Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 95 Records) |
Query Trace: Oster AM[original query] |
Contribution of HIV transmission bursts to future HIV infections, United States
Billock RM , France AM , Saduvala N , Panneer N , Hallmark CJ , Wertheim JO , Oster AM . Aids 2024 ![]() ![]() OBJECTIVE: To estimate the influence of bursts of rapid HIV transmission on future transmission and describe populations affected by transmission bursts. DESIGN: Phylogenetic analysis of US National HIV Surveillance System data. METHODS: Time-scaled phylogenetic trees were inferred for six geographic regions using sequences from persons with HIV (PWH) with diagnoses of HIV infection 2014-2019. Transmission bursts were defined as ≥3 adjacent inferred transmission events in the phylogeny during a detection period. We calculated the relative contribution of transmission bursts 2015-2016 to transmission 2017-2019 compared with non-bursts. Then, we detected bursts within any sliding 2-year period 2014-2019 and assessed descriptive associations of characteristics of individuals involved with or descended from transmission bursts using univariate risk ratios. RESULTS: The 5.6% of phylogenetic lineages involved in transmission bursts 2015-2016 contributed to 14.9% of inferred transmission events 2017-2019. The relative contribution of lineages involved in transmission bursts to future transmission was 2.94 times that of lineages not involved in bursts. Younger age at diagnosis, self-identification as transgender or an additional gender identity, or as a cisgender man, male-to-male sexual contact, injection drug use, or male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use, and diagnosis during acute or early infection were most strongly associated with involvement in or descendance from transmission bursts. CONCLUSIONS: Transmission bursts contribute disproportionately to future HIV transmission, underscoring the value of detecting and responding to rapid transmission to reduce incidence. Bursts of rapid transmission may also contribute to enduring disparities in incidence among some key populations. |
Enhancements to the National HIV Surveillance System, United States, 2013-2023
Satcher Johnson A , Peruski A , Oster AM , Balaji A , Siddiqi AE , Sweeney P , Hernandez AL . Public Health Rep 2024 333549241253092 HIV infection is monitored through the National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS) to help improve the health of people with HIV and reduce transmission. NHSS data are routinely used at federal, state, and local levels to monitor the distribution and transmission of HIV, plan and evaluate prevention and care programs, allocate resources, inform policy development, and identify and respond to rapid transmission in the United States. We describe the expanded use of HIV surveillance data since the 2013 NHSS status update, during which time the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) coordinated to revise the HIV surveillance case definition to support the detection of early infection and reporting of laboratory data, expanded data collection to include information on sexual orientation and gender identity, enhanced data deduplication processes to improve quality, and expanded reporting to include social determinants of health and health equity measures. CDC maximized the effects of federal funding by integrating funding for HIV prevention and surveillance into a single program; the integration of program funding has expanded the use of HIV surveillance data and strengthened surveillance, resulting in enhanced cluster response capacity and intensified data-to-care activities to ensure sustained viral suppression. NHSS data serve as the primary source for monitoring HIV trends and progress toward achieving national initiatives, including the US Department of Health and Human Services' Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States initiative, the White House's National HIV/AIDS Strategy (2022-2025), and Healthy People 2030. The NHSS will continue to modernize, adapt, and broaden its scope as the need for high-quality HIV surveillance data remains. |
Public Health Response to Clusters of Rapid HIV Transmission Among Hispanic or Latino Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men - Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, 2021-2022.
Saldana C , Philpott DC , Mauck DE , Hershow RB , Garlow E , Gettings J , Freeman D , France AM , Johnson EN , Ajmal A , Elimam D , Reed K , Sulka A , Adame JF , Andía JF , Gutierrez M , Padilla M , Jimenez NG , Hayes C , McClung RP , Cantos VD , Holland DP , Scott JY , Oster AM , Curran KG , Hassan R , Wortley P . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (10) 261-264 ![]() ![]() During February 2021-June 2022, the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) detected five clusters of rapid HIV transmission concentrated among Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in metropolitan Atlanta. The clusters were detected through routine analysis of HIV-1 nucleotide sequence data obtained through public health surveillance (1,2). Beginning in spring 2021, GDPH partnered with health districts with jurisdiction in four metropolitan Atlanta counties (Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, and Gwinnett) and CDC to investigate factors contributing to HIV spread, epidemiologic characteristics, and transmission patterns. Activities included review of surveillance and partner services interview data,(†) medical chart reviews, and qualitative interviews with service providers and Hispanic MSM community members. By June 2022, these clusters included 75 persons, including 56% who identified as Hispanic, 96% who reported male sex at birth, 81% who reported male-to-male sexual contact, and 84% of whom resided in the four metropolitan Atlanta counties. Qualitative interviews identified barriers to accessing HIV prevention and care services, including language barriers, immigration- and deportation-related concerns, and cultural norms regarding sexuality-related stigma. GDPH and the health districts expanded coordination, initiated culturally concordant HIV prevention marketing and educational activities, developed partnerships with organizations serving Hispanic communities to enhance outreach and services, and obtained funding for a bilingual patient navigation program with academic partners to provide staff members to help persons overcome barriers and understand the health care system. HIV molecular cluster detection can identify rapid HIV transmission among sexual networks involving ethnic and sexual minority groups, draw attention to the needs of affected populations, and advance health equity through tailored responses that address those needs. |
Clusters of rapid HIV transmission among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men - United States, 2018-2021
Perez SM , Panneer N , France AM , Carnes N , Curran KG , Denson DJ , Oster AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (38) 1201-1206 Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 68% of new HIV diagnoses in the United States in 2020* (1). Despite advances in treatment and prevention, HIV transmission among MSM continues, in part because of stigma and barriers to accessing prevention and treatment services (2). HIV cluster detection and response, a core strategy of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States initiative,() is an important tool for early identification and response to rapid HIV transmission, including among MSM. To better understand rapid HIV transmission among this population, CDC characterized large HIV molecular clusters detected using analysis of HIV-1 nucleotide sequence data from the National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS).() Among 38 such clusters first detected during 2018-2019 that had grown to include more than 25 persons by December 2021, 29 occurred primarily among MSM. Clusters primarily among MSM occurred in all geographic regions, and 97% involved multiple states. Clusters were heterogeneous in age, gender identity, and race and ethnicity and had rapid growth rates (median=nine persons added per year). The overall transmission rate at cluster detection was 22 transmission events per 100 person-years, more than six times that of previously estimated national transmission rates (3). Most clusters of rapid HIV transmission occur among MSM. Swift response to reach diverse persons and communities with early, tailored, and focused interventions is essential to reducing HIV transmission (4). |
