Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-18 (of 18 Records) |
Query Trace: Polen KN[original query] |
Maternal Vaccination and Risk of Hospitalization for Covid-19 among Infants.
Halasa NB , Olson SM , Staat MA , Newhams MM , Price AM , Pannaraj PS , Boom JA , Sahni LC , Chiotos K , Cameron MA , Bline KE , Hobbs CV , Maddux AB , Coates BM , Michelson KN , Heidemann SM , Irby K , Nofziger RA , Mack EH , Smallcomb L , Schwartz SP , Walker TC , Gertz SJ , Schuster JE , Kamidani S , Tarquinio KM , Bhumbra SS , Maamari M , Hume JR , Crandall H , Levy ER , Zinter MS , Bradford TT , Flori HR , Cullimore ML , Kong M , Cvijanovich NZ , Gilboa SM , Polen KN , Campbell AP , Randolph AG , Patel MM . N Engl J Med 2022 387 (2) 109-119 BACKGROUND: Infants younger than 6 months of age are at high risk for complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and are not eligible for vaccination. Transplacental transfer of antibodies against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) after maternal Covid-19 vaccination may confer protection against Covid-19 in infants. METHODS: We used a case-control test-negative design to assess the effectiveness of maternal vaccination during pregnancy against hospitalization for Covid-19 among infants younger than 6 months of age. Between July 1, 2021, and March 8, 2022, we enrolled infants hospitalized for Covid-19 (case infants) and infants hospitalized without Covid-19 (control infants) at 30 hospitals in 22 states. We estimated vaccine effectiveness by comparing the odds of full maternal vaccination (two doses of mRNA vaccine) among case infants and control infants during circulation of the B.1.617.2 (delta) variant (July 1, 2021, to December 18, 2021) and the B.1.1.259 (omicron) variant (December 19, 2021, to March 8, 2022). RESULTS: A total of 537 case infants (181 of whom had been admitted to a hospital during the delta period and 356 during the omicron period; median age, 2 months) and 512 control infants were enrolled and included in the analyses; 16% of the case infants and 29% of the control infants had been born to mothers who had been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 during pregnancy. Among the case infants, 113 (21%) received intensive care (64 [12%] received mechanical ventilation or vasoactive infusions). Two case infants died from Covid-19; neither infant's mother had been vaccinated during pregnancy. The effectiveness of maternal vaccination against hospitalization for Covid-19 among infants was 52% (95% confidence interval [CI], 33 to 65) overall, 80% (95% CI, 60 to 90) during the delta period, and 38% (95% CI, 8 to 58) during the omicron period. Effectiveness was 69% (95% CI, 50 to 80) when maternal vaccination occurred after 20 weeks of pregnancy and 38% (95% CI, 3 to 60) during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal vaccination with two doses of mRNA vaccine was associated with a reduced risk of hospitalization for Covid-19, including for critical illness, among infants younger than 6 months of age. (Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.). |
Effectiveness of Maternal Vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine During Pregnancy Against COVID-19-Associated Hospitalization in Infants Aged <6 Months - 17 States, July 2021-January 2022.
Halasa NB , Olson SM , Staat MA , Newhams MM , Price AM , Boom JA , Sahni LC , Cameron MA , Pannaraj PS , Bline KE , Bhumbra SS , Bradford TT , Chiotos K , Coates BM , Cullimore ML , Cvijanovich NZ , Flori HR , Gertz SJ , Heidemann SM , Hobbs CV , Hume JR , Irby K , Kamidani S , Kong M , Levy ER , Mack EH , Maddux AB , Michelson KN , Nofziger RA , Schuster JE , Schwartz SP , Smallcomb L , Tarquinio KM , Walker TC , Zinter MS , Gilboa SM , Polen KN , Campbell AP , Randolph AG , Patel MM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (7) 264-270 COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for persons who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future, to protect them from COVID-19.(§) Infants are at risk for life-threatening complications from COVID-19, including acute respiratory failure (1). Evidence from other vaccine-preventable diseases suggests that maternal immunization can provide protection to infants, especially during the high-risk first 6 months of life, through passive transplacental antibody transfer (2). Recent studies of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy suggest the possibility of transplacental transfer of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies that might provide protection to infants (3-5); however, no epidemiologic evidence currently exists for the protective benefits of maternal immunization during pregnancy against COVID-19 in infants. The Overcoming COVID-19 network conducted a test-negative, case-control study at 20 pediatric hospitals in 17 states during July 1, 2021-January 17, 2022, to assess effectiveness of maternal completion of a 2-dose primary mRNA COVID-19 vaccination series during pregnancy against COVID-19 hospitalization in infants. Among 379 hospitalized infants aged <6 months (176 with COVID-19 [case-infants] and 203 without COVID-19 [control-infants]), the median age was 2 months, 21% had at least one underlying medical condition, and 22% of case- and control-infants were born premature (<37 weeks gestation). Effectiveness of maternal vaccination during pregnancy against COVID-19 hospitalization in infants aged <6 months was 61% (95% CI = 31%-78%). Completion of a 2-dose mRNA COVID-19 vaccination series during pregnancy might help prevent COVID-19 hospitalization among infants aged <6 months. |
