Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-18 (of 18 Records) |
Query Trace: Lyles CM[original query] |
Impact of increased uptake of long-acting injectable antiretroviral therapy on HIV incidence and viral suppression in the United States under 2021 FDA guidelines
Viguerie A , O'Shea J , Johnston M , Schreiber D , Adams J , Bates L , Carrico J , Hicks KA , Lyles CM , Farnham PG . Aids 2025 OBJECTIVES: To determine the impact of increased long-acting injectable antiretroviral therapy (Cabotegravir-rilpivirine [CAB/RPV]) use among persons with diagnosed HIV (PWDH) with viral suppression (VLS), per 2021 US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines, on HIV incidence and levels of VLS in the US. METHODS: We used the HOPE compartmental model to simulate CAB/RPV use during 2023-2035. We first simulated a baseline scenario (no CAB/RPV), in which 69% of PWDH had VLS. We then introduced CAB/RPV in 2023 under two scenarios: (1) where CAB/RPV improved the duration of VLS post-cessation of ART use compared to oral ART; (2) where CAB/RPV additionally improved adherence. We compared cumulative 2023-35 incidence and percentage of PWDH with VLS at year-end 2035 to baseline. RESULTS: When CAB/RPV increased the duration of VLS only, cumulative incidence was reduced up to 9%, and VLS increased up to 4%. When CAB/RPV also improved ART adherence, incidence was reduced up to 19.5%, and VLS increased up to 9%. CONCLUSIONS: CAB/RPV, even if only used among PWDH with VLS, may reduce HIV incidence and increase VLS, due to longer-lasting VLS post-cessation of usage. If CAB/RPV also improves ART adherence, incidence is further reduced. Improved clinical efficacy of CAB/RPV may translate to improved population-level outcomes, even in limited use cases. |
The effects of HIV self-testing on HIV incidence and awareness of status among men who have sex with men in the United States: Insights from a novel compartmental model
Viguerie A , Gopalappa C , Lyles CM , Farnham PG . Epidemics 2024 49 100796 BACKGROUND: The OraQuick In-Home HIV self-test represents a fast, inexpensive, and convenient method for users to assess their HIV status. If integrated thoughtfully into existing testing practices, accompanied by efficient pathways to formal diagnosis, self-testing could enhance both HIV awareness and reduce HIV incidence. However, currently available self-tests are less sensitive, particularly for recent infection, when compared to gold-standard laboratory tests. It is important to understand the impact if some portion of standard testing is replaced by self-tests. We used a compartmental model to evaluate the effects of self-testing in diverse scenarios among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States for the period 2020-2030, and to understand which scenarios maximize the advantages of self-testing. METHODS: We introduced a novel 4-compartment model for HIV self-testing. We employed the model under different screening rates, self-test proportions, and delays to diagnosis for those identified through self-tests to determine the potential effects of self-testing on HIV incidence and awareness of status when applied to the US MSM population. We studied scenarios in which self-tests supplement laboratory-based tests, with no replacement, and scenarios in which some replacement occurs. We also examined how future improvements in self-test sensitivity may affect our results. RESULTS: When HIV self-tests are supplemental rather than substitutes for laboratory-based testing, self-testing can decrease HIV incidence among MSM in the US by up to 10 % and increase awareness of status among MSM from 85 % to 91 % over a 10-year period, provided linkage to care and formal diagnosis occur promptly following a positive self-test (90 days or less). As self-tests replace a higher percentage laboratory-based testing algorithms, increases in overall testing rates were necessary to ensure reductions in HIV incidence. However, such needed increases were relatively small (under 10 % for prompt engagement in care and moderate levels of replacement). Improvements in self-test sensitivity and/or decreases in the detection period may further reduce any necessary increases in overall testing by up to 40 %. CONCLUSIONS: If properly utilized, self-testing can provide significant long-term reductions to HIV incidence and improve awareness of HIV status. Ensuring that self-testing increases overall testing and that formal diagnosis and engagement in care occur promptly following a positive self-test are necessary to maximize the benefits of self-testing. Future improvements in self-test sensitivity and reductions in the detection period would further reduce HIV incidence and the potential risks associated with replacing laboratory tests with self-tests. |
