Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-23 (of 23 Records) |
Query Trace: McCarron M[original query] |
Healthcare personnel acceptance and recommendations for influenza vaccine in twelve low- and middle-income countries: A pooled analysis from 2018 to 2020
McCarron M , Marcenac P , Yau TS , Lafond KE , Ebama MS , Duca LM , Sahakyan G , Bino S , Coulibaly D , Emukule G , Khanthamaly V , Zaraket H , Cherkaoui I , Otorbaeva D , Stravidis K , Safarov A , Bettaieb J , Igboh LS , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Vanyan A , Manukyan A , Nelaj E , Preza I , Douba A , N'Gattia A , Tengbriacheu C , Pathammavong C , Alame M , Alj L , Ben Salah A , Lambach P , Bresee JS . Vaccine 2024 125670 BACKGROUND: Although healthcare personnel (HCP) are targeted for influenza vaccination they typically underutilize vaccines especially in low- and middle-income countries. We explored knowledge, attitudes, and practices of HCP about seasonal influenza vaccines (SIV) to identify factors associated with and modifiable barriers to SIV uptake. METHODS: We pooled individual-level data from cross-sectional surveys about SIV conducted among health workers in 12 low- and middle- income countries during 2018-2020 (i.e., Albania, Armenia, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Morocco, North Macedonia, Tunisia, Tajikistan, and Uganda). Eleven countries used a standard protocol and questionnaire based on the Health Belief Model to measure perceptions of susceptibility and severity of influenza disease, benefits of, barriers to, and motivators for vaccination. We analyzed attitudes and perceptions among HCP, including acceptance of vaccine for themselves and willingness to recommend vaccines to patients, grouped by the presence/absence of a national influenza vaccination program. Models were adjusted for geographic region. RESULTS: Our analysis included 10,281 HCP from 12 countries representing four of the six World Health Organization regions: African, Eastern Mediterranean, European, and Western Pacific. The sample was distributed across low income (LIC) (3,183, 31 %), lower-middle (LMIC) (4,744, 46 %), and upper-middle income (UMIC) (2,354, 23 %) countries. Half (50 %) of the countries included in the analysis reported SIV use among HCP in both the year of and the year preceding data collection while the remainder had no influenza vaccination program for HCP. Seventy-four percent (6,341) of HCP reported that they would be willing to be vaccinated if the vaccine was provided free of charge. HCP in LICs were willing to pay prices for SIV representing a higher percentage of their country's annual health expenditure per capita (6.26 % [interquartile range, IQR: 3.13-12.52]) compared to HCP in LMICs and UMICs. HCP in countries with no SIV program were also willing to pay a higher percentage for SIV (5.01 % [IQR: 2.24-8.34]) compared to HCP in countries with SIV programs.. Most (85 %) HCP in our analysis would recommend vaccines to their patients, and those who would accept vaccines for themselves were 3 times more likely to recommend vaccines to their patients (OR 3.1 [95 % CI 1·8, 5·2]). CONCLUSION: Increasing uptake of SIV among HCP can amplify positive impacts of vaccination by increasing the likelihood that HCP recommend vaccines to their patients. Successful strategies to achieve increased uptake of vaccines include clear guidance from health authorities, interventions based on behavior change models, and access to vaccine free-of-charge. |
Intent to receive flu vaccine and influenza vaccination coverage among health professionals during 2019, 2020 and 2021 campaigns in Côte d'Ivoire
Coulibaly D , Douba A , N'Guessan K , N'Gattia AK , Kadjo H , Ebama MS , McCarron M , Bresee J . Vaccine 2024 Vaccination of healthcare workers against influenza is a crucial strategy to reduce transmission amongst vulnerable populations, facilitate patient uptake of vaccination, and bolster pandemic preparedness. Globally, vaccination coverage of health workers varied from 10 % to 88 %. Understanding health workers' knowledge and acceptance of the influenza vaccine, particularly among physicians, is crucial for the fine-tuning and continued success of influenza vaccination campaigns. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of 472 health workers in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, to inform subsequent subnational and national introductions of influenza vaccine and subsequent campaigns targeting health workers in 2019 (14302), 2020 (14872), and 2021 (24473). Using a purposive sample of university hospitals, general hospitals, rural, and urban health facilities, we interviewed a convenience sample of health workers aged 18 years and older. Physicians had the lowest intention to receive the influenza vaccine (58 %), while nurses (78 %) and midwives (76 %) were the most willing. Across all occupations, intention to receive vaccination increased if the vaccine was offered for free or if recommended by the Ministry of Health. 76 % of respondents believed that the influenza vaccine could prevent illness in health workers. Communication strategies, including about the benefits of influenza vaccination, could raise awareness and acceptance among health workers prior to vaccination campaigns. Influenza vaccination coverage rates between 2019 and 2021 were on par with rates of intention to receive vaccination in the 2018 survey; in 2019, 2020, and 2021, coverage among physicians was 73 %, 73 %, and 52 % and coverage among nurses and midwives was 86 %, 86 %, and 74 % respectively. Improving health workers' knowledge and acceptance of the influenza vaccine, particularly among physicians, is crucial for the continued success of influenza vaccination campaigns. |
