Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 46 Records) |
Query Trace: Nelson CA[original query] |
Epidemiology of lyme disease diagnoses among older adults, United States, 2016-2019(1)
Schwartz AM , Nelson CA , Hinckley AF . Emerg Infect Dis 2024 30 (9) 1926-1929 We used Medicare data to identify >88,000 adults >65 years of age diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease during 2016-2019 in the United States. Most diagnoses occurred among residents of high-incidence states, in summer, and among men. Incidence of diagnoses was substantially higher than that reported through public health surveillance. |
Bartonella quintana Endocarditis: A Systematic Review of Individual Cases
Boodman C , Gupta N , Nelson CA , van Griensven J . Clin Infect Dis 2024 78 (3) 554-561 BACKGROUND: Bartonella quintana is a louse-borne bacterium that remains a neglected cause of endocarditis in low-resource settings. Our understanding of risk factors, clinical manifestations, and treatment of B. quintana endocarditis are biased by older studies from high-income countries. METHODS: We searched Pubmed Central, Medline, Scopus, Embase, EBSCO (CABI) Global Health, Web of Science and international trial registers for articles published before March 2023 with terms related to Bartonella quintana endocarditis. We included articles containing case-level information on B. quintana endocarditis and extracted data related to patient demographics, clinical features, diagnostic testing, treatment, and outcome. RESULTS: A total of 975 records were identified, of which 569 duplicates were removed prior to screening. In total, 84 articles were eligible for inclusion, describing a total of 167 cases. Infections were acquired in 40 different countries; 62 cases (37.1%) were acquired in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Disproportionately more female and pediatric patients were from LMICs. More patients presented with heart failure (n = 70/167 [41.9%]) than fever (n = 65/167 [38.9%]). Mean time from symptom onset to presentation was 5.1 months. Also, 25.7% of cases (n = 43/167) were associated with embolization, most commonly to the spleen and brain; 65.5% of antimicrobial regimens included doxycycline. The vast majority of cases underwent valve replacement surgery (n = 154/167, [98.0%]). Overall case fatality rate was 9.6% (n = 16/167). CONCLUSIONS: B. quintana endocarditis has a global distribution, and long delays between symptom onset and presentation frequently occur. Improved clinician education and diagnostic capacity are needed to screen at-risk populations and identify infection before endocarditis develops. |
Tularemia from veterinary occupational exposure
Marx GE , Curren E , Olesen M , Cronquist L , Schlosser L , Nichols M , Bye M , Cote A , McCormick DW , Nelson CA . Clin Infect Dis 2024 78 S71-s75 Tularemia is a disease caused by Francisella tularensis, a highly infectious bacteria that can be transmitted to humans by direct contact with infected animals. Because of the potential for zoonotic transmission of F. tularensis, veterinary occupational risk is a concern. Here, we report on a human case of tularemia in a veterinarian after an accidental needlestick injury during abscess drainage in a sick dog. The veterinarian developed ulceroglandular tularemia requiring hospitalization but fully recovered after abscess drainage and a course of effective antibiotics. To systematically assess veterinary occupational transmission risk of F. tularensis, we conducted a survey of veterinary clinical staff after occupational exposure to animals with confirmed tularemia. We defined a high-risk exposure as direct contact to the infected animal's body fluids or potential aerosol inhalation without use of standard personal protective equipment (PPE). Survey data included information on 20 veterinary occupational exposures to animals with F. tularensis in 4 states. Veterinarians were the clinical staff most often exposed (40%), followed by veterinarian technicians and assistants (30% and 20%, respectively). Exposures to infected cats were most common (80%). Standard PPE was not used during 80% of exposures; a total of 7 exposures were categorized as high risk. Transmission of F. tularensis in the veterinary clinical setting is possible but overall risk is likely low. Veterinary clinical staff should use standard PPE and employ environmental precautions when handling sick animals to minimize risk of tularemia and other zoonotic infections; postexposure prophylaxis should be considered after high-risk exposures to animals with suspected or confirmed F. tularensis infection to prevent tularemia. |
Neuroinvasive Francisella tularensis infection: Report of 2 cases and review of the literature
Cash-Goldwasser S , Beeson A , Marzec N , Ho DY , Hogan CA , Budvytiene I , Banaei N , Born DE , Gephart MH , Patel J , Dietrich EA , Nelson CA . Clin Infect Dis 2024 78 S55-s63 BACKGROUND: Neuroinvasive infection with Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularemia, is rare. Establishing clinical suspicion is challenging if risk factors or clinical features classically associated with tularemia are absent. Tularemia is treatable with antibiotics; however, there are limited data to inform management of potentially fatal neuroinvasive infection. METHODS: We collected epidemiologic and clinical data on 2 recent US cases of neuroinvasive F. tularensis infection, and performed a literature review of cases of neuroinvasive F. tularensis infection published after 1950. RESULTS: One patient presented with focal neurologic deficits and brain lesions; broad-range molecular testing on resected brain tissue detected F. tularensis. The other patient presented with meningeal signs; tularemia was suspected based on animal exposure, and F. tularensis grew in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture. Both patients received combination antibiotic therapy and recovered from infection. Among 16 published cases, tularemia was clinically suspected in 4 cases. CSF often displayed lymphocytic pleocytosis. Among cases with available data, CSF culture was positive in 13 of 16 cases, and F. tularensis antibodies were detected in 11 of 11 cases. Treatment typically included an aminoglycoside combined with either a tetracycline or a fluoroquinolone. Outcomes were generally favorable. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should consider neuroinvasive F. tularensis infection in patients with meningitis and signs suggestive of tularemia or compatible exposures, lymphocyte-predominant CSF, unrevealing standard microbiologic workup, or lack of response to empiric bacterial meningitis treatment. Molecular testing, culture, and serologic testing can reveal the diagnosis. Favorable outcomes can be achieved with directed antibiotic treatment. |
