Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
Records 1-16 (of 16 Records) |
Query Trace: Mischler SE[original query] |
Classification of asbestos and their nonasbestiform analogues using FTIR and multivariate data analysis
Lee T , Mischler SE , Wolfe C . J Hazard Mater 2024 469 133874 This study presents a possible application of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry and multivariate data analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) for classifying asbestos and their nonasbestiform analogues. The objectives of the study are: 1) to classify six regulated asbestos types and 2) to classify between asbestos types and their nonasbestiform analogues. The respirable fraction of six regulated asbestos types and their nonasbestiform analogues were prepared in potassium bromide pellets and collected on polyvinyl chloride membrane filters for FTIR measurement. Both PCA and PLS-DA classified asbestos types and their nonasbestiform analogues on the score plots showed a very distinct clustering of samples between the serpentine (chrysotile) and amphibole groups. The PLS-DA model provided ∼95% correct prediction with a single asbestos type in the sample, although it did not provide all correct predictions for all the challenge samples due to their inherent complexity and the limited sample number. Further studies are necessary for a better prediction level in real samples and standardization of sampling and analysis procedures. |
Equivalency of PDM3700 and PDM3600 dust monitors
Tuchman DP , Mischler SE , Cauda EG , Colinet JF , Rubinstein EN . Min Metall Explor 2024 The PDM3600 and PDM3700 are two closely related person-wearable dust monitors manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific. Both are based on tapered element oscillating microbalance technology and provide nearly real-time, mass-based readings of respirable dust concentrations. From a monitoring perspective, the primary difference between the models is the PDM3600 has an integrated cap lamp with attached inlet, while the PDM3700 has no cap lamp and a revised inlet attaches to the worker’s lapel. Using coals of varied origin and employing a wide range of concentrations, side-by-side measurements from these instruments were collected under controlled laboratory conditions and then compared. By use of ordinary least squares and weighted least squares regression methods, followed by mixed model analysis, results suggest there is no statistically significant or practical difference in instrument performance. The two monitors are equivalent for the field dust concentration measurements for which they were designed. © This is a U.S. Government work and not under copyright protection in the US; foreign copyright protection may apply 2024. |
Diesel aerosols in an underground coal mine
Bugarski AD , Vanderslice S , Hummer JA , Barone T , Mischler SE , Peters S , Cochrane S , Winkler J . Min Metall Explor 2022 39 (3) 937-945 The case study was conducted in an underground coal mine to characterize submicron aerosols at a continuous miner (CM) section, assess the concentrations of diesel aerosols at the longwall (LW) section, and assess the exposures of selected occupations to elemental carbon (EC) and total carbon (TC). The results show that aerosols at the CM sections were a mixture of aerosols freshly generated at the outby portion of the CM section and those generated in the main drifts that supply fresh air to the section. The relatively low ambient concentrations and personal exposures of selected occupations suggest that currently applied control strategies and technologies are relatively effective in curtailing exposures to diesel aerosols. Further reductions in EC and TC concentrations and personal exposures to those would be possible by more effective curtailment of emissions from high-emitting light duty (LD) vehicles. 2022, This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection in the U.S.; foreign copyright protection may apply. |
Effectiveness of the CPDM in reducing overexposures to coal mine dust
Colinet JF , Mischler SE . Min Metall Explor 2022 39 (2) 283-290 The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) promulgated a rule in 2014 that required numerous changes in compliance dust sampling requirements for coal mine operators. Two key parts of this rule were the lowering of the respirable coal mine dust standard from 2.0 mg/m3 to 1.5 mg/m3 and requiring operators of underground coal mines to use a continuous personal dust monitor (CPDM) for compliance sampling. The CPDM currently approved for compliance sampling is equipped with a display that provides miners with in-shift information on their respirable dust exposure. The goal is to provide an indication of a potential overexposure and empower the miner and mine operator to implement changes in controls and/or operating practices to prevent an overexposure from occurring. Compliance sampling data for four occupations that have historically had elevated dust exposures were downloaded from the MSHA website and analyzed to assess the impact of the CPDM on overexposures. These occupations include continuous miner operator, roof bolter operator, tailgate-side shearer operator, and jacksetter. MSHA inspector and mine operator sampling data from five years before the rule became effective was compared to sampling results for five years after the dust standard was lowered and CPDM use was required. The analysis indicates that use of the CPDM has resulted in substantially lower percentages of samples exceeding the applicable respirable dust standard for these four occupations. A discussion of key dust rule changes, the CPDM, and compliance sampling results are provided. © 2022, This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection in the U.S.; foreign copyright protection may apply. |
