily involving the spine, limbs, and heart (spina bifida, intestinal atresia, intercalary limb deficiency, transverse limb deficiency, congenital heart defect with heterotaxy, tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia and atrial septal defect, not otherwise specified). CONCLUSION: Our data suggests fever itself or other physiologic changes associated with many infections are associated with some birth defects. Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant may want to consider speaking with their healthcare provider about the best ways to avoid infections that may cause fever and for guidance on how to treat fevers during pregnancy. |
Estimating the number of people with Tourette syndrome and persistent tic disorder in the United States
Tinker SC , Bitsko RH , Danielson ML , Newsome K , Kaminski JW . Psychiatry Res 2022 314 114684 Estimates of the number of people in the U.S. with Tourette syndrome or other persistent tic disorders can inform service provision planning. Based on available prevalence estimates applied to 2020 population data from the U.S. Census, we estimated that 350,000-450,000 U.S. children and adults have Tourette syndrome and about one million have other persistent tic disorders. Variation across studies makes estimating the total number of people in the United States affected by these disorders challenging. More precise measurement could ensure that prevalence estimates accurately reflect all who are impacted by these disorders and who could benefit from evidence-based services. |
Risk of birth defects by pregestational type 1 or type 2 diabetes: National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997-2011
Marchincin SL , Howley MM , Van Zutphen AR , Fisher SC , Nestoridi E , Tinker SC , Browne ML . Birth Defects Res 2022 115 (1) 56-66 BACKGROUND: Previous studies found consistent associations between pregestational diabetes and birth defects. Given the different biological mechanisms for type 1 (PGD1) and type 2 (PGD2) diabetes, we used National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS) data to estimate associations by diabetes type. METHODS: The NBDPS was a study of major birth defects that included pregnancies with estimated delivery dates from October 1997 to December 2011. We compared self-reported PGD1 and PGD2 for 29,024 birth defect cases and 10,898 live-born controls. For case groups with ≥5 exposed cases, we estimated adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between specific defects and each diabetes type. We calculated crude ORs (cORs) and 95% CIs with Firth's penalized likelihood for case groups with 3-4 exposed cases. RESULTS: Overall, 252 (0.9%) cases and 24 (0.2%) control mothers reported PGD1, and 357 (1.2%) cases and 34 (0.3%) control mothers reported PGD2. PGD1 was associated with 22/26 defects examined and PGD2 was associated with 29/39 defects examined. Adjusted ORs ranged from 1.6 to 70.4 for PGD1 and from 1.6 to 59.9 for PGD2. We observed the strongest aORs for sacral agenesis (PGD1: 70.4, 32.3-147; PGD2: 59.9, 25.4-135). For both PGD1 and PGD2, we observed elevated aORs in every body system we evaluated, including central nervous system, orofacial, eye, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and cardiac defects. CONCLUSIONS: We observed positive associations between both PGD1 and PGD2 and birth defects across multiple body systems. Future studies should focus on the role of glycemic control in birth defect risk to inform prevention efforts. |
Health needs and use of services among children with developmental disabilities - United States, 2014-2018
Cogswell ME , Coil E , Tian LH , Tinker SC , Ryerson AB , Maenner MJ , Rice CE , Peacock G . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (12) 453-458 Developmental delays, disorders, or disabilities (DDs) manifest in infancy and childhood and can limit a person's function throughout life* (1-3). To guide strategies to optimize health for U.S. children with DDs, CDC analyzed data from 44,299 participants in the 2014-2018 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Parents reported on 10 DDs,(†) functional abilities, health needs, and use of services. Among the approximately one in six (17.3%) U.S. children and adolescents aged 3-17 years (hereafter children) with one or more DDs, 5.7% had limited ability to move or play, 4.7% needed help with personal care, 4.6% needed special equipment, and 2.4% received home health care, compared with ≤1% for each of these measures among children without DDs. Children with DDs were two to seven times as likely as those without DDs to have taken prescription medication for ≥3 months (41.6% versus 8.4%), seen a mental health professional (30.6% versus 4.5%), a medical specialist (26.0% versus 12.4%), or a special therapist, such as a physical, occupational, or speech therapist, (25.0% versus 4.5%) during the past year, and 18 times as likely to have received special education or early intervention services (EIS) (41.9% versus 2.4%). These percentages varied by type of disability and by sociodemographic subgroup. DDs are common, and children with DDs often need substantial health care and services. Policies and programs that promote early identification of children with developmental delays and facilitate increased access to intervention services can improve health and reduce the need for services later in life.(§) Sociodemographic inequities merit further investigation to guide public health action and ensure early and equitable access to needed care and services. |
Acceptance of Saliva-Based Specimen Collection for SARS-CoV-2 Testing Among K-12 Students, Teachers, and Staff.
