Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 47 Records) |
Query Trace: Omura JD[original query] |
Prevalence of diagnosed diabetes among U.S. Adults aged ≥18 years with disabilities, 2021-2022
Bardenheier BH , Omura JD , Saaddine JB , Hora I , McKeever Bullard K . Diabetes Care 2025 OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes among U.S. adults with and without disabilities, overall and by subgroups. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We used data on adults aged ≥18 years from the cross-sectional 2021-2022 National Health Interview Survey to report the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes by functional disability status and for each disability type (hearing, seeing, mobility, cognition, self-care, and communication) separately. With use of the Washington Group Short Set on Functioning indicator, disability was defined according to the categories of milder (reporting some difficulty), moderate (reporting a lot of difficulty), and severe (cannot do at all) by disability type. Crude prevalence and age-standardized prevalence of diabetes were also calculated for adults with any difficulty with any disability by age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, insurance, and poverty-to-income ratio. RESULTS: Diabetes prevalence increased with number of disability types, was lower among adults with no disability (5.8%) than among those with milder (9.5%) or moderate to more severe (18.3%) disability, and was 4.0-10.3 percentage points higher among those with moderate to more severe disability than among those with milder disability for vision, hearing, mobility, and cognitive disabilities. Diabetes prevalence was similar for adults with milder and moderate to more severe self-care and communication disabilities. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of diabetes was higher among adults with any functional disability than without and increased with increasing number of disability types. Adults with multiple disability types, or those who have difficulty with self-care or communication or other moderate to more severe disabilities, may benefit from diabetes prevention programs. |
Prevalence of glaucoma among US adults in 2022
Ehrlich JR , Burke-Conte Z , Wittenborn JS , Saaddine J , Omura JD , Friedman DS , Flaxman AD , Rein DB . JAMA Ophthalmol 2024 ![]() IMPORTANCE: Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide and, in the US, disproportionately affects people from racial and ethnic minority groups. Glaucoma prevalence has not been estimated for the US in more than a decade, and state- and county-level estimates are not available. OBJECTIVE: To estimate glaucoma and vision-affecting glaucoma prevalence by demographic factors and US state and county for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Vision and Eye Health Surveillance System (VEHSS). DATA SOURCES: This meta-analysis used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2005-2008), Medicare fee-for-service claims (2019), IBM MarketScan commercial insurance claims (2016), population-based studies of eye disease (1985-2003), and 2022 population estimates from the US Census Bureau. STUDY SELECTION: PubMed was searched for population-based studies of glaucoma prevalence published between 1991 and 2016. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Bayesian meta-regression methods were used to estimate the prevalence of glaucoma and vision-affecting glaucoma stratified by age, undifferentiated sex/gender (a measure that captures an unclear mix of aspects of sex and or gender), race and ethnicity, and US county and state. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Prevalence of any type of glaucoma (open or closed angle) among people 18 years or older and vision-affecting glaucoma, defined as glaucoma and a visual field abnormality. RESULTS: For 2022, an estimated 4.22 million people (95% uncertainty interval [UI], 3.46 million to 5.23 million) in the US were living with glaucoma, with a prevalence of 1.62% (UI, 1.33%-2.00%) among people 18 years or older and 2.56% (UI, 2.10%-3.16%) among people 40 years or older. An estimated 1.49 million people (UI, 1.17 million to 1.90 million) were living with vision-affecting glaucoma, with a prevalence of 0.57% (UI, 0.45%-0.73%) among people 18 years or older and 0.91% (UI, 0.71%-1.16%) among people 40 years or older. Prevalence of glaucoma among people 18 years or older ranged from 1.11% (UI, 0.89%-1.40%) in Utah to 1.95% (UI, 1.57%-2.39%) in Mississippi. Black adults had a prevalence of 3.15% (UI, 2.32%-4.09%) compared with 1.42% (UI, 1.10%-1.85%) among White adults; adults in the Hispanic and all other racial and ethnic categories combined had a prevalence of 1.56% (UI, 1.13%-2.06%). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: This meta-analysis found that an estimated 2.56% of people 40 years or older have glaucoma, slightly more than estimated by previous studies. Black individuals are disproportionately affected. Prevalence estimates at the state and county level can help guide public health planning. |
Changes in health indicators among caregivers - United States, 2015-2016 to 2021-2022
Kilmer G , Omura JD , Bouldin ED , Walker J , Spears K , Gore J , Ali AR , McGuire LC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (34) 740-746 Caregivers provide support to persons who might otherwise require placement in long-term care facilities. Approximately one in five U.S. adults provides care to family members or friends who have a chronic health condition or disability. Promoting the well-being of this large segment of the population is a public health priority as recognized by the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers. Although negative associations between caregiving and caregiver health are known, changes in the health status of caregivers over time are not. Data from the 2015-2016 and 2021-2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System were analyzed to compare changes in the prevalence of 19 health indicators among cross-sectional samples of caregivers and noncaregivers at different time points. Caregivers experienced improvements in prevalence of four health indicators, whereas six worsened. Some health indicators, such as cigarette smoking, improved for both caregivers and noncaregivers, although smoking prevalence remained higher for caregivers (16.6% versus 11.7%). Prevalence of lifetime depression increased for both groups and remained higher among caregivers (25.6%) than among noncaregivers (18.6%). During 2021-2022, age-adjusted estimates for caregivers were unfavorable for 13 of the 19 health indicators when compared with noncaregivers. Strategies for supporting caregivers are available, and integrating these with existing programs to address mental health and chronic diseases among this population might improve caregiver well-being. For example, many community organizations support caregivers by offering interventions designed to relieve caregiver strain, including skills training, support groups, and care coordination. |
Meeting the aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical activity guidelines among older US adults, National Health Interview Survey 1998-2018
