Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-11 (of 11 Records) |
Query Trace: Reagan-Steiner Sarah[original query] |
Brainstorm: A case of granulomatous encephalitis
Benoit Patrick , Wang Stephanie , Wang Catherine , Chakravarti Arpita , Villalba Julian A , Ali Ibne Karim M , Roy Shantanu , Sapp Sarah GH , Reagan-Steiner Sarah , Nelson Kristoff , Cayrol Romain , Luong Me-Linh , Grand'Maison Sophie , Desjardins Michaël . J Assoc Med Microbiol Infect Dis Can 2024 9 (2) 113-120 Background: Free-living amoebas (FLAs) can cause severe and fatal central nervous system infections that are difficult to diagnose. Methods: We present the case of a 74-year-old immunocompetent woman admitted for focal neurological symptoms with enhancing lesions in the right cerebellar hemisphere. A first cerebral biopsy showed granulomatous inflammation, but no microorganisms were identified. After transient clinical improvement, she eventually deteriorated 4 months after initial presentation, with an MRI confirming multiple new masses affecting all cerebral lobes. Results: A second brain biopsy revealed granulomatous and acute inflammation with organisms containing a large central nucleus with prominent karyosome, consistent with FLAs. Immunohistochemical and polymerase chain reaction assays performed at CDC were positive for Acanthamoeba spp, confirming the diagnosis of granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) caused by Acanthamoeba spp. The patient was treated with combination therapy recommended by CDC, but died a few days later. Upon histopathological rereview, amoebic cysts and trophozoites were identified by histochemical and immunohistochemical methods in the first cerebral biopsy. Conclusion: FLA infections can be challenging to diagnose because of the low incidence, non-specific clinical and radiological presentation, lack of accessible diagnostic tools, and clinicians' unfamiliarity. This case highlights the importance of recognizing FLA as a potential cause of granulomatous encephalitis, even in the absence of risk factors, as early treatment might be associated with favourable outcomes in case reports. When suspected, CDC laboratories offer tests to confirm the diagnosis promptly. | Historique : Les amibes libres peuvent causer des infections du système nerveux central graves et fatales qui sont difficiles à diagnostiquer. Méthodologie : Les auteurs présentent le cas d'une femme immunocompétente de 74 ans hospitalisée à cause de symptômes neurologiques focaux avec lésions rehaussantes dans l'hémisphère cérébelleux droit. Une première biopsie cérébrale a révélé une inflammation granulomateuse, mais aucun microorganisme n'a été décelé. Après une amélioration clinique transitoire, son état s'est détérioré quatre mois après la première consultation, et l'IRM a confirmé de multiples nouvelles masses touchant tous les lobes cérébraux. Résultats : Une deuxième biopsie cérébrale a révélé une inflammation granulomateuse aiguë par des organismes dont les gros noyaux centraux et les caryosomes volumineux étaient évocateurs d'amibes libres. L'immunohistochimie et l'amplification en chaîne par polymérase effectuées aux CDC se sont avérés positives pour Acanthamoeba spp, ce qui a confirmé un diagnostic d'encéphalite amibienne granulomateuse causée par Acanthamoeba spp. La patiente a reçu une polythérapie recommandée par les CDC, mais est malheureusement décédée quelques jours plus tard. À la reprise de l'analyse histopathologique, des kystes amibiens et des trophozoïtes ont été décelés dans la première biopsie cérébrale par des méthodes histochimiques et immunohistochimiques. Conclusion : Les infections par des amibes libres peuvent être difficiles à diagnostiquer en raison de leur faible incidence, de leur présentation clinique et radiologique non spécifique, de l'absence d'outils diagnostiques accessibles et de la méconnaissance des cliniciens. Ce cas renforce l'importance d'inclure les amibes libres dans les causes potentielles d'encéphalite granulomateuse, même en l'absence de facteurs de risque, car un traitement rapide a été associé à des résultats favorables dans certains rapports de cas. Lorsqu'on en soupçonne la présence, les laboratoires des CDC offrent des tests pour confirmer rapidement le diagnostic. |
Initial public health response and interim clinical guidance for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak - United States, December 31, 2019-February 4, 2020.