Design of a water curtain to reduce accumulations of float coal dust in longwall returns
Seaman CE , Shahan MR , Beck TW , Mischler SE . Int J Min Sci Technol 2020 30 (4) 443-447 Accumulation of float coal dust (FCD) in underground mines is an explosion hazard that affects all underground coal mine workers. While this hazard is addressed by the application of rock dust, inadequate rock dusting practices can leave miners exposed to an explosion risk. Researchers at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have focused on developing a water curtain that removes FCD from the airstream, thereby reducing the buildup of FCD in mine airways. In this study, the number and spacing of the active sprays in the water curtain were varied to determine the optimal configuration to obtain peak knockdown efficiency (KE) while minimizing water consumption. |
Calibration of the cloud and aerosol spectrometer for coal dust composition and morphology
Barone TL , Hesse E , Seaman CE , Baran AJ , Beck TW , Harris ML , Jaques PA , Lee T , Mischler SE . Adv Powder Technol 2019 30 (9) 1805-1814 The cloud and aerosol spectrometer (CAS) was calibrated to enable CAS sizing of coal dust for studies on flammable dust control. Coal dust sizes were determined by light-scattering theories for irregular particles that account for particle composition and morphology in computing coal dust diameters. Coal dust size computations were compared with test dust that was generated by cyclone separation and air-jet sieving and characterized by aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) and computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy (CCSEM) measurements. For test dust in the range of 0.5–32 μm, coal dust size distributions were consistent with cyclone-separated and sieve-segregated sizes. For the 3–20 μm size range, the coal dust size distribution had a mass median diameter that was 14% larger than that of the APS. This difference was reasonable considering that the basic calibration for glass spheres had 13% uncertainty. For the 20–32 μm and 32–45 μm test dusts, mass median diameters differed from CCSEM measurements by only 4% and 5%, respectively. Overall, the results suggest agreement between test dust sizes and computations for coal dust. Alternatively, using conventional Mie theory computations for spheres, coal dust mass median diameters were 35% and 40% larger than APS and CCSEM measurements, respectively. |
Testing a revised inlet for the personal dust monitor
Mischler SE , Tuchman DP , Cauda EG , Colinet JF , Rubinstein EN . J Occup Environ Hyg 2019 16 (3) 1-8 A person-wearable dust monitor that provides nearly real-time, mass-based readings of respirable dust was developed for use in underground coal mines. This personal dust monitor (PDM) combined dust sampling instrumentation with a cap lamp (and battery) into one belt-wearable unit, with the air inlet mounted on the cap lamp. However, obsolescence of belt-carried cap lamp and batteries in coal mining ensued and led end users to request that the cap lamp and battery be removed from the PDM. Removal of these components necessitated the design of a new air inlet to be worn on the miner's lapel. The revised inlet was tested for dust collection equivalency against the original cap-mounted inlet design. Using calculated inlet respirable fractions and measured dust mass collection, the performance of the two inlets is shown to be similar. The new inlet requires a 1.02 factor for converting dust masses obtained from it to equivalent masses collected from the original inlet. |
Open-air sprays for capturing and controlling airborne float coal dust on longwall faces
