Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 38 Records) |
Query Trace: Kennedy ED[original query] |
Supporting National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) in development of evidence-based vaccine recommendations and NITAG assessments - New tools and approaches
Hadler SC , Shefer AM , Cavallaro KF , Ebama M , Tencza C , Kennedy ED , Ndiaye S , Shah A , Torre L , Bresee JS . Vaccine 2024 Increasing opportunities for prevention of infectious diseases by new, effective vaccines and the expansion of global immunization programs across the life course highlight the importance and value of evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) by National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Task Force for Global Health (TFGH) have developed and made available new tools to support NITAGs in EIDM. These include a toolkit for conducting facilitated training of NITAGs, Secretariats, or work groups on the use of the Evidence to Recommendations (EtR) approach to advise Ministries of Health (MoH) on specific vaccine policies, and an eLearning module on the EtR approach for NITAG members, Secretariat and others. The CDC and TFGH have also supported final development and implementation of the NITAG Maturity Assessment Tool (NMAT) for assessing maturity of NITAG capabilities in seven functional domains. The EtR toolkit and eLearning have been widely promoted in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters and Regional Offices through workshops engaging over 30 countries to date, and the NMAT assessment tool used in most countries in 3 WHO regions (Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, African). Important lessons have been learned regarding planning and conducting trainings for multiple countries and additional ways to support countries in applying the EtR approach to complete vaccine recommendations. Priorities for future work include the need to evaluate the impact of EtR training and NMAT assessments, working with partners to expand and adapt these tools for wider use, synergizing with other approaches for NITAG strengthening, and developing the best approaches to empower NITAGs to use the EtR approach. |
Exposure to Brucella spp. in humans and cows in a high milk-producing area of Bangladesh
Shanta IS , Heffelfinger JD , Hossain K , Ahmed F , Kafi MAH , Sultana S , Tiller R , Kennedy ED , Kadzik M , Ivey ML , Islam A , Ahmed SSU , Rahman Akma , Giasuddin M , Negron ME , Salzer JS . Ecohealth 2023 Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease, caused by some species within the Brucella genus. The primary and secondary objectives of this cross-sectional study were to determine the seroprevalence of Brucella antibodies in humans and cows and identify risk factors for exposure to Brucella spp. among people in Shahjadpur sub-district, Bangladesh. Twenty-five villages were randomly selected from the 303 milk-producing villages in the sub-district. We randomly selected 5% of the total households from each village. At each household, we collected demographic information and history of potential exposure to Brucella spp. in humans. In addition, we collected serum from household participants and serum and milk from cattle and tested to detect antibodies to Brucella sp. Univariate analysis was performed to detect associations between seropositivity and demographics, risk factors, and behaviors in households. We enrolled 647 households, 1313 humans, and 698 cows. Brucella antibodies were detected in sera from 27 household participants (2.1%, 95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 1.2-2.9%). Eleven (1.6%, 95%CI 0.6-2.4%) cows had detectable Brucella antibodies in either milk or serum. About half (53%) of the 698 cows exhibited more than one reproductive problem within the past year; of these, seven (2%) had Brucella antibodies. Households with seropositive individuals more frequently reported owning cattle (78% vs. 32%, P < 0.001). Despite a low prevalence of Brucella seropositivity in the study, the public health importance of brucellosis cannot be ruled out. Further studies would help define Brucella prevalence and risk factors in this region and nationally. |
Quail rearing practices and potential for avian influenza virus transmission, Bangladesh
Hasan SMM , Sturm-Ramirez K , Kamal AM , Islam MA , Rahman M , Kile JC , Kennedy ED , Gurley ES , Islam MS . Ecohealth 2023 20 (2) 167-177 In 2015, human influenza surveillance identified a human infection with A/H9N2 in Dhaka, Bangladesh with evidence of exposure to a sick quail. We conducted in-depth interviews with household quail caregivers, pet bird retail shop owners, and mobile vendors, key informant interviews with pet bird wholesale shop owners, one group discussion with pet bird retail shop workers and unstructured observations in households, pet bird wholesale and retail markets, and mobile bird vendor's travelling areas to explore quail rearing and selling practices among households, mobile vendors, and retail pet bird and wholesale bird markets in Dhaka. Every day, quail were supplied from 23 districts to two wholesale markets, and then sold to households and restaurants directly, or through bird shops and mobile vendors. All respondents (67) reported keeping quail with other birds in cages, feeding quail, cleaning feeding pots, removing quail faeces, slaughtering sick quail, and discarding dead quail. Children played with quail and assisted in slaughtering of quail. Most respondents (94%) reported rinsing hands with water only after slaughtering and disposing of wastes and dead quail. No personal protective equipment was used during any activities. Frequent unprotected contact with quail and their by-products potentially increased the risk of cross-species avian influenza virus transmission. Avian influenza surveillance in retail pet bird and wholesale bird markets, mobile vendors, and households may identify cases promptly and reduce the risk of virus transmission. |
Promising practices observed in high-throughput COVID-19 vaccination sites in the United States, February-May 2021
McColloch CE , Samson ME , Parris K , Stewart A , Robinson JA , Cooper B , Galloway E , Garcia R , Gilani Z , Jayapaul-Philip B , Lucas P , Nguyen KH , Noe RS , Trudeau AT , Kennedy ED . Am J Public Health 2023 113 (8) 909-918 Objectives. To identify promising practices for implementing COVID-19 vaccination sites. Methods. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assessed high-throughput COVID-19 vaccination sites across the United States, including Puerto Rico, after COVID-19 vaccinations began. Site assessors conducted site observations and interviews with site staff. Qualitative data were compiled and thematically analyzed. Results. CDC and FEMA conducted 134 assessments of high-throughput vaccination sites in 25 states and Puerto Rico from February 12 to May 28, 2021. Promising practices were identified across facility, clinical, and cross-cutting operational areas and related to 6 main themes: addressing health equity, leveraging partnerships, optimizing site design and flow, communicating through visual cues, using quick response codes, and prioritizing risk management and quality control. Conclusions. These practices might help planning and implementation of future vaccination operations for COVID-19, influenza, and other vaccine-preventable diseases. Public Health Implications. These practices can be considered by vaccination planners and providers to strengthen their vaccination site plans and implementation of future high-throughput vaccination sites. (Am J Public Health. 2023;113(8):909-918. |
