Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 45 Records) |
Query Trace: Kahler A[original query] |
Performance of conditional random forest and regression models at predicting human fecal contamination of produce irrigation ponds in the southeastern United States
Hofstetter J , Holcomb DA , Kahler AM , Rodrigues C , da Silva ALBR , Mattioli MC . ACS EST 2024 ![]() Irrigating fresh produce with contaminated water contributes to the burden of foodborne illness. Identifying fecal contamination of irrigation waters and characterizing fecal sources and associated environmental factors can help inform fresh produce safety and health hazard management. Using two previously collected data sets, we developed and evaluated the performance of logistic regression and conditional random forest models for predicting general and human-specific fecal contamination of ponds in southwest Georgia used for fresh produce irrigation. Generic Escherichia coli served as a general fecal indicator, and human-associated Bacteroides (HF183), crAssphage, and F+ coliphage genogroup II were used as indicators of human fecal contamination. Increased rainfall in the previous 7 days and the presence of a building within 152 m (a proxy for proximity to septic systems) were associated with increased odds of human fecal contamination in the training data set. However, the models did not accurately predict the presence of human-associated fecal indicators in a second data set collected from nearby irrigation ponds in different years. Predictive statistical models should be used with caution to assess produce irrigation water quality as models may not reliably predict fecal contamination at other locations and times, even within the same growing region. © 2024 American Chemical Society. |
Campylobacteriosis outbreak linked to municipal water, Nebraska, USA, 2021(1)
Jansen L , Birn R , Koirala S , Oppegard S , Loeck B , Hamik J , Wyckoff E , Spindola D , Dempsey S , Bartling A , Roundtree A , Kahler A , Lane C , Hogan N , Strockbine N , McKeel H , Yoder J , Mattioli M , Donahue M , Buss B . Emerg Infect Dis 2024 30 (10) 1998-2005 ![]() In September 2021, eight campylobacteriosis cases were identified in a town in Nebraska, USA. We assessed potential exposures for a case-control analysis. We conducted whole-genome sequencing on Campylobacter isolates from patients' stool specimens. We collected large-volume dead-end ultrafiltration water samples for Campylobacter and microbial source tracking testing at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We identified 64 cases in 2 waves of illnesses. Untreated municipal tap water consumption was strongly associated with illness (wave 1 odds ratio 15.36; wave 2 odds ratio 16.11). Whole-genome sequencing of 12 isolates identified 2 distinct Campylobacter jejuni subtypes (1 subtype/wave). The town began water chlorination, after which water testing detected coliforms. One dead-end ultrafiltration sample yielded nonculturable Campylobacter and avian-specific fecal rRNA genomic material. Our investigation implicated contaminated, untreated, municipal water as the source. Results of microbial source tracking supported mitigation with continued water chlorination. No further campylobacteriosis cases attributable to water were reported. |
Evaluation of coccidia DNA in irrigation pond water and wastewater sludge associated with Cyclospora cayetanensis 18S rRNA gene qPCR detections
Hofstetter J , Arfken A , Kahler A , Qvarnstrom Y , Rodrigues C , Mattioli M . Microbiol Spectr 2024 e0090624 ![]() ![]() The coccidian parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis is the causative agent for foodborne outbreaks of cyclosporiasis disease and multiple annual fresh produce recalls. The aim of this study was to identify potential cross-reacting species for the C. cayetanensis 18S rRNA and MIT1C gene target real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays. The environmental samples evaluated were irrigation pond water, produce wash water, and wastewater treatment sludge from a previous study with qPCR detections of C. cayetanensis by the 18S rRNA gene target qPCR. From these samples, longer regions of the 18S rRNA gene and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit III gene (cox3) were sequenced. Of 65 irrigation pond water samples with positive test results using the C. cayetanensis 18S rRNA gene qPCR assay, none had MIT1C qPCR assay detections or sequences that clustered with C. cayetanensis based on sequencing of the cox3 and 18S rRNA gene. Sequences from these samples clustered around coccidia sequences found in bird, fish, reptile, and amphibian hosts. Of 26 sludge samples showing detections by either qPCR assay, 14 (54%) could be confirmed as containing C. cayetanensis by sequencing of cox3 and 18S rRNA gene regions. In three of the remaining sludge samples, sequenced reads clustered with coccidia from rodents. This study demonstrated that caution should be taken when interpreting qPCR C. cayetanensis detection data in environmental samples and sequencing steps will likely be needed for confirmation. IMPORTANCE: Fresh produce is a leading transmission source in cyclosporiasis outbreaks. It is therefore essential to understand the role that produce-growing environments play in the spread of this disease. To accomplish this, sensitive and specific tests for environmental and irrigation waters must be developed. Potential cross-reactions of Cyclospora cayetanensis real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays have been identified, hindering the ability to accurately identify this parasite in the environment. Amplicon sequencing of the cox3 and 18S rRNA genes revealed that all irrigation pond water and two sludge samples that initially detected C. cayetanensis by qPCR were most likely cross-reactions with related coccidian organisms shed from birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and rodents. These results support that a single testing method for environmental samples is likely not adequate for sensitive and specific detection of C. cayetanensis. |
Sources and prevalence of Cyclospora cayetanensis in southeastern U.S. Growing environments
Kahler AM , Hofstetter J , Arrowood M , Peterson A , Jacobson D , Barratt J , Luiz Biscaia Ribeiro da Silva A , Rodrigues C , Mattioli MC . J Food Prot 2024 100309 ![]() ![]() Recent cyclosporiasis outbreaks associated with fresh produce grown in the United States highlight the need to better understand C. cayetanensis prevalence in U.S. agricultural environments. In this study, C. cayetanensis occurrence was assessed in municipal wastewater sludge, on-farm portable toilets, irrigation pond water, and spent packing house dump tank water in a Southeastern Georgia growing region over two years. Detection of the C. cayetanensis 18S rRNA qPCR gene target in pond samples was 0%, 28%, and 42% (N=217) depending on the detection definition used, and ≤ 1% in dump tank samples (N=46). However, no qPCR detections were confirmed by sequencing, suggesting false detection occurred due to cross-reactions. C. cayetanensis qPCR detections were confirmed in 9% of wastewater sludge samples (N=76). The human-specific fecal markers HF183 and crAssphage were detected in 33% and 6% of pond samples, respectively and 4% and 0% of dump tank samples, respectively. Despite community Cyclospora shedding and evidence of human fecal contamination in irrigation water, there was no correlation between C. cayetanensis and HF183 qPCR detections, further supporting that 18S gene target qPCR amplifications were due to cross reactions. When evaluating C. cayetanensis qPCR environmental detection data, the impact of assay specificity and detection criteria should be considered. Moreover, additional sequence-based testing may be needed to appropriately interpret Cyclospora qPCR environmental data. |
