Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: O'Callaghan JP[original query] |
Nerve agent exposure and physiological stress alter brain microstructure and immune profiles after inflammatory challenge in a long-term rat model of Gulf War Illness
Cheng CH , Guan Y , Chiplunkar VP , Mortazavi F , Medalla ML , Sullivan K , O'Callaghan JP , Koo BB , Kelly KA , Michalovicz LT . Brain, Behav, Immun - Health 2024 42 Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a disorder experienced by many veterans of the 1991 Gulf War, with symptoms including fatigue, chronic pain, respiratory and memory problems. Exposure to toxic chemicals during the war, such as oil well fire smoke, pesticides, physiological stress, and nerve agents, is thought to have triggered abnormal neuroinflammatory responses that contribute to GWI. Previous studies have examined the acute effects of combined physiological stress and chemical exposures using GWI rodent models and presented findings related to neuroinflammation and changes in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures, suggesting a neuroimmune basis for GWI. In the current study, using ex vivo MRI, cytokine mRNA expression, and immunohistological analyses of brain tissues, we examined the brain structure and immune function of a chronic rat model of GWI. Our data showed that a combination of long-term corticosterone treatment (to mimic high physiological stress) and diisopropyl fluorophosphate exposure (to mimic sarin exposure) primed the response to subsequent systemic immune challenge with lipopolysaccharide resulting in elevations of multiple cytokine mRNAs, an increased activated glial population, and disrupted brain microstructure in the cingulate cortex and hippocampus compared to control groups. Our findings support the critical role of neuroinflammation, dysregulated glial activation, and their relationship to disrupted brain microstructural integrity in the pathophysiology of GWI and highlight the unique consequences of long-term combined exposures on brain biochemistry and structural connectivity. © 2024 |
Epigenetic analysis in a murine genetic model of Gulf War illness
Mozhui K , O'Callaghan JP , Ashbrook DG , Prins P , Zhao W , Lu L , Jones BC . Front Toxicol 2023 5 1162749 ![]() Of the nearly 1 million military personnel who participated in the 1990-1991 Gulf War, between 25% and 35% became ill with what now is referred to as Gulf War Illness (GWI) by the Department of Defense. Symptoms varied from gastrointestinal distress to lethargy, memory loss, inability to concentrate, depression, respiratory, and reproductive problems. The symptoms have persisted for 30 years in those afflicted but the basis of the illness remains largely unknown. Nerve agents and other chemical exposures in the war zone have been implicated but the long-term effects of these acute exposures have left few if any identifiable signatures. The major aim of this study is to elucidate the possible genomic basis for the persistence of symptoms, especially of the neurological and behavioral effects. To address this, we performed a whole genome epigenetic analysis of the proposed cause of GWI, viz., exposure to organophosphate neurotoxicants combined with high circulating glucocorticoids in two inbred mouse strains, C57BL/6J and DBA/2J. The animals received corticosterone in their drinking water for 7 days followed by injection of diisopropylfluorophosphate, a nerve agent surrogate. Six weeks after DFP injection, the animals were euthanized and medial prefrontal cortex harvested for genome-wide DNA methylation analysis using high-throughput sequencing. We observed 67 differentially methylated genes, notably among them, Ttll7, Akr1c14, Slc44a4, and Rusc2, all related to different symptoms of GWI. Our results support proof of principle of genetic differences in the chronic effects of GWI-related exposures and may reveal why the disease has persisted in many of the now aging Gulf War veterans. |
Paraquat Toxicogenetics: Strain-Related Reduction of Tyrosine Hydroxylase Staining in Substantia Nigra in Mice.
Torres-Rojas C , Zhao W , Zhuang D , O'Callaghan JP , Lu L , Mulligan MK , Williams RW , Jones BC . Front Toxicol 2021 3 722518 ![]() Paraquat (PQ) is a putative risk factor for the development of sporadic Parkinson's disease. To model a possible genetic basis for individual differences in susceptibility to exposure to PQ, we recently examined the effects of paraquat on tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-containing neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) of six members of the BXD family of mice (n = 2-6 per strain). We injected males with 5 mg/kg paraquat weekly three times. The density of TH+ neurons counted by immunocytochemistry at 200x in eight or more sections through the SNc is reduced in five of the six strains relative to control (N = 4 ± 2 mice per strain). TH+ loss ranged from 0 to 20% with an SEM of 1%. The heritability was estimated using standard ANOVA and jackknife resampling and is 0.37 ± 0.05 in untreated animals and 0.47 ± 0.04 in treated animals. These results demonstrate genetic modulation and GxE variation in susceptibility to PQ exposure and the loss of TH staining in the substantia nigra. |
A pilot reverse virtual screening study suggests toxic exposures caused long-term epigenetic changes in Gulf War Illness.
Jean-Pierre M , Michalovicz LT , Kelly KA , O'Callaghan JP , Nathanson L , Klimas N , JACraddock T . Comput Struct Biotechnol J 2022 20 6206-6213 ![]() Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a chronic illness that affects upward of 32% of deployed Veterans to the 1991 Gulf War (GW). The symptoms are medically unexplained, ranging across cognitive deficits, fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, and musculoskeletal pain. Research indicates that chemical warfare agents play a key role in the onset and progression of GWI. The Khamisiyah ammunition storage that housed chemical warfare agents such as sarin, an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor, was demolished during the GW, releasing toxicants into the atmosphere affecting deployed troops. Exposure to other chemical agents such as pyridostigmine bromide, N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide, permethrin and chlorpyrifos, were also prevalent during the war. These additional chemical agents have also been shown to inhibit AChE. AChE inhibition induces an acetylcholine build-up, disrupting signals between nerves and muscles, which in high doses leads to asphyxiation. Little is known about low dose exposure. As bioactive compounds tend to interact with multiple proteins with various physiological effect, we aimed to identify other potential shared targets to understand the extent in which these chemicals could lead to GWI. We followed a reverse screening approach where each chemical is computationally docked to a library of protein targets. The programs PharmMapper and TargetNet were used for this purpose, and further analyses were conducted to mark significant changes in participants with GWI. Previously published work on DNA methylation status in GWI was reanalyzed focusing specifically on the predicted shared targets indicating significant changes in DNA methylation of the associated genes. Our findings thus suggest that exposure to GWI-related agents may converge on similar targets with roles in inflammation, neurotransmitter and lipid metabolism, and detoxification which may have impacts on neurodegenerative-like disease and oxidative stress in Veterans with GWI. |
Genomic Basis for Individual Differences in Susceptibility to the Neurotoxic Effects of Diesel Exhaust.
