Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-23 (of 23 Records) |
Query Trace: Mengistu T[original query] |
The impact of adherence counselling incorporating a point of care urine tenofovir assay on virologic suppression among individuals failing tenofovir-lamivudine-dolutegravir: A pre - post intervention Study
Bikinesi L , Spinelli MA , Nyoni N , Mouton D , Mengistu A , Kamangu J , Konstantinus I , Kalimugogo P , Mutandi G , Negussie F , Wang G , Welty S , McFarland PW , Beard RS , Haberer PJ , McCluskey S , Gandhi PM , Hong SY . Int J Infect Dis 2024 107328 OBJECTIVES: To examine if point-of-care urine tenofovir testing-informed counseling could be used to improve virologic suppression (VS) among participants with virologic failure (VF) after ≥1 prior round of enhanced adherence counseling (EAC). METHODS: Participants were enrolled from 42 clinics across Namibia. At each monthly medication pick-up, participants completed the point-of-care urine test and received EAC informed by this testing (EAC+). If VS was not achieved after 3 months of EAC+, up to 3 additional rounds of EAC+ were provided, with resistance testing at month (M)9. RESULTS: Of 310 potentially-eligible participants across 42 clinics in Namibia, we enrolled 211 participants with VF (median age 33 years, 61% female); 195 reached M3 defined as receiving EAC+ and follow-up viral load testing; 169 achieved VS within M3 (87%, p<0(.)001) and 97% by M9 (181/186) compared to 40% (22/55) prior to the intervention (p<0.001). Resistance testing was performed in five remaining participants with VF at M9, of whom 1/5 (20%) developed dolutegravir resistance. CONCLUSIONS: The urine tenofovir assay when incorporated into adherence counseling has potential to be a cost-effective intervention among participants failing tenofovir-based regimens, increasing VS to 97% in those failing TLD. Encouraging results of this pre-post intervention will be rigorously tested in a randomized trial. |
Persistent transmission of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus - Somalia, January 2017-March 2024
Mendes A , Mohamed GA , Derow M , Stehling-Ariza T , Mohamed A , Mengistu K , Bullard K , Akbar IE , Shukla H , Al Safadi M , Martinez M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (25) 575-580 ![]() ![]() Since the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1988, substantial progress has been made in the interruption of wild poliovirus (WPV) transmission worldwide: global eradication of WPV types 2 and 3 were certified in 2015 and 2019, respectively, and endemic transmission of WPV type 1 continues only in Afghanistan and Pakistan. After the synchronized global withdrawal of all serotype 2 oral poliovirus vaccines (OPVs) in 2016, widespread outbreaks of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) have occurred, which are linked to areas with low population immunity to poliovirus. Officials in Somalia have detected ongoing cVDPV2 transmission since 2017. Polio vaccination coverage and surveillance data for Somalia were reviewed to assess this persistent transmission. During January 2017-March 2024, officials in Somalia detected 39 cVDPV2 cases in 14 of 20 regions, and transmission has spread to neighboring Ethiopia and Kenya. Since January 2021, 28 supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) targeting cVDPV2 were conducted in Somalia. Some parts of the country are security-compromised and inaccessible for vaccination campaigns. Among 1,921 children with nonpolio acute flaccid paralysis, 231 (12%) had not received OPV doses through routine immunization or SIAs, 95% of whom were from the South-Central region, and 60% of whom lived in inaccessible districts. Enhancing humanitarian negotiation measures in Somalia to enable vaccination of children in security-compromised areas and strengthening campaign quality in accessible areas will help interrupt cVDPV2 transmission. |
Rapid antiretroviral therapy initiation in patients with advanced HIV disease: 6-month outcomes of an observational cohort evaluation in Lesotho
Tiam A , Paulin H , Machekano R , Oboho I , Agyemang E , Mugyenyi FA , Maama-Maime L , Mengistu Y , Chatora T , Mungati M , Mokone M , Mots'oane T , Masheane A , Tukei V . PLoS One 2023 18 (10) e0292660 For adults and adolescents, the World Health Organization defines advanced HIV disease (AHD) as a CD4 (cluster of differentiation 4) count of <200 cells/mm3 or a clinical stage 3 or 4 event. We describe clinical outcomes in a cohort of AHD patients at two regional hospitals in Lesotho. From November 2018-June 2019, we prospectively enrolled eligible patients (≥15 years) not on antiretroviral therapy (ART) presenting with WHO-defined AHD into a differentiated model of care for AHD (including rapid ART initiation) and followed them for six months. All patients received Tuberculosis (TB) symptom screening with further diagnostic testing; serum cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) screening was done for CD4 <100 cells/mm3 or WHO clinical stage 3 or 4. Medical record data were abstracted using visit checklist forms. Categorical and continuous variables were summarized using frequencies, percentages, and means, respectively. Kaplan-Meier was used to estimate survival. Of 537 HIV-positive patients screened, 150 (27.9%) had AHD of which 109 were enrolled. Mean age was 38 years and 62 (56.9%) were men. At initial clinic visit, 8 (7.3%) were already on treatment and 33% (36/109) had presumptive TB per symptom screening. Among 39/109 (40.2%) patients screened for CrAg at initial visit, five (12.8%) were CrAg-positive. Among 109 enrolled, 77 (70.6%) initiated ART at their initial clinic visit, while 32 delayed ART initiation (median delay: 14 days). Of the 109 participants enrolled, 76 (69.7%) completed the 6-month follow-up, 17 (15.6%) were lost to follow-up, 5 (4.6%) transferred to other health facilities and 11 (10.1%) died. The 6-month survival was 87.4%; among 74 patients with a viral load result, 6-month viral suppression (<1,000 copies/ml) was 85.1%. Our study found that even after the implementation of Test and Treat of ART in 2016 in Lesotho, over 25% of patients screened had AHD. Patients with AHD had a high prevalence of TB and CrAg positivity, underscoring the need to assess for AHD and rapidly initiate ART within a package of AHD care for optimal patient outcomes. |
Implementing quality management strategies improves clinical quality as a voluntary medical male circumcision program in Namibia matures: a process analysis
