Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-22 (of 22 Records) |
Query Trace: Szablewski C[original query] |
Development of a large-volume concentration method to recover infectious avian influenza virus from the aquatic environment
Hubbard LE , Stelzer EA , Poulson RL , Kolpin DW , Szablewski CM , Givens CE . Viruses 2024 16 (12) ![]() Since late 2021, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus have caused a record number of mortalities in wild birds, domestic poultry, and mammals in North America. Wetlands are plausible environmental reservoirs of avian influenza virus; however, the transmission and persistence of the virus in the aquatic environment are poorly understood. To explore environmental contamination with the avian influenza virus, a large-volume concentration method for detecting infectious avian influenza virus in waterbodies was developed. A variety of filtering, elution, and concentration methods were explored, in addition to testing filtering speeds using artificially amended 20 L water matrices (deionized water with sterile dust, autoclaved wetland water, and wetland water). The optimal protocol was dead-end ultrafiltration coupled with salt solution elution and centrifugation concentration. Using this method, infectious virus was recovered at 1 × 10(-1) 50% egg infectious dose per milliliter (EID(50)/mL), whereas viral RNA was detected inconsistently down to 1 × 10(0) EID(50)/mL. This method will aid in furthering our understanding of the avian influenza virus in the environment and may be applicable to the environmental detection of other enveloped viruses. |
Characterization of avian influenza viruses detected in Kenyan live bird markets and wild bird habitats reveal genetically diverse subtypes and high proportion of A(H9N2), 2018-2020
Munyua P , Osoro E , Jones J , Njogu G , Yang G , Hunsperger E , Szablewski CM , Njoroge R , Marwanga D , Oyas H , Andagalu B , Ndanyi R , Otieno N , Obanda V , Nasimiyu C , Njagi O , DaSilva J , Jang Y , Barnes J , Emukule GO , Onyango CO , Davis CT . Viruses 2024 16 (9) ![]() ![]() Following the detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus in countries bordering Kenya to the west, we conducted surveillance among domestic and wild birds along the shores of Lake Victoria. In addition, between 2018 and 2020, we conducted surveillance among poultry and poultry workers in live bird markets and among wild migratory birds in various lakes that are resting sites during migration to assess introduction and circulation of avian influenza viruses in these populations. We tested 7464 specimens (oropharyngeal (OP) and cloacal specimens) from poultry and 6531 fresh fecal specimens from wild birds for influenza A viruses by real-time RT-PCR. Influenza was detected in 3.9% (n = 292) of specimens collected from poultry and 0.2% (n = 10) of fecal specimens from wild birds. On hemagglutinin subtyping, most of the influenza A positives from poultry (274/292, 93.8%) were H9. Of 34 H9 specimens randomly selected for further subtyping, all were H9N2. On phylogenetic analysis, these viruses were genetically similar to other H9 viruses detected in East Africa. Only two of the ten influenza A-positive specimens from the wild bird fecal specimens were successfully subtyped; sequencing analysis of one specimen collected in 2018 was identified as a low-pathogenicity avian influenza H5N2 virus of the Eurasian lineage, and the second specimen, collected in 2020, was subtyped as H11. A total of 18 OP and nasal specimens from poultry workers with acute respiratory illness (12%) were collected; none were positive for influenza A virus. We observed significant circulation of H9N2 influenza viruses in poultry in live bird markets in Kenya. During the same period, low-pathogenic H5N2 virus was detected in a fecal specimen collected in a site hosting a variety of migratory and resident birds. Although HPAI H5N8 was not detected in this survey, these results highlight the potential for the introduction and establishment of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in poultry populations and the associated risk of spillover to human populations. |
Outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses in U.S. dairy cattle and detection of two human cases - United States, 2024
Garg S , Reed C , Davis CT , Uyeki TM , Behravesh CB , Kniss K , Budd A , Biggerstaff M , Adjemian J , Barnes JR , Kirby MK , Basler C , Szablewski CM , Richmond-Crum M , Burns E , Limbago B , Daskalakis DC , Armstrong K , Boucher D , Shimabukuro TT , Jhung MA , Olsen SJ , Dugan V . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (21) 501-505 ![]() ![]() |
Evolution of influenza A viruses in exhibition swine and transmission to humans, 2013-2015