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli o157:H7 illness outbreak associated with untreated, pressurized, municipal irrigation water - Utah, 2023
Osborn B , Hatfield J , Lanier W , Wagner J , Oakeson K , Casey R , Bullough J , Kache P , Miko S , Kunz J , Pederson G , Leeper M , Strockbine N , McKeel H , Hofstetter J , Roundtree A , Kahler A , Mattioli M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (18) 411-416 ![]() During July-September 2023, an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 illness among children in city A, Utah, caused 13 confirmed illnesses; seven patients were hospitalized, including two with hemolytic uremic syndrome. Local, state, and federal public health partners investigating the outbreak linked the illnesses to untreated, pressurized, municipal irrigation water (UPMIW) exposure in city A; 12 of 13 ill children reported playing in or drinking UPMIW. Clinical isolates were genetically highly related to one another and to environmental isolates from multiple locations within city A's UPMIW system. Microbial source tracking, a method to indicate possible contamination sources, identified birds and ruminants as potential sources of fecal contamination of UPMIW. Public health and city A officials issued multiple press releases regarding the outbreak reminding residents that UPMIW is not intended for drinking or recreation. Public education and UPMIW management and operations interventions, including assessing and mitigating potential contamination sources, covering UPMIW sources and reservoirs, indicating UPMIW lines and spigots with a designated color, and providing conspicuous signage to communicate risk and intended use might help prevent future UPMIW-associated illnesses. |
Naegleria fowleri detected in Grand Teton National Park Hot Springs
Barnhart EP , Kinsey SM , Wright PR , Caldwell SL , Hill V , Kahler A , Mattioli M , Cornman RS , Iwanowicz D , Eddy Z , Halonen S , Mueller R , Peyton BM , Puzon GJ . ACS ES and T Water 2023 ![]() ![]() The free-living thermophilic amoeba Naegleria fowleri (N. fowleri) causes the highly fatal disease primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. The environmental conditions that are favorable to the growth and proliferation of N. fowleri are not well-defined, especially in northern regions of the United States. In this study, we used culture-based methods and multiple molecular approaches to detect and analyzeN. fowleri and other Naegleria spp. in water, sediment, and biofilm samples from five hot spring sites in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A. These results provide the first detections of N. fowleri in Grand Teton National Park and provide new insights into the distribution of pathogenic N. fowleri and other nonpathogenic Naegleria spp. in natural thermal water systems in northern latitudes. © 2024 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society. |
Notes from the field: Gastrointestinal illness among hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail - Washington, August-October 2022
Hamlet A , Begley K , Miko S , Stewart L , Tellier W , Gonzalez-De Leon J , Booth H , Lippman S , Kahler A , Roundtree A , Hatada A , Lindquist S , Melius B , Goldoft M , Mattioli M , Holshue M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (36) 997-998 On August 26, 2022, the Washington State Department of Health received informal reports of numerous Pacific Crest Trail hikers with acute gastroenteritis (AGE). The Pacific Crest Trail stretches 2,650 miles from California to Washington, attracting hikers from around the world (1). An investigation of social media postings on September 5 found 27 reports of AGE by Washington Pacific Crest Trail hikers during the previous month, 26 of whom provided information about symptom onset date (Figure). Numerous additional reports without a specific date were found, suggesting that that AGE was occurring during the 2022 hiking season |
Case of primary amebic meningoencephalitis associated with surfing at an artificial surf venue: Environmental investigation
Miko S , Cope JR , Hlavsa MC , Ali IKM , Brown TW , Collins JP , Greeley RD , Kahler AM , Moore KO , Roundtree AV , Roy S , Sanders LL , Shah V , Stuteville HD , Mattioli MC . ACS ES T Water 2022 Naegleria fowleri is a thermophilic ameba found in freshwater that causes primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) when it enters the nose and migrates to the brain. In September 2018, a 29-year-old man died of PAM after traveling to Texas. We conducted an epidemiologic and environmental investigation to identify the water exposure associated with this PAM case. The patients most probable water exposure occurred while surfing in an artificial surf venue. The surf venue water was not filtered or recirculated; water disinfection and water quality testing were not documented. N. fowleri and thermophilic amebae were detected in recreational water and sediment samples throughout the facility. Codes and standards for treated recreational water venues open to the public could be developed to address these novel venues. Clinicians and public health officials should also consider novel recreational water venues as a potential exposure for this rare amebic infection. Not subject to U.S. Copyright. Published 2023 by American Chemical Society. |
Microbial characterization, factors contributing to contamination, and household use of cistern water, U.S. Virgin Islands
Rao Gouthami , Kahler Amy , Voth-Gaeddert Lee E , Cranford Hannah , Libbey Stephen , Galloway Renee , Molinari Noelle-Angelique , Ellis Esther M , Yoder Jonathan S , Mattioli Mia C , Ellis Brett R . ACS ES T Water 2022 2 (12) 2634-2644 Households in the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) heavily rely on roof-harvested rainwater stored in cisterns for their daily activities. However, there are insufficient data on cistern water microbiological and physicochemical characteristics to inform appropriate cistern water management. Cistern and kitchen tap water samples were collected from 399 geographically representative households across St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John and an administered survey captured household site and cistern characteristics and water use behaviors. Water samples were analyzed for Escherichia coli by culture, and a subset of cistern water samples (N = 47) were analyzed for Salmonella, Naegleria fowleri, pathogenic Leptospira, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and human-specific fecal contamination using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Associations between E. coli cistern contamination and cistern and site characteristics were evaluated to better understand possible mechanisms of contamination. E. coli was detected in 80% of cistern water samples and in 58% of kitchen tap samples. For the subset of samples tested by PCR, at least one of the pathogens was detected in 66% of cisterns. Our results suggest that covering overflow pipes with screens, decreasing animal presence at the household, and preventing animals or insects from entering the cisterns can decrease the likelihood of E. coli contamination in USVI cistern water. |
