Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-25 (of 25 Records) |
Query Trace: Lowrance DW[original query] |
HIV prevalence, risk factors for infection, and uptake of prevention, testing, and treatment among female sex workers in Namibia
Jonas A , Patel SV , Katuta F , Maher AD , Banda KM , Gerndt K , Pietersen I , Menezes de Prata N , Mutenda N , Nakanyala T , Kisting E , Kawana B , Nietschke AM , Prybylski D , McFarland W , Lowrance DW . J Epidemiol Glob Health 2020 10 (4) 351-358 BACKGROUND: In most settings, Female Sex Workers (FSW) bear a disproportionate burden of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease worldwide. Representative data to inform the development of behavioral and biomedical interventions for FSW in Namibia have not been published. OBJECTIVES: Our objectives were to measure HIV prevalence, identify risk factors for infection, and describe uptake of prevention, testing, and treatment among FSW in Namibia. METHODS: We conducted cross-sectional surveys using Respondent-driven Sampling (RDS) in the Namibian cities of Katima Mulilo, Oshikango, Swakopmund/Walvis Bay, and Windhoek. Participating FSW completed behavioral questionnaires and rapid HIV testing. RESULTS: City-specific ranges of key indicators were: HIV prevalence (31.0-52.3%), reached by prevention programs in the past 12 months (46.9-73.6%), condom use at last sex with commercial (82.1-91.1%) and non-commercial (87.0-94.2%) partners, and tested for HIV within past 12 months or already aware of HIV-positive serostatus (56.9-82.1%). Factors associated with HIV infection varied by site and included: older age, having multiple commercial or non-commercial sex partners, unemployment, being currently out of school, and lower education level. Among HIV-positive FSW, 57.1% were aware of their HIV-positive serostatus and 33.7% were on antiretroviral treatment. DISCUSSION: Our results indicate extremely high HIV prevalence and low levels of case identification and treatment among FSW in Namibia. Our results, which are the first representative community-based estimates among FSW in Namibia, can inform the scale-up of interventions to reduce the risk for HIV acquisition and onward transmission, including treatment as prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxis. |
Rates and correlates of HIV incidence in Namibia's Zambezi region: Sentinel, community-based cohort study, 2014 to 2016
Maher AD , Nakanyala T , Mutenda N , Banda KM , Prybylski D , Wolkon A , Jonas A , Sawadogo S , Ntema C , Chipadze MR , Sinvula G , Tizora A , Mwandambele A , Chaturvedi S , Agovi AM , Agolory S , Hamunime N , Lowrance DW , McFarland W , Patel SV . JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020 6 (2) e17107 BACKGROUND: Direct measures of HIV incidence are needed to assess the population-level impact of prevention programs but are scarcely available in subnational epidemic hotspots of sub-Saharan Africa. We created a sentinel HIV incidence cohort within a community-based program that provided home-based HIV testing to all residents of Namibia's Zambezi region, where approximately 24% of the adult population was estimated to be living with HIV. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to estimate HIV incidence, detect correlates of HIV acquisition, and assess the feasibility of the sentinel, community-based approach to HIV incidence surveillance in a subnational epidemic hotspot. METHODS: Following the program's initial home-based testing (December 2014-July 2015), we purposefully selected 10 clusters of 60 to 70 households each and invited residents who were HIV negative and aged >/=15 years to participate in the cohort. Consenting participants completed behavioral interviews and a second HIV test approximately 1 year later (March-September 2016). We used Poisson models to calculate HIV incidence rates between baseline and follow-up and multivariable Cox proportional hazard models to assess the correlates of seroconversion. RESULTS: Among 1742 HIV-negative participants, 1624 (93.23%) completed follow-up. We observed 26 seroconversions in 1954 person-years (PY) of follow-up, equating to an overall incidence rate of 1.33 per 100 PY (95% CI 0.91-1.95). Among women, the incidence was 1.55 per 100 PY (95% CI 1.12-2.17) and significantly higher among those aged 15 to 24 years and residing in rural areas (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 4.26, 95% CI 1.39-13.13; P=.01), residing in the Ngweze suburb of Katima Mulilo city (aHR 2.34, 95% CI 1.25-4.40; P=.01), who had no prior HIV testing in the year before cohort enrollment (aHR 3.38, 95% CI 1.04-10.95; P=.05), and who had engaged in transactional sex (aHR 17.64, 95% CI 2.88-108.14; P=.02). Among men, HIV incidence was 1.05 per 100 PY (95% CI 0.54-2.31) and significantly higher among those aged 40 to 44 years (aHR 13.04, 95% CI 5.98-28.41; P<.001) and had sought HIV testing outside the study between baseline and follow-up (aHR 8.28, 95% CI 1.39-49.38; P=.02). No seroconversions occurred among persons with HIV-positive partners on antiretroviral treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Nearly three decades into Namibia's generalized HIV epidemic, these are the first estimates of HIV incidence for its highest prevalence region. By creating a sentinel incidence cohort from the infrastructure of an existing community-based testing program, we were able to characterize current transmission patterns, corroborate known risk factors for HIV acquisition, and provide insight into the efficacy of prevention interventions in a subnational epidemic hotspot. This study demonstrates an efficient and scalable framework for longitudinal HIV incidence surveillance that can be implemented in diverse sentinel sites and populations. |
Virologic outcome among patients receiving antiretroviral therapy at five hospitals in Haiti
