Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 30 Records) |
Query Trace: Satter D[original query] |
Intimate partner violence-related homicides of hispanic and latino persons - National Violent Death Reporting System, United States, 2003-2021
Treves-Kagan S , Ruvalcaba Y , Corry DT , Ray CM , Le VD , Lee RD , Siordia C , Mercado MC , Estefan LF , Vera TM , Kearns MC , Mercer Kollar LM , Satter DE , Penman-Aguilar A , Montero JT . MMWR Surveill Summ 2024 73 (9) 1-17 PROBLEM/CONDITION: In 2022, homicide was the second leading cause of death for Hispanic and Latino persons aged 15-24 years in the United States, the third leading cause of death for those aged 25-34 years, and the fourth leading cause of death for those aged 1-14 years. The majority of homicides of females, including among Hispanic and Latino persons, occur in the context of intimate partner violence (IPV). This report summarizes data from CDC's National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) on IPV-related homicides of Hispanic and Latino persons in the United States. PERIOD COVERED: 2003-2021. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: NVDRS collects data regarding violent deaths in the United States and links three sources: death certificates, coroner or medical examiner reports, and law enforcement reports. IPV-related homicides include both intimate partner homicides (IPHs) by current or former partners and homicides of corollary victims (e.g., children, family members, and new partners). Findings describe victim and suspect sex, age group, and race and ethnicity; method of injury; type of location where the homicide occurred; precipitating circumstances (i.e., events that contributed to the homicide); and other selected characteristics. Deaths related to each other (e.g., an ex-partner kills the former partner and their new partner) are linked into a single incident. State participation in NVDRS has expanded over time, and the number of states participating has varied by year; data from all available years (2003-2021) and U.S. jurisdictions (49 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia) were used for this report. Of the 49 states that collect data, all except California and Texas collect data statewide; Puerto Rico and District of Columbia data are jurisdiction wide. Florida was excluded because the data did not meet the completeness threshold for circumstances. RESULTS: NVDRS collected data on 24,581 homicides of Hispanic and Latino persons, and data from all available years (2003-2021) and U.S. jurisdictions (49 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia) were examined. Among homicides with known circumstances (n = 17,737), a total of 2,444 were classified as IPV-related (13.8%). Nearly half of female homicides (n = 1,453; 48.2%) and 6.7% (n = 991) of male homicides were IPV-related; however, among all Hispanic and Latino homicides, most victims were male (n = 20,627; 83.9%). Among the 2,319 IPV-related homicides with known suspects, 85% (n = 1,205) of suspects were current or former partners for female victims, compared with 26.2% (n = 236) for male Hispanic and Latino victims. Approximately one fifth (71 of 359 [19.8%]) of female IPV-related homicide victims of childbearing age with known pregnancy status were pregnant or ≤1 year postpartum. Approximately 5% of IPV-related homicide victims were identified as Black Hispanic or Latino persons (males: n = 67; 6.8%; females: n = 64; 4.4%). A firearm was used in the majority of Hispanic and Latino IPV-related homicides (males: n = 676; 68.2%; females: n = 766; 52.7%). INTERPRETATION: This report provides a detailed summary of NVDRS data on IPV-related homicides of Hispanic and Latino persons in the United States during 2003-2021. This report found heterogeneity of characteristics and circumstances of Hispanic and Latino IPV-related homicides. Whereas most Hispanic and Latino homicide victims were male, nearly 60% of Hispanic and Latino IPHs and IPV-related homicide victims were female. Additional research is needed to better understand the relation between IPHs and IPV-related homicides and race (distinct from ethnicity) and pregnancy. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: NVDRS provides critical and ongoing data on IPV-related homicides of Hispanic and Latino persons in the United States that can be used to identify existing strategies and develop new early intervention strategies to prevent IPV and the escalation of IPV to IPH. Strategies that have demonstrated promise in reducing rates of IPH include expanded availability of low-income housing units; sanctuary policies that outline the relation between immigration enforcement and law officers; state laws prohibiting firearm access to those subject to domestic violence restraining orders; improvement of community relations with police to implement risk-based interventions; and comprehensive social, economic, medical, and legal safety nets to create pathways out of abusive relationships, including for pregnant women. Community, local, state, and Federal leaders can combine data on IPV-related deaths and the best available evidence-based programming and policy to create community-engaged solutions that reflect the experience of their Hispanic and Latino communities, including historical and societal factors that increase risk for violence. |
Adult caretaker engagement and school connectedness and association with substance use, indicators of emotional well-being and suicide risk, and experiences with violence among American Indian or Alaska Native High School students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2023
Everett Jones S , Satter DE , Reece J , Larson JA , Kollar LMM , Niolon PH , Licitis L , Mpofu JJ , Whittle L , Newby TW , Thornton JE , Trujillo L , Ethier KA . MMWR Suppl 2024 73 (4) 13-22 The strength of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities comes from generations of Indigenous traditions, language, culture, and knowledge. These strengths have been challenged by a complex set of systemic, structural, and social factors related to historical and intergenerational trauma that affects the health of AI/AN communities. Furthermore, AI/AN population health data often are inaccurate because of analytic coding practices that do not account for multiracial and ethnic AI/AN identification and inadequate because of statistical suppression. The 2023 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey included a supplemental sample of AI/AN high school students. Coding of race and ethnicity was inclusive of all AI/AN students, even if they also identified as another race or as Hispanic or Latino, providing comprehensive data on health behaviors and experiences among AI/AN high school students nationwide. Adult caretaker engagement and school connectedness and their association with 13 health behaviors and experiences were examined, including five types of current substance use, four indicators of emotional well-being and suicide risk, and four types of violence. Pairwise t-tests and adjusted prevalence ratios from logistic regression models identified significant associations between exposure and outcome variables. Among AI/AN students, having an adult who always tried to meet their basic needs, high parental monitoring, and high school connectedness were associated with lower prevalence of certain measures of substance use, poor emotional well-being and suicide risk, and violence. Compared with non-AI/AN students, the prevalence of current electronic vapor product use, current marijuana use, attempted suicide, and experience of sexual violence was higher among AI/AN students.This report presents the most comprehensive, up-to-date data on substance use, indicators of emotional well-being and suicide risk, and experiences with violence among AI/AN high school students nationwide. The findings suggest the importance of engaged household adults and school connectedness in promoting emotional well-being and preventing substance use, suicide-related behavior, and experiences of violence among AI/AN students. Understanding the historical context and incorporating Indigenous knowledge when developing interventions focused on AI/AN youths are critical to ensure such interventions are successful in improving AI/AN health and well-being. |
Streamlined detection of Nipah virus antibodies using a split nanoluc biosensor
