Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-10 (of 10 Records) |
Query Trace: Sharapova SR[original query] |
Reasons to decrease or stop nicotine and tobacco use among adults and association with MPOWER scores in twenty-one middle- and high-income countries, 2019-2020
Sharapova SR , Whitney C , Sulentic R , Pan L , Ahluwalia IB . Tob Prev Cessat 2023 9 25 INTRODUCTION: This study examined reasons why people planned to reduce or stop tobacco consumption and their relationship with MPOWER scores, adjusting for sociodemographic, cultural, and economic factors. METHODS: Data used were Euromonitor International's Voice of the Consumer: Nicotine Survey 2019-2020, World Bank's country income and WHO's MPOWER policy scores. Analytical sample included 21913 adults of legal smoking age in 21 middle- and high-income countries who used nicotine and tobacco products and planned to reduce or stop their consumption in the next 12 months. Poisson regression models with robust error variance, adjusted for sociodemographic and tobacco use covariables, generated adjusted risk ratios (ARRs) of selecting a certain reason to reduce tobacco consumption dependent on continuous MPOWER scores. RESULTS: Main reasons to reduce or stop tobacco consumption were improving health (85%), saving money (65%), pressure from family (19%), and using another substance instead (4%). Country variation was observed by MPOWER scores. Positive associations were found between some MPOWER scores and reasons to reduce or stop tobacco consumption: enforcing bans on tobacco advertising and using another substance (ARR=1.28; 95% CI: 1.11-1.47); warning about dangers of tobacco and saving money (ARR=1.25; 95% CI: 1.19-1.32); offering help to quit tobacco and using another substance (ARR=1.26; 95% CI: 1.10-1.45) or family pressure (ARR=1.11; 95% CI: 1.04-1.17); anti-tobacco campaigns and using another substance (ARR=1.15; 95% CI: 1.08-1.23); and raising taxes and saving money (ARR=1.11; 95% CI: 1.09-1.13). CONCLUSIONS: MPOWER scores are associated with reported reasons to quit tobacco including to improve health, save money, respond to family pressure or use another substance instead. |
Effects of e-cigarette use on cigarette smoking among U.S. youth, 2004-2018
Creamer MR , Dutra LM , Sharapova SR , Gentzke AS , Delucchi KL , Smith RA , Glantz SA . Prev Med 2020 142 106316 OBJECTIVE: To determine if the declining trend in U.S. youth cigarette smoking changed after e-cigarettes were introduced, and if youth e-cigarette users would have been likely to smoke cigarettes based on psychosocial and demographic predictors of smoking. METHODS: An interrupted time series analysis was used for cross-sectional data from the 2004 to 2018 National Youth Tobacco Surveys (NYTS) to assess changes in cigarette and e-cigarette use over time. A multivariable logistic regression model used 2004-2009 NYTS data on psychosocial risk factors to predict individual-level cigarette smoking risk from 2011 to 2018. Model-predicted and actual cigarette smoking behavior were compared. RESULTS: The decline in current cigarette smoking slowed in 2014 (-0.75 [95% CI: -0.81, -0.68] to -0.26 [95% CI: -0.40, -0.12] percentage points per year). The decline in ever cigarette smoking accelerated after 2012 (-1.45 [95% CI: -1.59, -1.31] to -1.71 [95% CI: -1.75, -1.66]). Ever and current combined cigarette and/or e-cigarette use declined during 2011-2013 and increased during 2013-2014 with no significant change during 2014-2018 for either variable. The psychosocial model estimated that 69.0% of current cigarette smokers and 9.3% of current e-cigarette users (who did not smoke cigarettes) would smoke cigarettes in 2018. CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of e-cigarettes was followed by a slowing decline in current cigarette smoking, a stall in combined cigarette and e-cigarette use, and an accelerated decline in ever cigarette smoking. Traditional psychosocial risk factors for cigarette smoking suggest that e-cigarette users do not fit the traditional risk profile of cigarette smokers. |
Onset of regular smoking before age 21 and subsequent nicotine dependence and cessation behavior among US adult smokers
Ali FRM , Agaku IT , Sharapova SR , Reimels EA , Homa DM . Prev Chronic Dis 2020 17 E06 This study assessed the association of regular smoking initiation before age 21 years with nicotine dependence and cessation behaviors among US adult smokers. Data came from the 2014-2015 Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey. We found that onset of regular smoking at age 18 to 20 years was associated with higher odds of nicotine dependence and lower odds of attempting and intending to quit. These outcomes were observed with regular smoking initiation at age 18 to 20 as well as before age 18, suggesting that efforts to prevent access to tobacco products before age 21 could reduce nicotine addiction and promote cessation later in life. |