Jean Louis F , Buteau J , Francois K , Hulland E , Domercant JW , Yang C , Boncy J , Burris R , Pelletier V , Wagar N , Deyde V , Lowrance DW , Charles M . PLoS One 2018 13 (1) e0192077 INTRODUCTION: Viral load (VL) assessment is the preferred method for diagnosing and confirming virologic failure for patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART). We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study to evaluate the virologic suppression rate among patients on ART for >/=6 months in five hospitals around Port-au-Prince, Haiti. METHODS: Plasma VL was measured and patients with VL <1,000 copies/mL were defined as virologically suppressed. A second VL test was performed within at least six months of the first test. Factors associated with virologic suppression were analyzed using logistic regression models accounting for site-level clustering using complex survey procedures. RESULTS: Data were analyzed for 2,313 patients on ART for six months or longer between July 2013 and February 2015. Among them, 1,563 (67.6%) achieved virologic suppression at the first VL test. A second VL test was performed within at least six months for 718 (31.0%) of the patients. Of the 459 patients with an initial HIV-1 RNA <1,000 copies/mL who had a second VL performed, 394 (85.8%) maintained virologic suppression. Virologic suppression was negatively associated with male gender (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 0.80, 95% CI: 0.74-0.0.86), 23 to 35 months on ART (aOR:0.72[0.54-0.96]), baseline CD4 counts of 201-500 cells/mm3 and 200 cells/mm3 or lower (aORs: 0.77 [0.62-0.95] and 0.80 [0.66-0.98], respectively), poor adherence (aOR: 0.69 [0.59-0.81]), and TB co-infection (aOR: 0.73 [0.55-0.97]). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that over two-thirds of the patients in this evaluation achieved virologic suppression after >/= six months on ART and the majority of them remained suppressed. These results reinforce the importance of expanding access to HIV-1 viral load testing in Haiti for monitoring ART outcomes. |
Status of HIV epidemic control among adolescent girls and young women aged 15-24 years - seven African countries, 2015-2017
Brown K , Williams DB , Kinchen S , Saito S , Radin E , Patel H , Low A , Delgado S , Mugurungi O , Musuka G , Tippett Barr BA , Nwankwo-Igomu EA , Ruangtragool L , Hakim AJ , Kalua T , Nyirenda R , Chipungu G , Auld A , Kim E , Payne D , Wadonda-Kabondo N , West C , Brennan E , Deutsch B , Worku A , Jonnalagadda S , Mulenga LB , Dzekedzeke K , Barradas DT , Cai H , Gupta S , Kamocha S , Riggs MA , Sachathep K , Kirungi W , Musinguzi J , Opio A , Biraro S , Bancroft E , Galbraith J , Kiyingi H , Farahani M , Hladik W , Nyangoma E , Ginindza C , Masangane Z , Mhlanga F , Mnisi Z , Munyaradzi P , Zwane A , Burke S , Kayigamba FB , Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H , Sahabo R , Ao TT , Draghi C , Ryan C , Philip NM , Mosha F , Mulokozi A , Ntigiti P , Ramadhani AA , Somi GR , Makafu C , Mugisha V , Zelothe J , Lavilla K , Lowrance DW , Mdodo R , Gummerson E , Stupp P , Thin K , Frederix K , Davia S , Schwitters AM , McCracken SD , Duong YT , Hoos D , Parekh B , Justman JE , Voetsch AC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (1) 29-32 In 2016, an estimated 1.5 million females aged 15-24 years were living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Eastern and Southern Africa, where the prevalence of HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women (3.4%) is more than double that for males in the same age range (1.6%) (1). Progress was assessed toward the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 2020 targets for adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa (90% of those with HIV infection aware of their status, 90% of HIV-infected persons aware of their status on antiretroviral treatment [ART], and 90% of those on treatment virally suppressed [HIV viral load <1,000 HIV RNA copies/mL]) (2) using data from recent Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (PHIA) surveys in seven countries. The national prevalence of HIV infection in adolescent girls and young women aged 15-24 years, the percentage who were aware of their status, and among those persons who were aware, the percentage who had achieved viral suppression were calculated. The target for viral suppression among all persons with HIV infection is 73% (the product of 90% x 90% x 90%). Among all seven countries, the prevalence of HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women was 3.6%; among those in this group, 46.3% reported being aware of their HIV-positive status, and 45.0% were virally suppressed. Sustained efforts by national HIV and public health programs to diagnose HIV infection in adolescent girls and young women as early as possible to ensure rapid initiation of ART should help achieve epidemic control among adolescent girls and young women. |
Task-shifting point-of-care CD4+ testing to lay health workers in HIV care and treatment services in Namibia
Kaindjee-Tjituka F , Sawadogo S , Mutandi G , Maher AD , Salomo N , Mbapaha C , Neo M , Beukes A , Gweshe J , Muadinohamba A , Lowrance DW . Afr J Lab Med 2017 6 (1) 643 Introduction: Access to CD4+ testing remains a common barrier to early initiation of antiretroviral therapy among persons living with HIV/AIDS in low- and middle-income countries. The feasibility of task-shifting of point-of-care (POC) CD4+ testing to lay health workers in Namibia has not been evaluated. Methods: From July to August 2011, Pima CD4+ analysers were used to improve access to CD4+ testing at 10 selected public health facilities in Namibia. POC Pima CD4+ testing was performed by nurses or lay health workers. Venous blood samples were collected from 10% of patients and sent to centralised laboratories for CD4+ testing with standard methods. Outcomes for POC Pima CD4+ testing and patient receipt of results were compared between nurses and lay health workers and between the POC method and standard laboratory CD4+ testing methods. Results: Overall, 1429 patients received a Pima CD4+ test; 500 (35.0%) tests were performed by nurses and 929 (65.0%) were performed by lay health workers. When Pima CD4+ testing was performed by a nurse or a lay health worker, 93.2% and 95.2% of results were valid (p = 0.1); 95.6% and 98.1% of results were received by the patient (p = 0.007); 96.2% and 94.0% of results were received by the patient on the same day (p = 0.08). Overall, 97.2% of Pima CD4+ results were received by patients, compared to 55.4% of standard laboratory CD4+ results (p < 0.001). Conclusions: POC CD4+ testing was feasible and effective when task-shifted to lay health workers. Rollout of POC CD4+ testing via task-shifting can improve access to CD4+ testing and retention in care between HIV diagnosis and antiretroviral therapy initiation in low- and middle-income countries. |
Retention throughout the HIV care and treatment cascade: from diagnosis to antiretroviral treatment of adults and children living with HIV-Haiti, 1985-2015