Hyde ET , Brown DR , Webber BJ , Piercy KL , Omura JD , Rose K , Whitfield GP . J Appl Gerontol 2024 7334648241232930 The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, second edition, recommends older adults participate in ≥150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity equivalent aerobic activity and ≥2 days per week of muscle-strengthening activity. We estimated prevalence and trends of meeting the guidelines among US adults aged ≥65 years from 1998 to 2018. Using the 1998-2018 National Health Interview Survey, we estimated the prevalence of meeting aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and combined physical activity guidelines stratified by age group, sex, race and ethnicity, and education level. Within age groups, we calculated prevalence differences by sociodemographic categories. Prevalence of meeting each guideline increased for all age groups and most sociodemographic subgroups. The increased magnitude of meeting the combined guideline from 1998-2000 to 2016-2018 differed across levels of educational attainment for most age groups. Despite increasing over time, the prevalence among older adults of meeting physical activity guidelines remains low (range for combined guideline: 7.2%-17.2%). |
Physical activity-friendly policies and community design features in the US, 2014 and 2021
Webber BJ , Whitfield GP , Moore LV , Stowe E , Omura JD , Pejavara A , Galuska DA , Fulton JE . Prev Chronic Dis 2023 20 E72 INTRODUCTION: The 2014 Community-Based Survey of Supports for Healthy Eating and Active Living documented the prevalence of US municipal policy and community design supports for physical activity. The survey was repeated in 2021. Our study examined change in the prevalence of supports from 2014 to 2021, overall and by municipality characteristic. METHODS: Municipalities were sampled independently each survey year. We calculated prevalence in 2014 and 2021 and the prevalence ratio (PR) for 15 supports covering zoning codes, park policies and budgets, design standards, Complete Streets policies, and shared use agreements. We used a Bonferroni-corrected Breslow-Day test to test for interaction by municipality characteristic. RESULTS: In 2014 (2,009 municipalities) compared with 2021 (1,882 municipalities), prevalence increased for several zoning codes: block sizes of walkable distances (PR = 1.46), minimum sidewalk width (PR = 1.19), pedestrian amenities along streets (PR = 1.15), continuous sidewalk coverage (PR = 1.14), and building orientation to pedestrian scale (PR = 1.08). Prevalence also increased for design standards requiring dedicated bicycle infrastructure for roadway expansion projects or street retrofits (PR = 1.19). Prevalence declined for shared use agreements (PR = 0.87). The prevalence gap widened between the most and least populous municipalities for Complete Streets policies (from a gap of 33.6 percentage points [PP] in 2014 to 54.0 PP in 2021) and for zoning codes requiring block sizes that were walkable distances (from 11.8 PP to 41.4 PP). CONCLUSION: To continue progress, more communities could consider adopting physical activity-friendly policies and design features. |
Promoting healthy aging to reduce the risk of dementia: A public health imperative
Gore J , Denno B , Omura JD , Baumgart M , McGuire LC . Generations 2023 47 (1) Alzheimer's disease and related dementias place an enormous burden on individuals, families, health and long-term care systems, and governmental budgets. As the burden escalates with rising prevalence, attention has increasingly focused on how the risk of developing dementia can be reduced. Evidence indicates there are ways, from a population perspective, to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and possibly dementia, including through healthier lifestyles. It is imperative that the public health community lead the effort to address modifiable risk factors and social determinants of health for dementia and promote healthy aging through public health action. Copyright © 2023 American Society on Aging; all rights reserved. |
Prevalence and characteristics of arthritis among caregivers - 17 states, 2017 and 2019
Jackson EMJ , Omura JD , Boring MA , Odom EL , Foster AL , Olivari BS , McGuire LC , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (44) 1389-1395 Caregiving provides numerous benefits to both caregivers and care recipients; however, it can also negatively affect caregivers' mental and physical health (1-4), and caregiving tasks often require physical exertion (1). Approximately 44% of adults with arthritis report limitations attributable to arthritis, including trouble doing daily activities (5). These limitations might affect caregivers' ability to provide care, but little is known about arthritis among caregivers. To assess arthritis among caregivers of a family member or friend, CDC examined data from 17 states that administered both the arthritis and caregiving modules as part of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) in either 2017 or 2019. Approximately one in five adults (20.6%) was a caregiver. Prevalence of arthritis was higher among caregivers (35.1%) than noncaregivers (24.5%). Compared with caregivers without arthritis, those with arthritis provided similar types of care and were more likely to have provided care for ≥5 years and for ≥40 hours per week. In addition, higher proportions of caregivers with arthritis reported disabilities compared with those without arthritis, including mobility issues (38.0% versus 7.3%). Arthritis among caregivers might affect their own health as well as the care they can provide. Caregivers can discuss their arthritis and related limitations with a health care professional to identify ways to increase their physical activity and participation in lifestyle management programs.* Such interventions might ease arthritis pain and related limitations and might support them in their ongoing caregiving role. Public health professionals can implement strategies to support caregivers throughout the caregiving process.(†). |
Traffic as a barrier to walking safely in the United States: Perceived reasons and potential mitigation strategies
Soto GW , Whitfield GP , Webber BJ , Omura JD , Chen TJ , Zaganjor H , Rose K . Prev Med Rep 2022 30 102003 Motor vehicle traffic is commonly cited as a barrier to walking, but national level perceptions of traffic characteristics that negatively influence walking and potential traffic mitigation strategies remain unclear. The objectives of this study were to describe perceptions of (1) traffic characteristics that make walking unsafe in the United States and (2) potential mitigation strategies to address these concerns among those who report traffic as a barrier to walking. Data were from FallStyles, a nationwide internet panel survey conducted in October 2019 (n = 3,284 adults). Respondents reported if traffic makes walking unsafe where they live; those who answered yes were then asked about traffic characteristics that make walking unsafe (number of vehicles, speed of vehicles, distracted or impaired driving, types of vehicles, and other reasons) and potential mitigation strategies (new or improved sidewalks, crosswalks, pedestrian signals, street lighting, things that slow vehicles down, separating the sidewalk from the road, fewer vehicle lanes, and other). Prevalence of responses was assessed overall and by select sociodemographic and geographic characteristics, and by walking status. Nearly 25% of US adults reported that traffic is a barrier to walking where they live. Of these, 79% selected vehicle speed as a contributing traffic characteristic, and 57% indicated new or improved sidewalks as a potential mitigation strategy. These top responses were shared across all sociodemographic, geographic, and walking behavior subgroups. Speed reduction efforts and built environment enhancements such as sidewalks may alleviate pedestrian safety concerns. Promotion campaigns may be needed to bring awareness to such changes. |
Observation of and intention to use new places and changed spaces for physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic - United States, June 2021.
