Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 82 Records) |
Query Trace: Mintz ED[original query] |
Dynamic incidence of typhoid fever over a 10-year period (2010-2019) in Kibera, an urban informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya
Ng'eno E , Lind M , Audi A , Ouma A , Oduor C , Munywoki PK , Agogo GO , Odongo G , Kiplangat S , Wamola N , Osita MP , Mugoh R , Ochieng C , Omballa V , Mogeni OD , Mikoleit M , Fields BS , Montgomery JM , Gauld J , Breiman RF , Juma B , Hunsperger E , Widdowson MA , Bigogo G , Mintz ED , Verani JR . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2023 109 (1) 22-31 Typhoid fever burden can vary over time. Long-term data can inform prevention strategies; however, such data are lacking in many African settings. We reexamined typhoid fever incidence and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) over a 10-year period in Kibera, a densely populated urban informal settlement where a high burden has been previously described. We used data from the Population Based Infectious Diseases Surveillance platform to estimate crude and adjusted incidence rates and prevalence of AMR in nearly 26,000 individuals of all ages. Demographic and healthcare-seeking information was collected through household visits. Blood cultures were processed for patients with acute fever or lower respiratory infection. Between 2010 and 2019, 16,437 participants were eligible for blood culture and 11,848 (72.1%) had a culture performed. Among 11,417 noncontaminated cultures (96.4%), 237 grew Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (2.1%). Overall crude and adjusted incidences were 95 and 188 cases per 100,000 person-years of observation (pyo), respectively. Annual crude incidence varied from 144 to 233 between 2010 and 2012 and from 9 to 55 between 2013 and 2018 and reached 130 per 100,000 pyo in 2019. Children 5-9 years old had the highest overall incidence (crude, 208; adjusted, 359 per 100,000 pyo). Among isolates tested, 156 of 217 were multidrug resistant (resistant to chloramphenicol, ampicillin, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole [71.9%]) and 6 of 223 were resistant to ciprofloxacin (2.7%). Typhoid fever incidence resurged in 2019 after a prolonged period of low rates, with the highest incidence among children. Typhoid fever control measures, including vaccines, could reduce morbidity in this setting. |
Davis W , Narra R , Mintz ED . Curr Epidemiol Rep 2018 5 (3) 303-315 PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review describes the basic epidemiologic, clinical, and microbiologic aspects of cholera, highlights new developments within these areas, and presents strategies for applying currently available tools and knowledge more effectively. RECENT FINDINGS: From 1990 to 2016, the reported global burden of cholera fluctuated between 74,000 and 595,000 cases per year; however, modeling estimates suggest the real burden is between 1.3 and 4.0 million cases and 95,000 deaths yearly. In 2018, the World Health Assembly endorsed a new initiative to reduce cholera deaths by 90% and eliminate local cholera transmission in 20 countries by 2030. New tools, including localized GIS mapping, climate modeling, whole genome sequencing, oral vaccines, rapid diagnostic tests, and new applications of water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions, could support this goal. Challenges include a high proportion of fragile states among cholera-endemic countries, urbanization, climate change, and the need for cholera treatment guidelines for pregnant women and malnourished children. SUMMARY: Reducing cholera morbidity and mortality depends on real-time surveillance, outbreak detection and response; timely access to appropriate case management and cholera vaccines; and provision of safe water, sanitation, and hygiene. |
Antibiotic-prescribing practices for management of childhood diarrhea in 3 Sub-Saharan African countries: Findings from the vaccine impact on diarrhea in Africa (vida) study, 2015-2018
Awuor AO , Ogwel B , Powell H , Verani JR , Sow SO , Hossain MJ , Ochieng JB , Juma J , Jamka LP , Roose A , Doh S , Deichsel EL , Onwuchekwa U , Keita AM , Antonio M , Jones JCM , Zaman SMA , Badji H , Kasumba IN , Nasrin D , Platts-Mills JA , Houpt ER , Berendes DM , Sugerman CE , Widdowson MA , Tennant SM , Mintz ED , Omore R , Kotloff KL . Clin Infect Dis 2023 76 S32-s40 BACKGROUND: Despite antibiotic prescription being recommended for dysentery and suspected cholera only, diarrhea still triggers unwarranted antibiotic prescription. We evaluated antibiotic-prescribing practices and their predictors among children aged 2-59 months in the Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA) Study performed in The Gambia, Mali, and Kenya. METHODS: VIDA was a prospective case-control study (May 2015-July 2018) among children presenting for care with moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD). We defined inappropriate antibiotic use as prescription or use of antibiotics when not indicated by World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. We used logistic regression to assess factors associated with antibiotic prescription for MSD cases who had no indication for an antibiotic, at each site. RESULTS: VIDA enrolled 4840 cases. Among 1757 (36.3%) who had no apparent indication for antibiotic treatment, 1358 (77.3%) were prescribed antibiotics. In The Gambia, children who presented with a cough (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 2.05; 95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 1.21-3.48) were more likely to be prescribed an antibiotic. In Mali, those who presented with dry mouth (aOR: 3.16; 95% CI: 1.02-9.73) were more likely to be prescribed antibiotics. In Kenya, those who presented with a cough (aOR: 2.18; 95% CI: 1.01-4.70), decreased skin turgor (aOR: 2.06; 95% CI: 1.02-4.16), and were very thirsty (aOR: 4.15; 95% CI: 1.78-9.68) were more likely to be prescribed antibiotics. CONCLUSIONS: Antibiotic prescription was associated with signs and symptoms inconsistent with WHO guidelines, suggesting the need for antibiotic stewardship and clinician awareness of diarrhea case-management recommendations in these settings. |
Survey-based assessment of water, sanitation, and animal-associated risk factors for moderate-to-severe diarrhea in the Vaccine Impact On Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA) Study: The Gambia, Mali, and Kenya, 2015-2018
Berendes DM , Fagerli K , Kim S , Nasrin D , Powell H , Kasumba IN , Tennant SM , Roose A , Jahangir Hossain M , Jones JCM , Zaman SMA , Omore R , Ochieng JB , Verani JR , Widdowson MA , Sow SO , Doh S , Sugerman CE , Mintz ED , Kotloff KL . Clin Infect Dis 2023 76 S132-s139 BACKGROUND: Pediatric exposures to unsafe sources of water, unsafely managed sanitation, and animals are prevalent in low- and middle-income countries. In the Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa case-control study, we examined associations between these risk factors and moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) in children <5 years old in The Gambia, Kenya, and Mali. METHODS: We enrolled children <5 years old seeking care for MSD at health centers; age-, sex-, and community-matched controls were enrolled at home. Conditional logistic regression models, adjusted for a priori confounders, were used to evaluate associations between MSD and survey-based assessments of water, sanitation, and animals living in the compound. RESULTS: From 2015 to 2018, 4840 cases and 6213 controls were enrolled. In pan-site analyses, children with drinking water sources below "safely managed" (onsite, continuously accessible sources of good water quality) had 1.5-2.0-fold higher odds of MSD (95% confidence intervals [CIs] ranging from 1.0 to 2.5), driven by rural site results (The Gambia and Kenya). In the urban site (Mali), children whose drinking water source was less available (several hours/day vs all the time) had higher odds of MSD (matched odds ratio [mOR]: 1.4, 95% CI: 1.1, 1.7). Associations between MSD and sanitation were site-specific. Goats were associated with slightly increased odds of MSD in pan-site analyses, whereas associations with cows and fowl varied by site. CONCLUSIONS: Poorer types and availability of drinking water sources were consistently associated with MSD, whereas the impacts of sanitation and household animals were context-specific. The association between MSD and access to safely managed drinking water sources post-rotavirus introduction calls for transformational changes in drinking water services to prevent acute child morbidity from MSD. |
