Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Sinkowitz-Cochran RL[original query] |
CDC's hospital-onset Clostridioides difficile prevention framework in a regional hospital network
Turner NA , Krishnan J , Nelson A , Polage CR , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL , Fike L , Kuhar DT , Kutty PK , Snyder RL , Anderson DJ . JAMA Netw Open 2024 7 (3) e243846 IMPORTANCE: Despite modest reductions in the incidence of hospital-onset Clostridioides difficile infection (HO-CDI), CDI remains a leading cause of health care-associated infection. As no single intervention has proven highly effective on its own, a multifaceted approach to controlling HO-CDI is needed. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Strategies to Prevent Clostridioides difficile Infection in Acute Care Facilities Framework (hereafter, the Framework) in reducing HO-CDI incidence. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This quality improvement study was performed within the Duke Infection Control Outreach Network from July 1, 2019, through March 31, 2022. In all, 20 hospitals in the network participated in an implementation study of the Framework recommendations, and 26 hospitals did not participate and served as controls. The Framework has 39 discrete intervention categories organized into 5 focal areas for CDI prevention: (1) isolation and contact precautions, (2) CDI confirmation, (3) environmental cleaning, (4) infrastructure development, and (5) antimicrobial stewardship engagement. EXPOSURES: Monthly teleconferences supporting Framework implementation for the participating hospitals. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Primary outcomes were HO-CDI incidence trends at participating hospitals compared with controls and postintervention HO-CDI incidence at intervention sites compared with rates during the 24 months before the intervention. RESULTS: The study sample included a total of 2184 HO-CDI cases and 7 269 429 patient-days. In the intervention cohort of 20 participating hospitals, there were 1403 HO-CDI cases and 3 513 755 patient-days, with a median (IQR) HO-CDI incidence of 2.8 (2.0-4.3) cases per 10 000 patient-days. The first analysis included an additional 3 755 674 patient-days and 781 HO-CDI cases among the 26 controls, with a median (IQR) HO-CDI incidence of 1.1 (0.7-2.7) case per 10 000 patient-days. The second analysis included an additional 2 538 874 patient-days and 1751 HO-CDI cases, with a median (IQR) HO-CDI incidence of 5.9 (2.7-8.9) cases per 10 000 patient-days, from participating hospitals 24 months before the intervention. In the first analysis, intervention sites had a steeper decline in HO-CDI incidence over time relative to controls (yearly incidence rate ratio [IRR], 0.79 [95% CI, 0.67-0.94]; P = .01), but the decline was not temporally associated with study participation. In the second analysis, HO-CDI incidence was declining in participating hospitals before the intervention, and the rate of decline did not change during the intervention. The degree to which hospitals implemented the Framework was associated with steeper declines in HO-CDI incidence (yearly IRR, 0.95 [95% CI, 0.90-0.99]; P = .03). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this quality improvement study of a regional hospital network, implementation of the Framework was not temporally associated with declining HO-CDI incidence. Further study of the effectiveness of multimodal prevention measures for controlling HO-CDI is warranted. |
A modified Delphi approach to develop a trial protocol for antibiotic de-escalation in patients with suspected sepsis
Yarrington ME , Moehring RW , David MZ , Hamilton KW , Klompas M , Rhee C , Hsueh K , Ashley ED , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL , Ryan M , Anderson DJ . Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol 12/28/2021 1 (1) e44 BACKGROUND: Early administration of antibiotics in sepsis is associated with improved patient outcomes, but safe and generalizable approaches to de-escalate or discontinue antibiotics after suspected sepsis events are unknown. METHODS: We used a modified Delphi approach to identify safety criteria for an opt-out protocol to guide de-escalation or discontinuation of antibiotic therapy after 72 hours in non-ICU patients with suspected sepsis. An expert panel with expertise in antimicrobial stewardship and hospital epidemiology rated 48 unique criteria across 3 electronic survey rating tools. Criteria were rated primarily based on their impact on patient safety and feasibility for extraction from electronic health record review. The 48 unique criteria were rated by anonymous electronic survey tools, and the results were fed back to the expert panel participants. Consensus was achieved to either retain or remove each criterion. RESULTS: After 3 rounds, 22 unique criteria remained as part of the opt-out safety checklist. These criteria included high-risk comorbidities, signs of severe illness, lack of cultures during sepsis work-up or antibiotic use prior to blood cultures, or ongoing signs and symptoms of infection. CONCLUSIONS: The modified Delphi approach is a useful method to achieve expert-level consensus in the absence of evidence suifficient to provide validated guidance. The Delphi approach allowed for flexibility in development of an opt-out trial protocol for sepsis antibiotic de-escalation. The utility of this protocol should be evaluated in a randomized controlled trial. |