O'Bryan G , Ensminger A , Billah I , Sithole E , Nghatanga M , Brandt L , Shepard M , Aupokolo M , Mengistu AT , Forster N , Zemburuka B , Mutandi G , Barnhart S , O'Malley G , Feldacker C . BMC Health Serv Res 2023 23 (1) 1044 BACKGROUND: Surgical voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) is a safe procedure; however, maintaining quality standards at scale, particularly during scale-up, is a challenge making ongoing quality management (QM) efforts essential. This study describes program quality measured by rates of adverse events (AEs) over four years of VMMC implementation in Namibia, compares AE rates over time, and discusses QM processes that contextualize AE trends and illustrate improvements in quality as the program matured. The International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) assisted the Namibian Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) in expanding VMMC in three regions among boys and men over 10 years of age between January 2015 and September 2019. METHODS: A comprehensive package of QM strategies was implemented by multi-disciplinary onsite teams with support from national and international technical advisors. Retrospective routine MoHSS data from the VMMC register, client forms, and monthly AE reports were collected during implementation in the three regions to assess the impact of QM interventions on AEs and to calculate the proportion of clients who experienced AEs over time. The proportion of clients who experienced an AE over time was compared using a Cochran-Armitage test for trend. RESULTS: Between January 2015 and September 2019, 40,336 clients underwent VMMC and 593 (1.5%) clients experienced a post-operative AE in the three supported regions. The AE rate was highest in the first quarter of clinical service delivery in each region (January-March 2015 in Oshana and Zambezi, October-December 2017 in //Kharas) but declined over the implementation period as the program matured. This observed trend between program maturity and declining AE rates over time was significant (p < 0.001) when compared using a Cochran-Armitage test for trend. CONCLUSIONS: As the I-TECH-supported VMMC program matured, QM measures were introduced and routinized, and clinical quality improved over time with the rate of AEs decreasing significantly over the implementation period. Applying systematic and continuous QM processes and approaches across the continuum of VMMC services and considering local context can contribute to increased clinical safety. QM measures that are established in more mature program sites can be quickly adopted to respond to quality issues in program expansion sites. |
The epidemiology of HIV population viral load in twelve sub-Saharan African countries
Hladik W , Stupp P , McCracken SD , Justman J , Ndongmo C , Shang J , Dokubo EK , Gummerson E , Koui I , Bodika S , Lobognon R , Brou H , Ryan C , Brown K , Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H , Kingwara L , Young P , Bronson M , Chege D , Malewo O , Mengistu Y , Koen F , Jahn A , Auld A , Jonnalagadda S , Radin E , Hamunime N , Williams DB , Kayirangwa E , Mugisha V , Mdodo R , Delgado S , Kirungi W , Nelson L , West C , Biraro S , Dzekedzeke K , Barradas D , Mugurungi O , Balachandra S , Kilmarx PH , Musuka G , Patel H , Parekh B , Sleeman K , Domaoal RA , Rutherford G , Motsoane T , Bissek AZ , Farahani M , Voetsch AC . PLoS One 2023 18 (6) e0275560 BACKGROUND: We examined the epidemiology and transmission potential of HIV population viral load (VL) in 12 sub-Saharan African countries. METHODS: We analyzed data from Population-based HIV Impact Assessments (PHIAs), large national household-based surveys conducted between 2015 and 2019 in Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Blood-based biomarkers included HIV serology, recency of HIV infection, and VL. We estimated the number of people living with HIV (PLHIV) with suppressed viral load (<1,000 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL) and with unsuppressed viral load (viremic), the prevalence of unsuppressed HIV (population viremia), sex-specific HIV transmission ratios (number female incident HIV-1 infections/number unsuppressed male PLHIV per 100 persons-years [PY] and vice versa) and examined correlations between a variety of VL metrics and incident HIV. Country sample sizes ranged from 10,016 (Eswatini) to 30,637 (Rwanda); estimates were weighted and restricted to participants 15 years and older. RESULTS: The proportion of female PLHIV with viral suppression was higher than that among males in all countries, however, the number of unsuppressed females outnumbered that of unsuppressed males in all countries due to higher overall female HIV prevalence, with ratios ranging from 1.08 to 2.10 (median: 1.43). The spatial distribution of HIV seroprevalence, viremia prevalence, and number of unsuppressed adults often differed substantially within the same countries. The 1% and 5% of PLHIV with the highest VL on average accounted for 34% and 66%, respectively, of countries' total VL. HIV transmission ratios varied widely across countries and were higher for male-to-female (range: 2.3-28.3/100 PY) than for female-to-male transmission (range: 1.5-10.6/100 PY). In all countries mean log10 VL among unsuppressed males was higher than that among females. Correlations between VL measures and incident HIV varied, were weaker for VL metrics among females compared to males and were strongest for the number of unsuppressed PLHIV per 100 HIV-negative adults (R2 = 0.92). CONCLUSIONS: Despite higher proportions of viral suppression, female unsuppressed PLHIV outnumbered males in all countries examined. Unsuppressed male PLHIV have consistently higher VL and a higher risk of transmitting HIV than females. Just 5% of PLHIV account for almost two-thirds of countries' total VL. Population-level VL metrics help monitor the epidemic and highlight key programmatic gaps in these African countries. |
Contribution of PEPFAR-supported HIV and TB molecular diagnostic networks to COVID-19 testing preparedness in 16 countries
