Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
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Analysis and Characterization of Anti-Caking Additives Used in Rock Dust to Mitigate Mine Explosions
Perera IE , Harris ML , Sapko MJ . Min Metall Explor 2021 38 (3) 1411-1419 Experiments conducted with limestone dusts and dolomitic marble dusts have indicated that when rock dust is wetted and subsequently dried, it becomes a solid, non-dispersible cake. However, in order to be effectively inert a coal dust explosion, rock dust must be able to disperse as individual particles to air. To counteract this, rock dust manufacturers created treated rock dusts that will resist caking after moisture exposure. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) researchers conducted a series of laboratory-scale experiments on four base rock dusts and their treated counterparts to assess the effectiveness of various anti-caking additives after being exposed to moisture and then dried. The dusts were exposed to moisture using humidity cabinets having a high relative humidity (99% RH) and by also exposing the rock dust bed to water through bottom wicking. The dusts were then evaluated for dispersibility after drying using the NIOSH-designed dust dispersion chamber. The anti-caking additives were different concentrations of stearic acid, oleic acid, and xylene-based surfactants. All results were compared to a reference rock dust used to conduct large-scale experiments in the Lake Lynn Experimental Mine (LLEM), Fairchance, PA. When the untreated dusts were dried after exposure to moisture for 1 day, no dispersion was measured. However, rock dusts treated with anti-caking agents were readily dispersible even after exposure to moisture for 6 months. This report details the analysis and characterization of anti-caking additives using the NIOSH-designed dispersion chamber and the 20-L explosion test chamber. © 2019, This is a U.S. government work and its text is not subject to copyright protection in the United States; however, its text may be subject to foreign copyright protection. |
Large-scale explosion propagation testing of treated and non-treated rock dust when overlain by a thin layer of coal dust
Perera IE , Harris ML , Sapko MJ , Dyduch Z , Cybulski K , Hildebrandt R , Goodman GVR . Min Metall Explor 2021 38 (2) 1009-1017 To prevent coal dust explosion propagations, rock dust needs to be lifted and suspended in the air with the coal dust during an explosion. The addition of anti-caking agents prevents caking of rock dust in the presence of water. Mining and rock dusting processes can frequently create alternating layers of rock dust and float coal dust on mine surfaces. For this test series, a thin layer of coal dust was distributed on top of a layer of either treated or non-treated rock dust in the Experimental Mine Barbara, Poland. The experimental results compare the effectiveness of treated and non-treated rock dusts to attenuate a propagating coal dust explosion initiated with either strong or weak methane explosions. Experimental results indicate that the treated rock dust performs better than non-treated rock dust in arresting a propagating explosion, especially in the presence of moisture. |
Floor dust erosion during early stages of coal dust explosion development
Harris ML , Sapko MJ . Int J Min Sci Technol 2019 29 (6) 825-830 An ignition of methane and air can generate enough air flow to raise mixtures of combustible coal and rock dust. The expanding high temperature combustion products ignite the suspended dust mixture and will continue to propagate following the available combustible fuel supply. If the concentration of the dispersed rock dust is sufficient, the flame will stop propagating. Large-scale explosion tests were conducted within the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Lake Lynn Experimental Mine (LLEM) to measure the dynamic pressure history and the post-explosion dust scour depth. The aim of this effort is to provide quantitative data on depth of dust removal during the early stages of explosion development and its relationship to the depth of floor dust collected for assessing the incombustible content most likely to participate in the combustion process. This experimental work on dust removal on is not only important for coal mine safety but also for industrial dust explosions. |
Factors affecting the performance of trickle dusters for preventing explosive dust accumulations in return airways
Sapko MJ , Harris ML , Perera IE , Zlochower IA , Weiss ES . J Loss Prev Process Ind 2019 61 1-7 Correctly applied rock dust can dilute, inert, and mitigate the explosive potential of float coal dust. Trickle dusters are one element of a comprehensive system to help prevent coal dust explosions in underground coal mines. Trickle dusters supply rock dust to inert fine float coal dust in areas where it is commonly deposited, such as the longwall tailgate returns, return airways, pillaring areas, and downwind of belt transfers. Dust deposition studies show that the effectiveness of trickle dusters depends on several key factors. Using multiple orifices, rock dust should be released near the mine roof in the direction of the airflow in order to spread the cloud cross the entry. The rock duster should have a mechanism to break up rock dust agglomerates as they leave the rock duster. The particle size distribution of the limestone rock dust and its airborne concentration should be proportional to the airborne size distribution and concentration of coal dust passing by the trickle duster. Specifically, rock dusts having a greater proportion of <74 microm material are more effective at minimizing downwind zones of explosible mixtures than mostly larger particles. In our testing, rock dusts having more than 95% of <74 microm sized particles were adequately dispersed by trickle dusters. Based on our results, the mass rate of rock dust discharge from the trickle duster should exceed the rate of float coal production by at least a factor of four in order to minimize accumulations of explosible dusts. |
Influence of specific surface area on coal dust explosibility using the 20-L chamber