A qualitative assessment of factors affecting nursing home caregiving staff experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Snyder RL , Anderson LE , White KA , Tavitian S , Fike LV , Jones HN , Jacobs-Slifka KM , Stone ND , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL . PLoS One 2021 16 (11) e0260055 BACKGROUND: A large portion of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States have occurred in nursing homes; however, current literature including the frontline perspective of staff working in nursing homes is limited. The objective of this qualitative assessment was to better understand what individual and facility level factors may have contributed to the impact of COVID-19 on Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) and Environmental Services (EVS) staff working in nursing homes. METHODS: Based on a simple random sample from the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), 7,520 facilities were emailed invitations requesting one CNA and/or one EVS staff member for participation in a voluntary focus group over Zoom. Facility characteristics were obtained via NHSN and publicly available sources; participant demographics were collected via SurveyMonkey during registration and polling during focus groups. Qualitative information was coded using NVIVO and Excel. RESULTS: Throughout April 2021, 23 focus groups including 110 participants from 84 facilities were conducted homogenous by participant role. Staffing problems were a recurring theme reported. Participants often cited the toll the pandemic took on their emotional well-being, describing increased stress, responsibilities, and time needed to complete their jobs. The lack of consistent and systematic guidance resulting in frequently changing infection prevention protocols was also reported across focus groups. CONCLUSIONS: Addressing concerns of low wages and lack of financial incentives may have the potential to attract and retain employees to help alleviate nursing home staff shortages. Additionally, access to mental health resources could help nursing home staff cope with the emotional burden of the COVID-19 pandemic. These frontline staff members provided invaluable insight and should be included in improvement efforts to support nursing homes recovering from the impact of COVID-19 as well as future pandemic planning. |
A national survey of testing and management of asymptomatic carriage of C. difficile
Kutty PK , Beekmann SE , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL , Dubberke ER , Kuhar DT , McDonald LC , Polgreen PM . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2019 40 (7) 1-3 A nationwide survey indicated that screening for asymptomatic carriers of C. difficile is an uncommon practice in US healthcare settings. Better understanding of the role of asymptomatic carriage in C. difficile transmission, and of the measures available to reduce that risk, are needed to inform best practices regarding the management of carriers. |
Understanding staff perceptions about Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae control efforts in Chicago long-term acute care hospitals
Lyles RD , Moore NM , Weiner SB , Sikka M , Lin MY , Weinstein RA , Hayden MK , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2014 35 (4) 367-74 OBJECTIVE: To identify differences in organizational culture and better understand motivators to implementation of a bundle intervention to control Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (KPC). DESIGN: Mixed-methods study. SETTING: Four long-term acute care hospitals (LTACHs) in Chicago. PARTICIPANTS: LTACH staff across 3 strata of employees (administration, midlevel management, and frontline clinical workers). METHODS: Qualitative interviews or focus groups and completion of a quantitative questionnaire. RESULTS: Eighty employees (frontline, 72.5%; midlevel, 17.5%; administration, 10%) completed surveys and participated in qualitative discussions in August 2012. Although 82.3% of respondents felt that quality improvement was a priority at their LTACH, there were statistically significant