Exploring survey-based water, sanitation, and animal associations with enteric pathogen carriage: Comparing results in a cohort of cases with moderate-to-severe diarrhea to those in controls in the Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA) Study, 2015-2018
Berendes DM , Omore R , Prentice-Mott G , Fagerli K , Kim S , Nasrin D , Powell H , Jahangir Hossain M , Sow SO , Doh S , Jones JCM , Ochieng JB , Juma J , Awuor AO , Ogwel B , Verani JR , Widdowson MA , Kasumba IN , Tennant SM , Roose A , Zaman SMA , Liu J , Sugerman CE , Platts-Mills JA , Houpt ER , Kotloff KL , Mintz ED . Clin Infect Dis 2023 76 S140-s152 BACKGROUND: The magnitude of pediatric enteric pathogen exposures in low-income settings necessitates substantive water and sanitation interventions, including animal feces management. We assessed associations between pediatric enteric pathogen detection and survey-based water, sanitation, and animal characteristics within the Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa case-control study. METHODS: In The Gambia, Kenya, and Mali, we assessed enteric pathogens in stool of children aged <5 years with moderate-to-severe diarrhea and their matched controls (diarrhea-free in prior 7 days) via the TaqMan Array Card and surveyed caregivers about household drinking water and sanitation conditions and animals living in the compound. Risk ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using modified Poisson regression models, stratified for cases and controls and adjusted for age, sex, site, and demographics. RESULTS: Bacterial (cases, 93%; controls, 72%), viral (63%, 56%), and protozoal (50%, 38%) pathogens were commonly detected (cycle threshold <35) in the 4840 cases and 6213 controls. In cases, unimproved sanitation (RR, 1.56; 95% CI, 1.12-2.17), as well as cows (RR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.16-2.24) and sheep (RR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.11-1.96) living in the compound, were associated with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli. In controls, fowl (RR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.15-1.47) were associated with Campylobacter spp. In controls, surface water sources were associated with Cryptosporidium spp., Shigella spp., heat-stable toxin-producing enterotoxigenic E. coli, and Giardia spp. CONCLUSIONS: Findings underscore the importance of enteric pathogen exposure risks from animals alongside more broadly recognized water and sanitation risk factors in children. |
Giardia detection and codetection with other enteric pathogens in young children in the Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA) Case-Control Study: 2015-2018
Marcenac P , Traoré A , Kim S , Prentice-Mott G , Berendes DM , Powell H , Kasumba IN , Nasrin D , Jones JCM , Zaman SMA , Ochieng JB , Juma J , Sanogo D , Widdowson MA , Verani JR , Liu J , Houpt ER , Jahangir Hossain M , Sow SO , Omore R , Tennant SM , Mintz ED , Kotloff KL . Clin Infect Dis 2023 76 S106-s113 BACKGROUND: Giardia has been associated with reduced risk of diarrhea in children in low-resource settings, but the mechanism underlying this association is unknown. To assess whether Giardia may shape colonization or infection with other enteric pathogens and impact associations with diarrhea, we examined Giardia and enteric pathogen codetection among children <5 years old in Kenya, The Gambia, and Mali as part of the Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa study. METHODS: We tested for Giardia and other enteric pathogens using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on stool, respectively. We evaluated associations between Giardia and enteric pathogen detection using multivariable logistic regression models separately for children with moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD, cases) and free of diarrhea (controls). RESULTS: Among 11 039 enrolled children, Giardia detection was more common among controls (35%) than cases (28%, P < .001). Campylobacter coli/jejuni detection was associated with Giardia in controls in The Gambia (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] [95% confidence interval {CI}]: 1.51 [1.22‒1.86]) and cases across all sites (1.16 [1.00‒1.33]). Among controls, the odds of astrovirus (1.43 [1.05‒1.93]) and Cryptosporidium spp. (1.24 [1.06‒1.46]) detection were higher among children with Giardia. Among cases, the odds of rotavirus detection were lower in children with Giardia in Mali (.45 [.30‒.66]) and Kenya (.31 [.17‒.56]). CONCLUSIONS: Giardia was prevalent in children <5 years old and was associated with detection of other enteric pathogens, with differing associations in cases versus controls and by site. Giardia may affect colonization or infection by certain enteric pathogens associated with MSD, suggesting an indirect mechanism of clinical impact. |
Epidemiology of enteroaggregative, enteropathogenic, and shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli among children aged <5 years in 3 countries in Africa, 2015-2018: Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA) Study
Ochieng JB , Powell H , Sugerman CE , Omore R , Ogwel B , Juma J , Awuor AO , Sow SO , Sanogo D , Onwuchekwa U , Keita AM , Traoré A , Badji H , Hossain MJ , Jones JCM , Kasumba IN , Nasrin D , Roose A , Liang Y , Jamka LP , Antonio M , Platts-Mills JA , Liu J , Houpt ER , Mintz ED , Hunsperger E , Onyango CO , Strockbine N , Widdowson MA , Verani JR , Tennant SM , Kotloff KL . Clin Infect Dis 2023 76 S77-s86 ![]() BACKGROUND: To address knowledge gaps regarding diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) in Africa, we assessed the clinical and epidemiological features of enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) positive children with moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) in Mali, The Gambia, and Kenya. METHODS: Between May 2015 and July 2018, children aged 0-59 months with medically attended MSD and matched controls without diarrhea were enrolled. Stools were tested conventionally using culture and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and by quantitative PCR (qPCR). We assessed DEC detection by site, age, clinical characteristics, and enteric coinfection. RESULTS: Among 4840 children with MSD and 6213 matched controls enrolled, 4836 cases and 1 control per case were tested using qPCR. Of the DEC detected with TAC, 61.1% were EAEC, 25.3% atypical EPEC (aEPEC), 22.4% typical EPEC (tEPEC), and 7.2% STEC. Detection was higher in controls than in MSD cases for EAEC (63.9% vs 58.3%, P < .01), aEPEC (27.3% vs 23.3%, P < .01), and STEC (9.3% vs 5.1%, P < .01). EAEC and tEPEC were more frequent in children aged <23 months, aEPEC was similar across age strata, and STEC increased with age. No association between nutritional status at follow-up and DEC pathotypes was found. DEC coinfection with Shigella/enteroinvasive E. coli was more common among cases (P < .01). CONCLUSIONS: No significant association was detected between EAEC, tEPEC, aEPEC, or STEC and MSD using either conventional assay or TAC. Genomic analysis may provide a better definition of the virulence factors associated with diarrheal disease. |