Maternal use of specific antidepressant medications during early pregnancy and the risk of selected birth defects
Anderson KN , Lind JN , Simeone RM , Bobo WV , Mitchell AA , Riehle-Colarusso T , Polen KN , Reefhuis J . JAMA Psychiatry 2020 77 (12) 1246-1255 IMPORTANCE: Antidepressants are commonly used during pregnancy, but limited information is available about individual antidepressants and specific birth defect risks. OBJECTIVE: To examine associations between individual antidepressants and specific birth defects with and without attempts to partially account for potential confounding by underlying conditions. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: The population-based, multicenter case-control National Birth Defects Prevention Study (October 1997-December 2011) included cases with selected birth defects who were identified from surveillance systems; controls were randomly sampled live-born infants without major birth defects. Mothers of cases and controls participated in an interview after the expected delivery date. The data were analyzed after the completion of the National Birth Defects Prevent Study's data collection. EXPOSURES: Self-reported antidepressant exposure was coded to indicate monotherapy exposure to antidepressants. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: We used multivariable logistic regression to calculate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals for associations between maternal antidepressant use and birth defects. We compared early pregnancy antidepressant-exposed women with those without antidepressant exposure and, to partially account for confounding by underlying maternal conditions, those exposed to antidepressants outside of the birth defect development critical period. RESULTS: This study included 30 630 case mothers of infants with birth defects and 11 478 control mothers (aged 12-53 years). Early pregnancy antidepressant use was reported by 1562 case mothers (5.1%) and 467 control mothers (4.1%), for whom elevated aORs were observed for individual selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and selected congenital heart defects (CHD) (eg, fluoxetine and anomalous pulmonary venous return: aOR, 2.56; 95% CI, 1.10-5.93; this association was attenuated after partially accounting for underlying conditions: aOR, 1.89; 95% CI, 0.56-6.42). This pattern was observed for many SSRI-CHD combinations. Associations between SSRIs and non-CHD birth defects often persisted or strengthened after partially accounting for underlying conditions (eg, citalopram and diaphragmatic hernia: aOR, 5.11; 95% CI, 1.29-20.24). Venlafaxine had elevated associations with multiple defects that persisted after partially accounting for underlying conditions (eg, anencephaly and craniorachischisis: aOR, 9.14; 95% CI, 1.91-43.83). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: We found some associations between maternal antidepressant use and specific birth defects. Venlafaxine was associated with the highest number of defects, which needs confirmation given the limited literature on venlafaxine use during pregnancy and risk for birth defects. Our results suggest confounding by underlying conditions should be considered when assessing risk. Fully informed treatment decision-making requires balancing the risks and benefits of proposed interventions against those of untreated depression or anxiety. |
Obstetrician-gynecologist views of pregnancy-related medication safety
SteelFisher GK , Hero JO , Caporello HL , Blendon RJ , Walker W , Broussard CS , Gilboa SM , Polen KN , Ben-Porath EN . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2020 29 (8) 1113-1121 Background: Medication use among pregnant women is widespread, despite limited evidence about the teratogenicity of most medications. Improved physician-patient communication about pregnancy-related medication safety has been identified as a strategy to address this critical issue; however, little is known about physicians' knowledge, attitudes, and practices that could inform tools for information access and sharing to support such communication. The primary objective of this study is to address gaps in what is known about obstetrician-gynecologist views, practices, and needs related to accessing and sharing pregnancy-related medication safety information with patients. Materials and Methods: The basis for this study is a nationally representative, randomized survey of 506 practicing obstetrician-gynecologists. The survey was completed by mail or online between October 26, 2015 and May 8, 2016 with a 52% response rate. Data were weighted to population parameters to reduce the risk of potential nonresponse biases. Analyses included univariate distributions and comparisons between physicians in different residency cohorts using all-pairs dependent t-tests. Results: Findings point to critical features of obstetrician-gynecologist access and sharing of medication safety information. Obstetrician-gynecologists often retrieve medication safety information during a clinical visit. There is widespread provision of potentially problematic "safe lists" to patients, particularly by younger cohorts, and limited counseling for reproductive-aged patients not actively planning a pregnancy. Conclusions: To improve clinical care, physician-patient communication may be enhanced with technical and policy solutions, including improved digital information tools for retrieving and discussing information in the clinical setting; evidence-based, written information for physicians to share with patients; and encouragement for counseling all women of reproductive age receiving teratogenic medications. |
