Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 60 Records) |
Query Trace: Koumans EH[original query] |
The association between underlying conditions, risk factors, risk markers, and post-COVID conditions ≥6 months after COVID-19: A systematic review
Hill A , Morford M , Saydah S , Logan P , Raso D , Stone EC , Taliano J , Koumans EH , Varechtchouk O . J Family Med Prim Care 2024 13 (12) 5868-5884 INTRODUCTION: While various demographic factors and underlying medical conditions are associated with the development of post-COVID conditions within a month after SARS-CoV-2 infection, less is known about factors associated with post-COVID symptoms that persist for 6 months or more. The aim of this review was to determine the association between underlying conditions, other risk factors, health behaviors, and the presence of symptoms ≥6 months after COVID-19. METHODS: Studies reporting on post-COVID symptoms were searched in databases, including Medline, EMBASE, Global Health, PsycInfo, Scopus, CINAHL, Proquest, and WHO COVID-19 literature, from the beginning of the pandemic until November 2022. Studies were included if they reported on symptoms ≥6 months after COVID-19 and a relevant measure of association (adjusted or unadjusted odds or risk ratio). RESULTS: A total of 17 studies with 109,293 participants met the inclusion criteria; they were conducted in China (3), Italy (3), Spain (3), Russia (2), France (1), Germany (1), Sweden (1), Scotland (1), United Kingdom (1), and the United States (1). When compared to males, female participants were at an increased risk of post-COVID-19 symptoms (risk ratio (RR): 1.24; adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 3.08). Underlying conditions, including COPD/lung disease, overweight status or obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and asthma, were identified as possibly being associated with an increased risk of post-COVID symptoms. CONCLUSION: Female gender and certain underlying medical conditions were associated with an increased risk of post-COVID symptoms ≥6 months after COVID-19. Further research is needed to better understand some of these associations and identify groups that are at increased risk for persistent post-COVID conditions. |
Detection of real-time changes in direction of COVID-19 transmission using national- and state-level epidemic trends based on R(t) estimates - United States Overall and New Mexico, April-October 2024
Richard DM , Susswein Z , Connolly S , Myers YGutiérrez A , Thalathara R , Carey K , Koumans EH , Khan D , Masters NB , McIntosh N , Corbett P , Ghinai I , Kahn R , Keen A , Pulliam J , Sosin D , Gostic K . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (46) 1058-1063 Public health practitioners rely on timely surveillance data for planning and decision-making; however, surveillance data are often subject to delays. Epidemic trend categories, based on time-varying effective reproductive number (R(t)) estimates that use nowcasting methods, can mitigate reporting lags in surveillance data and detect changes in community transmission before reporting is completed. CDC analyzed the performance of epidemic trend categories for COVID-19 during summer 2024 in the United States and at the state level in New Mexico. COVID-19 epidemic trend categories were estimated and released in real time based on preliminary data, then retrospectively compared with final emergency department (ED) visit data to determine their ability to detect or confirm real-time changes in subsequent ED visits. Across the United States and in New Mexico, epidemic trend categories were an early indicator of increases in COVID-19 community transmission, signifying increases in COVID-19 community transmission in May, and a confirmatory indicator that decreasing COVID-19 ED visits reflected actual decreases in COVID-19 community transmission in September, rather than incomplete reporting. Public health decision-makers can use epidemic trend categories, in combination with other surveillance indicators, to understand whether COVID-19 community transmission and subsequent ED visits are increasing, decreasing, or not changing; this information can guide communications decisions. |
Differences in COVID-19 outpatient antiviral treatment among adults aged ≥65 years by age group - national patient-centered clinical research network, United States, April 2022-September 2023
Quinlan CM , Shah MM , DeSantis CE , Bertumen JB , Draper C , Ahmad FS , Arnold J , Mayer KH , Carton TW , Cowell LG , Smith S , Saydah S , Jones JM , Patel P , Hagen MB , Block J , Koumans EH . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (39) 876-882 Adults aged ≥65 years experience the highest risk for COVID-19-related hospitalization and death, with risk increasing with increasing age; outpatient antiviral treatment reduces the risk for these severe outcomes. Despite the proven benefit of COVID-19 antiviral treatment, information on differences in use among older adults with COVID-19 by age group is limited. Nonhospitalized patients aged ≥65 years with COVID-19 during April 2022-September 2023 were identified from the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network. Differences in use of antiviral treatment among patients aged 65-74, 75-89, and ≥90 years were assessed. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate the association between age and nonreceipt of antiviral treatment. Among 393,390 persons aged ≥65 years, 45.9% received outpatient COVID-19 antivirals, including 48.4%, 43.5%, and 35.2% among those aged 65-75, 76-89, and ≥90 years, respectively. Patients aged 75-89 and ≥90 years had 1.17 (95% CI = 1.15-1.19) and 1.54 (95% CI = 1.49-1.61) times the adjusted odds of being untreated, respectively, compared with those aged 65-74 years. Among 12,543 patients with severe outcomes, 2,648 (21.1%) had received an outpatient COVID-19 antiviral medication, compared with 177,874 (46.7%) of 380,847 patients without severe outcomes. Antiviral use is underutilized among adults ≥65 years; the oldest adults are least likely to receive treatment. To prevent COVID-19-associated morbidity and mortality, increased use of COVID-19 antiviral medications among older adults is needed. |
Claims for contraceptive services and chlamydia and gonorrhea testing among insured adolescent and young adult females in the United States
Kulkarni AD , Tepper N , Patel CG , Monsour M , Tevendale HD , Brittain AW , Whiteman M , Koumans EH . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2024 Objective: To examine claims for reversible prescription contraceptives and chlamydia and gonorrhea testing among commercially and Medicaid-insured adolescent and young adult (AYA) females in the United States. Methods: Using IBM MarketScan Research Databases, we identified sexually active, nonpregnant AYA (15- to 24-year-old) females enrolled in 2018. We examined claims for reversible prescription contraceptives and chlamydia and gonorrhea testing, using drug names and diagnosis/procedure codes, by age-group in commercially and Medicaid-insured separately and by race/ethnicity in Medicaid-insured. Results: Among 15- to 19-year-old and 20- to 24-year-old females, 67.2% and 67.9% of commercially insured and 57.3% and 54.0% of Medicaid-insured, respectively, had claims for reversible prescription contraceptives in 2018. Across insurance types among both age-groups, the most common claim for contraceptives was prescription for combined oral contraceptives. Among Medicaid-insured 15- to 19-year-olds, claims for contraceptives ranged from 42.6% for Hispanic females to 63.4% for non-Hispanic White females; among Medicaid-insured 20- to 24-year-olds, claims ranged from 50.4% for non-Hispanic Black females to 57.0% for non-Hispanic White females. Approximately half of the commercially and Medicaid-insured females had claims for chlamydia and gonorrhea testing. Non-Hispanic Black females had the highest percentages of claims for chlamydia testing (56.3% among 15- to 19-year-olds and 61.1% among 20- to 24-year-olds) and gonorrhea testing (61.6% among 15- to 19-year-olds and 64.9% among 20- to 24-year-olds). Conclusion: Approximately, two-thirds of commercially insured and more than half of Medicaid-insured, sexually active, nonpregnant AYA females had claims for reversible prescription contraceptives. Race/ethnicity data were available for Medicaid-insured females, and there were differences in claims for contraceptives and chlamydia and gonorrhea testing by race/ethnicity. Half of the AYA females had claims for chlamydia and gonorrhea testing suggesting missed opportunities. |