McLaughlin HP , Worrell MC , Malone S , Dawson P , Maricque B , Halpin JL , Lee S , Fritz SA , Tinker SC , Neidich JA , Towns K , Lee JS , Barrios LC , Neatherlin JC , Newland JG , Salzer JS . Public Health Rep 2022 137 (3) 333549221074395 OBJECTIVE: Saliva specimens collected in school populations may offer a more feasible, noninvasive alternative to nasal swabs for large-scale COVID-19 testing efforts in kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) schools. We investigated acceptance of saliva-based COVID-19 testing among quarantined K-12 students and their parents, teachers, and staff members who recently experienced a SARS-CoV-2 exposure in school. METHODS: We surveyed 719 participants, in person or by telephone, who agreed to or declined a free saliva-based COVID-19 reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction test as part of a surveillance investigation about whether they would have consented to testing if offered a nasal swab instead. We conducted this investigation in 6 school districts in Greene County (n = 3) and St. Louis County (n = 3), Missouri, from January 25 through March 23, 2021. RESULTS: More than one-third (160 of 446) of K-12 students (or their parents or guardians), teachers, and staff members who agreed to a saliva-based COVID-19 test indicated they would have declined testing if specimen collection were by nasal swab. When stratified by school level, 51% (67 of 132) of elementary school students or their parents or guardians would not have agreed to testing if a nasal swab was offered. CONCLUSIONS: Some students, especially those in elementary school, preferred saliva-based COVID-19 testing to nasal swab testing. Use of saliva-based testing might increase voluntary participation in screening efforts in K-12 schools to help prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2. |
Prevalence of neural tube defects, maternal HIV status, and antiretroviral therapy from a hospital-based birth defect surveillance in Kampala, Uganda
Barlow-Mosha L , Serunjogi R , Kalibbala D , Mumpe-Mwanja D , Williamson D , Valencia D , Tinker SC , Matovu JN , Moore CA , Adler MR , Nelson L , Nankunda J , Nabunya E , Birabwa-Male D , Musoke P . Birth Defects Res 2021 114 95-104 BACKGROUND: The estimated prevalence of neural tube defects (NTDs) in Africa is 11.7 per 10,000 live births; however, data on the impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) during pregnancy and the risk for birth defects in Africa are limited. METHODS: Data from a hospital-based surveillance program at four hospitals in Kampala, Uganda were used to estimate the baseline prevalence of NTDs and assess potential associations with HIV status and ART use. All live births, stillbirths, and spontaneous abortions delivered at the participating hospitals affected with selected birth defects between August 2015 and December 2018 were included. Trained midwives collected data from hospital records, maternal interviews, photographs, and narrative descriptions of birth defects. We estimated NTD prevalence per 10,000 births (live, stillbirths, spontaneous abortions), prevalence ratios, and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: A total of 110,752 births from 107,133 women were included in the analysis; 9,394 (8.8%) women were HIV-infected and among those with HIV infection, 95.6% (n = 8,977) were on ART at delivery. Overall, 109 births were affected with NTDs, giving a prevalence of 9.8 (95% CI [8.2, 11.9]). Spina bifida (n = 63) was the most common type of NTD, with a prevalence of 5.7 (95% CI [4.4, 7.3]), followed by anencephaly (n = 31), with a prevalence of 2.8 (95% CI [2.0, 4.0]). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of NTDs among births in Kampala, Uganda is consistent with current estimates for Africa. With the continued introduction of new medications that may be taken during pregnancy, sustainable birth defect surveillance systems and pharmacovigilance are indicated. |
Pregnancy, Birth, Infant, and Early Childhood Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among a Cohort of Women with Symptoms of Zika Virus Disease during Pregnancy in Three Surveillance Sites, Project Vigilancia de Embarazadas con Zika (VEZ), Colombia, 2016-2018