Outbreaks of acute gastrointestinal illness associated with a splash pad in a Wildlife Park - Kansas, June 2021
Aluko SK , Ishrati SS , Walker DC , Mattioli MC , Kahler AM , Vanden Esschert KL , Hervey K , Rokisky JJr , Wikswo ME , Laco JP , Kurlekar S , Byrne A , Molinari NA , Gleason ME , Steward C , Hlavsa MC , Neises D . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (31) 981-987 In June 2021, Kansas state and county public health officials identified and investigated three cases of shigellosis (a bacterial diarrheal illness caused by Shigella spp.) associated with visiting a wildlife park. The park has animal exhibits and a splash pad. Two affected persons visited animal exhibits, and all three entered the splash pad. Nonhuman primates are the only known animal reservoir of Shigella. The splash pad, which sprays water on users and is designed so that water does not collect in the user area, was closed on June 19. The state and county public health codes do not include regulations for splash pads. Thus, these venues are not typically inspected, and environmental health expertise is limited. A case-control study identified two distinct outbreaks associated with the park (a shigellosis outbreak involving 21 cases and a subsequent norovirus infection outbreak involving six cases). Shigella and norovirus can be transmitted by contaminated water; in both outbreaks, illness was associated with getting splash pad water in the mouth (multiply imputed adjusted odds ratio [aOR(MI)] = 6.4, p = 0.036; and 28.6, p = 0.006, respectively). Maintaining adequate water disinfection and environmental health expertise and targeting prevention efforts to caregivers of splash pad users help prevent splash pad-associated outbreaks. Outbreak incidence might be further reduced when U.S. jurisdicitons voluntarily adopt CDC's Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) recommendations and through the prevention messages: "Don't get in the water if sick with diarrhea," "Don't stand or sit above the jets," and "Don't swallow the water."(†). |
Detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis in produce irrigation and wash water using large-volume sampling techniques
Kahler AM , Mattioli MC , da Silva AJ , Hill V . Food Waterborne Parisitol 2021 22 e00110 The recent increase of reported cyclosporiasis outbreaks associated with fresh produce has highlighted the need for understanding environmental transmission of Cyclospora cayetanensis in agricultural settings and facilities. Conducting such environmental investigations necessitates robust sample collection and analytical methods to detect C. cayetanensis in water samples. This study evaluated three sample collection methods for recovery of C. cayetanensis oocysts from water samples during seeded recovery experiments. Two filtration-based methods, dead-end ultrafiltration (DEUF) and USEPA Method 1623.1, were evaluated for oocyst recovery from irrigation water. A non-filter-based method, continuous flow centrifugation (CFC), was evaluated separately for recovery from creek water and spent produce wash water. Median C. cayetanensis recovery efficiencies were 17% for DEUF and 16–22% for Method 1623.1. The DEUF method proved to be more robust than Method 1623.1, as the recovery efficiencies were less variable and the DEUF ultrafilters were capable of filtering larger volumes of high-turbidity water without clogging. Median C. cayetanensis recovery efficiencies for CFC were 28% for wash water and 63% for creek water, making it a viable option for processing water with high turbidity or organic matter. The data from this study demonstrate the capability of DEUF and CFC as filter-based and non-filter-based options, respectively, for the recovery of C. cayetanensis oocysts from environmental and agricultural waters. |
Identifying septic pollution exposure routes during a waterborne norovirus outbreak - A new application for human-associated microbial source tracking qPCR.
Mattioli MC , Benedict KM , Murphy J , Kahler A , Kline KE , Longenberger A , Mitchell PK , Watkins S , Berger P , Shanks OC , Barrett CE , Barclay L , Hall AJ , Hill V , Weltman A . J Microbiol Methods 2020 180 106091 ![]() ![]() In June 2017, the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PADOH) was notified of multiple norovirus outbreaks associated with 179 ill individuals who attended separate events held at an outdoor venue and campground over a month period. Epidemiologic investigations were unable to identify a single exposure route and therefore unable to determine whether there was a persistent contamination source to target for exposure mitigation. Norovirus was detected in a fresh recreational water designated swimming area and a drinking water well. A hydrogeological site evaluation suggested a nearby septic leach field as a potential contamination source via ground water infiltration. Geological characterization revealed a steep dip of the bedrock beneath the septic leach field toward the well, providing a viral transport pathway in a geologic medium not previously documented as high risk for viral ground water contamination. The human-associated microbial source tracking (MST) genetic marker, HF183, was used as a microbial tracer to demonstrate the hydrogeological connection between the malfunctioning septic system, drinking water well, and recreational water area. Based on environmental investigation findings, venue management and local public health officials implemented a series of outbreak prevention strategies including discontinuing the use of the contaminated well, issuing a permit for a new drinking water well, increasing portable toilet and handwashing station availability, and promoting proper hand hygiene. Despite the outbreaks at the venue and evidence of ground water contamination impacting nearby recreational water and the drinking water well, no new norovirus cases were reported during a large event one week after implementing prevention practices. This investigation highlights a new application for human-associated MST methods to trace hydrological connections between multiple fecal pollutant exposure routes in an outbreak scenario. In turn, pollutant source information can be used to develop effective intervention practices to mitigate exposure and prevent future outbreaks associated with human fecal contaminated waters. |
Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli Infections Associated with Romaine Lettuce - United States, 2018.