Effects of community-wide teen pregnancy prevention initiatives on local teen birth rates in the United States: A synthetic control approach
Tevendale HD , Garraza LG , Brooks MAM , Koumans EH , House LD , Sommerfeldt HM , Brittain A , Mueller T , Fuller TR , Romero L , Fasula A , Warner L . Prev Sci 2024 The impact of community-wide teen pregnancy prevention initiatives (CWIs) on local U.S. birth rates among adolescents aged 15 to 19 years was examined using synthetic control methodology within a quasi-experimental design. CWIs were implemented in 10 U.S. communities from 2010 to 2015. Each initiative implemented evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention interventions at local organizations and enhanced best practices in adolescent reproductive health care at local health centers, while engaging diverse community sectors. The synthetic control method was used to estimate the impact of each CWI on overall and race- and ethnicity-specific teen births relative to rates in synthetic control communities. Additionally, we estimated the overall effect of CWIs across communities by pooling results from the 10 synthetic control case studies using the mean percentile rank. Pooled data across all 10 communities indicated an estimated average of 6.6 fewer births per 1000 teens per year overall during the initiative relative to each community's synthetic control (p = .001). By race and ethnicity, there were an estimated average of 6.4 fewer births per 1000 teens per year among Black teens (p = .03), 10.7 fewer births among Hispanic teens (p = .03), and 4.2 fewer births (p = .10) among White teens. Results from individual communities indicated an intervention effect on overall and/or race/ethnicity-specific teen birth rates in five communities. This study demonstrates the value of synthetic control methods in evaluating community-level outcomes of programmatic efforts. Findings indicate the CWIs had a positive impact on teen birth rates and have the potential to address racial and ethnic disparities in those rates. |
Condom and contraceptive use among sexually active high school students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2019
Szucs LE , Lowry R , Fasula AM , Pampati S , Copen CE , Hussaini KS , Kachur RE , Koumans EH , Steiner RJ . MMWR Suppl 2020 69 (1) 11-18 Preventing unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, among adolescents is a public health priority. This report presents prevalence estimates for condom and contraceptive use among sexually active U.S. high school students from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Behaviors examined included any condom use, primary contraceptive method use, and condom use with a more effective contraceptive method, all reported at last sexual intercourse. Analyses were limited to sexually active students (i.e., those who had sexual intercourse with one or more persons during the 3 months before the survey). Except for any condom use, students reporting only same-sex sexual contact were excluded from analyses. Weighted prevalence estimates were calculated, and bivariate differences in prevalence were examined by demographic characteristics (sex, race/ethnicity, and grade) and other sexual risk behaviors (age of sexual initiation, previous 3-month and lifetime number of sex partners, and substance use before last sexual intercourse). Nationwide, 27.4% of high school students reported being sexually active (n = 3,226). Among sexually active students who reported having had sexual contact with someone of the opposite sex (n = 2,698), most students (89.7%) had used a condom or a primary contraceptive method at last sexual intercourse. Prevalence of any condom use at last sexual intercourse was 54.3%, and condoms were the most prevalent primary contraceptive method (43.9% versus 23.3% for birth control pills; 4.8% for intrauterine device [IUD] or implant; and 3.3% for shot, patch, or ring). Approximately 9% had used condoms with an IUD, implant, shot, patch, ring, or birth control pills. Using no pregnancy prevention method was more common among non-Hispanic black (23.2%) and Hispanic (12.8%) students compared with non-Hispanic white students (6.8%); compared with Hispanic students, using no pregnancy prevention method was more common among non-Hispanic black students. Prevalence of condom use was consistently lower among students with other sexual risk behaviors. Results underscore the need for public health professionals to provide quality sexual and reproductive health education and clinical services for preventing unintended pregnancy and STDs/HIV and decreasing disparities among sexually active youths. |
Trends in engagement with CDC's coronavirus self-checker and guidance provided to users in the United States between March 23, 2020 - April 19, 2021
Shah AB , Oyegun E , Hampton WB , Neri A , Maddox N , Raso D , Sandhu P , Patel A , Koonin LM , Lee L , Roper L , Whitfield G , Siegel DA , Koumans EH . J Med Internet Res 2023 25 e39054 BACKGROUND: In 2020, at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States experienced surges in healthcare needs, which challenged capacity throughout the healthcare system. Stay-at-home orders in many jurisdictions, cancellation of elective procedures, and closures of outpatient medical offices disrupted patient access to care. To inform symptomatic persons about when to seek care and potentially help alleviate the burden on the healthcare system, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and partners developed the CDC Coronavirus Self-Checker ("Self-Checker"). This interactive tool assists individuals seeking information about COVID-19 to determine the appropriate level of care by asking demographic, clinical, and nonclinical questions during an online "conversation." OBJECTIVE: This paper describes user characteristics, trends in use, and recommendations delivered by the Self-Checker between March 23, 2020, and April 19, 2021, for pursuing appropriate levels of medical care depending on the severity of user symptoms. METHODS: User characteristics and trends in completed conversations that resulted in a care message were analyzed. Care messages delivered by the Self-Checker were manually classified into three overarching conversation themes: (1) seek care immediately; (2) take no action, or stay home and self-monitor; and (3) conversation redirected. Trends in 7-day averages of conversations and COVID-19 cases were examined with development and marketing milestones that potentially impacted Self-Checker user engagement. RESULTS: Among 16,718,667 completed conversations, the Self-Checker delivered recommendations for 69.27% (n=11,580,738) of all conversations to "take no action, or stay home and self-monitor"; 28.8% (n=4,822,138) of conversations to "seek care immediately"; and 1.89% (n=315,791) of conversations were redirected to other resources without providing any care advice. Among 6.8 million conversations initiated for self-reported sick individuals without life-threatening symptoms, 59.21% resulted in a recommendation to "take no action, or stay home and self-monitor." Nearly all individuals (99.8%) who were not sick were also advised to "take no action, or stay home and self-monitor." CONCLUSIONS: The majority of Self-Checker conversations resulted in advice to take no action, or stay home and self-monitor. This guidance may have reduced patient volume on the medical system; however, future studies evaluating patients' satisfaction, intention to follow the care advice received, course of action, and care modality pursued could clarify the impact of the Self-Checker and similar tools during future public health emergencies. |
Association between thromboembolic events and COVID-19 infection within 30 days: a case-control study among a large sample of adult hospitalized patients in the United States, March 2020-June 2021.