Mercado-Reyes M , Gilboa SM , Valencia D , Daza M , Tong VT , Galang RR , Winfield CM , Godfred-Cato S , Benavides M , Villanueva JM , Thomas JD , Daniels J , Zaki S , Reagan-Steiner S , Bhatnagar J , Schiffer J , Steward-Clark E , Ricaldi JN , Osorio J , Sancken CL , Pardo L , Tinker SC , Anderson KN , Rico A , Burkel VK , Hojnacki J , Delahoy MJ , González M , Osorio MB , Moore CA , Honein MA , Ospina Martinez ML . Trop Med Infect Dis 2021 6 (4) Project Vigilancia de Embarazadas con Zika (VEZ), an intensified surveillance of pregnant women with symptoms of the Zika virus disease (ZVD) in Colombia, aimed to evaluate the relationship between symptoms of ZVD during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy, birth, and infant outcomes and early childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes. During May-November 2016, pregnant women in three Colombian cities who were reported with symptoms of ZVD to the national surveillance system, or with symptoms of ZVD visiting participating clinics, were enrolled in Project VEZ. Data from maternal and pediatric (up to two years of age) medical records were abstracted. Available maternal specimens were tested for the presence of the Zika virus ribonucleic acid and/or anti-Zika virus immunoglobulin antibodies. Of 1213 enrolled pregnant women with symptoms of ZVD, 1180 had a known pregnancy outcome. Results of the Zika virus laboratory testing were available for 569 (48.2%) pregnancies with a known pregnancy outcome though testing timing varied and was often distal to the timing of symptoms; 254 (21.5% of the whole cohort; 44.6% of those with testing results) were confirmed or presumptive positive for the Zika virus infection. Of pregnancies with a known outcome, 50 (4.2%) fetuses/infants had Zika-associated brain or eye defects, which included microcephaly at birth. Early childhood adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes were more common among those with Zika-associated birth defects than among those without and more common among those with laboratory evidence of a Zika virus infection compared with the full cohort. The proportion of fetuses/infants with any Zika-associated brain or eye defect was consistent with the proportion seen in other studies. Enhancements to Colombia's existing national surveillance enabled the assessment of adverse outcomes associated with ZVD in pregnancy. |
Maternal Smoking and Congenital Heart Defects, National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997-2011.
Bolin EH , Gokun Y , Romitti PA , Tinker SC , Summers AD , Roberson PK , Hobbs CA , Malik S , Botto LD , Nembhard WN . J Pediatr 2021 240 79-86 e1 ![]() OBJECTIVES: To assess associations between maternal smoking and congenital heart defects (CHDs) in offspring. STUDY DESIGN: We performed a retrospective case-control study using data for cases of CHD (n=8,339) and non-malformed controls (n=11,020) children from all years (1997-2011) of the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Maternal self-reported smoking one month before through three months after conception was evaluated as a binary (none, any) and categorical (light, medium, heavy) exposure. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals. Stratified analyses were performed for septal defects according to maternal age, pre-pregnancy body mass index, and maternal race/ethnicity. RESULTS: Multiple CHDs displayed modest associations with any level of maternal periconceptional smoking independent of potential confounders; the strongest associations were for aggregated septal defects (OR 1.5 [1.3-1.7]), tricuspid atresia (OR 1.7 [1.0-2.7]), and double outlet right ventricle (DORV) (1.5 [1.1-2.1]). TA and DORV also displayed dose-response relationships. Among heavy smokers, the highest odds were again observed for TA (aOR 3.0 [1.5-6.1]) and DORV (aOR 1.5 [1.1-2.2]). Heavy smokers ≥35 years old more frequently had a child with a septal defect when compared with similarly aged non-smokers (aOR 2.3 [1.4-3.9]). CONCLUSIONS: Maternal periconceptional smoking is most strongly associated with septal defects, TA and DORV; the risk for septal defects is modified by maternal age. |
Point-of-Care Antigen Test for SARS-CoV-2 in Asymptomatic College Students.