Improving safe use of medications during pregnancy: The roles of patients, physicians, and pharmacists
Lynch MM , Amoozegar JB , McClure EM , Squiers LB , Broussard CS , Lind JN , Polen KN , Frey MT , Gilboa SM , Biermann J . Qual Health Res 2017 27 (13) 1049732317732027 Our study sought to explore the actual and potential roles of patients, physicians, and pharmacists, as well as their shared challenges and opportunities, in improving the safety of medication use during pregnancy. We conducted virtual focus groups with 48 women and in-depth interviews with nine physicians and five pharmacists. Qualitative analysis revealed that all three groups of participants reported "playing it safe," the need for an engaged patient making informed decisions, challenges surrounding communication about pregnancy status, and a lack of patient-centric resources. Patients, physicians, and pharmacists are highly motivated to protect developing babies from potential harms of medication use during pregnancy while maintaining the patient's health. Strategic messaging could maximize the effectiveness of these interactions by helping physicians discuss the benefits and risks of medication use during pregnancy, pharmacists screen for pregnancy and counsel on medication safety, and patients using medications to share pregnancy intentions with their providers pre-pregnancy. |
Making decisions about medication use during pregnancy: Implications for communication strategies
Lynch MM , Squiers LB , Kosa KM , Dolina S , Read JG , Broussard CS , Frey MT , Polen KN , Lind JN , Gilboa SM , Biermann J . Matern Child Health J 2017 22 (1) 92-100 Objective To explore women's perceptions of the risks and benefits associated with medication use during pregnancy and to better understand how women make decisions related to medication use in pregnancy. Methods We conducted online focus groups with 48 women who used medication during pregnancy or while planning a pregnancy, and 12 in-depth follow-up interviews with a subset of these women. Results We found that women were aware of general risks associated with medication use but were often unable to articulate specific negative outcomes. Women were concerned most about medications' impact on fetal development but were also concerned about how either continuing or discontinuing medication during pregnancy could affect their own health. Women indicated that if the risk of a given medication were unknown, they would not take that medication during pregnancy. Conclusion This formative research found that women face difficult decisions about medication use during pregnancy and need specific information to help them make decisions. Enhanced communication between patients and their providers regarding medication use would help address this need. We suggest that public health practitioners develop messages to (1) encourage, remind, and prompt women to proactively talk with their healthcare providers about the risks of taking, not taking, stopping, or altering the dosage of a medication while trying to become pregnant and/or while pregnant; and (2) encourage all women of childbearing age to ask their healthcare providers about medication use. |
Baseline prevalence of birth defects associated with congenital Zika virus infection - Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Atlanta, Georgia, 2013-2014
Cragan JD , Mai CT , Petersen EE , Liberman RF , Forestieri NE , Stevens AC , Delaney A , Dawson AL , Ellington SR , Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Dunn JE , Higgins CA , Meyer RE , Williams T , Polen KN , Newsome K , Reynolds M , Isenburg J , Gilboa SM , Meaney-Delman DM , Moore CA , Boyle CA , Honein MA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (8) 219-222 Zika virus infection during pregnancy can cause serious brain abnormalities, but the full range of adverse outcomes is unknown (1). To better understand the impact of birth defects resulting from Zika virus infection, the CDC surveillance case definition established in 2016 for birth defects potentially related to Zika virus infection* (2) was retrospectively applied to population-based birth defects surveillance data collected during 2013-2014 in three areas before the introduction of Zika virus (the pre-Zika years) into the World Health Organization's Region of the Americas (Americas) (3). These data, from Massachusetts (2013), North Carolina (2013), and Atlanta, Georgia (2013-2014), included 747 infants and fetuses with one or more of the birth defects meeting the case definition (pre-Zika prevalence = 2.86 per 1,000 live births). Brain abnormalities or microcephaly were the most frequently recorded (1.50 per 1,000), followed by neural tube defects and other early brain malformationsdagger (0.88), eye abnormalities without mention of a brain abnormality (0.31), and other consequences of central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction without mention of brain or eye abnormalities (0.17). During January 15-September 22, 2016, the U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry (USZPR) reported 26 infants and fetuses with these same defects among 442 completed pregnancies (58.8 per 1,000) born to mothers with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection during pregnancy (2). Although the ascertainment methods differed, this finding was approximately 20 times higher than the proportion of one or more of the same birth defects among pregnancies during the pre-Zika years. These data demonstrate the importance of population-based surveillance for interpreting data about birth defects potentially related to Zika virus infection. |
