Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Robinson SJ[original query] |
Changes in self-reported mask use after the lifting of state-issued mask mandates in 20 US States, February-June 2021
Ajiboye AS , Dunphy C , Vo L , Howard-Williams M , Ladva CN , Robinson SJ , McCord R , Gakh M , Weber R , Sunshine G . J Public Health Manag Pract 2024 OBJECTIVE: In April 2020, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended community masking to prevent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Since then, a total of 39 US states and DC issued mask mandates. Despite CDC recommendations and supporting evidence that masking reduces COVID-19 community transmission, from January to June 20, 2021 states lifted their mask mandates for all individuals. This study examined the association between lifting state-issued mask mandates and mask-wearing behavior in 2021. DESIGN: We estimated a difference-in-difference model, comparing changes in the likelihood for individuals to wear a mask in states that lifted their mask mandate relative to states that kept their mandates in place between February and June of 2021. SETTING: Individuals were surveyed from across the United States. PARTICIPANTS: We used masking behavior data collected by the Porter Novelli View 360 + national surveys (N = 3459), and data from state-issued mask mandates obtained by CDC and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. MAIN OUTCOMES: The outcome variable of interest was self-reported mask use during the 30 days prior to the survey data collection. RESULTS: In the overall population, lifting mask mandates did not significantly influence mask-wearing behavior. Mask wearing did significantly decrease in response to the lifting of mask mandates among individuals living in rural counties and individuals who had not yet decided whether they would receive a COVID-19 vaccine. CONCLUSION: Policies around COVID-19 behavioral mitigation, specifically amongst those unsure about vaccination and in rural areas, may help reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, especially in communities with low vaccination rates. |
An integrated process for co-developing and implementing written and computable clinical practice guidelines
Matson-Koffman DM , Robinson SJ , Jakhmola P , Fochtmann LJ , Willett D , Lubin IM , Burton MM , Tailor A , Pitts DL , Casey DE Jr , Opelka FG , Mullins R , Elder R , Michaels M . Am J Med Qual 2023 38 S12-s34 The goal of this article is to describe an integrated parallel process for the co-development of written and computable clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) to accelerate adoption and increase the impact of guideline recommendations in clinical practice. From February 2018 through December 2021, interdisciplinary work groups were formed after an initial Kaizen event and using expert consensus and available literature, produced a 12-phase integrated process (IP). The IP includes activities, resources, and iterative feedback loops for developing, implementing, disseminating, communicating, and evaluating CPGs. The IP incorporates guideline standards and informatics practices and clarifies how informaticians, implementers, health communicators, evaluators, and clinicians can help guideline developers throughout the development and implementation cycle to effectively co-develop written and computable guidelines. More efficient processes are essential to create actionable CPGs, disseminate and communicate recommendations to clinical end users, and evaluate CPG performance. Pilot testing is underway to determine how this IP expedites the implementation of CPGs into clinical practice and improves guideline uptake and health outcomes. |
An evaluation framework for a novel process to codevelop written and computable guidelines
Tailor A , Robinson SJ , Matson-Koffman DM , Michaels M , Burton MM , Lubin IM . Am J Med Qual 2023 38 S35-s45 Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) support individual and population health by translating new, evidence-based knowledge into recommendations for health practice. CPGs can be provided as computable, machine-readable guidelines that support the translation of recommendations into shareable, interoperable clinical decision support and other digital tools (eg, quality measures, case reports, care plans). Interdisciplinary collaboration among guideline developers and health information technology experts can facilitate the translation of written guidelines into computable ones. The benefits of interdisciplinary work include a focus on the needs of end-users who apply guidelines in practice through clinic decision support systems as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) Adapting Clinical Guidelines for the Digital Age (ACG) initiative, a group of interdisciplinary experts proposed a process to facilitate the codevelopment of written and computable CPGs, referred to as the "integrated process (IP)."1 This paper presents a framework for evaluating the IP based on a combination of vetted evaluation models and expert opinions. This framework combines 3 types of evaluations: process, product, and outcomes. These evaluations assess the value of interdisciplinary expert collaboration in carrying out the IP, the quality, usefulness, timeliness, and acceptance of the guideline, and the guideline's health impact, respectively. A case study is presented that illustrates application of the framework. |
Multifaceted Public Health Response to a COVID-19 Outbreak Among Meat-Processing Workers, Utah, March-June 2020.