Auld AF , Valerie Pelletier , Robin EG , Shiraishi RW , Dee J , Antoine M , Desir Y , Desforges G , Delcher C , Duval N , Joseph N , Francois K , Griswold M , Domercant JW , Patrice Joseph YA , Van Onacker JD , Deyde V , Lowrance DW , The Groupe d'Analyses Salvh . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 57-70 Monitoring retention of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the HIV care and treatment cascade is essential to guide program strategy and evaluate progress toward globally-endorsed 90-90-90 targets (i.e., 90% of PLHIV diagnosed, 81% on sustained antiretroviral therapy (ART), and 73% virally suppressed). We describe national retention from diagnosis throughout the cascade for patients receiving HIV services in Haiti during 1985-2015, with a focus on those receiving HIV services during 2008-2015. Among the 266,256 newly diagnosed PLHIV during 1985-2015, 49% were linked-to-care, 30% started ART, and 18% were retained on ART by the time of database closure. Similarly, among the 192,187 newly diagnosed HIV-positive patients during 2008-2015, 50% were linked to care, 31% started ART, and 19% were retained on ART by the time of database closure. Most patients (90-92%) at all cascade steps were adults (≥ 15 years old), among whom the majority (60-61%) were female. During 2008-2015, outcomes varied significantly across 42 administrative districts (arrondissements) of residence; cumulative linkage-to-care ranged from 23% to 69%, cumulative ART initiation among care enrollees ranged from 2% to 80%, and cumulative ART retention among ART enrollees ranged from 30% to 88%. Compared with adults, children had lower cumulative incidence of ART initiation among care enrollees (64% versus 47%) and lower cumulative retention among ART enrollees (64% versus 50%). Cumulative linkage-to-care was low and should be prioritized for improvement. Variations in outcomes by arrondissement and between adults and children require further investigation and programmatic response. |
Trends in tuberculosis case notification and treatment success, Haiti, 2010-2015
Charles M , Richard M , Joseph P , Bury MR , Perrin G , Louis FJ , Fitter DL , Marston BJ , Deyde V , Boncy J , Morose W , Pape JW , Lowrance DW . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 49-56 Since the 2010 earthquake, tuberculosis (TB) control has been a major priority for health sector response and recovery efforts in Haiti. The goal of this study was to analyze trends in TB case notification in Haiti from the aggregate data reported by the National TB Control Program to understand the effects of such efforts. A total of 95,745 TB patients were registered for treatment in Haiti between 2010 and 2015. Three regions, the West, Artibonite, and North departments accounted for 68% of the TB cases notified during the period. Patients in the 15-34 age groups represented 53% (50,560) of all cases. Case notification rates of all forms of TB increased from 142.7/100,000 in 2010 to 153.4 in 2015, peaking at 163.4 cases/100,000 in 2013. Case notification for smear-positive pulmonary TB increased from 85.5 cases/100,000 to 105.7 cases/100,000, whereas treatment success rates remained stable at 79-80% during the period. Active TB case finding efforts in high-risk communities and the introduction of new diagnostics have contributed to increasing TB case notification trends in Haiti from 2010 to 2015. Targeted interventions and novel strategies are being implemented to reach high-risk populations and underserved communities. |
Public Health Progress in Haiti
Lowrance DW , Tappero JW , Poncelet JL , Etienne C , Frieden TR , Delsoins D . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 1-3 Although the attention of the Haitian public and international community has understandably turned to the recurrent political challenges facing the country and recovery from Hurricane Mathew, it is important that public health stakeholders take stock of progress made, remaining gaps, and fundamental public health priorities. In the past year, the global community has assessed progress toward the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and established new health targets under the Sustainable Development Goals framework.1 Haiti has made progress toward the MDGs and many of the objectives established in the aftermath of the earthquake.1–7 Important lessons regarding the association between various global health emergency responses, such as to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis (TB), Ebola (Haitian public health professionals deployed to Guinea), and health sector resiliency have been identified.8,9 Yet much remains to be done to increase health service access and to reduce morbidity and mortality from preventable causes in the country. Although the public health system in Haiti has been improved since the earthquake, emergency response and health recovery funding has largely focused on new and acute threats such as Zika virus.10 Moreover, the health-care delivery infrastructure remains fragile, with limited coverage of primary care services, suboptimal health-care performance, and excessive health risk and vulnerability for the Haitian population. It is in this context that the Supplement, entitled “Public Health Progress in Haiti,” was developed. The reports enclosed span HIV, TB, malaria, cholera, immunizations, rabies, water, sanitation and hygiene, and lymphatic filariasis, and also address notifiable disease surveillance reporting and national laboratory capacity.11–20 Collectively, they appraise some of the key programs and services that have been the focus of postearthquake response and recovery planning and which have central roles informing current and future strengthening and prioritization within the health sector. |
Building and rebuilding: The national public health laboratory systems and services before and after the earthquake and cholera epidemic, Haiti, 2009-2015
Jean Louis F , Buteau J , Boncy J , Anselme R , Stanislas M , Nagel MC , Juin S , Charles M , Burris R , Antoine E , Yang C , Kalou M , Vertefeuille J , Marston BJ , Lowrance DW , Deyde V . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 21-27 Before the 2010 devastating earthquake and cholera outbreak, Haiti's public health laboratory systems were weak and services were limited. There was no national laboratory strategic plan and only minimal coordination across the laboratory network. Laboratory capacity was further weakened by the destruction of over 25 laboratories and testing sites at the departmental and peripheral levels and the loss of life among the laboratory health-care workers. However, since 2010, tremendous progress has been made in building stronger laboratory infrastructure and training a qualified public health laboratory workforce across the country, allowing for decentralization of access to quality-assured services. Major achievements include development and implementation of a national laboratory strategic plan with a formalized and strengthened laboratory network; introduction of automation of testing to ensure better quality of results and diversify the menu of tests to effectively respond to outbreaks; expansion of molecular testing for tuberculosis, human immunodeficiency virus, malaria, diarrheal and respiratory diseases; establishment of laboratory-based surveillance of epidemic-prone diseases; and improvement of the overall quality of testing. Nonetheless, the progress and gains made remain fragile and require the full ownership and continuous investment from the Haitian government to sustain these successes and achievements. |