Systematic review of tularemia during pregnancy
Fleck-Derderian S , Davis KM , Winberg J , Nelson CA , Meaney-Delman D . Clin Infect Dis 2024 78 S47-s54 BACKGROUND: Tularemia is caused by the gram-negative bacterium Francisella tularensis. Although rare, tularemia during pregnancy has been associated with pregnancy complications; data on efficacy of recommended antimicrobials for treatment are limited. We performed a systematic literature review to characterize clinical manifestations of tularemia during pregnancy and examine maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes with and without antimicrobial treatment. METHODS: We searched 9 databases, including Medline, Embase, Global Health, and PubMed Central, using terms related to tularemia and pregnancy. Articles reporting cases of tularemia with ≥1 maternal or fetal outcome were included. RESULTS: Of 5891 articles identified, 30 articles describing 52 cases of tularemia in pregnant patients met inclusion criteria. Cases were reported from 9 countries, and oropharyngeal and ulceroglandular tularemia were the most common presenting forms. A plurality (46%) of infections occurred in the second trimester. Six complications were observed: lymph node aspiration, lymph node excision, maternal bleeding, spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal demise, and preterm birth. No deaths among mothers were reported. Of 28 patients who received antimicrobial treatment, 1 pregnancy loss and 1 fetal death were reported. Among 24 untreated patients, 1 pregnancy loss and 3 fetal deaths were reported, including one where F. tularensis was detected in placental and fetal tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Pregnancy loss and other complications have been reported among cases of tularemia during pregnancy. However, risk of adverse outcomes may be lower when antimicrobials known to be effective are used. Without treatment, transplacental transmission appears possible. These data underscore the importance of prompt recognition and treatment of tularemia during pregnancy. |
Tularemia: A storied history, an ongoing threat
Nelson CA , Sjöstedt A . Clin Infect Dis 2024 78 S1-s3 |
Systematic review: Clinical features, antimicrobial treatment, and outcomes of human tularemia, 1993-2023
Nelson CA , Winberg J , Bostic TD , Davis KM , Fleck-Derderian S . Clin Infect Dis 2024 78 S15-s28 BACKGROUND: Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularemia, is endemic throughout the Northern Hemisphere and requires as few as 10 organisms to cause disease, making this potential bioterrorism agent one of the most infectious bacterial pathogens known. Aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, and, more recently, fluoroquinolones are used for treatment of tularemia; however, data on the relative effectiveness of these and other antimicrobial classes are limited. METHODS: Nine databases, including Medline, Global Health, and Embase, were systematically searched for articles containing terms related to tularemia. Articles with case-level data on tularemia diagnosis, antimicrobial treatment, and patient outcome were included. Patient demographics, clinical findings, antimicrobial administration, and outcome (eg, intubation, fatality) were abstracted using a standardized form. RESULTS: Of the 8878 publications identified and screened, 410 articles describing 870 cases from 1993 to 2023 met inclusion criteria. Cases were reported from 35 countries; more than half were from the United States, Turkey, or Spain. The most common clinical forms were ulceroglandular, oropharyngeal, glandular, and pneumonic disease. Among patients treated with aminoglycosides (n = 452 [52%]), fluoroquinolones (n = 339 [39%]), or tetracyclines (n = 419 [48%]), the fatality rate was 0.7%, 0.9%, and 1.2%, respectively. Patients with pneumonic disease who received ciprofloxacin had no fatalities and the lowest rates of thoracentesis/pleural effusion drainage and intubation compared to those who received aminoglycosides and tetracyclines. CONCLUSIONS: Aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, and tetracyclines are effective antimicrobials for treatment of tularemia, regardless of clinical manifestation. For pneumonic disease specifically, ciprofloxacin may have slight advantages compared to other antimicrobials. |
Tularemia clinical manifestations, antimicrobial treatment, and outcomes: An analysis of US surveillance data, 2006-2021
Wu HJ , Bostic TD , Horiuchi K , Kugeler KJ , Mead PS , Nelson CA . Clin Infect Dis 2024 78 S29-s37 BACKGROUND: Tularemia, a potentially fatal zoonosis caused by Francisella tularensis, has been reported from nearly all US states. Information on relative effectiveness of various antimicrobials for treatment of tularemia is limited, particularly for newer classes such as fluoroquinolones. METHODS: Data on clinical manifestations, antimicrobial treatment, and illness outcome of patients with tularemia are provided voluntarily through case report forms to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by state and local health departments. We summarized available demographic and clinical information submitted during 2006-2021 and evaluated survival according to antimicrobial treatment. We grouped administered antimicrobials into those considered effective for treatment of tularemia (aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, and tetracyclines) and those with limited efficacy. Logistic regression models with a bias-reduced estimation method were used to evaluate associations between antimicrobial treatment and survival. RESULTS: Case report forms were available for 1163 US patients with tularemia. Francisella tularensis was cultured from a clinical specimen (eg, blood, pleural fluid) in approximately half of patients (592; 50.9%). Nearly three-quarters (853; 73.3%) of patients were treated with a high-efficacy antimicrobial. A total of 27 patients (2.3%) died. After controlling for positive culture as a proxy for illness severity, use of aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, and tetracyclines was independently associated with increased odds of survival. CONCLUSIONS: Most US patients with tularemia received high-efficacy antimicrobials; their use was associated with improved odds of survival regardless of antimicrobial class. Our findings provide supportive evidence that fluoroquinolones are an effective option for treatment of tularemia. |