Huang YA , Yusuf H , Adamski A , Hsu J , Baggs J , Auf R , Adjei S , Stoney R , Hooper WC , Llata E , Koumans EH , Ko JY , Romano S , Boehmer TK , Harris AM . J Thromb Thrombolysis 2022 1-6 The association between thromboembolic events (TE) and COVID-19 infection is not completely understood at the population level in the United States. We examined their association using a large US healthcare database. We analyzed data from the Premier Healthcare Database Special COVID-19 Release and conducted a case-control study. Thestudy population consisted of men and non-pregnant women aged18years with (cases) or without (controls) an inpatient ICD-10-CM diagnosis of TE between 3/1/2020 and 6/30/2021. Using multivariable logistic regression, we assessed the association between TE occurrence and COVID-19 diagnosis, adjusting for demographic factors and comorbidities. Among 227,343 cases, 15.2% had a concurrent or prior COVID-19 diagnosis within 30days of their index TE. Multivariable regression analysis showed a statistically significant association between a COVID-19 diagnosis and TE among cases when compared to controls (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]1.75, 95% CI 1.72-1.78). The association was more substantial if a COVID-19 diagnosis occurred 1-30days prior to index hospitalization (aOR3.00, 95% CI 2.88-3.13) compared to the same encounter as the index hospitalization. Our findings suggest an increased risk of TE among persons within 30days of beingdiagnosed COVID-19, highlighting the need for careful consideration of the thrombotic risk among COVID-19 patients, particularly during the first month following diagnosis. |
2gether: A clinic-based intervention to increase dual protection from sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy in young African American females
Kottke MJ , Sales JM , Goedken P , Brown JL , Hatfield-Timajchy K , Koumans EH , Hardin JW , Kraft JM , Kourtis AP . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2022 32 (1) 29-38 Background: To determine whether the 2gether intervention increases use of a dual protection (DP; concurrent prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections [STIs]) strategy and decreases pregnancy and STIs among young African American females, who disproportionately experience these outcomes. Materials and Methods: We conducted a randomized clinical trial comparing the 2gether intervention to standard of care (SOC). Participants were self-identified African American females aged 14-19 years who were sexually active with a male partner in the past 6 months. Participants were followed for 12 months; 685 were included in the analytic sample. The primary biologic outcome was time to any incident biologic event (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas infections, or pregnancy). The primary behavioral outcomes were use of and adherence to a DP strategy. Results: 2gether intervention participants had a decreased hazard of chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas infections, or pregnancy during follow-up, hazard ratio=0.73 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.58-0.92), and were more likely to report use of condoms plus contraception, generally, adjusted risk ratio (aRR)=1.61 (95% CI 1.15-2.26) and condoms plus an implant or intrauterine device (IUD), specifically, aRR=2.11 (95% CI 1.35-3.29) in the prior 3 months compared with those receiving SOC. 2gether participants were also more likely to report use of condoms plus an implant or IUD at last sex and consistently over the prior 3 months. Conclusions: 2gether was efficacious in increasing use of condoms with contraception and decreasing pregnancy or selected STIs in our participants. Implementation of this intervention in clinical settings serving young people with high rates of pregnancy and STIs may be beneficial., No. NCT02291224 ( |
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Outpatient Treatment of COVID-19 - United States, January-July 2022.
Boehmer TK , Koumans EH , Skillen EL , Kappelman MD , Carton TW , Patel A , August EM , Bernstein R , Denson JL , Draper C , Gundlapalli AV , Paranjape A , Puro J , Rao P , Siegel DA , Trick WE , Walker CL , Block JP . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (43) 1359-1365 ![]() In December 2021 and early 2022, four medications received emergency use authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration for outpatient treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in patients who are at high risk for progressing to severe disease; these included nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlovid) and molnupiravir (Lagevrio) (both oral antivirals), expanded use of remdesivir (Veklury; an intraveneous antiviral), and bebtelovimab (a monoclonal antibody [mAb]).* Reports have documented disparities in mAb treatment by race and ethnicity (1) and in oral antiviral treatment by zip code-level social vulnerability (2); however, limited data are available on racial and ethnic disparities in oral antiviral treatment.(†) Using electronic health record (EHR) data from 692,570 COVID-19 patients aged ≥20 years who sought medical care during January-July 2022, treatment with Paxlovid, Lagevrio, Veklury, and mAbs was assessed by race and ethnicity, overall and among high-risk patient groups. During 2022, the percentage of COVID-19 patients seeking medical care who were treated with Paxlovid increased from 0.6% in January to 20.2% in April and 34.3% in July; the other three medications were used less frequently (0.7%-5.0% in July). During April-July 2022, when Paxlovid use was highest, compared with White patients, Black or African American (Black) patients were prescribed Paxlovid 35.8% less often, multiple or other race patients 24.9% less often, American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (AIAN/NHOPI) patients 23.1% less often, and Asian patients 19.4% less often; Hispanic patients were prescribed Paxlovid 29.9% less often than non-Hispanic patients. Racial and ethnic disparities in Paxlovid treatment were generally somewhat higher among patients at high risk for severe COVID-19, including those aged ≥50 years and those who were immunocompromised. The expansion of programs focused on equitable awareness of and access to outpatient COVID-19 treatments, as well as COVID-19 vaccination, including updated bivalent booster doses, can help protect persons most at risk for severe illness and facilitate equitable health outcomes. |
Children, adolescents, and young adults hospitalized with COVID-19 and diabetes in summer 2021.