HIV and sexually transmitted infections among persons with Monkeypox - eight U.S. Jurisdictions, May 17-July 22, 2022
Curran KG , Eberly K , Russell OO , Snyder RE , Phillips EK , Tang EC , Peters PJ , Sanchez MA , Hsu L , Cohen SE , Sey EK , Yin S , Foo C , Still W , Mangla A , Saafir-Callaway B , Barrineau-Vejjajiva L , Meza C , Burkhardt E , Smith ME , Murphy PA , Kelly NK , Spencer H , Tabidze I , Pacilli M , Swain CA , Bogucki K , DelBarba C , Rajulu DT , Dailey A , Ricaldi J , Mena LA , Daskalakis D , Bachmann LH , Brooks JT , Oster AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (36) 1141-1147 High prevalences of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have been reported in the current global monkeypox outbreak, which has affected primarily gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) (1-5). In previous monkeypox outbreaks in Nigeria, concurrent HIV infection was associated with poor monkeypox clinical outcomes (6,7). Monkeypox, HIV, and STI surveillance data from eight U.S. jurisdictions* were matched and analyzed to examine HIV and STI diagnoses among persons with monkeypox and assess differences in monkeypox clinical features according to HIV infection status. Among 1,969 persons with monkeypox during May 17-July 22, 2022, HIV prevalence was 38%, and 41% had received a diagnosis of one or more other reportable STIs in the preceding year. Among persons with monkeypox and diagnosed HIV infection, 94% had received HIV care in the preceding year, and 82% had an HIV viral load of <200 copies/mL, indicating HIV viral suppression. Compared with persons without HIV infection, a higher proportion of persons with HIV infection were hospitalized (8% versus 3%). Persons with HIV infection or STIs are disproportionately represented among persons with monkeypox. It is important that public health officials leverage systems for delivering HIV and STI care and prevention to reduce monkeypox incidence in this population. Consideration should be given to prioritizing persons with HIV infection and STIs for vaccination against monkeypox. HIV and STI screening and other recommended preventive care should be routinely offered to persons evaluated for monkeypox, with linkage to HIV care or HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as appropriate. |
Strategies adopted by gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men to prevent Monkeypox virus transmission - United States, August 2022
Delaney KP , Sanchez T , Hannah M , Edwards OW , Carpino T , Agnew-Brune C , Renfro K , Kachur R , Carnes N , DiNenno EA , Lansky A , Ethier K , Sullivan P , Baral S , Oster AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (35) 1126-30 What is already known about this topic? A global monkeypox outbreak is currently primarily affecting gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. What is added by this report? In a recent survey of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, approximately one half reported reducing their number of sex partners, one-time sexual encounters, and use of dating apps because of the monkeypox outbreak. Receipt of vaccine to protect against monkeypox varied by race, ethnicity, and geography. What are the implications for public health practice? It is essential that public health programs continue to deliver tailored, respectful harm reduction messages that do not create stigma to diverse communities of men who have sex with men. Vaccine programs should prioritize efforts to maximize equitable access. © 2022 Department of Health and Human Services. All rights reserved. |
Modeling the impact of sexual networks in the transmission of monkeypox virus among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men - United States, 2022
Spicknall IH , Pollock ED , Clay PA , Oster AM , Charniga K , Masters N , Nakazawa YJ , Rainisch G , Gundlapalli AV , Gift TL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (35) 1131-1135 What is already known about this topic? The 2022 monkeypox outbreak is associated with sexual and intimate contact. Survey data suggest that gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM), who have been disproportionately affected, are reducing one-time partnerships. What is added by this report? Modeling of sexual infection transmission between men indicates that one-time partnerships, which account for 3% of daily sexual partnerships and 16% of daily sex acts, account for approximately 50% of daily Monkeypox virus (MPXV) transmission. A 40% reduction in one-time partnerships might delay the spread of monkeypox and reduce the percentage of persons infected by 20% to 31%. What are the implications for public health practice? Reductions in one-time partnerships, already being reported by MSM, might significantly reduce MPXV transmission. © 2022 Department of Health and Human Services. All rights reserved. |
Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of Monkeypox cases - United States, May 17-July 22, 2022
Philpott D , Hughes CM , Alroy KA , Kerins JL , Pavlick J , Asbel L , Crawley A , Newman AP , Spencer H , Feldpausch A , Cogswell K , Davis KR , Chen J , Henderson T , Murphy K , Barnes M , Hopkins B , Fill MA , Mangla AT , Perella D , Barnes A , Hughes S , Griffith J , Berns AL , Milroy L , Blake H , Sievers MM , Marzan-Rodriguez M , Tori M , Black SR , Kopping E , Ruberto I , Maxted A , Sharma A , Tarter K , Jones SA , White B , Chatelain R , Russo M , Gillani S , Bornstein E , White SL , Johnson SA , Ortega E , Saathoff-Huber L , Syed A , Wills A , Anderson BJ , Oster AM , Christie A , McQuiston J , McCollum AM , Rao AK , Negrón ME . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (32) 1018-1022 Monkeypox, a zoonotic infection caused by an orthopoxvirus, is endemic in parts of Africa. On August 4, 2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared the U.S. monkeypox outbreak, which began on May 17, to be a public health emergency (1,2). After detection of the first U.S. monkeypox case), CDC and health departments implemented enhanced monkeypox case detection and reporting. Among 2,891 cases reported in the United States through July 22 by 43 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia (DC), CDC received case report forms for 1,195 (41%) cases by July 27. Among these, 99% of cases were among men; among men with available information, 94% reported male-to-male sexual or close intimate contact during the 3 weeks before symptom onset. Among the 88% of cases with available data, 41% were among non-Hispanic White (White) persons, 28% among Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) persons, and 26% among non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) persons. Forty-two percent of persons with monkeypox with available data did not report the typical prodrome as their first symptom, and 46% reported one or more genital lesions during their illness; 41% had HIV infection. Data suggest that widespread community transmission of monkeypox has disproportionately affected gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and racial and ethnic minority groups. Compared with historical reports of monkeypox in areas with endemic disease, currently reported outbreak-associated cases are less likely to have a prodrome and more likely to have genital involvement. CDC and other federal, state, and local agencies have implemented response efforts to expand testing, treatment, and vaccination. Public health efforts should prioritize gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, who are currently disproportionately affected, for prevention and testing, while addressing equity, minimizing stigma, and maintaining vigilance for transmission in other populations. Clinicians should test patients with rash consistent with monkeypox,(†) regardless of whether the rash is disseminated or was preceded by prodrome. Likewise, although most cases to date have occurred among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, any patient with rash consistent with monkeypox should be considered for testing. CDC is continually evaluating new evidence and tailoring response strategies as information on changing case demographics, clinical characteristics, transmission, and vaccine effectiveness become available.(§). |
Baseline HIV drug resistance testing: 12 U.S. jurisdictions, 2014-2019.
