Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
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Eligibility for and reach of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, 2018-2021
Tangka FKL , Kenney K , Miller J , Howard DH . Cancer Causes Control 2025 PURPOSE: The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) provides access to timely breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to women who have low incomes and are uninsured or underinsured. Documenting the number of women eligible and the proportion of eligible women who receive NBCCEDP-funded services is important for identifying opportunities to increase screening and diagnostic services among those who would not otherwise have access. METHODS: Using the Census Bureau's Small Area Health Insurance Estimates data, we estimated the number of women who met the NBCCEDP eligibility criteria based on age, income, and insurance status. We used these estimates along with the number of women served by the NBCCEDP to calculate the percent of women served by race/ethnicity and state. We calculated the percent of eligible women who are up to date with screening using the 2019 National Health Interview Survey. RESULTS: The NBCCEDP served 15.0% of women ages 40-64 eligible for breast cancer services in 2018-2019 and 5.6% of women ages 21-64 eligible for cervical cancer services in 2018-2020. The NBCCEDP served 13.5% of women ages 40-64 eligible for breast cancer services in 2020-2021 and 5.9% of women ages 21-64 eligible for cervical cancer services in 2019-2021. The percent of women ages 40-64 who received breast cancer services declined by 1.5 percentage points between 2018-2019 and 2020-2021. The percent of women ages 21-64 who received cervical cancer services increased by 0.3 percentage points between 2018-2020 and 2019-2021. The percent of eligible women served varied among states. The state interquartile ranges of the percent of women served were 12.3-27.7% for breast cancer services in 2018-2019 and 3.9-14.7% for cervical cancer services in 2018-2020. Among women eligible for the NBCCEDP, 61.4% are not up to date with breast cancer screening and 40.6% are not up to date with cervical cancer screening. CONCLUSION: There is wide variation between states in the share of eligible women served for breast and cervical cancer screening services. We found that both the number and the percentage of eligible women who received NBCCEDP breast cancer services declined during a period that overlapped with the COVID-19 pandemic. A large proportion of eligible women did not receive breast or cervical cancer screening. |
Optimizing tracking and completion of follow-up colonoscopy after abnormal stool tests at health systems participating in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Colorectal Cancer Control Program
Subramanian S , Tangka FKL , Hoover S , Mathews A , Redwood D , Smayda L , Ruiz E , Silva R , Brenton V , McElroy JA , Lusk B , Eason S . Cancer Causes Control 2024 PURPOSE: We present findings from an assessment of award recipients' partners from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP). We describe partners' processes of identifying and tracking patients undergoing stool-based screening. METHODS: We analyzed data from eight CRCCP award recipients purposively sampled and their partner health systems from 2019 to 2023. The data included number of stool-based tests distributed and returned; abnormal findings; referrals and completion of follow-up colonoscopies; and colonoscopy findings. We also report on strategies to improve tracking of stool-based tests and facilitation of follow-up colonoscopies. RESULTS: Five of eight CRCCP award recipients reported that all or some partner health systems were able to report stool test return rates. Six had health systems that were able to report abnormal stool test findings. Two reported that health systems could track time to follow-up colonoscopy completion from date of referral, while four could report colonoscopy completion but not the timeframe. Follow-up colonoscopy completion varied substantially from 24.2 to 75.5% (average of 47.9%). Strategies to improve identifying and tracking screening focused mainly on the use of electronic medical records; strategies to facilitate follow-up colonoscopy were multi-level. CONCLUSION: Health systems vary in their ability to track steps in the stool-based screening process and few health systems can track time to completion of follow-up colonoscopy. Longer time intervals can result in more advanced disease. CRCCP-associated health systems participating in this study could support the implementation of multicomponent strategies at the individual, provider, and health system levels to improve tracking and completion of follow-up colonoscopy. |
Consensus-based framework for evaluating data modernization initiatives: the case of cancer registration and electronic reporting
Subramanian S , Tangka FKL , Pordell P , Beizer J , Wilson R , Jones SF , Rogers JD , Benard VB , Richardson LC . JAMIA Open 2023 6 (3) ooad060 As part of its data modernization initiative (DMI), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control is testing and implementing innovative solutions to improve cancer surveillance data quality and timeliness. We describe a consensus-based effort to create a framework to guide the evaluation of cancer surveillance modernization efforts by addressing specific context, processes, and costs related to cancer registration. We drew on prior theories, consulted with experts, and sought feedback from cancer registry staff. We developed the cancer surveillance systems, context, outcomes, and process evaluation (CS-SCOPE) framework to explain the ways in which cancer registry data quality, timeliness, and efficiency are impacted by external and internal contextual factors and interrelated process and content factors. The framework includes implementation measures to understand acceptability of process changes along with outcome measures to assess DMI initiation and ongoing sustainability. The framework's components and structures can be tailored for use in other DMI evaluations. |
Late-Stage Diagnosis and Cost of Colorectal Cancer Treatment in Two State Medicaid Programs
Hoover S , Subramanian S , Sabatino SA , Khushalani JS , Tangka FKL . J Registry Manag 2021 48 (1) 20-27 INTRODUCTION: To assess timing of Medicaid enrollment with late-stage colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnosis and estimate treatment costs by stage at diagnosis. METHODS: We analyzed 2000-2009 California and Texas Medicaid data linked with cancer registry data. We assessed the association of Medicaid enrollment timing with late-stage colorectal cancer and estimated total and incremental 6-month treatment costs to Medicaid by stage using a noncancer comparison group matched on age group and sex. RESULTS: Compared with Medicaid enrollment before diagnosis, enrolling after diagnosis was associated with late-stage diagnosis. Incremental per-person treatment costs were $31,063, $39,834, and $47,161 for localized, regional, and distant stage in California, respectively; and $28,701, $38,212, and $49,634 in Texas, respectively. DISCUSSION: In California and Texas, Medicaid enrollment after CRC diagnosis was associated with later-stage disease and higher treatment costs. Facilitating timely and continuous Medicaid enrollment may lead to earlier stage at diagnosis, reduced costs, and improved outcomes. |
