Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-18 (of 18 Records) |
Query Trace: Ranpara A[original query] |
Influence of puff topographies on e-liquid heating temperature, emission characteristics and modeled lung deposition of Puff Bar
Ranpara A , Stefaniak AB , Fernandez E , Bowers LN , Arnold ED , LeBouf RF . Aerosol Sci Technol 2023 57 (5) 450-466 Puff Bar, one of the latest designs of e-cigarettes, heats a mixture of liquid using a battery-powered coil at certain temperatures to emit aerosol. This study presents a mass-based characterization of emissions from seven flavors of Puff Bar devices by aerosolizing with three puff topographies [(puff volume: 55 < 65 < 75-mL) within 4-seconds at 30-seconds interval]. We evaluated the effects of puff topographies on heating temperatures; characterized particles using a cascade impactor; and measured volatile carbonyl compounds (VCCs). Modeled dosimetry and calculated mass median aerodynamic diameters (MMADs) were used to estimate regional, total respiratory deposition of the inhaled aerosol and exhaled fractions that could pose secondhand exposure risk. Temperatures of Puff Bar e-liquids increased with increasing puff volumes: 55 mL (116.6 C), 65 mL (128.3 C), and 75 mL (168.9 C). Flavor types significantly influenced MMADs, total mass of particles, and VCCs (g/puff: 2.15-2.30) in Puff Bar emissions (p < 0.05). Increasing puff volume (mL:55 < 65 < 75) significantly increased total mass (mg/puff: 4.6 < 5.6 < 6.2) of particles without substantially changing MMADs (1m:1.02 0.99 0.98). Aerosol emissions were estimated to deposit in the pulmonary region of e-cigarette user (4144%), which could have toxicological importance. More than 2/3 (6777%) of inhaled particles were estimated to be exhaled by users, which could affect bystanders. The VCCs measured contained carcinogensformaldehyde (29.6%) and acetaldehyde (16.4%)as well as respiratory irritants: acetone (23.9%), isovaleraldehyde (14.5%), and acrolein (4.9%). As Puff Bar emissions contain respirable particles and harmful chemicals, efforts should be made to minimize exposures, especially in indoor settings where people (including vulnerable populations) spend most of their life-time. Copyright 2023 American Association for Aerosol Research. , This work was authored as part of the Contributor's official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government. In accordance with 17 USC. 105, no copyright protection is available for such works under US Law. |
Influence of puff topographies on e-liquid heating temperature, emission characteristics and modeled lung deposition of Puff Bar™
Ranpara A , Stefaniak AB , Fernandez E , Bowers LN , Arnold ED , LeBouf RF . Aerosol Sci Technol 2023 57 (5) 450-466 Puff Bar™, one of the latest designs of e-cigarettes, heats a mixture of liquid using a battery-powered coil at certain temperatures to emit aerosol. This study presents a mass-based characterization of emissions from seven flavors of Puff Bar™ devices by aerosolizing with three puff topographies [(puff volume: 55 < 65 < 75-mL) within 4-seconds at 30-seconds interval]. We evaluated the effects of puff topographies on heating temperatures; characterized particles using a cascade impactor; and measured volatile carbonyl compounds (VCCs). Modeled dosimetry and calculated mass median aerodynamic diameters (MMADs) were used to estimate regional, total respiratory deposition of the inhaled aerosol and exhaled fractions that could pose secondhand exposure risk. Temperatures of Puff Bar™ e-liquids increased with increasing puff volumes: 55 mL (116.6 °C), 65 mL (128.3 °C), and 75 mL (168.9 °C). Flavor types significantly influenced MMADs, total mass of particles, and VCCs (µg/puff: 2.15-2.30) in Puff Bar™ emissions (p < 0.05). Increasing puff volume (mL:55 < 65 < 75) significantly increased total mass (mg/puff: 4.6 < 5.6 < 6.2) of particles without substantially changing MMADs (∼1µm:1.02 ∼ 0.99 ∼ 0.98). Aerosol emissions were estimated to deposit in the pulmonary region of e-cigarette user (41–44%), which could have toxicological importance. More than 2/3 (67–77%) of inhaled particles were estimated to be exhaled by users, which could affect bystanders. The VCCs measured contained carcinogens—formaldehyde (29.6%) and acetaldehyde (16.4%)—as well as respiratory irritants: acetone (23.9%), isovaleraldehyde (14.5%), and acrolein (4.9%). As Puff Bar™ emissions contain respirable particles and harmful chemicals, efforts should be made to minimize exposures, especially in indoor settings where people (including vulnerable populations) spend most of their life-time. Copyright © 2023 American Association for Aerosol Research. ©, This work was authored as part of the Contributor's official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government. In accordance with 17 USC. 105, no copyright protection is available for such works under US Law. |
Multi-instrument assessment of fine and ultrafine titanium dioxide aerosols