Rogers TM , Robinson SJ , Reynolds LE , Ladva CN , Burgos-Garay M , Whiteman A , Budge H , Soto N , Thompson M , Hunt E , Barson T , Boyd AT . J Public Health Manag Pract 2021 28 (1) 60-69 OBJECTIVE: To identify potential strategies to mitigate COVID-19 transmission in a Utah meat-processing facility and surrounding community. DESIGN/SETTING: During March-June 2020, 502 workers at a Utah meat-processing facility (facility A) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Using merged data from the state disease surveillance system and facility A, we analyzed the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 positivity and worker demographics, work section, and geospatial data on worker residence. We analyzed worker survey responses to questions regarding COVID-19 knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors at work and home. PARTICIPANTS: (1) Facility A workers (n = 1373) with specimen collection dates and SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test results; (2) residential addresses of all persons (workers and nonworkers) with a SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic test (n = 1036), living within the 3 counties included in the health department catchment area; and (3) facility A workers (n = 64) who agreed to participate in the knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: New cases over time, COVID-19 attack rates, worker characteristics by SARS-CoV-2 test results, geospatially clustered cases, space-time proximity of cases among workers and nonworkers; frequency of quantitative responses, crude prevalence ratios, and counts and frequency of coded responses to open-ended questions from the COVID-19 knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences in race (P = .01), linguistic group (P < .001), and work section (P < .001) were found between workers with positive and negative SARS-CoV-2 test results. Geographically, only 6% of cases were within statistically significant spatiotemporal case clusters. Workers reported using handwashing (57%) and social distancing (21%) as mitigation strategies outside work but reported apprehension with taking COVID-19-associated sick leave. CONCLUSIONS: Mitigating COVID-19 outbreaks among workers in congregate settings requires a multifaceted public health response that is tailored to the workforce. IMPLICATIONS FOR POLICY AND PRACTICE: Tailored, multifaceted mitigation strategies are crucial for reducing COVID-19-associated health disparities among disproportionately affected populations. |
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to Ebola virus disease at the end of a national epidemic - Guinea, August 2015
Jalloh MF , Robinson SJ , Corker J , Li W , Irwin K , Barry AM , Ntuba PN , Diallo AA , Jalloh MB , Nyuma J , Sellu M , VanSteelandt A , Ramsden M , Tracy L , Raghunathan PL , Redd JT , Martel L , Marston B , Bunnell R . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (41) 1109-1115 Health communication and social mobilization efforts to improve the public's knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding Ebola virus disease (Ebola) were important in controlling the 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic in Guinea (1), which resulted in 3,814 reported Ebola cases and 2,544 deaths.* Most Ebola cases in Guinea resulted from the washing and touching of persons and corpses infected with Ebola without adequate infection control precautions at home, at funerals, and in health facilities (2,3). As the 18-month epidemic waned in August 2015, Ebola KAP were assessed in a survey among residents of Guinea recruited through multistage cluster sampling procedures in the nation's eight administrative regions (Boke, Conakry, Faranah, Kankan, Kindia, Labe, Mamou, and Nzerekore). Nearly all participants (92%) were aware of Ebola prevention measures, but 27% believed that Ebola could be transmitted by ambient air, and 49% believed they could protect themselves from Ebola by avoiding mosquito bites. Of the participants, 95% reported taking actions to avoid getting Ebola, especially more frequent handwashing (93%). Nearly all participants (91%) indicated they would send relatives with suspected Ebola to Ebola treatment centers, and 89% said they would engage special Ebola burial teams to remove corpses with suspected Ebola from homes. Of the participants, 66% said they would prefer to observe an Ebola-affected corpse from a safe distance at burials rather than practice traditional funeral rites involving corpse contact. The findings were used to guide the ongoing epidemic response and recovery efforts, including health communication, social mobilization, and planning, to prevent and respond to future outbreaks or sporadic cases of Ebola. |
Attitudes about vaccines to prevent Ebola virus disease in Guinea at the end of a large Ebola epidemic: Results of a national household survey