COVID-related excess missed HIV diagnoses in the United States in 2021: follow-up to 2020
Viguerie A , Song R , Johnson AS , Lyles CM , Hernandez A , Farnham PG . AIDS 2024 OBJECTIVE: :COVID-19 and related disruptions led to a significant decline in HIV diagnoses in the US in 2020. A previous analysis estimated 18% fewer diagnoses than expected among persons with HIV (PWH) acquiring infection in 2019 or earlier, suggesting that the decline in overall diagnoses cannot be attributed solely to decreased transmission. This analysis evaluates the progress made towards closing the 2020 diagnosis deficit in 2021. METHODS: :We apply previously developed methods analyzing 2021 diagnosis data from the National HIV Surveillance System to determine whether 2021 diagnosis levels of PWH infected pre2020 are above or below the expected pre-COVID trends. Results are stratified by assigned sex at birth, transmission group, geographic region, and race/ethnicity. RESULTS: :In 2021, HIV diagnoses returned to pre-COVID levels among all PWH acquiring infection 2011-19. Among Hispanic/Latino PWH and males, diagnoses returned to pre-COVID levels. White PWH, men who have sex with men, and PWH living in the south and northeast showed higher-than-expected levels of diagnosis in 2021. For the remaining populations, there were fewer HIV diagnoses in 2021 than expected. CONCLUSIONS: :While overall diagnoses among persons acquiring HIV pre2020 returned to pre-COVID levels, the diagnosis gap observed in 2020 remained unclosed at the end of 2021. Fewer than expected diagnoses among certain populations indicate that COVID-19 related disruptions to HIV diagnosis trends remained in 2021. Although some groups showed higher-than-expected levels of diagnoses, such increases were smaller than corresponding 2020 decreases. Expanded testing programs designed to close these gaps are essential. |
Mortality among persons with HIV in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-level analysis
Viguerie A , Song R , Bosh K , Lyles CM , Farnham PG . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2023 BACKGROUND: Whether the COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on mortality among persons with diagnosed HIV (PWDH) in United States is unclear. Through our macro-scale analysis, we seek to better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic affected mortality among PWDH. METHODS: We obtained mortality and population data for the years 2018-2020 from the National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS) for the U.S. PWDH population, and from publicly available data for the general population. We computed mortality rates and excess mortality for both the general and PWDH populations. Stratifications by age, race/ethnicity, and sex were considered. For each group, we determined whether the 2020 mortality rates and mortality risk ratio showed a statistically significant change from 2018-2019. RESULTS: Approximately 1550 excess deaths occurred among PWDH in 2020, with Black, Hispanic/Latino and PWDH 55 and older comprising the majority of excess deaths. Mortality rates increased in 2020 from 2018-2019 across the general population in all groups. Among PWDH, mortality rates either increased, or showed no statistically significant change. These increases were similar to, or smaller than, those observed in the general population, resulting in a 7.7% decrease in the mortality risk ratio between PWDH and the general population. CONCLUSIONS: While mortality rates among PWDH increased in 2020 relative to 2018-2019, the increases were smaller, or of similar magnitude, to those observed in the general population. We thus do not find evidence of elevated mortality risk from the COVID-19 pandemic among PWDH. These findings held across subpopulations stratified by age, sex, and racial/ethnic group. |
Mortality among persons with HIV in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-level analysis (preprint)