Romano ER , Sleeman K , Hall-Eidson P , Zeh C , Bhairavabhotla R , Zhang G , Adhikari A , Alemnji G , Cardo YR , Pinheiro A , Pocongo B , Eno LT , Shang JD , Ndongmo CB , Rosario H , Moreno O , DeLen LAC , Fonjungo P , Kabwe C , Ahuke-Mundeke S , Gama D , Dlamini S , Maphalala G , Abreha T , Purfield A , Gebrehiwot YT , Desalegn DM , Basiye F , Mwangi J , Bowen N , Mengistu Y , Lecher S , Kampira E , Kaba M , Bitilinyu-Bangoh J , Masamha G , Viegas SO , Beard RS , vanRooyen G , Shiningavamwe AN , I JM , Iriemenam NC , Mba N , Okoi C , Katoro J , Kenyi DL , Bior BK , Mwangi C , Nabadda S , Kaleebu P , Yingst SL , Chikwanda P , Veri L , Simbi R , Alexander H . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (13) S59-s68 The US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) supports molecular HIV and tuberculosis diagnostic networks and information management systems in low- and middle-income countries. We describe how national programs leveraged these PEPFAR-supported laboratory resources for SARS-CoV-2 testing during the COVID-19 pandemic. We sent a spreadsheet template consisting of 46 indicators for assessing the use of PEPFAR-supported diagnostic networks for COVID-19 pandemic response activities during April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021, to 27 PEPFAR-supported countries or regions. A total of 109 PEPFAR-supported centralized HIV viral load and early infant diagnosis laboratories and 138 decentralized HIV and TB sites reported performing SARS-CoV-2 testing in 16 countries. Together, these sites contributed to >3.4 million SARS-CoV-2 tests during the 1-year period. Our findings illustrate that PEPFAR-supported diagnostic networks provided a wide range of resources to respond to emergency COVID-19 diagnostic testing in 16 low- and middle-income countries. |
Rates of confirmatory HIV testing, linkage to HIV services, and rapid initiation of antiretroviral treatment among newly diagnosed children living with HIV in Ethiopia: perspectives from caregivers and healthcare workers
Bekele A , Hrapcak S , Mohammed JA , Yimam JA , Tilahun T , Antefe T , Kumssa H , Kassa D , Mengistu S , Mirkovic K , Dziuban EJ , Belay Z , Ross C , Teferi W . BMC Pediatr 2022 22 (1) 736 BACKGROUND: Successful linkage to HIV services and initiation of antiretroviral treatment (ART) for children living with HIV (CLHIV) is critical to improve pediatric ART coverage. We aimed to assess confirmatory testing, linkage, and rapid ART initiation among newly diagnosed CLHIV in Ethiopia from the perspectives of caregivers and healthcare workers (HCWs). METHODS: We conducted standardized surveys with HCWs and caregivers of children 2-14 years who were diagnosed with HIV but not yet on ART who had been identified during a cross-sectional study in Ethiopia from May 2017-March 2018. Eight health facilities based on their HIV caseload and testing volume and 21 extension sites were included. Forty-one children, 34 care givers and 40 healthcare workers were included in this study. Three months after study enrollment, caregivers were surveyed about timing and experiences with HIV service enrollment, confirmatory testing, and ART initiation. Data collected from HCWs included perceptions of confirmatory testing in CLHIV before ART initiation. SPSS was used to conduct descriptive statistics. RESULTS: The majority of the 41 CLHIV were enrolled to HIV services (n = 34, 83%) and initiated ART by three months (n = 32, 94%). Median time from diagnosis to ART initiation was 12 days (interquartile range 5-18). Five children died before the follow-up interview. Confirmatory HIV testing was conducted in 34 children and found no discordant results; the majority (n = 23, 68%) received it within one week of HIV diagnosis. Almost all HCWs (n = 39/40, 98%) and caregivers (n = 31/34, 91%) felt better/the same about test results after conducting confirmatory testing. CONCLUSION: Opportunities remain to strengthen linkage for newly diagnosed CLHIV in Ethiopia through intensifying early follow-up to ensure prompt confirmatory testing and rapid ART initiation. Additional services could help caregivers with decision-making around treatment initiation for their children. |
Adapting strategies for effective and efficient pediatric HIV case finding in low prevalence countries: risk screening tool for testing children presenting at high-risk entry points in Ethiopia
Teferi W , Gutreuter S , Bekele A , Ahmed J , Ayalew J , Gross J , Kumsa H , Antefe T , Mengistu S , Mirkovic K , Dziuban EJ , Ross C , Belay Z , Tilahun T , Kassa D , Hrapcak S . BMC Infect Dis 2022 22 (1) 480 BACKGROUND: Implementing effective and efficient case-finding strategies is crucial to increasing pediatric antiretroviral therapy coverage. In Ethiopia, universal HIV testing is conducted for children presenting at high-risk entry points including malnutrition treatment, inpatient wards, tuberculosis (TB) clinics, index testing for children of positive adults, and referral of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC); however, low positivity rates observed at inpatient, malnutrition and OVC entry points warrant re-assessing current case-finding strategies. The aim of this study is to develop HIV risk screening tool applicable for testing children presenting at inpatient, malnutrition and OVC entry points in low-HIV prevalence settings. METHODS: The study was conducted from May 2017-March 2018 at 29 public health facilities in Amhara and Addis Ababa regions of Ethiopia. All children 2-14years presenting to five high-risk entry points including malnutrition treatment, inpatient wards, tuberculosis (TB) clinics, index testing for children of positive adults, and referral of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) were enrolled after consent. Data were collected from registers, medical records, and caregiver interviews. Screening tools were constructed using predictors of HIV positivity as screening items by applying both logistic regression and an unweighted method. Sensitivity, specificity and number needed to test (NNT) to identify one new child living with HIV (CLHIV) were estimated for each tool. RESULTS: The screening tools had similar sensitivity of 95%. However, the specificities of tools produced by logistic regression methods (61.4 and 65.6%) which are practically applicable were higher than those achieved by the unweighted method (53.6). Applying these tools could result in 5863% reduction in the NNT compared to universal testing approach while maintaining the overall number of CLHIV identified. CONCLUSION: The screening tools developed using logistic regression method could significantly improve HIV testing efficiency among children presenting to malnutrition, inpatient, and OVC entry points in Ethiopia while maintaining case identification. These tools are simplified to practically implement and can potentially be validated for use at various entry points. HIV programs in low-prevalence countries can also further investigate and optimize these tools in their settings. |
Taking care to the patients: a qualitative evaluation of a community-based ART care program in northern Namibia
