Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Vital signs: Suicide rates and selected county-level factors - United States, 2022
Cammack AL , Stevens MR , Naumann RB , Wang J , Kaczkowski W , Valderrama J , Stone DM , Lee R . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (37) 810-818 INTRODUCTION: Approximately 49,000 persons died by suicide in the United States in 2022, and provisional data indicate that a similar number died by suicide in 2023. A comprehensive approach that addresses upstream community risk and protective factors is an important component of suicide prevention. A better understanding of the role of these factors is needed, particularly among disproportionately affected populations. METHODS: Suicide deaths were identified in the 2022 National Vital Statistics System. County-level factors, identified from federal data sources, included health insurance coverage, household broadband Internet access, and household income. Rates and levels of factors categorized by tertiles were calculated and presented by race and ethnicity, sex, age, and urbanicity. RESULTS: In 2022, the overall suicide rate was 14.2 per 100,000 population; rates were highest among non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons (27.1), males (23.0), and rural residents (20.0). On average, suicide rates were lowest in counties in the top one third of percentage of persons or households with health insurance coverage (13.0), access to broadband Internet (13.3), and income >100% of the federal poverty level (13.5). These factors were more strongly associated with lower suicide rates in some disproportionately affected populations; among AI/AN persons, suicide rates in counties in the highest tertile of these factors were approximately one half the rates of counties in the lowest tertile. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE: Higher levels of health insurance coverage, household broadband Internet access, and household income in communities might play a role in reducing suicide rates. Upstream programs, practices, and policies detailed in CDC's Suicide Prevention Resource for Action can be implemented by decision-makers, government agencies, and communities as they work together to address community-specific needs and save lives. |
Trends in drug overdose deaths by intent and drug categories, United States, 1999‒2022
Nguyen A , Wang J , Holland KM , Ehlman DC , Welder LE , Miller KD , Stone DM . Am J Public Health 2024 e1-e5 Objectives. To examine trends in overdose deaths by intent and drug category to better understand the recent decrease in overdose suicides amid the overdose epidemic. Methods. We examined trends in rates of overdose deaths by intent (unintentional, suicide, or undetermined) across 9 drug categories from 1999 to 2022 using US National Vital Statistics System mortality data. Results. Unintentional overdoses involving synthetic opioids, polydrug toxicity involving synthetic opioids, psychostimulants, and cocaine increased exponentially with annual percentage changes ranging from 15.0% to 104.9% during 2010 to 2022. The death rates also increased for suicides involving these drugs, especially for psychostimulants (annual percentage change = 12.9% for 2010-2022; P < .001). However, these drugs accounted for relatively small percentages of overdose suicides. The leading drug categories among suicides were antidepressants, prescription opioids, and benzodiazepines, though these deaths have decreased or leveled off in recent years. Conclusions. Different drugs commonly involved in suicides and unintentional overdoses may contribute to their divergent trends. Public Health Implications. Amid the overdose epidemic, safe storage of medications remains a crucial strategy to prevent overdose suicides. The large increases in suicides involving psychostimulants warrant monitoring. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print August 8, 2024:e1-e5. |
Economic cost of US suicide and nonfatal self-harm
Peterson C , Haileyesus T , Stone DM . Am J Prev Med 2024 INTRODUCTION: The US age-adjusted suicide rate is 35% higher than two decades ago and the COVID-19 pandemic era highlighted the urgent need to address nonfatal self-harm, particularly among youth. This study aimed to report the estimated annual economic cost of US suicide and nonfatal self-harm. METHODS: In 2023 CDC's WISQARS Cost of Injury provided the retrospective number of suicides and nonfatal self-harm injury emergency department (ED) visits from national surveillance sources by sex and age group, as well as the estimated annual economic cost of associated medical spending, lost work productivity, reduced quality of life from injury morbidity, and avoidable mortality based on the value of statistical life during 2015-2020. RESULTS: The economic cost of suicide and nonfatal self-harm averaged $510 billion (2020 USD) annually, the majority from life years lost to suicide. Working-aged adults (aged 25-64 years) comprised nearly 75% of the average annual economic cost of suicide ($356B of $484B) and children and younger adults (aged 10-44 years) comprised nearly 75% of the average annual economic cost of nonfatal self-harm injuries ($19B of $26B). CONCLUSIONS: Suicide and self-harm have substantial societal costs. Measuring the consequences in terms of comprehensive economic cost can inform investments in suicide prevention strategies. |
CDC guidance for community response to suicide clusters, United States, 2024
Ivey-Stephenson AZ , Ballesteros MF , Trinh E , Stone DM , Crosby AE . MMWR Suppl 2024 73 (2) 17-26 This is the third of three reports in the MMWR supplement that updates and expands CDC's guidance for assessing, investigating, and responding to suicide clusters based on current science and public health practice. The first report, Background and Rationale - CDC Guidance for Communities Assessing, Investigating, and Responding to Suicide Clusters, United States, 2024, describes an overview of suicide clusters, methods used to develop the supplement guidance, and intended use of the supplement reports. The second report, CDC Guidance for Community Assessment and Investigation of Suspected Suicide Clusters, United States, 2024, describes the potential methods, data sources, and analysis that communities can use to identify and confirm suspected suicide clusters and better understand the relevant issues. This report describes how local public health and community leaders can develop a response plan for suicide clusters. Specifically, the steps for responding to a suicide cluster include preparation, direct response, and action for prevention. These steps are not intended to be explicitly adopted but rather adapted into the local context, culture, capacity, circumstances, and needs for each suicide cluster. |
Suicidal ideation and behaviors among high school students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2019