Costs of in- and outpatient respiratory disease and the seasonal influenza vaccination program in Armenia - 2020-2021
Gobin S , Sahakyan G , Kusi Appiah M , Manukyan A , Palayan K , Ebama M , Vanyan A , McCarron M , Bresee J . Vaccine 2024 BACKGROUND: Despite the substantial global impact of influenza, there are limited economic data to guide influenza vaccination programs investments in middle-income countries. We measured the costs of influenza and the costs of an influenza vaccination program in Armenia, using a societal perspective. METHODS: During December 2022 through March 2023, retrospective cost data were collected from case-patients and healthcare providers through structured questionnaires at 15 healthcare facilities selected through stratified sampling. Medical costs included medications, laboratory costs, laboratory and diagnostic tests, and routine health care service costs and direct and indirect societal costs were included. Vaccination program costs from the 2021-2022 influenza season were identified using accounting records and categorized as: planning, distribution, training, social mobilization and outreach, supervision and monitoring, procurement, and national- and facility-level administration and storage. RESULTS: The mean costs per episode for SARI and ILI case-patients were $US 823.6 and $US 616.57, respectively. Healthcare service costs were the largest direct expenses for ILI and SARI case-patients. Total costs of the 2021-2022 influenza vaccination program to the government were $US 4,353,738, with the largest costs associated with national- and facility-level administration and storage (30% and 65% respectively). The total cost per dose administered was $US 25.61 ($US 7.73 per dose for procurement and $US 17.88 for the marginal administration cost per dose). CONCLUSIONS: These data on the costs of seasonal influenza prevention programs and the societal costs of influenza illness in Armenia may inform national vaccine policy decisions in Armenia and may be useful for other middle-income countries. Influenza vaccines, like other vaccine programs, are recognized as substantially contributing to the reduction disease burden and associated mortality and further driving economic growth. However, a formal cost-effectiveness analysis should be performed once burden of disease data are available. |
Strengthening influenza surveillance capacity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Nearly two decades of direct support from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Zureick K , McCarron M , Dawson P , Davis JK , Barnes J , Wentworth D , Azziz-Baumgartner E . Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2023 17 (11) e13220 ![]() ![]() Since 2004, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Influenza Division (ID) has supported seven countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region and the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean to establish and strengthen influenza surveillance. The substantial growth of influenza surveillance capacities in the region demonstrates a commitment by governments to strengthen national programs and contribute to global surveillance. The full value of surveillance data is in its use to guide local public health decisions. CDC ID remains committed to supporting the region and supporting partners to translate surveillance data into policies and programs effectively. |
Leveraging International Influenza Surveillance Systems and programs during the COVID-19 pandemic
Marcenac P , McCarron M , Davis W , Igboh LS , Mott JA , Lafond KE , Zhou W , Sorrells M , Charles MD , Gould P , Arriola CS , Veguilla V , Guthrie E , Dugan VG , Kondor R , Gogstad E , Uyeki TM , Olsen SJ , Emukule GO , Saha S , Greene C , Bresee JS , Barnes J , Wentworth DE , Fry AM , Jernigan DB , Azziz-Baumgartner E . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (13) S26-s33 A network of global respiratory disease surveillance systems and partnerships has been built over decades as a direct response to the persistent threat of seasonal, zoonotic, and pandemic influenza. These efforts have been spearheaded by the World Health Organization, country ministries of health, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nongovernmental organizations, academic groups, and others. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention worked closely with ministries of health in partner countries and the World Health Organization to leverage influenza surveillance systems and programs to respond to SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Countries used existing surveillance systems for severe acute respiratory infection and influenza-like illness, respiratory virus laboratory resources, pandemic influenza preparedness plans, and ongoing population-based influenza studies to track, study, and respond to SARS-CoV-2 infections. The incorporation of COVID-19 surveillance into existing influenza sentinel surveillance systems can support continued global surveillance for respiratory viruses with pandemic potential. |
CDC's COVID-19 international vaccine implementation and evaluation program and lessons from earlier vaccine introductions
