Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 221 Records) |
Query Trace: Powell N[original query] |
Impact of fruit and vegetable incentive programs on food insecurity, fruit and vegetable consumption, and health outcomes: A Community Guide systematic review
Stein R , Finnie RKC , Harmon S , Peng Y , Pritchard C , Vecsey H , Emmons KM , Hargarten S , Simon MA , Blanck HM , Harris D , Bellows L , Colemafn-Jensen A , Fleischhacker S , Koenings MM , Odoms-Young A , Seligman HK , Grant C , Powell A . Am J Prev Med 2024 INTRODUCTION: Food and nutrition security is crucial for health, but many U.S. households experience food insecurity. This systematic review conducted in support of the Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) examines the effectiveness of Fruit and Vegetable Incentive (FVI) programs in reducing food insecurity, increasing fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption, and improving health outcomes among households with lower incomes. METHODS: Community Guide systematic review methods were applied. Studies were identified through a literature search (inception of each database to February 2023). U.S. studies were included if they evaluated programs offering participants financial incentives to purchase FV; were designed for or implemented among populations with lower incomes; reported health-related outcomes; and were published in English as peer-reviewed articles or government reports. RESULTS: This review included 30 studies. Thirteen of 14 datapoints from 12 studies indicated FVI programs reduced household food insecurity. Twenty-one of 29 datapoints from 23 studies showed increased FV consumption. Programs providing incentives to participants at risk for or with diet-related health conditions improved blood glucose levels by a median of 0.64 percentage points. DISCUSSION: Based on the review findings, CPSTF recommends FVI programs for populations with lower incomes to reduce household food insecurity, increase household FV consumption, and improve blood glucose levels in participants at risk for or with diet-related health conditions. Although the review did not find direct evidence of reducing health disparities, the CPSTF expects that these programs will improve health equity across the US by improving the affordability and accessibility of healthier foods for households with lower incomes. |
Child and family characteristics associated with verbal communication difficulties in adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities
Powell PS , Gonzalez MG , Pazol K , Reyes N , Nadler C , Wiggins L . Res Dev Disabil 2024 155 104879 BACKGROUND: Verbal communication difficulties are associated with a range of adolescent and adult outcomes in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Yet there is limited information about contextual factors associated with verbal communication difficulties beyond early childhood, and how youth with ASD compare to youth with other developmental disabilities (DD). AIMS: The current study examined verbal communication difficulties among adolescents with ASD and other DD, and child and family characteristics associated with these difficulties in later in life. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Children were classified as ASD or other DD between 2 and 5 years old. Caregivers of these same children reported verbal communication difficulties between 12 and 16 years old. Chi square tests examined group differences in adolescent verbal communication difficulties; Poisson regression examined child and family characteristics associated with adolescent verbal communication difficulties. OUTCOMES AND RESULTS: Adolescents with ASD had significantly more verbal communication difficulties (47.4 %) than adolescents with other DD (14.6 %). Factors that predicted verbal communication difficulties in adolescents with ASD and other DD were expressive language abilities and internalizing symptoms in early childhood, having a mother of non-Hispanic Black compared to White race, and having a mother with some college compared to an advanced degree. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Almost half of adolescents with ASD had verbal communication difficulties, which was significantly higher than those with other DD. Early childhood and socio-demographic factors like race, education, and insurance were associated with verbal language outcomes. These factors may be useful in identifying and supporting those most likely to benefit from targeted communication services. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS?: Verbal communication difficulties are common among adolescents with autism. Early childhood and socio-demographic characteristics like race and education are associated with these difficulties. These findings could help better identify and support adolescents with communication difficulties. |
Evaluating public health strategies for climate adaptation: challenges and opportunities from the climate ready states and cities initiative
Joseph Heather A , Mallen Evan , McLaughlin Megan , Grossman Elena , Holmes Tisha Joseph , Locklear Autumn , Powell Emily , Thie Lauren , Uejio Christopher K , Vacca Kristen , Williams Courtney , Bishop Tony , Jeffers Carol , Siegel Hannah , Austin Chelsea . PLoS Climate 2023 2 (3) Evaluation generates critical evidence about the effectiveness of health-focused climate adaptation, who receives what benefits, and how to improve program quality. However, using evaluation to improve climate adaptation outcomes with timeliness and context-specificity is uniquely challenging. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention supports health departments to implement adaptation initiatives through the Climate-Ready States and Cities Initiative (CRSCI) grant and minimize negative health impacts of climate change via the Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) framework, which includes evaluation. In this paper, we present current evaluation practice by describing the health-focused adaptation actions that were evaluated among CRSCI recipients, the evaluation approaches they used, and the barriers and enablers encountered. Using a mixed methods approach, we abstracted annual progress report and standardized performance measure data to characterize evaluation activities across 18 grant recipients using basic quantitative descriptive analysis. Through structured interviews with three grant recipients and standard team-based qualitative coding and analysis techniques, we developed qualitative case studies to explore evaluation barriers and enablers in richer context. Recipients reported 76 evaluations over the reporting period (2018-2021). Evaluated programs commonly addressed extreme weather (50.0%), followed by heat (27.6%). The most common purpose was to monitor implementation or improve delivery (57.9%). Case studies highlighted barriers to successful evaluation such as limited specialized evaluation expertise and staff time. Enablers included staff motivation to justify program expansion, strong relationships with community partners, and use of evaluation plans. Case studies revealed diverse strategies to seek input from stakeholders disproportionately impacted by climate change and to reduce health disparities. The experiences of CDC grant recipients provide an opportunity to better understand the barriers and enablers of climate and health evaluation practice and to identify practical strategies to expand the value of evaluation in this nascent field. |
Update on outpatient antibiotic prescribing during the COVID-19 pandemic: United States, 2020-2022
Bizune D , Gouin K , Powell L , Hersh AL , Hicks LA , Kabbani S . Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol 2024 4 (1) e193 We updated a descriptive analysis of national outpatient antibiotic prescribing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Prescribing volume was lower during 2020 and January-June in 2021 and 2022 compared to corresponding baseline months in 2019. Prescribing approached or exceeded baseline during July-December of 2021 and 2022 for all antibiotics, especially for azithromycin. |