Ivey-Stephenson AZ , Demissie Z , Crosby AE , Stone DM , Gaylor E , Wilkins N , Lowry R , Brown M . MMWR Suppl 2020 69 (1) 47-55 Suicide is the second leading cause of death among high school-aged youths 14-18 years after unintentional injuries. This report summarizes data regarding suicidal ideation (i.e., seriously considered suicide) and behaviors (i.e., made a suicide plan, attempted suicide, and made a suicide attempt requiring medical treatment) from CDC's 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Results are reported overall and by sex, grade, race/ethnicity, sexual identity, and sex of sexual contacts, overall and within sex groups. Trends in suicide attempts during 2009-2019 are also reported by sex, race/ethnicity, and grade. During 2009-2019, prevalence of suicide attempts increased overall and among female, non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and 12th-grade students. Data from 2019 reflect substantial differences by demographics regarding suicidal ideation and behaviors. For example, during 2019, a total of 18.8% of students reported having seriously considered suicide, with prevalence estimates highest among females (24.1%); white non-Hispanic students (19.1%); students who reported having sex with persons of the same sex or with both sexes (54.2%); and students who identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (46.8%). Among all students, 8.9% reported having attempted suicide, with prevalence estimates highest among females (11.0%); black non-Hispanic students (11.8%); students who reported having sex with persons of the same sex or with both sexes (30.3%); and students who identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (23.4%). Comprehensive suicide prevention can address these differences and reduce prevalence of suicidal ideation and behaviors by implementing programs, practices, and policies that prevent suicide (e.g., parenting programs), supporting persons currently at risk (e.g., psychotherapy), preventing reattempts (e.g., emergency department follow-up), and attending to persons who have lost a friend or loved one to suicide. |
Suicide rates by industry and occupation - National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2021
Sussell A , Peterson C , Li J , Miniño A , Scott KA , Stone DM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (50) 1346-1350 The suicide rate among the U.S. working-age population has increased approximately 33% during the last 2 decades. To guide suicide prevention strategies, CDC analyzed suicide deaths by industry and occupation in 49 states, using data from the 2021 National Vital Statistics System. Industry (the business activity of a person's employer or, if self-employed, their own business) and occupation (a person's job or the type of work they do) are distinct ways to categorize employment. The overall suicide rates by sex in the civilian noninstitutionalized working population were 32.0 per 100,000 among males and 8.0 per 100,000 among females. Major industry groups with the highest suicide rates included Mining (males = 72.0); Construction (males = 56.0; females = 10.4); Other Services (e.g., automotive repair; males = 50.6; females = 10.4); Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (males = 47.9; females = 15.0); and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting (males = 47.9). Major occupation groups with the highest suicide rates included Construction and Extraction (males = 65.6; females = 25.3); Farming, Fishing, and Forestry (e.g., agricultural workers; males = 49.9); Personal Care and Service (males = 47.1; females = 15.9); Installation, Maintenance, and Repair (males = 46.0; females = 26.6); and Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media (males = 44.5; females = 14.1). By integrating recommended programs, practices, and training into existing policies, workplaces can be important settings for suicide prevention. CDC provides evidence-based suicide prevention strategies in its Suicide Prevention Resource for Action and Critical Steps Your Workplace Can Take Today to Prevent Suicide, NIOSH Science Blog. |
Notes from the field: Firearm suicide rates, by race and ethnicity - United States, 2019-2022
Kaczkowski W , Kegler SR , Chen MS , Zwald ML , Stone DM , Sumner SA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (48) 1307-1308 Suicide, including firearm suicide, remains a substantial public health concern in the United States. During the previous 2 decades, overall suicide rates and firearm suicide rates have risen by approximately one third, approaching 50,000 overall suicides during 2022, including approximately 27,000 firearm suicides (1). Firearm suicides account for approximately one half of all suicides, and this proportion has been increasing (2,3). This analysis includes national firearm suicide data from 2019 through the end of 2022, categorized by race and ethnicity, presented both annually and by month (or quarterly) to track subannual changes. |
Inconsistencies in Overdose Suicide Death Investigation Practice and Potential Remedies Using Technology: A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Consultation Meeting Summary
Mercado MC , Stone DM , Kokubun CW , Trudeau AT , Gaylor E , Holland KM , Bartholow BN . Acad Forensic Pathol 2021 11 (2) 83-93 INTRODUCTION: It is widely accepted that suicides-which account for more than 47 500 deaths per year in the United States-are undercounted by 10% to 30%, partially due to incomplete death scene investigations (DSI) and varying burden-of-proof standards across jurisdictions. This may result in the misclassification of overdose-related suicides as accidents or undetermined intent. METHODS: Virtual and in-person meetings were held with suicidologists and DSI experts from five states (Spring-Summer 2017) to explore how features of a hypothetical electronic DSI tool may help address these challenges. RESULTS: Participants envisioned a mobile DSI application for cell phones, tablets, or laptop computers. Features for systematic information collection, scene description, and guiding key informant interviews were perceived as useful for less-experienced investigators. DISCUSSION: Wide adoption may be challenging due to differences in DSI standards, practices, costs, data privacy and security, and system integration needs. However, technological tools that support consistent and complete DSIs could strengthen the information needed to accurately identify overdose suicides. |
Association of recent violence encounters with suicidal ideation among adolescents with depression
Wang J , Harrer S , Zwald ML , Leemis RW , Holland KM , Stone DM , McDavid Harrison K , Swedo EA . JAMA Netw Open 2023 6 (3) e231190 IMPORTANCE: Suicide prevention is an important component of depression management. Knowledge about depressed adolescents with increased risk for suicide can inform suicide prevention efforts. OBJECTIVE: To describe the risk of documented suicidal ideation within a year following a diagnosis of depression and to examine how the risk of documented suicidal ideation differed by recent violence encounter status among adolescents with new depression diagnoses. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Retrospective cohort study in clinical settings including outpatient facilities, emergency departments, and hospitals. Using IBM's Explorys database containing electronic health records from 26 US health care networks, this study observed a cohort of adolescents with new depression diagnoses from 2017 to 2018 for up to 1 year. Data were analyzed from July 2020 to July 2021. EXPOSURES: Recent violence encounter was defined by a diagnosis of child maltreatment (physical, sexual, or psychological abuse or neglect) or physical assault within 1 year before depression diagnosis. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The main outcome was diagnosis of suicidal ideation within 1 year following depression diagnosis. Multivariable adjusted risk ratios of suicidal ideation were calculated for overall recent violence encounters and for individual forms of violence. RESULTS: Among a total of 24 047 adolescents with depression, 16 106 (67.0%) were female and 13 437 (55.9%) were White. A total of 378 had experienceda violence (hereafter, encounter group) and 23 669 had not (hereafter, nonencounter group). Following the diagnosis of depression, 104 adolescents with any past-year violence encounter (27.5%) documented suicidal ideation within 1 year. In contrast, 3185 adolescents in the nonencounter group (13.5%) experienced thoughts of suicide following the diagnosis of depression. In multivariable analyses, those with any violence encounter had 1.7 times (95% CI 1.4-2.0) higher risk of documented suicidal ideation compared with those in the nonencounter group (P < .001). Among different forms of violence, sexual abuse (risk ratio, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.6-2.8) and physical assault (risk ratio, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.3-2.2) were associated with significantly increased risk of suicidal ideation. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Among adolescents with depression, persons who experienced past-year violence encounters showed a higher rate of suicidal ideation than those who had not. These findings highlight the importance of identifying and accounting for past violence encounters when treating adolescents with depression to reduce risk of suicide. Public health approaches to prevent violence may help to avert morbidity associated with depression and suicidal ideation. |