Webber BJ , Irani KL , Omura JD , Whitfield GP . Prev Med 2022 160 107100 The COVID-19 pandemic prompted built environment changes throughout the United States. We assessed the prevalence of new places and changed spaces for physical activity as observed by US adults and their intentions to use them. We used data from SummerStyles, a web-based survey of US adults conducted in June 2021 (n = 4073). Respondents were asked if they had discovered new places to be physically active during the past year, and if changes had been made to streets or outdoor areas to allow additional space for recreating. Those responding "yes" were asked if they intended to use the respective space. We estimated the weighted prevalence of adults who observed new places and changed spaces, and their intended use, by sociodemographic and geographic characteristics, physical activity level, and walking status. We compared subgroups with prevalence ratios (PR). Overall, 25.0% of US adults reported discovering new places for physical activity, and 25.3% reported changes to streets and outdoor spaces. Intention to use new places and changed spaces exceeded 50% among all sociodemographic and geographic subgroups. Among those reporting changes, adults who were physically inactive compared to those who were sufficiently active had similar intentions to use new places (PR = 0.83; 95% CI = 0.63, 1.10) and changed spaces (PR = 0.90; 95% CI = 0.69, 1.17). Approximately 1 in 4 adults reported discovering new places or changed spaces to support physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, and most intended to use these features. Expanding access to such supportive environments may help promote physical activity participation. |
Modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer disease and related dementias among adults aged 45 years - United States, 2019
Omura JD , McGuire LC , Patel R , Baumgart M , Lamb R , Jeffers EM , Olivari BS , Croft JB , Thomas CW , Hacker K . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (20) 680-685 Alzheimer disease,* the most common cause of dementia, affects an estimated 6.5 million persons aged ≥65 years in the United States (1). A growing body of evidence has identified potential modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRD) (1-3). In 2021, the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease (National Plan) introduced a new goal to "accelerate action to promote healthy aging and reduce risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias" to help delay onset or slow the progression of ADRD (3). To assess the status of eight potential modifiable risk factors (i.e., high blood pressure, not meeting the aerobic physical activity guideline, obesity, diabetes, depression, current cigarette smoking, hearing loss, and binge drinking), investigators analyzed data from the cognitive decline module that was administered to adults aged ≥45 years in 31 states and the District of Columbia (DC)(†) in the 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey. Among the risk factors, prevalence was highest for high blood pressure (49.9%) and lowest for binge drinking (10.3%) and varied by selected demographic characteristics. Adults with subjective cognitive decline (SCD),(§) an early indicator of possible future ADRD (4), were more likely to report four or more risk factors than were those without SCD (34.3% versus 13.1%). Prevalence of SCD was 11.3% overall and increased from 3.9% among adults with no risk factors to 25.0% among those with four or more risk factors. Implementing evidence-based strategies to address modifiable risk factors can help achieve the National Plan's new goal to reduce risk for ADRD while promoting health aging.(¶)(,)*. |
Daily steps and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of 15 international cohorts
Paluch AE , Bajpai S , Bassett DR , Carnethon MR , Ekelund U , Evenson KR , Galuska DA , Jefferis BJ , Kraus WE , Lee IM , Matthews CE , Omura JD , Patel AV , Pieper CF , Rees-Punia E , Dallmeier D , Klenk J , Whincup PH , Dooley EE , PetteeGabriel K , Palta P , Pompeii LA , Chernofsky A , Larson MG , Vasan RS , Spartano N , Ballin M , Nordstrm P , Nordstrm A , Anderssen SA , Hansen BH , Cochrane JA , Dwyer T , Wang J , Ferrucci L , Liu F , Schrack J , Urbanek J , Saint-Maurice PF , Yamamoto N , Yoshitake Y , Newton RLJr , Yang S , Shiroma EJ , Fulton JE . Lancet Public Health 2022 7 (3) e219-e228 BACKGROUND: Although 10000 steps per day is widely promoted to have health benefits, there is little evidence to support this recommendation. We aimed to determine the association between number of steps per day and stepping rate with all-cause mortality. METHODS: In this meta-analysis, we identified studies investigating the effect of daily step count on all-cause mortality in adults (aged 18 years), via a previously published systematic review and expert knowledge of the field. We asked participating study investigators to process their participant-level data following a standardised protocol. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality collected from death certificates and country registries. We analysed the dose-response association of steps per day and stepping rate with all-cause mortality. We did Cox proportional hazards regression analyses using study-specific quartiles of steps per day and calculated hazard ratios (HRs) with inverse-variance weighted random effects models. FINDINGS: We identified 15 studies, of which seven were published and eight were unpublished, with study start dates between 1999 and 2018. The total sample included 47471 adults, among whom there were 3013 deaths (101 per 1000 participant-years) over a median follow-up of 71 years ([IQR 43-99]; total sum of follow-up across studies was 297837 person-years). Quartile median steps per day were 3553 for quartile 1, 5801 for quartile 2, 7842 for quartile 3, and 10901 for quartile 4. Compared with the lowest quartile, the adjusted HR for all-cause mortality was 060 (95% CI 051-071) for quartile 2, 055 (049-062) for quartile 3, and 047 (039-057) for quartile 4. Restricted cubic splines showed progressively decreasing risk of mortality among adults aged 60 years and older with increasing number of steps per day until 6000-8000 steps per day and among adults younger than 60 years until 8000-10000 steps per day. Adjusting for number of steps per day, comparing quartile 1 with quartile 4, the association between higher stepping rates and mortality was attenuated but remained significant for a peak of 30 min (HR 067 [95% CI 056-083]) and a peak of 60 min (067 [050-090]), but not significant for time (min per day) spent walking at 40 steps per min or faster (112 [096-132]) and 100 steps per min or faster (086 [058-128]). INTERPRETATION: Taking more steps per day was associated with a progressively lower risk of all-cause mortality, up to a level that varied by age. The findings from this meta-analysis can be used to inform step guidelines for public health promotion of physical activity. FUNDING: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |
Systematic review on quantifying pedestrian injury when evaluating changes to the built environment
Pollack Porter KM , Omura JD , Ballard RM , Peterson EL , Carlson SA . Prev Med Rep 2022 26 101703 Modifying the built environment to make communities more walkable remains one strategy to promote physical activity. These modifications may have the added benefit of reducing the risk of pedestrian injury; however, there is a gap in the physical activity literature regarding how best to measure pedestrian injury. Examining the measures that have been used and related data sources can help inform the use of pedestrian injury data to evaluate whether safety is optimized as walking increases. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify studies that evaluated changes to the built environment that support walking and measures impacts on pedestrian injury as a measure of safety. We searched PubMed, PsycInfo, and Web of Science to identify peer-review studies and websites of fifteen organizations to document studies from the grey literature published in English between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2018. Our search identified twelve studies that met the inclusion criteria. The few studies that measured changes in pedestrian injury used crash data from police reports. Injury frequency was often reported, but not injury severity, and no studies reported injury risk based on walking exposure. We conclude that few studies have measured pedestrian injury in the context of creating more walkable communities. Future research would benefit from using well-characterized measures from existing studies to support consistency in measurement, and from more longitudinal and evaluation research to strengthen the evidence on additional benefits of walkability. Increased collaborations with injury prevention professionals could bolster use of valid and reliable measures. |
Surveillance of Meeting the Youth Physical Activity Guideline: Impact of Including Vigorous-Intensity and Bone-Strengthening Activities
Hyde ET , Watson KB , Omura JD , Janz KF , Lee SM , Fulton JE , Carlson SA . Res Q Exerc Sport 2021 93 (4) 1-6 PURPOSE: The US youth physical activity guideline recommends participation in four types of physical activity: moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic (MVPA), vigorous-intensity aerobic (VPA), muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening physical activity. Current national prevalence estimates of meeting the youth physical activity guideline are typically based on measures of the MVPA and muscle-strengthening components. This study sought to examine differences in prevalence estimates using this current approach and then including measures of all four components. METHODS: Data from US high school student respondents to the 2010 National Youth Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey were analyzed (n = 10,596). Prevalence of students meeting the youth physical activity guideline were assessed and compared using 1) measures of MVPA and muscle-strengthening components only and 2) also including measures of the VPA and bone-strengthening components. RESULTS: Overall, 15.2% students met the MVPA, 50.7% met the muscle-strengthening, 70.6% met the VPA, and 80.7% met the bone-strengthening components. In total, 12.1% (95% confidence interval: 10.9, 13.3) of students met both the MVPA and muscle-strengthening components, and 11.2% (95% confidence interval: 10.0, 12.4) met all four components. CONCLUSIONS: Incorporating additional measures of VPA and bone-strengthening activity into current surveillance systems may not meaningfully impact national estimates of meeting the youth physical activity guideline. |
Physical Activity Types and Programs Recommended by Primary Care Providers Treating Adults With Arthritis, DocStyles 2018
Guglielmo D , Theis KA , Murphy LB , Boring MA , Helmick CG , Omura JD , Odom EL , Duca LM , Croft JB . Prev Chronic Dis 2021 18 E92 Primary care providers (PCPs) can offer counseling to adults with arthritis on physical activity, which can reduce pain and improve physical function, mental health, and numerous other health outcomes. We analyzed cross-sectional 2018 DocStyles data for 1,366 PCPs who reported they always or sometimes recommend physical activity to adults with arthritis. Most PCPs sampled (88.2%) recommended walking, swimming, or cycling; 65.5% did not recommend any evidence-based, arthritis-appropriate physical activity programs recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Opportunities exist for public health awareness campaigns to educate PCPs about evidence-based physical activity programs proven to optimize health for adults with arthritis when more than counseling is needed. |
Trends in meeting the physical activity guidelines: Muscle-strengthening alone and combined with aerobic activity, United States, 1998-2018
Hyde ET , Whitfield GP , Omura JD , Fulton JE , Carlson SA . J Phys Act Health 2021 18 S37-s44 BACKGROUND: The National Health Interview Survey is unique among US federal surveillance systems with over 20 years of consistent assessment of muscle-strengthening and aerobic activity. The authors examined trends in the prevalence of US adults who met the muscle-strengthening (2 or more days per week) and the combined muscle-strengthening and aerobic physical activity (at least 150 min/wk of moderate-intensity equivalent activity) guidelines from 1998 to 2018. METHODS: The 1998-2018 National Health Interview Survey data were analyzed. Age-adjusted prevalence of meeting the muscle-strengthening and combined aerobic and muscle-strengthening guidelines by selected respondent characteristics were estimated for each year and linear and higher-order trends were assessed. RESULTS: From 1998 to 2018, prevalence of meeting the muscle-strengthening guideline increased from 17.7% to 27.6%, and meeting the combined aerobic and muscle-strengthening guidelines increased from 14.4% to 24.0%. All subgroups demonstrated significant increases in meeting both guideline measures over this period although trends varied across the 21 years; increasing trends were more commonly sustained in the second decade of monitoring. CONCLUSIONS: Although increasing trends in prevalence of meeting the muscle-strengthening and combined guidelines are encouraging, current prevalence estimates remain low. Opportunities exist for the continued promotion of muscle-strengthening activity using evidence-based approaches. |
