Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-29 (of 29 Records) |
Query Trace: Reed WR[original query] |
Evaluation of PVC and PTFE filters for direct-on-filter crystalline silica quantification by FTIR
Osho B , Elahifard M , Wang X , Abbasi B , Chow JC , Watson JG , Arnott WP , Reed WR , Parks D . J Occup Environ Hyg 2024 1-12 Direct-on-Filter (DoF) analysis of respirable crystalline silica (RCS) by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a useful tool for assessing exposure risks. With the RCS exposure limits becoming lower, it is important to characterize and reduce measurement uncertainties. This study systematically evaluated two filter types (i.e., polyvinyl chloride [PVC] and polytetrafluoroethylene [PTFE]) for RCS measurements by DoF FTIR spectroscopy, including the filter-to-filter and day-to-day variability of blank filter FTIR reference spectra, particle deposition patterns, filtration efficiencies, and pressure drops. For PVC filters sampled at a flow rate of 2.5 L/min for 8 h, the RCS limit of detection (LOD) was 7.4 μg/m(3) when a designated laboratory reference filter was used to correct the absorption by the filter media. When the spectrum of the pre-sample filter (blank filter before dust sampling) was used for correction, the LOD could be up to 5.9 μg/m(3). The PVC absorption increased linearly with reference filter mass, providing a means to correct the absorption differences between the pre-sample and reference filters. For PTFE, the LODs were 12 and 1.2 μg/m(3) when a designated laboratory blank or the pre-sample filter spectrum was used for blank correction, respectively, indicating that using the pre-sample blank spectrum will reduce RCS quantification uncertainty. Both filter types exhibited a consistent radially symmetric deposition pattern when particles were collected using 3-piece cassettes, indicating that RCS can be quantified from a single measurement at the filter center. The most penetrating aerodynamic diameters were around 0.1 µm with filtration efficiencies ≥ 98.8% across the measured particle size range with low-pressure drops (0.2-0.3 kPa) at a flow rate of 2.5 L/min. This study concludes that either the PVC or the PTFE filters are suitable for RCS analysis by DoF FTIR, but proper methods are needed to account for the variability of blank absorption among different filters. |
Effects of dust controls on respirable coal mine dust composition and particle sizes: case studies on auxiliary scrubbers and canopy air curtain
Animah F , Keles C , Reed WR , Sarver E . Int J Coal Sci Technol 2024 11 (1) Control of dust in underground coal mines is critical for mitigating both safety and health hazards. For decades, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has led research to evaluate the effectiveness of various dust control technologies in coal mines. Recent studies have included the evaluation of auxiliary scrubbers to reduce respirable dust downstream of active mining and the use of canopy air curtains (CACs) to reduce respirable dust in key operator positions. While detailed dust characterization was not a focus of such studies, this is a growing area of interest. Using preserved filter samples from three previous NIOSH studies, the current work aims to explore the effect of two different scrubbers (one wet and one dry) and a roof bolter CAC on respirable dust composition and particle size distribution. For this, the preserved filter samples were analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis and/or scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray. Results indicate that dust composition was not appreciably affected by either scrubber or the CAC. However, the wet scrubber and CAC appeared to decrease the overall particle size distribution. Such an effect of the dry scrubber was not consistently observed, but this is probably related to the particular sampling location downstream of the scrubber which allowed for significant mixing of the scrubber exhaust and other return air. Aside from the insights gained with respect to the three specific dust control case studies revisited here, this work demonstrates the value of preserved dust samples for follow-up investigation more broadly. © The Author(s) 2024. |
Respirable coal mine dust in the vicinity of a roof bolter: an inter-laboratory study to compare wet versus dry dust collection systems
Animah F , Greth A , Afrouz S , Keles C , Akinseye T , Pan L , Reed WR , Sarver E . Min Metall Explor null [Epub ahead of print] Among underground coal miners, roof bolter operators are generally considered to have some of the highest risks for hazardous respirable dust exposure. This is because bolting requires drilling into roof strata that can often be a source of silica and silicate dust, which are associated with occupational lung diseases. However, little is known about the variability of dust characteristics (e.g., mineralogy constituents, particle size) in the vicinity of the bolter-or when specific dust controls are applied. As part of a prior NIOSH study, respirable dust samples were collected during several different events in standardized locations around an active roof bolter, and personal samples were also collected from the operator during the cleanout of the bolter's dust collection system when it was equipped with a novel wet dust box versus a traditional dry box. Those samples were made available for follow-up analysis by scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), as well as direct-on-filter Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Results