Agathis NT , Womack LS , Webber BJ , Choudhary R , Wanga V , Ko JY , Dupont H , Imperatore G , Koumans EH , Saydah S , Kimball AA , Siegel DA . Pediatr Diabetes 2022 23 (7) 961-967 INTRODUCTION: More information is needed to understand the clinical epidemiology of youth hospitalized with diabetes and COVID-19. We describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients <21years old hospitalized with COVID-19 and either Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM or T2DM) during peak incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection with the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant. METHODS: This is a descriptive sub-analysis of a retrospective chart review of patients aged <21years hospitalized with COVID-19 in six US children's hospitals during July-August 2021. Patients with COVID-19 and either newly diagnosed or known T1DM or T2DM were described using originally collected data and diabetes-related data specifically collected on these patients. RESULTS: Of the 58 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and diabetes, 34 had T1DM and 24 had T2DM. Of those with T1DM and T2DM, 26% (9/34) and 33% (8/24), respectively, were newly diagnosed. Among those >12years old and eligible for COVID-19 vaccination, 93% were unvaccinated (42/45). Among patients with T1DM, 88% had diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and 6% had COVID-19 pneumonia; of those with T2DM, 46% had DKA and 58% had COVID-19 pneumonia. Of those with T1DM or T2DM, 59% and 46%, respectively, required ICU admission. CONCLUSION: Our findings highlight the importance of considering diabetes in the evaluation of youth presenting with COVID-19; the challenges of managing young patients who present with both COVID-19 and diabetes, particularly T2DM; and the importance of preventive actions like COVID-19 vaccination to prevent severe illness among those eligible with both COVID-19 and diabetes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. |
Vaccines, Variants, and Vigilance: Strengthening the COVID-19 Public Health Response through Partnerships and Collaborations.
Kutty PK , Stuckey MJ , Koumans EH . Clin Infect Dis 2022 75 S141-S146 ![]() ![]() The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments, other U.S. government departments and agencies, the private sector, and international partners have engaged in real-time public health response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Vaccination, variants, and vigilance were themes that arose in the second year of pandemic response in the United States. The findings included in this supplement emerged from these themes and represent some of the many collaborative partnership efforts to improve public health knowledge and action to reduce transmission, infection, and disease severity. |
Mental Health Conditions and Severe COVID-19 Outcomes after Hospitalization, United States.
Koyama AK , Koumans EH , Sircar K , Lavery AM , Ko JY , Hsu J , Anderson KN , Siegel DA . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (7) 1533-1536 Among 664,956 hospitalized COVID-19 patients during March 2020-July 2021 in the United States, select mental health conditions (i.e., anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia) were associated with increased risk for same-hospital readmission and longer length of stay. Anxiety was also associated with increased risk for intensive care unit admission, invasive mechanical ventilation, and death. |
Factors Associated With Severe Illness in Patients Aged <21 Years Hospitalized for COVID-19.
Choudhary R , Webber BJ , Womack LS , Dupont HK , Chiu SK , Wanga V , Gerdes ME , Hsu S , Shi DS , Dulski TM , Idubor OI , Wendel AM , Agathis NT , Anderson K , Boyles T , Click ES , Silva JD , Evans ME , Gold JAW , Haston JC , Logan P , Maloney SA , Martinez M , Natarajan P , Spicer KB , Swancutt M , Stevens VA , Rogers-Brown J , Chandra G , Light M , Barr FE , Snowden J , Kociolek LK , McHugh M , Wessel DL , Simpson JN , Gorman KC , Breslin KA , DeBiasi RL , Thompson A , Kline MW , Boom JA , Singh IR , Dowlin M , Wietecha M , Schweitzer B , Morris SB , Koumans EH , Ko JY , Siegel DA , Kimball AA . Hosp Pediatr 2022 12 (9) 760-783 ![]() OBJECTIVES: To describe COVID-19-related pediatric hospitalizations during a period of B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant predominance and to determine age-specific factors associated with severe illness. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We abstracted data from medical charts to conduct a cross-sectional study of patients aged <21 years hospitalized at 6 US children's hospitals during July-August 2021 for COVID-19 or with an incidental positive SARS-CoV-2 test. Among patients with COVID-19, we assessed factors associated with severe illness by calculating age-stratified prevalence ratios (PR). We defined severe illness as receiving high-flow nasal cannula, positive airway pressure, or invasive mechanical ventilation. RESULTS: Of 947 hospitalized patients, 759 (80.1%) had COVID-19, of whom 287 (37.8%) had severe illness. Factors associated with severe illness included coinfection with RSV (PR 3.64) and bacteria (PR 1.88) in infants; RSV coinfection in patients aged 1-4 years (PR 1.96); and obesity in patients aged 5-11 (PR 2.20) and 12-17 years (PR 2.48). Having ≥2 underlying medical conditions was associated with severe illness in patients aged <1 (PR 1.82), 5-11 (PR 3.72), and 12-17 years (PR 3.19). CONCLUSIONS: Among patients hospitalized for COVID-19, factors associated with severe illness included RSV coinfection in those aged <5 years, obesity in those aged 5-17 years, and other underlying conditions for all age groups <18 years. These findings can inform pediatric practice, risk communication, and prevention strategies, including vaccination against COVID-19. |
Trends in emergency contraceptive use among adolescents and young adults, 2006-2017
Mehta SD , Kulkarni AD , Pazol K , Koumans EH . J Adolesc Health 2022 71 (1) 86-93 PURPOSE: In 2013, age restrictions for adolescents on over-the-counter access were removed for "Plan B One-Step", a single oral medication option for emergency contraception use. Restrictions on generic options of the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) were removed in 2014. METHODS: National Survey of Family Growth data were used to assess the prevalence of ever use of ECPs among sexually experienced female adolescents and young adults (AYA) aged 15-24 years (2015-2017 sample), and trends in indicators of ECP use and acquisition (2006-2017 samples). Prevalence estimates were obtained by age subgroups for 15-17, 18-19, and 20-24 years. Statistical significance was determined using an alpha of .05 and 95% confidence intervals calculated around the point estimates. RESULTS: The weighted estimate of sexually experienced female AYA in the United States ranged from 13.3 million in 2006-2008 to 12.7 million in 2015-2017. The prevalence of ever ECP use was 18.2% (95% CI 15.7-21.1) and 31.8% (95% CI 26.9-37.1) in 2006-2008 and 2015-2017, respectively. Ever use in 2015-2017 varied by age group, number of lifetime opposite-sex partners and abortions, and experience of nonconsensual sex. In 2008-2010, 46.1% (95% CI 36.0-56.5) of respondents last obtained ECPs at community health or family planning clinics, and 31.8% (95% CI 22.9-42.2) last obtained ECPs at a pharmacy compared to 18.1% (95% CI 12.0-26.4) and 70.1% (95% CI 60.6-78.1) respectively in 2015-2017. Prevalence of provider counseling about emergency contraception in female AYA regardless of prior sexual experience in the past 12 months remained at or below 5% from 2006 to 2017. CONCLUSION: Increasing access to ECPs over-the-counter may have contributed to notable increases in reported ever use of ECPs and in the receipts from a pharmacy among AYA between 2006 and 2017. AYA may benefit if pharmacists and healthcare providers increase reproductive health counseling. |
