Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Razafindrakoto J[original query] |
Proactive community case management decreased malaria prevalence in rural Madagascar: results from a cluster randomized trial
Ratovoson R , Garchitorena A , Kassie D , Ravelonarivo JA , Andrianaranjaka V , Razanatsiorimalala S , Razafimandimby A , Rakotomanana F , Ohlstein L , Mangahasimbola R , Randrianirisoa SAN , Razafindrakoto J , Dentinger CM , Williamson J , Kapesa L , Piola P , Randrianarivelojosia M , Thwing J , Steinhardt LC , Baril L . BMC Med 2022 20 (1) 322 BACKGROUND: Malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with progress in malaria control stalling in recent years. Proactive community case management (pro-CCM) has been shown to increase access to diagnosis and treatment and reduce malaria burden. However, lack of experimental evidence may hinder the wider adoption of this intervention. We conducted a cluster randomized community intervention trial to assess the efficacy of pro-CCM at decreasing malaria prevalence in rural endemic areas of Madagascar. METHODS: Twenty-two fokontany (smallest administrative unit) of the Mananjary district in southeast Madagascar were selected and randomized 1:1 to pro-CCM (intervention) or conventional integrated community case management (iCCM). Residents of all ages in the intervention arm were visited by a community health worker every 2 weeks from March to October 2017 and screened for fever; those with fever were tested by a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and treated if positive. Malaria prevalence was assessed using RDTs on all consenting study area residents prior to and following the intervention. Hemoglobin was measured among women of reproductive age. Intervention impact was assessed via difference-in-differences analyses using logistic regressions in generalized estimating equations. RESULTS: A total of 27,087 and 20,475 individuals participated at baseline and endline, respectively. Malaria prevalence decreased from 8.0 to 5.4% in the intervention arm for individuals of all ages and from 6.8 to 5.7% in the control arm. Pro-CCM was associated with a significant reduction in the odds of malaria positivity in children less than 15 years (OR = 0.59; 95% CI [0.38-0.91]), but not in older age groups. There was no impact on anemia among women of reproductive age. CONCLUSION: This trial suggests that pro-CCM approaches could help reduce malaria burden in rural endemic areas of low- and middle-income countries, but their impact may be limited to younger age groups with the highest malaria burden. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT05223933. Registered on February 4, 2022. |
Experiences and perceptions of care-seeking for febrile illness among caregivers, pregnant women, and health providers in eight districts of Madagascar
Favero R , Dentinger CM , Rakotovao JP , Kapesa L , Andriamiharisoa H , Steinhardt LC , Randrianarisoa B , Sethi R , Gomez P , Razafindrakoto J , Razafimandimby E , Andrianandraina R , Andriamananjara MN , Ravaoarinosy A , Mioramalala SA , Rawlins B . Malar J 2022 21 (1) 212 BACKGROUND: Prompt diagnosis and treatment of malaria contributes to reduced morbidity, particularly among children and pregnant women; however, in Madagascar, care-seeking for febrile illness is often delayed. To describe factors influencing decisions for prompt care-seeking among caregivers of children aged < 15 years and pregnant women, a mixed-methods assessment was conducted with providers (HP), community health volunteers (CHV) and community members. METHODS: One health district from each of eight malaria-endemic zones of Madagascar were purposefully selected based on reported higher malaria transmission. Within districts, one urban and one rural community were randomly selected for participation. In-depth interviews (IDI) and focus group discussions (FGD) were conducted with caregivers, pregnant women, CHVs and HPs in these 16 communities to describe practices and, for HPs, system characteristics that support or inhibit care-seeking. Knowledge tests on malaria case management guidelines were administered to HPs, and logistics management systems were reviewed. RESULTS: Participants from eight rural and eight urban communities included 31 HPs from 10 public and 8 private Health Facilities (HF), five CHVs, 102 caregivers and 90 pregnant women. All participants in FGDs and IDIs reported that care-seeking for fever is frequently delayed until the ill person does not respond to home treatment or symptoms become more severe. Key care-seeking determinants for caregivers and pregnant women included cost, travel time and distance, and perception that the quality of care in HFs was poor. HPs felt that lack of commodities and heavy workloads hindered their ability to provide quality malaria care services. Malaria commodities were generally more available in public versus private HFs. CHVs were generally not consulted for malaria care and had limited commodities. CONCLUSIONS: Reducing cost and travel time to care and improving the quality of care may increase prompt care-seeking among vulnerable populations experiencing febrile illness. For patients, perceptions and quality of care could be improved with more reliable supplies, extended HF operating hours and staffing, supportive demeanors of HPs and seeking care with CHVs. For providers, malaria services could be improved by increasing the reliability of supply chains and providing additional staffing. CHVs may be an under-utilized resource for sick children. |
Efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Madagascar, 2018.