Trends in meeting the aerobic physical activity guideline among adults with and without select chronic health conditions, United States, 1998-2018
Omura JD , Hyde ET , Imperatore G , Loustalot F , Murphy L , Puckett M , Watson KB , Carlson SA . J Phys Act Health 2021 18 S53-s63 BACKGROUND: Physical activity is central to the management and control of many chronic health conditions. The authors examined trends during the past 2 decades in the prevalence of US adults with and without select chronic health conditions who met the minimal aerobic physical activity guideline. METHODS: The 1998-2018 National Health Interview Survey data were analyzed. Prevalence of meeting the minimal aerobic physical activity guideline among adults with and without 6 chronic health conditions was estimated across 3-year intervals. Linear and higher-order trends were assessed overall and by age group. RESULTS: During the past 2 decades, prevalence of meeting the aerobic guideline increased among adults with diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, and arthritis. However, the absolute increase in prevalence was lower among adults with hypertension, coronary heart disease, and arthritis compared to counterparts without each condition, respectively. Prevalence was persistently lower among those with most chronic health conditions, except cancer, and among older adults compared to their counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: Although rising trends in physical activity levels among adults with chronic health conditions are encouraging for improving chronic disease management, current prevalence remains low, particularly among older adults. Increasing physical activity should remain a priority for chronic disease management and control. |
Surveillance of physical activity and sedentary behavior among youth and adults in the United States: History and opportunities
Omura JD , Whitfield GP , Chen TJ , Hyde ET , Ussery EN , Watson KB , Carlson SA . J Phys Act Health 2021 18 S6-s24 BACKGROUND: Surveillance is a core function of public health, and approaches to national surveillance of physical activity and sedentary behavior have evolved over the past 2 decades. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of surveillance of physical activity and sedentary behavior in the United States over the past 2 decades, along with related challenges and emerging opportunities. METHODS: The authors reviewed key national surveillance systems for the assessment of physical activity and sedentary behavior among youth and adults in the United States between 2000 and 2019. RESULTS: Over the past 20 years, 8 surveillance systems have assessed physical activity, and 5 of those have assessed sedentary behavior. Three of the 8 originated in nonpublic health agencies. Most systems have assessed physical activity and sedentary behavior via surveys. However, survey questions varied over time within and also across systems, resulting in a wide array of available data. CONCLUSION: The evolving nature of physical activity surveillance in the United States has resulted in both broad challenges (eg, balancing content with survey space; providing data at the national, state, and local level; adapting traditional physical activity measures and survey designs; and addressing variation across surveillance systems) and related opportunities. |
Change in prevalence of meeting the aerobic physical activity guideline among US adults, by states and territories-Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2011 and 2019
Ussery EN , Omura JD , McCain K , Watson KB . J Phys Act Health 2021 18 S84-s85 Overall, the percentage of US adults who met the aerobic physical activity guideline1,I was 51.3% in 2011 and 51.3% in 2019 (P = .876).II In 2011, the prevalence of meeting the aerobic guideline was <45% in 7 jurisdictions, 45% to <50% in 16 jurisdictions, 50% to <55% in 16 jurisdictions, and ≥55% in 14 jurisdictions. In 2019, the prevalence of meeting the aerobic guideline was <45% in 4 jurisdictions, 45% to <50% in 17 jurisdictions, 50% to <55% in 16 jurisdictions, and ≥55% in 15 jurisdictions. Between 2011 and 2019, the prevalence significantly decreased in 12 jurisdictions (CA, CO, HI, KY, ME, MA, MO, OH, OK, OR, VA, PR), significantly increased in 11 jurisdictions (AL, KS, LA, MD, MN, MT, NC, TN, VT, WA, WV), and did not significantly change in 29 jurisdictions.III The absolute change in prevalence ranged from an 11.0 percentage point decrease in Kentucky to an 8.6 percentage point increase in Tennessee. |
Trends in aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical activity by race/ethnicity across income levels among US adults, 1998-2018
Watson KB , Whitfield G , Chen TJ , Hyde ET , Omura JD . J Phys Act Health 2021 18 S45-s52 BACKGROUND: Although disparities in leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) participation by race/ethnicity and income are known, the combined association of these characteristics with LTPA participation is less understood. This study aims to describe trends and determine whether racial/ethnic differences in adult physical activity by income level have changed over the past 2 decades. METHODS: The authors estimated LTPA participation (outcomes: any aerobic activity, meeting the aerobic activity guideline, meeting the muscle-strengthening guideline, and meeting the combined aerobic and muscle-strengthening guidelines) among adults ≥18 years by race/ethnicity across income levels using 1998-2018 National Health Interview Survey data in 3-year aggregates. They also tested for trends, prevalence differences, and difference in differences using logistic regression. RESULTS: LTPA participation increased from 1998-2000 to 2016-2018 for all outcomes for non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic adults at all income levels. Disparities narrowed for some groups but persisted between white and racial/ethnic minority groups across income levels for engaging in any aerobic activity and meeting the aerobic guideline (0.2-8.8 percentage point difference in differences). Disparities in meeting the muscle-strengthening and combined guidelines were less common. CONCLUSIONS: Opportunities exist to ensure that adults, particularly members of lower income racial/ethnic minority groups, have support to help them participate in LTPA. |
Cross-sectional study of changes in physical activity behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic among US adults.