showed variability in dust constituents and particle sizes at locations around the roof bolter, and indicated some event-to-event differences in dust sources. Additionally, compared to the dry dust box, the wet dust box appeared to reduce (by 41-82%) the relative silica and silicate content in the respirable dust to which the operator was exposed during cleanout. Furthermore, an inter-laboratory comparison demonstrated the reproducibility of a standardized direct-on-filter FTIR method for estimating quartz mass (i.e., the predominant form of crystalline silica) in respirable coal mine dust samples. However, for constituent analysis by SEM-EDX, differences observed between results from two independent labs indicate that standardization of the analytical protocol is necessary to enable comparability of results. |
Design of different shapes of drill shroud to reduce dust deposit using computational fluid dynamics method
Zheng Y , Reed WR , Potts JD . CIM J 2023 11-20 Effective dust control using drill shroud air-blocking shelves was confirmed previously through laboratory tests, field studies, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. However, when the drilling machine moves to different locations, deposits on these shelves can produce a large dust cloud. To minimize the dust exposure hazard, this study modified the drill shroud air-blocking shelves by using the concept of angle of repose to eliminate the deposits while at the same time, confining the dust inside the drill shroud. Two types of drill shroud inner shapes were evaluated using CFD models: U-shaped and V-shaped. In addition, a drill shroud with 45 blocking shelves was built to examine its dust control capacity. The angle of repose used to minimize dust problems during mast lowering was shown to be effective in reducing the dust problems during drilling. However, care must be taken to use a properly designed shroud because the V-shaped drill shroud can potentially exacerbate dust leakage. |
Review of filters for air sampling and chemical analysis in mining workplaces
Chow JC , Watson JG , Wang X , Abbasi B , Reed WR , Parks D . Minerals 2022 12 (10) 1314 This review considers the use of filters to sample air in mining workplace environments for dust concentration measurement and subsequent analysis of hazardous contaminants, especially respirable crystalline silica (RCS) on filters compatible with wearable personal dust monitors (PDM). The review summarizes filter vendors, sizes, costs, chemical and physical properties, and information available on filter modeling, laboratory testing, and field performance. Filter media testing and selection should consider the characteristics required for mass by gravimetry in addition to RCS quantification by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) or Raman spectroscopic analysis. For mass determination, the filters need to have high filtration efficiency (≥99% for the most penetrable particle sizes) and a reasonable pressure drop (up to 16.7 kPa) to accommodate high dust loading. Additional requirements include: negligible uptake of water vapor and gaseous volatile compounds; adequate particle adhesion as a function of particle loading; sufficient particle loading capacity to form a stable particle deposit layer during sampling in wet and dusty environments; mechanical strength to withstand vibrations and pressure drops across the filter; and appropriate filter mass compatible with the tapered element oscillating microbalance. FTIR and Raman measurements require filters to be free of spectral interference. Furthermore, because the irradiated area does not completely cover the sample deposit, particles should be uniformly deposited on the filter. |
A second case study of field test results for comparison of roof bolter dry collection system with wet collection system
Reed WR , Klima SS , Mazzella A , Ross G , Roberts G , Deluzio J . Min Metall Explor 2022 39 (3) 993-1006 Silicosis is an occupational respiratory disease that roof bolter operators are susceptible. It is caused by overexposure to respirable quartz dust (RCS) and has no cure and may ultimately be fatal. The only method of prevention of silicosis is by preventing exposure to RCS. The wet box collection system is a newly developed dust collection system for roof bolting machines, a modification of the existing dry box collection system utilizing water to saturate the material that is collected by the dust collection system. Testing was conducted for 3 days on a dual boom roof bolter with the wet box installed on the left side and the dry box installed on the right side. Sampling, using the coal mine dust personal sampling unit (CMDPSU), during cleaning of the collector boxes demonstrated that using the wet box dust collection system instead of the dry box dust collection system can reduce RCS exposures during cleaning of the collector boxes by 71% (day 1), 82% (day 2), and 88% (day 3). In addition, the quartz content of samples collected during cleaning of the wet box was 0.0%, while the quartz content of the samples collected when cleaning the dry box was 4.6%, 10.3%, and 7.4%. © 2022, This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection in the U.S.; foreign copyright protection may apply. |
Field test of a canopy air curtain on a ramcar for dust control in an underground coal mine