Ranpara A , LeBouf RF , Nurkiewicz TR , Yi J , Cumpston JL , Stefaniak AB . J Toxicol Environ Health A 2022 86 (1) 1-22 The measurement of fine (diameter: 100 nanometers-2.5 micrometers) and ultrafine (UF: < 100 nanometers) titanium dioxide (TiO(2)) particles is instrument dependent. Differences in measurements exist between toxicological and field investigations for the same exposure metric such as mass, number, or surface area because of variations in instruments used, operating parameters, or particle-size measurement ranges. Without appropriate comparison, instrument measurements create a disconnect between toxicological and field investigations for a given exposure metric. Our objective was to compare a variety of instruments including multiple metrics including mass, number, and surface area (SA) concentrations for assessing different concentrations of separately aerosolized fine and UF TiO(2) particles. The instruments studied were (1) DustTrak™ DRX, (2) personal DataRAMs™ (PDR), (3) GRIMM(TM), and (4) diffusion charger (DC). Two devices of each field-study instrument (DRX, PDR, GRIMM, and DC) were used to measure various metrics while adjusting for gravimetric mass concentrations of fine and UF TiO(2) particles in controlled chamber tests. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to apportion the variance to inter-instrument (between different instrument-types), inter-device (within instrument), and intra-device components. Performance of each instrument-device was calculated using root mean squared error compared to reference methods: close-faced cassette and gravimetric analysis for mass and scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) real-time monitoring for number and SA concentrations. Generally, inter-instrument variability accounted for the greatest (62.6% or more) source of variance for mass, and SA-based concentrations of fine and UF TiO(2) particles. However, higher intra-device variability (53.7%) was observed for number concentrations measurements with fine particles compared to inter-instrument variability (40.8%). Inter-device variance range(0.5-5.5%) was similar for all exposure metrics. DRX performed better in measuring mass closer to gravimetric than PDRs for fine and UF TiO(2). Number concentrations measured by GRIMMs and SA measurements by DCs were considerably (40.8-86.9%) different from the reference (SMPS) method for comparable size ranges of fine and UF TiO(2). This information may serve to aid in interpreting assessments in risk models, epidemiologic studies, and development of occupational exposure limits, relating to health effect endpoints identified in toxicological studies considering similar instruments evaluated in this study. |
Potential for exposure to particles and gases throughout vat photopolymerization additive manufacturing processes
Bowers LN , Stefaniak AB , Knepp AK , LeBouf RF , Martin SBJr , Ranpara AC , Burns DA , Virji MA . Buildings (Basel) 2022 12 (8) Vat photopolymerization (VP), a type of additive manufacturing process that cures resin to build objects, can emit potentially hazardous particles and gases. We evaluated two VP technologies, stereolithography (SLA) and digital light processing (DLP), in three separate environmental chambers to understand task-based impacts on indoor air quality. Airborne particles, total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), and/or specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were monitored during each task to evaluate their exposure potential. Regardless of duration, all tasks released particles and organic gases, though concentrations varied between SLA and DLP processes and among tasks. Maximum particle concentrations reached 1200 #/cm3 and some aerosols contained potentially hazardous elements such as barium, chromium, and manganese. TVOC concentrations were highest for the isopropyl alcohol (IPA) rinsing, soaking, and drying post-processing tasks (up to 36.8 mg/m3), lowest for the resin pouring pre-printing, printing, and resin recovery post-printing tasks (up to 0.1 mg/m3), and intermediate for the curing post-processing task (up to 3 mg/m3). Individual VOCs included, among others, the potential occupational carcinogen acetaldehyde and the immune sensitizer 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (pouring, printing, recovery, and curing tasks). Careful consideration of all tasks is important for the development of strategies to minimize indoor air pollution and exposure potential from VP processes. © 2022 by the authors. |
Comparison of product safety data sheet ingredient lists with skin irritants and sensitizers present in a convenience sample of light-curing resins used in additive manufacturing
Bowers LN , Ranpara AC , Roach KA , Knepp AK , Arnold ED , Stefaniak AB , Virji MA . Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2022 133 105198 Material jetting and vat photopolymerization additive manufacturing (AM) processes use liquid resins to build objects. These resins can contain skin irritants and/or sensitizers but product safety data sheets (SDSs) might not declare all ingredients. We characterized elemental and organic skin irritants and sensitizers present in 39 commercial products; evaluated the influence of resin manufacturer, system, color, and AM process type on the presence of irritants and sensitizers; and compared product SDSs to results. Among all products, analyses identified 23 irritant elements, 54 irritant organic substances, 22 sensitizing elements, and 23 sensitizing organic substances; SDSs listed 3, 9, 4, and 6 of these ingredients, respectively. Per product, the number and total mass (an indicator of potential dermal loading) of ingredients varied: five to 17 irritant elements (8.32-4756.65mg/kg), one to 17 irritant organics (3273 to 356,000mg/kg), four to 17 sensitizing elements (8.27-4755.63mg/kg), and one to seven sensitizing organics (15-382,170mg/kg). Median numbers and concentrations of irritants and sensitizers were significantly influenced by resin system and AM process type. The presence of undeclared irritants and sensitizers in these resins supports the need for more complete information on product SDSs for comprehensive dermal risk assessments. |
Case study: efficacy of engineering controls in mitigating diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione emissions during coffee grinding
