Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-11 (of 11 Records) |
Query Trace: Schwartz AM[original query] |
Epidemiology of lyme disease diagnoses among older adults, United States, 2016-2019(1)
Schwartz AM , Nelson CA , Hinckley AF . Emerg Infect Dis 2024 30 (9) 1926-1929 We used Medicare data to identify >88,000 adults >65 years of age diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease during 2016-2019 in the United States. Most diagnoses occurred among residents of high-incidence states, in summer, and among men. Incidence of diagnoses was substantially higher than that reported through public health surveillance. |
Engagement with traditional healers for early detection of plague in Uganda
Apangu T , Candini G , Abaru J , Candia B , Okoth FJ , Atiku LA , Griffith KS , Hayden MH , Zielinski-Gutiérrez E , Schwartz AM , McCormick DW , Mead PS , Kugeler KJ . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2023 109 (5) 1129-1136 In rural Uganda, many people who are ill consult traditional healers prior to visiting the formal healthcare system. Traditional healers provide supportive care for common illnesses, but their care may delay diagnosis and management of illnesses that can increase morbidity and mortality, hinder early detection of epidemic-prone diseases, and increase occupational risk to traditional healers. We conducted open-ended, semi-structured interviews with a convenience sample of 11 traditional healers in the plague-endemic West Nile region of northwestern Uganda to assess their knowledge, practices, and attitudes regarding plague and the local healthcare system. Most were generally knowledgeable about plague transmission and its clinical presentation and expressed willingness to refer patients to the formal healthcare system. We initiated a public health outreach program to further improve engagement between traditional healers and local health centers to foster trust in the formal healthcare system and improve early identification and referral of patients with plaguelike symptoms, which can reflect numerous other infectious and noninfectious conditions. During 2010-2019, 65 traditional healers were involved in the outreach program; 52 traditional healers referred 788 patients to area health centers. The diagnosis was available for 775 patients; malaria (37%) and respiratory tract infections (23%) were the most common diagnoses. One patient had confirmed bubonic plague. Outreach to improve communication and trust between traditional healers and local healthcare settings may result in improved early case detection and intervention not only for plague but also for other serious conditions. |
Characteristics of hard tick relapsing fever caused by borrelia miyamotoi, United States, 2013-2019
McCormick DW , Brown CM , Bjork J , Cervantes K , Esponda-Morrison B , Garrett J , Kwit N , Mathewson A , McGinnis C , Notarangelo M , Osborn R , Schiffman E , Sohail H , Schwartz AM , Hinckley AF , Kugeler KJ . Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (9) 1719-29 Borrelia miyamotoi, transmitted by Ixodes spp. ticks, was recognized as an agent of hard tick relapsing fever in the United States in 2013. Nine state health departments in the Northeast and Midwest have conducted public health surveillance for this emerging condition by using a shared, working surveillance case definition. During 2013-2019, a total of 300 cases were identified through surveillance; 166 (55%) were classified as confirmed and 134 (45%) as possible. Median age of case-patients was 52 years (range 1-86 years); 52% were male. Most cases (70%) occurred during June-September, with a peak in August. Fever and headache were common symptoms; 28% of case-patients reported recurring fevers, 55% had arthralgia, and 16% had a rash. Thirteen percent of patients were hospitalized, and no deaths were reported. Ongoing surveillance will improve understanding of the incidence and clinical severity of this emerging disease. |
Predicting distributions of blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis), Lyme disease spirochetes (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto) and human Lyme disease cases in the eastern United States