Human exposure to bats, rodents and monkeys in Bangladesh
Shanta IS , Luby SP , Hossain K , Heffelfinger JD , Kilpatrick AM , Haider N , Rahman T , Chakma S , Ahmed SSU , Sharker Y , Pulliam JRC , Kennedy ED , Gurley ES . Ecohealth 2023 1-12 Bats, rodents and monkeys are reservoirs for emerging zoonotic infections. We sought to describe the frequency of human exposure to these animals and the seasonal and geographic variation of these exposures in Bangladesh. During 2013-2016, we conducted a cross-sectional survey in a nationally representative sample of 10,002 households from 1001 randomly selected communities. We interviewed household members about exposures to bats, rodents and monkeys, including a key human-bat interface-raw date palm sap consumption. Respondents reported observing rodents (90%), bats (52%) and monkeys (2%) in or around their households, although fewer reported direct contact. The presence of monkeys around the household was reported more often in Sylhet division (7%) compared to other divisions. Households in Khulna (17%) and Rajshahi (13%) were more likely to report drinking date palm sap than in other divisions (1.5-5.6%). Date palm sap was mostly consumed during winter with higher frequencies in January (16%) and February (12%) than in other months (0-5.6%). There was a decreasing trend in drinking sap over the three years. Overall, we observed substantial geographic and seasonal patterns in human exposure to animals that could be sources of zoonotic disease. These findings could facilitate targeting emerging zoonoses surveillance, research and prevention efforts to areas and seasons with the highest levels of exposure. |
Rabies healthcare-seeking behaviors of urban and peri-urban residents: Results from a rabies knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey, Bangladesh, 2018
Ross YB , Hoque M , Blanton JD , Kennedy ED , Rana MS , Tahmina S , Bonaparte S , Head JR , Wallace RM . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2022 16 (8) e0010634 Rabies is one of the most lethal infectious diseases, with those living in Asia and Africa having the highest risk of dying from rabies. We conducted a knowledge, attitudes and practices survey in urban and peri-urban areas of Bangladesh to describe canine bite rates, rabies knowledge, and healthcare seeking behaviors and barriers to human and dog vaccination. A bite risk assessment score (BRAS) and healthcare-seeking behavior score (HSBS) was calculated for each bite victim. Respondents were given two hypothetical situations to assess potential behaviors after a bite and willingness to pay for rabies vaccine and immunoglobulin. In total, 2,447 households participated in the survey and 85 bite victims were identified. The BRAS identified that 31% of bites posed no risk of rabies transmission. Multivariate analyses showed that living in Chittagong (β = 1.4; 95% CI: 0.1, 2.7) was associated with a higher HSBS. Findings presented here provide useful information regarding bite occurrences, healthcare-seeking behaviors, and a need for strategies to increase rabies awareness. |
Etiology of severe acute respiratory infections, Bangladesh, 2017
Rahaman MR , Alroy KA , Van Beneden CA , Friedman MS , Kennedy ED , Rahman M , Balajee A , Muraduzzaman AKM , Shirin T , Flora MS , Azziz-Baumgartner E . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (1) 324-326 In April 2017, surveillance detected a surge in severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) in Bangladesh. We collected specimens from SARI patients and asymptomatic controls for analysis with multipathogen diagnostic tests. Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 was associated with the SARI epidemic, suggesting that introducing vaccines and empiric antiviral drugs could be beneficial. |
Association of biosecurity and hygiene practices with environmental contamination with influenza A viruses in live bird markets, Bangladesh
Chowdhury S , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Kile JC , Hoque MA , Rahman MZ , Hossain ME , Ghosh PK , Ahmed SSU , Kennedy ED , Sturm-Ramirez K , Gurley ES . Emerg Infect Dis 2020 26 (9) 2087-2096 In Bangladesh, live bird market environments are frequently contaminated with avian influenza viruses. Shop-level biosecurity practices might increase risk for environmental contamination. We sought to determine which shop-level biosecurity practices were associated with environmental contamination. We surveyed 800 poultry shops to describe biosecurity practices and collect environmental samples. Samples from 205 (26%) shops were positive for influenza A viral RNA, 108 (14%) for H9, and 60 (8%) for H5. Shops that slaughtered poultry, kept poultry overnight, remained open without rest days, had uneven muddy floors, held poultry on the floor, and housed sick and healthy poultry together were more frequently positive for influenza A viruses. Reported monthly cleaning seemed protective, but disinfection practices were not otherwise associated with influenza A virus detection. Slaughtering, keeping poultry overnight, weekly rest days, infrastructure, and disinfection practices could be targets for interventions to reduce environmental contamination. |
COVID-19 Outbreak Among Employees at a Meat Processing Facility - South Dakota, March-April 2020.
Steinberg J , Kennedy ED , Basler C , Grant MP , Jacobs JR , Ortbahn D , Osburn J , Saydah S , Tomasi S , Clayton JL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (31) 1015-1019 On March 24, 2020, the South Dakota Department of Health (SDDOH) was notified of a case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in an employee at a meat processing facility (facility A) and initiated an investigation to isolate the employee and identify and quarantine contacts. On April 2, when 19 cases had been confirmed among facility A employees, enhanced testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was implemented, so that any employee with a COVID-19-compatible sign or symptom (e.g., fever, cough, or shortness of breath) could receive a test from a local health care facility. By April 11, 369 COVID-19 cases had been confirmed among facility A employees; on April 12, facility A began a phased closure* and did not reopen during the period of investigation (March 16-April 25, 2020). At the request of SDDOH, a CDC team arrived on April 15 to assist with the investigation. During March 16-April 25, a total of 929 (25.6%) laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases were diagnosed among 3,635 facility A employees. At the outbreak's peak, an average of 67 cases per day occurred. An additional 210 (8.7%) cases were identified among 2,403 contacts of employees with diagnosed COVID-19. Overall, 48 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized, including 39 employees and nine contacts. Two employees died; no contacts died. Attack rates were highest among department-groups where employees tended to work in proximity (i.e., <6 feet [2 meters]) to one another on the production line. Cases among employees and their contacts declined to approximately 10 per day within 7 days of facility closure. SARS-CoV-2 can spread rapidly in meat processing facilities because of the close proximity of workstations and prolonged contact between employees (1,2). Facilities can reduce this risk by implementing a robust mitigation program, including engineering and administrative controls, consistent with published guidelines (1). |
COVID-19 Among Workers in Meat and Poultry Processing Facilities - 19 States, April 2020.