The eligibility and reach of the national breast and cervical cancer early detection program after implementation of the affordable care act
Tangka F , Kenny K , Miller J , Howard DH . Cancer Causes Control 2020 31 (5) 473-489 INTRODUCTION: The uninsured rate declined following passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. It is unclear how this decrease affected the size of the population eligible for existing safety net programs. We evaluated trends in the number of women eligible for breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services under the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) and the reach of the program. METHODS: Using the Census Bureau's Small Area Health Insurance Estimates data, we calculated the number of women who met the NBCCEDP eligibility criteria based on age, income, and insurance status. We used these data in conjunction with program to estimate the proportion of eligible women served by the NBCCEDP. RESULTS: The number of women eligible for breast cancer screening and diagnostic services under the program declined from 5.4 (90% CI 5.2-5.6) to 2.8 (90% CI 2.6-3.0) million from 2011 to 2017. The number of women eligible for cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services declined from 10.3 (90% CI 10.0-10.6) to 5.3 (90% CI 5.1-5.6) million. The share of eligible women served by the program was 15.0% (90% CI 14.8-15.1%) for breast services in 2016-2017 and 6.8% (90% CI 6.7-6.8%) for cervical services in 2015-2017. CONCLUSION: Insurance coverage expansions may have contributed to a decrease in the number of program-eligible women. There are many more women eligible for the program than are served. |
Cost of Operating Population-Based Cancer Registries: Results from 4 Sub-Saharan African Countries
Tangka FKL , Subramanian S , Edwards P , Korir AR , Wabinga H , Chokunonga E , Finesse A , Borok MZ , Liu B , Saraiya M , Parkin M . J Registry Manag 2019 46 (4) 114-119 Large differences exist in the coverage and quality of cancer surveillance systems across the world, with limited data currently available from low-resource settings. Information on the resources required to register cancer cases are needed in order for global, national, regional, and local stakeholders to adequately support cancer registry operations. The objective of this study is to estimate the cost of cancer registration and report the cost per cancer incident case, the cost per inhabitant in the area covered by the registry, and cost allocated to specific registry activities. The International Registry Costing Tool (IntRegCosting Tool) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was used to assess the costs and resources used by 4 registries in sub-Saharan Africa (Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, and Seychelles). The cost of registering a cancer case ranged from $9 to $96, with lower costs in low- and middle-income countries than in the high-income country. The cost of cancer registration at the population level is very low, ranging from 1 to 17 cents per person. The detailed cost information provided in this manuscript can help registries in in sub-Saharan Africa understand the cost of their registry operations and identify approaches to improve efficiency to meet program priorities. Furthermore, it provides additional evidence to inform funding and resource allocation decisions to advance cancer registration in the region. |
Operational characteristics of central cancer registries that support the generation of high-quality surveillance data
Edwards P , Bernacet A , Tangka FKL , Pordell P , Beizer J , Wilson R , Blumenthal W , Jones SF , Cole-Beebe M , Subramanian S . J Registry Manag 2022 49 (1) 10-16 OBJECTIVES: We aim to assess external and internal attributes and operations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) central cancer registries by their consistency in meeting national data quality standards. METHODS: The NPCR 2017 Program Evaluation Instrument (PEI) data were used to assess registry operational attributes, including adoption of electronic reporting, compliance with reporting, staffing, and software used among 46 NPCR registries. These factors were stratified by (1) registries that met the NPCR 12-month standards for all years 2014-2017; (2) registries that met the NPCR 12-month standards at least once in 2014-2017 and met the NPCR 24-month standards for all years 2014-2017; and (3) registries that did not meet the NPCR 24-month standards for all years 2014-2017. Statistical tests helped identify significant differences among registries that consistently, sometimes, or seldom/never achieved data standards. RESULTS: Registries that always met the standards had a higher level of electronic reporting and a higher compliance with reporting among hospitals than registries that sometimes or seldom/never met the standards. Although not a statistically significant finding, the same registries also had a higher proportion of staffing positions filled, a higher proportion of certified tumor registrars, and more quality assurance and information technology staff. CONCLUSIONS: This information may be used to understand the importance of various factors and characteristics, including the adoption of electronic reporting, that may be associated with a registry's ability to consistently meet NPCR standards. The findings may be helpful in identifying best practices for processing high-quality cancer data. |
Variation in state-level mammography use, 2012 and 2020
Howard DH , Tangka FKL , Miller J , Sabatino SA . Public Health Rep 2023 139 (1) 333549231155876 OBJECTIVES: Mammography is a screening tool for early detection of breast cancer. Uptake in screening use in states can be influenced by Medicaid coverage and eligibility policies, public health outreach efforts, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-funded National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. We described state-specific mammography use in 2020 and changes as compared with 2012. METHODS: We estimated the proportion of women aged ≥40 years who reported receiving a mammogram in the past 2 years, by age group, state, and demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, using 2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data. We also compared 2020 state estimates with 2012 estimates. RESULTS: The proportion of women aged 50-74 years who received a mammogram in the past 2 years was 78.1% (95% CI, 77.4%-78.8%) in 2020. Across measures of socioeconomic status, mammography use was generally lower among women who did not have health insurance (52.0%; 95% CI, 48.3%-55.6%) than among those who did (79.9%; 95% CI, 79.3%-80.6%) and among those who had a usual source of care (49.4%; 95% CI, 46.1%-52.7%) than among those who did not (81.0%; 95% CI, 80.4%-81.7%). Among women aged 50-74 years, mammography use varied across states, from a low of 65.2% (95% CI, 61.4%-69.0%) in Wyoming to a high of 86.1% (95% CI, 83.8%-88.3%) in Massachusetts. Four states had significant increases in mammography use from 2012 to 2020, and 8 states had significant declines. CONCLUSION: Mammography use varied widely among states. Use of evidence-based interventions tailored to the needs of local populations and communities may help close gaps in the use of mammography. |
Improving the efficiency of integrated cancer screening delivery across multiple cancers: case studies from Idaho, Rhode Island, and Nebraska
