Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
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Arthritis management: Patient-reported health care provider screening, counseling, and recommendations for physical activity
Fallon EA , Foster AL , Boring MA , Brown DR , Odom EL . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E101 INTRODUCTION: Little is known about the recency, correlates, and content of health care provider (HCP) counseling about physical activity (PA) among adults with arthritis. METHODS: We analyzed data from the Porter Novelli FallStyles cross-sectional survey of noninstitutionalized US adults. Among adults with arthritis, we assessed the recency of HCP counseling about PA; counseling content, including PA assessment/screening and advice/counseling; and recommendations. Data were weighted by sex, age, household income, race and ethnicity, household size, education, census region, and metropolitan status. RESULTS: Among adults with arthritis (n = 1,113), 16.8% received HCP counseling within the past 6 months, 9.6% received counseling between 6 months and a year ago; 27.7% received HCP counseling more than a year ago; 30.4% never received HCP counseling; and 15.5% did not recall. Prevalence of HCP counseling about PA was higher for those reporting obesity (prevalence ratio [PR] = 1.3) and chronic pain (PR = 1.2), compared with those without these conditions. The most and least common content of HCP counseling were assessment of PA level (74.7%) and receiving a physical activity prescription (6.1%), respectively. The most frequent recommendations for PA type were flexibility exercises (40.1%), aerobic activities (39.8%), specific modalities of PA (eg, swimming, walking, dancing; 38.1%), and muscle-strengthening exercises (36.6%). Only 4.4% received a recommendation for arthritis-appropriate PA programs. CONCLUSION: HCP counseling about PA among adults with arthritis for arthritis symptom management is lacking in frequency, actionable content, and recommendations to engage in evidence-based PA interventions. Dissemination and implementation of policies and programs facilitating frequent high-quality HCP counseling and recommendation to PA programs for arthritis remains a public health priority. |
Racial/ethnic differences in prevalence of arthritis, severe joint pain, and receipt of provider counseling about physical activity for arthritis among adults aged ≥18 Years-United States, 2019
Wise A , Boring MA , Odom EL , Foster AL , Guglielmo D , Master H , Croft JB . Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2024 OBJECTIVE: This study examined the racial/ethnic differences in self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis, severe joint pain, and provider counseling for physical activity among US adults with arthritis. METHODS: We estimated prevalence by race/ethnicity among 31,997 adults aged ≥18 years in the 2019 National Health Interview Survey. We used multiple logistic regression models to investigate associations between outcomes and race/ethnicity. RESULTS: Compared with non-Hispanic White adults (22.9%), we found a significantly higher age-adjusted prevalence of arthritis among American Indian/Alaska Native adults (30.3%). Among adults with arthritis, higher age-adjusted prevalence of severe joint pain among American Indian/Alaska Native (39.1%), non-Hispanic Black (36.4%), and Hispanic adults (35.7% versus 22.5% [White]) and higher provider counseling for physical activity among non-Hispanic Black adults (58.9% versus 52.1% [White]) were observed and could not be fully explained by differences in socioeconomic factors, body mass index, depression history, and comorbid conditions. Additional models also containing inability to pay medical bills and food insecurity did not explain racial/ethnic differences. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight a need for multi-level interventions to mitigate social and environmental barriers to physical activity and eliminate disparities in arthritis and severe joint pain. |
A public health approach to osteoarthritis in the United States
Ambrose KR , Huffman KF , Odom EL , Foster AL , Turkas N , Callahan LF . Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2023 A National Public Health Agenda for Osteoarthritis: 2020 Update (OA Agenda) states, “We envision a nation in which adults with osteoarthritis (OA) are able to live full lives with less pain, stiffness, and disability; greater mobility; and preserved function and independence.”1 OA affects more than 528 million or 7% of people worldwide, and 32.5 million or 1 in 7 adults in the United States (US).1, 2 Countries with established market economies, older adult populations, and populations with high rates of obesity may have higher prevalence.2 |
Prevalence of diagnosed arthritis - United States, 2019-2021