Viguerie A , Song R , Bosh K , Lyles CM , Farnham PG . medRxiv 2023 20 Background: Whether COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on mortality among persons with diagnosed HIV (PWDH) in United States is unclear. Through our macro-scale analysis, we seek to better understand how COVID-19 and subsequent behavioral changes affected mortality among PWDH. Method(s): We obtained mortality and population size data for the years 2018-2020 from the National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS) for the PWDH population aged >=13 years in the United States, and from publicly available data for the general population. We computed mortality rates and excess mortality for both the general and PWDH populations. Stratifications by age, race/ethnicity, and sex-at birth were considered. For each group, we determined whether the 2020 mortality rates and mortality risk ratio showed a statistically significant change from 2018-2019. Result(s): Mortality rates increased in 2020 from 2018-2019 across the general population in all groups. Among PWDH, mortality rates either increased, or showed no statistically significant change. The mortality risk ratio between PWDH and the general population decreased 7.7% in 2020. Approximately 1550 excess deaths occurred among PWDH in 2020, with Black, Hispanic/Latino and PWDH above 55 and older representing the majority of excess deaths. Conclusion(s): While mortality rates among PWDH increased in 2020 relative to 2018-2019, the increases were smaller than those observed in the general population. This suggests that COVID-19 and resulting behavioral changes among PWDH did not result in disproportionate mortality among PWDH. These findings suggest that COVID-19, and any associated indirect effects, do not represent a proportionally greater risk for PWDH compared to the general population. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Isolating the effect of COVID-19 related disruptions on HIV diagnoses in the United States in 2020 (preprint)
Viguerie A , Song R , Johnson AS , Lyles CM , Hernandez A , Farnham PG . medRxiv 2022 01 Background: Diagnoses of HIV in the US decreased by 17% in 2020 due to COVID-related disruptions. The extent to which this decrease is attributable to changes in HIV testing versus HIV transmission is unclear. We seek to better understand this issue by analyzing the discrepancy in expected versus observed HIV diagnoses in 2020 among persons who acquired HIV between 2010-2019, as changes in diagnosis patterns in this cohort cannot be attributed to changes in transmission. Method(s): We developed three methods based on the CD4-depletion model to estimate excess missed diagnoses in 2020 among persons with HIV (PWH) infected from 2010-2019. We stratified the results by transmission group, sex assigned at birth, race/ethnicity, and region to examine differences by group and confirm the reliability of our estimates. We performed similar analyses projecting diagnoses in 2019 among PWH infected from 2010-2018 to evaluate the accuracy of our methods against surveillance data. Result(s): There were approximately 3100-3300 (approximately 18%) fewer diagnoses than expected in 2020 among PWH infected from 2010-2019. Females (at birth), heterosexuals, persons who inject drugs, and Hispanic/Latino PWH missed diagnoses at higher levels than the overall population. Validation and stratification analyses confirmed the accuracy and reliability of our estimates. Conclusion(s): The substantial drop in number of previously infected PWH diagnosed in 2020, suggests that changes in testing played a substantial role in the observed decrease. Levels of missed diagnoses differed substantially across population subgroups. Increasing testing efforts and innovative strategies to reach undiagnosed PWH are needed to offset this diagnosis gap. These analyses may be used to inform future estimates of HIV transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Isolating the effect of COVID-19-related disruptions on HIV diagnoses in the United States in 2020
Viguerie A , Song R , Johnson AS , Lyles CM , Hernandez A , Farnham PG . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2023 92 (4) 293-299 BACKGROUND: Diagnoses of HIV in the United States decreased by 17% in 2020 due to COVID-related disruptions. The extent to which this decrease is attributable to changes in HIV testing versus HIV transmission is unclear. We seek to better understand this issue by analyzing the discrepancy in expected versus observed HIV diagnoses in 2020 among persons who acquired HIV between 2010 and 2019 because changes in diagnosis patterns in this cohort cannot be attributed to changes in transmission. METHODS: We developed 3 methods based on the CD4-depletion model to estimate excess missed diagnoses in 2020 among persons with HIV (PWH) infected from 2010 to 2019. We stratified the results by transmission group, sex assigned at birth, race/ethnicity, and region to examine differences by group and confirm the reliability of our estimates. We performed similar analyses projecting diagnoses in 2019 among PWH infected from 2010 to 2018 to evaluate the accuracy of our methods against surveillance data. RESULTS: There were approximately 3100-3300 (approximately 18%) fewer diagnoses than expected in 2020 among PWH infected from 2010 to 2019. Females (at birth), heterosexuals, persons