Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Neumann MS[original query] |
Human immunodeficiency virus prevention for people who use drugs: Overview of reviews and the ICOS of PICOS
Johnson WD , Rivadeneira N , Adegbite AH , Neumann MS , Mullins MM , Rooks-Peck C , Wichser ME , McDonald CM , Higa DH , Sipe TA . J Infect Dis 2020 222 S278-s300 BACKGROUND: This article summarizes the results from systematic reviews of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention interventions for people who use drugs (PWUD). We performed an overview of reviews, meta-analysis, meta-epidemiology, and PROSPERO Registration CRD42017070117. METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive systematic literature search using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis Project database to identify quantitative systematic reviews of HIV public heath interventions with PWUD published during 2002-2017. We recombined results of US studies across reviews to quantify effects on HIV infections, continuum of HIV care, sexual risk, and 5 drug-related outcomes (sharing injection equipment, injection frequency, opioid use, general drug use, and participation in drug treatment). We conducted summary meta-analyses separately for reviews of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-experiments. We stratified effects by 5 intervention types: behavioral-psychosocial (BPS), syringe service programs (SSP), opioid agonist therapy (OAT), financial and scheduling incentives (FSI), and case management (CM). RESULTS: We identified 16 eligible reviews including >140 US studies with >55 000 participants. Summary effects among US studies were significant and favorable for 4 of 5 outcomes measured under RCT (eg, reduced opioid use; odds ratio [OR] = 0.70, confidence interval [CI] = 0.56-0.89) and all 6 outcomes under quasi-experiments (eg, reduced HIV infection [OR = 0.42, CI = 0.27-0.63]; favorable continuum of HIV care [OR = 0.68, CI = 0.53-0.88]). Each intervention type showed effectiveness on 1-6 outcomes. Heterogeneity was moderate to none for RCT but moderate to high for quasi-experiments. CONCLUSIONS: Behavioral-psychosocial, SSP, OAT, FSI, and CM interventions are effective in reducing risk of HIV and sequelae of injection and other drug use, and they have a continuing role in addressing the opioid crisis and Ending the HIV Epidemic. |
Observed reactions among patients attending HIV treatment facilities to a brief video intervention on treatment initiation and adherence
Neumann MS , Plant A , Margolis AD , Flores SA . AIDS Care 2019 32 (5) 1-10 Entertainment-education can affect positive behavior change. Taking Care of Me is an effective, video-based intervention designed to improve patients' continuum of HIV care outcomes. The study's aim was to refine the pre-final video at points where patients stopped watching and missed embedded health messages. We evaluated the video using systematic unobtrusive observations triangulated with electronic medical record (EMR) data. We conducted observations in three HIV treatment facilities' waiting rooms in the southern US in 2016. Using a web-based data collection instrument, one observer spent 8 h at each facility observing patients' engagement with the video. We mapped the embedded messages in each scene and identified the messages that patients missed when they stopped watching. We compared missed messages to treatment initiation, medication adherence, and retention in care data abstracted from each clinic's EMR system. We were able to identify specific scenes where low levels of engagement corresponded to lower than expected retention in care outcomes and edit these scenes to improve engagement. Identifying and editing video scenes to increase viewership potentially could enhance intervention efficacy. Our methods could be used to assess and refine other video-based interventions being developed in resource limited settings. |
Effects of a brief video intervention on treatment initiation and adherence among patients attending human immunodeficiency virus treatment clinics
Neumann MS , Plant A , Margolis AD , Borkowf CB , Malotte CK , Rietmeijer CA , Flores SA , O'Donnell L , Robilotto S , Myint UA , Montoya JA , Javanbakht M , Klausner JD . PLoS One 2018 13 (10) e0204599 BACKGROUND: Persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who get and keep a suppressed viral load are unlikely to transmit HIV. Simple, practical interventions to help achieve HIV viral suppression that are easy and inexpensive to administer in clinical settings are needed. We evaluated whether a brief video containing HIV-related health messages targeted to all patients in the waiting room improved treatment initiation, medication adherence, and retention in care. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In a quasi-experimental trial all patients (N = 2,023) attending two HIV clinics from June 2016 to March 2017 were exposed to a theory-based, 29-minute video depicting persons overcoming barriers to starting treatment, taking medication as prescribed, and keeping medical appointments. New prescriptions at index visit, HIV viral load test results, and dates of return visits were collected through review of medical records for all patients during the 10 months that the video was shown. Those data were compared with the same variables collected for all patients (N = 1,979) visiting the clinics during the prior 10 months (August 2015 to May 2016). Among patients exposed to the video, there was an overall 10.4 percentage point increase in patients prescribed treatment (60.3% to 70.7%, p< 0.01). Additionally, there was an overall 6.0 percentage point improvement in viral suppression (56.7% to 62.7%, p< 0.01), however mixed results between sites was observed. There was not a significant change in rates of return visits (77.5% to 78.8%). A study limitation is that, due to the lack of randomization, the findings may be subject to bias and secular trends. CONCLUSIONS: Showing a brief treatment-focused video in HIV clinic waiting rooms can be effective at improving treatment initiation and may help patients achieve viral suppression. This feasible, low resource-reliant video intervention may be appropriate for adoption by other clinics treating persons with HIV. TRIAL REGISTRATION: (NCT03508310). |
Improving linkage, retention, and reengagement in HIV care in 12 metropolitan areas
