Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Progress towards the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets among persons aged 50 and older living with HIV in 13 African countries
Farley SM , Wang C , Bray RM , Low AJ , Delgado S , Hoos D , Kakishozi AN , Harris TG , Nyirenda R , Wadonda N , Li M , Amuri M , Juma J , Kancheya N , Pietersen I , Mutenda N , Natanael S , Aoko A , Ngugi EW , Asiimwe F , Lecher S , Ward J , Chikwanda P , Mugurungi O , Moyo B , Nkurunziza P , Aibo D , Kabala A , Biraro S , Ndagije F , Musuka G , Ndongmo C , Shang J , Dokubo EK , Dimite LE , McCullough-Sanden R , Bissek AC , Getaneh Y , Eshetu F , Nkumbula T , Tenthani L , Kayigamba FR , Kirungi W , Musinguzi J , Balachandra S , Kayirangwa E , Ayite A , West CA , Bodika S , Sleeman K , Patel HK , Brown K , Voetsch AC , El-Sadr WM , Justman JJ . J Int AIDS Soc 2022 25 Suppl 4 e26005 INTRODUCTION: Achieving optimal HIV outcomes, as measured by global 90-90-90 targets, that is awareness of HIV-positive status, receipt of antiretroviral (ARV) therapy among aware and viral load (VL) suppression among those on ARVs, respectively, is critical. However, few data from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are available on older people (50+) living with HIV (OPLWH). We examined 90-90-90 progress by age, 15-49 (as a comparison) and 50+ years, with further analyses among 50+ (55-59, 60-64, 65+ vs. 50-54), in 13 countries (Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe). METHODS: Using data from nationally representative Population-based HIV Impact Assessments, conducted between 2015and 2019, participants from randomly selected households provided demographic and clinical information and whole blood specimens for HIV serology, VL and ARV testing. Survey weighted outcomes were estimated for 90-90-90 targets. Country-specific Poisson regression models examined 90-90-90 variation among OPLWH age strata. RESULTS: Analyses included 24,826 HIV-positive individuals (15-49 years: 20,170; 50+ years: 4656). The first, second and third 90 outcomes were achieved in 1, 10 and 5 countries, respectively, by those aged 15-49, while OPLWH achieved outcomes in 3, 13 and 12 countries, respectively. Among those aged 15-49, women were more likely to achieve 90-90-90 targets than men; however, among OPLWH, men were more likely to achieve first and third 90 targets than women, with second 90 achievement being equivalent. Country-specific 90-90-90 regression models among OPLWH demonstrated minimal variation by age stratum across 13 countries. Among OLPWH, no first 90 target differences were noted by age strata; three countries varied in the second 90 by older age strata but not in a consistent direction; one country showed higher achievement of the third 90 in an older age stratum. CONCLUSIONS: While OPLWH in these 13 countries were slightly more likely than younger people to be aware of their HIV-positive status (first 90), this target was not achieved in most countries. However, OPLWH achieved treatment (second 90) and VL suppression (third 90) targets in more countries than PLWH <50. Findings support expanded HIV testing, prevention and treatment services to meet ongoing OPLWH health needs in SSA. |
Trends in TB and HIV care and treatment cascade, Kenya, 2008-2018
Weyenga H , Onyango E , Katana AK , Pathmanathan I , Sidibe K , Shah NS , Ngugi EW , Waruingi RN , Ng Ang AL , De Cock KM . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2022 26 (7) 623-628 BACKGROUND: HIV infection is associated with high mortality among people with TB. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces TB incidence and mortality among people living with HIV (PLHIV). Since 2005, Kenya has scaled up TB and HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment. We evaluated the impact of these services on trends and TB treatment outcomes.METHODS: Using Microsoft Excel (2016) and Epi-Info 7, we analysed Kenya Ministry of Health TB surveillance data from 2008 to 2018 to determine trends in TB notifications, TB classification, HIV and ART status, and TB treatment outcomes.RESULTS: Among the 1,047,406 people reported with TB, 93% knew their HIV status, and 37% of these were HIV-positive. Among persons with TB and HIV, 69% received ART. Between 2008 and 2018, annual TB notifications declined from 110,252 to 96,562, and HIV-coinfection declined from 45% to 27%. HIV testing and ART uptake increased from 83% to 98% and from 30% to 97%, respectively. TB case fatality rose from 3.5% to 3.9% (P <0.018) among HIV-negative people and from 5.1% to 11.2% (P <0.001) among PLHIV on ART.CONCLUSION: TB notifications decreased in settings with suboptimal case detection. Although HIV-TB services were scaled-up, HIV-TB case fatality rose significantly. Concerted efforts are needed to address case detection and gaps in quality of TB care. |
Can isoniazid preventive therapy be scaled up rapidly Lessons learned in Kenya, 2014-2018