Bergeron É , Chiang CF , Lo MK , Karaaslan E , Satter SM , Rahman MZ , Hossain ME , Aquib WR , Rahman DI , Sarwar SB , Montgomery JM , Klena JD , Spiropoulou CF . Emerg Microbes Infect 2024 2398640 ABSTRACTNipah virus (NiV) is an emerging zoonotic RNA virus that can cause fatal respiratory and neurological disease in animals and humans. Accurate NiV diagnostics and surveillance tools are crucial for the identification of acute and resolved infections and to improve our understanding of NiV transmission and circulation. Here, we have developed and validated a split NanoLuc luciferase NiV glycoprotein (G) biosensor for detecting antibodies in clinical and animal samples. This assay is performed by simply mixing reagents and measuring luminescence, which depends on the complementation of the split NanoLuc luciferase G biosensor following its binding to antibodies. This anti-NiV-G "mix-and-read" assay was validated using the WHO's first international standard for anti-NiV antibodies and more than 700 serum samples from the NiV-endemic country of Bangladesh. Anti-NiV antibodies from survivors persisted for at least 8 years according to both ⍺NiV-G mix-and-read and NiV neutralization assays. The ⍺NiV-G mix-and-read assay sensitivity (98.6%) and specificity (100%) were comparable to anti-NiV IgG ELISA performance but failed to detect anti-NiV antibodies in samples collected less than a week following the appearance of symptoms. Overall, the anti-NiV-G biosensor represents a simple, fast, and reliable tool that could support the expansion of NiV surveillance and retrospective outbreak investigations. |
Homicides of American Indians/Alaska Natives in urban versus rural areas: United States National Violent Death Reporting System, 2003-2020
Corry DT , Kollar LMM , Betz CJ , Fowler KA , Kearns MC , Smith SG , Satter DE . Inj Prev 2024 BACKGROUND: Missing and Murdered Indigenous People is a historic and contemporary issue that has gained national attention. In 2021, homicide was the eighth leading cause of death among American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) persons aged between 1 and 54 years old, and homicide is the sixth leading cause of death among all AIAN males aged 1-54 years old. AIM: These data will build knowledge around AIAN homicides and to identify circumstances that can aid in comprehensive Missing and Murdered Indigenous People prevention efforts. METHODS: AIAN homicide data came from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Violent Death Reporting System, a state/jurisdiction-based surveillance system that collects detailed information about characteristics and circumstances of violent deaths. We examined data from 2003 to 2020 (all available years) from participating states/jurisdictions. We also assessed sociodemographic characteristics of victims and suspects, incident characteristics and differences across dichotomised urban/rural status. The study was conducted in 2022. RESULTS: The National Violent Death Reporting System provided data on 2959 AIAN homicides from 2003 to 2020 (54.2% urban and 45.8% rural). Significant differences based on the two locations included type of weapon used, the location of the injury, race of the primary suspect, the victim's relationship to the suspect and select circumstances precipitating the homicide including crimes precipitating the homicide and homicides stemming from intimate partner violence. OUTCOMES: These findings provide crucial information to strengthen public health efforts for prevention. |
American Indian and Alaska Native violence prevention efforts: a systematic review, 1980 to 2018
Rollman JE , Thomas M , Mercer Kollar LM , Ports KA , Clelland C , Satter DE , David-Ferdon C . Inj Epidemiol 2024 8 72 BACKGROUND: Violence is a serious public health concern disproportionately experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) people. While the burden and impact of violence may be explained by the presence of risk factors among this group, AIAN communities benefit from unique protective factors and universal strategies which may be tailored with tribal adaptations. We sought to identify and explore violence prevention strategies specific to AIAN populations. METHODS: A review was conducted to systematically identify violence prevention programs, policies, and practices implemented in AIAN communities. We searched nine electronic databases and relevant gray literature released between January 1980 and June 2018. We included intervention-focused records targeting at least one violence topic area (child abuse/neglect, elder abuse, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, youth violence, and suicide) in a majority (> 50%) AIAN population. RESULTS: A total of 5220 non-duplicate records were screened, yielding 318 full-text records. After applying exclusion criteria, 57 records describing 60 program, policy, or practice implementations of 43 unique interventions were identified. All six violence types were represented, although more than half (58%; n = 25/43) focused on suicide prevention. Among suicide prevention programs, the most common strategies were identifying and supporting people at risk (80%; n = 20), teaching coping and problem-solving skills (56%; n = 14), and promoting connectedness (48%; n = 12). Two-thirds of the implementations (67%; n = 40/60) were in fully (100%) AIAN communities. Programs were implemented across many settings, though schools were the most common (35%, n = 21/60) setting. Of the 60 total implementations, a majority (80%; n = 48) were new approaches developed by and for AIAN communities, while the remainder were AIAN adaptations of programs previously created for non-AIAN populations. Most implementations (60%; n = 36/60) provided some evaluation data although less than half (45%; n = 27/60) reported evaluation results. CONCLUSIONS: This review identified many violence prevention strategies specific to AIAN populations. While programs developed in one tribe may not be completely generalizable to others, shared tribal risk and protective factors suggest programs could be successful across diverse communities. Findings indicate there is a need to develop and evaluate violence prevention programs, policies and practices for AIAN populations. |
Detection of rotavirus in respiratory specimens from Bangladeshi children aged under 2 years hospitalized for acute gastroenteritis
Satter SM . J Infect Dis 2024 229 (2) 457-461 ![]() To examine the potential for respiratory transmission of rotavirus, we systematically assessed if rotavirus RNA is detectable by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction from nasal and oropharyngeal swab specimens of Bangladeshi children with acute rotavirus gastroenteritis. Forehead swabs were collected to assess skin contamination. Among 399 children aged <2 years hospitalized for gastroenteritis during peak rotavirus season, rotavirus RNA was detected in stool, oral, nasal and forehead swab specimens of 354 (89%). A subset was genotyped; genotype was concordant within a child's specimen set and several different genotypes were detected across children. These findings support possible respiratory transmission of rotavirus and warrant further investigation. |
In silico prediction of interaction between Nipah virus attachment glycoprotein and host cell receptors Ephrin-B2 and Ephrin-B3 in domestic and peridomestic mammals
Hoque AF , Rahman MDM , Lamia AS , Islam A , Klena JD , Satter SM , Epstein JH , Montgomery JM , Hossain ME , Shirin T , Jahid IK , Rahman MZ . Infect Genet Evol 2023 116 105516 ![]() ![]() Nipah virus (NiV) is a lethal bat-borne zoonotic virus that causes mild to acute respiratory distress and neurological manifestations in humans with a high mortality rate. NiV transmission to humans occurs via consumption of bat-contaminated fruit and date palm sap (DPS), or through direct contact with infected individuals and livestock. Since NiV outbreaks were first reported in pigs from Malaysia and Singapore, non-neutralizing antibodies against NiV attachment Glycoprotein (G) have also been detected in a few domestic mammals. NiV infection is initiated after NiV G binds to the host cell receptors Ephrin-B2 and Ephrin-B3. In this study, we assessed the degree of NiV host tropism in domestic and peridomestic mammals commonly found in Bangladesh that may be crucial in the transmission of NiV by serving as intermediate hosts. We carried out a protein-protein docking analysis of NiV G complexes (n = 52) with Ephrin-B2 and B3 of 13 domestic and peridomestic species using bioinformatics tools. Protein models were generated by homology modelling and the structures were validated for model quality. The different protein-protein complexes in this study were stable, and their binding affinity (ΔG) scores ranged between -8.0 to -19.1 kcal/mol. NiV Bangladesh (NiV-B) strain displayed stronger binding to Ephrin receptors, especially with Ephrin-B3 than the NiV Malaysia (NiV-M) strain, correlating with the observed higher pathogenicity of NiV-B strains. From the docking result, we found that Ephrin receptors of domestic rat (R. norvegicus) had a higher binding affinity for NiV G, suggesting greater susceptibility to NiV infections compared to other study species. Investigations for NiV exposure to domestic/peridomestic animals will help us knowing more the possible role of rats and other animals as intermediate hosts of NiV and would improve future NiV outbreak control and prevention in humans and domestic animals. |
Centering data sovereignty, tribal values, and practices for equity in American Indian and Alaska Native public health systems