Evaluation and revision of historical ESSENCE syndromic surveillance definition used to identify work-related emergency department visits
Harduar Morano L , Kite Powell A , Luckhaupt SE . Public Health Rep 2024 333549241287929 OBJECTIVES: Occupational health surveillance programs have rarely incorporated syndromic surveillance. We documented a process for evaluating and revising syndromic surveillance definitions, using the example of work-related emergency department (ED) visits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Of 140 331 481 ED visits in the National Syndromic Surveillance Program from May 15, 2016, through October 31, 2017, we extracted 391 827 records for phase 1 that met the previously unevaluated original work-related definition or included a work-related employment status ICD-10-CM code (Y99.0/Y99.1; International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification). Also for phase 1, we evaluated the performance of the original work-related definition using ICD-10-CM work-related employment status codes as a reference standard. In phase 2, we extracted 99 109 records containing candidate work-related keywords. Finally, in phase 3, we examined individual keywords and developed and evaluated a revised definition. RESULTS: The revised work-related definition identified 259 153 visits by keyword alone, 104 342 visits by ICD-10-CM work-related employment status codes alone, and 16 385 ED visits by both methods. Sensitivity (13.6% vs 11.3%) and positive predictive value (5.9% vs 4.8%) were higher for the revised definition than for the original work-related definition. Manual review indicated that 91.3% (95% CI, 89.6%-93.0%) of visits identified by the revised definition keywords met the study criteria for work-related visits as compared with 75.5% (95% CI, 73.0%-78.4%) of visits for the original work-related definition. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The original work-related definition performed suboptimally because keywords were not sufficiently specific. The revised definition is an improvement but requires testing in real-world scenarios. The presented methods for developing a syndromic surveillance definition are useful, not only for occupational health, but for identification of other subpopulations treated in the ED. |
Impact of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) weights on firefighter's kinematics during simulated firefighter tasks
Xu S , Jones R , Ratnakumar N , Akbas K , Powell J , Zhuang Z , Zhou X . Appl Hum Factors Ergon Conf 2024 131 142-149 Firefighters face a multitude of hazards in their line of duty, with overexertion being one of the foremost causes of injuries or fatalities. This high risk is often exacerbated by the burden of carrying a heavy self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). This study aims to explore the impact of SCBA weight on firefighters' musculoskeletal joint movements. Six firefighters participated in this study, performing four simulated firefighting tasks under three different SCBA weight conditions. A hybrid inverse kinematics approach was employed to analyze the kinematic data from two participants. The results revealed a notable decrease in lumbar range of motion (ROM) as the weight increased, particularly noticeable during hose advancement and stair climbing tasks. Conversely, an increase in hip ROM during stair climbing was observed, suggesting a compensatory response to reduced spinal flexibility. These findings underscore the critical need to understand the implications of turnout gear and SCBA weight to enhance firefighter performance and reduce the risk of injury. |
Changes in autism and co-occurring conditions from preschool to adolescence: Considerations for precision monitoring and treatment planning
Wiggins LD , Overwyk K , Powell P , Daniels J , DiGuiseppi C , Nadler C , Reyes N , Barger B , Moody E , Pazol K . J Autism Dev Disord 2024 PURPOSE: To describe retention of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis from preschool to adolescence and the most common co-occurring diagnoses among children with ASD in preschool and adolescence. A second objective was to identify co-occurring diagnoses more likely to emerge between preschool and adolescence among children with ASD vs. another developmental or mental health diagnosis in preschool. METHODS: Children completed a case-control study when they were between 2 and 5 years of age. Caregivers reported their child's diagnoses of ASD and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), any developmental delay (DD), epilepsy/seizure disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sensory integration disorder, and speech/language disorder when the child was preschool age and, separately, during adolescence. Any anxiety and depression/mood disorder, intellectual disability (ID), and learning disability (LD) were considered only in adolescence. RESULTS: 85.5% of preschool children retained their ASD diagnosis in adolescence. DD, sensory integration disorder, and speech-language disorder co-occurred in over 20% of preschool age children with ASD. These same conditions, along with anxiety disorders, ADHD, ID, and LD, co-occurred in over 20% of adolescents with ASD. Significantly more children with ASD vs. another developmental or mental health diagnosis in preschool gained diagnoses of ADHD, DD, sensory integration disorder, and speech-language disorder by adolescence. CONCLUSION: ASD is a highly stable diagnosis and co-occurring conditions are common. The prevalence of co-occurring diagnoses may depend on age, with some persisting from preschool to adolescence and others emerging over time. Health and education providers can use these findings to inform precision monitoring and treatment planning. |
CDC prioritizes HIV prevention and treatment to reduce HIV disparities among cis-gender black women
Raiford JL , DiNenno E , Beer L , Bowman S , Johnson Lyons S , Anderson SKE , Powell N , Nickson R , Hall G , Neblett Fanfair R . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2024 To succeed in ending the HIV epidemic in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) focuses on delivering combinations of scientifically proven, cost-effective, and scalable interventions to priority populations. Systemic factors continue to contribute to persistent health disparities and disproportionately higher rates of HIV diagnosis in some communities. The National HIV/AIDS Strategy has designated cis-gender Black women (CgBW) as a priority population to address the racial and ethnic inequities in HIV. This report presents the portfolio of projects, programs, and initiatives funded by the CDC's Division of HIV Prevention (DHP) to address disparities in HIV and improve health and QOL among CgBW. These funded activities include the development, planning, and implementation of HIV prevention programs, mass media campaigns, and behavioral interventions focused on CgBW. This report also summarizes DHP's community engagement, capacity building, and partnership efforts, and highlights research and surveillance activities focusing on CgBW. Finally, this report outlines future directions for CDC's efforts to improve access to HIV testing, treatment, and prevention for CgBW in the United States. |
Evaluation of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) weight on firefighter stamina, comfort, and postural stability