Katirayi L , Shoopala N , Mitruka K , Mengistu A , Woelk G , Baughman AL , Mutandi G , Hong SY , Hamunime N . BMC Health Serv Res 2022 22 (1) 498 BACKGROUND: Namibia is a large sparsely populated country with a high prevalence of HIV. People living with HIV who reside in remote areas often travel long distances through tough desert terrain to access HIV care and treatment. To address this barrier, community-based antiretroviral therapy (C-BART) sites were established in Okongo (2007-2008) and Eenhana districts (2016) of northern Namibia with the goal of bringing HIV and other health services closer patients' homes. We conducted a qualitative evaluation of the acceptability and challenges of C-BART to guide program improvement. METHODS: For this qualitative descriptive study, research assistants collected data (August-December 2017) through in-depth interviews with 40 patients, seven health extension workers, and 11 policy/program managers, and through four focus group discussions with healthcare workers. Interviews were audio-recorded, translated, and coded using MAXQDA v.12. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: The evaluation identified five themes: community ownership, acceptance of the C-BART sites, benefits of the C-BART program for the PLHIV community and their social networks, benefits of the C-BART program to the main health facility, and challenges with the C-BART program. The C-BART program was reported as life-changing by many patients who had previously struggled to afford four-wheel drive vehicles to access care. Patients and healthcare workers perceived that the community as a whole benefited from the C-BART sites not only due to the financial pressure lifted from friends and family members previously asked to help cover expensive transportation, but also due to the perception of diminished stigmatization of people living with HIV and improved health. The C-BART sites became a source of community and social support for those accessing the sites. Healthcare workers reported greater job satisfaction and decongestion of health facilities. The challenges that they reported included delays in authorization of vehicles for transportation to C-BART sites and lack of incentives to provide services in the community. CONCLUSION: The C-BART program can serve as a model of care to expand access to HIV care and treatment and other health services to populations in remote settings, including rural and difficult-to-reach regions. The needs of healthcare workers should also be considered for the optimal delivery of such a model. |
Adverse event profile and associated factors following surgical voluntary medical male circumcision in two regions of Namibia, 2015-2018
O'Bryan G , Feldacker C , Ensminger A , Nghatanga M , Brandt L , Shepard M , Billah I , Aupokolo M , Mengistu AT , Forster N , Zemburuka B , Sithole E , Mutandi G , Barnhart S , O'Malley G . PLoS One 2021 16 (10) e0258611 INTRODUCTION: Monitoring clinical safety of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) is critical to minimize risk as VMMC programs for HIV prevention are scaled. This cross-sectional analysis describes the adverse event (AE) profile of a large-scale, routine VMMC program and identifies factors associated with the development, severity, and timing of AEs to provide recommendations for program quality improvement. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 2015-2018 there were 28,990 circumcisions performed in International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) supported regions of Namibia in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Services. Two routine follow-up visits after VMMC were scheduled to identify clients with AEs. Summary statistics were used to describe characteristics of all VMMC clients and the subset who experienced an AE. We used chi-square tests to evaluate associations between AE timing, patient age, and other patient and AE characteristics. We used a logistic regression model to explore associations between patient characteristics and AE severity. RESULTS: Of the 498 clients with AEs (AE rate of 1.7%), 40 (8%) occurred ≤2 days, 262 (53%) occurred 3-7 days, 161 (32%) between day 8 and 14, and 35 (7%) were ≥15 days post-VMMC. Early AEs (on or before day 2) tended to be severe and categorized as bleeding, while infections were the most common AEs occurring later (p<0.001). Younger clients (aged 10-14 years) experienced more infections, whereas older clients experienced more bleeding (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Almost 40% of AEs occurred after the second follow-up visit, of which 179 (91%) were infections. Improvements in pre-surgical and post-surgical counselling and post-operative educational materials encouraging clients to seek care at any time, adoption of alternative follow-up methods, and the addition of a third follow-up visit may improve outcomes for patients. Enhancing post-surgical counselling and emphasizing wound care for younger VMMC clients and their caregivers could help mitigate elevated risk of infection. |
Finding children living with HIV in low-prevalence countries: HIV prevalence and testing yield from 5 entry points in Ethiopia
Hrapcak S , Bekele A , Ahmed J , Ayalew J , Gutreuter S , Kumssa H , Antefe T , Mengistu S , Mirkovic K , Dziuban EJ , Ross C , Belay Z , Tilahun T , Kassa D , Teferi W . Pediatr Infect Dis J 2021 40 (12) 1090-1095 BACKGROUND: Limited data in low HIV prevalence settings such as Ethiopia limit policy development and implementation of optimized pediatric testing approaches to close the treatment gap. This study aimed to determine HIV prevalence, testing yield and factors associated with HIV among children at 5 entry points. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study from May 2017 to March 2018 in 29 public health facilities in Amhara and Addis Ababa regions in Ethiopia. Children 2-14 years were enrolled through 5 entry points. Data were obtained from registers, medical records and interviews with caregivers. HIV prevalence and testing yields were calculated for each entry point. Mixed-effects logistic regression analysis identified factors associated with undiagnosed HIV. RESULTS: The study enrolled 2166 children, of whom 94 were HIV positive (40 newly diagnosed). HIV prevalence and testing yield were the highest among children of HIV-positive adults (index testing; 8.2% and 8.2%, respectively) and children presenting to tuberculosis clinics (7.9% and 1.8%) or with severe malnutrition (6.5% and 1.4%). Factors associated with undiagnosed HIV included tuberculosis or index entry point [adjusted odds ratio (aOR), 11.97; 95% CI 5.06-28.36], deceased mother (aOR 4.55; 95% CI 1.30-15.92), recurrent skin problems (aOR 17.71; 95% CI 7.75-40.43), severe malnutrition (aOR 4.56; 95% CI 2.04-10.19) and urban residence (aOR 3.47; 95% CI 1.03-11.66). CONCLUSIONS: Index testing is a critical strategy for pediatric case finding in Ethiopia. Strategies and resources can prioritize minimizing missed opportunities in implementing universal testing for very sick children (tuberculosis, severe malnutrition) and implementing targeted testing in other entry points through use of factors associated with HIV. |