Patel A , Jernigan DB , 2019-nCOV CDC Response Team , Abdirizak Fatuma , Abedi Glen , Aggarwal Sharad , Albina Denise , Allen Elizabeth , Andersen Lauren , Anderson Jade , Anderson Megan , Anderson Tara , Anderson Kayla , Bardossy Ana Cecilia , Barry Vaughn , Beer Karlyn , Bell Michael , Berger Sherri , Bertulfo Joseph , Biggs Holly , Bornemann Jennifer , Bornstein Josh , Bower Willie , Bresee Joseph , Brown Clive , Budd Alicia , Buigut Jennifer , Burke Stephen , Burke Rachel , Burns Erin , Butler Jay , Cantrell Russell , Cardemil Cristina , Cates Jordan , Cetron Marty , Chatham-Stephens Kevin , Chatham-Stevens Kevin , Chea Nora , Christensen Bryan , Chu Victoria , Clarke Kevin , Cleveland Angela , Cohen Nicole , Cohen Max , Cohn Amanda , Collins Jennifer , Conners Erin , Curns Aaron , Dahl Rebecca , Daley Walter , Dasari Vishal , Davlantes Elizabeth , Dawson Patrick , Delaney Lisa , Donahue Matthew , Dowell Chad , Dyal Jonathan , Edens William , Eidex Rachel , Epstein Lauren , Evans Mary , Fagan Ryan , Farris Kevin , Feldstein Leora , Fox LeAnne , Frank Mark , Freeman Brandi , Fry Alicia , Fuller James , Galang Romeo , Gerber Sue , Gokhale Runa , Goldstein Sue , Gorman Sue , Gregg William , Greim William , Grube Steven , Hall Aron , Haynes Amber , Hill Sherrasa , Hornsby-Myers Jennifer , Hunter Jennifer , Ionta Christopher , Isenhour Cheryl , Jacobs Max , Jacobs Slifka Kara , Jernigan Daniel , Jhung Michael , Jones-Wormley Jamie , Kambhampati Anita , Kamili Shifaq , Kennedy Pamela , Kent Charlotte , Killerby Marie , Kim Lindsay , Kirking Hannah , Koonin Lisa , Koppaka Ram , Kosmos Christine , Kuhar David , Kuhnert-Tallman Wendi , Kujawski Stephanie , Kumar Archana , Landon Alexander , Lee Leslie , Leung Jessica , Lindstrom Stephen , Link-Gelles Ruth , Lively Joana , Lu Xiaoyan , Lynch Brian , Malapati Lakshmi , Mandel Samantha , Manns Brian , Marano Nina , Marlow Mariel , Marston Barbara , McClung Nancy , McClure Liz , McDonald Emily , McGovern Oliva , Messonnier Nancy , Midgley Claire , Moulia Danielle , Murray Janna , Noelte Kate , Noonan-Smith Michelle , Nordlund Kristen , Norton Emily , Oliver Sara , Pallansch Mark , Parashar Umesh , Patel Anita , Patel Manisha , Pettrone Kristen , Pierce Taran , Pietz Harald , Pillai Satish , Radonovich Lewis , Reagan-Steiner Sarah , Reel Amy , Reese Heather , Rha Brian , Ricks Philip , Rolfes Melissa , Roohi Shahrokh , Roper Lauren , Rotz Lisa , Routh Janell , Sakthivel Senthil Kumar Sarmiento Luisa , Schindelar Jessica , Schneider Eileen , Schuchat Anne , Scott Sarah , Shetty Varun , Shockey Caitlin , Shugart Jill , Stenger Mark , Stuckey Matthew , Sunshine Brittany , Sykes Tamara , Trapp Jonathan , Uyeki Timothy , Vahey Grace , Valderrama Amy , Villanueva Julie , Walker Tunicia , Wallace Megan , Wang Lijuan , Watson John , Weber Angie , Weinbaum Cindy , Weldon William , Westnedge Caroline , Whitaker Brett , Whitaker Michael , Williams Alcia , Williams Holly , Willams Ian , Wong Karen , Xie Amy , Yousef Anna . Am J Transplant 2020 20 (3) 889-895 This article summarizes what is currently known about the 2019 novel coronavirus and offers interim guidance. |
Acute hepatitis and adenovirus infection among children-Alabama, October 2021-February 2022.