Stanton ML , McClelland TL , Beaty M , Ranpara A , Martin SBJr . Front Public Health 2022 10 750289 Exposure to elevated levels of diacetyl in flavoring and microwave popcorn production has been associated with respiratory impairment among workers including from a severe lung disease known as obliterative bronchiolitis. Laboratory studies demonstrate damage to the respiratory tract in rodents exposed to either diacetyl or the related alpha-diketone 2,3-pentanedione. Respiratory tract damage includes the development of obliterative bronchiolitis-like changes in the lungs of rats repeatedly inhaling either diacetyl or 2,3-pentanedione. In one flavored coffee processing facility, current workers who spent time in higher diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione areas had lower lung function values, while five former flavoring room workers were diagnosed with obliterative bronchiolitis. In that and other coffee roasting and packaging facilities, grinding roasted coffee beans has been identified as contributing to elevated levels of diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione. To reduce worker exposures, employers can take various actions to control exposures according to the hierarchy of controls. Because elimination or substitution is not applicable to coffee production facilities not using flavorings, use of engineering controls to control exposures at their source is especially important. This work demonstrates the use of temporary ventilated enclosures around grinding equipment in a single coffee roasting and packaging facility to mitigate diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione emissions from grinding equipment to the main production space. Concentrations of diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione were measured in various locations throughout the main production space as well as inside and outside of ventilated enclosures to evaluate the effect of the enclosures on exposures. Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione concentrations outside one grinder enclosure decreased by 95 and 92%, respectively, despite ground coffee production increasing by 12%, after the enclosure was installed. Outside a second enclosure, diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione concentrations both decreased 84%, greater than the 33% decrease in ground coffee production after installation. Temporary ventilated enclosures used as engineering control measures in this study effectively reduced emissions of diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione at the source in this facility. These findings motivated management to explore options with a grinding equipment manufacturer to permanently ventilate their grinders to reduce emissions of diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione. |
Model predictions of occupational exposures to diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione emitted from roasted whole bean and ground coffee: Influence of roast level and physical form on specific emission rates
LeBouf RF , Ranpara A , Fernandez E , Burns DA , Fortner AR . Front Public Health 2022 10 786924 Roasted coffee emits hazardous volatile organic compounds including diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione. Workers in non-flavored coffee roasting and packaging facilities might inhale diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione from roasted coffee above occupational exposure limits depending on their work activities and proximity to the source of emissions. Objectives of this laboratory study were to: (1) investigate factors affecting specific emission rates (SERs) of diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione from freshly roasted coffee, (2) explore the effect of time on SERs of coffee stored in sealed bags for 10-days, and (3) predict exposures to workers in hypothetical workplace scenarios. Two roast levels (light and dark) and three physical forms (whole bean, coarse ground, and fine ground) were investigated. Particle size for whole bean and ground coffee were analyzed using geometric mean of Feret diameter. Emitted chemicals were collected on thermal desorption tubes and quantified using mass spectrometry analysis. SERs developed here coupled with information from previous field surveys provided model input to estimate worker exposures during various activities using a probabilistic, near-field/far-field model. For freshly roasted coffee, mean SER of diacetyl and 2,3-pentantedione increased with decreasing particle size of the physical form (whole bean < coarse ground < fine ground) but was not consistent with roast levels. SERs from freshly roasted coffee increased with roast level for diacetyl but did not change for 2,3-pentanedione. Mean SERs were greatest for diacetyl at 3.60 mg kg(-1) h(-1) for dark, fine ground and for 2,3-pentanedione at 3.88 mg kg(-1) h(-1) for light, fine ground. For storage, SERs of whole bean remained constant while SERs of dark roast ground coffee decreased and light roast ground coffee increased. Modeling demonstrated that near-field exposures depend on proximity to the source, duration of exposure, and air velocities in the near-field further supporting previously reported chemical air measurements in coffee roasting and packaging facilities. Control of source emissions using local exhaust ventilation especially around grinding activities as well as modification of work practices could be used to reduce exposures in this workforce. |
Influence of E-Liquid Humectants, Nicotine, and Flavorings on Aerosol Particle Size Distribution and Implications for Modeling Respiratory Deposition.