Szablewski CM , McBride DS , Trock SC , Habing GG , Hoet AE , Nelson SW , Nolting JM , Bowman AS . Zoonoses Public Health 2023 ![]() ![]() AIMS: Swine are a mixing vessel for the emergence of novel reassortant influenza A viruses (IAV). Interspecies transmission of swine-origin IAV poses a public health and pandemic risk. In the United States, the majority of zoonotic IAV transmission events have occurred in association with swine exposure at agricultural fairs. Accordingly, this human-animal interface necessitates mitigation strategies informed by understanding of interspecies transmission mechanisms in exhibition swine. Likewise, the diversity of IAV in swine can be a source for novel reassortant or mutated viruses that pose a risk to both swine and human health. METHODS AND RESULTS: In an effort to better understand those risks, here we investigated the epidemiology of IAV in exhibition swine and subsequent transmission to humans by performing phylogenetic analyses using full genome sequences from 272 IAV isolates collected from exhibition swine and 23 A(H3N2)v viruses from human hosts during 2013-2015. Sixty-seven fairs (24.2%) had at least one pig test positive for IAV with an overall estimated prevalence of 8.9% (95% CI: 8.3-9.6, Clopper-Pearson). Of the 19 genotypes found in swine, 5 were also identified in humans. There was a positive correlation between the number of human cases of a genotype and its prevalence in exhibition swine. Additionally, we demonstrated that A(H3N2)v viruses clustered tightly with exhibition swine viruses that were prevalent in the same year. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that multiple genotypes of swine-lineage IAV have infected humans, and highly prevalent IAV genotypes in exhibition swine during a given year are also the strains detected most frequently in human cases of variant IAV. Continued surveillance and rapid characterization of IAVs in exhibition swine can facilitate timely phenotypic evaluation and matching of candidate vaccine strains to those viruses present at the human-animal interface which are most likely to spillover into humans. |
Environmental surveillance and detection of infectious highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in Iowa Wetlands
Hubbard LE , Givens CE , Stelzer EA , Killian ML , Kolpin DW , Szablewski CM , Poulson RL . Environ Sci Technol Lett 2023 10 (12) 1181-1187 Avian influenza viruses (AIVs) infect both wild birds and domestic poultry, resulting in economically costly outbreaks that have the potential to impact public health. Currently, a knowledge gap exists regarding the detection of infectious AIVs in the aquatic environment. In response to the 2021-2022 Eurasian strain highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A/goose/Guangdong/1/1996 clade lineage H5 outbreak, an AIV environmental outbreak response study was conducted using a One Health approach. An optimized method was used to temporally sample (April and May 2022) and analyze (culture and molecular methods) surface water from five water bodies (four wetlands and one lake used as a comparison location) in areas near confirmed HPAI detections in wild bird or poultry operations. Avian influenza viruses were isolated from water samples collected in April from all four wetlands (not from the comparison lake sample); HPAI H5N1 was isolated from one wetland. No virus was isolated from the May samples. Several factors, including increased water temperatures, precipitation, biotic and abiotic factors, and absence of AIV-contaminated fecal material due to fewer waterfowl present, may have contributed to the lack of virus isolation from May samples. Results demonstrate surface water as a plausible medium for transmission of AIVs, including the HPAI virus. |
Reported global avian influenza detections among humans and animals during 2013-2022: Comprehensive review and analysis of available surveillance data
Szablewski CM , Iwamoto C , Olsen SJ , Greene CM , Duca LM , Davis CT , Coggeshall KC , Davis WW , Emukule GO , Gould PL , Fry AM , Wentworth DE , Dugan VG , Kile JC , Azziz-Baumgartner E . JMIR Public Health Surveill 2023 9 e46383 BACKGROUND: Avian influenza (AI) virus detections occurred frequently in 2022 and continue to pose a health, economic, and food security risk. The most recent global analysis of official reports of animal outbreaks and human infections with all reportable AI viruses was published almost a decade ago. Increased or renewed reports of AI viruses, especially high pathogenicity H5N8 and H5N1 in birds and H5N1, H5N8, and H5N6 in humans globally, have established the need for a comprehensive review of current global AI virus surveillance data to assess the pandemic risk of AI viruses. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to provide an analysis of global AI animal outbreak and human case surveillance information from the last decade by describing the circulating virus subtypes, regions and temporal trends in reporting, and country characteristics associated with AI virus outbreak reporting in animals; surveillance and reporting gaps for animals and humans are identified. METHODS: We analyzed AI virus infection reports among animals and humans submitted to animal and public health authorities from January 2013 to June 2022 and compared them with reports from January 2005 to December 2012. A multivariable regression analysis was used to evaluate associations between variables of interest and reported AI virus animal outbreaks. RESULTS: From 2013 to 2022, 52.2% (95/182) of World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) Member Countries identified 34 AI virus subtypes during 21,249 outbreaks. The most frequently reported subtypes were high pathogenicity AI H5N1 (10,079/21,249, 47.43%) and H5N8 (6722/21,249, 31.63%). A total of 10 high pathogenicity AI and 6 low pathogenicity AI virus subtypes were reported to the WOAH for the first time during 2013-2022. AI outbreaks in animals occurred in 26 more Member Countries than reported in the previous 8 years. Decreasing World Bank income classification was significantly associated with decreases in reported AI outbreaks (P<.001-.02). Between January 2013 and June 2022, 17/194 (8.8%) World Health Organization (WHO) Member States reported 2000 human AI virus infections of 10 virus subtypes. H7N9 (1568/2000, 78.40%) and H5N1 (254/2000, 12.70%) viruses accounted for the most human infections. As many as 8 of these 17 Member States did not report a human case prior to 2013. Of 1953 human cases with available information, 74.81% (n=1461) had a known animal exposure before onset of illness. The median time from illness onset to the notification posted on the WHO event information site was 15 days (IQR 9-30 days; mean 24 days). Seasonality patterns of animal outbreaks and human infections with AI viruses were very similar, occurred year-round, and peaked during November through May. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis suggests that AI outbreaks are more frequently reported and geographically widespread than in the past. Global surveillance gaps include inconsistent reporting from all regions and human infection reporting delays. Continued monitoring for AI virus outbreaks in animals and human infections with AI viruses is crucial for pandemic preparedness. |
Influenza A virus circulation in backyard animals in the Pacific coast of Guatemala, 2013-2014.
Müller-Theissen ML , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Ortiz L , Szablewski CM , Alvarez D , Gonzalez-Reiche AS , Jara J , Davis CT , Cordon-Rosales C . Zoonoses Public Health 2022 69 (7) 826-834 ![]() Due to their documented epidemiological relevance as hosts for influenza A viruses (IAV), humans, poultry and pigs in backyard production systems (BPS) within wetlands could be key to the emergence of novel IAV variants able to transmit between humans or animals. To better understand the circulation of IAV at the human-animal interface of BPS within wetlands, we studied IAV in backyard duck flocks and pig herds in the Pacific Coast of Guatemala. From April 2013 to October 2014, we estimated the monthly IAV per cent seropositive and viral positive flocks and herds in two resource-limited communities. We detected antibodies in sera against the IAV nucleoprotein through ELISA. We also detected IAV viral RNA in respiratory (ducks and pigs) and cloacal (ducks) swabs through rRT-PCR directed at the matrix gene. We attempted viral isolation in eggs or MDCK cells followed by sequencing from swabs positive for IAV. During our study period, IAV seropositivity in duck flocks was 38%, and viral positivity was 23% (n = 86 BPS sampled). IAV seropositivity in pig herds was 42%, and viral positivity was 20% (n = 90 BPS sampled). Both flocks and herds had detectable antibodies against IAV mostly year-round, and IAV was detected in several months. We isolated an H3N2 virus from one pig sampled at the end of 2013. Standard nucleotide BLAST searches indicate that the isolated virus was similar to seasonal viruses circulating in humans, suggesting human-to-pig transmission. Our data show concurrent circulation of IAV in multiple species of poultry and pigs that were commingled in rudimentary conditions in proximity to humans, but no significant risk factors could be identified. |
Point-of-Care Antigen Test for SARS-CoV-2 in Asymptomatic College Students.
Tinker SC , Szablewski CM , Litvintseva AP , Folster J , Shewmaker PL , Medrzycki M , Bowen MD , Bohannon C , Bagarozzi D Jr , Petway M , Rota PA , Kuhnert-Tallman W , Thornburg N , Prince-Guerra JL , Barrios LC , Tamin A , Harcourt JL , Honein MA . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (10) 2662-2665 We used the BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card to screen 1,540 asymptomatic college students for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in a low-prevalence setting. Compared with reverse transcription PCR, BinaxNOW showed 20% overall sensitivity; among participants with culturable virus, sensitivity was 60%. BinaxNOW provides point-of-care screening but misses many infections. |
Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from Children and Adolescents.