Beck TW , Seaman CE , Shahan MR , Mischler SE . Min Eng 2018 70 (1) 42-48 Float dust deposits in coal mine return airways pose a risk in the event of a methane ignition. Controlling airborne dust prior to deposition in the return would make current rock dusting practices more effective and reduce the risk of coal-dust-fueled explosions. The goal of this U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health study is to determine the potential of open-Air water sprays to reduce concentrations of airborne float coal dust, smaller than 75 microm in diameter, in longwall face airstreams. This study evaluated unconfined water sprays in a featureless tunnel ventilated at a typical longwall face velocity of 3.6 m/s (700 fpm). Experiments were conducted for two nozzle orientations and two water pressures for hollow cone, full cone, flat fan, air atomizing and hydraulic atomizing spray nozzles. Gravimetric samples show that airborne float dust removal efficiencies averaged 19.6 percent for all sprays under all conditions. The results indicate that the preferred spray nozzle should be operated at high fluid pressures to produce smaller droplets and move more air. These findings agree with past respirable dust control research, providing guidance on spray selection and spray array design in ongoing efforts to control airborne float dust over the entire longwall ventilated opening. |
Comparison of the CAS-POL and IOM samplers for determining the knockdown efficiencies of water sprays on float coal dust
Seaman CE , Shahan MR , Beck TW , Mischler SE . J Occup Environ Hyg 2017 15 (3) 0 Float coal dust, generated by mining operations, is distributed throughout mine airways by ventilating air designed to purge gases and respirable dust. Float coal dust poses an explosion hazard in the event of a methane ignition. Current regulation requires the application of inert rock dust in areas subjected to float coal dust in order to mitigate the hazard. An alternate method using water sprays, which have been effective in controlling respirable dust hazards, has been proposed as a way to control float coal dust generated on longwall faces. However, the knockdown efficiency of the proposed water sprays on float coal dust needs to be verified. This study used gravimetric isokinetic Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) samplers alongside a real-time aerosol monitor (Cloud Aerosol Spectrometer with polarization; CAS-POL) to study the effects of spray type, operating pressure, and spray orientation on knockdown efficiencies for seven different water sprays. Because the CAS-POL has not been used to study mining dust, the CAS-POL measurements were validated with respect to the IOM samplers. This study found that the CAS-POL was able to resolve the same trends measured by the IOM samplers, while providing additional knockdown information for specific particle size ranges and locations in the test area. In addition, the CAS-POL data was not prone to the same process errors, which may occur due to the handling of the IOM filter media, and was able to provide a faster analysis of the data after testing. This study also determined that pressure was the leading design criteria influencing spray knockdown efficiency, with spray type also having some effect and orientation having little to no effect. The results of this study will be used to design future full-scale float coal dust capture tests involving multiple sprays, which will be evaluated using the CAS-POL. |
Characterization of airborne float coal dust emitted during continuous mining, longwall mining and belt transport
Shahan MR , Seaman CE , Beck TW , Colinet JF , Mischler SE . Min Eng 2017 69 (9) 61-66 Float coal dust is produced by various mining methods, carried by ventilating air and deposited on the floor, roof and ribs of mine airways. It deposited, float dust is re-entrained during a methane explosion. Without sufficient inert rock dust quantities, this float coal dust can propagate an explosion throughout mining entries. Consequently, controlling float coaf dust is of critical interest to mining operations. Rock dusting, which is the adding of inert material to airway surfaces, is the main control technique currently used by the coal mining industry to reduce the float coal dust explosion hazard. To assist the industry in reducing this hazard, the Pittsburgh Mining Research Division of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health initiated a project to investigate methods and technologies to reduce float ooal dust in underground coal mines through prevention, capture and suppression prior to deposition. Field characterization studies were performed to determine quantitatively the sources, types and amounts of dust produced during various coal mining processes. The operations chosen for study were a continuous miner section, a longwall section and a coal-handling facility. For each of these operations, the primary dust sources were confirmed to be the continuous mining machine, longwall shearer and conveyor belt transfer points, respectively. Respirable and total airborne float dust samples were collected and analyzed for each operation, and the ratio of total airborne float coal dust to respirable dust was calculated. During the continuous mining process, the ratio of total airborne float ooal dust to respirable dust ranged from 10.3 to 13.6. The ratios measured on the longwall face were between 1B.5 and 21.5. The total airborne float coal dust to respirable dust ratio observed during belt transport ranged between 7.5 and 21.8. |
Association of IL-6 with PM2.5 components: Importance of characterizing filter-based PM2.5 following extraction