Bottichio L , Keaton A , Thomas D , Fulton T , Tiffany A , Frick A , Mattioli M , Kahler A , Murphy J , Otto M , Tesfai A , Fields A , Kline K , Fiddner J , Higa J , Barnes A , Arroyo F , Salvatierra A , Holland A , Taylor W , Nash J , Morawski BM , Correll S , Hinnenkamp R , Havens J , Patel K , Schroeder MN , Gladney L , Martin H , Whitlock L , Dowell N , Newhart C , Watkins LF , Hill V , Lance S , Harris S , Wise M , Williams I , Basler C , Gieraltowski L . Clin Infect Dis 2019 71 (8) e323-e330 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Produce-associated outbreaks of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) were first identified in 1991. In April 2018, New Jersey and Pennsylvania officials reported a cluster of STEC O157 infections associated with multiple locations of a restaurant chain. CDC queried PulseNet, the national laboratory network for foodborne disease surveillance, for additional cases and began a national investigation. METHODS: A case was defined as an infection between March 13 and August 22, 2018 with one of the 22 identified outbreak-associated E. coli O157:H7 or E. coli O61 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pattern combinations, or with a strain STEC O157 that was closely related to the main outbreak strain by whole genome sequencing. We conducted epidemiologic and traceback investigations to identify illness sub-clusters and common sources. An FDA-led environmental assessment, which tested water, soil, manure, compost, and scat samples, was conducted to evaluate potential sources of STEC contamination. RESULTS: We identified 240 case-patients from 37 states; 104 were hospitalized, 28 developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, and five died. Of 179 people who were interviewed, 152 (85%) reported consuming romaine lettuce in the week before illness onset. Twenty sub-clusters were identified. Product traceback from sub-cluster restaurants identified numerous romaine lettuce distributors and growers; all lettuce originated from the Yuma growing region. Water samples collected from an irrigation canal in the region yielded the outbreak strain of STEC O157. CONCLUSION: We report on the largest multistate leafy green-linked STEC O157 outbreak in several decades. The investigation highlights the complexities associated with investigating outbreaks involving widespread environmental contamination. |
Response and remediation actions following the detection of Naegleria fowleri in two treated drinking water distribution systems, Louisiana, 2013-2014
Cope JR , Kahler AM , Causey J , Williams JG , Kihlken J , Benjamin C , Ames AP , Forsman J , Zhu Y , Yoder JS , Seidel CJ , Hill VR . J Water Health 2019 17 (5) 777-787 Naegleria fowleri causes the usually fatal disease primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), typically in people who have been swimming in warm, untreated freshwater. Recently, some cases in the United States were associated with exposure to treated drinking water. In 2013, a case of PAM was reported for the first time in association with the exposure to water from a US treated drinking water system colonized with culturable N. fowleri. This system and another were found to have multiple areas with undetectable disinfectant residual levels. In response, the water distribution systems were temporarily converted from chloramine disinfection to chlorine to inactivate N. fowleri and reduced biofilm in the distribution systems. Once >1.0 mg/L free chlorine residual was attained in all systems for 60 days, water testing was performed; N. fowleri was not detected in water samples after the chlorine conversion. This investigation highlights the importance of maintaining adequate residual disinfectant levels in drinking water distribution systems. Water distribution system managers should be knowledgeable about the ecology of their systems, understand potential water quality changes when water temperatures increase, and work to eliminate areas in which biofilm growth may be problematic and affect water quality. |
Detection of Cryptosporidium recovered from large-volume water samples using dead-end ultrafiltration
Kahler AM , Hill VR . Methods Mol Biol 2020 2052 23-41 The procedure described here provides instructions for detection of Cryptosporidium recovered from large-volume water samples. Water samples are collected by dead-end ultrafiltration in the field and ultrafilters are processed in a laboratory. Microbes recovered from the filters are further concentrated and subjected to Cryptosporidium isolation or nucleic acid extraction methods for the detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts or Cryptosporidium DNA. |
First reported human cases of leptospirosis in the United States Virgin Islands in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, September-November 2017
Marinova-Petkova A , Guendel I , Strysko JP , Ekpo LL , Galloway R , Yoder J , Kahler A , Artus A , Hoffmaster AR , Bower WA , Walke H , Ellis BR , Hunte-Ceasar T , Ellis EM , Schafer IJ . Open Forum Infect Dis 2019 6 (7) ofz261 Objective: Following Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the first case of human leptospirosis ever identified in the US Virgin Islands (USVI) was reported to the Virgin Islands Department of Health. Leptospirosis is a potentially fatal bacterial disease caused by Leptospira species found in animal urine and urine-contaminated water and soil. Outbreaks can occur following extreme weather events. Method: Additional cases of leptospirosis were identified in the 2.5 months post-hurricanes by reviewing emergency department (ED) records from territorial hospitals for patients demonstrating leptospirosis-consistent symptoms, testing symptomatic patients previously enrolled in the USVI arbovirus surveillance system (VIASS), and adding leptospirosis testing prospectively to VIASS. Available patient sera underwent local rapid diagnostic testing for anti-Leptospira IgM followed by confirmatory microscopic agglutination testing at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Water was collected from cisterns with epidemiologic links to confirmed cases and tested by real-time PCR (qPCR) for pathogenic Leptospira spp. Results: Sixteen retrospectively identified symptomatic patients were enrolled in VIASS; 15 with available samples tested negative. Based on review of 5226 ED charts, 6 patients were further investigated; of these, 5 were tested of which 1 was positive. Prospective leptospirosis surveillance tested 57 additional patients; of these, 1 was positive. Water from 1 of 5 tested cisterns was found positive by qPCR. Conclusions: This investigation documents the first 3 cases of leptospirosis reported in the USVI and demonstrates how VIASS successfully was adapted to establish leptospirosis surveillance. Contaminated cistern water was identified as a potential source for Leptospira spp. transmission, highlighting the need for additional post-hurricane remediation and disinfection guidance. |
Outbreaks associated with untreated recreational water - United States, 2000-2014