Dyal JW , Grant MP , Broadwater K , Bjork A , Waltenburg MA , Gibbins JD , Hale C , Silver M , Fischer M , Steinberg J , Basler CA , Jacobs JR , Kennedy ED , Tomasi S , Trout D , Hornsby-Myers J , Oussayef NL , Delaney LJ , Patel K , Shetty V , Kline KE , Schroeder B , Herlihy RK , House J , Jervis R , Clayton JL , Ortbahn D , Austin C , Berl E , Moore Z , Buss BF , Stover D , Westergaard R , Pray I , DeBolt M , Person A , Gabel J , Kittle TS , Hendren P , Rhea C , Holsinger C , Dunn J , Turabelidze G , Ahmed FS , deFijter S , Pedati CS , Rattay K , Smith EE , Luna-Pinto C , Cooley LA , Saydah S , Preacely ND , Maddox RA , Lundeen E , Goodwin B , Karpathy SE , Griffing S , Jenkins MM , Lowry G , Schwarz RD , Yoder J , Peacock G , Walke HT , Rose DA , Honein MA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (18) Congregate work and residential locations are at increased risk for infectious disease transmission including respiratory illness outbreaks. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is primarily spread person to person through respiratory droplets. Nationwide, the meat and poultry processing industry, an essential component of the U.S. food infrastructure, employs approximately 500,000 persons, many of whom work in proximity to other workers (1). Because of reports of initial cases of COVID-19, in some meat processing facilities, states were asked to provide aggregated data concerning the number of meat and poultry processing facilities affected by COVID-19 and the number of workers with COVID-19 in these facilities, including COVID-19-related deaths. Qualitative data gathered by CDC during on-site and remote assessments were analyzed and summarized. During April 9-27, aggregate data on COVID-19 cases among 115 meat or poultry processing facilities in 19 states were reported to CDC. Among these facilities, COVID-19 was diagnosed in 4,913 (approximately 3%) workers, and 20 COVID-19-related deaths were reported. Facility barriers to effective prevention and control of COVID-19 included difficulty distancing workers at least 6 feet (2 meters) from one another (2) and in implementing COVID-19-specific disinfection guidelines.* Among workers, socioeconomic challenges might contribute to working while feeling ill, particularly if there are management practices such as bonuses that incentivize attendance. Methods to decrease transmission within the facility include worker symptom screening programs, policies to discourage working while experiencing symptoms compatible with COVID-19, and social distancing by workers. Source control measures (e.g., the use of cloth face covers) as well as increased disinfection of high-touch surfaces are also important means of preventing SARS-CoV-2 exposure. Mitigation efforts to reduce transmission in the community should also be considered. Many of these measures might also reduce asymptomatic and presymptomatic transmission (3). Implementation of these public health strategies will help protect workers from COVID-19 in this industry and assist in preserving the critical meat and poultry production infrastructure (4). |
Outbreak of diarrhoea in piglets caused by novel rotavirus genotype G4P[49] in north-western district of Bangladesh, February 2014.
Sarkar S , Dioh Esona M , Gautam R , Castro CJ , Ng TFF , Haque W , Khan SU , Hossain ME , Rahman MZ , Gurley ES , Kennedy ED , Bowen MD , Parashar UD , Rahman M . Transbound Emerg Dis 2019 67 (1) 442-449 ![]() ![]() Group A rotavirus (RVA) associated diarrhea in piglets represents one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in pig farms worldwide. A diarrhea outbreak occurred among nomadic piglets in north-western district of Bangladesh in February 2014. Outbreak investigation was performed to identify the cause, epidemiologic and clinical features of the outbreak. Rectal swabs and clinical information were collected from diarrheic piglets (n=36). Rectal swabs were tested for RVA RNA by real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) using NSP3-specific primers. The G (VP7) and P (VP4) genes were typed by conventional RT-PCR and sanger sequencing and full genome sequences were determined using next generation sequencing. We found the attack rate was 61% (50/82) among piglets in the nomadic pig herd and the case fatality rate was 20% (10/50) among piglets with diarrhea. All study piglets cases had watery diarrhea, lack of appetite or reluctance to move. A novel RVA strain with a new P[49] genotype combined with G4 was identified among all piglets with diarrhea. The genome constellation of the novel RVA strains was determined to be G4-P [49]-I1-R1-C1-M1-A8-N1-T7-E1-H1. Genetic analysis shows that the novel G4P[49] strain is similar to Indian and Chinese porcine or porcine-like G4 human strains and is genetically distant from Bangladeshi human G4 strains. Identification of this novel RVA strain warrants further exploration for disease severity and zoonotic potential. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. |
Challenges with hepatitis B vaccination of high risk adults - A pilot program
Bridges CB , Watson TL , Nelson NP , Chavez-Torres M , Fineis P , Ntiri-Reid B , Wake E , Leahy JM , Kurian AK , Hall MAK , Kennedy ED . Vaccine 2019 37 (35) 5111-5120 BACKGROUND: Acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections in the United States occur predominantly among persons aged 30-59years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends vaccination of adults at increased risk for HBV infection. Completing the hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine dose-series is critical for optimal immune response. OBJECTIVES: CDC funded 14 health departments (awardees) from 2012 to 2015 to implement a pilot HepB vaccination program for high-risk adults. We evaluated the pilot program to assess vaccine utilization; vaccine dose-series completion, including by vaccination location type; and implementation challenges. METHODS: Awardees collaborated with sites providing health care to persons at increased risk for HBV infection. Awardees collected information on doses administered, vaccine dose-series completion, and challenges completing and tracking vaccinations, including use of immunization information systems (IIS). Data were reported by each awardee in aggregate to CDC. RESULTS: Six of 14 awardees administered 47,911 doses and were able to report patient-level dose-series completion. Among persons who received dose 1, 40.4% received dose 2, and 22.3% received dose 3. Local health department clinics had the highest 3-dose-series completion, 60.6% (531/876), followed by federally qualified health centers at 38.0% (923/2432). While sexually transmitted diseases (STD) clinics administered the most doses in total (17,173 [35.8% of 47,911 doses]), 3-dose-series completion was low (17.1%). The 14 awardees reported challenges regarding completing and tracking dose-series, including reaching high-risk adults for follow-up and inconsistencies in use of IIS or other tracking systems across sites. CONCLUSIONS: Dose-series completion was low in all settings, but lowest where patients may be less likely to return for follow-up (e.g., STD clinics). Routinely assessing HepB vaccination needs of high-risk adults, including through use of IIS where available, may facilitate HepB vaccine dose-series completion. |