Kesler RM , Powell J , Nguyen D , Massey KA , Joshi S , Xu S , Zhuang Z , Horn GP , Burd NA , Masoud F . Ergonomics 2024 1-14 Firefighters wear personal protective equipment to protect them from the thermal and chemical environment in which they operate. The self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) provides isolation of the airway from the hazardous fireground. National standards limit SCBA weight, however, integration of additional features could result in an SCBA exceeding the current limit. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of increased SCBA weight on firefighters' physiological responses, work output, dynamic stability, and comfort. Completion of simulated firefighting activities induced a strong physiological response. Peak oxygen consumption was higher with the lightest SCBA than the heaviest SCBA. Few other physiological differences were noted as SCBA weight increased. Importantly, increased SCBA weight resulted in significantly more negative perceptions by the firefighters and a trend towards significance for the duration of work time prior to reaching volitional fatigue. These results should be considered when assessing changes to existing SCBA weight limits. | Increased SCBA weight above existing national standards resulted in negative perceptions by the firefighters, but not significant physiological changes after two simulated bouts of firefighting activity. SCBA weight had a nearly significant impact on the time firefighters worked before reaching volitional fatigue, with heavier SCBA trending towards decreased working time. | eng |
Depressive symptoms and activity engagement in autistic adolescents and those with other developmental disabilities
Wiggins LD , Daniels J , Overwyk K , Croen L , DiGuiseppi C , Bradley C , Powell P , Dichter G , Moody E , Pazol K . Disabil Health J 2024 101633 BACKGROUND: Autistic adults and those with other developmental disabilities (DD) have increased depressive symptoms and decreased activity engagement when compared to those with no DD. Few studies explore activities related to depressive symptoms in autistic people and those with other DD during adolescence. OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this analysis were to describe depressive symptoms and activity engagement among autistic adolescents and those with other DD and no DD and explore types of activities associated with depressive symptoms, stratified by study group. METHODS: Parents of adolescents completed a multi-site case-control study of autism and other DD when their child was 2-5 years of age and a follow-up survey when their child was 12-16 years of age. Questions asked about the adolescent's current diagnoses, depressive symptoms (i.e., diagnosis, medication use, or symptoms), and engagement in club, social, sport, vocational, volunteer, and other organized activities. RESULTS: Autistic adolescents (N = 238) and those with other DD (N = 222) were significantly more likely to have depressive symptoms than adolescents with no DD (N = 406), (31.9 %, 30.6 %, and 15.0 % respectively). Lower percentages of autistic adolescents participated in activities than peers with other DD, who had lower percentages than peers with no DD. Participation in sports was associated with lower likelihood of depressive symptoms in all groups. CONCLUSIONS: Autistic adolescents and those with other DD are at increased risk for depressive symptoms and reduced activity engagement. Participation in sports may be especially important for adolescent mental health regardless of disability status. Implications for public health education and intervention are discussed. |
Clinical severity of enteric viruses detected using a quantitative molecular assay compared to conventional assays in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study
Cates J , Powell H , Platts-Mills J , Nasrin D , Panchalingam S , Sow SO , Traore A , Sur D , Ramamurthy T , Zaidi AKM , Kabir F , Faruque ASG , Ahmed D , Breiman RF , Omore R , Ochieng JB , Hossain MJ , Antonio M , Mandomando I , Vubil D , Nataro JP , Levine MM , Parashar UD , Kotloff KL , Tate JE . J Infect Dis 2024 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Quantitative molecular assays are increasingly used for detection of enteric viruses. METHODS: We compared the clinical severity using modified Vesikari score (mVS) of enteric viruses detected by conventional assays (enzyme immunoassays [EIA] for rotavirus and adenovirus 40/41 and conventional polymerase chain reaction for astrovirus, sapovirus, and norovirus) and a quantitative molecular assay (TaqMan Array Card [TAC]) among children aged 0-59 months in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study. For rotavirus and adenovirus 40/41, we compared severity between EIA-positive and TAC-positive cases assigned etiologies using different cycle threshold (CT) cutoffs. RESULTS: Using conventional assays, the median (interquartile range) mVS was 10 (8, 11) for rotavirus, 9 (7, 11) for adenovirus 40/41, 8 (6, 10) for astrovirus, sapovirus, and norovirus GII, and 7 (6, 9) for norovirus GI. Compared to rotavirus EIA-positive cases, the median mVS was 2 and 3 points lower for EIA-negative/TAC-positive cases with CT<32.6 and 32.6≤CT<35, respectively (p-value<.0001). Adenovirus 40/41 EIA-positive and EIA-negative/TAC-positive cases were similar, regardless of CT cutoff. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative molecular assays compared to conventional assays, such as EIA, may influence severity of identified cases, especially for rotavirus. Cutoffs to assign etiology for quantitative assays should be considered in the design and interpretation of enteric virus studies. |
Long-acting reversible contraception use and unmet desire among patients after the Zika contraception access network program in Puerto Rico
Stewart A , Lisa Romero , Kortsmit K , Hurst S , Powell R , Lathrop E , Whiteman MK , Zapata LB . Contraception 2024 110441 OBJECTIVE: To describe unmet desire for long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) after the Zika Contraception Access Network (Z-CAN) in Puerto Rico during the 2016-2017 Zika outbreak. STUDY DESIGN: Z-CAN patients completed web-based surveys about contraception experiences over a three-year period. RESULTS: Of 1,809 survey respondents, 3% never used LARC, but reported wanting it since their initial visit. As reasons for not getting LARC, nearly 50% indicated a provider-related reason and 25% reported cost. CONCLUSIONS: Few Z-CAN patients who never used LARC had unmet LARC desire. Provider training in contraception guidelines and strategies to address costs can expand access to the full range of reversible contraception. IMPLICATIONS: Three years after a short-term program provided reversible contraception in Puerto Rico, few respondents had never used but wanted a long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) method. Nearly half reported provider-related reasons for not receiving LARC, and 25% reported cost. Provider awareness of contraceptive guidance and method availability can support client-centered care. |
Remote delivery of allied and behavioral healthcare during COVID-19 for children with developmental disabilities
