Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Perry RT[original query] |
Measles population immunity profiles: Updated methods and tools
Li X , Goodson JL , Perry RT . Vaccines (Basel) 2024 12 (8) Measles is a highly contagious disease and remains a major cause of child mortality worldwide. While measles vaccine is highly effective, high levels of population immunity are needed to prevent outbreaks. Simple but accurate tools are needed to estimate the profile of population measles immunity by age to identify and fill immunity gaps caused by low levels of vaccination coverage. The measles immunity profile estimates and visualizes the percentage of each birth cohort immune or susceptible to measles based on measles vaccination coverage. Several tools that employed this approach have been developed in the past, including informal unpublished versions. However, these tools used varying assumptions and produced inconsistent results. We updated the measles population immunity profile methodology to standardize and better document the assumptions and methods; provide timely estimates of measles population immunity; and facilitate prompt actions to close immunity gaps and prevent outbreaks. We recommend assuming that the second dose of the measles-containing vaccine (MCV2) and doses given during supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) first reach children who have been previously vaccinated against measles, so that previously unvaccinated children are reached only when the coverage of MCV2 or SIA is higher than the coverage achieved by all previous measles vaccination opportunities. This updated method provides a conservative estimate of immunization program impact to assess measles outbreak risk and to facilitate early planning of timely preventive SIAs to close population immunity gaps. |
Tracking measles and rubella elimination progress-world health organization African region, 2022-2023
Masresha BG , Wiysonge CS , Katsande R , O'Connor PM , Lebo E , Perry RT . Vaccines (Basel) 2024 12 (8) Measles or rubella elimination is verified when endemic transmission of the corresponding virus has been absent for over 36 months in a defined area, in the presence of a well-performing surveillance system. This report updates the progress by 47 countries in the WHO African Region towards the goal of attaining verification of measles and rubella elimination in at least 80% of the countries of the region by 2030. We reviewed the WHO-UNICEF vaccination coverage estimates for the first and second doses of measles- and measles-rubella-containing vaccines, as well as the available coverage data for measles supplementary immunization activities, during 2022-2023. We also reviewed the measles-surveillance performance and analyzed the epidemiological trends of measles and rubella as reported in the case-based surveillance database. The WHO-UNICEF estimates of first measles vaccine dose (MCV1) and second measles vaccine dose (MCV2) coverage for the African Region for 2022 were 69% and 45%, respectively. Rubella-containing vaccines have been introduced in the routine immunization program in 32 of 47 (68%) countries as of the end of 2022, with no introductions during 2023. In 2022 and 2023, a total of 144,767,764 children were vaccinated in the region with measles or MR vaccines in 24 countries through 32 mass vaccination campaigns. The administrative coverage target of 95% was reached in only 15 (49%) of the 32 vaccination campaigns. In 2023, a total of 125,957 suspected cases of measles were reported through the case-based surveillance system, and 73,625 cases (58%) were confirmed to be measles, either by laboratory testing, by epidemiological linkage, or based on clinical compatibility. A total of 4805 confirmed rubella cases were reported, though this total represents substantial under-ascertainment. The regional incidence of measles was 60.3 cases per million population. Twenty-six countries (55%) met the targets for the two principal surveillance system performance-monitoring indicators. No country in the region has attained the verification of measles or rubella elimination as of the end of 2023. Addressing systemic problems with routine immunization and using tailored approaches to reach unvaccinated children can contribute to progress towards measles and rubella elimination. In addition, periodic and timely high-quality preventive SIAs remain a critical programmatic strategy to reach unvaccinated children. |
