Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
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Impact of Medicaid expansion and methadone coverage as a medication for opioid use disorder on foster care entries during the opioid crisis
Tang S , Matjasko JL , Harper CR , Rostad WL , Ports KA , Strahan AE , Florence C . Child Youth Serv Rev 2021 130 Between 2012 and 2018, incidents of opioid-involved injuries surged and the number of children in foster care due to parental drug use disorder increased. Treatments for opioid use disorder (OUD) might prevent or reduce the amount of time that children spend in the child welfare system. Using administrative data, we examined the impact of Medicaid expansion and state support for methadone as a medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) on first-time foster care placements. Results show that first-time foster care entries due to parental drug use disorder experienced a reduction of 28 per 100,000 children in Medicaid expansion states with methadone MOUD covered by their state Medicaid programs. The largest reduction was found among non-Hispanic Black children and the youngest children (age 0–1 years). Policies that increase OUD treatment access may reduce foster care placements by reducing parents’ drug use, a risk factor for child abuse/neglect and subsequent home removal. © 2021 |
Impact of the United States federal child tax credit on childhood injuries and behavior problems
Rostad WL , Klevens J , Ports KA , Ford DC . Child Youth Serv Rev 2019 107 Children who grow up in poverty are at risk for various poor outcomes. Socioeconomic policies can shape the conditions in which families are raising children and may be effective at reducing financial strain and helping families obtain economic sufficiency, thereby reducing risk for poor health outcomes. This study used data from two surveys conducted in the US, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79) and the NLSY79 Young Adult survey to determine whether the U.S. Federal Child Tax Credit (CTC), a socioeconomic policy that provides tax relief to low- and middle-income families to offset the costs of raising children, is associated with child well-being, as indicated by whether the child had injuries requiring medical attention and behavioral problems. Fixed-effects models, accounting for year and state of residence, detected a lower likelihood of injuries requiring medical attention (OR = 0.58, 95% CI [0.40, 0.86]) and significantly fewer behavior problems (b = -2.07, 95% CI [-4.06, -0.08]) among children with mothers eligible to receive a CTC, but only when it was partially refundable (i.e., mothers could receive a tax refund for a portion of the CTC that exceeds their tax liability) for families making as little as $3000 a year. Tax credits like the CTC have the potential to alleviate financial strain among families, and consequently, may have impacts on injury and behavior problems. |
Shared correlates of prescription drug misuse and severe suicide ideation among clinical patients at risk for suicide
Logan JE , Ertl AM , Rostad WL , Herbst JH , Ashby Plant E . Suicide Life Threat Behav 2020 50 (6) 1276-1287 OBJECTIVE: Unintentional drug overdose and suicide have emerged as public health problems. Prescription drug misuse can elevate risk of overdose. Severe suicidal ideation increases risk of suicide. We identified shared correlates of both risk factors to inform cross-cutting prevention efforts. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study using the Military Suicide Research Consortium's Common Data Elements survey; 2012-2017 baseline data collected from 10 research sites were analyzed. The sample included 3962 clinical patients at risk of suicide. Factors examined in relation to the outcomes, prescription drug misuse and severe suicidal ideation, included demographic characteristics and symptoms of: hopelessness; anxiety; post-traumatic stress disorder; alcohol use; other substance use; prior head/neck injury; insomnia; and belongingness. Poisson regression models with robust estimates provided adjusted prevalence ratios (aPRs) and 97.5% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: Medium and high (vs. low) levels of insomnia were positively associated with prescription drug misuse (aPRs p < 0.025). Medium (vs. low) level of insomnia was positively associated with severe suicidal ideation (aPR: 1.09; CI: 1.01-1.18). Medium and high (vs. low) levels of perceived belongingness were inversely associated with both outcomes (aPRs p < 0.025). CONCLUSIONS: Research should evaluate whether addressing sleep problems and improving belongingness can reduce prescription drug misuse and suicidal ideation simultaneously. |
Sexual violence victimization of youth and health risk behaviors