Building global health security capacity: The role for implementation science
Morgan J , Kennedy ED , Pesik N , Angulo FJ , Craig AS , Knight NW , Bunnell RE . Health Secur 2018 16 S5-s7 Since the launch of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) in 2014,1-3 many countries around the world have accelerated efforts to achieve compliance with the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) to build their capacities to detect, assess, and report public health events.4 WHO approved a standardized Joint External Evaluation (JEE) tool in February 2016 that provides a framework for assessing a country's gaps and progress toward IHR 2005 implementation.5,6 By October 2018, more than 86 countries in 6 regions had completed a JEE.7 Based on JEE scores and recommended priority actions for improvement, multiple countries, in collaboration with technical partners such as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are actively working to build their capacities and strengthen core systems to prevent, detect, and respond to public health threats. |
Global health security implementation: Expanding the evidence base
Kennedy ED , Morgan J , Knight NW . Health Secur 2018 16 S1-s4 In recent years, the world has seen a series of alarming public health emergencies across the globe that have resulted in thousands of lives lost and billions of dollars in economic losses.1-8 The frequency and impact of these emergencies, coupled with the ease and reach of international travel and rapidly expanding global commerce and trade, have raised the urgency for all countries to prepare for future emergencies. As we write this piece, the second Ebola outbreak in 2018 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is accelerating in a resource-limited environment and armed conflict zone. This outbreak represents another test of the global health community's ability to contain this threat and prevent global spread.9 | | The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2002-03 highlighted the need for updated international guidance for cooperation between countries and the need for all countries to develop core capacities to detect, report, and respond to infectious disease threats at the source.10,11 The impact of SARS highlighted the importance of improving global health security and accelerated the adoption of the revised International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). By 2007, all 196 World Health Organization (WHO) member states had committed to reaching compliance with these regulations by 2012.12 However, more than two-thirds of countries had failed to meet these standards by 2014.13 |
Receipt and effectiveness of influenza vaccination reminders for adults, 2011-2012 season, United States
Benedict KM , Santibanez TA , Kahn KE , Pabst LJ , Bridges CB , Kennedy ED . Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2018 12 (5) 605-612 BACKGROUND: Reminders for influenza vaccination improve influenza vaccination coverage. The purpose of this study was to describe the receipt of reminders for influenza vaccination during the 2011-12 influenza season among U.S. adults. METHODS: We analyzed data from the March 2012 National Flu Survey (NFS), a random digit dial telephone survey of adults in the United States. Relative to July 1, 2011, respondents were asked if they received a reminder for influenza vaccination and the source and type of reminder they received. The association with reminder receipt and demographic variables, and the association between influenza vaccination coverage and receipt of reminders were also examined. RESULTS: Of adults interviewed, 17.2% reported receiving a reminder since July 1, 2011. More than half (65.2%) of the reminders were sent by doctor offices. Hispanics and non-Hispanic blacks were more likely than non-Hispanic whites to report receiving a reminder. Adults who reported having a usual health care provider, health insurance, or a high-risk condition were more likely to report receiving reminders than the respective reference group. Adults reporting receipt of reminders were 1.15 times more likely (adjusted prevalence ratio, 95% CI: 1.06-1.25) to report being vaccinated for influenza than adults reporting not receiving reminders. CONCLUSIONS: Differences exist in receipt of influenza vaccination reminders among adults. Reminders are important tools to improve adult influenza vaccination coverage. Greater use of reminders may lead to higher rates of adult influenza vaccination coverage and reductions in influenza-related morbidity. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. |
Awareness among adults of vaccine-preventable diseases and recommended vaccinations, United States, 2015
Lu PJ , O'Halloran A , Kennedy ED , Williams WW , Kim D , Fiebelkorn AP , Donahue S , Bridges CB . Vaccine 2017 35 (23) 3104-3115 BACKGROUND: Adults are recommended to receive select vaccinations based on their age, underlying medical conditions, lifestyle, and other considerations. Factors associated with awareness of vaccine-preventable diseases and recommended vaccines among adults in the United States have not been explored. METHODS: Data from a 2015 internet panel survey of a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults aged ≥19years were analyzed to assess awareness of selected vaccine-preventable diseases and recommended vaccines for adults. A multivariable logistic regression model with a predictive marginal approach was used to identify factors independently associated with awareness of selected vaccine-preventable infections/diseases and corresponding vaccines. RESULTS: Among the surveyed population, from 24.6 to 72.1% reported vaccination for recommended vaccines. Awareness of vaccine-preventable diseases among adults aged ≥19years ranged from 63.4% to 94.0% (63.4% reported awareness of HPV, 71.5% reported awareness of tetanus, 72.0% reported awareness of pertussis, 75.4% reported awareness of HZ, 75.8% reported awareness of hepatitis B, 83.1% reported awareness of pneumonia, and 94.0% reported awareness of influenza). Awareness of the corresponding vaccines among adults aged ≥19years ranged from 59.3% to 94.1% (59.3% HZ vaccine, 59.6% HPV vaccine, 64.3% hepatitis B vaccine, 66.2% pneumococcal vaccine, 86.3% tetanus vaccines, and 94.1% influenza vaccine). In multivariable analysis, being female and being a college graduate were significantly associated with a higher level of awareness for majority of vaccine-preventable diseases, and being female, being a college graduate, and working as a health care provider were significantly associated with a higher level of awareness for majority of corresponding vaccines. CONCLUSIONS: Although adults in this survey reported high levels of awareness for most vaccines recommended for adults, self-reported vaccination coverage was not optimal. Combining interventions known to increase uptake of recommended vaccines, such as patient reminder/recall systems and other healthcare system-based interventions, and ensuring patients' vaccination needs are assessed, are needed to improve vaccination of adults. |
Evaluation of scanning 2D barcoded vaccines to improve data accuracy of vaccines administered