Provincial intra-action review of the COVID-19 vaccination programme: Opportunities to improve vaccine response in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Kabamba Nzaji M , Kapit AM , Stolka KB , Fezeu Meyou S , Kasendue CK , Dahlke M , Perry RT , Doshi RH , Aksnes BN , Luce RR , Bateyi Mustafa SH , Mwina-Ngoie CK , Aimé Cmwb , MacDonald PDM , Standley CJ . J Multidiscip Healthc 2024 17 2147-2156 BACKGROUND: Low levels of COVID-19 vaccination coverage in many countries prompted the use of rapid assessments to characterize barriers to vaccination and identify corrective measures. The World Health Organization recommended the use of intra-action reviews (IARs) to identify best practices, gaps, and lessons learned to make real-time improvements to the COVID-19 vaccination response. OBJECTIVE: The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) implemented a national IAR in July 2021 that was poorly attended by the provincial health level, where vaccination activities are planned and implemented. To bridge this gap, we proposed sub-national IARs focused on COVID-19 vaccine program implementation at the provincial level. METHODS: Using the WHO methodology, we organized a four-day provincial IAR workshop and invited national, provincial and health zone Ministry of Health (MoH) representatives and private and non-governmental organizations involved in the provincial COVID-19 vaccination response. Participants were divided into six groups based on their expertise, affiliation, and role within the health system to assess and identify lessons learned, challenges and the solutions within each of the six technical areas: (1) coordination, planning and monitoring; (2) service delivery; (3) risk communication and community engagement; (4) adverse effects following immunization (AEFI); (5) logistics; (6) and data management, monitoring and evaluation. RESULTS: The first provincial COVID-19 IAR was conducted in Goma, North Kivu, from January 19-22, 2022. A total of 56 participants came from provincial and health zone offices, and non-governmental organizations. Through work group discussions, they identified best practices, challenges, and lessons learned, and made recommendations to improve implementation of vaccination activities and reach coverage targets. Activities were proposed to operationalize recommendations and address challenges to improve the provincial response. CONCLUSION: This provincial IAR was a useful tool for reviewing progress and areas of improvement, while evaluating aspects of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. It provided a means to share information with vaccination partners on areas of intervention, tailored to the local context. |
Preventing measles in children and adolescents with HIV
Kaur G , Perry RT . AIDS 2023 37 (13) 2087-2089 Measles – clinically recognized as fever, rash and one or more of cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis – has been a leading cause of vaccine-preventable disease and death. Despite the existence of a well tolerated and effective vaccine, an estimated 128 000 children worldwide died of measles in 2021 [1]. Measles complications typically include pneumonia and diarrhea, caused either directly by measles virus or indirectly by measles-induced loss of preexisting immunity to common childhood pathogens [2–5]. Among people with HIV (PWH), measles infection can lead to severe pneumonia, encephalitis, and death; among children with HIV (CHIV), the mortality risk doubles [3,6]. | | For infants exposed to HIV in utero or HIV-infected but asymptomatic, WHO recommends a supplementary measles vaccine dose at 6 months of age in addition to the doses routinely recommended by the country's immunization schedule [7]. A measles vaccine dose at 6 months aims to vaccinate these infants soon after they lose maternally derived antibodies and while HIV-infected infants are better able to develop an immune response [8,9]. Although immune reconstitution during antiretroviral therapy (ART) does not restore preexisting measles immunity [10], vaccination after reconstitution can induce protective immunity against measles [11,12]. WHO therefore recommends providing at least one measles vaccine dose after immune reconstitution following ART initiation, or 6–12 months after ART initiation when CD4+ testing is not available [7]. |
Progress toward measles elimination - African Region, 2017-2021
Masresha BG , Hatcher C , Lebo E , Tanifum P , Bwaka AM , Minta AA , Antoni S , Grant GB , Perry RT , O'Connor P . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (36) 985-991 Worldwide, measles remains a major cause of disease and death; the highest incidence is in the World Health Organization African Region (AFR). In 2011, the 46 AFR member states established a goal of regional measles elimination by 2020; this report describes progress during 2017-2021. Regional coverage with a first dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV) decreased from 70% in 2017 to 68% in 2021, and the number of countries with ≥95% coverage decreased from six (13%) to two (4%). The number of countries providing a second MCV dose increased from 27 (57%) to 38 (81%), and second-dose coverage increased from 25% to 41%. Approximately 341 million persons were vaccinated in supplementary immunization activities, and an estimated 4.5 million deaths were averted by vaccination. However, the number of