Transmission of Zika Virus - Haiti, October 12, 2015-September 10, 2016
Journel I , Andrecy LL , Metellus D , Pierre JS , Faublas RM , Juin S , Dismer AM , Fitter DL , Neptune D , Laraque MJ , Corvil S , Pierre M , Buteau J , Lafontant D , Patel R , Lemoine JF , Lowrance DW , Charles M , Boncy J , Adrien P . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (6) 172-176 Zika virus disease is caused by infection with a flavivirus with broad geographic distribution and is most frequently transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. The disease was first identified in the World Health Organization's Region of the Americas in 2015 and was followed by a surge in reported cases of congenital microcephaly in Brazil; Zika virus disease rapidly spread to the rest of the region and the Caribbean, including Haiti. Infection with the virus is associated with adverse fetal outcomes and rare neurologic complications in adults. The magnitude of public health issues associated with Zika virus led the World Health Organization to declare the Zika virus outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on February 1, 2016 (2). Because many persons with mild Zika virus disease are asymptomatic and might not seek care, it is difficult to estimate the actual incidence of Zika virus infection. During October 12, 2015-September 10, 2016, the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population (Ministere de la Sante Publique et de la Population [MSPP]) detected 3,036 suspected cases of Zika virus infection in the general population, 22 suspected cases of Zika virus disease among pregnant women, 13 suspected cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), and 29 suspected cases of Zika-associated congenital microcephaly. Nineteen (0.6%) patients with suspected Zika virus disease, residing in Ouest (10 patients), Artibonite (six), and Centre (three) administrative departments, have been confirmed by laboratory testing, including two among pregnant women and 17 in the general population. Ongoing laboratory-enhanced surveillance to monitor Zika virus disease in Haiti is important to understanding the outbreak and ensuring effective response activities. |
Prevalence and correlates of genital infections among newly diagnosed human immunodeficiency virus-infected adults entering human immunodeficiency virus care in Windhoek, Namibia
Djomand G , Schlefer M , Gutreuter S , Tobias S , Patel R , Deluca N , Hood J , Sawadogo S , Chen C , Muadinohamba A , Lowrance DW , Bock N . Sex Transm Dis 2016 43 (11) 698-705 Background Identifying and treating genital infections, including sexually transmitted infections (STI), among newly diagnosed human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals may benefit both public and individual health. We assessed prevalence of genital infections and their correlates among newly diagnosed HIV-infected individuals enrolling in HIV care services in Namibia. Methods Newly diagnosed HIV-infected adults entering HIV care at 2 health facilities in Windhoek, Namibia, were recruited from December 2012 to March 2014. Participants provided behavioral and clinical data including CD4+ T lymphocyte counts. Genital and blood specimens were tested for gonorrhea, Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, Mycoplasma genitalium, syphilis, bacterial vaginosis, and vulvovaginal candidiasis. Results Among 599 adults, 56% were women and 15% reported consistent use of condoms in the past 6 months. The most common infections were bacterial vaginosis (37.2%), trichomoniasis (34.6%) and Chlamydia (14.6%) in women and M. genitalium (11.4%) in men. Correlates for trichomoniasis included being female (adjusted relative risk, [aRR], 7.18; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.07-12.65), higher education (aRR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.38-0.89), and lower CD4 cell count (aRR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.08-2.40). Being female (aRR, 2.39; 95% CI, 1.27-4.50), nonmarried (aRR, 2.30; (95% CI, 1.28-4.14), and having condomless sex (aRR, 2.72; 95% CI, 1.06-7.00) were independently associated with chlamydial infection. Across all infections, female (aRR, 2.31; 95% CI, 1.79-2.98), nonmarried participants (aRR, 1.29; 95% CI, 1.06-1.59), had higher risk to present with any STI, whereas pregnant women (aRR, 1.16, 95% CI 1.03-1.31) were at increased risk of any STI or reproductive tract infection. |
Estimated prevalence of cryptococcus antigenemia (CrAg) among HIV-infected adults with advanced immunosuppression in Namibia justifies routine screening and preemptive treatment
Sawadogo S , Makumbi B , Purfield A , Ndjavera C , Mutandi G , Maher A , Kaindjee-Tjituka F , Kaplan JE , Park BJ , Lowrance DW . PLoS One 2016 11 (10) e0161830 BACKGROUND: Cryptococcal meningitis is common and associated with high mortality among HIV infected persons. The World Health Organization recommends that routine Cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) screening in ART-naive adults with a CD4+ count <100 cells/muL followed by pre-emptive antifungal therapy for CrAg-positive patients be considered where CrAg prevalence is ≥3%. The prevalence of CrAg among HIV adults in Namibia is unknown. We estimated CrAg prevalence among HIV-infected adults receiving care in Namibia for the purpose of informing routine screening strategies. METHODS: The study design was cross-sectional. De-identified plasma specimens collected for routine CD4+ testing from HIV-infected adults enrolled in HIV care at 181 public health facilities from November 2013 to January 2014 were identified at the national reference laboratory. Remnant plasma from specimens with CD4+ counts <200 cells/muL were sampled and tested for CrAg using the IMMY(R) Lateral Flow Assay. CrAg prevalence was estimated and assessed