No , l A , Ashbrook DG , Xu F , Cormier SA , Lu L , O'Callaghan JP , Menon SK , Zhao W , Penn AL , Jones BC . Int J Mol Sci 2022 23 (20) 12461 ![]() Air pollution is a known environmental health hazard. A major source of air pollution includes diesel exhaust (DE). Initially, research on DE focused on respiratory morbidities; however, more recently, exposures to DE have been associated with neurological developmental disorders and neurodegeneration. In this study, we investigated the effects of sub-chronic inhalation exposure to DE on neuroinflammatory markers in two inbred mouse strains and both sexes, including whole transcriptome examination of the medial prefrontal cortex. We exposed aged male and female C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) mice to DE, which was cooled and diluted with HEPA-filtered compressed air for 2 h per day, 5 days a week, for 4 weeks. Control animals were exposed to HEPA-filtered air on the same schedule as DE-exposed animals. The prefrontal cortex was harvested and analyzed for proinflammatory cytokine gene expression (Il1ß, Il6, Tnfa) and transcriptome-wide response by RNA-seq. We observed differential cytokine gene expression between strains and sexes in the DE-exposed vs. control-exposed groups for Il1ß, Tnfa, and Il6. For RNA-seq, we identified 150 differentially expressed genes between air and DE treatment related to natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity per Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways. Overall, our data show differential strain-related effects of DE on neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity and demonstrate that B6 are more susceptible than D2 to gene expression changes due to DE exposures than D2. These results are important because B6 mice are often used as the default mouse model for DE studies and strain-related effects of DE neurotoxicity warrant expanded studies. |
Advancing the Role of Neuroimmunity and Genetic Susceptibility in Gulf War Illness.
Sullivan K , O'Callaghan JP . Brain Sci 2022 12 (8) ![]() Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a chronic multi-symptom disorder affecting as many as 30% of veterans of the 1991 Gulf War [...]. |
The -adrenergic receptor blocker and anti-inflammatory drug propranolol mitigates brain cytokine expression in a long-term model of Gulf War Illness
Michalovicz LT , Kelly KA , Miller DB , Sullivan K , O'Callaghan JP . Life Sci 2021 285 119962 AIMS: Growing evidence suggests that Gulf War Illness (GWI) is the result of underlying neuroimmune dysfunction. For example, previously we found that several GWI-relevant organophosphate acetylcholinesterase inhibitors produce heightened neuroinflammatory responses following subchronic exposure to stress hormone as a mimic of high physiological stress. The goal of the current study was to evaluate the potential for the β-adrenergic receptor inhibitor and anti-inflammatory drug, propranolol, to treat neuroinflammation in a novel long-term mouse model of GWI. MAIN METHODS: Adult male C57BL/6J mice received a subchronic exposure to corticosterone (CORT) at levels mimicking high physiological stress followed by exposure to the sarin surrogate, diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP). These mice were then re-exposed to CORT every other week for a total of five weeks, followed by a systemic immune challenge with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Animals receiving the propranolol treatment were given a single dose (20 mg/kg, i.p.) either four or 11 days prior to the LPS challenge. The potential anti-neuroinflammatory effects of propranolol were interrogated by analysis of cytokine mRNA expression. KEY FINDINGS: We found that our long-term GWI model produces a primed neuroinflammatory response to subsequent immune challenge that is dependent upon GWI-relevant organophosphate exposure. Propranolol treatment abrogated the elaboration of inflammatory cytokine mRNA expression in the brain instigated in our model, having no treatment effects in non-DFP exposed groups. SIGNIFICANCE: Our results indicate that propranolol may be a promising therapy for GWI with the potential to treat the underlying neuroinflammation associated with the illness. |
Boston biorepository, recruitment and integrative network (BBRAIN): A resource for the Gulf War Illness scientific community.
Keating D , Zundel CG , Abreu M , Krengel M , Aenlle K , Nichols D , Toomey R , Chao LL , Golier J , Abdullah L , Quinn E , Heeren T , Groh JR , Koo BB , Killiany R , Loggia ML , Younger J , Baraniuk J , Janulewicz P , Ajama J , Quay M , Baas PW , Qiang L , Conboy L , Kokkotou E , O'Callaghan JP , Steele L , Klimas N , Sullivan K . Life Sci 2021 284 119903 ![]() ![]() AIMS: Gulf War Illness (GWI), a chronic debilitating disorder characterized by fatigue, joint pain, cognitive, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and skin problems, is currently diagnosed by self-reported symptoms. The Boston Biorepository, Recruitment, and Integrative Network (BBRAIN) is the collaborative effort of expert Gulf War Illness (GWI) researchers who are creating objective diagnostic and pathobiological markers and recommend common data elements for GWI research. MAIN METHODS: BBRAIN is recruiting 300 GWI cases and 200 GW veteran controls for the prospective study. Key data and biological samples from prior GWI studies are being merged and combined into retrospective datasets. They will be made available for data mining by the BBRAIN network and the GWI research community. Prospective questionnaire data include general health and chronic symptoms, demographics, measures of pain, fatigue, medical conditions, deployment and exposure histories. Available repository biospecimens include blood, plasma, serum, saliva, stool, urine, human induced pluripotent stem cells and cerebrospinal fluid. KEY FINDINGS: To date, multiple datasets have been merged and combined from 15 participating study sites. These data and samples have been collated and an online request form for repository requests as well as recommended common data elements have been created. Data and biospecimen sample requests are reviewed by the BBRAIN steering committee members for approval as they are received. SIGNIFICANCE: The BBRAIN repository network serves as a much needed resource for GWI researchers to utilize for identification and validation of objective diagnostic and pathobiological markers of the illness. |
Reactive astrocyte nomenclature, definitions, and future directions.