Tangka FKL , Subramanian S , Hoover S , Cariou C , Creighton B , Hobbs L , Marzano A , Marcotte A , Norton DD , Kelly-Flis P , Leypoldt M , Larkins T , Poole M , Boehm J . Implement Sci Commun 2022 3 (1) 133 BACKGROUND: Three current and former awardees of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Colorectal Cancer Control Program launched integrated cancer screening strategies to better coordinate multiple cancer screenings (e.g., breast, cervical, colorectal). By integrating the strategies, efficiencies of administration and provision of screenings can be increased and costs can be reduced. This paper shares findings from these strategies and describes their effects. METHODS: The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare developed a Baseline Assessment Checklist for six health systems to assess the current state of policies regarding cancer screening. We analyzed the checklist and reported the percentage of checklist components completed. In Rhode Island, we collaborated with a nurse-patient navigator, who promoted cancer screening, to collect details on patient navigation activities and program costs. We then described the program and reported total costs and cost per activity. In Nebraska, we described the experience of the state in administering an integrated contracts payment model across colorectal, breast, and cervical cancer screening and reported cost per person screened. Across all awardees, we interviewed key stakeholders. RESULTS: In Idaho, results from the checklist offered guidance on areas for enhancement before integrated cancer screening strategies, but identified challenges, including lack of capacity, limited staff availability, and staff turnover. In Rhode Island, 76.1% of 1023 patient navigation activities were for colorectal cancer screening only, with a much smaller proportion devoted to breast and cervical cancer screening. Although the patient navigator found the discussions around multiple cancer screening efficient, patients were not always willing to discuss all cancer screenings. Nebraska changed its payment system from fee-for-service to fixed cost subawards with its local health departments, which integrated cancer screening funding. Screening uptake improved for breast and cervical cancer but was mixed for colorectal cancer screening. CONCLUSIONS: The results from the case studies show that there are barriers and facilitators to integrating approaches to increasing cancer screening among primary care facilities. However, more research could further elucidate the viability and practicality of integrated cancer screening programs. |
Modifications in Primary Care Clinics to Continue Colorectal Cancer Screening Promotion During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Arena L , Soloe C , Schlueter D , Ferriola-Bruckenstein K , DeGroff A , Tangka F , Hoover S , Melillo S , Subramanian S . J Community Health 2022 48 (1) 1-14 COVID-19 caused significant declines in colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. Health systems and clinics, faced with a new rapidly spreading infectious disease, adapted to maintain patient safety and address the effects of the pandemic on healthcare delivery. This study aimed to understand how CDC-funded Colorectal Cancer Control Program recipients and their partner health systems and clinics may have modified evidence-based intervention (EBI) implementation to promote CRC screening during the COVID-19 pandemic; to identify barriers and facilitators to implementing modifications; and to extract lessons that can be applied to support CRC screening, chronic disease management, and clinic resilience in the face of future public health crises. Nine recipients were selected to reflect the diversity inherent among all CRCCP recipients. Recipient and clinic partner staff answered unique sets of pre-interview questions to inform tailoring of interview guides that were developed using constructs from the Framework for Reporting Adaptations and Modifications to Evidence-based Implementation Strategies (FRAME-IS) and Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). The study team then interviewed recipient, health system, and clinic partner staff incorporating pre-interview responses to focus each conversation. We employed a rapid qualitative analysis approach then conducted virtual focus groups with recipient representatives to validate emergent themes. Three modifications that emerged from thematic analysis include: (1) offering mailed fecal immunochemical test (FIT) kits for CRC screening with mail or drop off return; (2) increasing the use of patient education and engagement strategies; and (3) increasing the use of or improving automated patient messaging systems. With improved tracking and automated reminder systems, mailed FIT kits paired with tailored patient education and clear instructions for completing the test could help primary care clinics catch up on the backlog of missed screenings during COVID-19. Future research can assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of offering mailed FIT kits on maintaining or improving CRC screening, especially among people who are medically underserved. |
Integrated approaches to delivering cancer screenings to address disparities: lessons learned from the evaluation of CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program
Subramanian S , Tangka FKL , DeGroff A , Richardson LC . Implement Sci Commun 2022 3 (1) 110 BACKGROUND: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched the Colorectal Cancer Control Program to increase colorectal cancer screening among groups with low screening uptake. This engagement has enabled the health systems participating in the program to enhance infrastructure, systems, and process to implement interventions for colorectal cancer screening. These improvements have enabled other health promotion innovations such as the delivery of integrated interventions and supporting activities (referred to as integrated approaches) for multiple cancers. Using implementation science frameworks, the program evaluation team has examined these integrated approaches to capture the experiences of the awardees, health systems, and clinics. METHODS AND RESULTS: The findings from this comprehensive evaluation are presented in a series of 3 manuscripts. The first manuscript provides a conceptual framework for integrated approaches for cancer screening to support comprehensive evaluations and offers recommendations for future research. The second manuscript presents findings on key factors that support readiness for implementing integrated approaches based on qualitative interviews guided by implementation science constructs. The final manuscript reports on the challenges and benefits of integrated approaches to increase cancer screening in primary care facilities based on lessons learned from three real-world implementation case studies. CONCLUSION: Integrated models for implementing cancer screening could offer cost-effective approaches to reduce healthcare disparities. Additional implementation science-based systematic evaluations are needed to ensure integrated approaches are optimized, and cost-efficient models are scaled up. |
Factors that support readiness to implement integrated evidence-based practice to increase cancer screening