Neumann MS , Carey JW , Flores SA , Fisher HH , Hoyte T , Pitts N , Carry M , Freeman A . Health Promot Pract 2017 19 (5) 1524839917741310 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed the Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Planning (ECHPP) project to support 12 health departments' improvement of their HIV prevention and care portfolios in response to new national guidelines. We systematically analyzed 3 years of progress reports to learn how grantees put into practice local intervention strategies intended to link people to, and keep them in, HIV care. All grantees initiated seven activities to support these strategies: (1) improve surveillance data systems, (2) revise staffing duties and infrastructures, (3) update policies and procedures, (4) establish or strengthen partnerships, (5) identify persons not in care, (6) train personnel, and (7) create ways to overcome obstacles to receiving care. Factors supporting ECHPP grantee successes were thorough planning, attention to detail, and strong collaboration among health department units, and between the health department and external stakeholders. Other jurisdictions may consider adopting similar strategies when planning and enhancing HIV linkage, retention, and reengagement efforts in their areas. ECHPP experiences, lessons learned, and best practices may be relevant when applying new public health policies that affect community and health care practices jurisdiction-wide. |
A rapid review of eHealth interventions addressing the continuum of HIV care (2007-2017)
Henny KD , Wilkes AL , McDonald CM , Denson DJ , Neumann MS . AIDS Behav 2017 22 (1) 43-63 National HIV prevention goals call for interventions that address Continuum of HIV Care (CoC) for persons living with HIV. Electronic health (eHealth) can leverage technology to rapidly develop and disseminate such interventions. We conducted a qualitative review to synthesize (a) technology types, (b) CoC outcomes, (c) theoretical frameworks, and (d) behavior change mechanisms. This rapid review of eHealth, HIV-related articles (2007-2017) focused on technology-based interventions that reported CoC-related outcomes. Forty-five studies met inclusion criteria. Mobile texting was the most commonly reported technology (44.4%, k = 20). About 75% (k = 34) of studies showed proven or preliminary efficacy for improving CoC-related outcomes. Most studies (60%, k = 27) focused on medication adherence; 20% (k = 9) measured virologic suppression. Many eHealth interventions with preliminary or proven efficacy relied on mobile technology and integrated knowledge/cognition as behavior change mechanisms. This review identified gaps in development and application of eHealth interventions regarding CoC. |
Comprehensive HIV prevention for transgender persons
Neumann MS , Finlayson TJ , Pitts NL , Keatley J . Am J Public Health 2016 107 (2) e1-e6 Transgender persons are at high risk for HIV infection, but prevention efforts specifically targeting these people have been minimal. Part of the challenge of HIV prevention for transgender populations is that numerous individual, interpersonal, social, and structural factors contribute to their risk. By combining HIV prevention services with complementary medical, legal, and psychosocial services, transgender persons' HIV risk behaviors, risk determinants, and overall health can be affected simultaneously. For maximum health impact, comprehensive HIV prevention for transgender persons warrants efforts targeted to various impact levels-socioeconomic factors, decision-making contexts, long-lasting protections, clinical interventions, and counseling and education. We present current HIV prevention efforts that reach transgender persons and present others for future consideration. |
Public health strategies for prevention and control of HSV-2 in persons who use drugs in the United States
Semaan S , Leinhos M , Neumann MS . Drug Alcohol Depend 2013 131 (3) 182-97 BACKGROUND: Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) affects HIV acquisition, transmission, and disease progression. Effective medications for genital herpes and for HIV/AIDS exist. Parenteral transmission of HIV among persons who inject drugs is decreasing. Reducing sexual transmission of HIV and HSV-2 among persons who use drugs (PWUD; i.e., heroin, cocaine, "speedball", crack, methamphetamine through injection or non-injection) necessitates relevant services. METHODS: We reviewed HSV-2 sero-epidemiology and HSV-2/HIV associations in U.S.-based studies with PWUD and the general literature on HSV-2 prevention and treatment published between 1995 and 2012. We used the 6-factor Kass framework to assess relevant HSV-2 public health strategies and services in terms of their goals and effectiveness; identification of, and minimization of burdens and concerns; fair implementation; and fair balancing of benefits, burdens, and concerns. RESULTS: Eleven studies provided HSV-2 serologic test results. High HSV-2 sero-prevalence (range across studies 38-75%) and higher sero-prevalence in HIV-infected PWUD (97-100% in females; 61-74% in males) were reported. Public health strategies for HSV-2 prevention and control in PWUD can include screening or testing; knowledge of HSV-2 status and partner disclosure; education, counseling, and psychosocial risk-reduction interventions; treatment for genital herpes; and HIV antiretroviral medications for HSV-2/HIV co-infected PWUD. CONCLUSIONS: HSV-2 sero-prevalence is high among PWUD, necessitating research on development and implementation of science-based public health interventions for HSV-2 infection and HSV-2/HIV co-infections, including research on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of such interventions, to inform development and implementation of services for PWUD. |
Public-academic partnerships: evidence-based implementation: the role of sustained community-based practice and research partnerships
Kilbourne AM , Neumann MS , Waxmonsky J , Bauer MS , Kim HM , Pincus HA , Thomas M . Psychiatr Serv 2012 63 (3) 205-7 This column describes a process for adapting an evidence-based practice in community clinics in which researchers and community providers participated and the resulting framework for implementation of the practice-Replicating Effective Programs-Facilitation. A two-day meeting for the Recovery-Oriented Collaborative Care study was conducted to elicit input from more than 50 stakeholders, including community providers, health care administrators, and implementation researchers. The process illustrates an effective researcher-community partnership in which stakeholders worked together not only to adapt the evidence-based practice to the needs of the clinical settings but also to develop the implementation strategy. (Psychiatric Services 63:205-207, 2012; doi: 10.1176/ |
Effectiveness of the VOICES/VOCES sexually transmitted disease/human immunodeficiency virus prevention intervention when administered by health department staff: does it work in the "real world"?