A perilous combination: Streptococcus coinfection with human plague-report of two cases and review of the literature, 1937-2022
Erly B , Fleck-Derderian S , Cooley KM , Meyer-Lee K , House J , VinHatton E , Nelson CA . Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2023 23 (7) 371-377 Background: Plague in humans and animals is caused by Yersinia pestis, a zoonotic gram-negative bacterium endemic in certain regions of Asia, Africa, and the United States. Coinfection with both Y. pestis and Streptococci species has been anecdotally reported in humans and associated with severe and rapidly fatal disease. Methods: This report presents two cases of patients who died following Y. pestis and Streptococcus coinfection. Additional cases of previously published Y. pestis-Streptococcus coinfection were identified and reviewed using a search of electronic databases. Results: The first case patient developed cough and dyspnea following 4 days of fever, malaise, and back pain and died before receiving medical care. Postmortem blood cultures were positive for Y. pestis, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Streptococcus dysgalactiae. The second case patient was hospitalized with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and dyspnea and died of sepsis and respiratory failure on the day of admission. Y. pestis and Streptococcus pneumoniae were isolated from blood cultures drawn on admission. Seven additional cases of Y. pestis and Streptococcus coinfection were identified, dating between 1948 and 2009. These patients were healthy overall before their illness, with ages ranging from 9 to 60 years. The majority of patients had primary bubonic plague with associated pneumonia or septicemia. None of the patients who died received timely antimicrobial therapy directed against gram-negative pathogens. In every case but one, an occupational or environmental risk factor for plague was later identified. Conclusion: Y. pestis infection begins with a pre-inflammatory phase, during which Y. pestis and other pathogens can rapidly proliferate. Streptococci, which are frequently asymptomatic colonizers, may become invasive in this environment, leading to coinfection. The challenges of diagnosing Y. pestis in the context of coinfection may delay effective treatment. This case series and literature review illustrate the importance of clinicians remaining alert to environmental and occupational exposures in patients presenting with an infectious syndrome, especially in those who have an unexpectedly severe clinical presentation. |
Plague meningitis: A systematic review of clinical course, antimicrobial treatment, and outcomes
Cooley KM , Fleck-Derderian S , McCormick DW , Nelson CA . Health Secur 2022 21 (1) 22-33 Plague meningitis is a serious and often fatal manifestation of Yersinia pestis infection. In the aftermath of a bioweapon attack with Y pestis, this typically rare manifestation may develop in a substantial number of patients, particularly if treatment delays occur. Risk factors, clinical evolution, and optimal treatment strategies for plague meningitis are not well understood. We searched PubMed Central and other databases for reports of plague meningitis in any language. Articles containing descriptions of patients with plague meningitis and outcome were included. Among 1,496 articles identified in our search, 56 articles describing 84 cases from 1898 to 2015 met inclusion criteria. The median age of patients was 16 years (range 6 weeks to 64 years); 68% were male. Most patients (n = 50, 60%) developed meningitis following primary bubonic plague. Common signs and symptoms included fever (n = 56, 66%), nuchal rigidity (n = 38, 45%), and headache (n = 33, 36%); 29% (n = 24) of patients had focal neurologic deficits such as cranial nerve abnormalities. Almost all (n = 23, 96%) of the 24 patients who did not receive antimicrobials died, and 42% (n = 25) of the 59 patients treated with antimicrobials died. The case fatality rate of patients grouped by antimicrobial received was 50% (1 out of 2) for fluoroquinolones, 19% (4 out of 21) for aminoglycosides, 14% (2 out of 14) for sulfonamides, 11% (2 out of 18) for chloramphenicol, and 0% (0 out of 13) for tetracyclines. Plague meningitis most often occurs as a complication of bubonic plague and can cause focal neurologic deficits. Survival is more likely in patients who receive antimicrobials; tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, and chloramphenicol had the lowest associated case fatality rates. |
Plague in disguise: The discovery of occult buboes on surgical procedure or autopsy
Fleck-Derderian S , Cooley KM , Nelson CA . Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2022 22 (4) 225-231 Introduction: Bubonic plague classically manifests as a painful, swollen superficial lymph node (bubo) that is readily apparent on physical examination. However, patients occasionally present with buboes formed in deep lymph nodes, which are difficult to detect and can lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment. To better characterize this phenomenon, we conducted a review of the published literature to identify reports of occult buboes among patients with plague. Methods: Articles were identified from two sources: a systematic review on plague treatment, and a search of the PubMed Central database. Articles were eligible if they described a patient with plague who had (1) no evidence of lymphadenopathy on examination; and (2) at least one bubo discovered during surgery or autopsy. Results: Six patients with occult buboes were identified among 5120 articles screened. The majority were male (n = 4/6) and three were <15 years of age. Fever (n = 6/6), leukocytosis (n = 5/6), and abdominal pain or distention (n = 4/6) were the most common signs and symptoms. Initial diagnoses included other bacterial infections, appendicitis, or acute abdomen. Four patients received at least one antimicrobial effective against Yersinia pestis; however, some experienced delayed treatment due to late diagnosis of plague. Occult buboes were discovered in retroperitoneal (n = 2), inguinal/femoral (n = 2), mesenteric (n = 2), axillary (n = 1), and mediastinal (n = 1) regions. Four of the six patients died. Conclusions: Patients with occult buboes experienced delays in the diagnosis of plague and a high fatality rate. Clinicians in plague-endemic areas should consider the presence of occult buboes among patients with compatible symptoms and exposure history. |
Global, regional, and national minimum estimates of children affected by COVID-19-associated orphanhood and caregiver death, by age and family circumstance up to Oct 31, 2021: an updated modelling study.