Baker Julia M, Buchfellner Markus, Britt William, Sanchez Veronica, Potter Jennifer L, Ingram L Amanda, Shiau Henry, Sanchez Luz Helena Gutierrez, Saaybi Stephanie, Kelly David, Lu Xiaoyan, Vega Everardo M, Ayers-Millsap Stephanie, Willeford Wesley G, Rassaei Negar, Bullock Hannah, Reagan-Steiner Sarah, Martin Ali, Moulton Elizabeth A, Lamson Daryl M, St George Kirsten, Parashar Umesh D, Hall Aron J, MacNeil Adam, Tate Jacqueline E, Kirking Hannah L . American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons 2022 7 (7) 1919-1921 |
Intersecting Paths of Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases.
Wilson TM , Paddock CD , Reagan-Steiner S , Bhatnagar J , Martines RB , Wiens AL , Madsen M , Komatsu KK , Venkat H , Zaki SR . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (5) 1517-1519 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) shares common clinicopathologic features with other severe pulmonary illnesses. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome was diagnosed in 2 patients in Arizona, USA, suspected of dying from infection with SARS-CoV-2. Differential diagnoses and possible co-infections should be considered for cases of respiratory distress during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. |
Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Tropism in the Lungs, Airways and Vascular Endothelium of Patients with Fatal COVID-19: An Autopsy Case-Series.
Bhatnagar J , Gary J , Reagan-Steiner S , Estetter LB , Tong S , Tao Y , Denison AM , Lee E , DeLeon-Carnes M , Li Y , Uehara A , Paden CR , Leitgeb B , Uyeki TM , Martines RB , Ritter JM , Paddock CD , Shieh WJ , Zaki SR . J Infect Dis 2021 223 (5) 752-764 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to produce substantial morbidity and mortality. To understand the reasons for the wide-spectrum complications and severe outcomes of COVID-19, we aimed to identify cellular targets of SARS-CoV-2 tropism and replication in various tissues. METHODS: We evaluated RNA extracted from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded autopsy tissues from 64 case-patients (age range: 1 month to 84 years; COVID-19 confirmed n=21, suspected n=43) by SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR. For cellular localization of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and viral characterization, we performed in-situ hybridization (ISH), subgenomic RNA RT-PCR, and whole genome sequencing. RESULTS: SARS-CoV-2 was identified by RT-PCR in 32 case-patients (confirmed n=21 and suspected n=11). ISH was positive in 20 and subgenomic RNA RT-PCR was positive in 17 of 32 RT-PCR-positive case-patients. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was localized by ISH in hyaline membranes, pneumocytes and macrophages of lungs, epithelial cells of airways, and in endothelial cells and vessels wall of brain stem, leptomeninges, lung, heart, liver, kidney, and pancreas. D614G variant was detected in 9 RT-PCR-positive case-patients. CONCLUSIONS: We identified cellular targets of SARS-CoV-2 tropism and replication in the lungs and airways and demonstrated its direct infection in vascular endothelium. This work provides important insights into COVID-19 pathogenesis and mechanisms of severe outcomes. |
Update: Characteristics of Health Care Personnel with COVID-19 - United States, February 12-July 16, 2020.
