Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-19 (of 19 Records) |
Query Trace: Rossow J[original query] |
One Health Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Seropositivity among Pets in Households with Confirmed Human COVID-19 Cases — Utah and Wisconsin, 2020 (preprint)
Goryoka GW , Cossaboom CM , Gharpure R , Dawson P , Tansey C , Rossow J , Mrotz V , Rooney J , Torchetti M , Loiacono CM , Killian ML , Jenkins-Moore M , Lim A , Poulsen K , Christensen D , Sweet E , Peterson D , Sangster AL , Young EL , Oakeson KF , Taylor D , Price A , Kiphibane T , Klos R , Konkle D , Bhattacharyya S , Dasu T , Chu VT , Lewis NM , Queen K , Zhang J , Uehara A , Dietrich EA , Tong S , Kirking HL , Doty JB , Murrell LS , Spengler JR , Straily A , Wallace R , Barton Behravesh C . bioRxiv 2021 2021.04.11.439379 Background Approximately 67% of U.S. households have pets. Limited data are available on SARS-CoV-2 in pets. We assessed SARS-CoV-2 infection in pet cohabitants as a sub-study of an ongoing COVID-19 household transmission investigation.Methods Mammalian pets from households with ≥1 person with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 were eligible for inclusion from April–May 2020. Demographic/exposure information, oropharyngeal, nasal, rectal, and fur swabs, feces, and blood were collected from enrolled pets and tested by rRT-PCR and virus neutralization assays.Findings We enrolled 37 dogs and 19 cats from 34 of 41 eligible households. All oropharyngeal, nasal, and rectal swabs tested negative by rRT-PCR; one dog’s fur swabs (2%) tested positive by rRT-PCR at the first animal sampling. Among 47 pets with serological results from 30 households, eight (17%) pets (4 dogs, 4 cats) from 6 (20%) households had detectable SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies. In households with a seropositive pet, the proportion of people with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 was greater (median 79%; range: 40–100%) compared to households with no seropositive pet (median 37%; range: 13–100%) (p=0.01). Thirty-three pets with serologic results had frequent daily contact (≥1 hour) with the human index patient before the person’s COVID-19 diagnosis. Of these 33 pets, 14 (42%) had decreased contact with the human index patient after diagnosis and none (0%) were seropositive; of the 19 (58%) pets with continued contact, 4 (21%) were seropositive.Interpretations Seropositive pets likely acquired infection from humans, which may occur more frequently than previously recognized. People with COVID-19 should restrict contact with animals.Funding Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of AgricultureCompeting Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest. |
Statewide county-level autism spectrum disorder prevalence estimates - seven U.S. states, 2018
Shaw KA , Williams S , Hughes MM , Warren Z , Bakian AV , Durkin MS , Esler A , Hall-Lande J , Salinas A , Vehorn A , Andrews JG , Baroud T , Bilder DA , Dimian A , Galindo M , Hudson A , Hallas L , Lopez M , Pokoski O , Pettygrove S , Rossow K , Shenouda J , Schwenk YD , Zahorodny W , Washington A , Maenner MJ . Ann Epidemiol 2023 79 39-43 PURPOSE: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) prevalence information is necessary for identifying community needs such as addressing disparities in identification and services. METHODS: Seven Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network sites participated in a pilot project to link statewide health and education data to generate county-level prevalence estimates for a broader age range for their states for the first time. RESULTS: Statewide prevalence of ASD for ages 3-21 years in 2018 ranged from 1.5% in Tennessee and Wisconsin to 2.3% in Arizona. The median county-level prevalence of ASD was 1.4% of residents ages 3-21 years. More boys than girls had ASD at all sites, and prevalence was lower among non-Hispanic Black (Black), Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander (A/PI), and American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) residents compared to non-Hispanic White (White) residents at most sites. ASD prevalence estimates for children aged 8 years were similar to 2018 ADDM Network estimates that used record review to provide more in-depth information, but showed greater variation for children aged 4 years. CONCLUSION: Linkage of statewide data sets provides less detailed but actionable local information when more resource-intensive methods are not possible. |
Mongooses (Urva auropunctata) as reservoir hosts of Leptospira species in the United States Virgin Islands, 2019-2020.
