Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 560 Records) |
Query Trace: Rose D[original query] |
Predictors of Cryptococcus gattii clinical presentation and outcome: An international study
Galanis E , MacDougall L , Rose C , Chen SC , Oltean HN , Cieslak PR , DeBess E , Chong M , Sorrell TC , Baddley JW , Hoang L , Lockhart SR , Pappas PG , Phillips P . Clin Infect Dis 2025 BACKGROUND: Infection by Cryptococcus gattii can lead to pulmonary or central nervous system (CNS) disease, or both. Whether site of infection and disease severity are associated with C. gattii species and lineages or with certain underlying medical conditions, or both is unclear. We conducted a retrospective cohort study to identify factors associated with site of infection and mortality among C. gattii cases. METHODS: We extracted data on 258 C. gattii cases from Australia, Canada and the United States reported from 1999 to 2011. We conducted unadjusted and multivariable logistic regression analyses to evaluate factors associated with site of infection and C. gattii mortality among hospitalized cases (N=218). RESULTS: Hospitalized C. gattii cases with CNS and other extrapulmonary disease were younger, more likely to reside in Australia and be infected with VGI lineage but less likely to have comorbidities and die as compared to pulmonary cases. The odds of having CNS and/or other extrapulmonary disease were 9 times higher in cases with VGI infection (aOR=9.21, 95%CI=3.28-25.89). Age >70 years (aOR=6.69, 95%CI=2.44-18.30), chronic lung disease (aOR=2.62, 95%CI=1.05-6.51) and an immunocompromised status (aOR=2.08, 95%CI=1.05-6.51) were associated with higher odds of C. gattii mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Among hospitalized cases, C. gattii species and lineage are associated with site of infection but not with the risk of death, whereas older age and comorbidities increase the risk of death. |
Risk reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infection and reinfection conferred by humoral antibody levels among essential workers during Omicron predominance
Hollister J , Porter C , Sprissler R , Beitel SC , Romine JK , Uhrlaub JL , Grant L , Yoo YM , Fowlkes A , Britton A , Olsho LEW , Newes-Adeyi G , Fuller S , Zheng PQ , Gaglani M , Rose S , Dunnigan K , Naleway AL , Gwynn L , Caban-Martinez A , Schaefer Solle N , Tyner HL , Philips AL , Hegmann KT , Yoon S , Lutrick K , Burgess JL , Ellingson KD . PLoS One 2024 19 (12) e0306953 ![]() The extent to which semi-quantitative antibody levels confer protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection in populations with heterogenous immune histories is unclear. Two nested case-control studies were designed within the multisite HEROES/RECOVER prospective cohort of frontline workers to study the relationship between antibody levels and protection against first-time post-vaccination infection and reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 from December 2021 to January 2023. All participants submitted weekly nasal swabs for rRT-PCR testing and blood samples quarterly and following infection or vaccination. Cases of first-time post-vaccination infection following a third dose of monovalent (origin strain WA-1) mRNA vaccine (n = 613) and reinfection (n = 350) were 1:1 matched to controls based on timing of blood draw and other potential confounders. Conditional logistic regression models were fit to estimate infection risk reductions associated with 3-fold increases in end titers for receptor binding domain (RBD). In first-time post-vaccination and reinfection study samples, most were female (67%, 57%), non-Hispanic (82%, 68%), and without chronic conditions (65%, 65%). The odds of first-time post-vaccination infection were reduced by 21% (aOR = 0.79, 95% CI = [0.66-0.96]) for each 3-fold increase in RBD end titers. The odds of reinfection associated with a 3-fold increase in RBD end titers were reduced by 23% (aOR = 0.77, 95% CI = [0.65-0.92] for unvaccinated individuals and 58% (aOR = 0.42, 95% CI = [0.22-0.84]) for individuals with three mRNA vaccine doses following their first infection. Frontline workers with higher antibody levels following a third dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine were at reduced risk of SARS-CoV-2 during Omicron predominance. Among those with previous infections, the point estimates of risk reduction associated with antibody levels was greater for those with three vaccine doses compared to those who were unvaccinated. |
Surveillance of human adenovirus types and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on reporting - United States, 2017-2023
Abdirizak F , Winn AK , Parikh R , Scobie HM , Lu X , Vega E , Almendares O , Kirking HL , Rose EB , Silk BJ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (50) 1136-1141 Human adenoviruses (HAdVs) are typically associated with mild respiratory illnesses, although severe disease and outbreaks in congregate settings occur. The National Adenovirus Type Reporting System (NATRS) is a passive, laboratory-based surveillance system that monitors trends in circulation of HAdV types in the United States. This report summarizes the distribution of HAdV types reported to NATRS during 2017-2023. During this 7-year period, 2,241 HAdV specimens with typing results were reported to NATRS. The number of specimens with HAdV typing results reported varied annually during 2017-2019 (range = 389-562) and declined during 2020-2023 (range = 58-356). During 2017-2023, six HAdV types (1-4, 7, and 14) accounted for 88.3% of typed specimens reported; 17.0% of specimens were identified as outbreak-related. An increase in type 41 reporting was associated with a hepatitis cluster during 2021-2022. Reporting to NATRS has declined since the COVID-19 pandemic, despite continued HAdV circulation reported through passive laboratory surveillance to the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System. Enhanced participation in NATRS is needed to improve monitoring of circulating HAdV types. |
Disparities in salmonellosis incidence for US counties with different social determinants of health profiles are also mediated by extreme weather: a counterfactual analysis of Laboratory Enteric Disease Surveillance (LEDS) data from 1997-2019