Unwin HJT , Hillis S , Cluver L , Flaxman S , Goldman PS , Butchart A , Bachman G , Rawlings L , Donnelly CA , Ratmann O , Green P , Nelson CA , Blenkinsop A , Bhatt S , Desmond C , Villaveces A , Sherr L . Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2022 6 (4) 249-259 BACKGROUND: In the 6 months following our estimates from March 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021, the proliferation of new coronavirus variants, updated mortality data, and disparities in vaccine access increased the amount of children experiencing COVID-19-associated orphanhood. To inform responses, we aimed to model the increases in numbers of children affected by COVID-19-associated orphanhood and caregiver death, as well as the cumulative orphanhood age-group distribution and circumstance (maternal or paternal orphanhood). METHODS: We used updated excess mortality and fertility data to model increases in minimum estimates of COVID-19-associated orphanhood and caregiver deaths from our original study period of March 1, 2020-April 30, 2021, to include the new period of May 1-Oct 31, 2021, for 21 countries. Orphanhood was defined as the death of one or both parents; primary caregiver loss included parental death or the death of one or both custodial grandparents; and secondary caregiver loss included co-residing grandparents or kin. We used logistic regression and further incorporated a fixed effect for western European countries into our previous model to avoid over-predicting caregiver loss in that region. For the entire 20-month period, we grouped children by age (0-4 years, 5-9 years, and 10-17 years) and maternal or paternal orphanhood, using fertility contributions, and we modelled global and regional extrapolations of numbers of orphans. 95% credible intervals (CrIs) are given for all estimates. FINDINGS: The number of children affected by COVID-19-associated orphanhood and caregiver death is estimated to have increased by 90·0% (95% CrI 89·7-90·4) from April 30 to Oct 31, 2021, from 2 737 300 (95% CrI 1 976 100-2 987 000) to 5 200 300 (3 619 400-5 731 400). Between March 1, 2020, and Oct 31, 2021, 491 300 (95% CrI 485 100-497 900) children aged 0-4 years, 736 800 (726 900-746 500) children aged 5-9 years, and 2 146 700 (2 120 900-2 174 200) children aged 10-17 years are estimated to have experienced COVID-19-associated orphanhood. Globally, 76·5% (95% CrI 76·3-76·7) of children were paternal orphans, whereas 23·5% (23·3-23·7) were maternal orphans. In each age group and region, the prevalence of paternal orphanhood exceeded that of maternal orphanhood. INTERPRETATION: Our findings show that numbers of children affected by COVID-19-associated orphanhood and caregiver death almost doubled in 6 months compared with the amount after the first 14 months of the pandemic. Over the entire 20-month period, 5·0 million COVID-19 deaths meant that 5·2 million children lost a parent or caregiver. Our data on children's ages and circumstances should support pandemic response planning for children globally. FUNDING: UK Research and Innovation (Global Challenges Research Fund, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, and Medical Research Council), Oak Foundation, UK National Institute for Health Research, US National Institutes of Health, and Imperial College London. |
Antimicrobial Treatment and Prophylaxis of Plague: Recommendations for Naturally Acquired Infections and Bioterrorism Response
Nelson CA , Meaney-Delman D , Fleck-Derderian S , Cooley KM , Yu PA , Mead PS . MMWR Recomm Rep 2021 70 (3) 1-27 This report provides CDC recommendations to U.S. health care providers regarding treatment, pre-exposure prophylaxis, and postexposure prophylaxis of plague. Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes plague, leads to naturally occurring disease in the United States and other regions worldwide and is recognized as a potential bioterrorism weapon. A bioweapon attack with Y. pestis could potentially infect thousands, requiring rapid and informed decision making by clinicians and public health agencies. The U.S. government stockpiles a variety of medical countermeasures to mitigate the effects of a bioterrorism attack (e.g., antimicrobials, antitoxins, and vaccines) for which the 21st Century Cures Act mandates the development of evidence-based guidelines on appropriate use. Guidelines for treatment and postexposure prophylaxis of plague were published in 2000 by a nongovernmental work group; since then, new human clinical data, animal study data, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration approvals of additional countermeasures have become available. To develop a comprehensive set of updated guidelines, CDC conducted a series of systematic literature reviews on human treatment of plague and other relevant topics to collect a broad evidence base for the recommendations in this report. Evidence from CDC reviews and additional sources were presented to subject matter experts during a series of forums. CDC considered individual expert input while developing these guidelines, which provide recommended best practices for treatment and prophylaxis of human plague for both naturally occurring disease and following a bioterrorism attack. The guidelines do not include information on diagnostic testing, triage decisions, or logistics involved in dispensing medical countermeasures. Clinicians and public health officials can use these guidelines to prepare their organizations, hospitals, and communities to respond to a plague mass-casualty event and as a guide for treating patients affected by plague. |
Tick bite frequency, prevention practices and Lyme disease diagnoses among U.S. Hispanic survey respondents
Beck A , Solomon J , Hinckley AF , Nelson CA . Zoonoses Public Health 2021 68 (6) 658-665 Tick bite prevention practices, knowledge of Lyme disease (LD) symptoms and transmission, and patterns of LD diagnoses among Hispanic persons have been reported but not comprehensively evaluated. In 2014, CDC examined questions from a prospective nationwide survey of U.S. Hispanic adults conducted via the Offerwise QueOpinas panel regarding ticks and LD. From October to November, a total of 2,649 surveys were released and 1,006 completed surveys returned. Overall, 44% of respondents reported routinely practising at least one form of personal protection against tick bites, and wearing repellent was the most commonly reported method (29%). Approximately 6% of respondents reported a tick bite for either themselves or someone in their household during the previous 12 months. An individual or household diagnosis of LD in the previous year was reported by 2% of respondents, with the highest proportion of diagnoses reported by respondents from high LD incidence states. The annual incidence of healthcare provider-diagnosed LD in the survey population was higher than national surveillance estimates for reported LD among U.S. Hispanic persons during 2000-2013. As annual incidence of LD continues to increase, it is important to ensure equitable access to information about LD, including disease transmission, manifestations, and prevention recommendations. Results from this survey can help inform public health outreach focused on effective tick bite prevention methods and early recognition of LD. |