Cranford HM , Browne AS , LeCount K , Anderson T , Hamond C , Schlater L , Stuber T , Burke-France VJ , Taylor M , Harrison CJ , Matias KY , Medley A , Rossow J , Wiese N , Jankelunas L , de Wilde L , Mehalick M , Blanchard GL , Garcia KR , McKinley AS , Lombard CD , Angeli NF , Horner D , Kelley T , Worthington DJ , Valiulis J , Bradford B , Berentsen A , Salzer JS , Galloway R , Schafer IJ , Bisgard K , Roth J , Ellis BR , Ellis EM , Nally JE . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2021 15 (11) e0009859 ![]() During 2019-2020, the Virgin Islands Department of Health investigated potential animal reservoirs of Leptospira spp., the bacteria that cause leptospirosis. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated Leptospira spp. exposure and carriage in the small Indian mongoose (Urva auropunctata, syn: Herpestes auropunctatus), an invasive animal species. This study was conducted across the three main islands of the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), which are St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John. We used the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), fluorescent antibody test (FAT), real-time polymerase chain reaction (lipl32 rt-PCR), and bacterial culture to evaluate serum and kidney specimens and compared the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of these laboratory methods. Mongooses (n = 274) were live-trapped at 31 field sites in ten regions across USVI and humanely euthanized for Leptospira spp. testing. Bacterial isolates were sequenced and evaluated for species and phylogenetic analysis using the ppk gene. Anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies were detected in 34% (87/256) of mongooses. Reactions were observed with the following serogroups: Sejroe, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pyrogenes, Mini, Cynopteri, Australis, Hebdomadis, Autumnalis, Mankarso, Pomona, and Ballum. Of the kidney specimens examined, 5.8% (16/270) were FAT-positive, 10% (27/274) were culture-positive, and 12.4% (34/274) were positive by rt-PCR. Of the Leptospira spp. isolated from mongooses, 25 were L. borgpetersenii, one was L. interrogans, and one was L. kirschneri. Positive predictive values of FAT and rt-PCR testing for predicting successful isolation of Leptospira by culture were 88% and 65%, respectively. The isolation and identification of Leptospira spp. in mongooses highlights the potential role of mongooses as a wildlife reservoir of leptospirosis; mongooses could be a source of Leptospira spp. infections for other wildlife, domestic animals, and humans. |
One Health Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Seropositivity among Pets in Households with Confirmed Human COVID-19 Cases-Utah and Wisconsin, 2020.
Goryoka GW , Cossaboom CM , Gharpure R , Dawson P , Tansey C , Rossow J , Mrotz V , Rooney J , Torchetti M , Loiacono CM , Killian ML , Jenkins-Moore M , Lim A , Poulsen K , Christensen D , Sweet E , Peterson D , Sangster AL , Young EL , Oakeson KF , Taylor D , Price A , Kiphibane T , Klos R , Konkle D , Bhattacharyya S , Dasu T , Chu VT , Lewis NM , Queen K , Zhang J , Uehara A , Dietrich EA , Tong S , Kirking HL , Doty JB , Murrell LS , Spengler JR , Straily A , Wallace R , Barton Behravesh C . Viruses 2021 13 (9) Approximately 67% of U.S. households have pets. Limited data are available on SARS-CoV-2 in pets. We assessed SARS-CoV-2 infection in pets during a COVID-19 household transmission investigation. Pets from households with ≥1 person with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 were eligible for inclusion from April-May 2020. We enrolled 37 dogs and 19 cats from 34 households. All oropharyngeal, nasal, and rectal swabs tested negative by rRT-PCR; one dog's fur swabs (2%) tested positive by rRT-PCR at the first sampling. Among 47 pets with serological results, eight (17%) pets (four dogs, four cats) from 6/30 (20%) households had detectable SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies. In households with a seropositive pet, the proportion of people with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 was greater (median 79%; range: 40-100%) compared to households with no seropositive pet (median 37%; range: 13-100%) (p = 0.01). Thirty-three pets with serologic results had frequent daily contact (≥1 h) with the index patient before the person's COVID-19 diagnosis. Of these 33 pets, 14 (42%) had decreased contact with the index patient after diagnosis and none were seropositive; of the 19 (58%) pets with continued contact, four (21%) were seropositive. Seropositive pets likely acquired infection after contact with people with COVID-19. People with COVID-19 should restrict contact with pets and other animals. |
Low SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence and No Active Infections among Dogs and Cats in Animal Shelters with Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Human Cases among Employees.
