Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-19 (of 19 Records) |
Query Trace: Neblett-Fanfair R[original query] |
CDC prioritizes HIV prevention and treatment to reduce HIV disparities among cis-gender black women
Raiford JL , DiNenno E , Beer L , Bowman S , Johnson Lyons S , Anderson SKE , Powell N , Nickson R , Hall G , Neblett Fanfair R . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2024 To succeed in ending the HIV epidemic in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) focuses on delivering combinations of scientifically proven, cost-effective, and scalable interventions to priority populations. Systemic factors continue to contribute to persistent health disparities and disproportionately higher rates of HIV diagnosis in some communities. The National HIV/AIDS Strategy has designated cis-gender Black women (CgBW) as a priority population to address the racial and ethnic inequities in HIV. This report presents the portfolio of projects, programs, and initiatives funded by the CDC's Division of HIV Prevention (DHP) to address disparities in HIV and improve health and QOL among CgBW. These funded activities include the development, planning, and implementation of HIV prevention programs, mass media campaigns, and behavioral interventions focused on CgBW. This report also summarizes DHP's community engagement, capacity building, and partnership efforts, and highlights research and surveillance activities focusing on CgBW. Finally, this report outlines future directions for CDC's efforts to improve access to HIV testing, treatment, and prevention for CgBW in the United States. |
An estimate of excess deaths among people with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, 2020
Zhu W , Huang YA , Song R , Wiener J , Neblett-Fanfair RN , Kourtis AP , Hoover KW . AIDS 2023 37 (5) 851-853 We developed an ad hoc method to estimate the number of excess deaths among persons with HIV (PWH) during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Using this method, we estimated approximately 1,448 excess deaths from COVID-19 among PWH in 2020 in the United States. We also developed an Excel workbook for use as a tool to quickly assess excess deaths among PWH in settings with limited surveillance data. |
Cisgender women with HIV in the United States: how have HIV care continuum outcomes changed over time 2015-2020
O'Shea JG , Neblett Fanfair R , Dasgupta S , Tie Y , Yuan X , Beer L , Weiser J . AIDS 2023 37 (2) 347-353 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate HIV care continuum trends over time among women with HIV (WWH). DESIGN: The Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) is a complex sample survey of adults with diagnosed HIV in the United States. METHODS: We used 2015-2019 MMP data collected from 5139 adults with diagnosed HIV infection who identified as cisgender women. We calculated weighted percentages with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for all characteristics and estimated annual percentage change (EAPC) and the associated 95% CI to assess trends. EAPCs were considered meaningful from a public health perspective if at least 1% with P values less than 0.05. RESULTS: Among cisgender women with diagnosed HIV infection during 2015-2019, 58.8% were Black or African American (95% CI 54.4-63.3), 19% were Hispanic/Latina (95% CI 14.7-23.2), and 16% were Non-Hispanic White (95% CI 14.1-17.9) persons. There was a meaningful increase in the percentage who ever had stage 3 HIV disease from 55.8% (95% CI 51.0-60.5) in 2015 to 61.5% (95% CI 58.1-64.8) in 2019 (EAPC 1.7%; CI 1.5-1.9; P < 0.001). There were no meaningful changes over time among women, overall, in retention in care, antiretroviral therapy (ART) prescription, ART adherence, missed appointments, or recent or sustained viral suppression. CONCLUSION: The HIV care continuum outcomes among WWH did not meaningfully improve from 2015 to 2019, raising a concern that Ending the HIV Epidemic in the US (EHE) initiative goals will not be met. To improve health and reduce transmission of HIV among WWH, multifaceted interventions to retain women in care, increase ART adherence, and address social determinants of health are urgently needed. |
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on prescriptions for antiretroviral drugs for HIV treatment in the United States, 2019-2021.