Escartin C , Galea E , Lakatos A , O'Callaghan JP , Petzold GC , Serrano-Pozo A , Steinhäuser C , Volterra A , Carmignoto G , Agarwal A , Allen NJ , Araque A , Barbeito L , Barzilai A , Bergles DE , Bonvento G , Butt AM , Chen WT , Cohen-Salmon M , Cunningham C , Deneen B , De Strooper B , Díaz-Castro B , Farina C , Freeman M , Gallo V , Goldman JE , Goldman SA , Götz M , Gutiérrez A , Haydon PG , Heiland DH , Hol EM , Holt MG , Iino M , Kastanenka KV , Kettenmann H , Khakh BS , Koizumi S , Lee CJ , Liddelow SA , MacVicar BA , Magistretti P , Messing A , Mishra A , Molofsky AV , Murai KK , Norris CM , Okada S , Oliet SHR , Oliveira JF , Panatier A , Parpura V , Pekna M , Pekny M , Pellerin L , Perea G , Pérez-Nievas BG , Pfrieger FW , Poskanzer KE , Quintana FJ , Ransohoff RM , Riquelme-Perez M , Robel S , Rose CR , Rothstein JD , Rouach N , Rowitch DH , Semyanov A , Sirko S , Sontheimer H , Swanson RA , Vitorica J , Wanner IB , Wood LB , Wu J , Zheng B , Zimmer ER , Zorec R , Sofroniew MV , Verkhratsky A . Nat Neurosci 2021 24 (3) 312-325 ![]() Reactive astrocytes are astrocytes undergoing morphological, molecular, and functional remodeling in response to injury, disease, or infection of the CNS. Although this remodeling was first described over a century ago, uncertainties and controversies remain regarding the contribution of reactive astrocytes to CNS diseases, repair, and aging. It is also unclear whether fixed categories of reactive astrocytes exist and, if so, how to identify them. We point out the shortcomings of binary divisions of reactive astrocytes into good-vs-bad, neurotoxic-vs-neuroprotective or A1-vs-A2. We advocate, instead, that research on reactive astrocytes include assessment of multiple molecular and functional parameters-preferably in vivo-plus multivariate statistics and determination of impact on pathological hallmarks in relevant models. These guidelines may spur the discovery of astrocyte-based biomarkers as well as astrocyte-targeting therapies that abrogate detrimental actions of reactive astrocytes, potentiate their neuro- and glioprotective actions, and restore or augment their homeostatic, modulatory, and defensive functions. |
A role for neuroimmune signaling in a rat model of Gulf War Illness-related pain
Lacagnina MJ , Li J , Lorca S , Rice KC , Sullivan K , O'Callaghan JP , Grace PM . Brain Behav Immun 2020 91 418-428 More than a quarter of veterans of the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War suffer from Gulf War Illness (GWI), a chronic, multi-symptom illness that commonly includes musculoskeletal pain. Exposure to a range of toxic chemicals, including sarin nerve agent, are a suspected root cause of GWI. Moreover, such chemical exposures induce a neuroinflammatory response in rodents, which has been linked to several GWI symptoms in rodents and veterans with GWI. To date, a neuroinflammatory basis for pain associated with GWI has not been investigated. Here, we evaluated development of nociceptive hypersensitivity in a model of GWI. Male Sprague Dawley rats were treated with corticosterone in the drinking water for 7 days, to mimic high physiological stress, followed by a single injection of the sarin nerve agent surrogate, diisopropyl fluorophosphate. These exposures alone were insufficient to induce allodynia. However, an additional sub-threshold challenge (a single intramuscular injection of pH 4 saline) induced long-lasting, bilateral allodynia. Such allodynia was associated with elevation of markers for activated microglia/macrophages (CD11b) and astrocytes/satellite glia (GFAP) in the lumbar dorsal spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Additionally, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) mRNA was elevated in the lumbar dorsal spinal cord, while IL-1β and IL-6 were elevated in the lumbar dorsal spinal cord, DRG, and gastrocnemius muscle. Demonstrating a casual role for such neuroinflammatory signaling, allodynia was reversed by treatment with either minocycline, the TLR4 inhibitor (+)-naltrexone, or IL-10 plasmid DNA. Together, these results point to a role for neuroinflammation in male rats in the model of musculoskeletal pain related to GWI. Therapies that alleviate persistent immune dysregulation may be a strategy to treat pain and other symptoms of GWI. |
Genome-wide Transcriptome Architecture in a Mouse Model of Gulf War Illness.
Xu F , Ashbrook DG , Gao J , Starlard-Davenport A , Zhao W , Miller DB , O'Callaghan JP , Williams RW , Jones BC , Lu L . Brain Behav Immun 2020 89 209-223 ![]() Gulf War Illness (GWI) is thought to be a chronic neuroimmune disorder caused by in-theater exposure during the 1990-1991 Gulf War. There is a consensus that the illness is caused by exposure to insecticides and nerve agent toxicants. However, the heterogeneity in both development of disease and clinical outcomes strongly suggests a genetic contribution. Here, we modeled GWI in 30 BXD recombinant inbred strains with a combined treatment of corticosterone (CORT) and diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP). We quantified transcriptomes from 409 prefrontal cortex samples. Compared to the untreated and DFP treated controls. The combined treatment significantly activated pathways such as cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction and TNF signaling pathway. Protein-protein interaction analysis defined 6 subnetworks for CORT+DFP, with the key regulators being Cxcl1, Il6, Ccnb1, Tnf, Agt, and Itgam. We also identified 21 differentially expressed genes having significant QTLs related to CORT+DFP, but without evidence for untreated and DFP treated controls, suggesting regions of the genome specifically involved in the response to CORT+DFP. We identified Adamts9 as a potential contributor to response to CORT+DFP and found links to symptoms of GWI. Furthermore, we observed a significant effect of CORT+DFP treatment on the relative proportion of myelinating oligodendrocytes, with a QTL on Chr5. We highlight three candidates, Magi2, Sema3c, and Gnai1, based on their high expression in the brain and oligodendrocyte. In summary, our results show significant genetic effects of the CORT+DFP treatment, which mirrors gene and protein expression changes seen in GWI sufferers, providing insight into the disease and a testbed for future interventions. |
Systems genetics and systems biology analysis of paraquat neurotoxicity in BXD recombinant inbred mice.
Torres-Rojas C , Zhuang D , Jimenez-Carrion P , Silva I , O'Callaghan JP , Lu L , Zhao W , Mulligan MK , Williams RW , Jones BC . Toxicol Sci 2020 176 (1) 137-146 ![]() Paraquat (PQ) is an herbicide used in many countries, including the USA. It is also implicated as a risk factor for sporadic Parkinson's disease (sPD), especially in those living in agricultural areas and drinking well water. Studies linking PQ to sPD are not consistent however and there appears to be inter-individual differential susceptibility. One likely reason is genetically based differential susceptibility to paraquat neurotoxicity in sub-populations. To address this issue, we tested the effects of paraquat in a genetic reference population of mice (the BXD recombinant inbred strain family). In our earlier work, we showed that in genetically susceptible mice, paraquat increases iron in the ventral midbrain, the area containing the substantia nigra. Our hypothesis is that genetic variability contributes to diverse PQ-related susceptibility and iron concentration. To test this hypothesis, we treated male mice from 28-39 BXD strains plus the parental strains with one of 3 doses of paraquat, 1, 5 and 10 mg/kg three times on a weekly basis. At the end of the treatment period, we analyzed the ventral midbrain for concentrations of iron, copper, and zinc, also we measured the concentration of paraquat in cerebellum, and proinflammatory cytokines in serum and cerebellum. The effect on paraquat treated mice with 5 mg/kg and principal component analysis of iron showed suggestive QTL on chromosome 5. Overall, our results suggest that gene Prkag2 and related networks may serve as potential targets against paraquat toxicity and demonstrate the utility of genetically diverse mouse models for the study of complex human toxicity. |
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor exposures as an initiating factor in the development of Gulf War Illness, a chronic neuroimmune disorder in deployed veterans
Michalovicz LT , Kelly KA , Sullivan K , O'Callaghan JP . Neuropharmacology 2020 171 108073 Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a chronic multi-symptom disorder, characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, pain, cognitive and memory impairment, respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems, that is experienced by approximately one-third of 1991 Gulf War veterans. Over the nearly three decades since the end of the war, investigators have worked to elucidate the initiating factors and underlying causes of GWI. A significant portion of this research has indicated a strong correlation between GWI and exposure to a number of different acetycholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) in theater, such as sarin and cyclosarin nerve agents, chlorpyrifos and dichlorvos pesticides, and the anti-nerve agent prophylactic pyridostigmine bromide. Through studying these exposures and their relationship to the symptoms presented by ill veterans, it has become increasingly apparent that GWI is the likely result of an underlying neuroimmune disorder. While evidence indicates that AChEIs are a key exposure in the development of GWI, particularly organophosphate AChEIs, the mechanism(s) by which these chemicals instigate illness appears to be related to "off-target", non-cholinergic effects. In this review, we will discuss the role of AChEI exposure in the development and persistence of GWI; in particular, how these chemicals, combined with other exposures, have led to a chronic neuroimmune disorder. |
Modeling the Genetic Basis of Individual Differences in Susceptibility to Gulf War Illness.