Weyenga H , Karanja M , Onyango E , Katana AK , Ng'Ang'A LW , Sirengo M , Ondondo RO , Wambugu C , Waruingi RN , Muthee RW , Masini E , Ngugi EW , Shah NS , Pathmanathan I , Maloney S , De Cock KM . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2021 25 (5) 367-372 BACKGROUND: TB is the leading cause of mortality among people living with HIV (PLHIV), for whom isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) has a proven mortality benefit. Despite WHO recommendations, countries have been slow in scaling up IPT. This study describes processes, challenges, solutions, outcomes and lessons learned during IPT scale-up in Kenya.METHODS: We conducted a desk review and analyzed aggregated Ministry of Health (MOH) IPT enrollment data from 2014 to 2018 to determine trends and impact of program activities. We further analyzed IPT completion reports for patients initiated from 2015 to 2017 in 745 MOH sites in Nairobi, Central, Eastern and Western Kenya.RESULTS: IPT was scaled up 75-fold from 2014 to 2018: the number of PLHIV covered increased from 9,981 to 749,890. The highest percentage increases in the cumulative number of PLHIV on IPT were seen in the quarters following IPT pilot projects in 2014 (49%), national launch in 2015 (54%), and HIV treatment acceleration in 2016 (158%). Among 250,069 patients initiating IPT from 2015 to 2017, 97.5% completed treatment, 0.2% died, 0.8% were lost to follow-up, 1.0% were not evaluated, and 0.6% discontinued treatment.CONCLUSIONS: IPT can be scaled up rapidly and effectively among PLHIV. Deliberate MOH efforts, strong leadership, service delivery integration, continuous mentorship, stakeholder involvement, and accountability are critical to program success. |
Trends, treatment outcomes, and determinants for attrition among adult patients in care at a large tertiary HIV clinic in Nairobi, Kenya: a 2004-2015 retrospective cohort study
Mecha JO , Kubo EN , Nganga LW , Muiruri PN , Njagi LN , Ilovi S , Ngethe R , Mutisya I , Ngugi EW , Maleche-Obimbo E . HIV AIDS (Auckl) 2018 10 103-114 Background: Understanding trends in patient profiles and identifying predictors for adverse outcomes are key to improving the effectiveness of HIV care and treatment programs. Previous work in Kenya has documented findings from a rural setting. This paper describes trends in demographic and clinical characteristics of antiretroviral therapy (ART) treatment cohorts at a large urban, referral HIV clinic and explores treatment outcomes and factors associated with attrition during 12 years of follow-up. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort analysis of HIV-infected adults who started ART between January 1, 2004, and September 30, 2015. ART-experienced patients and those with missing data were excluded. The Cochran-Armitage test was used to determine trends in baseline characteristics over time. Cox proportional hazards models were used to determine the effect of baseline characteristics on attrition. Results: ART uptake among older adolescents (15-19 years), youth, and young adults increased over time (p=0.0001). Independent predictors for attrition included (adjusted hazard ratio [95% CI]) male sex: 1.30 (1.16-1.45), p=0.0001; age: 15-19 years: 1.83 (1.26-2.66), p=0.0014; 20-24 years: 1.93 (1.52-2.44), p=0.0001; and 25-29 years: 1.31 (1.11-1.54), p=0.0012; marital status - single: 1.27 (1.11-1.44), p=0.0005; and divorced/separated: 1.56 (1.30-1.87), p=0.0001; urban residence: 1.40 (1.20-1.64), p=0.0001; entry into HIV care following hospitalization: 1.31 (1.10-1.57), p=0.0026, or transfer from another facility: 1.60 (1.26-2.04), p=0.0001; initiation of ART more than 12 months after the date of HIV diagnosis: 1.36 (1.19-1.55), p=0.0001, and history of a current or past opportunistic infection (OI): 1.15 (1.02-1.30), p=0.0284. Conclusion: Although ART uptake among adolescents and young people increased over time, this group was at increased risk for attrition. Single marital status, urban residence, history of hospitalization or OI, and delayed initiation of ART also predicted attrition. This calls for focused evidence-informed strategies to address attrition and improve outcomes. |
Engagement in HIV care among Kenyan adults and adolescents: results from a national population-based survey
Wafula R , Masyuko S , Ng'ang'a L , Kim AA , Gichangi A , Mukui I , Batuka J , Ngugi EW , Maina WK , Schwarcz S . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2014 66 Suppl 1 S98-s105 BACKGROUND: Increasing access to care and treatment for HIV-infected persons is a goal in Kenya's response to the HIV epidemic. Using data from the second Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS 2012), we describe coverage of services received among adults and adolescents who were enrolled in HIV care. METHODS: KAIS 2012 was a population-based survey that collected information from persons aged 15-64 years that included self-reported HIV status, and for persons reporting HIV infection, use of HIV care and antiretroviral therapy (ART). Blood specimens were collected and tested for HIV. HIV-positive specimens were tested for CD4 counts and viral load. RESULTS: Among 363 persons who reported HIV infection, 93.4% [95% confidence interval (CI): 87.2 to 99.6] had ever received HIV care. Among those receiving HIV care, 96.3% (95% CI: 94.1 to 98.4) were using cotrimoxazole prophylaxis, and 74.6% (95% CI: 69.0 to 80.2) were receiving ART. A lower proportion of persons in care and not on ART reported using cotrimoxazole (89.5%, 95% CI: 82.5 to 96.5 compared with 98.6%, 95% CI: 97.1 to 100) and had a CD4 count measurement done (72.9%, 95% CI: 64.0 to 81.9 compared with 90.0%, 95% CI: 82.8 to 97.3) than persons in care and on ART, respectively. Among persons in care and not on ART, 23.2% (95% CI: 6.8 to 39.7) had CD4 counts ≤350 cells per microliter. Viral suppression was observed in 75.3% (95% CI: 68.7 to 81.9) of persons on ART. CONCLUSIONS: Linkage and retention in care are high among persons with known HIV infection. However, improvements in care for the pre-ART population are needed. Viral suppression rates were comparable to developed settings. |
Burden of HIV infection among children aged 18 months to 14 years in Kenya: results from a nationally representative population-based cross-sectional survey
Ng'eno B , Mwangi A , Ng'ang'a L , Kim AA , Waruru A , Mukui I , Ngugi EW , Rutherford GW . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2014 66 Suppl 1 S82-8 BACKGROUND: In Kenya, mathematical models estimate that there are approximately 220,000 children aged less than 15 years infected with HIV. We analyzed data from the second Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS 2012) to estimate the prevalence of HIV infection among children aged 18 months to 14 years. METHODS: KAIS 2012 was a nationally representative 2-stage cluster sample household survey. We studied children aged 18 months to 14 years whose parents or guardians answered questions pertaining to their children by interview. Blood specimens were collected for HIV serology and viral load measurement. RESULTS: We identified 5162 children who were eligible for the study. Blood was obtained for 3681 (71.3%) children. Among child participants, 16.4% had been tested for HIV infection in the past, and among children with parents or guardians who self-reported HIV-positive status, 52.9% had been tested for HIV infection. Twenty-eight (0.9%) children tested HIV-positive in the survey. Of these, 11 had been previously diagnosed with HIV infection before the survey. All 11 children were in HIV care and receiving cotrimoxazole; 8 were on antiretorivral therapy (ART). Among those on ART, 4 were virologically suppressed. CONCLUSIONS: HIV causes a substantial burden of disease in the Kenyan pediatric population. Although most children who had been diagnosed with HIV before the survey were engaged in care and treatment, they represented less than half of HIV-infected children identified in the survey. Future efforts should focus on identifying infected children and getting them into care and on suppressive ART as early as possible. |
Contraceptive practices and fertility desires among HIV-infected and uninfected women in Kenya: results from a nationally representative study
Ngugi EW , Kim AA , Nyoka R , Nganga L , Mukui I , Ng'eno B , Rutherford GW . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2014 66 Suppl 1 S75-81 BACKGROUND: Prevention of unplanned pregnancies is a critical element in the prevention of mother-to-child-transmission (PMTCT) of HIV, but its potential has not been fully realized. We assessed the utilization of family planning (FP) and fertility desires among women of reproductive age by HIV status. METHODS: We selected a nationally representative sample of households using a stratified two-stage cluster design and surveyed women aged 15-49 years. We administered questionnaires and examined predictors of current use of FP methods and desire for children among sexually active women with known HIV infection and women who were HIV-uninfected. RESULTS: Of 3,583 respondents, 68.2% were currently using FP and 57.7% did not desire children in the future. Among women who did not desire children in the future, 70.9% reported that they were using FP, including 68.7% of women with known HIV infection and 71.0% of women who were HIV-uninfected. Women with known HIV infection had similar odds of using FP as women with no HIV infection (odds ratio [OR] 1.12, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.81-1.54). Women with no HIV infection had significantly higher adjusted odds of desiring future children (adjusted OR [aOR] 2.27, 95% CI 1.31 - 3.93) than women with known HIV infection. CONCLUSIONS: There is unmet need for FP for HIV-infected women, underscoring a gap in the national PMTCT strategy. Efforts to empower HIV-infected women to prevent unintended pregnancies should lead to expanded access to contraceptive methods and take into account women's reproductive intentions. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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