Reed WR , Colinet JF , Klima SS , Mazzella A , Ross G , Workman M , Morson T , Driscoll J . Min Metall Explor 2022 39 (2) 251-261 The canopy air curtain (CAC) has been proven to reduce the respirable dust exposure of roof bolter operators in underground coal mining. This technology is being adapted for use with shuttle cars and ramcars. The plenum is mounted on the underside of the shuttle car canopy over the operator’s position. The blower providing filtered air to the operator is plumbed into the shuttle car’s existing hydraulic system. After the system was installed on a ramcar, field testing of the CAC’s ability to provide respirable dust control was conducted on a section using blowing face ventilation. Results showed that overall respirable dust reductions during the total time the operator was underneath the canopy ranged from 11 to 34%, demonstrating adequate performance. However, further analysis demonstrated that the CAC performance was exceptional when the ramcar was being loaded by the continuous miner. At this location, a position where the shuttle car operator has their highest potential for respirable dust exposure, the CAC provided dust reductions ranging from 57 to 65%. These results, especially during ramcar loading at the CM, demonstrate that the CAC can be an important dust control device to reduce shuttle car and ramcar operators’ exposure to respirable coal mine dust. © 2022, This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection in the U.S.; foreign copyright protection may apply. |
Laboratory results of foam application testing for longwall shield dust control in a simulated environment
Reed WR , Shahan MR , Zheng Y , Mazzella A . Int J Coal Sci Technol 2021 8 (2) 217-227 There were 37 longwall faces operating in mines in the United States in 2019. The average panel width for these longwalls was approximately 368.5 m (1209 ft). This translates to a range of approximately 170–240 shields per longwall, depending upon the width of shield. The movement of longwall shields is a significant contributor to respirable dust overexposures to longwall operators. Foam is expected to have the potential to reduce this shield dust generation. The foam is applied to the area on the roof between the coal face and the shield tip after the shearer passes. In this study, the longwall shield dust simulator was used to test three foam agents for their ability to control dust from longwall shield movements. Results showed that at low-velocity ventilation (≈ 3.0 m/s (600 fpm)) all foam agents were able to produce dust reduction levels of at least 45%. At high-velocity ventilation (≈ 5.1 m/s (1000 fpm)), the reductions were lower and more variable, ranging from being undeterminable for one foam agent to having 46%–63% reductions for the other two foam agents, with one instance of an increase in dust concentration. Overall, the use of foam agents can provide longwall shield dust control. Important factors are roof coverage and the ability of foam to remain on the roof for extended time periods. |
A laboratory investigation of underside shield sprays to improve dust control of longwall water spray systems
Klima SS , Reed WR , Driscoll JS , Mazzella AL . Min Metall Explor 2020 38 (1) 593-602 Researchers at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) performed laboratory testing to improve longwall dust control by examining the use of underside shield sprays in conjunction with the longwall directional spray system. In a field survey of longwall operations, NIOSH researchers observed dust clouds created by the fracturing and spalling of coal immediately upwind of the headgate drum that migrated into the walkway, exposing mining personnel to respirable coal dust. The goal of this research was to create an effective traveling water curtain to prevent this dust from reaching the personnel walkway by redirecting it toward the longwall face. The location, orientation, and pressure of the water sprays were the primary testing parameters examined for minimizing dust exposure in the walkway. Laboratory testing indicates that the use of underside shield sprays on the longwall face may be beneficial toward reducing respirable dust exposure for mining personnel. |
Field testing of roof bolter canopy air curtain operating downwind of the continuous miner
Reed WR , Shahan M , Gangrade V , Ross G , Singh K , Grounds T . Min Metall Explor 2020 38 (1) 581-592 Roof bolter canopy air curtains (CACs) are gaining acceptance as a respirable dust control device that can provide roof bolter operators with protection from overexposure to respirable coal mine dust. Both lab and field studies on the effectiveness of roof bolter CACs have been published. Field studies have shown the effectiveness to be variable. However, in all previous field studies, none has been conducted when the roof bolting machine operates downwind of the continuous miner (CM)—a scenario for which the CAC was designed to provide respirable dust control. This study, performed by researchers from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), was conducted to test a CAC on a roof bolter machine operating downwind of the CM. The results of testing demonstrated that the roof bolter CAC can effectively provide respirable dust protection for roof bolter operators with dust control efficiencies ranging from 11 to 40%. |
Field comparison of a roof bolter dry dust collection system with an original designed wet collection system for dust control