Wiggins LD , Tian LH , Tinker SC , Yeargin-Allsopp M , DiGuiseppi CG , Nadler C , Powell PS , Moody EJ , Durkin MS , Fallin MD , Ryerson AB , Thierry JM , Robinson B , Pazol K . JAACAP Open 2024 2 (1) 36-44 OBJECTIVE: Many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities (DD) transitioned to telehealth services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our objectives were to describe reductions in allied and behavioral healthcare services and receipt of caregiver training to deliver services at home because of COVID-19 for children with ASD and other DD, and factors associated with worse response to remote delivery of services for children with ASD. METHOD: Prior to the pandemic, children 2 to 5 years of age were enrolled in a multi-site case-control study and completed a developmental assessment. Caregivers completed questionnaires on child behavior problems and ASD symptoms. Children were classified as having ASD vs another DD based on standardized diagnostic measures. Subsequently, caregivers completed a survey during January to June 2021 to assess how COVID-19 affected children and families. RESULTS: Caregivers reported that most children with ASD and other DD had a decrease in service hours (50.0%-76.9% by service type) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Children with ASD were significantly more likely to experience reduced speech/language therapy than children with other DD. Receipt of caregiver training to deliver services at home ranged from 38.1% to 57.4% by service type. Among children with ASD, pre-pandemic problems with internalizing behaviors and social communication/interaction were associated with worse response to behavioral telehealth but no other common therapies. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates the caregiver-reported impacts of COVID-19 on remote delivery of allied and behavioral healthcare services for children with ASD and other DD. Considerations for caregiver support and remote delivery of services are provided. |
Perceptions of the Zika virus, contraceptive access, and motivation to participate in the Zika contraception access network program: Qualitative analysis of focusgroup discussions with puerto rican women
Romero L , Acosta-Pérez E , Bednar H , Hurst S , Zapata LB , Vega-Torres S , Powell R , Lathrop E . P R Health Sci J 2024 43 (1) 46-53 OBJECTIVE: During the 2016-2017 Zika virus outbreak in Puerto Rico, the Zika Contraception Access Network (Z-CAN) provided client-centered contraceptive counseling and access to the full range of reversible contraceptive methods at no cost to prevent unintended pregnancies and thereby to reduce Zika-related birth outcomes. METHODS: To understand how Puerto Rican women's perceptions of the Zika virus affected contraceptive decisions and assess how they heard about the Z-CAN program and what influenced their participation, or lack thereof, 24 focus-group discussions were conducted among women of reproductive age who did and did not participate in Z-CAN. RESULTS: Women who participated in the discussions often had heard about Z-CAN from their physician or friends; non-participants had heard about Z-CAN from Facebook or friends. Women expressed satisfaction on finding a Z-CAN clinic and valued the same-day provision of contraceptives. When a preferred contraceptive method or a first appointment was not readily available, women reconsidered accessing the program. Women's perceptions and trust of reproductive healthcare providers, their engagement in social networks, and their ability to choose a contraceptive method that best meets their needs can influence participation in contraception-access programs. CONCLUSION: Focus groups can be used to understand women's knowledge of the Zika virus, barriers and facilitators to contraception access, and motivations for participation in the Z-CAN program. |
Health and education services during the COVID-19 pandemic among young children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities
Pazol K , Tian LH , DiGuiseppi C , Durkin MS , Fallin MD , Moody EJ , Nadler C , Powell PS , Reyes N , Robinson B , Ryerson AB , Thierry JM , Tinker SC , Wiggins LD , Yeargin-Allsopp M . J Dev Behav Pediatr 2024 45 (1) e31-e38 OBJECTIVE: Understanding how the COVID-19 pandemic affected children with disabilities is essential for future public health emergencies. We compared children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with those with another developmental disability (DD) and from the general population (POP) regarding (1) missed or delayed appointments for regular health/dental services, immunizations, and specialty services; (2) reasons for difficulty accessing care; and (3) use of remote learning and school supports. METHOD: Caregivers of children previously enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development, a case-control study of children with ASD implemented during 2017 to 2020, were recontacted during January-June 2021 to learn about services during March-December 2020. Children were classified as ASD, DD, or POP during the initial study and were aged 3.4 to 7.5 years when their caregivers were recontacted during the pandemic. RESULTS: Over half of all children missed or delayed regular health/dental appointments (58.4%-65.2%). More children in the ASD versus DD and POP groups missed or delayed specialty services (75.7%, 58.3%, and 22.8%, respectively) and reported difficulties obtaining care of any type because of issues using telehealth and difficulty wearing a mask. During school closures, a smaller proportion of children with ASD versus another DD were offered live online classes (84.3% vs 91.1%), while a larger proportion had disrupted individualized education programs (50.0% vs 36.2%). CONCLUSION: Minimizing service disruptions for all children and ensuring continuity of specialty care for children with ASD is essential for future public health emergencies. Children may need additional services to compensate for disruptions during the pandemic. |
Using trust-based philanthropy with community-based organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic
Powell Rachel , Evans Dorothy , Bednar Hailey , Oladipupo Brittany , Sidibe Turquoise . Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing 2023 n/a e1786 Abstract Community-based organizations (CBOs) fill a critical role in acting as public health partners and trusted resources for their communities, especially in an emergency. The CDC Foundation, an independent, nonprofit organization, used trust-based philanthropy to manage more than 110 COVID-19 grants focused on equitable vaccine information, outreach, and access. The CDC Foundation team uses a trust-based philanthropy paradigm by applying five out of six of the grantmaking practices: do the homework; simplify and streamline paperwork; be transparent and responsive; solicit and act on feedback; and offer support beyond the check. By applying trust-based philanthropy practices, the CDC Foundation is empowering CBOs through flexible grant management and more equitable power dynamics as grantee and grantor. This has been essential to CBOs in their efforts of tackling health inequities during the COVID-19 pandemic and improving community resilience. Lessons learned will inform future collaborations with CBOs where the power dynamics are shared. |
Perceptions toward Ebola vaccination and correlates of vaccine uptake among high-risk community members in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Perera SM , Garbern SC , Mbong EN , Fleming MK , Muhayangabo RF , Ombeni AB , Kulkarni S , Tchoualeu DD , Kallay R , Song E , Powell J , Gainey M , Glenn B , Mutumwa RM , Mustafa SHB , Earle-Richardson G , Fukunaga R , Abad N , Soke GN , Prybylski D , Fitter DL , Levine AC , Doshi RH . PLOS Glob Public Health 2024 4 (1) e0002566 The tenth Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak (2018-2020, North Kivu, Ituri, South Kivu) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was the second-largest EVD outbreak in history. During this outbreak, Ebola vaccination was an integral part of the EVD response. We evaluated community perceptions toward Ebola vaccination and identified correlates of Ebola vaccine uptake among high-risk community members in North Kivu, DRC. In March 2021, a cross-sectional survey among adults was implemented in three health zones. We employed a sampling approach mimicking ring vaccination, targeting EVD survivors, their household members, and their neighbors. Outbreak experiences and perceptions toward the Ebola vaccine were assessed, and modified Poisson regression was used to identify correlates of Ebola vaccine uptake among those offered vaccination. Among the 631 individuals surveyed, most (90.2%) reported a high perceived risk of EVD and 71.6% believed that the vaccine could reduce EVD severity; however, 63.7% believed the vaccine had serious side effects. Among the 474 individuals who had been offered vaccination, 397 (83.8%) received the vaccine, 180 (45.3%) of those vaccinated received the vaccine after two or more offers. Correlates positively associated with vaccine uptake included having heard positive information about the vaccine (RR 1.30, 95% CI 1.06-1.60), the belief that the vaccine could prevent EVD (RR 1.23, 95% CI 1.09-1.39), and reporting that religion influenced all decisions (RR 1.13, 95% CI 1.02-1.25). Ebola vaccine uptake was high in this population, although mixed attitudes and vaccine delays were common. Communicating positive vaccine information, emphasizing the efficacy of the Ebola vaccine, and engaging religious leaders to promote vaccination may aid in increasing Ebola vaccine uptake during future outbreaks. |