Hughes MM , Groenewold MR , Lessem SE , Xu K , Ussery EN , Wiegand RE , Qin X , Do T , Thomas D , Tsai S , Davidson A , Latash J , Eckel S , Collins J , Ojo M , McHugh L , Li W , Chen J , Chan J , Wortham JM , Reagan-Steiner S , Lee JT , Reddy SC , Kuhar DT , Burrer SL , Stuckey MJ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (38) 1364-1368 As of September 21, 2020, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic had resulted in 6,786,352 cases and 199,024 deaths in the United States.* Health care personnel (HCP) are essential workers at risk for exposure to patients or infectious materials (1). The impact of COVID-19 on U.S. HCP was first described using national case surveillance data in April 2020 (2). Since then, the number of reported HCP with COVID-19 has increased tenfold. This update describes demographic characteristics, underlying medical conditions, hospitalizations, and intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, stratified by vital status, among 100,570 HCP with COVID-19 reported to CDC during February 12-July 16, 2020. HCP occupation type and job setting are newly reported. HCP status was available for 571,708 (22%) of 2,633,585 cases reported to CDC. Most HCP with COVID-19 were female (79%), aged 16-44 years (57%), not hospitalized (92%), and lacked all 10 underlying medical conditions specified on the case report form(†) (56%). Of HCP with COVID-19, 641 died. Compared with nonfatal COVID-19 HCP cases, a higher percentage of fatal cases occurred in males (38% versus 22%), persons aged ≥65 years (44% versus 4%), non-Hispanic Asians (Asians) (20% versus 9%), non-Hispanic Blacks (Blacks) (32% versus 25%), and persons with any of the 10 underlying medical conditions specified on the case report form (92% versus 41%). From a subset of jurisdictions reporting occupation type or job setting for HCP with COVID-19, nurses were the most frequently identified single occupation type (30%), and nursing and residential care facilities were the most common job setting (67%). Ensuring access to personal protective equipment (PPE) and training, and practices such as universal use of face masks at work, wearing masks in the community, and observing social distancing remain critical strategies to protect HCP and those they serve. |
SARS-CoV-2-Associated Deaths Among Persons Aged <21 Years - United States, February 12-July 31, 2020.
Bixler D , Miller AD , Mattison CP , Taylor B , Komatsu K , Peterson Pompa X , Moon S , Karmarkar E , Liu CY , Openshaw JJ , Plotzker RE , Rosen HE , Alden N , Kawasaki B , Siniscalchi A , Leapley A , Drenzek C , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Kauerauf J , Reid H , Hawkins E , White K , Ahmed F , Hand J , Richardson G , Sokol T , Eckel S , Collins J , Holzbauer S , Kollmann L , Larson L , Schiffman E , Kittle TS , Hertin K , Kraushaar V , Raman D , LeGarde V , Kinsinger L , Peek-Bullock M , Lifshitz J , Ojo M , Arciuolo RJ , Davidson A , Huynh M , Lash MK , Latash J , Lee EH , Li L , McGibbon E , McIntosh-Beckles N , Pouchet R , Ramachandran JS , Reilly KH , Dufort E , Pulver W , Zamcheck A , Wilson E , de Fijter S , Naqvi O , Nalluswami K , Waller K , Bell LJ , Burch AK , Radcliffe R , Fiscus MD , Lewis A , Kolsin J , Pont S , Salinas A , Sanders K , Barbeau B , Althomsons S , Atti S , Brown JS , Chang A , Clarke KR , Datta SD , Iskander J , Leitgeb B , Pindyck T , Priyamvada L , Reagan-Steiner S , Scott NA , Viens LJ , Zhong J , Koumans EH . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (37) 1324-1329 Since February 12, 2020, approximately 6.5 million cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and 190,000 SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths have been reported in the United States (1,2). Symptoms associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection are milder in children compared with adults (3). Persons aged <21 years constitute 26% of the U.S. population (4), and this report describes characteristics of U.S. persons in that population who died in association with SARS-CoV-2 infection, as reported by public health jurisdictions. Among 121 SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths reported to CDC among persons aged <21 years in the United States during February 12-July 31, 2020, 63% occurred in males, 10% of decedents were aged <1 year, 20% were aged 1-9 years, 70% were aged 10-20 years, 45% were Hispanic persons, 29% were non-Hispanic Black (Black) persons, and 4% were non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons. Among these 121 decedents, 91 (75%) had an underlying medical condition,* 79 (65%) died after admission to a hospital, and 39 (32%) died at home or in the emergency department (ED).