Basile KC , Clayton HB , Rostad WL , Leemis RW . Am J Prev Med 2020 58 (4) 570-579 INTRODUCTION: This study assesses associations between past-12-month sexual violence victimization and recent health risk behaviors using a nationally representative sample of male and female high school students. It is hypothesized that sexual violence victimization will be associated with most of the negative health behaviors for both sexes. METHODS: Data from the 2017 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a school-based cross-sectional survey of students in Grades 9-12, were used to assess associations between sexual violence victimization and 29 health risk behaviors in sex-stratified logistic regression models. Effect modification was also examined through sex X sexual violence victimization interactions within unstratified models. All models controlled for race/ethnicity, grade, and sexual identity. Data were analyzed in 2018. RESULTS: Students who experienced sexual violence victimization were significantly more likely to report many health risk behaviors and experiences, such as substance use, injury, negative sexual health behaviors, feelings of sadness or hopelessness, suicidality, poor academic performance, and cognitive difficulties, and these associations were often stronger among male students (significant adjusted prevalence ratios ranged from 1.63 to 14.40 for male and 1.24 to 6.67 for female students). CONCLUSIONS: Past-year sexual violence victimization was significantly related to various health risk behaviors, suggesting that efforts to prevent sexual violence may also be associated with decreases in poor health. Integrating violence, substance use, sexual, and other health risk prevention efforts is warranted. |
Reducing the number of children entering foster care: Effects of state earned income tax credits
Rostad WL , Ports KA , Tang S , Klevens J . Child Maltreat 2020 25 (4) 1077559519900922 Foster care caseloads, an indicator of child maltreatment, are increasing. Children living in poverty are significantly more likely to be reported to the child welfare system and are overrepresented in foster care. Thus, it is critical to identify prevention strategies that can stem the flow of foster care entries, particularly among populations at higher risk. We used variations in the adoption and refund status of state-level Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), a socioeconomic policy intended to reduce poverty, to examine their effect on foster care entry rates. Fixed-effects models, accounting for year- and state-fixed effects, demonstrated that a refundable EITC was associated with an 11% decrease in foster care entries compared to states without a state-level EITC after controlling for child poverty rate, racial/ethnic composition, education, and unemployment. Policies that strengthen economic supports for families may prevent child maltreatment and reduce foster care entries and associated costs. |
Substance use and disparities in teen dating violence victimization by sexual identity among high school students
Rostad WL , Clayton HB , Estefan LF , Johns MM . Prev Sci 2019 21 (3) 398-407 Sexual minority youth (SMY) report more substance use and experience more physical and sexual dating violence victimization than heterosexual youth; however, few studies have explored the relationship between substance use and disparities in teen dating violence and victimization (TDVV) using national-level estimates, and examined if these relationships vary by sexual minority subgroups. Data from the nationally representative 2015 and 2017 national Youth Risk Behavior Surveys were used to examine differences in TDVV and substance use by sexual identity, and to determine if substance use was associated with TDVV disparities between SMY and heterosexual high school students who dated 12 months prior to the survey (n = 18,704). Sex-stratified logistic regression models generated prevalence ratios adjusted for demographic characteristics and substance use behaviors to determine if substance use mediated the relationship between sexual identity and TDVV. Compared with their heterosexual peers, SMY experienced higher rates of TDVV and were more likely to report using most types of substances, although differences were more pronounced among female students compared with male students. Disparities in TDVV were reduced for male gay and bisexual students as well as for female bisexual students once substance use was entered into the model, suggesting that there is a relationship between substance use and some of gay and bisexual students' risk for experiences of TDVV. Comprehensive efforts for violence prevention among sexual minority students may benefit from incorporating substance use prevention, given its relationship to disparities in TDVV. |
The association between exposure to violent pornography and teen dating violence in grade 10 high school students
Rostad WL , Gittins-Stone D , Huntington C , Rizzo CJ , Pearlman D , Orchowski L . Arch Sex Behav 2019 48 (7) 2137-2147 Exposure to pornography in general has been linked with adolescent dating violence and sexual aggression, but less is known about exposure to violent pornography specifically. The current study examined the association of violent pornography exposure with different forms of teen dating violence (TDV) using baseline survey data from a sample of Grade 10 high school students who reported being in a dating relationship in the past year (n = 1694). Gender-stratified logistic regression models generated odds ratios adjusted for demographics, substance use, history of suspension/expulsion, gender equitable attitudes, and tolerance of rape myths to identify significant associations between violent pornography exposure and self-reported physical, sexual, and threatening TDV perpetration and victimization. Violent pornography exposure was associated with all types of TDV, though patterns differed by gender. Boys exposed to violent pornography were 2-3 times more likely to report sexual TDV perpetration and victimization and physical TDV victimization, while girls exposed to violent pornography were over 1.5 times more likely to be perpetrate threatening TDV compared to their non-exposed counterparts. Comprehensive prevention strategies for TDV may consider the potential risks associated with exposure to violent pornography, particularly for boys, and provide an alternative source of education about healthy sexual behavior and relationships. |