Notes from the field: Recent changes in suicide rates, by race and ethnicity and age group - United States, 2021
Stone DM , Mack KA , Qualters J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (6) 160-162 Suicide is a serious public health problem in the United States. After 2 consecutive years of declines in suicide (47,511 in 2019 and 45,979 in 2020), 2021 data indicate an increase in suicide to 48,183, nearly returning to the 2018 peak (48,344) with an age-adjusted rate of 14.1 suicides per 100,000 population (versus 14.2 in 2018).* To understand how this increase is distributed across racial and ethnic groups, CDC analyzed changes in racial and ethnic age-adjusted and age-specific suicide rates during 2018–2021. | | Suicides were identified from the National Vital Statistics System multiple cause-of-death mortality files for 2018–2021. Age-adjusted rates and 95% CIs were calculated using the direct method and the 2000 U.S. standard population. Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) persons could be of any race, and racial groups excluded persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Persons with unknown ethnicity were excluded from race and ethnicity groups but were included in the overall total. Differences in rates from 2018 to 2021 were compared using z-tests when deaths were ≥100; p-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. When deaths were <100, differences in rates were considered significant if CIs based on a gamma distribution did not overlap. This activity was reviewed by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.† |
Notes from the Field: Increases in Firearm Homicide and Suicide Rates - United States, 2020-2021
Simon TR , Kegler SR , Zwald ML , Chen MS , Mercy JA , Jones CM , Mercado-Crespo MC , Blair JM , Stone DM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (40) 1286-1287 The firearm homicide rate in the United States increased nearly 35% from 2019 to 2020, coinciding with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic (1). This increase affected all ages and most population groups, but not equally: existing disparities, including racial and ethnic disparities, widened. The firearm suicide rate was higher than the firearm homicide rate in 2020 and remained consistent with recent years overall; however, increases were observed in some groups (1). To assess potential increases from 2020 to 2021, final 2020 and provisional 2021, National Vital Statistics System mortality data and U.S. Census Bureau population estimates were used to examine all-cause homicide and suicide rates; firearm homicide and suicide rates overall and by sex, age,* race and ethnicity; and the percentage of homicides and suicides from firearm injuries.† This activity was reviewed by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.§ |
Suicide among males across the lifespan: An analysis of differences by known mental health status
Fowler KA , Kaplan MS , Stone DM , Zhou H , Stevens MR , Simon TR . Am J Prev Med 2022 63 (3) 419-422 INTRODUCTION: Suicide among males is a major public health challenge. In 2019, males accounted for nearly 80% of the suicide deaths in the U.S., and suicide was the eighth leading cause of death for males aged ≥10 years. Males who die by suicide are less likely to have known mental health conditions than females; therefore, it is important to identify prevention points outside of mental health systems. The purpose of this analysis was to compare suicide characteristics among males with and without known mental health conditions by age group to inform prevention. METHODS: Suicides among 4 age groups of males were examined using the 3 most recent years of data at the time of the analysis (2016-2018) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Violent Death Reporting System. Decedents with and without known mental health conditions were compared within age groups. The analysis was conducted in August 2021. RESULTS: Most male suicide decedents had no known mental health conditions. More frequently, those without known mental health conditions died by firearm, and many tested positive for alcohol. Adolescents, young adults, and middle-aged males without known mental health conditions more often had relationship problems, arguments, and/or a crisis as a precipitating circumstance than those with known mental health conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Acute stressors more often precipitated suicides of males without known mental health conditions, and they more often involved firearms. These findings underscore the importance of mitigating acute situational stressors that could contribute to emotionally reactive/impulsive suicides. Suicide prevention initiatives targeting males might focus on age-specific precipitating circumstances in addition to standard psychiatric markers. |
Vital Signs: Changes in Firearm Homicide and Suicide Rates - United States, 2019-2020.
Kegler SR , Simon TR , Zwald ML , Chen MS , Mercy JA , Jones CM , Mercado-Crespo MC , Blair JM , Stone DM , Ottley PG , Dills J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (19) 656-663 INTRODUCTION: The majority of homicides (79%) and suicides (53%) in the United States involved a firearm in 2020. High firearm homicide and suicide rates and corresponding inequities by race and ethnicity and poverty level represent important public health concerns. This study examined changes in firearm homicide and firearm suicide rates coinciding with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. METHODS: National vital statistics and population data were integrated with urbanization and poverty measures at the county level. Population-based firearm homicide and suicide rates were examined by age, sex, race and ethnicity, geographic area, level of urbanization, and level of poverty. RESULTS: From 2019 to 2020, the overall firearm homicide rate increased 34.6%, from 4.6 to 6.1 per 100,000 persons. The largest increases occurred among non-Hispanic Black or African American males aged 10-44 years and non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) males aged 25-44 years. Rates of firearm homicide were lowest and increased least at the lowest poverty level and were higher and showed larger increases at higher poverty levels. The overall firearm suicide rate remained relatively unchanged from 2019 to 2020 (7.9 to 8.1); however, in some populations, including AI/AN males aged 10-44 years, rates did increase. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the firearm homicide rate in the United States reached its highest level since 1994, with substantial increases among several population subgroups. These increases have widened disparities in rates by race and ethnicity and poverty level. Several increases in firearm suicide rates were also observed. Implementation of comprehensive strategies employing proven approaches that address underlying economic, physical, and social conditions contributing to the risks for violence and suicide is urgently needed to reduce these rates and disparities. |