Fallon EA , Boring MA , Foster AL , Stowe EW , Lites TD , Odom EL , Seth P . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (41) 1101-1107 Arthritis includes approximately 100 conditions that affect the joints and surrounding tissues. It is a leading cause of activity limitations, disability, and chronic pain, and is associated with dispensed opioid prescriptions, substantially contributing to health care costs. Combined 2019-2021 National Health Interview Survey data were analyzed to update national prevalence estimates of self-reported diagnosed arthritis. An estimated 21.2% (18.7% age-standardized) of U.S. adults aged ≥18 years (53.2 million) had diagnosed arthritis during this time frame. Age-standardized arthritis prevalences were higher among women (20.9%) than men (16.3%), among veterans (24.2%) than nonveterans (18.5%), and among non-Hispanic White (20.1%) than among Hispanic or Latino (14.7%) or non-Hispanic Asian adults (10.3%). Adults aged ≥45 years represent 88.3% of all U.S. adults with arthritis. Unadjusted arthritis prevalence was high among adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (57.6%), dementia (55.9%), a disability (54.8%), stroke (52.6%), heart disease (51.5%), diabetes (43.1%), or cancer (43.1%). Approximately one half of adults aged ≥65 years with COPD, dementia, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, or cancer also had a diagnosis of arthritis. These prevalence estimates can be used to guide public health policies and activities to increase equitable access to physical activity opportunities within the built environment and other arthritis-appropriate, evidence-based interventions. |
Arthritis among children and adolescents aged <18 years - United States, 2017-2021
Lites TD , Foster AL , Boring MA , Fallon EA , Odom EL , Seth P . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (29) 788-792 Arthritis affects persons of all ages, including younger adults, adolescents, and children; however, recent arthritis prevalence estimates among children and adolescents aged <18 years are not available. Previous prevalence estimates among U.S. children and adolescents aged <18 years ranged from 21 to 403 per 100,000 population depending upon the case definition used. CDC analyzed aggregated 2017-2021 National Survey of Children's Health data to estimate the national prevalence of parent-reported arthritis diagnosed among children and adolescents aged <18 years. An estimated 220,000 (95% CI = 187,000-260,000) U.S. children and adolescents aged <18 years (305 per 100,000) had diagnosed arthritis. Arthritis prevalence among non-Hispanic Black or African American children and adolescents was twice that of non-Hispanic White children and adolescents. Co-occurring conditions, including depression, anxiety, overweight, physical inactivity, and food insecurity were associated with higher prevalences of arthritis. These findings highlight that children and adolescents should be prioritized for arthritis prevention and treatments by identifying risk factors for arthritis, developing self-management interventions to improve arthritis, physical activity or weight control, and screening and linking to mental health services. Health systems and payors can take steps to ensure equitable access to therapies (e.g., physical therapies and medications). |
Prevalence and characteristics of arthritis among caregivers - 17 states, 2017 and 2019
Jackson EMJ , Omura JD , Boring MA , Odom EL , Foster AL , Olivari BS , McGuire LC , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (44) 1389-1395 Caregiving provides numerous benefits to both caregivers and care recipients; however, it can also negatively affect caregivers' mental and physical health (1-4), and caregiving tasks often require physical exertion (1). Approximately 44% of adults with arthritis report limitations attributable to arthritis, including trouble doing daily activities (5). These limitations might affect caregivers' ability to provide care, but little is known about arthritis among caregivers. To assess arthritis among caregivers of a family member or friend, CDC examined data from 17 states that administered both the arthritis and caregiving modules as part of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) in either 2017 or 2019. Approximately one in five adults (20.6%) was a caregiver. Prevalence of arthritis was higher among caregivers (35.1%) than noncaregivers (24.5%). Compared with caregivers without arthritis, those with arthritis provided similar types of care and were more likely to have provided care for ≥5 years and for ≥40 hours per week. In addition, higher proportions of caregivers with arthritis reported disabilities compared with those without arthritis, including mobility issues (38.0% versus 7.3%). Arthritis among caregivers might affect their own health as well as the care they can provide. Caregivers can discuss their arthritis and related limitations with a health care professional to identify ways to increase their physical activity and participation in lifestyle management programs.* Such interventions might ease arthritis pain and related limitations and might support them in their ongoing caregiving role. Public health professionals can implement strategies to support caregivers throughout the caregiving process.(†). |