Cossaboom CM , Medley AM , Spengler JR , Kukielka EA , Goryoka GW , Baird T , Bhavsar S , Campbell S , Campbell TS , Christensen D , Condrey JA , Dawson P , Doty JB , Feldpausch A , Gabel J , Jones D , Lim A , Loiacono CM , Jenkins-Moore M , Moore A , Noureddine C , Ortega J , Poulsen K , Rooney JA , Rossow J , Sheppard K , Sweet E , Stoddard R , Tell RM , Wallace RM , Williams C , Barton Behravesh C . Biology (Basel) 2021 10 (9) Human-to-animal and animal-to-animal transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been documented; however, investigations into SARS-CoV-2 transmission in congregate animal settings are lacking. We investigated four animal shelters in the United States that had identified animals with exposure to shelter employees with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Of the 96 cats and dogs with specimens collected, only one dog had detectable SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies; no animal specimens had detectable viral RNA. These data indicate a low probability of human-to-animal transmission events in cats and dogs in shelter settings with early implementation of infection prevention interventions. |
Rapid Assessment and Containment of Candida auris Transmission in Postacute Care Settings-Orange County, California, 2019.
Karmarkar EN , O'Donnell K , Prestel C , Forsberg K , Gade L , Jain S , Schan D , Chow N , McDermott D , Rossow J , Toda M , Ruiz R , Hun S , Dale JL , Gross A , Maruca T , Glowicz J , Brooks R , Bagheri H , Nelson T , Gualandi N , Khwaja Z , Horwich-Scholefield S , Jacobs J , Cheung M , Walters M , Jacobs-Slifka K , Stone ND , Mikhail L , Chaturvedi S , Klein L , Vagnone PS , Schneider E , Berkow EL , Jackson BR , Vallabhaneni S , Zahn M , Epson E . Ann Intern Med 2021 174 (11) 1554-1562 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Candida auris, a multidrug-resistant yeast, can spread rapidly in ventilator-capable skilled-nursing facilities (vSNFs) and long-term acute care hospitals (LTACHs). In 2018, a laboratory serving LTACHs in southern California began identifying species of Candida that were detected in urine specimens to enhance surveillance of C auris, and C auris was identified in February 2019 in a patient in an Orange County (OC), California, LTACH. Further investigation identified C auris at 3 associated facilities. OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of C auris and infection prevention and control (IPC) practices in LTACHs and vSNFs in OC. DESIGN: Point prevalence surveys (PPSs), postdischarge testing for C auris detection, and assessments of IPC were done from March to October 2019. SETTING: All LTACHs (n = 3) and vSNFs (n = 14) serving adult patients in OC. PARTICIPANTS: Current or recent patients in LTACHs and vSNFs in OC. INTERVENTION: In facilities where C auris was detected, PPSs were repeated every 2 weeks. Ongoing IPC support was provided. MEASUREMENTS: Antifungal susceptibility testing and whole-genome sequencing to assess isolate relatedness. RESULTS: Initial PPSs at 17 facilities identified 44 additional patients with C auris in 3 (100%) LTACHs and 6 (43%) vSNFs, with the first bloodstream infection reported in May 2019. By October 2019, a total of 182 patients with C auris were identified by serial PPSs and discharge testing. Of 81 isolates that were sequenced, all were clade III and highly related. Assessments of IPC identified gaps in hand hygiene, transmission-based precautions, and environmental cleaning. The outbreak was contained to 2 facilities by October 2019. LIMITATION: Acute care hospitals were not assessed, and IPC improvements over time could not be rigorously evaluated. CONCLUSION: Enhanced laboratory surveillance and prompt investigation with IPC support enabled swift identification and containment of C auris. PRIMARY FUNDING SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |
Determination of freedom-from-rabies for small Indian mongoose populations in the United States Virgin Islands, 2019-2020
Browne AS , Cranford HM , Morgan CN , Ellison JA , Berentsen A , Wiese N , Medley A , Rossow J , Jankelunas L , McKinley AS , Lombard CD , Angeli NF , Kelley T , Valiulus J , Bradford B , Burke-France VJ , Harrison CJ , Guendel I , Taylor M , Blanchard GL , Doty JB , Worthington DJ , Horner D , Garcia KR , Roth J , Ellis BR , Bisgard KM , Wallace R , Ellis EM . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2021 15 (7) e0009536 Mongooses, a nonnative species, are a known reservoir of rabies virus in the Caribbean region. A cross-sectional study of mongooses at 41 field sites on the US Virgin Islands of St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas captured 312 mongooses (32% capture rate). We determined the absence of rabies virus by antigen testing and rabies virus exposure by antibody testing in mongoose populations on all three islands. USVI is the first Caribbean state to determine freedom-from-rabies for its mongoose populations with a scientifically-led robust cross-sectional study. Ongoing surveillance activities will determine if other domestic and wildlife populations in USVI are rabies-free. |
Characteristics and Risk Factors of Hospitalized and Nonhospitalized COVID-19 Patients, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March-April 2020.