Rural-urban comparisons in the rates of self-harm, U.S., 2018
Wang J , Brown MM , Ivey-Stephenson AZ , Xu L , Stone DM . Am J Prev Med 2022 63 (1) 117-120 INTRODUCTION: This study compares rural and urban differences in the rates of nonfatal self-harm in the U.S. in 2018. METHODS: Nationwide Emergency Department Sample and Census data were analyzed to calculate the RR of emergency department visits for self-harm between rural and urban residents. The analyses were conducted in 2021. RESULTS: Among a weighted total of 488,000 emergency department visits for self-harm in the U.S., 80.5% were urban residents, and 18.3% were rural residents. In both settings, poisoning was the most common mechanism for self-harm, followed by cutting. Firearm-related self-harm and suffocation each accounted for <2% of total self-harm cases. Overall, the age-adjusted emergency department visit rate for self-harm was 252.3 per 100,000 for rural residents, which was 1.5 (95% CI=1.4, 1.6) times greater than the rate for urban residents (170.8 per 100,000 residents). The rates of self-harm among rural residents were higher than those of urban residents for both male and female residents, for all age groups except people aged ≥65 years, and by all mechanisms. CONCLUSIONS: Comprehensive suicide prevention strategies tailored to rural communities may mitigate the rural-urban disparity in morbidity from suicidal behavior. |
Changes in suicide rates - United States, 2019 and 2020
Ehlman DC , Yard E , Stone DM , Jones CM , Mack KA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (8) 306-312 Suicide was among the 10 leading causes of death in the United States in 2020 among persons aged 10-64 years, and the second leading cause of death among children and adolescents aged 10-14 and adults aged 25-34 years (1). During 1999-2020, nearly 840,000 lives were lost to suicide in the United States. During that period, the overall suicide rate peaked in 2018 and declined in 2019 and 2020 (1). Despite the recent decline in the suicide rate, factors such as social isolation, economic decline, family stressors, new or worsening mental health symptoms, and disruptions to work and school associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have raised concerns about suicide risk in the United States. During 2020, a total of 12.2 million U.S. adults reported serious thoughts of suicide and 1.2 million attempted suicide (2). To understand how changes in suicide death rates might have varied among subpopulations, CDC analyzed counts and age-adjusted suicide rates during 2019 and 2020 by demographic characteristics, mechanism of injury, county urbanization level, and state. From 2019 to 2020, the suicide rate declined by 3% overall, including 8% among females and 2% among males. Significant declines occurred in seven states but remained stable in the other states and the District of Columbia. Despite two consecutive years of declines, the overall suicide rate remains 30% higher compared with that in 2000 (1). A comprehensive approach to suicide prevention that uses data driven decision-making and implements prevention strategies with the best available evidence, especially among disproportionately affected populations (3), is critical to realizing further declines in suicide and reaching the national goal of reducing the suicide rate by 20% by 2025 (4). |
Firearm Homicides and Suicides in Major Metropolitan Areas - United States, 2015-2016 and 2018-2019
Kegler SR , Stone DM , Mercy JA , Dahlberg LL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (1) 14-18 Firearm homicides and suicides represent an ongoing public health concern in the United States. During 2018-2019, a total of 28,372 firearm homicides (including 3,612 [13%] among youths and young adults aged 10-19 years [youths]) and 48,372 firearm suicides (including 2,463 [5%] among youths) occurred among U.S. residents (1). This report is the fourth in a series* that provides statistics on firearm homicides and suicides in major metropolitan areas. As with earlier reports, this report provides a special focus on youth violence, including suicide, recognizing the magnitude of the problem and the importance of early prevention efforts. Firearm homicide and suicide rates were calculated for the 50 most populous U.S. metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs)(†) for the periods 2015-2016 and 2018-2019, separated by a transition year (2017), using mortality data from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) and population data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Following a period of decreased firearm homicide rates among persons of all ages after 2006-2007 in large metropolitan areas collectively and nationally, by 2015-2016 rates had returned to levels comparable to those observed a decade earlier and remained nearly unchanged as of 2018-2019. Firearm suicide rates among persons aged ≥10 years have continued to increase in large MSAs collectively as well as nationally. Although the youth firearm suicide rate remained much lower than the overall rate, the youth rate nationally also continued to increase, most notably outside of large MSAs. The findings in this report underscore a continued and urgent need for a comprehensive approach to prevention. This includes efforts to prevent firearm homicide and suicide in the first place and support individual persons and communities at increased risk, as well as lessening harms after firearm homicide and suicide have occurred. |
The mediating role of internalizing and externalizing symptoms in the association between child neglect and suicide attempt in adulthood
Tang S , Ports KA , Stone DM , Lin HC . Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot 2021 29 (1) 1-11 To examine the association between child neglect and adult suicide risk as well as the underlying mechanism. Adults aged 18 or older from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions Wave 3 who did not have suicide attempts before 18 were included (N = 35,275). Child neglect was categorized into emotional and physical neglect. Suicide risk was captured by suicide attempt. Mediators included internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Natural effect models along with regression analyses were used to estimate the mediated models. Respondents who reported child emotional neglect had greater odds of attempting suicide than those who did not report child emotional neglect. This association was partially mediated by internalizing symptoms. Child emotional neglect is associated with greater odds of suicide attempt and internalizing symptoms partially mediate this association. These results highlight the importance of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention which includes providing safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments to prevent child neglect. |
2021 Taxonomic update of phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales.