Severe Outcomes, Readmission, and Length of Stay Among COVID-19 Patients with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Koyama AK , Koumans EH , Sircar K , Lavery A , Hsu J , Ryerson AB , Siegel DA . Int J Infect Dis 2022 116 328-330 OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) and severe COVID-19 outcomes, 30-day readmission, and/or increased length of stay (LOS) using a large electronic administrative database. METHODS: Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 were identified between March 2020 and June 2021 from more than 900 hospitals in the United States. IDDs included intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and other intellectual disabilities. Outcomes included intensive care unit (ICU) admission, invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), 30-day readmission, mortality, and LOS. RESULTS: Among 643,765 patients with COVID-19, multivariate models showed that patients with any IDD were at a significantly greater risk of at least 1 severe outcome, 30-day readmission, or longer LOS than patients without any IDD. Compared with those without any IDD, patients with Down syndrome had the greatest odds of ICU admission (odds ratio [OR] and 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.96 [1.73-2.21]), IMV (OR: 2.37 [2.07-2.70]), and mortality (OR: 2.33 [2.00-2.73]). Patients with ASD and those with Down syndrome both had over a 40% longer mean LOS. Patients with intellectual disabilities had a 23% (12-35%) increased odds of 30-day readmission. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that patients hospitalized with COVID-19 with IDD have a significantly increased risk of severe outcomes, 30-day readmission, and longer LOS. |
Improving access to and quality of sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents in the United States
Brittain AW , Steiner RJ , Fasula AM , Hatfield-Timajchy K , Kulkarni A , Koumans EH . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2022 31 (1) 7-12 Equitable access to high quality adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) services can help reduce unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and disparities in these outcomes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of Reproductive Health, has a long history of working to improve access to and quality of ASRH services through applied research and public health practice. This report from CDC summarizes the evolution of these efforts from more than a decade of work-from community-based demonstration projects to an initiative to support wide-scale implementation. We describe a community-wide teen pregnancy prevention program model that includes a component addressing ASRH services (2010-2015), focused efforts related to quality improvement (QI) of and community-clinic linkages to ASRH services (2015-2020), and the development of a QI package that collates implementation strategies and tools to improve ASRH services (2020-2022). We conclude by discussing future directions. In disseminating key strategies and resources from this work, we aim to support broader public health and clinical efforts to strengthen ASRH care in the United States in ways that promote health equity. |
Trends in Clinical Severity of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019-Premier Hospital Dataset, April 2020-April 2021.
Whitfield GP , Harris AM , Kadri SS , Warner S , Bamrah Morris S , Giovanni JE , Rogers-Brown JS , Hinckley AF , Kompaniyets L , Sircar KD , Yusuf HR , Koumans EH , Schweitzer BK . Open Forum Infect Dis 2022 9 (1) ofab599 ![]() BACKGROUND: Clinical severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may vary over time; trends in clinical severity at admission during the pandemic among hospitalized patients in the United States have been incompletely described, so a historical record of severity over time is lacking. METHODS: We classified 466677 hospital admissions for COVID-19 from April 2020 to April 2021 into 4 mutually exclusive severity grades based on indicators present on admission (from most to least severe): Grade 4 included intensive care unit (ICU) admission and invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV); grade 3 included non-IMV ICU and/or noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; grade 2 included diagnosis of acute respiratory failure; and grade 1 included none of the above indicators. Trends were stratified by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and comorbid conditions. We also examined severity in states with high vs low Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant burden. RESULTS: Severity tended to be lower among women, younger adults, and those with fewer comorbidities compared to their counterparts. The proportion of admissions classified as grade 1 or 2 fluctuated over time, but these less-severe grades comprised a majority (75%-85%) of admissions every month. Grades 3 and 4 consistently made up a minority of admissions (15%-25%), and grade 4 showed consistent decreases in all subgroups, including states with high Alpha variant burden. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical severity among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 has varied over time but has not consistently or markedly worsened over time. The proportion of admissions classified as grade 4 decreased in all subgroups. There was no consistent evidence of worsening severity in states with higher vs lower Alpha prevalence. |
Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Children and Adolescents Aged <18 Years Hospitalized with COVID-19 - Six Hospitals, United States, July-August 2021.
Wanga V , Gerdes ME , Shi DS , Choudhary R , Dulski TM , Hsu S , Idubor OI , Webber BJ , Wendel AM , Agathis NT , Anderson K , Boyles T , Chiu SK , Click ES , Da Silva J , Dupont H , Evans M , Gold JAW , Haston J , Logan P , Maloney SA , Martinez M , Natarajan P , Spicer KB , Swancutt M , Stevens VA , Brown J , Chandra G , Light M , Barr FE , Snowden J , Kociolek LK , McHugh M , Wessel D , Simpson JN , Gorman KC , Breslin KA , DeBiasi RL , Thompson A , Kline MW , Bloom JA , Singh IR , Dowlin M , Wietecha M , Schweitzer B , Morris SB , Koumans EH , Ko JY , Kimball AA , Siegel DA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (5152) 1766-1772 During June 2021, the highly transmissible(†) B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, became the predominant circulating strain in the United States. U.S. pediatric COVID-19-related hospitalizations increased during July-August 2021 following emergence of the Delta variant and peaked in September 2021.(§) As of May 12, 2021, CDC recommended COVID-19 vaccinations for persons aged ≥12 years,(¶) and on November 2, 2021, COVID-19 vaccinations were recommended for persons aged 5-11 years.** To date, clinical signs and symptoms, illness course, and factors contributing to hospitalizations during the period of Delta predominance have not been well described in pediatric patients. CDC partnered with six children's hospitals to review medical record data for patients aged <18 years with COVID-19-related hospitalizations during July-August 2021.(††) Among 915 patients identified, 713 (77.9%) were hospitalized for COVID-19 (acute COVID-19 as the primary or contributing reason for hospitalization), 177 (19.3%) had incidental positive SARS-CoV-2 test results (asymptomatic or mild infection unrelated to the reason for hospitalization), and 25 (2.7%) had multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a rare but serious inflammatory condition associated with COVID-19.(§§) Among the 713 patients hospitalized for COVID-19, 24.7% were aged <1 year, 17.1% were aged 1-4 years, 20.1% were aged 5-11 years, and 38.1% were aged 12-17 years. Approximately two thirds of patients (67.5%) had one or more underlying medical conditions, with obesity being the most common (32.4%); among patients aged 12-17 years, 61.4% had obesity. Among patients hospitalized for COVID-19, 15.8% had a viral coinfection(¶¶) (66.4% of whom had respiratory syncytial virus [RSV] infection). Approximately one third (33.9%) of patients aged <5 years hospitalized for COVID-19 had a viral coinfection. Among 272 vaccine-eligible (aged 12-17 years) patients hospitalized for COVID-19, one (0.4%) was fully vaccinated.*** Approximately one half (54.0%) of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 received oxygen support, 29.5% were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), and 1.5% died; of those requiring respiratory support, 14.5% required invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). Among pediatric patients with COVID-19-related hospitalizations, many had severe illness and viral coinfections, and few vaccine-eligible patients hospitalized for COVID-19 were vaccinated, highlighting the importance of vaccination for those aged ≥5 years and other prevention strategies to protect children and adolescents from COVID-19, particularly those with underlying medical conditions. |
Symptoms Reported With New Onset of Loss of Taste or Smell in Individuals With and Without SARS-CoV-2 Infection.