Tinker SC , Szablewski CM , Litvintseva AP , Folster J , Shewmaker PL , Medrzycki M , Bowen MD , Bohannon C , Bagarozzi D Jr , Petway M , Rota PA , Kuhnert-Tallman W , Thornburg N , Prince-Guerra JL , Barrios LC , Tamin A , Harcourt JL , Honein MA . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (10) 2662-2665 We used the BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card to screen 1,540 asymptomatic college students for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in a low-prevalence setting. Compared with reverse transcription PCR, BinaxNOW showed 20% overall sensitivity; among participants with culturable virus, sensitivity was 60%. BinaxNOW provides point-of-care screening but misses many infections. |
Periconceptional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use, folic acid intake, and the risk of spina bifida
Esposito DB , Parker SE , Mitchell AA , Tinker SC , Werler MM . Birth Defects Res 2021 113 (17) 1257-1266 BACKGROUND: Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) during pregnancy may increase risk for neural tube defects (NTDs), including spina bifida. Folic acid intake can prevent NTDs, but it is not known whether it modifies any risks associated with NSAID use. OBJECTIVES: To assess the impact of periconceptional NSAID use on the risk of spina bifida overall and stratified by folic acid intake. STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed 1998-2015 data from the Slone Epidemiology Center Birth Defects Study, a multi-site, case-control study. Mothers were interviewed to identify sociodemographic factors, behaviors, and exposures during pregnancy. Periconceptional NSAID use was defined as use of aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, or COX2 inhibitors within the month before or after the last menstrual period. Logistic regression models were used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for NSAID use, adjusted for study center and race/ethnicity stratified by average daily folic acid intake above ("high FA") or below ("low FA") 400 mcg/day. RESULTS: We compared mothers of 267 infants with spina bifida to mothers of 6,233 nonmalformed controls. Among control mothers, 20% used NSAIDS periconceptionally (16% ibuprofen, 4% aspirin, 3% naproxen, and <1% COX-2 inhibitors). For any NSAID use, the aORs among low FA and high FA women were 1.70 (95% CI [1.13, 2.57]) and 1.09 (95% CI [0.69, 1.71]), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We observed a small increase in the risk for spina bifida among infants born to women who used NSAIDs periconceptionally, but this risk was limited to those who had inadequate folic acid intake. |
Important Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccination of Children With Developmental Disabilities.
Tinker SC , Cogswell ME , Peacock G , Ryerson AB . Pediatrics 2021 148 (4) Children can transmit SARS-CoV-2, and although lower risk, can experience serious outcomes from infection. Vaccinating children against COVID-19 is essential to protecting their health and establishing higher population immunity. In 2015–2017, 1 in 6 children aged 3–17 years had a developmental disability (DD) such as cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or intellectual disability (ID).1 DDs are a diverse group of chronic conditions that begin in childhood and can impact functioning throughout life. Despite limited data in public health surveillance systems, some evidence suggests that some children with DDs might be disproportionately affected by COVID-19, both by the illness itself, and the pandemic’s impact on receipt of services. Children with DDs often have medical conditions that contribute to higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19,2 and can experience barriers to accessing needed health care and possess other characteristics increasing their risk from COVID-19, including limited mobility, direct care requirements, and challenges practicing preventive measures and communicating illness symptoms.3 We describe the limited available data relevant for children with DDs and highlight other considerations for COVID-19 vaccination. |
Modification of the association between diabetes and birth defects by obesity, National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997-2011
Tinker SC , Gilboa SM , Moore CA , Waller DK , Simeone RM , Kim SY , Jamieson DJ , Botto LD , Fisher SC , Reefhuis J . Birth Defects Res 2021 113 (14) 1084-1097 BACKGROUND: Maternal pregestational diabetes and obesity are risk factors for birth defects. Diabetes and obesity often occur together; it is unclear whether their co-occurrence compounds birth defect risk. METHODS: We analyzed 1997-2011 data on 29,671 cases and 10,963 controls from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, a multisite case-control study. Mothers self-reported height, pregestational weight, and diabetes (pregestational and gestational; analyzed separately). We created four exposure groups: no obesity or diabetes (referent), obesity only, diabetes only, and both obesity and diabetes. We estimated odds ratios (ORs) using logistic regression and the relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI). RESULTS: Among mothers with pregestational obesity without diabetes, modest associations (OR range: 1.1-1.5) were observed for neural tube defects, small intestinal atresia, anorectal atresia, renal agenesis/hypoplasia, omphalocele, and several congenital heart defects. Pregestational diabetes, regardless of obesity, was strongly associated with most birth defects (OR range: 2.0-75.9). Gestational diabetes and obesity had a stronger association than for obesity alone and the RERI (in parentheses) suggested additive interaction for hydrocephaly (1.2; 95% confidence interval [CI]: -0.1, 2.5), tetralogy of Fallot (0.9; 95% CI: -0.01, 1.8), atrioventricular septal defect (1.1; 95% CI: -0.1, 2.3), hypoplastic left heart syndrome (1.1; 95% CI: -0.2, 2.4), and atrial septal defect secundum or not otherwise specified (1.0; 95% CI: 0.3, 1.6; only statistically significant RERI). CONCLUSIONS: Our results do not support a synergistic relationship between obesity and diabetes for most birth defects examined. However, there are opportunities for prevention by reducing obesity and improving glycemic control among women with pregestational diabetes before conception. |
Pilot Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 Secondary Transmission in Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Schools Implementing Mitigation Strategies - St. Louis County and City of Springfield, Missouri, December 2020.