Daily A , Kennedy ED , Fierro LA , Reed JH , Greene M , Williams WW , Evanson HV , Cox R , Koeppl P , Gerlach K . Vaccine 2016 34 (47) 5802-5807 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Accurately recording vaccine lot number, expiration date, and product identifiers, in patient records is an important step in improving supply chain management and patient safety in the event of a recall. These data are being encoded on two-dimensional (2D) barcodes on most vaccine vials and syringes. Using electronic vaccine administration records, we evaluated the accuracy of lot number and expiration date entered using 2D barcode scanning compared to traditional manual or drop-down list entry methods. METHODS: We analyzed 128,573 electronic records of vaccines administered at 32 facilities. We compared the accuracy of records entered using 2D barcode scanning with those entered using traditional methods using chi-square tests and multilevel logistic regression. RESULTS: When 2D barcodes were scanned, lot number data accuracy was 1.8 percentage points higher (94.3-96.1%, P<0.001) and expiration date data accuracy was 11 percentage points higher (84.8-95.8%, P<0.001) compared with traditional methods. In multivariate analysis, lot number was more likely to be accurate (aOR=1.75; 99% CI, 1.57-1.96) as was expiration date (aOR=2.39; 99% CI, 2.12-2.68). When controlling for scanning and other factors, manufacturer, month vaccine was administered, and vaccine type were associated with variation in accuracy for both lot number and expiration date. CONCLUSION: Two-dimensional barcode scanning shows promise for improving data accuracy of vaccine lot number and expiration date records. Adapting systems to further integrate with 2D barcoding could help increase adoption of 2D barcode scanning technology. |
Recommendations and offers for adult influenza vaccination, 2011-2012 season, United States
Benedict KM , Kennedy ED , Santibanez TA , Black CL , Ding H , Graitcer SB , Bridges CB . Vaccine 2016 35 (9) 1353-1361 BACKGROUND: Provider recommendations and offers for influenza vaccination improve adult influenza vaccination coverage. Analysis was performed to describe receipt of influenza vaccination recommendations and offers among adults who visited a healthcare provider (HCP) during the 2011-2012 influenza season and describe differences between those receiving and not receiving recommendations and offers for influenza vaccination. Associations between influenza vaccination and receipt of recommendations and offers were examined. METHODS: Respondents to a random digit dial telephone survey who had visited a HCP since July 1, 2011 were asked if they had received a recommendation for influenza vaccination. Those receiving a recommendation were asked if they received an offer for vaccination. Participants were characterized by demographic and access to health care variables. Logistic regression was used to examine the relationships between participant characteristics and recommendation alone, between participant characteristics and recommendation and offer, and between influenza vaccination and recommendation and offer. RESULTS: Of those who reported visiting a HCP, 43.8% reported receiving a recommendation for influenza vaccination. Of those who reported receiving a recommendation, 76.6% reported receiving an offer for influenza vaccination. Persons with high-risk conditions and persons over 65 years were more likely to receive recommendations for influenza vaccination when compared to those without high-risk conditions and 18-49 year olds, respectively. Those reporting receipt of a recommendation and offer for influenza vaccination were 1.76 times more likely and those reporting receipt of a recommendation but no offer were 1.72 times more likely to report being vaccinated for influenza controlling for all patient characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Less than half of respondents reported receipt of recommendations and offers of influenza vaccination during the 2011-2012 influenza season and disparities exist between groups. All healthcare providers seeing adults should recommend or offer influenza vaccination for all patients at every visit during the influenza season. |
Reasons given for not receiving an influenza vaccination, 2011-12 influenza season, United States
Santibanez TA , Kennedy ED . Vaccine 2016 34 (24) 2671-8 BACKGROUND: Influenza vaccination coverage in the United States remains below national targets and racial/ethnic differences persist. OBJECTIVES: To gain insights into potential strategies for improving influenza vaccination by examining reasons given for not receiving an influenza vaccination during the 2011-12 influenza season. METHODS: Data from the National Flu Survey were analyzed for the 2011-12 influenza season. Tests of association between reasons for non-vaccination and demographic variables were conducted using Wald chi-square tests. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to determine variables independently associated with each reason for non-vaccination. RESULTS: For adults and children, there were no racial/ethnic differences in the overall most frequent reason for non-vaccination: "unlikely to get very sick from the flu". Regarding adults, there were racial/ethnic differences in seven of the twelve reasons for non-vaccination in bivariate analyses, but only three remained significant in the multivariable models. Most notable of these was that blacks (40.9%) were more likely than Hispanics (27.0%), whites (25.2%), and adults of other/multiple races (21.2%) to report concerns about getting the flu from the vaccination and blacks (39.8%) were more likely than whites (28.4%) and adults of other/multiple races (29.3%) to report concerns about side effects from the vaccine. Regarding children, there were racial/ethnic differences for three of the reasons for non-vaccination, and these remained significant in the multivariable models. The most noteworthy of these was that more black (44.4%) than white (24.0%) and other/multiple race (19.0%) parents had concerns about their child getting the flu from the vaccination. Other demographic variables (age, gender income, MSA for adults and age and income for children) were also associated with reasons for non-vaccination based on the multivariable models. CONCLUSIONS: There are racial/ethnic group differences in reasons for not receiving an influenza vaccination; recognition of these differences should guide the choice of interventions to increase vaccination rates. |
Provider attitudes regarding vaccine tracking systems in pediatric practices