Weller DL , Tierney R , Verlander S , Bruce BB , Rose EB . J Food Prot 2024 87 (12) 100379 ![]() ![]() Understanding disparities in salmonellosis burden is critical for developing effective, equitable prevention programs. Past efforts to characterize disparities were limited in scope and by the analytical methods available when the study was conducted. We aim to address this gap by identifying disparities in salmonellosis incidence between counties with different determinants of health (DOH) profiles. Using national U.S. Laboratory-based Enteric Disease Surveillance (LEDS) data for 1997-2019, age-adjusted county-level salmonellosis incidence/100,000 persons was calculated and linked to publicly available DOH data. We used hurdle counterfactual random forest (CFRF) to quantify, for each DOH, the risk that (i) ≥1 versus no cases were reported by a county, and (ii) when ≥1 case was reported, whether a high (≥16 cases/100,000 persons) or low incidence (≥1 & <4 cases/100,000 persons) was reported. Risk in both models was significantly associated with demographic DOH, suggesting a disparity between counties with different demographic profiles. Risk was also significantly associated with food, healthcare, physical, and socioeconomic environment. The risk was generally greater for counties with more negative food resources, and for under-resourced counties (e.g., fewer healthcare and social services, fewer grocery stores). Risk was also significantly higher if any extreme weather event occurred. The study also found that underreporting and underascertainment appeared to result in underestimation of salmonellosis incidence in economically marginalized and under-resourced communities. Overall, our analyses indicated that, regardless of other county characteristics, extreme weather was associated with increased salmonellosis incidence, and that certain communities were differentially disadvantaged toward a higher incidence. This information can facilitate the development of community-specific prevention efforts. |
Cost-effectiveness of Nirsevimab for respiratory syncytial virus in infants and young children
Hutton DW , Prosser LA , Rose AM , Mercon K , Ortega-Sanchez IR , Leidner AJ , McMorrow ML , Fleming-Dutra KE , Prill MM , Pike J , Jones JM . Pediatrics 2024 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes substantial hospitalization in US infants. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended nirsevimab in infants younger than 8 months born during or entering their first RSV season and for children aged 8 to 19 months at increased risk of RSV hospitalization in their second season. This study's objective was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of nirsevimab in all infants in their first RSV season and in high-risk children in their second season. METHODS: We simulated healthcare utilization and deaths from RSV with and without nirsevimab among infants aged 0 to 7 months and those 8 to 19 months old over a single RSV season. Data came from published literature, US Food and Drug Administration approval documents, and epidemiologic surveillance data. We evaluated societal outcomes over a lifetime discounting at 3% and reporting in 2022 US dollars. Sensitivity and scenario analyses identified influential variables. RESULTS: We estimated that 107 253 outpatient visits, 38 204 emergency department visits, and 14 341 hospitalizations could be averted each year if half of the US birth cohort receives nirsevimab. This would cost $153 517 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) saved. Nirsevimab in the second season for children facing a 10-fold higher risk of hospitalization would cost $308 468 per QALY saved. Sensitivity analyses showed RSV hospitalization costs, nirsevimab cost, and QALYs lost from RSV disease were the most influential parameters with cost-effectiveness ratios between cost-saving and $323 788 per QALY saved. CONCLUSIONS: Nirsevimab for infants may be cost-effective, particularly among those with higher risks and costs of RSV. |
Cost-effectiveness of maternal vaccination to prevent respiratory syncytial virus illness
Hutton DW , Prosser LA , Rose AM , Mercon K , Ortega-Sanchez IR , Leidner AJ , McMorrow ML , Fleming-Dutra KE , Prill MM , Pike J , Jones JM . Pediatrics 2024 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) commonly causes hospitalization among US infants. A maternal vaccine preventing RSV in infants, RSV bivalent prefusion F maternal vaccine (RSVpreF), was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Our objective was to evaluate the health benefits and cost-effectiveness of vaccinating pregnant persons in the United States using RSVpreF. METHODS: We simulated RSV infection and disease with and without seasonal RSVpreF vaccination in half of the pregnant persons in the annual US birth cohort during weeks 32 through 36 of gestation. Model inputs came from peer-reviewed literature, Food and Drug Administration records, and epidemiological surveillance databases. The results are reported using a societal perspective in 2022 US dollars for a 1-year time frame, discounting future health outcomes and costs at 3%. Sensitivity and scenario analyses were performed. RESULTS: Year-round maternal vaccination with RSVpreF would prevent 45 693 outpatient visits, 15 866 ED visits, and 7571 hospitalizations among infants each year. Vaccination had a societal incremental cost of $396 280 per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) saved. Vaccination from September through January cost $163 513 per QALY saved. The most influential inputs were QALYs lost from RSV disease, the cost of the vaccine, and RSV-associated hospitalization costs; changes in these inputs yielded outcomes ranging from cost-saving to $800 000 per QALY saved. CONCLUSIONS: Seasonal maternal RSV vaccination designed to prevent RSV lower respiratory tract infection in infants may be cost-effective, particularly if administered to pregnant persons immediately before or at the beginning of the RSV season. |
Investigating surface area and recovery efficiency of healthcare-associated pathogens to optimize composite environmental sampling