Burtis JC , Foster E , Schwartz AM , Kugeler KJ , Maes SE , Fleshman AC , Eisen RJ . Ticks Tick Borne Dis 2022 13 (5) 102000 Lyme disease is the most commonly reported vector-borne disease in the United States (US), with approximately 300,000 -to- 40,000 cases reported annually. The blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, is the primary vector of the Lyme disease-causing spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, in high incidence regions in the upper midwestern and northeastern US. Using county-level records of the presence of I. scapularis or presence of B. burgdorferi s.s. infected host-seeking I. scapularis, we generated habitat suitability consensus maps based on an ensemble of statistical models for both acarological risk metrics. Overall accuracy of these suitability models was high (AUC = 0.76 for I. scapularis and 0.86 for B. burgdorferi s.s. infected-I. scapularis). We sought to compare which acarological risk metric best described the distribution of counties reporting high Lyme disease incidence (≥10 confirmed cases/100,000 population) by setting the models to a fixed omission rate (10%). We compared the percent of high incidence counties correctly classified by the two models. The I. scapularis consensus map correctly classified 53% of high and low incidence counties, while the B. burgdorferi s.s. infected-I. scapularis consensus map classified 83% correctly. Counties classified as suitable by the B. burgdorferi s.s. map showed a 91% overlap with high Lyme disease incidence counties with over a 38-fold difference in Lyme disease incidence between high- and low-suitability counties. A total of 288 counties were classified as highly suitable for B. burgdorferi s.s., but lacked records of infected-I. scapularis and were not classified as high incidence. These counties were considered to represent a leading edge for B. burgdorferi s.s. infection in ticks and humans. They clustered in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. This information can aid in targeting tick surveillance and prevention education efforts in counties where Lyme disease risk may increase in the future. |
Effectiveness of personal protection measures against Lyme disease: A review of epidemiologic studies from the United States
Schwartz AM , Mackeprang JM , Mead PS , Hinckley AF . Zoonoses Public Health 2022 69 (7) 777-791 Lyme disease, the most commonly reported vector-borne disease in the United States, is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted through the bite of an infected blacklegged tick. In the absence of a licensed vaccine, the prevention of Lyme disease relies heavily on limiting tick exposure. Methods for limiting tick exposure include personal protection measures such as repellent use, wearing protective clothing, avoiding areas where ticks may be present, bathing after exposure to tick habitat and performing regular tick checks. Public health officials typically recommend all these personal protection measures; however, there is limited evidence to promote one behaviour or practice over another. The focus of this article is to review available literature that examines the effectiveness of recommended personal protection measures to prevent Lyme and other Ixodes-transmitted diseases in humans. Articles included in this review were identified through Google Scholar and PubMed searches using specific search terms. We identified over 56,000 articles using Google Scholar and PubMed searches. Of those, 16 studies fit our criteria for inclusion and were reviewed in their entirety. Among the personal protection measures evaluated, no intervention was predominantly or consistently effective across studies, demonstrating that, currently, there is no single best method for primary prevention of Ixodes-transmitted diseases in the United States. Frequently recommended practices such as tick checks, repellent use and protective clothing had mixed results across studies. Study design differences limited comparability among studies, and sample sizes for these studies may have been too small to detect statistically significant results even if a prevention method was effective. Though many of the reviewed personal protection measures are frequently recommended to the public, limited evidence demonstrates their ability to prevent tick-borne disease. Additional standardized studies are needed to evaluate personal protection measures. |
Changing Trends in Age and Sex Distributions of Lyme Disease-United States, 1992-2016
Kugeler KJ , Mead PS , Schwartz AM , Hinckley AF . Public Health Rep 2021 137 (4) 333549211026777 Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States and is characterized by a bimodal age distribution and male predominance. We examined trends in reported cases during a 25-year period to describe changes in the populations most affected by Lyme disease in the United States. We examined demographic characteristics of people with confirmed cases of Lyme disease reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during 1992-2016 through the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System. We grouped cases into 5-year periods (1992-1996, 1997-2001, 2002-2006, 2007-2011, 2012-2016). We calculated the average annual incidence by age and sex and used incidence rate ratios (IRRs) to describe changes in Lyme disease incidence by age and sex over time. We converted patient age at time of illness into patient birth year to ascertain disease patterns according to birth cohorts. The incidence of Lyme disease in the United States doubled from 1992-1996 to 2012-2016 (IRR = 1.74; 95% CI, 1.70-1.78) and increased disproportionately among males; IRRs were 39%-89% higher among males than among females for most age groups. During the study period, children aged 5-9 years were most frequently and consistently affected. In contrast, the average age of adults with Lyme disease increased over time; of all adults, people born during 1950-1964 were the most affected by Lyme disease. Our findings suggest that age-related behaviors and susceptibilities may drive infections among children, and the shifting peak among adults likely reflects a probability proportional to the relative size of the baby boom population. These findings can inform targeted and efficient public health education and intervention efforts. |