O'Leary ST , Hurley LP , Kennedy ED , Crane LA , Brtnikova M , Allison MA , Williams W , Beaty BL , Jimenez-Zambrano A , Kempe A . Acad Pediatr 2015 16 (1) 34-41 OBJECTIVE: To assess among US pediatricians' systems for tracking vaccine administration and inventory and attitudes about these systems; and attitudes regarding and perceived barriers to adoption of a 2-dimensional bar code systems. METHODS: Internet and mail survey of a nationally representative network of pediatricians between September 2011 and January 2012. RESULTS: The response rate was 71% (288 of 408). The most common methods for recording vaccine information were manual entry into an electronic (52%) or paper (27%) record; 76% recorded information in ≥2 places. Physicians reported ordering vaccine on the basis of seasonal increases in demand (55%), paper-based inventory (52%), or when stock looks low (47%); 79% reported it was time consuming to track inventory and 24% reported their practices frequently run out of vaccines. Among those participating in an immunization information system, 29% transmitted data by automatic uploads and 58% entered data manually. Physicians agreed that bar codes could facilitate tracking of vaccine inventory (96%), would improve patient safety (96%), would be more reliable and accurate than current systems (93%), and could improve the efficiency of vaccine administration (90%). Barriers to adoption of a bar code system included need for software (52%), information technology support (42%), and computer equipment (33%). The total cost at which >50% reported they would definitely or probably adopt a bar code system was between $1000 and $4999. CONCLUSIONS: Most pediatricians report using inefficient systems for tracking vaccine administration and inventory and recognize multiple potential benefits of incorporating vaccine bar coding into their practice. To facilitate adoption, costs will need to be contained and technological barriers addressed. |
Influenza vaccination coverage among pregnant women - United States, 2014-15 influenza season
Ding H , Black CL , Ball S , Donahue S , Fink RV , Williams WW , Kennedy ED , Bridges CB , Lu PJ , Kahn KE , Dean AK , Grohskopf LA , Ahluwalia IB , Devlin R , DiSogra C , Walker DK , Greby SM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015 64 (36) 1000-5 Pregnant women and infants are at increased risk for influenza-related complications and hospitalization. Influenza vaccination can reduce the risk for influenza-related illness among pregnant women and their infants. Since 2004, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have recommended influenza vaccination for all women who are or will be pregnant during the influenza season, regardless of trimester of pregnancy. To assess influenza vaccination coverage among pregnant women during the 2014-15 influenza season, CDC analyzed data from an Internet panel survey conducted during March 31-April 6, 2015. Among 1,702 survey respondents who were pregnant at any time during October 2014-January 2015, 50.3% reported receiving influenza vaccination before or during pregnancy, similar to the reported coverage in the preceding season. Overall, 64.9% of respondents reported receiving a provider offer of influenza vaccination, 14.8% received a recommendation but no offer, and 20.3% received no recommendation. Vaccination coverage among these groups of women was 67.9%, 33.5%, and 8.5%, respectively. Reminder systems and standing orders that allow health care personnel other than the attending provider to assess vaccination status and administer vaccination, can help to ensure that influenza vaccination is recommended and offered to a pregnant woman at each provider visit to increase pregnant women's vaccination coverage. |
Reasons for low influenza vaccination coverage among adults in Puerto Rico, influenza season 2013-2014
Arriola CS , Mercado-Crespo MC , Rivera B , Serrano-Rodriguez R , Macklin N , Rivera A , Graitcer S , Lacen M , Bridges CB , Kennedy ED . Vaccine 2015 33 (32) 3829-35 BACKGROUND: Influenza vaccination is recommended annually for all persons 6 months and older. Reports of increased influenza-related morbidity and mortality during the 2013-2014 influenza season raised concerns about low adult influenza immunization rates in Puerto Rico. In order to inform public health actions to increase vaccination rates, we surveyed adults in Puerto Rico regarding influenza vaccination-related attitudes and barriers. METHODS: A random-digit-dialing telephone survey (50% landline: 50% cellphone) regarding influenza vaccination, attitudes, practices and barriers was conducted November 19-25, 2013 among adults in Puerto Rico. Survey results were weighted to reflect sampling design and adjustments for non-response. RESULTS: Among 439 surveyed, 229 completed the survey with a 52% response rate. Respondents' median age was 55 years; 18% reported receiving 2013-2014 influenza vaccination. Among 180 unvaccinated respondents, 38% reported barriers associated with limited access to vaccination, 24% reported they did not want or need influenza vaccination, and 20% reported safety concerns. Vaccinated respondents were more likely to know if they were recommended for influenza vaccination, to report greater perceived risk of influenza illness, and to report being less concerned about influenza vaccine safety (p-value<0.05). Of the 175 respondents who saw a healthcare provider (HCP) since July 1, 2013, 38% reported their HCP recommended influenza vaccination and 17% were offered vaccination. Vaccination rates were higher among adults who received a recommendation and/or offer of influenza vaccination (43% vs. 14%; p-value<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Failure of HCP to recommend and/or offer influenza vaccination and patient attitudes (low perceived risk of influenza virus infection) may have contributed to low vaccination rates during the 2013-2014 season. HCP and public health practitioners should strongly recommend influenza vaccination and provide vaccinations during clinical encounters or refer patients for vaccination. |
Influenza vaccination coverage among pregnant women - United States, 2013-14 influenza season
Ding H , Black CL , Ball S , Donahue S , Izrael D , Williams WW , Kennedy ED , Bridges CB , Lu PJ , Kahn KE , Grohskopf LA , Ahluwalia IB , Sokolowski J , DiSogra C , Walker DK , Greby SM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2014 63 (37) 816-21 Pregnant women and infants are at increased risk for influenza-related complications and hospitalization. Influenza vaccination among pregnant women can reduce their risk for respiratory illness and reduce the risk for influenza in their infants aged <6 months. Since 2004, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have recommended influenza vaccination for all women who are or will be pregnant during the influenza season, regardless of trimester. To assess influenza vaccination coverage among pregnant women during the 2013-14 influenza season, CDC analyzed data from an Internet panel survey conducted March 31-April 11, 2014. Among 1,619 survey respondents pregnant at any time during October 2013-January 2014, 52.2% reported vaccination before or during pregnancy (17.6% before and 34.6% during pregnancy), similar to the coverage in the preceding season. Overall, 65.1% of women reported receiving a clinician recommendation and offer of influenza vaccination, 15.1% received a clinician recommendation but no offer of vaccination, and 19.8% received no clinician recommendation or offer. Vaccination coverage among these women was 70.5%, 32.0%, and 9.7%, respectively. Continued efforts are needed to encourage clinicians to strongly recommend and offer influenza vaccination to their pregnant patients. |
Trends in racial/ethnic disparities in influenza vaccination coverage among adults during the 2007-08 through 2011-12 seasons