Zhu W , Huang YA , Weiner J , Neblett-Fanfair R , Kourtis AP , Hall HI , Hoover KW . AIDS 2022 36 (12) 1697-1705 OBJECTIVE: To access disruption in healthcare services for HIV treatment by national emergency in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States. DESIGN: Time-series analysis. METHODS: We analyzed the IQVIA Real World Data-Longitudinal Prescriptions Database and calculated time trends in the weekly number of persons with active antiretroviral (ARV) prescriptions for HIV treatment, and of persons who obtained ARV prescriptions during January 2017-March 2021. We used interrupted time-series models to estimate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on antiretroviral therapy (ART) use between March 2020 and March 2021. RESULTS: We found that the weekly number of persons with active ARV prescriptions decreased by an average 2.5% (95% confidence interval [CI]: -3.8% to -1.1%), compared to predicted use, during March 2020 through March 2021. The weekly number of persons who obtained ARV prescriptions decreased 4.5% (95% CI: -6.0% to -3.0%), compared to the predicted number. Men, persons aged ≤34 years, privately insured persons, and persons in medication assistance programs had greater decreases than other groups. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated a decrease in the number of persons with active ARV prescriptions during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic and the number did not return to levels expected in the absence of the pandemic. Disruptions in HIV care and decreased ART may lead to lower levels of viral suppression and immunologic control, and increased HIV transmission in the community. |
Engagement in care promotes durable viral suppression among persons newly diagnosed with HIV infection
Iqbal K , Mendoza MCB , Patala AH , Neblett Fanfair R , Marks G . AIDS Care 2021 34 (5) 1-5 We characterize the association between engagement in care and durable viral suppression among persons newly diagnosed with HIV infection. Persons newly diagnosed with HIV with unsuppressed viral loads when they initiated care at one of six HIV clinics in the US were observed for up to 24 months. We describe the percentage who achieved durable viral suppression and number of days to achieve durable viral suppression. These outcomes were examined by the proportion of scheduled primary care appointments kept and demographic variables. Overall, 62% of patients achieved durable viral suppression and it took 174 days for 50% of patients to reach the beginning of the event. As the proportion of kept medical appointments increased, the proportion who achieved durable viral suppression increased, with 84% of patients who kept >75% of their appointments achieving the outcome. Higher adherence to appointments shortened the time to the beginning of durable viral suppression. Age, race/ethnicity, and risk factor for acquiring HIV infection were correlated with the outcomes. Adherence to primary care appointments is strongly associated with achieving durable viral suppression in persons newly diagnosed with HIV. Identifying and addressing patient barriers and unmet needs may increase the number who achieve durable viral suppression. |
Expansion of Preexposure Prophylaxis Capacity in Response to an HIV Outbreak Among People Who Inject Drugs-Cabell County, West Virginia, 2019
Furukawa NW , Weimer M , Willenburg KS , Kilkenny ME , Atkins AD , McClung RP , Hansen Z , Napier K , Handanagic S , Carnes NA , Kemp Rinderle J , Neblett-Fanfair R , Oster AM , Smith DK . Public Health Rep 2021 137 (1) 33354921994202 From January 1, 2018, through October 9, 2019, 82 HIV diagnoses occurred among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Cabell County, West Virginia. Increasing the use of HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among PWID was one of the goals of a joint federal, state, and local response to this HIV outbreak. Through partnerships with the local health department, a federally qualified health center, and an academic medical system, we integrated PrEP into medication-assisted treatment, syringe services program, and primary health care settings. During the initial PrEP implementation period (April 18-May 17, 2019), 110 health care providers and administrators received PrEP training, the number of clinics offering PrEP increased from 2 to 15, and PrEP referrals were integrated with partner services, outreach, and testing activities. The number of people on PrEP increased from 15 in the 6 months before PrEP expansion to 127 in the 6 months after PrEP implementation. Lessons learned included the importance of implementing PrEP within existing health care services, integrating PrEP with other HIV prevention response activities, adapting training and material to fit the local context, and customizing care to meet the needs of PWID. The delivery of PrEP to PWID is challenging but complements other HIV prevention interventions. The expansion of PrEP in response to this HIV outbreak in Cabell County provides a framework for expanding PrEP in other outbreak and non-outbreak settings. |
COVID-19 Clinical Phenotypes: Presentation and Temporal Progression of Disease in a Cohort of Hospitalized Adults in Georgia, United States.