Hugueley B , McClung RP , Saduvala N , Oster AM , France AM . AIDS 2022 36 (7) 1039-1043 ![]() ![]() OBJECTIVE: To understand recent patterns in reported baseline HIV drug resistance testing over time in the United States. DESIGN: Data from the National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS) for persons who were aged at least 13years at the time of HIV diagnosis during 2014-2019 and resided in one of 12 United States jurisdictions with high levels of reporting in 2014 and 2015. METHODS: Among persons included in the analysis, we calculated the total proportion of HIV diagnoses occurring during 2014-2019 with a reported baseline sequence by year of diagnosis and sequence type. A baseline sequence was defined as any PR/RT or IN sequence generated from a specimen collected 90days after diagnosis. RESULTS: During 2014-2019, reported levels of baseline PR/RT (with or without IN) testing varied by year from 46.9% to 51.8% without any clear pattern over time. PR/RT with IN testing increased (8.3% to 19.4%), and IN-only testing remained low (1.9% to 1.3%). CONCLUSIONS: While reported levels of baseline PR/RT (with or without IN) testing have remained sufficiently high for the purposes of molecular cluster detection, higher levels would strengthen jurisdictions' and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's ability to monitor trends in HIV drug resistance and detect and respond to HIV molecular clusters. Efforts to increase levels of reported baseline testing likely need to address both gaps in testing as well as reporting. |
Notes from the Field: HIV Outbreak During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Persons Who Inject Drugs - Kanawha County, West Virginia, 2019-2021.
Hershow RB , Wilson S , Bonacci RA , Deutsch-Feldman M , Russell OO , Young S , McBee S , Thomasson E , Balleydier S , Boltz M , Hogan V , Atkins A , Worthington N , McDonald R , Adams M , Moorman A , Bixler D , Kowalewski S , Salmon M , McClung RP , Oster AM , Curran KG . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (2) 66-68 During October 2019, the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health (WVBPH) noted that an increasing number of persons who inject drugs (PWID) in Kanawha County received a diagnosis of HIV. The number of HIV diagnoses among PWID increased from less than five annually during 2016-2018 to 11 during January-October 2019 (Figure). Kanawha County (with an approximate population of 180,000*) has high rates of opioid use disorder and overdose deaths, which have been increasing since 2016,(†) and the county is located near Cabell County, which experienced an HIV outbreak among PWID during 2018-2019 (1,2). In response to the increase in HIV diagnoses among PWID in 2019, WVBPH released a Health Advisory(§); and WVBPH and Kanawha-Charleston Health Department (KCHD) convened an HIV task force, conducted care coordination meetings, received CDC remote assistance to support response activities, and expanded HIV testing and outreach. |
Communicating during an HIV outbreak among people who inject drugs-West Virginia 2019
Watson M , Thomasson E , Adkins E , Batdorf S , Kilkenny M , Diaz SS , Pegram L , Rinderle JK , LaFlam M , Wingard R , McClung RP , Oster AM , Stryker J . AIDS Behav 2022 26 165-170 In 2019, the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health (WV BPH), Cabell-Huntington Health Department (CHHD), and CDC collaborated to respond to an HIV outbreak among people who inject drugs (PWID). CDC, WV BPH, and CHHD formed a cross-agency communications team to establish situational awareness, identify knowledge gaps, and establish key audiences for messages, including the general population, PWID, and clinical and social service providers. The team disseminated up-to-date information about the outbreak, and prioritized messages addressing stigma related to drug use, syringe services programs, and HIV. Messages were continually updated to address the evolving situation and to resonate with local values. Messages were disseminated via advertisements, local news media, and directly to PWID, people experiencing homelessness, and providers. The response supplemented CHHD's assets, including strong relationships and community knowledge, with staff capacity and expertise from state and federal agencies. This collaborative approach is a useful model to address communication needs. |
Response to a Large HIV Outbreak, Cabell County, West Virginia, 2018-2019.