Kuhn JH , Adkins S , Agwanda BR , Al Kubrusli R , Alkhovsky Aльxoвcкий Cepгeй Bлaдимиpoвич SV , Amarasinghe GK , Avšič-Županc T , Ayllón MA , Bahl J , Balkema-Buschmann A , Ballinger MJ , Basler CF , Bavari S , Beer M , Bejerman N , Bennett AJ , Bente DA , Bergeron É , Bird BH , Blair CD , Blasdell KR , Blystad DR , Bojko J , Borth WB , Bradfute S , Breyta R , Briese T , Brown PA , Brown JK , Buchholz UJ , Buchmeier MJ , Bukreyev A , Burt F , Büttner C , Calisher CH , Cao 曹孟籍 M , Casas I , Chandran K , Charrel RN , Cheng Q , Chiaki 千秋祐也 Y , Chiapello M , Choi IR , Ciuffo M , Clegg JCS , Crozier I , Dal Bó E , de la Torre JC , de Lamballerie X , de Swart RL , Debat H , Dheilly NM , Di Cicco E , Di Paola N , Di Serio F , Dietzgen RG , Digiaro M , Dolnik O , Drebot MA , Drexler JF , Dundon WG , Duprex WP , Dürrwald R , Dye JM , Easton AJ , Ebihara 海老原秀喜 H , Elbeaino T , Ergünay K , Ferguson HW , Fooks AR , Forgia M , Formenty PBH , Fránová J , Freitas-Astúa J , Fu 付晶晶 J , Fürl S , Gago-Zachert S , Gāo 高福 GF , García ML , García-Sastre A , Garrison AR , Gaskin T , Gonzalez JJ , Griffiths A , Goldberg TL , Groschup MH , Günther S , Hall RA , Hammond J , Han 韩彤 T , Hepojoki J , Hewson R , Hong 洪健 J , Hong 洪霓 N , Hongo 本郷誠治 S , Horie 堀江真行 M , Hu JS , Hu T , Hughes HR , Hüttner F , Hyndman TH , Ilyas M , Jalkanen R , Jiāng 姜道宏 D , Jonson GB , Junglen S , Kadono 上遠野冨士夫 F , Kaukinen KH , Kawate M , Klempa B , Klingström J , Kobinger G , Koloniuk I , Kondō 近藤秀樹 H , Koonin EV , Krupovic M , Kubota 久保田健嗣 K , Kurath G , Laenen L , Lambert AJ , Langevin SL , Lee B , Lefkowitz EJ , Leroy EM , Li 李邵蓉 S , Li 李龙辉 L , Lǐ 李建荣 J , Liu 刘华珍 H , Lukashevich IS , Maes P , de Souza WM , Marklewitz M , Marshall SH , Marzano SL , Massart S , McCauley JW , Melzer M , Mielke-Ehret N , Miller KM , Ming TJ , Mirazimi A , Mordecai GJ , Mühlbach HP , Mühlberger E , Naidu R , Natsuaki 夏秋知英 T , Navarro JA , Netesov Heтёcoв Cepгeй Bиктopoвич SV , Neumann G , Nowotny N , Nunes MRT , Olmedo-Velarde A , Palacios G , Pallás V , Pályi B , Papa Άννα Παπά A , Paraskevopoulou Σοφία Παρασκευοπούλου S , Park AC , Parrish CR , Patterson DA , Pauvolid-Corrêa A , Pawęska JT , Payne S , Peracchio C , Pérez DR , Postler TS , Qi 亓立莹 L , Radoshitzky SR , Resende RO , Reyes CA , Rima BK , Luna GR , Romanowski V , Rota P , Rubbenstroth D , Rubino L , Runstadler JA , Sabanadzovic S , Sall AA , Salvato MS , Sang R , Sasaya 笹谷孝英 T , Schulze AD , Schwemmle M , Shi 施莽 M , Shí 石晓宏 X , Shí 石正丽 Z , Shimomoto 下元祥史 Y , Shirako Y , Siddell SG , Simmonds P , Sironi M , Smagghe G , Smither S , Song 송진원 JW , Spann K , Spengler JR , Stenglein MD , Stone DM , Sugano J , Suttle CA , Tabata A , Takada 高田礼人 A , Takeuchi 竹内繁治 S , Tchouassi DP , Teffer A , Tesh RB , Thornburg NJ , Tomitaka 冨高保弘 Y , Tomonaga 朝長啓造 K , Tordo N , Torto B , Towner JS , Tsuda 津田新哉 S , Tu 涂长春 C , Turina M , Tzanetakis IE , Uchida J , Usugi 宇杉富雄 T , Vaira AM , Vallino M , van den Hoogen B , Varsani A , Vasilakis Νίκος Βασιλάκης N , Verbeek M , von Bargen S , Wada 和田治郎 J , Wahl V , Walker PJ , Wang 王林发 LF , Wang 王国平 G , Wang 王雁翔 Y , Wang 王亚琴 Y , Waqas M , Wèi 魏太云 T , Wen 温少华 S , Whitfield AE , Williams JV , Wolf YI , Wu 吴建祥 J , Xu 徐雷 L , Yanagisawa 栁澤広宣 H , Yang 杨彩霞 C , Yang 杨作坤 Z , Zerbini FM , Zhai 翟立峰 L , Zhang 张永振 YZ , Zhang 张松 S , Zhang 张靖国 J , Zhang 张哲 Z , Zhou 周雪平 X . Arch Virol 2021 166 (12) 3513-3566 ![]() In March 2021, following the annual International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) ratification vote on newly proposed taxa, the phylum Negarnaviricota was amended and emended. The phylum was expanded by four families (Aliusviridae, Crepuscuviridae, Myriaviridae, and Natareviridae), three subfamilies (Alpharhabdovirinae, Betarhabdovirinae, and Gammarhabdovirinae), 42 genera, and 200 species. Thirty-nine species were renamed and/or moved and seven species were abolished. This article presents the updated taxonomy of Negarnaviricota as now accepted by the ICTV. |
Emergency Department Visits for Suspected Suicide Attempts Among Persons Aged 12-25 Years Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic - United States, January 2019-May 2021.
Yard E , Radhakrishnan L , Ballesteros MF , Sheppard M , Gates A , Stein Z , Hartnett K , Kite-Powell A , Rodgers L , Adjemian J , Ehlman DC , Holland K , Idaikkadar N , Ivey-Stephenson A , Martinez P , Law R , Stone DM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (24) 888-894 Beginning in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and response, which included physical distancing and stay-at-home orders, disrupted daily life in the United States. Compared with the rate in 2019, a 31% increase in the proportion of mental health-related emergency department (ED) visits occurred among adolescents aged 12-17 years in 2020 (1). In June 2020, 25% of surveyed adults aged 18-24 years reported experiencing suicidal ideation related to the pandemic in the past 30 days (2). More recent patterns of ED visits for suspected suicide attempts among these age groups are unclear. Using data from the National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP),* CDC examined trends in ED visits for suspected suicide attempts(†) during January 1, 2019-May 15, 2021, among persons aged 12-25 years, by sex, and at three distinct phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. Compared with the corresponding period in 2019, persons aged 12-25 years made fewer ED visits for suspected suicide attempts during March 29-April 25, 2020. However, by early May 2020, ED visit counts for suspected suicide attempts began increasing among adolescents aged 12-17 years, especially among girls. During July 26-August 22, 2020, the mean weekly number of ED visits for suspected suicide attempts among girls aged 12-17 years was 26.2% higher than during the same period a year earlier; during February 21-March 20, 2021, mean weekly ED visit counts for suspected suicide attempts were 50.6% higher among girls aged 12-17 years compared with the same period in 2019. Suicide prevention measures focused on young persons call for a comprehensive approach, that is adapted during times of infrastructure disruption, involving multisectoral partnerships (e.g., public health, mental health, schools, and families) and implementation of evidence-based strategies (3) that address the range of factors influencing suicide risk. |
Changes in suicide rates - United States, 2018-2019
Stone DM , Jones CM , Mack KA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (8) 261-268 Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States overall, and the second and fourth leading cause among persons aged 10-34 and 35-44 years, respectively (1). In just over 2 decades (1999-2019), approximately 800,000 deaths were attributed to suicide, with a 33% increase in the suicide rate over the period (1). In 2019, a total of 12 million adults reported serious thoughts of suicide during the past year, 3.5 million planned a suicide, and 1.4 million attempted suicide (2). Suicides and suicide attempts in 2019 led to a lifetime combined medical and work-loss cost (i.e., the costs that accrue from the time of the injury through the course of a person's expected lifetime) of approximately $70 billion ( From 2018 to 2019, the overall suicide rate declined for the first time in over a decade (1). To understand how the decline varied among different subpopulations by demographic and other characteristics, CDC analyzed changes in counts and age-adjusted suicide rates from 2018 to 2019 by demographic characteristics, county urbanicity, mechanism of injury, and state. Z-tests and 95% confidence intervals were used to assess statistical significance. Suicide rates declined by 2.1% overall, by 3.2% among females, and by 1.8% among males. Significant declines occurred, overall, in five states. Other significant declines were noted among subgroups defined by race/ethnicity, age, urbanicity, and suicide mechanism. These declines, although encouraging, were not uniform, and several states experienced significant rate increases. A comprehensive approach to prevention that uses data to drive decision-making, implements prevention strategies from CDC's Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices with the best available evidence, and targets the multiple risk factors associated with suicide, especially in populations disproportionately affected, is needed to build on initial progress from 2018 to 2019 (3). |