Rhodes KL , Echo-Hawk A , Lewis JP , Cresci VL , Satter DE , Dillard DA . Public Health Rep 2023 333549231199477 As the first scientists on the American continents, American Indian and Alaska Native people followed various methodologies in the pursuit of knowledge to understand and respond to complex environmental situations.1 Examples include data necessary to guide access to safe food and medicine as well as community roles, kinship, travel, housing, and healing for the well-being of the community. These Tribal data have been transmitted through specific practices with strict protocols such as storytelling, songs, and ceremony. Colonialism and attempts to eradicate Tribal cultures have stolen or at the very least hidden most of the original Tribal data practices in all current public health systems.2 Current methodologies fail to accurately capture data on American Indian and Alaska Native populations, resulting in inaccurate and even harmful data outcomes. Efforts to improve public health data systems should begin with the reclamation of Tribal knowledge systems and the reconstruction of these systems to fit our modern context and Tribal data sovereignty, with intentionality toward future generations. |
Epidemiology and risk factors of norovirus infections among diarrhea patients admitted to tertiary care hospitals in Bangladesh
Satter SM , Abdullah Z , Fariha F , Karim Y , Rahman MM , Balachandran N , Ghosh PK , Hossain ME , Mirza SA , Hall AJ , Gastañaduy PA , Rahman M , Vinjé J , Parashar UD . J Infect Dis 2023 228 (7) 818-828 ![]() BACKGROUND: Norovirus is a major cause of endemic acute gastroenteritis (AGE) worldwide. We described the epidemiology, risk factors, and genotypic distribution of noroviruses among hospitalized patients of all ages in Bangladesh. METHODS: From March 2018 to October 2021, 1250 AGE case patients and controls (age, sex, season, and site matched) were enrolled at 10 hospitals. Demographic and clinical information was collected; real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) used to test stool specimens, and positive samples were genotyped. RESULTS: Norovirus was detected in 9% of cases (111 of 1250) and 15% (182 of 1250) of controls. Eighty-two percent of norovirus-positive cases were in children <5 years old. Norovirus-positive AGE hospitalizations occurred year-round, with peaks in April and October. Risk factors for norovirus included age <5 years (adjusted odds ratio, 3.1 [95% confidence interval, 1.9-5.2]) and exposure to a patient with AGE in the 10 days before enrollment (3.8 [1.9-7.2]). GII.3[P16] and GII.4 Sydney[P16] were the predominant genotypes. CONCLUSIONS: We highlight the burden of norovirus in hospital settings. Young age and recent exposure to a patient with AGE were risk factors for norovirus. A high prevalence of norovirus among controls might represent asymptomatic reinfections or prolonged shedding from a previous infection; carefully designed longitudinal studies are needed to improve our understanding of norovirus infections in Bangladesh. |
Tackling a global epidemic threat: Nipah surveillance in Bangladesh, 2006-2021
Satter SM , Aquib WR , Sultana S , Sharif AR , Nazneen A , Alam MR , Siddika A , Akther Ema F , Chowdhury KIA , Alam AN , Rahman M , Klena JD , Rahman MZ , Banu S , Shirin T , Montgomery JM . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2023 17 (9) e0011617 Human Nipah virus (NiV) infection is an epidemic-prone disease and since the first recognized outbreak in Bangladesh in 2001, human infections have been detected almost every year. Due to its high case fatality rate and public health importance, a hospital-based Nipah sentinel surveillance was established in Bangladesh to promptly detect Nipah cases and respond to outbreaks at the earliest. The surveillance has been ongoing till present. The hospital-based sentinel surveillance was conducted at ten strategically chosen tertiary care hospitals distributed throughout Bangladesh. The surveillance staff ensured that routine screening, enrollment, data, and specimen collection from suspected Nipah cases were conducted daily. The specimens were then processed and transported to the reference laboratory of Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) and icddr,b for confirmation of diagnosis through serology and molecular detection. From 2006 to 2021, through this hospital-based surveillance platform, 7,150 individuals were enrolled and tested for Nipah virus. Since 2001, 322 Nipah infections were identified in Bangladesh, 75% of whom were laboratory confirmed cases. Half of the reported cases were primary cases (162/322) having an established history of consuming raw date palm sap (DPS) or tari (fermented date palm sap) and 29% were infected through person-to-person transmission. Since the initiation of surveillance, 68% (218/322) of Nipah cases from Bangladesh have been identified from various parts of the country. Fever, vomiting, headache, fatigue, and increased salivation were the most common symptoms among enrolled Nipah patients. Till 2021, the overall case fatality rate of NiV infection in Bangladesh was 71%. This article emphasizes that the overall epidemiology of Nipah virus infection in Bangladesh has remained consistent throughout the years. This is the only systematic surveillance to detect human NiV infection globally. The findings from this surveillance have contributed to early detection of NiV cases in hospital settings, understanding of Nipah disease epidemiology, and have enabled timely public health interventions for prevention and containment of NiV infection. Although we still have much to learn regarding the transmission dynamics and risk factors of human NiV infection, surveillance has played a significant role in advancing our knowledge in this regard. |
Development of a neutralization assay using a vesicular stomatitis virus expressing Nipah virus glycoprotein and a fluorescent protein
Jain S , Lo MK , Kainulainen MH , Welch SR , Spengler JR , Satter SM , Rahman MZ , Hossain ME , Chiang CF , Klena JD , Bergeron É , Montgomery JM , Spiropoulou CF , Albariño CG . Virology 2023 587 109858 Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic paramyxovirus with a high case fatality rate. Due to its high pathogenicity, pandemic potential, and lack of therapeutics or approved vaccines, its study requires biosafety level 4 (BSL4) containment. In this report, we developed a novel neutralization assay for use in biosafety level 2 laboratories. The assay uses a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus expressing NiV glycoprotein and a fluorescent protein. The recombinant virus propagates as a replication-competent virus in a cell line constitutively expressing NiV fusion protein, but it is restricted to a single round of replication in wild-type cells. We used this system to evaluate the neutralization activity of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, plasma from NiV-infected hamsters, and serum from human patients. Therefore, this recombinant virus could be used as a surrogate for using pathogenic NiV and may constitute a powerful tool to develop therapeutics in low containment laboratories. |
CDC's guiding principles to promote an equity-centered approach to public health communication
Calanan RM , Bonds ME , Bedrosian SR , Laird SK , Satter D , Penman-Aguilar A . Prev Chronic Dis 2023 20 E57 A public health practitioner's mission is to protect and promote the health of all people in all communities. Components of being successful in that mission include understanding who is at risk of negative outcomes, identifying effective actions to promote and protect health, and communicating information accordingly. Information must be scientifically rigorous, provide appropriate contextualizing information, and refer to and visually represent people through words and images in respectful ways. Public health communication objectives include that the audience accepts, understands, and acts on the information to protect and promote health. This article describes the impetus for, development of, and public health applications and implications of principles to guide communication efforts. CDC's Health Equity Guiding Principles for Inclusive Communication is a web-based resource published in August 2021 that offers - but does not mandate - guidance and recommendations for public health practice. The resource can help public health practitioners and their partners consider social inequities and diversity, think more inclusively about the people they serve, and adapt to the cultural, linguistic, environmental, and historical situation of each population or audience of focus. Users are encouraged to have conversations about the Guiding Principles as they plan and develop communication products and strategies in collaboration with communities and partners and build a shared vocabulary consistent with how communities and groups of focus see and understand themselves, because words matter. As the public health field renews its focus on shifting the paradigm toward equity, a language and narrative shift is a vital intervention. |