(†) These data show that nearly three quarters of SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths among infants, children, adolescents, and young adults have occurred in persons aged 10-20 years, with a disproportionate percentage among young adults aged 18-20 years and among Hispanics, Blacks, AI/ANs, and persons with underlying medical conditions. Careful monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 infections, deaths, and other severe outcomes among persons aged <21 years remains particularly important as schools reopen in the United States. Ongoing evaluation of effectiveness of prevention and control strategies will also be important to inform public health guidance for schools and parents and other caregivers. |
Characteristics of Persons Who Died with COVID-19 - United States, February 12-May 18, 2020.
Wortham JM , Lee JT , Althomsons S , Latash J , Davidson A , Guerra K , Murray K , McGibbon E , Pichardo C , Toro B , Li L , Paladini M , Eddy ML , Reilly KH , McHugh L , Thomas D , Tsai S , Ojo M , Rolland S , Bhat M , Hutchinson K , Sabel J , Eckel S , Collins J , Donovan C , Cope A , Kawasaki B , McLafferty S , Alden N , Herlihy R , Barbeau B , Dunn AC , Clark C , Pontones P , McLafferty ML , Sidelinger DE , Krueger A , Kollmann L , Larson L , Holzbauer S , Lynfield R , Westergaard R , Crawford R , Zhao L , Bressler JM , Read JS , Dunn J , Lewis A , Richardson G , Hand J , Sokol T , Adkins SH , Leitgeb B , Pindyck T , Eure T , Wong K , Datta D , Appiah GD , Brown J , Traxler R , Koumans EH , Reagan-Steiner S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (28) 923-929 During January 1, 2020-May 18, 2020, approximately 1.3 million cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and 83,000 COVID-19-associated deaths were reported in the United States (1). Understanding the demographic and clinical characteristics of decedents could inform medical and public health interventions focused on preventing COVID-19-associated mortality. This report describes decedents with laboratory-confirmed infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, using data from 1) the standardized CDC case-report form (case-based surveillance) ( and 2) supplementary data (supplemental surveillance), such as underlying medical conditions and location of death, obtained through collaboration between CDC and 16 public health jurisdictions (15 states and New York City). |
Pathology and Pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Associated with Fatal Coronavirus Disease, United States.
Martines RB , Ritter JM , Matkovic E , Gary J , Bollweg BC , Bullock H , Goldsmith CS , Silva-Flannery L , Seixas JN , Reagan-Steiner S , Uyeki T , Denison A , Bhatnagar J , Shieh WJ , Zaki SR , Covid-Pathology Working Group . Emerg Infect Dis 2020 26 (9) 2005-2015 An ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Characterization of the histopathology and cellular localization of SARS-CoV-2 in the tissues of patients with fatal COVID-19 is critical to further understand its pathogenesis and transmission and for public health prevention measures. We report clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic findings in tissues from 8 fatal laboratory-confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the United States. All cases except 1 were in residents of long-term care facilities. In these patients, SARS-CoV-2 infected epithelium of the upper and lower airways with diffuse alveolar damage as the predominant pulmonary pathology. SARS-CoV-2 was detectable by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy in conducting airways, pneumocytes, alveolar macrophages, and a hilar lymph node but was not identified in other extrapulmonary tissues. Respiratory viral co-infections were identified in 3 cases; 3 cases had evidence of bacterial co-infection. |
Evidence for Limited Early Spread of COVID-19 Within the United States, January-February 2020.