countries meeting measles surveillance performance indicators declined from 26 (62%) to nine (22%). Measles incidence increased from 69.2 per 1 million population in 2017 to 81.9 in 2021. The number of estimated annual measles cases and deaths increased 22% and 8%, respectively. By December 2021, no country in AFR had received verification of measles elimination. To achieve a renewed regional goal of measles elimination in at least 80% of countries by 2030, intensified efforts are needed to recover and surpass levels of surveillance performance and coverage with 2 MCV doses achieved before the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Effects of COVID-19 on vaccine-preventable disease surveillance systems in the World Health Organization African Region, 2020
Bigouette JP , Callaghan AW , Donadel M , Porter AM , Rosencrans L , Lickness JS , Blough S , Li X , Perry RT , Williams AJ , Scobie HM , Dahl BA , McFarland J , Murrill CS . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (13) S203-s207 Global emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 curtailed vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) surveillance activities, but little is known about which surveillance components were most affected. In May 2021, we surveyed 214 STOP (originally Stop Transmission of Polio) Program consultants to determine how VPD surveillance activities were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic throughout 2020, primarily in low- and middle-income countries, where program consultants are deployed. Our report highlights the responses from 154 (96%) of the 160 consultants deployed to the World Health Organization African Region, which comprises 75% (160/214) of all STOP Program consultants deployed globally in early 2021. Most survey respondents observed that VPD surveillance activities were somewhat or severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Reprioritization of surveillance staff and changes in health-seeking behaviors were factors commonly perceived to decrease VPD surveillance activities. Our findings suggest the need for strategies to restore VPD surveillance to prepandemic levels. |
CDC's COVID-19 international vaccine implementation and evaluation program and lessons from earlier vaccine introductions
Soeters HM , Doshi RH , Fleming M , Adegoke OJ , Ajene U , Aksnes BN , Bennett S , Blau EF , Carlton JG , Clements S , Conklin L , Dahlke M , Duca LM , Feldstein LR , Gidudu JF , Grant G , Hercules M , Igboh LS , Ishizumi A , Jacenko S , Kerr Y , Konne NM , Kulkarni S , Kumar A , Lafond KE , Lam E , Longley AT , McCarron M , Namageyo-Funa A , Ortiz N , Patel JC , Perry RT , Prybylski D , Reddi P , Salman O , Sciarratta CN , Shragai T , Siddula A , Sikare E , Tchoualeu DD , Traicoff D , Tuttle A , Victory KR , Wallace A , Ward K , Wong MKA , Zhou W , Schluter WW , Fitter DL , Mounts A , Bresee JS , Hyde TB . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (13) S208-s216 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports international partners in introducing vaccines, including those against SARS-CoV-2 virus. CDC contributes to the development of global technical tools, guidance, and policy for COVID-19 vaccination and has established its COVID-19 International Vaccine Implementation and Evaluation (CIVIE) program. CIVIE supports ministries of health and their partner organizations in developing or strengthening their national capacities for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of COVID-19 vaccination programs. CIVIE's 7 priority areas for country-specific technical assistance are vaccine policy development, program planning, vaccine confidence and demand, data management and use, workforce development, vaccine safety, and evaluation. We discuss CDC's work on global COVID-19 vaccine implementation, including priorities, challenges, opportunities, and applicable lessons learned from prior experiences with Ebola, influenza, and meningococcal serogroup A conjugate vaccine introductions. |
Reduction in malaria burden following the introduction of indoor residual spraying in areas protected by long-lasting insecticidal nets in Western Kenya, 2016-2018
Dulacha D , Were V , Oyugi E , Kiptui R , Owiny M , Boru W , Gura Z , Perry RT . PLoS One 2022 17 (4) e0266736 BACKGROUND: Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) are the main malaria vector control measures deployed in Kenya. Widespread pyrethroid resistance among the primary vectors in Western Kenya has necessitated the re-introduction of IRS using an organophosphate insecticide, pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic® 300CS), as a pyrethroid resistance management strategy. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the combined use of non-pyrethroid IRS and LLINs has yielded varied results. We aimed to evaluate the effect of non-pyrethroid IRS and LLINs on malaria indicators in a high malaria transmission area. METHODS: We reviewed records and tallied monthly aggregate of outpatient department (OPD) attendance, suspected malaria cases, those tested for malaria and those testing positive for malaria at two health facilities, one from Nyatike, an intervention sub-county, and one from Suba, a comparison sub-county, both located in Western Kenya, from February 1, 2016, through March 31, 2018. The first round of IRS was conducted in February-March 2017 in Nyatike sub-county and the second round one year later in both Nyatike and Suba sub-counties. The mass distribution of LLINs has been conducted in both locations. We performed descriptive analysis and estimated the effect of the interventions and temporal changes of malaria indicators using Poisson regression for a period before and after the first round of IRS. RESULTS: A higher reduction in the intervention area in total OPD, the proportion of OPD visits due to suspected malaria, testing positivity rate and annual malaria incidences were observed except for the total OPD visits among the under 5 children (59% decrease observed in the comparison area vs 33% decrease in the intervention area, net change -27%, P <0.001). The percentage decline in annual malaria incidence observed in the intervention area was more than twice the observed percentage decline in the comparison area across all the age groups. A marked decline in the monthly testing positivity rate (TPR) was noticed in the intervention area, while no major changes were observed in the comparison area. The monthly TPR reduced from 46% in February 2016 to 11% in February 2018, representing a 76% absolute decrease in TPR among all ages (RR = 0.24, 95% CI 0.12-0.46). In the comparison area, TPR was 16% in both February 2016 and February 2018 (RR = 1.0, 95% CI 0.52-2.09). A month-by-month comparison revealed lower TPR in Year 2 compared to Year 1 in the intervention area for most of the one year after the introduction of the IRS. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrated a reduced malaria burden among populations protected by both non-pyrethroid IRS and LLINs implying a possible additional benefit afforded by the combined intervention in the malaria-endemic zone. |
Impact of indoor residual spraying with pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic 300CS) on entomological indicators of transmission and malaria case burden in Migori County, western Kenya
Abong'o B , Gimnig JE , Torr SJ , Longman B , Omoke D , Muchoki M , Ter Kuile F , Ochomo E , Munga S , Samuels AM , Njagi K , Maas J , Perry RT , Fornadel C , Donnelly MJ , Oxborough RM . Sci Rep 2020 10 (1) 4518 Indoor residual spraying (IRS) of insecticides is a major vector control strategy for malaria prevention. We evaluated the impact of a single round of IRS with the organophosphate, pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic 300CS), on entomological and parasitological parameters of malaria in Migori County, western Kenya in 2017, in an area where primary vectors are resistant to pyrethroids but susceptible to the IRS compound. Entomological monitoring was conducted by indoor CDC light trap, pyrethrum spray catches (PSC) and human landing collection (HLC) before and after IRS. The residual effect of the insecticide was assessed monthly by exposing susceptible An. gambiae s.s. Kisumu strain to sprayed surfaces in cone assays and measuring mortality at 24 hours. Malaria case burden data were extracted from laboratory records of four health facilities within the sprayed area and two adjacent unsprayed areas. IRS was associated with reductions in An. funestus numbers in the intervention areas compared to non-intervention areas by 88% with light traps (risk ratio [RR] 0.12, 95% CI 0.07-0.21, p < 0.001) and 93% with PSC collections (RR = 0.07, 0.03-0.17, p < 0.001). The corresponding reductions in the numbers of An. arabiensis collected by PSC were 69% in the intervention compared to the non-intervention areas (RR = 0.31, 0.14-0.68, p = 0.006), but there was no significant difference with light traps (RR = 0.45, 0.21-0.96, p = 0.05). Before IRS, An. funestus accounted for over 80% of Anopheles mosquitoes collected by light trap and PSC in all sites. After IRS, An. arabiensis accounted for 86% of Anopheles collected by PSC and 66% by CDC light trap in the sprayed sites while the proportion in non-intervention sites remained unchanged. No sporozoite infections were detected in intervention areas after IRS and biting rates by An. funestus were reduced to near zero. Anopheles funestus and An. arabiensis were fully susceptible to pirimiphos-methyl and resistant to pyrethroids. The residual effect of Actellic 300CS lasted ten months on mud and concrete walls. Malaria case counts among febrile patients within IRS areas was lower post- compared to pre-IRS by 44%, 65% and 47% in Rongo, Uriri and Nyatike health facilities respectively. A single application of IRS with Actellic 300CS in Migori County provided ten months protection and resulted in the near elimination of the primary malaria vector An. funestus and a corresponding reduction of malaria case count among out-patients. The impact was less on An. arabiensis, most likely due to their exophilic nature. |
