Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 53 Records) |
Query Trace: Iskander J[original query] |
Prevention and control of influenza with vaccines: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2010
Fiore AE , Uyeki TM , Broder K , Finelli L , Euler GL , Singleton JA , Iskander JK , Wortley PM , Shay DK , Bresee JS , Cox NJ . MMWR Recomm Rep 2010 59 1-62 This report updates the 2009 recommendations by CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) regarding the use of influenza vaccine for the prevention and control of influenza (CDC. Prevention and control of influenza: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]. MMWR 2009;58[No. RR-8] and CDC. Use of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine---recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP], 2009. MMWR 2009;58:[No. RR-10]). The 2010 influenza recommendations include new and updated information. Highlights of the 2010 recommendations include 1) a recommendation that annual vaccination be administered to all persons aged >or=6 months for the 2010-11 influenza season; 2) a recommendation that children aged 6 months--8 years whose vaccination status is unknown or who have never received seasonal influenza vaccine before (or who received seasonal vaccine for the first time in 2009-10 but received only 1 dose in their first year of vaccination) as well as children who did not receive at least 1 dose of an influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine regardless of previous influenza vaccine history should receive 2 doses of a 2010-11 seasonal influenza vaccine (minimum interval: 4 weeks) during the 2010--11 season; 3) a recommendation that vaccines containing the 2010-11 trivalent vaccine virus strains A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like (the same strain as was used for 2009 H1N1 monovalent vaccines), A/Perth/16/2009 (H3N2)-like, and B/Brisbane/60/2008-like antigens be used; 4) information about Fluzone High-Dose, a newly approved vaccine for persons aged >or=65 years; and 5) information about other standard-dose newly approved influenza vaccines and previously approved vaccines with expanded age indications. Vaccination efforts should begin as soon as the 2010-11 seasonal influenza vaccine is available and continue through the influenza season. These recommendations also include a summary of safety data for U.S.-licensed influenza vaccines. These recommendations and other information are available at CDC's influenza website (; any updates or supplements that might be required during the 2010-11 influenza season also will be available at this website. Recommendations for influenza diagnosis and antiviral use will be published before the start of the 2010-11 influenza season. Vaccination and health-care providers should be alert to announcements of recommendation updates and should check the CDC influenza website periodically for additional information. |
Prevention and control of seasonal influenza with vaccines: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2009
Fiore AE , Shay DK , Broder K , Iskander JK , Uyeki TM , Mootrey G , Bresee JS , Cox NJ . MMWR Recomm Rep 2009 58 1-52 This report updates the 2008 recommendations by CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) regarding the use of influenza vaccine for the prevention and control of seasonal influenza (CDC. Prevention and control of influenza: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]. MMWR 2008;57[No. RR-7]). Information on vaccination issues related to the recently identified novel influenza A H1N1 virus will be published later in 2009. The 2009 seasonal influenza recommendations include new and updated information. Highlights of the 2009 recommendations include 1) a recommendation that annual vaccination be administered to all children aged 6 months-18 years for the 2009-10 influenza season; 2) a recommendation that vaccines containing the 2009-10 trivalent vaccine virus strains A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)-like, A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2)-like, and B/Brisbane/60/2008-like antigens be used; and 3) a notice that recommendations for influenza diagnosis and antiviral use will be published before the start of the 2009-10 influenza season. Vaccination efforts should begin as soon as vaccine is available and continue through the influenza season. Approximately 83% of the United States population is specifically recommended for annual vaccination against seasonal influenza; however, <40% of the U.S. population received the 2008-09 influenza vaccine. These recommendations also include a summary of safety data for U.S. licensed influenza vaccines. These recommendations and other information are available at CDC's influenza website (; any updates or supplements that might be required during the 2009-10 influenza season also can be found at this website. Vaccination and health-care providers should be alert to announcements of recommendation updates and should check the CDC influenza website periodically for additional information. |
Polysubstance use in pregnancy: Surveillance, interventions, and next steps
Park Y , Dang EP , Board A , Gilboa SM , Ondersma SJ , Smid MC , Shakib JH , Mitchell KT , England LJ , Broussard CS , Meaney-Delman D , Iskander J , Kim SY . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2023 32 (9) 899-904 Substance use during pregnancy increases risk for a wide range of adverse maternal and neonatal health outcomes. Polysubstance use is common among people who use substances during pregnancy; however, the risks of combined substance exposures during pregnancy are poorly understood. In this report, we provide an overview of the activities of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and partners and identified gaps related to (1) surveillance, (2) routine screening, and (3) prevention of polysubstance use during pregnancy. Efforts by CDC and other partners to reduce polysubstance use during pregnancy can improve the health of pregnant people and their infants and children. |
Preventing suicidal behavior among American Indian and Alaska Native adolescents and young adults