Graciaa DS , Cope JR , Roberts VA , Cikesh BL , Kahler AM , Vigar M , Hilborn ED , Wade TJ , Backer LC , Montgomery SP , Secor WE , Hill VR , Beach MJ , Fullerton KE , Yoder JS , Hlavsa MC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (25) 701-706 Outbreaks associated with untreated recreational water can be caused by pathogens, toxins, or chemicals in fresh water (e.g., lakes, rivers) or marine water (e.g., ocean). During 2000-2014, public health officials from 35 states and Guam voluntarily reported 140 untreated recreational water-associated outbreaks to CDC. These outbreaks resulted in at least 4,958 cases of disease and two deaths. Among the 95 outbreaks with a confirmed infectious etiology, enteric pathogens caused 80 (84%); 21 (22%) were caused by norovirus, 19 (20%) by Escherichia coli, 14 (15%) by Shigella, and 12 (13%) by Cryptosporidium. Investigations of these 95 outbreaks identified 3,125 cases; 2,704 (87%) were caused by enteric pathogens, including 1,459 (47%) by norovirus, 362 (12%) by Shigella, 314 (10%) by Cryptosporidium, and 155 (5%) by E. coli. Avian schistosomes were identified as the cause in 345 (11%) of the 3,125 cases. The two deaths were in persons affected by a single outbreak (two cases) caused by Naegleria fowleri. Public parks (50 [36%]) and beaches (45 [32%]) were the leading settings associated with the 140 outbreaks. Overall, the majority of outbreaks started during June-August (113 [81%]); 65 (58%) started in July. Swimmers and parents of young swimmers can take steps to minimize the risk for exposure to pathogens, toxins, and chemicals in untreated recreational water by heeding posted advisories closing the beach to swimming; not swimming in discolored, smelly, foamy, or scummy water; not swimming while sick with diarrhea; and limiting water entering the nose when swimming in warm freshwater. |
Cholera epidemic - Lusaka, Zambia, October 2017-May 2018
Sinyange N , Brunkard JM , Kapata N , Mazaba ML , Musonda KG , Hamoonga R , Kapina M , Kapaya F , Mutale L , Kateule E , Nanzaluka F , Zulu J , Musyani CL , Winstead AV , Davis WW , N'Cho H S , Mulambya NL , Sakubita P , Chewe O , Nyimbili S , Onwuekwe EVC , Adrien N , Blackstock AJ , Brown TW , Derado G , Garrett N , Kim S , Hubbard S , Kahler AM , Malambo W , Mintz E , Murphy J , Narra R , Rao GG , Riggs MA , Weber N , Yard E , Zyambo KD , Bakyaita N , Monze N , Malama K , Mulwanda J , Mukonka VM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (19) 556-559 On October 6, 2017, an outbreak of cholera was declared in Zambia after laboratory confirmation of Vibrio cholerae O1, biotype El Tor, serotype Ogawa, from stool specimens from two patients with acute watery diarrhea. The two patients had gone to a clinic in Lusaka, the capital city, on October 4. Cholera cases increased rapidly, from several hundred cases in early December 2017 to approximately 2,000 by early January 2018 (Figure). In collaboration with partners, the Zambia Ministry of Health (MoH) launched a multifaceted public health response that included increased chlorination of the Lusaka municipal water supply, provision of emergency water supplies, water quality monitoring and testing, enhanced surveillance, epidemiologic investigations, a cholera vaccination campaign, aggressive case management and health care worker training, and laboratory testing of clinical samples. In late December 2017, a number of water-related preventive actions were initiated, including increasing chlorine levels throughout the city's water distribution system and placing emergency tanks of chlorinated water in the most affected neighborhoods; cholera cases declined sharply in January 2018. During January 10-February 14, 2018, approximately 2 million doses of oral cholera vaccine were administered to Lusaka residents aged >/=1 year. However, in mid-March, heavy flooding and widespread water shortages occurred, leading to a resurgence of cholera. As of May 12, 2018, the outbreak had affected seven of the 10 provinces in Zambia, with 5,905 suspected cases and a case fatality rate (CFR) of 1.9%. Among the suspected cases, 5,414 (91.7%), including 98 deaths (CFR = 1.8%), occurred in Lusaka residents. |
Outbreaks associated with treated recreational water - United States, 2000-2014
Hlavsa MC , Cikesh BL , Roberts VA , Kahler AM , Vigar M , Hilborn ED , Wade TJ , Roellig DM , Murphy JL , Xiao L , Yates KM , Kunz JM , Arduino MJ , Reddy SC , Fullerton KE , Cooley LA , Beach MJ , Hill VR , Yoder JS . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (19) 547-551 Outbreaks associated with exposure to treated recreational water can be caused by pathogens or chemicals in venues such as pools, hot tubs/spas, and interactive water play venues (i.e., water playgrounds). During 2000-2014, public health officials from 46 states and Puerto Rico reported 493 outbreaks associated with treated recreational water. These outbreaks resulted in at least 27,219 cases and eight deaths. Among the 363 outbreaks with a confirmed infectious etiology, 212 (58%) were caused by Cryptosporidium (which causes predominantly gastrointestinal illness), 57 (16%) by Legionella (which causes Legionnaires' disease, a severe pneumonia, and Pontiac fever, a milder illness with flu-like symptoms), and 47 (13%) by Pseudomonas (which causes folliculitis ["hot tub rash"] and otitis externa ["swimmers' ear"]). Investigations of the 363 outbreaks identified 24,453 cases; 21,766 (89%) were caused by Cryptosporidium, 920 (4%) by Pseudomonas, and 624 (3%) by Legionella. At least six of the eight reported deaths occurred in persons affected by outbreaks caused by Legionella. Hotels were the leading setting, associated with 157 (32%) of the 493 outbreaks. Overall, the outbreaks had a bimodal temporal distribution: 275 (56%) outbreaks started during June-August and 46 (9%) in March. Assessment of trends in the annual counts of outbreaks caused by Cryptosporidium, Legionella, or Pseudomonas indicate mixed progress in preventing transmission. Pathogens able to evade chlorine inactivation have become leading outbreak etiologies. The consequent outbreak and case counts and mortality underscore the utility of CDC's Model Aquatic Health Code ( to prevent outbreaks associated with treated recreational water. |
Primary amebic meningoencephalitis associated with rafting on an artificial whitewater river: Case report and environmental investigation
Cope JR , Murphy J , Kahler A , Gorbett DG , Ali I , Taylor B , Corbitt L , Roy S , Lee N , Roellig D , Brewer S , Hill VR . Clin Infect Dis 2018 66 (4) 548-553 Background: Naegleria fowleri is a thermophilic ameba found in freshwater that causes primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) when it enters the nose and migrates to the brain. Patient exposure to water containing the ameba typically occurs in warm freshwater lakes and ponds during recreational water activities. In June 2016, an 18-year-old woman died of PAM after traveling to North Carolina, where she participated in rafting on an artificial whitewater river. Methods: We conducted an epidemiologic and environmental investigation to determine the water exposure that led to the death of this patient. Results: The case patient's most probable water exposure occurred while rafting on an artificial whitewater river during which she was thrown out of the raft and submerged underwater. The approximately 11.5 million gallons of water in the whitewater facility were partially filtered, subjected to ultraviolet light treatment, and occasionally chlorinated. Heavy algal growth was noted. Eleven water-related samples were collected from the facility; all were positive for N. fowleri. Of 5 samples collected from the nearby natural river, 1 sediment sample was positive for N. fowleri. Conclusions: This investigation documents a novel exposure to an artificial whitewater river as the likely exposure causing PAM in this case. Conditions in the whitewater facility (warm, turbid water with little chlorine and heavy algal growth) rendered the water treatment ineffective and provided an ideal environment for N. fowleri to thrive. The combination of natural and engineered elements at the whitewater facility created a challenging environment to control the growth of N. fowleri. |