Stefaniak AB , Ranpara AC , Virji MA , LeBouf RF . Front Public Health 2022 10 782068 Electronic cigarette, or vaping, products are used to heat an e-liquid to form an aerosol (liquid droplets suspended in gas) that the user inhales; a portion of this aerosol deposits in their respiratory tract and the remainder is exhaled, thereby potentially creating opportunity for secondhand exposure to bystanders (e.g., in homes, automobiles, and workplaces). Particle size, a critical factor in respiratory deposition (and therefore potential for secondhand exposure), could be influenced by e-liquid composition. Hence, the purposes of this study were to (1) test the influence of laboratory-prepared e-liquid composition [ratio of propylene glycol (PG) to vegetable glycerin (VG) humectants, nicotine, and flavorings] on particle size distribution and (2) model respiratory dosimetry. All e-liquids were aerosolized using a second-generation reference e-cigarette. We measured particle size distribution based on mass using a low-flow cascade impactor (LFCI) and size distribution based on number using real-time mobility sizers. Mass median aerodynamic diameters (MMADs) of aerosol from e-liquids that contained only humectants were significantly larger compared with e-liquids that contained flavorings or nicotine (p = 0.005). Humectant ratio significantly influenced MMADs; all aerosols from e-liquids prepared with 70:30 PG:VG were significantly larger compared with e-liquids prepared with 30:70 PG:VG (p = 0.017). In contrast to the LFCI approach, the high dilution and sampling flow rate of a fast mobility particle sizer strongly influenced particle size measurements (i.e., all calculated MMAD values were < 75 nm). Dosimetry modeling using LFCI data indicated that a portion of inhaled particles will deposit throughout the respiratory tract, though statistical differences in aerosol MMADs among e-liquid formulations did not translate into large differences in deposition estimates. A portion of inhaled aerosol will be exhaled and could be a source for secondhand exposure. Use of laboratory-prepared e-liquids and a reference e-cigarette to standardize aerosol generation and a LFCI to measure particle size distribution without dilution represents an improved method to characterize physical properties of volatile aerosol particles and permitted determination of MMAD values more representative of e-cigarette aerosol in situ, which in turn, can help to improve dose modeling for users and bystanders. |
Chemical emissions from heated vitamin e acetate-insights to respiratory risks from electronic cigarette liquid oil diluents used in the aerosolization of (9)-thc-containing products
LeBouf RF , Ranpara A , Ham J , Aldridge M , Fernandez E , Williams K , Burns DA , Stefaniak AB . Front Public Health 2021 9 765168 As of February 18, 2020, the e-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated lung injury (EVALI) outbreak caused the hospitalization of a total of 2,807 patients and claimed 68 lives in the United States. Though investigations have reported a strong association with vitamin E acetate (VEA), evidence from reported EVALI cases is not sufficient to rule out the contribution of other chemicals of concern, including chemicals in either THC or non-THC products. This study characterized chemicals evolved when diluent oils were heated to temperatures that mimic e-cigarette, or vaping, products (EVPs) to investigate production of potentially toxic chemicals that might have caused lung injury. VEA, vitamin E, coconut, and medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil were each diluted with ethanol and then tested for constituents and impurities using a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GC/MS). Undiluted oils were heated at 25°C (control), 150°C, and 250°C in an inert chamber to mimic a range of temperatures indicative of aerosolization from EVPs. Volatilized chemicals were collected using thermal desorption tubes, analyzed using a GC/MS, and identified. Presence of identified chemicals was confirmed using retention time and ion spectra matching with analytic standards. Direct analysis of oils, as received, revealed that VEA and vitamin E were the main constituents of their oils, and coconut and MCT oils were nearly identical having two main constituents: glycerol tricaprylate and 2-(decanoyloxy) propane-1,3-diyl dioctanoate. More chemicals were measured and with greater intensities when diluent oils were heated at 250°C compared to 150°C and 25°C. Vitamin E and coconut/MCT oils produced different chemical emissions. The presence of some identified chemicals is of potential health consequence because many are known respiratory irritants and acute respiratory toxins. Exposure to a mixture of hazardous chemicals may be relevant to the development or exacerbation of EVALI, especially when in concert with physical damage caused by lung deposition of aerosols produced by aerosolizing diluent oils. |
Effect of puffing behavior on particle size distributions and respiratory depositions from pod-style electronic cigarette, or vaping, products