Norovirus disease among children <5 years in 3 Sub-Saharan African countries: Findings from the Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA) Study, 2015-2018
Omore R , Powell H , Sow SO , Jahangir Hossain M , Ogwel B , Doh S , Ochieng JB , Jones JCM , Zaman SMA , Awuor AO , Juma J , Kasumba IN , Roose A , Jamka LP , Nasrin D , Liu J , Keita AM , Traoré A , Onwuchekwa U , Badji H , Sarwar G , Antonio M , Sugerman CE , Mintz ED , Houpt ER , Verani JR , Widdowson MA , Tennant SM , Platts-Mills JA , Tate JE , Parashar UD , Kotloff KL . Clin Infect Dis 2023 76 S114-s122 ![]() BACKGROUND: To address a paucity of data from sub-Saharan Africa, we examined the prevalence, severity, and seasonality of norovirus genogroup II (NVII) among children <5 years old in The Gambia, Kenya, and Mali following rotavirus vaccine introduction. METHODS: Population-based surveillance was conducted to capture medically-attended moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) cases, defined as a child 0-59 months old passing ≥3 loose stools in a 24-hour period with ≥1 of the following: sunken eyes, poor skin turgor, dysentery, intravenous rehydration, or hospitalization within 7 days of diarrhea onset. Diarrhea-free matched controls randomly selected from a censused population were enrolled at home. Stools from cases and controls were tested for enteropathogens, including norovirus and rotavirus, by TaqMan quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and conventional reverse transcription PCR. We used multiple logistic regression to derive adjusted attributable fractions (AFe) for each pathogen causing MSD, which takes into consideration the prevalence in both cases and controls, for each site and age. A pathogen was considered etiologic if AFe was ≥0.5. In further analyses focusing on the predominant NVII strains, we compared rotavirus and NVII severity using a 20-point modified Vesikari score and examined seasonal fluctuations. RESULTS: From May 2015 to July 2018, we enrolled 4840 MSD cases and 6213 controls. NVI was attributed to only 1 MSD episode. NVII was attributed to 185 (3.8%) of all MSD episodes and was the sole attributable pathogen in 139 (2.9%); peaking (36.0%) at age 6-8 months with majority (61.2%) aged 6-11 months. MSD cases whose episodes were attributed to NVII alone compared with rotavirus alone were younger (median age, 8 vs 12 months, P < .0001) and had less severe illness (median Vesikari severity score, 9 vs 11, P = .0003) but equally likely to be dehydrated. NVII occurred year-round at all study sites. CONCLUSIONS: Infants aged 6-11 months bear the greatest burden of norovirus disease, with NVII predominating. An early infant vaccine schedule and rigorous adherence to guidelines recommended for management of dehydrating diarrhea may offer substantial benefit in these African settings. |
Typhoid fever in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: A systematic review, 1990-2021
Appiah GD , Le P , Prentice-Mott G , Bias M , Pratt C , Matar GM , Pindyck T , Fayad AA , Kim S , Mintz ED . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2022 108 (2) 285-292 The occurrence and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of typhoid fever in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) are poorly characterized. Robust surveillance data are needed to inform strategies for typhoid control and prevention in the region. We conducted a systematic review of typhoid fever occurrence, complications, and AMR patterns in EMR countries. We identified 70 studies published from 1990 to 2021, including a total of 44,541 cases with blood culture confirmed typhoid fever in 12 EMR countries, with 48 (69%) studies and 42,008 cases from Pakistan. Among 56 studies with AMR data, fluroquinolone (68% of 13,013 tested isolates), and multidrug resistance (40% of 15,765 tested isolates) were common. Forty (57%) of the 56 studies were from Pakistan, and all reports of extensively drug resistant Salmonella Typhi (48% of 9,578 tested isolates) were from studies in Pakistan. Our findings support the need for continued efforts to strengthen surveillance and laboratory capacity for blood-culture detection of typhoid fever in the region, including data from an ongoing collaboration among CDC, the American University of Beirut, and the WHO EMR office. |
Pathogens associated with linear growth faltering in children with diarrhea and impact of antibiotic treatment: The global enteric multicenter study
Nasrin D , Blackwelder WC , Sommerfelt H , Wu Y , Farag TH , Panchalingam S , Biswas K , Saha D , Jahangir Hossain M , Sow SO , Reiman RFB , Sur D , Faruque ASG , Zaidi AKM , Sanogo D , Tamboura B , Onwuchekwa U , Manna B , Ramamurthy T , Kanungo S , Omore R , Ochieng JB , Oundo JO , Das SK , Ahmed S , Qureshi S , Quadri F , Adegbola RA , Antonio M , Mandomando I , Nhampossa T , Bassat Q , Roose A , O'Reilly CE , Mintz ED , Ramakrishnan U , Powell H , Liang Y , Nataro JP , Levine MM , Kotloff KL . J Infect Dis 2021 224 S848-s855 BACKGROUND: The association between childhood diarrheal disease and linear growth faltering in developing countries is well described. However, the impact attributed to specific pathogens has not been elucidated, nor has the impact of recommended antibiotic treatment. METHODS: The Global Enteric Multicenter Study enrolled children with moderate to severe diarrhea (MSD) seeking healthcare at 7 sites in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. At enrollment, we collected stool samples to identify enteropathogens. Length/height was measured at enrollment and follow-up, approximately 60 days later, to calculate change in height-for-age z scores (ΔHAZ). The association of pathogens with ΔHAZ was tested using linear mixed effects regression models. RESULTS: Among 8077 MSD cases analyzed, the proportion with stunting (HAZ below -1) increased from 59% at enrollment to 65% at follow-up (P < .0001). Pathogens significantly associated with linear growth decline included Cryptosporidium (P < .001), typical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (P = .01), and untreated Shigella (P = .009) among infants (aged 0-11 months) and enterotoxigenic E. coli encoding heat-stable toxin (P < .001) and Cryptosporidium (P = .03) among toddlers (aged 12-23 months). Shigella-infected toddlers given antibiotics had improved linear growth (P = .02). CONCLUSIONS: Linear growth faltering among children aged 0-23 months with MSD is associated with specific pathogens and can be mitigated with targeted treatment strategies, as demonstrated for Shigella. |
Extensively drug-resistant typhoid fever in the United States
Hughes MJ , Birhane MG , Dorough L , Reynolds JL , Caidi H , Tagg KA , Snyder CM , Yu AT , Altman SM , Boyle MM , Thomas D , Robbins AE , Waechter HA , Cody I , Mintz ED , Gutelius B , Langley G , Francois Watkins LK . Open Forum Infect Dis 2021 8 (12) ofab572 Cases of extensively drug-resistant (XDR) typhoid fever have been reported in the United States among patients who did not travel internationally. Clinicians should consider if and where the patient traveled when selecting empiric treatment for typhoid fever. XDR typhoid fever should be treated with a carbapenem, azithromycin, or both. |
Characteristics of Salmonella recovered from stools of children enrolled in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study.
