Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
Records 1-3 (of 3 Records) |
Query Trace: Jacobs EJ[original query] |
Mental health in undergraduate students several months into the COVID-19 pandemic compared to before the pandemic
Jacobs EJ , Spiker S , Newsome KB , Danielson ML , Bhupalam S , Leeb RT . J Am Coll Health 2023 1-10 OBJECTIVE: To compare mental health indicators among undergraduates in Fall 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, and Fall 2020, when many students returned to campus amidst restrictions on in-person contact. PARTICIPANTS: Analyses included 26,881 undergraduate students, aged 18-24, from 70 U.S. institutions. METHODS: Students completed the National College Health Assessment-III survey in Fall 2019 or Fall 2020. RESULTS: The prevalences of high stress, loneliness, a low flourishing score, and serious psychological distress increased in 2020 compared to 2019. Serious psychological distress increased substantially in 2020 among students not living with family (adjusted prevalence ratio (aPR)=1.36, 95% CI 1.29-1.45) but not among students living with family (aPR = 1.09, 95% CI 0.95-1.26). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest prevalences of several indicators of poor mental health were elevated among U.S. undergraduates several months into the pandemic. The pandemic may have had greater impact on mental health among students not living with family. |
Imputation and subset-based association analysis across different cancer types identifies multiple independent risk loci in the TERT-CLPTM1L region on chromosome 5p15.33.
Wang Z , Zhu B , Zhang M , Parikh H , Jia J , Chung CC , Sampson JN , Hoskins JW , Hutchinson A , Burdette L , Ibrahim A , Hautman C , Raj PS , Abnet CC , Adjei AA , Ahlbom A , Albanes D , Allen NE , Ambrosone CB , Aldrich M , Amiano P , Amos C , Andersson U , Andriole G Jr , Andrulis IL , Arici C , Arslan AA , Austin MA , Baris D , Barkauskas DA , Bassig BA , Beane Freeman LE , Berg CD , Berndt SI , Bertazzi PA , Biritwum RB , Black A , Blot W , Boeing H , Boffetta P , Bolton K , Boutron-Ruault MC , Bracci PM , Brennan P , Brinton LA , Brotzman M , Bueno-de-Mesquita HB , Buring JE , Butler MA , Cai Q , Cancel-Tassin G , Canzian F , Cao G , Caporaso NE , Carrato A , Carreon T , Carta A , Chang GC , Chang IS , Chang-Claude J , Che X , Chen CJ , Chen CY , Chen CH , Chen C , Chen KY , Chen YM , Chokkalingam AP , Chu LW , Clavel-Chapelon F , Colditz GA , Colt JS , Conti D , Cook MB , Cortessis VK , Crawford ED , Cussenot O , Davis FG , De Vivo I , Deng X , Ding T , Dinney CP , Di Stefano AL , Diver WR , Duell EJ , Elena JW , Fan JH , Feigelson HS , Feychting M , Figueroa JD , Flanagan AM , Fraumeni JF Jr , Freedman ND , Fridley BL , Fuchs CS , Gago-Dominguez M , Gallinger S , Gao YT , Gapstur SM , Garcia-Closas M , Garcia-Closas R , Gastier-Foster JM , Gaziano JM , Gerhard DS , Giffen CA , Giles GG , Gillanders EM , Giovannucci EL , Goggins M , Gokgoz N , Goldstein AM , Gonzalez C , Gorlick R , Greene MH , Gross M , Grossman HB , Grubb R 3rd , Gu J , Guan P , Haiman CA , Hallmans G , Hankinson SE , Harris CC , Hartge P , Hattinger C , Hayes RB , He Q , Helman L , Henderson BE , Henriksson R , Hoffman-Bolton J , Hohensee C , Holly EA , Hong YC , Hoover RN , Hosgood HD 3rd , Hsiao CF , Hsing AW , Hsiung CA , Hu N , Hu W , Hu Z , Huang MS , Hunter DJ , Inskip PD , Ito H , Jacobs EJ , Jacobs KB , Jenab M , Ji BT , Johansen C , Johansson M , Johnson A , Kaaks R , Kamat AM , Kamineni A , Karagas M , Khanna C , Khaw KT , Kim C , Kim IS , Kim YH , Kim YC , Kim YT , Kang CH , Jung YJ , Kitahara CM , Klein AP , Klein R , Kogevinas M , Koh WP , Kohno T , Kolonel LN , Kooperberg C , Kratz CP , Krogh V , Kunitoh H , Kurtz RC , Kurucu N , Lan Q , Lathrop M , Lau CC , Lecanda F , Lee KM , Lee MP , Le Marchand L , Lerner SP , Li D , Liao LM , Lim WY , Lin D , Lin J , Lindstrom S , Linet MS , Lissowska J , Liu J , Ljungberg B , Lloreta J , Lu D , Ma J , Malats N , Mannisto S , Marina N , Mastrangelo G , Matsuo K , McGlynn KA , McKean-Cowdin R , McNeill LH , McWilliams RR , Melin BS , Meltzer PS , Mensah JE , Miao X , Michaud DS , Mondul AM , Moore LE , Muir K , Niwa S , Olson SH , Orr N , Panico S , Park JY , Patel AV , Patino-Garcia A , Pavanello S , Peeters PH , Peplonska B , Peters U , Petersen GM , Picci P , Pike MC , Porru S , Prescott J , Pu X , Purdue MP , Qiao YL , Rajaraman P , Riboli E , Risch HA , Rodabough RJ , Rothman N , Ruder AM , Ryu JS , Sanson M , Schned A , Schumacher FR , Schwartz AG , Schwartz KL , Schwenn M , Scotlandi K , Seow A , Serra C , Serra M , Sesso HD , Severi G , Shen H , Shen M , Shete S , Shiraishi K , Shu XO , Siddiq A , Sierrasesumaga L , Sierri S , Sihoe AD , Silverman DT , Simon M , Southey MC , Spector L , Spitz M , Stampfer M , Stattin P , Stern MC , Stevens VL , Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ , Stram DO , Strom SS , Su WC , Sund M , Sung SW , Swerdlow A , Tan W , Tanaka H , Tang W , Tang ZZ , Tardon A , Tay E , Taylor PR , Tettey Y , Thomas DM , Tirabosco R , Tjonneland A , Tobias GS , Toro JR , Travis