Mpofu JJ , Crosby A , Flynn MA , LaFromboise T , Iskander J , Hall JE , Penman-Aguilar A , Thorpe P . Public Health Rep 2022 138 (4) 333549221108986 From 2009 to 2018, overall suicide rates in the United States increased by 20.3% and increased by 43.5% among non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. Combining years 2009 through 2018, suicide rates per 100 000 population among non-Hispanic AI/AN adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 34 years were 2 to 4 times higher than those of adolescents and young adults of other races and ethnicities. An estimated 14% to 27% of non-Hispanic AI/AN adolescents attempted suicide during that time. The elevated rates of suicidal behavior among non-Hispanic AI/AN adolescents and young adults reflect inequities in the conditions that create health. In this topical review, we describe school-based educational efforts that are driven by local AI/AN communities, such as the American Indian Life Skills curriculum, that teach stress and coping skills and show promise in reducing suicidal ideation attempts and fatalities among AI/AN adolescents. Using a social-determinants-of-health lens, we review the availability and quality of employment as an important influencer of suicidal behavior, as well as the role of the workplace as an environment for suicide prevention in AI/AN communities. Working with tribal, state, local, and federal colleagues, the public health community can implement programs known to be effective and create additional comprehensive strategies to reduce inequities and ultimately reduce suicide rates. |
Applying the CDC Science Impact Framework to the results of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2001 Survey of Respirator Use and Practices
Yoon N , Ari M , Yorio P , Iskander J , D'Alessandro M . J Occup Environ Hyg 2022 19 (6) 1-31 During 2001-2002, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), at the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, collaborated with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) at the United States Department of Labor to conduct a voluntary survey of U.S. employers regarding the use of respiratory protective devices. In 2003, the survey results were jointly published by NIOSH and BLS. This study highlights and evaluates the scientific impact of the 2001-2002 survey by using Science Impact Framework that provides a historical tracking method with five domains of influence. The authors conducted interviews with original project management as well as a thorough document review and qualitative content analysis of published papers, books, presentations, and other relevant print media. A semi-structured and cross-vetted coding was applied across the five domains: Disseminating Science, Creating Awareness, Catalyzing Action, Effecting Change, and Shaping the Future. The 2001-2002 survey findings greatly enhanced understanding and awareness of respirator use in occupational settings within the United States. It also led to similar surveys in other countries, regulatory initiatives by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Mine Safety and Health Administration, and ultimately to a renewed partnership between NIOSH and BLS to collect contemporary estimates of respirator use in the workplace within the United States. |
Implementing the national suicide prevention strategy: Time for action to flatten the curve.
Iskander JK , Crosby AE . Prev Med 2021 152 106734 Since 1999, the Office of the United States Surgeon General has identified suicide prevention as a national public health priority. The National Strategy on Suicide Prevention, coordinated by the public-private Action Alliance, was most recently updated in 2012. In early 2021, the Surgeon General's office released a Call to Action to fully implement the national strategy. Six core types of actions to prevent suicide include adopting a broad public health approach, addressing upstream factors including social determinants of health, reducing access to multiple forms of lethal means, adopting evidence-based care for persons at risk, enhancing crisis care and care transitions, and improving the quality and use of suicide-related data. From 1999 through 2018, suicide rates in the U.S. increased by approximately one-third, and suicide had become the tenth leading cause of death. While most recent national data indicate a small reduction in the suicide rate, decreases were not seen across all demographic groups. Population groups which may require special emphasis or outreach efforts include adolescents, working age adults, military veterans, and American Indians/Alaskan Natives. Increases in social isolation, mental distress, and economic hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic indicate clear needs to address the full spectrum of suicidal behavior. This will require a multisector and whole of government approach, using contemporary evidence-informed approaches and best practices as well as innovative methods including those based on predictive analytics. |
Assessment of One Health knowledge, animal welfare implications, and emergency preparedness considerations for effective public health response
Pimentel LC , May AC , Iskander JK , Banks RE , Gibbins JD . Public Health Rep 2021 137 (5) 964-971 OBJECTIVES: Information on knowledge of public health professionals about health aspects of the human-animal interface, referred to as One Health, is limited. The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with animal welfare attitudes, practices, and One Health awareness among US Public Health Service (USPHS) officers to assess preparedness for public health response. METHODS: USPHS officers participated in an online, self-administered survey from February 15 through March 2, 2018. A total of 1133 of 6474 (17.5%) USPHS officers responded. We collected information on officers' demographic characteristics, animal welfare attitudes and practices, volunteer and work exposure to animals, and One Health knowledge. We compared (1) One Health knowledge and animal work exposure (deployment, regular assignment, or none) and (2) animal welfare importance and animal work exposure. To adjust for demographic characteristics associated with One Health knowledge, we used multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: One-third of nonveterinary officers reported encountering animals during deployment, and 65% reported that animal welfare was very or extremely important. We found no difference in One Health knowledge between nonveterinary officers who participated in deployments involving animals and nonveterinary officers who had no work exposure to animals (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.11; 95% CI, 0.71-1.75). Nonveterinary officers who participated in animal-related public health activities during regular assignment were more likely to have One Health knowledge than nonveterinary officers who had no work exposure to animals (aOR = 7.88; 95% CI, 5.36-11.59). CONCLUSIONS: One Health knowledge and awareness should be further explored in the current US public health workforce to identify training needs for emergency preparedness and other collaborative opportunities. |
Real-Time CDC Consultation during the COVID-19 Pandemic-United States, March-July, 2020.