Soloe C , Arena L , Schlueter D , Melillo S , DeGroff A , Tangka F , Hoover S , Subramanian S . Implement Sci Commun 2022 3 (1) 106 BACKGROUND: In 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded the Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP), which partners with health care systems and primary care clinics to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening uptake. We interviewed CRCCP stakeholders to explore the factors that support readiness for integrated implementation of evidence-based interventions (EBIs) and supporting activities to promote CRC screening with other screening and chronic disease management activities in primary care clinics. METHODS: Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), we conducted a literature review and identified constructs to guide data collection and analysis. We purposively selected four CRCCP awardees that demonstrated ongoing engagement with clinic partner sites, willingness to collaborate with CDC and other stakeholders, and availability of high-quality data. We gathered background information on the selected program sites and conducted primary data collection interviews with program site staff and partners. We used NVivo QSR 11.0 to systematically pilot-code interview data, achieving a kappa coefficient of 0.8 or higher, then implemented a step-wise process to identify site-specific and cross-cutting emergent themes. We also included screening outcome data in our analysis to examine the impact of integrated cancer screening efforts on screening uptake. RESULTS: We identified four overarching factors that contribute to clinic readiness to implement integrated EBIs and supporting activities: the funding environment, clinic governance structure, information sharing within clinics, and clinic leadership support. Sites reported supporting clinic partners' readiness for integrated implementation by providing coordinated funding application processes and braided funding streams and by funding partner organizations to provide technical assistance to support efficient incorporation of EBIs and supporting activities into existing clinic workflows. These actions, in turn, support clinic readiness to integrate the implementation of EBIs and supporting activities that promote CRC screening along with other screening and chronic disease management activities. DISCUSSION: The selected CRCCP program sites supported clinics' readiness to integrate CRC EBIs and supporting activities with other screening and chronic disease management activities increasing uptake of CRC screening and improving coordination of patient care. CONCLUSIONS: We identified the factors that support clinic readiness to implement integrated EBIs and supporting activities including flexible funding mechanisms, effective data sharing systems, coordination across clinical staff, and supportive leadership. The findings provide insights into how public health programs and their clinic partners can collectively support integrated implementation to promote efficient, coordinated patient-centered care. |
Integrated interventions and supporting activities to increase uptake of multiple cancer screenings: conceptual framework, determinants of implementation success, measurement challenges, and research priorities
Subramanian S , Tangka FKL , Hoover S , DeGroff A . Implement Sci Commun 2022 3 (1) 105 BACKGROUND: Screening for colorectal, breast, and cervical cancer has been shown to reduce mortality; however, not all men and women are screened in the USA. Further, there are disparities in screening uptake by people from racial and ethnic minority groups, people with low income, people who lack health insurance, and those who lack access to care. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funds two programs-the Colorectal Cancer Control Program and the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program-to help increase cancer screenings among groups that have been economically and socially marginalized. The goal of this manuscript is to describe how programs and their partners integrate evidence-based interventions (e.g., patient reminders) and supporting activities (e.g., practice facilitation to optimize electronic medical records) across colorectal, breast, and cervical cancer screenings, and we suggest research areas based on implementation science. METHODS: We conducted an exploratory assessment using qualitative and quantitative data to describe implementation of integrated interventions and supporting activities for cancer screening. We conducted 10 site visits and follow-up telephone interviews with health systems and their partners to inform the integration processes. We developed a conceptual model to describe the integration processes and reviewed screening recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force to illustrate challenges in integration. To identify factors important in program implementation, we asked program implementers to rank domains and constructs of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. RESULTS: Health systems integrated interventions for all screenings across single and multiple levels. Although potentially efficient, there were challenges due to differing eligibility of screenings by age, gender, frequency, and location of services. Program implementers ranked complexity, cost, implementation climate, and engagement of appropriate staff in implementation among the most important factors to success. CONCLUSION: Integrating interventions and supporting activities to increase uptake of cancer screenings could be an effective and efficient approach, but we currently do not have the evidence to recommend widescale adoption. Detailed multilevel measures related to process, screening, and implementation outcomes, and cost are required to evaluate integrated programs. Systematic studies can help to ascertain the benefits of integrating interventions and supporting activities for multiple cancer screenings, and we suggest research areas that might address current gaps in the literature. |
Assessing the impact of multicomponent interventions on colorectal cancer screening through simulation: What would it take to reach national screening targets in North Carolina
Hicklin K , O'Leary MC , Nambiar S , Mayorga ME , Wheeler SB , Davis MM , Richardson LC , Tangka FKL , Lich KH . Prev Med 2022 162 107126 Healthy People 2020 and the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable established colorectal cancer (CRC) screening targets of 70.5% and 80%, respectively. While evidence-based interventions (EBIs) have increased CRC screening, the ability to achieve these targets at the population level remains uncertain. We simulated the impact of multicomponent interventions in North Carolina over 5years to assess the potential for meeting national screening targets. Each intervention scenario is described as a core EBI with additional components indicated by the "+" symbol: patient navigation for screening colonoscopy (PN-for-Col+), mailed fecal immunochemical testing (MailedFIT+), MailedFIT+ targeted to Medicaid enrollees (MailedFIT+forMd), and provider assessment and feedback (PAF+). Each intervention was simulated with and without Medicaid expansion and at different levels of exposure (i.e., reach) for targeted populations. Outcomes included the percent up-to-date overall and by sociodemographic subgroups and number of CRC cases and deaths averted. Each multicomponent intervention was associated with increased CRC screening and averted both CRC cases and deaths; three had the potential to reach screening targets. PN-for-Col+achieved the 70.5% target with 97% reach after 1year, and the 80% target with 78% reach after 5years. MailedFIT+ achieved the 70.5% target with 74% reach after 1year and 5years. In the Medicaid population, assuming Medicaid expansion, MailedFIT+forMd reached the 70.5% target after 5years with 97% reach. This study clarifies the potential for states to reach national CRC screening targets using multicomponent EBIs, but decision-makers also should consider tradeoffs in cost, reach, and ability to reduce disparities when selecting interventions. |