da Silva JF , Hernandez-Romieu AC , Browning SD , Bruce BB , Natarajan P , Morris SB , Gold JAW , Neblett Fanfair R , Rogers-Brown J , Rossow J , Szablewski CM , Oosmanally N , D'Angelo MT , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Hollberg J , Blum JM , Jansen R , Wright DW , Sewell W , Owens J , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Burton DC , Uyeki TM , Patel PR , Jackson BR , Wong KK . Open Forum Infect Dis 2021 8 (1) ofaa596 BACKGROUND: The epidemiological features and outcomes of hospitalized adults with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been described; however, the temporal progression and medical complications of disease among hospitalized patients require further study. Detailed descriptions of the natural history of COVID-19 among hospitalized patients are paramount to optimize health care resource utilization, and the detection of different clinical phenotypes may allow tailored clinical management strategies. METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of 305 adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in 8 academic and community hospitals. Patient characteristics included demographics, comorbidities, medication use, medical complications, intensive care utilization, and longitudinal vital sign and laboratory test values. We examined laboratory and vital sign trends by mortality status and length of stay. To identify clinical phenotypes, we calculated Gower's dissimilarity matrix between each patient's clinical characteristics and clustered similar patients using the partitioning around medoids algorithm. RESULTS: One phenotype of 6 identified was characterized by high mortality (49%), older age, male sex, elevated inflammatory markers, high prevalence of cardiovascular disease, and shock. Patients with this severe phenotype had significantly elevated peak C-reactive protein creatinine, D-dimer, and white blood cell count and lower minimum lymphocyte count compared with other phenotypes (P < .01, all comparisons). CONCLUSIONS: Among a cohort of hospitalized adults, we identified a severe phenotype of COVID-19 based on the characteristics of its clinical course and poor prognosis. These findings need to be validated in other cohorts, as improved understanding of clinical phenotypes and risk factors for their development could help inform prognosis and tailored clinical management for COVID-19. |
Racial/Ethnic and Income Disparities in the Prevalence of Comorbidities that Are Associated With Risk for Severe COVID-19 Among Adults Receiving HIV Care, United States, 2014-2019.
Weiser JK , Tie Y , Beer L , Fanfair RN , Shouse RL . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2020 86 (3) 297-304 BACKGROUND: Health inequities among people with HIV may be compounded by disparities in the prevalence of comorbidities associated with increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19. SETTING: Complex sample survey designed to produce nationally representative estimates of behavioral and clinical characteristics of adults with diagnosed HIV in the United States. METHODS: We estimated prevalence of having ≥1 diagnosed comorbidity associated with severe illness from COVID-19 and prevalence differences (PD) by race/ethnicity, income level, and type of health insurance. We considered PDs ≥5 percentage points to be meaningful from a public health perspective. RESULTS: An estimated 37.9% (95% CI, 36.6 to 39.2) of adults receiving HIV care had ≥1 diagnosed comorbidity associated with severe illness from COVID-19. Compared with non-Hispanic Whites, non-Hispanic Blacks or African Americans were more likely (adjusted prevalence difference [APD], 7.8 percentage points [95% CI, 5.7 to 10.0]) and non-Hispanic Asians were less likely (APD, -13.7 percentage points [95% CI, -22.3 to -5.0]) to have ≥1 diagnosed comorbidity after adjusting for age differences. There were no meaningful differences between non-Hispanic Whites and adults in other racial/ethnic groups. Those with low income, were more likely to have ≥1 diagnosed comorbidity (PD, 7.3 percentage points [95% CI, 5.1 to 9.4]). CONCLUSIONS: Among adults receiving HIV care, non-Hispanic Blacks and those with low income were more likely to have ≥1 diagnosed comorbidity associated with severe COVID-19. Building health equity among people with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic may require reducing the impact of comorbidities in heavily affected communities. |
Predictors at admission of mechanical ventilation and death in an observational cohort of adults hospitalized with COVID-19.