Soeters HM , Doshi RH , Fleming M , Adegoke OJ , Ajene U , Aksnes BN , Bennett S , Blau EF , Carlton JG , Clements S , Conklin L , Dahlke M , Duca LM , Feldstein LR , Gidudu JF , Grant G , Hercules M , Igboh LS , Ishizumi A , Jacenko S , Kerr Y , Konne NM , Kulkarni S , Kumar A , Lafond KE , Lam E , Longley AT , McCarron M , Namageyo-Funa A , Ortiz N , Patel JC , Perry RT , Prybylski D , Reddi P , Salman O , Sciarratta CN , Shragai T , Siddula A , Sikare E , Tchoualeu DD , Traicoff D , Tuttle A , Victory KR , Wallace A , Ward K , Wong MKA , Zhou W , Schluter WW , Fitter DL , Mounts A , Bresee JS , Hyde TB . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (13) S208-s216 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports international partners in introducing vaccines, including those against SARS-CoV-2 virus. CDC contributes to the development of global technical tools, guidance, and policy for COVID-19 vaccination and has established its COVID-19 International Vaccine Implementation and Evaluation (CIVIE) program. CIVIE supports ministries of health and their partner organizations in developing or strengthening their national capacities for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of COVID-19 vaccination programs. CIVIE's 7 priority areas for country-specific technical assistance are vaccine policy development, program planning, vaccine confidence and demand, data management and use, workforce development, vaccine safety, and evaluation. We discuss CDC's work on global COVID-19 vaccine implementation, including priorities, challenges, opportunities, and applicable lessons learned from prior experiences with Ebola, influenza, and meningococcal serogroup A conjugate vaccine introductions. |
Development of a road map to scale up the uptake and utilization of influenza vaccine in 22 countries of Eastern Mediterranean Region
Chughtai AA , Mohammed S , AlAriqi L , McCarron M , Bresee J , Abubakar A , Khan W . Vaccine 2022 40 (45) 6558-6565 BACKGROUND: The aim of this project was to develop a road map to support countries in Eastern Mediterranean Region in developing and implementing evidence-based seasonal influenza vaccination policy, strengthen influenza vaccination delivery program and address vaccine misperceptions and hesitancy. METHODS: The road map was developed through consultative meetings with countries' focal points, review of relevant literature and policy documents and analysis of WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form on immunization ((JRF 2015-2020) data. Countries were categorised into three groups, based on the existence of influenza vaccination policy and national regulatory authority, availability of influenza vaccine in the country and number of influenza vaccine doses distributed/ 1000 population. The final road map was shared with representatives of all countries in Eastern Mediterranean Region and other stakeholders during a meeting in September 2021. RESULT: The goal for next 5years is to increase access to and use of utilization of seasonal influenza vaccine in Eastern Mediterranean Region to reduce influenza-associated morbidity and mortality among priority groups for vaccination. Countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region are at different stages of implementation of the influenza vaccination program, so activities are planned under four strategic priority areas based on current situations in countries. The consultative body recommended that some countries should establish a new seasonal influenza vaccination programme and ensure the availability of vaccines, while other countries need to reduce vaccine hesitancy and enhance current seasonal influenza vaccination coverage, particularly in all high-risk groups. Countries are also encouraged to leverage COVID-19 adult vaccination programs to improve seasonal influenza vaccine uptake. CONCLUSION: This road map was developed through a consultative process to scale up the uptake and utilization of influenza vaccine in all countries of Eastern Mediterranean Region. The road map proposes activities that should be adopted in the local context to develop/ update national policies and programs. |
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention support for influenza surveillance, 2013-2021.
McCarron M , Kondor R , Zureick K , Griffin C , Fuster C , Hammond A , Lievre M , Vandemaele K , Bresee J , Xu X , Dugan VG , Weatherspoon V , Williams T , Vance A , Fry AM , Samaan M , Fitzner J , Zhang W , Moen A , Wentworth DE , Azziz-Baumgartner E . Bull World Health Organ 2022 100 (6) 366-374 ![]() ![]() OBJECTIVE: To assess the stability of improvements in global respiratory virus surveillance in countries supported by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) after reductions in CDC funding and with the stress of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. METHODS: We assessed whether national influenza surveillance systems of CDC-funded countries: (i) continued to analyse as many specimens between 2013 and 2021; (ii) participated in activities of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System; (iii) tested enough specimens to detect rare events or signals of unusual activity; and (iv) demonstrated stability before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We used CDC budget records and data from the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System. FINDINGS: While CDC reduced per-country influenza funding by about 75% over 10 years, the number of specimens tested annually remained stable (mean 2261). Reporting varied substantially by country and transmission zone. Countries funded by CDC accounted for 71% (range 61-75%) of specimens included in WHO consultations on the composition of influenza virus vaccines. In 2019, only eight of the 17 transmission zones sent enough specimens to WHO collaborating centres before the vaccine composition meeting to reliably identify antigenic variants. CONCLUSION: Great progress has been made in the global understanding of influenza trends and seasonality. To optimize surveillance to identify atypical influenza viruses, and to integrate molecular testing, sequencing and reporting of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 into existing systems, funding must continue to support these efforts. |