Reed WR , Shahan M , Ross G , Blackwell D , Peters S . Min Metall Explor 2020 37 1885-1898 Dust collectors for roof bolting machines generally use a dry box to collect the roof bolting material. Recently, an underground mining operation converted a dry box dust collector to a wet box dust collector with a unique exception from MSHA for testing purposes. Water is routed to the roof bolter from the main water line of the continuous miner. The wet box utilizes a water spray to wet the incoming material. Testing was conducted comparing the two different collector types. Respirable dust concentrations surrounding the roof bolter with the different collection boxes were similar. The main difference in respirable dust concentrations occurred when cleaning the dust boxes. The average respirable dust concentration during cleaning of the wet box was 0.475 mg/m3, and during the cleaning of the dry box, the average respirable dust concentration was 1.188 mg/m3, a 60% reduction in respirable dust concentration. The quartz content of the roof material was high, ranging from 28.9 to 52.7% during this study. The results from this study indicate that using the wet box as a collector reduced exposure to respirable dust up to 60% when cleaning the collector boxes. |
Effects of roof bolter canopy air curtain on airflow and dust dispersion in an entry using exhaust curtain ventilation
Zheng Y , Reed WR . Min Metall Explor 2020 37 (6) 1865-1875 A recent study conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) evaluated the roof bolter canopy air curtain (CAC) system in a blowing face ventilation system, demonstrating its effectiveness and illustrating the CAC protection zones. This study evaluates the roof bolter machine CAC while operating in an exhausting face ventilation system. This study considers two similar locations to allow comparison with the previous blowing face ventilation (Zheng et al., Min Metal Explor 36(6):1115–1126, (2019)) study: (1) a roof bolter machine bolting the roof at 20 ft (6.1 m) from the face and (2) a roof bolting machine bolting at 4 ft (1.2 m) from the face. The environment introduces 6.0 mg/m3 of respirable dust to represent the roof bolting machine operating downstream of the continuous miner. However, the exhausting face ventilation uses an exhaust curtain with 9000 cfm (4.25 m3/s) of air. Two roof bolter machine working positions are simulated with the use of dual drill heads in the inward position for two inside bolts and in the outward position for two outside bolts. The influence of the CAC on airflows and dust dispersion is evaluated with the CAC operating at 250 cfm (0.12 m3/s) with dust reductions ranging from 39.5 to 82.8%. When the roof bolter machine operated close to the face, increasing CAC airflow was required for adequate protection since the dust reductions can be as low as 39.5%. Additional CAC airflows of 350 cfm (0.17 m3/s) and 450 cfm (0.21 m3/s) were evaluated and demonstrated that dust reductions increased to 59.7% (350 cfm) and 72.0% (450 cfm) for the worst location where the roof bolter operators located. |
Field study results of a 3rd generation roof bolter canopy air curtain for respirable coal mine dust control
Reed WR , Shahan M , Klima S , Ross G , Singh K , Cross R , Grounds T . Int J Coal Sci Technol 2019 7 (1) [Epub ahead of print] A 3rd generation roof bolter canopy air curtain (CAC) has been developed and constructed by J.H. Fletcher & Co., Inc. As with the previous generation of the CAC, this design uses the principle of providing uniform airflow across the canopy area as recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The new modifications include a plenum that is constructed of a single flat aluminum plate, smaller-diameter airflow openings, and a single row of perimeter nozzles designed to prevent mine air contaminated by respirable dust from entering the CAC protection zone. Field testing was conducted on this new 3rd generation design showing reductions in coal mine respirable dust exposure for roof bolter operators. Dust control efficiencies for the CAC for the left bolter operator (intake side) ranged from approximately 26%-60%, while the efficiencies for the CAC for the right bolter operator (return side) ranged from 3% to 47%. |
The design of a laboratory apparatus to simulate the dust generated by longwall shield advances
Shahan MR , Reed WR . Int J Coal Sci Technol 2019 6 A laboratory apparatus (shield dust simulator) was designed and constructed to simulate the dust generated during the advance of longwall hydraulic roof supports, or shields. The objective of the study was to develop a tool that could be used to test the hypothesis that foam applied to a mine roof prior to a shield advance could be used to reduce the respirable dust generated during shield advances. This paper will outline the design parameters for the development of the system, as well as describe baseline testing of coal and limestone dust. Results show that the average instantaneous respirable dust concentrated during simulated shield advance. Confidence intervals were calculated from the instantaneous respirable dust data to determine the repeatability of the data produced by the device. |
Field investigation to measure airflow velocities of a ram dump car using circular routing at a Midwestern underground coal mine: a case study