for associations with age, sex, and CD4+ count. RESULTS: A total of 825 specimens were tested for CrAg. The median (IQR) age of patients from whom specimens were collected was 38 (32-46) years, 45.9% were female and 62.9% of the specimens had CD4 <100 cells/muL. CrAg prevalence was 3.3% overall and 3.9% and 2.3% among samples with CD4+ counts of CD4+<100 cells/muL and 100-200 cells/muL, respectively. CrAg positivity was significantly higher among patients with CD4+ cells/muL < 50 (7.2%, P = 0.001) relative to those with CD4 cells/muL 50-200 (2.2%). CONCLUSION: This is the first study to estimate CrAg prevalence among HIV-infected patients in Namibia. CrAg prevalence of ≥3.0% among patients with CD4+<100 cells/muL justifies routine CrAg screening and preemptive treatment among HIV-infected in Namibia in line with WHO recommendations. Patients with CD4+<100 cells/muL have a significantly greater risk for CrAg positivity. Revised guidelines for ART in Namibia now recommend routine screening for CrAg. |
Operating characteristics of a tuberculosis screening tool for people living with HIV in out-patient HIV care and treatment services, Rwanda
Turinawe K , Vandebriel G , Lowrance DW , Uwinkindi F , Mutwa P , Boer KR , Mutembayire G , Tugizimana D , Nsanzimana S , Pevzner E , Howard AA , Gasana M . PLoS One 2016 11 (9) e0163462 BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) 2010 guidelines for intensified tuberculosis (TB) case finding (ICF) among people living with HIV (PLHIV) includes a recommendation that PLHIV receive routine TB screening. Since 2005, the Rwandan Ministry of Health has been using a five-question screening tool. Our study objective was to assess the operating characteristics of the tool designed to identify PLHIV with presumptive TB as measured against a composite reference standard, including bacteriologically confirmed TB. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, the TB screening tool was routinely administered at enrolment in outpatient HIV care and treatment services at seven public health facilities. From March to September 2011, study enrollees were examined for TB disease irrespective of TB screening outcome. The examination consisted of a chest radiograph (CXR), three sputum smears (SS), sputum culture (SC) and polymerase chain reaction line-probe assay (Hain test). PLHIV were classified as having "laboratory-confirmed TB" with positive results on SS for acid-fast bacilli, SC on Lowenstein-Jensen medium, or a Hain test. RESULTS: Overall, 1,767 patients were enrolled and screened of which; 1,017 (57.6%) were female, median age was 33 (IQR, 27-41), and median CD4+ cell count was 385 (IQR, 229-563) cells/mm3. Of the patients screened, 138 (7.8%) were diagnosed with TB of which; 125 (90.5%) were laboratory-confirmed pulmonary TB. Of 404 (22.9%) patients who screened positive and 1,363 (77.1%) who screened negative, 79 (19.5%) and 59 (4.3%), respectively, were diagnosed with TB. For laboratory-confirmed TB, the tool had a sensitivity of 54.4% (95% CI 45.3-63.3), specificity of 79.5% (95% CI 77.5-81.5), PPV of 16.8% and NPV of 95.8%. CONCLUSION: TB prevalence among PLHIV newly enrolling into HIV care and treatment was 65 times greater than the overall population prevalence. However, the performance of the tool was poorer than the predicted performance of the WHO recommended TB screening questions. |
Low prevalence of cryptococcal antigenemia among patients infected with HIV/AIDS in Haiti
Louis FJ , Andre JA , Perrin G , Domercant JW , Francois K , Azor D , Buteau J , Boncy J , Burris R , Lowrance DW , Marston BJ . J AIDS Clin Res 2016 7 (6) 577 Cryptococcal meningitis is a common opportunistic infection among persons with advanced HIV-associated immunosuppression and is associated with high mortality. The prevalence of asymptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia (CrAg) can inform the potential utility of screening and pre-emptive treatment prevention strategies. We assessed CrAg prevalence in a cohort of patients infected with HIV at 28 health facilities from February to September 2014 in order to inform Haitian national clinical guidelines. Of 13,000 patients that underwent CD4 cell count, 1,025 (7.9%) had a count <=200 cells/mm3. Of these, 11 (1.1%) were CrAg positive. The CrAg positivity rate among patients with CD4 cell counts <100 cell/mm3 was 1.8%. Patients with CD4 cell counts <50 cells/mm3 had the highest CrAg rate (2.3%). CrAg prevalence was low but still warranted a CrAg screening and pre-emptive therapy approach for people infected with HIV with CD4 cell counts <100 cell/mm3 in Haiti. |
Investments in blood safety improve the availability of blood to underserved areas in a sub-Saharan African country
Pitman JP , Wilkinson R , Basavaraju SV , von Finckenstein B , Sibinga CS , Marfin AA , Postma MJ , Mataranyika M , Tobias J , Lowrance DW . ISBT Sci Ser 2014 9 (2) 325-333 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Since 2004, several African countries, including Namibia, have received assistance from the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Gains have been documented in the safety and number of collected units in these countries, but the distribution of blood has not been described. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nine years of data on blood requests and issues from Namibia were stratified by region to describe temporal and spatial changes in the number and type of blood components issued to Namibian healthcare facilities nationally. RESULTS: Between 2004 and 2007 (early years of PEPFAR support) and 2008-2011 (peak years of PEPFAR support), the average number of red cell units issued annually increased by 23.5% in seven densely populated but less-developed regions in northern Namibia; by 30% in two regions with urban centres; and by 35.1% in four sparsely populated rural regions. CONCLUSION: Investments in blood safety and a policy decision to emphasize distribution of blood to underserved regions improved blood availability in remote rural areas and increased the proportion of units distributed as components. However, disparities persist in the distribution of blood between Namibia's urban and rural regions. |
Latent tuberculosis infection and associated factors among health care workers in Kigali, Rwanda
