Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-13 (of 13 Records) |
Query Trace: McElroy PD[original query] |
Locally acquired (autochthonous) mosquito-transmitted plasmodium vivax malaria - Saline County, Arkansas, September 2023
Courtney AP , Boyanton BL Jr , Strebeck PV , Blount K , Ledford S , Ridpath AD , Mace KE , Smith C , Garner K , Waters C , Cima MJ , Patil N , McElroy PD , Raphael BH , Sapp SGH , Qvarnstrom Y , Lenhart A , Sutcliffe A , Dulski TM , Rothfeldt L . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (42) 646-649 ![]() ![]() A case of locally acquired (autochthonous) mosquito-transmitted Plasmodium vivax malaria was diagnosed in Arkansas in September 2023. This represents the 10th autochthonous case identified nationally in 2023, after 20 years without recorded local mosquitoborne malaria transmission in the United States. The public health response included case investigation, active case surveillance, mosquito surveillance and control, assessment of medical countermeasures, and clinical and public outreach. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment of malaria can improve clinical outcomes and, in addition to vector control, minimize risk for local transmission. Clinicians should consider malaria among patients who have traveled to countries where malaria is endemic, or with unexplained fever regardless of travel history. Although the risk for autochthonous malaria in the United States remains very low, its reemergence highlights the importance of vectorborne disease preparedness and response. Examples of such efforts include improving awareness among clinicians, access to diagnostics and antimalarial medications, and capacity for mosquito surveillance and control. Collaboration and communication among CDC, health departments, local jurisdictions, clinicians, hospitals, laboratories, and the public can support rapid malaria diagnosis, prevention, and control. Before traveling internationally to areas where malaria is endemic, travelers should consult with their health care provider regarding recommended malaria prevention measures, including chemoprophylaxis and precautions to avoid mosquito bites, to reduce both personal and community risk. |
COVID-19 epidemiology during Delta variant dominance period in 45 high-income countries, 2020-2021
Atherstone CJ , Guagliardo SAJ , Hawksworth A , O'Laughlin K , Wong K , Sloan ML , Henao O , Rao CY , McElroy PD , Bennett SD . Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (9) 1757-1764 ![]() The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant, first identified in October 2020, quickly became the dominant variant worldwide. We used publicly available data to explore the relationship between illness and death (peak case rates, death rates, case-fatality rates) and selected predictors (percentage vaccinated, percentage of the population >65 years, population density, testing volume, index of mitigation policies) in 45 high-income countries during the Delta wave using rank-order correlation and ordinal regression. During the Delta-dominant period, most countries reported higher peak case rates (57%) and lower peak case-fatality rates (98%). Higher vaccination coverage was protective against peak case rates (odds ratio 0.95, 95% CI 0.91-0.99) and against peak death rates (odds ratio 0.96, 95% CI 0.91-0.99). Vaccination coverage was vital to preventing infection and death from COVID-19 during the Delta wave. As new variants emerge, public health authorities should encourage the uptake of COVID-19 vaccination and boosters. |
Outbreak of locally acquired mosquito-transmitted (autochthonous) malaria - Florida and Texas, May-July 2023