Wozniczka D , Demeke HB , Thompson-Paul AM , Ijeoma U , Williams TR , Taylor AW , Tan KR , Chevalier MS , Agyemang E , Dowell D , Oduyebo T , Shiferaw M , Coleman King SM , Minta AA , Shealy K , Oliver SE , McLean C , Glover M , Iskander J . Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 18 (14) Context: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) clinicians provided real-time telephone consultation to healthcare providers, public health practitioners, and health department personnel. Objective: To describe the demographic and public health characteristics of inquiries, trends, and correlation of inquiries with national COVID-19 case reports. We summarize the results of real-time CDC clinician consultation service provided during 11 March to 31 July 2020 to understand the impact and utility of this service by CDC for the COVID-19 pandemic emergency response and for future outbreak responses. Design: Clinicians documented inquiries received including information about the call source, population for which guidance was sought, and a detailed description of the inquiry and resolution. Descriptive analyses were conducted, with a focus on characteristics of callers as well as public health and clinical content of inquiries. Setting: Real-time telephone consultations with CDC Clinicians in Atlanta, GA. Partic-ipants: Health care providers and public health professionals who called CDC with COVID-19 related inquiries from throughout the United States. Main Outcome Measures: Characteristics of inquiries including topic of inquiry, inquiry population, resolution, and demographic information. Results: A total of 3154 COVID-19 related telephone inquiries were answered in real-time. More than half (62.0%) of inquiries came from frontline healthcare providers and clinical sites, followed by 14.1% from state and local health departments. The majority of inquiries focused on issues in-volving healthcare workers (27.7%) and interpretation or application of CDC’s COVID-19 guidance (44%). Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a substantial number of inquiries to CDC, with the large majority originating from the frontline clinical and public health workforce. Analysis of inquiries suggests that the ongoing focus on refining COVID-19 guidance documents is war-ranted, which facilitates bidirectional feedback between the public, medical professionals, and public health authorities. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. |
Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Patients with Potential SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection, May-July 2020.
Lee JT , Hesse EM , Paulin HN , Datta D , Katz LS , Talwar A , Chang G , Galang RR , Harcourt JL , Tamin A , Thornburg NJ , Wong KK , Stevens V , Kim K , Tong S , Zhou B , Queen K , Drobeniuc J , Folster JM , Sexton DJ , Ramachandran S , Browne H , Iskander J , Mitruka K . Clin Infect Dis 2021 73 (12) 2217-2225 ![]() BACKGROUND: We investigated patients with potential SARS-CoV-2 reinfection in the United States during May-July 2020. METHODS: We conducted case finding for patients with potential SARS-CoV-2 reinfection through the Emerging Infections Network. Cases reported were screened for laboratory and clinical findings of potential reinfection followed by requests for medical records and laboratory specimens. Available medical records were abstracted to characterize patient demographics, comorbidities, clinical course, and laboratory test results. Submitted specimens underwent further testing, including RT-PCR, viral culture, whole genome sequencing, subgenomic RNA PCR, and testing for anti-SARS-CoV-2 total antibody. RESULTS: Among 73 potential reinfection patients with available records, 30 patients had recurrent COVID-19 symptoms explained by alternative diagnoses with concurrent SARS-CoV-2 positive RT-PCR, 24 patients remained asymptomatic after recovery but had recurrent or persistent RT-PCR, and 19 patients had recurrent COVID-19 symptoms with concurrent SARS-CoV-2 positive RT-PCR but no alternative diagnoses. These 19 patients had symptom recurrence a median of 57 days after initial symptom onset (interquartile range: 47 - 76). Six of these patients had paired specimens available for further testing, but none had laboratory findings confirming reinfections. Testing of an additional three patients with recurrent symptoms and alternative diagnoses also did not confirm reinfection. CONCLUSIONS: We did not confirm SARS-CoV-2 reinfection within 90 days of the initial infection based on the clinical and laboratory characteristics of cases in this investigation. Our findings support current CDC guidance around quarantine and testing for patients who have recovered from COVID-19. |
A science impact framework to measure impact beyond journal metrics
Ari MD , Iskander J , Araujo J , Casey C , Kools J , Chen B , Swain R , Kelly M , Popovic T . PLoS One 2020 15 (12) e0244407 Measuring the impact of public health science or research is important especially when it comes to health outcomes. Achieving the desired health outcomes take time and may be influenced by several contributors, making attribution of credit to any one entity or effort problematic. Here we offer a science impact framework (SIF) for tracing and linking public health science to events and/or actions with recognized impact beyond journal metrics. The SIF was modeled on the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) Degrees of Impact Thermometer, but differs in that SIF is not incremental, not chronological, and has expanded scope. The SIF recognizes five domains of influence: disseminating science, creating awareness, catalyzing action, effecting change and shaping the future (scope differs from IOM). For public health, the goal is to achieve one or more specific health outcomes. What is unique about this framework is that the focus is not just on the projected impact or outcome but rather the effects that are occurring in real time with the recognition that the measurement field is complex, and it takes time for the ultimate outcome to occur. The SIF is flexible and can be tailored to measure the impact of any scientific effort: from complex initiatives to individual publications. The SIF may be used to measure impact prospectively of an ongoing or new body of work (e.g., research, guidelines and recommendations, or technology) and retrospectively of completed and disseminated work, through linking of events using indicators that are known and have been used for measuring impact. Additionally, linking events offers an approach to both tell our story and also acknowledge other players in the chain of events. The value added by science can easily be relayed to the scientific community, policy makers and the public. |
SARS-CoV-2-Associated Deaths Among Persons Aged <21 Years - United States, February 12-July 31, 2020.