Ranpara A , Stefaniak AB , Fernandez E , LeBouf RF . Front Public Health 2021 9 750402 The current fourth generation ("pod-style") electronic cigarette, or vaping, products (EVPs) heat a liquid ("e-liquid") contained in a reservoir ("pod") using a battery-powered coil to deliver aerosol into the lungs. A portion of inhaled EVP aerosol is estimated as exhaled, which can present a potential secondhand exposure risk to bystanders. The effects of modifiable factors using either a prefilled disposable or refillable pod-style EVPs on aerosol particle size distribution (PSD) and its respiratory deposition are poorly understood. In this study, the influence of up to six puff profiles (55-, 65-, and 75-ml puff volumes per 6.5 and 7.5 W EVP power settings) on PSD was evaluated using a popular pod-style EVP (JUUL(®) brand) and a cascade impactor. JUUL(®) brand EVPs were used to aerosolize the manufacturers' e-liquids in their disposable pods and laboratory prepared "reference e-liquid" (without flavorings or nicotine) in refillable pods. The modeled dosimetry and calculated aerosol mass median aerodynamic diameters (MMADs) were used to estimate regional respiratory deposition. From these results, exhaled fraction of EVP aerosols was calculated as a surrogate of the secondhand exposure potential. Overall, MMADs did not differ among puff profiles, except for 55- and 75-ml volumes at 7.5 W (p < 0.05). For the reference e-liquid, MMADs ranged from 1.02 to 1.23 μm and dosimetry calculations predicted that particles would deposit in the head region (36-41%), in the trachea-bronchial (TB) region (19-21%), and in the pulmonary region (40-43%). For commercial JUUL(®) e-liquids, MMADs ranged from 0.92 to 1.67 μm and modeling predicted that more particles would deposit in the head region (35-52%) and in the pulmonary region (30-42%). Overall, 30-40% of the particles aerosolized by a pod-style EVP were estimated to deposit in the pulmonary region and 50-70% of the inhaled EVP aerosols could be exhaled; the latter could present an inhalational hazard to bystanders in indoor occupational settings. More research is needed to understand the influence of other modifiable factors on PSD and exposure potential. |
Modeled respiratory tract deposition of aerosolized oil diluents used in (9)-THC-based electronic cigarette liquid products
Ranpara A , Stefaniak AB , Williams K , Fernandez E , LeBouf RF . Front Public Health 2021 9 744166 Electronic cigarette, or vaping, products (EVP) heat liquids ("e-liquids") that contain substances (licit or illicit) and deliver aerosolized particles into the lungs. Commercially available oils such as Vitamin-E-acetate (VEA), Vitamin E oil, coconut, and medium chain triglycerides (MCT) were often the constituents of e-liquids associated with an e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI). The objective of this study was to evaluate the mass-based physical characteristics of the aerosolized e-liquids prepared using these oil diluents. These characteristics were particle size distributions for modeling regional respiratory deposition and puff-based total aerosol mass for estimating the number of particles delivered to the respiratory tract. Four types of e-liquids were prepared by adding terpenes to oil diluents individually: VEA, Vitamin E oil, coconut oil, and MCT. A smoking machine was used to aerosolize each e-liquid at a predetermined puff topography (volume of 55 ml for 3 s with 30-s intervals between puffs). A cascade impactor was used to collect the size-segregated aerosol for calculating the mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and geometric standard deviation (GSD). The respiratory deposition of EVP aerosols on inhalation was estimated using the Multiple-Path Particle Dosimetry model. From these results, the exhaled fraction of EVP aerosols was calculated as a surrogate of secondhand exposure potential. The MMAD of VEA (0.61 μm) was statistically different compared to MCT (0.38 μm) and coconut oil (0.47 μm) but not to Vitamin E oil (0.58 μm); p < 0.05. Wider aerosol size distribution was observed for VEA (GSD 2.35) and MCT (GSD 2.08) compared with coconut oil (GSD 1.53) and Vitamin E oil (GSD 1.55). Irrespective of the statistical differences between MMADs, dosimetry modeling resulted in the similar regional and lobular deposition of particles for all e-liquids in the respiratory tract. The highest (~0.08 or more) fractional deposition was predicted in the pulmonary region, which is consistent as the site of injury among EVALI cases. Secondhand exposure calculations indicated that a substantial amount of EVP aerosols could be exhaled, which has potential implications for bystanders. The number of EVALI cases has declined with the removal of VEA; however, further research is required to investigate the commonly available commercial ingredients used in e-liquid preparations. |
Toxicology of flavoring- and cannabis-containing e-liquids used in electronic delivery systems