Chan-Riley MY , Edwards JR , Noble-Wang J , Rose L . PLoS One 2024 19 (11) e0310283 Hospital surfaces are known to contribute to the spread of healthcare-associated antimicrobial pathogens. Environmental sampling can help locate reservoirs and determine intervention strategies, although sampling and detection can be labor intensive. Composite approaches may help reduce time and costs associated with sampling and detection. We investigated optimum surface areas for sampling antimicrobial-resistant organisms (AROs) with a single side of cellulose sponge, created theoretical composites (TC) by adding recovery results from multiple optimum areas, then compared the TC to the standard Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sampling method (one sponge using all sides, whole tool; (WT)). Five AROs were evaluated: carbapenemase-producing KPC+ Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC), Acinetobacter baumannii (AB), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE) and Clostridioides difficile spores (CD). Steel coupons comprising four surface areas (323; 645; 1,290 and 2,258 cm2) were inoculated, dried, and sampled with one sampling pass using the larger side (face) or the smaller side (edge) of a pre-moistened cellulose sponge tool. Based on the optimum areas determined for each organism, composite areas were 1,290 cm2 for MRSA and VRE, 1,936 cm2 for AB, 2,580 cm2 for CD spores and 3,870 cm2 for KPC. Total colony forming units (CFU) recovered using a composite approach was greater or comparable than using multiple WT samplings (over the same area as the composite) for MRSA, VRE and AB (130%; 144% and 95%) yet less than if using multiple WT samplings for KP and CD (47% and 66%). We propose a conservative composite sampling strategy if the target organism is unknown; 323 cm2 sampling area for each of the four sides of the sponge, (1290 cm2 total). The conservative composite sampling strategy improved the recovery of KP (from 47% to 85% of multiple WT samplings), while MRSA, VRE, AB and CD (131%; 144%; 97% and 66%) remained within 5% to that of the optimum area TC. |
Association of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and reductions in Post-COVID Conditions following SARS-CoV-2 infection in a US prospective cohort of essential workers
Mak J , Khan S , Britton A , Rose S , Gwynn L , Ellingson KD , Meece J , Feldstein L , Tyner H , Edwards L , Thiese MS , Naleway A , Gaglani M , Solle N , Burgess JL , Lamberte JM , Shea M , Hunt-Smith T , Caban-Martinez A , Porter C , Wiegand R , Rai R , Hegmann KT , Hollister J , Fowlkes A , Wesley M , Philips AL , Rivers P , Bloodworth R , Newes-Adeyi G , Olsho LEW , Yoon SK , Saydah S , Lutrick K . J Infect Dis 2024 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: While there is evidence that COVID-19 vaccination protects against development of post-COVID conditions (PCC) after severe infection data are limited on whether vaccination reduces the risk after cases of less-severe non-hospitalized COVID-19 disease with more recent SARS-CoV-2 variant viruses. This study assessed whether COVID-19 vaccination was protective against subsequent development of PCC in persons with predominantly mild initial infections during both Delta and Omicron variant predominance. METHODS: This study utilized a case-control design, nested within the HEROES-RECOVER cohort. Participants aged ≥18 years with PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection between 6/28/2021 and 9/14/2022 were surveyed for PCC, defined by symptoms lasting >1 month after initial infection Cases were participants self-reporting PCC and controls were participants that did not self-report PCC. The exposure was mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (2 or 3 monovalent doses) versus no COVID-19 vaccination. Logistic regression was used to compare the odds of PCC among vaccinated and unvaccinated persons; additional analyses evaluating PCC subtypes were also performed. RESULTS: A total of 936 participants with documented SARS-CoV-2 infection were included; of these 23.6% (221) reported PCC and 83.3% (779) were vaccinated. Participants who received a 3rd COVID-19 monovalent mRNA dose prior to infection had lower odds of PCC-related gastrointestinal, neurological, and other symptoms compared to unvaccinated participants (aOR: 0.37; 95% CI: 0.16-0.85; aOR: 0.56; 95% CI: 0.32-0.97; aOR:0.48; 95% CI: 0.25-0.91). CONCLUSIONS: COVID-19 vaccination protected against development of PCC among persons with mild infection during both Delta and Omicron variant predominance, supporting vaccination as an important tool for PCC prevention. |
Call to action: Contribute to the development of the third edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
Piercy KL , Vaux-Bjerke A , Polster M , Fulton JE , George S , Rose KM , Whitfield GP , Wolff-Hughes DL , Barnett EY . Transl J Am Coll Sport Med 2024 10 (1) |
Genomic surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 variants: Circulation of Omicron XBB and JN.1 lineages - United States, May 2023-September 2024
Ma KC , Castro J , Lambrou AS , Rose EB , Cook PW , Batra D , Cubenas C , Hughes LJ , MacCannell DR , Mandal P , Mittal N , Sheth M , Smith C , Winn A , Hall AJ , Wentworth DE , Silk BJ , Thornburg NJ , Paden CR . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (42) 938-945 ![]() ![]() CDC continues to track the evolution of SARS-CoV-2, including the Omicron variant and its descendants, using national genomic surveillance. This report summarizes U.S. trends in variant proportion estimates during May 2023-September 2024, a period when SARS-CoV-2 lineages primarily comprised descendants of Omicron variants XBB and JN.1. During summer and fall 2023, multiple descendants of XBB with immune escape substitutions emerged and reached >10% prevalence, including EG.5-like lineages by June 24, FL.1.5.1-like lineages by August 5, HV.1 lineage by September 30, and HK.3-like lineages by November 11. In winter 2023, the JN.1 variant emerged in the United States and rapidly attained predominance nationwide, representing a substantial genetic shift (>30 spike protein amino acid differences) from XBB lineages. Descendants of JN.1 subsequently circulated and reached >10% prevalence, including KQ.1-like and KP.2-like lineages by April 13, KP.3 and LB.1-like lineages by May 25, and KP.3.1.1 by July 20. Surges in COVID-19 cases occurred in winter 2024 during the shift to JN.1 predominance, as well as in summer 2023 and 2024 during circulation of multiple XBB and JN.1 descendants, respectively. The ongoing evolution of the Omicron variant highlights the importance of continued genomic surveillance to guide medical countermeasure development, including the selection of antigens for updated COVID-19 vaccines. |
Increased stillbirth rates and exposure to environmental risk factors for stillbirth in counties with higher social vulnerability: United States, 2015-2018