Bixler D , Miller AD , Mattison CP , Taylor B , Komatsu K , Peterson Pompa X , Moon S , Karmarkar E , Liu CY , Openshaw JJ , Plotzker RE , Rosen HE , Alden N , Kawasaki B , Siniscalchi A , Leapley A , Drenzek C , Tobin-D'Angelo M , Kauerauf J , Reid H , Hawkins E , White K , Ahmed F , Hand J , Richardson G , Sokol T , Eckel S , Collins J , Holzbauer S , Kollmann L , Larson L , Schiffman E , Kittle TS , Hertin K , Kraushaar V , Raman D , LeGarde V , Kinsinger L , Peek-Bullock M , Lifshitz J , Ojo M , Arciuolo RJ , Davidson A , Huynh M , Lash MK , Latash J , Lee EH , Li L , McGibbon E , McIntosh-Beckles N , Pouchet R , Ramachandran JS , Reilly KH , Dufort E , Pulver W , Zamcheck A , Wilson E , de Fijter S , Naqvi O , Nalluswami K , Waller K , Bell LJ , Burch AK , Radcliffe R , Fiscus MD , Lewis A , Kolsin J , Pont S , Salinas A , Sanders K , Barbeau B , Althomsons S , Atti S , Brown JS , Chang A , Clarke KR , Datta SD , Iskander J , Leitgeb B , Pindyck T , Priyamvada L , Reagan-Steiner S , Scott NA , Viens LJ , Zhong J , Koumans EH . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (37) 1324-1329 Since February 12, 2020, approximately 6.5 million cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and 190,000 SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths have been reported in the United States (1,2). Symptoms associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection are milder in children compared with adults (3). Persons aged <21 years constitute 26% of the U.S. population (4), and this report describes characteristics of U.S. persons in that population who died in association with SARS-CoV-2 infection, as reported by public health jurisdictions. Among 121 SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths reported to CDC among persons aged <21 years in the United States during February 12-July 31, 2020, 63% occurred in males, 10% of decedents were aged <1 year, 20% were aged 1-9 years, 70% were aged 10-20 years, 45% were Hispanic persons, 29% were non-Hispanic Black (Black) persons, and 4% were non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons. Among these 121 decedents, 91 (75%) had an underlying medical condition,* 79 (65%) died after admission to a hospital, and 39 (32%) died at home or in the emergency department (ED).(†) These data show that nearly three quarters of SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths among infants, children, adolescents, and young adults have occurred in persons aged 10-20 years, with a disproportionate percentage among young adults aged 18-20 years and among Hispanics, Blacks, AI/ANs, and persons with underlying medical conditions. Careful monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 infections, deaths, and other severe outcomes among persons aged <21 years remains particularly important as schools reopen in the United States. Ongoing evaluation of effectiveness of prevention and control strategies will also be important to inform public health guidance for schools and parents and other caregivers. |
The US Public Health Service and the American Medical Association House of Delegates: Informing policy at the intersection of public health and medical care
Iskander J , Thomas D , Vora NM , Davlantes E , Lewis B , Griffiths S , Toye S , Puddy RW . Public Health Rep 2020 135 (3) 33354920915438 The Commissioned Corps of the US Public Health Service (USPHS) is 1 of the 7 US uniformed services. Under the leadership of the US Surgeon General, USPHS has approximately 6800 commissioned officers, who span multiple categories of health service professionals and work for various agencies within the US Department of Health and Human Services. In addition to the US Air Force, US Army, US Navy, and US Department of Veterans Affairs, USPHS is recognized as an American Medical Association (AMA) Federal Services Member Organization and, therefore, holds a seat in the AMA House of Delegates (HOD). |
Lessons from leading US Public Health Service physicians
Iskander J , Ahluwalia J , Luckhaupt S , Lewis B . Mil Med 2019 184 127-130 The Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS), an all-officer uniformed service, includes more than 730 physicians who serve in multiple federal agencies within and outside of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and are stationed in more than 60 locations, including state and local health departments. These officers serve in direct patient care and applied public health roles, working on the clinical, science, and policy frontlines of key public health challenges including the opioid epidemic and antimicrobial resistance.1,2 These physicians’ professional interests are represented by a Chief Professional Officer (CPO) and the Physicians Professional Advisory Committee (PPAC) leadership team, which includes 2 co-chairs and a vice-chair. The authors currently serve as the leadership team of the PPAC. We serve in these roles on a voluntary basis, in addition to our primary duties with our agencies. |
Myocarditis and pericarditis are rare following live viral vaccinations in adults
Kuntz J , Crane B , Weinmann S , Naleway AL , Vaccine Safety Datalink Investigator Team , Baggs J , Chen R , DeStefano F , Iskander J . Vaccine 2018 36 (12) 1524-1527 Reports of myocarditis and pericarditis following smallpox vaccination in adults suggested a need to assess inflammatory cardiac disease risk among adults who receive live viral vaccinations. From 1996 through 2007, among 416,629 vaccinated adults in the Vaccine Safety Datalink, we identified one probable pericarditis case and no cases of myocarditis in the 42 days following a live viral vaccination. Our self-controlled risk interval analysis found that, based on one case identified during the risk interval and 10 cases during the control interval, there is no increased risk of myopericarditis in the 42 days following vaccination (IRR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.07, 4.51). Our study suggests that the occurrence of myopericarditis following live viral vaccination is rare with an estimated incidence of 0.24 per 100,000 vaccinated, which is not higher than the background rate and is much lower than the incidence rates reported following smallpox vaccination. |