Jones BC , Miller DB , Lu L , Zhao W , Ashbrook DG , Xu F , Mulligan MK , Williams RW , Zhuang D , Torres-Rojas C , O'Callaghan JP . Brain Sci 2020 10 (3) ![]() Between 25% and 30% of the nearly one million military personnel who participated in the 1991 Persian Gulf War became ill with chronic symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal to nervous system dysfunction. This disorder is now referred to as Gulf War Illness (GWI) and the underlying pathophysiology has been linked to exposure-based neuroinflammation caused by organophosphorous (OP) compounds coupled with high circulating glucocorticoids. In a mouse model of GWI we developed, corticosterone was shown to act synergistically with an OP (diisopropylflurophosphate) to dramatically increase proinflammatory cytokine gene expression in the brain. Because not all Gulf War participants became sick, the question arises as to whether differential genetic constitution might underlie individual differences in susceptibility. To address this question of genetic liability, we tested the impact of OP and glucocorticoid exposure in a genetic reference population of 30 inbred mouse strains. We also studied both sexes. The results showed wide differences among strains and overall that females were less sensitive to the combined treatment than males. Furthermore, we identified one OP-glucocorticoid locus and nominated a candidate gene-Spon1-that may underlie the marked differences in response. |
Microglial activation and responses to vasculature that result from an acute LPS exposure
Bowyer JF , Sarkar S , Burks SM , Hess JN , Tolani S , O'Callaghan JP , Hanig JP . Neurotoxicology 2020 77 181-192 Bacterial cell wall endotoxins, i.e. lipopolysaccharides (LPS), are some of the original compounds shown to evoke the classic signs of systemic inflammation/innate immune response and neuroinflammation. The term neuroinflammation often is used to infer the elaboration of proinflammatory mediators by microglia elicited by neuronal targeted activity. However, it also is possible that the microglia are responding to vasculature through several signaling mechanisms. Microglial activation relative to the vasculature in the hippocampus and parietal cortex was determined after an acute exposure of a single subcutaneous injection of 2 mg/kg LPS. Antibodies to allograft inflammatory factor (Aif1, a.k.a. Iba1) were used to track and quantify morphological changes in microglia. Immunostaining of platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (Pecam1, a.k.a. Cd31) was used to visualize vasculature in the forebrain and glial acidic fibrillary protein (GFAP) to visualize astrocytes. Neuroinflammation and other aspects of neurotoxicity were evaluated histologically at 3 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, 3 d and 14 d following LPS exposure. LPS did not cause neurodegeneration as determined by Fluoro Jade C labeling. Also, there were no signs of mouse IgG leakage from brain vasculature due to LPS. Some changes in microglia size occurred at 6 h, but by 12 h microglial activation had begun with the combined soma and proximal processes size increasing significantly (1.5-fold). At 24 h, almost all the microglia soma and proximal processes in the hippocampus, parietal cortex, and thalamus were closely associated with the vasculature and had increased almost 2.0-fold in size. In many areas where microglia were juxtaposed to vasculature, astrocytic endfeet appeared to be displaced. The microglial activation had subsided slightly by 3 d with microglial size 1.6-fold that of control. We hypothesize that acute LPS activation can result in vascular mediated microglial responses through several mechanisms: 1) binding to Cd14 and Tlr4 receptors on microglia processes residing on vasculature; 2) damaging vasculature and causing the release of cytokines; and 3) possibly astrocytic endfeet damage resulting in cytokine release. These acute responses may serve as an adaptive mechanism to exposure to circulating LPS where the microglia surround the vasculature. This could further prevent the pathogen(s) circulating in blood from entering the brain. However, diverting microglial interactions away from synaptic remodeling and other types of microglial interactions with neurons may have adverse effects on neuronal function. |
Inhibition of calcium-calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase (PDE1) suppresses inflammatory responses
O'Brien JJ , O'Callaghan JP , Miller DB , Chalgeri S , Wennogle LP , Davis RE , Snyder GL , Hendrick JP . Mol Cell Neurosci 2019 102 103449 A novel, potent, and highly specific inhibitor of calcium-calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterases (PDE) of the PDE1 family, ITI-214, was used to investigate the role of PDE1 in inflammatory responses. ITI-214 dose-dependently suppressed lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in an immortalized murine microglial cell line, BV2 cells. RNA profiling (RNA-Seq) was used to analyze the impact of ITI-214 on the BV2 cell transcriptome in the absence and the presence of LPS. ITI-214 was found to regulate classes of genes that are involved in inflammation and cell migration responses to LPS exposure. The gene expression changes seen with ITI-214 treatment were distinct from those elicited by inhibitors of other PDEs with anti-inflammatory activity (e.g., a PDE4 inhibitor), indicating a distinct mechanism of action for PDE1. Functionally, ITI-214 inhibited ADP-induced migration of BV2 cells through a P2Y12-receptor-dependent pathway, possibly due to increases in the extent of cAMP and VASP phosphorylation downstream of receptor activation. Importantly, this effect was recapitulated in P2 rat microglial cells in vitro, indicating that these pathways are active in native microglial cells. These studies are the first to demonstrate that inhibition of PDE1 exerts anti-inflammatory effects through effects on microglia signaling pathways. The ability of PDE1 inhibitors to prevent or dampen excessive inflammatory responses of BV2 cells and microglia provides a basis for exploring their therapeutic utility in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases associated with increased inflammation and microglia proliferation such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. |