Watson KB , Whitfield GP , Huntzicker G , Omura JD , Ussery E , Chen TJ , Fanfair RN . Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2021 18 (1) 91 BACKGROUND: Physical activity (PA) provides numerous health benefits relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, concerns exist that PA levels may have decreased during the pandemic thus exacerbating health disparities. This study aims to determine changes in and locations for PA and reasons for decreased PA during the pandemic. METHODS: Reported percentage of changes in and locations for PA and reasons for decreased PA were examined in 3829 US adults who completed the 2020 SummerStyles survey. RESULTS: Overall, 30% reported less PA, and 50% reported no change or no activity during the pandemic; percentages varied across subgroups. Adults who were non-Hispanic Black (Black) or Hispanic (vs. non-Hispanic White, (White)) reported less PA. Fewer Black adults (vs. White) reported doing most PA in their neighborhood. Concern about exposure to the virus (39%) was the most common reason adults were less active. CONCLUSIONS: In June 2020, nearly one-third of US adults reported decreased PA; 20% reported increased PA. Decreased activity was higher among Black and Hispanic compared to White adults; these two groups have experienced disproportionate COVID-19 impacts. Continued efforts are needed to ensure everyone has access to supports that allow them to participate in PA while still following guidance to prevent COVID-19 transmission. |
Types of Physical Activity Recommended by Primary Care Providers for Patients at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Omura JD , Watson KB , Loustalot F , Fulton JE , Carlson SA . Prev Chronic Dis 2021 18 E43 Primary care providers (PCPs) are uniquely positioned to promote physical activity for cardiovascular health. We sought to determine the types of physical activity that PCPs most often recommend to patients at risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and how these recommendations vary by PCPs' physical activity counseling practices. We examined the types of physical activity (walking, supervised exercise sessions, or other) PCPs most often suggested for CVD prevention among respondents to the 2018 DocStyles survey (N = 1,088). Most PCPs (80.0%) suggested walking to their patients at risk for CVD; however, PCPs who infrequently discussed physical activity with their patients at risk for CVD suggested walking less often than those who more frequently discussed physical activity. Walking is an easy and low-cost form of physical activity, and opportunities exist for certain PCPs to promote walking as part of their physical activity counseling practices for CVD prevention. |
Association of State-Issued Mask Mandates and Allowing On-Premises Restaurant Dining with County-Level COVID-19 Case and Death Growth Rates - United States, March 1-December 31, 2020.
Guy GPJr , Lee FC , Sunshine G , McCord R , Howard-Williams M , Kompaniyets L , Dunphy C , Gakh M , Weber R , Sauber-Schatz E , Omura JD , Massetti GM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (10) 350-354 CDC recommends a combination of evidence-based strategies to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 (1). Because the virus is transmitted predominantly by inhaling respiratory droplets from infected persons, universal mask use can help reduce transmission (1). Starting in April, 39 states and the District of Columbia (DC) issued mask mandates in 2020. Reducing person-to-person interactions by avoiding nonessential shared spaces, such as restaurants, where interactions are typically unmasked and physical distancing (≥6 ft) is difficult to maintain, can also decrease transmission (2). In March and April 2020, 49 states and DC prohibited any on-premises dining at restaurants, but by mid-June, all states and DC had lifted these restrictions. To examine the association of state-issued mask mandates and allowing on-premises restaurant dining with COVID-19 cases and deaths during March 1-December 31, 2020, county-level data on mask mandates and restaurant reopenings were compared with county-level changes in COVID-19 case and death growth rates relative to the mandate implementation and reopening dates. Mask mandates were associated with decreases in daily COVID-19 case and death growth rates 1-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80, and 81-100 days after implementation. Allowing any on-premises dining at restaurants was associated with increases in daily COVID-19 case growth rates 41-60, 61-80, and 81-100 days after reopening, and increases in daily COVID-19 death growth rates 61-80 and 81-100 days after reopening. Implementing mask mandates was associated with reduced SARS-CoV-2 transmission, whereas reopening restaurants for on-premises dining was associated with increased transmission. Policies that require universal mask use and restrict any on-premises restaurant dining are important components of a comprehensive strategy to reduce exposure to and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (1). Such efforts are increasingly important given the emergence of highly transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants in the United States (3,4). |
COVID-19 Trends Among Persons Aged 0-24 Years - United States, March 1-December 12, 2020.