CDC Grand Rounds: Promoting well-being and independence in older adults
Olivari BS , Baumgart M , Lock SL , Whiting CG , Taylor CA , Iskander J , Thorpe P , McGuire LC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (37) 1036-1039 Healthy aging is not merely the absence of disease or disability, but requires physical and mental health and ongoing social engagement (1). As the average U.S. life expectancy increases, recognition that public health can play a vital role in promoting healthy, successful aging even in the face of increased prevalence of chronic diseases, including types of dementia, among older adults (i.e., aged >/=65 years) has grown. Furthermore, actively engaging adults in prevention and wellness along with involving their caregivers (i.e., the family and friends of older adults who provide them with unpaid and informal support and services) can serve to prevent or delay the onset of physical disabilities and cognitive decline. Adults often are reluctant to discuss their concerns about worsening memory with their health care providers although such discussions can lead to earlier diagnosis and better care, planning, and support. As advances in public health and health care have helped increase life expectancy, public health professionals and health care providers have the opportunity to improve the quality of life for older adults and their caregivers and reduce the burdens associated with aging. |
Public health emergency response lessons learned by Rapid Deployment Force 3, 2006-2016
Iskander J , McLanahan E , Thomas JD , Henry JB , Byrne D , Williams H . Am J Public Health 2018 108 S179-s182 Following Hurricane Katrina, the uniformed US Public Health Service created an updated system through which its officers participated in emergency responses. The Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) concept, begun in 2006, involved five teams of officers with diverse clinical and public health skill sets organized into an incident command system led by a team commander. Each team can deploy within 12 hours, according to a defined but flexible schedule. The core RDF mission is to set up and provide care for up to 250 patients, primarily persons with chronic diseases or disabilities, in a temporary federal medical station. Between 2006 and 2016, the RDF 3 team deployed multiple times in response to natural disasters and public health emergencies. Notable responses included Hurricane Sandy in 2012, the unaccompanied children mission in 2014, and the Louisiana floods in 2016. Lessons learned from the RDF 3 experience include the need for both clinical and public health capacity, the value of having special mental health resources, the benefits of collaboration with other federal medical responders, and recognition of the large burden of chronic disease management issues following natural disasters. |
Successful scientific writing and publishing: A step-by-step approach
Iskander JK , Wolicki SB , Leeb RT , Siegel PZ . Prev Chronic Dis 2018 15 E79 Scientific writing and publication are essential to advancing knowledge and practice in public health, but prospective authors face substantial challenges. Authors can overcome barriers, such as lack of understanding about scientific writing and the publishing process, with training and resources. The objective of this article is to provide guidance and practical recommendations to help both inexperienced and experienced authors working in public health settings to more efficiently publish the results of their work in the peer-reviewed literature. We include an overview of basic scientific writing principles, a detailed description of the sections of an original research article, and practical recommendations for selecting a journal and responding to peer review comments. The overall approach and strategies presented are intended to contribute to individual career development while also increasing the external validity of published literature and promoting quality public health science. |
CDC Grand Rounds: Promoting hearing health across the lifespan
Murphy WJ , Eichwald J , Meinke DK , Chadha S , Iskander J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (8) 243-246 Globally, one in three adults has some level of measurable hearing loss, and 1.1 billion young persons are at risk for hearing loss attributable to noise exposure. Although noisy occupations such as construction, mining, and manufacturing are primary causes of hearing loss in adults, nonoccupational noise also can damage hearing. Loud noises can cause permanent hearing loss through metabolic exhaustion or mechanical destruction of the sensory cells within the cochlea. Some of the sounds of daily life, including those made by lawn mowers, recreational vehicles, power tools, and music, might play a role in the decline in hearing health. Hearing loss as a disability largely depends on a person's communication needs and how hearing loss affects the ability to function in a job. The loss of critical middle and high frequencies can significantly impair communication in hearing-critical jobs (e.g., law enforcement and air traffic control). |
CDC Grand Rounds: National Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Registry Impact, Challenges, and Future Directions.