who inject drugs, and Hispanic/Latino PWH missed diagnoses at higher levels than the overall population. Validation and stratification analyses confirmed the accuracy and reliability of our estimates. CONCLUSIONS: The substantial drop in number of previously infected PWH diagnosed in 2020 suggests that changes in testing played a substantial role in the observed decrease. Levels of missed diagnoses differed substantially across population subgroups. Increasing testing efforts and innovative strategies to reach undiagnosed PWH are needed to offset this diagnosis gap. These analyses may be used to inform future estimates of HIV transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Risk of HIV acquisition among high-risk heterosexuals with nonviral sexually transmitted infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Barker EK , Malekinejad M , Merai R , Lyles CM , Sipe TA , DeLuca JB , Ridpath AD , Gift TL , Tailor A , Kahn JG . Sex Transm Dis 2022 49 (6) 383-397 BACKGROUND: Nonviral sexually transmitted infections (STIs) increase risk of sexually-acquired HIV infection. Updated risk estimates carefully scrutinizing temporality bias of studies are needed. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review (PROSPERO # CRD42018084299) of peer-reviewed studies evaluating variation in risk of HIV infection among high-risk heterosexuals diagnosed with any of: Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Treponema pallidum, and/or Trichomonas vaginalis. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, and Embase databases through December 2017 and included studies where STIs and HIV were assessed using laboratory tests or medical exams and where STI was diagnosed before HIV. After dual screening, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment, we meta-analytically pooled risk ratios (RR). RESULTS: We found 32 eligible studies reporting k = 97 effect size estimates of HIV acquisition risk due to infection with one of the above STIs. Most data were based on females engaged in sex work or other high-risk occupations in developing countries. Many studies did not measure or adjust for known confounders including drug injection and condom use and most were at medium or high risk of bias due to potential for undetected HIV infection to have occurred prior to STI infection. HIV acquisition risk increased among females infected with any pathogen; the effect was greatest for females infected with Mycoplasma genitalium (RR = 3.10; 95% CI 1.63, 5.92; k = 2) and gonorrhea (RR = 2.81; 95% CI 2.25, 3.50; k = 16) but also statistically significant for females infected with syphilis (RR = 1.67; 95% CI 1.23, 2.27; k = 17), trichomonas (RR = 1.54; 95% CI 1.31, 1.82; k = 17) and chlamydia (RR = 1.49; 95% CI 1.08, 2.04; k = 14). For males, data were space except for syphilis (RR = 1.77; 95% CI 1.22, 2.58; k = 5). CONCLUSION: Nonviral STI increases risk of heterosexual HIV acquisition, although uncertainty remains due to risk of bias in primary studies. |
Risk of HIV acquisition among men who have sex with men infected with bacterial sexually transmitted infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Malekinejad M , Barker EK , Merai R , Lyles CM , Bernstein KT , Sipe TA , DeLuca JB , Ridpath AD , Gift TL , Tailor A , Kahn JG . Sex Transm Dis 2021 48 (10) e138-e148 BACKGROUND: Men who have sex with men (MSM) who have bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are at increased risk for HIV infection. We enhanced and updated past summary risk estimates. METHODS: We systematically reviewed (PROSPERO No. CRD42018084299) peer-reviewed studies assessing the risk of HIV infection among MSM attributable to Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Mycoplasma genitalium (MG), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), Treponema pallidum (TP), and/or Trichomonas vaginalis (TV). We searched 3 databases through December 2017. We excluded studies with self-reported data or simultaneous STI and HIV assessment. We conducted dual screening and data extraction, meta-analytically pooled risk ratios (RRs), and assessed potential risk of bias. RESULTS: We included 26 studies yielding 39 RR (k) for HIV acquisition due to one of TP, NG, or CT. We did not identify eligible data for MG or TV, or for HIV transmission. HIV acquisition risk increased among MSM infected with TP (k = 21; RR, 2.68, 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.00-3.58), NG (k = 11; RR, 2.38; 95% CI, 1.56-3.61), and CT (k = 7; RR, 1.99; 95% CI, 1.59-2.48). Subanalysis RRs for all 3 pathogens were ≥1.66 and remained statistically significant across geography and methodological characteristics. Pooled RR increased for data with the lowest risk of bias for NG (k = 3; RR, 5.49; 95% CI, 1.11-27.05) and TP (k = 4; RR, 4.32; 95% CI, 2.20-8.51). We observed mostly moderate to high heterogeneity and moderate to high risk of bias. CONCLUSIONS: Men who have sex with men infected with TP, NG, or CT have twice or greater risk of HIV acquisition, although uncertainties exist because of data heterogeneity and risk of bias. |
