Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 71 Records) |
Query Trace: Roche A[original query] |
Community intervention of a single-dose or 2-dose regimen of bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in schoolgirls in Thailand: vaccine effectiveness 2 years and 4 years after vaccination
Jiamsiri S , Rhee C , Ahn HS , Seo HW , Klinsupa W , Park S , Lee J , Premsri N , Namwat C , Silaporn P , Excler JL , Kim DR , Chon Y , Sampson JN , Nilyanimit P , Vongpunsawad S , Poudyal N , Markowitz LE , Panicker G , Unger ER , Rerks-Ngarm S , Poovorawan Y , Lynch J . J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2024 2024 (67) 346-357 BACKGROUND: With accumulating evidence of single-dose human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine efficacy in young women, we conducted a community vaccine effectiveness study comparing HPV single-dose and 2-dose regimens (0 and 6 months) of a bivalent HPV vaccine among grade 8 schoolgirls (aged 13-14 years) in Thailand. METHODS: In 2018, eligible grade 8 schoolgirls in Udon Thani (single dose) and Buri Ram (2 doses) provinces were offered HPV vaccine per assigned dose regimen. Concurrently, a cross-sectional survey for measuring baseline HPV prevalence was conducted in grade 10 (n = 2600) and grade 12 unvaccinated schoolgirls (n = 2000) in each province. HPV infection was assessed in first-void urine samples, tested by DNA polymerase chain reaction on the cobas 4800 system (Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Pleasanton, CA). All samples positive on the cobas system and an equal number of negative samples were also tested by Anyplex II HPV28 Detection (Seegene, Seoul, South Korea). The surveys were repeated in 2020 and 2022, when vaccinated grade 8 schoolgirls reached grade 10, and then subsequently grade 12, respectively. Vaccine effectiveness was estimated by comparing the weighted prevalence of HPV-16 or HPV-18 between grade-matched unvaccinated schoolgirls on the baseline survey (2018) and vaccinated schoolgirls in the year-2 (2020) and year-4 (2022) surveys. Adjustment methods were used in the analysis to account for potential differences in sexual behavior due to the noncontemporaneous comparison. RESULTS: The prevalence of HPV-16 and HPV-18 on the baseline survey among unvaccinated grade 10/grade 12 schoolgirls was 2.90% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.54% to 3.31%)/3.98% (95% CI = 3.52% to 4.49%) for Udon Thani and 3.87% (95% CI = 3.46% to 4.34%)/6.13% (95% CI = 5.56% to 6.75%) for Buri Ram. On the year-2 survey, the prevalence among vaccinated grade 10 schoolgirls was 0.57% (95% CI = 0.42% to 0.77%) for Udon Thani and 0.31% (95% CI = 0.21% to 0.47%) for Buri Ram. The 2-year postvaccination crude vaccine effectiveness for the single-dose regimen was estimated at 80.4% (95% CI = 73.9% to 86.9%), and for the 2-dose regimen at 91.9% (95% CI = 88.5% to 95.4%). On the year-4 survey, the prevalence among vaccinated grade 12 schoolgirls was 0.37% (95% CI = 0.25% to 0.56%) for Udon Thani and 0.28% (95% CI = 0.18% to 0.45%) for Buri Ram. Four-year postvaccination crude vaccine effectiveness for the single-dose regimen was estimated at 90.6% (95% CI = 86.6% to 94.6%) and for the 2-dose regimen was estimated at 95.4% (95% CI = 93.2% to 97.6%). All adjustment methods minimally affected vaccine effectiveness for the single-dose and 2-dose regimens. At 4 years after vaccination, the difference in crude vaccine effectiveness between the single-dose and 2-dose regimens was ‒4.79% (95% CI = ‒9.32% to ‒0.25%), meeting the study's noninferiority criteria. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrated that both single-dose and 2-dose HPV vaccination significantly decreased HPV-16/18 point prevalence 2 years and 4 years after vaccination. Crude vaccine effectiveness at 4 years after vaccination was greater than 90% for both the single-dose and 2-dose regimens; the single-dose regimen was not inferior to the 2-dose regimen. These data show that a single dose of HPV vaccine provides high levels of protection when administered to schoolgirls younger than 15 years of age. |
Harmonization of lipoprotein(a) immunoassays using a serum panel value assigned with the IFCC-Endorsed Mass Spectrometry-Based Reference Measurement Procedure as a first step towards apolipoprotein standardization
Miida T , Hirayama S , Fukushima Y , Hori A , Ito S , Hinata M , Wakita M , Tabata H , Tamura Y , Watada H , Kawamori R , Vesper HW , Cobbaert CM . J Atheroscler Thromb 2024 AIM: Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] is a well-established risk factor for cardiovascular disease independent of low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C). The Lp(a) concentrations were inconsistent between the immunoassays. This study aimed to investigate whether harmonization of Lp(a) measurements can be achieved using a serum panel value assigned with the IFCC-endorsed mass spectrometry-based reference measurement procedure (IFCC-MS-RMP). METHODS: We measured the Lp(a) concentrations using five Lp(a) immunoassays in 40 panel sera provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and 500 Japanese subjects enrolled in the Bunkyo Health Study. Of the five immunoassays, only the Roche Lp(a) assay was traceable to the WHO-IFCC reference material SRM2B. Lp(a) concentrations in CDC samples were also determined by IFCC-MS-RMP, provisionally calibrated to SRM2B. Lp(a) concentrations were expressed in mass units (mg/dL) for most reagents, but in SI units (nmol/L) for Roche's reagent and IFCC-MS-RMP. RESULTS: In the CDC panel sera, all immunoassays, including Roche's reagent, showed good correlations with IFCC-MS-RMP. In the Bunkyo Health Study samples, all immunoassays showed good correlations with Roche's reagent (r(s), 0.986-0.998) although the slopes of the regression lines ranged from 0.292 to 0.579. After recalibration with the CDC's panel sera, Lp(a) results of Bunkyo Health Study samples were converted to the equivalent values determined by the IFCC-MS-RMP, thus resulting in a marked reduction in the intermethod CV among the assays. CONCLUSION: We achieved harmonization of Lp(a) measurements with five immunoassays using a serum panel value assigned with the IFCC-MS-RMP. |
External quality assessment-based tumor marker harmonization simulation; insights in achievable harmonization for CA 15-3 and CEA
Van Rossum HH , Holdenrieder S , Yun YM , Patel D , Thelen M , Song J , Unsworth N , Partridge K , Moore M , Cui W , Ramanathan L , Meng QH , Ballieux Bepb , Sturgeon C , Vesper H . Clin Chem Lab Med 2024 OBJECTIVES: CA 15-3 and CEA are tumor markers used in routine clinical care for breast cancer and colorectal cancer, among others. Current measurement procedures (MP) for these tumor markers are considered to be insufficiently harmonized. This study investigated the achievable harmonization for CA 15-3 and CEA by using an in silico simulation of external quality assessment (EQA) data from multiple EQA programs using patient-pool based samples. METHODS: CA 15-3 and CEA data from SKML (2021), UK NEQAS (2020-2021) and KEQAS (2020-2021) were used. A harmonization protocol was defined in which MPs that were considered equivalent were used to value assign EQA samples, and recalibration was only required if the MP had a bias of >5 % with value assigned EQA. Harmonization status was assessed by determining the mean level of agreement and residual variation by CV (%). RESULTS: Only MPs from Abbott, Beckman, Roche and Siemens were available in all EQA programs. For CA 15-3, recalibration was proposed for Beckman MP only and for CEA, recalibration was proposed for Siemens MP only. When the harmonization procedures were applied, for CA 15-3 the pre-harmonization mean bias range per MP was reduced from -29.28 to 9.86 %, into -0.09-0.12 % after harmonization. For CEA, the mean bias range per MP was reduced from -23.78 to 2.00 % pre-harmonization to -3.13-1.42 % post-harmonization. CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that a significant improvement in the harmonization status of CA 15-3 and CEA may be achieved by recalibration of a limited number of MPs. |
FDA, CDC, and NIH Co-sponsored Public Workshop Summary-Development Considerations of Antimicrobial Drugs for the Treatment of Gonorrhea