Pettrone K , Burnett E , Link-Gelles R , Haight SC , Schrodt C , England L , Gomes DJ , Shamout M , O'Laughlin K , Kimball A , Blau EF , Ladva CN , Szablewski CM , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Oosmanally N , Drenzek C , Browning SD , Bruce BB , da Silva J , Gold JAW , Jackson BR , Morris SB , Natarajan P , Fanfair RN , Patel PR , Rogers-Brown J , Rossow J , Wong KK , Murphy DJ , Blum JM , Hollberg J , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Shimabukuro T , Midgley CM , Tate JE , Killerby ME . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (4) 1164-1168 We compared the characteristics of hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients who had coronavirus disease in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. We found that risk for hospitalization increased with a patient's age and number of concurrent conditions. We also found a potential association between hospitalization and high hemoglobin A1c levels in persons with diabetes. |
COVID-19 Clinical Phenotypes: Presentation and Temporal Progression of Disease in a Cohort of Hospitalized Adults in Georgia, United States.
da Silva JF , Hernandez-Romieu AC , Browning SD , Bruce BB , Natarajan P , Morris SB , Gold JAW , Neblett Fanfair R , Rogers-Brown J , Rossow J , Szablewski CM , Oosmanally N , D'Angelo MT , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Hollberg J , Blum JM , Jansen R , Wright DW , Sewell W , Owens J , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Burton DC , Uyeki TM , Patel PR , Jackson BR , Wong KK . Open Forum Infect Dis 2021 8 (1) ofaa596 BACKGROUND: The epidemiological features and outcomes of hospitalized adults with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been described; however, the temporal progression and medical complications of disease among hospitalized patients require further study. Detailed descriptions of the natural history of COVID-19 among hospitalized patients are paramount to optimize health care resource utilization, and the detection of different clinical phenotypes may allow tailored clinical management strategies. METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of 305 adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in 8 academic and community hospitals. Patient characteristics included demographics, comorbidities, medication use, medical complications, intensive care utilization, and longitudinal vital sign and laboratory test values. We examined laboratory and vital sign trends by mortality status and length of stay. To identify clinical phenotypes, we calculated Gower's dissimilarity matrix between each patient's clinical characteristics and clustered similar patients using the partitioning around medoids algorithm. RESULTS: One phenotype of 6 identified was characterized by high mortality (49%), older age, male sex, elevated inflammatory markers, high prevalence of cardiovascular disease, and shock. Patients with this severe phenotype had significantly elevated peak C-reactive protein creatinine, D-dimer, and white blood cell count and lower minimum lymphocyte count compared with other phenotypes (P < .01, all comparisons). CONCLUSIONS: Among a cohort of hospitalized adults, we identified a severe phenotype of COVID-19 based on the characteristics of its clinical course and poor prognosis. These findings need to be validated in other cohorts, as improved understanding of clinical phenotypes and risk factors for their development could help inform prognosis and tailored clinical management for COVID-19. |
A One Health approach to combatting Sporothrix brasiliensis: Narrative review of an emerging zoonotic fungal pathogen in South America
Rossow JA , Queiroz-Telles F , Caceres DH , Beer KD , Jackson BR , Pereira JG , Ferreira Gremião ID , Pereira SA . J Fungi (Basel) 2020 6 (4) Cat-transmitted sporotrichosis caused by Sporothrix brasiliensis has become a major public health concern and presents a distinct divergence from the traditional epidemiology of sporotrichosis. This emerging fungal pathogen spreads readily among cat populations, and human infections occur exclusively via zoonotic transmission. While sporotrichosis is an implantation mycosis that typically manifests as cutaneous lesions in humans and cats, severe extracutaneous manifestations are more common with S. brasiliensis than other Sporothrix species infections. Rapid diagnosis and appropriate treatment regimens are critical for successful clinical resolution of sporotrichosis in both cats and humans. Species-level identification of Sporothrix is possible with molecular diagnostics and necessary for tracking the geographic expansion of S. brasiliensis and better understanding its epidemiology. Combatting cat-transmitted sporotrichosis requires a One Health approach to successfully implement public health control measures. |