Cost-effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccination in pregnant women, healthcare workers and adults >= 60years of age in Lao People's Democratic Republic
Ortega-Sanchez IR , Mott JA , Kittikraisak W , Khanthamaly V , McCarron M , Keokhonenang S , Ounaphom P , Pathammavong C , Phounphenghack K , Sayamoungkhoun P , Chanthavilay P , Bresee J , Tengbriacheu C . Vaccine 2021 39 (52) 7633-7645 BACKGROUND: Pregnant women, healthcare workers (HW), and adults >= 60 years have shown an increased vulnerability to seasonal influenza virus infections and/or complications. In 2012, the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) initiated a national influenza vaccination program for these target groups. A cost-effectiveness evaluation of this program was undertaken to inform program sustainability. METHODS: We designed a decision-analytical model and collected influenza-related medical resource utilization and cost data, including indirect costs. Model inputs were obtained from medical record abstraction, interviews of patients and staff at hospitals in the national influenza sentinel surveillance system and/or from literature reviews. We compared the annual disease and economic impact of influenza illnesses in each of the target groups in Lao PDR under scenarios of no vaccination and vaccination, and then estimated the cost-effectiveness of the vaccination program. We performed sensitivity analyses to identify influential variables. RESULTS: Overall, the vaccination of pregnant women, HWs, and adults >= 60 years could annually save 11,474 doctor visits, 1,961 days of hospitalizations, 43,027 days of work, and 1,416 life-years due to laboratory-confirmed influenza illness. After comparing the total vaccination program costs of 23.4 billion Kip, to the 18.4 billion Kip saved through vaccination, we estimated the vaccination program to incur a net cost of five billion Kip (599,391 USD) annually. The incremental cost per life-year saved (ICER) was 44 million Kip (5,295 USD) and 6.9 million Kip (825 USD) for pregnant women and adults >= 60 years, respectively. However, vaccinating HWs provided societal cost-savings, returning 2.88 Kip for every single Kip invested. Influenza vaccine effectiveness, attack rate and illness duration were the most influential variables to the model. CONCLUSION: Providing influenza vaccination to HWs in Lao PDR is cost-saving while vaccinating pregnant women and adults >= 60 is cost-effective and highly cost-effective, respectively, per WHO standards. |
Barriers and activities to implementing or expanding influenza vaccination programs in low- and middle-income countries: A global survey
Kraigsley AM , Moore KA , Bolster A , Peters M , Richardson D , Arpey M , Sonnenberger M , McCarron M , Lambach P , Maltezou HC , Bresee JS . Vaccine 2021 39 (25) 3419-3427 INTRODUCTION: Despite considerable global burden of influenza, few low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have national influenza vaccination programs. This report provides a systematic assessment of barriers to and activities that support initiating or expanding influenza vaccination programs from the perspective of in-country public health officials. METHODS: Public health officials in LMICs were sent a web-based survey to provide information on barriers and activities to initiating, expanding, or maintaining national influenza vaccination programs. The survey primarily included Likert-scale questions asking respondents to rank barriers and activities in five categories. RESULTS: Of 109 eligible countries, 62% participated. Barriers to influenza vaccination programs included lack of data on cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination programs (87%) and on influenza disease burden (84%), competing health priorities (80%), lack of public perceived risk from influenza (79%), need for better risk communication tools (77%), lack of financial support for influenza vaccine programs (75%), a requirement to use only WHO-prequalified vaccines (62%), and young children require two vaccine doses (60%). Activities for advancing influenza vaccination programs included educating healthcare workers (97%) and decision-makers (91%) on the benefits of influenza vaccination, better estimates of influenza disease burden (91%) and cost of influenza vaccination programs (89%), simplifying vaccine introduction by focusing on selected high-risk groups (82%), developing tools to prioritize target populations (80%), improving availability of influenza diagnostic testing (79%), and developing collaborations with neighboring countries for vaccine procurement (74%) and regulatory approval (73%). Responses varied by country region and income status. CONCLUSIONS: Local governments and key international stakeholders can use the results of this survey to improve influenza vaccination programs in LMICs, which is a critical component of global pandemic preparedness for influenza and other pathogens such as coronaviruses. Additionally, strategies to improve global influenza vaccination coverage should be tailored to country income level and geographic location. |
Ancillary benefits of seasonal influenza vaccination in middle-income countries.