Hiruy H , Bala S , Byrne JM , Roche KG , Jang SH , Kim P , Nambiar S , Rubin D , Yasinskaya Y , Bachmann LH , Bernstein K , Botgros R , Cammarata S , Chaves RL , Deal CD , Drusano GL , Duffy EM , Eakin AE , Gelone S , Hiltke T , Hook Iii EW , Jerse AE , McNeil CJ , Newman L , O'Brien S , Perry C , Reno HEL , Romaguera RA , Sato J , Unemo M , Wi TEC , Workowski K , O'May GA , Shukla SJ , Farley JJ . Clin Infect Dis 2024 There is an unmet need for developing drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea, due to rapidly evolving resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae against antimicrobial drugs used for empiric therapy, an increase in globally reported multidrug resistant cases, and the limited available therapeutic options. Furthermore, few drugs are under development. Development of antimicrobials is hampered by challenges in clinical trial design, limitations of available diagnostics, changes in and varying standards of care, lack of robust animal models, and clinically relevant pharmacodynamic targets. On April 23, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health co-sponsored a workshop with stakeholders from academia, industry, and regulatory agencies to discuss the challenges and strategies, including potential collaborations and incentives, to facilitate the development of drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea. This article provides a summary of the workshop. |
Assessment of the performance of the plasma separation card for HIV-1 viral load monitoring in South Africa
Chimoyi L , Hans L , Oladimeji M , Kindra G , Diallo K , Ayalew K , Setswe GK , Carmona S . J Clin Microbiol 2024 e0164923 ![]() ![]() Scaling up of newer innovations that address the limitations of the dried blood spot and the logistics of plasma monitoring is needed. We employed a multi-site, cross-sectional assessment of the plasma separation card (PSC) on blood specimens collected from all consenting adults, assenting young and pediatric patients living with HIV from 10 primary healthcare clinics in South Africa. Venous blood for EDTA-plasma samples was collected and analyzed according to the standard of care assay, while collected capillary blood for the PSC samples was analyzed using the Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan (CAP/CTM) HIV-1 Test at the National Reference laboratories. McNemar tests assessed the differences in concordance between the centrifuged plasma and dried plasma spots. The usability of PSC by blood spotting, PSC preparation, and pre-analytical work was assessed by collecting seven-point Likert-scale data from healthcare and laboratory workers. We enrolled 538 patients, mostly adults [n = 515, 95.7% (95% CI: 93.7%-97.1%)] and females [n = 322, 64.2% (95% CI: 60.0%-68.1%)]. Overall, 536 paired samples were collected using both PSC- and EDTA-plasma diagnostics, and 502 paired PSC- and EDTA-plasma samples assessed. Concordance between the paired samples was obtained for 446 samples. Analysis of these 446 paired samples at 1,000 copies per milliliter threshold yielded an overall sensitivity of 87.5% [95% CI: 73.2%-95.8%] and specificity of 99.3% [95% CI: 97.9%-99.8%]. Laboratory staff reported technical difficulties in most tasks. The usability of the PSC by healthcare workers was favorable. For policymakers to consider PSC scale-up for viral load monitoring, technical challenges around using PSC at the clinic and laboratory level need to be addressed. IMPORTANCE: Findings from this manuscript emphasize the reliability of the plasma separation card (PSC), a novel diagnostic method that can be implemented in healthcare facilities in resource-constrained settings. The agreement of the PSC with the standard of care EDTA plasma for viral load monitoring is high. Since the findings showed that these tests were highly specific, we recommend a scale-up of PSC in South Africa for diagnosis of treatment failure. |
Validation of improved automated nucleic acid extraction methods for direct detection of polioviruses for global polio eradication
Miles SJ , Harrington C , Sun H , Deas A , Oberste MS , Nix WA , Vega E , Gerloff N . J Virol Methods 2024 326 114914 ![]() ![]() Polioviruses (PV), the main causative agent of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), are positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses of the family Picornaviridae. As we approach polio eradication, accurate and timely detection of poliovirus in stool from AFP cases becomes vital to success for the eradication efforts. Direct detection of PV from clinical diagnostic samples using nucleic acid (NA) extraction and real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) instead of the current standard method of virus isolation in culture, eliminates the long turn-around time to diagnosis and the need for high viral titer amplification in laboratories. An essential component of direct detection of PV from AFP surveillance samples is the efficient extraction of NA. Potential supply chain issues and lack of vendor presence in certain areas of the world necessitates the validation of multiple NA extraction methods. Using retrospective PV-positive surveillance samples (n=104), two extraction kits were compared to the previously validated Zymo Research Quick-RNA™ Viral Kit. The Roche High Pure Viral RNA Kit, a column-based manual extraction method, and the MagMaX™ Pathogen RNA/DNA kit used in the automated Kingfisher Flex system were both non-inferior to the Zymo kit, with similar rates of PV detection in pivotal rRT-PCR assays, such as pan-poliovirus (PanPV), poliovirus serotype 2 (PV2), and wild poliovirus serotype 1 (WPV1). These important assays allow the identification and differentiation of PV genotypes and serotypes and are fundamental to the GPLN program. Validation of two additional kits provides feasible alternatives to the current piloted method of NA extraction for poliovirus rRT-PCR assays. |
Investigating the current harmonization status of tumor markers using global external quality assessment programs: A feasibility study
van Rossum HH . Clin Chem 2024 BACKGROUND: The harmonization status of most tumor markers (TMs) is unknown. We report a feasibility study performed to determine whether external quality assessment (EQA) programs can be used to obtain insights into the current harmonization status of the tumor markers α-fetoprotein (AFP), prostate specific antigen (PSA), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), cancer antigen (CA)125, CA15-3 and CA19-9. METHODS: EQA sample results provided by 6 EQA providers (INSTAND [Germany], Korean Association of External Quality Assessment Service [KEQAS, South Korea], National Center for Clinical Laboratories [NCCL, China], United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service [UK NEQAS, United Kingdom], Stichting Kwaliteitsbewaking Medische Laboratoriumdiagnostiek [SKML, the Netherlands], and the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs [RCPAQAP, Australia]) between 2020 and 2021 were used. The consensus means, calculated from the measurement procedures present in all EQA programs (Abbott Alinity, Beckman Coulter DxI, Roche Cobas, and Siemens Atellica), was used as reference values. Per measurement procedure, the relative difference between consensus mean for each EQA sample and the mean of all patient-pool-based EQA samples were calculated and compared to minimum, desirable, and optimal allowable bias criteria based on biological variation. RESULTS: Between 19040 (CA15-3) and 25398 (PSA) individual results and 56 (PSA) to 76 (AFP) unique EQA samples were included in the final analysis. The mean differences with the consensus mean of patient-pool-based EQA samples for all measurement procedures were within the optimum bias criterion for AFP, the desirable bias for PSA, and the minimum bias criterion for CEA. However, CEA results <8 µg/L exceeded the minimum bias criterion. For CA125, CA15-3, and CA19-9, the harmonization status was outside the minimum bias criterion, with systematic differences identified. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides relevant information about the current harmonization status of 6 tumor markers. A pilot harmonization investigation for CEA, CA125, CA15-3, and CA19-9 would be desirable. |
Evaluation of a dried blood and plasma collection device, SampleTanker(®), for HIV type 1 drug resistance genotyping in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy.