Factors associated with Candida auris colonization and transmission in skilled nursing facilities with ventilator units, New York, 2016-2018
Rossow J , Ostrowsky B , Adams E , Greenko J , McDonald R , Vallabhaneni S , Forsberg K , Perez S , Lucas T , Alroy K , Slifka KJ , Walters M , Jackson BR , Quinn M , Chaturvedi S , Blog D . Clin Infect Dis 2020 72 (11) e753-e760 BACKGROUND: Candida auris is an emerging, multidrug-resistant yeast that spreads in healthcare settings. People colonized with C. auris can transmit this pathogen and are at risk for invasive infections. New York State (NYS) has the largest U.S. burden (>500 colonized and infected people); many colonized individuals are mechanically ventilated or have tracheostomy and are residents of ventilator-capable skilled nursing facilities (vSNF). We evaluated factors associated with C. auris colonization among vSNF residents to inform prevention interventions. METHODS: During 2016-2018, the NYS Department of Health conducted point prevalence surveys (PPS) to detect C. auris colonization among residents of vSNFs. In a case-control investigation, we defined a case as C. auris colonization in a resident and identified up to four residents with negative swabs during the same PPS as controls. We abstracted data from medical records on facility transfers, antimicrobials, and medical history. RESULTS: We included 60 cases and 218 controls identified from 6 vSNFs. After controlling for potential confounders, the following characteristics were associated with C. auris colonization: being on a ventilator (aOR: 5.9; CI: 2.3-15.4), receiving carbapenem antibiotics in the prior 90 days (aOR: 3.5; CI: 1.6-7.6), having ≥1 acute care hospital visit in the prior six months (aOR: 4.2; CI: 1.9-9.6), and receiving systemic fluconazole in the prior 90 days (aOR: 6.0; CI: 1.6-22.6). CONCLUSIONS: Targeted screening of patients in vSNFs with the above risk factors for C. auris can help identify colonized patients and facilitate implementation of infection control measures. Antimicrobial stewardship may be an important factor in the prevention of C. auris colonization. |
Predictors at admission of mechanical ventilation and death in an observational cohort of adults hospitalized with COVID-19.
Jackson BR , Gold JAW , Natarajan P , Rossow J , Neblett Fanfair R , da Silva J , Wong KK , Browning SD , Bamrah Morris S , Rogers-Brown J , Hernandez-Romieu AC , Szablewski CM , Oosmanally N , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Hollberg J , Blum JM , Jansen R , Wright DW , SeweSll WM , Owens JD , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Burton DC , Uyeki TM , Bialek SR , Patel PR , Bruce BB . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (11) e4141-e4151 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) can cause severe illness and death. Predictors of poor outcome collected on hospital admission may inform clinical and public health decisions. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective observational cohort investigation of 297 adults admitted to eight academic and community hospitals in Georgia, United States, during March 2020. Using standardized medical record abstraction, we collected data on predictors including admission demographics, underlying medical conditions, outpatient antihypertensive medications, recorded symptoms, vital signs, radiographic findings, and laboratory values. We used random forest models to calculate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for predictors of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) and death. RESULTS: Compared with age <45 years, ages 65-74 years and ≥75 years were predictors of IMV (aOR 3.12, CI 1.47-6.60; aOR 2.79, CI 1.23-6.33) and the strongest predictors for death (aOR 12.92, CI 3.26-51.25; aOR 18.06, CI 4.43-73.63). Comorbidities associated with death (aORs from 2.4 to 3.8, p <0.05) included end-stage renal disease, coronary artery disease, and neurologic disorders, but not pulmonary disease, immunocompromise, or hypertension. Pre-hospital use vs. non-use of angiotensin receptor blockers (aOR 2.02, CI 1.03-3.96) and dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (aOR 1.91, CI 1.03-3.55) were associated with death. CONCLUSIONS: After adjustment for patient and clinical characteristics, older age was the strongest predictor of death, exceeding comorbidities, abnormal vital signs, and laboratory test abnormalities. That coronary artery disease, but not chronic lung disease, was associated with death among hospitalized patients warrants further investigation, as do associations between certain antihypertensive medications and death. |