Chu VT , Yousaf AR , Chang K , Schwartz NG , McDaniel CJ , Lee SH , Szablewski CM , Brown M , Drenzek CL , Dirlikov E , Rose DA , Villanueva J , Fry AM , Hall AJ , Kirking HL , Tate JE , Lanzieri TM , Stewart RJ . N Engl J Med 2021 385 (10) 954-956 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in children is often asymptomatic or results in only mild disease.1 Data on the extent of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from children and adolescents in the household setting, including transmission to older persons who are at increased risk for severe disease, are limited.2 After an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) at an overnight camp,3 we conducted a retrospective cohort study involving camp attendees and their household contacts to assess secondary transmission and factors associated with household transmission (additional details are provided in the Methods section in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this letter at |
Use of Real-Time PCR for Chlamydia psittaci Detection in Human Specimens During an Outbreak of Psittacosis - Georgia and Virginia, 2018.
McGovern OL , Kobayashi M , Shaw KA , Szablewski C , Gabel J , Holsinger C , Drenzek C , Brennan S , Milucky J , Farrar JL , Wolff BJ , Benitez AJ , Thurman KA , Diaz MH , Winchell JM , Schrag S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (14) 505-509 ![]() ![]() Psittacosis is typically a mild febrile respiratory illness caused by infection with the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci and usually transmitted to humans by infected birds (1). On average, 11 psittacosis cases per year were reported in the United States during 2000-2017. During August-October 2018, the largest U.S. psittacosis outbreak in 30 years (82 cases identified*) occurred in two poultry slaughter plants, one each in Virginia and Georgia, that shared source farms (2). CDC used C. psittaci real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to test 54 human specimens from this outbreak. This was the largest number of human specimens from a single outbreak ever tested for C. psittaci using real-time PCR, which is faster and more sensitive than commercially available serologic tests. This represented a rare opportunity to assess the utility of multiple specimen types for real-time PCR detection of C. psittaci. C. psittaci was detected more frequently in lower respiratory specimens (59% [10 of 17]) and stool (four of five) than in upper respiratory specimens (7% [two of 28]). Among six patients with sputum and nasopharyngeal swabs tested, C. psittaci was detected only in sputum in five patients. Cycle threshold (Ct) values suggested bacterial load was higher in lower respiratory specimens than in nasopharyngeal swabs. These findings support prioritizing lower respiratory specimens for real-time PCR detection of C. psittaci. Stool specimens might also have utility for diagnosis of psittacosis. |
Characteristics and Risk Factors of Hospitalized and Nonhospitalized COVID-19 Patients, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March-April 2020.
Pettrone K , Burnett E , Link-Gelles R , Haight SC , Schrodt C , England L , Gomes DJ , Shamout M , O'Laughlin K , Kimball A , Blau EF , Ladva CN , Szablewski CM , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Oosmanally N , Drenzek C , Browning SD , Bruce BB , da Silva J , Gold JAW , Jackson BR , Morris SB , Natarajan P , Fanfair RN , Patel PR , Rogers-Brown J , Rossow J , Wong KK , Murphy DJ , Blum JM , Hollberg J , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Shimabukuro T , Midgley CM , Tate JE , Killerby ME . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (4) 1164-1168 We compared the characteristics of hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients who had coronavirus disease in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. We found that risk for hospitalization increased with a patient's age and number of concurrent conditions. We also found a potential association between hospitalization and high hemoglobin A1c levels in persons with diabetes. |
COVID-19 Clinical Phenotypes: Presentation and Temporal Progression of Disease in a Cohort of Hospitalized Adults in Georgia, United States.