McClung RP , Atkins AD , Kilkenny M , Bernstein KT , Willenburg KS , Weimer M , Robilotto S , Panneer N , Thomasson E , Adkins E , Lyss SB , Balleydier S , Edwards A , Chen M , Wilson S , Handanagic S , Hogan V , Watson M , Eubank S , Wright C , Thompson A , DiNenno E , Fanfair RN , Ridpath A , Oster AM . Am J Prev Med 2021 61 S143-s150 ![]() ![]() INTRODUCTION: In January 2019, the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health detected increased HIV diagnoses among people who inject drugs in Cabell County. Responding to HIV clusters and outbreaks is 1 of the 4 pillars of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative and requires activities from the Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent pillars. This article describes the design and implementation of a comprehensive response, featuring interventions from all pillars. METHODS: This study used West Virginia Bureau for Public Health data to identify HIV diagnoses during January 1, 2018-October 9, 2019 among (1) people who inject drugs linked to Cabell County, (2) their sex or injecting partners, or (3) others with an HIV sequence linked to Cabell County people who inject drugs. Surveillance data, including HIV-1 polymerase sequences, were analyzed to estimate the transmission rate and timing of infections using molecular clock phylogenetic analysis. Federal, state, and local partners designed and implemented a comprehensive response during January 2019-October 2019. RESULTS: Of 82 people identified in the outbreak, most were male (60%), were White (91%), and reported unstable housing (80%). In a large molecular cluster containing 56 of 60 (93%) available sequences, 93% of inferred transmissions occurred after January 1, 2018. HIV testing, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, and syringe services were rapidly expanded, leading to improved linkage to HIV care and viral suppression. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence of rapid transmission in this outbreak galvanized robust collaboration among federal, state, and local partners, leading to critical improvements in HIV prevention and care services. HIV outbreak response requires increased coordination and creativity to improve service delivery to people affected by rapid HIV transmission. |
HIV Cluster and Outbreak Detection and Response: The Science and Experience.
Oster AM , Lyss SB , McClung RP , Watson M , Panneer N , Hernandez AL , Buchacz K , Robilotto SE , Curran KG , Hassan R , Ocfemia MCB , Linley L , Perez SM , Phillip SAJr , France AM . Am J Prev Med 2021 61 S130-s142 ![]() ![]() The Respond pillar of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative, which consists of activities also known as cluster and outbreak detection and response, offers a framework to guide tailored implementation of proven HIV prevention strategies where transmission is occurring most rapidly. Cluster and outbreak response involves understanding the networks in which rapid transmission is occurring; linking people in the network to essential services; and identifying and addressing gaps in programs and services such as testing, HIV and other medical care, pre-exposure prophylaxis, and syringe services programs. This article reviews the experience gained through 30 HIV cluster and outbreak responses in North America during 2000-2020 to describe approaches for implementing these core response strategies. Numerous jurisdictions that have implemented these response strategies have demonstrated success in improving outcomes related to HIV care and viral suppression, testing, use of prevention services, and reductions in transmission or new diagnoses. Efforts to address important gaps in service delivery revealed by cluster and outbreak detection and response can strengthen prevention efforts broadly through multidisciplinary, multisector collaboration. In this way, the Respond pillar embodies the collaborative, data-guided approach that is critical to the overall success of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative. |
HIV diagnoses among persons who inject drugs, by urban-rural classification - United States, 2010-2018
Lyss SB , Zhang T , Oster AM . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2021 88 (3) 238-242 BACKGROUND: Following many years of decline, HIV diagnoses attributed to injection drug use (IDU) in the United States increased in 2015, the year of a large outbreak among persons who inject drugs (PWID) in Indiana. We assessed trends in HIV diagnoses among PWID across the urban-rural continuum. METHODS: We conducted national and county-level analyses of diagnoses among persons aged ≥13 years with HIV attributed to IDU only and reported to the National HIV Surveillance System through December 2019; county of residence at diagnosis was classified according to CDC's National Center for Health Statistics Urban-Rural Classification Scheme. National trends for diagnoses occurring during 2010-2014 and 2014-2018 were assessed by estimated annual percentage change (EAPC). Counties were considered to have an "alert," (i.e., an increase above baseline) if the number of 2019 diagnoses among PWID was >2 standard deviations and >2 diagnoses greater than the mean of annual diagnoses during 2016-2018. RESULTS: Nationally, HIV diagnoses among PWID declined 33% during 2010-2014 from 3314 to 2220 (EAPC: -9.7%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: -10.8 to -8.6); EAPCs declined significantly in five of six urban-rural strata. During 2014-2018, diagnoses increased 11% to 2465 (EAPC: 2.4%; 95%CI: 1.1 to 3.8); EAPCs were >0 for all urban-rural strata, though most were nonsignificant. Alerts were detected in 23 counties, representing five urban-rural strata. CONCLUSIONS: Vigilance is needed for increases in HIV among PWID in counties across the urban-rural continuum, particularly those with indicators of increased drug use. Prompt detection, investigation, and response are critical for stemming transmission. |
Transmitted Drug Resistance Among HIV-1 Diagnoses in the United States, 2014-2018.
McClung RP , Oster AM , Ocfemia MCB , Saduvala N , Heneine W , Johnson JA , Hernandez AL . Clin Infect Dis 2021 74 (6) 1055-1062 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Transmitted HIV drug resistance can threaten the efficacy of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Drug resistance testing is recommended at entry to HIV care in the United States and provides valuable insight for clinical decision-making and population-level monitoring. METHODS: We assessed transmitted drug resistance-associated mutation (TDRM) prevalence and predicted susceptibility to common HIV drugs among U.S. persons with HIV diagnosed during 2014-2018 who had a drug resistance test performed ≤3 months after HIV diagnosis and reported to the National HIV Surveillance System and who resided in 28 jurisdictions where ≥20% of HIV diagnoses had an eligible sequence during this period. RESULTS: Of 50,747 persons in the analysis, 9,616 (18.9%) had ≥1 TDRM. TDRM prevalence was 0.8% for integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTI), 4.2% for protease inhibitors, 6.9% for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, and 12.0% for non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Most individual mutations had a prevalence <1.0% including M184V (0.9%) and K65R (0.1%); K103N was most prevalent (8.6%). TDRM prevalence did not increase or decrease significantly during 2014-2018 overall, for individual drug classes, or for key individual mutations except for M184V (12.9% increase per year, 95% CI=5.6-20.6). CONCLUSIONS: TDRM prevalence overall and for individual drug classes remained stable during 2014-2018; transmitted INSTI resistance was uncommon. Continued population-level monitoring of INSTI and NRTI mutations, especially M184V and K65R, is warranted amidst expanding use of second-generation INSTI and PrEP. |
The CDC HIV Outbreak Coordination Unit: Developing a Standardized, Collaborative Approach to HIV Outbreak Assessment and Response.