Kasumba IN , Pulford CV , Perez-Sepulveda BM , Sen S , Sayed N , Permala-Booth J , Livio S , Heavens D , Low R , Hall N , Roose A , Powell H , Farag T , Panchalingham S , Berkeley L , Nasrin D , Blackwelder WC , Wu Y , Tamboura B , Sanogo D , Onwuchekwa U , Sow SO , Ochieng JB , Omore R , Oundo JO , Breiman RF , Mintz ED , O'Reilly CE , Antonio M , Saha D , Hossain MJ , Mandomando I , Bassat Q , Alonso PL , Ramamurthy T , Sur D , Qureshi S , Zaidi AKM , Hossain A , Faruque ASG , Nataro JP , Kotloff KL , Levine MM , Hinton JCD , Tennant SM . Clin Infect Dis 2021 73 (4) 631-641 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: The Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS) determined the etiologic agents of moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) in children under 5 years old in Africa and Asia. Here, we describe the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) serovars in GEMS and examine the phylogenetics of Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 isolates. METHODS: Salmonella isolated from children with MSD or diarrhea-free controls were identified by classical clinical microbiology and serotyped using antisera and/or whole genome sequence data. We evaluated antimicrobial susceptibility using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method. Salmonella Typhimurium sequence types were determined using multi-locus sequence typing and whole genome sequencing was performed to assess the phylogeny of ST313. RESULTS: Out of 370 Salmonella-positive individuals, 190 (51.4%) were MSD cases and 180 (48.6%) were diarrhea-free controls. The most frequent Salmonella serovars identified were Salmonella Typhimurium, serogroup O:8 (C2-C3), serogroup O:6,7 (C1), Salmonella Paratyphi B Java and serogroup O:4 (B). The prevalence of NTS was low but similar across sites, regardless of age, and was similar amongst both cases and controls except in Kenya, where Salmonella Typhimurium was more commonly associated with cases than controls. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these Salmonella Typhimurium isolates, all ST313, were highly genetically related to isolates from controls. Generally, Salmonella isolates from Asia were resistant to ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone but African isolates were susceptible to these antibiotics. CONCLUSION: Our data confirms that NTS is prevalent, albeit at low levels, in Africa and South Asia. Our findings provide further evidence that multi-drug resistant Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 can be carried asymptomatically by humans in sub-Saharan Africa. |
Factors associated with typical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infection among children <5 years old with moderate-to-severe diarrhoea in rural western Kenya, 2008-2012.
Fagerli K , Omore R , Kim S , Ochieng JB , Ayers TL , Juma J , Farag TH , Nasrin D , Panchalingam S , Robins-Browne RM , Nataro JP , Kotloff KL , Levine MM , Oundo J , Parsons MB , Laserson KF , Mintz ED , Breiman RF , O'Reilly CE . Epidemiol Infect 2020 148 1-37 ![]() Typical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (tEPEC) infection is a major cause of diarrhoea and contributor to mortality in children <5 years old in developing countries. Data were analysed from the Global Enteric Multicenter Study examining children <5 years old seeking care for moderate-to-severe diarrhoea (MSD) in Kenya. Stool specimens were tested for enteric pathogens, including by multiplex polymerase chain reaction for gene targets of tEPEC. Demographic, clinical and anthropometric data were collected at enrolment and ~60-days later; multivariable logistic regressions were constructed. Of 1778 MSD cases enrolled from 2008 to 2012, 135 (7.6%) children tested positive for tEPEC. In a case-to-case comparison among MSD cases, tEPEC was independently associated with presentation at enrolment with a loss of skin turgor (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.08, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.37-3.17), and convulsions (aOR 2.83, 95% CI 1.12-7.14). At follow-up, infants with tEPEC compared to those without were associated with being underweight (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.3-3.6) and wasted (OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.3-4.6). Among MSD cases, tEPEC was associated with mortality (aOR 2.85, 95% CI 1.47-5.55). This study suggests that tEPEC contributes to morbidity and mortality in children. Interventions aimed at defining and reducing the burden of tEPEC and its sequelae should be urgently investigated, prioritised and implemented. |
Associations among water, sanitation, and hygiene; and food exposures and typhoid fever in case-control studies: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Brockett S , Wolfe M , Hamot A , Appiah GD , Mintz ED , Lantagne D . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020 103 (3) 1020-1031 Typhoid fever transmission occurs through ingestion of food or water contaminated with Salmonella Typhi, and case-control studies are often conducted to identify outbreak sources and transmission vehicles. However, there is no current summary of the associations among water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); and food exposures and typhoid from case-control studies. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies to evaluate the associations among typhoid fever and predicted WASH or food exposure risk factors (13), and protective factors (7). Overall, 19 manuscripts describing 22 case-control studies were included. Two studies were characterized as having low risk of bias, one as medium risk, and 19 as high risk. In total, nine of 13 predicted risk factors were associated with increased odds of typhoid (odds ratio [OR] = 1.4-2.4, I (2) = 30.5-74.8%.), whereas five of seven predicted protective factors were associated with lower odds of typhoid (OR = 0.52-0.73, I (2) = 38.7-84.3%). In five types of sensitivity analyses, two (8%) of 26 summary associations changed significance from the original analysis. Results highlight the following: the importance of household hygiene transmission pathways, the need for further research around appropriate food interventions and the risk of consuming specific foods and beverages outside the home, and the absence of any observed association between sanitation exposures and typhoid fever. We recommend that typhoid interventions focus on interrupting household transmission routes and that future studies provide more detailed information about WASH and food exposures to inform better targeted interventions. |
Household illness and associated water and sanitation factors in peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia, 20162017
Hubbard SC , Meltzer MI , Kim S , Malambo W , Thornton AT , Shankar MB , Adhikari BB , Jeon S , Bampoe VD , Cunningham LC , Murphy JL , Derado G , Mintz ED , Mwale FK , Chizema-Kawesha E , Brunkard JM . NPJ Clean Water 2020 3 (1) In Zambia limited access to adequate water and sanitation is a key developmental challenge, particularly for rapidly expanding peri-urban areas. During 20162017, a cross-sectional household survey was conducted among 12,500 households representing ~60,000 individuals to assess the burden of household diarrheal and respiratory disease and to measure water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) characteristics in Lusaka, Zambia. We found that socio-economic factors, including having an additional household member, having children <5 years old in the household, living in a rental home, and higher annual household expenditure were associated with diarrhea and respiratory illness. We also found an increased risk for diarrhea associated with a number of WASH-related factorssuch as not covering all water storage containers, not using soap for handwashing, having an unimproved sanitation facility, and utilizing a heavily shared toilet (18 people). Detectable free chlorine residual in household stored water and more hours of water availability per day were associated with reduced odds of waterborne illness. In all, 75% of household stored water was contaminated with E. coli and households consuming less water (<20 L/day per person) for all purposes had lower odds of diarrhea than households consuming more waterthese findings highlight the need for enhanced WASH services within densely populated peri-urban areas and the importance of achieving universal access to safely managed water and sanitation services. |