Ebama MS , Chu SY , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Lafond KE , McCarron M , Hadler SC , Porter RM , McKinlay M , Bresee J . Vaccine 2021 39 (14) 1892-1896 While seasonal influenza vaccines (SIV) remain the best method to prevent influenza-associated illnesses, implementing SIV programs may benefit countries beyond disease reduction, strengthening health systems and national immunization programs, or conversely, introduce new challenges. Few studies have examined perceived impacts of SIV introduction beyond disease reduction on health systems; understanding such impacts will be particularly salient in the context of COVID-19 vaccine introduction. We collected qualitative data from key informants-Partnership for Influenza Vaccine Introduction (PIVI) contacts in six middle-income PIVI vaccine recipient countries-to understand perceptions of ancillary benefits and challenges from SIV implementation. Respondents reported benefits associated with SIV introduction, including improved attitudes to SIV among risk groups (characterized by increased demand) and perceptions that SIV introduction improved relationships with other ministries and collaboration with mass media. Challenges included sustaining investment in SIV programs, as vaccine supply did not always meet coverage goals, and managing SIV campaigns. |
Influenza surveillance capacity improvements in Africa during 2011-2017
Igboh LS , McMorrow M , Tempia S , Emukule GO , Talla Nzussouo N , McCarron M , Williams T , Weatherspoon V , Moen A , Fawzi D , Njouom R , Nakoune E , Dauoda C , Kavunga-Membo H , Okeyo M , Heraud JM , Mambule IK , Sow SO , Tivane A , Lagare A , Adebayo A , Dia N , Mmbaga V , Maman I , Lutwama J , Simusika P , Walaza S , Mangtani P , Nguipdop-Djomo P , Cohen C , Azziz-Baumgartner E . Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2020 15 (4) 495-505 BACKGROUND: Influenza surveillance helps time prevention and control interventions especially where complex seasonal patterns exist. We assessed influenza surveillance sustainability in Africa where influenza activity varies and external funds for surveillance have decreased. METHODS: We surveyed African Network for Influenza Surveillance and Epidemiology (ANISE) countries about 2011-2017 surveillance system characteristics. Data were summarized with descriptive statistics and analyzed with univariate and multivariable analyses to quantify sustained or expanded influenza surveillance capacity in Africa. RESULTS: Eighteen (75%) of 24 ANISE members participated in the survey; their cumulative population of 710 751 471 represent 56% of Africa's total population. All 18 countries scored a mean 95% on WHO laboratory quality assurance panels. The number of samples collected from severe acute respiratory infection case-patients remained consistent between 2011 and 2017 (13 823 vs 13 674 respectively) but decreased by 12% for influenza-like illness case-patients (16 210 vs 14 477). Nine (50%) gained capacity to lineage-type influenza B. The number of countries reporting each week to WHO FluNet increased from 15 (83%) in 2011 to 17 (94%) in 2017. CONCLUSIONS: Despite declines in external surveillance funding, ANISE countries gained additional laboratory testing capacity and continued influenza testing and reporting to WHO. These gains represent important achievements toward sustainable surveillance and epidemic/pandemic preparedness. |
Observations of the global epidemiology of COVID-19 from the prepandemic period using web-based surveillance: a cross-sectional analysis.
Dawood FS , Ricks P , Njie GJ , Daugherty M , Davis W , Fuller JA , Winstead A , McCarron M , Scott LC , Chen D , Blain AE , Moolenaar R , Li C , Popoola A , Jones C , Anantharam P , Olson N , Marston BJ , Bennett SD . Lancet Infect Dis 2020 20 (11) 1255-1262 Background Scant data are available about global patterns of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spread and global epidemiology of early confirmed cases of COVID-19 outside mainland China. We describe the global spread of SARS-CoV-2 and characteristics of COVID-19 cases and clusters before the characterisation of COVID-19 as a pandemic. METHODS: Cases of COVID-19 reported between Dec 31, 2019, and March 10, 2020 (ie, the prepandemic period), were identified daily from official websites, press releases, press conference transcripts, and social media feeds of national ministries of health or other government agencies. Case characteristics, travel history, and exposures to other cases were abstracted. Countries with at least one case were classified as affected. Early cases were defined as those among the first 100 cases reported from each country. Later cases were defined as those after the first 100 cases. We analysed reported travel to affected countries among the first case reported from each country outside mainland China, demographic and exposure characteristics among cases with age or sex information, and cluster frequencies and sizes by transmission settings. FINDINGS: Among the first case reported from each of 99 affected countries outside of mainland China, 75 (76%) had recent travel to affected countries; 60 (61%) had travelled to China, Italy, or Iran. Among 1200 cases with age or sex information, 874 (73%) were early cases. Among 762 early cases with age information, the median age was 51 years (IQR 35-63); 25 (3%) of 762 early cases occurred in children younger than 18 years. Overall, 21 (2%) of 1200 cases were in health-care workers and none were in pregnant women. 101 clusters were identified, of which the most commonly identified transmission setting was households (76 [75%]; mean 2·6 cases per cluster [range 2-7]), followed by non-health-care occupational settings (14 [14%]; mean 4·3 cases per cluster [2-14]), and community gatherings (11 [11%]; mean 14·2 cases per cluster [4-36]). INTERPRETATION: Cases with travel links to China, Italy, or Iran accounted for almost two-thirds of the first reported COVID-19 cases from affected countries. Among cases with age information available, most were among adults aged 18 years and older. Although there were many clusters of household transmission among early cases, clusters in occupational or community settings tended to be larger, supporting a possible role for physical distancing to slow the progression of SARS-CoV-2 spread. FUNDING: None. |