American Indian and Alaska Native Knowledge and Public Health for the Primary Prevention of Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons
Satter DE , Mercer Kollar LM , O'Gara 'Djik Sook D , Public Health Writing Group on Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons Various Public Health Experts . Dep Justice J Fed Law Pract 2021 69 (2) 149-188 Violence against American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) women, children, two-spirit individuals,(1) men, and elders is a serious public health issue. Violence may result in death (homicide), and exposure to violence has lasting effects on the physical and mental health of individuals, including depression and anxiety, substance abuse, chronic and infectious diseases, and life opportunities, such as educational attainment and employment. All communities are affected by some form of violence, but some are at an increased risk because of intergenerational, structural, and social factors that influence the conditions in communities where people live, learn, work, and play. Using a violence prevention public health approach, we discuss the role public health can play in addressing and preventing the prevalence of missing or murdered indigenous persons (MMIP).(2) This paper is written as a public health primer and includes a selective overview of public health and Native public health research. It also includes case studies and Native experts' reflections and suggestions regarding the use of public health knowledge and theory, as well as Native knowledge and cultural practices to combat violence. An effective public health prevention approach is facilitated by complex, contextual knowledge of communities and people, including individual and community risk factors, as well as protective factors in strengthening Native communities and preventing MMIP. Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work, and play. To prevent violence, public health seeks to create safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments for all people. MMIP affects communities, families, and loved ones, and its victims may be women and girls, children, men, two-spirit individuals, and elders. Violence is defined as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation."(3) Violence, including adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), has a lasting impact on health, spanning injury, disease outcomes, risk behaviors, maternal and child health, mental health problems, and death.(4) This paper serves as a public health primer to prevent MMIP. MMIP context is provided by weaving public health, research, and applied examples from AIAN experts, best practices in public health, and legal approaches using traditional wisdom and culture. Woven throughout the text, author perspectives are provided as applied examples to contextualize and complement the topics raised based on the individual experiences of several authors. |
Spatiotemporal variation in risk of Shigella infection in childhood: a global risk mapping and prediction model using individual participant data
Badr HS , Colston JM , Nguyen NH , Chen YT , Burnett E , Ali SA , Rayamajhi A , Satter SM , Van Trang N , Eibach D , Krumkamp R , May J , Adegnika AA , Manouana GP , Kremsner PG , Chilengi R , Hatyoka L , Debes AK , Ateudjieu J , Faruque ASG , Hossain MJ , Kanungo S , Kotloff KL , Mandomando I , Nisar MI , Omore R , Sow SO , Zaidi AKM , Lambrecht N , Adu B , Page N , Platts-Mills JA , Mavacala Freitas C , Pelkonen T , Ashorn P , Maleta K , Ahmed T , Bessong P , Bhutta ZA , Mason C , Mduma E , Olortegui MP , Peñataro Yori P , Lima AAM , Kang G , Humphrey J , Ntozini R , Prendergast AJ , Okada K , Wongboot W , Langeland N , Moyo SJ , Gaensbauer J , Melgar M , Freeman M , Chard AN , Thongpaseuth V , Houpt E , Zaitchik BF , Kosek MN . Lancet Glob Health 2023 11 (3) e373-e384 BACKGROUND: Diarrhoeal disease is a leading cause of childhood illness and death globally, and Shigella is a major aetiological contributor for which a vaccine might soon be available. The primary objective of this study was to model the spatiotemporal variation in paediatric Shigella infection and map its predicted prevalence across low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). METHODS: Individual participant data for Shigella positivity in stool samples were sourced from multiple LMIC-based studies of children aged 59 months or younger. Covariates included household-level and participant-level factors ascertained by study investigators and environmental and hydrometeorological variables extracted from various data products at georeferenced child locations. Multivariate models were fitted and prevalence predictions obtained by syndrome and age stratum. FINDINGS: 20 studies from 23 countries (including locations in Central America and South America, sub-Saharan Africa, and south and southeast Asia) contributed 66 563 sample results. Age, symptom status, and study design contributed most to model performance followed by temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, and soil moisture. Probability of Shigella infection exceeded 20% when both precipitation and soil moisture were above average and had a 43% peak in uncomplicated diarrhoea cases at 33°C temperatures, above which it decreased. Compared with unimproved sanitation, improved sanitation decreased the odds of Shigella infection by 19% (odds ratio [OR]=0·81 [95% CI 0·76-0·86]) and open defecation decreased them by 18% (OR=0·82 [0·76-0·88]). INTERPRETATION: The distribution of Shigella is more sensitive to climatological factors, such as temperature, than previously recognised. Conditions in much of sub-Saharan Africa are particularly propitious for Shigella transmission, although hotspots also occur in South America and Central America, the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, and the island of New Guinea. These findings can inform prioritisation of populations for future vaccine trials and campaigns. FUNDING: NASA, National Institutes of Health-The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. |
Vertical transfer of humoral immunity against Nipah virus: A novel evidence from Bangladesh
Satter SM , Nazneen A , Aquib WR , Sultana S , Rahman MZ , Klena JD , Montgomery JM , Shirin T . Trop Med Infect Dis 2022 8 (1) A major obstacle to in-depth investigation of the immune response against Nipah virus (NiV) infection is its rapid progression and high mortality rate. This paper described novel information on the vertical transfer of immune properties. In January 2020, a female aged below five years and her mother from Faridpur district of Bangladesh were infected. Both had a history of raw date palm sap consumption and were diagnosed as confirmed NiV cases. The daughter passed away, and the mother survived with significant residual neurological impairment. She conceived one and a half year later and was under thorough antenatal follow-up by the surveillance authority. A healthy male baby was born. As part of routine survivor follow-up, specimens were collected from the newborn and tested for NiV infection at the reference laboratory to exclude vertical transmission. Although testing negative for anti-Nipah IgM and PCR for NiV, a high titre of anti-Nipah IgG was observed. The transfer of humoral immunity against NiV from mother to neonate was confirmed for the first time. The article will serve as a reference for further exploration regarding NiV-specific antibodies that are transferred through the placenta, their potential to protect newborns, and how this may influence vaccine recommendations. |
Implications for coding race and ethnicity for American Indian and Alaska Native high school students in a national survey
Jones SE , Satter DE . J Health Care Poor Underserved 2022 33 (3) 1245-1257 Objectives. To examine the impact of racial/ethnic coding strategies on the esti-mated prevalence of risk behaviors among American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) high school students. Methods. Data from the national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2017 and 2019) were analyzed (N=28,422). Racial/ethnic data were coded to identify “Multiracial/ ethnic AI/AN students” and “AI/AN alone students.” The prevalence of persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, suicidality, and violence victimization were compared across the coding schemes and with non-Hispanic White students. Results. Of students who self-identified as AI/AN, one in six (18%) were AI/AN alone. The prevalence of many health risk behaviors was significantly higher among AI/AN students than non-Hispanic/Latino White students. The precision of the risk behavior prevalence estimates, however, varied considerably. Conclusion. How racial/ethnic data were coded affected the precision of calculations of risk behavior prevalence among AI/AN students, who are often multiracial and of Hispanic/ Latino ethnicity. © Meharry Medical College. |
An Immunoinformatics Prediction of Novel Multi-Epitope Vaccines Candidate Against Surface Antigens of Nipah Virus.
