Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Initial public health response and interim clinical guidance for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak - United States, December 31, 2019-February 4, 2020.
Patel A , Jernigan DB , 2019-nCOV CDC Response Team , Abdirizak Fatuma , Abedi Glen , Aggarwal Sharad , Albina Denise , Allen Elizabeth , Andersen Lauren , Anderson Jade , Anderson Megan , Anderson Tara , Anderson Kayla , Bardossy Ana Cecilia , Barry Vaughn , Beer Karlyn , Bell Michael , Berger Sherri , Bertulfo Joseph , Biggs Holly , Bornemann Jennifer , Bornstein Josh , Bower Willie , Bresee Joseph , Brown Clive , Budd Alicia , Buigut Jennifer , Burke Stephen , Burke Rachel , Burns Erin , Butler Jay , Cantrell Russell , Cardemil Cristina , Cates Jordan , Cetron Marty , Chatham-Stephens Kevin , Chatham-Stevens Kevin , Chea Nora , Christensen Bryan , Chu Victoria , Clarke Kevin , Cleveland Angela , Cohen Nicole , Cohen Max , Cohn Amanda , Collins Jennifer , Conners Erin , Curns Aaron , Dahl Rebecca , Daley Walter , Dasari Vishal , Davlantes Elizabeth , Dawson Patrick , Delaney Lisa , Donahue Matthew , Dowell Chad , Dyal Jonathan , Edens William , Eidex Rachel , Epstein Lauren , Evans Mary , Fagan Ryan , Farris Kevin , Feldstein Leora , Fox LeAnne , Frank Mark , Freeman Brandi , Fry Alicia , Fuller James , Galang Romeo , Gerber Sue , Gokhale Runa , Goldstein Sue , Gorman Sue , Gregg William , Greim William , Grube Steven , Hall Aron , Haynes Amber , Hill Sherrasa , Hornsby-Myers Jennifer , Hunter Jennifer , Ionta Christopher , Isenhour Cheryl , Jacobs Max , Jacobs Slifka Kara , Jernigan Daniel , Jhung Michael , Jones-Wormley Jamie , Kambhampati Anita , Kamili Shifaq , Kennedy Pamela , Kent Charlotte , Killerby Marie , Kim Lindsay , Kirking Hannah , Koonin Lisa , Koppaka Ram , Kosmos Christine , Kuhar David , Kuhnert-Tallman Wendi , Kujawski Stephanie , Kumar Archana , Landon Alexander , Lee Leslie , Leung Jessica , Lindstrom Stephen , Link-Gelles Ruth , Lively Joana , Lu Xiaoyan , Lynch Brian , Malapati Lakshmi , Mandel Samantha , Manns Brian , Marano Nina , Marlow Mariel , Marston Barbara , McClung Nancy , McClure Liz , McDonald Emily , McGovern Oliva , Messonnier Nancy , Midgley Claire , Moulia Danielle , Murray Janna , Noelte Kate , Noonan-Smith Michelle , Nordlund Kristen , Norton Emily , Oliver Sara , Pallansch Mark , Parashar Umesh , Patel Anita , Patel Manisha , Pettrone Kristen , Pierce Taran , Pietz Harald , Pillai Satish , Radonovich Lewis , Reagan-Steiner Sarah , Reel Amy , Reese Heather , Rha Brian , Ricks Philip , Rolfes Melissa , Roohi Shahrokh , Roper Lauren , Rotz Lisa , Routh Janell , Sakthivel Senthil Kumar Sarmiento Luisa , Schindelar Jessica , Schneider Eileen , Schuchat Anne , Scott Sarah , Shetty Varun , Shockey Caitlin , Shugart Jill , Stenger Mark , Stuckey Matthew , Sunshine Brittany , Sykes Tamara , Trapp Jonathan , Uyeki Timothy , Vahey Grace , Valderrama Amy , Villanueva Julie , Walker Tunicia , Wallace Megan , Wang Lijuan , Watson John , Weber Angie , Weinbaum Cindy , Weldon William , Westnedge Caroline , Whitaker Brett , Whitaker Michael , Williams Alcia , Williams Holly , Willams Ian , Wong Karen , Xie Amy , Yousef Anna . Am J Transplant 2020 20 (3) 889-895 This article summarizes what is currently known about the 2019 novel coronavirus and offers interim guidance. |
Proposed Framework for Considering SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Testing of Unexposed Asymptomatic Workers in Selected Workplaces.
Schulte PA , Piacentino JD , Weissman DN , de Perio MA , Chiu SK , Radonovich LJ , Trout D , Beezhold D , Hearl FJ , Howard J . J Occup Environ Med 2021 63 (8) 646-656 OBJECTIVES: To propose a framework for considering SARS-CoV-2 antigen testing of unexposed asymptomatic workers in selected workplaces. METHODS: This is a commentary based on established occupational safety and health principles, published articles, and other pertinent literature, including non-peer-reviewed preprints in prior to April 16, 2021. RESULTS: Not applicable to this commentary/viewpoint article. CONCLUSION: Antigen testing is a rapidly evolving and useful public health tool that can be used to guide measures to reduce spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the community and in selected workplaces. This commentary provides a proposed framework for occupational safety and health practitioners and employers for considering antigen testing as a method to screen asymptomatic workers in selected non-healthcare settings. When applied selectively, antigen testing can be a useful, effective part of a comprehensive workplace program for COVID-19 prevention and control. |
Considerations for Pooled Testing of Employees for SARS-CoV-2.