Nonfatal assaults and homicides among adults aged 60 years - United States, 2002-2016
Logan JE , Haileyesus T , Ertl A , Rostad WL , Herbst JH . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (13) 297-302 Since interpersonal violence was recognized as a public health problem in the 1970s, much attention has focused on preventing violence among young persons and intimate partners (1). Violence directed against older adults (>/=60 years) has received less attention, despite the faster growth of this population than that of younger groups (2). Using data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program (NEISS-AIP) and the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), CDC analyzed rates of nonfatal assaults and homicides against older adults during 2002-2016. Across the 15-year period, the nonfatal assault rate increased 75.4% (from 77.7 to 136.3 per 100,000) among men, and from 2007 to 2016, increased 35.4% (from 43.8 to 59.3) among women. From 2010 to 2016, the homicide rate increased among men by 7.1%, and a 19.3% increase was observed from 2013 to 2016 among men aged 60-69 years. Growth in both the older adult population and the rates of violence against this group, especially among men, suggests an important need for violence prevention strategies (3). Focusing prevention efforts for this population will require improved understanding of magnitude and trends in violence against older adults. |
Mothers' homeownership and children's economic success 20 years later among a sample of US citizens
Rostad WL , Ports KA , Tang S . Child Youth Serv Rev 2019 99 355-359 Familial economic hardship, an adverse childhood experience (ACE) that increases children's risk for exposure to additional ACEs, can derail optimal child development. A compelling area with potential for reducing economic hardship and promoting healthy child development is housing. In the US, the largest contributor to family wealth is homeownership, which may contribute to a family's ability to provide their children opportunities to do better than previous generations. The objective of the current study was to examine the influence of homeownership on children's economic outcomes in adulthood. This study used data from two surveys conducted in the US, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79) and the NLSY79 Young Adult survey, to examine the association between mothers' homeownership in 1994 and children's economic outcomes 20 years later. Adults whose mothers owned homes in 1994 were over 1.5 times more likely to own homes, attained higher education, and were moderately less likely to receive public assistance in 2014 compared to adults whose mothers did not own homes. This paper highlights the potential of homeownership to break the intergenerational continuity of poverty. Programs that help families purchase affordable housing hold promise in helping ensure children reach their full potential and improving economic outcomes in future generations. |
Alcohol, prescription drug misuse, sexual violence, and dating violence among high school youth
Espelage DL , Davis JP , Basile KC , Rostad WL , Leemis RW . J Adolesc Health 2018 63 (5) 601-607 PURPOSE: Sexual violence (SV), teen dating violence (TDV), and substance use are significant public health concerns among U.S. adolescents. This study examined whether latent classes of baseline alcohol and prescription drug misuse longitudinally predict SV and TDV victimization and perpetration (i.e., verbal, relational, physical/threatening, and sexual) 1 year later. METHODS: Students from six Midwestern high schools (n=1,875; grades 9-11) completed surveys across two consecutive spring semesters. Latent class analysis was used to identify classes of individuals according to four substance use variables. A latent class regression and a manual three-step auxiliary approach were used to assess concurrent and distal relationships between identified classes and SV and TDV victimization and perpetration. RESULTS: Three classes of substance use were identified: low/no use (41% of sample), alcohol only use (45%), and alcohol and prescription drug misuse (APD) (14%). Youth in the APD class experienced greater SV and TDV victimization and perpetration than the alcohol only class at baseline. At Time 2 (one year later), youth in the baseline APD class experienced significantly higher SV and TDV victimization and perpetration outcomes than youth in the alcohol only class with the exception of sexual and physical TDV perpetration. CONCLUSIONS: The misuse of both alcohol and prescription drugs emerged as a significant risk factor for later SV and TDV among adolescents. As such, it would be beneficial if future research continued to assess the nature of these associations and incorporate prescription drug use and misuse into heath education, substance use, and violence prevention programs. |