da Silva JF , Hernandez-Romieu AC , Browning SD , Bruce BB , Natarajan P , Morris SB , Gold JAW , Neblett Fanfair R , Rogers-Brown J , Rossow J , Szablewski CM , Oosmanally N , D'Angelo MT , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Hollberg J , Blum JM , Jansen R , Wright DW , Sewell W , Owens J , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Burton DC , Uyeki TM , Patel PR , Jackson BR , Wong KK . Open Forum Infect Dis 2021 8 (1) ofaa596 BACKGROUND: The epidemiological features and outcomes of hospitalized adults with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been described; however, the temporal progression and medical complications of disease among hospitalized patients require further study. Detailed descriptions of the natural history of COVID-19 among hospitalized patients are paramount to optimize health care resource utilization, and the detection of different clinical phenotypes may allow tailored clinical management strategies. METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of 305 adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in 8 academic and community hospitals. Patient characteristics included demographics, comorbidities, medication use, medical complications, intensive care utilization, and longitudinal vital sign and laboratory test values. We examined laboratory and vital sign trends by mortality status and length of stay. To identify clinical phenotypes, we calculated Gower's dissimilarity matrix between each patient's clinical characteristics and clustered similar patients using the partitioning around medoids algorithm. RESULTS: One phenotype of 6 identified was characterized by high mortality (49%), older age, male sex, elevated inflammatory markers, high prevalence of cardiovascular disease, and shock. Patients with this severe phenotype had significantly elevated peak C-reactive protein creatinine, D-dimer, and white blood cell count and lower minimum lymphocyte count compared with other phenotypes (P < .01, all comparisons). CONCLUSIONS: Among a cohort of hospitalized adults, we identified a severe phenotype of COVID-19 based on the characteristics of its clinical course and poor prognosis. These findings need to be validated in other cohorts, as improved understanding of clinical phenotypes and risk factors for their development could help inform prognosis and tailored clinical management for COVID-19. |
SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Dynamics in a Sleep-Away Camp.
Szablewski CM , Chang KT , McDaniel CJ , Chu VT , Yousaf AR , Schwartz NG , Brown M , Winglee K , Paul P , Cui Z , Slayton RB , Tong S , Li Y , Uehara A , Zhang J , Sharkey SM , Kirking HL , Tate JE , Dirlikov E , Fry AM , Hall AJ , Rose DA , Villanueva J , Drenzek C , Stewart RJ , Lanzieri TM . Pediatrics 2021 147 (4) OBJECTIVES: In late June 2020, a large outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) occurred at a sleep-away youth camp in Georgia, affecting primarily persons </=21 years. We conducted a retrospective cohort study among campers and staff (attendees) to determine the extent of the outbreak and assess factors contributing to transmission. METHODS: Attendees were interviewed to ascertain demographic characteristics, known exposures to COVID-19 and community exposures, and mitigation measures before, during, and after attending camp. COVID-19 case status was determined for all camp attendees on the basis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) test results and reported symptoms. We calculated attack rates and instantaneous reproduction numbers and sequenced SARS-CoV-2 viral genomes from the outbreak. RESULTS: Among 627 attendees, the median age was 15 years (interquartile range: 12-16 years); 56% (351 of 627) of attendees were female. The attack rate was 56% (351 of 627) among all attendees. On the basis of date of illness onset or first positive test result on a specimen collected, 12 case patients were infected before arriving at camp and 339 case patients were camp associated. Among 288 case patients with available symptom information, 45 (16%) were asymptomatic. Despite cohorting, 50% of attendees reported direct contact with people outside their cabin cohort. On the first day of camp session, the instantaneous reproduction number was 10. Viral genomic diversity was low. CONCLUSIONS: Few introductions of SARS-CoV-2 into a youth congregate setting resulted in a large outbreak. Testing strategies should be combined with prearrival quarantine, routine symptom monitoring with appropriate isolation and quarantine, cohorting, social distancing, mask wearing, and enhanced disinfection and hand hygiene. Promotion of mitigation measures among younger populations is needed. |
Comparison of Estimated SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence through Commercial Laboratory Residual Sera Testing and a Community Survey.
Bajema KL , Dahlgren FS , Lim TW , Bestul N , Biggs HM , Tate JE , Owusu C , Szablewski CM , Drenzek C , Drobeniuc J , Semenova V , Li H , Browning P , Desai R , Epperson M , Jia LT , Thornburg NJ , Edens C , Fry AM , Hall AJ , Schiffer J , Havers FP . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (9) e3120-e3123 We compared severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus-2 seroprevalence estimated from commercial laboratory residual sera and a community household survey in metropolitan Atlanta during April-May 2020 and found these two estimates to be similar (4.94% versus 3.18%). Compared with more representative surveys, commercial sera can provide an approximate measure of seroprevalence. |
Adolescent with COVID-19 as the Source of an Outbreak at a 3-Week Family Gathering - Four States, June-July 2020.