Rutanga C , Lowrance DW , Oeltmann JE , Mutembayire G , Willis M , Uwizeye CB , Hinda R , Bassirou C , Gutreuter S , Gasana M . PLoS One 2015 10 (4) e0124485 INTRODUCTION: Data are limited regarding tuberculosis (TB) and latent TB infection prevalence in Rwandan health facilities. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey among healthcare workers (HCWs) in Kigali during 2010. We purposively selected the public referral hospital, both district hospitals, and randomly selected 7 of 17 health centers. School workers (SWs) from the nearest willing public schools served as a local reference group. We tested for latent TB infection (LTBI) using tuberculin skin testing (TST) and asked about past TB disease. We assessed risk of LTBI and past history of TB disease associated with hospital employment. Among HCWs, we assessed risk associated with facility type (district hospital, referral hospital, health center), work setting (inpatient, outpatient), and occupation. RESULTS: Age, gender, and HIV status was similar between the enrolled 1,131 HCWs and 381 SWs. LTBI was more prevalent among HCWs (62%) than SWs (39%). Adjusted odds of a positive TST result were 2.71 (95% CI 2.01-3.67) times greater among HCWs than SWs. Among HCWs, there was no detectable difference between prevalence of LTBI according to facility type, work setting, or occupation. CONCLUSION: HCWs are at greater risk of LTBI, regardless of facility type, work setting, or occupation. The current status of TB infection control practices should be evaluated in the entire workforce in all Rwandan healthcare facilities. |
Namibia's transition from whole blood-derived pooled platelets to single-donor apheresis platelet collections
Pitman JP , Basavaraju SV , Shiraishi RW , Wilkinson R , von Finckenstein B , Lowrance DW , Marfin AA , Postma M , Mataranyika M , Smit Sibinga CT . Transfusion 2015 55 (7) 1685-92 BACKGROUND: Few African countries separate blood donations into components; however, demand for platelets (PLTs) is increasing as regional capacity to treat causes of thrombocytopenia, including chemotherapy, increases. Namibia introduced single-donor apheresis PLT collections in 2007 to increase PLT availability while reducing exposure to multiple donors via pooling. This study describes the impact this transition had on PLT availability and safety in Namibia. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Annual national blood collections and PLT units issued data were extracted from a database maintained by the Blood Transfusion Service of Namibia (NAMBTS). Production costs and unit prices were analyzed. RESULTS: In 2006, NAMBTS issued 771 single and pooled PLT doses from 3054 whole blood (WB) donations (drawn from 18,422 WB donations). In 2007, NAMBTS issued 486 single and pooled PLT doses from 1477 WB donations (drawn from 18,309 WB donations) and 131 single-donor PLT doses. By 2011, NAMBTS issued 837 single-donor PLT doses per year, 99.1% of all PLT units. Of 5761 WB donations from which PLTs were made in 2006 to 2011, a total of 20 (0.35%) were from donors with confirmed test results for human immunodeficiency virus or other transfusion-transmissible infections (TTIs). Of 2315 single-donor apheresis donations between 2007 and 2011, none of the 663 donors had a confirmed positive result for any pathogen. As apheresis replaced WB-derived PLTs, apheresis production costs dropped by a mean of 8.2% per year, while pooled PLT costs increased by an annual mean of 21.5%. Unit prices paid for apheresis- and WB-derived PLTs increased by 9 and 7.4% per year on average, respectively. CONCLUSION: Namibia's PLT transition shows that collections from repeat apheresis donors can reduce TTI risk and production costs. |
Update on progress in selected public health programs after the 2010 earthquake and cholera epidemic - Haiti, 2014
Domercant JW , Guillaume FD , Marston BJ , Lowrance DW . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015 64 (6) 137-40 On January 12, 2010, an earthquake devastated Haiti's infrastructure, killing an estimated 230,000 persons and displacing more than 1.5 million. Ten months later, Haiti experienced the beginning of the largest cholera epidemic ever reported in a single country. Immediately after the earthquake and at the start of the cholera epidemic, health priorities in Haiti included improvement of surveillance and laboratory capacity for addressing public health threats in the general population and targeted surveillance and provision of improved water and sanitation in camps for internally displaced persons. As part of a multi-sector, post-earthquake response in collaboration with the Government of Haiti and others, CDC focused on supporting the recovery, expansion, or establishment of several key health programs. This update reports progress in selected health programs, services, and systems in Haiti as of the end of 2014. |
Blood component use in a sub-Saharan African country: results of a 4-year evaluation of diagnoses associated with transfusion orders in Namibia
Pitman JP , Wilkinson R , Liu Y , von Finckenstein B , Smit Sibinga CT , Lowrance DW , Marfin AA , Postma MJ , Mataranyika M , Basavaraju SV . Transfus Med Rev 2014 29 (1) 45-51 National blood use patterns in sub-Saharan Africa are poorly described. Although malaria and maternal hemorrhage remain important drivers of blood demand across Africa, economic growth and changes in malaria, HIV/AIDS, and noncommunicable disease epidemiology may contribute to changes in blood demand. We evaluated indications for blood use in Namibia, a country in southern Africa, using a nationally representative sample and discuss implications for the region. Clinical and demographic data related to the issuance of blood component units in Namibia were reviewed for a 4-year period (August 1, 2007-July 31, 2011). Variables included blood component type, recipient age and sex, and diagnosis. Diagnoses reported by clinicians were reclassified into International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision categories. Multiple imputation methods were used to complete a data set missing age, sex or diagnosis data. Descriptive analyses were conducted to describe indications for transfusions and use of red blood cells (RBCs), platelets, and plasma. A total of 39 313 records accounting for 91 207 blood component units were analyzed. The median age of Namibian transfusion recipients was 45 years (SD, +/-19). A total of 78 660 RBC units were issued in Namibia during the study period. Red blood cells transfused for "unspecified anemia" accounted for the single largest category of blood issued (24 798 units). Of the overall total, 38.9% were for diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs (D50-D89). Infectious disease (A00-B99), pregnancy (O00-O99), and gastrointestinal (K20-K93) accounted for 14.8%, 11.1%, and 6.1% of RBC units