The impact of the low-income housing tax credit on children's health and wellbeing in Georgia
Ports KA , Rostad WL , Luo F , Putnam M , Zurick E . Child Youth Serv Rev 2018 93 390-396 Housing instability is a risk factor for child abuse and neglect (CAN). Thus, policies that increase availability of affordable housing may reduce CAN rates. The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is the largest affordable housing policy initiative in the country. This study used fixed-effects models to estimate the relationship between LIHTC units and county-level CAN reports in Georgia from 2005 to 2015, controlling for county demographic characteristics. One-way fixed-effects models (including only county fixed-effects) demonstrated significant negative associations between number of LIHTC units and substantiated cases of CAN and total reports of sexual abuse. In two-way fixed-effects models (including county and year fixed-effects), LIHTC units were not associated with any of the outcomes. The findings are subject to limitations, including voluntary provision of CAN data, suppressed data for counties with <10 CAN cases, and no assessment of the quality of LIHTC neighborhood. LIHTC may be a promising prevention strategy, but more research is needed. |
Protective factors for sexual violence: Understanding how trajectories relate to perpetration in high school
Basile KC , Rostad WL , Leemis RW , Espelage DL , Davis JP . Prev Sci 2018 19 (8) 1123-1132 Adolescent sexual violence (SV) perpetration is a significant public health problem. Many risk factors for perpetration are known, but less is known about what protects youth from perpetration, or how protective factors change over time. This longitudinal study reports trajectories of four potential protective factors for SV perpetration (empathy, parental monitoring, social support, and school belonging) across middle and high school and examines their relationship to SV perpetration in high school. Findings reveal that youth who identified as SV perpetrators had significantly lower mean empathy scores (d = - 0.18, 95 % CI [-0.26, -0.10]) and social support scores (d = - 0.05, 95 % CI [-0.14, -0.03]) at the beginning of middle school than non-perpetrators. We also found that youth who identified as SV perpetrators had a quicker deceleration in parental monitoring (slopes) and empathy from middle to high school, compared to non-perpetrators. Within-sex differences emerged; significant differences in slopes were detected for school belonging between male perpetrators and male non-perpetrators (Wald test = 3.76 (1), p = .05) and between female perpetrators and female non-perpetrators (Wald test = 3.95(1), p = .04). Significant differences in slopes for empathy between female perpetrators and female non-perpetrators (Wald test = 4.76(1), p = .03) were also detected. No differences were found between male and female SV perpetrators for either empathy or school belonging. These findings have implications for the content and timing of adolescent SV prevention efforts. Intervention in adolescence, involving parents and schools in a comprehensive, multi-level approach, may be effective in preventing SV perpetration. |
Association among television and computer/video game use, victimization, and suicide risk among U.S. high school students
Rostad WL , Basile KC , Clayton HB . J Interpers Violence 2018 36 886260518760020 With the increasing popularity of mobile Internet devices, the exposure of adolescents to media has significantly increased. There is limited information about associations between the types and frequency of media use and experiences of violence victimization and suicide risk. The current study sought to examine the association of bullying and teen dating violence (TDV) victimization, suicide risk with different types of media use (i.e., television and computer/video game use), and number of total media use hours per school day. Data from the nationally representative 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey ( n = 15,624) were used to examine the association between media use and violence victimization and suicide risk. Logistic regression models generated prevalence ratios adjusted for demographic characteristics and substance use behaviors to identify significant associations between media use and victimization and suicide risk, stratified by gender. Media use was associated with TDV victimization for male students only, while media use was related to experiences of bullying and suicide risk for both male and female students. In addition, limited (2 or fewer hours) and excessive (5 or more hours) media use emerged as significant correlates of suicide risk and bullying victimization, with limited media use associated with decreased risk and excessive media use with increased risk. Comprehensive, cross-cutting efforts to prevent different forms of victimization should take into account media use and its potential association with adolescent victimization and suicide risk. The current study results suggest limiting adolescent media use, as part of comprehensive prevention programming, might relate to reductions in risk for victimization and suicide. |