Use of commercial claims data for evaluating trends in Lyme disease diagnoses, United States, 2010-2018
Schwartz AM , Kugeler KJ , Nelson CA , Marx GE , Hinckley AF . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (2) 499-507 We evaluated MarketScan, a large commercial insurance claims database, for its potential use as a stable and consistent source of information on Lyme disease diagnoses in the United States. The age, sex, and geographic composition of the enrolled population during 2010-2018 remained proportionally stable, despite fluctuations in the number of enrollees. Annual incidence of Lyme disease diagnoses per 100,000 enrollees ranged from 49 to 88, ≈6-8 times higher than that observed for cases reported through notifiable disease surveillance. Age and sex distributions among Lyme disease diagnoses in MarketScan were similar to those of cases reported through surveillance, but proportionally more diagnoses occurred outside of peak summer months, among female enrollees, and outside high-incidence states. Misdiagnoses, particularly in low-incidence states, may account for some of the observed epidemiologic differences. Commercial claims provide a stable data source to monitor trends in Lyme disease diagnoses, but certain important characteristics warrant further investigation. |
Atypical manifestations of cat-scratch disease, United States, 2005-2014
Nawrocki CC , Max RJ , Marzec NS , Nelson CA . Emerg Infect Dis 2020 26 (7) 1438-1446 Atypical manifestations that can be severe and difficult to diagnosis develop in 5%-20% of patients with cat-scratch disease. To clarify the epidemiology of atypical cat-scratch disease in the United States, we analyzed data from the 2005-2014 MarketScan national health insurance claims databases by using the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification, codes for cat-scratch disease and selected atypical manifestations: retinitis/neuroretinitis, conjunctivitis, neuritis, encephalitis, hepatosplenic disease, osteomyelitis, erythema nodosum, and endocarditis. Atypical cat-scratch disease accounted for 1.5% of all cases, resulting in an average annual incidence of 0.7 cases/100,000 population. Atypical cat-scratch disease was associated with increased risk for hospitalization (risk ratios 8.77, 95% CI 6.56-11.72) and occurred most often in female patients 10-14 years of age. Ocular (48.7%), hepatosplenic (24.6%), and neurologic (13.8%) manifestations were most common among patients. A more comprehensive understanding of atypical cat-scratch disease can improve patient diagnosis and potentially elucidate pathophysiology of the disease. |
Epidemiology and cost of Lyme disease-related hospitalizations among patients with employer-sponsored health insurance-United States, 2005-2014
Schwartz AM , Shankar MB , Kugeler KJ , Max RJ , Hinckley AF , Meltzer MI , Nelson CA . Zoonoses Public Health 2020 67 (4) 407-415 An estimated 300,000 cases of Lyme disease occur in the United States annually. Disseminated Lyme disease may result in carditis, arthritis, facial palsy or meningitis, sometimes requiring hospitalization. We describe the epidemiology and cost of Lyme disease-related hospitalizations. We analysed 2005-2014 data from the Truven Health Analytics MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters Databases to identify inpatient records associated with Lyme disease based on International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes. We estimated the annual number and median cost of Lyme disease-related hospitalizations in the United States in persons under 65 years of age. Costs were adjusted to reflect 2016 dollars. Of 20,983,165 admission records contained in the inpatient databases during the study period, 2,823 (0.01%) met inclusion criteria for Lyme disease-related hospitalizations. Over half of the identified records contained an ICD-9-CM code for meningitis (n = 614), carditis (n = 429), facial palsy (n = 400) or arthritis (n = 377). Nearly 60% of hospitalized patients were male. The median cost per Lyme disease-related hospitalization was $11,688 (range: $140-$323,613). The manifestation with the highest median cost per stay was carditis ($17,461), followed by meningitis ($15,177), arthritis ($13,012) and facial palsy ($10,491). Median cost was highest among the 15- to 19-year-old age group ($12,991). Admissions occurring in January had the highest median cost ($13,777) for all study years. Based on extrapolation to the U.S. population, we estimate that 2,196 Lyme disease-related hospitalizations in persons under 65 years of age occur annually with an estimated annual cost of $25,826,237. Lyme disease is usually treated in an outpatient setting; however, some patients with Lyme disease require hospitalization, underscoring the need for effective prevention methods to mitigate these serious cases. Information from this analysis can aid economic evaluations of interventions that prevent infection and advances in disease detection. |
Safety of antimicrobials during pregnancy: A systematic review of antimicrobials considered for treatment and postexposure prophylaxis of plague