Moore J , Evans S , Rose CE , Shin M , Carroll Y , Duke CW , Cohen CR , Broussard CS . Matern Child Health J 2024 INTRODUCTION: Exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions during pregnancy, such as extreme heat and air pollution, has been linked to increased risk of stillbirth, defined as fetal mortality at or after 20 weeks' gestation, however no studies have examined its association with social vulnerability. We examined associations between county-level stillbirth rates, environmental risk factors for stillbirth, and social vulnerability in the United States. METHODS: This ecologic study linked county-level data from three nationwide datasets on stillbirths (National Vital Statistics System), environmental conditions (North American Land Data Assimilation System and Environmental Protection Agency), and social vulnerability (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Social Vulnerability Index). Poisson and negative binomial models were fit to the variables and produced rate ratios to estimate associations among stillbirth rates, environmental risk factors, and social vulnerability. RESULTS: Social vulnerability was positively associated withn stillbirth rates, annual average number of extreme heat days, and ambient concentration of particulate matter ≤ 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5). The average number of days that ozone and PM2.5 each exceeded regulatory standards were not associated with stillbirth rates or social vulnerability. A positive association between average annual PM2.5 concentration and stillbirth rates was detected; no other significant associations between environmental risk factors and stillbirth rates were observed. DISCUSSION: We found evidence of associations between social vulnerability and stillbirth rates, and between social vulnerability and environmental risk factors for stillbirth at the county level. Further research could inform understanding of how social vulnerability impacts the relationship between environmental exposures and stillbirth risk. |
Cost-effectiveness of vaccinating adults aged 60 years and older against respiratory syncytial virus
Hutton DW , Prosser LA , Rose AM , Mercon K , Ortega-Sanchez IR , Leidner AJ , Havers FP , Prill MM , Whitaker M , Roper LE , Pike J , Britton A , Melgar M . Vaccine 2024 42 (24) 126294 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes substantial morbidity and mortality in older adults. In May 2023, two subunit RSV vaccines (Arexvy [GSK] and Abrysvo [Pfizer]) received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In June 2023, ACIP recommended that adults aged ≥60 years may receive a single dose of RSV vaccine, using shared clinical decision-making. In support of development of this policy, our objective was to assess the cost-effectiveness of RSV vaccination in the general population in this age group. We used a decision-analytical model of RSV over a two-year timeframe using data from published literature, FDA documents, epidemiological databases, and manufacturer data. We tracked RSV-associated outpatient, emergency department, inpatient healthcare utilization, RSV-attributable deaths, quality-adjusted life-years lost (QALYs), and societal costs. The societal cost per QALY saved from RSV vaccination depended on age group and product: adults aged ≥60 years, $196,842 for GSK's vaccine and $176,557 for Pfizer's vaccine; adults ≥65 years, $162,138 for GSK and $146,543 for Pfizer; adults 60- <65 years, $385,829 for GSK and $331,486 for Pfizer. Vaccine efficacy, incidence of RSV hospitalization, and vaccine cost had the greatest influence on cost per QALY. Cost per QALY saved decreased as the age of those vaccinated increased. Inputs such as long-term efficacy are uncertain. RSV vaccination in adults aged ≥60 years may be cost-effective, particularly in those of more advanced age. Lower vaccine acquisition costs and persistent efficacy beyond two RSV seasons would render RSV vaccination more cost-effective for a broader target population. PRIMARY FUNDING SOURCE: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |
Machine learning to attribute the source of Campylobacter infections in the United States: a retrospective analysis of national surveillance data
Pascoe B , Futcher G , Pensar J , Bayliss SC , Mourkas E , Calland JK , Hitchings MD , Joseph LA , Lane CG , Greenlee T , Arning N , Wilson DJ , Jolley KA , Corander J , Maiden MCJ , Parker CT , Cooper KK , Rose EB , Hiett K , Bruce BB , Sheppard SK . J Infect 2024 106265 ![]() ![]() ![]() OBJECTIVES: Integrating pathogen genomic surveillance with bioinformatics can enhance public health responses by identifying risk and guiding interventions. This study focusses on the two predominant Campylobacter species, which are commonly found in the gut of birds and mammals and often infect humans via contaminated food. Rising incidence and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are a global concern and there is an urgent need to quantify the main routes to human infection. METHODS: During routine US national surveillance (2009-2019), 8,856 Campylobacter genomes from human infections and 16,703 from possible sources were sequenced. Using machine learning and probabilistic models, we target genetic variation associated with host adaptation to attribute the source of human infections and estimate the importance of different disease reservoirs. RESULTS: Poultry was identified as the primary source of human infections, responsible for an estimated 68% of cases, followed by cattle (28%), and only a small contribution from wild birds (3%) and pork sources (1%). There was also evidence of an increase in multidrug resistance, particularly among isolates attributed to chickens. CONCLUSIONS: National surveillance and source attribution can guide policy, and our study suggests that interventions targeting poultry will yield the greatest reductions in campylobacteriosis and spread of AMR in the US. DATA AVAILABILITY: All sequence reads were uploaded and shared on NCBI's Sequence Read Archive (SRA) associated with BioProjects; PRJNA239251 (CDC / PulseNet surveillance), PRJNA287430 (FSIS surveillance), PRJNA292668 & PRJNA292664 (NARMS) and PRJNA258022 (FDA surveillance). Publicly available genomes, including reference genomes and isolates sampled worldwide from wild birds are associated with BioProject accessions: PRJNA176480, PRJNA177352, PRJNA342755, PRJNA345429, PRJNA312235, PRJNA415188, PRJNA524300, PRJNA528879, PRJNA529798, PRJNA575343, PRJNA524315 and PRJNA689604. Contiguous assemblies of all genome sequences compared are available at Mendeley data (assembled C. coli genomes doi: 10.17632/gxswjvxyh3.1; assembled C. jejuni genomes doi: 10.17632/6ngsz3dtbd.1) and individual project and accession numbers can be found in Supplementary tables S1 and S2, which also includes pubMLST identifiers for assembled genomes. Figshare (10.6084/m9.figshare.20279928). Interactive phylogenies are hosted on microreact separately for C. jejuni ( and C. coli ( |
Interventions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 among people experiencing sheltered homelessness: Chicago, Illinois, March 1, 2020-May 11, 2023