Schwartz NG , Moorman AC , Makaretz A , Chang KT , Chu VT , Szablewski CM , Yousaf AR , Brown MM , Clyne A , DellaGrotta A , Drobeniuc J , Korpics J , Muir A , Drenzek C , Bandy U , Kirking HL , Tate JE , Hall AJ , Lanzieri TM , Stewart RJ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (40) 1457-1459 There is increasing evidence that children and adolescents can efficiently transmit SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (1-3). During July-August 2020, four state health departments and CDC investigated a COVID-19 outbreak that occurred during a 3-week family gathering of five households in which an adolescent aged 13 years was the index and suspected primary patient; 11 subsequent cases occurred. |
Predictors at admission of mechanical ventilation and death in an observational cohort of adults hospitalized with COVID-19.
Jackson BR , Gold JAW , Natarajan P , Rossow J , Neblett Fanfair R , da Silva J , Wong KK , Browning SD , Bamrah Morris S , Rogers-Brown J , Hernandez-Romieu AC , Szablewski CM , Oosmanally N , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Hollberg J , Blum JM , Jansen R , Wright DW , SeweSll WM , Owens JD , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Burton DC , Uyeki TM , Bialek SR , Patel PR , Bruce BB . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (11) e4141-e4151 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) can cause severe illness and death. Predictors of poor outcome collected on hospital admission may inform clinical and public health decisions. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective observational cohort investigation of 297 adults admitted to eight academic and community hospitals in Georgia, United States, during March 2020. Using standardized medical record abstraction, we collected data on predictors including admission demographics, underlying medical conditions, outpatient antihypertensive medications, recorded symptoms, vital signs, radiographic findings, and laboratory values. We used random forest models to calculate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for predictors of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) and death. RESULTS: Compared with age <45 years, ages 65-74 years and ≥75 years were predictors of IMV (aOR 3.12, CI 1.47-6.60; aOR 2.79, CI 1.23-6.33) and the strongest predictors for death (aOR 12.92, CI 3.26-51.25; aOR 18.06, CI 4.43-73.63). Comorbidities associated with death (aORs from 2.4 to 3.8, p <0.05) included end-stage renal disease, coronary artery disease, and neurologic disorders, but not pulmonary disease, immunocompromise, or hypertension. Pre-hospital use vs. non-use of angiotensin receptor blockers (aOR 2.02, CI 1.03-3.96) and dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (aOR 1.91, CI 1.03-3.55) were associated with death. CONCLUSIONS: After adjustment for patient and clinical characteristics, older age was the strongest predictor of death, exceeding comorbidities, abnormal vital signs, and laboratory test abnormalities. That coronary artery disease, but not chronic lung disease, was associated with death among hospitalized patients warrants further investigation, as do associations between certain antihypertensive medications and death. |
SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and Infection Among Attendees of an Overnight Camp - Georgia, June 2020.
Szablewski CM , Chang KT , Brown MM , Chu VT , Yousaf AR , Anyalechi N , Aryee PA , Kirking HL , Lumsden M , Mayweather E , McDaniel CJ , Montierth R , Mohammed A , Schwartz NG , Shah JA , Tate JE , Dirlikov E , Drenzek C , Lanzieri TM , Stewart RJ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (31) 1023-1025 Limited data are available about transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), among youths. During June 17-20, an overnight camp in Georgia (camp A) held orientation for 138 trainees and 120 staff members; staff members remained for the first camp session, scheduled during June 21-27, and were joined by 363 campers and three senior staff members on June 21. Camp A adhered to the measures in Georgia's Executive Order* that allowed overnight camps to operate beginning on May 31, including requiring all trainees, staff members, and campers to provide documentation of a negative viral SARS-CoV-2 test ≤12 days before arriving. Camp A adopted most(†) components of CDC's Suggestions for Youth and Summer Camps(§) to minimize the risk for SARS-CoV-2 introduction and transmission. Measures not implemented were cloth masks for campers and opening windows and doors for increased ventilation in buildings. Cloth masks were required for staff members. Camp attendees were cohorted by cabin and engaged in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, including daily vigorous singing and cheering. On June 23, a teenage staff member left camp A after developing chills the previous evening. The staff member was tested and reported a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 the following day (June 24). Camp A officials began sending campers home on June 24 and closed the camp on June 27. On June 25, the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) was notified and initiated an investigation. DPH recommended that all attendees be tested and self-quarantine, and isolate if they had a positive test result. |
Estimated Community Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies - Two Georgia Counties, April 28-May 3, 2020.