Reed WR , Shahan M , Ross G , Singh K , Cross R , Grounds T . Environ Monit Assess 2019 191 (8) 515 Due to the successful application of roof bolter canopy air curtains (CACs) to protect roof bolter operators from high levels of coal mine respirable dust, a shuttle car CAC is currently being developed. Since a shuttle car consistently trams from the continuous miner to the feeder and back at a speed up to 9.66 kph (6 mph) or 2.68 m/s (528 fpm), it is thought that the shuttle car may encounter very high air velocities (mine ventilation air velocity + max shuttle speed (2.68 m/s (528 fpm)). Past research and preliminary lab testing showed that CAC protection in high interference air velocities is difficult to achieve. Therefore, testing was conducted at a Midwestern US coal mine to determine the air velocities their shuttle car actually encounters. This mine used ram dump cars as their shuttle cars. Results showed that coal mine dust exposure is generally very low at the feeder and when tramming. Elevated concentrations are encountered at the ram dump car operator position when the car is being loaded by the continuous miner. Recorded air velocities while tramming did not reach the max air velocity of mine ventilation air velocity + 2.68 m/s (528 fpm) calculated as 3.32 m/s (653 fpm). High velocities, while encountered, were of low frequency and associated with low respirable coal mine dust concentrations. Therefore, using this new information, designing the shuttle car CAC for maximum interference air velocity may not be as important as previously thought. |
Evaluation of roof bolter canopy air curtain effects on airflow and dust dispersion in an entry using blowing curtain ventilation
Zheng Y , Reed WR , Shahan MR , Rider JP . Min Metall Explor 2019 36 (6) [Epub ahead of print] Roof bolter operators may be exposed to high respirable dust concentrations on continuous miner sections with blowing face ventilation when bolting is performed downwind of the continuous miner. One solution to reduce the high respirable dust concentrations is to use a canopy air curtain (CAC) to deliver clean air from a filtered blower fan directly to the bolter operators under the canopies. The influence of CAC installation in the airflow and dust dispersion around the location of the roof bolter operator can be evaluated by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This study, performed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), considers two scenarios: (1) a roof bolting machine in the center of the entry for installation of the fifth row of bolts from the face, and (2) a roof bolting machine positioned close to the face for the installation of the last row of bolts. In both scenarios, the bolting machine is placed in an environment which contains 6.0 mg/m3 of respirable dust and is ventilated by a blowing curtain with 3000 cfm (1.42 m3/s) of air. This environment is used to simulate the roof bolter machine operating downstream of a continuous mining machine. Two operation positions are simulated at the same bolting location: dual drill heads in the inward position for two inside bolts and dual drill heads in the outward position for two outside bolts. The influence of the CAC on airflows and dust dispersion is evaluated with the CAC operating at 250 cfm (0.12 m3/s). |
Laboratory results of a 3rd generation roof bolter canopy air curtain for respirable coal mine dust control
Reed WR , Joy GJ , Shahan M , Klima S , Ross G . Int J Coal Sci Technol 2019 6 (1) 15-26 Testing was completed on an earlier roof bolter CAC that used slots to provide a perimeter airflow. NIOSH tested it due to its unique design that differed from canopies that provided uniform airflow. Based upon NIOSH recommendations from the earlier testing, a 3rd generation roof bolter CAC has been developed by J.H. Fletcher & Co. The changes to this CAC involve design modifications to the plenum outlets, using a single row of outlets on the perimeter and a different material for the plenum. This laboratory testing was a continuation of the original perimeter slotted CAC design. Using gravimetric and instantaneous sampling of respirable dust concentrations underneath and outside of the CAC, the laboratory testing was completed using three different blower fans that delivered differing airflows. The maximum plenum airflow velocities ranged from 2.34 to 3.64 m/s (460–716 fpm). Results showed plenum respirable dust concentrations ranging from 34.6% to 49.3% lower than respirable dust concentrations outside the plenum protection zone, thus showing an improvement in protection for the roof bolter operators. |
A field study of a roof bolter canopy air curtain (2nd generation) for respirable coal mine dust control
Reed WR , Klima S , Shahan M , Ross GJH , Singh K , Cross R , Grounds T . Int J Min Sci Technol 2019 29 (5) 711-720 A 2nd generation roof bolter canopy air curtain (CAC) design was tested by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) at a Midwestern underground coal mine. During the study, the roof bolter never operated downwind of the continuous miner. Using a combination of personal Data Rams (pDR) and gravimetric samplers, the dust control efficiency of the roof bolter CAC was ascertained. Performance evaluation was determined using three methods: (1) comparing roof bolter operator concentrations underneath the CAC to roof bolter concentrations outside the CAC, (2) comparing roof bolter operator concentrations underneath the CAC to the concentrations at the rear of the bolter, and finally, (3) using the gravimetric data directly underneath the CAC to correct roof bolter operator concentrations underneath the CAC and comparing them to the concentrations at the rear of the bolter. Method 1 dust control efficiencies ranged from −53.9% to 60.4%. Method 2 efficiencies ranged from −150.5% to 52.2%, and Method 3 efficiencies ranged from 40.7% to 91%. Reasons for negative and low dust control efficiencies are provided in this paper and include: incorrect sampling locations, large distance between CAC and operator, and contamination of intake air from line curtain. Low dust concentrations encountered during the testing made it difficult to discern whether differences in concentrations were due to the CAC or due to variances inherent in experimental dust measurement. However, the analyses, especially the Method 3 analysis, show that the CAC can be an effective dust control device. |