Trends in US Emergency Department Visits for Mental Health, Overdose, and Violence Outcomes Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Holland KM , Jones C , Vivolo-Kantor AM , Idaikkadar N , Zwald M , Hoots B , Yard E , D'Inverno A , Swedo E , Chen MS , Petrosky E , Board A , Martinez P , Stone DM , Law R , Coletta MA , Adjemian J , Thomas C , Puddy RW , Peacock G , Dowling NF , Houry D . JAMA Psychiatry 2021 78 (4) 372-379 IMPORTANCE: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, associated mitigation measures, and social and economic impacts may affect mental health, suicidal behavior, substance use, and violence. OBJECTIVE: To examine changes in US emergency department (ED) visits for mental health conditions (MHCs), suicide attempts (SAs), overdose (OD), and violence outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cross-sectional study used data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Syndromic Surveillance Program to examine national changes in ED visits for MHCs, SAs, ODs, and violence from December 30, 2018, to October 10, 2020 (before and during the COVID-19 pandemic). The National Syndromic Surveillance Program captures approximately 70% of US ED visits from more than 3500 EDs that cover 48 states and Washington, DC. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Outcome measures were MHCs, SAs, all drug ODs, opioid ODs, intimate partner violence (IPV), and suspected child abuse and neglect (SCAN) ED visit counts and rates. Weekly ED visit counts and rates were computed overall and stratified by sex. RESULTS: From December 30, 2018, to October 10, 2020, a total of 187 508 065 total ED visits (53.6% female and 46.1% male) were captured; 6 018 318 included at least 1 study outcome (visits not mutually exclusive). Total ED visit volume decreased after COVID-19 mitigation measures were implemented in the US beginning on March 16, 2020. Weekly ED visit counts for all 6 outcomes decreased between March 8 and 28, 2020 (March 8: MHCs = 42 903, SAs = 5212, all ODs = 14 543, opioid ODs = 4752, IPV = 444, and SCAN = 1090; March 28: MHCs = 17 574, SAs = 4241, all ODs = 12 399, opioid ODs = 4306, IPV = 347, and SCAN = 487). Conversely, ED visit rates increased beginning the week of March 22 to 28, 2020. When the median ED visit counts between March 15 and October 10, 2020, were compared with the same period in 2019, the 2020 counts were significantly higher for SAs (n = 4940 vs 4656, P = .02), all ODs (n = 15 604 vs 13 371, P < .001), and opioid ODs (n = 5502 vs 4168, P < .001); counts were significantly lower for IPV ED visits (n = 442 vs 484, P < .001) and SCAN ED visits (n = 884 vs 1038, P < .001). Median rates during the same period were significantly higher in 2020 compared with 2019 for all outcomes except IPV. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: These findings suggest that ED care seeking shifts during a pandemic, underscoring the need to integrate mental health, substance use, and violence screening and prevention services into response activities during public health crises. |
2020 taxonomic update for phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales.
Kuhn JH , Adkins S , Alioto D , Alkhovsky SV , Amarasinghe GK , Anthony SJ , Avšič-Županc T , Ayllón MA , Bahl J , Balkema-Buschmann A , Ballinger MJ , Bartonička T , Basler C , Bavari S , Beer M , Bente DA , Bergeron É , Bird BH , Blair C , Blasdell KR , Bradfute SB , Breyta R , Briese T , Brown PA , Buchholz UJ , Buchmeier MJ , Bukreyev A , Burt F , Buzkan N , Calisher CH , Cao M , Casas I , Chamberlain J , Chandran K , Charrel RN , Chen B , Chiumenti M , Choi IR , Clegg JCS , Crozier I , da Graça JV , Dal Bó E , Dávila AMR , de la Torre JC , de Lamballerie X , de Swart RL , Di Bello PL , Di Paola N , Di Serio F , Dietzgen RG , Digiaro M , Dolja VV , Dolnik O , Drebot MA , Drexler JF , Dürrwald R , Dufkova L , Dundon WG , Duprex WP , Dye JM , Easton AJ , Ebihara H , Elbeaino T , Ergünay K , Fernandes J , Fooks AR , Formenty PBH , Forth LF , Fouchier RAM , Freitas-Astúa J , Gago-Zachert S , Gāo GF , García ML , García-Sastre A , Garrison AR , Gbakima A , Goldstein T , Gonzalez JJ , Griffiths A , Groschup MH , Günther S , Guterres A , Hall RA , Hammond J , Hassan M , Hepojoki J , Hepojoki S , Hetzel U , Hewson R , Hoffmann B , Hongo S , Höper D , Horie M , Hughes HR , Hyndman TH , Jambai A , Jardim R , Jiāng D , Jin Q , Jonson GB , Junglen S , Karadağ S , Keller KE , Klempa B , Klingström J , Kobinger G , Kondō H , Koonin EV , Krupovic M , Kurath G , Kuzmin IV , Laenen L , Lamb RA , Lambert AJ , Langevin SL , Lee B , Lemos ERS , Leroy EM , Li D , Lǐ J , Liang M , Liú W , Liú Y , Lukashevich IS , Maes P , Marciel de Souza W , Marklewitz M , Marshall SH , Martelli GP , Martin RR , Marzano SL , Massart S , McCauley JW , Mielke-Ehret N , Minafra A , Minutolo M , Mirazimi A , Mühlbach HP , Mühlberger E , Naidu R , Natsuaki T , Navarro B , Navarro JA , Netesov SV , Neumann G , Nowotny N , Nunes MRT , Nylund A , Økland AL , Oliveira RC , Palacios G , Pallas V , Pályi B , Papa A , Parrish CR , Pauvolid-Corrêa A , Pawęska JT , Payne S , Pérez DR , Pfaff F , Radoshitzky SR , Rahman AU , Ramos-González PL , Resende RO , Reyes CA , Rima BK , Romanowski V , Robles Luna G , Rota P , Rubbenstroth D , Runstadler JA , Ruzek D , Sabanadzovic S , Salát J , Sall AA , Salvato MS , Sarpkaya K , Sasaya T , Schwemmle M , Shabbir MZ , Shí X , Shí Z , Shirako Y , Simmonds P , Širmarová J , Sironi M , Smither S , Smura T , Song JW , Spann KM , Spengler JR , Stenglein MD , Stone DM , Straková P , Takada A , Tesh RB , Thornburg NJ , Tomonaga K , Tordo N , Towner JS , Turina M , Tzanetakis I , Ulrich RG , Vaira AM , van den Hoogen B , Varsani A , Vasilakis N , Verbeek M , Wahl V , Walker PJ , Wang H , Wang J , Wang X , Wang LF , Wèi T , Wells H , Whitfield AE , Williams JV , Wolf YI , Wú Z , Yang X , Yáng X , Yu X , Yutin N , Zerbini FM , Zhang T , Zhang YZ , Zhou G , Zhou X . Arch Virol 2020 165 (12) 3023-3072 ![]() In March 2020, following the annual International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) ratification vote on newly proposed taxa, the phylum Negarnaviricota was amended and emended. At the genus rank, 20 new genera were added, two were deleted, one was moved, and three were renamed. At the species rank, 160 species were added, four were deleted, ten were moved and renamed, and 30 species were renamed. This article presents the updated taxonomy of Negarnaviricota as now accepted by the ICTV. |
Peer companionship for mental health of older adults in primary care: A pragmatic, nonblinded, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial
Conwell Y , Van Orden KA , Stone DM , McIntosh WL , Messing S , Rowe J , Podgorski C , Kaukeinen KA , Tu X . Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020 29 (8) 748-757 OBJECTIVES: To determine whether peer companionship delivered by an aging services agency to socially-disconnected older adult primary care patients was associated with improvement in suicidal ideation depression, anxiety, and psychological connectedness. DESIGN: Pragmatic, nonblinded, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial comparing peer companionship, The Senior Connection (TSC), to care-as-usual (CAU). SETTING: Lifespan, a nonmedical, community-based aging services agency. PARTICIPANTS: Adult primary care patients ages 60 years or older who endorsed feelings of loneliness or being a burden on others. INTERVENTION: TSC was delivered by Lifespan volunteers who provided supportive visits and phone calls in the subjects' homes. CAU involved no peer companion assignment. MEASUREMENTS: The primary outcome was suicidal ideation assessed by the Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale; secondary outcomes were depression, anxiety, and feelings of belonging and being a burden on others. Data were collected at baseline, 3-, 6-, and 12-months. RESULTS: Subjects (55% female) had a mean age of 71 years. There was no difference between groups in change in suicidal ideation or belonging. Subjects randomized to TSC had greater reduction in depression (PHQ-9; 2.33 point reduction for TSC versus 1.32 for CAU, p = 0.05), anxiety (GAD-7; TSC 1.52 versus CAU 0.28, p = 0.03), and perceived burden on others (INQ; 0.46 TSC versus 0.09 CAU, p <0.01). CONCLUSIONS: TSC was superior to CAU for improving depression, anxiety, and perceived burden, but not suicidal ideation. Although effect sizes were small, the low-cost and nationwide availability of peer companionship justify further examination of its effectiveness and scalability in improving mental health outcomes of socially disconnected older adults. |