Tietje L , Ghinai I , Cooper A , Tung EL , Borah B , Funk M , Ramachandran D , Gerber B , Man B , Singer R , Bell E , Moss A , Weidemiller A , Chaudhry M , Lendacki F , Bernard R , Gretsch S , English K , Huggett TD , Tornabene M , Cool C , Detmer WM , Schroeter MK , Mayer S , Davis E , Boegner J , Glenn EE , Phillips G 2nd , Falck S , Barranco L , Toews KA . Am J Public Health 2024 e1-e9 Objectives. To compare the incidence, case-hospitalization rates, and vaccination rates of COVID-19 between people experiencing sheltered homelessness (PESH) and the broader community in Chicago, Illinois, and describe the impact of a whole community approach to disease mitigation during the public health emergency. Methods. Incidence of COVID-19 among PESH was compared with community-wide incidence using case-based surveillance data from March 1, 2020, to May 11, 2023. Seven-day rolling means of COVID-19 incidence were assessed for the overall study period and for each of 6 distinct waves of COVID-19 transmission. Results. A total of 774 009 cases of COVID-19 were detected: 2579 among PESH and 771 430 in the broader community. Incidence and hospitalization rates per 100 000 in PESH were more than 5 times higher (99.84 vs 13.94 and 16.88 vs 2.14) than the community at large in wave 1 (March 1, 2020-October 3, 2020). This difference decreased through wave 3 (March 7, 2021-June 26, 2021), with PESH having a lower incidence rate per 100 000 than the wider community (8.02 vs 13.03). Incidence and hospitalization of PESH rose again to rates higher than the broader community in waves 4 through 6 but never returned to wave 1 levels. Throughout the study period, COVID-19 incidence among PESH was 2.88 times higher than that of the community (70.90 vs 24.65), and hospitalization was 4.56 times higher among PESH (7.51 vs 1.65). Conclusions. Our findings suggest that whole-community approaches can minimize disparities in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission between vulnerable populations and the broader community, and reinforce the benefits of a shared approach that include multiple partners when addressing public health emergencies in special populations. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print August 28, 2024:e1-e9. |
Neisseria gonorrhoeae ST-1901 in Rio de Janeiro from 2006 to 2022: phylogeny and antimicrobial resistance evolution of a well-succeeded pathogen
de Medeiros RC , Barros Dos Santos KT , Costa-Lourenço APR , Skaf LB , Mercadante AM , Rosa MHB , Fracalanzza SEL , Ferreira ALP , Reimche JL , Gernert KM , Kersh EN , Bonelli RR . Int J Antimicrob Agents 2024 107299 ![]() ![]() Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a global threat to public health due to the accumulation of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms. ST-1901 is an internationally important sequence type (ST) because of its high incidence and the usual occurrence of chromosomally determined resistance. In this study, we describe the evolution of the ST-1901 and its single locus variants in Rio de Janeiro from 2006 to 2022. We analyzed 82 N. gonorrhoeae isolates according to antimicrobial susceptibility profile, resistance mechanisms, molecular typing, and phylogenetics. Six different single locus variants were detected. Phylogenetic analysis identified five clades, which share similar characteristics. Resistance rates for penicillin and tetracycline decreased due to the lower occurrence of resistance plasmids, but intermediary resistance to penicillin rose. Resistance to ciprofloxacin remained high throughout all clades and the years of the study. Regarding resistance to azithromycin, alterations in mtrR promoter and gene, and 23S rRNA encoding gene rrl were detected, with a notable rise in the incidence of C2611T mutations in more recent years occurring in 4 out of 5 clades. In contrast, beta-lactam resistance associated penA 34 mosaic was found only in one persisting clade (Clade D), as well as unique G45D and A39T mutations in mtrR gene and its promoter (Nm-Like) were found in only Clade B. Taken together, these data suggest that ST-1901, a persistently circulating lineage of N. gonorrhoeae in Rio de Janeiro, has undergone changes over the years and may evolve to develop resistance to the current recommended dual therapy adopted in Brazil, ceftriaxone and azithromycin. |
Challenges with school meal provisions in K-12 public schools: Findings from the National School COVID-19 Prevention Study
Rose I , Merlo C , Dorleans C , McConnell L , Murray C , Pampati S , Lee S , Applebaum M . J Sch Nurs 2024 10598405241267020 School meals play a vital role in supporting student health. Access to school meals was disrupted during COVID-19-related school closures, impacting student nutritional intake and household food insecurity. Data from the National School COVID-19 Prevention Study Survey and school staff focus groups were used to examine challenges to school meal provision in K-12 public schools. Data were analyzed using R and MAXQDA. Survey data indicated that most schools served breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria or classroom during the 2021-2022 school year. City schools were less likely to experience challenges with receiving the foods and supplies needed for school meal programs. Qualitative data revealed that school meal participation increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, however schools encountered challenges when implementing the program including staff shortages and supply chain issues. Findings from this study can help strengthen the K-12 school meal system to equitably serve students in future public health emergencies. |
Survival to young adulthood among individuals with congenital heart defects and genetic syndromes: Congenital heart survey to recognize outcomes, needs, and well-being
Downing KF , Lin AE , Nembhard WN , Rose CE , Andrews JG , Goudie A , Klewer SE , Oster ME , Farr SL . J Am Heart Assoc 2024 e036049 ![]() |
A longitudinal analysis of COVID-19 prevention strategies implemented among US K-12 public schools during the 2021-2022 school year