Field investigation to measure airflow velocities of a shuttle car using independent routes at a central Appalachian underground coal mine
Shahan M , Reed WR , Yekich M , Ross G . Min Eng 2018 70 (11) 41-47 Canopy air curtains on roof bolting machines have been proven to protect miners from respirable dust, preventing their overexposure to dust. Another desired application for canopy air curtains is in the compartments of shuttle cars. The challenges faced in developing the design of canopy air curtains for shuttle cars include mine ventilation rates in tandem with the shuttle car tram speeds. The resulting cab airspeeds may exceed 182 m/min (600 fpm), as found in the present study conducted in a central Appalachian underground coal mine by U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) researchers. Prior research and laboratory testing had indicated that successfully protecting a miner in high air velocities is difficult, because the clean air from the canopy air curtain is unable to penetrate through the high-velocity mine air. In this study, the dust concentrations to which a shuttle car operator was exposed were measured, and air velocities experienced by the operator were measured as well using a recording vane anemometer. The results indicate that the highest exposure to respirable dust, 2.22 mg/m3, occurred when the shuttle car was loading at the continuous miner, where the average airspeed was 48 m/min (157 fpm). While tramming, the operator was exposed to 0.77 mg/m3 of respirable dust with an average airspeed of 62 m/min (203 fpm). This study indicates that a canopy air curtain system can be designed to greatly reduce an operator's exposure to respirable dust by providing clean air to the operator, as the majority of the operator's dust exposure occurs in air velocities slower than 61 m/min (200 fpm). |
Laboratory testing of a shuttle car canopy air curtain for respirable coal mine dust control
Reed WR , Zheng Y , Yekich M , Ross G , Salem A . Int J Coal Sci Technol 2018 10 (3) 1007 Canopy air curtain (CAC) technology has been developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for use on continuous miners and subsequently roof bolting machines in underground coal mines to protect operators of these machines from overexposure to respirable coal mine dust. The next logical progression is to develop a CAC for shuttle cars to protect operators from the same overexposures. NIOSH awarded a contract to Marshall University and J.H. Fletcher to develop the shuttle car CAC. NIOSH conducted laboratory testing to determine the dust control efficiency of the shuttle car CAC. Testing was conducted on two different cab configurations: a center drive similar to that on a Joy 10SC32AA cab model and an end drive similar to that on a Joy 10SC32AB cab model. Three different ventilation velocities were tested-0.61, 2.0, 4.3 m/s (120, 400, and 850 fpm). The lowest, 0.61 m/s (120 fpm), represented the ventilation velocity encountered during loading by the continuous miner, while the 4.3 m/s (850 fpm) velocity represented ventilation velocity airflow over the shuttle car while tramming against ventilation airflow. Test results showed an average of the dust control efficiencies ranging from 74 to 83% for 0.61 m/s (120 fpm), 39%-43% for 2.0 m/s (400 fpm), and 6%-16% for 4.3 m/s (850 fpm). Incorporating an airflow spoiler to the shuttle car CAC design and placing the CAC so that it is located 22.86 cm (9 in.) forward of the operator improved the dust control efficiency to 51%-55% for 4.3 m/s (850 fpm) with minimal impact on dust control efficiencies for lower ventilation velocities. These laboratory tests demonstrate that the newly developed shuttle car CAC has the potential to successfully protect shuttle car operators from coal mine respirable dust overexposures. |
Dust control by air-blocking shelves and dust collector-to-bailing airflow ratios for a surface mine drill shroud
Zheng Y , Reed WR , Potts JD , Li M , Rider JP . Min Eng 2018 70 (5) 69-74 The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recently developed a series of validated models utilizing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the effects of air-blocking shelves on airflows and respirable dust distribution associated with medium-sized surface blasthole drill shrouds as part of a dry dust collector system. Using validated CFD models, three different air-blocking shelves were included in the present study: a 15.2-cm (6-in.)-wide shelf; a 7.6-cm (3-in.)-wide shelf; and a 7.6-cm (3-in.)-wide shelf at four different shelf heights. In addition, the dust-collector-to-bailing airflow ratios of 1.75:1, 1.5:1, 1.25:1 and 1:1 were evaluated for the 15.2-cm (6-in.)-wide air-blocking shelf. This paper describes the methodology used to develop the CFD models. The effects of air-blocking shelves and dust collector-to-bailing airflow ratios were identified by the study, and problem regions were revealed under certain conditions. © 2018 Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration. All rights reserved. |
Foam property tests to evaluate the potential for longwall shield dust control