Zika virus -10 public health achievements in 2016 and future priorities
Oussayef NL , Pillai SK , Honein MA , Ben Beard C , Bell B , Boyle CA , Eisen LM , Kohl K , Kuehnert MJ , Lathrop E , Martin SW , Martin R , McAllister JC , McClune EP , Mead P , Meaney-Delman D , Petersen B , Petersen LR , Polen KN , Powers AM , Redd SC , Sejvar JJ , Sharp T , Villanueva J , Jamieson DJ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 65 (52) 1482-1488 The introduction of Zika virus into the Region of the Americas (Americas) and the subsequent increase in cases of congenital microcephaly resulted in activation of CDC's Emergency Operations Center on January 22, 2016, to ensure a coordinated response and timely dissemination of information, and led the World Health Organization to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on February 1, 2016. During the past year, public health agencies and researchers worldwide have collaborated to protect pregnant women, inform clinicians and the public, and advance knowledge about Zika virus (Figure 1). This report summarizes 10 important contributions toward addressing the threat posed by Zika virus in 2016. To protect pregnant women and their fetuses and infants from the effects of Zika virus infection during pregnancy, public health activities must focus on preventing mosquito-borne transmission through vector control and personal protective practices, preventing sexual transmission by advising abstention from sex or consistent and correct use of condoms, and preventing unintended pregnancies by reducing barriers to access to highly effective reversible contraception. |
Update: Interim guidance for preconception counseling and prevention of sexual transmission of Zika virus for persons with possible Zika virus exposure - United States, September 2016
Petersen EE , Meaney-Delman D , Neblett-Fanfair R , Havers F , Oduyebo T , Hills SL , Rabe IB , Lambert A , Abercrombie J , Martin SW , Gould CV , Oussayef N , Polen KN , Kuehnert MJ , Pillai SK , Petersen LR , Honein MA , Jamieson DJ , Brooks JT . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (39) 1077-1081 CDC has updated its interim guidance for persons with possible Zika virus exposure who are planning to conceive and interim guidance to prevent transmission of Zika virus through sexual contact, now combined into a single document. Guidance for care for pregnant women with possible Zika virus exposure was previously published. Possible Zika virus exposure is defined as travel to or residence in an area of active Zika virus transmission (, or sex without a condom with a partner who traveled to or lived in an area of active transmission. Based on new though limited data, CDC now recommends that all men with possible Zika virus exposure who are considering attempting conception with their partner, regardless of symptom status, section sign wait to conceive until at least 6 months after symptom onset (if symptomatic) or last possible Zika virus exposure (if asymptomatic). Recommendations for women planning to conceive remain unchanged: women with possible Zika virus exposure are recommended to wait to conceive until at least 8 weeks after symptom onset (if symptomatic) or last possible Zika virus exposure (if asymptomatic). Couples with possible Zika virus exposure, who are not pregnant and do not plan to become pregnant, who want to minimize their risk for sexual transmission of Zika virus should use a condom or abstain from sex for the same periods for men and women described above. Women of reproductive age who have had or anticipate future Zika virus exposure who do not want to become pregnant should use the most effective contraceptive method that can be used correctly and consistently. These recommendations will be further updated when additional data become available. |
Prolonged detection of Zika virus RNA in pregnant women
Meaney-Delman D , Oduyebo T , Polen KN , White JL , Bingham AM , Slavinski SA , Heberlein-Larson L , St George K , Rakeman JL , Hills S , Olson CK , Adamski A , Culver Barlow L , Lee EH , Likos AM , Munoz JL , Petersen EE , Dufort EM , Dean AB , Cortese MM , Santiago GA , Bhatnagar J , Powers AM , Zaki S , Petersen LR , Jamieson DJ , Honein MA . Obstet Gynecol 2016 128 (4) 724-730 ![]() ![]() OBJECTIVE: Zika virus infection during pregnancy is a cause of microcephaly and other fetal brain abnormalities. Reports indicate that the duration of detectable viral RNA in serum after symptom onset is brief. In a recent case report involving a severely affected fetus, Zika virus RNA was detected in maternal serum 10 weeks after symptom onset, longer than the duration of RNA detection in serum previously reported. This report summarizes the clinical and laboratory characteristics of pregnant women with prolonged detection of Zika virus RNA in serum that were reported to the U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry. METHODS: Data were obtained from the U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry, an enhanced surveillance system of pregnant women with laboratory evidence of confirmed or possible