Progress toward measles elimination - Nepal, 2007-2014
Khanal S , Sedai TR , Choudary GR , Giri JN , Bohara R , Pant R , Gautam M , Sharapov UM , Goodson JL , Alexander J , Dabbagh A , Strebel P , Perry RT , Bah S , Abeysinghe N , Thapa A . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (8) 206-10 In 2013, the 66th session of the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) South-East Asia Region (SEAR) established a goal to eliminate measles and to control rubella and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS)* in SEAR by 2020 (1,2). Current recommended measles elimination strategies in the region include 1) achieving and maintaining ≥95% coverage with 2 doses of measles-containing vaccine (MCV) in every district, delivered through the routine immunization program or through supplementary immunization activities (SIAs)(dagger); 2) developing and sustaining a sensitive and timely measles case-based surveillance system that meets minimum recommended performance indicators( section sign); 3) developing and maintaining an accredited measles laboratory network; and 4) achieving timely identification, investigation, and response to measles outbreaks. In 2013, Nepal, one of the 11 SEAR member states, adopted a goal for national measles elimination by 2019 (3). This report updates a previous report (4) and summarizes progress toward measles elimination in Nepal during 2007-2014. During 2007-2014, estimated coverage with the first MCV dose (MCV1) increased from 81% to 88%. Approximately 3.9 and 9.7 million children were vaccinated in SIAs conducted in 2008 and 2014, respectively (1). Reported suspected measles incidence declined by 13% during 2007-2014, from 54 to 47 cases per 1 million population. However, in 2014, 81% of districts did not meet the measles case-based surveillance performance indicator target of ≥2 discarded non-measles cases( paragraph sign) per 100,000 population per year. To achieve and maintain measles elimination, additional measures are needed to strengthen routine immunization services to increase coverage with MCV1 and a recently introduced second dose of MCV (MCV2**) to ≥95% in all districts, and to enhance sensitivity of measles case-based surveillance by adopting a more sensitive case definition, expanding case-based surveillance sites nationwide, and ensuring timely transport of specimens to the accredited national laboratory. |
Progress toward regional measles elimination - worldwide, 2000-2014
Perry RT , Murray JS , Gacic-Dobo M , Dabbagh A , Mulders MN , Strebel PM , Okwo-Bele JM , Rota PA , Goodson JL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015 64 (44) 1246-1251 In 2000, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), with MDG4 being a two-thirds reduction in child mortality by 2015, and with measles vaccination coverage being one of the three indicators of progress toward this goal.* In 2010, the World Health Assembly established three milestones for measles control by 2015: 1) increase routine coverage with the first dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV1) for children aged 1 year to >/=90% nationally and >/=80% in every district; 2) reduce global annual measles incidence to fewer than five cases per million population; and 3) reduce global measles mortality by 95% from the 2000 estimate (1).dagger In 2012, the World Health Assembly endorsed the Global Vaccine Action Plan section sign with the objective to eliminate measles in four World Health Organization (WHO) regions by 2015. WHO member states in all six WHO regions have adopted measles elimination goals. This report updates the 2000-2013 report (2) and describes progress toward global control and regional measles elimination during 2000-2014. During this period, annual reported measles incidence declined 73% worldwide, from 146 to 40 cases per million population, and annual estimated measles deaths declined 79%, from 546,800 to 114,900. However, progress toward the 2015 milestones and elimination goals has slowed markedly since 2010. To resume progress toward milestones and goals for measles elimination, a review of current strategies and challenges to improving program performance is needed, and countries and their partners need to raise the visibility of measles elimination, address barriers to measles vaccination, and make substantial and sustained additional investments in strengthening health systems. |