Rahman MM , Puspo JA , Adib AA , Hossain ME , Alam MM , Sultana S , Islam A , Klena JD , Montgomery JM , Satter SM , Shirin T , Rahman MZ . Int J Pept Res Ther 2022 28 (4) 123 ![]() ![]() Nipah virus (NiV) is an emerging zoonotic virus causing outbreaks of encephalitis and respiratory illnesses in humans, with high mortality. NiV is considered endemic in Bangladesh and Southeast Asia. There are no licensed vaccines against NiV. This study aimed at predicting a dual-antigen multi-epitope subunit chimeric vaccine against surface-glycoproteins G and F of NiV. Targeted proteins were subjected to immunoinformatics analyses to predict antigenic B-cell and T-cell epitopes. The proposed vaccine designs were implemented based on the conservancy, population coverage, molecular docking, immune simulations, codon adaptation, secondary mRNA structure, and in-silico cloning. Total 40 T and B-cell epitopes were found to be conserved, antigenic (vaxijen-value > 0.4), non-toxic, non-allergenic, and human non-homologous. Of 12 hypothetical vaccines, two (NiV_BGD_V1 and NiV_BGD_V2) were strongly immunogenic, non-allergenic, and structurally stable. The proposed vaccine candidates show a negative Z-score (- 6.32 and - 6.67) and 83.6% and 89.3% of most rama-favored regions. The molecular docking confirmed the highest affinity of NiV_BGD_V1 and NiV_BGD_V2 with TLR-4 (ΔG = - 30.7) and TLR8 (ΔG = - 20.6), respectively. The vaccine constructs demonstrated increased levels of immunoglobulins and cytokines in humans and could be expressed properly using an adenoviral-based pAdTrack-CMV expression vector. However, more experimental investigations and clinical trials are needed to validate its efficacy and safety. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10989-022-10431-z. |
Associations Between Eight Earth Observation-Derived Climate Variables and Enteropathogen Infection: An Independent Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Surveillance Studies With Broad Spectrum Nucleic Acid Diagnostics.
Colston JM , Zaitchik BF , Badr HS , Burnett E , Ali SA , Rayamajhi A , Satter SM , Eibach D , Krumkamp R , May J , Chilengi R , Howard LM , Sow SO , JahangirHossain M , Saha D , ImranNisar M , Zaidi AKM , Kanungo S , Mandomando I , Faruque ASG , Kotloff KL , Levine MM , Breiman RF , Omore R , Page N , Platts-Mills JA , Ashorn U , Fan YM , Shrestha PS , Ahmed T , Mduma E , Yori PP , Bhutta Z , Bessong P , Olortegui MP , Lima AAM , Kang G , Humphrey J , Prendergast AJ , Ntozini R , Okada K , Wongboot W , Gaensbauer J , Melgar MT , Pelkonen T , Freitas CM , Kosek MN . Geohealth 2022 6 (1) e2021GH000452 ![]() Diarrheal disease, still a major cause of childhood illness, is caused by numerous, diverse infectious microorganisms, which are differentially sensitive to environmental conditions. Enteropathogen-specific impacts of climate remain underexplored. Results from 15 studies that diagnosed enteropathogens in 64,788 stool samples from 20,760 children in 19 countries were combined. Infection status for 10 common enteropathogens-adenovirus, astrovirus, norovirus, rotavirus, sapovirus, Campylobacter, ETEC, Shigella, Cryptosporidium and Giardia-was matched by date with hydrometeorological variables from a global Earth observation dataset-precipitation and runoff volume, humidity, soil moisture, solar radiation, air pressure, temperature, and wind speed. Models were fitted for each pathogen, accounting for lags, nonlinearity, confounders, and threshold effects. Different variables showed complex, non-linear associations with infection risk varying in magnitude and direction depending on pathogen species. Rotavirus infection decreased markedly following increasing 7-day average temperatures-a relative risk of 0.76 (95% confidence interval: 0.69-0.85) above 28C-while ETEC risk increased by almost half, 1.43 (1.36-1.50), in the 20-35C range. Risk for all pathogens was highest following soil moistures in the upper range. Humidity was associated with increases in bacterial infections and decreases in most viral infections. Several virus species' risk increased following lower-than-average rainfall, while rotavirus and ETEC increased with heavier runoff. Temperature, soil moisture, and humidity are particularly influential parameters across all enteropathogens, likely impacting pathogen survival outside the host. Precipitation and runoff have divergent associations with different enteric viruses. These effects may engender shifts in the relative burden of diarrhea-causing agents as the global climate changes. |
Homicides of American Indians/Alaska Natives - National Violent Death Reporting System, United States, 2003-2018
Petrosky E , Mercer Kollar LM , Kearns MC , Smith SG , Betz CJ , Fowler KA , Satter DE . MMWR Surveill Summ 2021 70 (8) 1-19 PROBLEM/CONDITION: Homicide is a leading cause of death for American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/ANs). Intimate partner violence (IPV) contributes to many homicides, particularly among AI/AN females. This report summarizes data from CDC's National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) on AI/AN homicides. Results include victim and suspect sex, age group, and race/ethnicity; method of injury; type of location where the homicide occurred; precipitating circumstances (i.e., events that contributed to the homicide); and other selected characteristics. PERIOD COVERED: 2003-2018. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: NVDRS collects data regarding violent deaths obtained from death certificates, coroner/medical examiner reports, and law enforcement reports and links related deaths (e.g., multiple homicides and homicide followed by suicide) into a single incident. This report includes data on AI/AN homicides that were collected from 34 states (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin) and the District of Columbia. RESULTS: NVDRS collected data on 2,226 homicides of AI/ANs in 34 states and the District of Columbia during 2003-2018. The age-adjusted AI/AN homicide rate was 8.0 per 100,000 population. The homicide rate was three times higher in AI/AN males than females (12.0 versus 3.9), and the median age of AI/AN victims was 32 years (interquartile range: 23-44 years). Approximately half of AI/AN homicide victims lived or were killed in metropolitan areas (48.2% and 52.7%, respectively). A firearm was used in nearly half (48.4%) of homicides and in a higher percentage of homicides of AI/AN males than females (51.5% versus 39.1%). More AI/AN females than males were killed in a house or apartment (61.8% versus 53.7%) or in their own home (47.7% versus 29.0%). Suspects were identified in 82.8% of AI/AN homicides. Most suspects were male (80.1%), and nearly one third (32.1%) of suspects were AI/ANs. For AI/AN male victims, the