Establishing seasonal and alert influenza thresholds in Morocco
Rguig A , Cherkaoui I , McCarron M , Oumzil H , Triki S , Elmbarki H , Bimouhen A , El Falaki F , Regragui Z , Ihazmad H , Nejjari C , Youbi M . BMC Public Health 2020 20 (1) 1029 BACKGROUND: Several statistical methods of variable complexity have been developed to establish thresholds for influenza activity that may be used to inform public health guidance. We compared the results of two methods and explored how they worked to characterize the 2018 influenza season performance-2018 season. METHODS: Historical data from the 2005/2006 to 2016/2018 influenza season performance seasons were provided by a network of 412 primary health centers in charge of influenza like illness (ILI) sentinel surveillance. We used the WHO averages and the moving epidemic method (MEM) to evaluate the proportion of ILI visits among all outpatient consultations (ILI%) as a proxy for influenza activity. We also used the MEM method to evaluate three seasons of composite data (ILI% multiplied by percent of ILI with laboratory-confirmed influenza) as recommended by WHO. RESULTS: The WHO method estimated the seasonal ILI% threshold at 0.9%. The annual epidemic period began on average at week 46 and lasted an average of 18 weeks. The MEM model estimated the epidemic threshold (corresponding to the WHO seasonal threshold) at 1.5% of ILI visits among all outpatient consultations. The annual epidemic period began on week 49 and lasted on average 14 weeks. Intensity thresholds were similar using both methods. When using the composite measure, the MEM method showed a clearer estimate of the beginning of the influenza epidemic, which was coincident with a sharp increase in confirmed ILI cases. CONCLUSIONS: We found that the threshold methodology presented in the WHO manual is simple to implement and easy to adopt for use by the Moroccan influenza surveillance system. The MEM method is more statistically sophisticated and may allow a better detection of the start of seasonal epidemics. Incorporation of virologic data into the composite parameter as recommended by WHO has the potential to increase the accuracy of seasonal threshold estimation. |
Improved capacity for influenza surveillance in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region: Progress in a challenging setting
Malik MR , Abubakar A , Kholy AE , Buliva E , Khan WM , Lamichhane J , Moen A , McCarron M , Zureick K , Obtel M . J Infect Public Health 2019 13 (3) 391-401 BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization Regional Office for Eastern Mediterranean has partnered with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to strengthen pandemic influenza preparedness and response in the Region since 2006. This partnership focuses on pandemic preparedness planning, establishing and enhancing influenza surveillance systems, improving laboratory capacity for detection of influenza viruses, estimating the influenza disease burden, and providing evidence to support policies for the introduction and increased use of seasonal influenza vaccines. METHODS: Various published and unpublished data from public and WHO sources, programme indicators of the CDC cooperative agreement and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework were reviewed and analysed. Analyses and review of the programme indicators and published articles enabled us to generate information that was unavailable from only WHO sources. RESULTS: Most (19/22) countries of the Region have established influenza surveillance system; 16 countries in the Region have designated National Influenza Centres. The Region has seen considerable improvement in geographic coverage of influenza surveillance and influenza detection. Virus sharing has improved and almost all of the participating laboratories have achieved a 100% efficiency score in the WHO external quality assessment programme. At least seven countries have estimated their influenza disease burden using surveillance data and at least 17 are now using seasonal influenza vaccines as a control strategy for influenza illness. CONCLUSION: The Region has achieved substantial progress in surveillance and response to seasonal influenza, despite the adverse effects to the health systems of many countries due to acute and protracted emergencies and other significant challenges. |
The partnership for influenza vaccine introduction (PIVI): Supporting influenza vaccine program development in low and middle-income countries through public-private partnerships
Bresee JS , Lafond KE , McCarron M , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Chu SY , Ebama M , Hinman AR , Xeuatvongsa A , Bino S , Richardson D , Porter RM , Moen A , McKinlay M . Vaccine 2019 37 (35) 5089-5095 Influenza vaccination remains the most effective tool for reducing seasonal influenza disease burden. Few Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) have robust, sustainable annual influenza national vaccination programs. The Partnership for Influenza Vaccine Introduction (PIVI) was developed as a public-private partnership to support LMICs to develop and sustain national vaccination programs through time-limited vaccine donations and technical support. We review the first 5years of experience with PIVI, including the concept, country progress toward sustainability, and lesson learned. Between 2013 and 2018, PIVI worked with Ministries of Health in 17 countries. Eight countries have received donated vaccines and technical support; of these, two have transitioned to sustained national support of influenza vaccination and six are increasing national support of the vaccine programs towards full transition to local vaccine program support by 2023. Nine additional countries have received technical support for building the evidence base for national policy development and/or program evaluation. PIVI has resulted in increased use of vaccines in partner countries, and early countries have demonstrated progress towards sustainability, suggesting that a model of vaccine and technical support can work in LMICs. PIVI expects to add new country partners as current countries transition to self-reliance. |
Evaluation of the influenza-like illness surveillance system in Tunisia, 2012-2015