Roper C , Chubb LG , Cambal L , Tunno B , Clougherty JE , Fattman C , Mischler SE . Water Air Soil Pollut 2017 228 43 Filter-based toxicology studies are conducted to establish the biological plausibility of the well-established health impacts associated with fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure. Ambient PM2.5 collected on filters is extracted into solution for toxicology applications, but frequently, characterization is nonexistent or only performed on filter-based PM2.5, without consideration of compositional differences that occur during the extraction processes. To date, the impact of making associations to measured components in ambient instead of extracted PM2.5 has not been investigated. Filter-based PM2.5 was collected at locations (n = 5) and detailed characterization of both ambient and extracted PM2.5 was performed. Alveolar macrophages (AMJ2-C11) were exposed (3, 24, and 48 h) to PM2.5 and the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-6 was measured. IL-6 release differed significantly between PM2.5 collected from different locations; surprisingly, IL-6 release was highest following treatment with PM2.5 from the lowest ambient concentration location. IL-6 was negatively correlated with the sum of ambient metals analyzed, as well as with concentrations of specific constituents which have been previously associated with respiratory health effects. However, positive correlations of IL-6 with extracted concentrations indicated that the negative associations between IL-6 and ambient concentrations do not accurately represent the relationship between inflammation and PM2.5 exposure. Additionally, seven organic compounds had significant associations with IL-6 release when considering ambient concentrations, but they were not detected in the extracted solution. Basing inflammatory associations on ambient concentrations that are not necessarily representative of in vitro exposures creates misleading results; this study highlights the importance of characterizing extraction solutions to conduct accurate health impact research. |
Differential activation of RAW 264.7 macrophages by size-segregated crystalline silica
Mischler SE , Cauda EG , Di Giuseppe M , McWilliams LJ , St Croix C , Sun M , Franks J , Ortiz LA . J Occup Med Toxicol 2016 11 57 BACKGROUND: Occupational exposure to crystalline silica is a well-established occupational hazard. Once in the lung, crystalline silica particles can result in the activation of alveolar macrophages (AM), potentially leading to silicosis, a fibrotic lung disease. Because the activation of alveolar macrophages is the beginning step in a complicated inflammatory cascade, it is necessary to define the particle characteristics resulting in this activation. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of the size of crystalline silica particles on the activation of macrophages. METHODS: RAW 264.7 macrophages were exposed to four different sizes of crystalline silica and their activation was measured using electron microscopy, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation by mitochondria, and cytokine expression. RESULTS: These data identified differences in particle uptake and formation of subcellular organelles based on particle size. In addition, these data show that the smallest particles, with a geometric mean of 0.3 mum, significantly increase the generation of mitochondrial ROS and the expression of cytokines when compared to larger crystalline silica particles, with a geometric mean of 4.1 mum. CONCLUSION: In summary, this study presents novel data showing that crystalline silica particles with a geometric mean of 0.3 mum enhance the activation of AM when compared to larger silica particles usually represented in in vitro and in vivo research. |
Sampling and analysis method for measuring airborne coal dust mass in mixtures with limestone (rock) dust
Barone TL , Patts JR , Janisko SJ , Colinet JF , Patts LD , Beck TW , Mischler SE . J Occup Environ Hyg 2015 13 (4) 0 Airborne coal dust mass measurements in underground bituminous coal mines can be challenged by the presence of airborne limestone dust, which is an incombustible dust applied to prevent the propagation of dust explosions. To accurately measure the coal portion of this mixed airborne dust, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) developed a sampling and analysis protocol that used a stainless steel cassette adapted with an isokinetic inlet and the low temperature ashing (LTA) analytical method. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) routinely utilizes this LTA method to quantify the incombustible content of bulk dust samples collected from the roof, floor, and ribs of mining entries. The use of the stainless steel cassette with isokinetic inlet allowed NIOSH to adopt the LTA method for the analysis of airborne dust samples. Mixtures of known coal and limestone dust masses were prepared in the laboratory, loaded into the stainless steel cassettes, and analyzed to assess the accuracy of this method. Coal dust mass measurements differed from predicted values by an average of 0.5%, 0.2%, and 0.1% for samples containing 20%, 91%, and 95% limestone dust, respectively. The ability of this method to accurately quantify the laboratory samples confirmed the validity of this method and allowed NIOSH to successfully measure the coal fraction of airborne dust samples collected in an underground coal mine. |