Dawson P , Worrell MC , Malone S , Tinker SC , Fritz S , Maricque B , Junaidi S , Purnell G , Lai AM , Neidich JA , Lee JS , Orscheln RC , Charney R , Rebmann T , Mooney J , Yoon N , Petit M , Schmidt S , Grabeel J , Neill LA , Barrios LC , Vallabhaneni S , Williams RW , Goddard C , Newland JG , Neatherlin JC , Salzer JS . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (12) 449-455 Many kindergarten through grade 12 (K-12) schools offering in-person learning have adopted strategies to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 (1). These measures include mandating use of face masks, physical distancing in classrooms, increasing ventilation with outdoor air, identification of close contacts,* and following CDC isolation and quarantine guidance(†) (2). A 2-week pilot investigation was conducted to investigate occurrences of SARS-CoV-2 secondary transmission in K-12 schools in the city of Springfield, Missouri, and in St. Louis County, Missouri, during December 7-18, 2020. Schools in both locations implemented COVID-19 mitigation strategies; however, Springfield implemented a modified quarantine policy permitting student close contacts aged ≤18 years who had school-associated contact with a person with COVID-19 and met masking requirements during their exposure to continue in-person learning.(§) Participating students, teachers, and staff members with COVID-19 (37) from 22 schools and their school-based close contacts (contacts) (156) were interviewed, and contacts were offered SARS-CoV-2 testing. Among 102 school-based contacts who received testing, two (2%) had positive test results indicating probable school-based SARS-CoV-2 secondary transmission. Both contacts were in Springfield and did not meet criteria to participate in the modified quarantine. In Springfield, 42 student contacts were permitted to continue in-person learning under the modified quarantine; among the 30 who were interviewed, 21 were tested, and none received a positive test result. Despite high community transmission, SARS-CoV-2 transmission in schools implementing COVID-19 mitigation strategies was lower than that in the community. Until additional data are available, K-12 schools should continue implementing CDC-recommended mitigation measures (2) and follow CDC isolation and quarantine guidance to minimize secondary transmission in schools offering in-person learning. |
Comparative analysis of perinatal outcomes and birth defects amongst adolescent and older Ugandan mothers: Evidence from a hospital-based surveillance database
Serunjogi R , Barlow-Mosha L , Mumpe-Mwanja D , Williamson D , Valencia D , Tinker SC , Adler MR , Namale-Matovu J , Kalibbala D , Nankunda J , Nabunya E , Birabwa-Male D , Byamugisha J , Musoke P . Reprod Health 2021 18 (1) 56 BACKGROUND: Uganda has one of the highest adolescent pregnancy rates in sub-Saharan Africa. We compared the risk of adverse birth outcomes between adolescents (age 12-19 years) and mothers (age 20-34 years) in four urban hospitals. METHODS: Maternal demographics, HIV status, and birth outcomes of all live births, stillbirths, and spontaneous abortions delivered from August 2015 to December 2018 were extracted from a hospital-based birth defects surveillance database. Differences in the distributions of maternal and infant characteristics by maternal age groups were tested with Pearson's chi-square. Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using logistic regression to compare the prevalence of adverse birth outcomes among adolescents to mothers 20-34 years. RESULTS: A total of 100,189 births were analyzed, with 11.1% among adolescent mothers and 89.0% among older mothers. Adolescent mothers had an increased risk of preterm delivery (aOR: 1.14; CI 1.06-1.23), low birth weight (aOR: 1.46; CI 1.34-1.59), and early neonatal deaths (aOR: 1.58; CI 1.23-2.02). Newborns of adolescent mothers had an increased risk of major external birth defects (aOR: 1.33; CI 1.02-1.76), specifically, gastroschisis (aOR: 3.20; CI 1.12-9.13) compared to mothers 20-34 years. The difference between the prevalence of gastroschisis among adolescent mothers (7.3 per 10,000 births; 95% CI 3.7-14.3) was statistically significant when compared to mothers 20-34 years (1.6 per 10,000 births; 95% CI 0.9-2.6). CONCLUSIONS: This study found that adolescent mothers had an increased risk for several adverse birth outcomes compared to mothers 20-34 years, similar to findings in the region and globally. Interventions are needed to improve birth outcomes in this vulnerable population. | Adolescent pregnancies are a global problem occurring in high-, middle-, and low-income countries with Uganda having one of the highest adolescent pregnancy rates in sub-Saharan Africa. We compared the risk of adverse birth outcomes, including major external birth defects, between adolescents, (age 12–19 years) and mothers (age 20–34 years) in four urban hospitals.All informative births, including live births, stillbirths, and spontaneous abortions; regardless of gestational age, delivered at four selected hospitals in Kampala from August 2015 to December 