Jackson BR , Gold JAW , Natarajan P , Rossow J , Neblett Fanfair R , da Silva J , Wong KK , Browning SD , Bamrah Morris S , Rogers-Brown J , Hernandez-Romieu AC , Szablewski CM , Oosmanally N , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Hollberg J , Blum JM , Jansen R , Wright DW , SeweSll WM , Owens JD , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Burton DC , Uyeki TM , Bialek SR , Patel PR , Bruce BB . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (11) e4141-e4151 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) can cause severe illness and death. Predictors of poor outcome collected on hospital admission may inform clinical and public health decisions. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective observational cohort investigation of 297 adults admitted to eight academic and community hospitals in Georgia, United States, during March 2020. Using standardized medical record abstraction, we collected data on predictors including admission demographics, underlying medical conditions, outpatient antihypertensive medications, recorded symptoms, vital signs, radiographic findings, and laboratory values. We used random forest models to calculate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for predictors of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) and death. RESULTS: Compared with age <45 years, ages 65-74 years and ≥75 years were predictors of IMV (aOR 3.12, CI 1.47-6.60; aOR 2.79, CI 1.23-6.33) and the strongest predictors for death (aOR 12.92, CI 3.26-51.25; aOR 18.06, CI 4.43-73.63). Comorbidities associated with death (aORs from 2.4 to 3.8, p <0.05) included end-stage renal disease, coronary artery disease, and neurologic disorders, but not pulmonary disease, immunocompromise, or hypertension. Pre-hospital use vs. non-use of angiotensin receptor blockers (aOR 2.02, CI 1.03-3.96) and dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (aOR 1.91, CI 1.03-3.55) were associated with death. CONCLUSIONS: After adjustment for patient and clinical characteristics, older age was the strongest predictor of death, exceeding comorbidities, abnormal vital signs, and laboratory test abnormalities. That coronary artery disease, but not chronic lung disease, was associated with death among hospitalized patients warrants further investigation, as do associations between certain antihypertensive medications and death. |
Missed opportunities for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing during injection drug use-related healthcare encounters among a cohort of persons who inject drugs with HIV diagnosed during an outbreak-Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky, 2017-2018
Furukawa NW , Blau EF , Reau Z , Carlson D , Raney ZD , Johnson TK , Deputy NP , Sami S , McClung RP , Neblett-Fanfair R , de Fijter S , Ingram T , Thoroughman D , Vogel S , Lyss SB . Clin Infect Dis 2020 72 (11) 1961-1967 BACKGROUND: Persons who inject drugs (PWID) have frequent healthcare encounters related to their injection drug use (IDU) but are often not tested for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We sought to quantify missed opportunities for HIV testing during an HIV outbreak among PWID. METHODS: PWID with HIV diagnosed in 5 Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky counties during January 2017-September 2018 who had ≥1 encounter 12 months prior to HIV diagnosis in 1 of 2 Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area healthcare systems were included in the analysis. HIV testing and encounter data were abstracted from electronic health records. A missed opportunity for HIV testing was defined as an encounter for an IDU-related condition where an HIV test was not performed and had not been performed in the prior 12 months. RESULTS: Among 109 PWID with HIV diagnosed who had ≥1 healthcare encounter, 75 (68.8%) had ≥1 IDU-related encounters in the 12 months before HIV diagnosis. These 75 PWID had 169 IDU-related encounters of which 86 (50.9%) were missed opportunities for HIV testing and occurred among 46 (42.2%) PWID. Most IDU-related encounters occurred in the emergency department (118/169; 69.8%). Using multivariable generalized estimating equations, HIV testing was more likely in inpatient compared with emergency department encounters (adjusted relative risk [RR], 2.72; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.70-4.33) and at the healthcare system receiving funding for emergency department HIV testing (adjusted RR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.10-2.82). CONCLUSIONS: PWID have frequent IDU-related encounters in emergency departments. Enhanced HIV screening of PWID in these settings can facilitate earlier diagnosis and improve outbreak response. |
Characteristics Associated with Hospitalization Among Patients with COVID-19 - Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, March-April 2020.
