Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Nyika P[original query] |
Human papillomavirus vaccination coverage among adolescent boys and girls in the United States: A birth year cohort analysis of the National Immunization Survey-Teen, 2016-2022
Nyika P , Yankey D , Elam-Evans LD , Meyer S , Pingali C , Stokley S , Singleton JA . Vaccine 2024 44 126560 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination coverage among adolescents in the U.S. using birth cohort analysis. METHODS: We conducted a birth cohort analysis among adolescents born during 1999-2009 using National Immunization Survey-Teen (NIS-Teen), a random-digit dialed household telephone survey that also includes vaccination data from providers. We analyzed 131,553 records from 2016 to 2022 NIS-Teen data to determine: trends in coverage with ≥1 HPV vaccine dose before age 13 years and cumulative coverage from age 13-17 years; sociodemographic factors associated with HPV vaccination before age 13 years; missed HPV vaccination opportunities and the potential achievable coverage if opportunities were not missed; and trends in completion of HPV vaccination series. Regression analysis and Kaplan-Meier method provided the average percentage increase in coverage, and cumulative coverage from age 13-17 years stratified by birth cohorts, respectively. RESULTS: HPV vaccination initiation before age 13 years increased from 27.0 % among adolescents born in 1999 to 69.8 % among those born in 2009. Overall, cumulative percent with ≥1 HPV vaccine dose increased from 51.3 % before age 13 years to 74.9 % through age 17 years. Having a preventive visit at ages 11-12 years and being insured were associated with higher ≥1 HPV vaccine dose coverage. Among the 38,568 (29.3 %) adolescents unvaccinated for HPV, 31,513 (82.5 %) missed ≥1 HPV vaccination opportunity. The potential achievable coverage if opportunities were not missed was 94.8 %. Completion of HPV vaccination series before age 13 years increased from 10.3 % among adolescents born in 1999 to 42.2 % among those born in 2009. CONCLUSIONS: Coverage with ≥1 HPV vaccine dose increased by birth cohort among adolescents born 1999-2009 but remained suboptimal, especially among uninsured adolescents. Missed opportunities may be reduced by effective HPV vaccination implementation and uptake strategies and by administering all recommended vaccines during the same visit. |
Measles outbreak associated with a migrant shelter - Chicago, Illinois, February-May 2024
Gressick K , Nham A , Filardo TD , Anderson K , Black SR , Boss K , Chavez-Torres M , Daniel-Wayman S , Dejonge P , Faherty E , Funk M , Kerins J , Kim DY , Kittner A , Korban C , Pacilli M , Schultz A , Sloboda A , Zelencik S , Barnes A , Geltz JJ , Morgan J , Quinlan K , Reid H , Chatham-Stephens K , Lanzieri TM , Leung J , Lutz CS , Nyika P , Raines K , Ramachandran S , Rivera MI , Singleton J , Wang D , Rota PA , Sugerman D , Gretsch S , Borah BF . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (19) 424-429 Measles, a highly contagious respiratory virus with the potential to cause severe complications, hospitalization, and death, was declared eliminated from the United States in 2000; however, with ongoing global transmission, infections in the United States still occur. On March 7, 2024, the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) confirmed a case of measles in a male aged 1 year residing in a temporary shelter for migrants in Chicago. Given the congregate nature of the setting, high transmissibility of measles, and low measles vaccination coverage among shelter residents, measles virus had the potential to spread rapidly among approximately 2,100 presumed exposed shelter residents. CDPH immediately instituted outbreak investigation and response activities in collaboration with state and local health departments, health care facilities, city agencies, and shelters. On March 8, CDPH implemented active case-finding and coordinated a mass vaccination campaign at the affected shelter (shelter A), including vaccinating 882 residents and verifying previous vaccination for 784 residents over 3 days. These activities resulted in 93% measles vaccination coverage (defined as receipt of ≥1 recorded measles vaccine dose) by March 11. By May 13, a total of 57 confirmed measles cases associated with residing in or having contact with persons from shelter A had been reported. Most cases (41; 72%) were among persons who did not have documentation of measles vaccination and were considered unvaccinated. In addition, 16 cases of measles occurred among persons who had received ≥1 measles vaccine dose ≥21 days before first known exposure. This outbreak underscores the need to ensure high vaccination coverage among communities residing in congregate settings. |
Impact of HIV treat-all and complementary policies on ART linkage in 13 PEPFAR-supported African countries