CDC COVID-19 Response Team , Jorden MA , Rudman SL , Villarino E , Hoferka S , Patel MT , Bemis K , Simmons CR , Jespersen M , Iberg Johnson J , Mytty E , Arends KD , Henderson JJ , Mathes RW , Weng CX , Duchin J , Lenahan J , Close N , Bedford T , Boeckh M , Chu HY , Englund JA , Famulare M , Nickerson DA , Rieder MJ , Shendure J , Starita LM , Armstrong Gregory L , Butler Jay C , Coletta Michael A , Kite-Powell Aaron , Bhatnagar Julu , Reagan-Steiner Sarah , Tong Suxiang , Flannery Brendan , Ferdinands Jill M , Chung Jessie R . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (22) 680-684 ![]() From January 21 through February 23, 2020, public health agencies detected 14 U.S. cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), all related to travel from China (1,2). The first nontravel-related U.S. case was confirmed on February 26 in a California resident who had become ill on February 13 (3). Two days later, on February 28, a second nontravel-related case was confirmed in the state of Washington (4,5). Examination of four lines of evidence provides insight into the timing of introduction and early transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, into the United States before the detection of these two cases. First, syndromic surveillance based on emergency department records from counties affected early by the pandemic did not show an increase in visits for COVID-19-like illness before February 28. Second, retrospective SARS-CoV-2 testing of approximately 11,000 respiratory specimens from several U.S. locations beginning January 1 identified no positive results before February 20. Third, analysis of viral RNA sequences from early cases suggested that a single lineage of virus imported directly or indirectly from China began circulating in the United States between January 18 and February 9, followed by several SARS-CoV-2 importations from Europe. Finally, the occurrence of three cases, one in a California resident who died on February 6, a second in another resident of the same county who died February 17, and a third in an unidentified passenger or crew member aboard a Pacific cruise ship that left San Francisco on February 11, confirms cryptic circulation of the virus by early February. These data indicate that sustained, community transmission had begun before detection of the first two nontravel-related U.S. cases, likely resulting from the importation of a single lineage of virus from China in late January or early February, followed by several importations from Europe. The widespread emergence of COVID-19 throughout the United States after February highlights the importance of robust public health systems to respond rapidly to emerging infectious threats. |
Zika Virus RNA Replication and Persistence in Brain and Placental Tissue.
Bhatnagar J , Rabeneck DB , Martines RB , Reagan-Steiner S , Ermias Y , Estetter LB , Suzuki T , Ritter J , Keating MK , Hale G , Gary J , Muehlenbachs A , Lambert A , Lanciotti R , Oduyebo T , Meaney-Delman D , Bolanos F , Saad EA , Shieh WJ , Zaki SR . Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (3) 405-414 ![]() Zika virus is causally linked with congenital microcephaly and may be associated with pregnancy loss. However, the mechanisms of Zika virus intrauterine transmission and replication and its tropism and persistence in tissues are poorly understood. We tested tissues from 52 case-patients: 8 infants with microcephaly who died and 44 women suspected of being infected with Zika virus during pregnancy. By reverse transcription PCR, tissues from 32 (62%) case-patients (brains from 8 infants with microcephaly and placental/fetal tissues from 24 women) were positive for Zika virus. In situ hybridization localized replicative Zika virus RNA in brains of 7 infants and in placentas of 9 women who had pregnancy losses during the first or second trimester. These findings demonstrate that Zika virus replicates and persists in fetal brains and placentas, providing direct evidence of its association with microcephaly. Tissue-based reverse transcription PCR extends the time frame of Zika virus detection in congenital and pregnancy-associated infections. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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