Oster AM , France AM , McClung RP , Buchacz K , Lyss SB , Peters PJ , Weidle PJ , Switzer WM , Phillip SAJr , Brooks JT , Hernandez AL . Public Health Rep 2021 137 (4) 333549211018678 ![]() ![]() The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state, territorial, and local health departments have expanded efforts to detect and respond to HIV clusters and outbreaks in the United States. In July 2017, CDC created the HIV Outbreak Coordination Unit (OCU) to ensure consistent and collaborative assessment of requests from health departments for consultation or support on possible HIV clusters and outbreaks of elevated concern. The HIV OCU is a multidisciplinary, cross-organization functional unit within CDC's Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. HIV OCU members have expertise in areas such as outbreak detection and investigation, prevention, laboratory services, surveillance and epidemiology, policy, communication, and operations. HIV OCU discussions facilitate problem solving, coordination, and situational awareness. Between HIV OCU meetings, designated CDC staff members communicate regularly with health departments to provide support and assessment. During July 2017-December 2019, the HIV OCU reviewed 31 possible HIV clusters and outbreaks (ie, events) in 22 states that were detected by CDC, health departments, or local partners; 17 events involved HIV transmission associated with injection drug use, and other events typically involved sexual transmission or overall increases in HIV diagnoses. CDC supported health departments remotely or on site with planning and prioritization; data collection, management, and analysis; communications; laboratory support; multistate coordination; and expansion of HIV prevention services. The HIV OCU has augmented CDC's support of HIV cluster and outbreak assessment and response at health departments and had important internal organizational benefits. Health departments may benefit from developing or strengthening similar units to coordinate detection and response efforts within and across public health agencies and advance the national Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative. |
Demographic, clinical, and epidemiologic characteristics of persons under investigation for Coronavirus Disease 2019-United States, January 17-February 29, 2020.
McGovern OL , Stenger M , Oliver SE , Anderson TC , Isenhour C , Mauldin MR , Williams N , Griggs E , Bogere T , Edens C , Curns AT , Lively JY , Zhou Y , Xu S , Diaz MH , Waller JL , Clarke KR , Evans ME , Hesse EM , Morris SB , McClung RP , Cooley LA , Logan N , Boyd AT , Taylor AW , Bajema KL , Lindstrom S , Elkins CA , Jones C , Hall AJ , Graitcer S , Oster AM , Fry AM , Fischer M , Conklin L , Gokhale RH . PLoS One 2021 16 (4) e0249901 BACKGROUND: The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), evolved rapidly in the United States. This report describes the demographic, clinical, and epidemiologic characteristics of 544 U.S. persons under investigation (PUI) for COVID-19 with complete SARS-CoV-2 testing in the beginning stages of the pandemic from January 17 through February 29, 2020. METHODS: In this surveillance cohort, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided consultation to public health and healthcare professionals to identify PUI for SARS-CoV-2 testing by quantitative real-time reverse-transcription PCR. Demographic, clinical, and epidemiologic characteristics of PUI were reported by public health and healthcare professionals during consultation with on-call CDC clinicians and subsequent submission of a CDC PUI Report Form. Characteristics of laboratory-negative and laboratory-positive persons were summarized as proportions for the period of January 17-February 29, and characteristics of all PUI were compared before and after February 12 using prevalence ratios. RESULTS: A total of 36 PUI tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and were classified as confirmed cases. Confirmed cases and PUI testing negative for SARS-CoV-2 had similar demographic, clinical, and epidemiologic characteristics. Consistent with changes in PUI evaluation criteria, 88% (13/15) of confirmed cases detected before February 12, 2020, reported travel from China. After February 12, 57% (12/21) of confirmed cases reported no known travel- or contact-related exposures. CONCLUSIONS: These findings can inform preparedness for future pandemics, including capacity for rapid expansion of novel diagnostic tests to accommodate broad surveillance strategies to assess community transmission, including potential contributions from asymptomatic and presymptomatic infections. |
Increasing Capacity to Detect Clusters of Rapid HIV Transmission in Varied Populations-United States.
Oster AM , Panneer N , Lyss SB , McClung RP , Watson M , Saduvala N , Ocfemia MCB , Linley L , Switzer WM , Wertheim JO , Campbell E , Hernandez AL , France AM . Viruses 2021 13 (4) ![]() ![]() Molecular cluster detection analyzes HIV sequences to identify rapid HIV transmission and inform public health responses. We describe changes in the capability to detect molecular clusters and in geographic variation in transmission dynamics. We examined the reporting completeness of HIV-1 polymerase sequences in quarterly National HIV Surveillance System datasets from December 2015 to December 2019. Priority clusters were identified quarterly. To understand populations recently affected by rapid transmission, we described the transmission risk and race/ethnicity of people in clusters first detected in 2018-2019. During December 2015 to December 2019, national sequence completeness increased from 26% to 45%. Of the 1212 people in the 136 clusters first detected in 2018-2019, 69% were men who have sex with men (MSM) and 11% were people who inject drugs (PWID). State-by-state analysis showed substantial variation in transmission risk and racial/ethnic groups in clusters of rapid transmission. HIV sequence reporting has increased nationwide. Molecular cluster analysis identifies rapid transmission in varied populations and identifies emerging patterns of rapid transmission in specific population groups, such as PWID, who, in 2015-2016, comprised only 1% of people in such molecular clusters. These data can guide efforts to focus, tailor, and scale up prevention and care services for these populations. |
Progression and transmission of HIV (PATH 4.0)-A new agent-based evolving network simulation for modeling HIV transmission clusters.