Traumatic brain injury-related deaths from firearm suicide: United States, 2008-2017
Miller GF , Kegler SR , Stone DM . Am J Public Health 2020 110 (6) e1-e3 Objectives. To document the increasing influence of firearm suicide on the incidence of traumatic brain injury (TBI)-related death in the United States.Methods. We used national vital statistics data from 2008 to 2017 to identify TBI-related deaths, overall and by cause, among US residents. National counts stratified by year, sex, and age group (to facilitate age adjustment) were merged with corresponding population estimates to calculate incidence rates.Results. During the 10-year period beginning in 2008, when it became the leading cause of TBI-related death in the United States, firearm suicide accounted for nearly half (48.3%) of the increase in the absolute incidence of TBI-related death when combining all injury categories showing absolute increases. Rates of TBI-related firearm suicide increased among both males and females.Conclusions. Safe storage of firearms among people at risk and training of health care providers and community members to identify and support people who may be thinking of suicide are part of a comprehensive public health approach to suicide prevention.Public Health Implications. States, communities, and health care systems can save lives by prioritizing comprehensive suicide prevention. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print April 16, 2020: e1-e3. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2020.305622). |
Tailored activation of middle-aged men to promote discussion of recent active suicide thoughts: A randomized controlled trial
Jerant A , Duberstein P , Kravitz RL , Stone DM , Cipri C , Franks P . J Gen Intern Med 2020 35 (7) 2050-2058 PURPOSE: Middle-aged men are at high risk of suicide. While about half of those who kill themselves visit a primary care clinician (PCC) shortly before death, in current practice, few spontaneously disclose their thoughts of suicide during the visits, and PCCs seldom inquire about such thoughts. In a randomized controlled trial, we examined the effect of a tailored interactive computer program designed to encourage middle-aged men's discussion of suicide with PCCs. METHODS: We recruited men 35-74 years old reporting recent (within 4 weeks) active suicide thoughts from the panels of 42 PCCs (the unit of randomization) in eight offices within a single California health system. In the office before a visit, men viewed the intervention corresponding to their PCC's random group assignment: Men and Providers Preventing Suicide (MAPS) (20 PCCs), providing tailored multimedia promoting discussion of suicide thoughts, or control (22 PCCs), composed of a sleep hygiene video plus brief non-tailored text encouraging discussion of suicide thoughts. Logistic regressions, adjusting for patient nesting within physicians, examined MAPS' effect on patient-reported suicide discussion in the subsequent office visit. RESULTS: Sixteen of the randomized PCCs had no patients enroll in the trial. From the panels of the remaining 26 PCCs (12 MAPS, 14 control), 48 men (MAPS 21, control 27) were enrolled (a mean of 1.8 (range 1-5) per PCC), with a mean age of 55.9 years (SD 11.4). Suicide discussion was more likely among MAPS patients (15/21 [65%]) than controls (8/27 [35%]). Logistic regression showed men viewing MAPS were more likely than controls to discuss suicide with their PCC (OR 5.91, 95% CI 1.59-21.94; P = 0.008; nesting-adjusted predicted effect 71% vs. 30%). CONCLUSIONS: In addressing barriers to discussing suicide, the tailored MAPS program activated middle-aged men with active suicide thoughts to engage with PCCs around this customarily taboo topic. |
Syndromic surveillance of suicidal ideation and self-directed violence - United States, January 2017-December 2018
Zwald ML , Holland KM , Annor FB , Kite-Powell A , Sumner SA , Bowen DA , Vivolo-Kantor AM , Stone DM , Crosby AE . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (4) 103-108 Suicide is a growing public health problem in the United States, claiming approximately 47,000 lives in 2017 (1). However, deaths from suicide represent only a small part of a larger problem because each year millions of persons experience suicidal ideation and engage in suicidal and nonsuicidal self-directed violence, both risk factors for suicide (2). Emergency departments (EDs) are an important setting for monitoring these events in near real time (3-5). From 2001 to 2016, ED visit rates for nonfatal self-harm increased 42% among persons aged >/=10 years (1). Using data from CDC's National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP), ED visits for suicidal ideation, self-directed violence, or both among persons aged >/=10 years during January 2017-December 2018 were examined by sex, age group, and U.S. region. During the 24-month period, the rate of ED visits for suicidal ideation, self-directed violence, or both increased 25.5% overall, with an average increase of 1.2% per month. Suicide prevention requires comprehensive and multisectoral approaches to addressing risk at personal, relationship, community, and societal levels. ED syndromic surveillance data can provide timely trend information and can support more targeted and prompt public health investigation and response. CDC's Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices includes tailored suicide prevention strategies for health care settings (6). |
Suicide rates by industry and occupation - National Violent Death Reporting System, 32 States, 2016
Peterson C , Sussell A , Li J , Schumacher PK , Yeoman K , Stone DM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (3) 57-62 In 2017, nearly 38,000 persons of working age (16-64 years) in the United States died by suicide, which represents a 40% rate increase (12.9 per 100,000 population in 2000 to 18.0 in 2017) in less than 2 decades.* To inform suicide prevention, CDC analyzed suicide data by industry and occupation among working-age decedents presumed to be employed at the time of death from the 32 states participating in the 2016 National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS).(dagger)(,)( section sign) Compared with rates in the total study population, suicide rates were significantly higher in five major industry groups: 1) Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction (males); 2) Construction (males); 3) Other Services (e.g., automotive repair) (males); 4) Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting (males); and 5) Transportation and Warehousing (males and females). Rates were also significantly higher in six major occupational groups: 1) Construction and Extraction (males and females); 2) Installation, Maintenance, and Repair (males); 3) Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media (males); 4) Transportation and Material Moving (males and females); 5) Protective Service (females); and 6) Healthcare Support (females). Rates for detailed occupational groups (e.g., Electricians or Carpenters within the Construction and Extraction major group) are presented and provide insight into the differences in suicide rates within major occupational groups. CDC's Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices (1) contains strategies to prevent suicide and is a resource for communities, including workplace settings. |
Taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales: update 2019.