Killerby ME , Link-Gelles R , Haight SC , Schrodt CA , England L , Gomes DJ , Shamout M , Pettrone K , O'Laughlin K , Kimball A , Blau EF , Burnett E , Ladva CN , Szablewski CM , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Oosmanally N , Drenzek C , Murphy DJ , Blum JM , Hollberg J , Lefkove B , Brown FW , Shimabukuro T , Midgley CM , Tate JE , CDC COVID-19 Response Clinical Team , Browning Sean D , Bruce Beau B , da Silva Juliana , Gold Jeremy AW , Jackson Brendan R , Bamrah Morris Sapna , Natarajan Pavithra , Neblett Fanfair Robyn , Patel Priti R , Rogers-Brown Jessica , Rossow John , Wong Karen K . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (25) 790-794 The first reported U.S. case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was detected in January 2020 (1). As of June 15, 2020, approximately 2 million cases and 115,000 COVID-19-associated deaths have been reported in the United States.* Reports of U.S. patients hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 infection (the virus that causes COVID-19) describe high proportions of older, male, and black persons (2-4). Similarly, when comparing hospitalized patients with catchment area populations or nonhospitalized COVID-19 patients, high proportions have underlying conditions, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, or chronic respiratory disease (3,4). For this report, data were abstracted from the medical records of 220 hospitalized and 311 nonhospitalized patients aged >/=18 years with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 from six acute care hospitals and associated outpatient clinics in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. Multivariable analyses were performed to identify patient characteristics associated with hospitalization. The following characteristics were independently associated with hospitalization: age >/=65 years (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 3.4), black race (aOR = 3.2), having diabetes mellitus (aOR = 3.1), lack of insurance (aOR = 2.8), male sex (aOR = 2.4), smoking (aOR = 2.3), and obesity (aOR = 1.9). Infection with SARS-CoV-2 can lead to severe outcomes, including death, and measures to protect persons from infection, such as staying at home, social distancing (5), and awareness and management of underlying conditions should be emphasized for those at highest risk for hospitalization with COVID-19. Measures that prevent the spread of infection to others, such as wearing cloth face coverings (6), should be used whenever possible to protect groups at high risk. Potential barriers to the ability to adhere to these measures need to be addressed. |
Notes from the Field: Outbreak of human immunodeficiency virus infection among persons who inject drugs - Cabell County, West Virginia, 2018-2019
Atkins A , McClung RP , Kilkenny M , Bernstein K , Willenburg K , Edwards A , Lyss S , Thomasson E , Panneer N , Kirk N , Watson M , Adkins E , DiNenno E , Hogan V , Neblett Fanfair R , Napier K , Ridpath AD , Perdue M , Chen M , Surtees T , Handanagic S , Wood H , Kennebrew D , Cohn C , Sami S , Eubank S , Furukawa NW , Rose B , Thompson A , Spadafora L , Wright C , Balleydier S , Broussard D , Reynolds P , Carnes N , Haynes N , Sapiano T , McBee S , Campbell E , Batdorf S , Scott M , Boltz M , Wills D , Oster AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (16) 499-500 In January 2019, West Virginia Bureau for Public Health (WVBPH) surveillance staff members noted an increase in diagnoses of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among persons who inject drugs in Cabell County, West Virginia (population approximately 91,900*). Cabell County, part of a medium-sized metropolitan statistical area and home to the city of Huntington (population approximately 46,000†), had historically high rates of substance use disorder but low rates of HIV infection (1). During 2013–2017, an annual average of two diagnoses of HIV infection had occurred among Cabell County persons who inject drugs; however, in 2018, 14 diagnoses occurred, including seven in the fourth quarter. |
Implementing data to care - what are the costs for the health department
Neblett Fanfair R , Shrestha RK , Randall L , Lucas C , Nichols L , Camp NM , Brady K , Jenkins H , Altice F , Villanueva M , DeMaria A . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2019 82 Suppl 1 S57-s61 BACKGROUND: The Cooperative Re-Engagement Controlled Trial (CoRECT) is a randomized controlled trial that uses a combined health department-provider data to care (D2C) model to identify out-of-care HIV-infected persons. We present cost data for programmatic aspects of the trial during the start-up period (first 30 days of the study). METHODS: We used microcosting methods to estimate health department start-up costs. We collected start-up cost data between September 2016 and December 2016; 3 health departments completed a form to capture expenses for the initial 30 days of study implementation; the start date varied by health department. All costs are expressed in 2016 US dollars. RESULTS: Among the 3 health departments, the total start-up costs ranged from $14,145 to $26,058. Total start-up labor hours ranged from 224 to 640 hours. CONCLUSIONS: As D2C expands nationally with cooperative agreement, PS 18-1802 health departments may be able to use a similar analysis to consider the labor, time, and resources needed to implement D2C within their jurisdiction. |