Leidman E , Duca LM , Omura JD , Proia K , Stephens JW , Sauber-Schatz EK . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (3) 88-94 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) case and electronic laboratory data reported to CDC were analyzed to describe demographic characteristics, underlying health conditions, and clinical outcomes, as well as trends in laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 incidence and testing volume among U.S. children, adolescents, and young adults (persons aged 0-24 years). This analysis provides a critical update and expansion of previously published data, to include trends after fall school reopenings, and adds preschool-aged children (0-4 years) and college-aged young adults (18-24 years) (1). Among children, adolescents, and young adults, weekly incidence (cases per 100,000 persons) increased with age and was highest during the final week of the review period (the week of December 6) among all age groups. Time trends in weekly reported incidence for children and adolescents aged 0-17 years tracked consistently with trends observed among adults since June, with both incidence and positive test results tending to increase since September after summer declines. Reported incidence and positive test results among children aged 0-10 years were consistently lower than those in older age groups. To reduce community transmission, which will support schools in operating more safely for in-person learning, communities and schools should fully implement and strictly adhere to recommended mitigation strategies, especially universal and proper masking, to reduce COVID-19 incidence. |
Physical activity assessment and recommendation for adults with arthritis by primary care providers-DocStyles, 2018
Guglielmo D , Murphy LB , Theis KA , Helmick CG , Omura JD , Odom EL , Croft JB . Am J Health Promot 2020 35 (4) 890117120981371 PURPOSE: To examine primary care providers' (PCPs) physical activity assessment and recommendation behaviors for adults with arthritis. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: 2018 DocStyles online national market research survey of US physicians and nurse practitioners. SAMPLE: 1,389 PCPs seeing adults with arthritis. MEASURES: 2 independent behaviors (assessment and recommendation) as 3 non-mutually exclusive groups: "always assesses," "always recommends," and "both" ("always assesses and recommends"). ANALYSIS: Calculated percentages of each group (overall and by PCP characteristics), and multivariable-adjusted prevalence ratios (PRs) using binary logistic regression. RESULTS: Among PCPs, 49.2% always assessed and 57.7% always recommended physical activity; 39.7% did both. Across all 3 groups, percentages were highest for seeing ≥20 adults with arthritis weekly ("both": 56.4%; "always assesses": 66.7%; "always recommends": 71.3%) and lowest among obstetrician/gynecologists ("both": 26.9%; "always assesses": 36.8%; "always recommends": 40.7%). Multivariable-adjusted associations were strongest for seeing ≥20 adults with arthritis weekly (referent: 1-9 adults) and each of "always assesses" (PR = 1.5 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3-1.8] and "both" (PR = 1.6 [95% CI: 1.4-1.9]). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 40% of PCPs sampled always engaged in both behaviors (assessing and recommending physical activity) with adults with arthritis; seeing a high volume of adults with arthritis was consistently related to engaging in each behavior. Evidence-based approaches to support PCP counseling include offering provider education and training, raising awareness of available resources, and using health system supports. |
Built Environment Approaches to Increase Physical Activity: A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association
Omura JD , Carlson SA , Brown DR , Hopkins DP , Kraus WE , Staffileno BA , Thomas RJ , Lobelo F , Fulton JE . Circulation 2020 142 (11) e160-e166 Engaging in regular physical activity is one of the most important things people can do to improve their cardiovascular health; however, population levels of physical activity remain low in the United States. Effective population-based approaches implemented in communities can help increase physical activity among all Americans. Evidence suggests that built environment interventions offer one such approach. These interventions aim to create or modify community environmental characteristics to make physical activity easier or more accessible for all people in the places where they live. In 2016, the Community Preventive Services Task Force released a recommendation for built environment approaches to increase physical activity. This recommendation is based on a systematic review of 90 studies (search period, 1980-June 2014) conducted using methods outlined by the Guide to Community Preventive Services. The Community Preventive Services Task Force found sufficient evidence of effectiveness to recommend combined built environment strategies. Specifically, these strategies combine interventions to improve pedestrian or bicycle transportation systems with interventions to improve land use and environmental design. Components of transportation systems can include street pattern design and connectivity, pedestrian infrastructure, bicycle infrastructure, and public transit infrastructure and access. Components of land use and environmental design can include mixed land use, increased residential density, proximity to community or neighborhood destinations, and parks and recreational facility access. Implementing this Community Preventive Services Task Force recommendation in communities across the United States can help promote healthy and active living, increase physical activity, and ultimately improve cardiovascular health. |
Knowledge of the Adult and Youth 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
Hyde ET , Omura JD , Watson KB , Fulton JE , Carlson SA . J Phys Act Health 2019 16 (8) 618-622 BACKGROUND: To estimate the proportion of adults' and parents' knowledge of the adult aerobic and youth physical activity guidelines, respectively, in the United States. METHODS: Data were analyzed from a national sample of adults in the 2017 ConsumerStyles survey. Prevalence of knowledge of the adult aerobic guideline (ie, 150 min/wk of moderate-intensity activity) was estimated among all respondents (n = 3910) and of the youth guideline (ie, 60 min/d of physical activity on 7 d/wk) among parents (n = 1288). Odds ratios were estimated using logistic regression models adjusting for demographic characteristics. RESULTS: Overall, 2.5% (95% confidence interval, 2.0-3.1) of adults and 23.0% (95% confidence interval, 20.5-25.7) of parents were knowledgeable of the adult aerobic and youth guidelines, respectively. After adjustment, odds of knowledge of the adult guideline differed significantly by sex and physical activity level, whereas knowledge of the youth guideline differed by parental education level. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the release of the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans nearly a decade ago, most US adults and parents lack knowledge of the adult aerobic and youth physical activity guidelines. Effective communication strategies may help raise awareness of current and future editions of national guidelines for physical activity. |
Cross-sectional association between physical activity level and subjective cognitive decline among US adults aged 45years, 2015