issued, respectively. Although a specific diagnosis of malaria accounted for only 2.7% of pediatric transfusions, an unknown number of additional transfusions for malaria may have been categorized by requesting physicians as unspecified anemia and counted under diseases of blood forming organs. During the study period, 9751 units of fresh-frozen plasma were issued. Nearly one-quarter of these units (23.1%) were issued for gastrointestinal (K20-K93) diagnoses. Malignant neoplasms (C00-C97) accounted for 38.1% of 2978 platelet units issued. Blood use in Namibia reflects changes in the health care system due to economic development, improvement in HIV/AIDS and malaria epidemiology, high rates of health care facility-based childbirth, and access to noncommunicable disease treatment. However, better documentation of the indications for transfusion is needed to confirm these observations. Changing patterns of health care will result in changing demands for blood components. Improved methods to evaluate blood use patterns in sub-Saharan Africa may help set realistic national blood collection goals. |
The impact of external donor support through the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief on the cost of red cell concentrate in Namibia, 2004-2011
Pitman JP , Bocking A , Wilkinson R , Postma MJ , Basavaraju SV , Von Finckenstein B , Mataranyika M , Marfin AA , Lowrance DW , Sibinga CT . Blood Transfus 2014 13 (2) 1-8 BACKGROUND: External assistance can rapidly strengthen health programmes in developing countries, but such funding can also create sustainability challenges. From 2004-2011, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) provided more than $8 million to the Blood Transfusion Service of Namibia (NAMBTS) for supplies, equipment, and staff salaries. This analysis describes the impact that support had on actual production costs and the unit prices charged for red cell concentrate (RCC) units issued to public sector hospitals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A costing system developed by NAMBTS to set public sector RCC unit prices was used to describe production costs and unit prices during the period of PEPFAR scale-up (2004-2009) and the 2 years in which PEPFAR support began to decline (2010-2011). Hypothetical production costs were estimated to illustrate differences had PEPFAR support not been available. RESULTS: Between 2004-2006, NAMBTS sold 22,575 RCC units to public sector facilities. During this time, RCC unit prices exceeded per unit cost-recovery targets by between 40.3% (US$16.75 or N$109.86) and 168.3% (US$48.72 or N$333.28) per year. However, revenue surpluses dwindled between 2007 and 2011, the final year of the study period, when NAMBTS sold 20,382 RCC units to public facilities but lost US$23.31 (N$170.43) on each unit. DISCUSSION: PEPFAR support allowed NAMBTS to leverage domestic cost-recovery revenue to rapidly increase blood collections and the distribution of RCC. However, external support kept production costs lower than they would have been without PEPFAR. If PEPFAR funds had not been available, RCC prices would have needed to increase by 20% per year to have met annual cost-recovery targets and funded the same level of investments as were made with PEPFAR support. Tracking the subsidising influence of external support can help blood services make strategic investments and plan for unit price increases as external funds are withdrawn. |
Limited utility of dried-blood- and plasma spot-based screening for antiretroviral treatment failure with Cobas Ampliprep/TaqMan HIV-1 version 2.0.
Sawadogo S , Shiningavamwe A , Chang J , Maher AD , Zhang G , Yang C , Gaeb E , Kaura H , Ellenberger D , Lowrance DW . J Clin Microbiol 2014 52 (11) 3878-83 ![]() The 2013 WHO antiretroviral therapy (ART) guidelines recommend dried blood spots (DBS) as an alternative specimen type for viral load (VL) monitoring. We assessed the programmatic utility of screening for ARV treatment failure (TF) at 5,000 and 1,000 copies/mL using DBS and dried plasma spots (DPS) with a commonly used VL assay, the Roche COBAS Ampliprep/COBAS TaqManV.2.0 (CAP/CTM). Plasma, DBS, and DPS were prepared from 839 whole-blood specimens collected from patients on ART ≥ six months at three public facilities in Namibia. VL was measured in plasma, DBS and DPS using the CAP/CTM and results were compared using plasma VL as the reference standard. The clinical sensitivity, specificity, Positive and Negative Predictive Value, (PPV and NPV) of DBS were 0.99, 0.55, 0.33 and 0.99, and 0.99, 0.26, 0.29 and 0.99 at ARV TF diagnostic thresholds of 5,000 copies/mL and 1,000 copies/mL, respectively; for DPS, they were 0.88, 0.98, 0.92 and 0.97, and 0.91, 0.96, 0.89, and 0.97 at TF diagnostic thresholds of 5,000 copies/mL and 1,000 copies/mL, respectively. TF prevalence in DBS was overestimated by 33% and 57% at the two thresholds, respectively. A high rate of false-positive results would occur if the CAP/CTM with DBS were used to screen for ARV TF. WHO recommendations for DBS-based VL monitoring should be specific to VL assay version and type. Despite the higher performance of DPS, the programmatic utility for TF screening may be limited by requirements for processing the whole blood at the collection site. |
Knowledge and barriers related to reporting of acute transfusion reactions among healthcare workers in Namibia
Basavaraju SV , Lohrke B , Pitman JP , Pathak SR , Meza BP , Shiraishi RW , Wilkinson R , Bock N , Mataranyika M , Lowrance DW . Transfus Med 2013 23 (5) 367-9 In sub-Saharan Africa, only South Africa has had a long-standing national haemovigilance system to monitor acute transfusion reactions (ATR) (Nel and Heyns, 2000). To improve monitoring, recognition and reporting of ATR more countries in the region have implemented or are considering national haemovigilance systems (Dahourou et al., 2012). In Namibia, The Blood Transfusion Service of Namibia (NAMBTS) is the only organisation authorised to collect, process and distribute blood and blood components for transfusion. Since 2006, NAMBTS has invested heavily in the development of guidelines and training for doctors and nurses in the appropriate clinical use of blood. Coupled with this focus on appropriate use, in 2008 NAMBTS launched a national haemovigilance system with a standardised reporting tool backed by clinical and laboratory investigations of all reported ATR. Under this system, healthcare workers (HCW) in Namibia who order or perform transfusions (primarily physicians and nurses) are responsible for voluntary reporting of ATR to NAMBTS by phone or via a paper-based system. Reportable ATR include allergic, acute haemolytic, febrile non-haemolytic reactions, sepsis due to bacterial contamination of the donor unit, transfusion-associated acute lung injury, transfusion-associated circulatory overload and transfusion-associated dyspnoea. |