Yazidi R , Aissi W , Bouguerra H , Nouira M , Kharroubi G , Maazaoui L , Zorraga M , Abdeddaiem N , Chlif S , El Moussi A , Ben Hadj Kacem MA , Snoussi MA , Ghawar W , Koubaa M , Polansky L , McCarron M , Boussarsar M , Menif K , Amine S , Ben Khelil J , Ben Jemaa M , Bettaieb J , Bouafif Ben Alaya N , Ben Salah A . BMC Public Health 2019 19 (1) 694 BACKGROUND: This study was initiated to evaluate, for the first time, the performance and quality of the influenza-like illness (ILI) surveillance system in Tunisia. METHODS: The evaluation covered the period of 2012-2015 and used different data sources to measure indicators related to data quality and completeness, representativeness, timeliness, simplicity, acceptability, flexibility, stability and utility. RESULTS: During the evaluation period, 485.221 ILI cases were reported among 6.386.621 outpatients at 268 ILI sentinel sites. To conserve resources, cases were only enrolled and tested for influenza during times when the number of patients meeting the ILI case definition exceeded 7% (10% after 2014) of the total number of outpatients for the week. When this benchmark was met, five to 10 patients were enrolled and sampled by nasopharyngeal swabs the following week. In total, The National Influenza Center (NIC) received 2476 samples, of which 683 (27.6%) were positive for influenza. The greatest strength of the system was its representativeness and flexibility. The timeliness of the data and the acceptability of the surveillance system performed moderately well; however, the utility of the data and the stability and simplicity of the surveillance system need improvement. Overall, the performance of the Tunisian influenza surveillance system was evaluated as performing moderately well for situational awareness in the country and for collecting representative influenza virologic samples. CONCLUSIONS: The influenza surveillance system in Tunisia provided pertinent evidence for public health interventions related to influenza situational awareness. To better monitor influenza, we propose that ILI surveillance should be limited to sites that are currently performing well and the quality of data collected should be closely monitored and improved. |
Progress toward sustainable influenza vaccination in the Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic, 2012-2018
Xeuatvongsa A , Mott JA , Khanthamaly V , Patthammavong C , Phounphenghak K , McKinlay M , Mirza S , Lafond KE , McCarron M , Corwin A , Moen A , Olsen SJ , Bresee JS . Vaccine 2019 37 (23) 3002-3005 Despite global recommendations for influenza vaccination of high-risk, target populations, few low and middle-income countries have national influenza vaccination programs. Between 2012 and 2017, Lao PDR planned and conducted a series of activities to develop its national influenza vaccine program as a part of its overall national immunization program. In this paper, we review the underlying strategic planning for this process, and outline the sequence of activities, research studies, partnerships, and policy decisions that were required to build Laos' influenza vaccine program. The successful development and sustainability of the program in Laos offers lessons for other low and middle-income countries interested in initiating or expanding influenza immunization. |
Revision of clinical case definitions: influenza-like illness and severe acute respiratory infection
Fitzner J , Qasmieh S , Mounts AW , Alexander B , Besselaar T , Briand S , Brown C , Clark S , Dueger E , Gross D , Hauge S , Hirve S , Jorgensen P , Katz MA , Mafi A , Malik M , McCarron M , Meerhoff T , Mori Y , Mott J , Olivera Mtdc , Ortiz JR , Palekar R , Rebelo-de-Andrade H , Soetens L , Yahaya AA , Zhang W , Vandemaele K . Bull World Health Organ 2018 96 (2) 122-128 The formulation of accurate clinical case definitions is an integral part of an effective process of public health surveillance. Although such definitions should, ideally, be based on a standardized and fixed collection of defining criteria, they often require revision to reflect new knowledge of the condition involved and improvements in diagnostic testing. Optimal case definitions also need to have a balance of sensitivity and specificity that reflects their intended use. After the 2009-2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) initiated a technical consultation on global influenza surveillance. This prompted improvements in the sensitivity and specificity of the case definition for influenza - i.e. a respiratory disease that lacks uniquely defining symptomology. The revision process not only modified the definition of influenza-like illness, to include a simplified list of the criteria shown to be most predictive of influenza infection, but also clarified the language used for the definition, to enhance interpretability. To capture severe cases of influenza that required hospitalization, a new case definition was also developed for severe acute respiratory infection in all age groups. The new definitions have been found to capture more cases without compromising specificity. Despite the challenge still posed in the clinical separation of influenza from other respiratory infections, the global use of the new WHO case definitions should help determine global trends in the characteristics and transmission of influenza viruses and the associated disease burden. |
Understanding the poultry trade network in Kenya: implications for regional disease prevention and control
McCarron M , Munyua P , Cheng PY , Manga T , Wanjohi C , Moen A , Mounts A , Katz MA . Prev Vet Med 2015 120 321-7 Infectious diseases in poultry can spread quickly and lead to huge economic losses. In the past decade, on multiple continents, the accelerated spread of highly pathogenic avian Influenza A (H5N1) virus, often through informal trade networks, has led to the death and culling of hundreds of millions of poultry. Endemic poultry diseases like Newcastle disease and fowl typhoid can also be devastating in many parts of the world. Understanding trade networks in unregulated systems can inform policy decisions concerning disease prevention and containment. From June to December 2008 we conducted a cross-sectional survey of backyard farmers, market traders, and middlemen in 5/8 provinces in Kenya. We administered a standardized questionnaire to each type of actor using convenience, random, snowball, and systematic sampling. Questionnaires addressed frequency, volume, and geography of trade, as well as biosecurity