Waterborne disease outbreaks associated with environmental and undetermined exposures to water - United States, 2013-2014
McClung RP , Roth DM , Vigar M , Roberts VA , Kahler AM , Cooley LA , Hilborn ED , Wade TJ , Fullerton KE , Yoder JS , Hill VR . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (44) 1222-1225 Waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States are associated with a wide variety of water exposures and are reported annually to CDC on a voluntary basis by state and territorial health departments through the National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS). A majority of outbreaks arise from exposure to drinking water (1) or recreational water (2), whereas others are caused by an environmental exposure to water or an undetermined exposure to water. During 2013-2014, 15 outbreaks associated with an environmental exposure to water and 12 outbreaks with an undetermined exposure to water were reported, resulting in at least 289 cases of illness, 108 hospitalizations, and 17 deaths. Legionella was responsible for 63% of the outbreaks, 94% of hospitalizations, and all deaths. Outbreaks were also caused by Cryptosporidium, Pseudomonas, and Giardia, including six outbreaks of giardiasis caused by ingestion of water from a river, stream, or spring. Water management programs can effectively prevent outbreaks caused by environmental exposure to water from human-made water systems, while proper point-of-use treatment of water can prevent outbreaks caused by ingestion of water from natural water systems. |
Assessment of drinking water sold from private sector kiosks in post-earthquake Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Patrick M , Steenland M , Dismer A , Pierre-Louis J , Murphy JL , Kahler A , Mull B , Etheart MD , Rossignol E , Boncy J , Hill V , Handzel T . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 84-91 Consumption of drinking water from private vendors has increased considerably in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in recent decades. A major type of vendor is private kiosks, advertising reverse osmosis-treated water for sale by volume. To describe the scale and geographical distribution of private kiosks in metropolitan Port-au-Prince, an inventory of private kiosks was conducted from July to August 2013. Coordinates of kiosks were recorded with global positioning system units and a brief questionnaire was administered with the operator to document key kiosk characteristics. To assess the quality of water originating from private kiosks, water quality analyses were also conducted on a sample of those inventoried as well as from the major provider company sites. The parameters tested were Escherichia coli, free chlorine residual, pH, turbidity, and total dissolved solids. More than 1,300 kiosks were inventoried, the majority of which were franchises of four large provider companies. Approximately half of kiosks reported opening within 12 months of the date of the inventory. The kiosk treatment chain and sales price was consistent among a majority of the kiosks. Of the 757 kiosks sampled for water quality, 90.9% of samples met World Health Organization (WHO) microbiological guideline at the point of sale for nondetectable E. coli in a 100-mL sample. Of the eight provider company sites tested, all samples met the WHO microbiological guideline. Because of the increasing role of the private sector in drinking water provision in Port-au-Prince and elsewhere in Haiti, this assessment was an important first step for government regulation of this sector. |
Environmental survey of drinking water sources in Kampala, Uganda during a typhoid fever outbreak
Murphy JL , Kahler AM , Nansubuga I , Nanyunja EM , Kaplan B , Jothikumar N , Routh J , Gomez GA , Mintz ED , Hill VR . Appl Environ Microbiol 2017 83 (23) In 2015, a typhoid fever outbreak began in downtown Kampala, Uganda and spread into adjacent districts. In response, an environmental survey of drinking water source types was conducted in areas of the city with high case numbers. A total of 122 samples were collected from 12 source types and tested for E. coli, free chlorine, and conductivity. An additional 37 grab samples from seven source types and 16 paired large volume (20-L) samples from wells and springs were also collected and tested for the presence of Salmonella Typhi. Escherichia coli was detected in 60% of kaveras (drinking water sold in plastic bags) and 80% of refilled water bottles; free chlorine was not detected in either source type. Most jerry cans (68%) contained E. coli and had free chlorine residuals below the WHO recommended level of 0.5 mg/L during outbreaks. Elevated conductivity readings for kaveras, refilled water bottles, and jerry cans (compared to treated surface water supplied by the water utility) suggested they likely contained untreated ground water. All unprotected springs and wells and more than 60% of protected springs contained E. coli Water samples collected from the water utility were found to have acceptable free chlorine levels and no detectable E. coli While S Typhi was not detected in water samples, Salmonella spp. were detected in samples from two unprotected springs, one protected spring, and one refilled water bottle. These data provided clear evidence that unregulated vended water and ground water represented a risk for typhoid transmission.Importance Despite the high incidence of typhoid fever globally, relatively few outbreak investigations incorporate drinking water testing. During waterborne disease outbreaks, measurement of physical-chemical parameters, such as free chlorine residual and electrical conductivity, and microbiological parameters, such as the presence of E. coli or the implicated etiologic agent, in drinking water samples can identify contaminated sources. This investigation indicated that unregulated vended water and ground water sources were contaminated and were therefore a risk to consumers during the 2015 typhoid fever outbreak in Kampala. Identification of contaminated drinking water sources and sources that do not contain adequate disinfectant levels can lead to rapid targeted interventions. |
Interlaboratory validation of an improved method for detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis in produce using a real-time PCR assay.