Injection drug use-associated candidemia: Incidence, clinical features, and outcomes, east Tennessee, 2014-2018
Rossow JA , Gharpure R , Brennan J , Relan P , Williams SR , Vallabhaneni S , Jackson BR , Graber CR , Hillis SR , Schaffner W , Dunn JR , Jones TF . J Infect Dis 2020 222 S442-s450 BACKGROUND: Injection drug use (IDU) is an established but uncommon risk factor for candidemia. Surveillance for candidemia is conducted in East Tennessee, an area heavily impacted by the opioid crisis and IDU. We evaluated IDU-associated candidemia to characterize the epidemiology and estimate the burden. METHODS: We assessed the proportion of candidemia cases related to IDU during January 1, 2014-September 30, 2018, estimated candidemia incidence in the overall population and among persons who inject drugs (PWID), and reviewed medical records to compare clinical features and outcomes among IDU-associated and non-IDU candidemia cases. RESULTS: The proportion of IDU-associated candidemia cases in East Tennessee increased from 6.1% in 2014 to 14.5% in 2018. Overall candidemia incidence in East Tennessee was 13.5/100 000, and incidence among PWID was 402-1895/100 000. Injection drug use-associated cases were younger (median age, 34.5 vs 60 years) and more frequently had endocarditis (39% vs 3%). All-cause 30-day mortality was 8% among IDU-associated cases versus 25% among non-IDU cases. CONCLUSIONS: A growing proportion of candidemia in East Tennessee is associated with IDU, posing an additional burden from the opioid crisis. The lower mortality among IDU-associated cases likely reflects in part the younger demographic; however, Candida endocarditis seen among approximately 40% underscores the seriousness of the infection and need for prevention. |
Characteristics Associated with Hospitalization Among Patients with COVID-19 - Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, March-April 2020.
Killerby ME , Link-Gelles R , Haight SC , Schrodt CA , England L , Gomes DJ , Shamout M , Pettrone K , O'Laughlin K , Kimball A , Blau EF , Burnett E , Ladva CN , Szablewski CM , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Oosmanally N , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Blum JM , Hollberg J , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Shimabukuro T , Midgley CM , Tate JE , CDC COVID-19 Response Clinical Team , Browning Sean D , Bruce Beau B , da Silva Juliana , Gold Jeremy AW , Jackson Brendan R , Bamrah Morris Sapna , Natarajan Pavithra , Neblett Fanfair Robyn , Patel Priti R , Rogers-Brown Jessica , Rossow John , Wong Karen K . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (25) 790-794 The first reported U.S. case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was detected in January 2020 (1). As of June 15, 2020, approximately 2 million cases and 115,000 COVID-19-associated deaths have been reported in the United States.* Reports of U.S. patients hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 infection (the virus that causes COVID-19) describe high proportions of older, male, and black persons (2-4). Similarly, when comparing hospitalized patients with catchment area populations or nonhospitalized COVID-19 patients, high proportions have underlying conditions, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, or chronic respiratory disease (3,4). For this report, data were abstracted from the medical records of 220 hospitalized and 311 nonhospitalized patients aged >/=18 years with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 from six acute care hospitals and associated outpatient clinics in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. Multivariable analyses were performed to identify patient characteristics associated with hospitalization. The following characteristics were independently associated with hospitalization: age >/=65 years (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 3.4), black race (aOR = 3.2), having diabetes mellitus (aOR = 3.1), lack of insurance (aOR = 2.8), male sex (aOR = 2.4), smoking (aOR = 2.3), and obesity (aOR = 1.9). Infection with SARS-CoV-2 can lead to severe outcomes, including death, and measures to protect persons from infection, such as staying at home, social distancing (5), and awareness and management of underlying conditions should be emphasized for those at highest risk for hospitalization with COVID-19. Measures that prevent the spread of infection to others, such as wearing cloth face coverings (6), should be used whenever possible to protect groups at high risk. Potential barriers to the ability to adhere to these measures need to be addressed. |
Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Adult Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 - Georgia, March 2020.