Singh S , France AM , Chen YH , Farnham PG , Oster AM , Gopalappa C . Math Biosci Eng 2021 18 (3) 2150-2181 ![]() ![]() We present the Progression and Transmission of HIV (PATH 4.0), a simulation tool for analyses of cluster detection and intervention strategies. Molecular clusters are groups of HIV infections that are genetically similar, indicating rapid HIV transmission where HIV prevention resources are needed to improve health outcomes and prevent new infections. PATH 4.0 was constructed using a newly developed agent-based evolving network modeling (ABENM) technique and evolving contact network algorithm (ECNA) for generating scale-free networks. ABENM and ECNA were developed to facilitate simulation of transmission networks for low-prevalence diseases, such as HIV, which creates computational challenges for current network simulation techniques. Simulating transmission networks is essential for studying network dynamics, including clusters. We validated PATH 4.0 by comparing simulated projections of HIV diagnoses with estimates from the National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS) for 2010-2017. We also applied a cluster generation algorithm to PATH 4.0 to estimate cluster features, including the distribution of persons with diagnosed HIV infection by cluster status and size and the size distribution of clusters. Simulated features matched well with NHSS estimates, which used molecular methods to detect clusters among HIV nucleotide sequences of persons with HIV diagnosed during 2015-2017. Cluster detection and response is a component of the U.S. Ending the HIV Epidemic strategy. While surveillance is critical for detecting clusters, a model in conjunction with surveillance can allow us to refine cluster detection methods, understand factors associated with cluster growth, and assess interventions to inform effective response strategies. As surveillance data are only available for cases that are diagnosed and reported, a model is a critical tool to understand the true size of clusters and assess key questions, such as the relative contributions of clusters to onward transmissions. We believe PATH 4.0 is the first modeling tool available to assess cluster detection and response at the national-level and could help inform the national strategic plan. © 2021 the Author(s), licensee AIMS Press. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( |
Expansion of Preexposure Prophylaxis Capacity in Response to an HIV Outbreak Among People Who Inject Drugs-Cabell County, West Virginia, 2019
Furukawa NW , Weimer M , Willenburg KS , Kilkenny ME , Atkins AD , McClung RP , Hansen Z , Napier K , Handanagic S , Carnes NA , Kemp Rinderle J , Neblett-Fanfair R , Oster AM , Smith DK . Public Health Rep 2021 137 (1) 33354921994202 From January 1, 2018, through October 9, 2019, 82 HIV diagnoses occurred among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Cabell County, West Virginia. Increasing the use of HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among PWID was one of the goals of a joint federal, state, and local response to this HIV outbreak. Through partnerships with the local health department, a federally qualified health center, and an academic medical system, we integrated PrEP into medication-assisted treatment, syringe services program, and primary health care settings. During the initial PrEP implementation period (April 18-May 17, 2019), 110 health care providers and administrators received PrEP training, the number of clinics offering PrEP increased from 2 to 15, and PrEP referrals were integrated with partner services, outreach, and testing activities. The number of people on PrEP increased from 15 in the 6 months before PrEP expansion to 127 in the 6 months after PrEP implementation. Lessons learned included the importance of implementing PrEP within existing health care services, integrating PrEP with other HIV prevention response activities, adapting training and material to fit the local context, and customizing care to meet the needs of PWID. The delivery of PrEP to PWID is challenging but complements other HIV prevention interventions. The expansion of PrEP in response to this HIV outbreak in Cabell County provides a framework for expanding PrEP in other outbreak and non-outbreak settings. |
Epidemiology of HIV in the USA: epidemic burden, inequities, contexts, and responses
Sullivan PS , Satcher Johnson A , Pembleton ES , Stephenson R , Justice AC , Althoff KN , Bradley H , Castel AD , Oster AM , Rosenberg ES , Mayer KH , Beyrer C . Lancet 2021 397 (10279) 1095-1106 The HIV epidemic in the USA began as a bicoastal epidemic focused in large cities but, over nearly four decades, the epidemiology of HIV has changed. Public health surveillance data can inform an understanding of the evolution of the HIV epidemic in terms of the populations and geographical areas most affected. We analysed publicly available HIV surveillance data and census data to describe: current HIV prevalence and new HIV diagnoses by region, race or ethnicity, and age; trends in HIV diagnoses over time by HIV acquisition risk and age; and the distribution of HIV prevalence by geographical area. We reviewed published literature to explore the reasons for the current distribution of HIV cases and important disparities in HIV prevalence. We identified opportunities to improve public health surveillance systems and uses of data for planning and monitoring public health responses. The current US HIV epidemic is marked by geographical concentration in the US South and profound disparities between regions and by race or ethnicity. Rural areas vary in HIV prevalence; rural areas in the South are more likely to have a high HIV prevalence than rural areas in other US Census regions. Ongoing disparities in HIV in the South are probably driven by the restricted expansion of Medicaid, health-care provider shortages, low health literacy, and HIV stigma. HIV diagnoses overall declined in 2009-18, but HIV diagnoses among individuals aged 25-34 years increased during the same period. HIV diagnoses decreased for all risk groups in 2009-18; among men who have sex with men (MSM), new diagnoses decreased overall and for White MSM, remained stable for Black MSM, and increased for Hispanic or Latino MSM. Surveillance data indicate profound and ongoing disparities in HIV cases, with disproportionate impact among people in the South, racial or ethnic minorities, and MSM. |
Association Between Social Vulnerability and a County's Risk for Becoming a COVID-19 Hotspot - United States, June 1-July 25, 2020.
Dasgupta S , Bowen VB , Leidner A , Fletcher K , Musial T , Rose C , Cha A , Kang G , Dirlikov E , Pevzner E , Rose D , Ritchey MD , Villanueva J , Philip C , Liburd L , Oster AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (42) 1535-1541 ![]() Poverty, crowded housing, and other community attributes associated with social vulnerability increase a community's risk for adverse health outcomes during and following a public health event (1). CDC uses standard criteria to identify U.S. counties with rapidly increasing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) incidence (hotspot counties) to support health departments in coordinating public health responses (2). County-level data on COVID-19 cases during June 1-July 25, 2020 and from the 2018 CDC social vulnerability index (SVI) were analyzed to examine associations between social vulnerability and hotspot detection and to describe incidence after hotspot detection. Areas with greater social vulnerabilities, particularly those related to higher representation of racial and ethnic minority residents (risk ratio [RR] = 5.3; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 4.4-6.4), density of housing units per structure (RR = 3.1; 95% CI = 2.7-3.6), and crowded housing units (i.e., more persons than rooms) (RR = 2.0; 95% CI = 1.8-2.3), were more likely to become hotspots, especially in less urban areas. Among hotspot counties, those with greater social vulnerability had higher COVID-19 incidence during the 14 days after detection (212-234 cases per 100,000 persons for highest SVI quartile versus 35-131 cases per 100,000 persons for other quartiles). Focused public health action at the federal, state, and local levels is needed not only to prevent communities with greater social vulnerability from becoming hotspots but also to decrease persistently high incidence among hotspot counties that are socially vulnerable. |
Transmission Dynamics by Age Group in COVID-19 Hotspot Counties - United States, April-September 2020.