Neuroinflammation disorders exacerbated by environmental stressors
O'Callaghan JP , Miller DB . Metabolism 2019 100S 153951 Neuroinflammation is a condition characterized by the elaboration of proinflammatory mediators within the central nervous system. Neuroinflammation has emerged as a dominant theme in contemporary neuroscience due to its association with neurodegenerative disease states such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease. While neuroinflammation often is associated with damage to the CNS, it also can occur in the absence of neurodegeneration, e. g., in association with systemic infection. The “acute phase” inflammatory response to tissue injury or infections instigates neuroinflammation-driven “sickness behavior,” i. e. a constellation of symptoms characterized by loss of appetite, fever, muscle pain, fatigue and cognitive problems. Typically, sickness behavior accompanies an inflammatory response that resolves quickly and serves to restore the body to homeostasis. However, recurring and sometimes chronic sickness behavior disorders can occur in the absence of an underlying cause or attendant neuropathology. Here, we review myalgic enchepalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), Gulf War Illness (GWI), and chemobrain as examples of such disorders and propose that they can be exacerbated and perhaps initiated by a variety of environmental stressors. Diverse environmental stressors may disrupt the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis and contribute to the degree and duration of a variety of neuroinflammation-driven diseases. |
Oligodendrocyte involvement in Gulf War Illness
Belgrad J , Dutta DJ , Bromley-Coolidge S , Kelly KA , Michalovicz LT , Sullivan KA , O'Callaghan JP , Fields RD . Glia 2019 67 (11) 2107-2124 Low level sarin nerve gas and other anti-cholinesterase agents have been implicated in Gulf War illness (GWI), a chronic multi-symptom disorder characterized by cognitive, pain and fatigue symptoms that continues to afflict roughly 32% of veterans from the 1990-1991 Gulf War. How disrupting cholinergic synaptic transmission could produce chronic illness is unclear, but recent research indicates that acetylcholine also mediates communication between axons and oligodendrocytes. Here we investigated the hypothesis that oligodendrocyte development is disrupted by Gulf War agents, by experiments using the sarin-surrogate acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP). The effects of corticosterone, which is used in some GWI animal models, were also investigated. The data show that DFP decreased both the number of mature and dividing oligodendrocytes in the rat prefrontal cortex (PFC), but differences were found between PFC and corpus callosum. The differences seen between the PFC and corpus callosum likely reflect the higher percentage of proliferating oligodendroglia in the adult PFC. In cell culture, DFP also decreased oligodendrocyte survival through a non-cholinergic mechanism. Corticosterone promoted maturation of oligodendrocytes, and when used in combination with DFP it had protective effects by increasing the pool of mature oligodendrocytes and decreasing proliferation. Cell culture studies indicate direct effects of both DFP and corticosterone on OPCs, and by comparison with in vivo results, we conclude that in addition to direct effects, systemic effects and interruption of neuron-glia interactions contribute to the detrimental effects of GW agents on oligodendrocytes. Our results demonstrate that oligodendrocytes are an important component of the pathophysiology of GWI. |
Astrocyte-specific transcriptome analysis using the ALDH1L1 bacTRAP mouse reveals novel biomarkers of astrogliosis in response to neurotoxicity
Michalovicz LT , Kelly KA , Vashishtha S , Ben-Hamo R , Efroni S , Miller JV , Locker AR , Sullivan K , Broderick G , Miller DB , O'Callaghan JP . J Neurochem 2019 150 (4) 420-440 Neurotoxicology is hampered by the inability to predict regional and cellular targets of toxicant-induced damage. Evaluating astrogliosis overcomes this problem because reactive astrocytes highlight the location of toxicant-induced damage. While enhanced expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein is a hallmark of astrogliosis, few other biomarkers have been identified. However, bacterial artificial chromosome, translating ribosome affinity purification (bacTRAP) technology allows for characterization of the actively translating transcriptome of a particular cell type; use of this technology in aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member L1 (ALDH1L1) bacTRAP mice can identify genes selectively expressed in astrocytes. The aim of this study was to characterize additional biomarkers of neurotoxicity-induced astrogliosis using ALDH1L1 bacTRAP mice. The known dopaminergic neurotoxicant 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP; 12.5 mg/kg s.c.) was used to induce astrogliosis. Striatal tissue was obtained 12, 24, and 48 hours following exposure for the isolation of actively translating RNA. Subsequently, MPTP-induced changes in this RNA pool were analyzed by microarray and 184 statistically significant, differentially expressed genes were identified. The data set was interrogated by gene ontology, pathway, and co-expression network analyses, which identified novel genes, as well as those with known immune and inflammatory functions. Using these analyses, we were directed to several genes associated with reactive astrocytes. Of these, TIMP1 and miR-147 were identified as candidate biomarkers due to their robust increased expression following both MPTP and trimethyl tin exposures. Thus, we have demonstrated that bacTRAP can be used to identify new biomarkers of astrogliosis and aid in the characterization of astrocyte phenotypes induced by toxicant exposures. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. |
A Logic Model of Neuronal-Glial Interaction Suggests Altered Homeostatic Regulation in the Perpetuation of Neuroinflammation.