Schulte PA , Weissman DN , Luckhaupt SE , de Perio MA , Beezhold D , Piacentino JD , Radonovich LJJr , Hearl FJ , Howard J . J Occup Environ Med 2021 63 (1) 1-9 OBJECTIVES: To identify important background information on pooled tested of employees that employers workers, and health authorities should consider. METHODS: This paper is a commentary based on the review by the authors of pertinent literature generally from preprints in prior to August 2020. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: Pooled testing may be particularly useful to employers in communities with low prevalence of COVID-19. It can be used to reduce the number of tests and associated financial costs. For effective and efficient pooled testing employers should consider it as part of a broader, more comprehensive workplace COVID-19 prevention and control program. Pooled testing of asymptomatic employees can prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and help assure employers and customers that employees are not infectious. |
Risk Factors for Healthcare Personnel Infection with Endemic Coronaviruses (HKU1, OC43, NL63, 229E): Results from the Respiratory Protection Effectiveness Clinical Trial (ResPECT).
Cummings DAT , Radonovich LJ , Gorse GJ , Gaydos CA , Bessesen MT , Brown AC , Gibert CL , Hitchings MDT , Lessler J , Nyquist AC , Rattigan SM , Rodriguez-Barradas MC , Price CS , Reich NG , Simberkoff MS , Perl TM . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (11) e4428-e4432 BACKGROUND: SARS-CoV-2 presents a large risk to healthcare personnel. Quantifying the risk of coronavirus infection associated with workplace activities is an urgent need. METHODS: We assessed the association of worker characteristics, occupational roles and behaviors, and participation in procedures with the risk of endemic coronavirus infection among healthcare personnel who participated in the Respiratory Protection Effectiveness Trial (ResPECT), a cluster randomized trial to assess personal protective equipment to prevent respiratory infections and illness conducted from 2011 to 2016. RESULTS: Among 4,689 HCP-seasons, we detected coronavirus infection in 387 (8%). HCP who participated in an aerosol generation procedure (AGP) at least once during the viral respiratory season were 105% (95% CI 21%, 240%) more likely to be diagnosed with a laboratory-confirmed coronavirus infection. Younger individuals, those who saw pediatric patients and those with household members under the age of five were at increased risk of coronavirus infection. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis suggests the risk of HCP becoming infected with an endemic coronavirus increases approximately two-fold with exposures to AGP. Our findings may be relevant to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic; however, SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, may differ from endemic coronaviruses in important ways. |
Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.
de Perio MA , Dowell CH , Delaney LJ , Radonovich LJ , Kuhar D , Gupta N , Patel A , Pillai SK , D'Alessandro M . Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2020 14 (5) 1-23 N95 respirators are the personal protective equipment most often used to control exposures to infections transmitted via the airborne route. Supplies of N95 respirators can become depleted during pandemics or when otherwise in high demand. In this paper, we offer strategies for optimizing supplies of N95 respirators in healthcare settings while maximizing the level of protection offered to healthcare personnel when there is limited supply in the United States during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The strategies are intended for use by professionals who manage respiratory protection programs, occupational health services, and infection prevention programs in healthcare facilities to protect healthcare personnel from job-related risks of exposure to infectious respiratory illnesses. Consultation with federal, state, and local public health officials is also important. We use the framework of surge capacity and the occupational health and safety hierarchy of controls approach to discuss specific engineering control, administrative control, and personal protective equipment measures that may help in optimizing N95 respirator supplies. |
COVID-19 and Risks Posed to Personnel During Endotracheal Intubation.
Weissman DN , de Perio MA , Radonovich LJJr . JAMA 2020 323 (20) 2027-2028 Health care personnel who care for critically ill patients with suspected or confirmed novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) routinely participate in procedures, such as endotracheal intubation, that may create infectious aerosols. Among persons infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19, approximately 8% will require endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation.1 | | Aerosol-generating procedures have been described as “…procedures performed on patients [that] are more likely to generate higher concentrations of infectious respiratory aerosols than coughing, sneezing, talking, or breathing.”2 Health Protection Scotland defines aerosol-generating procedures “as medical and patient care procedures that result in the production of airborne particles (aerosols) that create the potential for airborne transmission of infections that may otherwise only be transmissible by the droplet route.”3 Although there is no generally accepted and comprehensive list of aerosol-generating procedures performed during clinical care, examples include open suctioning of airways, sputum induction, manual ventilation, endotracheal intubation and extubation, noninvasive ventilation, bronchoscopy, and tracheotomy.4 There is great interest in understanding the hazards posed by the range of potentially hazardous aerosol-generating procedures for the transmission of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. |
Training and Fit Testing of Health Care Personnel for Reusable Elastomeric Half-Mask Respirators Compared With Disposable N95 Respirators.
Pompeii LA , Kraft CS , Brownsword EA , Lane MA , Benavides E , Rios J , Radonovich LJ Jr . JAMA 2020 323 (18) 1849-1852 This study examines the feasibility of rapidly training and fit testing health care workers to use elastomeric half-mask respirators (EHMRs), widely used in construction and manufacturing, as an alternative to N95 respirators during periods of shortage. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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