Murphy HR , Cinar HN , Gopinath G , Noe KE , Chatman LD , Miranda NE , Wetherington JH , Neal-McKinney J , Pires GS , Sachs E , Stanya KJ , Johnson CL , Nascimento FS , Santin M , Molokin A , Samadpour M , Janagama H , Kahler A , Miller C , da Silva AJ . Food Microbiol 2018 69 170-178 ![]() A collaborative validation study was performed to evaluate the performance of a new U.S. Food and Drug Administration method developed for detection of the protozoan parasite, Cyclospora cayetanensis, on cilantro and raspberries. The method includes a sample preparation step in which oocysts are recovered from produce using an enhanced produce washing solution containing 0.1% Alconox and a commercially available method to disrupt the C. cayetanensis oocysts and extract DNA. A real-time PCR assay targeting the C. cayetanensis 18S rDNA gene with an internal amplification control to monitor PCR inhibition provides species-specific identification. Five laboratories blindly analyzed a total of 319 samples consisting of 25 g of cilantro or 50 g of raspberries which were either uninoculated or artificially contaminated with C. cayetanensis oocysts. Detection rates for cilantro inoculated with 200, 10, and 5 oocysts, were 100%, 80%, and 31%, respectively. For raspberries, the detection rates for samples inoculated with 200, 10, and 5 oocysts were 100%, 90% and 50%, respectively. All uninoculated samples, DNA blank extracts, and no-template PCR controls were negative. Reproducibility between laboratories and analysts was high and the method was shown to be an effective analytical tool for detection of C. cayetanensis in produce. |
Using molecular characterization to support investigations of aquatic facility-associated outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis - Alabama, Arizona, and Ohio, 2016
Hlavsa MC , Roellig DM , Seabolt MH , Kahler AM , Murphy JL , McKitt TK , Geeter EF , Dawsey R , Davidson SL , Kim TN , Tucker TH , Iverson SA , Garrett B , Fowle N , Collins J , Epperson G , Zusy S , Weiss JR , Komatsu K , Rodriguez E , Patterson JG , Sunenshine R , Taylor B , Cibulskas K , Denny L , Omura K , Tsorin B , Fullerton KE , Xiao L . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (19) 493-497 Cryptosporidiosis is a nationally notifiable gastrointestinal illness caused by parasitic protozoa of the genus Cryptosporidium, which can cause profuse, watery diarrhea that can last up to 2-3 weeks in immunocompetent patients and can lead to life-threatening wasting and malabsorption in immunocompromised patients. Fecal-oral transmission of Cryptosporidium oocysts, the parasite's infectious life stage, occurs via ingestion of contaminated recreational water, drinking water, or food, or following contact with infected persons or animals, particularly preweaned bovine calves (1). The typical incubation period is 2-10 days. Since 2004, the annual incidence of nationally notified cryptosporidiosis has risen approximately threefold in the United States (1). Cryptosporidium also has emerged as the leading etiology of nationally notified recreational water-associated outbreaks, particularly those associated with aquatic facilities (i.e., physical places that contain one or more aquatic venues [e.g., pools] and support infrastructure) (2). As of February 24, 2017, a total of 13 (54%) of 24 states reporting provisional data detected at least 32 aquatic facility-associated cryptosporidiosis outbreaks in 2016. In comparison, 20 such outbreaks were voluntarily reported to CDC via the National Outbreak Reporting System for 2011, 16 for 2012, 13 for 2013, and 16 for 2014. This report highlights cryptosporidiosis outbreaks associated with aquatic facilities in three states (Alabama, Arizona, and Ohio) in 2016. This report also illustrates the use of CryptoNet, the first U.S. molecularly based surveillance system for a parasitic disease, to further elucidate Cryptosporidium chains of transmission and cryptosporidiosis epidemiology. CryptoNet data can be used to optimize evidence-based prevention strategies. Not swimming when ill with diarrhea is key to preventing and controlling aquatic facility-associated cryptosporidiosis outbreaks ( |
Direct and indirect effects of heavy alcohol use on clinical outcomes in a longitudinal study of HIV patients on ART
Kahler CW , Liu T , Cioe PA , Bryant V , Pinkston MM , Kojic EM , Onen N , Baker JV , Hammer J , Brooks JT , Patel P . AIDS Behav 2016 21 (7) 1825-1835 In a cohort of patients receiving care for HIV, we examined longitudinally the impact of past 30-day frequency of heavy drinking (consuming 5+ drinks on one occasion) on HIV-related (detectable viral load and CD4+ T cell count) and non-HIV-related (hemoglobin and biomarkers of kidney function and liver fibrosis) clinical outcomes and the extent to which these effects were due to reduced antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence. Data came from the Study to Understand the Natural History of HIV/AIDS in the Era of Effective Therapy. Between March 2004 and June 2006, 533 individuals receiving ART were recruited and followed every 6 months for six years. Using longitudinal mediation analysis, we estimated natural direct effects (NDE) of heavy drinking frequency (never, 1-3 times, or 4+ times in the past 30 days) on clinical outcomes and natural indirect effects (NIE) mediated via ART adherence. A one-level increase in heavy drinking frequency had a significant negative NDE on CD4+ T-cell counts (-10.61 cells/mm3; 95 % CI [-17.10, -4.12]) and a significant NIE through reduced ART adherence of -0.72 cells/mm3 (95 % CI [-1.28, -0.15]), as well as a significant NIE on risk of detectable viral load (risk ratio = 1.03; 95 % CI [1.00, 1.05]). Heavy drinking had a significant detrimental NIE on a combined index of 5-year mortality risk and detrimental NDE and total effect on a biomarker of liver fibrosis. Heavy drinking has deleterious effects on multiple clinical outcomes in people living with HIV, some of which are mediated through reduced ART adherence. |