Koyama AK , Siegel DA , Oyegun E , Hampton W , Maddox N , Koumans EH . JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2021 147 (10) 911-914 This cross-sectional study uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Coronavirus Self-checker to assess which symptoms are reported with new loss of taste or smell among individuals with and without SARS-CoV-2. |
Deaths in Children and Adolescents Associated With COVID-19 and MIS-C in the United States.
McCormick DW , Richardson LC , Young PR , Viens LJ , Gould CV , Kimball A , Pindyck T , Rosenblum HG , Siegel DA , Vu QM , Komatsu K , Venkat H , Openshaw JJ , Kawasaki B , Siniscalchi AJ , Gumke M , Leapley A , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Kauerauf J , Reid H , White K , Ahmed FS , Richardson G , Hand J , Kirkey K , Larson L , Byers P , Garcia A , Ojo M , Zamcheck A , Lash MK , Lee EH , Reilly KH , Wilson E , de Fijter S , Naqvi OH , Harduar-Morano L , Burch AK , Lewis A , Kolsin J , Pont SJ , Barbeau B , Bixler D , Reagan-Steiner S , Koumans EH . Pediatrics 2021 148 (5) OBJECTIVES: To describe the demographics, clinical characteristics, and hospital course among persons <21 years of age with a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-associated death. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective case series of suspected SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths in the United States in persons <21 years of age during February 12 to July 31, 2020. All states and territories were invited to participate. We abstracted demographic and clinical data, including laboratory and treatment details, from medical records. RESULTS: We included 112 SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths from 25 participating jurisdictions. The median age was 17 years (IQR 8.5-19 years). Most decedents were male (71, 63%), 31 (28%) were Black (non-Hispanic) persons, and 52 (46%) were Hispanic persons. Ninety-six decedents (86%) had at least 1 underlying condition; obesity (42%), asthma (29%), and developmental disorders (22%) were most commonly documented. Among 69 hospitalized decedents, common complications included mechanical ventilation (75%) and acute respiratory failure (82%). The sixteen (14%) decedents who met multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) criteria were similar in age, sex, and race and/or ethnicity to decedents without MIS-C; 11 of 16 (69%) had at least 1 underlying condition. CONCLUSIONS: SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths among persons <21 years of age occurred predominantly among Black (non-Hispanic) and Hispanic persons, male patients, and older adolescents. The most commonly reported underlying conditions were obesity, asthma, and developmental disorders. Decedents with coronavirus disease 2019 were more likely than those with MIS-C to have underlying medical conditions. |
Assessing the Effect of School-Based Health Centers on Achievement of National Performance Measures
Hussaini KS , Offutt-Powell T , James G , Koumans EH . J Sch Health 2021 91 (9) 714-721 BACKGROUND: We assess the impact of School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) on National Performance Measures (NPMs) related to health care access and utilization among Medicaid-insured youth in Delaware. METHODS: Our retrospective analysis of Delaware's SBHC program data linked with Medicaid claims during 2014-2016 for 13 to 18-year-olds assessed achievement of NPMs and use of mental health services using propensity scores. We estimated crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (APR) for SBHC-enrolled compared with non-enrolled youth. RESULTS: Students enrolled in SBHCs had more health care visits (M = 8.7; 95% CI: 7.9-9.5) compared with non-SBHC-enrolled youth (M = 4.5; 95% CI: 4.3-4.7). Compared with non-SBHC, those enrolled in SBHCs were more likely to receive: well-child visits (APR = 1.2; 95% CI: 1.1-1.3); annual risk assessment (APR = 11.0; 95% CI: 6.9-17.5); BMI screening (APR = 5.6; 95% CI: 3.3-9.4); nutrition counseling (APR = 4.1; 95% CI: 2.8-6.0); physical activity counseling (APR = 6.3; 95% CI: 4.2-9.4); STIs and chlamydia screening (APR = 1.9; 95% CI: 1.3-2.8); mental health visits (APR = 2.6; 95% CI: 2.2-3.1). CONCLUSIONS: We found that among Medicaid-insured youth, those enrolled in SBHCs vs not enrolled in SBHCs had greater health care utilization as evident from NPMs and mental health services. |
Implementation of Community-Wide Initiatives Designed to Reduce Teen Pregnancy: Measuring Progress in a 5-Year Project in 10 Communities
House LD , Tevendale H , Brittain A , Burley K , Fuller TR , Mueller T , Romero L , Venugopalan B , Koumans EH . Sex Res Social Policy 2021 19 (2) 496-508 Introduction: Community-wide initiatives (CWI) to prevent teen pregnancy were implemented in 10 communities in the USA. The CWI supported the implementation of evidence-based teen pregnancy interventions (EBIs) and implementation of best practices for adolescent reproductive health care. Implementation was supported through mobilizing communities, educating stakeholders, and strategies to promote health equity. Methods: We assessed indicators of progress of the CWI for the following five project components (data collected from 2010 to 2015): community mobilization, stakeholder education, working with diverse communities, evidence-based interventions, and increasing access to clinical services and the potential contributions of training and technical assistance. Results: Communities engaged multiple stakeholder groups to contribute to planning, community outreach and education, and partnership development and used multiple dissemination methods to share information on adolescent reproductive health needs and teen pregnancy prevention strategies. The amount of training and technical assistance from state- and community-based organizations was associated with increased numbers of youth receiving EBIs and increased provision of contraceptives. The number of health centers implementing best practices for adolescent reproductive health services increased; conducting sexual health assessments, offering hormonal contraception or IUD, and offering quick start of IUDs were associated with increases in long-acting reversible contraception utilization. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that scaled prevention efforts can occur with adequate support including training and technical assistance and community awareness and engagement in the process. Policy Implications: The findings raise important questions for understanding what factors contribute to successful community-wide implementation of EBIs and health center best practices for contraceptive access and whether these lead to reductions in teen pregnancies in highly impacted communities. © 2021, This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection in the U.S.; foreign copyright protection may apply. |
SARS-CoV-2-Associated Deaths Among Persons Aged <21 Years - United States, February 12-July 31, 2020.