Gold JAW , Wong KK , Szablewski CM , Patel PR , Rossow J , da Silva J , Natarajan P , Morris SB , Fanfair RN , Rogers-Brown J , Bruce BB , Browning SD , Hernandez-Romieu AC , Furukawa NW , Kang M , Evans ME , Oosmanally N , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Hollberg J , Blum JM , Jansen R , Wright DW , Sewell WM3rd , Owens JD , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Burton DC , Uyeki TM , Bialek SR , Jackson BR . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (18) 545-550 SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), was first detected in the United States during January 2020 (1). Since then, >980,000 cases have been reported in the United States, including >55,000 associated deaths as of April 28, 2020 (2). Detailed data on demographic characteristics, underlying medical conditions, and clinical outcomes for persons hospitalized with COVID-19 are needed to inform prevention strategies and community-specific intervention messages. For this report, CDC, the Georgia Department of Public Health, and eight Georgia hospitals (seven in metropolitan Atlanta and one in southern Georgia) summarized medical record-abstracted data for hospitalized adult patients with laboratory-confirmed* COVID-19 who were admitted during March 2020. Among 305 hospitalized patients with COVID-19, 61.6% were aged <65 years, 50.5% were female, and 83.2% with known race/ethnicity were non-Hispanic black (black). Over a quarter of patients (26.2%) did not have conditions thought to put them at higher risk for severe disease, including being aged >/=65 years. The proportion of hospitalized patients who were black was higher than expected based on overall hospital admissions. In an adjusted time-to-event analysis, black patients were not more likely than were nonblack patients to receive invasive mechanical ventilation(dagger) (IMV) or to die during hospitalization (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.63; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.35-1.13). Given the overrepresentation of black patients within this hospitalized cohort, it is important for public health officials to ensure that prevention activities prioritize communities and racial/ethnic groups most affected by COVID-19. Clinicians and public officials should be aware that all adults, regardless of underlying conditions or age, are at risk for serious illness from COVID-19. |
Text-based illness monitoring for detection of novel influenza A virus infections during an influenza A (H3N2)v virus outbreak in Michigan, 2016: Surveillance and survey
Stewart RJ , Rossow J , Eckel S , Bidol S , Ballew G , Signs K , Conover JT , Burns E , Bresee JS , Fry AM , Olsen SJ , Biggerstaff M . JMIR Public Health Surveill 2019 5 (2) e10842 BACKGROUND: Rapid reporting of human infections with novel influenza A viruses accelerates detection of viruses with pandemic potential and implementation of an effective public health response. After detection of human infections with influenza A (H3N2) variant (H3N2v) viruses associated with agricultural fairs during August 2016, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services worked with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to identify infections with variant influenza viruses using a text-based illness monitoring system. OBJECTIVE: To enhance detection of influenza infections using text-based monitoring and evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the system for use in future outbreaks of novel influenza viruses. METHODS: During an outbreak of H3N2v virus infections among agricultural fair attendees, we deployed a text-illness monitoring (TIM) system to conduct active illness surveillance among households of youth who exhibited swine at fairs. We selected all fairs with suspected H3N2v virus infections. For fairs without suspected infections, we selected only those fairs that met predefined criteria. Eligible respondents were identified and recruited through email outreach and/or on-site meetings at fairs. During the fairs and for 10 days after selected fairs, enrolled households received daily, automated text-messages inquiring about illness; reports of illness were investigated by local health departments. To understand the feasibility and acceptability of the system, we monitored enrollment and trends in participation and distributed a Web-based survey to households of exhibitors from five fairs. RESULTS: Among an estimated 500 households with a member who exhibited swine at one of nine selected fairs, representatives of 87 (17.4%) households were enrolled, representing 392 household members. Among fairs that were ongoing when the TIM system was deployed, the number of respondents peaked at 54 on the third day of the fair and then steadily declined throughout the rest of the monitoring period; 19 out of 87 household representatives (22%) responded through the end of the 10-day monitoring period. We detected 2 H3N2v virus infections using the TIM system, which represents 17% (2/12) of all H3N2v virus infections detected during this outbreak in Michigan. Of the 70 survey respondents, 16 (23%) had participated in the TIM system. A total of 73% (11/15) participated because it was recommended by fair coordinators and 80% (12/15) said they would participate again. CONCLUSIONS: Using a text-message system, we monitored for illness among a large number of individuals and households and detected H3N2v virus infections through active surveillance. Text-based illness monitoring systems are useful for detecting novel influenza virus infections when active monitoring is necessary. Participant retention and testing of persons reporting illness are critical elements for system improvement. |