Typhoid outbreaks, 1989-2018: Implications for prevention and control
Appiah GD , Chung A , Bentsi-Enchill AD , Kim S , Crump JA , Mogasale V , Pellegrino R , Slayton RB , Mintz ED . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020 102 (6) 1296-1305 Typhoid fever remains an important public health problem in low- and middle-income countries, with large outbreaks reported from Africa and Asia. Although the WHO recommends typhoid vaccination for control of confirmed outbreaks, there are limited data on the epidemiologic characteristics of outbreaks to inform vaccine use in outbreak settings. We conducted a literature review for typhoid outbreaks published since 1990. We found 47 publications describing 45,215 cases in outbreaks occurring in 25 countries from 1989 through 2018. Outbreak characteristics varied considerably by WHO region, with median outbreak size ranging from 12 to 1,101 cases, median duration from 23 to 140 days, and median case fatality ratio from 0% to 1%. The largest number of outbreaks occurred in WHO Southeast Asia, 13 (28%), and African regions, 12 (26%). Among 43 outbreaks reporting a mode of disease transmission, 24 (56%) were waterborne, 17 (40%) were foodborne, and two (5%) were by direct contact transmission. Among the 34 outbreaks with antimicrobial resistance data, 11 (32%) reported Typhi non-susceptible to ciprofloxacin, 16 (47%) reported multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains, and one reported extensively drug-resistant strains. Our review showed a longer median duration of outbreaks caused by MDR strains (148 days versus 34 days for susceptible strains), although this difference was not statistically significant. Control strategies focused on water, sanitation, and food safety, with vaccine use described in only six (13%) outbreaks. As typhoid conjugate vaccines become more widely used, their potential role and impact in outbreak control warrant further evaluation. |
Diarrhoeal disease and subsequent risk of death in infants and children residing in low-income and middle-income countries: analysis of the GEMS case-control study and 12-month GEMS-1A follow-on study
Levine MM , Nasrin D , Acacio S , Bassat Q , Powell H , Tennant SM , Sow SO , Sur D , Zaidi AKM , Faruque ASG , Hossain MJ , Alonso PL , Breiman RF , O'Reilly CE , Mintz ED , Omore R , Ochieng JB , Oundo JO , Tamboura B , Sanogo D , Onwuchekwa U , Manna B , Ramamurthy T , Kanungo S , Ahmed S , Qureshi S , Quadri F , Hossain A , Das SK , Antonio M , Saha D , Mandomando I , Blackwelder WC , Farag T , Wu Y , Houpt ER , Verweiij JJ , Sommerfelt H , Nataro JP , Robins-Browne RM , Kotloff KL . Lancet Glob Health 2019 8 (2) e204-e214 BACKGROUND: The Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS) was a 3-year case-control study that measured the burden, aetiology, and consequences of moderate-to-severe diarrhoea (MSD) in children aged 0-59 months. GEMS-1A, a 12-month follow-on study, comprised two parallel case-control studies, one assessing MSD and the other less-severe diarrhoea (LSD). In this report, we analyse the risk of death with each diarrhoea type and the specific pathogens associated with fatal outcomes. METHODS: GEMS was a prospective, age-stratified, matched case-control study done at seven sites in Africa and Asia. Children aged 0-59 months with MSD seeking care at sentinel health centres were recruited along with one to three randomly selected matched community control children without diarrhoea. In the 12-month GEMS-1A follow-on study, children with LSD and matched controls, in addition to children with MSD and matched controls, were recruited at six of the seven sites; only cases of MSD and controls were enrolled at the seventh site. We compared risk of death during the period between enrolment and one follow-up household visit done about 60 days later (range 50-90 days) in children with MSD and LSD and in their respective controls. Approximately 50 pathogens were detected using, as appropriate, classic bacteriology, immunoassays, gel-based PCR and reverse transcriptase PCR, and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). Specimens from a subset of GEMS cases and controls were also tested by a TaqMan Array Card that compartmentalised probe-based qPCR for 32 enteropathogens. FINDINGS: 223 (2.0%) of 11 108 children with MSD and 43 (0.3%) of 16 369 matched controls died between study enrolment and the follow-up visit at about 60 days (hazard ratio [HR] 8.16, 95% CI 5.69-11.68, p<0.0001). 12 (0.4%) of 2962 children with LSD and seven (0.2%) of 4074 matched controls died during the follow-up period (HR 2.78, 95% CI 0.95-8.11, p=0.061). Risk of death was lower in children with dysenteric MSD than in children with non-dysenteric MSD (HR 0.20, 95% CI 0.05-0.87, p=0.032), and lower in children with LSD than in those with non-dysenteric MSD (HR 0.29, 0.14-0.59, p=0.0006). In children younger than 24 months with MSD, infection with typical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, enterotoxigenic E coli encoding heat-stable toxin, enteroaggregative E coli, Shigella spp (non-dysentery cases), Aeromonas spp, Cryptosporidium spp, and Entamoeba histolytica increased risk of death. Of 61 deaths in children aged 12-59 months with non-dysenteric MSD, 31 occurred among 942 children qPCR-positive for Shigella spp and 30 deaths occurred in 1384 qPCR-negative children (HR 2.2, 95% CI 1.2-3.9, p=0.0090), showing that Shigella was strongly associated with increased risk of death. INTERPRETATION: Risk of death is increased following MSD and, to a lesser extent, LSD. Considering there are approximately three times more cases of LSD than MSD in the population, more deaths are expected among children with LSD than in those with MSD. Because the major attributable LSD-associated and MSD-associated pathogens are the same, implementing vaccines and rapid diagnosis and treatment interventions against these major pathogens are rational investments. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. |
The Severe Typhoid Fever in Africa Program: Study design and methodology to assess disease severity, host immunity, and carriage associated with invasive salmonellosis
Park SE , Toy T , Cruz Espinoza LM , Panzner U , Mogeni OD , Im J , Poudyal N , Pak GD , Seo H , Chon Y , Schutt-Gerowitt H , Mogasale V , Ramani E , Dey A , Park JY , Kim JH , Seo HJ , Jeon HJ , Haselbeck A , Conway Roy K , MacWright W , Adu-Sarkodie Y , Owusu-Dabo E , Osei I , Owusu M , Rakotozandrindrainy R , Soura AB , Kabore LP , Teferi M , Okeke IN , Kehinde A , Popoola O , Jacobs J , Lunguya Metila O , Meyer CG , Crump JA , Elias S , Maclennan CA , Parry CM , Baker S , Mintz ED , Breiman RF , Clemens JD , Marks F . Clin Infect Dis 2019 69 S422-s434 BACKGROUND: Invasive salmonellosis is a common community-acquired bacteremia in persons residing in sub-Saharan Africa. However, there is a paucity of data on severe typhoid fever and its associated acute and chronic host immune response and carriage. The Severe Typhoid Fever in Africa (SETA) program, a multicountry surveillance study, aimed to address these research gaps and contribute to the control and prevention of invasive salmonellosis. METHODS: A prospective healthcare facility-based surveillance with active screening of enteric fever and clinically suspected severe typhoid fever with complications was performed using a standardized protocol across the study sites in Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Ghana, Madagascar, and Nigeria. Defined inclusion criteria were used for screening of eligible patients for enrollment into the study. Enrolled patients with confirmed invasive salmonellosis by blood culture or patients with clinically suspected severe typhoid fever with perforation were eligible for clinical follow-up. Asymptomatic neighborhood controls and immediate household contacts of each case were enrolled as a comparison group to assess the level of Salmonella-specific antibodies and shedding patterns. Healthcare utilization surveys were performed to permit adjustment of incidence estimations. Postmortem questionnaires were conducted in medically underserved areas to assess death attributed to invasive Salmonella infections in selected sites. RESULTS: Research data generated through SETA aimed to address scientific knowledge gaps concerning the severe typhoid fever and mortality, long-term host immune responses, and bacterial shedding and carriage associated with natural infection by invasive salmonellae. CONCLUSIONS: SETA supports public health policy on typhoid immunization strategy in Africa. |