Irwin KL , Jalloh MF , Corker J , Alpha Mahmoud B , Robinson SJ , Li W , James NE , Sellu M , Jalloh MB , Diallo AA , Tracy L , Hajjeh R , VanSteelandt A , Bunnell R , Martel L , Raghunathan PL , Marston B . Vaccine 2017 35 6915-6923 INTRODUCTION: In 2014-2016, an Ebola epidemic devastated Guinea; more than 3800 cases and 2500 deaths were reported to the World Health Organization. In August 2015, as the epidemic waned and clinical trials of an experimental, Ebola vaccine continued in Guinea and neighboring Sierra Leone, we conducted a national household survey about Ebola-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) and opinions about "hypothetical" Ebola vaccines. METHODS: Using cluster-randomized sampling, we selected participants aged 15+ years old in Guinea's 8 administrative regions, which had varied cumulative case counts. The questionnaire assessed socio-demographic characteristics, experiences during the epidemic, Ebola-related KAP, and Ebola vaccine attitudes. To assess the potential for Ebola vaccine introduction in Guinea, we examined the association between vaccine attitudes and participants' characteristics using categorical and multivariable analyses. RESULTS: Of 6699 persons invited to participate, 94% responded to at least 1 Ebola vaccine question. Most agreed that vaccines were needed to fight the epidemic (85.8%) and that their family would accept safe, effective Ebola vaccines if they became available in Guinea (84.2%). These measures of interest and acceptability were significantly more common among participants who were male, wealthier, more educated, and lived with young children who had received routine vaccines. Interest and acceptability were also significantly higher among participants who understood Ebola transmission modes, had witnessed Ebola response teams, knew Ebola-affected persons, believed Ebola was not always fatal, and would access Ebola treatment centers. In multivariable analyses of the majority of participants living with young children, interest and acceptability were significantly higher among those living with vaccinated children than among those living with unvaccinated children. DISCUSSION: The high acceptability of hypothetical vaccines indicates strong potential for introducing Ebola vaccines across Guinea. Strategies to build public confidence in use of Ebola vaccines should highlight any similarities with safe, effective vaccines routinely used in Guinea. |
Bundling of STDs and HIV in prevention messages
Poehlman J , Uhrig JD , Friedman A , Scales M , Forsythe A , Robinson SJ . J Soc Mark 2015 5 (1) 2-20 PURPOSE: This study aims to explore peoples cognitive perceptions of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to inform decisions on message development with regard to message bundling, with limited research on the concept of bundling-related prevention messages and no studies that consider the bundling of HIV and other STD prevention messages. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Individual and small-group interviews were conducted with 158 African American men and women to explore perceptions of STDs and communication preferences. Open-ended questions and a pile-sort exercise were used to elicit individuals’ judgments on similarities of 12 STDs, including HIV. Interview data were coded and analyzed for themes and patterns; pile sort data were analyzed using multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis to visualize the set of relations identified from the piles. FINDINGS: STDs and HIV are associated with stigma, risk behaviors and personal responsibility. The card sorting activity revealed two primary dimensions by which people organized STDs: seriousness and curability. Potential clusters of STDs that correspond to participants described sorting strategies were identified and they may have implications for message bundling. Disaggregation of the data by sex and age revealed slight variations in the relationships of HIV and human papillomavirus (HPV) to other STDs. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: By identifying a set of cognitive attributes people use in organizing the overall semantic domain of STDs, ideas can be generated for how best to combine STD and HIV messages to meet public health communication goals. |
On the road to well-being: the development of a communication framework for sexual health
Robinson SJ , Stellato A , Stephens J , Kirby S , Forsythe A , Ivankovich MB . Public Health Rep 2013 128 Suppl 1 43-52 OBJECTIVES: Recognizing the need to work with all partners who have an interest in addressing sexual health issues, we explored values held by diverse stakeholders in the United States. Based on these findings, we developed a framework for use in communicating about sexual health issues and potential solutions. METHODS: Our methods included an environmental scan, small-group metaphor elicitation and message framing assessments, interviews, and online surveys with diverse members of the public and health professionals. RESULTS: Of four overarching value-based themes, two were best accepted across audiences: the first theme emphasized the importance of protecting health along the road of life through enabling good choices, and the second called for adding health promotion approaches to traditional disease prevention control. Nearly all supporting statements evaluated were effective and can be used to support either of the two best accepted overarching themes. CONCLUSIONS: Although there is a great diversity of opinion regarding how to address sexual health issues in the U.S., among diverse stakeholders we found some common values in our exploratory work. These common values were translated into message frameworks. In particular, the idea of broadening sexual health programs to include wellness-related approaches to help expand disease control and prevention efforts resonated with stakeholders across the political spectrum. These findings show promise for improved sexual health communication and a foundation on which to build support across various audiences, key opinion leaders, and stakeholders. |
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