Service needs of adolescent parents in child welfare: Is an evidence-based, structured, in-home behavioral parent training protocol effective
Hubel GS , Rostad WL , Self-Brown S , Moreland AD . Child Abuse Negl 2018 79 203-212 SafeCare is an evidence-based behavioral parent training intervention that has been successfully implemented in multiple state child welfare systems. A statewide implementation in Oklahoma established the effectiveness of SafeCare with a diverse group of parents, which included adolescent parents under 21 years of age, a particularly at-risk group. The current study examined whether SafeCare is also effective for this subsample of 294 adolescent parents with regard to child welfare recidivism, depression and child abuse potential, and attainment of service goals. Post-treatment adolescent parent ratings of program engagement and satisfaction were also examined. Among the subsample of adolescent parents, the SafeCare intervention did not result in significantly improved outcomes in terms of preventing recidivism or reduction in risk factors associated with child abuse and neglect as compared to child welfare services as usual. Further, no significant differences in program engagement and satisfaction between SafeCare and services as usual were detected. These findings shed light on the potential differences in program effectiveness between adolescent and adult parents, and the need for future research to rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of behavioral parenting programs with adolescent parents. |
Barriers to participation in parenting programs: The relationship between parenting stress, perceived barriers, and program completion
Rostad WL , Moreland AD , Valle LA , Chaffin MJ . J Child Fam Stud 2017 27 (4) 1-11 Families experiencing child maltreatment or risk factors for child maltreatment often receive referrals to interventions focused on changing parenting practices. Compliance with specific parenting programs can be challenging as many of the stressors that place families at-risk may also interfere with program participation. Because families may receive limited benefit from programs they do not fully receive, it is critical to understand the relationship between parenting stress and barriers to program completion. We used structural equation modeling to examine the relationship among parenting stress, perceived barriers to program participation, and program completion in two datasets involving low-income parents. Data were collected at two time points from a sample of parents involved with child welfare services and a sample of parents considered at-risk of future involvement (total study n = 803). Direct paths from parenting stress at time 1 to barriers to participation and parenting stress at time 2, and from parenting stress at time 2 to program completion were significant. Interestingly, increased barriers to participation were related to increased parenting stress at time 2, and greater parenting stress was related to increased program completion. Results suggest that with increasing levels of parenting stress, parents have an increased likelihood of completing the program. Assessing and addressing the influence of perceived barriers and parenting stress on program participation may decrease the likelihood of treatment attrition. |
Exploration of factors predictive of at-risk fathers' participation in a pilot study of an augmented evidence-based parent training program: A mixed methods approach
Rostad WL , Self-Brown S , Boyd C Jr , Osborne M , Patterson A . Child Youth Serv Rev 2017 79 485-494 There has been burgeoning parenting intervention research specifically addressing fathers in recent decades. Corresponding research examining their participation and engagement in evidence-based parent training programs, which have almost exclusively targeted mothers, is just emerging. The current study used mixed methods to examine factors that influenced completion of an augmented version of an evidence-based child maltreatment prevention program developed for male caregivers called SafeCare Dad to Kids (Dad2K) in a pilot study. The current sample comprised 50 male caregivers (Mage = 29.42 years, SD = 8.18) of a child between the ages of 2 and 5 years. Fathers participated in a baseline assessment and were considered program completers (n = 27) if they participated in the program's six home visiting sessions. A subsample of completers (n = 11) was recruited to participate in qualitative interviews that provided in-depth information about fathers' experiences in Dad2K. Logistic regression indicated that, in the context of other demographic predictors, fathers with an education beyond high school were over 5 times more likely to complete Dad2K program compared to fathers with a high school education or less. Qualitative analyses revealed that interviewed father completers were motivated to enroll and participate in a fathering program because of an interest to learn and obtain skills to make them a better parent. Fathers with a high school education or less may require additional engagement strategies to help proactively encourage their enrollment and completion of parent training programs. |
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