differences in organizational culture between staff strata, with administrative-level having higher organizational culture scores (ie, more favorable responses) than midlevel or frontline staff. When asked to rank the success of the KPC control program, mean response was 8.0 (95% confidence interval, 7.6-8.5), indicating a high level of agreement with the perception that the program was a success. Patient safety and personal safety were reported most often as personal motivators for intervention adherence. The most convergent theme related to prevention across groups was that proper hand hygiene is vital to prevention of KPC transmission. CONCLUSIONS: Despite differences in organizational culture across 3 strata of LTACH employees, the high degree of convergence in motivation, understanding, and beliefs related to implementation of a KPC control bundle suggests that all levels of staff may be able to align perspectives when faced with a key infection control problem and quality improvement initiative. |
Infection control and bloodstream infection prevention: the perspective of patients receiving hemodialysis
See I , Shugart A , Lamb C , Kallen AJ , Patel PR , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL . Nephrol Nurs J 2014 41 (1) 37-+ Patients on hemodialysis, particularly those dialyzed through central lines, are at risk of acquiring bloodstream infections. Strategies to prevent bloodstream infections in patients on dialysis include educating patients about infection prevention, although patients' perspectives on this topic are not known. During focus groups conducted to explore these issues, patients reported that education on infection prevention should begin early in the process of dialysis, and that patients should be actively engaged as partners in infection prevention. |
Survey design: to ask or not to ask? That is the question
Sinkowitz-Cochran RL . Clin Infect Dis 2013 56 (8) 1159-64 Surveys are one of the most frequent modes of observation and measurement. Survey research can be exploratory, descriptive, and/or explanatory. Modes of survey administration vary and include face-to-face, telephone, mail, and Internet. There are numerous considerations that that must be taken into account when designing and conducting a survey. Deciding what information is needed and why is important when developing questions for a survey; it is essential to define the purpose of the survey and to be as specific as possible in terms of the data to be collected. Response rate varies by target audience and is influenced by a number of factors such as incentives, survey length, and perceived burden. From question development to survey construction, the goal is to minimize measurement error with systematic planning and execution. |
A qualitative assessment of a performance measure for reporting influenza vaccination rates among healthcare personnel
MacCannell T , Shugart A , Schneider AK , Lindley MC , Lorick SA , Rao A , Woods LO , Ahmed F , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2012 33 (9) 945-8 To understand the feasibility of implementing a standardized performance measure for collecting and reporting influenza vaccination rates among healthcare personnel, qualitative, semistructured interviews were conducted with key informants in 32 healthcare facilities. Despite practical and logistical challenges to implementing the measure, respondents perceived clear benefits to its use. |
Evaluation of organizational culture among different levels of healthcare staff participating in the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's 100,000 Lives Campaign
Sinkowitz-Cochran RL , Garcia-Williams A , Hackbarth AD , Zell B , Baker GR , McCannon CJ , Beltrami EM , Jernigan JA , McDonald LC , Goldmann DA . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2012 33 (2) 135-43 BACKGROUND: Little is known about how hospital organizational and cultural factors associated with implementation of quality initiatives such as the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's (IHI) 100,000 Lives Campaign differ among levels of healthcare staff. DESIGN: Evaluation of a mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology ("trilogic evaluation model"). SETTING: Six hospitals that joined the campaign before June 2006. PARTICIPANTS: Three strata of staff (executive leadership, midlevel, and frontline) at each hospital. RESULTS: Surveys were completed in 2008 by 135 hospital personnel (midlevel, 43.7%; frontline, 38.5%; executive, 17.8%) who also participated in 20 focus groups. Overall, 93% of participants were aware of the IHI campaign in their hospital and perceived that 58% (standard deviation, 22.7%) of improvements in quality at their hospital were a direct result of the campaign. There were significant differences between staff levels on the organizational culture (OC) items, with executive-level staff having higher scores than midlevel and frontline staff. All 20 focus groups perceived that the campaign interventions were sustainable and that data feedback, buy-in, hardwiring (into daily activities), and leadership support were essential to sustainability. CONCLUSIONS: The trilogic model demonstrated that the 3 levels of staff had markedly different perceptions regarding the IHI campaign and OC. A framework in which frontline, midlevel, and leadership staff are simultaneously assessed may be a useful tool for future evaluations of OC and quality initiatives such as the IHI campaign. |