Stefaniak AB , LeBouf RF , Ranpara AC , Leonard SS . Pharmacol Ther 2021 224 107838 Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) were introduced in the United States in 2007 and by 2014 they were the most popular tobacco product amongst youth and had overtaken use of regular tobacco cigarettes. E-cigarettes are used to aerosolize a liquid (e-liquid) that the user inhales. Flavorings in e-liquids is a primary reason for youth to initiate use of e-cigarettes. Evidence is growing in the scientific literature that inhalation of some flavorings is not without risk of harm. In this review, 67 original articles (primarily cellular in vitro) on the toxicity of flavored e-liquids were identified in the PubMed and Scopus databases and evaluated critically. At least 65 individual flavoring ingredients in e-liquids or aerosols from e-cigarettes induced toxicity in the respiratory tract, cardiovascular and circulatory systems, skeletal system, and skin. Cinnamaldehyde was most frequently reported to be cytotoxic, followed by vanillin, menthol, ethyl maltol, ethyl vanillin, benzaldehyde and linalool. Additionally, modern e-cigarettes can be modified to aerosolize cannabis as dried plant material or a concentrated extract. The U.S. experienced an outbreak of lung injuries, termed e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) that began in 2019; among 2,022 hospitalized patients who had data on substance use (as of January 14, 2020), 82% reported using a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (main psychoactive component in cannabis) containing e-cigarette, or vaping, product. Our literature search identified 33 articles related to EVALI. Vitamin E acetate, a diluent and thickening agent in cannabis-based products, was strongly linked to the EVALI outbreak in epidemiologic and laboratory studies; however, e-liquid chemistry is highly complex, and more than one mechanism of lung injury, ingredient, or thermal breakdown product may be responsible for toxicity. More research is needed, particularly with regard to e-cigarettes (generation, power settings, etc.), e-liquids (composition, bulk or vaped form), modeled systems (cell type, culture type, and dosimetry metrics), biological monitoring, secondhand exposures and contact with residues that contain nicotine and flavorings, and causative agents and mechanisms of EVALI toxicity. |
Pulmonary and systemic toxicity in rats following inhalation exposure of 3-D printer emissions from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) filament
Farcas MT , McKinney W , Qi C , Mandler KW , Battelli L , Friend SA , Stefaniak AB , Jackson M , Orandle M , Winn A , Kashon M , LeBouf RF , Russ KA , Hammond DR , Burns D , Ranpara A , Thomas TA , Matheson J , Qian Y . Inhal Toxicol 2020 32 1-16 BACKGROUND: Fused filament fabrication 3-D printing with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) filament emits ultrafine particulates (UFPs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). However, the toxicological implications of the emissions generated during 3-D printing have not been fully elucidated. AIM AND METHODS: The goal of this study was to investigate the in vivo toxicity of ABS-emissions from a commercial desktop 3-D printer. Male Sprague Dawley rats were exposed to a single concentration of ABS-emissions or air for 4 hours/day, 4 days/week for five exposure durations (1, 4, 8, 15, and 30 days). At 24 hours after the last exposure, rats were assessed for pulmonary injury, inflammation, and oxidative stress as well as systemic toxicity. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: 3-D printing generated particulate with average particle mass concentration of 240 ± 90 µg/m³, with an average geometric mean particle mobility diameter of 85 nm (geometric standard deviation = 1.6). The number of macrophages increased significantly at day 15. In bronchoalveolar lavage, IFN-γ and IL-10 were significantly higher at days 1 and 4, with IL-10 levels reaching a peak at day 15 in ABS-exposed rats. Neither pulmonary oxidative stress responses nor histopathological changes of the lungs and nasal passages were found among the treatments. There was an increase in platelets and monocytes in the circulation at day 15. Several serum biomarkers of hepatic and kidney functions were significantly higher at day 1. CONCLUSIONS: At the current experimental conditions applied, it was concluded that the emissions from ABS filament caused minimal transient pulmonary and systemic toxicity. |
Exposures and emissions in coffee roasting facilities and cafes: diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione, and other volatile organic compounds