Conklin S , McConnell L , Murray C , Pampati S , Rasberry CN , Stephens R , Rose I , Barrios LC , Cramer NK , Lee S . Ann Epidemiol 2024 PURPOSE: Examine how school-based COVID-19 prevention strategy implementation varied over time, including by local characteristics. METHODS: School administrators (n=335) from a nationally representative sample of K-12 public schools completed four surveys assessing COVID-19 prevention strategies at two-month intervals between October 2021 and June 2022. We calculated weighted prevalence estimates by survey wave. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were used to model longitudinal changes in strategy implementation, accounting for school and county covariates. RESULTS: Opening doors/windows, daily cleaning, and diagnostic testing were reported by ≥50% of schools at each survey wave. Several strategies were consistently implemented across the 2021-2022 school year (i.e., daily cleaning, opening doors and windows, diagnostic testing) while other strategies increased initially and then declined (i.e., contact tracing, screening testing, on-campus vaccination) or declined consistently throughout the school year (i.e., mask requirement, classroom distancing, quarantine). Although longitudinal changes in strategy implementation did not vary by school characteristics, strategy implementation varied by urban-rural classification and school level throughout the school year. CONCLUSIONS: Strategies that were consistently implemented throughout the school year were also reported by a majority of schools, speaking toward their feasibility for school-based infection control and prevention and potential utility in future public health emergencies. |
Preventing Chronic Disease Collection: From Data to Action: National, state, and local efforts to end menthol and other flavored commercial tobacco product use
Marshall LL , Norman L , Rose SW , Tseng TS . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E39 |
Autism spectrum disorder diagnoses and congenital cytomegalovirus
Pesch MH , Leung J , Lanzieri TM , Tinker SC , Rose CE , Danielson ML , Yeargin-Allsopp M , Grosse SD . Pediatrics 2024 OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) administrative diagnoses in US children. METHODS: Cohort study using 2014 to 2020 Medicaid claims data. We used diagnosis codes to identify cCMV (exposure), ASD (outcome), and covariates among children enrolled from birth through ≥4 to <7 years. Covariates include central nervous system (CNS) anomaly or injury diagnosis codes, including brain anomaly, microcephaly within 45 days of birth, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or chorioretinitis. We used Cox proportional hazards regression models to estimate hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals, overall and stratified by sex, birth weight and gestational age outcome (low birth weight or preterm birth), and presence of CNS anomaly or injury. RESULTS: Among 2 989 659 children, we identified 1044 (3.5 per 10 000) children with cCMV and 74 872 (25.0 per 1000) children with ASD. Of those with cCMV, 49% also had CNS anomaly or injury diagnosis codes. Children with cCMV were more likely to have ASD diagnoses (hazard ratio: 2.5; 95% confidence interval: 2.0-3.2, adjusting for birth year, sex, and region). This association differed by sex and absence of CNS anomaly or injury but not birth outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Children with (versus without) cCMV diagnoses in Medicaid claims data, most of whom likely had symptomatic cCMV, were more likely to have ASD diagnoses. Future research investigating ASD risk among cohorts identified through universal cCMV screening may help elucidate these observed associations. |
Experience of public health departments in implementation of COVID-19 case investigation and contact tracing programs
Staatz C , Loosier PS , Hsu R , Fiscus M , Gupta R , Sabin ER , Vohra D , Matulewicz H , Taylor MM , Caruso EC , DeLuca N , Moonan PK , Oeltmann JE , Thorpe P . Public Health Rep 2024 333549241239556 OBJECTIVE: Case investigation and contact tracing (CI/CT) are fundamental public health efforts widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic to mitigate transmission. This study investigated how state, local, and tribal public health departments used CI/CT during the COVID-19 pandemic, including CI/CT methodology, staffing models, training and support, and efforts to identify or prioritize populations disproportionately affected by COVID-19. METHODS: During March and April 2022, we conducted key informant interviews with up to 3 public health officials from 43 state, local, and tribal public health departments. From audio-recorded and transcribed interviews, we used the framework method to analyze key themes. RESULTS: Major adjustments to CI/CT protocols during the pandemic included (1) prioritizing populations for outreach; (2) implementing automated outreach for nonprioritized groups, particularly during COVID-19 surges; (3) discontinuing contact tracing and focusing exclusively on case investigation; and (4) adding innovations to provide additional support. Key informants also discussed the utility of having backup staffing to support overwhelmed public health departments and spoke to the difficulty in "right-sizing" the public health workforce, with COVID-19 surges leaving public health departments understaffed as case rates rose and overstaffed as case rates fell. CONCLUSIONS: When addressing future epidemics or outbreaks, public health officials should consider strategies that improve the effectiveness of CI/CT efforts over time, such as prioritizing populations based on disproportionate risk, implementing automated outreach, developing models that provide flexible additional staffing resources as cases rise and fall among local public health departments, incorporating demographic data in laboratory reporting, providing community connections and support, and having a system of self-notification of contacts. |
Emergency department visits for pedestrians injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes - United States, January 2021-December 2023
Barry V , Van Dyke ME , Nakayama JY , Zaganjor H , Sheppard M , Stein Z , Radhakrishnan L , Schweninger E , Rose K , Whitfield GP , West B . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (17) 387-392 Traffic-related pedestrian deaths in the United States reached a 40-year high in 2021. Each year, pedestrians also suffer nonfatal traffic-related injuries requiring medical treatment. Near real-time emergency department visit data from CDC's National Syndromic Surveillance Program during January 2021-December 2023 indicated that among approximately 301 million visits identified, 137,325 involved a pedestrian injury (overall visit proportion = 45.62 per 100,000 visits). The proportions of visits for pedestrian injury were 1.53-2.47 times as high among six racial and ethnic minority groups as that among non-Hispanic White persons. Compared with persons aged ≥65 years, proportions among those aged 15-24 and 25-34 years were 2.83 and 2.61 times as high, respectively. The visit proportion was 1.93 times as high among males as among females, and 1.21 times as high during September-November as during June-August. Timely pedestrian injury data can help collaborating federal, state, and local partners rapidly monitor trends, identify disparities, and implement strategies supporting the Safe System approach, a framework for preventing traffic injuries among all road users. |