Russell A , Verani AR , Pals S , Reagon VM , Alexander LN , Galloway ET , Mange MM , Kalimugogo P , Nyika P , Fadil YM , Aoko A , Asiimwe FM , Ikpeazu A , Kayira D , Letebele M , Maida A , Magesa D , Mutandi G , Mwila AC , Onotu D , Nkwoh KT , Wangari E . BMC Health Serv Res 2023 23 (1) 1151 BACKGROUND: In 2015, the World Health Organization recommended that all people living with HIV begin antiretroviral treatment (ART) regardless of immune status, a policy known as 'Treat-All to end AIDS', commonly referred to as Treat-All. Almost all low- and middle-income countries adopted this policy by 2019. This study describes how linkage to treatment of newly diagnosed persons changed between 2015 and 2018 and how complementary policies may have similarly increased linkage for 13 African countries. These countries adopted and implemented Treat-All policies between 2015 and 2018 and were supported by the U.S. Government's President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The focuses of this research were to understand 1) linkage rates to ART initiation before and after the adoption of Treat-All in each country; 2) how Treat-All implementation differed across these countries; and 3) whether complementary policies (including same-day treatment initiation, task-shifting, reduced ART visits, and reduced ART pickups) implemented around the same time may have increased ART linkage. METHODS: HIV testing and treatment data were collected by PEPFAR country programs in 13 African countries from 2015 to 2018. These countries were chosen based on the completeness of policy data and availability of program data during the study period. Program data were used to calculate proxy linkage rates. These rates were compared relative to the Treat All adoption period and the adoption of complementary policies. RESULTS: The 13 countries experienced an average increase in ART linkage of 29.3% over the entire study period. In examining individual countries, all but two showed increases in linkage to treatment immediately after Treat All adoption. Across all countries, those that had adopted four or more complementary policies showed an average increased linkage of 39.8% compared to 13.9% in countries with fewer than four complementary policies. CONCLUSIONS: Eleven of 13 country programs examined in this study demonstrated an increase in ART linkage after Treat-All policy adoption. Increases in linkage were associated with complementary policies. When exploring new public health policies, policymakers may consider which complementary policies might also help achieve the desired outcome of the public health policy. |
Cervical cancer screening positivity among women living with HIV in CDC-PEPFAR programs 2018-2022
McCormick LJ , Gutreuter S , Adeoye O , Alger SX , Amado C , Bay Z , Chirwa CM , Chituwo O , Correia D , Deus M , Dirlikov E , Efuntoye T , Gunde L , Kabaghe A , Kalamya JN , Lorenzoni C , Magesa D , Mate C , Mulokoshi T , Ninsiima JC , Nyangasi M , Nyika P , Pasipamire M , Ssali M , Tefera F , Torre LA , Urso M , Wandira R , Zemburuka B , Montandon M . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2023 94 (4) 301-307 BACKGROUND: The US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) aims to address the higher risk of cervical cancer among women living with HIV (WLHIV) by offering high quality screening services in the highest burden regions of the world. METHODS: We analyzed PEPFAR Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting data from CDC-supported sites in 13 countries in sub-Saharan Africa for WHLIV aged 15+ years who accessed cervical cancer screening services (mostly visual inspection, with ablative or excisional treatment offered for precancerous lesions), April 2018-March 2022. We calculated the positivity by age, country, and clinical visit type (first lifetime screen, or routine rescreening). We fitted negative binomial random-coefficient models of log-linear trends in time to estimate the probabilities of testing positive, and any temporal trends in positivity. RESULTS: Among the 2.8 million completed cancer screens, 5.4% identified precancerous lesions, and 0.8% were positive for suspected invasive cervical cancers (6.1% overall). The positivity rates declined over the study period among those women screening for cervical cancer for the first time, and among those women presenting to antiretroviral therapy (ART) clinics for routine rescreening. CONCLUSIONS: These positivity rates are lower than expectations set by the published literature. Further research is needed to determine if these lower rates are attributable to the high level of consistent ART use among these populations, and systematic program monitoring and quality assurance activities are essential to ensure WLHIV have access to the highest possible quality prevention services. |
Protecting the gains: analysis of HIV treatment and service delivery programme data and interventions implemented in 19 African countries during COVID-19.