Factors that support sustainability of health systems change to increase colorectal cancer screening in primary care clinics: A longitudinal qualitative study
Schlueter D , DeGroff A , Soloe C , Arena L , Melillo S , Tangka F , Hoover S , Subramanian S . Health Promot Pract 2022 15248399221091999 BACKGROUND: From 2015 to 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP) supported 30 awardees in partnering with primary care clinics to implement evidence-based interventions (EBIs) and supporting activities (SAs) to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. This study identified factors that facilitated early implementation and sustainability within partner clinics. METHODS: We conducted longitudinal qualitative case studies of four CRCCP awardees and four of their partner clinics. We used the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) to frame understanding of factors related to implementation and sustainability. A total of 41 semi-structured interviews were conducted with key staff and stakeholders exploring implementation practices and facilitators to sustainability. Qualitative thematic analysis of interview transcripts identified emerging themes across awardees and clinics. RESULTS: Qualitative themes related to six CFIR inner setting constructs-structural characteristics, readiness for implementation, networks and communication, culture, and implementation climate-were identified. Themes related to early implementation included conducting readiness assessments to tailor implementation, providing moderate funding to clinics, identifying clinic champions, and coordinating EBIs and SAs with existing clinic practices. Themes related to sustainability included the importance of ongoing electronic health record (EHR) support, clinic leadership support, team-based care, and EBI and SA integration with clinic policies, workflows, and procedures. IMPLICATIONS: Findings help to inform future scale-up of and decision-making within CRC screening programs and other chronic disease prevention programs implementing EBIs and SAs within primary care clinics and also highlight factors that maximize sustainability within these programs. |
Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, Part 2: Patient Economic Burden Associated With Cancer Care
Yabroff KR , Mariotto A , Tangka F , Zhao J , Islami F , Sung H , Sherman RL , Henley SJ , Jemal A , Ward EM . J Natl Cancer Inst 2021 113 (12) 1670-1682 BACKGROUND: The American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and North American Association of Central Cancer Registries provide annual information about cancer occurrence and trends in the United States. Part 1 of this annual report focuses on national cancer statistics. This study is part 2, which quantifies patient economic burden associated with cancer care. METHODS: We used complementary data sources, linked Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-Medicare, and the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey to develop comprehensive estimates of patient economic burden, including out-of-pocket and patient time costs, associated with cancer care. The 2000-2013 Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-Medicare data were used to estimate net patient out-of-pocket costs among adults aged 65 years and older for the initial, continuing, and end-of-life phases of care for all cancer sites combined and separately for the 21 most common cancer sites. The 2008-2017 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data were used to calculate out-of-pocket costs and time costs associated with cancer among adults aged 18-64 years and 65 years and older. RESULTS: Across all cancer sites, annualized net out-of-pocket costs for medical services and prescriptions drugs covered through a pharmacy benefit among adults aged 65 years and older were highest in the initial ($2200 and $243, respectively) and end-of-life phases ($3823 and $448, respectively) and lowest in the continuing phase ($466 and $127, respectively), with substantial variation by cancer site. Out-of-pocket costs were generally higher for patients diagnosed with later-stage disease. Net annual time costs associated with cancer were $304.3 (95% confidence interval = $257.9 to $350.9) and $279.1 (95% confidence interval = $215.1 to $343.3) for adults aged 18-64 years and ≥65 years, respectively, with higher time costs among more recently diagnosed survivors. National patient economic burden, including out-of-pocket and time costs, associated with cancer care was projected to be $21.1 billion in 2019. CONCLUSIONS: This comprehensive study found that the patient economic burden associated with cancer care is substantial in the United States at the national and patient levels. |
Factors affecting the adoption of electronic data reporting and outcomes among selected central cancer registries of the National Program of Cancer Registries
Tangka FKL , Edwards P , Pordell P , Wilson R , Blumenthal W , Jones SF , Jones M , Beizer J , Bernacet A , Cole-Beebe M , Subramanian S . JCO Clin Cancer Inform 2021 5 921-932 PURPOSE: The CDC's National Program of Cancer Registries has expanded the use of electronic reporting to collect more timely information on newly diagnosed cancers. The adoption, implementation, and use of electronic reporting vary significantly among central cancer registries. We identify factors affecting the adoption of electronic reporting among these registries. METHODS: Directors and data managers of nine National Program of Cancer Registries took part in separate 1-hour telephone interviews in early 2019. Directors were asked about their registry's key data quality goals; staffing, resources, and tools used to aid processes; their definition and self-perception of electronic reporting adoption; key helpers and challenges; and cost and sustainability implications for adoption of electronic reporting. Data managers were asked about specific data collection processes, software applications, electronic reporting adoption and self-perception, information technology infrastructure, and helpers and challenges to data collection and processing, data quality, and sustainability of approach. RESULTS: Larger registries identified organizational capacity and technical expertise as key aides. Other help for implementing electronic reporting processes came from partnerships, funding availability, management support, legislation, and access to an interstate data exchange. Common challenges among lower adopters included lack of capacity at both registry and data source levels, insufficient staffing, and a lack of information technology or technical support. Other challenges consisted of automation and interoperability of software, volume of cases received, state political environment, and quality of data received. CONCLUSION: Feedback from the formative evaluation yielded several useful solutions that can guide implementation of electronic reporting and help refine the technical assistance provided to registries. Our findings may help guide future process and economic evaluations of electronic reporting and identify best practices to strengthen registry operations. |
Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, Part 1: National Cancer Statistics
Islami F , Ward EM , Sung H , Cronin KA , Tangka FKL , Sherman RL , Zhao J , Anderson RN , Henley SJ , Yabroff KR , Jemal A , Benard VB . J Natl Cancer Inst 2021 113 (12) 1648-1669 BACKGROUND: The American Cancer Society, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Cancer Institute, and North American Association of Central Cancer Registries collaborate to provide annual updates on cancer incidence and mortality and trends by cancer type, sex, age group, and racial/ethnic group in the United States. In this report, we also examine trends in stage-specific survival for melanoma of the skin (melanoma). METHODS: Incidence data for all cancers from 2001 through 2017 and survival data for melanoma cases diagnosed during 2001-2014 and followed up through 2016 were obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention- and National Cancer Institute-funded population-based cancer registry programs compiled by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. Data on cancer deaths from 2001 through 2018 were obtained from the National Center for Health Statistics' National Vital Statistics System. Trends in age-standardized incidence and death rates and 2-year relative survival were estimated by joinpoint analysis, and trends in incidence and mortality were expressed as average annual percent change (AAPC) during the most recent 5 years (2013-2017 for incidence and 2014-2018 for mortality). RESULTS: Overall cancer incidence rates (per 100,000 population) for all ages during 2013-2017 were 487.4 among males and 422.4 among females. During this period, incidence rates remained stable among males but slightly increased in females (AAPC = 0.2%; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.1% to 0.2%). Overall cancer death rates (per 100,000 population) during 2014-2018 were 185.5 among males and 133.5 among females. During this period, overall death rates decreased in both males (AAPC = -2.2%; 95% CI = -2.5% to - 1.9%) and females (AAPC = -1.7%; 95% CI = -2.1% to - 1.4%); death rates decreased for 11 of the 19 most common cancers among males and for 14 of the 20 most common cancers among females, but increased for 5 cancers in each sex. During 2014-2018, the declines in death rates accelerated for lung cancer and melanoma, slowed down for colorectal and female breast cancers, and leveled off for prostate cancer. Among children younger than age 15 years and adolescents and young adults aged 15-39 years, cancer death rates continued to decrease in contrast to the increasing incidence rates. Two-year relative survival for distant-stage skin melanoma was stable for those diagnosed during 2001-2009 but increased by 3.1% (95% CI = 2.8% to 3.5%) per year for those diagnosed during 2009-2014, with comparable trends among males and females. CONCLUSIONS: Cancer death rates in the United States continue to decline overall and for many cancer types, with the decline accelerated for lung cancer and melanoma. For several other major cancers, however, death rates continue to increase or previous declines in rates have slowed or ceased. Moreover, overall incidence rates continue to increase among females, children, and adolescents and young adults. These findings inform efforts related to prevention, early detection, and treatment and for broad and equitable implementation of effective interventions, especially among under-resourced populations. |
Utility of linking survey and registry data to evaluate interventions and policies to address disparities in breast cancer survivorship among young women
Subramanian S , Jones M , Tangka FKL , Edwards P , Flanigan T , Kaganova J , Smith K , Fairley T , Hawkins NA , Rodriguez JL , Guy GP Jr , Thomas CC . Eval Program Plann 2021 88 101967 PURPOSE: There is limited research linking data sources to evaluate the multifactorial impacts on the quality of treatment received and financial burden among young women with breast cancer. To address this gap and support future evaluation efforts, we examined the utility of combining patient survey and cancer registry data. PATIENT AND METHODS: We administered a survey to women, aged 18-39 years, with breast cancer from four U.S. states. We conducted a systematic response-rate analysis and evaluated differences between racial groups. Survey responses were linked with cancer registry data to assess whether surveys could reliably supplement registry data. RESULTS: A total of 830 women completed the survey for a response rate of 28.4 %. Blacks and Asian/Pacific Islanders were half as likely to respond as white women. Concordance between survey and registry data was high for demographic variables (Cohen's kappa [k]: 0.879 to 0.949), moderate to high for treatments received (k: 0.467 to 0.854), and low for hormone receptor status (k: 0.167 to 0.553). Survey items related to insurance status, employment, and symptoms revealed racial differences. CONCLUSION: Cancer registry data, supplemented by patient surveys, can provide a broader understanding of the quality of care and financial impacts of breast cancer among young women. |
Geographic Disparities in Late-Stage Breast Cancer Diagnosis Rates and Their Persistence Over Time
Mobley LR , Tangka FKL , Berkowitz Z , Miller J , Hall IJ , Wu M , Sabatino SA . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2021 30 (6) 807-815 Background: Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Lower uptake of mammography screening is associated with higher rates of late-stage breast cancers. This study aims to show geographic patterns in the United States, where rates of late-stage breast cancer are high and persistent over time, and examines factors associated with these patterns. Materials and Methods: We examined all primary breast cancers diagnosed among all counties in 43 U.S. states with available data. We used spatial cluster analysis to identify hot spots (i.e., spatial clusters with above average late-stage diagnosis rates among counties). Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics were compared between persistent hot spots and those counties that were never hot spots. Results: Of the 2,599 counties examined in 43 states, 219 were identified as persistent hot spots. Counties with persistent hot spots (compared with counties that were never hot spots) were located in more deprived areas with worse housing characteristics, lower socioeconomic status, lower levels of health insurance, worse access to mammography, more isolated American Indian/Alaska Native, Black, or Hispanic neighborhoods, and larger income disparity. In addition, persistent hot spots were significantly more likely to be observed among poor, rural, African American, or Hispanic communities, but not among poor, rural, White communities. This analysis includes a broader range of socioeconomic conditions than those included in previous literature. Conclusion: We found geographic disparities in late-stage breast cancer diagnosis rates, with some communities experiencing persistent disparities over time. Our findings can guide public health efforts aimed at reducing disparities in stage of diagnosis for breast cancer. |
Pursuing Data Modernization in Cancer Surveillance by Developing a Cloud-Based Computing Platform: Real-Time Cancer Case Collection.