Importance of public and private partnership supporting data disaggregation to measure racial, sexual orientation, and gender identity disparities in COVID-19
Powell R , Parker B , Moore M , Xiong T , Evans D , Sidibe T . Health Secur 2023 21 S35-s41 The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed shortcomings in the US public health data system infrastructure, including incomplete or disparate processes related to data collection, management, sharing, and analysis. Public health data modernization is critical to ensure health equity is at the core of preparedness and response efforts and policies that prioritize equitable responses to health emergencies. To address the inequitable uptake and distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations in communities most disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, the CDC Foundation's Response Crisis and Preparedness Unit began partnering with community-based organizations in March 2021 to provide education and outreach and facilitate access to vaccines. These organizations engaged with partners and communities to address vaccine-related concerns, develop innovative and culturally appropriate communication strategies, and promote timely vaccination. Two grantees, Out Boulder County in Colorado and the Coalition of Asian American Leaders in Minnesota, experienced issues related to public health data collection standards and practices for COVID-19. Data collection tools often lack the appropriate or necessary demographic variables or level of disaggregation needed to be able to assess prioritization and disparities within racial and ethnic groups and across sexual orientation and gender identity categories. In this case study, both grantee organizations document their experiences, challenges, and strategies to overcome barriers to implementing their projects resulting from a lack of meaningful data. These examples identify inequities and systems-level changes related to data collection and surveillance, and they provide recommendations and lessons learned to improve data surveillance for more equitable public health responses. |
Seasonal trends in emergency department visits for mental and behavioral health conditions among children and adolescents aged 5-17 years - United States, January 2018-June 2023
Radhakrishnan L , Carey K , Pell D , Ising A , Brathwaite D , Waller A , Gay J , Watson-Smith H , Person M , Zamore K , Brumsted T , Price C , Clark PM , Haas GA , Gracy L , Johnston S , Chen Y , Muñoz K , Henry M , Willis B , Nevels D , Asaolu I , Lee S , Wilkins NJ , Bacon S , Sheppard M , Kite-Powell A , Blau G , King M , Whittaker M , Leeb RT . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (38) 1032-1040 Mental and behavioral health conditions among school-aged children, including substance use disorders and overall emotional well-being, are a public health concern in the United States. Timely data on seasonal patterns in child and adolescent conditions can guide optimal timing of prevention and intervention strategies. CDC examined emergency department (ED) visit data from the National Syndromic Surveillance Program for 25 distinct conditions during January 2018-June 2023 among U.S. children and adolescents aged 5-17 years, stratified by age group. Each year, during 2018-2023, among persons aged 10-14 and 15-17 years, the number and proportion of weekly ED visits for eight conditions increased in the fall school semester and remained elevated throughout the spring semester; ED visits were up to twice as high during school semesters compared with the summer period. Among children aged 5-9 years, the number and proportion of visits increased for five mental and behavioral health conditions. Seasonal increases in ED visits for some conditions among school-aged children warrant enhanced awareness about mental distress symptoms and the challenges and stressors in the school environment. Systemic changes that prioritize protective factors (e.g., physical activity; nutrition; sleep; social, community, or faith-based support; and inclusive school and community environments) and incorporate preparedness for increases in conditions during back-to-school planning might improve child and adolescent mental health. |
Application of a life table approach to assess duration of BNT162b2 vaccine-derived immunity by age using COVID-19 case surveillance data during the Omicron variant period
Sternberg MR , Johnson A , King J , Ali AR , Linde L , Awofeso AO , Baker JS , Bayoumi NS , Broadway S , Busen K , Chang C , Cheng I , Cima M , Collingwood A , Dorabawila V , Drenzek C , Fleischauer A , Gent A , Hartley A , Hicks L , Hoskins M , Jara A , Jones A , Khan SI , Kamal-Ahmed I , Kangas S , Kanishka F , Kleppinger A , Kocharian A , León TM , Link-Gelles R , Lyons BC , Masarik J , May A , McCormick D , Meyer S , Milroy L , Morris KJ , Nelson L , Omoike E , Patel K , Pietrowski M , Pike MA , Pilishvili T , Peterson Pompa X , Powell C , Praetorius K , Rosenberg E , Schiller A , Smith-Coronado ML , Stanislawski E , Strand K , Tilakaratne BP , Vest H , Wiedeman C , Zaldivar A , Silk B , Scobie HM . PLoS One 2023 18 (9) e0291678 ![]() BACKGROUND: SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants have the potential to impact vaccine effectiveness and duration of vaccine-derived immunity. We analyzed U.S. multi-jurisdictional COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough surveillance data to examine potential waning of protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection for the Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b) primary vaccination series by age. METHODS: Weekly numbers of SARS-CoV-2 infections during January 16, 2022-May 28, 2022 were analyzed by age group from 22 U.S. jurisdictions that routinely linked COVID-19 case surveillance and immunization data. A life table approach incorporating line-listed and aggregated COVID-19 case datasets with vaccine administration and U.S. Census data was used to estimate hazard rates of SARS-CoV-2 infections, hazard rate ratios (HRR) and percent reductions in hazard rate comparing unvaccinated people to people vaccinated with a Pfizer-BioNTech primary series only, by age group and time since vaccination. RESULTS: The percent reduction in hazard rates for persons 2 weeks after vaccination with a Pfizer-BioNTech primary series compared with unvaccinated persons was lowest among children aged 5-11 years at 35.5% (95% CI: 33.3%, 37.6%) compared to the older age groups, which ranged from 68.7%-89.6%. By 19 weeks after vaccination, all age groups showed decreases in the percent reduction in the hazard rates compared with unvaccinated people; with the largest declines observed among those aged 5-11 and 12-17 years and more modest declines observed among those 18 years and older. CONCLUSIONS: The decline in vaccine protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection observed in this study is consistent with other studies and demonstrates that national case surveillance data were useful for assessing early signals in age-specific waning of vaccine protection during the initial period of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant predominance. The potential for waning immunity during the Omicron period emphasizes the importance of continued monitoring and consideration of optimal timing and provision of booster doses in the future. |