Exposure to secondhand smoke among nonsmokers - United States, 1988-2014
Tsai J , Homa DM , Gentzke AS , Mahoney M , Sharapova SR , Sosnoff CS , Caron KT , Wang L , Melstrom PC , Trivers KF . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (48) 1342-1346 Exposure to secondhand smoke from burning tobacco products can cause sudden infant death syndrome, respiratory infections, ear infections, and asthma attacks in infants and children, and coronary heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer in adult nonsmokers (1). There is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure (2). CDC analyzed questionnaire and laboratory data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to assess patterns of secondhand smoke exposure among U.S. nonsmokers. The prevalence of secondhand smoke exposure among U.S. nonsmokers declined substantially during 1988-2014, from 87.5% to 25.2%. However, no change in exposure occurred between 2011-2012 and 2013-2014, and an estimated one in four nonsmokers, or approximately 58 million persons, were still exposed to secondhand smoke during 2013-2014. Moreover, marked disparities persisted across population groups. Exposure prevalence was highest among nonsmokers aged 3-11 years (37.9%), non-Hispanic blacks (50.3%), and those who were living in poverty (47.9%), in rental housing (38.6%), or with someone who smoked inside the home (73.0%), or among persons who had less than a high school education (30.7%). Comprehensive smoke-free laws and policies for workplaces and public places and smoke-free rules for homes and vehicles can further reduce secondhand smoke exposure among all nonsmokers. |
Effects of prenatal marijuana exposure on neuropsychological outcomes in children aged 1-11 years: A systematic review
Sharapova SR , Phillips E , Sirocco K , Kaminski JW , Leeb RT , Rolle I . Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2018 32 (6) 512-532 BACKGROUND: Normalisation of medicinal and recreational marijuana use has increased the importance of fully understanding effects of marijuana use on individual-and population-level health, including prenatal exposure effects on child development. We undertook a systematic review of the literature to examine the long-term effects of prenatal marijuana exposure on neuropsychological function in children aged 1-11 years. METHODS: Primary research publications were searched from Medline, Embase, PsychInfo, CINAHL EbscoHost, Cochrane Library, Global Health and ERIC (1980-2018). Eligible articles documented neuropsychological outcomes in children 1-11 years who had been prenatally exposed to marijuana. Studies of exposure to multiple prenatal drugs were included if results for marijuana exposure were reported separately from other substances. Data abstraction was independently performed by two reviewers using a standardised protocol. RESULTS: The eligible articles (n = 21) on data from seven independent longitudinal studies had high quality based on the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Some analyses found associations (P < 0.05) between prenatal marijuana exposure and decreased performance on memory, impulse control, problem-solving, quantitative reasoning, verbal development and visual analysis tests; as well as increased performance on attention and global motion perception tests. Limitations included concurrent use of other substances among study participants, potential under-reporting and publication biases, non-generalisable samples and limited published results preventing direct comparison of analyses. CONCLUSIONS: The specific effects of prenatal marijuana exposure remain unclear and warrant further research. The larger number of neuropsychological domains that exhibit decreased versus increased psychological and behavioural functions suggests that exposure to marijuana may be harmful for brain development and function. |
Reasons for electronic cigarette use among middle and high school students - National Youth Tobacco Survey, United States, 2016