Bachanas PJ , Chun HM , Mehta N , Aberle-Grasse J , Parris K , Sherlock MW , Lloyd S , Zeh C , Makwepa DK , Kapanda ML , Dokubo EK , Bonono L , Balachandra S , Ehui E , Fonjungo P , Nkoso AM , Mazibuko S , Okello VN , Tefera F , Getachew M , Katiku EM , Mulwa A , Asiimwe FM , Tarumbiswa TF , Auld AF , Nyirenda R , Dos Santos De Louvado AP , Gaspar I , Hong SY , Ashipala L , Obanubi C , Ikpeazu A , Musoni C , Yoboka E , Mthethwa S , Pinini Z , Bunga S , Rumunu J , Magesa DJ , Mutayoba B , Nelson LJ , Katureebe C , Agolory S , Mulenga LB , Nyika P , Mugurungi O , Ellerbrock T , Mitruka K . J Int AIDS Soc 2022 25 (11) e26033 INTRODUCTION: The potential disruption in antiretroviral therapy (ART) services in Africa at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic raised concern for increased morbidity and mortality among people living with HIV (PLHIV). We describe HIV treatment trends before and during the pandemic and interventions implemented to mitigate COVID-19 impact among countries supported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). METHODS: We analysed quantitative and qualitative data reported by 10,387 PEPFAR-CDC-supported ART sites in 19 African countries between October 2019 and March 2021. Trends in PLHIV on ART, new ART initiations and treatment interruptions were assessed. Viral load coverage (testing of eligible PLHIV) and viral suppression were calculated at select time points. Qualitative data were analysed to summarize facility- and community-based interventions implemented to mitigate COVID-19. RESULTS: The total number of PLHIV on ART increased quarterly from October 2019 (n = 7,540,592) to March 2021 (n = 8,513,572). The adult population (≥15 years) on ART increased by 14.0% (7,005,959-7,983,793), while the paediatric population (<15 years) on ART declined by 2.6% (333,178-324,441). However, the number of new ART initiations dropped between March 2020 and June 2020 by 23.4% for adults and 26.1% for children, with more rapid recovery in adults than children from September 2020 onwards. Viral load coverage increased slightly from April 2020 to March 2021 (75-78%) and viral load suppression increased from October 2019 to March 2021 (91-94%) among adults and children combined. The most reported interventions included multi-month dispensing (MMD) of ART, community service delivery expansion, and technology and virtual platforms use for client engagement and site-level monitoring. MMD of ≥3 months increased from 52% in October 2019 to 78% of PLHIV ≥ age 15 on ART in March 2021. CONCLUSIONS: With an overall increase in the number of people on ART, HIV programmes proved to be resilient, mitigating the impact of COVID-19. However, the decline in the number of children on ART warrants urgent investigation and interventions to prevent further losses experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic and future public health emergencies. |
The rollout of Community ART Refill Groups in Zimbabwe: a qualitative evaluation
Bochner AF , Meacham E , Mhungu N , Manyanga P , Petracca F , Muserere C , Gonese G , Makunike B , Wazara B , Gwanzura C , Nyika P , Levine R , Mutasa-Apollo T , Balachandra S , Wiktor SZ . J Int AIDS Soc 2019 22 (8) e25393 INTRODUCTION: Community ART Refill Groups (CARGs) are an antiretroviral therapy (ART) delivery model where clients voluntarily form into groups, and a group member visits the clinic to collect ART for all group members. In late 2016, Zimbabwe began a nationwide rollout of the CARG model. We conducted a qualitative evaluation to assess the perceived effects of this new national service delivery model. METHODS: In March-June 2018, we visited ten clinics implementing the CARG model across five provinces of Zimbabwe and conducted a focus group discussion with healthcare workers and in-depth interviews with three ART clients per clinic. Clinics had implemented the CARG model for approximately one year. All discussions were audio recorded, transcribed, and translated into English, and thematic coding was performed by two independent analysts. RESULTS: In focus groups, healthcare workers described that CARGs made ART distribution faster and facilitated client tracking in the community. They explained that their reduced workload allowed them to provide better care to those clients who did visit the clinic, and they felt that the CARG model should be sustained in the future. CARG members reported that by decreasing the frequency of clinic visits, CARGs saved them time and money, reducing previous barriers to collecting ART and improving adherence. CARG members also valued the emotional and informational support that they received from other members of their CARG, further improving adherence. Multiple healthcare workers did express concern that CARG members with diseases that begin with minor symptoms, such as tuberculosis, may not seek treatment at the clinic until the disease has progressed. CONCLUSIONS: We found that healthcare workers and clients overwhelmingly perceive CARGs as beneficial. This evaluation demonstrates that the CARG model can be successfully implemented on a national scale. These early results suggest that CARGs may be able to simultaneously improve clinical outcomes and reduce the workload of healthcare workers distributing ART. |