State-specific prevalence of inactivity, self-rated health status, and severe joint pain among adults with arthritis - United States, 2019
Duca LM , Helmick CG , Barbour KE , Murphy LB , Guglielmo D , Odom EL , Boring MA , Croft JB . Prev Chronic Dis 2022 19 E23 Arthritis is associated with joint pain, disability, and physical inactivity, potentially resulting in poor quality of life. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data to estimate state-specific arthritis prevalence and, among adults with arthritis, the prevalence of physical inactivity, fair/poor self-rated health status, and severe joint pain. Among adults with arthritis, age-standardized prevalences of physical inactivity, fair/poor health status, and severe joint pain were high in all states and highest in southeastern states. Increased promotion and use of evidence-based public health interventions for arthritis may improve health-promoting behaviors and health outcomes among adults with arthritis. |
Self-Management Education Class Attendance and Health Care Provider Counseling for Physical Activity Among Adults with Arthritis - United States, 2019
Duca LM , Helmick CG , Barbour KE , Guglielmo D , Murphy LB , Boring MA , Theis KA , Odom EL , Liu Y , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (42) 1466-1471 Arthritis is a highly prevalent and disabling condition among U.S. adults (1); arthritis-attributable functional limitations and severe joint pain affect many aspects of health and quality of life (2). Self-management education (self-management) and physical activity can reduce pain and improve the health status and quality of life of adults with arthritis; however, in 2014, only 11.4% and 61.0% of arthritis patients reported engaging in each, respectively. To assess self-reported self-management class attendance and health care provider physical activity counseling among adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis, CDC analyzed 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data. In 2019, an age-standardized state median of one in six (16.2%) adults with arthritis reported ever attending a self-management class, and 69.3% reported ever receiving health care provider counselling to be physically active. Prevalences of both differed by state and sociodemographic characteristics; decreased with lower educational attainment, joint pain severity, and urbanicity; and were lower in men than in women. Health care providers can play an important role in promoting self-management class attendance and physical activity by counseling arthritis patients about their benefits and referring patients to evidence-based programs (3). |
Physical Activity Types and Programs Recommended by Primary Care Providers Treating Adults With Arthritis, DocStyles 2018
Guglielmo D , Theis KA , Murphy LB , Boring MA , Helmick CG , Omura JD , Odom EL , Duca LM , Croft JB . Prev Chronic Dis 2021 18 E92 Primary care providers (PCPs) can offer counseling to adults with arthritis on physical activity, which can reduce pain and improve physical function, mental health, and numerous other health outcomes. We analyzed cross-sectional 2018 DocStyles data for 1,366 PCPs who reported they always or sometimes recommend physical activity to adults with arthritis. Most PCPs sampled (88.2%) recommended walking, swimming, or cycling; 65.5% did not recommend any evidence-based, arthritis-appropriate physical activity programs recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Opportunities exist for public health awareness campaigns to educate PCPs about evidence-based physical activity programs proven to optimize health for adults with arthritis when more than counseling is needed. |
Walking and other common physical activities among adults with arthritis - United States, 2019
Guglielmo D , Murphy LB , Theis KA , Boring MA , Helmick CG , Watson KB , Duca LM , Odom EL , Liu Y , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (40) 1408-1414 The numerous health benefits of physical activity include reduced risk for chronic disease and improved mental health and quality of life (1). Physical activity can improve physical function and reduce pain and fall risk among adults with arthritis, a group of approximately 100 conditions affecting joints and surrounding tissues (most commonly osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus) (1). Despite these benefits, the 54.6 million U.S. adults currently living with arthritis are generally less active than adults without arthritis, and only 36.2% of adults with arthritis are aerobically active (i.e., meet aerobic physical activity guidelines*) (2). Little is known about which physical activities adults with arthritis engage in. CDC analyzed 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data to examine the most common nonwork-related physical activities among adults with arthritis who reported any physical activity during the past month, nationally and by state. In 2019, 67.2% of adults with arthritis reported engaging in physical activity in the past month; among these persons, the most commonly reported activities were walking (70.8%), gardening (13.3%), and weightlifting (7.3%). In 45 U.S. states, at least two thirds of adults with arthritis who engaged in physical activity reported walking. Health care providers can help inactive adults with arthritis become active and, by encouraging physical activity and referring these persons to evidence-based physical activity programs, improve their health and quality of life. |
Physical activity assessment and recommendation for adults with arthritis by primary care providers-DocStyles, 2018
Guglielmo D , Murphy LB , Theis KA , Helmick CG , Omura JD , Odom EL , Croft JB . Am J Health Promot 2020 35 (4) 890117120981371 PURPOSE: To examine primary care providers' (PCPs) physical activity assessment and recommendation behaviors for adults with arthritis. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: 2018 DocStyles online national market research survey of US physicians and nurse practitioners. SAMPLE: 1,389 PCPs seeing adults with arthritis. MEASURES: 2 independent behaviors (assessment and recommendation) as 3 non-mutually exclusive groups: "always assesses," "always recommends," and "both" ("always assesses and recommends"). ANALYSIS: Calculated percentages of each group (overall and by PCP characteristics), and multivariable-adjusted prevalence ratios (PRs) using binary logistic regression. RESULTS: Among PCPs, 49.2% always assessed and 57.7% always recommended physical activity; 39.7% did both. Across all 3 groups, percentages were highest for seeing ≥20 adults with arthritis weekly ("both": 56.4%; "always assesses": 66.7%; "always recommends": 71.3%) and lowest among obstetrician/gynecologists ("both": 26.9%; "always assesses": 36.8%; "always recommends": 40.7%). Multivariable-adjusted associations were strongest for seeing ≥20 adults with arthritis weekly (referent: 1-9 adults) and each of "always assesses" (PR = 1.5 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3-1.8] and "both" (PR = 1.6 [95% CI: 1.4-1.9]). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 40% of PCPs sampled always engaged in both behaviors (assessing and recommending physical activity) with adults with arthritis; seeing a high volume of adults with arthritis was consistently related to engaging in each behavior. Evidence-based approaches to support PCP counseling include offering provider education and training, raising awareness of available resources, and using health system supports. |
State-specific severe joint pain and physical inactivity among adults with arthritis - United States, 2017
Guglielmo D , Murphy LB , Boring MA , Theis KA , Helmick CG , Hootman JM , Odom EL , Carlson SA , Liu Y , Lu H , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (17) 381-387 An estimated 54.4 million (approximately one in four) U.S. adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis (arthritis) (1). Severe joint pain and physical inactivity are common among adults with arthritis and are linked to adverse mental and physical health effects and limitations (2,3). CDC analyzed 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data to estimate current state-specific prevalence of arthritis and, among adults with arthritis, the prevalences of severe joint pain and physical inactivity. In 2017, the median age-standardized state prevalence of arthritis among adults aged >/=18 years was 22.8% (range = 15.7% [District of Columbia] to 34.6% [West Virginia]) and was generally highest in Appalachia and Lower Mississippi Valley regions.* Among adults with arthritis, age-standardized, state-specific prevalences of both severe joint pain (median = 30.3%; range = 20.8% [Colorado] to 45.2% [Mississippi]) and physical inactivity (median = 33.7%; range = 23.2% [Colorado] to 44.4% [Kentucky]) were highest in southeastern states. Physical inactivity prevalence among those with severe joint pain (47.0%) was higher than that among those with moderate (31.8%) or no/mild joint pain (22.6%). Self-management strategies such as maintaining a healthy weight or being physically active can reduce arthritis pain and prevent or delay arthritis-related disability. Evidence-based physical activity and self-management education programs are available that can improve quality of life among adults with arthritis. |
- Page last reviewed:Feb 1, 2024
- Page last updated:Jan 13, 2025
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