Blackburn D , Drennon M , Broussard K , Morrison AM , Stanek D , Sarney E , Ferracci C , Huard S , Brennan W , Eaton J , Nealeigh S , Barber N , Zimler RA , Adams JN , Blackmore C , Gordillo M , Mercado R , Vore H , Scanlan K , Motie I , Stanfield L , Farooq A , Widel K , Tomson K , Kerr N , Nasir J , Cone M , Rice C , Larkin T , Hernandez E , Bencie J , Lesser CR , Dersch M , Ramirez-Lachmann S , Clark M , Rollo S , Bashadi A , Tyler R , Bolling B , Moore B , Sullivan B , Fonken E , Castillo R , Gonzalez Y , Olivares G , Mace KE , Sayre D , Lenhart A , Sutcliffe A , Dotson E , Corredor C , Rogers E , Raphael BH , Sapp SGH , Qvarnstrom Y , Ridpath AD , McElroy PD . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (36) 973-978 Eight cases of locally acquired, mosquito-transmitted (i.e., autochthonous) Plasmodium vivax malaria, which has not been reported in the United States since 2003, were reported to CDC from state health departments in Florida and Texas during May 18-July 17, 2023. As of August 4, 2023, case surveillance, mosquito surveillance and control activities, and public outreach and education activities continue in both states. U.S. clinicians need to consider a malaria diagnosis in patients with unexplained fever, especially in areas where autochthonous malaria has been recently reported, although the risk for autochthonous malaria in the United States remains very low. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of malaria can prevent severe disease or death and limit ongoing transmission to local Anopheles mosquitoes and other persons. Preventing mosquito bites and controlling mosquitoes at home can prevent mosquitoborne diseases, including malaria. Before traveling internationally to areas with endemic malaria, travelers should consult with a health care provider regarding recommended malaria prevention measures, including potentially taking malaria prophylaxis. Malaria is a nationally notifiable disease; continued reporting of malaria cases to jurisdictional health departments and CDC will also help ensure robust surveillance to detect and prevent autochthonous malaria in the United States. |
Quality of vital event data for infant mortality estimation in prospective, population-based studies: an analysis of secondary data from Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Erchick DJ , Subedi S , Verhulst A , Guillot M , Adair LS , Barros AJD , Chasekwa B , Christian P , da Silva BGC , Silveira MF , Hallal PC , Humphrey JH , Huybregts L , Kariuki S , Khatry SK , Lachat C , Matijasevich A , McElroy PD , Menezes AMB , Mullany LC , Perez TLL , Phillips-Howard PA , Roberfroid D , Santos IS , Ter Kuile FO , Ravilla TD , Tielsch JM , Wu LSF , Katz J . Popul Health Metr 2023 21 (1) 10 INTRODUCTION: Infant and neonatal mortality estimates are typically derived from retrospective birth histories collected through surveys in countries with unreliable civil registration and vital statistics systems. Yet such data are subject to biases, including under-reporting of deaths and age misreporting, which impact mortality estimates. Prospective population-based cohort studies are an underutilized data source for mortality estimation that may offer strengths that avoid biases. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of data from the Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group, including 11 population-based pregnancy or birth cohort studies, to evaluate the appropriateness of vital event data for mortality estimation. Analyses were descriptive, summarizing study designs, populations, protocols, and internal checks to assess their impact on data quality. We calculated infant and neonatal morality rates and compared patterns with Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data. RESULTS: Studies yielded 71,760 pregnant women and 85,095 live births. Specific field protocols, especially pregnancy enrollment, limited exclusion criteria, and frequent follow-up visits after delivery, led to higher birth outcome ascertainment and fewer missing deaths. Most studies had low follow-up loss in pregnancy and the first month with little evidence of date heaping. Among studies in Asia and Latin America, neonatal mortality rates (NMR) were similar to DHS, while several studies in Sub-Saharan Africa had lower NMRs than DHS. Infant mortality varied by study and region between sources. CONCLUSIONS: Prospective, population-based cohort studies following rigorous protocols can yield high-quality vital event data to improve characterization of detailed mortality patterns of infants in low- and middle-income countries, especially in the early neonatal period where mortality risk is highest and changes rapidly. |
Malaria and Parasitic Neglected Tropical Diseases: Potential Syndemics with COVID-19?