Research Synthesis, HIV Prevention Response, and Public Health: CDC's HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis Project
Koenig LJ , Lyles CM , Higa D , Mullins MM , Sipe TA . Public Health Rep 2021 137 (1) 33354920988871 OBJECTIVE: Research synthesis, through qualitative or quantitative systematic reviews, allows for integrating results of primary research to improve public health. We examined more than 2 decades of work in HIV prevention by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis (PRS) Project. We describe the context and contributions of research synthesis, including systematic reviews and meta-analyses, through the experience of the PRS Project. METHODS: We reviewed PRS Project publications and products and summarized PRS contributions from 1996 to July 2020 in 4 areas: synthesis of interventions and epidemiologic studies, synthesis methods, prevention programs, and prevention policy. RESULTS: PRS Project publications summarized risk behaviors and effects of prevention interventions (eg, changing one's perception of risk, teaching condom negotiation skills) across populations at risk for HIV infection and intervention approaches (eg, one-on-one or group meetings) as the HIV/AIDS epidemic and science evolved. We used the PRS Project cumulative database and intervention efficacy reviews to contribute to prevention programs and policies through identification of evidence-based interventions and development of program guidance. Subject matter experts and scientific evidence informed PRS Project products and contributions, which were implemented through strategic programmatic partnerships. CONCLUSIONS: The contributions of the PRS Project to HIV prevention and public health efforts in the United States can be credited to CDC's long-standing support of the project and its context within a federal prevention agency, where HIV programs and policies were developed and implemented. The effect of the PRS Project was likely facilitated by opportunities to directly influence program and policy because of connections with other research translation activities and program and policy decision making within CDC. |
A systematic review of HIV and STI behavior change interventions for female sex workers in the United States
Abad N , Baack BN , O'Leary A , Mizuno Y , Herbst JH , Lyles CM . AIDS Behav 2015 19 (9) 1701-19 The lives of female sex workers (FSW) in the US are typically marked by substance abuse, violence, trauma, and poverty. These factors place FSW at risk for acquiring and transmitting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The purpose of this systematic review is to examine HIV/STI interventions conducted in the US that aim to reduce sexual- or drug-related risk behavior among FSW. Eighteen studies describing 19 unique interventions met our selection criteria: five exclusively targeted FSW, two reported stratified data for FSW, and 12 included at least 50 % FSW. Results indicate that 15 interventions provided HIV/STI information, 13 provided substance abuse prevention information, and few included content tailored to specific needs of FSW. Our findings suggest that current HIV/STI prevention efforts in the US do not adequately address the needs of FSW. Interventions are needed to address issues facing FSW in order to reduce HIV/STI transmission in this high-risk group. |
A systematic review of interventions for reducing HIV risk behaviors among people living with HIV in the United States, 1988-2012
Crepaz N , Tungol-Ashmon MV , Higa DH , Vosburgh W , Mullins MM , Barham T , Adegbite A , DeLuca JB , Sipe TA , White CM , Baack BN , Lyles CM . AIDS 2014 28 (5) 633-656 OBJECTIVE: To conduct a systematic review to examine interventions for reducing HIV risk behaviors among people living with HIV (PLWH) in the United States. METHODS: Systematic searches included electronic databases from 1988 to 2012, hand searches of journals, reference lists of articles, and HIV/AIDS Internet listservs. Each eligible study was evaluated against the established criteria on study design, implementation, analysis, and strength of findings to assess the risk of bias and intervention effects. RESULTS: Forty-eight studies were evaluated. Fourteen studies (29%) with both low risk of bias and significant positive intervention effects in reducing