Omura JD , Brown DR , McGuire LC , Taylor CA , Fulton JE , Carlson SA . Prev Med 2020 141 106279 Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is the self-reported experience of worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss within the previous 12 months and can be one of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Regular physical activity can contribute to the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of cognitive decline. At the national level, prevalence estimates of SCD by physical activity level in the United States are currently unknown. The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence of SCD and resulting functional limitations by physical activity level among US adults aged ≥45 years. Data from 33 states and the District of Columbia participating in the 2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (N = 128,925) were analyzed. We estimated the prevalence of SCD (a positive response to a question about worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss within the previous 12 months) and resulting functional limitations overall and by self-reported physical activity level based on current guidelines (i.e., active, insufficiently active, and inactive). Odds ratios were estimated using logistic regression models adjusting for respondent characteristics. Overall, 11.3% of US adults aged ≥45 years reported SCD. Prevalence of SCD increased as physical activity level decreased (active: 8.8%; insufficiently active: 11.4%; inactive: 15.7%). Among those with SCD, the prevalence of functional limitations also increased as physical activity level decreased (active: 40.5%; insufficiently active: 50.0%; inactive: 57.4%). These differences largely remained after adjusting for respondent characteristics. Findings highlight the potential public health impact nationally of efforts to promote physical activity for cognitive health. |
Disparities in youth sports participation in the U.S., 2017-2018
Hyde ET , Omura JD , Fulton JE , Lee SM , Piercy KL , Carlson SA . Am J Prev Med 2020 59 (5) e207-e210 INTRODUCTION: In 2019, the National Youth Sports Strategy was released and called for regular analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of U.S. youth sports surveillance data. The purpose of this study is to provide the recent national estimates of U.S. youth aged 6-17 years who participate in sports and examine the differences in participation by demographic characteristics, overall and across age groups. METHODS: Nationally representative data on parent-reported youth sports participation from the 2017-2018 National Survey of Children's Health (n=36,779) were analyzed in 2019. The prevalence and 95% CIs of youth sports participation were estimated by demographic characteristics, overall and by age group. Investigators assessed the significant (p<0.05) differences and trends in participation using pairwise t-tests and orthogonal polynomial contrasts and effect modification by age group using logistic regression models. RESULTS: Overall, 57.7% (95% CI=56.6, 58.9) of U.S. youth participated in sports. Participation was highest among youth who were aged 10-13 years, male, and white, non-Hispanic and increased with increasing parent/caregiver education and household income (all p<0.05). Differences in participation by demographic characteristics were more pronounced among younger youth. For example, prevalence by household income level ranged from 32.7% to 79.9% among children aged 6-9 years and from 41.6% to 67.2% among youth aged 14-17 years. CONCLUSIONS: Although nearly 6 in 10 U.S. youth participate in sports, substantial disparities exist, especially among younger children. Identifying and overcoming the barriers may help increase youth sports participation in the U.S. |
Systematic review of the prospective association of daily step counts with risk of mortality, cardiovascular disease, and dysglycemia
Hall KS , Hyde ET , Bassett DR , Carlson SA , Carnethon MR , Ekelund U , Evenson KR , Galuska DA , Kraus WE , Lee IM , Matthews CE , Omura JD , Paluch AE , Thomas WI , Fulton JE . Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2020 17 (1) 78 BACKGROUND: Daily step counts is an intuitive metric that has demonstrated success in motivating physical activity in adults and may hold potential for future public health physical activity recommendations. This review seeks to clarify the pattern of the associations between daily steps and subsequent all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality, and dysglycemia, as well as the number of daily steps needed for health outcomes. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted to identify prospective studies assessing daily step count measured by pedometer or accelerometer and their associations with all-cause mortality, CVD morbidity or mortality, and dysglycemia (dysglycemia or diabetes incidence, insulin sensitivity, fasting glucose, HbA1c). The search was performed across the Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library databases from inception to August 1, 2019. Eligibility criteria included longitudinal design with health outcomes assessed at baseline and subsequent timepoints; defining steps per day as the exposure; reporting all-cause mortality, CVD morbidity or mortality, and/or dysglycemia outcomes; adults >/=18 years old; and non-patient populations. RESULTS: Seventeen prospective studies involving over 30,000 adults were identified. Five studies reported on all-cause mortality (follow-up time 4-10 years), four on cardiovascular risk or events (6 months to 6 years), and eight on dysglycemia outcomes (3 months to 5 years). For each 1000 daily step count increase at baseline, risk reductions in all-cause mortality (6-36%) and CVD (5-21%) at follow-up were estimated across a subsample of included studies. There was no evidence of significant interaction by age, sex, health conditions or behaviors (e.g., alcohol use, smoking status, diet) among studies that tested for interactions. Studies examining dysglycemia outcomes report inconsistent findings, partially due to heterogeneity across studies of glycemia-related biomarker outcomes, analytic approaches, and sample characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence from longitudinal data consistently demonstrated that walking an additional 1000 steps per day can help lower the risk of all-cause mortality, and CVD morbidity and mortality in adults, and that health benefits are present below 10,000 steps per day. However, the shape of the dose-response relation is not yet clear. Data are currently lacking to identify a specific minimum threshold of daily step counts needed to obtain overall health benefit. |
Public health representation on active transportation bodies across US municipalities
Omura JD , Kochtitzky CS , Galuska DA , Fulton JE , Shah S , Carlson SA . J Public Health Manag Pract 2020 28 (1) E119-E126 CONTEXT: Municipal bodies such as planning or zoning commissions and active transportation advisory committees can influence decisions made by local governments that support physical activity through active transportation. Public health professionals are encouraged to participate in and inform these processes. However, the extent of such collaboration among US municipalities is currently unknown. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of active transportation bodies among US municipalities and the proportion with a designated public health representative. DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey administered from May through September 2014. SETTING: Nationally representative sample of US municipalities with populations of 1000 or more people. PARTICIPANTS: Respondents were the city or town manager, planner, or person with similar responsibilities (N = 2018). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The prevalence of planning or zoning commissions and active transportation advisory committees among municipalities and whether there was a designated public health representative on them. RESULTS: Approximately 90.9% of US municipalities have a planning or zoning commission, whereas only 6.5% of these commissions have a designated public health representative. In contrast, while 16.5% of US municipalities have an active transportation advisory committee, 22.4% of them have a designated public health representative. These active transportation bodies are less common among municipalities that are smaller, rural, located in the South, and where population educational attainment is lower. Overall, few US municipalities have a planning or zoning commission (5.9%) or an active transportation advisory committee (3.7%) that also has a designated public health representative. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 9 in 10 US municipalities have a planning or zoning commission, whereas only 1 in 6 has an active transportation advisory committee. Public health representation on active transportation bodies across US municipalities is low. Increasing the adoption of active transportation advisory committees and ensuring a designated public health representative on active transportation bodies may help promote the development of activity-friendly communities across the United States. |
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