Provider perceptions of facilitators of and barriers to implementation of the Zika contraception access network: A qualitative evaluation
Acosta-Pérez E , Lathrop E , Vega S , Zapata LB , Mendoza Z , Huertas-Pagán X , Hurst S , Powell R , Romero L . P R Health Sci J 2023 42 (3) 233-240 OBJECTIVE: From May 2016 through September 2017, the Zika Contraception Access Network (Z-CAN) program increased access to contraception during the Zika virus outbreak in Puerto Rico by providing no-cost client-centered contraceptive counseling and (same-day) access to the full range of US Food and Drug Administration-approved reversible contraceptives to women desirous of not becoming pregnant. The purpose of this study was to identify areas for programmatic improvement and enhance the sustainability of services from the perspectives of participating Z-CAN physicians and other staff. METHODS: From April through July 2017, 49 in-depth key-informant interviews were conducted with Z-CAN physicians and clinic staff. Twenty-five clinics participating in the Z-CAN program were selected through a cluster randomization process. A semi-structured interview guide was developed to explore the participants' perceptions of the Z-CAN program and examine facilitators of and barriers to said implementation. A thematic analysis of the emerging topics was conducted. RESULTS: Our analysis encountered 4 common overarching themes: facilitators of the Z-CAN program; barriers to Z-CAN implementation; the perceived impact of Z-CAN on providers and communities; and the sustainability of contraception access after the Z-CAN program ended. The key findings were that provider training, mentor support, and communication campaigns facilitated program implementation and that delays in the acquisition and distribution of contraceptives were obstacles. CONCLUSION: Lessons learned from the implementation of Z-CAN from the perspective of physicians and other staff can be used to work towards sustainable contraceptive services in Puerto Rico and inform other contraception-access programs' design and implementation strategies. |
Asthma-associated emergency department visits during the Canadian wildfire smoke episodes - United States, April- August 2023
McArdle CE , Dowling TC , Carey K , DeVies J , Johns D , Gates AL , Stein Z , van Santen KL , Radhakrishnan L , Kite-Powell A , Soetebier K , Sacks JD , Sircar K , Hartnett KP , Mirabelli MC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (34) 926-932 During April 30-August 4, 2023, smoke originating from wildfires in Canada affected most of the contiguous United States. CDC used National Syndromic Surveillance Program data to assess numbers and percentages of asthma-associated emergency department (ED) visits on days with wildfire smoke, compared with days without wildfire smoke. Wildfire smoke days were defined as days when concentrations of particulate matter (particles generally ≤2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter) (PM(2.5)) triggered an Air Quality Index ≥101, corresponding to the air quality categorization, "Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups." Changes in asthma-associated ED visits were assessed across U.S. Department of Health and Human Services regions and by age. Overall, asthma-associated ED visits were 17% higher than expected during the 19 days with wildfire smoke that occurred during the study period; larger increases were observed in regions that experienced higher numbers of continuous wildfire smoke days and among persons aged 5-17 and 18-64 years. These results can help guide emergency response planning and public health communication strategies, especially in U.S. regions where wildfire smoke exposure was previously uncommon. |
Ebola vaccine uptake and attitudes among healthcare workers in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2021
Doshi RH , Garbern SC , Kulkarni S , Perera SM , Fleming MK , Muhayangabo RF , Ombeni AB , Tchoualeu DD , Kallay R , Song E , Powell J , Gainey M , Glenn B , Mutumwa RM , Hans Bateyi Mustafa S , Earle-Richardson G , Gao H , Abad N , Soke GN , Fitter DL , Hyde TB , Prybylski D , Levine AC , Jalloh MF , Mbong EN . Front Public Health 2023 11 1080700 INTRODUCTION: During the 2018-2020 Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), prevention and control measures, such as Ebola vaccination were challenging by community mistrust. We aimed to understand perceptions regarding Ebola vaccination and identify determinants of Ebola vaccine uptake among HCWs. METHODS: In March 2021, we conducted a cross-sectional survey among 438 HCWs from 100 randomly selected health facilities in three health zones (Butembo, Beni, Mabalako) affected by the 10th EVD outbreak in North Kivu, DRC. HCWs were eligible if they were ≥ 18 years and were working in a health facility during the outbreak. We used survey logistic regression to assess correlates of first-offer uptake (i.e., having received the vaccine the first time it was offered vs. after subsequent offers). RESULTS: Of the 438 HCWs enrolled in the study, 420 (95.8%) reported that they were eligible and offered an Ebola vaccine. Among those offered vaccination, self-reported uptake of the Ebola vaccine was 99.0% (95% confidence interval (CI) [98.5-99.4]), but first-offer uptake was 70.2% (95% CI [67.1, 73.5]). Nearly all HCWs (94.3%; 95% CI [92.7-95.5]) perceived themselves to be at risk of contracting EVD. The most common concern was that the vaccine would cause side effects (65.7%; 95% CI [61.4-69.7]). In the multivariable analysis, mistrust of the vaccine source or how the vaccine was produced decreased the odds of first-time uptake. DISCUSSION: Overall uptake of the Ebola vaccine was high among HCWs, but uptake at the first offer was substantially lower, which was associated with mistrust of the vaccine source. Future Ebola vaccination efforts should plan to make repeated vaccination offers to HCWs and address their underlying mistrust in the vaccines, which can, in turn, improve community uptake. |
Facilitators and barriers to implementing COVID-19 prevention strategies in K-12 public schools
Rose I , Powell L , King A , Murray CC , Rasberry CN , Pampati S , Barrios LC , Lee S . J Sch Nurs 2023 10598405231191282 To meet the educational needs of students, most schools in the United States (U.S.) reopened for in-person instruction during the 2021-2022 school year implementing a wide range of COVID-19 prevention strategies (e.g., mask requirements). To date, there have been limited studies examining facilitators and barriers to implementing each of the recommended COVID-19 prevention strategies in schools. Twenty-one semistructured interviews were conducted with public school staff from across the U.S. responsible for overseeing prevention strategy implementation. MAXQDA was used for thematic analysis. Findings identified key facilitators including utilizing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance and district policies to guide decision-making at the school level, possessing financial resources to purchase supplies, identifying key staff for implementation, and having school health services infrastructure in place. Key barriers included staff shortages, limited resources, and community opposition. Findings from this study provide important insight into how schools can prepare for future public health emergencies. |
The Alaska Native/American Indian experience of hepatitis C treatment with sofosbuvir-based direct-acting antivirals (preprint)