HIV transmission risk behaviors were classified as evidence-based interventions (EBIs). Thirty-four studies were classified as non-EBIs due to high risk of bias or nonsignificant positive intervention effects. EBIs varied in delivery from brief prevention messages to intensive multisession interventions. The key components of EBIs included addressing HIV risk reduction behaviors, motivation for behavioral change, misconception about HIV, and issues related to mental health, medication adherence, and HIV transmission risk behavior. CONCLUSION: Moving evidence-based prevention for PLWH into practice is an important step in making a greater impact on the HIV epidemic. Efficacious EBIs can serve as model programs for providers in healthcare and nonhealthcare settings looking to implement evidence-based HIV prevention. Clinics and public health agencies at the state, local, and federal levels can use the results of this review as a resource when making decisions that meet the needs of PLWH to achieve the greatest impact on the HIV epidemic. |
Interventions to promote linkage to and utilization of HIV medical care among HIV-diagnosed persons: a qualitative systematic review, 1996-2011
Liau A , Crepaz N , Lyles CM , Higa DH , Mullins MM , Deluca J , Petters S , Marks G . AIDS Behav 2013 17 (6) 1941-62 This qualitative systematic review examined interventions that promote linkage to or utilization of HIV care among HIV-diagnosed persons in the United States. We conducted automated searches of electronic databases (i.e., MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL) and manual searches of journals, reference lists, and listservs. Fourteen studies from 19 published reports between 1996 and 2011 met our inclusion criteria. We developed a three-tier approach, based on strength of study design, to evaluate 6 findings on linkage to care and 18 findings on HIV care utilization. Our review identified similar strategies for the two outcomes, including active coordinator's role in helping with linking to or utilizing HIV care; offering information and education about HIV care; providing motivational or strengths-based counseling; accompanying clients to medical appointments and helping with appointment coordination. The interventions focused almost exclusively on individual-level factors. More research is recommended to examine interventions that address system and structural barriers. |
A systematic review to identify challenges of demonstrating efficacy of HIV behavioral interventions for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)
Higa DH , Crepaz N , Marshall KJ , Kay L , Vosburgh HW , Spikes P , Lyles CM , Purcell DW . AIDS Behav 2013 17 (4) 1231-44 Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately affected by HIV but few MSM-specific evidence-based interventions (EBIs) have been identified for this vulnerable group. We conducted a systematic review to identify reasons for the small number of EBIs for MSM. We also compared study, intervention and sample characteristics of EBIs versus non-EBIs to better understand the challenges of demonstrating efficacy evidence. Thirty-three MSM-specific studies were evaluated: Nine (27 %) were considered EBIs while 24 (73 %) were non-EBIs. Non-EBIs had multiple methodological limitations; the most common was not finding a significant positive effect. Compared to EBIs, non-EBIs were less likely to use peer intervention deliverers, include sexual communication in their interventions, and intervene at the community level. Incorporating characteristics associated with EBIs may strengthen behavioral interventions for MSM. More EBIs are needed for substance-using MSM, MSM of color, MSM residing in the south and MSM in couples. |
Interventions to improve retention in HIV primary care: a systematic review of U.S. studies
Higa DH , Marks G , Crepaz N , Liau A , Lyles CM . Curr HIV/AIDS Rep 2012 9 (4) 313-25 Retaining HIV-diagnosed persons in care is a national priority, but little is known on what intervention strategies are most effective for promoting retention in care. We conducted a systematic search and qualitatively reviewed 13 published studies and three recent conference presentations to identify evidence-informed retention strategies. We extracted information on study design, methods, and intervention characteristics. Strengths-based case management that encourages clients to recognize and use their own internal abilities to access resources and solve problems offered strong evidence for retention in care. Other evidence-informed strategies included peer navigation, reducing structural- and system-level barriers, including peers as part of a health care team, displaying posters and brochures in waiting rooms, having medical providers present brief messages to patients, and having clinics stay in closer contact with patients across time. Opportunities for additional intervention strategies include using community-based organizations as a setting for engaging HIV-infected persons about the importance of regular care and involving patients' significant others in retention in care interventions. |