Craddock TJA , Michalovicz LT , Kelly KA , Rice MA Jr , Miller DB , Klimas NG , Morris M , O'Callaghan JP , Broderick G . Front Cell Neurosci 2018 12 336 ![]() Aberrant inflammatory signaling between neuronal and glial cells can develop into a persistent sickness behavior-related disorders, negatively impacting learning, memory, and neurogenesis. While there is an abundance of literature describing these interactions, there still lacks a comprehensive mathematical model describing the complex feed-forward and feedback mechanisms of neural-glial interaction. Here we compile molecular and cellular signaling information from various studies and reviews in the literature to create a logically-consistent, theoretical model of neural-glial interaction in the brain to explore the role of neuron-glia homeostatic regulation in the perpetuation of neuroinflammation. Logic rules are applied to this connectivity diagram to predict the system's homeostatic behavior. We validate our model predicted homeostatic profiles against RNAseq gene expression profiles in a mouse model of stress primed neuroinflammation. A meta-analysis was used to calculate the significance of similarity between the inflammatory profiles of mice exposed to diisopropyl fluorophostphate (DFP) [with and without prior priming by the glucocorticoid stress hormone corticosterone (CORT)], with the equilibrium states predicted by the model, and to provide estimates of the degree of the neuroinflammatory response. Beyond normal homeostatic regulation, our model predicts an alternate self-perpetuating condition consistent with chronic neuroinflammation. RNAseq gene expression profiles from the cortex of mice exposed to DFP and CORT+DFP align with this predicted state of neuroinflammation, whereas the alignment to CORT alone was negligible. Simulations of putative treatment strategies post-exposure were shown to be theoretically capable of returning the system to a state of typically healthy regulation with broad-acting anti-inflammatory agents showing the highest probability of success. The results support a role for the brain's own homeostatic drive in perpetuating the chronic neuroinflammation associated with exposure to the organophosphate DFP, with and without CORT priming. The deviation of illness profiles from exact model predictions suggests the presence of additional factors or of lasting changes to the brain's regulatory circuitry specific to each exposure. |
Corticosterone and pyridostigmine/DEET exposure attenuate peripheral cytokine expression: supporting a dominant role for neuroinflammation in a mouse model of Gulf War Illness
Michalovicz LT , Locker AR , Kelly KA , Miller JV , Barnes Z , Fletcher MA , Miller DB , Klimas NG , Morris M , Lasley SM , O'Callaghan JP . Neurotoxicology 2018 70 26-32 Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a chronic multi-symptom disorder experienced by as many as a third of the veterans of the 1991 Gulf War; the constellation of "sickness behavior" symptoms observed in ill veterans is suggestive of a neuroimmune involvement. Various chemical exposures and conditions in theater have been implicated in the etiology of the illness. Previously, we found that GW-related organophosphates (OPs), such as the sarin surrogate, DFP, and chlorpyrifos, cause neuroinflammation. The combination of these exposures with exogenous corticosterone (CORT), mimicking high physiological stress, exacerbates the observed neuroinflammation. The potential relationship between the effects of OPs and CORT on the brain versus inflammation in the periphery has not been explored. Here, using our established GWI mouse model, we investigated the effects of CORT and DFP exposure, with or without a chronic application of pyridostigmine bromide (PB) and N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET), on cytokines in the liver and serum. While CORT primed DFP-induced neuroinflammation, this effect was largely absent in the periphery. Moreover, the changes found in the peripheral tissues do not correlate with the previously reported neuroinflammation. These results not only support GWI as a neuroimmune disorder, but also highlight the separation between central and peripheral effects of these exposures. |
The neuroinflammatory phenotype in a mouse model of Gulf War Illness is unrelated to brain regional levels of acetylcholine as measured by quantitative HILIC-UPLC-MS/MS
Miller JV , LeBouf RF , Kelly KA , Michalovicz LT , Ranpara A , Locker AR , Miller DB , O'Callaghan JP . Toxicol Sci 2018 165 (2) 302-313 Many veterans of the 1991 Persian Gulf War (GW) returned with a chronic multisymptom illness that has been termed Gulf War Illness (GWI). Previous GWI studies have suggested that exposure to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) in theater, such as sarin and/or pesticides, may have contributed to the symptomatology of GWI. Additionally, concomitant high physiological stress experienced during the war may have contributed to the initiation of the GWI phenotype. While inhibition of AChE leading to accumulation of acetylcholine (ACh) will activate the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway, the signature symptomatology of GWI has been shown to be associated with neuroinflammation. To investigate the relationship between ACh and neuroinflammation in discrete brain regions, we used our previously established mouse model of GWI, which combines an exposure to a high physiological stress mimic, corticosterone (CORT), with GW-relevant AChEIs. The AChEIs used in this study were diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), chlorpyrifos oxon (CPO), and physostigmine (PHY). After AChEI exposure, ACh concentrations for cortex (CTX), hippocampus (HIP), and striatum (STR) were determined using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) with ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)-tandem-mass spectrometry (MS/MS). CORT pretreatment ameliorated the DFP-induced ACh increase in HIP and STR, but not CTX. CORT pretreatment did not significantly alter ACh levels for CPO and PHY. Further analysis of STR neuroinflammatory biomarkers revealed an exacerbated CORT+AChEI response, which does not correspond to measured brain ACh. By utilizing this new analytical method for discrete brain region analysis of ACh, this work suggests the exacerbated neuroinflammatory effects in our mouse model of GWI are not driven by the accumulation of brain region-specific ACh. |
Epigenetic impacts of stress priming of the neuroinflammatory response to sarin surrogate in mice: a model of Gulf War illness.
Ashbrook DG , Hing B , Michalovicz LT , Kelly KA , Miller JV , de Vega WC , Miller DB , Broderick G , O'Callaghan JP , McGowan PO . J Neuroinflammation 2018 15 (1) 86 ![]() BACKGROUND: Gulf War illness (GWI) is an archetypal, medically unexplained, chronic condition characterised by persistent sickness behaviour and neuroimmune and neuroinflammatory components. An estimated 25-32% of the over 900,000 veterans of the 1991 Gulf War fulfil the requirements of a GWI diagnosis. It has been hypothesised that the high physical and psychological stress of combat may have increased vulnerability to irreversible acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors leading to a priming of the neuroimmune system. A number of studies have linked high levels of psychophysiological stress and toxicant exposures to epigenetic modifications that regulate gene expression. Recent research in a mouse model of GWI has shown that pre-exposure with the stress hormone corticosterone (CORT) causes an increase in expression of specific chemokines and cytokines in response to diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), a sarin surrogate and irreversible AChE inhibitor. METHODS: C57BL/6J mice were exposed to CORT for 4 days, and exposed to DFP on day 5, before sacrifice 6 h later. The transcriptome was examined using RNA-seq, and the epigenome was examined using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing and H3K27ac ChIP-seq. RESULTS: We show transcriptional, histone modification (H3K27ac) and DNA methylation changes in genes related to the immune and neuronal system, potentially relevant to neuroinflammatory and cognitive symptoms of GWI. Further evidence suggests altered proportions of myelinating oligodendrocytes in the frontal cortex, perhaps connected to white matter deficits seen in GWI sufferers. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings may reflect the early changes which occurred in GWI veterans, and we observe alterations in several pathways altered in GWI sufferers. These close links to changes seen in veterans with GWI indicates that this model reflects the environmental exposures related to GWI and may provide a model for biomarker development and testing future treatments. |
Prior exposure to corticosterone markedly enhances and prolongs the neuroinflammatory response to systemic challenge with LPS
Kelly KA , Michalovicz LT , Miller JV , Castranova V , Miller DB , O'Callaghan JP . PLoS One 2018 13 (1) e0190546 Systemic exposure to the inflammagen and bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been widely used to evaluate inflammation and sickness behavior. While many inflammatory conditions occur in the periphery, it is well established that peripheral inflammation can affect the brain. Neuroinflammation, the elaboration of proinflammatory mediators in the CNS, commonly is associated with behavioral symptoms (e.g., lethargy, anhedonia, anorexia, depression, etc.) termed sickness behavior. Stressors have been shown to interact with and alter neuroinflammatory responses and associated behaviors. Here, we examined the effects of the stress hormone, corticosterone (CORT), as a stressor mimic, on neuroinflammation induced with a single injection (2mg/kg, s.c.) or inhalation exposure (7.5 mug/m3) of LPS or polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (PIC; 12mg/kg, i.p.) in adult male C57BL/6J mice. CORT was given in the drinking water (200 mg/L) for 1 week or every other week for 90 days followed by LPS. Proinflammatory cytokine expression (TNFalpha, IL-6, CCL2, IL-1beta, LIF, and OSM) was measured by qPCR. The activation of the neuroinflammation downstream signaling activator, STAT3, was assessed by immunoblot of pSTAT3Tyr705. The presence of astrogliosis was assessed by immunoassay of GFAP. Acute exposure to LPS caused brain-wide neuroinflammation without producing astrogliosis; exposure to CORT for 1 week caused marked exacerbation of the LPS-induced neuroinflammation. This neuroinflammatory "priming" by CORT was so pronounced that sub-neuroinflammatory exposures by inhalation instigated neuroinflammation when paired with prior CORT exposure. This effect also was extended to another common inflammagen, PIC (a viral mimic). Furthermore, a single week of CORT exposure maintained the potential for priming for 30 days, while intermittent exposure to CORT for up to 90 days synergistically primed the LPS-induced neuroinflammatory response. These findings highlight the possibility for an isolated inflammatory event to be exacerbated by a temporally distant stressful stimulus and demonstrates the potential for recurrent stress to greatly aggravate chronic inflammatory disorders. |
Advancing the Role of Neuroimmunity and Genetic Susceptibility in Gulf War Illness.