Estimating the frequency of Lyme disease diagnoses, United States, 2010-2018
Kugeler KJ , Schwartz AM , Delorey MJ , Mead PS , Hinckley AF . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (2) 616-619 By using commercial insurance claims data, we estimated that Lyme disease was diagnosed and treated in ≈476,000 patients in the United States annually during 2010-2018. Our results underscore the need for accurate diagnosis and improved prevention. |
Use of commercial claims data for evaluating trends in Lyme disease diagnoses, United States, 2010-2018
Schwartz AM , Kugeler KJ , Nelson CA , Marx GE , Hinckley AF . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (2) 499-507 We evaluated MarketScan, a large commercial insurance claims database, for its potential use as a stable and consistent source of information on Lyme disease diagnoses in the United States. The age, sex, and geographic composition of the enrolled population during 2010-2018 remained proportionally stable, despite fluctuations in the number of enrollees. Annual incidence of Lyme disease diagnoses per 100,000 enrollees ranged from 49 to 88, ≈6-8 times higher than that observed for cases reported through notifiable disease surveillance. Age and sex distributions among Lyme disease diagnoses in MarketScan were similar to those of cases reported through surveillance, but proportionally more diagnoses occurred outside of peak summer months, among female enrollees, and outside high-incidence states. Misdiagnoses, particularly in low-incidence states, may account for some of the observed epidemiologic differences. Commercial claims provide a stable data source to monitor trends in Lyme disease diagnoses, but certain important characteristics warrant further investigation. |
Epidemiology and cost of Lyme disease-related hospitalizations among patients with employer-sponsored health insurance-United States, 2005-2014
Schwartz AM , Shankar MB , Kugeler KJ , Max RJ , Hinckley AF , Meltzer MI , Nelson CA . Zoonoses Public Health 2020 67 (4) 407-415 An estimated 300,000 cases of Lyme disease occur in the United States annually. Disseminated Lyme disease may result in carditis, arthritis, facial palsy or meningitis, sometimes requiring hospitalization. We describe the epidemiology and cost of Lyme disease-related hospitalizations. We analysed 2005-2014 data from the Truven Health Analytics MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters Databases to identify inpatient records associated with Lyme disease based on International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes. We estimated the annual number and median cost of Lyme disease-related hospitalizations in the United States in persons under 65 years of age. Costs were adjusted to reflect 2016 dollars. Of 20,983,165 admission records contained in the inpatient databases during the study period, 2,823 (0.01%) met inclusion criteria for Lyme disease-related hospitalizations. Over half of the identified records contained an ICD-9-CM code for meningitis (n = 614), carditis (n = 429), facial palsy (n = 400) or arthritis (n = 377). Nearly 60% of hospitalized patients were male. The median cost per Lyme disease-related hospitalization was $11,688 (range: $140-$323,613). The manifestation with the highest median cost per stay was carditis ($17,461), followed by meningitis ($15,177), arthritis ($13,012) and facial palsy ($10,491). Median cost was highest among the 15- to 19-year-old age group ($12,991). Admissions occurring in January had the highest median cost ($13,777) for all study years. Based on extrapolation to the U.S. population, we estimate that 2,196 Lyme disease-related hospitalizations in persons under 65 years of age occur annually with an estimated annual cost of $25,826,237. Lyme disease is usually treated in an outpatient setting; however, some patients with Lyme disease require hospitalization, underscoring the need for effective prevention methods to mitigate these serious cases. Information from this analysis can aid economic evaluations of interventions that prevent infection and advances in disease detection. |
Zika Virus Shedding in Semen of Symptomatic Infected Men.