Tsai J , Walton K , Coleman BN , Sharapova SR , Johnson SE , Kennedy SM , Caraballo RS . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (6) 196-200 Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) were the most commonly used tobacco product among U.S. middle school and high school students in 2016 (1). CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) analyzed data from the 2016 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) to assess self-reported reasons for e-cigarette use among U.S. middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) student e-cigarette users. Among students who reported ever using e-cigarettes in 2016, the most commonly selected reasons for use were 1) use by "friend or family member" (39.0%); 2) availability of "flavors such as mint, candy, fruit, or chocolate" (31.0%); and 3) the belief that "they are less harmful than other forms of tobacco such as cigarettes" (17.1%). The least commonly selected reasons were 1) "they are easier to get than other tobacco products, such as cigarettes" (4.8%); 2) "they cost less than other tobacco products such as cigarettes" (3.2%); and 3) "famous people on TV or in movies use them" (1.5%). Availability of flavors as a reason for use was more commonly selected by high school users (32.3%) than by middle school users (26.8%). Efforts to prevent middle school and high school students from initiating the use of any tobacco product, including e-cigarettes, are important to reduce tobacco product use among U.S. youths (2). |
Patterns of e-cigarette use frequency -N ational Adult Tobacco Survey, 2012-2014
Sharapova SR , Singh T , Agaku IT , Kennedy SM , King BA . Am J Prev Med 2017 54 (2) 284-288 INTRODUCTION: Accounting for occasional or intermittent e-cigarette use has yielded higher estimates of current use among U.S. adults. However, frequency of e-cigarette use by population subgroups is not well described. This study assessed e-cigarette use frequency by sociodemographic characteristics and other tobacco product use among U.S. adults. METHODS: This study analyzed combined data from the 2012-2013 (n=60,192) and 2013-2014 (n=75,233) National Adult Tobacco Survey, a telephone-based survey of U.S. adults aged ≥18 years, to assess frequency of e-cigarette use (daily, some days, rarely) by sex, age, race/ethnicity, education, annual household income, U.S. region, marital status, sexual orientation, and cigarette smoking and other tobacco product use (cigars, cigarillos, little filtered cigars; traditional pipes; water pipes; and chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus, and dissolvable tobacco products). Analyses took place in 2016. RESULTS: Among current e-cigarette users, 19.3% used daily, 29.3% used some days, and 51.4% used rarely. Daily use was lowest among younger adults, Hispanics, and those who were single, never married, or not living with a partner; and greatest among non-Hispanic Asians (p<0.0001). Among current e-cigarette users, 25.3% were cigarette-only smokers, 52.8% smoked cigarettes and used other tobacco products, 5.5% used other tobacco products only, 6.5% were former cigarette-only smokers, 6.7% were former users of cigarettes and other tobacco products, 1.3% were former other tobacco product users only, and 1.8% never used cigarettes or other tobacco products. CONCLUSIONS: E-cigarette use frequency varies by sociodemographic characteristics and other tobacco use. Further surveillance, particularly related to frequency of e-cigarette use and its impact on cigarette cessation, could inform public health policy, planning, and practice. |
Vital Signs: Disparities in tobacco-related cancer incidence and mortality - United States, 2004-2013
Henley SJ , Thomas CC , Sharapova SR , Momin B , Massetti GM , Winn DM , Armour BS , Richardson LC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (44) 1212-1218 BACKGROUND: Tobacco use causes at least 12 types of cancer and is the leading preventable cause of cancer. METHODS: Data from the United States Cancer Statistics dataset for 2004-2013 were used to assess incidence and death rates and trends for cancers that can be caused by tobacco use (tobacco-related cancers: oral cavity and pharynx; esophagus; stomach; colon and rectum; liver; pancreas; larynx; lung, bronchus, and trachea; kidney and renal pelvis; urinary bladder; cervix; and acute myeloid leukemia) by sex, age, race, ethnicity, state, county-level poverty and educational attainment, and cancer site. RESULTS: Each year during 2009-2013, on average, 660,000 persons in the United States received a diagnosis of a tobacco-related cancer, and 343,000 persons died from these cancers. Tobacco-related cancer incidence and death rates were higher among men than women; highest among black men and women; higher in counties with low proportion of college graduates or high level of poverty; lowest in the West; and differed two-fold among states. During 2004-2013, incidence of tobacco-related cancer decreased 1.3% per year and mortality decreased 1.6% per year, with decreases observed across most groups, but not at the same rate. CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco-related cancer declined during 2004-2013. However, the burden remains high, and disparities persist among certain groups with higher rates or slower declines in rates. IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE: The burden of tobacco-related cancers can be reduced through efforts to prevent and control tobacco use and other comprehensive cancer control efforts focused on reducing cancer risk, detecting cancer early, improving cancer treatments, helping more persons survive cancer, improving cancer survivors' quality of life, and better assisting communities disproportionately impacted by cancer. |