Suboptimal prenatal syphilis testing among commercially insured women in the United States, 2013
Neblett Fanfair R , Tao G , Owusu-Edusei K , Gift TL , Bernstein KT . Sex Transm Dis 2017 44 (4) 219-221 United States surveillance data demonstrate that congenital syphilis cases are increasing. We performed an analysis of commercially insured pregnant females using MarketSan to determine syphilis screening rates at different prenatal stages; 85% of pregnant women in this population had a syphilis test performed at least once during the prenatal period. |
Update: Interim guidance for preconception counseling and prevention of sexual transmission of Zika virus for persons with possible Zika virus exposure - United States, September 2016
Petersen EE , Meaney-Delman D , Neblett-Fanfair R , Havers F , Oduyebo T , Hills SL , Rabe IB , Lambert A , Abercrombie J , Martin SW , Gould CV , Oussayef N , Polen KN , Kuehnert MJ , Pillai SK , Petersen LR , Honein MA , Jamieson DJ , Brooks JT . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (39) 1077-1081 CDC has updated its interim guidance for persons with possible Zika virus exposure who are planning to conceive and interim guidance to prevent transmission of Zika virus through sexual contact, now combined into a single document. Guidance for care for pregnant women with possible Zika virus exposure was previously published. Possible Zika virus exposure is defined as travel to or residence in an area of active Zika virus transmission (, or sex without a condom with a partner who traveled to or lived in an area of active transmission. Based on new though limited data, CDC now recommends that all men with possible Zika virus exposure who are considering attempting conception with their partner, regardless of symptom status, section sign wait to conceive until at least 6 months after symptom onset (if symptomatic) or last possible Zika virus exposure (if asymptomatic). Recommendations for women planning to conceive remain unchanged: women with possible Zika virus exposure are recommended to wait to conceive until at least 8 weeks after symptom onset (if symptomatic) or last possible Zika virus exposure (if asymptomatic). Couples with possible Zika virus exposure, who are not pregnant and do not plan to become pregnant, who want to minimize their risk for sexual transmission of Zika virus should use a condom or abstain from sex for the same periods for men and women described above. Women of reproductive age who have had or anticipate future Zika virus exposure who do not want to become pregnant should use the most effective contraceptive method that can be used correctly and consistently. These recommendations will be further updated when additional data become available. |
Syphilis trends among men who have sex with men in the United States and western Europe: A systematic review of trend studies published between 2004 and 2015
Abara WE , Hess KL , Neblett Fanfair R , Bernstein KT , Paz-Bailey G . PLoS One 2016 11 (7) e0159309 Globally, men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately burdened with syphilis. This review describes the published literature on trends in syphilis infections among MSM in the US and Western Europe from 1998, the period with the fewest syphilis infections in both geographical areas, onwards. We also describe disparities in syphilis trends among various sub-populations of MSM. We searched electronic databases (Medline, Embase, Global Health, PsychInfo, CAB Abstracts, CINAHL, Sociological Abstracts, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and LILACS) for peer-reviewed journal articles that were published between January 2004 and June 2015 and reported on syphilis cases among MSM at multiple time points from 1998 onwards. Ten articles (12 syphilis trend studies/reports) from the US and eight articles (12 syphilis trend studies/reports) from Western Europe were identified and included in this review. Taken together, our findings indicate an increase in the numbers and rates (per 100,000) of syphilis infections among MSM in the US and Western Europe since 1998. Disparities in the syphilis trends among MSM were also noted, with greater increases observed among HIV-positive MSM than HIV-negative MSM in both the US and Western Europe. In the US, racial minority MSM and MSM between 20 and 29 years accounted for the greatest increases in syphilis infections over time whereas White MSM accounted for most syphilis infections over time in Western Europe. Multiple strategies, including strengthening and targeting current syphilis screening and testing programs, and the prompt treatment of syphilis cases are warranted to address the increase in syphilis infections among all MSM in the US and Western Europe, but particularly among HIV-infected MSM, racial minority MSM, and young MSM in the US. |
Molecular Typing of Treponema pallidum in Ocular Syphilis.