Lu PJ , O'Halloran A , Bryan L , Kennedy ED , Ding H , Graitcer SB , Santibanez TA , Meghani A , Singleton JA . Am J Infect Control 2014 42 (7) 763-9 BACKGROUND: Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons aged ≥6 months. The objective of this study was to assess trends in racial/ethnic disparities in influenza vaccination coverage among adults in the United States. METHODS: We analyzed data from the 2007-2012 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis to assess influenza vaccination coverage by age, presence of medical conditions, and racial/ethnic groups during the 2007-08 through 2011-12 seasons. RESULTS: During the 2011-12 season, influenza vaccination coverage was significantly lower among non-Hispanic blacks and Hispanics compared with non-Hispanic whites among most of the adult subgroups, with smaller disparities observed for adults age 18-49 years compared with other age groups. Vaccination coverage for non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic adults increased significantly from the 2007-08 through the 2011-12 season for most of the adult subgroups based on the NHIS (test for trend, P < .05). Coverage gaps between racial/ethnic minorities and non-Hispanic whites persisted at similar levels from the 2007-08 through the 2011-12 seasons, with similar results from the NHIS and BRFSS. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza vaccination coverage among most racial/ethnic groups increased from the 2007-08 through the 2011-12 seasons, but substantial racial and ethnic disparities remained in most age groups. Targeted efforts are needed to improve coverage and reduce these disparities. |
National and state-specific estimates of place of influenza vaccination among adult populations - United States, 2011-12 influenza season
Lu PJ , O'Halloran A , Ding H , Williams WW , Bridges CB , Kennedy ED . Vaccine 2014 32 (26) 3198-204 BACKGROUND: Annual influenza vaccination has been recommended for all persons ≥6 months since the 2010-11 season. New partnerships between public health agencies and medical and nonmedical vaccination providers have increased the number of vaccination providers and locations where vaccination services are delivered. METHODS: Data from the 2011-12 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) were analyzed. Point estimates of place of vaccination and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Multivariable logistic regression and predictive marginal modeling were conducted to identify factors associated with vaccination settings. RESULTS: Among adults vaccinated during the 2011-12 influenza season, a doctor's office was the most common place (38.4%) for receipt of influenza vaccination, with stores (e.g., supermarkets or drug stores) (20.1%) the next common, and workplaces (17.6%) the third common. Overall, reported vaccination in nonmedical settings by state ranged from 32.2% in California to 60.4% in Nevada, with a median of 45.8%. Characteristics significantly associated with an increased likelihood of receipt of vaccination in nonmedical settings were higher education, not having certain identified high-risk conditions, not having had a routine checkup in the previous 12 months, and not having a primary doctor for health care. Being a member of a racial/ethnic minority group, unemployed or not in the work force were significantly associated with a decreased likelihood of receipt of vaccination in nonmedical settings. CONCLUSION: Doctor's offices were the most common medical setting for adult influenza vaccination; workplaces and stores were important nonmedical settings. Increasing access to vaccination services in medical and nonmedical settings should be considered as important strategies for improving vaccination coverage. These results also can help guide development of strategies for achieving Healthy People 2020 objectives for influenza vaccination of adult populations. |
Barriers and facilitators to influenza vaccination and vaccine coverage in a cohort of health care personnel
Naleway AL , Henkle EM , Ball S , Bozeman S , Gaglani MJ , Kennedy ED , Thompson MG . Am J Infect Control 2014 42 (4) 371-5 BACKGROUND: Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for health care personnel (HCP). We describe influenza vaccination coverage among HCP during the 2010-2011 season and present reported facilitators of and barriers to vaccination. METHODS: We enrolled HCP 18 to 65 years of age, working full time, with direct patient contact. Participants completed an Internet-based survey at enrollment and the end of influenza season. In addition to self-reported data, we collected information about the 2010-2011 influenza vaccine from electronic employee health and medical records. RESULTS: Vaccination coverage was 77% (1,307/1,701). Factors associated with higher vaccination coverage include older age, being married or partnered, working as a physician or dentist, prior history of influenza vaccination, more years in patient care, and higher job satisfaction. Personal protection was reported as the most important reason for vaccination followed closely by convenience, protection of patients, and protection of family and friends. Concerns about perceived vaccine safety and effectiveness and low perceived susceptibility to influenza were the most commonly reported barriers to vaccination. About half of the unvaccinated HCP said they would have been vaccinated if required by their employer. CONCLUSION: Influenza vaccination in this cohort was relatively high but still fell short of the recommended target of 90% coverage for HCP. Addressing concerns about vaccine safety and effectiveness are possible areas for future education or intervention to improve coverage among HCP. |
Impact of requiring influenza vaccination for children in licensed child care or preschool programs - Connecticut, 2012-13 influenza season
Hadler JL , Yousey-Hindes K , Kudish K , Kennedy ED , Sacco V , Cartter ML . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2014 63 (9) 181-5 Preschool-aged children are at increased risk for severe influenza-related illness and complications. Congregate child care settings facilitate influenza transmission among susceptible children. To protect against influenza transmission in these settings, in September 2010, Connecticut became the second U.S. state (after New Jersey) to implement regulations requiring that all children aged 6-59 months receive at least 1 dose of influenza vaccine each year to attend a licensed child care program. To evaluate the impact of this regulation on vaccination levels and influenza-associated hospitalizations during the 2012-13 influenza season, vaccination data from U.S. and Connecticut surveys and the Emerging Infections Program (EIP) were analyzed. After the regulation took effect, vaccination rates among Connecticut children aged 6-59 months increased from 67.8% during the 2009-10 influenza season to 84.1% during the 2012-13 season. During the 2012-13 influenza season, among all 11 EIP surveillance sites, Connecticut had the greatest percentage decrease (12%) in the influenza-associated hospitalization rate from 2007-08 among children aged ≤4 years. Additionally, the ratio of the influenza-associated hospitalization rates among children aged ≤4 years to the overall population rate (0.53) was lower than for any other EIP site. Requiring vaccination for child care admission might have helped to increase vaccination rates in Connecticut and reduced serious morbidity from influenza. |