Zika virus infection. For this case series, we defined prolonged detection of Zika virus RNA as Zika virus RNA detection in serum by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 14 or more days after symptom onset or, for women not reporting signs or symptoms consistent with Zika virus disease (asymptomatic), 21 or more days after last possible exposure to Zika virus. RESULTS: Prolonged Zika virus RNA detection in serum was identified in four symptomatic pregnant women up to 46 days after symptom onset and in one asymptomatic pregnant woman 53 days postexposure. Among the five pregnancies, one pregnancy had evidence of fetal Zika virus infection confirmed by histopathologic examination of fetal tissue, three pregnancies resulted in live births of apparently healthy neonates with no reported abnormalities, and one pregnancy is ongoing. CONCLUSION: Zika virus RNA was detected in the serum of five pregnant women beyond the previously estimated timeframe. Additional real-time RT-PCR testing of pregnant women might provide more data about prolonged detection of Zika virus RNA and the possible diagnostic, epidemiologic, and clinical implications for pregnant women. |
Update: interim guidance for health care providers caring for pregnant women with possible Zika virus exposure - United States, July 2016
Oduyebo T , Igbinosa I , Petersen EE , Polen KN , Pillai SK , Ailes EC , Villanueva JM , Newsome K , Fischer M , Gupta PM , Powers AM , Lampe M , Hills S , Arnold KE , Rose LE , Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Beard CB , Munoz JL , Rao CY , Meaney-Delman D , Jamieson DJ , Honein MA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (29) 739-44 CDC has updated its interim guidance for U.S. health care providers caring for pregnant women with possible Zika virus exposure, to include the emerging data indicating that Zika virus RNA can be detected for prolonged periods in some pregnant women. To increase the proportion of pregnant women with Zika virus infection who receive a definitive diagnosis, CDC recommends expanding real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) testing. Possible exposures to Zika virus include travel to or residence in an area with active Zika virus transmission, or sex* with a partner who has traveled to or resides in an area with active Zika virus transmission without using condoms or other barrier methods to prevent infection.(dagger) Testing recommendations for pregnant women with possible Zika virus exposure who report clinical illness consistent with Zika virus disease( section sign) (symptomatic pregnant women) are the same, regardless of their level of exposure (i.e., women with ongoing risk for possible exposure, including residence in or frequent travel to an area with active Zika virus transmission, as well as women living in areas without Zika virus transmission who travel to an area with active Zika virus transmission, or have unprotected sex with a partner who traveled to or resides in an area with active Zika virus transmission). Symptomatic pregnant women who are evaluated <2 weeks after symptom onset should receive serum and urine Zika virus rRT-PCR testing. Symptomatic pregnant women who are evaluated 2-12 weeks after symptom onset should first receive a Zika virus immunoglobulin (IgM) antibody test; if the IgM antibody test result is positive or equivocal, serum and urine rRT-PCR testing should be performed. Testing recommendations for pregnant women with possible Zika virus exposure who do not report clinical illness consistent with Zika virus disease (asymptomatic pregnant women) differ based on the circumstances of possible exposure. For asymptomatic pregnant women who live in areas without active Zika virus transmission and who are evaluated <2 weeks after last possible exposure, rRT-PCR testing should be performed. If the rRT-PCR result is negative, a Zika virus IgM antibody test should be performed 2-12 weeks after the exposure. Asymptomatic pregnant women who do not live in an area with active Zika virus transmission, who are first evaluated 2-12 weeks after their last possible exposure should first receive a Zika virus IgM antibody test; if the IgM antibody test result is positive or equivocal, serum and urine rRT-PCR should be performed. Asymptomatic pregnant women with ongoing risk for exposure to Zika virus should receive Zika virus IgM antibody testing as part of routine obstetric care during the first and second trimesters; immediate rRT-PCR testing should be performed when IgM antibody test results are positive or equivocal. This guidance also provides updated recommendations for the clinical management of pregnant women with confirmed or possible Zika virus infection. These recommendations will be updated when additional data become available. |
Possible Zika virus infection among pregnant women - United States and Territories, May 2016