Oliver S , Sahi SK , Tantalo LC , Godornes C , Neblett Fanfair R , Markowitz LE , Lukehart SA , Marra CM . Sex Transm Dis 2016 43 (8) 524-7 ![]() BACKGROUND: Syphilis can have many clinical manifestations, including eye involvement, or "ocular syphilis." In 2015, an increase in reported cases of ocular syphilis and potential case clusters raised concern for an oculotropic strain of Treponema pallidum, the infectious agent of syphilis. Molecular typing was used to examine strains found in cases of ocular syphilis in the United States. METHODS: In 2015, after a clinical advisory issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pretreatment clinical specimens from US patients with ocular syphilis were sent to a research laboratory for molecular analysis of T. pallidum DNA. Molecular typing was conducted on these specimens, and results were compared with samples collected from Seattle patients diagnosed with syphilis, but without ocular symptoms. RESULTS: Samples were typed from 18 patients with ocular syphilis and from 45 patients with syphilis, but without ocular symptoms. Clinical data were available for 14 ocular syphilis patients: most were men, human immunodeficiency virus-infected, and had early syphilis. At least 5 distinct strain types of Treponema pallidum were identified in these patients, and 9 types were identified in the Seattle nonocular patients. 14d/g was the most common type in both groups. An unusual strain type was detected in a small cluster of ocular syphilis patients in Seattle. CONCLUSIONS: Ocular syphilis is a serious sequela of syphilis. In this preliminary study, clear evidence of a predominant oculotropic strain causing ocular syphilis was not detected. Identification of cases and prompt treatment is critical in the management of ocular syphilis. |
A case-control study evaluating the role of internet meet-up sites and mobile telephone applications in influencing a syphilis outbreak: Multnomah County, Oregon, USA 2014
DeSilva M , Hedberg K , Robinson B , Toevs K , Neblett-Fanfair R , Petrosky E , Hariri S , Schafer S . Sex Transm Infect 2016 92 (5) 353-8 OBJECTIVES: Early syphilis in Multnomah County, Oregon, USA, increased 16-fold during 2007-2013. Cases predominantly occurred among men who have sex with men (MSM); 55% were HIV coinfected. We conducted a case-control study to evaluate the association between meeting sex partners online and early syphilis. METHODS: Cases subjects (cases) were Multnomah County resident, English speaking, MSM, aged ≥18 years with laboratory-confirmed early syphilis reported 1 January to 31 December 2013. We recruited two MSM controls subjects (controls) per case, frequency matched by HIV status and age. Participants completed self-administered questionnaires. We performed multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: Seventy per cent (40/57) of cases and 42% (50/119) of controls met partners online (p<0.001). Cases more frequently met partners online (adjusted OR (aOR)=3.0; 95% CI 1.2 to 6.7), controlling for presumptive confounders. Cases reported more partners than controls (medians 5, 2; p<0.001). When including number of partners, aOR decreased to 1.4 (95% CI 0.5 to 3.9). CONCLUSIONS: Early syphilis was associated with meeting partners online. We believe this association may be related to number of sex partners acting as an intermediate variable between use of online resources to meet sex partners and early syphilis. Online meet-up sites might represent areas for public health interventions targeting at-risk individuals. |
Whole genome sequence typing to investigate the Apophysomyces outbreak following a tornado in Joplin, Missouri, 2011.
Etienne KA , Gillece J , Hilsabeck R , Schupp JM , Colman R , Lockhart SR , Gade L , Thompson EH , Sutton DA , Neblett-Fanfair R , Park BJ , Turabelidze G , Keim P , Brandt ME , Deak E , Engelthaler DM . PLoS One 2012 7 (11) e49989 ![]() Case reports of Apophysomyces spp. in immunocompetent hosts have been a result of traumatic deep implantation of Apophysomyces spp. spore-contaminated soil or debris. On May 22, 2011 a tornado occurred in Joplin, MO, leaving 13 tornado victims with Apophysomyces trapeziformis infections as a result of lacerations from airborne material. We used whole genome sequence typing (WGST) for high-resolution phylogenetic SNP analysis of 17 outbreak Apophysomyces isolates and five additional temporally and spatially diverse Apophysomyces control isolates (three A. trapeziformis and two A. variabilis isolates). Whole genome SNP phylogenetic analysis revealed three clusters of genotypically related or identical A. trapeziformis isolates and multiple distinct isolates among the Joplin group; this indicated multiple genotypes from a single or multiple sources. Though no linkage between genotype and location of exposure was observed, WGST analysis determined that the Joplin isolates were more closely related to each other than to the control isolates, suggesting local population structure. Additionally, species delineation based on WGST demonstrated the need to reassess currently accepted taxonomic classifications of phylogenetic species within the genus Apophysomyces. |
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