Mead PS , Duggal NK , Hook SA , Delorey M , Fischer M , Olzenak McGuire D , Becksted H , Max RJ , Anishchenko M , Schwartz AM , Tzeng WP , Nelson CA , McDonald EM , Brooks JT , Brault AC , Hinckley AF . N Engl J Med 2018 378 (15) 1377-1385 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Zika virus (ZIKV) is an emerging mosquito-borne flavivirus that has been linked to adverse birth outcomes. Previous reports have shown that person-to-person transmission can occur by means of sexual contact. METHODS: We conducted a prospective study involving men with symptomatic ZIKV infection to determine the frequency and duration of ZIKV shedding in semen and urine and to identify risk factors for prolonged shedding in these fluids. Specimens were obtained twice per month for 6 months after illness onset and were tested by real-time reverse-transcriptase-polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay for ZIKV RNA and by Vero cell culture and plaque assay for infectious ZIKV. RESULTS: A total of 1327 semen samples from 184 men and 1038 urine samples from 183 men were obtained 14 to 304 days after illness onset. ZIKV RNA was detected in the urine of 7 men (4%) and in the semen of 60 (33%), including in semen samples from 22 of 36 men (61%) who were tested within 30 days after illness onset. ZIKV RNA shedding in semen decreased substantially during the 3 months after illness onset but continued for 281 days in 1 man (1%). Factors that were independently associated with prolonged RNA shedding included older age, less frequent ejaculation, and the presence of certain symptoms at the time of initial illness. Infectious ZIKV was isolated from 3 of 78 semen samples with detectable ZIKV RNA, all obtained within 30 days after illness onset and all with at least 7.0 log10 ZIKV RNA copies per milliliter of semen. CONCLUSIONS: ZIKV RNA was commonly present in the semen of men with symptomatic ZIKV infection and persisted in some men for more than 6 months. In contrast, shedding of infectious ZIKV appeared to be much less common and was limited to the first few weeks after illness onset. (Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.). |
Surveillance for Lyme disease - United States, 2008-2015
Schwartz AM , Hinckley AF , Mead PS , Hook SA , Kugeler KJ . MMWR Surveill Summ 2017 66 (22) 1-12 PROBLEM/CONDITION: Lyme disease is the most commonly reported vectorborne disease in the United States but is geographically focal. The majority of Lyme disease cases occur in the Northeast, mid-Atlantic, and upper Midwest regions. Lyme disease can cause varied clinical manifestations, including erythema migrans, arthritis, facial palsy, and carditis. Lyme disease occurs most commonly among children and older adults, with a slight predominance among males. REPORTING PERIOD: 2008-2015. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: Lyme disease has been a nationally notifiable condition in the United States since 1991. Possible Lyme disease cases are reported to local and state health departments by clinicians and laboratories. Health department staff conduct case investigations to classify cases according to the national surveillance case definition. Those that qualify as confirmed or probable cases of Lyme disease are reported to CDC through the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System. States with an average annual incidence during this reporting period of ≥10 confirmed Lyme disease cases per 100,000 population were classified as high incidence. States that share a border with those states or that are located between areas of high incidence were classified as neighboring states. All other states were classified as low incidence. RESULTS: During 2008-2015, a total of 275,589 cases of Lyme disease were reported to CDC (208,834 confirmed and 66,755 probable). Although most cases continue to be reported from states with high incidence in the Northeast, mid-Atlantic, and upper Midwest regions, case counts in most of these states have remained stable or decreased during the reporting period. In contrast, case counts have increased in states that neighbor those with high incidence. Overall, demographic characteristics associated with confirmed cases were similar to those described previously, with a slight predominance among males and a bimodal age distribution with peaks among young children and older adults. Yet, among the subset of cases reported from states with low incidence, infection occurred more commonly among females and older adults. In addition, probable cases occurred more commonly among females and with a higher modal age than confirmed cases. INTERPRETATION: Lyme disease continues to be the most commonly reported vectorborne disease in the United States. Although concentrated in historically high-incidence areas, the geographic distribution is expanding into neighboring states. The trend of stable to decreasing case counts in many states with high incidence could be a result of multiple factors, including actual stabilization of disease incidence or artifact due to modifications in reporting practices employed by some states to curtail the resource burden associated with Lyme disease surveillance. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: This report highlights the continuing public health challenge of Lyme disease in states with high incidence and demonstrates its emergence in neighboring states that previously experienced few cases. Educational efforts should be directed accordingly to facilitate prevention, early diagnosis, and appropriate treatment. As Lyme disease emerges in neighboring states, clinical suspicion of Lyme disease in a patient should be based on local experience rather than incidence cutoffs used for surveillance purposes. A diagnosis of Lyme disease should be considered in patients with compatible clinical signs and a history of potential exposure to infected ticks, not only in states with high incidence but also in areas where Lyme disease is known to be emerging. These findings underscore the ongoing need to implement personal prevention practices routinely (e.g., application of insect repellent and inspection for and removal of ticks) and to develop other effective interventions. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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