Reed WR , Beck TW , Zheng Y , Klima S , Driscoll J . Min Eng 2018 70 (1) 35-41 Tests were conducted to determine properties of four foam agents for their potential use in longwall mining dust control. Foam has been tried in underground mining in the past for dust control and is currently being reconsidered for use in underground coal longwall operations in order to help those operations comply with the Mine Safety and Health Administration's lower coal mine respirable dust standard of 1.5 mg/m3. Foams were generated using two different methods. One method used compressed air and water pressure to generate foam, while the other method used low-pressure air generated by a blower and water pressure using a foam generator developed by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Foam property tests, consisting of a foam expansion ratio test and a water drainage test, were conducted to classify foams. Compressed-Air-generated foams tended to have low expansion ratios, from 10 to 19, with high water drainage. Blower-Air-generated foams had higher foam expansion ratios, from 30 to 60, with lower water drainage. Foams produced within these ranges of expansion ratios are stable and potentially suitable for dust control. The test results eliminated two foam agents for future testing because they had poor expansion ratios. The remaining two foam agents seem to have properties adequate for dust control. These material property tests can be used to classify foams for their potential use in longwall mining dust control. |
Experimental study on foam coverage on simulated longwall roof
Reed WR , Zheng Y , Klima S , Shahan MR , Beck TW . Trans Soc Min Metall Explor Inc 2017 342 (1) 72-82 Testing was conducted to determine the ability of foam to maintain roof coverage in a simulated longwall mining environment. Approximately 27 percent of respirable coal mine dust can be attributed to longwall shield movement, and developing controls for this dust source has been difficult. The application of foam is a possible dust control method for this source. Laboratory testing of two foam agents was conducted to determine the ability of the foam to adhere to a simulated longwall face roof surface. Two different foam generation methods were used: compressed air and blower air. Using a new imaging technology, image processing and analysis utilizing ImageJ software produced quantifiable results of foam roof coverage. For compressed air foam in 3.3 m/s (650 fpm) ventilation, 98 percent of agent A was intact while 95 percent of agent B was intact on the roof at three minutes after application. At 30 minutes after application, 94 percent of agent A was intact while only 20 percent of agent B remained. For blower air in 3.3 m/s (650 fpm) ventilation, the results were dependent upon nozzle type. Three different nozzles were tested. At 30 min after application, 74 to 92 percent of foam agent A remained, while 3 to 50 percent of foam agent B remained. Compressed air foam seems to remain intact for longer durations and is easier to apply than blower air foam. However, more water drained from the foam when using compressed air foam, which demonstrates that blower air foam retains more water at the roof surface. Agent A seemed to be the better performer as far as roof application is concerned. This testing demonstrates that roof application of foam is feasible and is able to withstand a typical face ventilation velocity, establishing this technique's potential for longwall shield dust control. |
Development of a roof bolter canopy air curtain for respirable dust control
Reed WR , Joy GJ , Kendall B , Bailey A , Zheng Y . Min Eng 2017 69 (1) 33-39 Testing of the roof bolter canopy air curtain (CAC) designed by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has gone through many iterations, demonstrating successful dust control performance under controlled laboratory conditions. J.H. Fletcher & Co., an original equipment manufacturer of mining equipment, further developed the concept by incorporating it into the design of its roof bolting machines. In the present work, laboratory testing was conducted, showing dust control efficiencies ranging from 17.2 to 24.5 percent. Subsequent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis revealed limitations in the design, and a potential improvement was analyzed and recommended. As a result, a new CAC design is being developed, incorporating the results of the testing and CFD analysis. |
Influence of continuous mining arrangements on respirable dust exposures
Beck TW , Organiscak JA , Pollock DE , Potts JD , Reed WR . Trans Soc Min Metall Explor Inc 2016 340 (1) 1-10 In underground continuous mining operations, ventilation, water sprays and machine-mounted flooded-bed scrubbers are the primary means of controlling respirable dust exposures at the working face. Changes in mining arrangements - such as face ventilation configuration, orientation of crosscuts mined in relation to the section ventilation and equipment operator positioning - can have impacts on the ability of dust controls to reduce occupational respirable dust exposures. This study reports and analyzes dust concentrations measured by the Pittsburgh Mining Research Division for remote-controlled continuous mining machine operators as well as haulage operators at 10 U.S. underground mines. The results of these respirable dust surveys show that continuous miner exposures varied little with depth of cut but are significantly higher with exhaust ventilation. Haulage operators experienced elevated concentrations with blowing face ventilation. Elevated dust concentrations were observed for both continuous miner operators and haulage operators when working in crosscuts driven into or counter to the section airflow. Individual cuts are highlighted to demonstrate instances of minimal and excessive dust exposures attributable to particular mining configurations. These findings form the basis for recommendations for lowering face worker respirable dust exposures. |