Gutman JR , Lucchi NW , Cantey PT , Steinhardt LC , Samuels AM , Kamb ML , Kapella BK , McElroy PD , Udhayakumar V , Lindblade KA . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020 103 (2) 572-577 The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by SARS-CoV-2, have surpassed 5 million cases globally. Current models suggest that low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) will have a similar incidence but substantially lower mortality rate than high-income countries. However, malaria and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are prevalent in LMICs, and coinfections are likely. Both malaria and parasitic NTDs can alter immunologic responses to other infectious agents. Malaria can induce a cytokine storm and pro-coagulant state similar to that seen in severe COVID-19. Consequently, coinfections with malaria parasites and SARS-CoV-2 could result in substantially worse outcomes than mono-infections with either pathogen, and could shift the age pattern of severe COVID-19 to younger age-groups. Enhancing surveillance platforms could provide signals that indicate whether malaria, NTDs, and COVID-19 are syndemics (synergistic epidemics). Based on the prevalence of malaria and NTDs in specific localities, efforts to characterize COVID-19 in LMICs could be expanded by adding testing for malaria and NTDs. Such additional testing would allow the determination of the rates of coinfection and comparison of severity of outcomes by infection status, greatly improving the understanding of the epidemiology of COVID-19 in LMICs and potentially helping to mitigate its impact. |
Clearance dynamics of lactate dehydrogenase and aldolase following antimalarial treatment for Plasmodium falciparum infection
Plucinski MM , McElroy PD , Dimbu PR , Fortes F , Nace D , Halsey ES , Rogier E . Parasit Vectors 2019 12 (1) 293 BACKGROUND: Lingering post-treatment parasite antigen in blood complicates malaria diagnosis through antigen detection. Characterization of antigen clearance dynamics is important for interpretation of positive antigen detection tests. RESULTS: We used a bead-based serological assay to measure lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aldolase (Aldo), and histidine-rich protein 2 (HRP2) levels in 196 children with Plasmodium falciparum malaria treated with effective antimalarials and followed for 28 to 42 days as part of therapeutic efficacy studies in Angola. Compared to pre-treatment levels, antigen concentrations two days after treatment declined by 99.7% for LDH, 96.3% for Aldo, and 54.6% for HRP2. After Day 2, assuming a first-order kinetics clearance model, half-lives of the antigens were 1.8 days (95% CI: 1.5-2.3) for LDH, 3.2 days (95% CI: 3.0-3.4) for Aldo, and 4.8 days (95% CI: 4.7-4.9) for HRP2. CONCLUSIONS: LDH and Aldo show substantially different clearance rates than HRP2, and their presence is largely indicative of active infection. |
Implementing impact evaluations of malaria control interventions: Process, lessons learned, and recommendations
Hershey CL , Bhattarai A , Florey LS , McElroy PD , Nielsen CF , Ye Y , Eckert E , Franca-Koh AC , Shargie E , Komatsu R , Smithson P , Thwing J , Mihigo J , Herrera S , Taylor C , Shah J , Mouzin E , Yoon SS , Salgado SR . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 20-31 As funding for malaria control increased considerably over the past 10 years resulting in the expanded coverage of malaria control interventions, so did the need to measure the impact of these investments on malaria morbidity and mortality. Members of the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership undertook impact evaluations of malaria control programs at a time when there was little guidance in terms of the process for conducting an impact evaluation of a national-level malaria control program. The President's Malaria Initiative (PMI), as a member of the RBM Partnership, has provided financial and technical support for impact evaluations in 13 countries to date. On the basis of these experiences, PMI and its partners have developed a streamlined process for conducting the evaluations with a set of lessons learned and recommendations. Chief among these are: to ensure country ownership and involvement in the evaluations; to engage stakeholders throughout the process; to coordinate evaluations among interested partners to avoid duplication of efforts; to tailor the evaluation to the particular country context; to develop a standard methodology for the evaluations and a streamlined process for completion within a reasonable time; and to develop tailored dissemination products on the evaluation for a broad range of stakeholders. These key lessons learned and resulting recommendations will guide future impact evaluations of malaria control programs and other health programs. |