LeBouf RF , Blackley BH , Fortner AR , Stanton M , Martin SB , Groth CP , McClelland TL , Duling MG , Burns DA , Ranpara A , Edwards N , Fedan KB , Bailey RL , Cummings KJ , Nett RJ , Cox-Ganser JM , Virji MA . Front Public Health 2020 8 561740 Roasted coffee and many coffee flavorings emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione. Exposures to VOCs during roasting, packaging, grinding, and flavoring coffee can negatively impact the respiratory health of workers. Inhalational exposures to diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione can cause obliterative bronchiolitis. This study summarizes exposures to and emissions of VOCs in 17 coffee roasting and packaging facilities that included 10 cafés. We collected 415 personal and 760 area full-shift, and 606 personal task-based air samples for diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione, 2,3-hexanedione, and acetoin using silica gel tubes. We also collected 296 instantaneous activity and 312 instantaneous source air measurements for 18 VOCs using evacuated canisters. The highest personal full-shift exposure in part per billion (ppb) to diacetyl [geometric mean (GM) 21 ppb; 95th percentile (P95) 79 ppb] and 2,3-pentanedione (GM 15 ppb; P95 52 ppb) were measured for production workers in flavored coffee production areas. These workers also had the highest percentage of measurements above the NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) for diacetyl (95%) and 2,3-pentanedione (77%). Personal exposures to diacetyl (GM 0.9 ppb; P95 6.0 ppb) and 2,3-pentanedione (GM 0.7 ppb; P95 4.4 ppb) were the lowest for non-production workers of facilities that did not flavor coffee. Job groups with the highest personal full-shift exposures to diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione were flavoring workers (GM 34 and 38 ppb), packaging workers (GM 27 and 19 ppb) and grinder operator (GM 26 and 22 ppb), respectively, in flavored coffee facilities, and packaging workers (GM 8.0 and 4.4 ppb) and production workers (GM 6.3 and 4.6 ppb) in non-flavored coffee facilities. Baristas in cafés had mean full-shift exposures below the RELs (GM 4.1 ppb diacetyl; GM 4.6 ppb 2,3-pentanedione). The tasks, activities, and sources associated with flavoring in flavored coffee facilities and grinding in non-flavored coffee facilities, had some of the highest GM and P95 estimates for both diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione. Controlling emissions at grinding machines and flavoring areas and isolating higher exposure areas (e.g., flavoring, grinding, and packaging areas) from the main production space and from administrative or non-production spaces is essential for maintaining exposure control. |
Particle and organic vapor emissions from children's 3-D pen and 3-D printer toys
Yi J , Duling MG , Bowers LN , Knepp AK , LeBouf RF , Nurkiewicz TR , Ranpara A , Luxton T , Martin SB Jr , Burns DA , Peloquin DM , Baumann EJ , Virji MA , Stefaniak AB . Inhal Toxicol 2019 31 1-14 Objective: Fused filament fabrication "3-dimensional (3-D)" printing has expanded beyond the workplace to 3-D printers and pens for use by children as toys to create objects.Materials and methods: Emissions from two brands of toy 3-D pens and one brand of toy 3-D printer were characterized in a 0.6 m(3) chamber (particle number, size, elemental composition; concentrations of individual and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC)). The effects of print parameters on these emission metrics were evaluated using mixed-effects models. Emissions data were used to model particle lung deposition and TVOC exposure potential.Results: Geometric mean particle yields (10(6)-10(10) particles/g printed) and sizes (30-300 nm) and TVOC yields (<detectable to 590 microg TVOC/g printed) for the toys were similar to those from 3-D printers used in workplaces. Metal emissions included manganese (1.6-92.3 ng/g printed) and lead (0.13-1.2 ng/g printed). Among toys, extruder nozzle conditions (diameter, temperature) and filament (type, color, and extrusion speed) significantly influenced particle and TVOC emissions. Dose modeling indicated that emitted particles would deposit in the lung alveoli of children. Exposure modeling indicated that TVOC concentration from use of a single toy would be 1-31 microg/m(3) in a classroom and 3-154 microg/m(3) in a residential living room.Discussion: Potential exists for inhalation of organic vapors and metal-containing particles during use of these toys.Conclusions: If deemed appropriate, e.g. where multiple toys are used in a poorly ventilated area or a toy is positioned near a child's breathing zone, control technologies should be implemented to reduce emissions and exposure risk. |
Headspace analysis for screening of volatile organic compound profiles of electronic juice bulk material
LeBouf RF , Burns DA , Ranpara A , Attfield K , Zwack L , Stefaniak AB . Anal Bioanal Chem 2018 410 (23) 5951-5960 The use of electronic nicotine delivery systems continues to gain popularity, and there is concern for potential health risks from inhalation of aerosol and vapor produced by these devices. An analytical method was developed that provided quantitative and qualitative chemical information for characterizing the volatile constituents of bulk electronic cigarette liquids (e-liquids) using a static headspace technique. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were screened from a convenience sample of 146 e-liquids by equilibrating 1 g of each e-liquid in amber vials for 24 h at room temperature. Headspace was transferred to an evacuated canister and quantitatively analyzed for 20 VOCs as well as tentatively identified compounds using a preconcentrator/gas chromatography/mass spectrometer system. The e-liquids were classified into flavor categories including brown, fruit, hybrid dairy, menthol, mint, none, tobacco, and other. 