Oster AM , Caruso E , DeVies J , Hartnett KP , Boehmer TK . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (41) 1494-1496 CDC works with other federal agencies to identify counties with increasing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) incidence (hotspots) and offers support to state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 (1). Understanding whether increasing incidence in hotspot counties is predominantly occurring in specific age groups is important for identifying opportunities to prevent or reduce transmission. The percentage of positive SARS-CoV-2 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test results (percent positivity) is an important indicator of community transmission.* CDC analyzed temporal trends in percent positivity by age group in COVID-19 hotspot counties before and after their identification as hotspots. Among 767 hotspot counties identified during June and July 2020, early increases in the percent positivity among persons aged ≤24 years were followed by several weeks of increasing percent positivity in persons aged ≥25 years. Addressing transmission among young adults is an urgent public health priority. |
CDC Deployments to State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Health Departments for COVID-19 Emergency Public Health Response - United States, January 21-July 25, 2020.
Dirlikov E , Fechter-Leggett E , Thorne SL , Worrell CM , Smith-Grant JC , Chang J , Oster AM , Bjork A , Young S , Perez AU , Aden T , Anderson M , Farrall S , Jones-Wormley J , Walters KH , LeBlanc TT , Kone RG , Hunter D , Cooley LA , Krishnasamy V , Fuld J , Luna-Pinto C , Williams T , O'Connor A , Nett RJ , Villanueva J , Oussayef NL , Walke HT , Shugart JM , Honein MA , Rose DA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (39) 1398-1403 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral respiratory illness caused by SARS-CoV-2. During January 21-July 25, 2020, in response to official requests for assistance with COVID-19 emergency public health response activities, CDC deployed 208 teams to assist 55 state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments. CDC deployment data were analyzed to summarize activities by deployed CDC teams in assisting state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments to identify and implement measures to contain SARS-CoV-2 transmission (1). Deployed teams assisted with the investigation of transmission in high-risk congregate settings, such as long-term care facilities (53 deployments; 26% of total), food processing facilities (24; 12%), correctional facilities (12; 6%), and settings that provide services to persons experiencing homelessness (10; 5%). Among the 208 deployed teams, 178 (85%) provided assistance to state health departments, 12 (6%) to tribal health departments, 10 (5%) to local health departments, and eight (4%) to territorial health departments. CDC collaborations with health departments have strengthened local capacity and provided outbreak response support. Collaborations focused attention on health equity issues among disproportionately affected populations (e.g., racial and ethnic minority populations, essential frontline workers, and persons experiencing homelessness) and through a place-based focus (e.g., persons living in rural or frontier areas). These collaborations also facilitated enhanced characterization of COVID-19 epidemiology, directly contributing to CDC data-informed guidance, including guidance for serial testing as a containment strategy in high-risk congregate settings, targeted interventions and prevention efforts among workers at food processing facilities, and social distancing. |
Responding to outbreaks of human immunodeficiency virus among persons who inject drugs-United States, 2016-2019: Perspectives on recent experience and lessons learned
Lyss SB , Buchacz K , McClung RP , Asher A , Oster AM . J Infect Dis 2020 222 S239-s249 In 2015, a large human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) outbreak occurred among persons who inject drugs (PWID) in Indiana. During 2016-2019, additional outbreaks among PWID occurred across the United States. Based on information disseminated by responding health departments and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) involvement, we offer perspectives about characteristics of and public health responses to 6 such outbreaks. Across outbreaks, injection of opioids (including fentanyl) or methamphetamine predominated; many PWID concurrently used opioids and methamphetamine or cocaine. Commonalities included homelessness or unstable housing, previous incarceration, and hepatitis C virus exposure. All outbreaks occurred in metropolitan areas, including some with substantial harm reduction and medical programs targeted to PWID. Health departments experienced challenges locating case patients and contacts, linking and retaining persons in care, building support to strengthen harm-reduction programs, and leveraging resources. Expanding the concept of vulnerability to HIV outbreaks and other lessons learned can be considered for preventing, detecting, and responding to future outbreaks among PWID. |
Trends in Number and Distribution of COVID-19 Hotspot Counties - United States, March 8-July 15, 2020.
Oster AM , Kang GJ , Cha AE , Beresovsky V , Rose CE , Rainisch G , Porter L , Valverde EE , Peterson EB , Driscoll AK , Norris T , Wilson N , Ritchey M , Walke HT , Rose DA , Oussayef NL , Parise ME , Moore ZS , Fleischauer AT , Honein MA , Dirlikov E , Villanueva J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (33) 1127-1132 The geographic areas in the United States most affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have changed over time. On May 7, 2020, CDC, with other federal agencies, began identifying counties with increasing COVID-19 incidence (hotspots) to better understand transmission dynamics and offer targeted support to health departments in affected communities. Data for January 22-July 15, 2020, were analyzed retrospectively (January 22-May 6) and prospectively (May 7-July 15) to detect hotspot counties. No counties met hotspot criteria during January 22-March 7, 2020. During March 8-July 15, 2020, 818 counties met hotspot criteria for ≥1 day; these counties included 80% of the U.S. population. The daily number of counties meeting hotspot criteria peaked in early April, decreased and stabilized during mid-April-early June, then increased again during late June-early July. The percentage of counties in the South and West Census regions* meeting hotspot criteria increased from 10% and 13%, respectively, during March-April to 28% and 22%, respectively, during June-July. Identification of community transmission as a contributing factor increased over time, whereas identification of outbreaks in long-term care facilities, food processing facilities, correctional facilities, or other workplaces as contributing factors decreased. Identification of hotspot counties and understanding how they change over time can help prioritize and target implementation of U.S. public health response activities. |
Geographic distribution of HIV transmission networks in the United States.