Dentinger CM , Rakotomanga TA , Rakotondrandriana A , Rakotoarisoa A , Rason MA , Moriarty LF , Steinhardt LC , Kapesa L , Razafindrakoto J , Svigel SS , Lucchi NW , Udhayakumar V , Halsey ES , Ratsimbasoa CA . Malar J 2021 20 (1) 432 BACKGROUND: Since 2005, artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) has been recommended to treat uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Madagascar. Artesunate-amodiaquine (ASAQ) and artemether-lumefantrine (AL) are the first- and second-line treatments, respectively. A therapeutic efficacy study was conducted to assess ACT efficacy and molecular markers of anti-malarial resistance. METHODS: Children aged six months to 14 years with uncomplicated falciparum malaria and a parasitaemia of 1000-100,000 parasites/µl determined by microscopy were enrolled from May-September 2018 in a 28-day in vivo trial using the 2009 World Health Organization protocol for monitoring anti-malarial efficacy. Participants from two communes, Ankazomborona (tropical, northwest) and Matanga (equatorial, southeast), were randomly assigned to ASAQ or AL arms at their respective sites. PCR correction was achieved by genotyping seven neutral microsatellites in paired pre- and post-treatment samples. Genotyping assays for molecular markers of resistance in the pfk13, pfcrt and pfmdr1 genes were conducted. RESULTS: Of 344 patients enrolled, 167/172 (97%) receiving ASAQ and 168/172 (98%) receiving AL completed the study. For ASAQ, the day-28 cumulative PCR-uncorrected efficacy was 100% (95% CI 100-100) and 95% (95% CI 91-100) for Ankazomborona and Matanga, respectively; for AL, it was 99% (95% CI 97-100) in Ankazomborona and 83% (95% CI 76-92) in Matanga. The day-28 cumulative PCR-corrected efficacy for ASAQ was 100% (95% CI 100-100) and 98% (95% CI 95-100) for Ankazomborona and Matanga, respectively; for AL, it was 100% (95% CI 99-100) in Ankazomborona and 95% (95% CI 91-100) in Matanga. Of 83 successfully sequenced samples for pfk13, no mutation associated with artemisinin resistance was observed. A majority of successfully sequenced samples for pfmdr1 carried either the NFD or NYD haplotypes corresponding to codons 86, 184 and 1246. Of 82 successfully sequenced samples for pfcrt, all were wild type at codons 72-76. CONCLUSION: PCR-corrected analysis indicated that ASAQ and AL have therapeutic efficacies above the 90% WHO acceptable cut-off. No genetic evidence of resistance to artemisinin was observed, which is consistent with the clinical outcome data. However, the most common pfmdr1 haplotypes were NYD and NFD, previously associated with tolerance to lumefantrine. |
Baseline malaria prevalence and care-seeking behaviours in rural Madagascar prior to a trial to expand malaria community case management to all ages
Sayre D , Steinhardt LC , Irinantenaina J , Dentinger C , Rasoanaivo TF , Kapesa L , Razafindrakoto J , Legrand A , Prada N , Gutman J , Lewis L , Mangahasimbola RT , Andriamananjara M , Ravaoarinosy AV , Ralemary N , Garchitorena A , Harimanana A . Malar J 2021 20 (1) 422 BACKGROUND: Integrated community case management of malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhoea can reduce mortality in children under five years (CU5) in resource-poor countries. There is growing interest in expanding malaria community case management (mCCM) to older individuals, but limited empirical evidence exists to guide this expansion. As part of a two-year cluster-randomized trial of mCCM expansion to all ages in southeastern Madagascar, a cross-sectional survey was conducted to assess baseline malaria prevalence and healthcare-seeking behaviours. METHODS: Two enumeration areas (EAs) were randomly chosen from each catchment area of the 30 health facilities (HFs) in Farafangana district designated for the mCCM age expansion trial; 28 households were randomly selected from each EA for the survey. All household members were asked about recent illness and care-seeking, and malaria prevalence was assessed by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) among children < 15 years of age. Weighted population estimates and Rao-Scott chi-squared tests were used to examine illness, care-seeking, malaria case management, and malaria prevalence patterns. RESULTS: Illness in the two weeks prior to the survey was reported by 459 (6.7%) of 8050 respondents in 334 of 1458 households surveyed. Most individuals noting illness (375/459; 82.3%) reported fever. Of those reporting fever, 28.7% (112/375) sought care; this did not vary by participant age (p = 0.66). Most participants seeking care for fever visited public HFs (48/112, 46.8%), or community healthcare volunteers (CHVs) (40/112, 31.0%). Of those presenting with fever at HFs or to CHVs, 87.0% and 71.0%, respectively, reported being tested for malaria. RDT positivity among 3,316 tested children < 15 years was 25.4% (CI: 21.5-29.4%) and increased with age: 16.9% in CU5 versus 31.8% in 5-14-year-olds (p < 0.0001). Among RDT-positive individuals, 28.4% of CU5 and 18.5% of 5-14-year-olds reported fever in the two weeks prior to survey (p = 0.044). CONCLUSIONS: The higher prevalence of malaria among older individuals coupled with high rates of malaria testing for those who sought care at CHVs suggest that expanding mCCM to older individuals may substantially increase the number of infected individuals with improved access to care, which could have additional favorable effects on malaria transmission. |