Zlochower IA , Sapko MJ , Perera IE , Brown CB , Harris ML , Rayyan NS . J Loss Prev Process Ind 2018 54 103-109 The relationship between the explosion inerting effectiveness of rock dusts on coal dusts, as a function of the specific surface area (cm2/g) of each component is examined through the use of 20-L explosion chamber testing. More specifically, a linear relationship is demonstrated for the rock dust to coal dust (or incombustible to combustible) content of such inerted mixtures with the specific surface area of the coal and the inverse of that area of the rock dust. Hence, the inerting effectiveness, defined as above, is more generally linearly dependent on the ratio of the two surface areas. The focus on specific surface areas, particularly of the rock dust, provide supporting data for minimum surface area requirements in addition to the 70% less than 200 mesh requirement specified in 30 CFR 75.2. © 2018 |
Design and development of a dust dispersion chamber to quantify the dispersibility of rock dust
Perera IE , Sapko MJ , Harris ML , Zlochower IA , Weiss ES . J Loss Prev Process Ind 2016 39 7-16 Dispersible rock dust must be applied to the surfaces of entries in underground coal mines in order to inert the coal dust entrained or made airborne during an explosion and prevent propagating explosions. 30 CFR. 75.2 states that ". . . [rock dust particles] when wetted and dried will not cohere to form a cake which will not be dispersed into separate particles by a light blast of air . . ." However, a proper definition or quantification of "light blast of air" is not provided. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has, consequently, designed a dust dispersion chamber to conduct quantitative laboratory-scale dispersibility experiments as a screening tool for candidate rock dusts. A reproducible pulse of air is injected into the chamber and across a shallow tray of rock dust. The dust dispersed and carried downwind is monitored. The mass loss of the dust tray and the airborne dust measurements determine the relative dispersibility of the dust with respect to a Reference rock dust. This report describes the design and the methodology to evaluate the relative dispersibility of rock dusts with and without anti-caking agents. Further, the results of this study indicate that the dispersibility of rock dusts varies with particle size, type of anti-caking agent used, and with the untapped bulk density. Untreated rock dusts, when wetted and dried forming a cake that was much less dispersible than the reference rock dust used in supporting the 80% total incombustible content rule. |
Particle size and surface area effects on explosibility using a 20-L chamber
Harris ML , Sapko MJ , Zlochower IA , Perera IE , Weiss ES . J Loss Prev Process Ind 2015 37 33-38 The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) specification for rock dust used in underground coal mines, as defined by 30 CFR 75.2, requires 70% of the material to pass through a 200 mesh sieve (<75 μm). However, in a collection of rock dusts, 47% were found to not meet the criteria. Upon further investigation, it was determined that some of the samples did meet the specification, but were inadequate to render pulverized Pittsburgh coal inert in the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Office of Mine Safety and Health Research (OMSHR) 20-L chamber. This paper will examine the particle size distributions, specific surface areas (SSA), and the explosion suppression effectiveness of these rock dusts. It will also discuss related findings from other studies, including full-scale results from work performed at the Lake Lynn Experimental Mine. Further, a minimum SSA for effective rock dust will be suggested. |
Detonability of natural gas-air mixtures
Gamezo VN , Zipf Jr RK , Sapko MJ , Marchewka WP , Mohamed KM , Oran ES , Kessler DA , Weiss ES , Addis JD , Karnack FA , Sellers DD . Combust Flame 2011 159 (2) 870-881 Direct initiation experiments were carried out in a 105 cm diameter tube to study detonation properties and evaluate the detonability limits for mixtures of natural gas (NG) with air. The natural gas was primarily methane with 1.5–1.7% of ethane. A stoichiometric methane–oxygen mixture contained in a large plastic bag was used as a detonation initiator. Self-supporting detonations with velocities and pressures close to theoretical CJ values were observed in NG–air mixtures containing from 5.3% to 15.6% of NG at atmospheric pressure. These detonability limits are wider than previously measured in smaller channels, and close to the flammability limits. Detonation cell patterns recorded near the limits vary from large cells of the size of the tube to spiral traces of spin detonations. Away from the limits, detonation cell sizes decrease to about 20 cm for 10% NG, and are consistent with existing data for methane–air mixtures obtained in smaller channels. Observed cell patterns are very irregular, and contain secondary cell structures inside primary cells and fine structures inside spin traces. |
Methane-air detonation experiments at NIOSH Lake Lynn Laboratory
Zipf Jr RK , Gamezo VN , Sapko MJ , Marchewka WP , Mohamed KM , Oran ES , Kessler DA , Weiss ES , Addis JD , Karnack FA , Sellers DD . J Loss Prev Process Ind 2011 26 (2) 295-301 The methane-air detonation experiments are performed to characterize high pressure explosion processes that may occur in sealed areas of underground coal mines. The detonation tube used for these studies is 73m long, 105cm internal diameter, and closed at one end. The test gas is 97.5% methane with about 1.5% ethane, and the methane-air test mixtures varied between 4% and 19% methane by volume. Detonations were successfully initiated for mixtures containing between 5.3% and 15.5% methane. The detonations propagated with an average velocity between 1512 and 1863m/s. Average overpressures recorded behind the first shock pressure peak varied between 1.2 and 1.7MPa. The measured detonation velocities and pressures are close to their corresponding theoretical Chapman-Jouguet (CJ) detonation velocity (DCJ) and detonation pressure (PCJ). Outside of these detonability limits, failed detonations produced decaying detached shocks and flames propagating with velocities of approximately 1/2 DCJ. Cell patterns on smokefoils during detonations were very irregular and showed secondary cell structures inside primary cells. The measured width of primary cells varied between 20cm near the stoichiometry and 105cm (tube diameter) near the limits. The largest detonation cell (105cm wide and 170cm long) was recorded for the mixture containing 15.3% methane. |
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