Jones DE , Alimi TO , Pordell P , Tangka FK , Blumenthal W , Jones SF , Rogers JD , Benard VB , Richardson LC . JCO Clin Cancer Inform 2021 5 24-29 Cancer surveillance is a field focused on collection of data to evaluate the burden of cancer and apply public health strategies to prevent and control cancer in the community. A key challenge facing the cancer surveillance community is the number of manual tasks required to collect cancer surveillance data, thereby resulting in possible delays in analysis and use of the information. To modernize and automate cancer data collection and reporting, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is planning, developing, and piloting a cancer surveillance cloud-based computing platform (CS-CBCP) with standardized electronic reporting from laboratories and health-care providers. With this system, automation of the cancer case collection process and access to real-time cancer case data can be achieved, which could not be done before. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the importance of continuity of operations plans, and the CS-CBCP has the potential to provide such a platform suitable for remote operations of central cancer registries. |
Examining the effectiveness of provider incentives to increase CRC screening uptake in neighborhood healthcare: A California Federally Qualified Health Center
Barajas M , Tangka FKL , Schultz J , Tantod K , Kempster YM , Omelu N , Hoover S , Thomas M , Richmond-Reese V , Subramanian S . Health Promot Pract 2020 21 (6) 898-904 As an awardee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Colorectal Cancer Control Program, the California Department of Public Health partnered with Neighborhood Healthcare to implement evidence-based interventions and provider incentives (incentives offered to support staff, e.g., medical assistants, phlebotomists, front office staff, lab technicians) to improve colorectal cancer screening uptake. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and cost of the provider incentive intervention implemented by Neighborhood Healthcare to increase colorectal cancer screening uptake. We collected and analyzed process and cost data to assess fecal immunochemical test (FIT) kit return rates to the health centers and the number of completed FIT kits. We estimated the costs of the preexisting interventions and the new interventions. Analyses were conducted for two time periods: preimplementation and implementation. Most Neighborhood Healthcare health centers experienced an increase in the percentage of FIT kit returns (average of 3.6 percentage points) and individuals screened (an average increase of 111 FIT kits per month) from the baseline period through the implementation period. The cost of the incentive intervention for each additional screen was $66.79. In conclusion, the results indicate that incentive programs can have an overall positive impact on both the percentage of FIT kits returned and the number of individuals screened. |
Cost and effectiveness of reminders to promote colorectal cancer screening uptake in rural Federally Qualified Health Centers in West Virginia
Conn ME , Kennedy-Rea S , Subramanian S , Baus A , Hoover S , Cunningham C , Tangka FKL . Health Promot Pract 2020 21 (6) 891-897 The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the West Virginia Program to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in implementing patient reminders to increase fecal immunochemical test (FIT) kit return rates in nine federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). Using process measures and cost data collected, the authors examined the differences in the intensity of the phone calls across FQHCs and compared them with the return rates achieved. They also reported the cost per kit successfully returned as a result of the intervention. Across all FQHCs, 5,041 FIT kits were ordered, and the initial return rate (without a reminder) was 41.1%. A total of 2,201 patients received reminder phone calls; on average, patients received 1.61 reminder calls each. The reminder interventions increased the average FIT kit return rate to 60.7%. The average total cost per FIT kit returned across all FQHCs was $60.18, and the average cost of only the reminders was $11.20 per FIT kit returned. FQHCs achieved an average increase of 19.6 percentage points in FIT kit return rates, and costs across clinics varied. Clinics with high-quality health information systems that enabled tracking of patients with minimal effort were able to implement lower cost reminder interventions. |
The effectiveness and cost to improve colorectal cancer screening in a federally qualified homeless clinic in eastern Kentucky
Hardin V , Tangka FKL , Wood T , Boisseau B , Hoover S , DeGroff A , Boehm J , Subramanian S . Health Promot Pract 2020 21 (6) 905-909 The objective of this study was to analyze the effectiveness and cost of patient incentives, together with patient navigation and patient reminders, to increase fecal immunochemical test (FIT) kit return rates and colorectal cancer screening uptake in one federally qualified health center (FQHC) in Appalachia. This FQHC is a designated homeless clinic, as 79.7% of its patient population are homeless. We collected process, outcome, and cost data from the FQHC for two time periods: usual care (September 2016-August 2017) and implementation (September 2017-September 2018). We reported the FIT kit return rate, the increase in return rate, and the additional number of individual screens. We also calculated the incremental cost per additional screen. The patient incentive program, with patient navigation and patient reminders, increased the number of FIT kits returned from the usual care period to the implementation period. The return rate increased by 25.9 percentage points (from 21.7% to 47.6%) with an additional 91 people screened at an incremental cost of $134.61 per screen. A patient incentive program, together with the assistance of patient navigators and supplemented with patient reminders, can help improve CRC screening uptake among vulnerable and homeless populations. |
Effectiveness and cost of implementing evidence-based interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening among an underserved population in Chicago
Kim KE , Tangka FKL , Jayaprakash M , Randal FT , Lam H , Freedman D , Carrier LA , Sargant C , Maene C , Hoover S , Joseph D , French C , Subramanian S . Health Promot Pract 2020 21 (6) 884-890 With funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Colorectal Cancer Control Program, The University of Chicago Center for Asian Health Equity partnered with a federally qualified health center (FQHC) to implement multiple evidence-based interventions (EBIs) in order to improve colorectal cancer (CRC) screening uptake. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness and cost of implementing a provider reminder system entered manually and supplemented with patient reminders and provider assessment and feedback. The FQHC collected demographic characteristics of the FQHC and outcome data from January 2015 through December 2015 (preimplementation period) and cost from January 2016 through September 2017 (implementation period). Cost data were collected for the implementation period. We report on the demographics of the eligible population, CRC screening order, completion rates by sociodemographic characteristics, and, overall, the effectiveness and cost of implementation. From the preimplementation phase to the implementation phase, there was a 21.2 percentage point increase in CRC screens completed. The total cost of implementing EBIs was $40908.97. We estimated that an additional 283 screens were completed because of the interventions, and the implementation cost of the interventions was $144.65 per additional screen. With the interventions, CRC screening uptake in Chicago increased for all race/ethnicity and demographic backgrounds at the FQHC, particularly for patients aged 50 to 64 years and for Asian, Hispanic, and uninsured patients. |
Economic evaluation of interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening at Federally Qualified Health Centers