Diallo K , Lehotzky E , Zhang J , Zhou Z , de Rivera IL , Murillo WE , Nkengasong J , Sabatier J , Zhang G , Yang C . AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2014 30 (1) 67-73 ![]() Whatman 903 filter paper is the only filter paper that has been used for HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) genotyping in resource-limited settings. In this study, we evaluated another dried blood specimen collection device, termed SampleTanker(®) (ST), for HIVDR genotyping. Blood specimens from 123 antiretroviral therapy (ART)-experienced patients were used to prepare ST whole blood and ST plasma specimens; they were then stored at ambient temperature for 2 or 4 weeks. The remaining plasma specimens were stored at -80°C and used as frozen plasma controls. Frozen plasma viral load (VL) was determined using the Roche Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor test, v.1.5 and 50 specimens with VL ≥3.00 log10 copies/ml were genotyped using the broadly sensitive genotyping assay. The medium VL for the 50 frozen plasma specimens with VL ≥3.00 log10 was 3.58 log10 copies/ml (IQR: 3.32-4.11) and 96.0% (48/50) of them were genotyped. Comparing to frozen plasma specimens, significantly lower genotyping rates were obtained from ST whole blood (48.98% and 42.85%) and ST plasma specimens (36.0% and 36.0%) stored at ambient temperature for 2 and 4 weeks, respectively (p<0.001). Nucleotide sequence identity and resistance profile analyses between the matched frozen plasma and ST whole blood or ST plasma specimens revealed high nucleotide sequence identities and concordant resistance profiles (98.1% and 99.0%, and 96.6% and 98.9%, respectively). Our results indicate that with the current design, the ST may not be the ideal dried blood specimen collection device for HIVDR monitoring for ART patients in resource-limited settings. |
The Seattle Flu Study: a multi-arm community-based prospective study protocol for assessing influenza prevalence, transmission, and genomic epidemiology (preprint)
Chu HY , Boeckh M , Englund JA , Famulare M , Lutz B , Nickerson DA , Rieder M , Starita LM , Shendure J , Bedford T , Adler A , Brandstetter E , Frazer CD , Han PD , Gulati RK , Hadfield J , Jackson M , Kiavand A , Kimball LE , Lacombe K , Logue JK , Lyon VR , Newman KL , Sibley TR , Zigman Suchsland M , Wolf C . medRxiv 2020 2020.03.02.20029595 Introduction Influenza epidemics and pandemics cause significant morbidity and mortality. An effective response to a potential pandemic requires the infrastructure to rapidly detect, characterize, and potentially contain new and emerging influenza strains at a population level. The objective of this study is to use data gathered simultaneously from community and hospital sites to develop a model of how influenza enters and spreads in a population.Methods and Analysis Starting in the 2018-19 season, we have been enrolling individuals with acute respiratory illness from community sites throughout the Seattle metropolitan area, including clinics, childcare facilities, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, workplaces, college campuses, and homeless shelters. At these sites, we collect clinical data and mid-nasal swabs from individuals with at least two acute respiratory symptoms. Additionally, we collect residual nasal swabs and data from individuals who seek care for respiratory symptoms at four regional hospitals. Samples are tested using a multiplex molecular assay, and influenza whole genome sequencing is performed for samples with influenza detected. Geospatial mapping and computational modeling platforms are in development to characterize the regional spread of influenza and other respiratory pathogens.Ethics and Dissemination The study was approved by the University of Washington’s Institutional Review Board. Results will be disseminated through talks at conferences, peer-reviewed publications, and on the study website ( and limitations of this study- Large-scale multiple-arm study of respiratory illness characterization with collection of samples from individuals in the community as well as in ambulatory care and hospital settings- Integration of sociodemographic, clinical, and geospatial data on a regional level- Multiplex molecular testing for multiple viral and bacterial pathogens and whole genome sequencing of influenza for detailed molecular epidemiologic characterization and transmission mapping- Geographically and socioeconomically diverse sampling of community-based acute respiratory illnessesCompeting Interest StatementAmanda Adler, Elisabeth Brandstetter, Michael Famulare, Chris D. Frazar, Peter D. Han, Reena K. Gulati, James Hadfield, Michael L. Jackson, Anahita Kiavand, Louise E. Kimball, Kirsten Lacombe, Jennifer Logue, Victoria Lyon, Kira L. Newman, Thomas R. Sibley, Jay Shendure, Lea Starita, Monica L. Zigman Suchsland, and Caitlin Wolf declare no competing interests. Helen Y Chu receives research support from Sanofi, Cepheid, and Genentech/Roche and is a consultant for Merck. Janet Englund receives research support to her institution from Astrazeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, and Novavax and is a consultant for Sanofi Pasteur and Meissa Vaccines.Funding StatementThe Seattle Flu Study is funded through the Brotman Baty Institute. The funder was not involved in the design of the study, does not have any ownership over the management and conduct of the study, the data, or the rights to publishAuthor DeclarationsAll relevant ethical guidelines have been followed; any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained and details of the IRB/oversight body are included in the manuscript.YesAll necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable YesThe data will be accessed only by authorized individuals on the study team. Access to deidentified, aggregated data and analysis code will be publicly available on the study web page ( |
Improving reporting standards for polygenic scores in risk prediction studies (preprint)
Wand H , Lambert SA , Tamburro C , Iacocca MA , O'Sullivan JW , Sillari C , Kullo IJ , Rowley R , Dron JS , Brockman D , Venner E , McCarthy MI , Antoniou AC , Easton DF , Hegele RA , Khera AV , Chatterjee N , Kooperberg C , Edwards K , Vlessis K , Kinnear K , Danesh JN , Parkinson H , Ramos EM , Roberts MC , Ormond KE , Khoury MJ , Janssens Acjw , Goddard KAB , Kraft P , MacArthur JAL , Inouye M , Wojcik GL . medRxiv 2020 2020.04.23.20077099 Polygenic risk scores (PRS), often aggregating the results from genome-wide association studies, can bridge the gap between the initial discovery efforts and clinical applications for disease risk estimation. However, there is remarkable heterogeneity in the reporting of these risk scores. This lack of adherence to reporting standards hinders the translation of PRS into clinical care. The ClinGen Complex Disease Working Group, in a collaboration with the Polygenic Score (PGS) Catalog, have updated the Genetic Risk Prediction (GRIPS) Reporting Statement to the current state of the field and to enable downstream utility. Drawing upon experts in epidemiology, statistics, disease-specific applications, implementation, and policy, this 22-item reporting framework defines the minimal information needed to interpret and evaluate a PRS, especially with respect to any downstream clinical applications. Items span detailed descriptions of the study population (recruitment method, key demographic and clinical characteristics, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and outcome definition), statistical methods for both PRS development and validation, and considerations for potential limitations of the published risk score and downstream clinical utility. Additionally, emphasis has been placed on data availability and transparency to facilitate reproducibility and benchmarking against other PRS, such as deposition in the publicly available PGS Catalog. By providing these criteria in a structured format that builds upon existing standards and ontologies, the use of this framework in publishing PRS will facilitate translation of PRS into clinical care and progress towards defining best practices.Summary In recent years, polygenic risk scores (PRS) have increasingly been used to capture the genome-wide liability underlying many human traits and diseases, hoping to better inform an individual’s genetic risk. However, a lack of adherence to existing reporting standards has hindered the translation of this important tool into clinical and public health practice; in particular, details necessary for benchmarking and reproducibility are underreported. To address this gap, the ClinGen Complex Disease Working Group and Polygenic Score (PGS) Catalog have updated the Genetic Risk Prediction (GRIPS) Reporting Statement into the 22-item Polygenic Risk Score Reporting Statement (PRS-RS). This framework provides the minimal information expected of authors to promote the validity, transparency, and reproducibility of PRS by encouraging authors to detail the study population, statistical methods, and potential clinical utility of a published score. The widespread adoption of this framework will encourage rigorous methodological consideration and facilitate benchmarking to ensure high quality scores are translated into the clinic.Competing Interest StatementMIM is on the advisory panels Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, and Zoe Global; Honoraria: Merck, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly; Research funding: Abbvie, Astra Zeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Merck, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi Aventis, Servier & Takeda. As of June 2019, he is an employee of Genentech with stock and stock options in Roche. No other authors have competing interests to declare.Funding StatementClinGen is primarily funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), through the following three grants: U41HG006834, U41HG009649, U41HG009650. ClinGen also receives support for content curation from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), through the following three grants: U24HD093483, U24HD093486, U24HD093487. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Additionally, the views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health. Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number U41HG007823 (EBI-NHGRI GWAS Catalog, PGS Catalog). In addition, we acknowledge funding from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. Individuals were funded from the following sources: MIM was a Wellcome Investigator and an NIHR Senior Investigator with funding from NIDDK (U01-DK105535); Wellcome (090532, 098381, 106130, 203141, 212259). MI, SAL, and JD were supported by core funding from: the UK Medical Research Council (MR/L003120/1), the British Heart Foundation (RG/13/13/30194; RG/18/13/33946) and the National Institute for Health Research (Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre at the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust). SAL is supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research postdoctoral fellowship (MFE-171279). JD holds a British Heart Foundation Personal Chair and a National Institute for Health Research Senior Investigator Award. This work was also supported by Health Data Research UK, which is funded by the UK Medical Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council, Department of Health and Social Care (England), Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates, Health and Social Care Research and Development Division (Welsh Government), Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland), British Heart Foundation and Wellcome.Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:N/AAll necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesN/A |
Interim Analysis of Risk Factors for Severe Outcomes among a Cohort of Hospitalized Adults Identified through the U.S. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network (COVID-NET) (preprint)
Kim L , Garg S , O'Halloran A , Whitaker M , Pham H , Anderson EJ , Armistead I , Bennett NM , Billing L , Como-Sabetti K , Hill M , Kim S , Monroe ML , Muse A , Reingold AL , Schaffner W , Sutton M , Talbot HK , Torres SM , Yousey-Hindes K , Holstein R , Cummings C , Brammer L , Hall AJ , Fry AM , Langley GE . medRxiv 2020 2020.05.18.20103390 Background As of May 15, 2020, the United States has reported the greatest number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and deaths globally.Objective To describe risk factors for severe outcomes among adults hospitalized with COVID-19.Design Cohort study of patients identified through the Coronavirus Disease 2019-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network.Setting 154 acute care hospitals in 74 counties in 13 states.Patients 2491 patients hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 during March 1-May 2, 2020.Measurements Age, sex, race/ethnicity, and underlying medical conditions.Results Ninety-two percent of patients had ≥1 underlying condition; 32% required intensive care unit (ICU) admission; 19% invasive mechanical ventilation; 15% vasopressors; and 17% died during hospitalization. Independent factors associated with ICU admission included ages 50-64, 65-74, 75-84 and ≥85 years versus 18-39 years (adjusted risk ratio (aRR) 1.53, 1.65, 1.84 and 1.43, respectively); male sex (aRR 1.34); obesity (aRR 1.31); immunosuppression (aRR 1.29); and diabetes (aRR 1.13). Independent factors associated with in-hospital mortality included ages 50-64, 65-74, 75-84 and ≥85 years versus 18-39 years (aRR 3.11, 5.77, 7.67 and 10.98, respectively); male sex (aRR 1.30); immunosuppression (aRR 1.39); renal disease (aRR 1.33); chronic lung disease (aRR 1.31); cardiovascular disease (aRR 1.28); neurologic disorders (aRR 1.25); and diabetes (aRR 1.19). Race/ethnicity was not associated with either ICU admission or death.Limitation Data were limited to patients who were discharged or died in-hospital and had complete chart abstractions; patients who were still hospitalized or did not have accessible medical records were excluded.Conclusion In-hospital mortality for COVID-19 increased markedly with increasing age. These data help to characterize persons at highest risk for severe COVID-19-associated outcomes and define target groups for prevention and treatment strategies.Funding Source This work was supported by grant CK17-1701 from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention through an Emerging Infections Program cooperative agreement and by Cooperative Agreement Number NU38OT000297-02-00 awarded to the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Competing Interest StatementH. Keipp Talbot reports personal fees from Seqirus outside the submitted work. William Schaffner reports personal fees from Pfizer and personal fees from Roche Diagnostics outside the submitted work. Evan Anderson reports personal fees from Abbvie and Pfizer outside the submitted work. H. Keipp Talbot reports grants from Sanofi outside the submitted work; Mary Hill reports grants from CSTE, during the conduct of the study; Melissa Sutton reports grants from CDC Emerging Infections Program during the conduct of the study; William Schaffner reports grants from CDC during the conduct of the study. Sue Kim reports grants from CSTE during the conduct of the study. Evan Anderson reports grants from Pfizer, grants from MedImmune, grants from Regeneron, grants from PaxVax, grants from Merck, grants from Novavax, grants from Sanofi-Pasteur, grants from Micron, outside the submitted work. Laurie Billing reports grants from the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the conduct of the study.Funding StatementThis work was supported by grant CK17-1701 from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention through an Emerging Infections Program cooperative agreement and by Cooperative Agreement Number NU38OT000297-02-00 awarded to the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesAll necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that al clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesAggregate data is available on CDC’s COVID-NET Interactive website. |
Minimum Information for Reusable Arthropod Abundance Data (MIReAAD) (preprint)
Rund SSC , Braak K , Cator L , Copas K , Emrich SJ , Giraldo-Calderon GI , Johansson MA , Heydari N , Hobern D , Kelly SA , Lawson D , Lord C , MacCallum RM , Roche DG , Ryan SJ , Schigel D , Vandegrift K , Watts M , Zaspel JM , Pawar S . bioRxiv 2018 429142 Arthropods play a dominant role in natural and human-modified terrestrial ecosystem dynamics. Spatially-explicit population time-series are crucial for statistical or mathematical models of these dynamics and assessment of their veterinary, medical, agricultural, and ecological impacts. Arthropod data have been collected world-wide for over a century, but remain scattered and largely inaccessible. With the ever-present and growing threat of arthropod vectors of infectious diseases and pest species, there are enormous amounts of historical and ongoing surveillance. These data are currently reported in a wide variety of formats, typically lacking sufficient metadata to make reuse and re-analysis possible. We present the first minimum information standard for arthropod abundance. Developed with broad stakeholder collaboration, it balances sufficiency for reuse with the practicality of preparing the data for submission. It is designed to optimize data (re-)usability from the “FAIR,” (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles of public data archiving (PDA). This standard will facilitate data unification across research initiatives and communities dedicated to surveillance for detection and control of vector-borne diseases and pests. |
Evaluation of Ortho VITROS and Roche Elecsys S and NC immunoassays for SARS-CoV-2 serosurveillance applications