Neumann MS , O'Donnell L , Doval AS , Schillinger J , Blank S , Ortiz-Rios E , Garcia T , O'Donnell C R . Sex Transm Dis 2010 38 (2) 133-9 BACKGROUND: Prevention providers wonder whether benefits achieved in the original, researcher-led, efficacy trials of interventions are replicated when the intervention is delivered in real-world settings by their agency's staff. METHODS: A replication study was conducted at 2 public sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics (New York City and San Juan, PR). Using a controlled trial design, intervention (VOICES/VOCES) and comparison conditions (regular clinic services) were assigned in alternating 4-week blocks. Trained agency staff delivered the intervention. Effectiveness was assessed for incident STDs, redemption of coupons for condoms at neighborhood location after the visit, and improved knowledge and attitudes about STDs and condoms.RESULTS: A total of 3365 patients were recruited, completed the protocol, and followed through STD surveillance systems for an average of 17 months. Of 397 with an incident infection, 226 (13.4%) were among those enrolled during comparison blocks; 171 were among those in the intervention condition (10.2%). Controlling for site and gender, participants enrolled during intervention blocks were significantly less likely to have an incident STD reported to the surveillance system (hazard ratio, 0.78; 95% confidence interval, 0.64-0.96). Intervention block participants scored higher on scales of STD knowledge (4.89 vs. 3.87, P < 0.001) and condom knowledge, attitude, and efficacy (10.98 vs. 9.16, P < 0.001). More of those exposed to VOICES/VOCES redeemed condoms (P < 0.05). Positive effects were more consistent in New York, which may be related to fidelity of implementation. CONCLUSIONS: A packaged human immunodeficiency virus prevention intervention can be delivered by agencies, with benefits similar to those achieved in the research setting. |
Brief counseling for reducing sexual risk and bacterial STIs among drug users-Results from project RESPECT
Semaan S , Neumann MS , Hutchins K , D'Anna LH , Kamb ML , Project Respect Study Group . Drug Alcohol Depend 2009 106 (1) 7-15 OBJECTIVE: Project RESPECT's brief risk reduction counseling (BRRC) reduced sexual risk and bacterial STIs among at-risk heterosexuals and has been packaged for use with this population. We assessed BRRC's efficacy with RESPECT participants who used drugs and examined BRRC's applicability to present-day users of heroin, cocaine, speedball, or crack. METHODS: We compared baseline demographic and economic variables, risk behaviors, and prevalence and correlates of bacterial STIs for ever-injectors ([EIs], N=335) and never-injectors ([NIs], N=3963). We assessed changes in risk behaviors and bacterial STIs for EIs and NIs at 12 months. We compared prevalence of HSV-2, hepatitis B core antigen virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and trichomonas among EIs with recently reported rates among drug users. RESULTS: At baseline, 19% of EIs and 29% of NIs had bacterial STIs. Both groups had similar baseline STI correlates. At 12 months, 4% of EIs and 7% of NIs had bacterial STIs. Twelve-month cumulative incidence of bacterial STIs in BRRC was 21% lower among EIs and 18% lower among NIs compared to the informational condition. At 12 months, EIs reported fewer sexual risk behaviors than at baseline. Baseline positivity rates of trichomoniasis in EIs (female: 15%) and in male and female EIs of HSV-2 (39%, 68%), HBV (41%, 37%), and HCV (60%, 58%) were similar to rates in present-day drug users. CONCLUSION: Efficacy of BRRC in reducing sexual risk and bacterial STIs in EIs, and similar profiles for EIs and present-day drug users suggest evaluating BRRC with present-day drug users. |
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