The associations between organizational culture and knowledge, attitudes, and practices in a multicenter Veterans Affairs quality improvement initiative to prevent methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Sinkowitz-Cochran RL , Burkitt KH , Cuerdon T , Harrison C , Gao S , Scott Obrosky D , Jain R , Fine MJ , Jernigan JA . Am J Infect Control 2011 40 (2) 138-43 BACKGROUND: Previous research demonstrates that organizational culture (OC) and knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health care personnel are associated with the overall success of infection control programs; however, little attention has been given to the relationships among these factors in contributing to the success of quality improvement programs. METHODS: Cross-sectional surveys assessing OC and knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were distributed to 16 medical centers participating in a Veterans Affairs MRSA prevention initiative in 2 time periods. Factor analysis was performed on the OC survey responses, and factor scores were generated. To assess associations between OC and knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health care personnel, regression analyses were performed overall and then stratified by job type. RESULTS: The final analyzable sample included 2,314 surveys (43% completed by nurses, 9% by physicians, and 48% by other health care personnel). Three OC factors emerged accounting for 53% of the total variance: "Staff Engagement," "Overwhelmed/Stress-Chaos," and "Hospital Leadership." Overall, higher Staff Engagement was associated with greater knowledge scores, better hand hygiene practices, fewer reported barriers, and more positive attitudes. Higher Hospital Leadership scores were associated with better hand hygiene practices, fewer reported barriers, and more positive attitudes. Conversely, higher Overwhelmed/Stress-Chaos scores were associated with poorer reported prevention practices, more barriers, and less positive attitudes. When these associations were stratified by job type, there were significant associations between OC factors and knowledge for nurses only, between OC factors and practice items for nurses and other health care personnel, and between OC factors and the barriers and attitudes items for all job types. OC factors were not associated with knowledge and practices among physicians. CONCLUSIONS: Three OC factors-Staff Engagement, Overwhelmed/Stress-Chaos, and Hospital Leadership-were found to be significantly associated with individual health care personnel knowledge, attitudes, and self-reported practices regarding MRSA prevention. When developing a prevention intervention program, health care organizations should not only focus on the link between OC and the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health care personnel, but also target programs based on health care personnel type to maximize their effectiveness. |
Intervention to reduce transmission of resistant bacteria in intensive care
Huskins WC , Huckabee CM , O'Grady NP , Murray P , Kopetskie H , Zimmer L , Walker ME , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL , Jernigan JA , Samore M , Wallace D , Goldmann DA . N Engl J Med 2011 364 (15) 1407-1418 BACKGROUND: Intensive care units (ICUs) are high-risk settings for the transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE). METHODS: In a cluster-randomized trial, we evaluated the effect of surveillance for MRSA and VRE colonization and of the expanded use of barrier precautions (intervention) as compared with existing practice (control) on the incidence of MRSA or VRE colonization or infection in adult ICUs. Surveillance cultures were obtained from patients in all participating ICUs; the results were reported only to ICUs assigned to the intervention. In intervention ICUs, patients who were colonized or infected with MRSA or VRE were assigned to care with contact precautions; all the other patients were assigned to care with universal gloving until their discharge or until surveillance cultures obtained at admission were reported to be negative. RESULTS: During a 6-month intervention period, there were 5434 admissions to 10 intervention ICUs, and 3705 admissions to 8 control ICUs. Patients who were colonized or infected with MRSA or VRE were assigned to barrier precautions more frequently in intervention ICUs than in control ICUs (a median of 92% of ICU days with either contact precautions or universal gloving [51% with contact precautions and 43% with universal gloving] in intervention ICUs vs. a median of 38% of ICU days with contact precautions in control ICUs, P<0.001). In intervention ICUs, health care providers used clean gloves, gowns, and hand hygiene less frequently than required for contacts with patients assigned to barrier precautions; when contact precautions were specified, gloves were used for a median of 82% of contacts, gowns for 77% of contacts, and hand hygiene after 69% of contacts, and when universal gloving was specified, gloves were used for a median of 72% of contacts and hand hygiene after 62% of contacts. The mean (+/-SE) ICU-level incidence of events of colonization or infection with MRSA or VRE per 1000 patient-days at risk, adjusted for baseline incidence, did not differ significantly between the intervention and control ICUs (40.4+/-3.3 and 35.6+/-3.7 in the two groups, respectively; P=0.35). CONCLUSIONS: The intervention was not effective in reducing the transmission of MRSA or VRE, although the use of barrier precautions by providers was less than what was required. (Funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and others; STAR*ICU number, NCT00100386 .). |
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis: a survey of nephrologists' perceptions and practices
Abdel-Kader K , Patel PR , Kallen AJ , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL , Bolton WK , Unruh ML . Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2010 5 (6) 964-71 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) is a disorder that can affect patients with renal dysfunction exposed to a gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA). Given the unique role nephrologists play in caring for patients at risk to develop NSF, this study surveyed their perceptions and practices regarding NSF. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: An internet-based, cross-sectional survey of clinical nephrologists in the United States was performed. Perceptions and self-reported practices regarding NSF and local facility policies were assessed concerning GBCA use in renal dysfunction. RESULTS: Of the 2310 eligible nephrologists e-mailed to participate in the survey, 171 (7.4%) responded. Respondents spent 85% of their time in direct patient care and 83% worked in private practice; 59% had cared for a patient with NSF. Although over 90% were aware of the morbidity and mortality associated with NSF, 31% were unaware of an association with specific GBCA brand and 50% believed chronic kidney disease stage 3 patients were at risk to develop NSF. Changes in facility policies concerning GBCA use in renal dysfunction were widespread (>90%). Most nephrologists (56%) felt that enacted policies were appropriate, yet 58% were uncertain if the changes had benefited patients. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that nephrologists are generally familiar with the risk factors and consequences of NSF, but their perceptions do not always align with current evidence. Local policy changes in GBCA use are pervasive. Most nephrologists are comfortable with these policy changes but have mixed feelings regarding their effectiveness. |
Prevention of community-associated methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus infection among Asian/Pacific Islanders: a qualitative assessment
Ciccarone RM , Kim M , Tice AD , Nakata M , Effler P , Jernigan DB , Cardo DM , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL . Hawaii Med J 2010 69 (6) 142-4 BACKGROUND: Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) has been increasingly reported over the past decade, including in Asian/Pacific Islanders (A/PIs). METHODS: We conducted ethnographic interviews in Oahu and Kauai, Hawaii, with 10 Asian/Pacific Islanders identified as having a history of CA-MRSA infections. RESULTS: Most (7/10) thought skin infections were not a new problem in Hawaii. Most (8/9) attempted to self-treat the infection prior to seeking medical care with a range of home remedies and store- bought solutions. Most respondents did not initially comprehend the severity of their infection and only sought medical treatment after concern from family, unbearable pain, and/or other symptoms of illness. CONCLUSION: Clinicians should be aware of the reportedly frequent use of home remedies by this population, as it may potentially contribute to interactions when treatments are combined. If clinicians and public health professionals do not address perceptions and misperceptions of how MRSA is acquired, it will be very difficult to prevent infection, and may also delay individuals from seeking treatment. |