Sulaeman H , Grebe E , Dave H , McCann L , Di Germanio C , Sanghavi A , Sclar V , Bougie DW , Chatelain G , Biggerstaff BJ , Jones JM , Thornburg NJ , Kleinman S , Stone M , Busch MP . Microbiol Spectr 2023 11 (4) e0323422 SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence studies are instrumental in monitoring epidemic activity and require well-characterized, high-throughput assays, and appropriate testing algorithms. The U.S. Nationwide Blood Donor Seroprevalence Study performed monthly cross-sectional serological testing from July 2020 to December 2021, implementing evolving testing algorithms in response to changes in pandemic activity. With high vaccine uptake, anti-Spike (S) reactivity rates reached >80% by May 2021, and the study pivoted from reflex Roche anti-nucleocapsid (NC) testing of Ortho S-reactive specimens to parallel Ortho S/NC testing. We evaluated the performance of the Ortho NC assay as a replacement for the Roche NC assay and compared performance of parallel S/NC testing on both platforms. Qualitative and quantitative agreement of Ortho NC with Roche NC assays was evaluated on preselected S/NC concordant and discordant specimens. All 190 Ortho S+/Roche NC+ specimens were reactive on the Ortho NC assay; 34% of 367 Ortho S+/Roche NC- specimens collected prior to vaccine availability and 43% of 37 Ortho S-/Roche NC+ specimens were reactive on the Ortho NC assay. Performance of parallel S/NC testing using Ortho and Roche platforms was evaluated on 200 specimens collected in 2019 and 3,903 study specimens collected in 2021. All 200 pre-COVID-19 specimens tested negative on the four assays. Cross-platform agreement between Roche and Ortho platforms was 96.4% (3,769/3,903); most discordant results had reactivity close to the cutoffs on the alternate assays. These findings, and higher efficiency and throughput, support the use of parallel S/NC testing on either Roche or Ortho platforms for large serosurveillance studies. IMPORTANCE Seroprevalence studies like the U.S. Nationwide Blood Donor Seroprevalence Study (NBDS) have been critical in monitoring SARS-CoV-2 epidemic activity. These studies rely on serological assays to detect antibodies indicating prior infection. It is critical that the assays and testing algorithms used in seroprevalence studies have adequate performance (high sensitivity, high specificity, ability to discriminate vaccine-induced and infection-induced antibodies, etc.), as well as appropriate characteristics to support large-scale studies, such as high throughput and low cost. In this study we evaluated the performance of Ortho's anti-nucleocapsid assay as a replacement for the Roche anti-nucleocapsid assay and compared performance of parallel anti-spike and anti-nucleocapsid testing on both platforms. These data demonstrate similar performance of the Ortho and Roche anti-nucleocapsid assays and that parallel anti-spike and anti-nucleocapsid testing on either platform could be used for serosurveillance applications. |
Associations of four indexes of social determinants of health and two community typologies with new onset type 2 diabetes across a diverse geography in Pennsylvania
Schwartz BS , Kolak M , Pollak JS , Poulsen MN , Bandeen-Roche K , Moon KA , DeWalle J , Siegel KR , Mercado CI , Imperatore G , Hirsch AG . PLoS One 2022 17 (9) e0274758 Evaluation of geographic disparities in type 2 diabetes (T2D) onset requires multidimensional approaches at a relevant spatial scale to characterize community types and features that could influence this health outcome. Using Geisinger electronic health records (2008-2016), we conducted a nested case-control study of new onset T2D in a 37-county area of Pennsylvania. The study included 15,888 incident T2D cases and 79,435 controls without diabetes, frequency-matched 1:5 on age, sex, and year of diagnosis or encounter. We characterized patients' residential census tracts by four dimensions of social determinants of health (SDOH) and into a 7-category SDOH census tract typology previously generated for the entire United States by dimension reduction techniques. Finally, because the SDOH census tract typology classified 83% of the study region's census tracts into two heterogeneous categories, termed rural affordable-like and suburban affluent-like, to further delineate geographies relevant to T2D, we subdivided these two typology categories by administrative community types (U.S. Census Bureau minor civil divisions of township, borough, city). We used generalized estimating equations to examine associations of 1) four SDOH indexes, 2) SDOH census tract typology, and 3) modified typology, with odds of new onset T2D, controlling for individual-level confounding variables. Two SDOH dimensions, higher socioeconomic advantage and higher mobility (tracts with fewer seniors and disabled adults) were independently associated with lower odds of T2D. Compared to rural affordable-like as the reference group, residence in tracts categorized as extreme poverty (odds ratio [95% confidence interval] = 1.11 [1.02, 1.21]) or multilingual working (1.07 [1.03, 1.23]) were associated with higher odds of new onset T2D. Suburban affluent-like was associated with lower odds of T2D (0.92 [0.87, 0.97]). With the modified typology, the strongest association (1.37 [1.15, 1.63]) was observed in cities in the suburban affluent-like category (vs. rural affordable-like-township), followed by cities in the rural affordable-like category (1.20 [1.05, 1.36]). We conclude that in evaluating geographic disparities in T2D onset, it is beneficial to conduct simultaneous evaluation of SDOH in multiple dimensions. Associations with the modified typology showed the importance of incorporating governmentally, behaviorally, and experientially relevant community definitions when evaluating geographic health disparities. |
Identification of factors associated with residual malaria transmission using school-based serological surveys in settings pursuing elimination
Rakotondramanga JM , Vigan-Womas I , Steinhardt LC , Harimanana A , Ravaoarisoa E , Rasoloharimanana TL , Razanatsiorimalala S , Wesolowski A , Randrianarivelojosia M , Roche B , Garchitorena A . Malar J 2022 21 (1) 242 BACKGROUND: Targeted research on residual malaria transmission is important to improve strategies in settings pursuing elimination, where transmission reductions prove challenging. This study aimed to detect and characterize spatial heterogeneity and factors associated with Plasmodium falciparum infections and exposure, P. falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 (PfAMA1) antibody (Ab) response, in the Central Highlands of Madagascar (CHL). METHODS: From May to July 2014, a cross-sectional school-based survey was carried out in 182 fokontany (villages) within 7 health districts of the CHL. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and a bead-based immunoassay including PfAMA1 antigen biomarker were used to estimate malaria prevalence and seroprevalence, respectively. Local Moran's I index was used to detect spatial "hotspots". Remotely sensed environmental data-temperature, vegetation indices, land covers, and elevation-were used in multivariable mixed-effects logistic regression models to characterize factors associated with malaria infection and cumulative exposure. RESULTS: Among 6,293 school-children ages 2-14 years surveyed, RDT prevalence was low at 0.8% (95% CI 0.6-1.1%), while PfAMA1 Ab seroprevalence was 7.0% (95% CI 6.4-7.7%). Hotspots of PfAMA1 Ab seroprevalence were observed in two districts (Ankazobe and Mandoto). Seroprevalence increased for children living > 5 km from a health centre (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 1.6, 95% CI 1.2-2.2), and for those experiencing a fever episode in the previous 2 weeks (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.2-2.4), but decreased at higher elevation (for each 100-m increase, OR = 0.7, 95% CI 0.6-0.8). A clear age pattern was observed whereby children 9-10 years old had an OR of 1.8 (95% CI 1.2-2.4), children 11-12 years an OR of 3.7 (95% CI 2.8-5.0), and children 13-14 years an OR of 5.7 (95% CI 4.0-8.0) for seropositivity, compared with younger children (2-8 years). CONCLUSION: The use of serology in this study provided a better understanding of malaria hotspots and associated factors, revealing a pattern of higher transmission linked to geographical barriers in health care access. The integration of antibody-assays into existing surveillance activities could improve exposure assessment, and may help to monitor the effectiveness of malaria control efforts and adapt elimination interventions. |
Clinical outcomes in a randomized controlled trial comparing point-of-care versus standard HIV viral load monitoring in Nigeria
Chang C , Agbaji O , Mitruka K , Olatunde B , Sule H , Dajel T , Zee A , Ahmed ML , Ahmed I , Okonkwo P , Chaplin B , Kanki P . Clin Infect Dis 2023 76 (3) e681-e691 BACKGROUND: Point-of-care (POC) viral load (VL) tests provide results within hours, enabling same-day treatment interventions. We assessed treatment outcomes with POC vs standard-of-care (SOC) VL monitoring. METHODS: We implemented a randomized controlled trial at an urban and rural hospital in Nigeria. Participants initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) were randomized 1:1 for monitoring via the POC Cepheid Xpert or SOC Roche COBAS (v2.0) HIV-1 VL assays. Viral suppression (VS) and retention in care at 12 months were compared via intention-to-treat (ITT) and per-protocol (PP) analyses. Post-trial surveys for POC patients and healthcare workers (HCWs) evaluated acceptability. RESULTS: During April 2018-October 2019, 268 SOC and 273 POC patients enrolled in the trial. Viral suppression at <1000 copies/mL at 12 months was 59.3% (162/273) for POC and 52.2% (140/268) for SOC (P = .096) in ITT analysis and 77.1% (158/205) for POC and 65.9% (137/208) for SOC (P = .012) in PP analysis. Retention was not significantly different in ITT analysis but was 85.9% for POC and 76.9% for SOC (P = .02) in PP analysis. The increased VS in the POC arm was attributable to improved retention and documentation of VL results. POC monitoring was preferred over SOC by 90.2% (147/163) of patients and 100% (15/15) of HCWs thought it facilitated patient care. CONCLUSIONS: POC VL monitoring did not improve 12-month VS among those with results but did improve retention and VS documentation and was preferred by most patients and HCWs. Further research can inform best POC implementation conditions and approaches to optimize patient care. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION: NCT03533868. |