Notes from the Field: Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis Associated with Exposure to Swimming Pool Water Supplied by an Overland Pipe - Inyo County, California, 2015
Johnson RO , Cope JR , Moskowitz M , Kahler A , Hill V , Behrendt K , Molina L , Fullerton KE , Beach MJ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (16) 424 On June 17, 2015, a previously healthy woman aged 21 years went to an emergency department after onset of headache, nausea, and vomiting during the preceding 24 hours. Upon evaluation, she was vomiting profusely and had photophobia and nuchal rigidity. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid was consistent with meningitis.* She was empirically treated for bacterial and viral meningoencephalitis. Her condition continued to decline, and she was transferred to a higher level of care in another facility on June 19, but died shortly thereafter. Cultures of cerebrospinal fluid and multiple blood specimens were negative, and tests for West Nile, herpes simplex, and influenza viruses were negative. No organisms were seen in the cerebrospinal fluid; however, real-time polymerase chain reaction testing by CDC was positive for Naegleria fowleri, a free-living thermophilic ameba found in warm freshwater that causes primary amebic meningoencephalitis, an almost universally fatal infection. |
Aggregation of adenovirus 2 in source water and impacts on disinfection by chlorine
Kahler AM , Cromeans TL , Metcalfe MG , Humphrey CD , Hill VR . Food Environ Virol 2016 8 (2) 148-55 It is generally accepted that viral particles in source water are likely to be found as aggregates attached to other particles. For this reason, it is important to investigate the disinfection efficacy of chlorine on aggregated viruses. A method to produce adenovirus particle aggregation was developed for this study. Negative stain electron microscopy was used to measure aggregation before and after addition of virus particles to surface water at different pH and specific conductance levels. The impact of aggregation on the efficacy of chlorine disinfection was also examined. Disinfection experiments with human adenovirus 2 (HAdV2) in source water were conducted using 0.2 mg/L free chlorine at 5 degrees C. Aggregation of HAdV2 in source water (≥3 aggregated particles) remained higher at higher specific conductance and pH levels. However, aggregation was highly variable, with the percentage of particles present in aggregates ranging from 43 to 71 %. Upon addition into source water, the aggregation percentage dropped dramatically. On average, chlorination CT values (chlorine concentration in mg/L x time in min) for 3-log10 inactivation of aggregated HAdV2 were up to three times higher than those for dispersed HAdV2, indicating that aggregation reduced the disinfection rate. This information can be used by water utilities and regulators to guide decision making regarding disinfection of viruses in water. |
Elevated soluble CD14 and lower D-dimer are associated with cigarette smoking and heavy episodic alcohol use in persons living with HIV
Cioe PA , Baker J , Kojic EM , Onen N , Hammer J , Patel P , Kahler CW . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2015 70 (4) 400-5 BACKGROUND: Persons living with HIV are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease in part because of persistent inflammation and coagulation activation. METHODS: We examined whether smoking and heavy episodic alcohol use (defined as 5 or more drinks on one occasion) were associated with greater monocyte activation (soluble CD14) and coagulation (D-dimer) in participants in the Study to Understand the Natural History of HIV and AIDS in the Era of Effective Therapy (the "SUN" Study), a prospective observational cohort. RESULTS: Using regression analysis (n = 689), current smoking compared with nonsmoking was associated with significantly elevated soluble CD14 (B = 135.57, 95% confidence interval: 84.95 to 186.19, P < 0.001), whereas heavy alcohol use compared with nonheavy use was associated with significantly lower D-dimer levels (B = -0.059, 95% confidence interval: -0.102 to -0.016, P = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS: Smoking cessation should be encouraged by HIV care providers to improve mortality outcomes from all causes of death, particularly cardiovascular disease. |
Outbreaks of illness associated with recreational water - United States, 2011-2012
Hlavsa MC , Roberts VA , Kahler AM , Hilborn ED , Mecher TR , Beach MJ , Wade TJ , Yoder JS . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015 64 (24) 668-672 Outbreaks of illness associated with recreational water use result from exposure to chemicals or infectious pathogens in recreational water venues that are treated (e.g., pools and hot tubs or spas) or untreated (e.g., lakes and oceans). For 2011-2012, the most recent years for which finalized data were available, public health officials from 32 states and Puerto Rico reported 90 recreational water-associated outbreaks to CDC's Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System (WBDOSS) via the National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS). The 90 outbreaks resulted in at least 1,788 cases, 95 hospitalizations, and one death. Among 69 (77%) outbreaks associated with treated recreational water, 36 (52%) were caused by Cryptosporidium. Among 21 (23%) outbreaks associated with untreated recreational water, seven (33%) were caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli O157:H7 or E. coli O111). Guidance, such as the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC), for preventing and controlling recreational water-associated outbreaks can be optimized when informed by national outbreak and laboratory (e.g., molecular typing of Cryptosporidium) data. |
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