Yu PA , Tran EL , Parker CM , Kim HJ , Yee EL , Smith PW , Russell Z , Nelson CA , Broussard CS , Yu YC , Meaney-Delman D . Clin Infect Dis 2020 70 S37-s50 BACKGROUND: The safety profile of antimicrobials used during pregnancy is one important consideration in the decision on how to treat and provide postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) for plague during pregnancy. METHODS: We searched 5 scientific literature databases for primary sources on the safety of 9 antimicrobials considered for plague during pregnancy (amikacin, gentamicin, plazomicin, streptomycin, tobramycin, chloramphenicol, doxycycline, sulfadiazine, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole [TMP-SMX]) and abstracted data on maternal, pregnancy, and fetal/neonatal outcomes. RESULTS: Of 13 052 articles identified, 66 studies (case-control, case series, cohort, and randomized studies) and 96 case reports were included, totaling 27 751 prenatal exposures to amikacin (n = 9), gentamicin (n = 345), plazomicin (n = 0), streptomycin (n = 285), tobramycin (n = 43), chloramphenicol (n = 246), doxycycline (n = 2351), sulfadiazine (n = 870), and TMP-SMX (n = 23 602). Hearing or vestibular deficits were reported in 18/121 (15%) children and 17/109 (16%) pregnant women following prenatal streptomycin exposure. First trimester chloramphenicol exposure was associated with an elevated risk of an undescended testis (odds ratio [OR] 5.9, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.2-28.7). Doxycycline was associated with cardiovascular malformations (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.2-4.7) in 1 study and spontaneous abortion (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.9-4.1) in a separate study. First trimester exposure to TMP-SMX was associated with increased risk of neural tube defects (pooled OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.4-4.3), spontaneous abortion (OR 3.5, 95% CI 2.3-5.6), preterm birth (OR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-2.1), and small for gestational age (OR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2-2.2). No other statistically significant associations were reported. CONCLUSIONS: For most antimicrobials reviewed, adverse maternal/fetal/neonatal outcomes were not observed consistently. Prenatal exposure to streptomycin and TMP-SMX was associated with select birth defects in some studies. Based on limited data, chloramphenicol and doxycycline may be associated with adverse pregnancy or neonatal outcomes; however, more data are needed to confirm these associations. Antimicrobials should be used for treatment and PEP of plague during pregnancy; the choice of antimicrobials may be influenced by these data as well as information about the risks of plague during pregnancy. |
Plague: Still a threat, but evidence and preparedness are keys to fighting back
Adalja A , Nelson CA . Clin Infect Dis 2020 70 S1-s2 For all practical purposes … the prognosis of primary pneumonic plague may be considered as well-nigh hopeless. | | - Dr. Wu Lien-teh, lead physician during Chinese plague epidemics, 1910–1921 [1] | | For the first time in the nefarious history of plague, a drug which will cure the pneumonic form has been found. | | - K. F. Meyer and S. F. Quan, 1949, referring to streptomycin [2] | | Plague is an infectious disease that has haunted the human species for millennia. The Justinian Plague in the 6th century and the Black Death beginning in the 14th century were civilization-shattering events, the effects of which were felt long after plague had dissipated [3]. What conferred this capacity on plague was its virulence, its transmission characteristics, and a lack of effective countermeasures, which did not appear until the 20th century. |
Plague during pregnancy: A systematic review
Fleck-Derderian S , Nelson CA , Cooley KM , Russell Z , Godfred-Cato S , Oussayef NL , Oduyebo T , Rasmussen SA , Jamieson DJ , Meaney-Delman D . Clin Infect Dis 2020 70 S30-s36 BACKGROUND: Yersinia pestis continues to cause sporadic cases and outbreaks of plague worldwide and is considered a tier 1 bioterrorism select agent due to its potential for intentional use. Knowledge about the clinical manifestations of plague during pregnancy, specifically the maternal, fetal, and neonatal risks, is very limited. METHODS: We searched 12 literature databases, performed hand searches, and consulted plague experts to identify publications on plague during pregnancy. Articles were included if they reported a case of plague during pregnancy and at least 1 maternal or fetal outcome. RESULTS: Our search identified 6425 articles, of which 59 were eligible for inclusion and described 160 cases of plague among pregnant women. Most published cases occurred during the preantibiotic era. Among those treated with antimicrobials, the most commonly used were sulfonamides (75%) and streptomycin (54%). Among cases treated with antimicrobials, maternal mortality and fetal fatality were 29% and 62%, respectively; for untreated cases, maternal mortality and fetal fatality were 67% and 74%, respectively. Five cases demonstrated evidence of Y. pestis in fetal or neonatal tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Untreated Y. pestis infection during pregnancy is associated with a high risk of maternal mortality and pregnancy loss. Appropriate antimicrobial treatment can improve maternal survival, although even with antimicrobial treatment, there remains a high risk of pregnancy loss. Limited evidence suggests that maternal-fetal transmission of Y. pestis is possible, particularly in the absence of antimicrobial treatment. These results emphasize the need to treat or prophylax pregnant women with suspected plague with highly effective antimicrobials as quickly as possible. |
Treatment of human plague: A systematic review of published aggregate data on antimicrobial efficacy, 1939-2019
Godfred-Cato S , Cooley KM , Fleck-Derderian S , Becksted HA , Russell Z , Meaney-Delman D , Mead PS , Nelson CA . Clin Infect Dis 2020 70 S11-s19 BACKGROUND: Plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, has killed millions in historic pandemics and continues to cause sporadic outbreaks. Numerous antimicrobials are considered effective for treating plague; however, well-defined information on the relative efficacy of various treatments is lacking. We conducted a systematic review of published data on antimicrobial treatment of plague reported in aggregate. METHODS: We searched databases including Embase, Medline, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, and others for publications with terms related to plague and antimicrobials. Articles were included if they contained 1) a group of patients treated for plague, with outcomes reported by antimicrobial regimen, and 2) laboratory evidence of Y. pestis infection or an epidemiologic link to patients with laboratory evidence of Y. pestis. Case fatality rate by antimicrobial regimen was calculated. RESULTS: In total, 5837 articles were identified; among these, 26 articles published between 1939 and 2008 met inclusion criteria. A total of 2631 cases of human plague reported within these articles were included. Among cases classified by primary clinical form of plague, 93.6% were bubonic, 5.9% pneumonic, and 0.5% septicemic with associated case fatalities of 14.2%, 31.1%, and 20.0%, respectively. Case fatality rate among patients who received monotherapy with tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides, or sulfonamides was 1.3%, 1.4%, 7.5%, and 20.2%, respectively. Fluoroquinolones were only given as part of combination therapy. Penicillin was associated with a case fatality rate of 75%. CONCLUSIONS: Tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, and aminoglycosides were associated with the lowest case fatality rates of all antimicrobials used for treatment of plague. Additional research is needed to determine the efficacy of fluoroquinolones as monotherapy. |