Tangka FKL , Subramanian S , Hoover S , DeGroff A , Joseph D , Wong FL , Richardson LC . Health Promot Pract 2020 21 (6) 877-883 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a long-standing commitment to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening for vulnerable populations. In 2005, the CDC began a demonstration in five states and, with lessons learned, launched a national program, the Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP), in 2009. The CRCCP continues today and its current emphasis is the implementation of evidence-based interventions to promote CRC screening. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of four CRCCP awardees and their federally qualified health center partners as an introduction to the accompanying series of research briefs where we present individual findings on impacts of evidence-based interventions on CRC screening uptake for each awardee. We also include in this article the conceptual framework used to guide our research. Our findings contribute to the evidence base and guide future program implementation to improve sustainability, increase CRC screening, and address disparities in screening uptake. |
Treatment cost and access to care: experiences of young women diagnosed with breast cancer
Subramanian S , Tangka FKL , Edwards P , Jones M , Flanigan T , Kaganova J , Smith K , Thomas CC , Hawkins NA , Rodriguez JL , Guy GP Jr , Fairley T . Cancer Causes Control 2020 31 (11) 1001-1009 PURPOSE: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women younger than 40 years. We aim to evaluate cost as a barrier to care among female breast cancer patients diagnosed between 18 to 39 years. METHODS: In early 2017, we distributed a survey to women diagnosed with breast cancer between the ages of 18 and 39 years, as identified by the central cancer registries of California, Georgia, North Carolina, and Florida. We used multivariable statistics to explore cost-related barriers to receiving breast cancer care for the 830 women that completed the survey. RESULTS: About half of the women (47.4%) reported spending more on breast cancer care than expected, and almost two-thirds (65.3%) had not discussed costs with their care team. A third of the patients (31.8%) indicated forgoing care due to cost. Factors associated with not receiving anticipated care due to cost included age less than35 years at diagnosis, self-insurance, comorbid conditions, and late-stage diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Previous studies using breast cancer registry data have not included detailed insurance information and care received by young women. Young women with breast cancer frequently forgo breast cancer care due to cost. Our results highlight the potential for policies that facilitate optimal care for young breast cancer patients which could include the provision of comprehensive insurance coverage. |
Hospital length of stay, charges, and costs associated with a diagnosis of obesity in US children and youth, 2006-2016
Kompaniyets L , Lundeen EA , Belay B , Goodman AB , Tangka F , Blanck HM . Med Care 2020 58 (8) 722-726 BACKGROUND: Childhood obesity is linked with adverse health outcomes and associated costs. Current information on the relationship between childhood obesity and inpatient costs is limited. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to describe trends and quantify the link between childhood obesity diagnosis and hospitalization length of stay (LOS), costs, and charges. RESEARCH DESIGN: We use the National Inpatient Sample data from 2006 to 2016. SUBJECTS: The sample includes hospitalizations among children aged 2-19 years. The treatment group of interest includes child hospitalizations with an obesity diagnosis. MEASURES: Hospital LOS, charges, and costs associated with a diagnosis of obesity. RESULTS: We find increases in obesity-coded hospitalizations and associated charges and costs during 2006-2016. Obesity as a primary diagnosis is associated with a shorter hospital LOS (by 1.8 d), but higher charges and costs (by $20,879 and $6049, respectively); obesity as a secondary diagnosis is associated with a longer LOS (by 0.8 d), and higher charges and costs of hospitalizations (by $3453 and $1359, respectively). The most common primary conditions occurring with a secondary diagnosis of obesity are pregnancy conditions, mood disorders, asthma, and diabetes; the effect of a secondary diagnosis of obesity on LOS, charges, and costs holds across these conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood obesity diagnosis-related hospitalizations, charges, and costs increased substantially during 2006-2016, and obesity diagnosis is associated with higher hospitalization charges and costs. Our findings provide clinicians and policymakers with additional evidence of the economic burden of childhood obesity and further justify efforts to prevent and manage the disease. |
Costs and resources used by population-based cancer registries in the US-affiliated Pacific Islands
Edwards P , Buenconsejo-Lum LE , Tangka FKL , Jeong Y , Baksa J , Pordell P , Saraiya M , Subramanian S . Hawaii J Health Soc Welf 2020 79 89-98 Background: The costs of cancer registration have previously been estimated for registries in the continental United States and many international registries; however, to date, there has been no economic assessment of population-based registries in the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands. This study estimates the costs and factors affecting the operations of US-Affiliated Pacific Island population-based cancer registries. Methods: The web-based International Registry Costing Tool1 was used to collect costs, resources used, cancer cases processed, and other registry characteristics from the Pacific Regional Central Cancer Registry (PRCCR), Federated States of Micronesia National Cancer Registry, and nine satellite jurisdictional registries within the US Pacific Islands. The registries provided data on costs for June 30, 2016-June 29, 2017, and cases processed during 2014. Results: Local host institutions provided a vital source of support for US-Affiliated Pacific Islands registries, covering substantial fixed costs, such as management and overhead. The cost per cancer case processed had an almost tenfold variation across registries, with the average total cost per case of about $1,413. The average cost per inhabitant in the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands was about $1.77 per person. Discussion: The challenges of collecting data from dispersed populations spread across multiple islands of the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands are likely leading factors driving the magnitude of the registries' cost per case. The economic information from this study provides a valuable source of activity-based cost data that can both help guide cancer control initiatives and help registries improve operations and efficiency. |
Role of an implementation economics analysis in providing the evidence base for increasing colorectal cancer screening
Subramanian S , Tangka FKL , Hoover S . Prev Chronic Dis 2020 17 E46 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES: Since 2005 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has funded organizations across the United States to promote screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) to detect early CRC or precancerous polyps that can be treated to avoid disease progression and death. The objective of this study was to describe how findings from economic evaluation approaches of a subset of these awardees and their implementation sites (n = 9) can drive decision making and improve program implementation and diffusion. INTERVENTION APPROACH: We described the framework for the implementation economics evaluation used since 2016 for the Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP) Learning Collaborative. EVALUATION METHODS: We compared CRC interventions implemented across health systems, changes in screening uptake, and the incremental cost per person of implementing an intervention. We also analyzed data on how implementation costs changed over time for a CRC program that conducted interventions in a series of rounds. RESULTS: Implementation of the interventions, which included provider and patient reminders, provider assessment and feedback, and incentives, resulted in increases in screening uptake ranging from 4.9 to 26.7 percentage points. Across the health systems, the incremental cost per person screened ranged from $18.76 to $144.55. One awardee's costs decreased because of a reduction in intervention development and start-up costs. IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH: Health systems, CRCCP awardees, and CDC can use these findings for quality improvement activities, incorporation of information into trainings and support activities, and future program design. |
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