Amarasinghe GK , Ayllon MA , Bao Y , Basler CF , Bavari S , Blasdell KR , Briese T , Brown PA , Bukreyev A , Balkema-Buschmann A , Buchholz UJ , Chabi-Jesus C , Chandran K , Chiapponi C , Crozier I , de Swart RL , Dietzgen RG , Dolnik O , Drexler JF , Durrwald R , Dundon WG , Duprex WP , Dye JM , Easton AJ , Fooks AR , Formenty PBH , Fouchier RAM , Freitas-Astua J , Griffiths A , Hewson R , Horie M , Hyndman TH , Jiang D , Kitajima EW , Kobinger GP , Kondo H , Kurath G , Kuzmin IV , Lamb RA , Lavazza A , Lee B , Lelli D , Leroy EM , Li J , Maes P , Marzano SL , Moreno A , Muhlberger E , Netesov SV , Nowotny N , Nylund A , Okland AL , Palacios G , Palyi B , Paweska JT , Payne SL , Prosperi A , Ramos-Gonzalez PL , Rima BK , Rota P , Rubbenstroth D , Shi M , Simmonds P , Smither SJ , Sozzi E , Spann K , Stenglein MD , Stone DM , Takada A , Tesh RB , Tomonaga K , Tordo N , Towner JS , van den Hoogen B , Vasilakis N , Wahl V , Walker PJ , Wang LF , Whitfield AE , Williams JV , Zerbini FM , Zhang T , Zhang YZ , Kuhn JH . Arch Virol 2019 164 (7) 1967-1980 ![]() In February 2019, following the annual taxon ratification vote, the order Mononegavirales was amended by the addition of four new subfamilies and 12 new genera and the creation of 28 novel species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales as now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). |
Taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales: second update 2018
Maes P , Amarasinghe GK , Ayllon MA , Basler CF , Bavari S , Blasdell KR , Briese T , Brown PA , Bukreyev A , Balkema-Buschmann A , Buchholz UJ , Chandran K , Crozier I , de Swart RL , Dietzgen RG , Dolnik O , Domier LL , Drexler JF , Durrwald R , Dundon WG , Duprex WP , Dye JM , Easton AJ , Fooks AR , Formenty PBH , Fouchier RAM , Freitas-Astua J , Ghedin E , Griffiths A , Hewson R , Horie M , Hurwitz JL , Hyndman TH , Jiang D , Kobinger GP , Kondo H , Kurath G , Kuzmin IV , Lamb RA , Lee B , Leroy EM , Li J , Marzano SL , Muhlberger E , Netesov SV , Nowotny N , Palacios G , Palyi B , Paweska JT , Payne SL , Rima BK , Rota P , Rubbenstroth D , Simmonds P , Smither SJ , Song Q , Song T , Spann K , Stenglein MD , Stone DM , Takada A , Tesh RB , Tomonaga K , Tordo N , Towner JS , van den Hoogen B , Vasilakis N , Wahl V , Walker PJ , Wang D , Wang LF , Whitfield AE , Williams JV , Ye G , Zerbini FM , Zhang YZ , Kuhn JH . Arch Virol 2019 164 (4) 1233-1244 In October 2018, the order Mononegavirales was amended by the establishment of three new families and three new genera, abolishment of two genera, and creation of 28 novel species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales as now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). |
Repeat self-inflicted injury among U.S. youth in a large medical claims database
Peterson C , Xu L , Leemis RW , Stone DM . Am J Prev Med 2019 56 (3) 411-419 INTRODUCTION: This study describes characteristics of nonfatal self-inflicted injuries and incidence of repeat self-inflicted injuries among a large convenience sample of youth (aged 10-24 years) with Medicaid or commercial insurance. METHODS: In 2018, Truven Health MarketScan medical claims data were used to identify youth with a self-inflicted injury in 2013 (or index self-inflicted injury) diagnosed in any inpatient or outpatient setting. Patients with 2 years of healthcare claims data (1 year before/after index self-inflicted injury) were assessed. Patient and injury characteristics, repeat self-inflicted injuries </=1 year, time to repeat self-inflicted injury, and number of emergency department and urgent care facility visits per patient are reported. A regression model assessed factors associated with repeat self-inflicted injuries. RESULTS: Among 4,681 self-inflicted injury patients, 70% were female. More than 71% of patients were treated for comorbidities (50% for depression) </=1 year preceding the index self-inflicted injury. Poisoning was the most common index self-inflicted injury mechanism (60% of patients). Approximately 52% of patients had one or more emergency department visit and 1% had one or more urgent care facility visit, respectively, during the 2-year observation period. More than 11% of patients repeated self-inflicted injury </=1 year (and 3% </=7 days). Repeat self-inflicted injury was associated with younger patient age, being female, a self-inflicted injury event preceding the index self-inflicted injury, index self-inflicted injury treatment setting, and patient comorbidities. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately one in ten youth repeated self-inflicted injury within 1 year and nearly half of youth with clinically treated self-inflicted injuries never received care in hospitals or emergency departments. Physicians and families should be aware of risk factors for repeat self-inflicted injury, including mental health comorbidities. Multilevel strategies are needed to prevent youth self-inflicted injuries. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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