Vaccines and pregnancy: past, present, and future
Rasmussen SA , Watson AK , Kennedy ED , Broder KR , Jamieson DJ . Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 2013 19 (3) 161-9 Vaccination during pregnancy with certain vaccines can prevent morbidity and mortality in pregnant women and their infants. However, previous recommendations often focused on the potential risks of vaccines to the fetus when used during pregnancy. In recent years, additional data have become available on the absence of increased risks for adverse events associated with vaccines when administered during pregnancy and on their benefits to mothers and infants. Currently two vaccines - (i) inactivated influenza, and (ii) tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis (Tdap) - are recommended for use by all pregnant women by the United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Here we review the history of vaccination during pregnancy, the current status of recommendations for vaccination during pregnancy in the USA, and the potential for future advances in this area, including key barriers that must be overcome to accommodate these advances. |
Assessment of quality of life as a tool for measuring morbidity due to Schistosoma mansoni infection and the impact of treatment
Won KY , Abudho B , Blackstock A , Montgomery SP , Kennedy ED , Person B , Mwinzi PN , Ochola EA , Foo KT , Hightower AW , Karanja DM , Secor WE . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2013 90 (2) 322-8 Recently, health measurements have broadened to include the assessment of quality of life (QOL). This study was conducted to assess whether the short form of the World Health Organization (WHO) QOL questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) was an effective tool for measuring morbidity due to Schistosoma mansoni infection and whether it could detect an impact of treatment with praziquantel. A total of 724 adults 18-85 years of age were enrolled. At baseline, S. mansoni prevalence was 73.2% by stool examination and 75.4% by circulating cathodic antigen, and there was no association between infection status and WHOQOL-BREF scores. Six months after treatment, S. mansoni prevalence was lower and the proportion of persons with higher WHOQOL-BREF scores significantly increased among persons who were infected at baseline. However, a similar increase was observed in persons infected at baseline. In areas of high prevalence, the WHOQOL-BREF may not be able to detect the benefits of schistosomiasis control programs. |
Surveillance of influenza vaccination coverage--United States, 2007-08 through 2011-12 influenza seasons
Lu PJ , Santibanez TA , Williams WW , Zhang J , Ding H , Bryan L , O'Halloran A , Greby SM , Bridges CB , Graitcer SB , Kennedy ED , Lindley MC , Ahluwalia IB , LaVail K , Pabst LJ , Harris L , Vogt T , Town M , Singleton JA . MMWR Surveill Summ 2013 62 (4) 1-28 PROBLEM/CONDITION: Substantial improvement in annual influenza vaccination of recommended groups is needed to reduce the health effects of influenza and reach Healthy People 2020 targets. No single data source provides season-specific estimates of influenza vaccination coverage and related information on place of influenza vaccination and concerns related to influenza and influenza vaccination. REPORTING PERIOD: 2007-08 through 2011-12 influenza seasons. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEMS: CDC uses multiple data sources to obtain estimates of vaccination coverage and related data that can guide program and policy decisions to improve coverage. These data sources include the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), the National Flu Survey (NFS), the National Immunization Survey (NIS), the Immunization Information Systems (IIS) eight sentinel sites, Internet panel surveys of health-care personnel and pregnant women, and the Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (PRAMS). RESULTS: National influenza vaccination coverage among children aged 6 months-17 years increased from 31.1% during 2007-08 to 56.7% during the 2011-12 influenza season as measured by NHIS. Vaccination coverage among children aged 6 months-17 years varied by state as measured by NIS. Changes from season to season differed as measured by NIS and NHIS. According to IIS sentinel site data, full vaccination (having either one or two seasonal influenza vaccinations, as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for each influenza season, based on the child's influenza vaccination history) with up to two recommended doses for the 2011-12 season was 27.1% among children aged 6 months-8 years and was 44.3% for the youngest children (aged 6-23 months). Influenza vaccination coverage among adults aged ≥18 years increased from 33.0% during 2007-08 to 38.3% during the 2011-12 influenza season as measured by NHIS. Vaccination coverage by age group for the 2011-12 season as measured by BRFSS was <5 percentage points different from NHIS estimates, whereas NFS estimates were 6-8 percentage points higher than BRFSS estimates. Vaccination coverage among persons aged ≥18 years varied by state as measured by BRFSS. For adults aged ≥18 years, a doctor's office was the most common place for receipt of influenza vaccination (38.4%, BRFSS; 32.5%, NFS) followed by a pharmacy (20.1%, BRFSS; 19.7%, NFS). Overall, 66.9% of health-care personnel (HCP) reported having been vaccinated during the 2011-12 season, as measured by an Internet panel survey of HCP, compared with 62.4%, as estimated through NHIS. Vaccination coverage among pregnant women was 47.0%, as measured by an Internet panel survey of women pregnant during the influenza season, and 43.0%, as measured by BRFSS during the 2011-12 influenza season. Overall, as measured by NFS, 86.8% of adults aged ≥18 years rated the influenza vaccine as very or somewhat effective, and 46.5% of adults aged ≥18 years believed their risk for getting sick with influenza if unvaccinated was high or somewhat high. INTERPRETATION: During the 2011-12 season, influenza vaccination coverage varied by state, age group, and selected populations (e.g., HCP and pregnant women), with coverage estimates well below the Healthy People 2020 goal of 70% for children aged 6 months-17 years, 70% for adults aged ≥18 years, and 90% for HCP. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIONS: Continued efforts are needed to encourage health-care providers to offer influenza vaccination and to promote public health education efforts among various populations to improve vaccination coverage. Ongoing surveillance to obtain coverage estimates and information regarding other issues related to influenza vaccination (e.g., knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs) is needed to guide program and policy improvements to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with influenza by increasing vaccination rates. Ongoing comparisons of telephone and Internet panel surveys with in-person surveys such as NHIS are needed for appropriate interpretation of data and resulting public health actions. Examination of results from all data sources is necessary to fully assess the various components of influenza vaccination coverage among different populations in the United States. |
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