Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Hospital-level variation in cardiac rehabilitation metrics
Pollack LM , Chang A , Thompson MP , Keteyian SJ , Stolp H , Wall HK , Sperling LS , Jackson SL . Am Heart J 2024 BACKGROUND: To inform the delivery of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) care nationwide at the hospital level, we described hospital-level variation in CR metrics, overall and stratified by the hospital's tier of cardiac care provided. METHODS: This retrospective cohort analysis used Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) data (2018-2020), Parts A and B, and American Hospital Association (AHA) data (2018). We included beneficiaries with an acute myocardial infarction (AMI), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) in 2018, aged ≥65 years, and continuously enrolled in a FFS plan. We calculated hospital-level metrics for hospitals with ≥20 CR-qualifying events, which were identified using diagnostic/procedure codes. Claims for CR were identified by Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes. We used multi-level models to examine patient- and hospital-level factors associated with CR metrics. Hospitals were stratified by tier of cardiac care provided (comprehensive, AMI/PCI, AMI-only care). RESULTS: Across the US, 2,212 hospitals treated individuals aged ≥65 years with a CR-qualifying event in 2018. By tier of cardiac care, 44.4% of hospitals provided comprehensive care, 31.2% provided AMI/PCI care, and 24.4% provided AMI-only care. Across all hospitals, there was substantial variation in CR enrollment (median 19.6%, interquartile range [IQR]=7.0%, 32.8%). Among hospitals with enrollment (n=1,866), median time to enrollment was 55.0 days (IQR=41.0, 71.0), median number of CR sessions was 26.0 (IQR=23.0, 29.0), and median percent completion was 26.0% (IQR=10.5%, 41.2%). There was also substantial variation in CR performance metrics among hospitals within each tier of cardiac care (e.g., median percent CR enrollment was 30.7% [IQR=20.7%-41.3%] among comprehensive care hospitals, 18.6% [IQR=9.5%-27.7%] among AMI/PCI hospitals, and 0.0% [IQR=0.0%-7.7%] among AMI-only hospitals). In adjusted analyses, characteristics associated with lower odds of CR enrollment included patient-level factors (older age, female sex, non-White race or ethnicity), and hospital-level factors (for-profit ownership, regions other than the Midwest, rural location, medium/large hospital size). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first national, hospital-level analysis of CR metrics among Medicare beneficiaries. Substantial variation across hospitals, including peer hospitals within the same tier of cardiac care, indicates opportunities for hospital-level quality improvement strategies to improve CR referral and participation metrics. |
County-level cardiac rehabilitation and broadband availability: Opportunities for hybrid care in the United States
DeLara DL , Pollack LM , Wall HK , Chang A , Schieb L , Matthews K , Stolp H , Pack QR , Casper M , Jackson SL . J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2024 PURPOSE: Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) improves patient outcomes and quality of life and can be provided virtually through hybrid CR. However, little is known about CR availability in conjunction with broadband access, a requirement for hybrid CR. This study examined the intersection of CR and broadband availability at the county level, nationwide. METHODS: Data were gathered and analyzed in 2022 from the 2019 American Community Survey, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Federal Communications Commission. Spatially adaptive floating catchments were used to calculate county-level percent CR availability among Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. Counties were categorized: by CR availability, whether lowest (ie, CR deserts), medium, or highest; and by broadband availability, whether CR deserts with majority-available broadband, or dual deserts. Results were stratified by state. County-level characteristics were examined for statistical significance by CR availability category. RESULTS: Almost half of US adults (n = 116 325 976, 47.2%) lived in CR desert counties (1691 counties). Among adults in CR desert counties, 96.8% were in CR deserts with majority-available broadband (112 626 906). By state, the percentage of the adult population living in CR desert counties ranged from 3.2% (New Hampshire) to 100% (Hawaii and Washington, DC). Statistically significant differences in county CR availability existed by race/ethnicity, education, and income. CONCLUSIONS: Almost half of US adults live in CR deserts. Given that up to 97% of adults living in CR deserts may have broadband access, implementation of hybrid CR programs that include a telehealth component could expand CR availability to as many as 113 million US adults. |
A new era in cardiac rehabilitation delivery: Research gaps, questions, strategies, and priorities
Beatty AL , Beckie TM , Dodson J , Goldstein CM , Hughes JW , Kraus WE , Martin SS , Olson TP , Pack QR , Stolp H , Thomas RJ , Wu WC , Franklin BA . Circulation 2023 147 (3) 254-266 Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is a guideline-recommended, multidisciplinary program of exercise training, risk factor management, and psychosocial counseling for people with cardiovascular disease (CVD) that is beneficial but underused and with substantial disparities in referral, access, and participation. The emergence of new virtual and remote delivery models has the potential to improve access to and participation in CR and ultimately improve outcomes for people with CVD. Although data suggest that new delivery models for CR have safety and efficacy similar to traditional in-person CR, questions remain regarding which participants are most likely to benefit from these models, how and where such programs should be delivered, and their effect on outcomes in diverse populations. In this review, we describe important gaps in evidence, identify relevant research questions, and propose strategies for addressing them. We highlight 4 research priorities: (1) including diverse populations in all CR research; (2) leveraging implementation methodologies to enhance equitable delivery of CR; (3) clarifying which populations are most likely to benefit from virtual and remote CR; and (4) comparing traditional in-person CR with virtual and remote CR in diverse populations using multicenter studies of important clinical, psychosocial, and cost-effectiveness outcomes that are relevant to patients, caregivers, providers, health systems, and payors. By framing these important questions, we hope to advance toward a goal of delivering high-quality CR to as many people as possible to improve outcomes in those with CVD. |
Commitment to Hypertension Control During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Million Hearts Initiative Exemplars.