2018 were examined. Demographic data were obtained by midwives through maternal interviews and review of hospital patient notes.Of the 100,189 births, 11.0% were among adolescent mothers and 89.0% among mothers (20–34 years). Adolescent mothers were more likely than mothers (20–34 years) to have an infant with preterm delivery, low birth weight, early neonatal death, and major external birth defects. Adolescent pregnancies were also associated with an increased risk of gastroschisis when compared to mothers (20–34 years).In conclusion, this study found that adolescent mothers had an increased risk for several adverse birth outcomes compared to mothers 20–34 years. Research on the potential underlying causes or mechanisms for these adverse outcomes among adolescent births is necessary to identify possible interventions. | eng |
Tinker SC , Gilboa SM , Reefhuis J . Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020 223 (3) 466 We appreciate Dr Li’s consideration of our article, and we agree that it is important to consider all research findings in the context of potential limitations. The issues Dr Li identified are minor and should not meaningfully affect the study findings or their interpretation. | | Although there is likely some residual confounding in our analysis, as in most observational research, the risk factors that Dr Li listed (parental smoking, alcohol consumption, and recreational drug use) have shown far weaker associations than those we observed for pregestational diabetes. In addition, the factors listed by Dr Li have only been associated with certain specific birth defects, whereas we observed strong associations between pregestational diabetes and most birth defects (46 of 50) considered. Where sample size permitted, we controlled for body mass index, race and ethnicity, and maternal education, factors that are more strongly associated with pregestational diabetes and specific birth defects than the factors listed by Dr Li. | | Although recall bias is a theoretical concern for any study in which information on exposure is ascertained after the outcome of interest has occurred, most concerns about recall bias relate to the recall of transient exposures that may be more likely to be remembered by women who had an affected pregnancy. However, diabetes is a chronic medical condition and is unlikely to be forgotten by mothers of controls or cases. Furthermore, approximately half of the women in our analysis who reported pregestational diabetes reported type 1 diabetes, which requires continued use of insulin. As stated in our article, the results we observed for any pregestational diabetes were consistent with those observed for type 1 diabetes alone. | | The controls in our study were population based and selected from vital records or hospital birth logs.1 An assessment of the representativeness of our controls using linked birth certificate data showed that control participants were generally representative of the base populations they were selected to represent.2 | | The concept of risk is better understood than that of odds. A prevalence of 5%—10% is often used as a cut-point for when an outcome is considered rare enough for the odds ratio (OR) to approximate the risk ratio (RR); the prevalence of the most common birth defect we examined, cleft lip with or without cleft palate, has an estimated US prevalence of 0.1%,3 meaning that the OR should be a close approximation to the RR and the interpretations presented in the article are reasonable. |
Folic acid antagonist use before and during pregnancy and risk for selected birth defects
Kerr SM , Parker SE , Mitchell AA , Tinker SC , Werler MM . Birth Defects Res 2020 112 (18) 1526-1540 BACKGROUND: Maternal folic acid (FA) intake before and during early pregnancy reduces the risk for neural tube defects (NTDs); evidence suggests it may also reduce the risk for oral clefts, urinary defects, and cardiac defects. We sought to re-examine the use of drugs, which affect folate metabolism, dihydrofolate reductase inhibiting (DHFRI) medications, and anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), in data collected in the post-FA fortification era (1998+) in the Slone Birth Defects Study. METHODS: We assessed maternal DHFRI and AED use and risk for NTDs, oral clefts, and urinary and cardiac defects. We estimated odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using logistic regression. We assessed daily average FA intake of ≥400 mcg as a potential effect modifier. RESULTS: We analyzed data from 10,209 control and 9,625 case mothers. Among controls, the prevalence of exposure to DHFRI medications was 0.3% and to AEDs was 0.5%. Maternal use of AEDs was associated with increased risks for NTDs (OR: 3.4; 95% CI: 1.5, 7.5), oral clefts (OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.3, 4.0), urinary defects (OR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.0, 2.7), and cardiac defects (OR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.1, 2.3); similar or further increased risks were found among those with FA intake ≥400 mcg per day. DHFRI use was rare and relative risk estimates were imprecise and consistent with the null. CONCLUSIONS: Similar to our previous analyses, we observed associations between AED use and these defects. For DHFRI exposure, we found no evidence for increased risk of these defects. Though statistical power to examine FA effect modification was low, we found no evidence of further protection among those with FA intake ≥400 mcg, with some associations somewhat stronger in this group. |