O'Callaghan JP , Michalovicz LT , Miller JV , Kelly KA . EBioMedicine 2017 26 11-12 ![]() Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a chronic multi-symptom illness that has affected veterans of the 1991 Persian Gulf War for over two decades. Recently, research into GWI has greatly expanded, including investigations into potential initiating stimuli and conditions, current pathobiology, and promising treatments for this population of ill veterans. As the field of GWI research grows, it is important for researchers to further characterize and expand upon prior findings in order to bring the field closer to a comprehensive understanding of GWI and to develop therapies that treat the illness itself, not just its symptoms. | While the cause (s) of GWI remain largely unknown, most research supports a role for chemical exposures in theater (White et al., 2015) that initiate a protracted, largely neuroimmune-based disorder. Furthermore, the observation that a subset of veterans developed GWI, while nearly all soldiers were likely exposed to some combination of toxicants in theater, strongly supports the hypothesis that veterans with GWI may harbor some specific genetic-susceptibility. In the most recent publication from the Georgopoulos group, James et al. (2017) expand upon several of their previous studies verifying the protective role of HLA alleles related to brain function (Georgopoulos et al., 2015, James et al., 2016) in the observed subcortical brain atrophy associated with GWI (Christova et al., 2017). Here, James et al.’s (2017) evaluation of subcortical brain volumes in Gulf War veterans supported the suspected protective effect of the HLA class II allele DRB1*13:02 by finding a significantly higher subcortical volume in carriers of this allele. A hypothesis is presented that GWI is the result of persistent antigenicity resulting from the presentation of “novel” brain antigens following toxicant exposure. For example, exposure to acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibiting organophosphate compounds is well-studied as a potential initiator for GWI. In these models, there is the potential for either irreversibly phosphorylated, or “aged,” AChE or, as recently presented by Locker et al. (2017), the persistent “organophosphorylation” of neuroimmune-related targets to serve as a persistent antigen. Additionally, the presence of “auto-antibodies” against several neural proteins in the sera of veterans with GWI (Abou-Donia et al., 2017) suggests that changes in the brain following in-theater exposures has resulted in the release of brain antigens that have stimulated an immune response. Moreover, the extreme stress experienced in theater, which has been demonstrated to enhance the acute neuroinflammatory response to chemical toxicants (O'Callaghan et al., 2015, Locker et al., 2017), has the potential to perpetuate a persistent immune hypersensitivity to any potential GWI-related antigen (see Dhabhar and McEwen, 1996). The work presented in James et al. (2017) links these GWI studies to a potential mechanism involving genetic susceptibility based upon deficient antigen presentation facilitated by HLA class II allele genotype. |
Corticosterone and exogenous glucose alter blood glucose levels, neurotoxicity, and vascular toxicity produced by methamphetamine
Bowyer JF , Tranter KM , Sarkar S , George NI , Hanig JP , Kelly KA , Michalovicz LT , Miller DB , O'Callaghan JP . J Neurochem 2017 143 (2) 198-213 Our previous studies have raised the possibility that altered blood glucose levels may influence and/or be predictive of methamphetamine (METH) neurotoxicity. This study evaluated the effects of exogenous glucose and corticosterone (CORT) pretreatment alone or in combination with METH on blood glucose levels and the neural and vascular toxicity produced. METH exposure consisted of four sequential injections of 5, 7.5, 10, and 10 mg/kg (2h between injections) D-METH. The three groups given METH in combination with saline, glucose (METH+Glucose), or CORT (METH+CORT) had significantly higher glucose levels compared to the corresponding treatment groups without METH except at 3 h after the last injection. At this last time point, the METH and METH+Glucose groups had lower levels than the non-METH groups, while the METH+CORT group did not. CORT alone or glucose alone did not significantly increase blood glucose. Mortality rates for the METH+CORT (40%) and METH+Glucose (44%) groups were substantially higher than the METH (< 10%) group. Additionally, METH+CORT significantly increased neurodegeneration above all other treatments ( approximately 2.5-fold in the parietal cortex). Thus, maintaining elevated levels of glucose during METH exposure increases lethality and may exacerbate neurodegeneration. Neuroinflammation, specifically microglial activation, was associated with degenerating neurons in the parietal cortex and thalamus after METH exposure. The activated microglia in the parietal cortex were surrounding vasculature in most cases and the extent of microglial activation was exacerbated by CORT pretreatment. Our findings implicate elevated blood levels of glucose and hyperthermia in METH-induced neurotoxicity, neurovascular damage, and lethality, and that acute elevation of CORT exacerbates both neurotoxicity and neuroinflammation. |
Corticosterone potentiates DFP-induced neuroinflammation and affects high-order diffusion imaging in a rat model of Gulf War Illness
Koo BB , Michalovicz LT , Calderazzo S , Kelly KA , Sullivan K , Killiany RJ , O'Callaghan JP . Brain Behav Immun 2017 67 42-46 Veterans of the 1991 Gulf War were potentially exposed to a variety of toxic chemicals, including sarin nerve agent and pesticides, which have been suspected to be involved in the development of Gulf War Illness (GWI). Several of these exposures cause a neuroinflammatory response in mice, which may serve as a basis for the sickness behavior-like symptoms seen in veterans with GWI. Furthermore, conditions mimicking the physiological stress experienced during the war can exacerbate this effect. While neuroinflammation has been observed post-exposure using animal models, it remains a challenge to evaluate neuroinflammation and its associated cellular and molecular changes in vivo in veterans with GWI. Here, we evaluated neuroimmune-associated alterations in intact brains, applying our existing GWI mouse model to rats, by exposing them to 4 days of corticosterone (CORT; 200 mg/L in the drinking water), to mimic high physiological stress, followed by a single injection of the sarin nerve agent surrogate, diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP; 1.5 mg/kg, i.p.). Then, we evaluated the neuroinflammatory responses using qPCR of cytokine mRNA and also examined brain structure with a novel high-order diffusion MRI. We found a CORT-enhancement of DFP-induced neuroinflammation, extending our mouse GWI model to the rat. High order diffusion MRI revealed different patterns among the different treatment groups. Particularly, while the CORT+DFP rats had more restricted spatial patterns in the hippocampus and the hypothalamus, the highest and most wide-spread differences were shown in DFP-treated rats compared to the controls in the thalamus, the amygdala, the piriform cortex and the ventral tegmental area. The association of these diffusion changes with neuroinflammatory cytokine expression indicates the potential for GW-relevant exposures to result in connectivity changes in the brain. By transferring this high order diffusion MRI into in vivo imaging in veterans with GWI, we can achieve further insights on the trajectories of the neuroimmune response over time and its impacts on behavior and potential neurological damage. |