Simeone RM , Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Meaney-Delman D , Petersen EE , Galang RR , Oduyebo T , Rivera-Garcia B , Valencia-Prado M , Newsome KB , Perez-Padilla J , Williams TR , Biggerstaff M , Jamieson DJ , Honein MA , Ahmed F , Anesi S , Arnold KE , Barradas D , Barter D , Bertolli J , Bingham AM , Bollock J , Bosse T , Bradley KK , Brady D , Brown CM , Bryan K , Buchanan V , Bullard PD , Carrigan A , Clouse M , Cook S , Cooper M , Davidson S , DeBarr A , Dobbs T , Dunams T , Eason J , Eckert A , Eggers P , Ellington SR , Feldpausch A , Fredette CR , Gabel J , Glover M , Gosciminski M , Gay M , Haddock R , Hand S , Hardy J , Hartel ME , Hennenfent AK , Hills SL , House J , Igbinosa I , Im L , Jeff H , Khan S , Kightlinger L , Ko JY , Koirala S , Korhonen L , Krishnasamy V , Kurkjian K , Lampe M , Larson S , Lee EH , Lind L , Lindquist S , Long J , Macdonald J , MacFarquhar J , Mackie DP , Mark-Carew M , Martin B , Martinez-Quinones A , Matthews-Greer J , McGee SA , McLaughlin J , Mock V , Muna E , Oltean H , O'Mallan J , Pagano HP , Park SY , Peterson D , Polen KN , Porse CC , Rao CY , Ropri A , Rinsky J , Robinson S , Rosinger AY , Ruberto I , Schiffman E , Scott-Waldron C , Semple S , Sharp T , Short K , Signs K , Slavinski SA , Stevens T , Sweatlock J , Talbot EA , Tonzel J , Traxler R , Tubach S , Van Houten C , VinHatton E , Viray M , Virginie D , Warren MD , Waters C , White P , Williams T , Winters AI , Wood S , Zaganjor I . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (20) 514-9 Zika virus is a cause of microcephaly and brain abnormalities (1), and it is the first known mosquito-borne infection to cause congenital anomalies in humans. The establishment of a comprehensive surveillance system to monitor pregnant women with Zika virus infection will provide data to further elucidate the full range of potential outcomes for fetuses and infants of mothers with asymptomatic and symptomatic Zika virus infection during pregnancy. In February 2016, Zika virus disease and congenital Zika virus infections became nationally notifiable conditions in the United States (2). Cases in pregnant women with laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection who have either 1) symptomatic infection or 2) asymptomatic infection with diagnosed complications of pregnancy can be reported as cases of Zika virus disease to ArboNET* (2), CDC's national arboviral diseases surveillance system. Under existing interim guidelines from the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), asymptomatic Zika virus infections in pregnant women who do not have known pregnancy complications are not reportable. ArboNET does not currently include pregnancy surveillance information (e.g., gestational age or pregnancy exposures) or pregnancy outcomes. To understand the full impact of infection on the fetus and neonate, other systems are needed for reporting and active monitoring of pregnant women with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection during pregnancy. Thus, in collaboration with state, local, tribal, and territorial health departments, CDC established two surveillance systems to monitor pregnancies and congenital outcomes among women with laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection(dagger) in the United States and territories: 1) the U.S. Zika Pregnancy Registry (USZPR),( section sign) which monitors pregnant women residing in U.S. states and all U.S. territories except Puerto Rico, and 2) the Zika Active Pregnancy Surveillance System (ZAPSS), which monitors pregnant women residing in Puerto Rico. As of May 12, 2016, the surveillance systems were monitoring 157 and 122 pregnant women with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection from participating U.S. states and territories, respectively. Tracking and monitoring clinical presentation of Zika virus infection, all prenatal testing, and adverse consequences of Zika virus infection during pregnancy are critical to better characterize the risk for congenital infection, the performance of prenatal diagnostic testing, and the spectrum of adverse congenital outcomes. These data will improve clinical guidance, inform counseling messages for pregnant women, and facilitate planning for clinical and public health services for affected families. |
Estimating contraceptive needs and increasing access to contraception in response to the Zika virus disease outbreak - Puerto Rico, 2016
Tepper NK , Goldberg HI , Bernal MI , Rivera B , Frey MT , Malave C , Renquist CM , Bracero NJ , Dominguez KL , Sanchez RE , Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Rodriguez BR , Simeone RM , Pesik NT , Barfield WD , Ko JY , Galang RR , Perez-Padilla J , Polen KN , Honein MA , Rasmussen SA , Jamieson DJ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (12) 311-314 Zika virus is a flavivirus transmitted primarily by Aedes species mosquitoes. Increasing evidence links Zika virus infection during pregnancy to adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes, including pregnancy loss, intrauterine growth restriction, eye defects, congenital brain abnormalities, and other fetal abnormalities (1,2). The virus has also been determined to be sexually transmitted.* Because of the potential risks associated with Zika virus infection during pregnancy, CDC has recommended that health care providers discuss prevention of unintended pregnancy with women and couples who reside in areas of active Zika virus transmission and do not want to become pregnant.dagger However, limitations in access to contraception in some of these areas might affect the ability to prevent an unintended pregnancy. As of March 16, 2016, the highest number of Zika virus disease cases in the United States and U.S. territories were reported from Puerto Rico. section sign The number of cases will likely rise with increasing mosquito activity in affected areas, resulting in increased risk for transmission to pregnant women. High rates of unintended and adolescent pregnancies in Puerto Rico suggest that, in the context of this outbreak, access to contraception might need to be improved (3,4). CDC estimates that 138,000 women of reproductive age (aged 15-44 years) in Puerto Rico do not desire pregnancy and are not using one of the most effective or moderately effective contraceptive methods, paragraph sign,** and therefore might experience an unintended pregnancy. CDC and other federal and local partners are seeking to expand access to contraception for these persons. Such efforts have the potential to increase contraceptive access and use, reduce unintended pregnancies, and lead to fewer adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes associated with Zika virus infection during pregnancy. The assessment of challenges and resources related to contraceptive access in Puerto Rico might be a useful model for other areas with active transmission of Zika virus. |