HIV-1 Recent Infection Testing Algorithm With Antiretroviral Drug Detection to Improve Accuracy of Incidence Estimates
Voetsch AC , Duong YT , Stupp P , Saito S , McCracken S , Dobbs T , Winterhalter FS , Williams DB , Mengistu A , Mugurungi O , Chikwanda P , Musuka G , Ndongmo CB , Dlamini S , Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H , Pasipamire M , Tegbaru B , Eshetu F , Biraro S , Ward J , Aibo D , Kabala A , Mgomella GS , Malewo O , Mushi J , Payne D , Mengistu Y , Asiimwe F , Shang JD , Dokubo EK , Eno LT , Zoung-Kanyi Bissek AC , Kingwara L , Junghae M , Kiiru JN , Mwesigwa RCN , Balachandra S , Lobognon R , Kampira E , Detorio M , Yufenyuy EL , Brown K , Patel HK , Parekh BS . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2021 87 S73-s80 BACKGROUND: HIV-1 incidence calculation currently includes recency classification by HIV-1 incidence assay and unsuppressed viral load (VL ≥ 1000 copies/mL) in a recent infection testing algorithm (RITA). However, persons with recent classification not virally suppressed and taking antiretroviral (ARV) medication may be misclassified. SETTING: We used data from 13 African household surveys to describe the impact of an ARV-adjusted RITA on HIV-1 incidence estimates. METHODS: HIV-seropositive samples were tested for recency using the HIV-1 Limiting Antigen (LAg)-Avidity enzyme immunoassay, HIV-1 viral load, ARVs used in each country, and ARV drug resistance. LAg-recent result was defined as normalized optical density values ≤1.5. We compared HIV-1 incidence estimates using 2 RITA: RITA1: LAg-recent + VL ≥ 1000 copies/mL and RITA2: RITA1 + undetectable ARV. We explored RITA2 with self-reported ARV use and with clinical history. RESULTS: Overall, 357 adult HIV-positive participants were classified as having recent infection with RITA1. RITA2 reclassified 55 (15.4%) persons with detectable ARV as having long-term infection. Those with detectable ARV were significantly more likely to be aware of their HIV-positive status (84% vs. 10%) and had higher levels of drug resistance (74% vs. 26%) than those without detectable ARV. RITA2 incidence was lower than RITA1 incidence (range, 0%-30% decrease), resulting in decreased estimated new infections from 390,000 to 341,000 across the 13 countries. Incidence estimates were similar using detectable or self-reported ARV (R2 > 0.995). CONCLUSIONS: Including ARV in RITA2 improved the accuracy of HIV-1 incidence estimates by removing participants with likely long-term HIV infection. |
HIV Viral Load Monitoring Among Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy - Eight Sub-Saharan Africa Countries, 2013-2018
Lecher SL , Fonjungo P , Ellenberger D , Toure CA , Alemnji G , Bowen N , Basiye F , Beukes A , Carmona S , de Klerk M , Diallo K , Dziuban E , Kiyaga C , Mbah H , Mengistu J , Mots'oane T , Mwangi C , Mwangi JW , Mwasekaga M , N'Tale J , Naluguza M , Ssewanyana I , Stevens W , Zungu I , Bhairavabhotla R , Chun H , Gaffga N , Jadczak S , Lloyd S , Nguyen S , Pati R , Sleeman K , Zeh C , Zhang G , Alexander H . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (21) 775-778 One component of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) goal to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030, is that 95% of all persons receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) achieve viral suppression.(†) Thus, testing all HIV-positive persons for viral load (number of copies of viral RNA per mL) is a global health priority (1). CDC and other U.S. government agencies, as part of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), together with other stakeholders, have provided technical assistance and supported the cost for multiple countries in sub-Saharan Africa to expand viral load testing as the preferred monitoring strategy for clinical response to ART. The individual and population-level benefits of ART are well understood (2). Persons receiving ART who achieve and sustain an undetectable viral load do not transmit HIV to their sex partners, thereby disrupting onward transmission (2,3). Viral load testing is a cost-effective and sustainable programmatic approach for monitoring treatment success, allowing reduced frequency of health care visits for patients who are virally suppressed (4). Viral load monitoring enables early and accurate detection of treatment failure before immunologic decline. This report describes progress on the scale-up of viral load testing in eight sub-Saharan African countries from 2013 to 2018 and examines the trajectory of improvement with viral load testing scale-up that has paralleled government commitments, sustained technical assistance, and financial resources from international donors. Viral load testing in low- and middle-income countries enables monitoring of viral load suppression at the individual and population level, which is necessary to achieve global epidemic control. Although there has been substantial achievement in improving viral load coverage for all patients receiving ART, continued engagement is needed to reach global targets. |
Implementation and evaluation of a Project ECHO telementoring program for the Namibian HIV workforce