Corticosterone primes the neuroinflammatory response to Gulf War Illness-relevant organophosphates independently of acetylcholinesterase inhibition
Locker AR , Michalovicz LT , Kelly KA , Miller JV , Miller DB , O'Callaghan JP . J Neurochem 2017 142 (3) 444-455 Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a chronic multi-symptom disorder affecting veterans of the 1991 Gulf War. Among the symptoms of GWI are those associated with sickness behavior, observations suggestive of underlying neuroinflammation. We have shown that exposure of mice to the stress hormone, corticosterone (CORT), and to diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), as a nerve agent mimic, results in marked neuroinflammation, findings consistent with a stress/neuroimmune basis of GWI. Here, we examined the contribution of irreversible and reversible acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors to neuroinflammation in our mouse model of GWI. Male C57BL/6J mice received four days of CORT (400 mg/L) in the drinking water followed by a single dose of chlorpyrifos (CPO; 8 mg/kg, i.p.), DFP (4 mg/kg, i.p.), pyridostigmine (PB; 3 mg/kg, i.p.), or physostigmine (PHY; 0.5 mg/kg, i.p.). CPO and DFP alone caused cortical and hippocampal neuroinflammation assessed by qPCR of TNF-alpha, IL-6, C-C chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2), IL-1beta, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and oncostatin M (OSM); CORT pretreatment markedly augmented these effects. Additionally, CORT exposure prior to DFP or CPO enhanced activation of the neuroinflammation signal transducer, STAT3. In contrast, PHY or PB alone or with CORT pretreatment did not produce neuroinflammation or STAT3 activation. While all of the CNS-acting AChE inhibitors (DFP, CPO, and PHY) decreased brain AChE activity, CORT pretreatment abrogated these effects for the irreversible inhibitors. Taken together, these findings suggest that irreversible AChE inhibitor-induced neuroinflammation and particularly its exacerbation by CORT, result from non-cholinergic effects of these compounds, pointing potentially to organophosphorylation of other neuroimmune targets. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. |
The combined effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and selected substituted methcathinones on measures of neurotoxicity
Miner NB , O'Callaghan JP , Phillips TJ , Janowsky A . Neurotoxicol Teratol 2017 61 74-81 The rise in popularity of substituted methcathinones (aka "bath salts") has increased the focus on their neurotoxic effects. Two commonly abused methcathinones, 3,4-methylenedioxymethcathinone (methylone, MDMC) and 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV), are often concomitantly ingested with the illicit drug 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). To examine potential neurotoxic effects of these drug combinations, C57BL/6J mice were administered 4 i.p. injection of the drugs, at 2h intervals, either singularly: MDMA 15 or 30mg/kg, methylone 20mg/kg, MDPV 1mg/kg; or in combination: methylone/MDMA 20/15mg/kg, MDPV/MDMA 1/15mg/kg. Drug effects on thermoregulation were characterized and striatal tissue analyzed after 2 or 7days for dopamine (DA) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) levels, as well as glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression. Two days following drug administration, DA and TH were decreased only in the MDMA 30mg/kg group, whereas GFAP expression was dose-dependently increased by MDMA alone. While the combination of the methcathinones with the lower MDMA dose did not affect DA or TH levels, both blocked the MDMA-induced increase in GFAP expression. Seven days following drug administration, there were no significant differences in DA, TH, or GFAP for any treatment group, indicating that changes in DA, TH, and GFAP were transient. Five of the six drug groups exhibited acute hypothermia followed by gradually increasing temperatures. Animals treated with MDPV did not exhibit these biphasic temperature changes, and resembled the saline group. These results indicate that specific effects of both methylone and MDPV on DA depletion or astrocyte activation in the striatum are not additive with effects of MDMA, but block astrogliosis caused by MDMA alone. Additionally, MDPV modulates thermoregulation through a different mechanism than methylone or MDMA. |
New horizons for focused ultrasound (FUS) - therapeutic applications in neurodegenerative diseases
Miller DB , O'Callaghan JP . Metabolism 2017 69S S3-S7 Access to the CNS and delivery of therapeutics across the blood-brain barrier remains a challenge for most treatments of major neurological diseases such as AD or PD. Focused ultrasound represents a potential approach for overcoming these barriers to treating AD and PD and perhaps other neurological diseases. Ultrasound (US) is best known for its imaging capabilities of organs in the periphery, but various arrangements of the transducers producing the acoustic signal allow the energy to be precisely focused (F) within the skull. Using FUS in combination with MRI and contrast agents further enhances accuracy by providing clear information on location. Varying the acoustic power allows FUS to be used in applications ranging from imaging, stimulation of brain circuits, to ablation of tissue. In several transgenic mouse models of AD, the use of FUS with microbubbles reduces plaque load and improves cognition and suggests the need to investigate this technology for plaque removal in AD. In PD, FUS is being explored as a way to non-invasively ablate the brain areas responsible for the tremor and dyskinesia associated with the disease, but has yet to be utilized for non-invasive delivery of putative therapeutics. The FUS approach also greatly increases the range of possible CNS therapeutics as it overcomes the issues of BBB penetration. In this review we discuss how the characteristics and various applications of FUS may advance the therapeutics available for treating or preventing neurodegenerative disorders with an emphasis on treating AD and PD. |
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