Townshend-Bulson L , Roik E , Barbour Y , Bruden DJT , Homan CE , Espera HGF , Stevenson TJ , Hewitt AM , Rhodes W , Gove JE , Plotnik JN , Snowball MM , McGilvray J , Simons BC , McMahon BJ . medRxiv 2021 2021.09.03.21263089 Background Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) drugs have been effective in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Limited data are available on safety, tolerability, and efficacy in American Indian or Alaska Native people. We aim to evaluate the treatment outcomes of sofosbuvir-based regimens for treatment of HCV in a real life setting in Alaska Native/American Indian (AN/AI) people.Methods AN/AI patients within the Alaska Tribal Health System with confirmed positive anti-HCV and HCV RNA, who were 18 years of age and older were included in the study. Pretreatment baseline patient characteristics, treatment efficacy based on sustained virologic response (SVR) 12 weeks after treatment completion, and adverse effects were assessed. The following treatments were given according to the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases/Infectious Disease Society of America (AASLD/IDSA) HCV Guidance: ledipasvir/sofosbuvir, sofosbuvir plus weight-based ribavirin, and sofosbuvir/velpatasvir.Results We included 501 patients with a mean age of 54.3 (range 21.3 -78.3) in the study. Overall SVR was achieved in 95.2% of patients who received one of the three DAA regimens. For those with cirrhosis, overall SVR was 92.8% and for those with genotype 3 91.1% achieved SVR. The most common symptom experienced during treatment was headache. Joint pain was found to decrease during treatment. One person discontinued sofosbuvir plus ribavirin due to myocardial infarction and one discontinued sofosbuvir/velpatasvir due to urticaria.Conclusions In the real-world setting, sofosbuvir-based treatment is safe, effective, and well tolerated in AN/AI patients. Sustained virologic response was high regardless of HCV genotype or cirrhosis status.Competing Interest StatementPartial funding from Gilead Sciences.Funding StatementPartial funding from Gilead Sciences.Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:Alaska Area Institutional Review Board (IHS IRB #2) Dr. Shanda Lohse, Chair, Alaska Area IRB Terry Powell, Administrator, Alaska Area IRB 4315 Diplomacy Drive - RMCC Anchorage, AK 99508 Phone: 907-729-3924 or 907-729-3917 Email: akaalaskaareaIRB{at}anthc.orgAll necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesAccess to data for this study is subject to tribal review. Requests for data should be directed to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Privacy Officer c/o Ethics and Compliance Services, 4315 Diplomacy Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508. |
Climate and urbanization drive mosquito preference for humans (preprint)
Rose NH , Sylla M , Badolo A , Lutomiah J , Ayala D , Aribodor OB , Ibe N , Akorli J , Otoo S , Mutebi JP , Kriete AL , Ewing EG , Sang R , Gloria-Soria A , Powell JR , Baker RE , White BJ , Crawford JE , McBride CS . bioRxiv 2020 2020.02.12.939041 The majority of mosquito-borne illness is spread by a few mosquito species that have evolved to specialize in biting humans, yet the precise causes of this behavioral shift are poorly understood. We address this gap in the arboviral vector Aedes aegypti. We first characterize the behaviour of mosquitoes from 27 sites scattered across the species’ ancestral range in sub-Saharan Africa, revealing previously unrecognized diversity in female preference for human versus animal odor. We then use modelling to show that this diversity can be almost fully predicted by two ecological factors – dry season intensity and human population density. Finally we integrate this information with whole genome sequence data from 345 individual mosquitoes to identify a single underlying ancestry component linked to human preference, with genetic changes concentrated in a few key chromosomal regions. Our findings strongly suggest that human-biting in this important disease vector originally evolved as a by-product of breeding in human-stored water in areas where doing so provided the only means to survive the long, hot dry season. Our model also predicts that changes in human population density are likely to drive future mosquito evolution. Rapid urbanization may drive a shift to human-biting in many cities across Africa by 2050. |
Evidence and recommendation for guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency newborn screening
Ream MA , Lam WKK , Grosse SD , Ojodu J , Jones E , Prosser LA , Rose AM , Comeau AM , Tanksley S , Powell CM , Kemper AR . Pediatrics 2023 152 (2) Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder of creatine biosynthesis due to pathogenic variants in the GAMT gene that lead to cerebral creatine deficiency and neurotoxic levels of guanidinoacetate. Untreated, GAMT deficiency is associated with hypotonia, significant intellectual disability, limited speech development, recurrent seizures, behavior problems, and involuntary movements. The birth prevalence of GAMT deficiency is likely between 0.5 and 2 per million live births. On the basis of small case series and sibling data, presymptomatic treatment with oral supplements of creatine, ornithine, and sodium benzoate, and a protein-restricted diet to reduce arginine intake, appear to substantially improve health and developmental outcomes. Without newborn screening, diagnosis typically happens after the development of significant impairment, when treatment has limited utility. GAMT deficiency newborn screening can be incorporated into the tandem-mass spectrometry screening that is already routinely used for newborn screening, with about 1 per 100 000 newborns screening positive. After a positive screen, diagnosis is established by finding an elevated guanidinoacetate concentration and low creatine concentration in the blood. Although GAMT deficiency is significantly more rare than other conditions included in newborn screening, the feasibility of screening, the low number of positive results, the relative ease of diagnosis, and the expected benefit of presymptomatic dietary therapy led to a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children to the Secretary of Health and Human Services that GAMT deficiency be added to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel. This recommendation was accepted in January 2023. |
Self-Reported Mask Use among Persons with or without SARS CoV-2 Vaccination -United States, December 2020-August 2021 (preprint)
Calamari LE , Weintraub WS , Santos R , Gibbs M , Bertoni AG , Ward LM , Saydah S , Plumb ID , Runyon MS , Wierzba TF , Sanders JW , Herrington D , Espeland MA , Williamson J , Mongraw-Chaffin M , Bertoni A , Alexander-Miller MA , Castri P , Mathews A , Munawar I , Seals AL , Ostasiewski B , Ballard CAP , Gurcan M , Ivanov A , Zapata GM , Westcott M , Blinson K , Blinson L , Mistysyn M , Davis D , Doomy L , Henderson P , Jessup A , Lane K , Levine B , McCanless J , McDaniel S , Melius K , O'Neill C , Pack A , Rathee R , Rushing S , Sheets J , Soots S , Wall M , Wheeler S , White J , Wilkerson L , Wilson R , Wilson K , Burcombe D , Saylor G , Lunn M , Ordonez K , O'Steen A , Wagner L , McCurdy LH , Gibbs MA , Taylor YJ , Calamari L , Tapp H , Ahmed A , Brennan M , Munn L , Dantuluri KL , Hetherington T , Lu LC , Dunn C , Hogg M , Price A , Leonidas M , Manning M , Rossman W , Gohs FX , Harris A , Priem JS , Tochiki P , Wellinsky N , Silva C , Ludden T , Hernandez J , Spencer K , McAlister L , Weintraub W , Miller K , Washington C , Moses A , Dolman S , Zelaya-Portillo J , Erkus J , Blumenthal J , Romero Barrientos RE , Bennett S , Shah S , Mathur S , Boxley C , Kolm P , Franklin E , Ahmed N , Larsen M , Oberhelman R , Keating J , Kissinger P , Schieffelin J , Yukich J , Beron A , Teigen J , Kotloff K , Chen