Efficacy of HIV/STI behavioral interventions for heterosexual African American men in the United States: a meta-analysis
Henny KD , Crepaz N , Lyles CM , Marshall KJ , Aupont LW , Jacobs ED , Liau A , Rama S , Kay LS , Willis LA , Charania MR . AIDS Behav 2012 16 (5) 1092-114 This meta-analysis estimates the overall efficacy of HIV prevention interventions to reduce HIV sexual risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among heterosexual African American men. A comprehensive search of the literature published during 1988-2008 yielded 44 relevant studies. Interventions significantly reduced HIV sexual risk behaviors and STIs. The stratified analysis for HIV sexual risk behaviors indicated that interventions were efficacious for studies specifically targeting African American men and men with incarceration history. In addition, interventions that had provision/referral of medical services, male facilitators, shorter follow-up periods, or emphasized the importance of protecting family and significant others were associated with reductions in HIV sexual risk behaviors. Meta-regression analyses indicated that the most robust intervention component is the provision/referral of medical services. Findings indicate that HIV interventions for heterosexual African American men might be more efficacious if they incorporated a range of health care services rather than HIV/STI-related services alone. |
Efficacy of structural-level condom distribution interventions: a meta-analysis of U.S. and international studies, 1998-2007
Charania MR , Crepaz N , Guenther-Gray C , Henny K , Liau A , Willis LA , Lyles CM . AIDS Behav 2010 15 (7) 1283-97 This systematic review examines the overall efficacy of U.S. and international-based structural-level condom distribution interventions (SLCDIs) on HIV risk behaviors and STIs and identifies factors associated with intervention efficacy. A comprehensive literature search of studies published from January 1988 through September 2007 yielded 21 relevant studies. Significant intervention effects were found for the following outcomes: condom use, condom acquisition/condom carrying, delayed sexual initiation among youth, and reduced incident STIs. The stratified analyses for condom use indicated that interventions were efficacious for various groups (e.g., youth, adults, males, commercial sex workers, clinic populations, and populations in areas with high STI incidence). Interventions increasing the availability of or accessibility to condoms or including additional individual, small-group or community-level components along with condom distribution were shown to be efficacious in increasing condom use behaviors. This review suggests that SLCDIs provide an efficacious means of HIV/STI prevention. |
HIV counseling and testing among Hispanics at CDC-funded sites in the United States, 2007
Duran D , Usman HR , Beltrami J , Alvarez ME , Valleroy L , Lyles CM . Am J Public Health 2010 100 Suppl 1 S152-8 OBJECTIVES: We sought to determine whether Hispanic-White HIV testing disparities exist and to identify characteristics associated with newly diagnosed HIV among Hispanics. METHODS: We used 2007 HIV Counseling and Testing System data to compare test-level records of Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites, and we conducted a multivariate logistic regression analysis to identify characteristics associated with newly diagnosed HIV. RESULTS: Relative to Whites, Hispanics were more likely to have had a positive HIV test result (1.2% versus 0.8%), to have newly diagnosed HIV (0.8% versus 0.6%), and to have test results returned and receive posttest counseling more than 2 weeks after testing (24.3% versus 21.5%). Newly diagnosed HIV among Hispanics was most strongly associated with being a man who has sex with men (MSM; adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=6.8; 95% confidence interval [CI]=6.1, 7.6), being both an MSM and an injection drug user (AOR=3.7; 95% CI=2.6, 5.3), and being aged 40 to 49 years (AOR=6.4; 95% CI=4.9, 8.2). CONCLUSIONS: Hispanic-White disparities exist with respect to rates of positive HIV test results and late return of results. HIV prevention strategies such as rapid testing should focus on Hispanic MSM. |
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