Cigarette smoking among inmates by race/ethnicity: Impact of excluding African American young adult men from national prevalence estimates
Kennedy SM , Sharapova SR , Beasley DD , Hsia J . Nicotine Tob Res 2016 18 Suppl 1 S73-8 INTRODUCTION: Cigarette smoking prevalence is more than two times greater among incarcerated adults, a population usually excluded from national health surveys. African American young adult (18-25) men are less likely to smoke cigarettes than their white counterparts. However, they are two and a-half-times more likely to be incarcerated. This study estimated smoking prevalence with noninstitutionalized and incarcerated samples combined to determine if excluding incarcerated adults impacts smoking prevalence for certain populations. METHODS: The Bureau of Justice Statistics last fielded the Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correction Facilities in 2003-2004. We combined data from Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correction Facilities (n = 17 910) and the 2003 and 2004 National Health Interview Survey (n = 61 470) to calculate combined cigarette smoking estimates by race/ethnicity, sex, and age. RESULTS: Inmates represented the greatest proportion of smokers among African American men. Among African American young adult men, inmates represented 15.2% of all smokers in the combined population, compared to 2.0% among white young adult men. Cigarette smoking prevalence was 17.6% in the noninstitutionalized population of young adult African American men and 19.7% in the combined population. Among white young adult men, cigarette smoking prevalence was 29.8% in the noninstitutionalized population, and 30.2% in the combined population. There was little difference in estimates among women. CONCLUSIONS: The exclusion of incarcerated African American young adult men may result in a small underestimation of cigarette smoking prevalence in this population. Increasing access to smoking cessation support among inmates may reduce smoking prevalence in disproportionately incarcerated segments of the US population. IMPLICATIONS: The exclusion of incarcerated adults from national survey data should be considered when examining differences in cigarette smoking prevalence estimates between African American and white young adult men. Approximately one in six African American young adult men who smoke were incarcerated. Increasing access to smoking cessation support among inmates may reduce smoking prevalence among disproportionately incarcerated segments of the population. |
Does a race-gender-age crossover effect exist in current cigarette smoking between non-Hispanic blacks and non-Hispanic whites? United States, 2001-2013
Caraballo RS , Sharapova SR , Asman KJ . Nicotine Tob Res 2016 18 Suppl 1 S41-8 INTRODUCTION: For years, national US surveys have found a lower prevalence of cigarette smoking among non-Hispanic (NH) black adolescents and young adults than their NH white counterparts while finding either similar or higher prevalence in NH blacks among older adults. We present results from four US surveys, including one supplemented by cotinine data, to determine if a race-gender-age crossover effect exists between NH black and NH white current cigarette smokers. METHODS: We present NH black and NH white current cigarette smoking estimates in the National Youth Tobacco Survey (2004-2013), National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2002-2013), National Health Interview Survey (2001-2013), and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2001-2012). RESULTS: All surveys consistently found that NH black females aged 12-25 years had a lower smoking prevalence than NH white females of the same age while NH black males aged 26 years or older had a higher smoking prevalence than NH white males of the same age. Results were inconsistent between surveys for current smoking estimates for males 12-25 years and females aged 26 years or older. CONCLUSION: Our results are inconclusive in consistently detecting the existence of a race-gender-age crossover effect for current cigarette smoking between NH blacks and NH whites. National birth cohort studies are better suited to detect a race-gender-age crossover effect in smoking prevalence between these two racial groups. |
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- Page last updated:Feb 28, 2025
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