suspect was most often an acquaintance or friend (26.3%), a person known to the victim but the exact nature of the relationship was unclear (12.3%), or a relative (excluding intimate partners) (10.5%). For AI/AN female victims, the suspect was most often a current or former intimate partner (38.4%), an acquaintance or friend (11.5%), or a person known to the victim but the exact nature of the relationship was unclear (7.9%). A crime precipitated 24.6% of AI/AN homicides (i.e., the homicide occurred as the result of another serious crime). More AI/AN males were victims of homicides due to an argument or conflict than females (54.7% versus 37.3%), whereas more AI/AN females were victims of homicides due to IPV than males (45.0% versus 12.1%). For homicides related to IPV, 87.2% of AI/AN female victims were killed by a current or former intimate partner, whereas approximately half (51.5%) of AI/AN male victims were corollary victims (i.e., victims killed during an IPV-related incident who were not the intimate partners themselves). INTERPRETATION: This report provides a detailed summary of NVDRS data on AI/AN homicides during 2003-2018. Interpersonal conflict was a predominant circumstance, with nearly half of all AI/AN homicides precipitated by an argument and for female victims, 45.0% precipitated by IPV. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: NVDRS provides critical and ongoing data on AI/AN homicides that can be used to identify effective and early intervention strategies for preventing these deaths. When possible, violence prevention efforts should include community-developed, culturally relevant, and evidence-based strategies. These efforts should incorporate traditional native knowledge and solutions, implement and possibly adapt evidence-based IPV and other violence prevention strategies, and consider the influence of historical and larger societal factors that increase the likelihood of violence in AI/AN communities. |
Disaggregating Data to Measure Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Outcomes and Guide Community Response - Hawaii, March 1, 2020-February 28, 2021.
Quint JJ , Van Dyke ME , Maeda H , Worthington JK , Dela Cruz MR , Kaholokula JK , Matagi CE , Pirkle CM , Roberson EK , Sentell T , Watkins-Victorino L , Andrews CA , Center KE , Calanan RM , Clarke KEN , Satter DE , Penman-Aguilar A , Parker EM , Kemble S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (37) 1267-1273 Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 (1-3). Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian populations vary in language; cultural practices; and social, economic, and environmental experiences,(†) which can affect health outcomes (4).(§) However, data from these populations are often aggregated in analyses. Although data aggregation is often used as an approach to increase sample size and statistical power when analyzing data from smaller population groups, it can limit the understanding of disparities among diverse Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian subpopulations(¶) (4-7). To assess disparities in COVID-19 outcomes among Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian populations, a disaggregated, descriptive analysis, informed by recommendations from these communities,** was performed using race data from 21,005 COVID-19 cases and 449 COVID-19-associated deaths reported to the Hawaii State Department of Health (HDOH) during March 1, 2020-February 28, 2021.(††) In Hawaii, COVID-19 incidence and mortality rates per 100,000 population were 1,477 and 32, respectively during this period. In analyses with race categories that were not mutually exclusive, including persons of one race alone or in combination with one or more races, Pacific Islander persons, who account for 5% of Hawaii's population, represented 22% of COVID-19 cases and deaths (COVID-19 incidence of 7,070 and mortality rate of 150). Native Hawaiian persons experienced an incidence of 1,181 and a mortality rate of 15. Among subcategories of Asian populations, the highest incidences were experienced by Filipino persons (1,247) and Vietnamese persons (1,200). Disaggregating Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian race data can aid in identifying racial disparities among specific subpopulations and highlights the importance of partnering with communities to develop culturally responsive outreach teams(§§) and tailored public health interventions and vaccination campaigns to more effectively address health disparities. |
Inference of Nipah virus evolution, 1999-2015.
Whitmer SLM , Lo MK , Sazzad HMS , Zufan S , Gurley ES , Sultana S , Amman B , Ladner JT , Rahman MZ , Doan S , Satter SM , Flora MS , Montgomery JM , Nichol ST , Spiropoulou CF , Klena JD . Virus Evol 2021 7 (1) veaa062 ![]() ![]() ![]() Despite near-annual human outbreaks of Nipah virus (NiV) disease in Bangladesh, typically due to individual spillover events from the local bat population, only twenty whole-genome NiV sequences exist from humans and ten from bats. NiV whole-genome sequences from annual outbreaks have been challenging to generate, primarily due to the low viral load in human throat swab and serum specimens. Here, we used targeted enrichment with custom NiV-specific probes and generated thirty-five additional unique full-length genomic sequences directly from human specimens and viral isolates. We inferred the temporal and geographic evolutionary history of NiV in Bangladesh and expanded a tool to visualize NiV spatio-temporal spread from a Bayesian continuous diffusion analysis. We observed that strains from Bangladesh segregated into two distinct clades that have intermingled geographically in Bangladesh over time and space. As these clades expanded geographically and temporally, we did not observe evidence for significant branch and site-specific selection, except for a single site in the Henipavirus L polymerase. However, the Bangladesh 1 and 2 clades are differentiated by mutations initially occurring in the polymerase, with additional mutations accumulating in the N, G, F, P, and L genes on external branches. Modeling the historic geographical and temporal spread demonstrates that while widespread, NiV does not exhibit significant genetic variation in Bangladesh. Thus, future public health measures should address whether NiV within in the bat population also exhibits comparable genetic variation, if zoonotic transmission results in a genetic bottleneck and if surveillance techniques are detecting only a subset of NiV. Copyright © 2020 Published by Oxford University Press 2020. This work is written by a US Government employee and is in the public domain in the US. |
Hospital-based Surveillance for Pediatric Norovirus Gastroenteritis in Bangladesh, 2012-2016.