Antecedent causes of a measles resurgence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Scobie HM , Ilunga BK , Mulumba A , Shidi C , Coulibaly T , Obama R , Tamfum JJM , Simbu EP , Smit SB , Masresha B , Perry RT , Alleman MM , Kretsinger K , Goodson J . Pan Afr Med J 2015 21 (30) 30 INTRODUCTION: Despite accelerated measles control efforts, a massive measles resurgence occurred in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) starting in mid-2010, prompting an investigation into likely causes. METHODS: We conducted a descriptive epidemiological analysis using measles immunization and surveillance data to understand the causes of the measles resurgence and to develop recommendations for elimination efforts in DRC. RESULTS: During 2004-2012, performance indicator targets for case-based surveillance and routine measles vaccination were not met. Estimated coverage with the routine first dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV1) increased from 57% to 73%. Phased supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) were conducted starting in 2002, in some cases with sub-optimal coverage (≤95%). In 2010, SIAs in five of 11 provinces were not implemented as planned, resulting in a prolonged interval between SIAs, and a missed birth cohort in one province. During July 1, 2010-December 30, 2012, high measles attack rates (>100 cases per 100,000 population) occurred in provinces that had estimated MCV1 coverage lower than the national estimate and did not implement planned 2010 SIAs. The majority of confirmed case-patients were aged <10 years (87%) and unvaccinated or with unknown vaccination status (75%). Surveillance detected two genotype B3 and one genotype B2 measles virus strains that were previously identified in the region. CONCLUSION: The resurgence was likely caused by an accumulation of unvaccinated, measles-susceptible children due to low MCV1 coverage and suboptimal SIA implementation. To achieve the regional goal of measles elimination by 2020, efforts are needed in DRC to improve case-based surveillance and increase two-dose measles vaccination coverage through routine services and SIAs. |
Synthesis of evidence to characterize national measles and rubella exposure and immunization histories
Thompson KM , Odahowski CL , Goodson JL , Reef SE , Perry RT . Risk Anal 2015 36 (7) 1427-58 Population immunity depends on the dynamic levels of immunization coverage that countries achieve over time and any transmission of viruses that occur within the population that induce immunity. In the context of developing a dynamic transmission model for measles and rubella to support analyses of future immunization policy options, we assessed the model inputs required to reproduce past behavior and to provide some confidence about model performance at the national level. We reviewed the data available from the World Health Organization (WHO) and existing measles and rubella literature for evidence of historical reported routine and supplemental immunization activities and reported cases and outbreaks. We constructed model input profiles for 180 WHO member states and three other areas to support disease transmission model development and calibration. The profiles demonstrate the significant variability in immunization strategies used historically by regions and member states and the epidemiological implications of these historical choices. The profiles provide a historical perspective on measles and rubella immunization globally at the national level, and they may help immunization program managers identify existing immunity and/or knowledge gaps. |
Development of a district-level programmatic assessment tool for risk of measles virus transmission
Lam E , Schluter WW , Masresha BG , Teleb N , Bravo-Alcantara P , Shefer A , Jankovic D , McFarland J , Elfakki E , Takashima Y , Perry RT , Dabbagh AJ , Banerjee K , Strebel PM , Goodson JL . Risk Anal 2015 37 (6) 1052-1062 All six World Health Organization (WHO) regions have now set goals for measles elimination by or before 2020. To prioritize measles elimination efforts and use available resources efficiently, there is a need to identify at-risk areas that are offtrack from meeting performance targets and require strengthening of programmatic efforts. This article describes the development of a WHO measles programmatic risk assessment tool to be used for monitoring, guiding, and sustaining measles elimination efforts at the subnational level. We outline the tool development process; the tool specifications and requirements for data inputs; the framework of risk categories, indicators, and scoring; and the risk category assignment. Overall risk was assessed as a function of indicator scores that fall into four main categories: population immunity, surveillance quality, program performance, and threat assessment. On the basis of the overall score, the tool assigns each district a risk of either low, medium, high, or very high. The cut-off criteria for the risk assignment categories were based on the distribution of scores from all possible combinations of individual indicator cutoffs. The results may be used for advocacy to communicate risk to policymakers, mobilize resources for corrective actions, manage population immunity, and prioritize programmatic activities. Ongoing evaluation of indicators will be needed to evaluate programmatic performance and plan risk mitigation activities effectively. The availability of a comprehensive tool that can identify at-risk districts will enhance efforts to prioritize resources and implement strategies for achieving the Global Vaccine Action Plan goals for measles elimination. |