Biggs HM , Harris JB , Breakwell L , Dahlgren FS , Abedi GR , Szablewski CM , Drobeniuc J , Bustamante ND , Almendares O , Schnall AH , Gilani Z , Smith T , Gieraltowski L , Johnson JA , Bajema KL , McDavid K , Schafer IJ , Sullivan V , Punkova L , Tejada-Strop A , Amiling R , Mattison CP , Cortese MM , Ford SE , Paxton LA , Drenzek C , Tate JE , CDC Field Surveyor Team , Brown Nicole , Chang Karen T , Deputy Nicholas P , Desamu-Thorpe Rodel , Gorishek Chase , Hanchey Arianna , Melgar Michael , Monroe Benjamin P , Nielsen Carrie F , Pellegrini Gerald JJr , Shamout Mays , Tison Laura I , Vagi Sara , Zacks Rachael . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (29) 965-970 Transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is ongoing in many communities throughout the United States. Although case-based and syndromic surveillance are critical for monitoring the pandemic, these systems rely on persons obtaining testing or reporting a COVID-19-like illness. Using serologic tests to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies is an adjunctive strategy that estimates the prevalence of past infection in a population. During April 28-May 3, 2020, coinciding with the end of a statewide shelter-in-place order, CDC and the Georgia Department of Public Health conducted a serologic survey in DeKalb and Fulton counties in metropolitan Atlanta to estimate SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in the population. A two-stage cluster sampling design was used to randomly select 30 census blocks in each county, with a target of seven participating households per census block. Weighted estimates were calculated to account for the probability of selection and adjusted for age group, sex, and race/ethnicity. A total of 394 households and 696 persons participated and had a serology result; 19 (2.7%) of 696 persons had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies detected. The estimated weighted seroprevalence across these two metropolitan Atlanta counties was 2.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4-4.5). Non-Hispanic black participants more commonly had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies than did participants of other racial/ethnic groups (p<0.01). Among persons with SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, 13 (weighted % = 49.9; 95% CI = 24.4-75.5) reported a COVID-19-compatible illness,* six (weighted % = 28.2; 95% CI = 11.9-53.3) sought medical care for a COVID-19-compatible illness, and five (weighted % = 15.7; 95% CI = 5.1-39.4) had been tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection, demonstrating that many of these infections would not have been identified through case-based or syndromic surveillance. The relatively low seroprevalence estimate in this report indicates that most persons in the catchment area had not been infected with SARS-CoV-2 at the time of the survey. Continued preventive measures, including social distancing, consistent and correct use of face coverings, and hand hygiene, remain critical in controlling community spread of SARS-CoV-2. |
Characteristics Associated with Hospitalization Among Patients with COVID-19 - Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, March-April 2020.
Killerby ME , Link-Gelles R , Haight SC , Schrodt CA , England L , Gomes DJ , Shamout M , Pettrone K , O'Laughlin K , Kimball A , Blau EF , Burnett E , Ladva CN , Szablewski CM , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Oosmanally N , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Blum JM , Hollberg J , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Shimabukuro T , Midgley CM , Tate JE , CDC COVID-19 Response Clinical Team , Browning Sean D , Bruce Beau B , da Silva Juliana , Gold Jeremy AW , Jackson Brendan R , Bamrah Morris Sapna , Natarajan Pavithra , Neblett Fanfair Robyn , Patel Priti R , Rogers-Brown Jessica , Rossow John , Wong Karen K . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (25) 790-794 The first reported U.S. case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was detected in January 2020 (1). As of June 15, 2020, approximately 2 million cases and 115,000 COVID-19-associated deaths have been reported in the United States.* Reports of U.S. patients hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 infection (the virus that causes COVID-19) describe high proportions of older, male, and black persons (2-4). Similarly, when comparing hospitalized patients with catchment area populations or nonhospitalized COVID-19 patients, high proportions have underlying conditions, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, or chronic respiratory disease (3,4). For this report, data were abstracted from the medical records of 220 hospitalized and 311 nonhospitalized patients aged >/=18 years with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 from six acute care hospitals and associated outpatient clinics in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. Multivariable analyses were performed to identify patient characteristics associated with hospitalization. The following characteristics were independently associated with hospitalization: age >/=65 years (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 3.4), black race (aOR = 3.2), having diabetes mellitus (aOR = 3.1), lack of insurance (aOR = 2.8), male sex (aOR = 2.4), smoking (aOR = 2.3), and obesity (aOR = 1.9). Infection with SARS-CoV-2 can lead to severe outcomes, including death, and measures to protect persons from infection, such as staying at home, social distancing (5), and awareness and management of underlying conditions should be emphasized for those at highest risk for hospitalization with COVID-19. Measures that prevent the spread of infection to others, such as wearing cloth face coverings (6), should be used whenever possible to protect groups at high risk. Potential barriers to the ability to adhere to these measures need to be addressed. |
Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Adult Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 - Georgia, March 2020.