Satter SM , Abdullah Z , Cardemil CV , Flora MS , Gurley ES , Rahman M , Talha M , Islam MD , Hossain ME , Balachandran N , Lopman B , Rahman M , Vinjé J , Hall AJ , Parashar UD . Pediatr Infect Dis J 2020 40 (3) 215-219 ![]() BACKGROUND: Globally, noroviruses are recognized as an important cause of acute gastroenteritis (AGE), but data from low and middle-income countries are limited. AIMS: To examine the epidemiology and strain diversity of norovirus infections among children hospitalized for AGE in Bangladesh. METHODS: We implemented active surveillance of children <5 years of age hospitalized with AGE at 8 geographically dispersed tertiary care hospitals in Bangladesh from July 2012 to June 2016. We tested random samples of AGE cases stratified by site and age group for norovirus by real-time RT-PCR. Noro-positive specimens were genotyped. Coinfection with rotavirus was assessed based on prior EIA testing. RESULTS: We enrolled 5622 total AGE cases, of which 1008 were tested for norovirus. Total of 137 (14%) AGE cases tested positive for norovirus (range, 11%-17% by site). Most (94%) norovirus-associated hospitalizations were among children less than 2 years of age. Norovirus was detected year-round, with higher detection from March to June (20%-38%) and November to January (9%-18%). Genogroup II (GII) noroviruses were detected in 96% of cases, and the most frequent genotypes were GII.4 Sydney [P4 New Orleans] (33%), GII.3 [P16] (20%), and GII.4 Sydney [P16] (11%). The proportion of norovirus-positive specimens was significantly greater among rotavirus-negative AGE patients compared with rotavirus-positive AGE patients (27% vs. 5%, P < 0.001). As measured by the Vesikari severity score, a similar proportion of norovirus and rotavirus positive AGE patients were considered severe (68% vs. 70%, P = 0.86). CONCLUSIONS: Norovirus is an important cause of AGE hospitalization in Bangladeshi children with most infections caused by GII viruses. |
A framework to monitor changes in transmission and epidemiology of emerging pathogens: Lessons from Nipah virus
Nikolay B , Salje H , Khan Akmd , Sazzad HMS , Satter SM , Rahman M , Doan S , Knust B , Flora MS , Luby SP , Cauchemez S , Gurley ES . J Infect Dis 2020 221 S363-s369 It is of uttermost importance that the global health community develops the surveillance capability to effectively monitor emerging zoonotic pathogens that constitute a major and evolving threat for human health. In this study, we propose a comprehensive framework to measure changes in (1) spillover risk, (2) interhuman transmission, and (3) morbidity/mortality associated with infections based on 6 epidemiological key indicators derived from routine surveillance. We demonstrate the indicators' value for the retrospective or real-time assessment of changes in transmission and epidemiological characteristics using data collected through a long-standing, systematic, hospital-based surveillance system for Nipah virus in Bangladesh. We show that although interhuman transmission and morbidity/mortality indicators were stable, the number and geographic extent of spillovers varied significantly over time. This combination of systematic surveillance and active tracking of transmission and epidemiological indicators should be applied to other high-risk emerging pathogens to prevent public health emergencies. |
Changing contact patterns over disease progression: Nipah virus as a case study
Lee KH , Nikolay B , Sazzad HMS , Hossain MJ , Khan Akmd , Rahman M , Satter SM , Nichol ST , Klena JD , Pulliam JRC , Kilpatrick AM , Sultana S , Afroj S , Daszak P , Luby S , Cauchemez S , Salje H , Gurley E . J Infect Dis 2020 222 (3) 438-442 Contact patterns play a key role in disease transmission, and variation in contacts during the course of illness can influence transmission, particularly when accompanied by changes in host infectiousness. We used surveys among 1,642 contacts of 94 Nipah case-patients in Bangladesh to determine how contact patterns (physical and with bodily fluids) changed as disease progressed in severity. The number of contacts increased with severity and, for case-patients who died, peaked on the day of death. Given transmission has only been observed among fatal Nipah cases, our findings suggest changes in contact patterns during illness contribute to risk of infection. |
Infectious etiologies of intussusception among children <2 years old in 4 Asian countries
Burnett E , Kabir F , Van Trang N , Rayamajhi A , Satter SM , Liu J , Yousafzai MT , Anh DD , Basnet AT , Flora MS , Houpt E , Qazi SH , Canh TM , Rayamajhi AK , Saha BK , Saddal NS , Muneer S , Hung PH , Islam T , Ali SA , Tate JE , Yen C , Parashar UD . J Infect Dis 2019 221 (9) 1499-1505 BACKGROUND: The etiology of intussusception, the leading cause of bowel obstruction in infants, is unknown in most cases. Adenovirus has been associated with intussusception, and a slightly increased risk of intussusception with rotavirus vaccination has been found in several countries. We conducted a case-control study among children <2 years old in Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, and Vietnam to evaluate infectious etiologies of intussusception before rotavirus vaccine introduction. METHODS: From 2015-2017, we enrolled one-to-one matched intussusception cases and hospital controls; 249 pairs are included. Stool specimens were tested for 37 infectious agents using TaqMan Array technology. We used conditional logistic regression to estimate the odds ratio and 95% confidence interval (CI) of each pathogen associated with intussusception in a pooled analysis and in quantitative sub-analyses. RESULTS: Adenovirus (OR: 2.67, 95%CI: 1.75, 4.36) and human herpes virus 6 (OR: 3.50, 95%CI: 1.15, 10.63) were detected more frequently in cases than controls. Adenovirus C detection <20 quantification cycles was associated with intussusception (OR: 18.59, 95%CI: 2.45, 140.89). Wild-type rotavirus was not associated with intussusception (OR: 1.07, 95%CI: 0.52, 2.22). CONCLUSIONS: In this comprehensive evaluation, adenovirus and HHV-6 were associated with intussusception. Future research is needed to better understand mechanisms leading to intussusception, particularly after rotavirus vaccination. |
Preparing for safety monitoring after rotavirus vaccine introduction - assessment of baseline epidemiology of intussusception among children < 2 years of age in four Asian countries
Burnett E , Van Trang N , Rayamajhi A , Yousafzai MT , Satter SM , Anh DD , Thapa A , Qazi SH , Heffelfinger JD , Hung PH , Rayamajhi AK , Saddal N , Flora MS , Canh TM , Ali SA , Gurley ES , Tate JE , Yen C , Parashar UD . Vaccine 2018 36 (50) 7593-7598 Intussusception is the invagination of one segment of the bowel into a distal segment, characterized by symptoms of bloody stool, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Previous studies have found regional differences in incidence but the etiology of most intussusception cases is unknown. Rotavirus vaccines were associated with a slightly of increased risk of intussusception in post-licensure evaluations in high- and middle-income countries, but not in low income African countries. To describe the baseline epidemiology of intussusception in young children prior to rotavirus vaccine implementation, active sentinel hospital surveillance for intussusception in children<2years of age was conducted in 4 low income Asian countries (Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam). Over a 24-month period, 15 sites enrolled 1,415 intussusception cases, of which 70% were enrolled in Vietnam. Overall, 61% of cases were male and 1% (n=16) died, ranging from 8% in Pakistan to 0% in Vietnam. The median age of cases enrolled ranged from 6months in Bangladesh and Pakistan to 12months in Vietnam. The proportion of cases receiving surgical management was 100% in Bangladesh, 88% in Pakistan, 61% in Nepal, and 1% in Vietnam. The high proportion of males and median age of cases around 6months of age found in this regional surveillance network are consistent with previous descriptions of the epidemiology of intussusception in these countries and elsewhere. Differences in management and the fatality rate of cases between the countries likely reflect differences in access to healthcare and availability of diagnostic modalities. These baseline data will be useful for post-rotavirus vaccine introduction safety monitoring. |