Bikinesi L , O'Bryan G , Roscoe C , Mekonen T , Shoopala N , Mengistu AT , Sawadogo S , Agolory S , Mutandi G , Garises V , Pati R , Tison L , Igboh L , Johnson C , Rodriguez EM , Ellerbrock T , Menzies H , Baughman AL , Brandt L , Forster N , Scott J , Wood B , Unruh KT , Arora S , Iandiorio M , Kalishman S , Zalud-Cerrato S , Lehmer J , Lee S , Mahdi MA , Spedoske S , Zuber A , Reilley B , Ramers CB , Hamunime N , O'Malley G , Struminger B . Hum Resour Health 2020 18 (1) 61 BACKGROUND: The Namibian Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) piloted the first HIV Project ECHO (Extension for Community Health Outcomes) in Africa at 10 clinical sites between 2015 and 2016. Goals of Project ECHO implementation included strengthening clinical capacity, improving professional satisfaction, and reducing isolation while addressing HIV service challenges during decentralization of antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: MoHSS conducted a mixed-methods evaluation to assess the pilot. Methods included pre/post program assessments of healthcare worker knowledge, self-efficacy, and professional satisfaction; assessment of continuing professional development (CPD) credit acquisition; and focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. Analysis compared the differences between pre/post scores descriptively. Qualitative transcripts were analyzed to extract themes and representative quotes. RESULTS: Knowledge of clinical HIV improved 17.8% overall (95% confidence interval 12.2-23.5%) and 22.3% (95% confidence interval 13.2-31.5%) for nurses. Professional satisfaction increased 30 percentage points. Most participants experienced reduced professional isolation (66%) and improved CPD credit access (57%). Qualitative findings reinforced quantitative results. Following the pilot, the Namibia MoHSS Project ECHO expanded to over 40 clinical sites by May 2019 serving more than 140 000 people living with HIV. CONCLUSIONS: Similar to other Project ECHO evaluation results in the United States of America, Namibia's Project ECHO led to the development of ongoing virtual communities of practice. The evaluation demonstrated the ability of the Namibia HIV Project ECHO to improve healthcare worker knowledge and satisfaction and decrease professional isolation. |
Using nonpolio enterovirus detection to assess the integrity of stool specimens collected from acute flaccid paralysis cases in Somalia during 2014-2017
Ben Hamida A , Mohamed Ali K , Mdodo R , Mohamed A , Mengistu K , Nzunza RM , Farag NH , Ehrhardt DT , Elfakki E , Mbaeyi C . Open Forum Infect Dis 2020 7 (5) ofaa135 Background: Despite insecurity challenges in Somalia, key indicators for acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance have met recommended targets. However, recent outbreaks of vaccine-derived polioviruses have raised concerns about possible gaps. We analyzed nonpolio enterovirus (NPEV) and Sabin poliovirus isolation rates to investigate whether comparing these rates can inform about the integrity of stool specimens from inaccessible areas and the likelihood of detecting circulating polioviruses. Methods: Using logistic regression, we analyzed case-based AFP surveillance data for 1348 cases with onset during 2014-2017. We assessed the adjusted impacts of variables including age, accessibility, and Sabin-like virus isolation on NPEV detection. Results: NPEVs were more likely to be isolated from AFP case patients reported from inaccessible areas than accessible areas (23% vs 15%; P = .01). In a multivariable model, inaccessibility and detection of Sabin-like virus were positively associated with NPEV detection (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 1.75; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.14-2.65; and AOR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.07-2.90; respectively), while being aged >/=5 years was negatively associated (AOR, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.20-0.85). Conclusions: Rates of NPEV and Sabin poliovirus detection in inaccessible areas suggest that the integrity of fecal specimens tested for AFP surveillance in Somalia can generate useful AFP data, but uncertainties remain about surveillance system quality. |
The public health control of scabies: priorities for research and action
Engelman D , Cantey PT , Marks M , Solomon AW , Chang AY , Chosidow O , Enbiale W , Engels D , Hay RJ , Hendrickx D , Hotez PJ , Kaldor JM , Kama M , Mackenzie CD , McCarthy JS , Martin DL , Mengistu B , Maurer T , Negussu N , Romani L , Sokana O , Whitfeld MJ , Fuller LC , Steer AC . Lancet 2019 394 (10192) 81-92 Scabies is a parasitic disease of the skin that disproportionately affects disadvantaged populations. The disease causes considerable morbidity and leads to severe bacterial infection and immune-mediated disease. Scientific advances from the past 5 years suggest that scabies is amenable to population-level control, particularly through mass drug administration. In recognition of these issues, WHO added scabies to the list of neglected tropical diseases in 2017. To develop a global control programme, key operational research questions must now be addressed. Standardised approaches to diagnosis and methods for mapping are required to further understand the burden of disease. The safety of treatments for young children, including with ivermectin and moxidectin, should be investigated. Studies are needed to inform optimum implementation of mass treatment, including the threshold for intervention, target, dosing, and frequency. Frameworks for surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation of control strategies are also necessary. |
Cost of providing emergency obstetric care in Tanzania's Kigoma region
Mengistu T , Berruti A , Krivelyova A , Swor M , Waite R , Maro G . Int J Health Plann Manage 2019 34 (4) e1510-e1519 BACKGROUND: The provision of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EmONC) is critical for reducing maternal mortality, yet little is known about the costs of EmONC services in developing countries. This study estimates these costs at six health facilities in Tanzania's Kigoma region. METHODS: The study took a comprehensive programmatic approach considering all sources of financial and in-kind support over a 1-year period (1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013). Data were collected retrospectively and costs disaggregated by input, sources of support, programmatic activity, and patient type (nonsurgical, surgical patients, and among the latter patients undergoing caesarean sections). RESULTS: The median per-patient cost across the six facilities was $290. Personnel and equipment purchases accounted for the largest proportions of the total costs, representing 32% and 28%, respectively. Average per-patient costs varied by patient type; cost per nonsurgical patient was $80, $258 for surgical patients and $426 for patients undergoing caesarean sections. Per-patient costs also varied substantially by facility type: mean per-patient cost at health centres was $620 compared with $169 at hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides the first cost estimates of EmONC provision in Kigoma. These estimates could inform programme planning and highlight areas with potential scope for cost reductions. |
Methods, outcomes, and costs of a 2.5 year comprehensive facility-and community-based HIV testing intervention in Bukoba Municipal Council, Tanzania, 2014-2017