Bixler D , Miller AD , Mattison CP , Taylor B , Komatsu K , Peterson Pompa X , Moon S , Karmarkar E , Liu CY , Openshaw JJ , Plotzker RE , Rosen HE , Alden N , Kawasaki B , Siniscalchi A , Leapley A , Drenzek C , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Kauerauf J , Reid H , Hawkins E , White K , Ahmed F , Hand J , Richardson G , Sokol T , Eckel S , Collins J , Holzbauer S , Kollmann L , Larson L , Schiffman E , Kittle TS , Hertin K , Kraushaar V , Raman D , LeGarde V , Kinsinger L , Peek-Bullock M , Lifshitz J , Ojo M , Arciuolo RJ , Davidson A , Huynh M , Lash MK , Latash J , Lee EH , Li L , McGibbon E , McIntosh-Beckles N , Pouchet R , Ramachandran JS , Reilly KH , Dufort E , Pulver W , Zamcheck A , Wilson E , de Fijter S , Naqvi O , Nalluswami K , Waller K , Bell LJ , Burch AK , Radcliffe R , Fiscus MD , Lewis A , Kolsin J , Pont S , Salinas A , Sanders K , Barbeau B , Althomsons S , Atti S , Brown JS , Chang A , Clarke KR , Datta SD , Iskander J , Leitgeb B , Pindyck T , Priyamvada L , Reagan-Steiner S , Scott NA , Viens LJ , Zhong J , Koumans EH . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (37) 1324-1329 Since February 12, 2020, approximately 6.5 million cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and 190,000 SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths have been reported in the United States (1,2). Symptoms associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection are milder in children compared with adults (3). Persons aged <21 years constitute 26% of the U.S. population (4), and this report describes characteristics of U.S. persons in that population who died in association with SARS-CoV-2 infection, as reported by public health jurisdictions. Among 121 SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths reported to CDC among persons aged <21 years in the United States during February 12-July 31, 2020, 63% occurred in males, 10% of decedents were aged <1 year, 20% were aged 1-9 years, 70% were aged 10-20 years, 45% were Hispanic persons, 29% were non-Hispanic Black (Black) persons, and 4% were non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons. Among these 121 decedents, 91 (75%) had an underlying medical condition,* 79 (65%) died after admission to a hospital, and 39 (32%) died at home or in the emergency department (ED).(†) These data show that nearly three quarters of SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths among infants, children, adolescents, and young adults have occurred in persons aged 10-20 years, with a disproportionate percentage among young adults aged 18-20 years and among Hispanics, Blacks, AI/ANs, and persons with underlying medical conditions. Careful monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 infections, deaths, and other severe outcomes among persons aged <21 years remains particularly important as schools reopen in the United States. Ongoing evaluation of effectiveness of prevention and control strategies will also be important to inform public health guidance for schools and parents and other caregivers. |
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2: A Systematic Review.
Abrams JY , Godfred-Cato SE , Oster ME , Chow EJ , Koumans EH , Bryant B , Leung JW , Belay ED . J Pediatr 2020 226 45-54 e1 OBJECTIVE: To develop a more comprehensive description of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a novel syndrome linked to SARS-CoV-2, by conducting a systematic analysis of studies from different settings which used various inclusion criteria. STUDY DESIGN: MIS-C studies were identified by searching PubMed and Embase as well as preprint repositories and article references to identify studies of MIS-C cases published from April 25, 2020 through June 29, 2020. MIS-C study metadata were assessed and information on case demographics, clinical symptoms, laboratory measurements, treatments, and outcomes were summarized and contrasted between studies. RESULTS: Eight studies were identified representing a total of 440 MIS-C cases. Inclusion criteria varied by study: three studies selected patients diagnosed with Kawasaki disease (KD), two required cardiovascular involvement, and three had broader multisystem inclusion criteria. Median age of patients by study ranged from 7.3 to 10 years, and 59% of patients were male. Across all studies, the proportion of patients with positive results for SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests ranged from 13 to 69% and for serology, from 75 to 100%. MIS-C patients had high prevalence of gastrointestinal (87%), dermatologic/mucocutaneous (73%), and cardiovascular (71%) symptoms. Prevalence of cardiovascular, neurologic, and respiratory system involvement significantly differed by study inclusion criteria. All studies reported elevated C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and fibrinogen levels for at least 75% of patients in each study. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review of MIS-C studies assists with understanding this newly identified syndrome and may be useful in developing a refined, universal case definition of MIS-C. |
COVID-19-Associated Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children - United States, March-July 2020.
Godfred-Cato S , Bryant B , Leung J , Oster ME , Conklin L , Abrams J , Roguski K , Wallace B , Prezzato E , Koumans EH , Lee EH , Geevarughese A , Lash MK , Reilly KH , Pulver WP , Thomas D , Feder KA , Hsu KK , Plipat N , Richardson G , Reid H , Lim S , Schmitz A , Pierce T , Hrapcak S , Datta D , Morris SB , Clarke K , Belay E . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (32) 1074-1080 In April 2020, during the peak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Europe, a cluster of children with hyperinflammatory shock with features similar to Kawasaki disease and toxic shock syndrome was reported in England* (1). The patients' signs and symptoms were temporally associated with COVID-19 but presumed to have developed 2-4 weeks after acute COVID-19; all children had serologic evidence of infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 (1). The clinical signs and symptoms present in this first cluster included fever, rash, conjunctivitis, peripheral edema, gastrointestinal symptoms, shock, and elevated markers of inflammation and cardiac damage (1). On May 14, 2020, CDC published an online Health Advisory that summarized the manifestations of reported multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), outlined a case definition,(†) and asked clinicians to report suspected U.S. cases to local and state health departments. As of July 29, a total of 570 U.S. MIS-C patients who met the case definition had been reported to CDC. A total of 203 (35.6%) of the patients had a clinical course consistent with previously published MIS-C reports, characterized predominantly by shock, cardiac dysfunction, abdominal pain, and markedly elevated inflammatory markers, and almost all had positive SARS-CoV-2 test results. The remaining 367 (64.4%) of MIS-C patients had manifestations that appeared to overlap with acute COVID-19 (2-4), had a less severe clinical course, or had features of Kawasaki disease.(§) Median duration of hospitalization was 6 days; 364 patients (63.9%) required care in an intensive care unit (ICU), and 10 patients (1.8%) died. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to expand in many jurisdictions, clinicians should be aware of the signs and symptoms of MIS-C and report suspected cases to their state or local health departments; analysis of reported cases can enhance understanding of MIS-C and improve characterization of the illness for early detection and treatment. |
Characteristics of Persons Who Died with COVID-19 - United States, February 12-May 18, 2020.