Periconceptional stressors and social support and risk for adverse birth outcomes
Weber KA , Carmichael SL , Yang W , Tinker SC , Shaw GM . BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2020 20 (1) 487 BACKGROUND: The prevalence of preterm birth and low birth weight has been increasing slightly in recent years. A few studies have suggested that psychosocial stress during pregnancy may increase risk for these adverse birth outcomes. To extend those observations, we analyzed various major life event stressors separately and cumulatively as potential risk factors for preterm birth and low birth weight using granular categories of each outcome in a large, population-based study. Additionally, we assessed if greater social support buffered any effects. METHODS: Data were from a nested prevalence study of 4395 women in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study who delivered live-born non-malformed infants (controls) between 2006 and 2011. Participants completed a standardized, computer-assisted interview between 6 weeks and 24 months after delivery that included questions on stress and social support from 3 months before pregnancy to the 3rd month of pregnancy. Cumulative stress and support indices were also calculated. Preterm birth was divided into "early preterm" (< 32 weeks), "late preterm" (32-36 weeks) and "term." Low birthweight was divided into "very low birth weight" (< 1500 g), "low birth weight" (1500-2499 g) and "normal birth weight" (≥2500 g). Relative risks and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated using Poisson regression. RESULTS: For women reporting relationship difficulties, there was a suggestive risk of early preterm birth (RR: 1.9, 95%CI: 0.9-3.9) and very low birthweight (RR: 2.0, 95%CI: 0.9-4.4). For women reporting that they or someone close to them were victims of abuse, violence, or crime, there was an increased risk of low birthweight (RR: 1.8, 95%CI: 1.1-2.7) and late preterm birth (RR: 1.5, 95%CI: 1.0-2.2). There were no strong associations observed between social support questions and the various outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Our results add some support to prior evidence that certain stressors may be associated with increase selected adverse birth outcomes risk. We did not find strong evidence that social support buffered the observed risks in our study. |
Zika virus disease and pregnancy outcomes in Colombia
Ospina ML , Tong VT , Gonzalez M , Valencia D , Mercado M , Gilboa SM , Rodriguez AJ , Tinker SC , Rico A , Winfield CM , Pardo L , Thomas JD , Avila G , Villanueva JM , Gomez S , Jamieson DJ , Prieto F , Meaney-Delman D , Pacheco O , Honein MA . N Engl J Med 2020 383 (6) 537-545 BACKGROUND: In 2015 and 2016, Colombia had a widespread outbreak of Zika virus. Data from two national population-based surveillance systems for symptomatic Zika virus disease (ZVD) and birth defects provided complementary information on the effect of the Zika virus outbreak on pregnancies and infant outcomes. METHODS: We collected national surveillance data regarding cases of pregnant women with ZVD that were reported during the period from June 2015 through July 2016. The presence of Zika virus RNA was identified in a subgroup of these women on real-time reverse-transcriptase-polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. Brain or eye defects in infants and fetuses and other adverse pregnancy outcomes were identified among the women who had laboratory-confirmed ZVD and for whom data were available regarding pregnancy outcomes. We compared the nationwide prevalence of brain and eye defects during the outbreak with the prevalence both before and after the outbreak period. RESULTS: Of 18,117 pregnant women with ZVD, the presence of Zika virus was confirmed in 5926 (33%) on rRT-PCR. Of the 5673 pregnancies with laboratory-confirmed ZVD for which outcomes had been reported, 93 infants or fetuses (2%) had brain or eye defects. The incidence of brain or eye defects was higher among pregnancies in which the mother had an onset of ZVD symptoms in the first trimester than in those with an onset during the second or third trimester (3% vs. 1%). A total of 172 of 5673 pregnancies (3%) resulted in pregnancy loss; after the exclusion of pregnancies affected by birth defects, 409 of 5426 (8%) resulted in preterm birth and 333 of 5426 (6%) in low birth weight. The prevalence of brain or eye defects during the outbreak was 13 per 10,000 live births, as compared with a prevalence of 8 per 10,000 live births before the outbreak and 11 per 10,000 live births after the outbreak. CONCLUSIONS: In pregnant women with laboratory-confirmed ZVD, brain or eye defects in infants or fetuses were more common during the Zika virus outbreak than during the periods immediately before and after the outbreak. The frequency of such defects was increased among women with a symptom onset early in pregnancy. (Funded by the Colombian Instituto Nacional de Salud and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.). |