Antimicrobial treatment patterns and illness outcome among United States patients with plague, 1942-2018
Kugeler KJ , Mead PS , Campbell SB , Nelson CA . Clin Infect Dis 2020 70 S20-s26 BACKGROUND: Plague is a rare and severe zoonotic illness with limited empiric evidence to support treatment recommendations. We summarize treatment information for all patients with plague in the United States (US) as collected under the auspices of public health surveillance. METHODS: We reviewed use of specific antimicrobials and illness outcome among cases of plague reported from 1942-2018. Antimicrobials were a priori classified into high-efficacy (aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, and chloramphenicol) and limited-efficacy classes (all others). Logistic regression models were created to describe associations between use of specific antimicrobial classes and illness outcome while controlling for potential confounding factors. RESULTS: Among 533 total reported plague cases during 1942-2018, 426 (80%) received high-efficacy antimicrobial therapy. Mortality differed significantly among those receiving high-efficacy therapy (9%) and only limited-efficacy therapy (51%). Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines were used more commonly than other classes, and their use was associated with increased odds of survival of plague. Gentamicin use was associated with higher mortality than streptomycin, and aminoglycoside use was linked to higher mortality than for tetracyclines. Fluoroquinolones have been used in treatment of >30% of patients in recent years and limited data suggest clinical effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Most US patients with plague have received effective antimicrobials. Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines substantially improve survival of plague, and fluoroquinolones may be equally as effective, yet lack sufficient data. Early recognition and early treatment with any of these antimicrobial classes remain the most important steps to improving survival of plague. |
Plague and pregnancy: Why special considerations are needed
Meaney-Delman D , Oussayef NL , Honein MA , Nelson CA . Clin Infect Dis 2020 70 S27-s29 Pregnant women are an important at-risk population to consider during public health emergencies. These women, like nonpregnant adults, may be faced with the risk of acquiring life-threatening infections during outbreaks or bioterrorism (BT) events and, in some cases, can experience increased severity of infection and higher morbidity compared with nonpregnant adults. Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes plague, is a highly pathogenic organism. There are 4 million births annually in the United States, and thus the unique needs of pregnant women and their infants should be considered in pre-event planning for a plague outbreak or BT event. |
Antimicrobial treatment of human plague: A systematic review of the literature on individual cases, 1937-2019
Nelson CA , Fleck-Derderian S , Cooley KM , Meaney-Delman D , Becksted HA , Russell Z , Renaud B , Bertherat E , Mead PS . Clin Infect Dis 2020 70 S3-s10 BACKGROUND: Yersinia pestis remains endemic in Africa, Asia, and the Americas and is a known bioterrorism agent. Treatment with aminoglycosides such as streptomycin or gentamicin is effective when initiated early in illness but can have serious side effects. Alternatives such as fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, and sulfonamides are potentially safer but lack robust human data on efficacy. METHODS: We searched PubMed Central, Medline, Embase, and other databases for articles in any language with terms related to plague and antimicrobials. Articles that contained case-level information on antimicrobial treatment and patient outcome were included. We abstracted information related to patient demographics, clinical features, treatment, and fatality. RESULTS: Among 5837 articles screened, we found 762 published cases of treated plague reported from 1937 to 2019. Fifty-nine percent were male; median age was 22 years (range, 8 days-80 years). The case fatality rate was 20% overall. Most patients had primary bubonic (63%), pneumonic (21%), or septicemic (5%) plague, with associated case fatality rates of 17%, 27%, and 38%, respectively. Among those treated with an aminoglycoside (n = 407 [53%]), the case fatality rate was 13%. Among those treated with a sulfonamide (n = 322 [42%]), tetracycline (n = 171 [22%]), or fluoroquinolone (n = 61 [8%]), fatality was 23%, 10%, and 12%, respectively. Case fatality rate did not substantially differ between patients treated with 1 vs 2 classes of antimicrobials considered to be effective for plague. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to aminoglycosides, other classes of antimicrobials including tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, and sulfonamides are effective for plague treatment, although publication bias and low numbers in certain treatment groups may limit interpretation. |
Lack of tularemia among health care providers with close contact with infected patients-a case series
Nelson CA , Brown J , Riley L , Dennis A , Oyer R , Brown C . Open Forum Infect Dis 2020 7 (1) ofz499 Francisella tularensis has a low infectious dose and can infect laboratory staff handling clinical specimens. The risk to health care providers exposed during patient care is poorly defined. We describe 9 examples of health care providers who did not develop tularemia after significant exposures to infected patients. |
Francisella tularensis infection in dogs: 88 cases (2014-2016)