Mehta P , Horton DK , Kasarskis EJ , Tessaro E , Eisenberg MS , Laird S , Iskander J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (50) 1379-1382 ![]() Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a rapidly progressive fatal neurologic disease. Currently, there is no cure for ALS and the available treatments only extend life by an average of a few months. The majority of ALS patients die within 2-5 years of diagnosis, though survival time varies depending on disease progression. For approximately 10% of patients, ALS is familial, meaning it and has a genetic component; the remaining 90% have sporadic ALS, where etiology is unknown, but might be linked to environmental factors such as chemical exposures (e.g., heavy metals, pesticides) and occupational history. |
Blue Marble Health: An Innovative Plan to Fight Diseases of the Poor amid Wealth
Iskander J . Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (2) 371 Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) comprise 17 helminthic, protozoan, bacterial, and vectorborne viral diseases that disproportionately affect the world’s poor (1). This diverse group of infections and infestations includes hookworms, leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, dengue fever, and trachoma. In Blue Marble Health, Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine and founding editor of PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, shifts the focus of global health from a traditional developed versus developing world paradigm toward impoverished populations living amid wealthy countries, who suffer heavily from NTDs. The book’s title invokes an iconic image of the earth as seen from space by the Apollo astronauts. | | On the basis of previous work, Dr. Hotez asserts that nearly every person in poverty is infected with at least 1 NTD, “the most important diseases you’ve never heard of.” Blue Marble Health contains helpful summaries of 11 major NTDs in Chapter Two. The main body of the text is organized according to the book’s geographic focus on the G20 countries (the world’s major economies) plus Nigeria. These featured countries account for half of the world’s NTDs. It might surprise many to learn that 12 million US residents live with a neglected parasitic infection. Despite this widespread burden of disease, only 0.003% of world gross domestic product is spent on NTD research. |
Science in emergency response at CDC: Structure and functions
Iskander J , Rose DA , Ghiya ND . Am J Public Health 2017 107 S122-s125 Recent high-profile activations of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Emergency Operations Center (EOC) include responses to the West African Ebola and Zika virus epidemics. Within the EOC, emergency responses are organized according to the Incident Management System, which provides a standardized structure and chain of command, regardless of whether the EOC activation occurs in response to an outbreak, natural disaster, or other type of public health emergency. By embedding key scientific roles, such as the associate director for science, and functions within a Scientific Response Section, the current CDC emergency response structure ensures that both urgent and important science issues receive needed attention. Key functions during emergency responses include internal coordination of scientific work, data management, information dissemination, and scientific publication. We describe a case example involving the ongoing Zika virus response that demonstrates how the scientific response structure can be used to rapidly produce high-quality science needed to answer urgent public health questions and guide policy. Within the context of emergency response, longer-term priorities at CDC include both streamlining administrative requirements and funding mechanisms for scientific research. |
CDC Grand Rounds: Newborn screening for hearing loss and critical congenital heart disease
Grosse SD , Riehle-Colarusso T , Gaffney M , Mason CA , Shapira SK , Sontag MK , Braun KVN , Iskander J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (33) 888-890 Newborn screening is a public health program that benefits 4 million U.S. infants every year by enabling early detection of serious conditions, thus affording the opportunity for timely intervention to optimize outcomes (1). States and other U.S. jurisdictions decide whether and how to regulate newborn screening practices. Most newborn screening is done through laboratory analyses of dried bloodspot specimens collected from newborns. Point-of-care newborn screening is typically performed before discharge from the birthing facility. The Recommended Uniform Screening Panel includes two point-of-care conditions for newborn screening: hearing loss and critical congenital heart disease (CCHD). The objectives of point-of-care screening for these two conditions are early identification and intervention to improve neurodevelopment, most notably language and related skills among infants with permanent hearing loss, and to prevent death or severe disability resulting from delayed diagnosis of CCHD. Universal screening for hearing loss using otoacoustic emissions or automated auditory brainstem response was endorsed by the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing in 2000 and 2007* and was incorporated in the first Recommended Uniform Screening Panel in 2005. Screening for CCHD using pulse oximetry was recommended by the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children in 2010 based on an evidence reviewdagger and was added to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel in 2011. section sign. |
SNVPhyl: a single nucleotide variant phylogenomics pipeline for microbial genomic epidemiology.