Do animal exhibitors support and follow recommendations to prevent transmission of variant influenza at agricultural fairs? A survey of animal exhibitor households after a variant influenza virus outbreak in Michigan
Stewart RJ , Rossow J , Conover JT , Lobelo EE , Eckel S , Signs K , Stobierski MG , Trock SC , Fry AM , Olsen SJ , Biggerstaff M . Zoonoses Public Health 2017 65 (1) 195-201 Influenza A viruses circulate in swine and can spread rapidly among swine when housed in close proximity, such as at agricultural fairs. Youth who have close and prolonged contact with influenza-infected swine at agricultural fairs may be at increased risk of acquiring influenza virus infection from swine. Animal and human health officials have issued written measures to minimize influenza transmission at agricultural exhibitions; however, there is little information on the knowledge, attitudes, and practice (KAP) of these measures among animal exhibitors. After an August 2016 outbreak of influenza A(H3N2) variant ("H3N2v") virus infections (i.e., humans infected with swine influenza viruses) in Michigan, we surveyed households of animal exhibitors at eight fairs (including one with known H3N2v infections) to assess their KAP related to variant virus infections and their support for prevention measures. Among 170 households interviewed, most (90%, 151/167) perceived their risk of acquiring influenza from swine to be low or very low. Animal exhibitor households reported high levels of behaviours that put them at increased risk of variant influenza virus infections, including eating or drinking in swine barns (43%, 66/154) and hugging, kissing or snuggling with swine at agricultural fairs (31%, 48/157). Among several recommendations, including limiting the duration of swine exhibits and restricting eating and drinking in the animal barns, the only recommendation supported by a majority of households was the presence of prominent hand-washing stations with a person to monitor hand-washing behaviour (76%, 129/170). This is a unique study of KAP among animal exhibitors and highlights that animal exhibitor households engage in behaviours that could increase their risk of variant virus infections and have low support for currently recommended measures to minimize infection transmission. Further efforts are needed to understand the lack of support for recommended measures and to encourage healthy behaviours at fairs. |
Outbreak of influenza a(H3N2) variant virus infections among persons attending agricultural fairs housing infected swine - Michigan and Ohio, July-August 2016
Schicker RS , Rossow J , Eckel S , Fisher N , Bidol S , Tatham L , Matthews-Greer J , Sohner K , Bowman AS , Avrill J , Forshey T , Blanton L , Davis CT , Schiltz J , Skorupski S , Berman L , Jang Y , Bresee JS , Lindstrom S , Trock SC , Wentworth D , Fry AM , de Fijter S , Signs K , DiOrio M , Olsen SJ , Biggerstaff M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (42) 1157-1160 On August 3, 2016, the Ohio Department of Health Laboratory reported to CDC that a respiratory specimen collected on July 28 from a male aged 13 years who attended an agricultural fair in Ohio during July 22-29, 2016, and subsequently developed a respiratory illness, tested positive by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) for influenza A(H3N2) variant* (H3N2v). The respiratory specimen was collected as part of routine influenza surveillance activities. The next day, CDC was notified of a child aged 9 years who was a swine exhibitor at an agricultural fair in Michigan who became ill on July 29, 2016, and tested positive for H3N2v virus at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Laboratory. Investigations by Michigan and Ohio health authorities identified 18 human infections linked to swine exhibits at agricultural fairs. To minimize transmission of influenza viruses from infected swine to visitors, agricultural fair organizers should consider prevention measures such as shortening the time swine are on the fairgrounds, isolating ill swine, maintaining a veterinarian on call, providing handwashing stations, and prohibiting food and beverages in animal barns. Persons at high risk for influenza-associated complications should be discouraged from entering swine barns. |
Genomic Sequence of the First Porcine Rotavirus Group H Strain in the United States.
Hull JJ , Marthaler D , Rossow S , Ng TF , Montmayeur AM , Magana L , Moon SS , Jiang B . Genome Announc 2016 4 (2) ![]() The genomic sequence of a rotavirus group H was identified in the intestine of a diarrheal pig in the United States, designated RVH/Pig-wt/USA/MN9.65/2008/GxP[x]. |
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