Kwit NA , Middaugh NA , VinHatton ES , Melman SD , Onischuk L , Aragon AS , Nelson CA , Mead PS , Ettestad PJ . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2020 256 (2) 220-225 OBJECTIVE: To characterize the epidemiology, clinical signs, and treatment of dogs with Francisella tularensis infection in New Mexico. ANIMALS: 87 dogs in which 88 cases of tularemia (1 dog had 2 distinct cases) were confirmed by the New Mexico Department of Health Scientific Laboratory Division from 2014 through 2016 and for which medical records were available. PROCEDURES: Dogs were confirmed to have tularemia if they had a 4-fold or greater increase in anti-F tularensis antibody titer between acute and convalescent serum samples or F tularensis had been isolated from a clinical or necropsy specimen. Epidemiological, clinical, and treatment information were collected from the dogs' medical records and summarized. RESULTS: All 88 cases of tularemia were confirmed by paired serologic titers; the first (acute) serologic test result was negative for 84 (95%) cases. The most common reported exposure to F tularensis was wild rodent or rabbit contact (53/88 [60%]). Dogs had a median number of 3 clinical signs at initial evaluation; lethargy (81/88 [92%]), pyrexia (80/88 [91%]), anorexia (67/88 [76%]), and lymphadenopathy (18/88 [20%]) were most common. For 32 (36%) cases, the dog was hospitalized; all hospitalized dogs survived. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Dogs with F tularensis infection often had nonspecific clinical signs and developed moderate to severe illness, sometimes requiring hospitalization. Veterinarians examining dogs from tularemia-enzootic areas should be aware of the epidemiology and clinical signs of tularemia, inquire about potential exposures, and discuss prevention methods with owners, including reducing exposure to reservoir hosts and promptly seeking care for ill animals. |
Animal exposure and human plague, United States, 1970-2017
Campbell SB , Nelson CA , Hinckley AF , Kugeler KJ . Emerg Infect Dis 2019 25 (12) 2270-2273 Since 1970, >50% of patients with plague in the United States had interactions with animals that might have led to infection. Among patients with pneumonic plague, nearly all had animal exposure. Improved understanding of the varied ways in which animal contact might increase risk for infection could enhance prevention messages. |
Knowledge and prevention of tickborne diseases among Hispanic and non-Hispanic residents of Maryland and Virginia
Hu SY , Starr JA , Gharpure R , Mehta SP , Feldman KA , Nelson CA . Zoonoses Public Health 2019 66 (7) 805-812 Tickborne diseases (TBDs) such as Lyme disease (LD), babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever cause substantial morbidity and even mortality in the USA. Data indicate that Hispanic populations may be at greater risk for occupational exposure to ticks and disseminated LD; however, information on knowledge and practices of Hispanic populations regarding TBDs is limited. We surveyed 153 Hispanic and 153 non-Hispanic residents of Maryland and Virginia to assess awareness of TBDs, prevention practices and risk of tick encounters. Hispanic respondents were less likely than non-Hispanics to report familiarity with LD symptoms (21% vs. 53%, p < 0.001) and correctly identify ticks as vectors of LD (40% vs. 85%, p < 0.001). Although there was no significant difference in overall proportion of respondents who routinely take one or more preventive measures to prevent tick bites (59% vs. 61%, p = 0.65), Hispanics were more likely to report showering after coming indoors (36% vs. 25%, p = 0.04) but less likely to conduct daily tick checks compared with non-Hispanics (17% vs. 35%, p < 0.001). History of tick bite or finding a tick crawling on oneself or a household member in the past year did not significantly differ between Hispanics and non-Hispanics (19% vs. 24%, p = 0.26). Notably, after controlling for Hispanic/non-Hispanic ethnicity, primary language (English vs. Spanish) was a significant predictor of whether an individual had knowledge of LD symptoms, correctly identified ticks as vectors for LD and performed daily tick checks. These results provide guidance for future development of more targeted and effective TBD prevention education for both Hispanic and non-Hispanic communities. |
Francisella tularensis transmission by solid organ transplantation, 2017
Nelson CA , Murua C , Jones JM , Mohler K , Zhang Y , Wiggins L , Kwit NA , Respicio-Kingry L , Kingry LC , Petersen JM , Brown J , Aslam S , Krafft M , Asad S , Dagher HN , Ham J , Medina-Garcia LH , Burns K , Kelley WE , Hinckley AF , Annambhotla P , Carifo K , Gonzalez A , Helsel E , Iser J , Johnson M , Fritz CL , Basavaraju SV . Emerg Infect Dis 2019 25 (4) 767-775 In July 2017, fever and sepsis developed in 3 recipients of solid organs (1 heart and 2 kidneys) from a common donor in the United States; 1 of the kidney recipients died. Tularemia was suspected only after blood cultures from the surviving kidney recipient grew Francisella species. The organ donor, a middle-aged man from the southwestern United States, had been hospitalized for acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome, pneumonia, and multiorgan failure. F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (clade A2) was cultured from archived spleen tissue from the donor and blood from both kidney recipients. Whole-genome multilocus sequence typing indicated that the isolated strains were indistinguishable. The heart recipient remained seronegative with negative blood cultures but had been receiving antimicrobial drugs for a medical device infection before transplant. Two lagomorph carcasses collected near the donor's residence were positive by PCR for F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (clade A2). This investigation documents F. tularensis transmission by solid organ transplantation. |
Tularemia ( Francisella tularensis) in a black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus) colony
Cherry CC , Kwit NA , Ohms RE , Hammesfahr AM , Pappert R , Petersen JM , Nelson CA , Buttke DE . J Wildl Dis 2019 55 (4) 944-946 Tularemia is a bacterial zoonosis caused by Francisella tularensis. We conducted a serosurvey of black-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys ludovicianus) in Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming, following an epizootic in voles ( Microtus spp.) due to F. tularensis. Only 1 of 44 (2%) sampled prairie dogs was seropositive for F. tularensis, providing evidence of survival and potentially limited spread among free-ranging prairie dogs. |
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