Incidence and etiology of infectious diarrhea from a facility-based surveillance system in Guatemala, 2008-2012
Arvelo W , Hall AJ , Henao O , Lopez B , Bernart C , Moir JC , Reyes L , Montgomery SP , Morgan O , Estevez A , Parsons MB , Lopez MR , Gomez G , Vinje J , Gregoricus N , Parashar U , Mintz ED , McCracken J , Bryan JP , Lindblade KA . BMC Public Health 2019 19 (1) 1340 BACKGROUND: Diarrhea is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, yet incidence and etiology data are limited. We conducted laboratory-based diarrhea surveillance in Guatemala. METHODS: A diarrhea case was defined as >/=3 loose stools in a 24-h period in a person presenting to the surveillance facilities. Epidemiologic data and stool specimens were collected. Specimens were tested for bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens. Yearly incidence was adjusted for healthcare seeking behaviors determined from a household survey conducted in the surveillance catchment area. RESULTS: From November 2008 to December 2012, the surveillance system captured 5331 diarrhea cases; among these 1381 (26%) had specimens tested for all enteric pathogens of interest. The adjusted incidence averaged 659 diarrhea cases per 10,000 persons per year, and was highest among children aged < 5 years, averaging 1584 cases per 10,000 children per year. Among 1381 (26%) specimens tested for all the pathogens of interest, 235 (17%) had a viral etiology, 275 (20%) had a bacterial, 50 (4%) had parasites, and 86 (6%) had co-infections. Among 827 (60%) specimens from children aged < 5 years, a virus was identified in 196 (23%) patients; 165 (20%) had norovirus and 99 (12%) rotavirus, including co-infections. Among 554 patients aged >/=5 years, 103 (19%) had a bacterial etiology, including diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in 94 (17%) cases, Shigella spp. in 31 (6%), Campylobacter spp. in 5 (1%), and Salmonella spp. in 4 (1%) cases. Detection of Giardia and Cryptosporidium was infrequent (73 cases; 5%). CONCLUSIONS: There was a substantial burden of viral and bacterial diarrheal diseases in Guatemala, highlighting the importance of strengthening laboratory capacity for rapid detection and control and for evaluation of public health interventions. |
Water, sanitation, and hygiene characteristics among HIV-positive households participating in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study in Rural Western Kenya, 2008-2012
Schilling KA , Awuor AO , Rajasingham A , Moke F , Omore R , Amollo M , Farag TH , Nasrin D , Nataro JP , Kotloff KL , Levine MM , Ayers T , Laserson K , Blackstock A , Rothenberg R , Stauber CE , Mintz ED , Breiman RF , O'Reilly CE . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2018 99 (4) 905-915 Diarrheal illness, a common occurrence among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV), is largely preventable through access to safe drinking water quality, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities. We examined WASH characteristics among households with and without HIV-positive residents enrolled in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS) in rural Western Kenya. Using univariable logistic regression, we examined differences between HIV-positive and HIV-negative households in regard to WASH practices. Among HIV-positive households, we explored the relationship between the length of time knowing their HIV status and GEMS enrollment. No statistically significant differences were apparent in the WASH characteristics among HIV-positive and HIV-negative households. However, we found differences in the WASH characteristics among HIV-positive households who were aware of their HIV status >/= 30 days before enrollment compared with HIV-positive households who found out their status < 30 days before enrollment or thereafter. Significantly more households aware of their HIV-positive status before enrollment reported treating their drinking water (odds ratio [OR] confidence interval [CI]: 2.34 [1.12, 4.86]) and using effective water treatment methods (OR [CI]: 9.6 [3.09, 29.86]), and had better drinking water storage practices. This suggests that within this region of Kenya, HIV programs are effective in promoting the importance of practicing positive WASH-related behaviors among PLHIV. |
Efficacy of a solar concentrator to Inactivate E. coli and C. perfringens spores in latrine waste in Kenya
Murphy JL , Ayers T , Foote A , Woods E , Wamola N , Fagerli K , Waiboci L , Mugoh R , Mintz ED , Zhao K , Marano N , O'Reilly CE , Hill VR . Sci Total Environ 2019 691 401-406 Alternative sanitation options are needed for effective waste management in low-income countries where centralized, large-scale waste treatment is not easily achievable. A newly designed solar concentrator technology utilizes solar thermal energy to treat feces contained in drums. This pilot study assessed the efficacy of the new design to inactivate microbes in 13 treatment drums under field conditions in Kenya. Three-quarters of the drums contained <1000E. coli/g of total solids following 6h of solar thermal treatment and inactivation of thermotolerant C. perfringens spores ranged from <1.8 to >5.0log10. Nearly all (94%) samples collected from treatment drums achieved thermophilic temperatures (>50 degrees C) during the treatment period, however this alone did not ensure samples met the WHO E. coli guideline; higher, sustained thermophilic temperatures tended to be more effective in reaching this guideline. The newly designed solar concentrator was capable of inactivating thermotolerant, environmentally-stable microorganisms as, or possibly more, efficiently than a previous design. Additional data are needed to better characterize how temperature, time, and other parameters affect the ability of the solar concentrator to inactivate microbes in feces. |
An evaluation of a bucket chlorination campaign during a cholera outbreak in rural Cameroon
Murphy J , Cartwright E , Johnson B , Ayers T , Worthington W , Mintz ED . Waterlines 2018 37 (4) 266-279 Bucket chlorination (where workers stationed at water sources manually add chlorine solution to recipients’ water containers during collection) is a common emergency response intervention with little evidence to support its effectiveness in preventing waterborne disease. We evaluated a bucket chlorination intervention implemented during a cholera outbreak by visiting 234 recipients’ homes across five intervention villages to conduct an unannounced survey and test stored household drinking water for free chlorine residual (FCR). Overall, 89 per cent of survey respondents reported receiving bucket chlorination, and 80 per cent reported receiving the intervention in the previous 24 hours. However, only 8 per cent of stored household water samples that were reportedly treated only with bucket chlorination in the previous 24 hours had FCR ≥0.2 mg/l. Current international guidelines for bucket chlorination recommend an empirically derived dosage determined 30 minutes after chlorine addition, and do not account for water storage in the home. In controlled investigations we conducted, an initial FCR of 1.5 mg/l resulted in FCR ≥0.5 mg/l for 24 hours in representative household plastic and clay storage containers. To ensure reduction of the risk of waterborne disease, we recommend revising bucket chlorination protocols to recommend a chlorine dosage sufficient to maintain FCR ≥0.2 mg/l for 24 hours in recipients’ household stored drinking water. |
Colonization factors among enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from children with moderate-to-severe diarrhea and from matched controls in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS).