Computational fluid dynamic modeling of a medium-sized surface mine blasthole drill shroud
Zheng Y , Reed WR , Zhou L , Rider JP . Min Eng 2016 68 (11) 43-49 The Pittsburgh Mining Research Division of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recently developed a series of models using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study airflows and respirable dust distribution associated with a mediumsized surface blasthole drill shroud with a dry dust collector system. Previously run experiments conducted in NIOSH's full-scale drill shroud laboratory were used to validate the models. The setup values in the CFD models were calculated from experimental data obtained from the drill shroud laboratory and measurements of test material particle size. Subsequent simulation results were compared with the experimental data for several test scenarios, including 0.14 m3/s (300 cfm) and 0.24 m3/s (500 cfm) bailing airflow with 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1 dust collector-tobailing airflow ratios. For the 2:1 and 3:1 ratios, the calculated dust concentrations from the CFD models were within the 95 percent confidence intervals of the experimental data. This paper describes the methodology used to develop the CFD models, to calculate the model input and to validate the models based on the experimental data. Problem regions were identified and revealed by the study. The simulation results could be used for future development of dust control methods for a surface mine blasthole drill shroud. |
Debilitating lung disease among surface coal miners with no underground mining tenure
Halldin CN , Reed WR , Joy GJ , Colinet JF , Rider JP , Petsonk EL , Abraham JL , Wolfe AL , Storey E , Laney AS . J Occup Environ Med 2015 57 (1) 62-7 OBJECTIVE: To characterize exposure histories and respiratory disease among surface coal miners identified with progressive massive fibrosis from a 2010 to 2011 pneumoconiosis survey. METHODS: Job history, tenure, and radiograph interpretations were verified. Previous radiographs were reviewed when available. Telephone follow-up sought additional work and medical history information. RESULTS: Among eight miners who worked as drill operators or blasters for most of their tenure (median, 35.5 years), two reported poor dust control practices, working in visible dust clouds as recently as 2012. Chest radiographs progressed to progressive massive fibrosis in as few as 11 years. One miner's lung biopsy demonstrated fibrosis and interstitial accumulation of macrophages containing abundant silica, aluminum silicate, and titanium dust particles. CONCLUSIONS: Overexposure to respirable silica resulted in progressive massive fibrosis among current surface coal miners with no underground mining tenure. Inadequate dust control during drilling/blasting is likely an important etiologic factor. |
Field evaluation of air-blocking shelf for dust control on blasthole drills
Potts JD , Reed WR . Int J Min Reclam Environ 2011 25 (1) 32-40 In previous studies, an air-blocking shelf has been shown to be successful in reducing respirable dust leakage from the drill shroud in a laboratory setting. Dust reductions of up to 81% were achieved with the shelf under operating conditions consisting of a 1.9:1 collector-to-bailing airflow ratio and a 5.1-cm gap between the shroud and ground. Recent research focused on evaluating the shelf on two actual operating blasthole drills, in much more severe environments. In the field, the shelf reduced dust levels in the areas surrounding one operating blasthole drill by 70%. Dust reductions measured in the immediate vicinity of the shroud were reduced by 66% at one mine and 81% at the other mine. These field tests confirm that the air-blocking shelf is useful for reducing respirable dust generation from blasthole drills. |
Rates and costs of respiratory illness in coal mining: a cross-industry comparative analysis
Van Houtven G , Reed WR , Biddle EA , Volkwein JC , Clayton L , Finkelstein E . J Occup Environ Med 2010 52 (6) 610-7 OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and costs of respiratory illness for workers in coal mining, compared with other US industries. METHODS: Using 5 years of insurance claims data for an annual average of 96,240 adult males, we model the probability and costs of respiratory illness as a function of workers' industry and other factors. RESULTS: Controlling for nonindustry factors, workers in coal mining had significantly higher rates of respiratory illness claims (by 2.1% to 3.3% points) compared with other mining, agriculture, construction, and manufacturing. For coal mining workers with respiratory illness, annual medical care costs for these claims were also significantly higher (by $111 to $289). Surprisingly, drug costs were mostly lower (by $17 to $268). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings underscore the continued importance and potential cost effectiveness of measures to protect miners from harmful occupational exposures, particularly to coal dust. |
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