Abbas A , Hannan J , Stolp H , Coronado F , Sperling LS . Prev Chronic Dis 2022 19 E47 Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, but 3 of 4 US adults do not have their blood pressure adequately controlled. Million Hearts (US Department of Health and Human Services) is a national initiative that promotes a set of priorities and interventions to optimize delivery of evidence-based strategies to manage cardiovascular disease, including hypertension. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, has disrupted routine care and preventive service delivery. We identified examples of clinical and health organizations that adapted services and care processes to continue a focus on monitoring and controlling hypertension during the pandemic. Eight Hypertension Control Exemplars were identified and interviewed. They reported various adapted care strategies including telemedicine, engaging patients in self-measured blood pressure monitoring, adapting or implementing medication management services, activating partnerships to respond to patient needs or expand services, and implementing unique patient outreach approaches. Documenting these hypertension control strategies can help increase adoption of adaptive approaches during public health emergencies and routine care. |
How do we jump-start self-measured blood pressure monitoring in the United States Addressing barriers beyond the published literature
Wall HK , Wright JS , Jackson SL , Daussat L , Ramkissoon N , Schieb LJ , Stolp H , Tong X , Loustalot F . Am J Hypertens 2022 35 (3) 244-255 Hypertension is highly prevalent in the United States, and many persons with hypertension do not have controlled blood pressure. Self-measured blood pressure monitoring (SMBP), when combined with clinical support, is an evidence-based strategy for lowering blood pressure and improving control in persons with hypertension. For years, there has been support for widespread implementation of SMBP by national organizations and the federal government, and SMBP was highlighted as a primary intervention in the 2020 Surgeon General's Call to Action to Control Hypertension, yet optimal SMBP use remains low. There are well-known patient and clinician barriers to optimal SMBP documented in the literature. We explore additional high-level barriers that have been encountered, as broad policy and systems-level changes have been attempted, and offer potential solutions. Collective efforts could modernize data transfer and processing, improve broadband access, expand device coverage and increase affordability, integrate SMBP into routine care and reimbursement practices, and strengthen patient engagement, trust, and access. |
Million Hearts Cardiac Rehabilitation Think Tank: Accelerating New Care Models.
Beatty AL , Brown TM , Corbett M , Diersing D , Keteyian SJ , Mola A , Stolp H , Wall HK , Sperling LS . Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2021 14 (10) e008215 This article describes the October 2020 proceedings of the Million Hearts Cardiac Rehabilitation Think Tank: Accelerating New Care Models, convened with representatives from professional organizations, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs, academic institutions, federal agencies, payers, and patient representative groups. As CR delivery evolves, terminology is evolving to reflect not where activities occur (eg, center, home) but how CR is delivered: in-person synchronous, synchronous with real-time audiovisual communication (virtual), or asynchronous (remote). Patients and CR staff may interact through ≥1 delivery modes. Though new models may change how CR is delivered and who can access CR, new models should not change what is delivered-a multidisciplinary program addressing CR core components. During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency, Medicare issued waivers to allow virtual CR; it is unclear whether these waivers will become permanent policy post-public health emergency. Given CR underuse and disparities in delivery, new models must equitably address patient and health system contributors to disparities. Strategies for implementing new CR care models address safety, exercise prescription, monitoring, and education. The available evidence supports the efficacy and safety of new CR care models. Still, additional research should study diverse populations, impact on patient-centered outcomes, effect on long-term outcomes and health care utilization, and implementation in diverse settings. CR is evolving to include in-person synchronous, virtual, and remote modes of delivery; there is significant enthusiasm for implementing new care models and learning how new care models can broaden access to CR, improve patient outcomes, and address health inequities. |
Risk Assessment and Management of COVID-19 Among Travelers Arriving at Designated U.S. Airports, January 17-September 13, 2020.