Vidal RM , Muhsen K , Tennant SM , Svennerholm AM , Sow SO , Sur D , Zaidi AKM , Faruque ASG , Saha D , Adegbola R , Hossain MJ , Alonso PL , Breiman RF , Bassat Q , Tamboura B , Sanogo D , Onwuchekwa U , Manna B , Ramamurthy T , Kanungo S , Ahmed S , Qureshi S , Quadri F , Hossain A , Das SK , Antonio M , Mandomando I , Nhampossa T , Acacio S , Omore R , Ochieng JB , Oundo JO , Mintz ED , O'Reilly CE , Berkeley LY , Livio S , Panchalingam S , Nasrin D , Farag TH , Wu Y , Sommerfelt H , Robins-Browne RM , Del Canto F , Hazen TH , Rasko DA , Kotloff KL , Nataro JP , Levine MM . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2019 13 (1) e0007037 ![]() BACKGROUND: Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) encoding heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) alone or with heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) cause moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) in developing country children. The Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS) identified ETEC encoding ST among the top four enteropathogens. Since the GEMS objective was to provide evidence to guide development and implementation of enteric vaccines and other interventions to diminish diarrheal disease morbidity and mortality, we examined colonization factor (CF) prevalence among ETEC isolates from children age <5 years with MSD and from matched controls in four African and three Asian sites. We also assessed strength of association of specific CFs with MSD. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: MSD cases enrolled at healthcare facilities over three years and matched controls were tested in a standardized manner for many enteropathogens. To identify ETEC, three E. coli colonies per child were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect genes encoding LT, ST; confirmed ETEC were examined by PCR for major CFs (Colonization Factor Antigen I [CFA/I] or Coli Surface [CS] antigens CS1-CS6) and minor CFs (CS7, CS12, CS13, CS14, CS17, CS18, CS19, CS20, CS21, CS30). ETEC from 806 cases had a single toxin/CF profile in three tested strains per child. Major CFs, components of multiple ETEC vaccine candidates, were detected in 66.0% of LT/ST and ST-only cases and were associated with MSD versus matched controls by conditional logistic regression (p</=0.006); major CFs detected in only 25.0% of LT-only cases weren't associated with MSD. ETEC encoding exclusively CS14, identified among 19.9% of 291 ST-only and 1.5% of 259 LT/ST strains, were associated with MSD (p = 0.0011). No other minor CF exhibited prevalence >/=5% and significant association with MSD. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Major CF-based efficacious ETEC vaccines could potentially prevent up to 66% of pediatric MSD cases due to ST-encoding ETEC in developing countries; adding CS14 extends coverage to ~77%. |
A cross-cutting approach to surveillance and laboratory capacity as a platform to improve health security in Uganda
Lamorde M , Mpimbaza A , Walwema R , Kamya M , Kapisi J , Kajumbula H , Sserwanga A , Namuganga JF , Kusemererwa A , Tasimwa H , Makumbi I , Kayiwa J , Lutwama J , Behumbiize P , Tagoola A , Nanteza JF , Aniku G , Workneh M , Manabe Y , Borchert JN , Brown V , Appiah GD , Mintz ED , Homsy J , Odongo GS , Ransom RL , Freeman MM , Stoddard RA , Galloway R , Mikoleit M , Kato C , Rosenberg R , Mossel EC , Mead PS , Kugeler KJ . Health Secur 2018 16 S76-s86 Global health security depends on effective surveillance for infectious diseases. In Uganda, resources are inadequate to support collection and reporting of data necessary for an effective and responsive surveillance system. We used a cross-cutting approach to improve surveillance and laboratory capacity in Uganda by leveraging an existing pediatric inpatient malaria sentinel surveillance system to collect data on expanded causes of illness, facilitate development of real-time surveillance, and provide data on antimicrobial resistance. Capacity for blood culture collection was established, along with options for serologic testing for select zoonotic conditions, including arboviral infection, brucellosis, and leptospirosis. Detailed demographic, clinical, and laboratory data for all admissions were captured through a web-based system accessible at participating hospitals, laboratories, and the Uganda Public Health Emergency Operations Center. Between July 2016 and December 2017, the expanded system was activated in pediatric wards of 6 regional government hospitals. During that time, patient data were collected from 30,500 pediatric admissions, half of whom were febrile but lacked evidence of malaria. More than 5,000 blood cultures were performed; 4% yielded bacterial pathogens, and another 4% yielded likely contaminants. Several WHO antimicrobial resistance priority pathogens were identified, some with multidrug-resistant phenotypes, including Acinetobacter spp., Citrobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and typhoidal and nontyphoidal Salmonella spp. Leptospirosis and arboviral infections (alphaviruses and flaviviruses) were documented. The lessons learned and early results from the development of this multisectoral surveillance system provide the knowledge, infrastructure, and workforce capacity to serve as a foundation to enhance the capacity to detect, report, and rapidly respond to wide-ranging public health concerns in Uganda. |
Diarrhoea, enteric pathogen detection and nutritional indicators among controls in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study, Kenya site: an opportunity to understand reference populations in case-control studies of diarrhoea
Berendes DM , O'Reilly CE , Kim S , Omore R , Ochieng JB , Ayers T , Fagerli K , Farag TH , Nasrin D , Panchalingam S , Nataro JP , Kotloff KL , Levine MM , Oundo J , Laserson K , Breiman RF , Mintz ED . Epidemiol Infect 2018 147 1-9 Given the challenges in accurately identifying unexposed controls in case-control studies of diarrhoea, we examined diarrhoea incidence, subclinical enteric infections and growth stunting within a reference population in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study, Kenya site. Within 'control' children (0-59 months old without diarrhoea in the 7 days before enrolment, n = 2384), we examined surveys at enrolment and 60-day follow-up, stool at enrolment and a 14-day post-enrolment memory aid for diarrhoea incidence. At enrolment, 19% of controls had 1 enteric pathogen associated with moderate-to-severe diarrhoea ('MSD pathogens') in stool; following enrolment, many reported diarrhoea (27% in 7 days, 39% in 14 days). Controls with and without reported diarrhoea had similar carriage of MSD pathogens at enrolment; however, controls reporting diarrhoea were more likely to report visiting a health facility for diarrhoea (27% vs. 7%) or fever (23% vs. 16%) at follow-up than controls without diarrhoea. Odds of stunting differed by both MSD and 'any' (including non-MSD pathogens) enteric pathogen carriage, but not diarrhoea, suggesting control classification may warrant modification when assessing long-term outcomes. High diarrhoea incidence following enrolment and prevalent carriage of enteric pathogens have implications for sequelae associated with subclinical enteric infections and for design and interpretation of case-control studies examining diarrhoea. |
Introductory article on global burden and epidemiology of typhoid fever