Microneedle patch as a new platform to effectively deliver inactivated polio vaccine and inactivated rotavirus vaccine
Moon SS , Richter-Roche M , Resch TK , Wang Y , Foytich KR , Wang H , Mainou BA , Pewin W , Lee J , Henry S , McAllister DV , Jiang B . NPJ Vaccines 2022 7 (1) 26 We recently reported a lack of interference between inactivated rotavirus vaccine (IRV) and inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) and their potential dose sparing when the two vaccines were administered intramuscularly either in combination or standalone in rats and guinea pigs. In the present study, we optimized the formulations of both vaccines and investigated the feasibility of manufacturing a combined IRV-IPV dissolving microneedle patch (dMNP), assessing its compatibility and immunogenicity in rats. Our results showed that IRV delivered by dMNP alone or in combination with IPV induced similar levels of RV-specific IgG and neutralizing antibody. Likewise, IPV delivered by dMNP alone or in combination with IRV induced comparable levels of neutralizing antibody of poliovirus types 1, 2, and 3. We further demonstrated high stability of IRV-dMNP at 5, 25, and 40 °C and IPV-dMNP at 5 and 25 °C, and found that three doses of IRV or IPV when co-administered at a quarter dose was as potent as a full target dose in inducing neutralizing antibodies against corresponding rotavirus or poliovirus. We conclude that IRV-IPV dMNP did not interfere with each other in triggering an immunologic response and were highly immunogenic in rats. Our findings support the further development of this innovative approach to deliver a novel combination vaccine against rotavirus and poliovirus in children throughout the world. |
The VitMin Lab Sandwich-ELISA Assays for iron and inflammation markers compared well with clinical analyzer reference-type assays in subsamples of the Nepal National Micronutrient Status Survey
Fischer CM , Zhang M , Sternberg MR , Jefferds ME , Whitehead RD , Mei Z , Paudyal N , Joshi N , Parajuli KR , Adhikari DP , LaVoie DJ , Pfeiffer CM . J Nutr 2021 152 (1) 350-359 BACKGROUND: The low cost and small specimen volume of the VitMin Lab ELISA assays for serum ferritin (Fer), soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and α-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) allowed their application to micronutrient surveys conducted in low-resource countries for ∼2 decades. OBJECTIVE: We conducted a comparison between the ELISA and reference-type assays used in the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. METHODS: Using the Roche clinical analyzer as a reference, we measured random subsets of the 2016 Nepal National Micronutrient Status Survey (200 serum samples from children 6-59 mo; 100 serum samples from non-pregnant women) for Fer, sTfR, CRP, and AGP. We compared the combined data sets to the ELISA survey results using descriptive analyses. RESULTS: The Lin's concordance coefficients between the 2 assays were ≥ 0.89 except for sTfR (Lin's rho = 0.58). The median relative difference to the reference was: Fer -8.5%, sTfR 71.2%, CRP -19.5%, and AGP -8.2%. The percentage of VitMin samples agreeing within ± 30% of the reference was: Fer 88.5%, sTfR 1.70%, CRP 74.9%, and AGP 92.9%. The prevalence of abnormal results was comparable between the 2 assays for Fer, CRP, and AGP, and for sTfR after adjusting to the Roche assay. Continued biannual performance (2007-2019) of the VitMin assays in CDC's external quality assessment program (6 samples/y) demonstrated generally acceptable performance. CONCLUSION: Using samples from the Nepal survey, the VitMin ELISA assays produced mostly comparable results to the Roche reference-type assays for Fer, CRP, and AGP. The lack of sTfR assay standardization to a common reference material explains the large systematic difference observed for sTfR, which could be corrected by an adjustment equation pending further validation. This snapshot comparison together with the long-term external quality assessment links the survey data generated by the VitMin Lab to the Roche assays used in NHANES. |
Assessing national cervical cancer screening guidelines: Results from an HIV testing clinic also screening for cervical cancer and HPV in Soweto, South Africa
Hopkins KL , Jaffer M , Hlongwane KE , Otwombe K , Dietrich J , Cheyip M , Olivier J , Doherty T , Gray GE . PLoS One 2021 16 (7) e0255124 OBJECTIVE: A screening centre in Soweto, South Africa (SA), investigated high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV), HIV, cervical cancer risk amongst women. METHODS: This cross-sectional study (June 2018-March 2019) describes screening results (Roche Linear Array HPV test and Pap smear liquid based cytology) and history of screening (known HIV status, antiretroviral therapy [ART] use, previous Pap smears). Data were stratified by age group (18-29, 30+ years), HIV status, Pap smear results and tested for statistical significance. RESULTS: Of 280 women, 20.4% were HIV-positive, 18.2% had abnormal Pap smears, 41.8% had HR-HPV. Of older women, 48.2% (n = 78/162) had never had a Pap smear. Of younger women, 89.0% (n = 105/118) never had a Pap smear, but had significantly more low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) and other HR-HPV infection than older women (12.7%[n = 15/118] vs 4.9%[n = 8/162], p = 0.0193; and 49.2%[n = 58/118] vs 29.0%[n = 47/162], p = 0.0006; respectively). HIV-positive women had more abnormal cytology results and infection with other HR-HPV types or co-infection with other HR-HPV type(s)/HPV-16 compared to HIV-negative women (35.1%[n = 20/57] vs 13.9%[n = 31/223], p = 0.0002; 56.1%[n = 32/57] vs 32.7%[n = 73/223], p = 0.001; and 12.3%[n = 7/57] vs 4.9%[n = 11/223], p = 0.044; respectively). Of 57 HIV-positive women, 45.6% (n = 26) already knew their HIV status; of which 69.2% were on ART and 34.6% never had a Pap smear. CONCLUSION: South African women have high rates of HIV, Pap smear abnormalities and HR-HPV, with low cervical cancer screening coverage. SA cervical cancer screening policy excludes (undiagnosed) HIV-positive and HIV-negative women <30 years, both populations found to have high prevalence of HR-HPV. HPV-based primary screening from 25 years could improve outcomes. |
Successful Use of Near Point-of-Care Early Infant Diagnosis in NAMPHIA to Improve Turnaround Times in a National Household Survey
Domaoal RA , Sleeman K , Sawadogo S , Dzinamarira T , Frans N , Shatumbu SP , Kakoma LN , Shuumbwa TK , Cox MH , Stephens S , Nisbet L , Metz M , Saito S , Williams DB , Voetsch AC , Patel HK , Parekh BS , Duong YT . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2021 87 S67-s72 BACKGROUND: In the population-based HIV impact assessment surveys, early infant diagnosis (EID) was provided to infants <18 months without a prior diagnosis. For the Namibia population-based HIV impact assessment (NAMPHIA), the GeneXpert platform was assessed for the feasibility of near POC EID testing compared with the standard Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan (CAP/CTM) platform. Quality assurance measures and turnaround time were compared to improve EID results reporting. METHODS: NAMPHIA participants were screened for HIV exposure using Determine HIV-1/2 rapid test; samples reactive on Determine received EID testing on the GeneXpert instrument and Xpert HIV-1 Qual assay using whole blood. Results were confirmed at the Namibia Institute of Pathology using dried blood spots on the Roche CAP/CTM platform per national guidelines. RESULTS: Of the 762 screened infants, 61 (8.0%) were Determine-reactive and considered HIV-exposed. Of the 61 exposed infants, 2 were found to be HIV-infected whereas 59 were negative on both GeneXpert and Roche platforms, achieving 100% concordance. Average turnaround time was 3.4 days for the Xpert HIV-1 Qual assay, and average time from collection to testing was 1.0 days for GeneXpert compared with 10.7 days for Roche. No samples failed using GeneXpert whereas 1 sample failed using Roche and was repeated. CONCLUSION: Quality POC EID testing is feasible in a national survey through extensive training and external quality assurance measures. The use of decentralized POC EID for national testing would provide rapid diagnosis and improve TATs which may prevent loss to follow-up, ensure linkage to care, and improve clinical outcomes for infants. |
NanoString Technology for Human Papillomavirus Typing.