An update from hospital-based surveillance for rotavirus gastroenteritis among young children in Bangladesh, July 2012 to June 2017
Satter SM , Aliabadi N , Gastanaduy PA , Haque W , Mamun A , Flora MS , Zaman K , Rahman M , Heffelfinger JD , Luby SP , Gurley ES , Parashar UD . Vaccine 2018 36 (51) 7811-7815 INTRODUCTION: In preparation for the introduction of a rotavirus vaccine into the routine immunization program of Bangladesh in 2018, we report data and highlight evolving genotypes from five years of active hospital-based rotavirus surveillance which began in July 2012. METHODS: We enrolled and collected fresh stool from every fourth child<5years admitted with acute gastroenteritis (AGE) at 8 participating surveillance hospitals. Rotavirus infections were detected by enzyme immune assay. Twenty-five percent of rotavirus isolates were genotyped using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: We found that 64% (4832/7562) of children<5years of age admitted with AGE had evidence of rotavirus infection. The majority (57%) of patients with rotavirus infection were <12months of age. The most common strains were G1P[8] (43%), G12P[8] (15%) and G9P[8] (9%); 11% of children had mixed infection.G3P[8], which has not been reported in Bangladesh since 2001, was documented for the first time in our surveillance system. CONCLUSIONS: The high burden of rotavirus-associated hospitalizations highlights the potential value of rotavirus vaccination in Bangladesh. Continued surveillance is important for monitoring the impact of vaccination as well as monitoring evolving genotypes. |
Epidemiology of childhood intussusception in Bangladesh: Findings from an active national hospital based surveillance system, 2012-2016
Satter SM , Aliabadi N , Yen C , Gastanaduy PA , Ahmed M , Mamun A , Islam K , Flora MS , Rahman M , Zaman K , Rahman M , Heffelfinger JD , Luby SP , Gurley ES , Parashar UD . Vaccine 2017 36 (51) 7805-7810 INTRODUCTION: Rotavirus vaccines have significantly decreased the burden of diarrheal diseases in countries that have introduced them into their immunization programs. In some studies, there has been a small association between rotavirus vaccines and intussusception in post-marketing surveillance, highlighting the importance of tracking incidence before and after vaccine introduction. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiology of intussusception among Bangladeshi children pre-vaccine introduction. METHODS: We conducted active, hospital-based surveillance for intussusception at 7 tertiary care hospitals with pediatric surgical facilities during July 2012 to September 2016. Hospitalized children under 2years of age were identified according to Brighton Collaboration level 1 criteria for intussusception. The frequency and proportion of intussusception among overall surgical admissions, as well as the demographic and clinical information of the cases is described. RESULTS: Overall 153 cases of intussusception among children <2years-old were identified at participating sites over the enrolment period, confirmed by Level 1 Brighton criteria. These cases represented 2% of all surgical admissions under 2years of age. One hundred twelve cases (73%) were male; the median age was 7months; and the median duration of hospitalization was 7days. One hundred forty-six (95%) children with intussusception required surgery, and 11 (7%) died. CONCLUSIONS: Confirmed cases of intussusception represented nearly 2% of pediatric surgical admissions at tertiary referral centers in Bangladesh during the study period and 7% of children with intussusception died. Given the high burden of rotavirus disease in Bangladesh, vaccine introduction is warranted, however, further studies after introduction of rotavirus vaccine are necessary to determine any association between vaccine and intussusception in this setting. |
Hospital-based surveillance for Rotavirus gastroenteritis among young children in Bangladesh: defining the potential impact of a rotavirus vaccine program
Satter S , Gastanaduy P , Islam K , Rahman M , Rahman M , Luby S , Heffelfinger J , Parashar U , Gurley E . Pediatr Infect Dis J 2016 36 (2) 168-172 BACKGROUND: In anticipation of introduction of a rotavirus vaccine into the national immunization program of Bangladesh, active hospital-based surveillance was initiated to provide pre-vaccine baseline data on rotavirus disease. METHODS: Children 5 years of age and younger admitted with acute gastroenteritis (AGE) (≥3 watery or looser-than-normal stools or ≥1 episode of forceful vomiting) at 7 hospitals throughout Bangladesh were identified. Clinical information and stool specimens were collected from every 4th patient. Specimens were tested for rotavirus antigen by enzyme immunoassays; 25% of detected rotaviruses were genotyped. RESULTS: From July 2012-June 2015, rotavirus was detected in 2,432 (64%) of 3,783 children hospitalized for AGE. Eight enrolled children died, including 4 (50%) who were rotavirus positive. Rotavirus was detected year-round in Bangladesh with peak detection rates of >80% during November-February. Most (86%) rotavirus AGE cases were 6-23 months of age. Sixty-nine percent of children with rotavirus had severe disease (Vesikari score ≥11). Among 543 strains genotyped, G1P[8] (31%) and G12P[8] (29%) were the most common. CONCLUSIONS: Rotavirus is a major cause of morbidity in Bangladeshi children, accounting for nearly two-thirds of AGE hospitalizations. These data highlight the potential value of rotavirus vaccination in Bangladesh, and will be key for future measurement of vaccine impact. |
Nipah virus transmission from bats to humans associated with drinking traditional liquor made from date palms sap, Bangladesh, 2011-2014
Islam MS , Sazzad HM , Satter SM , Sultana S , Hossain MJ , Hasan M , Rahman M , Campbell S , Cannon DL , Stroher U , Daszak P , Luby SP , Gurley ES . Emerg Infect Dis 2016 22 (4) 664-70 Nipah virus (NiV) is a paramyxovirus, and Pteropus spp. bats are the natural reservoir. From December 2010 through March 2014, hospital-based encephalitis surveillance in Bangladesh identified 18 clusters of NiV infection. The source of infection for case-patients in 3 clusters in 2 districts was unknown. A team of epidemiologists and anthropologists investigated these 3 clusters comprising 14 case-patients, 8 of whom died. Among the 14 case-patients, 8 drank fermented date palm sap (tari) regularly before their illness, and 6 provided care to a person infected with NiV. The process of preparing date palm trees for tari production was similar to the process of collecting date palm sap for fresh consumption. Bat excreta was reportedly found inside pots used to make tari. These findings suggest that drinking tari is a potential pathway of NiV transmission. Interventions that prevent bat access to date palm sap might prevent tari-associated NiV infection. |
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