Malaria case management and elimination readiness in health facilities of five districts of Madagascar in 2018
Anand A , Favero R , Dentinger C , Ralaivaomisa A , Ramamonjisoa S , Rabozakandraina O , Razafimandimby E , Razafindrakoto J , Wolf K , Steinhardt L , Gomez P , Rabary M , Andriamananjara MN , Mioramalala SA , Rakotovao JP . Malar J 2020 19 (1) 351 BACKGROUND: Madagascar's Malaria National Strategic Plan 2018-2022 calls for progressive malaria elimination beginning in low-incidence districts (< 1 case/1000 population). Optimizing access to prompt diagnosis and quality treatment and improving outbreak detection and response will be critical to success. A malaria elimination readiness assessment (MERA) was performed in health facilities (HFs) of selected districts targeted for malaria elimination. METHODS: A mixed methods survey was performed in September 2018 in five districts of Madagascar. Randomly selected HFs were assessed for availability of malaria commodities and frequency of training and supervision conducted. Health providers (HPs) and community health volunteers (CHVs) were interviewed, and outpatient consultations at HFs were observed. To evaluate elimination readiness, a composite score ranging from 0 to 100 was designed from all study tools and addressed four domains: (1) resource availability, (2) case management (CM), (3) data management and use, and (4) training, supervision, and technical assistance; scores were calculated for each HF catchment area and district based on survey responses. Stakeholder interviews on malaria elimination planning were conducted at national, regional and district levels. RESULTS: A quarter of the 35 HFs surveyed had no rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). Of 129 patients with reported or recorded fever among 300 consultations observed, HPs tested 56 (43%) for malaria. Three-quarters of the 35 HF managers reviewed data for trends. Only 68% of 41 HPs reported receiving malaria-specific training. Of 34 CHVs surveyed, 24% reported that treating fever was no longer among their responsibilities. Among treating CHVs, 13 (50%) reported having RDTs, and 11 (42%) had anti-malarials available. The average district elimination readiness score was 52 out of 100, ranging from 48 to 57 across districts. Stakeholders identified several challenges to commodity management, malaria CM, and epidemic response related to lack of training and funding disruptions. CONCLUSION: This evaluation highlighted gaps in malaria CM and elimination readiness in Madagascar to address during elimination planning. Strategies are needed that include training, commodity provision, supervision, and support for CHVs. The MERA can be repeated to assess progress in filling identified gaps and is a feasible tool that could be used to assess elimination targets in other countries. |
Impact of rotavirus vaccine on all-cause diarrhea and rotavirus hospitalizations in Madagascar
Rahajamanana VL , Raboba JL , Rakotozanany A , Razafindraibe NJ , Andriatahirintsoa Ejpr , Razafindrakoto AC , Mioramalala SA , Razaiarimanga C , Weldegebriel GG , Burnett E , Mwenda JM , Seheri M , Mphahlele MJ , Robinson AL . Vaccine 2017 36 (47) 7198-7204 BACKGROUND: Rotavirus vaccine was introduced into the Extended Program on Immunization in Madagascar in May 2014. We analyzed trends in prevalence of all cause diarrhea and rotavirus hospitalization in children <5years of age before and after vaccine introduction and assessed trend of circulating rotavirus genotypes at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Mere Enfant Tsaralalana (CHU MET). METHODS: From January 2010 to December 2016, we reviewed the admission logbook to observe the rate of hospitalization caused by gastroenteritis among 19619 children <5years of age admitted at the hospital. In June 2013-December 2016, active rotavirus surveillance was also conducted at CHUMET with support from WHO. Rotavirus antigen was detected by EIA from stool specimen of children who are eligible for rotavirus gastroenteritis surveillance at sentinel site laboratory and rotavirus positive specimens were further genotyped at Regional Reference Laboratory by RT-PCR. RESULTS: Diarrhea hospitalizations decreased after rotavirus vaccine introduction. The median proportion of annual hospitalizations due to diarrhea was 26% (range: 31-22%) before vaccine introduction; the proportion was 25% the year of vaccine introduction, 17% in 2015 and 16% in 2016. Rotavirus positivity paralleled patterns observed in diarrhea. Before vaccine introduction, 56% of stool specimens tested positive for rotavirus; the percent positive was 13% in 2015, 12% in 2016. Diverse genotypes were detected in the pre-vaccine period; the most common were G3P[8] (n=53; 66%), G2P[4] (n=12; 15%), and G1P[8] (n=11; 14%). 6 distinct genotypes were found in 2015; the most common genotype was G2P[4] (n=10; 67%), the remaining, 5, G12[P8], G3[P8], G1G3[P4], G3G12[P4][P8] and G1G3[NT] had one positive specimen each. CONCLUSIONS: Following rotavirus vaccine introduction all-cause diarrhea and rotavirus-specific hospitalizations declined dramatically. The most common genotypes detected in the pre-vaccine period were G3P[8] and G2P[4] in 2015, the post vaccine period. |
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