Rajeevan MS , Patel S , Li T , Unger ER . Viruses 2021 13 (2) ![]() ![]() High-throughput HPV typing assays with increased automation, faster turnaround and type-specific digital readout would facilitate studies monitoring the impact of HPV vaccination. We evaluated the NanoString nCounter(®) platform for detection and digital readout of 48 HPV types in a single reaction. NanoString (NS) used proprietary software to design CodeSets: type-specific probe pairs targeting 48 HPV types and the globin gene. We tested residual DNA extracts from epidemiologic specimens and defined samples (HPV plasmids at 10 to 10(4) copies/reaction) directly (No-PCR) as well as after L1 consensus PCR of 45 (PCR-45) or 15 cycles (PCR-15). Assay and interpretation followed NS recommendations. We evaluated analytic performance by comparing NanoString results for types included in prior assays: Roche Linear Array (LA) or HPV TypeSeq assay. No-PCR results on 40 samples showed good type-specific agreement with LA (k = 0.621) but sensitivity was 65% with lower limit of detection (LOD) at 10(4) plasmid copies. PCR-45 results showed almost perfect type-specific agreement with LA (k = 0.862), 82% sensitivity and LOD at 10 copies. PCR-15 results on 75 samples showed substantial type-specific agreement with LA (k = 0.796, 92% sensitivity) and TypeSeq (k = 0.777, 87% sensitivity), and LOD at 10 copies of plasmids. This proof-of-principle study demonstrates the efficacy of the NS platform with HPV CodeSet for type-specific detection using a low number of PCR cycles (PCR-15). Studies are in progress to evaluate assay reproducibility and analytic validation with a larger number of samples. |
Association of community types and features in a case-control analysis of new onset type 2 diabetes across a diverse geography in Pennsylvania
Schwartz BS , Pollak J , Poulsen MN , Bandeen-Roche K , Moon K , DeWalle J , Siegel K , Mercado C , Imperatore G , Hirsch AG . BMJ Open 2021 11 (1) e043528 OBJECTIVES: To evaluate associations of community types and features with new onset type 2 diabetes in diverse communities. Understanding the location and scale of geographic disparities can lead to community-level interventions. DESIGN: Nested case-control study within the open dynamic cohort of health system patients. SETTING: Large, integrated health system in 37 counties in central and northeastern Pennsylvania, USA. PARTICIPANTS AND ANALYSIS: We used electronic health records to identify persons with new-onset type 2 diabetes from 2008 to 2016 (n=15 888). Persons with diabetes were age, sex and year matched (1:5) to persons without diabetes (n=79 435). We used generalised estimating equations to control for individual-level confounding variables, accounting for clustering of persons within communities. Communities were defined as (1) townships, boroughs and city census tracts; (2) urbanised area (large metro), urban cluster (small cities and towns) and rural; (3) combination of the first two; and (4) county. Community socioeconomic deprivation and greenness were evaluated alone and in models stratified by community types. RESULTS: Borough and city census tract residence (vs townships) were associated (OR (95% CI)) with higher odds of type 2 diabetes (1.10 (1.04 to 1.16) and 1.34 (1.25 to 1.44), respectively). Urbanised areas (vs rural) also had increased odds of type 2 diabetes (1.14 (1.08 to 1.21)). In the combined definition, the strongest associations (vs townships in rural areas) were city census tracts in urban clusters (1.41 (1.22 to 1.62)) and city census tracts in urbanised areas (1.33 (1.22 to 1.45)). Higher community socioeconomic deprivation and lower greenness were each associated with increased odds. CONCLUSIONS: Urban residence was associated with higher odds of type 2 diabetes than for other areas. Higher community socioeconomic deprivation in city census tracts and lower greenness in all community types were also associated with type 2 diabetes. |
Performance evaluation of the Aptima HIV-1 RNA Quant assay on the Panther system using the standard and dilution protocols
Rossetti R , Smith T , Luo W , Taussig J , Valentine-Graves M , Sullivan P , Ingersoll JM , Kraft CS , Ethridge S , Wesolowski L , Delaney KP , Owen SM , Johnson JA , Masciotra S . J Clin Virol 2020 129 104479 BACKGROUND: Currently, FDA-approved HIV-1 viral load (VL) assays use venipuncture-derived plasma. The Hologic Panther system uses 0.7mL total volume for the Aptima HIV-1 Quant Assay standard (APT-Quant-std) and dilution (APT-Quant-dil) protocols. However, smaller plasma volumes from fingerstick whole blood (FSB) collected in EDTA-microtainer tubes (MCT) could provide an easier sample collection method for HIV-1 VL testing. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance of the APT-Quant-std compared to the Roche CAP/CTM and Abbott m2000RT VL assays and an alternative APTQuant 1:7 dilution protocol, the latter using 100muL of MCT-derived plasma from FSB. STUDY DESIGN: Linearity was determined using commercial HIV-1 RNA plasma controls. Dilutions ranging 1.56-2.95 log10 copies/mL were prepared to determine the APT-Quant-dil Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) using Probit analysis. Specificity of APT-Quant-std was calculated using 326 HIVnegative samples. To evaluate agreement, 329 plasma specimens were tested with APT-Quant-std, CAP/CTM, and m2000RT. Forty-seven matched venipuncture and MCT-derived plasma specimens were tested with APT-Quant-std and APT-Quant-dil. RESULTS: Among the RNA controls, specificity was 99.69 % for APT-Quant-std. The R2 values were 0.988 (APT-Quant-std/CAP/CTM), 0.980 (APT-Quant-std/ m2000RT), and 0.997 (APT-Quant-std/APT-Quant-dil). The APT-Quant-dil LOQ was estimated at 2.7 log10 copies/mL (500 copies/mL) (95 %CI 2.62-2.87). At 2.3 log10 copies/mL (200 copies/mL), the overall agreement was 91.0 % for APT-Quant-std/CAP/CTM, 85.7 % for APT-Quant-std/m2000RT, and 82.9 % for APT-Quant-std/APT-Quant-dil. Quantified APT-Quant-std results were on average 0.2 log10 copies/mL higher than CAP/CTM and m2000RT and 0.14 log10 copies/mL higher than APT-Quant-dil. CONCLUSION: APT-Quant showed similar performance compared to the CAP/CTM and m2000RT assays and remains sensitive and accurate using the dilution protocol. |
Comparison of HIV incidence in the Zimbabwe Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment Survey (2015-2016), with modeled estimates: Progress toward epidemic control
Gonese E , Musuka G , Ruangtragool L , Hakim A , Parekh B , Dobbs T , Duong YT , Patel H , Mhangara M , Mugurungi O , Mapingure M , Saito S , Herman-Roloff A , Gwanzura L , Tippett-Barr B , Kilmarx P , Justman J . AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2020 36 (8) 656-662 BACKGROUND: Zimbabwe conducted a Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment (ZIMPHIA) cross-sectional survey, October 2015 and August 2016 to determine progress toward epidemic control. METHODS: Of 25,131 eligible adults 15-64 years, 20,577 (81.8%) consented to face-to-face questionnaire and biomarker testing in this nationally representative household survey. Home-based rapid HIV testing was performed using Determine, First Response and Stat-Pak as the tie-breaker. HIV-positive tests were confirmed in a laboratory using Geenius HIV-1/2, viral load (VL) was measured using Roche TaqMan and BioMerieux NucliSENS. Recency of infection was tested using Sedia HIV-1 Limiting Antigen-Avidity (LAg). Presence of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs was detected using HPLC/MS. The recent infection testing algorithm (RITA) included LAg-Avidity Enzyme-immuno-assay (EIA (normalised-optical density (ODn<=1.5), viral load>/=1000 copies/mL, and absence of antiretroviral drugs. Weighted annual HIV incidence was compared to UNAIDS Spectrum models estimates. RESULTS: Overall, 26 of 2,901 HIV-seropositive individuals had a recent infection (men, 8; women, 18). Overall weighted annual incidence among persons 15-64 years was 0.42% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.25-0.59) and 0.44% (95% CI: 0.25-0.62) for 15-49 years, similar to 2016 Spectrum model estimate (0.54%; 95% CI: 0.49-0.66) for this age group. Among persons aged 15-49 years, HIV prevalence was 13.35 % (95% CI: 12.71-14.02), estimated HIV-positive individuals were 968,951 (95% CI: 911,473-1,026,430), of these, 41,911 (95% CI: 37,412-44,787) were annual-new infections and this was similar to 2016 Spectrum estimates. CONCLUSION: The observed HIV incidence in ZIMPHIA 2015/16 validated the 2016 Spectrum estimates and Zimbabwe's progress toward epidemic control. |
Prevalence of HPV infection among sexually active adolescents and young adults in Brazil: The POP-Brazil Study
Wendland EM , Villa LL , Unger ER , Domingues CM , Benzaken AS . Sci Rep 2020 10 (1) 4920 For Brazil, there are no nationwide data on HPV prevalence against which the impact of the HPV immunization program can be measured in the future. Therefore, we aim to evaluate the prevalence of genital HPV infection among adolescents and young adults in Brazil. A cross-sectional, multicentric, nationwide survey was conducted between September 2016 and November 2017. Sexually active unvaccinated women and men aged 16 to 25 years old were recruited from 119 public primary care units, including all 26 state capitals and the Federal District. All participants answered a face-to-face interview and provided biological samples for genital HPV analysis. We used an automated DNA extraction method and HPV genotyping was performed using the Linear Array genotyping test (Roche). Of 7,694 participants, 53.6% (95% CI 51.4-55.8) were positive for any HPV type. The prevalence of high-risk HPV types was significantly higher in women (38.6% vs. 29.2%, P < 0.001). The HPV types included in the quadrivalent vaccine were detected in 1002 (14.8%) specimens, with a different pattern of HPV infection between sexes. Characteristics associated with overall HPV detection included female gender, self-declaration of race as brown/pardo, lower socioeconomic class, single or dating, current smoking and having 2 or more sex partners in the past year. We found a high prevalence of HPV, with significant differences between regions. Our data provide information that may be considered when developing HPV prevention policies and constitute a baseline against which the impact of the HPV immunization program in Brazil can be measured in future years. |