Beyond beta: lessons learned from implementation of the Department of Veterans Affairs methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus prevention initiative
Garcia-Williams AG , Miller LJ , Burkitt KH , Cuerdon T , Jain R , Fine MJ , Jernigan JA , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2010 31 (7) 763-5 To describe the key strategies and potential pitfalls involved with implementing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Prevention Initiative in a qualitative evaluation, we conducted in-depth interviews with MRSA Prevention Coordinators at 17 VA beta sites at 2 time points during program implementation. |
Survey of employee knowledge and attitudes before and after a multicenter Veterans' Administration quality improvement initiative to reduce nosocomial methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections
Burkitt KH , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL , Obrosky DS , Cuerdon T , Miller LJ , Jain R , Jernigan JA , Fine MJ . Am J Infect Control 2010 38 (4) 274-82 BACKGROUND: Although guidelines currently recommend prevention practices to decrease in-hospital transmission of infections, increasing adherence to the practices remains a challenge. This study assessed the effect of a multicenter methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) prevention initiative on changes in employees' knowledge, attitudes, and practices. METHODS: Two cross-sectional surveys were distributed at baseline (October 2006) and follow-up (July 2007) at 17 medical centers participating in the Veterans' Administration (VA) MRSA initiative. RESULTS: Surveys were completed by 1362 employees at baseline and 952 employees at follow-up (representing 57% and 56% of eligible respondents, respectively). Respondents included physicians (9%), nurses (38%), allied health professionals (30%), and other support staff (24%). Of the 5 knowledge items, the mean proportion answered correctly increased slightly from baseline to follow-up (from 71% to 73%; P = .07). The percentage of respondents who believed that MRSA was a problem on their unit increased over time (from 56% to 65%; P < .001). Respondents also reported increased comfort with reminding other staff about proper hand hygiene (from 61% to 70%; P < .001) and contact precautions (from 63% to 70%; P < .002). The percentage of respondents reporting at least one barrier to proper hand hygiene decreased over time (from 25% to 20%; P = .003). CONCLUSIONS: In this multicenter study of VA employees, implementation of a MRSA quality improvement initiative was associated with temporal improvements in knowledge and perceptions regarding MRSA prevention. |
Evaluation of institutional practices for prevention of phlebotomy-associated percutaneous injuries in hospital settings
Knapp MB , Grytdal SP , Chiarello LA , Sinkowitz-Cochran RL , Zombeck A , Klein C , Warden B , Lyden J , Pearson ML . Am J Infect Control 2009 37 (6) 490-4 BACKGROUND: To reduce the incidence of phlebotomy-related percutaneous injuries (PIs), factors that contribute to these injuries must be identified. This study examined institutional phlebotomy practices, policies, perceptions, and culture to identify facilitators and barriers that appear to have the greatest impact in preventing injuries. METHODS: During site visits at study hospitals, observational data were collected during the performance of phlebotomy. In addition, interviews and focus groups were conducted with hospital personnel involved in phlebotomy procedures. RESULTS: Nine hospitals participated in the study. A total of 126 phlebotomy procedures were observed. Health care personnel chose devices with safety features for the majority of observed procedures (n = 122, 97%). Recommended phlebotomy practices for handling needles after use were observed in 42% to 92% of procedures. Adherence varied by type of device, occupation, and facility PI rate. In the 23 interviews and 9 focus groups, participants identified factors that facilitated PI prevention such as the availability and use of devices with safety mechanisms, adherence to recommended safe needle-handling practices, and institutional phlebotomy training. CONCLUSION: The quantitative and qualitative data indicate that a wide array of factors can affect phlebotomy-related practices and perceptions. Prevention of PIs may require comprehensive, multifaceted intervention efforts to improve the safety culture and reduce PIs and exposure to bloodborne pathogens in health care facilities. |
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