Pregnancy outcomes among women receiving rVSVDelta-ZEBOV-GP Ebola vaccine during the Sierra Leone Trial to introduce a vaccine against Ebola
Legardy-Williams JK , Carter RJ , Goldstein ST , Jarrett OD , Szefer E , Fombah AE , Tinker SC , Samai M , Mahon BE . Emerg Infect Dis 2020 26 (3) 541-548 Little information exists regarding Ebola vaccine rVSVDeltaG-ZEBOV-GP and pregnancy. The Sierra Leone Trial to Introduce a Vaccine against Ebola (STRIVE) randomized participants without blinding to immediate or deferred (18-24 weeks postenrollment) vaccination. Pregnancy was an exclusion criterion, but 84 women were inadvertently vaccinated in early pregnancy or became pregnant <60 days after vaccination or enrollment. Among immediate vaccinated women, 45% (14/31) reported pregnancy loss, compared with 33% (11/33) of unvaccinated women with contemporaneous pregnancies (relative risk 1.35, 95% CI 0.73-2.52). Pregnancy loss was similar among women with higher risk for vaccine viremia (conception before or <14 days after vaccination) (44% [4/9]) and women with lower risk (conception >15 days after vaccination) (45% [10/22]). No congenital anomalies were detected among 44 live-born infants examined. These data highlight the need for Ebola vaccination decisions to balance the possible risk for an adverse pregnancy outcome with the risk for Ebola exposure. |
Neural tube defects in pregnancies among women with diagnosed HIV infection - 15 jurisdictions, 2013-2017
Reefhuis J , FitzHarris LF , Gray KM , Nesheim S , Tinker SC , Isenburg J , Laffoon BT , Lowry J , Poschman K , Cragan JD , Stephens FK , Fornoff JE , Ward CA , Tran T , Hoover AE , Nestoridi E , Kersanske L , Piccardi M , Boyer M , Knapp MM , Ibrahim AR , Browne ML , Anderson BJ , Shah D , Forestieri NE , Maxwell J , Hauser KW , Obiri GU , Blumenfeld R , Higgins D , Espinet CP , Lopez B , Zielke K , Jackson LP , Shumate C , Russell K , Lampe MA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (1) 1-5 In May 2018, a study of birth defects in infants born to women with diagnosed human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Botswana reported an eightfold increased risk for neural tube defects (NTDs) among births with periconceptional exposure to antiretroviral therapy (ART) that included the integrase inhibitor dolutegravir (DTG) compared with other ART regimens (1). The World Health Organization* (WHO) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services(dagger) (HHS) promptly issued interim guidance limiting the initiation of DTG during early pregnancy and in women of childbearing age with HIV who desire pregnancy or are sexually active and not using effective contraception. On the basis of additional data, WHO now recommends DTG as a preferred treatment option for all populations, including women of childbearing age and pregnant women. Similarly, the U.S. recommendations currently state that DTG is a preferred antiretroviral drug throughout pregnancy (with provider-patient counseling) and as an alternative antiretroviral drug in women who are trying to conceive.( section sign) Since 1981 and 1994, CDC has supported separate surveillance programs for HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (2) and birth defects (3) in state health departments. These two surveillance programs can inform public health programs and policy, linkage to care, and research activities. Because birth defects surveillance programs do not collect HIV status, and HIV surveillance programs do not routinely collect data on occurrence of birth defects, the related data have not been used by CDC to characterize birth defects in births to women with HIV. Data from these two programs were linked to estimate overall prevalence of NTDs and prevalence of NTDs in HIV-exposed pregnancies during 2013-2017 for 15 participating jurisdictions. Prevalence of NTDs in pregnancies among women with diagnosed HIV infection was 7.0 per 10,000 live births, similar to that among the general population in these 15 jurisdictions, and the U.S. estimate based on data from 24 states. Successful linking of data from birth defects and HIV/AIDS surveillance programs for pregnancies among women with diagnosed HIV infection suggests that similar data linkages might be used to characterize possible associations between maternal diseases or maternal use of medications, such as integrase strand transfer inhibitors used to manage HIV, and pregnancy outcomes. Although no difference in NTD prevalence in HIV-exposed pregnancies was found, data on the use of integrase strand transfer inhibitors in pregnancy are needed to understand the safety and risks of these drugs during pregnancy. |
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