Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-8 (of 8 Records) |
Query Trace: Larson MK[original query] |
Assessment of floor heave associated with bumps in a longwall mine using the discrete element method
Kim BH , Larson MK . Min Metall Explor 2022 39 (5) 1853-1861 ![]() This study was developed as part of an effort by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to better understand rock-mass behavior in longwall coal mines in highly stressed, bump-prone ground. The floor-heave and no-floor-heave phenomena at a western US coal mine could not be properly simulated in numerical models using conventional shear-dominant failure criteria (i.e., MohrCoulomb or HoekBrown failure criterion). The previous numerical study demonstrated these phenomena using a user-defined model of the s-shaped brittle failure criterion in conjunction with a spalling process in the FLAC3D numerical modeling software. The results of the FLAC3D modeling agreed with the observations of the relative amounts of heave from each gate-road system. However, the FLAC3D model adopted many assumptions and simplifications that were not very realistic from a physical or mechanical perspective. To overcome the limitations of the FLAC3D model, 3DEC modeling in conjunction with the discrete fracture network (DFN) technique was performed to better understand the true behavior of floor heave associated with underground mining in an anisotropic stress field. The effect of stress rotation in the mining-induced stress field was considered by using a different geometry of rock fractures in the coal seam. The heterogeneity of the engineering properties (i.e., cohesion and tensile strength) were also considered by using Monte Carlo simulations. Consequently, the 3DEC models using the DFN technique resulted in predictions of floor heave that agreed with observations of the relative amounts of heave from each gate-road system, but the cause of heave was mainly related to the degree of anisotropy instead of the size of the pillar. 2022, This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection in the U.S.; foreign copyright protection may apply. |
Laboratory investigation of the anisotropic confinement-dependent brittle-ductile transition of a Utah coal
Kim BH , Larson MK . Int J Min Sci Technol 2020 31 (1) 51-57 This paper was developed as part of an effort by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to identify risk factors associated with bumps in the prevention of fatalities and accidents in highly stressed, bump-prone ground conditions. Changes of failure mechanism with increasing confinement, from extensional-to shear-dominated failure, are widely observed in the rupture of intact specimens at the laboratory scale and in rock masses. In the previous analysis conducted in 2018, both unconfined and triaxial compressive tests were conducted to investigate the strength characteristics of some specimens of a Utah coal, including the spalling limits, the ratio of apparent unconfined compressive strength (AUCS) to unconfined compressive strength (UCS), the damage characteristics, and the post-yield dilatancy. These mechanical characteristics were found to be strongly anisotropic as a function of the orientation of the cleats relative to the loading direction. However, the transition from extensional to shear failure at the given confinements was not clearly identified. In this study, a total of 20 specimens were additionally prepared from the same coal sample used in the previous study and then tested under both unconfined and triaxial compressive conditions. The different confining stresses are used as analogs for different width-to-height (W/H) ratios of pillar strength. Although the W/H ratios of the specimens were not directly considered during testing, the equivalent W/H ratios of a pillar as a function of the confining stresses were estimated using an existing empirical solution. According to this relationship, the W/H at which in-situ pillar behavior would be expected to transition from brittle to ductile is identified. |
Investigation of the anisotropic confinement-dependent brittleness of a Utah coal
Kim BH , Walton G , Larson MK , Berry S . Int J Coal Sci Technol 2020 8 (2) 274-290 Changes of failure mechanism with increasing confinement, from extensional to shear-dominated failure, are widely observed in the rupture of intact specimens at the laboratory scale and in rock masses. In an analysis published in 2018, both unconfined and triaxial compressive tests were conducted to investigate the strength characteristics of 84 specimens of a Utah coal, including the spalling limits, the ratio of apparent unconfined compressive strength to unconfined compressive strength (UCS), the damage characteristics, and the post-yield dilatancy. These mechanical characteristics were found to be strongly anisotropic as a function of the orientation of the cleats relative to the loading direction, defined as the included angle. A total of four different included angles were used in the work performed in 2018. The authors found that the degree of anisotropic strength differed according to the included angle. However, the transition from extensional to shear failure at the given confinements was not clearly identified. In this study, a total of 20 specimens were additionally prepared from the same coal sample used in the previous study and then tested under both unconfined and triaxial compressive conditions. Because the authors already knew the most