Cham HJ , MacKellar D , Maruyama H , Rwabiyago OE , Msumi O , Steiner C , Kundi G , Weber R , Byrd J , Suraratdecha C , Mengistu T , Churi E , Pals S , Madevu-Matson C , Alexander G , Porter S , Kazaura K , Mbilinyi D , Morales F , Rutachunzibwa T , Justman J , Rwebembera A . PLoS One 2019 14 (5) e0215654 To diagnose >/=90% HIV-infected residents (diagnostic coverage), the Bukoba Combination Prevention Evaluation (BCPE) implemented provider-initiated (PITC), home- (HBHTC), and venue-based (VBHTC) HIV testing and counseling (HTC) intervention in Bukoba Municipal Council, a mixed urban and rural lake zone community of 150,000 residents in Tanzania. This paper describes the methods, outcomes, and incremental costs of these HTC interventions. PITC was implemented in outpatient department clinics in all eight public and three faith-based health facilities. In clinics, lay counselors routinely screened and referred eligible patients for HIV testing conducted by HTC-dedicated healthcare workers. In all 14 wards, community teams offered HTC to eligible persons encountered at 31,293 home visits and at 79 male- and youth-frequented venues. HTC was recommended for persons who were not in HIV care or had not tested in the prior 90 days. BCPE conducted 133,695 HIV tests during the 2.5 year intervention (PITC: 88,813, 66%; HBHTC: 27,407, 21%; VBHTC: 17,475, 13%). Compared with other strategies, PITC conducted proportionally more tests among females (65%), and VBHTC conducted proportionally more tests among males (69%) and young-adults aged 15-24 years (42%). Of 5,550 (4.2% of all tests) HIV-positive tests, 4,143 (75%) clients were newly HIV diagnosed, including 1,583 males and 881 young adults aged 15-24 years. Of HIV tests conducted 3.7%, 1.8%, and 2.1% of PITC, HBHTC, and VBHTC clients, respectively, were newly HIV diagnosed; PITC accounted for 79% of all new diagnoses. Cost per test (per new diagnosis) was $4.55 ($123.66), $6.45 ($354.44), and $7.98 ($372.67) for PITC, HBHTC, and VBHTC, respectively. In a task-shifting analysis in which lay counselors replaced healthcare workers, estimated costs per test (per new diagnosis) would have been $3.06 ($83.15), $ 4.81 ($264.04), and $5.45 ($254.52), for PITC, HBHTC, and VBHTC, respectively. BCPE models reached different target groups, including men and young adults, two groups with consistently low coverage. Implementation of multiple models is likely necessary to achieve >/=90% diagnostic coverage. |
"Every Newborn-INDEPTH" (EN-INDEPTH) study protocol for a randomised comparison of household survey modules for measuring stillbirths and neonatal deaths in five Health and Demographic Surveillance sites
Baschieri A , Gordeev VS , Akuze J , Kwesiga D , Blencowe H , Cousens S , Waiswa P , Fisker AB , Thysen SM , Rodrigues A , Biks GA , Abebe SM , Gelaye KA , Mengistu MY , Geremew BM , Delele TG , Tesega AK , Yitayew TA , Kasasa S , Galiwango E , Natukwatsa D , Kajungu D , Enuameh YA , Nettey OE , Dzabeng F , Amenga-Etego S , Newton SK , Manu AA , Tawiah C , Asante KP , Owusu-Agyei S , Alam N , Haider MM , Alam SS , Arnold F , Byass P , Croft TN , Herbst K , Kishor S , Serbanescu F , Lawn JE . J Glob Health 2019 9 (1) 010901 Background: Under-five and maternal mortality were halved in the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) era, with slower reductions for 2.6 million neonatal deaths and 2.6 million stillbirths. The Every Newborn Action Plan aims to accelerate progress towards national targets, and includes an ambitious Measurement Improvement Roadmap. Population-based household surveys, notably Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, are major sources of population-level data on child mortality in countries with weaker civil registration and vital statistics systems, where over two-thirds of global child deaths occur. To estimate neonatal/child mortality and pregnancy outcomes (stillbirths, miscarriages, birthweight, gestational age) the most common direct methods are: (1) the standard DHS-7 with Full Birth History with additional questions on pregnancy losses in the past 5 years (FBH(+)) or (2) a Full Pregnancy History (FPH). No direct comparison of these two methods has been undertaken, although descriptive analyses suggest that the FBH(+) may underestimate mortality rates particularly for stillbirths. Methods: This is the protocol paper for the Every Newborn-INDEPTH study (INDEPTH Network, International Network for the Demographic Evaluation of Populations and their Health Every Newborn, Every Newborn Action Plan), aiming to undertake a randomised comparison of FBH(+) and FPH to measure pregnancy outcomes in a household survey in five selected INDEPTH Network sites in Africa and South Asia (Bandim in urban and rural Guinea-Bissau; Dabat in Ethiopia; IgangaMayuge in Uganda; Kintampo in Ghana; Matlab in Bangladesh). The survey will reach >68 000 pregnancies to assess if there is >/=15% difference in stillbirth rates. Additional questions will capture birthweight, gestational age, birth/death certification, termination of pregnancy and fertility intentions. The World Bank's Survey Solutions platform will be tailored for data collection, including recording paradata to evaluate timing. A mixed methods assessment of barriers and enablers to reporting of pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes will be undertaken. Conclusions: This large-scale study is the first randomised comparison of these two methods to capture pregnancy outcomes. Results are expected to inform the evidence base for survey methodology, especially in DHS, regarding capture of stillbirths and other outcomes, notably neonatal deaths, abortions (spontaneous and induced), birthweight and gestational age. In addition, this study will inform strategies to improve health and demographic surveillance capture of neonatal/child mortality and pregnancy outcomes. |
Implementing the package of CDC and WHO recommended linkage services: Methods, outcomes, and costs of the Bukoba Tanzania Combination Prevention Evaluation peer-delivered, linkage case management program, 2014-2017