Petkau A , Mabon P , Sieffert C , Knox NC , Cabral J , Iskander M , Weedmark K , Zaheer R , Katz LS , Nadon C , Reimer A , Taboada E , Beiko RG , Hsiao W , Brinkman F , Graham M , Van Domselaar G . Microb Genom 2017 3 (6) e000116 ![]() The recent widespread application of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) for microbial disease investigations has spurred the development of new bioinformatics tools, including a notable proliferation of phylogenomics pipelines designed for infectious disease surveillance and outbreak investigation. Transitioning the use of WGS data out of the research laboratory and into the front lines of surveillance and outbreak response requires user-friendly, reproducible and scalable pipelines that have been well validated. Single Nucleotide Variant Phylogenomics (SNVPhyl) is a bioinformatics pipeline for identifying highquality single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) and constructing a whole-genome phylogeny from a collection of WGS reads and a reference genome. Individual pipeline components are integrated into the Galaxy bioinformatics framework, enabling data analysis in a user-friendly, reproducible and scalable environment. We show that SNVPhyl can detect SNVs with high sensitivity and specificity, and identify and remove regions of high SNV density (indicative of recombination). SNVPhyl is able to correctly distinguish outbreak from non-outbreak isolates across a range of variant-calling settings, sequencing-coverage thresholds or in the presence of contamination. SNVPhyl is available as a Galaxy workflow, Docker and virtual machine images, and a Unix-based command-line application. SNVPhyl is released under the Apache 2.0 license and available at or at |
Scientific document review at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The CLEAR approach
Iskander JK , Calugar A , Peavy RD , Sowell A . Am J Public Health 2017 107 (6) 858-859 Scientists at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publish an average of 50 peer-reviewed articles per week,1 in addition to numerous other widely disseminated materials. Review of scientific content at CDC is a key process by which the agency maintains high scientific standards. Formal CDC review processes, referred to as clearance, recently have come under scrutiny2 but have been upheld as crucial to maintaining the agency’s scientific reputation.3 | To help this process, particularly for short-term midcareer fellowships at CDC beginning in 2012, a review framework was developed empirically following the review of hundreds of scientific articles and incorporated into the curriculum. To facilitate its assimilation, the framework was captured in the mnemonic CLEAR, standing for Clarity, Logic, Ethics, Agency, and Relevance. This novel approach provides insight into the scientific review process at CDC, but also could be applied more broadly to improve the quality of public health science. | Our framework includes a three-level comment structure (Table 1) that prioritizes comments for author response. The most important distinction is between comments that require action by the author to correct errors of fact or policy misstatements (level 1) and comments intended to improve clarity or editorial changes (levels 2 and 3), for which the author has some discretion in responding. Use of the three-level comment system allows reviewers to refine their reviewing style and focus on communicating level 1 issues to the author. |
CDC Grand Rounds: Public health strategies to prevent neonatal abstinence syndrome
Ko JY , Wolicki S , Barfield WD , Patrick SW , Broussard CS , Yonkers KA , Naimon R , Iskander J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (9) 242-245 Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a drug withdrawal syndrome that most commonly occurs in infants after in utero exposure to opioids, although other substances have also been associated with the syndrome. NAS usually appears within 48-72 hours of birth with a constellation of clinical signs, including central nervous system irritability (e.g., tremors), gastrointestinal dysfunction (e.g., feeding difficulties), and temperature instability. Opioid exposure during pregnancy might result from clinician-approved use of prescription opioids for pain relief; misuse or abuse of prescription opioids; illicit use (e.g., heroin); or medication-assisted treatment (MAT) of opioid use disorder. |
Structured mentoring for workforce engagement and professional development in public health settings
Dopson SA , Griffey S , Ghiya N , Laird S , Cyphert A , Iskander J . Health Promot Pract 2017 18 (3) 1524839916686927 Mentoring is commonly used to facilitate professional growth and workforce development in a variety of settings. Organizations can use mentoring to help achieve broader personnel goals including leadership development and succession planning. While mentorship can be incorporated into training programs in public health, there are other examples of structured mentoring, with time commitments ranging from minutes to months or longer. Based on a review of the literature in public health and aggregated personal subject matter expertise of existing programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we summarize selected mentoring models that vary primarily by time commitments and meeting frequency and identify specific work situations to which they may be applicable, primarily from the federal job experience point of view. We also suggest specific tasks that mentor-mentee pairs can undertake, including review of writing samples, practice interviews, and development of the mentee's social media presence. The mentor-mentee relationship should be viewed as a reciprocally beneficial one that can be a source of learning and personal growth for individuals at all levels of professional achievement and across the span of their careers. |