Harmonization of commercial assays for PINP; the way forward
Vasikaran SD , Bhattoa HP , Eastell R , Heijboer AC , Jørgensen NR , Makris K , Ulmer C , Kanis JA , Cooper C , Silverman S , Cavalier E . Osteoporos Int 2020 31 (3) 10.1007/s00198-020-05310-6 International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine and The International Osteoporosis Foundation Joint Committee on Bone Metabolism believes that the harmonization of PINP assays is an achievable and practical goal. INTRODUCTION: In order to examine the agreement between current commercial assays, a multi-center study was performed for PINP in serum and plasma. METHODS: The automated methods for PINP (Roche Cobas and IDS iSYS) gave similar results. A significant proportional bias was observed between the two automated assays and the Orion radioimmunoassay (RIA) for PINP. RESULTS: Results from other published studies comparing PINP values among these three assays broadly support our findings. Taken together, these results confirm that harmonized PINP measurements exist between the two automated assays (Roche Cobas and IDS iSYS) when the eGFR is > 30 mL/min/1.73m(2), but a significant bias exists between the Orion RIA and the two automated assays. CONCLUSION: Therefore, in subjects with normal renal function, PINP results reported by the Roche Cobas and IDS iSYS assays are similar and may be used interchangeably, and similar reference intervals and treatment targets could be applied for the two automated assays. Harmonization between the automated assays and the RIA is potentially possible with the use of common calibrators and the development of a reference method for PINP. This should also help ensure that any new commercial assay developed in the future will attain similar results. IOF and IFCC are committed to working together towards this goal with the cooperation of the reagent manufacturing industry. |
Evaluation of the performance of the Cepheid Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load Assay for quantitative and diagnostic uses
Wesolowski L , Fowler W , Luo W , Sullivan V , Masciotra S , Smith T , Rossetti R , Delaney K , Oraka E , Chavez P , Ethridge S , Switzer WM , Owen SM . J Clin Virol 2019 122 104214 BACKGROUND: Cepheid's Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load (Xpert VL), a simplified, automated, single-use quantitative assay used with the GeneXpert System, is not FDA approved. OBJECTIVES: Using stored plasma, we conducted a study to assess the ability of Xpert VL to quantify viral load relative to the Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 (Cobas VL) and to examine the use of the Xpert VL as a qualitative diagnostic test. STUDY DESIGN: Following HIV-1 viral stock dilutions, we conducted a probit analysis to identify the concentration where 95 % of specimens had quantified VLs. We also examined Xpert and Cobas log VL correlation in linearity panels; compared the proportion of 220 seroconverter specimens with virus detected using McNemar's test; and tested specimens from persons with untreated, established HIV-1 infection (n=149) and uninfected persons (n=497). Furthermore, we examined Xpert VL as a qualitative test in seroconverter specimens with early (n=20) and later (n=68) acute infections. RESULTS: At 1.80 log10 copies/mL, 95 % of specimens had quantifiable virus using Xpert VL. Xpert and Cobas VLs were highly correlated (R(2)=0.994). The proportion of seroconverter specimens with virus detected using Cobas and with Xpert VL was not statistically different (p=0.0578). Xpert VL detected 97.9 % of established infections, and specificity was 99.80 % (95 % CI 98.87%-99.99%). Xpert VL detected 90 % and 98.5 % of early and later acute infections, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: If approved, Xpert VL could allow U.S. laboratories that cannot bring on large, complex testing platforms to conduct HIV monitoring. An approval for diagnostic use may provide timely identification of HIV infections. |
MIReAD, a minimum information standard for reporting arthropod abundance data
Rund SSC , Braak K , Cator L , Copas K , Emrich SJ , Giraldo-Calderon GI , Johansson MA , Heydari N , Hobern D , Kelly SA , Lawson D , Lord C , MacCallum RM , Roche DG , Ryan SJ , Schigel D , Vandegrift K , Watts M , Zaspel JM , Pawar S . Sci Data 2019 6 (1) 40 Arthropods play a dominant role in natural and human-modified terrestrial ecosystem dynamics. Spatially-explicit arthropod population time-series data are crucial for statistical or mathematical models of these dynamics and assessment of their veterinary, medical, agricultural, and ecological impacts. Such data have been collected world-wide for over a century, but remain scattered and largely inaccessible. In particular, with the ever-present and growing threat of arthropod pests and vectors of infectious diseases, there are numerous historical and ongoing surveillance efforts, but the data are not reported in consistent formats and typically lack sufficient metadata to make reuse and re-analysis possible. Here, we present the first-ever minimum information standard for arthropod abundance, Minimum Information for Reusable Arthropod Abundance Data (MIReAD). Developed with broad stakeholder collaboration, it balances sufficiency for reuse with the practicality of preparing the data for submission. It is designed to optimize data (re)usability from the "FAIR," (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles of public data archiving (PDA). This standard will facilitate data unification across research initiatives and communities dedicated to surveillance for detection and control of vector-borne diseases and pests. |
A high-throughput and rapid method for accurate identification of emerging multidrug-resistant Candida auris.
Ahmad A , Spencer JE , Lockhart SR , Singleton S , Petway DJ , Bagarozzi DAJr , Herzegh OT . Mycoses 2019 62 (6) 513-518 ![]() ![]() Candida auris is an emerging multidrug-resistant yeast associated with invasive infection in healthcare settings. Recently, C. auris cases in the US have been detected in 11 states with the majority of cases in New York, New Jersey, and Illinois. Rapid and accurate identification of C. auris is critical for patient care and the implementation of public health measures to control the spread of infection. Our aim was to develop and validate a rapid DNA extraction method using the Roche MagNA Pure 96 instrument and a TaqMan real-time PCR assay for reliable, high throughput identification of C. auris. We evaluated 247 patient dermal swab samples previously analyzed by culture/MALDI-TOF. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 93.6% and 97.2%, respectively. The assay was highly reproducible with a detection limit of 1 C. auris CFU/10muL. A ROC curve analysis of the real-time PCR data showed an area of 0.982 under the curve, with a CT cutoff value of </=37.0. The turnaround time from DNA extraction to real-time PCR results was approximately 200 samples/day. In conclusion, we successfully validated a rapid and high throughput method for accurate and reproducible identification of C. auris with a significantly reduced turnaround time compared to culture/MALDI-TOF based methods. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. |
Field evaluation of near point of care Cepheid GeneXpert HIV-1 Qual for early infant diagnosis
Opollo VS , Nikuze A , Ben-Farhat J , Anyango E , Humwa F , Oyaro B , Wanjala S , Omwoyo W , Majiwa M , Akelo V , Zeh C , Maman D . PLoS One 2018 13 (12) e0209778 BACKGROUND: Access to point-of-care HIV testing shortens turn-around times, time to diagnosis and reduces loss to follow-up hence minimizing barriers to early linkage to care and treatment among HIV infected infants. Currently samples for early infant HIV diagnosis are sent to centralized testing facilities which are few and located only at specific regions in Kenya. However, there are Point of Care (POC) early infant diagnosis [EID] technologies elsewhere such as SAMBA and ALERE-Q that are yet to be evaluated in Kenya despite the urgent need for data to inform policy formulation regarding EID. The Cepheid GeneXpert HIV-1 Qual (GeneXpert) technology for POC EID offers a great opportunity to minimize HIV associated morbidity, mortality and loss to follow-up through decentralization of early infant HIV testing to the clinics. This technology also allows for same-day results thus facilitating prompt linkage to care. METHODS: We evaluated the GeneXpert HIV Qual EID POC in Homabay County against the standard of care platform, Roche CAP/CTM HIV-1 qualitative PCR, using dried blood spots (DBS). Between February-July 2016, DBS samples were collected from HIV exposed children <18 months of age enrolled in a cross-sectional study. Samples were collected by qualified nurse counselors, and were tested by trained technicians using field based GeneXpert and conventional laboratory based Roche CAP/CTM HIV-1 qualitative PCR. Sensitivity and specificity were determined. RESULTS: Overall, 3,814 mother/infant pairs were included in the study, out of which 921 infants were HIV exposed as per the mothers' HIV status and based on the infant's HIV rapid test. A total of 969 PCR tests were performed, out of which 30 (3.3%) infants were concordantly positive using both platforms. GeneXpert HIV-1 Qual yielded a sensitivity of 94.1% and specificity of 99.8% with an overall error rate of 0.7%. CONCLUSION: Our findings show that GeneXpert HIV-1 Qual performs well compared to CAP/CTM using DBS samples, suggesting that this technology may be adopted in decentralized laboratories as a near POC device. It may contribute to prompt diagnosis of HIV exposed infants hence enabling early linkage to care, thus advancing further gains in EID. |
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