Progress toward regional measles elimination - worldwide, 2000-2013
Perry RT , Gacic-Dobo M , Dabbagh A , Mulders MN , Strebel PM , Okwo-Bele JM , Rota PA , Goodson JL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2014 63 (45) 1034-1038 In 2012, the World Health Assembly endorsed the Global Vaccine Action Plan with the objective to eliminate measles in four World Health Organization (WHO) regions by 2015. Member states of all six WHO regions have adopted measles elimination goals. In 2010, the World Health Assembly established three milestones for 2015: 1) increase routine coverage with the first dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV1) for children aged 1 year to ≥90% nationally and ≥80% in every district; 2) reduce global annual measles incidence to <5 cases per million; and 3) reduce global measles mortality by 95% from the 2000 estimate. This report updates the 2000-2012 report and describes progress toward global control and regional measles elimination during 2000-2013. During this period, annual reported measles incidence declined 72% worldwide, from 146 to 40 per million population, and annual estimated measles deaths declined 75%, from 544,200 to 145,700. Four of six WHO regions have established regional verification commissions (RVCs); in the European (EUR) and Western Pacific regions (WPR), 19 member states successfully documented the absence of endemic measles. Resuming progress toward 2015 milestones and elimination goals will require countries and their partners to raise the visibility of measles elimination, address barriers to measles vaccination, and make substantial and sustained additional investments in strengthening health systems. |
Global control and regional elimination of measles, 2000-2012
Perry RT , Gacic-Dobo M , Dabbagh A , Mulders MN , Strebel PM , Okwo-Bele JM , Rota PA , Goodson JL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2014 63 (5) 103-7 In 2010, the World Health Assembly established three milestones toward global measles eradication to be reached by 2015: 1) increase routine coverage with the first dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV1) for children aged 1 year to ≥90% nationally and ≥80% in every district, 2) reduce and maintain annual measles incidence at <5 cases per million, and 3) reduce measles mortality by 95% from the 2000 estimate. After the adoption by member states of the South-East Asia Region (SEAR) of the goal of measles elimination by 2020, elimination goals have been set by member states of all six World Health Organization (WHO) regions, and reaching measles elimination in four WHO regions by 2015 is an objective of the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP). This report updates the previous report for 2000-2011 and describes progress toward global control and regional elimination of measles during 2000-2012. During this period, increases in routine MCV coverage, plus supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) reaching 145 million children in 2012, led to a 77% decrease worldwide in reported measles annual incidence, from 146 to 33 per million population, and a 78% decline in estimated annual measles deaths, from 562,400 to 122,000. Compared with a scenario of no vaccination, an estimated 13.8 million deaths were prevented by measles vaccination during 2000-2012. Achieving the 2015 targets and elimination goals will require countries and their partners to raise the visibility of measles elimination and make substantial and sustained additional investments in strengthening health systems. |
Should outbreak response immunization be recommended for measles outbreaks in middle- and low-income countries? An update
Cairns KL , Perry RT , Ryman TK , Nandy RK , Grais RF . J Infect Dis 2011 204 Suppl 1 S35-46 BACKGROUND: Measles caused mortality in >164,000 children in 2008, with most deaths occurring during outbreaks. Nonetheless, the impact and desirability of conducting measles outbreak response immunization (ORI) in middle- and low-income countries has been controversial. World Health Organization guidelines published in 1999 recommended against ORI in such settings, although recently these guidelines have been reversed for countries with measles mortality reduction goals. METHODS: We searched literature published during 1995-2009 for papers reporting on measles outbreaks. Papers identified were reviewed by 2 reviewers to select those that mentioned ORI. World Bank classification of country income was used to identify reports of outbreaks in middle- and low-income countries. RESULTS: We identified a total of 485 articles, of which 461 (95%) were available. Thirty-eight of these papers reported on a total of 38 outbreaks in which ORI was used. ORI had a clear impact in 16 (42%) of these outbreaks. In the remaining outbreaks, we were unable to independently assess the impact of ORI. CONCLUSIONS: These findings generally support ORI in middle- and low-income countries. However, the decision to conduct ORI and the nature and extent of the vaccination response need to be made on a case-by-case basis. |