contrasting cases of the included angles from the previous work using the four included angles, they chose only two of the included angles (0° and 30°) for this study. For the triaxial compressive tests, a greater confining stress than the mean UCS was applied to the specimens in an attempt to identify the brittle-ductile transition of the coal. The new results have been compiled with the previous results in order to re-evaluate the confinement-dependency of the coal behavior. Additionally, the different confining stresses are used as analogs for different width-to-height (W/H) conditions of pillar strength. Although the W/H ratios of the specimens were not directly considered during testing, the equivalent W/H ratios of a pillar as a function of the confining stresses were estimated using an existing empirical solution. According to this relationship, the W/H at which in situ pillar behavior would be expected to transition from brittle to ductile is identified. |
Development of a fault-rupture environment in 3D: A numerical tool for examining the mechanical impact of a fault on underground excavations
Kim BH , Larson MK . Int J Min Sci Technol 2018 29 (1) 105-111 While faults are commonly simulated as a single planar or non-planar interface for a safety or stability analysis in underground mining excavation, the real 3D structure of a fault is often very complex, with different branches that reactivate at different times. Furthermore, these branches are zones of nonzero thickness where material continuously undergoes damage even during interseismic periods. In this study, the initiation and the initial evolution of a strike-slip fault was modeled using the FLAC3D software program. The initial and boundary conditions are simplified, and mimic the Riedel shear experiment and the constitutive model in the literature. The FLAC3D model successfully replicates and creates the 3D fault zone as a strike-slip type structure in the entire thickness of the model. The strike-slip fault structure and normal displacement result in the formation of valleys in the model. Three panels of a longwall excavation are virtually placed and excavated beneath a main valley. The characteristics of stored and dissipated energy associated with the panel excavations are examined and observed at different stages of shear strain in the fault to evaluate bump potential. Depending on the shear strain in the fault, the energy characteristics adjacent to the longwall panels present different degrees of bump potential, which is not possible to capture by conventional fault simulation using an interface. |
Experimental study on the confinement-dependent characteristics of a Utah coal considering the anisotropy by cleats
Kim BH , Walton G , Larson MK , Berry S . Int J Rock Mech Min Sci (1997) 2018 105 182-191 Characterizing a coal from an engineering perspective for design of mining excavations is critical in order to prevent fatalities, as underground coal mines are often developed in highly stressed ground conditions. Coal pillar bursts involve the sudden expulsion of coal and rock into the mine opening. These events occur when relatively high stresses in a coal pillar, left for support in underground workings, exceed the pillar's load capacity causing the pillar to rupture without warning. This process may be influenced by cleating, which is a type of joint system that can be found in coal rock masses. As such, it is important to consider the anisotropy of coal mechanical behavior. Additionally, if coal is expected to fail in a brittle manner, then behavior changes, such as the transition from extensional to shear failure, have to be considered and reflected in the adopted failure criteria. It must be anticipated that a different failure mechanism occurs as the confinement level increases and conditions for tensile failure are prevented or strongly diminished. The anisotropy and confinement dependency of coal behavior previously mentioned merit extensive investigation. In this study, a total of 84 samples obtained from a Utah coal mine were investigated by conducting both unconfined and triaxial compressive tests. The results showed that the confining pressure dictated not only the peak compressive strength but also the brittleness as a function of the major to the minor principal stress ratio. Additionally, an s-shaped brittle failure criterion was fitted to the results, showing the development of confinement-dependent strength. Moreover, these mechanical characteristics were found to be strongly anisotropic, which was associated with the orientation of the cleats relative to the loading direction. |
Applying robust design to study the effects of stratigraphic characteristics on brittle failure and bump potential in a coal mine