Cell phone- and internet-based monitoring and evaluation of the national antiretroviral treatment program during rapid scale-up in Rwanda: TRACnet, 2004--2010
Nsanzimana S , Ruton H , Lowrance DW , Cishahayo S , Nyemazi JP , Muhayimpundu R , Karema C , Raghunathan PL , Binagwaho A , Riedel DJ . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2011 59 (2) e17-23 BACKGROUND: Monitoring and evaluation of antiretroviral treatment (ART) scale-up has been challenging in resource-limited settings. We describe an innovative cell-phone and internet-based reporting system (TRACnet) utilized in Rwanda. METHODS: From January 2004 to June 30, 2010, all health facilities with ART services submitted standardized monthly aggregate reports of key indicators. National cohort data were analyzed to examine trends in characteristics of patients initiating ART and cumulative cohort outcomes. Estimates of HIV-infected patients eligible for ART were obtained from UNAIDS (EPP-Spectrum, 2010). RESULTS: By June 30, 2010, 295 (65%) of 451 health centers, District and referral hospitals provided ART services; of these, 255 (86%) were located outside Kigali, the capital. Cell-phone- and internet-based reporting was used by 253 (86%) and 42 (14%), respectively. As of June 30, 2010, 83,041 patients were alive on ART, 6,171 (6%) had died, and 9,621 (10%) were lost-to-follow-up. Of those alive on ART, 7,111 (8.6%) were children, 50,971 (61.4%) were female, and 1,823 (2.2%) were on a second-line regimen. The proportion of all patients initiating ART at WHO clinical stages 3 and 4 declined from 65% in 2005 to 27% in 2010. National ART coverage of eligible patients increased from 13% in 2005 to 79% in 2010. CONCLUSIONS: Rwanda has successfully expanded ART access and achieved high national ART coverage among eligible patients. TRACnet captured essential data about the ART program during rapid scale-up. Cell-phone and internet-based reporting may be useful for monitoring and evaluation of similar public health initiatives in other resource-limited settings. |
Evaluation of the rapid scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities in TB facilities in Rwanda, 2005-2009
Pevzner ES , Vandebriel G , Lowrance DW , Gasana M , Finlay A . BMC Public Health 2011 11 (1) 550 BACKGROUND: In 2005, Rwanda drafted a national TB/HIV policy and began scaling-up collaborative TB/HIV activities. Prior to the scale-up, we evaluated existing TB/HIV practices, possible barriers to policy and programmatic implementation, and patient treatment outcomes. We then used our evaluation data as a baseline for assessing the national scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities from 2005 through 2009. METHODS: Our baseline evaluation included a cross-sectional evaluation of 23/161 TB clinics. We conducted structured interviews with patients and clinic staff and then reviewed TB registers and patient records to assess HIV testing practices, provision of HIV care and treatment for people with TB that tested positive for HIV, and patients' TB treatment outcomes. Following our baseline evaluation, we used nationally representative TB/HIV surveillance data to monitor the scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities. RESULTS: Of 207 patients interviewed, 76% were offered HIV testing, 99% accepted, and 49% reported positive test results. Of 40 staff interviewed, 68% reported offering HIV testing to >50% of patients. From 2005-2009, scale-up of TB/HIV activities resulted in increased HIV testing of patients with TB (69% to 97%) and for patients with TB disease and HIV infection (TB/HIV) increases in provision of cotrimoxazole (15% to 92%) and antiretroviral therapy (13% to 49%). The risk of death among patients with TB/HIV relative to patients with TB not infected with HIV declined from 2005 (RR=6.1, 95%CI 2.6, 14.0) to 2007 (RR=1.8, 95%CI 1.68, 1.94). CONCLUSIONS: Our baseline evaluation highlighted that staff and patients were receptive to HIV testing. However, expanded access to testing, care, and treatment was needed based on the proportion of patients with TB having unknown HIV status and the high rate of HIV infection and poorer TB treatment outcomes for patients with TB/HIV. Following our evaluation, scale-up of TB/HIV services resulted in almost all patients with TB knowing their HIV status. Routine HIV testing allowed for dramatic increases in the uptake of lifesaving HIV care and treatment coinciding with a decline in the risk of death among patients with TB/HIV. |
Adult clinical and immunologic outcomes of the national antiretroviral treatment program in Rwanda during 2004-2005
Lowrance DW , Ndamage F , Kayirangwa E , Ndagije F , Lo W , Hoover DR , Hanson J , Elul B , Ayaba A , Ellerbrock T , Rukundo A , Shumbusho F , Nash D , Mugabo J , Assimwe A . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2009 52 (1) 49-55 BACKGROUND: By December 2007, over 48,000 persons had initiated antiretroviral treatment (ART) at 171 clinics in Rwanda. Assessing national ART program outcomes is essential to determine whether programs have the desired impact. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study to assess key 6- and 12-month outcomes among a nationally representative, stratified, random sample of 3194 adults (> or =15 years) who initiated ART from January 1, 2004, through December 31, 2005. FINDINGS: At ART initiation, the median patient age was 37 years and 65% were female. Overall, the baseline median CD4 cell count was 141 cells per microliter. At 6 and 12 months after ART initiation, 92% and 86% of patients, respectively, remained on ART at their original site. By 6 months, 3.6% were dead and 3.4% were lost to follow-up; by 12 months, 4.6% were dead and 4.9% were lost to follow-up. Among patients with available follow-up CD4 cell count data, median CD4 cell counts increased by 98 cells per microliter and 119 cells per microliter at 6 and 12 months after ART initiation, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Rwanda's national ART program achieved excellent 6- and 12-month retention and immunologic outcomes during the first 2 years of rapid scale-up. Routine supervision is required to improve compliance with clinical guidelines and data quality. |
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