MacKellar D , Maruyama H , Rwabiyago OE , Steiner C , Cham H , Msumi O , Weber R , Kundi G , Suraratdecha C , Mengistu T , Byrd J , Pals S , Churi E , Madevu-Matson C , Kazaura K , Morales F , Rutachunzibwa T , Justman J , Rwebembera A . PLoS One 2018 13 (12) e0208919 Although several studies have evaluated one or more linkage services to improve early enrollment in HIV care in Tanzania, none have evaluated the package of linkage services recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). We describe the uptake of each component of the CDC/WHO recommended package of linkage services, and early enrollment in HIV care and antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation among persons with HIV who participated in a peer-delivered, linkage case management (LCM) program implemented in Bukoba, Tanzania, October 2014 -May 2017. Of 4206 participants (88% newly HIV diagnosed), most received recommended services including counseling on the importance of early enrollment in care and ART (100%); escort by foot or car to an HIV care and treatment clinic (CTC) (83%); treatment navigation at a CTC (94%); telephone support and appointment reminders (77% among clients with cellphones); and counseling on HIV-status disclosure and partner/family testing (77%), and on barriers to care (69%). During three periods with different ART-eligibility thresholds [CD4<350 (Oct 2014 -Dec 2015, n = 2233), CD4</=500 (Jan 2016 -Sept 2016, n = 1221), and Test & Start (Oct 2016 -May 2017, n = 752)], 90%, 96%, and 97% of clients enrolled in HIV care, and 47%, 67%, and 86% of clients initiated ART, respectively, within three months of diagnosis. Of 463 LCM clients who participated in the last three months of the rollout of Test & Start, 91% initiated ART. Estimated per-client cost was $44 United States dollars (USD) for delivering LCM services in communities and facilities overall, and $18 USD for a facility-only model with task shifting. Well accepted by persons with HIV, peer-delivered LCM services recommended by CDC and WHO can achieve near universal early ART initiation in the Test & Start era at modest cost and should be considered for implementation in facilities and communities experiencing <90% early enrollment in ART care. |
Low case finding among men and poor viral load suppression among adolescents are impeding Namibia's ability to achieve UNAIDS 90-90-90 Targets
Agolory S , de Klerk M , Baughman AL , Sawadogo S , Mutenda N , Pentikainen N , Shoopala N , Wolkon A , Taffa N , Mutandi G , Jonas A , Mengistu AT , Dzinotyiweyi E , Prybylski D , Hamunime N , Medley A . Open Forum Infect Dis 2018 5 (9) ofy200 Background: In 2015, Namibia implemented an Acceleration Plan to address the high burden of HIV (13.0% adult prevalence and 216 311 people living with HIV [PLHIV]) and achieve the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets by 2020. We provide an update on Namibia's overall progress toward achieving these targets and estimate the percent reduction in HIV incidence since 2010. Methods: Data sources include the 2013 Namibia Demographic and Health Survey (2013 NDHS), the national electronic patient monitoring system, and laboratory data from the Namibian Institute of Pathology. These sources were used to estimate (1) the percentage of PLHIV who know their HIV status, (2) the percentage of PLHIV on antiretroviral therapy (ART), (3) the percentage of patients on ART with suppressed viral loads, and (4) the percent reduction in HIV incidence. Results: In the 2013 NDHS, knowledge of HIV status was higher among HIV-positive women 91.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], 89.4%-93.7%) than HIV-positive men 82.5% (95% CI, 78.1%-86.1%). At the end of 2016, an estimated 88.3% (95% CI, 86.3%-90.1%) of PLHIV knew their status, and 165 939 (76.7%) PLHIV were active on ART. The viral load suppression rate among those on ART was 87%, and it was highest among >/=20-year-olds (90%) and lowest among 15-19-year-olds (68%). HIV incidence has declined by 21% since 2010. Conclusions: With 76.7% of PLHIV on ART and 87% of those on ART virally suppressed, Namibia is on track to achieve UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets by 2020. Innovative strategies are needed to improve HIV case identification among men and adherence to ART among youth. |
Strengthening acute flaccid paralysis surveillance through the village polio volunteers program in Somalia
Mbaeyi C , Mohamed A , Owino BO , Mengistu KF , Ehrhardt D , Elsayed EA . Clin Infect Dis 2018 67 (6) 941-946 Background: Surveillance for cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) is a key strategy adopted for the eradication of polio. Detection of poliovirus circulation is often predicated on the ability to identify AFP cases and test their stool specimens for poliovirus infection in a timely manner. The Village Polio Volunteers (VPV) program was established in 2013 in a bid to strengthen polio eradication activities in Somalia, including AFP surveillance, given the country's vulnerability to polio outbreaks. Methods: To assess the impact of the VPV program on AFP surveillance, we determined case counts, case-reporting sources, and non-polio AFP rates in the years before and after program introduction, i.e., 2011-2016. We also compared the stool adequacy and timeliness of cases reported by VPVs to those reported by other sources. Results: In the years following program introduction, VPVs accounted for a high proportion of AFP cases reported in Somalia. AFP case counts rose from 148 cases in 2012, the year before program introduction, to 279 cases in 2015, during which VPVs accounted for 40% of reported cases. Further, the non-polio AFP rate improved from 2.8 cases in 2012 to 4.8 cases per 100,000 persons <15 years by 2015. Stool adequacy rates have been consistently high and AFP cases have been detected in a timelier manner since the program was introduced. Conclusions: Given the impact of the VPV program on improving AFP surveillance indicators in Somalia, similar community-based programs could play a crucial role in enhancing surveillance activities in countries with limited healthcare infrastructure. |
Notes from the field: Assessment of health facilities for control of canine rabies - Gondar City, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, 2015
Pieracci EG , Schroeder B , Mengistu A , Melaku A , Shiferaw M , Blanton JD , Wallace R . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (17) 456-7 ![]() Rabies is an encephalitic disease that is nearly always fatal after onset of illness. Worldwide, rabies kills an estimated 59,000 humans each year (95% confidence interval [CI] = 25,000-159,000); the majority of the deaths are caused by the rabies virus variant that circulates in dogs. Canine rabies is endemic in Ethiopia, with an estimated 2,771 human deaths annually (CI = 1,116-12,660) (1-3). Annual rabies-associated livestock losses are estimated at >$50 million (USD), making rabies important to both human and animal health. |
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