Success of Senegal's first nationwide distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets to children under five - contribution toward universal coverage
Thwing JI , Perry RT , Townes DA , Diouf MB , Ndiaye S , Thior M . Malar J 2011 10 86 BACKGROUND: In 2009, the first national long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLIN) distribution campaign in Senegal resulted in the distribution of 2.2 million LLINs in two phases to children aged 6-59 months. Door-to-door teams visited all households to administer vitamin A and mebendazole, and to give a coupon to redeem later for an LLIN. METHODS: A nationwide community-based two-stage cluster survey was conducted, with clusters selected within regions by probability proportional to size sampling, followed by GPS-assisted mapping, simple random selection of households in each cluster, and administration of a questionnaire using personal digital assistants (PDAs). The questionnaire followed the Malaria Indicator Survey format, with rosters of household members and bed nets, and questions on campaign participation. RESULTS: There were 3,280 households in 112 clusters representing 33,993 people. Most (92.1%) guardians of eligible children had heard about the campaign, the primary sources being health workers (33.7%), neighbours (26.2%), and radio (22.0%). Of eligible children, 82.4% received mebendazole, 83.8% received vitamin A, and 75.4% received LLINs. Almost all (91.4%) LLINs received during the campaign remained in the household; of those not remaining, 74.4% had been given away and none were reported sold. At least one insecticide-treated net (ITN) was present in 82.3% of all households, 89.2% of households with a child < 5 years and 57.5% of households without a child < 5 years. Just over half (52.4%) of ITNs had been received during the campaign. Considering possible indicators of universal coverage, 39.8% of households owned at least one ITN per two people, 21.6% owned at least one ITN per sleeping space and 34.7% of the general population slept under an ITN the night before the survey. In addition, 45.6% of children < 5 years, and 49.2% of pregnant women had slept under an ITN. CONCLUSIONS: The nationwide integrated LLIN distribution campaign allowed household ITN ownership of one or more ITNs to surpass the RBM target of 80% set for 2010, though additional distribution strategies are needed to reach populations missed by the targeted campaign and to reach the universal coverage targets of one ITN per sleeping space and 80% of the population using an ITN. |
Measles outbreak in Tanzania, 2006-2007
Goodson JL , Perry RT , Mach O , Manyanga D , Luman ET , Kitambi M , Kibona M , Wiesen E , Cairns KL . Vaccine 2010 28 (37) 5979-85 We conducted a measles outbreak investigation in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Surveillance data were analyzed; a susceptibility profile developed, and case-control study conducted. The age distribution of cases peaked among those <2, 5-7, and ≥18 years, corresponding to the age distribution of susceptibles. Risk factors included being unvaccinated (aOR=5.7, p<0.01) or having received one dose of vaccine compared to two (aOR=2.4, p=0.01), being younger, and having a less-educated caretaker. Vaccine effectiveness was 88% (one dose) and 96% (two doses). Results highlight the importance of receiving one dose of measles vaccine, and the added benefit of two doses. |
Impact of measles outbreak response vaccination campaign in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Goodson JL , Wiesen E , Perry RT , Mach O , Kitambi M , Kibona M , Luman ET , Cairns KL . Vaccine 2009 27 (42) 5870-4 We assessed the impact of a measles outbreak response vaccination campaign (ORV) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Age-specific incidence rates were calculated before and after the ORV. Incidence rate ratios for the two time periods were compared and used to estimate expected cases and deaths prevented by ORV. The ratio of measles incidence rates in the age groups targeted and not targeted by ORV decreased from 5.8 prior to ORV to 1.8 (p<0.0001) after; 506 measles cases and 18 measles deaths were likely averted. These results support the need for revised recommendations concerning ORV in general settings in Africa. |
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