RC , Trichopoulos D , Troisi R , Truelove A , Tsai YH , Tucker MA , Tumino R , Van Den Berg D , Van Den Eeden SK , Vermeulen R , Vineis P , Visvanathan K , Vogel U , Wang C , Wang C , Wang J , Wang SS , Weiderpass E , Weinstein SJ , Wentzensen N , Wheeler W , White E , Wiencke JK , Wolk A , Wolpin BM , Wong MP , Wrensch M , Wu C , Wu T , Wu X , Wu YL , Wunder JS , Xiang YB , Xu J , Yang HP , Yang PC , Yatabe Y , Ye Y , Yeboah ED , Yin Z , Ying C , Yu CJ , Yu K , Yuan JM , Zanetti KA , Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A , Zheng W , Zhou B , Mirabello L , Savage SA , Kraft P , Chanock SJ , Yeager M , Landi MT , Shi J , Chatterjee N , Amundadottir LT . Hum Mol Genet 2014 23 (24) 6616-33 Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have mapped risk alleles for at least ten distinct cancers to a small region of 63,000 bp on chromosome 5p15.33. This region harbors the TERT and CLPTM1L genes; the former encodes the catalytic subunit of telomerase reverse transcriptase and the latter may play a role in apoptosis. To investigate further the genetic architecture of common susceptibility alleles in this region, we conducted an agnostic subset-based meta-analysis (ASSET) across six distinct cancers in 34,248 cases and 45,036 controls. Based on sequential conditional analysis, we identified as many as six independent risk loci marked by common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): five in the TERT gene (region 1: rs7726159, P=2.10x10-39; region 3: rs2853677, P=3.30x10-36 and PConditional=2.36x10-8; region 4: rs2736098, P=3.87x10-12 and PConditional=5.19x10-6, region 5: rs13172201, P=0.041 and PConditional=2.04x10-6; and region 6: rs10069690, P=7.49x10-15 and PConditional=5.35x10-7) and one in the neighboring CLPTM1L gene (region 2: rs451360; P=1.90x10-18 and PConditional=7.06x10-16). Between three and five cancers mapped to each independent locus with both risk-enhancing and protective effects. Allele specific effects on DNA methylation were seen for a subset of risk loci indicating that methylation and subsequent effects on gene expression may contribute to the biology of risk variants on 5p15.33. Our results provide strong support for extensive pleiotropy across this region of 5p15.33, to an extent not previously observed in other cancer susceptibility loci. |
Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2008, featuring cancers associated with excess weight and lack of sufficient physical activity
Eheman C , Henley J , Ballard-Barbash R , Jacobs EJ , Schymura MJ , Noone A-M , Pan L , Anderson RN , Fulton JE , Kohler BA , Jemal A , Ward E , Plescia M , Ries LAG , Edwards BK . Cancer 2012 118 (9) 2338-66 BACKGROUND: Annual updates on cancer occurrence and trends in the United States are provided through collaboration between the American Cancer Society (ACS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR). This year's report highlights the increased cancer risk associated with excess weight (overweight or obesity) and lack of sufficient physical activity (<150 minutes of physical activity per week). METHODS: Data on cancer incidence were obtained from the CDC, NCI, and NAACCR; data on cancer deaths were obtained from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics. Annual percent changes in incidence and death rates (age-standardized to the 2000 US population) for all cancers combined and for the leading cancers among men and among women were estimated by joinpoint analysis of long-term trends (incidence for 1992-2008 and mortality for 1975-2008) and short-term trends (1999-2008). Information was obtained from national surveys about the proportion of US children, adolescents, and adults who are overweight, obese, insufficiently physically active, or physically inactive. RESULTS: Death rates from all cancers combined decreased from 1999 to 2008, continuing a decline that began in the early 1990s, among men and among women in most racial and ethnic groups. Death rates decreased from 1999 to 2008 for most cancer sites, including the 4 most common cancers (lung, colorectum, breast, and prostate). The incidence of prostate and colorectal cancers also decreased from 1999 to 2008. Lung cancer incidence declined from 1999 to 2008 among men and from 2004 to 2008 among women. Breast cancer incidence decreased from 1999 to 2004 but was stable from 2004 to 2008. Incidence increased for several cancers, including pancreas, kidney, and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, which are associated with excess weight. CONCLUSIONS: Although improvements are reported in the US cancer burden, excess weight and lack of sufficient physical activity contribute to the increased incidence of many cancers, adversely affect quality of life for cancer survivors, and may worsen prognosis for several cancers. The current report highlights the importance of efforts to promote healthy weight and sufficient physical activity in reducing the cancer burden in the United States. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 13, 2025
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