Update: interim guidance for health care providers caring for women of reproductive age with possible Zika virus exposure - United States, 2016
Petersen EE , Polen KN , Meaney-Delman D , Ellington SR , Oduyebo T , Cohn A , Oster AM , Russell K , Kawwass JF , Karwowski MP , Powers AM , Bertolli J , Brooks JT , Kissin D , Villanueva J , Munoz-Jordan J , Kuehnert M , Olson CK , Honein MA , Rivera M , Jamieson DJ , Rasmussen SA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (12) 315-322 CDC has updated its interim guidance for U.S. health care providers caring for women of reproductive age with possible Zika virus exposure (1) to include recommendations on counseling women and men with possible Zika virus exposure who are interested in conceiving. This guidance is based on limited available data on persistence of Zika virus RNA in blood and semen (2-5). Women who have Zika virus disease* should wait at least 8 weeks after symptom onset to attempt conception, and men with Zika virus disease should wait at least 6 months after symptom onset to attempt conception. Women and men with possible exposure to Zika virus but without clinical illness consistent with Zika virus disease should wait at least 8 weeks after exposure to attempt conception. Possible exposure to Zika virus is defined as travel to or residence in an area of active Zika virus transmission (, or sex (vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, or fellatio) without a condom with a man who traveled to or resided in an area of active transmission. Women and men who reside in areas of active Zika virus transmission should talk with their health care provider about attempting conception. This guidance also provides updated recommendations on testing of pregnant women with possible Zika virus exposure. These recommendations will be updated when additional data become available. |
Preventing transmission of Zika virus in labor and delivery settings through implementation of standard precautions - United States, 2016
Olson CK , Iwamoto M , Perkins KM , Polen KN , Hageman J , Meaney-Delman D , Igbinosa II , Khan S , Honein MA , Bell M , Rasmussen SA , Jamieson DJ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (11) 290-292 Zika virus transmission was detected in the Region of the Americas (Americas) in Brazil in May 2015, and as of March 21, 2016, local mosquito-borne transmission of Zika virus had been reported in 32 countries and territories in the Americas, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.* Most persons infected with Zika virus have a mild illness or are asymptomatic. However, increasing evidence supports a link between Zika virus infection during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes (1), and a possible association between recent Zika virus infection and Guillain-Barre syndrome has been reported (2). Although Zika virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of Aedes species of mosquitoes, sexual transmission also has been documented (3). Zika virus RNA has been detected in a number of body fluids, including blood, urine, saliva, and amniotic fluid (3-5), and whereas transmission associated with occupational exposure to these body fluids is theoretically possible, it has not been documented. Although there are no reports of transmission of Zika virus from infected patients to health care personnel or other patients, minimizing exposures to body fluids is important to reduce the possibility of such transmission. CDC recommends Standard Precautions in all health care settings to protect both health care personnel and patients from infection with Zika virus as well as from blood-borne pathogens (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] and hepatitis C virus [HCV]) (6). Because of the potential for exposure to large volumes of body fluids during the labor and delivery process and the sometimes unpredictable and fast-paced nature of obstetrical care, the use of Standard Precautions in these settings is essential to prevent possible transmission of Zika virus from patients to health care personnel. |
Assessment of YouTube videos as a source of information on medication use in pregnancy