Characterization of ambient and extracted PM2.5 collected on filters for toxicology applications
Roper C , Chubb LG , Cambal L , Tunno B , Clougherty JE , Mischler SE . Inhal Toxicol 2015 27 (13) 1-9 Research on the health effects of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) frequently disregards the differences in particle composition between that measured on an ambient filter versus that measured in the corresponding extraction solution used for toxicological testing. This study presents a novel method for characterizing the differences, in metallic and organic species, between the ambient samples and the corresponding extracted solutions through characterization of extracted PM2.5 suspended on filters. Removal efficiency was found to be 98.0 +/- 1.4% when measured using pre- and post-removal filter weights, however, this efficiency was significantly reduced to 80.2 +/- 0.8% when measured based on particle mass in the extraction solution. Furthermore, only 47.2 +/- 22.3% of metals and 24.8 +/- 14.5% of organics measured on the ambient filter were found in the extraction solution. Individual metallic and organic components were extracted with varying efficiency, with many organics being lost entirely during extraction. Finally, extraction efficiencies of specific PM2.5 components were inversely correlated with total mass. This study details a method to assess compositional alterations resulting from extraction of PM2.5 from filters, emphasizing the need for standardized procedures that maintain compositional integrity of ambient samples for use in toxicology studies of PM2.5. |
A multi-cyclone sampling array for the collection of size-segregated occupational aerosols
Mischler SE , Cauda EG , Di Giuseppe M , Ortiz LA . J Occup Environ Hyg 2013 10 (12) 685-93 In this study a serial multi-cyclone sampling array capable of simultaneously sampling particles of multiple size fractions, from an occupational environment, for use in in vivo and in vitro toxicity studies and physical/chemical characterization, was developed and tested. This method is an improvement over current methods used to size-segregate occupational aerosols for characterization, due to its simplicity and its ability to collect sufficient masses of nano- and ultrafine sized particles for analysis. This method was evaluated in a chamber providing a uniform atmosphere of dust concentrations using crystalline silica particles. The multi-cyclone sampling array was used to segregate crystalline silica particles into four size fractions, from a chamber concentration of 10 mg/m(3). The size distributions of the particles collected at each stage were confirmed, in the air, before and after each cyclone stage. Once collected, the particle size distribution of each size fraction was measured using light scattering techniques to further confirm the size distributions. As a final confirmation, scanning electron microscopy was used to collect images of each size fraction. The results presented here, using multiple measurement techniques, show that this multi-cyclone system was able to successfully collect distinct size-segregated particles at sufficient masses to perform toxicological evaluations and physical/chemical characterization. |
Real-time diesel particulate monitor for underground mines
Noll J , Janisko S , Mischler SE . Anal Methods 2013 5 (12) 2954-2963 The standard method for determining diesel particulate matter (DPM) exposures in underground metal/nonmetal mines provides the average exposure concentration for an entire working shift, and several weeks might pass before results are obtained. The main problem with this approach is that it only indicates that an overexposure has occurred rather than providing the ability to prevent an overexposure or detect its cause. Conversely, real-time measurement would provide miners with timely information to allow engineering controls to be deployed immediately and to identify the major factors contributing to any overexposures. Toward this purpose, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) developed a laser extinction method to measure real-time elemental carbon (EC) concentrations (EC is a DPM surrogate). To employ this method, NIOSH developed a person-wearable instrument that was commercialized in 2011. This paper evaluates this commercial instrument, including the calibration curve, limit of detection, accuracy, and potential interferences. The instrument was found to meet the NIOSH accuracy criteria and to be capable of measuring DPM concentrations at levels observed in underground mines. In addition, it was found that a submicron size selector was necessary to avoid interference from mine dust and that cigarette smoke can be an interference when sampling in enclosed cabs. |
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