WH , Friedman-Klabanoff D , Berry AA , Powell H , Roane L , Datar R , Correa A , Navalkele B , Min YI , Castillo A , Ward L , Santos RP , Anugu P , Gao Y , Green J , Sandlin R , Moore D , Drake L , Horton D , Johnson KL , Stover M , Lagarde WH , Daniel L , Maguire PD , Hanlon CL , McFayden L , Rigo I , Hines K , Smith L , Harris M , Lissor B , Cook V , Eversole M , Herrin T , Murphy D , Kinney L , Diehl P , Abromitis N , Pierre TSt , Heckman B , Evans D , March J , Whitlock B , Moore W , Arthur S , Conway J , Gallaher TR , Johanson M , Brown S , Dixon T , Reavis M , Henderson S , Zimmer M , Oliver D , Jackson K , Menon M , Bishop B , Roeth R , King-Thiele R , Hamrick TS , Ihmeidan A , Hinkelman A , Okafor C , Bray Brown RB , Brewster A , Bouyi D , Lamont K , Yoshinaga K , Vinod P , Peela AS , Denbel G , Lo J , Mayet-Khan M , Mittal A , Motwani R , Raafat M , Schultz E , Joseph A , Parkeh A , Patel D , Afridi B , Uschner D , Edelstein SL , Santacatterina M , Strylewicz G , Burke B , Gunaratne M , Turney M , Zhou SQ , Tjaden AH , Fette L , Buahin A , Bott M , Graziani S , Soni A , Mores C , Porzucek A , Laborde R , Acharya P , Guill L , Lamphier D , Schaefer A , Satterwhite WM , McKeague A , Ward J , Naranjo DP , Darko N , Castellon K , Brink R , Shehzad H , Kuprianov D , McGlasson D , Hayes D , Edwards S , Daphnis S , Todd B , Goodwin A , Berkelman R , Hanson K , Zeger S , Hopkins J , Reilly C , Edwards K , Gayle H , Redd S . medRxiv 2022 10 Wearing a facemask can help to decrease the transmission of COVID-19. We investigated self-reported mask use among subjects aged 18 years and older participating in the COVID-19 Community Research Partnership (CRP), a prospective longitudinal COVID-19 surveillance study in the mid-Atlantic and southeastern United States. We included those participants who completed >=5 daily surveys each month from December 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021. Mask use was defined as self-reported use of a face mask or face covering on every interaction with others outside the household within a distance of less than 6 feet. Participants were considered vaccinated if they reported receiving >=1 COVID-19 vaccine dose. Participants (n=17,522) were 91% non-Hispanic White, 68% female, median age 57 years, 26% healthcare workers, with 95% self-reported receiving >=1 COVID-19 vaccine dose through August; mean daily survey response was 85%. Mask use was higher among vaccinated than unvaccinated participants across the study period, regardless of the month of the first dose. Mask use remained relatively stable from December 2020 through April (range 71-80% unvaccinated; 86-93% vaccinated) and declined in both groups beginning in mid-May 2021 to 34% and 42% respectively in June 2021; mask use has increased again since July 2021. Mask use by all was lower during weekends and on Christmas and Easter, regardless of vaccination status. Independent predictors of higher mask use were vaccination, age >=65 years, female sex, racial or ethnic minority group, and healthcare worker occupation, whereas a history of self-reported prior COVID-19 illness was associated with lower use. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
COVID-19 vaccine perceptions among ebola-affected communities in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2021
Garbern SC , Perera SM , Mbong EN , Kulkarni S , Fleming MK , Ombeni AB , Muhayangabo RF , Tchoualeu DD , Kallay R , Song E , Powell J , Gainey M , Glenn B , Gao H , Mutumwa RM , Mustafa SHB , Abad N , Soke GN , Prybylski D , Doshi RH , Fukunaga R , Levine AC . Vaccines (Basel) 2023 11 (5) Populations affected by humanitarian crises and emerging infectious disease outbreaks may have unique concerns and experiences that influence their perceptions toward vaccines. In March 2021, we conducted a survey to examine the perceptions toward COVID-19 vaccines and identify the factors associated with vaccine intention among 631 community members (CMs) and 438 healthcare workers (HCWs) affected by the 2018-2020 Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo. A multivariable logistic regression was used to identify correlates of vaccine intention. Most HCWs (81.7%) and 53.6% of CMs felt at risk of contracting COVID-19; however, vaccine intention was low (27.6% CMs; 39.7% HCWs). In both groups, the perceived risk of contracting COVID-19, general vaccine confidence, and male sex were associated with the intention to get vaccinated, with security concerns preventing vaccine access being negatively associated. Among CMs, getting the Ebola vaccine was associated with the intention to get vaccinated (RR 1.43, 95% CI 1.05-1.94). Among HCWs, concerns about new vaccines' safety and side effects (OR 0.72, 95% CI 0.57-0.91), religion's influence on health decisions (OR 0.45, 95% CI 0.34-0.61), security concerns (OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.37-0.74), and governmental distrust (OR 0.50, 95% CI 0.35-0.70) were negatively associated with vaccine perceptions. Enhanced community engagement and communication that address this population's concerns could help improve vaccine perceptions and vaccination decisions. These findings could facilitate the success of vaccine campaigns in North Kivu and similar settings. |
COVID-19 surveillance after expiration of the public health emergency declaration - United States, May 11, 2023
Silk BJ , Scobie HM , Duck WM , Palmer T , Ahmad FB , Binder AM , Cisewski JA , Kroop S , Soetebier K , Park M , Kite-Powell A , Cool A , Connelly E , Dietz S , Kirby AE , Hartnett K , Johnston J , Khan D , Stokley S , Paden CR , Sheppard M , Sutton P , Razzaghi H , Anderson RN , Thornburg N , Meyer S , Womack C , Weakland AP , McMorrow M , Broeker LR , Winn A , Hall AJ , Jackson B , Mahon BE , Ritchey MD . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (19) 523-528 On January 31, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) declared, under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act, a U.S. public health emergency because of the emergence of a novel virus, SARS-CoV-2.* After 13 renewals, the public health emergency will expire on May 11, 2023. Authorizations to collect certain public health data will expire on that date as well. Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 and the effectiveness of prevention and control strategies remains a public health priority, and a number of surveillance indicators have been identified to facilitate ongoing monitoring. After expiration of the public health emergency, COVID-19-associated hospital admission levels will be the primary indicator of COVID-19 trends to help guide community and personal decisions related to risk and prevention behaviors; the percentage of COVID-19-associated deaths among all reported deaths, based on provisional death certificate data, will be the primary indicator used to monitor COVID-19 mortality. Emergency department (ED) visits with a COVID-19 diagnosis and the percentage of positive SARS-CoV-2 test results, derived from an established sentinel network, will help detect early changes in trends. National genomic surveillance will continue to be used to estimate SARS-CoV-2 variant proportions; wastewater surveillance and traveler-based genomic surveillance will also continue to be used to monitor SARS-CoV-2 variants. Disease severity and hospitalization-related outcomes are monitored via sentinel surveillance and large health care databases. Monitoring of COVID-19 vaccination coverage, vaccine effectiveness (VE), and vaccine safety will also continue. Integrated strategies for surveillance of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses can further guide prevention efforts. COVID-19-associated hospitalizations and deaths are largely preventable through receipt of updated vaccines and timely administration of therapeutics (1-4). |
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