Hansen C , Interrante JD , Ailes EC , Frey MT , Broussard CS , Godoshian VJ , Lewis C , Polen KN , Garcia AP , Gilboa SM . Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2015 25 (1) 35-44 BACKGROUND: When making decisions about medication use in pregnancy, women consult many information sources, including the Internet. The aim of this study was to assess the content of publicly accessible YouTube videos that discuss medication use in pregnancy. METHODS: Using 2023 distinct combinations of search terms related to medications and pregnancy, we extracted metadata from YouTube videos using a YouTube video Application Programming Interface. Relevant videos were defined as those with a medication search term and a pregnancy-related search term in either the video title or description. We viewed relevant videos and abstracted content from each video into a database. We documented whether videos implied each medication to be "safe" or "unsafe" in pregnancy and compared that assessment with the medication's Teratogen Information System (TERIS) rating. RESULTS: After viewing 651 videos, 314 videos with information about medication use in pregnancy were available for the final analyses. The majority of videos were from law firms (67%), television segments (10%), or physicians (8%). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were the most common medication class named (225 videos, 72%), and 88% of videos about SSRIs indicated that they were unsafe for use in pregnancy. However, the TERIS ratings for medication products in this class range from "unlikely" to "minimal" teratogenic risk. CONCLUSION: For the majority of medications, current YouTube video content does not adequately reflect what is known about the safety of their use in pregnancy and should be interpreted cautiously. However, YouTube could serve as a platform for communicating evidence-based medication safety information. |
Knowledge and attitudes of adults towards smoking in pregnancy: results from the HealthStyles(c) 2008 Survey
Polen KN , Sandhu PK , Honein MA , Green KK , Berkowitz JM , Pace J , Rasmussen SA . Matern Child Health J 2014 19 (1) 144-54 Smoking during pregnancy is causally associated with many adverse health outcomes. Quitting smoking, even late in pregnancy, improves some outcomes. Among adults in general and reproductive-aged women, we sought to understand knowledge and attitudes towards prenatal smoking and its effects on pregnancy outcomes. Using data from the 2008 HealthStyles(c) survey, we assessed knowledge and attitudes about prenatal smoking and smoking cessation. We classified respondents as having high knowledge if they gave ≥5 correct responses to six knowledge questions regarding the health effects of prenatal smoking. We calculated frequencies of correct responses to assess knowledge about prenatal smoking and estimated relative risk to examine knowledge by demographic and lifestyle factors. Only 15 % of all respondents and 23 % of reproductive-aged women had high knowledge of the adverse effects of prenatal smoking on pregnancy outcomes. Preterm birth and low birth weight were most often recognized as adverse outcomes associated with prenatal smoking. Nearly 70 % of reproductive-aged women smokers reported they would quit smoking if they became pregnant without any specific reasons from their doctor. Few respondents recognized the benefits of quitting smoking after the first trimester of pregnancy. Our results suggest that many women lack knowledge regarding the increased risks for adverse outcomes associated with prenatal smoking. Healthcare providers should follow the recommendations provided by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which include educating women about the health risks of prenatal smoking and the benefits of quitting. Healthcare providers should emphasize quitting smoking even after the first trimester of pregnancy. |
Association between reported venlafaxine use in early pregnancy and birth defects, National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997-2007
Polen KN , Rasmussen SA , Riehle-Colarusso T , Reefhuis J . Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2012 97 (1) 28-35 BACKGROUND: Few epidemiologic studies have investigated the use of venlafaxine (Effexor XR capsules, Product Monograph, Wyeth, Montreal, Canada), an antidepressant used to treat major depression and anxiety disorders in adults, during pregnancy. Our objective was to determine whether use of venlafaxine during pregnancy is associated with specific birth defects. METHODS: We used data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS), a population-based, case-control study in the United States. Our analysis included mothers with pregnancies affected by one of 30 selected birth defects (cases) and babies without birth defects (controls) with estimated dates of delivery between 1997 and 2007. Exposure was any reported use of venlafaxine from 1 month preconception through the third month of pregnancy. We calculated adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% Fisher Exact confidence intervals (CIs) for 24 birth defect groups for which at least 400 case mothers were interviewed. Our adjusted analyses controlled for maternal age and race/ethnicity. RESULTS: Among the 27,045 NBDPS participants who met inclusion criteria, 0.17% (14/8002) of control mothers and 0.40% (77/19,043) of case mothers reported any use of venlafaxine from 1 month preconception through the third month of pregnancy. Statistically significant associations were found for anencephaly, atrial septal defect (ASD) secundum, or ASD not otherwise specified, coarctation of the aorta, cleft palate, and gastroschisis. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest associations between periconceptional use of venlafaxine and some birth defects. However, sample sizes were small, CIs were wide, and additional studies are needed to confirm these results. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. |
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