Strengthening provider-initiated testing and counselling in Zimbabwe by deploying supplemental providers: a time series analysis
Bochner AF , Tippett Barr BA , Makunike B , Gonese G , Wazara B , Mashapa R , Meacham E , Nyika P , Ncube G , Balachandra S , Levine R , Petracca F , Apollo T , Downer A , Wiktor SZ . BMC Health Serv Res 2019 19 (1) 351 BACKGROUND: Expansion of provider-initiated testing and counselling (PITC) is one strategy to increase accessibility of HIV testing services. Insufficient human resources was identified as a primary barrier to increasing PITC coverage in Zimbabwe. We evaluated if deployment of supplemental PITC providers at public facilities in Zimbabwe was associated with increased numbers of individuals tested and diagnosed with HIV. METHODS: From July 2016 to May 2017, International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) deployed 138 PITC providers to supplement existing ministry healthcare workers offering PITC at 249 facilities. These supplemental providers were assigned to facilities on a weekly basis. Each week, I-TECH providers reported the number of HIV tests and positive diagnoses they performed. Using routine reporting systems, we obtained from each facility the number of clients tested and diagnosed with HIV per month. Including data both before and during the intervention period, and utilizing the weekly variability in placement locations of the supplemental PITC providers, we employed generalized estimating equations to assess if the placement of supplemental PITC providers at a facility was associated with a change in facility outputs. RESULTS: Supplemental PITC providers performed an average of 62 (SD = 52) HIV tests per week and diagnosed 4.4 (SD = 4.9) individuals with HIV per week. However, using facility reports from the same period, we found that each person-week of PITC provider deployment at a facility was associated with an additional 16.7 (95% CI, 12.2-21.1) individuals tested and an additional 0.9 (95% CI, 0.5-1.2) individuals diagnosed with HIV. We also found that staff placement at clinics was associated with a larger increase in HIV testing than staff placement at polyclinics or hospitals (24.0 vs. 9.8; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This program resulted in increased numbers of individuals tested and diagnosed with HIV. The discrepancy between the average weekly HIV tests conducted by supplemental PITC providers (62) and the increase in facility-level HIV tests associated with one week of PITC provider deployment (16.7) suggests that supplemental PITC providers displaced existing staff who may have been reassigned to fulfil other duties at the facility. |
Within-gender changes in HIV prevalence among adults between 2005/6 and 2010/11 in Zimbabwe
Gonese E , Mapako T , Dzangare J , Rusakaniko S , Kilmarx PH , Postma MJ , Ngwende S , Mandisarisa J , Nyika P , Mvere DA , Mugurungi O , Tshimanga M , Hulst Mv . PLoS One 2015 10 (7) e0129611 INTRODUCTION: Zimbabwe has reported significant declines in HIV prevalence between 2005/06 and 2010/11 Demography and Health Surveys; a within-gender analysis to identify the magnitude and factors associated with this change, which can be masked, is critical for targeting interventions. METHODS: We analyzed change in HIV prevalence for 6,947 women and 5,848 men in the 2005/06 survey and 7,313 women and 6,250 men in 2010/11 surveys using 2005/06 as referent. The data was analyzed taking into consideration the survey design and therefore the svy, mean command in Stata was used in both linear and logistic regression. RESULTS: There were similar proportional declines in prevalence at national level for males (15% p=0.011) and females (16%,p=0.008). However, there were variations in decline by provincial setting, demographic variables of age, educational level and some sexual risk behaviours. In logistic regression analysis, statistically significant declines were observed among men in Manicaland, Mashonaland East and Harare (p<0.01) and for women in Manicaland, Mashonaland Central and Harare (p<0.01). Although not statistically significant, numerical increases were observed among men in Matebeleland North, Matebeleland South, Midlands and for both men and women in Bulawayo. Young women in the age range 15-34 experienced a decline in prevalence (p<0.01) while older men 30-44 had a statistically significant decline (p<0.01). Having a secondary and above education, regardless of employment status for both men and women recorded a significant decline. For sexual risk behaviours, currently in union for men and women and not in union for women there was a significant decline in prevalence. CONCLUSION: Zimbabwe has reported a significant decline among both men and women but there are important differentials across provinces, demographic characteristics and sexual risk behaviours that suggest that the epidemic in Zimbabwe is heterogeneous and therefore interventions must be targeted in order to achieve epidemic control. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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