2,3-Butanedione was found at the highest concentration in brown flavor types, but was also found in fruit, hybrid dairy, and menthol flavor types. Benzene was observed at concentrations that are concerning given the carcinogenicity of this compound (max 1.6 ppm in a fruit flavor type). The proposed headspace analysis technique coupled with partition coefficients allows for a rapid and sensitive prediction of the volatile content in the liquid. The technique does not require onerous sample preparation, dilution with organic solvents, or sampling at elevated temperatures. Static headspace screening of e-liquids allows for the identification of volatile chemical constituents which is critical for identifying and controlling emission of potentially hazardous constituents in the workplace. |
The neuroinflammatory phenotype in a mouse model of Gulf War Illness is unrelated to brain regional levels of acetylcholine as measured by quantitative HILIC-UPLC-MS/MS
Miller JV , LeBouf RF , Kelly KA , Michalovicz LT , Ranpara A , Locker AR , Miller DB , O'Callaghan JP . Toxicol Sci 2018 165 (2) 302-313 Many veterans of the 1991 Persian Gulf War (GW) returned with a chronic multisymptom illness that has been termed Gulf War Illness (GWI). Previous GWI studies have suggested that exposure to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) in theater, such as sarin and/or pesticides, may have contributed to the symptomatology of GWI. Additionally, concomitant high physiological stress experienced during the war may have contributed to the initiation of the GWI phenotype. While inhibition of AChE leading to accumulation of acetylcholine (ACh) will activate the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway, the signature symptomatology of GWI has been shown to be associated with neuroinflammation. To investigate the relationship between ACh and neuroinflammation in discrete brain regions, we used our previously established mouse model of GWI, which combines an exposure to a high physiological stress mimic, corticosterone (CORT), with GW-relevant AChEIs. The AChEIs used in this study were diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), chlorpyrifos oxon (CPO), and physostigmine (PHY). After AChEI exposure, ACh concentrations for cortex (CTX), hippocampus (HIP), and striatum (STR) were determined using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) with ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)-tandem-mass spectrometry (MS/MS). CORT pretreatment ameliorated the DFP-induced ACh increase in HIP and STR, but not CTX. CORT pretreatment did not significantly alter ACh levels for CPO and PHY. Further analysis of STR neuroinflammatory biomarkers revealed an exacerbated CORT+AChEI response, which does not correspond to measured brain ACh. By utilizing this new analytical method for discrete brain region analysis of ACh, this work suggests the exacerbated neuroinflammatory effects in our mouse model of GWI are not driven by the accumulation of brain region-specific ACh. |
Air and surface sampling method for assessing exposures to quaternary ammonium compounds using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
LeBouf RF , Virji MA , Ranpara A , Stefaniak AB . Ann Work Expo Health 2017 61 (6) 724-736 This method was designed for sampling select quaternary ammonium (quat) compounds in air or on surfaces followed by analysis using ultraperformance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Target quats were benzethonium chloride, didecyldimethylammonium bromide, benzyldimethyldodecylammonium chloride, benzyldimethyltetradecylammonium chloride, and benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride. For air sampling, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filters are recommended for 15-min to 24-hour sampling. For surface sampling, Pro-wipe 880 (PW) media was chosen. Samples were extracted in 60:40 acetonitrile:0.1% formic acid for 1 hour on an orbital shaker. Method detection limits range from 0.3 to 2 ng/ml depending on media and analyte. Matrix effects of media are minimized through the use of multiple reaction monitoring versus selected ion recording. Upper confidence limits on accuracy meet the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 25% criterion for PTFE and PW media for all analytes. Using PTFE and PW analyzed with multiple reaction monitoring, the method quantifies levels among the different quats compounds with high precision (<10% relative standard deviation) and low bias (<11%). The method is sensitive enough with very low method detection limits to capture quats on air sampling filters with only a 15-min sample duration with a maximum assessed storage time of 103 days before sample extraction. This method will support future exposure assessment and quantitative epidemiologic studies to explore exposure-response relationships and establish levels of quats exposures associated with adverse health effects. |
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