Radhakrishnan A , Als D , Mintz ED , Crump JA , Stanaway J , Breiman RF , Bhutta ZA . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2018 99 4-9 This article is the introduction to a 12-paper supplement on global trends in typhoid fever. The Tackling Typhoid (T2) project was initiated in 2015 to synthesize the existing body of literature on typhoidal salmonellae and study national and regional typhoid fever trends. In addition to a global systematic review, eight case studies were undertaken to examine typhoid and paratyphoid fever trends in endemic countries alongside changes in relevant contextual factors. Incidence variations exist both within and between regions with large subnational differences as well, suggesting that public health changes impacting typhoid and paratyphoid fevers in one setting may not have similar impacts in another. This supplement also brings to light the lack of national typhoid fever surveillance systems, inconsistencies in diagnostics, and the lack of typhoid fever associated morbidity and mortality data in many countries, making it difficult to accurately quantify and track burden of disease. To better understand typhoid fever there is a need for more high-quality data from resource-poor settings. The implementation of typhoid surveillance systems alongside the transition to blood-culture confirmation of cases, where possible, would aid in the improvement of data quality in low-income settings. The following supplement includes the results of our global systematic review, eight-country case study articles, a qualitative article informed by semistructured interviews, and a conclusion article on potential ways forward for typhoid control. |
Typhoid fever: Way forward
Bhutta ZA , Gaffey M , Crump JA , Steele D , Breiman RF , Mintz ED , Black RE , Luby SP , Levine MM . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2018 99 89-96 The Tackling Typhoid supplement shows that typhoid fever continues to be a problem globally despite socioeconomic gains in certain settings. Morbidity remains high in many endemic countries, notably in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. In addition, antimicrobial resistance is a growing issue that poses a challenge for clinical management. The findings from this supplement revealed that outside of high-income countries, there were few reliable population-based estimates of typhoid and paratyphoid fever derived from surveillance systems. This indicates the need for monitoring systems that can also characterize the effectiveness of interventions, particularly in low- and middle-income settings. The country case studies indicated that gains in economic conditions, education, and environmental health may be associated with reductions in typhoid fever burden. Over the study period, the effect is mainly notable in countries with higher baseline levels of economic development, female literacy, and investments in public sanitation. High burden countries must continue to invest in strategies at the local level to address environmental factors such as access to safe drinking water and improved public sanitation that are known to interrupt transmission or diminish the risk of acquiring typhoid. Developing more effective vaccines and incorporating appropriate immunization strategies that target populations with the greatest risk could potentially alleviate disease burden. |
Clinical, environmental, and behavioral characteristics associated with Cryptosporidium infection among children with moderate-to-severe diarrhea in rural western Kenya, 2008-2012: The Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS)
Delahoy MJ , Omore R , Ayers TL , Schilling KA , Blackstock AJ , Ochieng JB , Moke F , Jaron P , Awuor A , Okonji C , Juma J , Farag TH , Nasrin D , Panchalingam S , Nataro JP , Kotloff KL , Levine MM , Oundo J , Roellig DM , Xiao L , Parsons MB , Laserson K , Mintz ED , Breiman RF , O'Reilly CE . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2018 12 (7) e0006640 BACKGROUND: Cryptosporidium is a leading cause of moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) in young children in Africa. We examined factors associated with Cryptosporidium infection in MSD cases enrolled at the rural western Kenya Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS) site from 2008-2012. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: At health facility enrollment, stool samples were tested for enteric pathogens and data on clinical, environmental, and behavioral characteristics collected. Each child's health status was recorded at 60-day follow-up. Data were analyzed using logistic regression. Of the 1,778 children with MSD enrolled as cases in the GEMS-Kenya case-control study, 11% had Cryptosporidium detected in stool by enzyme immunoassay; in a genotyped subset, 81% were C. hominis. Among MSD cases, being an infant, having mucus in stool, and having prolonged/persistent duration diarrhea were associated with being Cryptosporidium-positive. Both boiling drinking water and using rainwater as the main drinking water source were protective factors for being Cryptosporidium-positive. At follow-up, Cryptosporidium-positive cases had increased odds of being stunted (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.65, 95% CI: 1.06-2.57), underweight (aOR = 2.08, 95% CI: 1.34-3.22), or wasted (aOR = 2.04, 95% CI: 1.21-3.43), and had significantly larger negative changes in height- and weight-for-age z-scores from enrollment. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Cryptosporidium contributes significantly to diarrheal illness in young children in western Kenya. Advances in point of care detection, prevention/control approaches, effective water treatment technologies, and clinical management options for children with cryptosporidiosis are needed. |
Correction: Sanitation practices and perceptions in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya: Comparing the status quo with a novel service-based approach
Nyoka R , Foote AM , Woods E , Lokey H , O'Reilly CE , Magumba F , Okello P , Mintz ED , Marano N , Morris JF . PLoS One 2017 12 (12) e0190129 The second author’s name is spelled incorrectly. The correct name is: Andrew M. Foote. The correct citation is: Nyoka R, Foote AM, Woods E, Lokey H, O’Reilly CE, Magumba F, et al. (2017) Sanitation practices and perceptions in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya: Comparing the status quo with a novel service-based approach. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180864. |
Cost evaluation of a government-conducted oral cholera vaccination campaign-Haiti, 2013
Routh JA , Sreenivasan N , Adhikari BB , Andrecy LL , Bernateau M , Abimbola T , Njau J , Jackson E , Juin S , Francois J , Tohme RA , Meltzer MI , Katz MA , Mintz ED . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 37-42 The devastating 2010 cholera epidemic in Haiti prompted the government to introduce oral cholera vaccine (OCV) in two high-risk areas of Haiti. We evaluated the direct costs associated with the government's first vaccine campaign implemented in August-September 2013. We analyzed data for major cost categories and assessed the efficiency of available campaign resources to vaccinate the target population. For a target population of 107,906 persons, campaign costs totaled $624,000 and 215,295 OCV doses were dispensed. The total vaccine and operational cost was $2.90 per dose; vaccine alone cost $1.85 per dose, vaccine delivery and administration $0.70 per dose, and vaccine storage and transport $0.35 per dose. Resources were greater than needed-our analyses suggested that approximately 2.5-6 times as many persons could have been vaccinated during this campaign without increasing the resources allocated for vaccine delivery and administration. These results can inform future OCV campaigns in Haiti. |
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