Pregnant women and infants as sentinel populations to monitor prevalence of malaria: results of pilot study in Lake Zone of Tanzania
Willilo RA , Molteni F , Mandike R , Mugalura FE , Mutafungwa A , Thadeo A , Benedictor E , Kafuko JM , Kaspar N , Ramsan MM , Mwaipape O , McElroy PD , Gutman J , Colaco R , Reithinger R , Ngondi JM . Malar J 2016 15 (1) 392 BACKGROUND: As malaria control interventions are scaled-up, rational approaches are needed for monitoring impact over time. One proposed approach includes monitoring the prevalence of malaria infection among pregnant women and children at the time of routine preventive health facility (HF) visits. This pilot explored the feasibility and utility of tracking the prevalence of malaria infection in pregnant women attending their first antenatal care (ANC) visit and infants presenting at 9-12 months of age for measles vaccination. METHODS: Pregnant women attending first ANC and infants nine to 12 months old presenting for measles vaccination at a non-probability sample of 54 HFs in Tanzania's Lake Zone (Mara, Mwanza and Kagera Regions) were screened for malaria infection using a malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT) from December 2012 to November 2013, regardless of symptoms. Participants who tested positive were treated for malaria per national guidelines. Data were collected monthly. RESULTS: Overall 89.9 and 78.1 % of expected monthly reports on malaria infection prevalence were received for pregnant women and infants, respectively. Among 51,467 pregnant women and 35,155 infants attending routine preventive HF visits, 41.2 and 37.3 % were tested with RDT, respectively. Malaria infection prevalence was 12.8 % [95 % confidence interval (CI) 11.3-14.3] among pregnant women and 11.0 % (95 % CI 9.5-12.5) among infants, and varied by month. There was good correlation of the prevalence of malaria among pregnant women and infants at the HF level (Spearman rho = 0.6; p < 0.001). This approach is estimated to cost $1.28 for every person tested, with the RDT accounting for 72 % of the cost. CONCLUSIONS: Malaria infection was common and well correlated among pregnant women and infants attending routine health services. Routine screening of these readily accessible populations may offer a practical strategy for continuously tracking malaria trends, particularly seasonal variation. Positivity rates among afebrile individuals presenting for routine care offer an advantage as they are unaffected by the prevalence of other causes of febrile illness, which could influence positivity rates among febrile patients presenting to outpatient clinics. The data presented here suggest that in addition to contributing to clinical management, ongoing screening of pregnant women could be used for routine surveillance and detection of hotspots. |
Impact of malaria control on mortality and anemia among Tanzanian children less than five years of age, 1999-2010
Smithson P , Florey L , Salgado SR , Hershey CL , Masanja H , Bhattarai A , Mwita A , McElroy PD . PLoS One 2015 10 (11) e0141112 BACKGROUND: Mainland Tanzania scaled up multiple malaria control interventions between 1999 and 2010. We evaluated whether, and to what extent, reductions in all-cause under-five child mortality (U5CM) tracked with malaria control intensification during this period. METHODS: Four nationally representative household surveys permitted trend analysis for malaria intervention coverage, severe anemia (hemoglobin <8 g/dL) prevalence (SAP) among children 6-59 months, and U5CM rates stratified by background characteristics, age, and malaria endemicity. Prevalence of contextual factors (e.g., vaccination, nutrition) likely to influence U5CM were also assessed. Population attributable risk percentage (PAR%) estimates for malaria interventions and contextual factors that changed over time were used to estimate magnitude of impact on U5CM. RESULTS: Household ownership of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) rose from near zero in 1999 to 64% (95% CI, 61.7-65.2) in 2010. Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy reached 26% (95% CI, 23.6-28.0) by 2010. Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine replaced chloroquine in 2002 and artemisinin-based combination therapy was introduced in 2007. SAP among children 6-59 months declined 50% between 2005 (11.1%; 95% CI, 10.0-12.3%) and 2010 (5.5%; 95% CI, 4.7-6.4%) and U5CM declined by 45% between baseline (1995-9) and endpoint (2005-9), from 148 to 81 deaths/1000 live births, respectively. Mortality declined 55% among children 1-23 months of age in higher malaria endemicity areas. A large reduction in U5CM was attributable to ITNs (PAR% = 11) with other malaria interventions adding further gains. Multiple contextual factors also contributed to survival gains. CONCLUSION: Marked declines in U5CM occurred in Tanzania between 1999 and 2010 with high impact from ITNs and ACTs. High-risk children (1-24 months of age in high malaria endemicity) experienced the greatest declines in mortality and SAP. Malaria control should remain a policy priority to sustain and further accelerate progress in child survival. |
Effect of the Ebola-virus-disease epidemic on malaria case management in Guinea, 2014: a cross-sectional survey of health facilities
Plucinski MM , Guilavogui T , Sidikiba S , Diakite N , Diakite S , Dioubate M , Bah I , Hennessee I , Butts JK , Halsey ES , McElroy PD , Kachur SP , Aboulhab J , James R , Keita M . Lancet Infect Dis 2015 15 (9) 1017-1023 BACKGROUND: The ongoing west Africa Ebola-virus-disease epidemic has disrupted the entire health-care system in affected countries. Because of the overlap of symptoms of Ebola virus disease and malaria, the care delivery of malaria is particularly sensitive to the indirect effects of the current Ebola-virus-disease epidemic. We therefore characterise malaria case management in the context of the Ebola-virus-disease epidemic and document the effect of the Ebola-virus-disease epidemic on malaria case management. METHODS: We did a cross-sectional survey of public health facilities in Guinea in December, 2014. We selected the four prefectures most affected by Ebola virus disease and selected four randomly from prefectures without any reported cases of the disease. 60 health facilities were sampled in Ebola-affected and 60 in Ebola-unaffected prefectures. Study teams abstracted malaria case management indicators from registers for January to November for 2013 and 2014 and interviewed health-care workers. Nationwide weekly surveillance data for suspect malaria cases reported between 2011 and 2014 were analysed independently. Data for malaria indicators in 2014 were compared with previous years. FINDINGS: We noted substantial reductions in all-cause outpatient visits (by 23 103 [11%] of 214 899), cases of fever (by 20249 [15%] of 131 330), and patients treated with oral (by 22 655 [24%] of 94 785) and injectable (by 5219 [30%] of 17 684) antimalarial drugs in surveyed health facilities. In Ebola-affected prefectures, 73 of 98 interviewed community health workers were operational (74%, 95% CI 65-83) and 35 of 73 were actively treating malaria cases (48%, 36-60) compared with 106 of 112 (95%, 89-98) and 102 of 106 (96%, 91-99), respectively, in Ebola-unaffected prefectures. Nationwide, the Ebola-virus-disease epidemic was estimated to have resulted in 74 000 (71 000-77 000) fewer malaria cases seen at health facilities in 2014. INTERPRETATION: The reduction in the delivery of malaria care because of the Ebola-virus-disease epidemic threatens malaria control in Guinea. Untreated and inappropriately treated malaria cases lead to excess malaria mortality and more fever cases in the community, impeding the Ebola-virus-disease response. FUNDING: Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and President's Malaria Initiative. |
Quality assurance of malaria rapid diagnostic tests used for routine patient care in rural Tanzania: microscopy versus real-time polymerase chain reaction.