Board AR , Oster AM , Song R , Gant Z , Linley L , Watson M , Zhang T , France AM . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2020 85 (3) e32-e40 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Understanding geographic patterns of HIV transmission is critical to designing effective interventions. We characterized geographic proximity by transmission risk and urban-rural characteristics among people with closely related HIV strains suggestive of potential transmission relationships. METHODS: We analyzed U.S. National HIV Surveillance System data for people diagnosed 2010-2016 with a reported HIV-1 partial polymerase nucleotide sequence. We used HIV-TRACE (HIV TRAnsmission Cluster Engine) to identify sequences linked at a genetic distance ≤ 0.5%. For each linked person, we assessed median distances between counties of residence at diagnosis by transmission category and urban-rural classification, weighting observations to account for persons with multiple linked sequences. RESULTS: There were 24,743 persons with viral sequence linkages to at least one other person included in this analysis. Overall, half (50.9%) of persons with linked viral sequences resided in different counties, and the median distance from persons with linked viruses was 11 km/7 miles (IQR 0-145 km/90 mi). Median distances were highest for men who have sex with men (MSM: 14 km/9 mi, IQR 0-179 km/111 mi) and MSM who inject drugs, and median distances increased with increasing rurality (large central metro: 0 km/mi, IQR 0-83 km/52 mi; nonmetro: 103 km/64 mi, IQR 40 km/25 mi-316 km/196 mi). CONCLUSION: Transmission networks in the U.S. involving MSM, MSM who inject drugs, or persons living in small metro and nonmetro counties may be more geographically dispersed, highlighting the importance of coordinated health department efforts for comprehensive follow-up and linkage to care. |
Notes from the Field: Outbreak of human immunodeficiency virus infection among persons who inject drugs - Cabell County, West Virginia, 2018-2019
Atkins A , McClung RP , Kilkenny M , Bernstein K , Willenburg K , Edwards A , Lyss S , Thomasson E , Panneer N , Kirk N , Watson M , Adkins E , DiNenno E , Hogan V , Neblett Fanfair R , Napier K , Ridpath AD , Perdue M , Chen M , Surtees T , Handanagic S , Wood H , Kennebrew D , Cohn C , Sami S , Eubank S , Furukawa NW , Rose B , Thompson A , Spadafora L , Wright C , Balleydier S , Broussard D , Reynolds P , Carnes N , Haynes N , Sapiano T , McBee S , Campbell E , Batdorf S , Scott M , Boltz M , Wills D , Oster AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (16) 499-500 In January 2019, West Virginia Bureau for Public Health (WVBPH) surveillance staff members noted an increase in diagnoses of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among persons who inject drugs in Cabell County, West Virginia (population approximately 91,900*). Cabell County, part of a medium-sized metropolitan statistical area and home to the city of Huntington (population approximately 46,000†), had historically high rates of substance use disorder but low rates of HIV infection (1). During 2013–2017, an annual average of two diagnoses of HIV infection had occurred among Cabell County persons who inject drugs; however, in 2018, 14 diagnoses occurred, including seven in the fourth quarter. |
Incident infection in high-priority HIV molecular transmission clusters in the united states.
Wertheim JO , Panneer N , France AM , Saduvala N , Oster AM . AIDS 2020 34 (8) 1187-1193 ![]() ![]() ![]() OBJECTIVE: To identify correlates of incident HIV infection in rapidly growing HIV molecular clusters. DESIGN: Phylogenetic analysis of HIV public health surveillance data. METHODS: High-priority HIV genetic transmission clusters with evidence of rapid growth in 2012 (i.e., clusters with a pairwise genetic distance </=0.005 substitutions/site and at least 3 cases diagnosed in 2012) were identified using HIV-TRACE. Then, we investigated cluster growth, defined as HIV cases diagnosed in the following 5 years that were genetically linked to these clusters. For clusters that grew during the follow-up period, Bayesian molecular clock phylogenetic inference was performed to identify clusters with evidence of incident HIV infection (as opposed to diagnosis of previously infected cases) during this follow-up period. RESULTS: Of the 116 rapidly growing clusters identified, 73 (63%) had phylogenetic evidence for an incident HIV case during the 5-year follow-up period. Correlates of an incident HIV case arising in clusters included a greater number of diagnosed but virally unsuppressed cases in 2012, a greater number of inferred undiagnosed cases in the cluster in 2012, and a younger time of most recent common ancestor for the cluster. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that incident infections in rapidly growing clusters originate equally from diagnosed but unsuppressed cases and undiagnosed infections. These results highlight the importance of promoting retention in care and viral suppression as well as partner notification and other case-finding activities when investigating and intervening on high-priority molecular transmission clusters. |
Investigation of presumptive HIV transmission associated with hospitalization using nucleotide sequence analysis - New York, 2017
Anderson BJ , Clement E , Collura R , Gallucci A , Westheimer E , Braunstein S , Southwick K , Adams E , Lutterloh E , Gonzalez C , McDonald R , Jia H , Switzer WM , Patel PR , Joyce MP , Oster AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (10) 260-264 ![]() Since implementation of Standard Precautions* for the prevention of bloodborne pathogen transmission in 1985, health care-associated transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the United States has been rare (1). In October 2017, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYCDOHMH) and the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) were notified by a clinician of a diagnosis of acute HIV infection in a young adult male (patient A) without recognized risk factors (i.e., he was monogamous, had an HIV-negative partner, and had no injection drug use) who had recently been hospitalized for a chronic medical condition. The low risk coupled with the recent hospitalization and medical procedures prompted NYSDOH, NYCDOHMH, and CDC to investigate this case as possible health care-associated transmission of HIV. Among persons with known HIV infection who had hospitalization dates overlapping those of patient A, one person (patient B) had an HIV strain highly similar to patient A's strain by nucleotide sequence analysis. The sequence relatedness, combined with other investigation findings, indicated a likely health care-associated transmission. Nucleotide sequence analysis, which is increasingly used for detecting HIV clusters (i.e., persons with closely related HIV strains) and to inform public health response (2,3), might also be used to identify possible health care-associated transmission of HIV to someone with health care exposure and no known HIV risk factors (4). |
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