Wortham JM , Lee JT , Althomsons S , Latash J , Davidson A , Guerra K , Murray K , McGibbon E , Pichardo C , Toro B , Li L , Paladini M , Eddy ML , Reilly KH , McHugh L , Thomas D , Tsai S , Ojo M , Rolland S , Bhat M , Hutchinson K , Sabel J , Eckel S , Collins J , Donovan C , Cope A , Kawasaki B , McLafferty S , Alden N , Herlihy R , Barbeau B , Dunn AC , Clark C , Pontones P , McLafferty ML , Sidelinger DE , Krueger A , Kollmann L , Larson L , Holzbauer S , Lynfield R , Westergaard R , Crawford R , Zhao L , Bressler JM , Read JS , Dunn J , Lewis A , Richardson G , Hand J , Sokol T , Adkins SH , Leitgeb B , Pindyck T , Eure T , Wong K , Datta D , Appiah GD , Brown J , Traxler R , Koumans EH , Reagan-Steiner S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (28) 923-929 During January 1, 2020-May 18, 2020, approximately 1.3 million cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and 83,000 COVID-19-associated deaths were reported in the United States (1). Understanding the demographic and clinical characteristics of decedents could inform medical and public health interventions focused on preventing COVID-19-associated mortality. This report describes decedents with laboratory-confirmed infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, using data from 1) the standardized CDC case-report form (case-based surveillance) ( and 2) supplementary data (supplemental surveillance), such as underlying medical conditions and location of death, obtained through collaboration between CDC and 16 public health jurisdictions (15 states and New York City). |
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children in New York State.
Dufort EM , Koumans EH , Chow EJ , Rosenthal EM , Muse A , Rowlands J , Barranco MA , Maxted AM , Rosenberg ES , Easton D , Udo T , Kumar J , Pulver W , Smith L , Hutton B , Blog D , Zucker H . N Engl J Med 2020 383 (4) 347-358 BACKGROUND: A multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is associated with coronavirus disease 2019. The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) established active, statewide surveillance to describe hospitalized patients with the syndrome. METHODS: Hospitals in New York State reported cases of Kawasaki's disease, toxic shock syndrome, myocarditis, and potential MIS-C in hospitalized patients younger than 21 years of age and sent medical records to the NYSDOH. We carried out descriptive analyses that summarized the clinical presentation, complications, and outcomes of patients who met the NYSDOH case definition for MIS-C between March 1 and May 10, 2020. RESULTS: As of May 10, 2020, a total of 191 potential cases were reported to the NYSDOH. Of 95 patients with confirmed MIS-C (laboratory-confirmed acute or recent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2] infection) and 4 with suspected MIS-C (met clinical and epidemiologic criteria), 53 (54%) were male; 31 of 78 (40%) were black, and 31 of 85 (36%) were Hispanic. A total of 31 patients (31%) were 0 to 5 years of age, 42 (42%) were 6 to 12 years of age, and 26 (26%) were 13 to 20 years of age. All presented with subjective fever or chills; 97% had tachycardia, 80% had gastrointestinal symptoms, 60% had rash, 56% had conjunctival injection, and 27% had mucosal changes. Elevated levels of C-reactive protein, d-dimer, and troponin were found in 100%, 91%, and 71% of the patients, respectively; 62% received vasopressor support, 53% had evidence of myocarditis, 80% were admitted to an intensive care unit, and 2 died. The median length of hospital stay was 6 days. CONCLUSIONS: The emergence of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children in New York State coincided with widespread SARS-CoV-2 transmission; this hyperinflammatory syndrome with dermatologic, mucocutaneous, and gastrointestinal manifestations was associated with cardiac dysfunction. |
Hospitalizations and deaths associated with EVALI
Werner AK , Koumans EH , Chatham-Stephens K , Salvatore PP , Armatas C , Byers P , Clark CR , Ghinai I , Holzbauer SM , Navarette KA , Danielson ML , Ellington S , Moritz ED , Petersen EE , Kiernan EA , Baldwin GT , Briss P , Jones CM , King BA , Krishnasamy V , Rose DA , Reagan-Steiner S . N Engl J Med 2020 382 (17) 1589-1598 BACKGROUND: As of January 7, 2020, a total of 2558 hospitalized patients with nonfatal cases and 60 patients with fatal cases of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) had been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). METHODS: In a national study, we compared the characteristics of patients with fatal cases of EVALI with those of patients with nonfatal cases to improve the ability of clinicians to identify patients at increased risk for death from the condition. Health departments reported cases of EVALI to the CDC and included, when available, data from medical-record abstractions and patient interviews. Analyses included all the patients with fatal or nonfatal cases of EVALI that were reported to the CDC as of January 7, 2020. We also present three case reports of patients who died from EVALI to illustrate the clinical characteristics common among such patients. RESULTS: Most of the patients with fatal or nonfatal cases of EVALI were male (32 of 60 [53%] and 1666 of 2498 [67%], respectively). The proportion of patients with fatal or nonfatal cases was higher among those who were non-Hispanic white (39 of 49 [80%] and 1104 of 1818 [61%], respectively) than among those in other race or ethnic groups. The proportion of patients with fatal cases was higher among those 35 years of age or older (44 of 60 [73%]) than among those younger than 35 years, but the proportion with nonfatal cases was lower among those 35 years of age or older (551 of 2514 [22%]). Among the patients who had an available medical history, a higher proportion of those with fatal cases than those with nonfatal cases had a history of asthma (13 of 57 [23%] vs. 102 of 1297 [8%]), cardiac disease (26 of 55 [47%] vs. 115 of 1169 [10%]), or a mental health condition (32 of 49 [65%] vs. 575 of 1398 [41%]). A total of 26 of 50 patients (52%) with fatal cases had obesity. Half the patients with fatal cases (25 of 54 [46%]) were seen in an outpatient setting before hospitalization or death. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic conditions, including cardiac and respiratory diseases and mental health conditions, were common among hospitalized patients with EVALI. |
The Teen Access and Quality Initiative: Improving adolescent reproductive health best practices in publicly funded health centers
Brittain AW , Tevendale HD , Mueller T , Kulkarni AD , Middleton D , Garrison MLB , Read-Wahidi MR , Koumans EH . J Community Health 2019 45 (3) 615-625 Quality adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) services play an important role in supporting the overall health and well-being of adolescents. Improving access to this care can help reduce unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and their associated consequences, as well as promote health equity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded three grantees to implement a clinic-based ASRH quality improvement initiative complimented by activities to strengthen systems to refer and link youth to ASRH services. The purpose of this study is to describe the initiative and baseline assessment results of ASRH best practice implementation in participating health centers. The assessment found common use of the following practices: STD/HIV screening, education on abstinence and the use of dual protection, and activities to increase accessibility (e.g., offering after-school hours and walk-in and same-day appointments). The following practices were used less frequently: provider training for Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) insertion and removal, LARC availability, same-day provision of all contraceptive methods, and consistent sharing of information about confidentiality and minors' rights with adolescent clients. This study describes the types of training and technical assistance being implemented at each health center and discusses implications for future programming. |
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