Evaluation of surveillance system changes to improve detection of disseminated gonococcal infections in Virginia, 2018 to 2021
Pugsley RA , Gadju G , Young K , Rose C , Haugan N , Vasiliu O . Sex Transm Dis 2024 51 (3) 171-177 BACKGROUND: Disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI), a complication of untreated gonorrhea, is rarely reported through routine surveillance. We sought to improve local surveillance system capacity to estimate and monitor the incidence of DGI in Virginia. METHODS: We modified surveillance protocols to identify possible DGI cases using information extracted from gonorrhea case reports and performed provider follow-up using standardized case report forms to confirm DGI diagnosis and collect clinical information. Suspect cases included those with a laboratory report indicating sterile site of specimen collection (e.g., blood, synovial fluid) and/or intravenous (IV) treatment. We performed descriptive analyses to summarize the characteristics of suspect and confirmed DGIs and estimated incidence. RESULTS: After piloting protocols in 2018 to 2019, we identified 405 suspect DGI cases from 29,294 gonorrhea cases reported in 2020 to 2021 (1.4%). We initiated investigations for 298 (73.6%) of the suspect cases, received provider responses for 105 (25.9%), and confirmed 19 DGI cases (4.7%). Positive laboratory reports from nonmucosal sites were the most reliable predictor of confirmed DGI status, but most were not confirmed as DGI even when provider follow-up was successful. The confirmed and estimated incidence of DGI were 0.06% and 0.22%, respectively. Sixteen (84%) of the confirmed cases were older than 25 years, 3 (16%) were HIV positive, and approximately half were male and non-Hispanic Black. Most (15 [74%]) were hospitalized, and common manifestations included septic arthritis and bacteremia. CONCLUSIONS: We improved surveillance for DGI in Virginia while incurring minor programmatic costs. Additional efforts to improve the completeness and quality of surveillance data for DGI are needed. |
Correction and Republication: Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Suicidal Ideation Among State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic - United States, March-April 2021
Bryant-Genevier J , Rao CY , Lopes-Cardozo B , Kone A , Rose C , Thomas I , Orquiola D , Lynfield R , Shah D , Freeman L , Becker S , Williams A , Gould DW , Tiesman H , Lloyd G , Hill L , Byrkit R . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 12/28/2021 70 (48) 1679 On July 2, 2021, MMWR published “Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Suicidal Ideation Among State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, March–April 2021” (1). On October 12, 2021, the authors informed MMWR that some data were inaccurate because 420 incomplete participant responses were incorrectly assigned scores for depression. This error resulted in a change in overall depression prevalence from 32.0% to 30.8%, and other similar changes in stratified prevalences of depression, prevalence ratios of depression, and the overall proportion of respondents who reported at least one mental health condition. The authors have corrected the MMWR report by excluding the 420 records from the depression analysis and confirmed that the interpretation and the conclusions of the original report were not affected by these corrections. MMWR has republished the report (2), which includes the original report with clearly marked corrections in supplementary materials. |
National Stop Transmission of Polio Program support for polio supplemental immunization activities in Nigeria 2012-2016: deployment of management support team
Edukugho AA , Waziri NE , Bolu O , Gidado SO , Okeke LA , Uba BV , Idris JM , Michael CA , Adegoke JO , Bammeke P , Adamu US , Nguku PM , Biya O , Ohuanbunwo CJ , Vertefeuille J , Damisa E , Wiesen E . Pan Afr Med J 12/28/2021 40 14 INTRODUCTION: to support polio eradication activities in Nigeria, in 2012 the National Polio Emergency Operation Center (NEOC) created the Management Support Teams (MST) to address gaps in the quality of supervision of polio vaccination teams. The National Stop Transmission of Polio (NSTOP) Program supported the polio eradication activities by deploying trained supervisors as part of the MST for polio and non-polio immunization campaigns. METHODS: trained MST members were deployed approximately 4 days before the start of the campaign to participate in pre-implementation activities and supervise vaccination teams during campaigns. Terms of reference (TOR) developed by NEOC was provided to MST members to guide their activities. Qualified MSTs that met pre-determined criteria were selected and deployed to the field to support pre, intra and post campaigns activities. RESULTS: a pool of over 400 MST personnel have been identified, trained, and repeatedly deployed from 2012 till 2016. The number of deployed MST personnel rose from 40 per campaign in October 2012 to 342 in May 2016. Of these, 270 (79%) MST personnel were deployed to 11 polio high-risk states of northern Nigeria, where campaigns are conducted between eight and ten times yearly as planned by NEOC. For measles campaigns, about 300 (75%) MST personnel were deployed for the one-off northern and southern campaigns in 2016. The results of clustered Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) post-campaign vaccination coverage surveys, a measure of campaign quality, of which introduction into the polio program coincided with deployment of MSTs, showed improvement over time, from 10% (very poor quality) in February 2012 to about 90% (good quality) in December 2016. CONCLUSION: the deployment of MST personnel increased the number of trained supervisors in the field, frequency of supervisory visits and had a positive impact on the quality of polio campaigns. |
Building Evidence, Building Community: The Physical Activity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (PAPREN)