Kim BH , Larson MK , Lawson HE . Int J Min Sci Technol 2018 28 (1) 137-144 Bumps and other types of dynamic failure have been a persistent, worldwide problem in the underground coal mining industry, spanning decades. For example, in just five states in the U.S. from 1983 to 2014, there were 388 reportable bumps. Despite significant advances in mine design tools and mining practices, these events continue to occur. Many conditions have been associated with bump potential, such as the presence of stiff units in the local geology. The effect of a stiff sandstone unit on the potential for coal bumps depends on the location of the stiff unit in the stratigraphic column, the relative stiffness and strength of other structural members, and stress concentrations caused by mining. This study describes the results of a robust design to consider the impact of different lithologic risk factors impacting dynamic failure risk. Because the inherent variability of stratigraphic characteristics in sedimentary formations, such as thickness, engineering material properties, and location, is significant and the number of influential parameters in determining a parametric study is large, it is impractical to consider every simulation case by varying each parameter individually. Therefore, to save time and honor the statistical distributions of the parameters, it is necessary to develop a robust design to collect sufficient sample data and develop a statistical analysis method to draw accurate conclusions from the collected data. In this study, orthogonal arrays, which were developed using the robust design, are used to define the combination of the (a) thickness of a stiff sandstone inserted on the top and bottom of a coal seam in a massive shale mine roof and floor, (b) location of the stiff sandstone inserted on the top and bottom of the coal seam, and (c) material properties of the stiff sandstone and contacts as interfaces using the 3-dimensional numerical model, FLAC3D. After completion of the numerical experiments, statistical and multivariate analysis are performed using the calculated results from the orthogonal arrays to analyze the effect of these variables. As a consequence, the impact of each of the parameters on the potential for bumps is quantitatively classified in terms of a normalized intensity of plastic dissipated energy. By multiple regression, the intensity of plastic dissipated energy and migration of the risk from the roof to the floor via the pillars is predicted based on the value of the variables. The results demonstrate and suggest a possible capability to predict the bump potential in a given rock mass adjacent to the underground excavations and pillars. Assessing the risk of bumps is important to preventing fatalities and injuries resulting from bumps. |
User-friendly finite element design of main entries, barrier pillars, and bleeder entries
Pariseau WG , Larson MK , Lawson HE , Tesarik DR . Int J Min Sci Technol 2017 28 (1) 3-10 This contribution describes development and application of a user-friendly finite element program, UT3PC, to address three important problems in underground coal mine design: (1) safety of main entries, (2) barrier pillar size needed for entry protection, and (3) safety of bleeder entries during the advance of an adjacent longwall panel. While the finite element method is by far the most popular engineering design tool of the digital age, widespread use by the mining community has been impeded by the relatively high cost of and the need for lengthy specialized training in numerical methods. Implementation of UT3PC overcomes these impediments in three easy steps. First, a material properties file is prepared for the considered site. Next, mesh generation is automatic through an interactive process. A third and last step is simply execution of the program. Examples using data from several western coal mines illustrate the ease of using the application for analysis of main entries, barrier pillars, and bleeder entry safety. |
Effects of overburden characteristics on dynamic failure in underground coal mining
Lawson HE , Tesarik D , Larson MK , Abraham H . Int J Min Sci Technol 2016 27 (1) 121-129 Dynamic failures, or bumps, remain an imperative safety concern in underground coal mining, despite significant advancements in engineering controls. The presence of spatially discrete, stiff roof units are one feature that has been linked to these events. However, an empirical stratigraphic review indicates that no significant difference exists in the relative commonality of discrete units between bumping and non-bumping deposits. Instead an apparent relationship exists between reportable bumping and the overall stiffness of the host rock. However, this initial study is too simplistic to be conclusive; to weight the relative impact of changes in a single variable, such as the thickness or location of sandstone members, it must be examined in isolation-i.e., in a setting where all other variables are held constant. Numerical modelling provides this setting, and the effects of variability in a stiff discrete member in a hypothetical longwall mining scenario are investigated within the context of three stratigraphic types, Compliant, Intermediate and Stiff. A modelling experiment examines changes in rupture potential in stiff roof units for each stratigraphic type as discrete unit thickness and location are manipulated through a range of values. Results suggest that the stiff-to-compliant ratio of the host rock has an impact on the relative stress-inducing effects of discrete stiff members. In other words, it is necessary to consider both the thickness and the distance to the seam, within the context of the host rock, to accurately anticipate areas of elevated rupture-induced hazard; acknowledging the presence of a discrete unit within the overburden in general terms is an insufficient indicator of risk. This finding helps to refine our understanding of the role of individual stiff, strong roof members in bumping phenomena, and suggests that a holistic view of overburden lithology and site-specific numerical modelling may be necessary to improve miner safety. |
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