Gold JAW , Wong KK , Szablewski CM , Patel PR , Rossow J , da Silva J , Natarajan P , Morris SB , Fanfair RN , Rogers-Brown J , Bruce BB , Browning SD , Hernandez-Romieu AC , Furukawa NW , Kang M , Evans ME , Oosmanally N , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Hollberg J , Blum JM , Jansen R , Wright DW , Sewell WM3rd , Owens JD , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Burton DC , Uyeki TM , Bialek SR , Jackson BR . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (18) 545-550 SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), was first detected in the United States during January 2020 (1). Since then, >980,000 cases have been reported in the United States, including >55,000 associated deaths as of April 28, 2020 (2). Detailed data on demographic characteristics, underlying medical conditions, and clinical outcomes for persons hospitalized with COVID-19 are needed to inform prevention strategies and community-specific intervention messages. For this report, CDC, the Georgia Department of Public Health, and eight Georgia hospitals (seven in metropolitan Atlanta and one in southern Georgia) summarized medical record-abstracted data for hospitalized adult patients with laboratory-confirmed* COVID-19 who were admitted during March 2020. Among 305 hospitalized patients with COVID-19, 61.6% were aged <65 years, 50.5% were female, and 83.2% with known race/ethnicity were non-Hispanic black (black). Over a quarter of patients (26.2%) did not have conditions thought to put them at higher risk for severe disease, including being aged >/=65 years. The proportion of hospitalized patients who were black was higher than expected based on overall hospital admissions. In an adjusted time-to-event analysis, black patients were not more likely than were nonblack patients to receive invasive mechanical ventilation(dagger) (IMV) or to die during hospitalization (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.63; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.35-1.13). Given the overrepresentation of black patients within this hospitalized cohort, it is important for public health officials to ensure that prevention activities prioritize communities and racial/ethnic groups most affected by COVID-19. Clinicians and public officials should be aware that all adults, regardless of underlying conditions or age, are at risk for serious illness from COVID-19. |
Psittacosis outbreak among workers at chicken slaughter plants, Virginia and Georgia, USA, 2018
Shaw KA , Szablewski CM , Kellner S , Kornegay L , Bair P , Brennan S , Kunkes A , Davis M , McGovern OL , Winchell J , Kobayashi M , Burton N , de Perio MA , Gabel J , Drenzek C , Murphy J , Holsinger C , Forlano L . Emerg Infect Dis 2019 25 (11) 2143-2145 During August-October, 2018, an outbreak of severe respiratory illness was reported among poultry slaughter plant workers in Virginia and Georgia, USA. A multiorganizational team investigated the cause and extent of illness, determined that the illness was psittacosis, and evaluated and recommended controls for health hazards in the workplace to prevent additional cases. |
Anthrax cases associated with animal-hair shaving brushes
Szablewski CM , Hendricks K , Bower WA , Shadomy SV , Hupert N . Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (5) 806-808 During the First World War, anthrax cases in the United States and England increased greatly and seemed to be associated with use of new shaving brushes. Further investigation revealed that the source material and origin of shaving brushes had changed during the war. Cheap brushes of imported horsehair were being made to look like the preferred badger-hair brushes. Unfortunately, some of these brushes were not effectively disinfected and brought with them a nasty stowaway: Bacillus anthracis. A review of outbreak summaries, surveillance data, and case reports indicated that these cases originated from the use of ineffectively disinfected animal-hair shaving brushes. This historical information is relevant to current public health practice because renewed interest in vintage and animal-hair shaving brushes has been seen in popular culture. This information should help healthcare providers and public health officials answer questions on this topic. |
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