Masanja IM , McMorrow ML , Maganga MB , Sumari D , Udhayakumar V , McElroy PD , Kachur SP , Lucchi NW . Malar J 2015 14 (1) 85 ![]() BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends parasitologic confirmation of suspected malaria cases before treatment. Due to the limited availability of quality microscopy services, this recommendation has become scalable following increased use of antigen-detecting malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in many malaria-endemic countries. This study was carried out to monitor quality of RDT performance in selected health facilities using two quality assurance (QA) methods: reference microscopy and detection of parasite DNA by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) on dried blood spots (DBS). METHODS: Blood samples for QA were collected from patients undergoing RDT for diagnostic confirmation of malaria during two to three consecutive days per month in 12 health facilities in rural Tanzania. Stained blood smears (BS) were first examined at the district hospitals (BS1) and then at a reference laboratory (BS2). Discordant BS1 and BS2 results prompted a third examination. Molecular analysis was carried out at the Ifakara Health Institute laboratory in Bagamoyo. RESULTS: Malaria RDTs had a higher positivity rate (6.5%) than qPCR (4.2%) or microscopy (2.9% for BS1 and 2.5% for BS2). Poor correlation was observed between RDT and BS results: BS1 (K = 0.5), BS2 (K = 0.43) and qPCR (K = 0.45), challenging the utility of these tests for RDT QA. In addition, many challenges related to qPCR processing were recorded and long delays in obtaining QA test results for both microscopy and qPCR. CONCLUSIONS: Overall there was limited agreement among the three diagnostic approaches and neither microscopy nor qPCR appear to be good QA options for RDTs under field conditions. |
Placental malaria is rare among Zanzibari pregnant women who did not receive intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy
Plotkin M , Said K , Msellem MI , Chase RP , Hendler N , Khamis AR , Roman E , Kitojo C , Schwartz AC , Gutman J , McElroy PD . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2014 91 (2) 367-373 Zanzibar has transitioned from malaria control to the pre-elimination phase, and the continued need for intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy (IPTp) has been questioned. We conducted a prospective observational study to estimate placental malaria positivity rate among women who did not receive IPTp with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. A convenience sample of pregnant women was enrolled from six clinics on the day of delivery from August of 2011 to September of 2012. Dried placental blood spot specimens were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR); 9 of 1,349 specimens (0.7%; precision estimate = 0.2-1.1%) were PCR-positive for Plasmodium falciparum. Placental infection was detected on both Pemba (N = 3) and Unguja (N = 6). Placental malaria positivity in Zanzibar was low, even in the absence of IPTp. It may be reasonable for the Ministry of Health to consider discontinuing IPTp, intensifying surveillance efforts, and promoting insecticide-treated nets and effective case management of malaria in pregnancy. |
Health workers' use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) to guide clinical decision making in rural dispensaries, Tanzania
Masanja MI , McMorrow M , Kahigwa E , Kachur SP , McElroy PD . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2010 83 (6) 1238-41 Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) were developed as an alternative to microscopy for malaria diagnosis. The RDTs detect malaria parasite antigen(s) in whole blood with high sensitivity and specificity. We assessed health worker malaria treatment practices after the introduction of RDTs in peripheral health facilities without microscopy. From December 2007 to October 2008, we introduced histidine-rich protein II (HRP-2)-based ParaHIT RDTs for routine use in 12 health facilities in Rufiji District, Tanzania. Health workers received training on how to perform RDTs for patients 5 years of age or older with fever or suspected malaria. Children < 5 years of age were to be treated empirically per national guidelines. Among the 30,195 patients seen at these 12 health facilities, 10,737 (35.6%) were tested with an RDT for malaria. 88.3% (9,405/10,648) of tested patients reported fever or history of fever and 2.7% (289/10,677) of all tested individuals were children < 5 years of age. The RDT results were recorded for 10,650 patients (99.2%). Among the 5,488 (51.5%) RDT-positive patients, 5,256 (98.6%) were treated with an appropriate first-line antimalarial per national guidelines (artemether-lumefantrine or quinine). Among the 5,162 RDT-negative patients, only 205 (4.0%) were treated with an antimalarial. Other reported treatments included antibiotics and antipyretics. Implementation of RDTs in rural health facilities resulted in high adherence to national treatment guidelines. Patients testing negative by RDT were rarely treated with antimalarials. Unapproved antimalarials were seldom used. Health workers continued to follow guidelines for the empiric treatment of febrile children. |
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