Dollard P , Griffin I , Berro A , Cohen NJ , Singler K , Haber Y , de la Motte Hurst C , Stolp A , Atti S , Hausman L , Shockey CE , Roohi S , Brown CM , Rotz LD , Cetron MS , Alvarado-Ramy F . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (45) 1681-1685 ![]() In January 2020, with support from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), CDC instituted an enhanced entry risk assessment and management (screening) program for air passengers arriving from certain countries with widespread, sustained transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The objectives of the screening program were to reduce the importation of COVID-19 cases into the United States and slow subsequent spread within states. Screening aimed to identify travelers with COVID-19-like illness or who had a known exposure to a person with COVID-19 and separate them from others. Screening also aimed to inform all screened travelers about self-monitoring and other recommendations to prevent disease spread and obtain their contact information to share with public health authorities in destination states. CDC delegated postarrival management of crew members to airline occupational health programs by issuing joint guidance with the Federal Aviation Administration.* During January 17-September 13, 2020, a total of 766,044 travelers were screened, 298 (0.04%) of whom met criteria for public health assessment; 35 (0.005%) were tested for SARS-CoV-2, and nine (0.001%) had a positive test result. CDC shared contact information with states for approximately 68% of screened travelers because of data collection challenges and some states' opting out of receiving data. The low case detection rate of this resource-intensive program highlighted the need for fundamental change in the U.S. border health strategy. Because SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission can occur in the absence of symptoms and because the symptoms of COVID-19 are nonspecific, symptom-based screening programs are ineffective for case detection. Since the screening program ended on September 14, 2020, efforts to reduce COVID-19 importation have focused on enhancing communications with travelers to promote recommended preventive measures, reinforcing mechanisms to refer overtly ill travelers to CDC, and enhancing public health response capacity at ports of entry. More efficient collection of contact information for international air passengers before arrival and real-time transfer of data to U.S. health departments would facilitate timely postarrival public health management, including contact tracing, when indicated. Incorporating health attestations, predeparture and postarrival testing, and a period of limited movement after higher-risk travel, might reduce risk for transmission during travel and translocation of SARS-CoV-2 between geographic areas and help guide more individualized postarrival recommendations. |
The Million Hearts Initiative: Catalyzing utilization of cardiac rehabilitation and accelerating implementation of new care models
Wall HK , Stolp H , Wright JS , Ritchey MD , Thomas RJ , Ades PA , Sperling LS . J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2020 40 (5) 290-293 Million Hearts and partners have been committed to raising national cardiac rehabilitation participation rates to a goal of 70%. Quality improvement tools, resources, and surveillance models have been developed in support. Efforts to enhance research programs and collaborative initiatives have created momentum to accelerate implementation of new care models. |
Tracking cardiac rehabilitation participation and completion among Medicare beneficiaries to inform the efforts of a national initiative
Ritchey MD , Maresh S , McNeely J , Shaffer T , Jackson SL , Keteyian SJ , Brawner CA , Whooley MA , Chang T , Stolp H , Schieb L , Wright J . Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2020 13 (1) e005902 BACKGROUND: Despite cardiac rehabilitation (CR) being shown to improve health outcomes among patients with heart disease, its use has been suboptimal. In response, the Million Hearts Cardiac Rehabilitation Collaborative developed a road map to improve CR use, including increasing participation rates to >/=70% by 2022. This observational study provides current estimates to measure progress and identifies the populations and regions most at risk for CR service underutilization. METHODS AND RESULTS: We identified Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries who were CR eligible in 2016, and assessed CR participation (>/=1 CR session attended), timely initiation (participation within 21 days of event), and completion (>/=36 sessions attended) through 2017. Measures were assessed overall, by beneficiary characteristics and geography, and by primary CR-qualifying event type (acute myocardial infarction hospitalization; coronary artery bypass surgery; heart valve repair/replacement; percutaneous coronary intervention; or heart/heart-lung transplant). Among 366 103 CR-eligible beneficiaries, 89 327 (24.4%) participated in CR, of whom 24.3% initiated within 21 days and 26.9% completed CR. Eligibility was highest in the East South Central Census Division (14.8 per 1000). Participation decreased with increasing age, was lower among women (18.9%) compared with men (28.6%; adjusted prevalence ratio: 0.91 [95% CI, 0.90-0.93]) was lower among Hispanics (13.2%) and non-Hispanic blacks (13.6%) compared with non-Hispanic whites (25.8%; adjusted prevalence ratio: 0.63 [0.61-0.66] and 0.70 [0.67-0.72], respectively), and varied by hospital referral region and Census Division (range: 18.6% [East South Central] to 39.1% [West North Central]) and by qualifying event type (range: 7.1% [acute myocardial infarction without procedure] to 55.3% [coronary artery bypass surgery only]). Timely initiation varied by geography and qualifying event type; completion varied by geography. CONCLUSIONS: Only 1 in 4 CR-eligible Medicare beneficiaries participated in CR and marked disparities were observed. Reinforcement of current effective strategies and development of new strategies will be critical to address the noted disparities and achieve the 70% participation goal. |
Increasing receipt of women's preventive services
Stolp H , Fox J . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2015 24 (11) 875-81 The receipt of clinical preventive services is important for health promotion and prevention of illness, death, and disability for women in the United States. Today, the Affordable Care Act makes a variety of evidence-based preventive services available with no out-of-pocket cost to women with certain health insurance plans. Nevertheless, available service receipt data suggest receipt of the services for all American adults remains suboptimal. This article seeks to raise awareness about the critical gaps in the delivery of preventive services to women and highlight opportunities for women, primary care providers, and public health professionals to increase receipt of clinical preventive services among women. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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