practices. We created a network diagram identifying the most important locations for trade. Of 380 respondents, 51% were backyard farmers, 24% were middlemen and 25% were market traders. Half (50%) of backyard farmers said they raised poultry both for household consumption and for sale. Compared to market traders, middlemen bought their poultry from a greater number of villages (median 4.2 villages for middlemen vs. 1.9 for market traders). Traders were most likely to purchase poultry from backyard farmers. Of the backyard farmers who sold poultry, 51% [CI 40-63] reported selling poultry to market traders, and 54% [CI 44-63] sold to middlemen. Middlemen moved the largest volume of poultry on a weekly basis (median purchases: 187 birds/week [IQR 206]; median sales: 188 birds/week [IQR 412.5]). The highest numbers of birds were traded in Nairobi - Kenya's capital city. Nairobi was the most prominent trading node in the network (61 degrees of centrality). Many smaller sub-networks existed as a result of clustered local trade. Market traders were also integral to the network. The informal poultry trade in Kenya is dependent on the sale of backyard poultry to middlemen and market traders. These two actors play a critical role in poultry movement in Kenya; during any type of disease outbreak middlemen should be targeted for control- and containment-related interventions. |
Infectious disease mortality rates, Thailand, 1958-2009
Aungkulanon S , McCarron M , Lertiendumrong J , Olsen SJ , Bundhamcharoen K . Emerg Infect Dis 2012 18 (11) 1794-801 To better define infectious diseases of concern in Thailand, trends in the mortality rate during 1958-2009 were analyzed by using data from public health statistics reports. From 1958 to the mid-1990s, the rate of infectious disease-associated deaths declined 5-fold (from 163.4 deaths/100,000 population in 1958 to 29.5/100,000 in 1997). This average annual reduction of 3.2 deaths/100,000 population was largely attributed to declines in deaths related to malaria, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and gastrointestinal infections. However, during 1998-2003, the mortality rate increased (peak of 70.0 deaths/100,000 population in 2003), coinciding with increases in mortality rate from AIDS, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. During 2004-2009, the rate declined to 41.0 deaths/100,000 population, coinciding with a decrease in AIDS-related deaths. The emergence of AIDS and the increase in tuberculosis- and pneumonia-related deaths in the late twentieth century emphasize the need to direct resources and efforts to the control of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. |
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of US travelers to Asia regarding seasonal influenza and H5N1 avian influenza prevention measures
Yanni EA , Marano N , Han P , Edelson PJ , Blumensaadt S , Becker M , Dwyer S , Crocker K , Daley T , Davis X , Gallagher N , Balaban V , McCarron M , Mounts A , Lipman H , Brown C , Kozarsky P . J Travel Med 2010 17 (6) 374-81 BACKGROUND: International travel is a potential risk factor for the spread of influenza. In the United States, approximately 5%-20% of the population develops an influenza-like illness annually. The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge, attitude, and practices of US travelers to Asia regarding seasonal influenza and H5N1 avian influenza (AI) prevention measures. METHODS: We surveyed travelers to Asia waiting at the departure lounges of 38 selected flights at four international airports in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Of the 1,301 travelers who completed the pre-travel survey, 337 also completed a post-travel survey. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were used to calculate prevalence odds ratios (with 95% CI) to compare foreign-born (FB) to US-born travelers for various levels of knowledge and behaviors. RESULTS: Although the majority of participants were aware of influenza prevention measures, only 41% reported receiving the influenza vaccine during the previous season. Forty-three percent of participants reported seeking at least one type of pre-travel health advice, which was significantly higher among US-born, Caucasians, traveling for purposes other than visiting friends and relatives, travelers who received the influenza vaccine during the previous season, and those traveling with a companion. Our study also showed that Asians, FB travelers, and those working in occupations other than health care/animal care were less likely to recognize H5N1 AI transmission risk factors. CONCLUSION: The basic public health messages for preventing influenza appear to be well understood, but the uptake of influenza vaccine was low. Clinicians should ensure that all patients receive influenza vaccine prior to travel. Tailored communication messages should be developed to motivate Asians, FB travelers, those visiting friends and relatives, and those traveling alone to seek pre-travel health advice as well as to orient them with H5N1 AI risk factors. |
Strategy to enhance influenza surveillance worldwide
Ortiz JR , Sotomayor V , Uez OC , Oliva O , Bettels D , McCarron M , Bresee JS , Mounts AW . Emerg Infect Dis 2009 15 (8) 1271-8 The emergence of a novel strain of influenza virus A (H1N1) in April 2009 focused attention on influenza surveillance capabilities worldwide. In consultations before the 2009 outbreak of influenza subtype H1N1, the World Health Organization had concluded that the world was unprepared to respond to an influenza pandemic, due in part to inadequate global surveillance and response capacity. We describe a sentinel surveillance system that could enhance the quality of influenza epidemiologic and laboratory data and strengthen a country's capacity for seasonal, novel, and pandemic influenza detection and prevention. Such a system would 1) provide data for a better understanding of the epidemiology and extent of seasonal influenza, 2) provide a platform for the study of other acute febrile respiratory illnesses, 3) provide virus isolates for the development of vaccines, 4) inform local pandemic planning and vaccine policy, 5) monitor influenza epidemics and pandemics, and 6) provide infrastructure for an early warning system for outbreaks of new virus subtypes. |
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