Lemon SC , Goins KV , Ussery EN , Rose KM , Chriqui JF . J Healthy Eat Act Living 12/28/2021 1 (4) 165-168 Regular physical activity is an essential action people can take to improve their health (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). Despite well-established benefits, only 1 in 4 U.S. adults meet the combined aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical activity guidelines (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The built environment, defined as the physical makeup of where people live, learn, work, and play, can support or inhibit physical activity. The Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) recommends built environment strategies that combine new or improved pedestrian, bicycle, or transit transportation systems (i.e., activity-friendly routes) with land use components (i.e., connecting everyday destinations) (Community Preventive Services Task Force, 2016). Active People, Healthy NationSM is a national initiative led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027 (Fulton et al., 2018). To reach this goal, states and communities can implement strategies for increasing physical activity (Schmid et al., 2021) across sectors and settings. Each strategy can be designed to ensure equitable access to opportunities for physical activity. However, implementation of physical activity–supportive policies across the United States remains low. The National Complete Streets Coalition reports that only 1,600 jurisdictions (mainly cities) have adopted Complete Streets policies (Smart Growth America); this is a fraction of all U.S. jurisdictions, and the quality of policies varies. There remains a need for applied research to translate knowledge into practice for implementing evidence-based policies to increase physical activity. Best practices that inform the implementation of these strategies are also needed to support communities and states. |
Requirements for Building Thermal Conditions under Normal and Emergency Operations in Extreme Climates
Zhivov A , Rose W , Patenaude R , Williams WJ . Ashrae j 12/28/2021 127 (1) 693-704 This paper provides recommendations on thermal and moisture parameters (air, temperature, and humidity content) in different types of buildings under normal and emergency operation conditions in extreme climate conditions, e.g., cold/arctic (U.S. Department of Energy [DOE] climate zones 6-8) and hot and humid (DOE climate zones 0-2a). Three scenarios are considered under normal operating conditions: when the building/space is occupied, temporarily unoccupied (2-5 days), and unoccupied long term (e.g., hibernated). These thermal parameters are necessary to achieve one or several of the following purposes. |
Planning for the future of maternal immunization: Building on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
Meaney-Delman D , Carroll S , Polen K , Jatlaoui TC , Meyer S , Oliver S , Gee J , Shimabukuro T , Razzaghi H , Riley L , Galang RR , Tong V , Gilboa S , Ellington S , Cohn A . Vaccine 2024 As the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the clinical and public health community raced to understand SARS-CoV-2 infection and develop life-saving vaccines. Pregnant persons were disproportionately impacted, experiencing more severe illness and adverse pregnancy outcomes. And yet, when COVID-19 vaccines became available in late 2020, safety and efficacy data were not available to inform their use during pregnancy because pregnant persons were excluded from pre-authorization clinical trials. Concerns about vaccine safety during pregnancy and misinformation linking vaccination and infertility circulated widely, creating a lack of vaccine confidence. Many pregnant people initially chose not to get vaccinated, and while vaccination rates rose after safety and effectiveness data became available, COVID-19 vaccine acceptance was suboptimal and varied across racial and ethnic distribution of the pregnant population. The COVID-19 pandemic experience provided valuable insights that can inform current and future approaches to maternal vaccination against. |
Prevalence of vision zero action plans or strategies: USA, 2021
Webber BJ , Whitfield GP , Rose KM , Stowe EW , Zaganjor H , Ederer DJ , Fulton JE . Inj Prev 2024 BACKGROUND: Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate traffic fatalities and to promote equitable mobility options for all road users. Using a nationally representative survey, we aimed to estimate the prevalence of Vision Zero action plans or strategies in the USA. METHODS: Municipal officials were surveyed in 2021. In this cross-sectional study, we calculated the prevalence of Vision Zero plans or strategies and compared municipalities with adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) to account for region and sociodemographic characteristics. RESULTS: Among 1955 municipalities participating in the survey (question-specific response rate: 44.3%), the prevalence of a Vision Zero action plan or strategy was 7.7%; 70.5% responded no and 21.8% don't know. Prevalence was 4.8% in small municipalities (1000-2499 residents), 20.3% in medium-large municipalities (50 000-124 999 residents; PR=4.1), and 37.8% in large municipalities (≥125 000 residents; PR=7.6). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of Vision Zero plans and strategies across the USA is low. Additional adoption of Vision Zero plans and strategies could help address traffic fatalities. |
Meeting the aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical activity guidelines among older US adults, National Health Interview Survey 1998-2018
Hyde ET , Brown DR , Webber BJ , Piercy KL , Omura JD , Rose K , Whitfield GP . J Appl Gerontol 2024 7334648241232930 The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, second edition, recommends older adults participate in ≥150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity equivalent aerobic activity and ≥2 days per week of muscle-strengthening activity. We estimated prevalence and trends of meeting the guidelines among US adults aged ≥65 years from 1998 to 2018. Using the 1998-2018 National Health Interview Survey, we estimated the prevalence of meeting aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and combined physical activity guidelines stratified by age group, sex, race and ethnicity, and education level. Within age groups, we calculated prevalence differences by sociodemographic categories. Prevalence of meeting each guideline increased for all age groups and most sociodemographic subgroups. The increased magnitude of meeting the combined guideline from 1998-2000 to 2016-2018 differed across levels of educational attainment for most age groups. Despite increasing over time, the prevalence among older adults of meeting physical activity guidelines remains low (range for combined guideline: 7.2%-17.2%). |
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