CDC Grand Rounds: Chronic fatigue syndrome - advancing research and clinical education
Unger ER , Lin JS , Brimmer DJ , Lapp CW , Komaroff AL , Nath A , Laird S , Iskander J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (5051) 1434-1438 Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex and serious illness that is often misunderstood. Experts have noted that the terminology "chronic fatigue syndrome" can trivialize this illness and stigmatize persons who experience its symptoms. The name was coined by a group of clinicians convened by CDC in the late 1980s to develop a research case definition for the illness, which, at the time, was called chronic Epstein-Barr virus syndrome. The name CFS was suggested because of the characteristic persistent fatigue experienced by all those affected and the evidence that acute or reactivated Epstein-Barr virus infection was not associated with many cases. However, the fatigue in this illness is striking and quite distinct from the common fatigue everyone experiences. A variety of other names have been used, including myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), ME/CFS, chronic fatigue immune dysfunction, and most recently, systemic exertion intolerance disease. The lack of agreement about nomenclature need not be an impediment for advancing critically needed research and education. The term ME/CFS will be used in this article. |
CDC Grand Rounds: Family History and Genomics as Tools for Cancer Prevention and Control.
Rodriguez JL , Thomas CC , Massetti GM , Duquette D , Avner L , Iskander J , Khoury MJ , Richardson LC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (46) 1291-1294 ![]() Although many efforts in cancer prevention and control have routinely focused on behavioral risk factors, such as tobacco use, or on the early detection of cancer, such as colorectal cancer screening, advances in genetic testing have created new opportunities for cancer prevention through evaluation of family history and identification of cancer-causing inherited mutations. Through the collection and evaluation of a family cancer history by a trained health care provider, patients and families at increased risk for a hereditary cancer syndrome can be identified, referred for genetic counseling and testing, and make informed decisions about options for cancer risk reduction (1). Although hereditary cancers make up a small proportion of all cancers, the number of affected persons can be large, and the level of risk among affected persons is high. Two hereditary cancer syndromes for which public health professionals have worked to reduce the burden of morbidity and mortality are hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC) and Lynch syndrome. |
CDC Grand Rounds: Preventing suicide through a comprehensive public health approach
David-Ferdon C , Crosby AE , Caine ED , Hindman J , Reed J , Iskander J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (34) 894-897 Suicide in the United States is a major public health problem with approximately 42,000 reported suicides in 2014 among persons aged >10 years (1). The overall suicide rate is increasing, with a 27% increase from 2000 (12.1 per 100,000 population) to 2014 (15.4 per 100,000) (Figure 1). Males, youths and young adults, and certain racial/ethnic groups have historically had higher rates of suicide. In 2014, suicide rates were approximately four times higher among males (24.3 per 100,000) than females (6.8 per 100,000), and suicide was the second leading cause of death among youths and young adults aged 10-34 years (1). Among persons aged 10-24 years, the 2014 suicide rate among non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Natives was 20.2 per 100,000, 1.9 times higher than non-Hispanic whites (10.5 per 100,000), 3.5 times higher than non-Hispanic blacks (5.8 per 100,000), and 3.7 times higher than Hispanics (5.5 per 100,000) (1). Adults aged 35-64 years are an emerging group at risk, with suicide rates increasing 33% since 2000 and accounting for the largest proportion of suicides. |
CDC Grand Rounds: Public health strategies to prevent preterm birth
Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Barfield WD , Henderson Z , James A , Howse JL , Iskander J , Thorpe PG . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (32) 826-30 Preterm birth (delivery before 37 weeks and 0/7 days of gestation) is a leading cause of infant morbidity and mortality in the United States. In 2013, 11.4% of the nearly 4 million U.S. live births were preterm; however, 36% of the 8,470 infant deaths were attributed to preterm birth (1). Infants born at earlier gestational ages, especially <32 0/7 weeks, have the highest mortality (Figure) and morbidity rates. Morbidity associated with preterm birth includes respiratory distress syndrome, necrotizing enterocolitis, and intraventricular hemorrhage; longer-term consequences include developmental delay and decreased school performance. Risk factors for preterm delivery include social, behavioral, clinical, and biologic characteristics (Box). Despite advances in medical care, racial and ethnic disparities associated with preterm birth persist. Reducing preterm birth, a national public health priority (2), can be accomplished by implementing and monitoring strategies that target modifiable risk factors and populations at highest risk, and by providing improved quality and access to preconception, prenatal, and interconception care through implementation of strategies with potentially high impact. |
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